Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1882, Image 7

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    THK. . OIvJAuLA DAlLi BUU : THURSDAY' FKBEUAllv 23 , 1882.
Death and Burial of a Womnn
Whoao Doode Will Ever
Bless Her Memory ,
charity thnt Vauntotb Not Itself , "
but Poll , Llko the Dews of
Heaven , On All Allko.
New York livening 1'ost
The most remarkable funornl probn *
bly over witnessed in Now Orleans
took plnco tlicro on Saturday , Fob-
rttnry 11 Itvns tlio occasion of tlio
burial of Mrs. Margaret IJnugUury ,
"a woman who ncvjir woru u silk
clress or n kid glovo. ' " But no woman
in the \\holo South was batter known
than she. The ttiiiouiicoinunt in the
New Orlo.vns papers of her death and
burial are ho.idod simply "Margaret , "
yet every inhabitant of tlmt locality
and every _ river man on the Lower
Mississippi knew who was mount.
Margarofa pall-bearow were the
governor of Louisiana , ex-Governor
.Nichols , the mayor of Now Orleans ,
the editor of The Picayune , represent
ing the pruas of the city , and some of
the most prominent merchants and
bankers of Now Orleans. Among
these who gathered to do her honor
ivoro Gefierals Boaurogard , Ogden und
j\loyer \ , and ethers ot the most dis
tinguished men of Louisiana. The
funeral was attended by a concourse
of people that could scarcely bo num
bered , they were so many. The arch
bishop of the diocese conducted the
Following the carriage of the pall
bearers were the children of oluvon
orphan asylums , white und colored ,
Catholic and Protestant. These belonged
longed to the city and immediate vi
cinity. Following them were repre
sentatives of other asylums and pub
lic charities , who had como to add
their blessings and respect to the
memory of Margaret. Frosn the
church to the cemetery where they
buried her , the streets and sidewalks
wore thronged with mourners -men ,
women , and children. In the proces
sion were the members of one of the
city fire companies , in citizens' dross ,
the Mississippi No. 2. The dead
woman had boouan honorary member
of this company.
Wherever the costego passed along
the streets , at its approach men stepped -
pod their hurried walk and stood with
uncovered heads , till it passed , as
though this had boon the burial of a
king , or a pereon of world-wido ro-
nown. At the church , the Howard
Association of the city , with its presi
dent ai the head , joined the proces
sion formally , and followed it to the
grave. A noteworthy and touching
incident occurred on the way to the
cemetery. The cortege passed the
Now Orleans Stock Exchange at noon
just alter the members had assembled ,
ann the call was progressing. On the
instant , the members suspended pro
ceedings , left their room and came
down to the sidewalk. They stood
there reverently with bared brows ,
till the remains of Margaret had pass-
cd by. This was a , iiamo which hud
power to still for a time oven the
Babel cries of trade.
Who was she ? A plain , humble
woman , who had been good to the
little children of the poor.
Her history , as told by the steam-
boatmen , is an unusual and roman
tic one. Years and years ago , it is
said , ahewas.alRomam Catholic'sistoroi § ,
charity. During her benevolent min
istrations she attended through his
last illness a gentleman who became
much interested in her and her work.
There seems a discrepancy in the ac
count here , but the story is the gen
tlemen proposed that Margaret should
marry him on his doith bed , so that
aho could inh orit his estate. At any
rate the rnarrago took place , and she
was loft a widow in possession of a
email property.
It was then the work of her life bo-
gan. The business of a certain res
taurant and bake-shop along the river
front had fallen into docay. Mrs.
Uaughery bought this and established
for steamboat la
a cheap eating-house
borers. She thought by means of fur
nishing them wholesome food at a
trifle to lure them away from drinking
X dens. As 0110 acquainted with the
plan said : "Sho gave them a roll and
a cup of coffee for five cents , to keep
them from spending a quarter for
whisky , and they took the roll and
coffee , and then spoilt twenty cents
for whisky all the same. "
She worked very hard with her
hands herself , for aho was only a hum
ble , uneducated woman. But under
the labors of those hard hands , her
business prospered mightily. She had
a shrewd head , and in time might
Rj r- have become one of the richest wo
men in New Orleans , hud she chosen
.to amass wealth. But she used her
money for good , as sooa as she got it.
Hast as it came in , oven so freely it
flowed out for the good of little chil
dren. She founded and
supported thrco orphan asylums.
