Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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The Qrentoftt Stage Oonoh nnd
Railroad Highwayman
on the American
lloccnt DoprndntioiM ill the Sonth
of the Notorious Dnvo
Denver Trllnitio.
"Tho Jninca boys nro daring train
robbers , fearless highwayman , and all
that , but here is a min who has not a
poor oven in the talcs of Turpin ro-
iniinco. "
it was rtcncral II. A. Cameron , the
postoflico special nqont for this de
partment , who spoke. Ilo lilted back
in his ollicn chair and hold up to view
n letter which ho had just finishud
' 'You romoinbcr the train rubbery
which occurred near El 1'asn about
six wouka n o , nnd the fliibscqnciit
stopping of a stage coach near 'l'oinb-
Btono , Arizona ? "
"Yos. "
"Well , both robberies wcro enshrouded
shrouded in mystery , and wo wore nt
a loss to oven imagine who had com
mitted thuin. Hero I have information -
tion which convinces mo that the out
lawed D.IVO Rudobnuuh , the old-tiino
partner of Billy the Kid , is the cul
prit. Ho has again organized a gang
of highwaymen. After having perpetrated -
trated the- two robberies named , ho
wont into old Mexico for safety , and
there will doubtless remain for some
time. Iludobaugh is the most fearless
and ingenious criminal that lover mot ,
but Now Mexico has grown too warm
for him. Ho knows that , and being
as cautious as ho is courageous , ho
will not molest that section again un
til the coast is clear. "
"Rudcbaugh , you know , was a close
partner to 'Billy the Kid , ' and ho was
captured with the latter n year ngo
last fall. The causes for and incidents
of the capture arc wall known. The
Kid was wanted for many murders.
Rudcbaugh was wanted for repeated
and extensive road robberies. The
Kid and lludobauijh were then the
loaders of a strong gang , of dcspora-
doos. When the pursuing party over
took thorn there were nine in the out
law party. In the fight which ensued
one of the outlaws was killed , five of
thorn fled and escaped , and the Kid ,
Rudobaugh nnd Billy Wilson , the
notorious ono hundred dollar-bill
counterfeiter , wore captured. Owing
to some technicality in his trial ho
has not yet boon convicted. Billy the
Kid was sentenced to hang , killed his
jailor , Bob Ollingor the brave man
who led the capturing posse and es
caped from jail , murdering throe ether
men , and waa finally run down and
killed by Pat Ourrott in a Mexican's
'Dave Rudobaugh was tried in the
United States court on several indict-
mcnta for having robbed the mails ,
was convicted uud sentenced to life
imprisonment. Rudebaugh , while in
the jail at Las Vpgos some time prev
ious , awaiting trial for robbery , led
an escape of his fellow prisoners. It
_ was O-HI bold dash , ono of
'those breaks that desperate men
often make in the face of all
possible odds. The guard opened fire
upon the conspirators , and ono of the
escaping party , who had secured i
pistol , returned the volley , killing n
jailor. After Rudobaugh's conviction
in the federal court , the state authori
ties claimed .and tried him for the
' murder of this jailor. Ho was con
victed on that charge and sentenced
to hang. The United States oflicora
took the case to the supreme court for
the reclamation of Rudubaugh and the
enforcement of the original sentence.
, Pending the decision , Rudobaugh es
caped a second time from the Lai
Yogas jail. Ho undermined the wall
from his cell and liberated the majority -
jority of the prisoners. The man whc
committed the murder for-whicl
Rudobaugh was sentenced to hang
died in his boots in an Arizona dance
"That was a peculiar fact. Althougl
bonded together by some friendship :
and inseparable in their travolc , Bill )
the Kid and Rudobaugh always detested
tested each othor. The difference bo
twpon thorn was singular and striking
Th'o Kid reveled in bloodshed , murders
dors are cattle thieving , and Rude
baugli flatters himself that ho novel
killed anybody. Rudobaugh ii
bravnr than was the Kid , unc
.despite the fact that the Kid alwayi
hold ' him in contempt for beiin
boastodly innocent of murder , ho ad
mired him for his indomitable courag <
when the emergency was of the mos
i dangerous nature. Rudobuugh wil
> look into the pistol mouth withou
flinching ; the Kid would rather mur
< ler a man by an assassin's shot thai
to face his victim in the dood. Rudu
baugh is most content when on n rob
bing expedition. The Kid was enl ;
satisfied when planning or oxocutin
Bomobody'a death. They oaoh dc
tested the outlaw deeds and modes o
crime of the other , and yet they stuc
together through thick and thin
bonded by that sympathy and admim
tion which , I suppose , hounded oul
laws can alone fool. "
"Is Rudobaugh peculiar in hi
modes of robbery ? " was asked.
