THE OMAJLI-AKDAiLy .BEJbJ ; TJlUBSOAi" 23 , i8t > 2. P. T. MAYNE , SUBSCRIPTION RATES , r Mann ser Council Bluffij Clrculntlon , COUNCIL BLUFFS AND IOWA NEWS. By Carrier , - - 20 Cents per Wools By Mull , , Yu COUNOIIj BUJFF8 , IOWA $10OO per r COUNCIL BLUFFS. . Offlco ! Hoom Five , Everett's Block , Urondwny. H. W. TILTON , City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS. The Horcltca will probably bo < mt elec tion day. The wagon factory entcrprlic secma to tnovo along ( -lowly. The tower of the new engine hone In about ootnpletctl. . - The lloynl Arcancum holiln it second unnuM reunion this evening. Town Wyoming evil Imniled only by , T. W Hodefor , No. SOIWISU flllf Yeslcrdny being Afh Wednesday , ft | > . proirlntefenl | en were h- hint the ritual- InUc clmrchcp. The we of Slftyter vi . Keel continued to take up the time nml attention of tlio c'rcult cotiit "Some years ago" is the Introduction ot alleged fre h local ncWH given by the patent uicJIclne bulletin. The tchonl children hid a glorious time yrstcnUy , the books being laid n-ildo in observance of Washington's birthday. ,1. 1' . Grtcn not hi ! hnnd. pinched while cntiilItiK | earn the other dny and now has n sllnp , but fortun itely lost no fingcra- leighing WM livelier limn ever jcs- terday on the utrcetp , ( ho project for tlio now going away canning everybody to Improve - provo what Recnied n la-tclmnce. The | Kilico ntitlon in nightly besought by nppli.intn for free lodging , the cold wcnlhcr driving them in. There is an av erage inn of about nix Huccetwful appli cants anight. The young people ot the Baptist church hive perfected an organization for gh Ing aBerlo * of entertainment. * and to do other work to help along the uau > o in n practical way. The tepubl cans have set up as their aldermen , James Golden and William Siedentopf , Alex. Wood , P. 0. Do Val.T. C. Newell , and K. L. Shugnrt , the first two being for nldcfnien at large. Jerry Black did not quite have hi ) up eo out yesterday morning whim ho paid his fu o Mid was sot froe. Yceterdny afternoon it to k two officers to lead him in again on the name old drunk. Two dusky youths wuro hovoiing SUB. piciously around the Of en Home wood pile , and us the fuel ha I ht on disappearing more rapidly th u the ordinary demand ie ( mcd to w < rinnt , they wore arrested and looked n ] > long enough to Bcuro them , but no proflcuti ! < n was pressed. Mr. OIIH , the cripple whom Dowdy assaulted , and who in turn fired upon his Assailant , now proposes to begin ouit against Dowdy for damage * . Dowdy now serins to have about all the Itwsiiito 011 hand which he can attend t > . All mo ( .bora . of the Grand Army of the Republic who intend visiting Mis souri V..lley at the camp fire on Saturday evening next , are requested to in ot at post headquarters at C:30 : p. in. > n that date. They can procure tickets at tto office comur of Peurl and 15 r adwuy at ninety cent * f. r the round trip. It Iteeptt the democratic * pretty busy now keeping the city ticket together after it is made. One iiomiuee for ulrtoimen has dropped out , and now John Bono , who was nominated for trensunr has dropped by the wayside , and a dash fills his place on the ticket. Others will drop i/ut after election , If not before , John Lindt , commander Abo. Lin- coin post , p. A. U , of this city , E. J. Abbott - bott , aide-de-camp of the department commander , and J. J. Bolin , chaplain , will represent this city at the grand en- catripniint at Des Moinei , which la in aestion to-day and to-morrow. They ex pect to btop over at Stuart , where tlio grand unity buys have prepared for a jolly good time. t > uch as this order knows ro well how to arrange. One gentleman from the canter n part of the stutu planning to settle hero and put up a business block , sayH he cannot get a contractor to promise to begin the work before tie 1st of July. Scarcity < f brick and the