The money slio left maintains
them still , and will continue to do so ,
long if ter the brave hands that ) earned
the wealth have turned to dust. One
of her beloved orplians bucanio hoi
.adopted Bon and finally her pirtuor in
ibuamew ; . Her work will still go on ,
Just wlwro she laid it down , and
.money . wjl ! still flow from it to the
inumborlcaii noble charities she stab <
lishod or .aided. The siuno papett
that notice her funeral , contain the
aanounconiKct that the business of
the firm of wj\r.argirot Haughory &
Co/ ' will not bo suspended by hei
death , but will continue aa hereto
No estimate wems to have l < eoii
mido of the amount of her aid tr
orpJ'i/T nsylurus wid other charities ,
bin appears to have mounted r
into tlf Jiundrf ] thoiitunrlft , n" m > 'lr
by her own work. Although u It. muii
Catholicj aho inado no theological dis
criminations when she
helped the tin
fortunate. The little ones of tin
Protestant Orphans' homea , as wollai
Catholic , followed her honored remains
mains to the gravo. Ono accounl
flays :
"Tho ladies of every denomination
assembled by thousands , thiu prov <
ing that rarely , if over , was ouch c
general outpouring of respect ; and
true sorrow avinced in any cuminuni-
ty , at the death of a human individ
ual , aa was shown on Saturday , "
No morn beautiful , touching storj
of a plain working woman's lifo lias
over been told than this , The Now
Orleans Timus-Democrat , of Sunday ,
ays ;
, On Thursday night
tbout midnight n woman died whoso
lifo had been spent quito outside vf
fashionable society , A woman of
lowly birth , who , without any facti
tious aids of fortune , of family or
training , yet whoso beautiful nature
overflowed with overy.blossed impulse
that makes woman worthy to bo
wonnn , wife and mother , shod a
beneficent influence on thott
sands of lives while she lived ,
and dies mourned as no line Indy
amotii' us can hope to bo. The high
est in point of wealth and fashion in
the city ministered at her sick bed
and watched by her silent
firm after dc.xth. A socie
ty woman won * on Friday
evening to call on u friend. She was
not at homo 'goiui to watch with the
remains of Margaret. ' And what a
monument she built and loll standing
to porpctuato her simple and' modest
name -three orphan asylums ! With
reverently trowed andunojvcrcd head
wo pass vn. "
When a > ouni ; ladv hems ImnillcorchiefH
for n r.cli nachelor , she sews th u she mav
rent ) . When Rccds ol dlstrcKS nrd plniitrcl
through over Indulgi tic- , you c.m prevent
tlio umict taker from lonpl. tlio licnetit
by usiiiR riilNCi HI.CHSOM. IMcooOicntK ,
trial bottlca 111 ccntf. ll-lw !
How a Judge Talked to n Jury in
Snutti Monica.
1,03 Angeles Tunes.
llo was from Missouri and ho got
interested in n criminal trial after ho
had boon there a few days , llo sat
and watched with the greatest inter
est possible.
After the judge h'ul ' instructed the
jury And sent them out under the
care of the constable to bo locked up ,
ho went off to take a walk and give
the poor jury time to come to some
In about an hour ho returned and
heard someone making a democratic
speech in the jury room. Ho opened
the door and found the old Missourian -
sourian in the middle of the floor lay
ing down the law and the facts to the
"Here , what are you -doing in this
room ? " cried the court in thundering
"I came in hero to see what the
jury intended to do , and thought I
would help them out a. little. "
"But you have got nu right hero.
The law strictly forbids anyone to
talk to a jury after thoj * have been
locked up. "
"Now , you BOO hero , stranger , I've
boon a * judge of a justice court in
Homing Hill , Jackson county , Mis
souri , for the past twenty years , and
I always helped the jury out. You see
they need a good talking to , and I
always do it. "
But the court couldn't see -it und
lined him.
Exporiontia Docot-
Wo tnuHt tell some men a deal t <
teach them u little , hut the knowledge ol
the curative proptrtiesof Sl'KlNd BLOSSO& ]
iii CJBes of tick headache , indigestion , anil
biliousness is bought by experience. Price
50 cent * , trial bottled 10 cents. 21Iw
For the past two years the publish
ers of this paper have given to the
subscribers of THE WEEKLY BEE the
best line of premiums as inducement
to subscription which have over boor
offered by any newspaper in tlio coun
try. The plan lias proved a success.
It has given universal satisfaction tc
the patrons of the paper , and has in
creased the subscription list ito a degree
greo far above the expectations of its
Many patrons of THE DA&LY BEJ
have asked why wo do not oiler them
the same inducements held sub'
scribers of THE WEEKLY BEK. In re.
sponso to the inquiry wo rnako the
following offer : Each nubscribor tc
TIIK DAILY BEE who pays his arrears
of subscription and remits prepayment
mont for six months and every ao\\ \
subscriber who remits pro-paymenl
for six months will bo entitled to OIK
of the premiums mentioned in oui
list. These premiums will bo dig
tribututt in the same impartial manner
nor which marked our first and aoconc
This scheme was first devised tc
collect subscriptions in arrears from
patrons of THE WEEKLY BEE. Its sue-
cess exceeded.our expectations. We
have now no back collections on out
weekly edition , have established the
prepayment system , quadrupled our
circulation and correspondingly en
hanced the value of our advertising
spaco. A number of subscribers te
THE DAILY BEE are now in arrears ,
and if by an extension of the same
plan wo can induce them to pay the
amount duo us , wo can well afford tc
make this liberal offer. By this
means wo hope to still further increase
the largo list of THE DAILY BEE , and
having established the prepaymonl
system wo propose to maintain it ,
as wo are doing with our Weekly edi
To those who are not familiar witli
our plan of distribution or thoinunnoi
"n which the prom iu ins are secured bj
us , wo append tlio explanation made
to our weekly subscribers , which ap
plies equally to the subscribers o !