"Oh , yes ; all mail and highway rol
bora are peculiar in their system ; the
all show iheir oa/-marks in their worl
' '
But Rudobauph'-'w the most poculin
of thorn all. When I hoard the d (
tailH of the two recent robberies ,
divined in a moment that Hudobauu
had committed them. In the fin
place , ho never robs a passenger o
either a stage coach or a railroad trail
his great weakness is express nmtto
nd then kind of incidentally like 1
takes the mail. Ho stops n stage coac
, with the boldness of a dovil. Agaii
? i ho never ahooti at or otherwise a
tempts to intimidate passengers. IJ
just orders thorn to
stop aside und n
main quito until ho hits gut throuu
with the trifling plundering of time :
press and mini. No matter ho
many 'or hotr oflioiont Jits us ntant
ho does not permit them ( o engage i
the details of a robbery. From tl
stopping of the horecs , and the into
viewing of the driver , and passenger
to the breaking opoii of the troasui
boxes or mail sacks , ho is usually in
aided , These aru peculiarities tin
cannot bo charged against any otlu
. highway robber that I known of. "
i "Wliat is Rudobaugh'a record ? "
" , < , ' 'It would fill u volumo. Ho is 2
old and commenced his Ion
career of crime near his homo in Ohio
twelve yearn ago , robbing the express
car of n rnikond train. Only to think
ho started an outlaw in his seven
teenth year. Ho made n big haul and
escaped to Arkansas , I think. During
the intervening time , ho has robbed
railroad trains and stage coaches in
every state and territory between the
Mississippi and the western slope. It
is not unreasonable to approximate
the total number of his thefts at a
million dollars. Ho is not dissipated ;
never gets intoxicated , yet ho is a
reckless spend-thrift in many ways.
Most of the proceeds of his robberirs
have been lavished upon women , or
spent nt the gambling table. Those
two subjects are his weakness. "
"Do you kmw him poinonallyj"
"Yes , indeed ; I nm < well acquainted
with him. I met him for the first
time when I wont to Santa Fo n year
ago to take n hand in his prosecution.
1 was agreeably surprised to find in
him a handsome , intelligent man of
striking personal tnagfiotism of speech
and conduct. Ho is ono of the most
conscientimm conversationalists that I
over mot. You know what I moan ?
There was no attempt at deception or
( lisainmliition in anything that ho
niked or answered. Ilo was plain nnd
outspoken , oven when speaking on
subjects closely relating to his convic
tion , and the apprehension of his as
sociates in crimes. 'Why , Mr. Cam
eron , " ho would say , 'I can't ' toll you
thin ; you couldn't expect to criminate
my partners ; ' or , 'Now , Mr. Cameron ,
I will gladly toll you BO and so. ' That
was his style throughout. Although7
it was not generally known , it was I
who induced him to confess the rob
beries for which ho was triod. I lion-
cjtlv don't believe that wo could have
convicted him if ho had persisted in
fiL'hting the charges. Juries in such
cases are so wonderfully sympathetic.
Ordinarily wo find that even when no
make a case of mnilrobbqry , or a com
panion crime so plain and evident that
the prisoner will break down nnd con-
fosi , the jury have been against con
viction until the confession has been
mado. I suppose that that fact is at
tributable to the romantic splendor
which most people surround a high
way desperado. While wo all fear the
man who robs the road at the point of
, a pistol , wo admire him for his daring.