crowd of work in putting up frame buildings are thu roasdia given , The city is surely growing , and growing rapidly , and if the voters will improve the chances givea them , and put into olUcc men who will handle the city'x interest wisely , the growth will ko p up. If they want to see it ( top , let the ai vote for continuation of reskliMn fmuicial manage ment. Tbo Republican Primaries. The republican voters of the several wards held thmr primaries Tuosdaj evening , at- which nouiiiwtiona wert made fur aldornion , delegates chosen to the convention held to-day , and also conunittcemon from each ward The following were those thus chosen First Ward - For alderman , Alw Wood. Delegates , Win , Soidontoff A. J. Bump , H. Van Do Bogort , 0 , 0. Curtis , Wall MoFaddun. Aa member ber of the city central committee , E , B Gardiner. Sococd Ward For alderman , P. 0 , De Val. Delegates , J. H. Arthur , P , O. De Val , 0. S. Hubbard , 0. W , , Brown , Theo Bray , Chaa. 15 , Jonej and J. 0. Taylor. As rnotubur of tin contra ) committee , 0. M. Harlo. Third Ward- For alderman , F. u Newell. Delegates , W. A. Wood , J Hawlhoiu , W. K Havoratook , 0. F Smith , F , 0. Glcoson , N. 0. Phillip and If. Kirscht. Fourth Ward For nldorman , E. L Shugart. Delegates , J , W. Itodofoi W. J. Hancock , Phil. Armour , J , r Gouldon , Leonard Everett , 8. II Foster , N. M. Pusoy , W. II. Campbell boll , John Morgan. As member < : the committee , W. 8 , Ament. An Indianola woman , Mrs. Btophe Brooks , was viaitod by a rag man th other day , and concluding that hi husband s overalls , which liung in tli clocot , wore old enough for convorsio into pulp , Hhe traded them oh" U > tli dealer. Blio was much surprisoi when her husband came homo , to leai that the overalls contained $100 < her husband's hurd-carned saving The rag man wou ovettukon and tl ' money recovered , CAREFULLY CHOSEN. The Republicans Nominate Dr. Lawrence for M yor. Other Good Men Named Upon the Ticket. A Harmonious Convention and Its HoHUlts. The republican city convention met yesterday nfturnoon nttlio courthouse in puraunnco with the published call. G. M. Ilnrlo called thu convention to order. Mr. N. M. Puaoy wns choaon chnir- man , who in Inking his sent culled nt- tuntion to the fact that the wisdom of the change by which thu city would bo under the general charter instead of the special clmrtor depended almost altogether on the character of the men placed in ollico. Ho trusted that wis dom and Bound judgment would prevail - vail in the deliberations. Mr. J. H , Arthur was chosen accra- tnry , nnd thu Dames of the delegate ! chosen at the primaries , and as pub lished , were accepted without any reference to a committee on creden tials , each delegation bi.-ini ; allowed to cai.l a full vote. On motion of J. W. Ilodufer tli convention proceeded to an informal ballot for mayor , 0. S. Hubbard and W. A. Wood being named as tellers. Mr. Kodefor named for miyor N. 1) . Lawrence , and Mr. Everett moved that ho bo nominated by acclamation , which wua done by a unanimous vote. For poliou justice , or judio ; of the superior court , Oeoryo Carson and W. S. May no wuro named. The ballot resulted in the nomination of Mr. Mayno , who received 15 votes , while Mr. Carson received 14. Tliuro being - ing aomo misundor'nn''i'ig as to whether this ballot wui n lormal or informal one , thoquestion was put tea a vote and the convention decided that it bu considered nn informal one. A formal ballot was accordingly taken , nnd it resulted in reveraint , ' iho preceding - ceding one , Mr. Quorgo Carson re ceiving 15 and Mr. Mayno 13. Tlio nomination of Mr. Carson was then made unanimous. The next nomination was for city solicitor. A. T. Fleckingur , Jacob Sims , W. S. Mayno nnd John Lindt were named. An informal ballot was taken , resulting , Sims 14 , Flockingor 7 , Mayno 5 , Lindt 2. A formal bal lot followed , resulting as follows : Sims 13 , Flockingor G , Mayno ( i , Lindt 3. No choice. A second formal bal lot was taken , resulting in giving Sims 12 , Mayno 8 , Fleckinuer 5 , Lindt 3. There being no choice a third ballot was takon. li resulted in a break , nnd ill the nomination of W. 8. Mayno , the vote standing , Mayno 1C , Sims 7 , Fleckingor 3 , Lindt 2. Mr. Maynu's nomination was then made unanimous. The nomination of two aldermen at largo followed. > Jamcs Golden , J. H. Churchill , Mr. Oornerand William .Siodontopf wuro named Mr. Chur chill withdraw , his name. An informal mal ballot wns taken for thu nomina tion of two at the saiiio time. , It re sulted , Golden 2G , Sidcntopf 13 , Corner 14 and Churchill 3. A formal ballot resulted , Golden 2G , Siodontopf 22 , Gcrifor 7. Mr. Golden and Mr. Siodontopf were dcclarud nominated us aldornion at largo , and on motion the same- was made mnanimous. On motion of Mr. Phillips , O. M. Brown WUB , nominated as city treasur er unanimously andi by acclamation. F. A. Burke was nominated for city auditor in a like manner , and with like unanimity. The nomination of n city marshal came next in order. J. W. Morse , E. W. Juckaon and Joseph Spaulding woro.namod. An informal ballot waa taken , resulting : Jackson , 14 ; Morse , 4 ; Spaulding , 4 ; Thurmnn , 4 ; Field , 1 ; Mottis , 1. ' A formal ballot 'followed which gave E. W. Jackson the nomination , ho re ceiving 21 votes , Morse receiving 2 and Tliurman 4 , these seven votua com ing from the third ward. Mr. Jack- son's nomination was made unani mous. For civil engineer Mr. Thomas Tos < tivcn was nominated unanimously bj acclamation. Caut. J. P. Williams was likewise unanimously nominated for superintendent - tendont of markets. Charles M. Honle was unanimousj ! chosen as chairman of thu city central committee , after which adjournment was taken. The convention was very harmo nious iti its workings , and uttondod strictly to the business in hand , then being littio or no time wasted ii speech-making , and there not bem ( oven the semblance of a wrangle The convention was characterized too , by that good nuturo and onthu < ttiasm which is.over an indication thai confidence is felt that that the worl of nominatiou will bo heartily np proved by the voters at the polls. A WALKAWAY. The Prisoners Break th < 'Boose and Escape. A Crook \Vuntod Badly Gains HI Liberty. Oftlcor Uarhyto on opening th dpor of the calabooso Tuesday night to put in a vagrant lodger , was sur prised to lind that the birds suppose to bo there caged had flown. An ox animation showed that the exit 1m ( boon made through the rear dooi which opens upon a yard enclosed b u board fence surmounted by barbe wire. Some outsider had risked tea : ing his clothes by climbing over th fence , and with u monkey wrench hu taken off the nut of tlio bolt whic holds the bar fastening the door , This bolt boitu taken off , all the prisoners hnd to do was to pull the bolt out , loosen the bar and swing open the door leading to Iho outside world , The monkey wrench was found in the yard , the unknown liberator having loft it thuio after it hnd nerved his his purpose. There was also loft a torn coat , which wan recognized as belonging - longing to a barber who has been lately locked up there for drunken ness. ness.Tho barber and his torn coat were sout out of jail the dny before , and the coat having thus mysteriously re appeared led the ofllcors to suspect that the barber was the outside friend who thus released the prisoners. It further appeared that the coat and hat of ono fellow , who was lying drunk in the cnlibooso , had boon stolen , loading to the conclusion that the barber wli-j hnd before insisted on Iho oflicera giving him a now coat to replace the ono torn by thorn in ar resting him , hnd como back determin ed to got a bolter coat , oven if hu had to break into jail nnd steal ono. There was only ono important pris oner who thus