Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1882, Image 1

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President Arthur to Appoint
Him Colonel of Infantry ,
Jut as Boon as the First
Vacancy in the List Otters
an Opportunity.
Yesterday Congressional Work
Confined Generally to Com
mittee Hearings.
Particulars of the Plan for
, Testing the Sphericul Pre
cision of the Earth.
.Vispellaneona Notes of a National
.National Associated Press
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , February 22.
Mr. MpVeagh concluded his argu
ment Against the intor-stato conniorco
bill , before the house committed on
commerce this morning. The Now
York chamber of commerce will bo
heard to-morrow , nnd 'Mr. E. ' H. Al
exander , of Kentucky , on Friday.
Mr. Swift , of Swift & Courtney ,
Wilmington , Del. , appeared in behalf
of the match manufacturers the
United States , before the ways and
means committee to-day , to oppose
the abolition of the tax on matches.
The joint committee oil library hold
a mooting to-day to consider the ad
visability of recommending the pur
chase of the Stevens collection of
manuscripts arid rare printed books
written by or relating to Benjamin
Franklin , which are offered to the
.government for 7,000 sterling by
their English possessor. They com
prise all papers bequeathed by Frank
lin to his grandson , William Temple
Franklin , and include some 2,400 ,
documents specially s'olected by Drl
iFranklin for preservation after his
retirement from public affairs nnd
never printed.
It it now generally belivcd that the
president will soon send to the senate
the name of Fitz-John Porter as
colonel of infantry in the regular
army to fill the first vancy. There
pro n number of nice questions as lethe
the status of General Porter in the
regular and volunteer force , ho hav
ing been at the time of his dismissal a
colonel in the regular and a 'brigadier
general of volunteers. The last
major general of volunteers was
mustered out in 18GG. The question
of back pay is also involved ; if
pay as colonel of infantry is given
him from the date of his dismissal it
will amount to about $115,000.The
case is now before the attorney gen
eral for his opinion upon the legal
points involved.
Major S. Herschel , of the British
engineers , and a grandson of the fa
mous astronomer , is at the Arlington.
Ho visits Washington upon the invi
tation of Professor Hilgard , of the
coast and geoditic survey , to take part
in certain nice pendulum observations
for determining the exact force of
gravity at this point. Ho brings the
pendulums used in similar experi
ments in England . and India , and
which are to bo used at various points
on the earth's surface to ascertain
more precisely the actual formation of
the sphere. The testa will bo made at
the Smithsonian institute.
In regard to the 'talk of a Blaine
and Brown ticket , Senator Brown
said : "Some timn ago I wrote a let
ter m which I said I would vote for
the next Democratic nominee for
governor of Georgia and the next
Democratic presidential nominee.
Blaine could hardly bo the democratic
nominee for president , and upon what
I have announced M my intention I
could never bo on the same ticket
with him , or vote for him. I stand
by what I aavo nlreuay declared
aa my intentions. There la no neces
sity whatever in my opinion for
going outside of the democratic party
for candidates. The party could beef
of itself alone. " In reply to a question
as to the liberal movement in Gee 'ia ,
Mr. Brown said ho never thought that
it could accomplish anything , und tlmt
it'woa further crippled by tbo fact that
republicans of the state nro diligently
fighting each other in factions over
Lafayette Fronhles Suspended.
ll-atloiial AiBOctatoU fres * .
EABTOJI , Pa. , February 22. The
-faculty of Lafayette college to-day
suspended two freshmen who had
been arrested and fined by the police
authorities for participating in a street
fight with members of the sophomore
class on the 13th. The freshmen will
be punished by the faculty.
The Storm in the Eait.
. National Asaodated hosa.
PmsBUiio , February 22. The
atorm prevalent throughout the west
and northwest fur the past few days
merely touched thin city , doing no
damaL'o of consequence. Its de
structive effects upon telegraph wires ,
however , has ecriously interrupted
business. Communicalion was almost
onirely cut off between Pittsburg and
the western cities , as the most stren
uous efforts of the telegraph men
failed to keep one wire working all
day. An olliciul of the Western
' Union informed a reporter to'duythat
they have but one wire through to
Cleveland , Chicago and St. Louis ,
whereas twelve wires are usually
kept fully employed. In many sec
tions the rain fell and froze on the
wr s , which were in many places
broken down by tha great weight
Men are busy along the whole lengtli
of the line fixing up the damaged
wires , and it is expected that a few
days will see everything in the usua
The Western Union ofh'co to-duj
is refusing tlm greater pntt of the
business intended for the west , but
eastern communication was uninter
rupted. The Mutual Union line was
completely cut off from the west yes
terday , but this morning n wire was
got through to Chicago. They expect
bo reach St. Louis to-uiuhU All rail
roads are running on time to-day.