'And that is the reason postofHca ofii-
cials work so zealously to force or in
duce such criminals to confess , "
"What is the appearance of lludo-
baush ? "
"Hois thick sot and athletic in
build ; is about 5 feet 9 inches in
height. Ho is suave and very gentle
manly in his deportment. Ho has
brawn hair , hazel eyes , and a heavy
mustache of a shade of brown lighter
than that of his hair. Ho is fluent in
speech , mildly argumentative in dis
position , and lias that peculiar faculty
of being able to obtain news nnd.facts
where others would fail. This is n
faculty which ho uses advantageously
in his search for express news on rail
roads. Ilo is as bravo as a lion and a
natural-born organizer. Ho gathers
a gang and has it in working condi
tion whithin a few days. Ho has
never been betrayed. Ho is always
clear-headed , has .tho cunning of a fox ,
and never falls into a position of Un
necessary danger through the rock-
los'sness of bravery or dissipation.
"What did ho clean up in the El
Paso and Tombstone robberies men
tioned ? "
' * ' "As near as lean estimate ; ho se
cured . $3,000 in the El Paso express ,
and got about $1,500 from the mail
bags on the stagecoach. Ho made a
miscue on the El Paso robberies. Ho
had boon laying for a largo express
transfer of money from San Francisco ,
and missed the train ono day. There
is no discounting the fact the Rude
baugh to-day is the biggest injun in
the highway robbery business in this
country. "
Honorable Mention.
Of all the remedies on enrth that well
may .claim attention , Dr. THOMAH' EOEO-
TIIIO Oncnminnuda especial mention. For
wondrouH power to care oisousc , its fame
tlicro'H none Icf throttle. Its merits arc
not iii the pull , but are Inulilo the bottle.
Kheumatimn , neuralgia , sere tin oat , nntii <
ma , bronchitis , diphtheria , etc. , are all
cured by Thomas' Kcectrie 1)11. ll-lw !
The Great Singer Tolls the btory o :
Her Husband's Insanity.
Christine Nilsson has given to t
Paris correspondent of Tlio Philadel
phia Press some now facts regarding
her husband , M. Rouzaud. ( < You
wish to know under what circum
stances my husband has gene mad , '
she said. "I will toll you , notwith
standing the grief in which I au
plunged. You must first know three
things The first , that M. Rouzaui
has already had a previous attack 01
insanity. This was some six years ago
while wo were in the United Stales !
and { cured him. The second is tha' '
insanity is a family disease , an unch
and a cousin having both siu-cumboi
to it.Tho third is the last attack ol
my husband came on after ho luu
lost some money which was all hii
own and which ho hadhimsolf earned
My money had nothing to do with it.1
The great chanteuse , now alone it
the world , deprived of a friend am
companion whom she adored , am
who fully returned her affection
briolly related tlio history of her lifi
with nor unfortunate husband.
"Whon I married M. Rouzaud h
was a stockbroker. 1 had a fortun
of 2,000,000 francs and ho was earn
ng from D0,000 to 100,000 francs
year. It should not , therefore , b
said that ho married inu fur my for
tuno. M. Rouzaud , being a French
man , did not want mo to sing ii
Franco ; it was no honor to this sue
ceptibility of an upright man that
have constantly refused all engagements
monts ollerod mo hero , and it is fo
the sanio reason t.hat I endure th
grotesque as well as odious calnmnic
that have boon printed against nu
Dunni ; our voyage in America m
fnrtuup , through unlucky speculation !
Ii was diminished by a million. I poi
sonally lost this largo amount , actin
entirely against the advice of m
husband. I can still hoar him sayin
to mo with a saM smile : You nt
do'ng ' well , Christine , but you will d
bitter to remember that you are th
wife of a Paris courtier. '
_ "JIo did not fool this loss of min
in any extraordinary wny , but froi
tliat time ho became still moro nl
eorbed in hi *
worjc. TJiero was n
danger of hiBpcculatingj lie hanover
never done so , ? nd his stock oporn
tions brought Jiii in only his broker' '
commissions. ] lje WBH a quiet man
eel , nnd of an even temper. Wo
vod most happily together , like good
ourgoois , neither of us having any
mbition , and looking forward to the
uturo without fear. You see , ono
oca not need many millions in order
0 load this roving hotel life of mine ,
} no day , it was about n month ago.