olfected nn escape , and he is supposed to bu along-sought nnd much wanted one. Ho was arrested hero three or four days ago on a de scription and photograph , baing want ed in Huv > . < r. l places for crookuuwork , and suppimud to belong to a gang of thieves. IIo was noticed in this city , acted suspiciously , found to answer the description , wan arrested , and gave so very unsatisfuotuiy accounts of him self that it was determined to hold him hero nnd investigate further. Ho hud several aliases , ono being Al Morris , another Kennedy , and the names of Frank Wood , Fltckhouso nnd Taylor wuro also used by him on different occasions. IIo was wanted tit Clinton for malicious mischief , at Dos Moines for larceny , and at Onulia for breaking into freight cars. The chief of police has telegraphed to these places , and holding the bin ! in the meantime. Omaha promised to send over for the young man , but do- laycd doing so , and word camu from the other places to hold the man and they would aeo to him. If any of thorn had como promptly , they would hnvo had the man , but delays are dangerous , and this ono gave him time to perfect an escape. The ofllcors will now have the delightful task of catch ing him again , which will bo no easy t.ialc , as the follow has doubtless put a goodly distarico between himself and the places that once know him. It is thought that the barber who so kindly helped him to his freedom belonged to the same gang , nnd has gone with him. Ono of the prisoners , who also escaped , was in for being drunk , but ho returned this morning , paid his fine , gathered up what effects had boon taken from his packets when ar rested , and went forth square with justice. IIo was a resident of the city , nnd had no object in skipping earo to bo relieved from further con finement until morning. THBMODBRN ROMBANOER The Size of the Seven Hilled City in South-western Iowa. 'ho ' Characteristics of Her Ancion Prototype Partly Imitated. 'orrespoiKlenco ' of Tun HRK. BLANCHAUD , PACK COUNTV , Io. February 18 , 1882 Two or threi ears ago , when the Wabash railroai was constructed across the south western part of Page county , not owns sprung up along the line , fo hero were none from Shenandoah n the Hamburg & Hod Oak brand if the "Q" to Burlington Junction on the Yillisca branch of the earn road , and the most important of thes young cities is Blanchard. Whothu the town was located by chance , b ; railroad or qthur business interests , o by seine "student in life's groa school , " who , with visions of th < Latin emporium before him , laid ou the town , as a second Home , we ar nformed , but certain it is that i boars , in many features , a rosumblnnc to that seven-hilled metropolis , wlios founder is reputed to have been snvo < n infancy from a watery death in th Tiber , and suckled by a she well Rome was said , to have had only tw streets for heavy wagons , as all th rest were unpleasant alloys. In th centre , on Capitol Hill , stood th Forum , chief trading house , the son of justice , and we suppose , the prinl ing house nnd postollice , but entire ! without lofty pinnacles nn flittering spires which broa thu outline of most modur cities ; northward on Vatican hil iip&s thu valley , nro thu elegant res ! dunces of thu noble families , * the 01 ficml dignitaries , the chief pontiff , th temple of the gods , and the "basilica , which may mean school house , fc inoat of thu children seem to think i u bastilu , while stretching away froi thu business centre to the river is th campus martiua , or Plain of Man given over to ttip amusements an sports of the people , thu circus , th games , and , wo suppose , the count fair , Huro , as in that classical cit ] it was outside the walls , and , as tli republic faded , auid the advnncemoi of the great city and people develope into an empire , the plain campus wi decorated with buildings , so hero v BOO timber on the