Two eiiau-'o Uittpuhluhemof Till' '
UHI : dovisud a scheme for colloctinp
back pay from delinquent subecribers ,
securing renewals and extending the
circulation of this paper by a distri ,
butiou of valuable premiums. The
success of that experiment , both in
the collection of back pay and increase
f prepaid subscribers was BO encour
aging that the publishers ventured
upon the same system of premium dis
tributions on a moro oxtonuivo tioalc
last year. It was demonstrated that
wo couldbutter aflbrd todisttibuto thu
money usually paid to agents , local
collectors and attorneys , directly to
our patrons by offering them extra
ordinary inducements to square ac-
counta and prepay for another year.
By this method wo have succeeded in
two years in quadrupling the circula-
Uon of THK WEEKLY BKK aud extend.
ing its influence far beyond the
boundaries of this state.
During the first year only a portion
of the articles distributed were pro-
; tired iu exchange for advertising.
\Vhcii thn marked increase in circula-
ion became known to merchants and
nanuftxcturcrs last year they willingly
ilaced their machinery and mcrchan- at our disposal in pitying for ad
vertising. That enabled us to do
what seetnod incrediblenauuily , fur-
lish a metropolitan weekly for two
lollars a year and sivo our subscribers
mmiiums that aggregated in value
520,000. And yet it was a pa > ing in
vestment for us , and gave general
satisfaction to our patrons.
\ \ hat grew out ot a desire to collect
back pay has developed into a new
and practical idea. Wo have discov
ered that wo can n fiord to make our
subscribers sharers it the income of
the paper from advertising. In other
wonls wo can afford to divide the ad
vertising patronage of the paper with
its subscribers , inasmuch as the income
fiom advertising grows with the in-
crttased circulation. Advertising space
in THE HUE that was worth olio hun
dred dollars live years ago will com-
madd ono thousand dollars to-day
This fall moro goods and machinery
have been oU'eroil us in exchange for
advertising than wo could accept in
view of the limited snaco wo devote
for that purpose. What wo have con
tracted for makes the grandest and
most varied list that has over been
offered for distribution by any news
paper , and that too without paying a
aolmr in moiu > y. The only outlay in
cash wo expect to incur in connection
with thesu premiums will bo for postage -
ago and cxprossage. This explains
exactly how wo procure our premiums
.uid why wo can give away property of
so much value.
All the premiums in our list are
worth at retail just what wo represent
them. In contract ng with manufac
turers and wholesale dealers wo accept
them only at wholesale rates , but
that does not lesson their value Co
these who receive them.
THE BEE has for years stood in the
front rank of newspapers west of the
Mississippi , nnd to-day circulates
more extensively than any paper west
of Chicago and north of SSt. Louis. A
largo number of eastern people who
desire to procure a far western paper ,
with -a viuw of acquiring reliable in
formation about the resources and development
volopment of the country west of the
Missouri will doubtless avail them
selves of the opportunity now offered
them. Having for more than ten years
been under ono management pursuing
a course that has established for it pub
lic confidence at homo and a wide
reputation abroad. Tin : BEECOUI ! not
afford to engage in any undertaking
that was not conducted fairly and hon
estly. The distribution in 1880 and
1881 g.xvo general satisfaction to our
subscribers. The coming distribution
will bet made in the same impartial
manner , by a committee whom the
subscribers piesunt may _ select from
their own number , und in fnich man
ner as they think fair and equitable.
Last year all the premiums gave good
satisfaction , excepting some engrav
ings which were not appreciated. This
year no engravings , mapa or pictures
have been placed among the prem
iums' .
Our old patrons need no aseuranco
from us of the reliability und stability
of THE BEK , we need to inform
thorn that the principles it advocates ,
and the fearless defense it m&ko ir
bohalt of the producers , makes it al
most indisponsiblo to the industria !
classes of the great west.
No intelligent person would expocl
that every subscriber will receive a
SGSO threshing machine , a $500 pi
ano , a $300 harvester , or a § 150 or
gan , but all have au equal clmnoe in
the distribution.
Each subscriber that pays up his ar
rears and repays another year , am
every new subscriber that remits prepayment -
payment for ono year , will receive a
premium worth at least Ono Dollar ai
retail. As a matter of fact , THK
OMAHX. WEEKLY BEE is worth the
subscription price , Two Dollars a
year , to every foatnor ; mechanic or
merchant. Without boasting , wo as
sert that no weekly paper , east or
west , can compare with it in variety
and choioe selections , general news ,
interesting correspondence , and no
other paper in America contains aa
much far western news , ranging fron
the Pacific coast to the MUsiasipp
rivor. With the proof of good faith
and honest dealing before them in the
numerous acknowledgments wo pub
lish , wo can safely enter upon our en
larged undertaking of this year , con
fidently believing that its success will
be mutually satisfactory and advan
tageous. E. UOSEWATEII ,
Managing Editor.