friend caino to M. Rouzaud and
aid :
1 'Thoro is a million which can bo
.lined through thohouao of Bontoux ;
ako yonr savings and recover the
nonoy that your wife has lost in
morica. '
"Ho hesitated iv long time , and
lien ho allowed himself to bo carried
way by the examples which surround-
d him. Ho speculatednnd ho lost a
omparntivoly unimportant sum , nnd
hich was entirely his own , not
lino. Ho cloned out the transaction
1 once , saying :
" 'I prefer to lese two fingers rath-
r than my whole hand. "
"I think that ho had hecntno cu
tely reconciled to the loss , when ono
veiling ho to me , in connection
ith some other things :
" 'Ma notito Christine , you will soil
ut all that you own , yonr properties
America and Englainl , and I'will
tart an affair that will bo very much
; rongcr than the * Uontoux ono , nnd
o will niuko n mad lot of money. '
"I was somewhat surprised at this ,
s ho had never before made mo such
proposal , and I snid to him , laugh-
ngly , 'It is thou who art mad to
'link of such n thing. '
" 'Mad , ' ho shouted , 'why , only
ook in the mirror , ma chore , it is
ou who nro mnd. You no longer
now what you are saying , and your
yes are popping out of your head. '
lo rushed toward mo seized mo by
10 wrists , dragged mo into the parlor ,
nd said :
" 'Calm yourself , Christine , I am
oing to send for n doctor. '
"At that moment I did indeed feel
tysolf becoming mad feel rny mind
andcring became of the misfortune
'hich ' I s iw was threatening us. Hbw-
ver , I took courage on seeing him
ccomo calm again , and especially
hen I saw how intelligently ho talk-
(1 ( about business affairs. At the time
f the fall in stocks there was such a
usb of customers to our rooms that
could scarcely find n minute in the
ay to bo alone with him. Then at
jight'ho used to make mo sit up with
liin , ho dictating to mo until morn-
ng the detailed plan of his.
' 'Fearing to irritate him , I yielded
o his wishes , and it Was agreed that
should turn everything into caph for
is great enterprise This continued
or five days mid five nights. I was
Imost dead with fatigue , while ho
Icpt not for n single instant , and even
to nothing whatever. It was no use
or the doctor of the hotel to give him
hloral , or to try other means to give
lim a little rest. When I would beg
nut to go out with mo for a little air ,
o would always answer , 'Wait , wait ,
na petite Christine , fortune is there , '
nd ho would ponjt to the voluminous
ocumont of nonsense that I hadobo-
iently written under his direction.
Anally the hotel doctor could stand it
10 longer , and ho said to me :
" 'Madann' , I cannot attend your
lusband. Ho has got an idea fixed
n his head , and it is not here that ho
an bo cured. '
"On the nUvicif of certain physi-
lians who bud made a special study of
cases of insanity , I resigned myself to
allow my husband to bo taken to the
> rivato hospital of Dr. Qoujon.
When ho was once shut up ho in-
istod on going out to attend to his
> usinois , and , without knowing
vhero ho was , protested against being
[ otaincd , assorting that ho was thoro-
> y losing a fortune. Every day I go
o the Mnison do Santo-but Dr. Gou-
"Ho is not allowed to see any ono :
> ut hero is a letter which I have jus !
received from the physician :
" 'DEAU MADAME : I have a good
) ieco of news to give yon. Your hus-
jand is bettor. Ho no longer asks to
jo allowed to go .out. The euro will
perhaps , be more rapid than I darec
io give .you hopes to expect' . Accept
dear rnadamo , the assurance of mi
devotion. Da. QOUJON. '
"May God hear him and help him , '
added Mms. Milsson , with the deep
esc emotion. "At all events , I wil
not stir fromjioro until ho comes out
and then I will take him far away
from Paris and from business , where
110 can convalesce ! and live apart fron
all that may remind him of his horri
bio nightmare. I do not believe tha
it ia anything else than a temporary
aberration , and the doctors are of the
same opinion. I have heard tiat m ;
husband is the fourth or fifth person
who hns been attacked by madness as
iv result of this financial disorder , un <
111 of thorn arb now in Dr. Goujon's
hospital. "
While Nilsson was talking she wa
supported to Mmo. Churton , her cou
sin and inseparable companion. Her
voice was choked with sobs , and tear
rolled down her pale , sad face. The
blonde tresses of the poor woman
whom all Americans have worshiped
are twisted in confusion around he
aching head , and her eyes looke
weary , as if almost worn out wit
long watching. Many friends hav
called to see and comfort her , but sh
has felt it necessary to refuse to so
them , In the midst of all her suffer
ings some of those cowardly fellow
called Paris journalists continue t
uUor their atrocious insinuations i
regard to ono whoso husband is n
longer with hero defend her , an
whoso own health is so greatly con
promised that shu cannot think of do
funding herself even if she had the desire
sire to do no.