ground to fence i the trotting track. Roma in its ii fancy was composed of Latins an Sabiucstho former wore the stronge and the latter were just us honorabl So heron have an Iowa village an a Missouri eu'ttlemont , together fern ing a city oi perhaps six Inn dred , which is too active and ambitioi to stay in ono state , but tries I occupy two. This , norhups , nnd tl advantage given to it by the stopp'n of some trains hero which do iv stop ut some other small towns , mi bo the cause of envious rivalry , at is looked upon with Hainan pride 1 the prosperous burgers on the utix line , The large amount of froig handled to and from this station BI now buildings erected this season ai to , bo built this spring and sumin tell , in nn uncertain niiy , that the town is rapidly growing. A now brick union school building , coating 80,000 or $8,000 , is ntarly ready for occupation , nnd in a ciodit to the pen- plo nml nn honor to Iho school board as well nn tlio school system of the slnto. Ferguson Hros , it Wood hnvo built a large building in which to store the farm implements they offer for sale. Thty are practical farmers , and propose to keep the best of o full line of such articles , including the improved grass seeds , probably the largest stook of farm muchincry in this section , and also maintain a branch oflico at Northboro , Among the novelties they have inttoducod , is Iho Cnsady riding plow , which they have kept in "closo confinement" since its arrival , hoping to got up a trial plowing match , and a wager of n new lint that it will not require ICSH draft than n walking plow , for the boys need ono or two now lints. Wo notice nlso a now building for John Julford's now store , and some now firms taking a trial of the mercantile business. A now of lice for Dr. J. V. Beghtull , mid n now building for Colu , the "boss contrac tor , " n well M now rcsidunces for Os Kumpton , Robt. Biguorstall' , Ilarvo White , Mis. Osier , and Mr. Palmer , the lumjif r merchant , while the spring season will sou iho foundation for anew now Muthudiit church , nnd numerous other buildingi now being looked for. So far this vilbgo has worshipped in one meeting house , which is owned by the United 1'n.sbytorian church. The citizens of thu place have boon oxertiiu' themselves to get n good bell for the now school house , and for this end thi y have secured the services of Pro. . W. P. D.uiforth , who organised a IIOHICI company and drilled them in thu r.uilutii , "Kathor , the Beautiful Queen. " I'lioir public rendition of -liia pii.ce nan a grand succes , Notwithstanding the ditlieultuess of many ut the parts , Mrs. J. L. Xanoni , Mis A. B. Campbell , and Mrs. Mo- Cord , particularly , uxhibi cd a line perception of the di'lic.ito and diffi cult part they londerod and a dram atic and inimical ability indicating u refinement and cultivation that could not be shown in many of thu other characters , and this loads us to notice liow the public schools in Iowa grow , while they become the pride of the people and as such as will bo the hope of the state. The two large elevators , a good bank , three farm implement houses , six or eight , stores of general mer chandise , two hardware , throe drugs , Four of groceries , two hotels , churches , schools , lumberyards , livery stables , jewelry and furniture stores , several law , real estate and insurance firms , a half dozen good physicians , a wide- a-wako independent newspaper that readies out for the job work as nat urally as a Nebraska farmer docs f < i THE BEE , a good harbor shop , black smith shops , wagon and machine shop , harness chop , a good mill , brick yard , brass band , restaurants , shoe shops bank , fair association with i good track nnd a half dozen horses in training ; the trades and profeision ; well represented , good water withii thirty foot , coal and stone conveniently iontly , good wood at $4 per corda ricl soil and