If you are suffering from a severe
cough , cold , asthma , bronchitis , con
sumption , loss of voice , tickling it
the throat , or any affection of the
throat or lungs , .wo know that DK.
KIND'S NEW DISCOVERY will give you
immediate relief. Wo know of hun
dreds of cases it has completely cured ,
and that where all other medicine !
had failed. No other remedy can
show one half as many pormanonl
cures. Now to give you satisfactory
proof that Dr. KINO'S NEW Discov-
EUY will euro you of Asthma , Bron-
chilis , Hay Fever , Consumption , Severe -
voro Coughs and Colds , Hoarseness ,
or any Throat or Lung Disoiuio , if yoi
will call at J. K. IHH & MoMAHON1
Drug Store you c.m get n trial bottle
fruo of cost , or a legulur i/.o bottle
for 81.00. jan01y(2) ( )
. man of le
rnfl by thcclnilri of tlTHtOlllllKOTillllKl
jour ilullri avoid Hllflil wuilc t'J n-i
* ! iitl"t n | tl o tf
) tO | > Ci.uorj
If juii wo > uunii niid
dUcittlim or dli lu | Hum IT you urn mm
rlul ( ir ulncin , old or Tuuntf , KUfferlnfroi
pourliealtli or luipulnh inir on a bed of ilai
ucu , riljr on H op Blttura.
WliMTtr yottfirn. TJmuiiunaa itle * fi-
-vlieuuvcr you ftii njoll/ from jino
Uiut jrour tjklem ' - fKloney
iuul tkuniAiK , toft Iliat inlirl'l
luir 01 tlmuu < [ "if.
wltliouU ' < "fi lit tlmitly iiB of
.nlto Hop HcpS.ttort ,
K. .TT' rtm < f -
AfU'i// ! / O , I. O
, , ilWore In * n bnoluV
imrti , . '
ot I. ) * * itu"itir/ii
hid o u re fur
l"i < relt , blood ,
HivroinrnM I ilrufikv rino 04
UM < of opium ,
You will he U buooo , (
cimdlf youute u&rcotk-/ .
Hop ( litter *
If youfcnxLm
/Mi. fkudfof
lutrri > lrlUiltrjr 'Jiiiulu-
Hi It muy ii oinrrriM
lifo. It hue BTU CO. ,
lived hun-
, ifecl i A Toronto , Obt.
The iollowiiig is ft description of the
nest vahmblo proiniums tlmt nro to
bo nllotcd to the pntronn of TIIK IHu :
on March 4 :
which is the most valublo among our
> roiniuni8 , is from Iho CIIASK PIANO
JOMVANV. of llichinond , Indiixnn.
1'liis cointuny hai the roputntiou of
unking the most durable iuatruiiiunts
undo in Amuricn , and for tone and
uno their I'iauos are oucond to nono.
I'eissrssing line wntor i > o\\or and a fac
tory built with special rcforotico lo the
manufacture of the best instrument nt
: ho li-nst posstblo cost , this contiKiny
uxro ailvantflgija enjoyed by noonstuin
factory. They have near nt haiul in
lanjo quntititioa the llnest timber in
the world , mul have nn opportunity to
make the first aolcctiou , and s\yo
iho high freights which numt bo paid
; > y o.istorn manufacturers , and come-
luontly can furnish a better piano for
iho money than any other makers.
Tlio College of Music nt Cincinnati ,
ouo of the largest inntitutions of the
kind in this country , after trying the
[ lianoHof all the bent makes discarded
ill others and are using only the
CIIAHK , and decided that n powssrd
.ill the qualities nccois.ii } ti > with
stand the hardships of n gi'innnu mus
ical warfare. Tins speaks volumes in
favor of these excellent iustrunuintA ,
the product of western enterpriae und
skill. All cliaintoreste'd oxpetts ad
mit that thesu pianos nre made belt r
tlrin these from any other factoiy ami
that they nru the most senicible.
Ti.o piano wo offer is their
tylo seven and for elegance of
appeal auco , beauty of tone aud
-olidity of structure cannot bo ex
celled. Parties who are not familiar
with this make of pianos would do
\ \ oil to write to the factory for an il
lustrated catalogue.
The other pfano on our Hat is the
same style and iunlity | as the ono wo
e.ivo last year , and will bo auprcciatod
by the party fortunate enough to re
ceive it.
The first ono on the list is from
Pitta it Son's celebrated factory , of
Chicago , 111. , and has a reputation for
good work over the \\holo country
The Gold Modal Thresher is from
the well known firm of .Robinson it
Co , Uichinciiiil Ind. The Robinson
machine \\urks were established in
18-12 , and are Ono o' the widest thresh
ing machine builders in thu country.
The machines of this firm are in use
in every state from Maine to Oregon.
Every farmer and dealer admits their
superiority. Our contract with the
Robinson machine works is for a complete -
ploto tlirobhor ready to attach either
horse or steam power , both of which
they manufacture , and under our con
tract they will fuinish the party who
receives this machine , either power nt
850.00 less than their regular prico.