A Baptlut MlulHtor'a Expm-ionoe
I nut a JinptUtrM In' ' txr , iunl 11 fore
oven thought of belnx > i li'r yinnii , I grui
imtcd in niLHllciiio , diit utt it lucr.itlv
practice for my prtucnt profession , 4
yearn ngo. I win for many yearn a Biilfer
rr from qulny ; "TiiOMAb1 hcuiciiiic Ol
cured niti. " I W B alao troubled wit
hoareonem , nnil 'I'limim * ' Kclectrlo Oil H
ways rullevetl mo. My wife ami chilil ha
diphtheria , and " ' 1 human' Kclectrlu O
cuml them , ' and if taken in time it wl
cure eevcn time * out of ten. 1 urn contii
cut it In a curd fur thoimmt nlistlirto col
or cough , and if any < ni will taltu it mna
te.ijpoou and hulf till It with Un > Oil , an
then place the end of the npouu in one IIOH
trll anil draw the oil out ur the spoon h
to the hea < l l > y mlllling an hard ua thu/cai
until the Oil r'u U over Intu thetlimat , an
piactlco tlint twice n week , I don't car
iiuw uHVnMvti their bead inuy he , It wl
clean it out nnd cure their catarrh , Fo
deafness ami earache it has dime wonilen
to my certain knowledge. It h tha enl
in&dlcine diluted patent medicine that
have ever felt like rt com in ending , anil
m very aoxlcufl to neo It In every place ,
or I tell you that I would not IMS without
In my hniuo for any conn ilorn Ion. I
m now nutTcrlng with n pitln Ilka rheu-
rmtlurn In my right limb , ml nothing reeVe -
eVe mo like ThoiruW Kclect Ic Oil ,
Dlt. K. V. OHANK ,
f3Mw Curry , ! ' . .
A remedy with Mich a representation iw Uog-
cttcr'ii Stomach Hitters rfcncrvosa fair t-lftl If
ou nro elymwptlc , jour malady will eventually
led to It ; Ifoilnrc treble , lick flesh anil ( eel
etponilcnt , It ulll both build mid cliccr youtip ;
t lounraconstlpatid U ulll re lido j oil , and If
Illoiia , hcaHitiil ! r Ihcr. Don't
cnpo n but male this cflort In the right dlreo-
on ,
Kor'salo by nil dru l'tsnnd dealers generally ,
febiato ml
Who want glossy , luxuriant
and vnvy tresses of abundant ,
beautiim IIair must-us o
elegant , cheap article always
makes the Hair prow freely
and fast , keeps it from fulling
out , arrests and cures grayness -
ness , removes 'dandruff and
itching , makes the Hair
Btrong , giving it a curling
tendency and keeping it in
any desired position. Beau
tiful , healthy Hair is the sure
result of using Kathoiron.
Genius R'ewarded ;
OH ,
The Story of the SewingiMacMne ,
A halfjtomo llttlo pamphlet , blue and gold
cover , with numerous engravings , will be
to any adult pcrs-n calling for It , at any branch
or iub-ofBro of The Singer ufacturlng Com-
> ny , f'will bo sent by mall , post paid , tony
-ny perao'n living at a dUtanco ( rom our otllceg.
The Singer Manufacturing Do , ,
? rincipal Office , 34 Union Square ,
foblS d&w
To Nervous -Sufferers
Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific
It It ft poatne | cute tor cipcnuatoirbca , Somln *
Wcoknera. Imix > tancy , and all Jlseapcs rcsultlnj
'roin Sol-AlU60 ( , as Mental Anxiety , Lossi
Utmory , Pains ID the Back or hide , anj disease
- ' - that lead to
Insanity an
The Spcclfl
Medlclue t
being ueu.
with wonder
( ul success.