healthy climatenn industrious and intelligent class of citizens , am business active nnd growing as showi by the banking business , all proclain with no uncertain sound , that Blanch ard is a good place for. a happy homi and has an enviable future. THE BEJ reaches u largp portion of the busi ness men and farmers , while the com mercial ugont usually asks for Tin BKK first in the hotels. The Com mercial House has boon open to th > public , under the presuut manage ncnt , loss than ono year , and yet ha ho satisfaction of bning the home o ho traveling man in the true sense o ho word , and the young firm of R M , Thomson & Co. , which has jus opened in the groceiy business , oilor , o try the race in competition wit ! , ho older houses , in a way that win ihom plenty of friends. The Mason o fraternity , Odd .Fellows , nnd Ancient ciont Order of United Workmen , ar all well represented hero , and includ ; he larger portion of the businos non , the Odd Fellows having n mem jerahip of over seventy , with a goo mil , while the boys have organized rifle team which is expected tobocom renowned "before the ides of Noven ber. " The town needs a good dentif nnd photographer , n creamery e choose factory and manufactories ' ' COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAI jt t NOTICES. NOT10K. Special aihertlsementa , uuch , r Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Ueu 1 iitu , lioardlntr , etc. , will bo Inscrtotl In tt 1h. h. i-olumn at thu low rnto ot TKN CENTS I'K 1 .INK for thu first limortloD and FIVE CKN1 1'Kll LINK lor each tubtequent lui crtln U'A\tiadvertl cmcnt8 at our olHuo , Hoom K\vrutt'n UoclJIroail ! ay. KU "HAI.h. iVwity 8-y ' ° MUlTKo , dom 16J to 10 luinU hltfti Sou aseJum el also foi talc , Ma u iVuo , lUc \\I ANTEn To rent A ten room homo I V > Home U'Ood in lirhborhooJ or two snull house nido i > / lde. Addrni lO. . Uox 70 Council IlluRs , or applp at 1)BE offlce , Couni 4B-II ANTIID-Kverybody In Council Blufls f i to Uiko Tim BM , 20 ccnU per nuuk , il literal by carriers. Office , Hoom C , Kurd , Ire ) > dw ) . To buy 100 tons broom coi WANTED ttldrcu Council Ulu llroom Factory , Council BluOi , Iowa. 663-2911 ANTED A Qret-cUu broom tier. May W SCO. . Council lllufln. Iowa. 660-80' ' SALE-OM paporn 40a per hundred , EOH lloo offlco. Council Ulu8 . Bo27.ll 10 1IH1CK-MAKKRS. FOR 8AI.K 6 acres .1. inorool land adjo'iilni ; the lirlck-jard Manner li lalno < ' on U | > i > er Droa'lway , K pattlculara amily to DnlJ llalncgorttlfannc ollico at the llcurd ol Trade roriu Council Ulul 77&-dc22 Sin Boy , with pony , to carry p r WANTED at ll i ollico , Council llluQ * . octlS-tf f. Notice. Owing to Ihr linmeimo bucceaa ol U'O n GeUtlno Dromldn Initantaneoua I'roci 0 at the Exctlilor Gallery , Klltlt lUfct , Ooi .1 ell Dlufft , the jiroprletor dculroi tbouo wl h ! ' ; Olilldci'ii'd 1'lcturc * to call but ecu the houri u to and li o'clock a. in , , u O | I > K to the Pri J of Buslnets uth airauKCiuoiit la ncccoiary irolJ delay , JHm J , DARKE. Proprleto FACTS WORTH KNOWING. "Good morning , Mr. Jones. You seem in good humor this morning. " "Yes , I have been to the BOSTON TEA STORE , and find anything and every thing I want , OF FIRST QUALITY AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. I tell you , I can Save Money now out of my salary , and Live First-Olasa , too. It pays to go there. " "Where did you Bay it was ? " B08TOH TEA DDMPT FINE GROCERS. IB Iain St. and 15 Pearl St. COUNCIL BLUPPri , I A. DOST FA L TO SEE THE STOCK OP W. W. BUCHANAN DIAMONDS , WATCHES , CLOCKS. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. 