The Vral Clnb.
Special Ddpxtch to Tun lUx.
LINCOLN , February 22. The Ne
braska Press Association mot nt the
Commercial pnrlora this afternoon.
The attendance was not large , but the
meeting was an interesting one.
Neither the orator nor poet put in an
appearance. The following officers
were elected.
E. M. Corroll , president.
A. L. Wigton , vice-president.
0. M. Druse , secretary.
Goo. B. Moore , treasurer.
It was decided to tuko nn excursion
to Denver , Salt Lake nnd thoNntionnl
Park in July noxt.
Orator for next year , M. A. Brown ,
of the Beatrice Express.
Poet , J. A. , MncMurphy , of the
Plattsmouth Herald ,
Ohio ZiOglilaturo.
National Associated 1're.v.
OoLUMiius , February 22. The
committee of twenty to whom the redistricting -
districting bills are to bo referred ,
was reported with democratic districts
left vacant as per democratic caucus
agreement. A resolution was then
adopted that the minority delegation
in such districts name the members of
the committee. The committee will
thus bo entirely republican.
Crowding Out the " nckot Shop * . "
National Awiudntixl 1'rem.
CHICAGO , February 22. The Chicago
cage Board of Trade , following in the
footsteps of the New York Produce
Exchange , has inaugurated a vigorous
warfare against the numerous "bucket
shopo" which abound in the neigh
borhood of the Chamber of Commerce ,
and proposes hereafter , not to allow
; ho Gold and Stock company to fur
nish these open boards with their quo
tations. Board of Trade quotations
are the basis upon which the ' 'bucket
shops" do buainus3'and , without them
heir occupation .toutd bo gone.
Visit of Ex-Confodoratos to Mr * .
* Carfioldi
National Astociatoa I'rem.
CLEVELAND , February 22. A com
mittee representing the ex-confeder
ate soldiers ot Cincinnati visited Mrs.
Garfield at Mentor to-day , and pre
sented her with a 'beautiful memorial
tribute to James A. Garfield' ' in the
shape of sympathetic and eulogistic
resolutions. .
Railway Matter * .
National Associated Prc ) . ' * , s-
CUICAOO , February 2 ! A mooting
of the Chicago division of the South
western association was held to-day.
Thure were present Mr. J. MoMul- -
Icn , ot the Chicago & Alton ; T. J.
Potter and Mr. E. Ripley , of the Chicago
cage , Burlington & Quincy ; Mr. II.
11. Cable and Mr. J. T. Smith , of the
Rock Island ; and Mr , John 0. Gault
and Mr. A. 0. Bird , of the Wabash.
The purpose of the meeting was to
agree on the per centages to be al
lotted to each of those roads in the
Chicago division. At a meeting of
the Southwestern association in Do-
somber last the the proportion of
business allotted to the Chicago di
vision was 44 per cent. , and it is now
proposed to divide this percentage
imong the separate roads in that di
vision. This could not bo accom
plished in consequence of the absence
jf Mr. Carson , of the Hannibal &
St. Joseph railroad , which is inter
ested through its connections with thu
Burlington road. The meeting was
adjourned until to-morrow morning.
Blachfoet Depredations.
National AosoclnuJ l're * >
Sr. PAUL , February 22. A special
from Battle Ford , Northwestern ter
ritory , saya that the Blackfeot und
ither Indians in the vicinity of Forts
lied Door and South Branch are com
mitting numerous depredations and
driving off and killing cuttle. In the
Bow river country American whisky
traders were killed by them , and sev
eral other Americans have been found
dead in the neighborhood , and are
supposed to have been killed by the
same eavuges.
Irish Independence.
National Ansociated nem
PHILADELPHIA , February 22. The
eontonnary of Irish legislative inde
pendence was celebrated to-night by
an immense gathering of Irishmen at
Horticultural'hall , under the auspices
of the Central Union of land leagues.