Pamphlet )
lent free to ll. Write lor Item nd get full pit
Price , Specific , 11.00 pet pnckago , or < lx pack
ftKCS.tor (6.00. Aiklres * all onlera to
Nos. 101 aid ina Main St. Bullalo , N. Y
SoMln'Omalu by 0. K. Ooodtnau , J. W. Rell
I.K. I l ) , and all ilrjirglpt cverywher .
"Stevens' Patent Egg Case" SUB
tainod by the Courts.
You are hurouy notllled that ue are the ol
owner ! ol letters patent U ucd to John L. an
Ocorge W. Sto\cns. on the irtjtli day ol Fubruar )
1S67 , and rtlesiiwl r b. 11) , lb7H , rt'lesuu No bOU
lor liupiovenicnt In Egg Casi'a.
Alter neatly ( our icara of litigation wit
"Echtodcr & Hcmem"ol Nuw Yprk , anil alt r
"final hoarl g" upon the merits , the tald " 8 to
' \ em" relesucil patent. No , ft.01 Has decided I
l > u a Kood unit talld ( latent by His Honor Hoj
II. Wheeler , U. B. Judge , ntN w York , on th
ISth day ot July , IbSl ; aid Ihi realtor , and o
the ttluiaypfAu iiht , IfvSl , a tlnal decrvo wa
entered In eald cauno , Hwardliig A | Mrfftual Ir
Junitloii npiln t "echrodcr & Sooicr " and ( o
an at count ( or prollt * anil ibin&ifcs.
Alter the abj\o ilecrre t\a filed , an applic
ton ! Mauum'lu ' hy tliomlj "Schroder & Beattni
( or a lehoarlng. . Bald ralitnrinrraa grantui
and on the 'iitli day of January , ) bb' ' , II
Honor Hoyt II wheeler alllruied lijs former d
c slori , tlms fully tubtalnlig the patent alf-r
double hearing.
Un Feb. 10 , 1882 , IIU Honor Ceo. W. M
C'rary , U , B. Judge at Ktokuk , lo a , graLtiil u
Ipjiuit'tlon n's'iiln t llcnry WvU ( ivanularturer
tnu ' 'North Mur Oitu1) , llurlliiKton , , o u , i
atratnlng htm from further iiianufaUurlnt ,
wiling or using raid case *
In addition to the aho\o , the following I
juni-tlona have recently liccn umucd : A-ali.f-t (
John II. Palmer , ol CVdar Ibpld < , Inua , 1
1) . 8 , Ju'lfta McCrary and I.oto at DCS Molnc
"KfS Ca'ilcrand Tester Co . " of Chicago , 1
111) iluiior lliinry \ / , U. B. Judiru a
Chicago , which uoi appealed to 111) II ono
Thiniat Drummond , U B. Judge at Chlcag
uho atllnned the opinion ol Judge DloJfi
Feb. ] 4 , IbSl ; abjo aalni > t
Chas , A. ( UllUple , of Chicago , liy 111) Hone
Henry \V. Dlodgttt , at Chlraito , March 7 , IWt
and ne\onil others all fully subtalnlng tl
Stcung' relUucd jatent
CAUTION. Wolheriori ( ) hereby notll
\hv publii ) that tlio mo of runotablo ilUldul
boardi tictneun tra\ containing liottoinUn
ooinurtiuent ] ( with ut rngard to the uii | > o o
tlio rompartmcnta , or to the nanner III wlilc
the ) > IOM ( arming Ihun atu jnit togethrli
ulrect Infringtnient on the Hte\crs ratcnt Kgt
Cau1 , rvluuo ' o. SOU1 anil all putles nuLliij
l lug or uilnir t'trg Catc * no constriktcd withou
our content will be held accountalile tou. .