This discount to bo given in addition
to any caah or other discounts offered
by the firm.
The reputation of the Marsh har
vesters is so well established that no
special description of them is deemed
necessary. Wo will only state that
this is their latest improvement. This
machine was on exhibition at the Ne
braska state fair last September , and
was admired by every one , and the
workings of it declared superior to
that of any other harvester made.
This machine stands at the head ol
the header family and 1ms met with
most surprising success. The factorj
at Hastings , Nebraska is kept bus }
the year round , and the past yoai
has not been able to make enough tc
fill all orders. Those headers do mon
work with less power than any othui
style of reaper , and with less lonn ol
grain than by any other mode of liar
which we offer as premiums are giur
anteod to bo iirst-ciaaa < in every re
epoot , simple iu construction , dur.ibli
and easily managed. These mills an
intended for grinding feed and an
valuable to every farniorj they can bi
ad justed so as to grind meal fun
enough for table uso. The fortunaU
fanner who receives ono of these imlli
uill certainly bo well pleased. Tin
millc are complete with pulleys , am
em l < c attached to any power. Tliej
arti manufactured by the Amcricu
iJ rinding Mill Company , Chicago , 111
are the uatno style of Milli
wit { , 'uvo ii.s premiums lost year , am
u ere appreciated moro than any othoi
( nc'iiiiums of equal valuo.
Tlio Sowing Machine ) which wo givi
is premiums are all now and fiivit ) , manufactured by the Singei
Manufacturing company of Nuv
Yoik , wliohavoa reputation and d <
unsinusH in every city and village it
the United States and Europe , Lvery
tjodyknowa the value andusef , ulness o
iheno machines , and know that the )
.ire worth just what wo list them
I'hoiiimmense ) sales show how.wel
thcho6owingMachineaaroa | ) ] > reciated
is olio of their bust nuke and Jus ca
pacity to wt'igli u wagon witli its
heaviest load , and will bo a proiniun
that any one will appreciate ,
which is ofTorod as a premium , is tin
xnmo style ( is thu ono wo gave las
year and which was considered ono ol
thu finest farm wagons ever made
Tlieso wngoni are made by the Kansai
Manufacturing Company , of Leaven
worth , Kai. , u western llrm with trulj
wunleirn enterpriao. They are inakhu
a ilr&t-claas wagon and will soon hi
supplying the entire trudu of tin
is the old reliable rotary drop , madi
by Ueodlo & Kelly , of Troy , Ohio
Iheso goods nro as staple as whili
sugar ami nro iiulisponaablo on ever
well regelated farm.Vo are safe if
recommending it as the best con
planter made.
These mills are now and rumple
separating cockle chair nnd nil soei
from the wheat , is also used ai ti neci
ROjuirator , Thin mill works witli a cor
tanity nnd r.ipidity not attained bynn ;
grain manipulatint ; device horeitofor !
placed on the market. It furnisho
its own motive power and needs n <
blast or agitation. Every fanner
groin dealer and miller should havi
ono , The ono on exhibition nt tin
la t Nebraska state fair was acknowl
edged by every ono M a "groat inven
tion , "
Tlio goodn in this line have boon
secured through the jewelry firm of
Edhohn tt Erickson. Thii firm has
not with remarkable success in
Jinaha , Coming hero a few yean
igo , they have built up n wonderful
rude , extending through the western
states nnd torritn t. The have also
nailo n reputati for honeat goods
and fair dcalini' , and the fact that
hey furnish these goods in sufKcioiit
juaranteo that they are just as ropro-
tented )
s from the old reliable Carpet House
) f it. 13. Uetwilor , who has clone buai-
less in Omaha tor years , and is well
< nown throughout the until e st itiv
1 ho Cnrpot is the best Body WruiRols ,
nnd when Mr , Uolwiler says it is
Mirth forty li\o dollars it lopre'iumts
list that much money.
oiiiu-.u von doolis.
The i.rih-i . nn li. H. Williams A-
Hina , which wo gi\u ai n premium ,
\iil buy just as many goods from that
irm as would the s.mio amount 111
cash. h. H. Williams t Soim is the
) ldeatml Inrgosl retail dry goods
Moicitt Onmlm , mid bosi es ilrygnodh
ean > a 1 it-go utt-ek of boots and shoos
mil gent's ' furnishing goods ami have
i muiclnil tailoring ilepavhne : '
They nro n Rtrictly C4ish liouso an
uivo a wide reputation for selling cheap
mil the party who tocuivcs this pro-
ilium will certainly bo well pleaaoil
The Hooka in our list are all Stan-
laid first olas.1 liuukn tlvith bound ,
lurublo and good btylc , and cannot be
joULjlit unywliuro al retail less than
wo list them. This year wo give n <
mapa , pictures or engraving * , and are
{ ustifiod in eaying that our list eon
ains the most varied ami valuable lot
of premiums over offoiodbyany paper
The followliiK iickiiowlpilKi'iiii'iili
received from lurtlot to whom lliu nm t
vnlnntilo premiums \UTP nlliitoil In wirllls-
irlbntlnn last year :
Itoui.iil'.u , ( ol. , April U , 't > l.