302 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS. The Leading GftOCERY HOUSE IN THE CITY. We keen everything you want in .First 01 .ss , < H > oice. Oleai GROOEfiie aiid PROVISIONS [ t will pay you to look our es tablishment thro igk- Every thing told for Gash , and. at the very ilose t ma'gins. We have a line of lOo CANNED GOODS And we ako sell the finest , Im- rtfid ( joods , Eastern unn Wc3st- irn Goaus put up All Canned Goods reduced 10 per cent. Send for our Pnoes , t'triot attention paid to Mail Orders. Agent for Washburn's Super lative Flour. F , J , OSBORNE & 00 , , J62 Broadway , Opposite Ogden House. CQJJNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORKS , MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY Offlco and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Wo give special attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , HOISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will receive prompt attention. A Kf ral ae Bortment ol Brass Goods , Belting , Pining AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , ( Joke , Ooal . OHAS. HENDRIF , President. & CRAIG , ARTISTIC POTTERY Rich Cut Olasa , Flno Froncli CUlnn , Silver \Vnr * &c. , 340 BUOIUWAT , CUUNCII. III.UITS , KELLEY & M'GRACKEN , Marble and Granite North Fifth St. . Council Dluf- . Drs. Woodbury & Son , * Cor. l'earltl t Mt. COU.NC1I , III.UFKS. W. 9. AUKNT. JACOI1 SIM AMENT & . SIMS , Attornnys & Oounsellprs-at-Lav COUNCIL BLUFFS , 1U\\'A , W. W. SHERMAN , A MANUKACTUKKn OK / ROAD , TRACK , COACH & LIVERY Fine Work a Specialty. E. U. SHERMAN , lltnlnces Manager. Wll. lllSTOl'lIEIl , Mechanical Manager. 124 South Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. My Harness are Manufactured from A No. I Oak Tanned Leather. I Sell My Goods at Bed Rock Prices. Or ders from abroad receive attention. J. MUELLER'S Jhiokering , Webei. Liademan , J. Mueller and other Pianos , , $200 and upward. Hun ott , Weatern Cottage , " Tabor and Paloubet Organs , $60 andupward. Musi 3VC cal Merchanoise of every discription. Italian Strings a specialty ; imported direct. Mnpio Books , Sheet-Music , Toys , liaineu , I'm ' uy Goods , Wholesale and Re TJ LIE tail. PiajiuiJ and Organs sold for Cash and on Timo. t > tock is large , full and com plete. Musical Journal ireo nn applica S LO tion Coirespondence Solicited. Address O J. MUELLER , I 103 South 5th Street. O IE COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. BO w MAN , , ROHRER & CO. , Storage and Commission Merchants , PURCHASING AGENTS AnJ Dealers In all kinds ol Produce Prompt attention tUcn to all consignments , NO8. 22 , 24 AND 20. PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. . . . . -\i\lA. \ SWPl'I.Y ON SHOUT NOTICE Cut Flowers , Greenhouse nnd Vegetable Plants In their teason. Orders promptly fllluil M ! ilcihercd to K\/n.-rc | olllio fri-o ol charge. Send ( ot Cat iloguc , . E3. RTTI ATVT A DEALER IN PAPER , BOOKS : TATINERY , COUNCI' . BLUFFS , IOWA. OOtlNOIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Buyer and Slipper of drain and Provisions Orders solicited in Iowa and Nebraska. REFERENCES. - First Notional Bank , Stewart Bros. , Ceunoil Blufl'a ; William P. Harvey & Co. , Culver & Co. , Chicago ; E A. Kent & Co. , St. Louis. M E T O A L F BROS. , WHOLESALE DKAuERS IN' Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. REAL ESTATE AGENT , Has ForSalo , Town Lots , Improved anil Unimproved , , also , Railroad Lando , and a number otWell Improved Farms , both in Jowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , - COU VOILj BLUPF BIXBY & WOOD , PLUMBERS , STEAM AND GAS FITTERS Gas Fixtures , Bath Tubs , Marble Slabs , Brass Goods , Iron and Lead Pipe , , Fittings and Pumps , Kept in Stock. No. 7 Fourth St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , " JrC vdr * * "TJ1 i WKCAKKYTIIK LAROK8T STOCK OF KINK BOOTS ! SHOES , Slippers , Etc. , Within One Hundred and Fifty Miles of Council Bluffs. All Mail Orders Promptly Attended To and Highly Appreciated , OUR PRICES ARE VERY LOW. Call and See Our NEW SPRING STOCK , which \ haa Bfgun to Arrive. Z. 'T. ' 'LINDSEY ' & CO. , 412 BROADWAY , COUNCIL ' BLUFFS , IOWA , And WEST SIDE SQUARE , ClARINDA IOWA ,