, Kfbruary , 18S2. IcbSl-mtol St
j on BiiBcr from DjppciwU , mo
you are fttllicUd with IllllousncM , ii c
J ou nro prostrated with nick IIc.-vd.uhc , take
IIUUDOCK 111,001) iiirnus :
your Ikmclniuodisordered , rcirulatu them ulth
nunuocK ntuoi > nrmns. :
your lllood Is nipuro , purify U with
I1UIIUOCK 111.001) IllTTKItS.
you have Indlffcitlon , you ulll find an antidote
yon arc troubled ulth Spring Complaints , or-
llcate them with IIUUDOCK ill.OOI ) IUTTKRS.
your U\crl torpid , rcitoro Itto healthy notion.
your Liver In affected , you will find a sure ro-
oratlioln 11UHUOCK Ht.001) HITTERS ,
fj ou have any epccles of Humor or Pimple , fall
f you have any symptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous
ores , a curative remedy will bo found In
'or Imparting strength nnd vitality to the gya-
m , nothing can equal
or Nervous and General Debility , tone up the
rlca , 91.00 poi Bottle ; Trial Dottles 10 CU
FOSTER , MILBURN. . & Do , .Props . ,
Sold at wholesale by Ish & Mcilahon and C. F.
oodman. Jo 27 cod-mo
Tnta fcrcat tpcctflc cures that moat loatQBomo
Whether la its Primary , Secondary
or Tertiary Stage-
Remotes all traces of * crcury from the sys
tem , Cures Scrodila , Olit Sores , Rheuma
tism , EI zciua , Catarrh or any
Blood Disease.
Cnrofl Whou Hot Springs Fail !
Mahcrn , Ark. , May 2,1881.
Wo have cases In our town who HtcdatHot
Spring and wcro finally curud with S. a. S.
Memphis , ilenn. , .May 12,1881
Wo have sold 1,29 hot les o ( S. S. S. In a year.
It ha * glen universal B itlnfactlon. Fair uilnucd
physicians now recommend It as a positive
" - - -
Loiilavllle , Kv , , May 13.18S1 ,
S. S. S. has git en better sati faction than any
tnedlclno I ha\o otcr eold J. A. Fu-XMtn.
Ucnvci , Col. May 2,1881.
Every purcha cr i peaks In the highest terms
of S. S. 8. L. ilelsieti-r.
Blchmond. Va. , May 11,1831.
You can refer anybody to us In regard to the
merits of S. S. S. Polk , Miller & Co.
Hae never known S. S. S. to fall to euro a cist
: f Syphilis , when properly taken.
It. L. Dcnii&rd. 1
& nn n
Ell Warren. } Perry ,
The above signers areventlcman of high stand'
Governor ot Georgia.
Write for particulars and copy of llttli
jook 'Message to the Unfortunate.
S1.OOQ Howard H1 be paid to anj
chemist who will find , on analysis 100 bottlei
S H. 8. , ono particle of Mercury Iodide Potas
slum or any Mineral substanco.
Atlanta , On.
Prtco of regular alia reduced to 81.75 per i nt
tie Small slzo , holding half the quantity , price
Sold by KENNARD & CO. ,
andDrugglita Generally
The Great English E medy
* . . . . . .
Never falls to cui <
IVervousDobllltj. VI
tal Exhaustion , Emls
ions , Seminal Weak-
'ncsscs.LOSTMAN '
HOOD , and all thi
etll effects of youth
( til follies and excca
< cs. It stops perma
nently all weaRenlng
involuntary loss sane
drains upon the sys
item , thelnuvltab'o re
„ , , , 'suit ' of thcao evilprac
tlcss , which ure so dcstnietlve to mind and bodj
and make lifo miserable , oltcn leading to Insani
ty and death It strengthens the Ncrvcu.Hraln
( memorjf Blood , Muscles , Pltfustlxo and Rcpro
ductlve Or-'i'ii ' , It re torca to all the organli
functkiu their former vigor and \ltallty , ma
> lng life cheerful and eujojablo. Price , $31
bottle , or four times tl.o < iuamlty $10. Sent bj
express , secure from observation , to any address
on receipt of price. No , C , O. I ) , sent , exccp
on receipt of jl as a guarantee. Letters ro
queittliig answers must Inclose stamp.
Dr. Mintie's Pft adelion
are the liost and cheapo ytpcpsta and billion
cure In the market. Bo y all druggists. Prlo
60 cenl * .
DR. MINTIR'H Km.Mir Biutior , OrrnKTicuM ,
Cures all VI ml ot Kidney and bladdorcomplalnto
gonorrhea , gleet ard Icucorrcca. For tale i y al
UauirgaU : 1 a bottle. .
' 718 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
A Sure Cure Found at Last
No One Nond Suffer !