Rev. P. Croniri , of Buffalo , N. Y. ,
was orator.
Book Island Conductors Bounced.
National Associated Prow.
CHICAGO , February 22. Three
freight conductors on the Chicago &
Hock Island road were discharged to
day for playing poker in the caboose.
The men bogged hard for pardon und
claimed it was only a "penny ante , "
although one man lost a month's
wages in one night.
Special Election to Fill Vaonuoiov
National Associated
SniiNOFiELD , February 22. Thu
governor to-day called Hpecial oloj-
lions in the Tenth , Twelfth and For
ty-third senatorial districts to fill vn-
cancics in tlio logislatuio occasioned
by the douthof ! Joseph Moore of Jo
DUVICBS , John H. White , of Ogle , and
Filnnn Uiwer , of Marion , respective
ly. The elections are called for March
21 , and it is believed that a special
cession of the legislature will convene
a few djys after that date.
Gov. Cullom will convene the legis
lature in extra session on or about
March 24 for the purpose of rcdis-
tricting the state for congressional and
legislative apportionment.
Great Damage in tlio Lower
Mississippi Valley ,
Thousands of Men on Guard
Constantly to Protect
the Levees.
Numerous Towns m Northern
Louisiana and Eastern Ar
kansas Flooded ,
An Ocean Steamer in the Car
rying Tradu Wrecaed on
the Irish Coast.
Miioollanoous Accident * and De-
trnotiou Gouornlly.
mi : Lowiiii MISSISSIPPI.
MEMPHIS , February 22. The offi
cers of the city of Greenville confirm
tlio report publiuhod of thu sad con
dition of affairs existing throughout
tlio Mississippi valley. Thousands of
men arc on constant guard along the
levees between hero und Vicksburg ,
using every possible means to
strengthen their power of resistance
nnd elevate their crests to prevent
the wutor from inundating thu whole
country. The Ureeuvillo brought up
several thousand empty a cks to be
used by filling with earth , to aid
in strengthening the embankments.
A batch of 2,500 wua putoff at Bolivar
lauding , whore the danger of the
break was imminent. Washington ,
[ ssaquena , Bolivar , Coahtna nnd
Tunica , Miss. , in fact the whole shore
line between Memphis and Vicksburg
on the Mississippi side , and the whole
eastern shore ot Arkansas nro either
under water or threatened with inun
dation. The inhabitants of the vast
area of country are in great distress.
Many have been Toicod from their
liomes and are subsisting the best
; hey may on rafts and some
on knolls or parts of old levees.
The destruction of live stock
is beyond calculation. The
waste of property by tlio great sub-
meraion outside the limits is beyond
computation. Navigation of the riv
er itself is regarded by steamboat
men as dangerous at its present stage
on account of the great expanse of
water in many localities and the bil
lowy character of the waves when the
surface is swept by the heavy gusts ot
wind ; also because of the great diffi
culty in getting to safe port. The
government lights along the river are
maintained with admirable regularity.
These lights prove of incalculable
benefit to boatuion now since all bank
land marks have disappeared. Arkau-
say City is completely submerged.
Not a single house in the city
is free from the presence of the muddy
flood. The water there is reported us
being eight inches higher than the
load of 1876. Houses were built BO
us to be above the high flood line of
; hat jear , but in all of them thereis
from seven to eight inches of water.
Between Cairo and Memphis the fol
lowing points of land are only visible
above the raging flood. The bin Us at
OolurabuB , the hills back of Hickinan ,
and on the Tennessee side opposite
[ stand No. 10 , Now Madrid , Point
Pleasant , Tiftonville , Pulton Bluffs ,
Randolph , Richardson's , islands NOB.
35 and 30 , and Dean's island above
the head of Centennial cut-off , forty
miles above Memphis.
LOUISVILLK , February 22. The
great flood in the Ohio river has par-
: iiilly abated and it is thought the
worst is over. The marks indicate 37
feet on the falls during last night
The river raised six inches during lust
night and from 0 to 0 o'clock this
morning there was a rise of only one
inch. The water is at a stand. It is
now falling at Cincinnati. The steam ,
or Mary Houston reported lost is safe
at Evansville. Thu Louisville rolling
mills and othrr manufactories uru
partly under water und about 3,000
laborers are out of employment. Gioat
damage all along the bhorea.