Killtor ot the Oinilii : ; lloo
DKAU Sin i I IIIVMI Just n-colM-il the
i ,
UN u premium with your paper , for \\lileli
plrnsu ai-cuiil many tliaiiki trom > iuir imicli
subscriber. K SMITH
HIDNKV. N h . May 27 , ' 81.
i X : - Youlll pU'tino accept in )
tlianUs for tlio watch 1 rveelM-il to-day , In
Kitnil ruiinliiK order. You lw\u net oil si
7Jr towards uu > that I ahull I'vorvontlimt
n subscriber to Tin : HKIlilcli I
In Itself Is north more Hum the subscript lim
and It Itqiilto evident > ou are as partleulai
In fnrwarilltiK tlio nwnriN to tmccesafu' '
drawers , nslt jouero to rocrlui paymciii
for them Again thanking you moat
. , March 17 , 'm
Uecelvcil of the Omaha I'uhllslilnir Co. i
cnlil natch. as premium \slth Tun OMAII/
WKKKI.V Hr.i' . The watch was all that li
was represented III tlio premium lint , full ]
worth JJ7S. Accent my thauKs for tin
watch. I consider TiiKllKK was worth tin
subscription price , without a premium CITY , Utah C'o. I
U T..1lllv . 'HI. f
KIKD Sin : I received the Htem-nluillm
watch awarded mo at j our dlstrimitlon 1
did not coino as soon us expected. A HOIK
many hailed mo and wanted to know If I
hud received the watch nwardi'd mt'.uin
nowlsjiy totlicni.yes.aitoodstem winder
ns represented la > our valued paper :
like your paper very much , and 1 Inteiul ti
fontlnmi to take your paper us lone ns Itl !
outspoken nn monopolies and speaks fort !
freedom The people like your paper , for II
ulvcs the necessary nuns lam takliiRdM
remit papers I llko > oiir paper fully tin
best , and It Is the llrst paper l lake upti
look tlnoiiKh to net ) the Ktiiieral news.
to.siistuhi jour paper and wish yoi
JH kind iciiards
AVui.ow Cui'KK , Montana , 8cpt ac , ' 81
Omaha Vnhllshlni ; Co. , Omaha Neb :
( iic.Nin : * lla\ereeci\ed one hunting eas
iliV'-wliulliiK ' wHtcli , ami five , boots a
pmiiiiints ullhTiiK llici : for ' 81. Accep
mj UiuiUsfir.simc ; ; AVIIItakuNiibscrlptlcni
lor jou.K 1 eaii nmlcu waues. ripiisutolc
niu Ituow tcrrn , and send iireiiihnn list u
.soon po slmV. Itesiiectfiilly.
A \VOOD\VAl1l ) .
( Mr Woodward was awarded Itrowu'
ciillUator , but HvliiK luu place whorolt wa
ofnoitHO to him , hi ; wax allowed tomMcc
anotlicr premium of e < ( iialiiluu.J
SOI.ON , Neb. , April 23 , ' 81.
Omaha rnbllshlnKCu :
< iKMT j Tlii ) Bold watch awarded mo a
jour M'ooad annual distribution of prum
liims Is rccelvvd I am well plcaxcd will
It 1 think the paper aloao Is worth th
moiii'i I-OIIK may TIIK llicic coutluiio t
\ > u/J. l > HKNDH1CKH.
fiWAHL'ilciH , UodneCo. , Neh . ,1mm 20 , 'HI
Omaha I'tiblUlilnir Co. ;
( fKNII.KMRN : I'llO Btrlll WlllllllIK SUV"
hiiiithiK' : < 's ' watch I iccchcd in \ (
last pri-mliiin illstrlhutlon Is nt hand.
luivifoimil it to ho' n perfect llmo
and < 'ousldi'r It worlli Hie | > rlc
A u
llK ! ( iiioVK , Mo. , Jimu 7 , 'nl.
Onuha 1'iibllslilliKCo , l , ,
SIIIH : Th silver watch awarded mon
Miur dlslrlliiillon of premiums came t
hand all rl5ht | It Is a oed tlmo-kccpei
ami I am well plcawil with It I think th
p.iiicr Is worth the money without , th
prize , i am well NatlstTcil with both.
Yours respectfully ,
Ili.uic.HrmxuH , ( lit | ; Co. Keb. , (
April 21. 'HI j
sliver wiituli , Is toh.ind , for which reeelv
my fducero thanks , lieforo reeelvlui ; It
Wiishlti-ptlcal about Uio worth of tliourtlcli
hut I am most agreeably surprised , for It I
both u Ki'iiulii' ! Bcioil walclluml an nxccl
lent time-keeper. I consider jour papc
KMI < | valuu for the twodollnr * liiilepi'iideut
ly of tlio prl/u , for It contains u I urn
varUtynf readhiK matter , eut
rent iiuusof thu week.