A sure euro lor Blind , lileedlng. Itching an
Ulcerated IMIea has been discovered by Ur. Wl
ll m , ( an Indian remedy. ) called Dr. William' '
Indian Ointment. A ( Ingle box baa cured th
wont chronic caoea ol 2Sor 80) earn standing , None
ono need imfler fl\o minutes alter applying thl
wonderful noothlng medicine , Lotions , Inttn
menti and < jlcctuarlo do more harm than gooc
Wllllam'i Ointment * ' rl'j the tumors , alia )
the IntotiBC Itching , ( inrtlculoaly at night alto
getting warm In bed. ) acts as o poultice , glrca Ii
iunt and tulnlew relief , and Isiirejiared only lo
I'ilcB. Itching ol the | irlvtte parts , and lor neil
lug .
H irt hi t the Hon J. M Ccfflnborry ol CIovi
ir.'l .v > ilutir Oi wniliin I ' \n I'll ) ftlii1
u.eul. I tUiu UM.U > .MU > ul i'lluj lurtn > . , u
atlordi me p emure to uy that 1 have never I oun
anything ; vMch K X > such ImmodUto and | > crmi
nont rcllol aa Dr. Wllllaiu't Indian Ointment.
For sale by all UruggUta or mailed on receipt (
price , n.OO.
HENRY & CO. , Prop'r * . ,
for ulo by 0. P Ooodman.
Octin.l nH > wiwl v
In going East take the
Chicago Mortliwest-
Tralni lotve Omah * 3:10 : j ) . m. and 7:40 : x n
For lull Information cell on H. I' . DUKL. Ticke
Agent , Uth and Farnham Uti J. DKI.t , 1) , I'
| l il ay Depot.orat JAMES T. CbAKK , Oenei
Al'rn ) , Omaha , J 17mte It
ARLINOrON , J , Q. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Nab
8ARATOQA HOTEL , J. S. STELLINIU8 , Mllford , Neb.
HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Loulivlllo
COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. 0. MEAD , Nellgh , Neb
GRANnCENTRAL " - . SEYMOUR. NobrntVn City , Neb *
COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY. Olnrlndn , lowa-
ENO'8 HOTEL , E. L. ENO , Eremont , Neb.
MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. GRUOD , Guide Recd , Neb.
SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & DECKER , Creiton , la.
REYNOLDS HOUSE , C. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la.
WALKER HOU6E , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la.
OITY HOTEL , Dl D. WILLIAMS , Hnrlnn , la ,
PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINOS , , Corning , la.
NEBRASKA HOTEL , J , L. AVERY. Stanton , Neb.
DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida" Grove , la
GRAND PACIFIC , J. NORTON , Columbus , Nob.
WOODS HOUSE , JOHN ECKCRT , Oiceola , Neb. t
DOUOLAb HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM. Clarks Neb.
HOTS : &
Wholesale Lumber ,
No , 1408 Farnham Street , Omaha ,
. o.
1213 Farnhsm St. . Omaha ,
1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET.
SpriBg Goods Receiving Daily and Stock very nearly Complete ,
We have in Stock
A Large'In voice of Flat Paper ,
Finest and Most Complete Line of Blarik
and Account Books in Omaha. All at Prices
that Cannot be Met in this Market. Give us
a Call.
( Successors to Wooloy & Davis. )
105 South Fifteenth Street Opposite Postoffice.
Wall Paper and Window Shades.
1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. „ < . , „ „
3ST GE , -A-"STUHtsTG-
While our Work is better our Prices are Lower
than all others
I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS
offered for Competition in our line
Over All Competitors.
For the Best Watch Work ,
For the Best. Jewelry , ( own make. )
For the Best Engraving ,
For the Best Diamonds ( own importation )
Having lately onlurged my workshops and putting in now und improvec.
omnory , I hope to still moro improve the quality and finish f our
ork nnd fill orders with moro promptness than is usual.
- -
Mr McHo has always boon and always will bo : "First to gain superior
ties id ) thun advertise the fact not before -no wild advertisomonto
Seme unprincipled dealora boniK in the habit of cunying my
announcements , I would beg you , the reader of this , to
draw a line between such copied advertisements
and thono of Youra very truly ,
The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb , ,
Sign of the Striking Tovr CJoclf.