I am yours riwioetfiilly ,
JKHANON , N. II.Kupl 3 , VI.
Itccclved of you this day ten books , I ai
much pleaded wKh them : think Iheyar
richly worth ten dollars You ni.ikouMli ; !
iniutako hi my llrst name on Iho wrapper >
my paper , which has nent some of them I
another man , althoiiKh I found Ilium all n
lust. You wrlto It Carlos , It should b
( JlmrJesll. , Neb. , May II , ' 81.
'l > iAR Hiit : 31 y bolt of lonsdaln ( tirlzi
duly received. In < | m'Hty ami iiiantUy | I
exceeds my nxpecUtloni , I'leaso ttce |
my ( hunks for full compliance of coutr.u
on award of No.allfl. As u now reader (
TDK HKK , I must nay tlmt I am well please
with thi ) choice remlinB iiiaUeHtcoiit.iln >
VejyTutpectfully yours '
Mm v i'i "i V' ' -.N'1 To' ' ' - ' ' t >
'lo-daj I nulu'il Uiu Unifiers Li
nbrldued Dictionary , awarded mo us
premium with niuO.MAUAYnniiM' 'Hut '
The dictionary Is tlm best mailuaml Is ;
Kood ai reiiresentfd. I am > cry iiliie
picked \vlrti It I think Tin : HKK h Hi
bt'St paper published In this cnuntry ,
1'r.NNi.MoitK. Wh. , May a , ' 81
Omalia 1'iibllshliieCo i
miKAU HIII : Hfy iiremlum to Tun BE
came to hand In uood order , cousUtlnK <
oao lioltof lonsdaiu muslin , uNo I arllcl
1'leasc accept my tlmuku Imping that Til
HKK. may continue Its K OU uorl : " ' < l *
nouiicliiK the monopoly and noolinu 'rau
of the wen , as I am Interested In thofarn
Inu Interest of Nebraska , uxpectlnt ; HOOII i
till bonmof lUfertllohoil ,
Yours respectfully ,
DUNCAN , Noli , Juno n , 'HI
Your premium for life scholarship clu
received , jtnd urn much oblige.Your
Your * truly.
MJIB , v , o , wi/rcufiy.
Ai nn Inihircmont to Uio n.itrnm of Tim HKK who ft'O In nrrcan for
on to pmtnro their accmuit * niul dcfurc the imtronngo nf p.irliofl wh i dcilro to ncetiro
\ live il.illt | ipirvhlch mibllnlic * Ml the telegraphic news of the fifty the fnllcntjmar.
i > t roii < rl . .f nny journal in tlio wont , fcurlc.w and rmts | > okon in ncntlmcnt and nn tin-
-M MMiilvnntoof tlio rlght-tof th proplo no nftnlust ilfohnnrnt rings , nn opponent
F i-rtrri'ti' mi In miy pnrty , the puMiahcM ol TIIK HKK Imvo decld 1 to offer ft list of
'nhnliltf I'romiiuii. whicn nre tolio nllittod nnd dlittrilmtcd nmonf > the nubecrlbors
hti rrinlt prior to tlio Int tliy o March , 18S2.
Pitts & Son's Threshing Machin- $ 500 00
. "Gold Medal" " 50000
Whttnpy-Mnrsli Twine Binder , BOO 00
Lewis Hornier , JJOO 00
Manny Mower and Reaper combined , 190 00
. Portable Grist and Feed Mill Kuostner'a Patent , . . . . 150 00
. Four Ton 8x11 11 owe Wagon Scale , 100 00
No. 5 "American" Grinding Mill with bolting attach
ment and Corn Sheller , 150 00
1 No. 0 "American" Horse Power Mill Grinder and
Cob Grinder combined , 15000
No.-i "American" Pulley Mill Grinder with bolting
attachment , 9000
Loach Standard Wind Mill , 90 00
Standard Mower , 90 00
Farm Wagon , complete , ( Cnldwoll ) 90 00
No. 8 " American " Power Grinding Mill , 90 00
1 No. 8 " Double'1 " " 10000
1 No. 7 " " tt 80 00
1 No. 5 " " " 76 00
1 No. 1 " " " (50 ( 00
J No. 8 " " u 88 00
No. 11 Power and Farm Mill , combined , 50 UO
2 No , 2 American Wind Mill Grinders , 80 00
1 " " " "
No. 8500
. Farm Wagon , complete , 85 00
. Hopkins Mower , \ . . . . 80 00
. No. 2 Triumph Steamer , complete , GO 00
INo.l " " " 50 00
J Churns from Oval Churn Co . ' 80 00
i Sets Farm Harness , 90 00
,1 Sulky Plows „ 195 00
LO 10-inch Beam Plows , ailO ( Ml
L Champion Corn Planter , 50 00
L No. 2 King , Cockle Mill and Seed Seporator , -t5 00
" " " " " o or
i NO. 8
1 Chase Grand Square Piano . $700 01) )
i Grand Square Piano , 600 00
1 Grand Parlor Organ , 800 00
1 Parlor Organ , 150 (10 (
25 Singer Sowing Machine , $1500 00
L Mossier Bahmann Oilico Uafo , JJ50 "
Austin Rotary Washing Machines , 80
I Base Burner Hard Coal Stove , 40
1 Cook Stove , 40
1 No 8 Kendall's Plaiting Machine , 20 'f
1 No. 2 " " " 1 < > v
I Brussels Carpet 80 yards , 45 00
Order on L. B. Williams & Sons , 25 00
6 Bolts Lonsdalo Muslin , 25 00
L Life Scholarship Omaha Business College , 50 00
20 Residence Lots in Council Bluffs , $5200 00
1 Hunting Cose Gold Watch , 100 00
1 " " " 90 00
I " " " " Ladies , . 75 00
50 Silver Watches , Hunting Case , Stem Winders 1000 00
50 " " " " 1500 00
1 Elegant Silver Tea Set. 90 00
5Sil/erPlatelCnkoBask3tj , 60 00
5 S' ' ts 'iler J ab'o Spoons , 50 Ofl
8500 t tundard British Novels , $5250 00
8000 " Ameiican u ; . . . . 8760 00
1500 " " " 1500 00
760 Endymion , Beucousfwld's Last Work , 1125 00
500 Shakespeare , 626 M
300 Bricks Without Straw , 875
800 Byron's Works , . . . . 800 ;
800 Lifo of Edwin Forrest , . . . . ' 300 ' .J
200 "Nona , " , 200 CO1
200 The Roman Traitor , 200 Gv ,
250 Arabian Nights , 250 00
250 Robinson Crusoe , . 250 0
500 American Popular Dictionaries , 500 00
4300 Poetical Works , Tennyson's , Wordsworth's , Long-
fellbw's , Pope's , ck , 4800 00
3 Sots Dicken's Works , 60 00
1 Set Irving's Works , 85 00 <
2 Webster's Unabridged Dictionaries , 22 OO
Invincible Threshing- Machine with single gear 10- newer and everything complete from Rob
erts , Thorp & Co. , Three Rivers , Michigan $660 00
Decrc Rotnry Corn Planter 60 00
" Spring Cultivator 32-00
A XX Plow 19 00
A liL/ . . . . . . * . . . < * . . . 22 00
AOC " 18 00
14-iiii h " limn Deem & Co. , Council lilnils . . . . 23 00
4-lon VicU r Scale 160 00
N ) . Duinonf Warehouse Sca'e ' from Moline Scale
Co 106 00
12-foof ; Croft Power Windmill from E. C. Leilel
& Co. , Springfield , Ohio 130 0
60 Shares of. Jelm Mountain Gold and Silver Mining
and Milling Co.'s Stock , ( one share premium ) par
value oC stock , $25 00 , Market value ; of stock
( $6 50) ) 390 00
1 Buckeye Spring Walking Cultivator 35 00
3 Plain-top Cook Stoves 76 00
2 Extension-top " 68 00
2 Sets Wagon Skeins from Moline Stove Company. . 7 00
I Burner Hard Coal Stove 40 00
600 Elegant Albums , ( $ 2 60) ) 1260 00
6 Sets Dickens' Complete Works 110 00
SOO Albums 600 00
6O Doxun Fine Parlor Brooms , ( $5J 00) ) 160 00
86,0 Standard British Novels. , 1062 60
300 H'MJ ' AMMI-UMI , \T0'-'I < - 1,650 r f >
1 Bucket Windmill . 110 00
1-3 Section Harrow . 16 00
1-2 Section Harrow , . 10 00
Pair Fine Thorough Berkshire Pigs 100 00
Thu diHtributii'ii ' of them premium * will take place on the 1th dny of March , 1882.
All nitides that cnn bo nent by mull will be forwarded itostpalil to the MiLucriber'u d-f
dreHH Article * to bo shipped by rxprcan or freight will bo torn anted to their destina
tion with freight pay able by thu uu i-l ncc.
Tlio Biilutrlpticin prlro ot TIIK DAII.T UKK Is Ten Dollars pur annum.
Direct your miiilttoneo to Tins QHAIIA ruiiusniNo COJII-ANV by money ordci or
rtyUtoicel Utter , w.o willfiirwuri > ou a numbered premium receipt , which will bo
reuiHtcrc il in a premium book. Kucli remittance nlwulil also give explicit direction as
to poKti'iliiiu ' tiddrrw. J'liitifH tovhom nrtlclea are allotted that ere tou bulky fp
mall will lo iiotilieU niul HcjiuaUd to give directions how and wj.en aUpment is to b
The dltt'lljutlon will liomuilo without discrimination or fnvoilUun , throuijh a com-
mitteeiK'licUdby thuMilbcriKupriifcHitattho time the award * art ) made. AH we
alma in this tcheiiiu U tocolleit our back due * tud Becuro iiayiuonto tor the coming
> ear , "nil to i xlend our clrcuUtlun o\cr a ( freutor te-rrltiiry.\.B \ , x
KTOCO. . ,
Omaha ,