WABHINOTON. February 22. There
seems to be morn truth in the reports
of distress in Eastern Arkansas and
Northern Louisiana than there has
been supposed , Congressman Dunn ,
of Arkansas , has received u number ot
letters and dispatches from public
officials , prominent citizens and the
chairman of the relief committee ,
asking aid , Ho has introduced a reso
lution to authorize the secretary of
war to issue rations in his discretion
and extend such other aid as shall ap
pear to bo necessary. The resolution
1ms boon referred to the committee on
LOUISVILLE , February22. The rise
in the river at Joflorsonville , Indiana ,
culminated at 10 o'clock in the fore
noon , and by dark there had boon a
decline of throe 'inches. Trains on
the Jefferflonvillo , Madison & Indian
apolis railroad resumed running , the
damages caused by a washout near the
city having been repaired. The trucks
on that road bntweea Joffarsonvillo
and New Albany are being constantly
watched , and the least indications of
a break attended to. At Now Albany
the Witter rose about the furnacca of
the Depew pinto glass works , but the
workmen succeeded in keeping it dam
med ; hud they not succeeded in this
it would have been months before the
furnaces could have been rebuilt and
the fires started.
NEW ORLEANS , February 22. The
liver in 1 foot 8 inches below the high
water of 1874 , There are no over
flows here nor near here. The floods
above will not reich hero for u week
or more.
CINCINNATI , February 22. The
river him fivllcn two /cot , mul now
stands ut fifty six feet. The p. , I. ,
St. L. * U. began running trains this
evening , starting from Storr's station.
The Ohio & Mihaitflippi nro running
boats to nnd from Aurora to make
connection * with their trains. Busi
ness is still suspended nil through the
lower portion of the city nnd there is
hardly a mill or f notary of any kind
that is in operation. The water
hits softened the cntth about
the foundations of the buildings
so thai many of thorn nro considered
dangerous , nnd the foundations of
furnaces nnd eiiginoshavo also become
insecure , so that it will bo impossible
to resume operations in any of the
rolling mills , factories , etc. , for some
days. The loss to the Hardeners in
thu Mill creek bottoms will be very
great. There nro single firms that
are estimating their losses ot $10,000
and $11,000. Thousands of men are
temporarily out of employment.
VicKsiiumi , February 22. A spec
ial to the Herald to-day says tlio levee
at Mounds , Miss. , opposite Arkansas ,
broke this morning , resulting in n
complete inundation of Bier creek
nnd the lower Sunflower , country.
This is the greatest cotton growing
land in thu world.
MKMPIMS , February 22. News is
just received of the drowning of six
persons at a point twenty miles from
Madison , Ark. , 13nyou Tjronga , a
little stream which empties
into the St. Francis river. The
cabin of a man named J son WAS
about to bo lloatoil away byjlio flood ,
and ho took rufugo in a dug. out with
his wife and two grown daughters
and two smaller children. They hud
floated but n short distance when the
dugout was drawn into thoj current
of the river and capsized. iXll were
Governor Lowry , of Mississippi ,
telegraphed for aid to-day. , to St.
Louis , Memphis and Now Orleans ,
reporting grout loss of propuriy and
stock by wator. The Cotton Ex-
chungo meets hero to-morrow Availing
to tuko action in regard to it. The
Mississippi legislature will make nn
appropriation to-morrow for the suf
PiTTsnuua , February ' 22. The
flood to-day swept it way a dam in thu
Mahoning river at Lowollvillo , Ohio.
Loss , $2,000.
LOUISVILLE , February 22. The
river continued to rise steadily until
noon , when a decline began , which
still continues. The losses to busi
ness establishments havo'nftt been
largo , but several hundred families who
have bedn obliged to leave their homes
have been of a class the least , able to
find homes , and much dutretsvill yet
result from this cause. Two hVndrod
cattle , b the '
lillery were drowned lost night. The
loss is $1,000.
National Aaraclated 1'rcno.
LONDON , Eabruary 22. Wreck ago
from the steamer City of London ,
from London , November 13 , to New
York , which never reached her des
tination , is continually washing upon
the Irish coast. A signal looker whs
found bearing the name of the vessel.
The vessel carried no passengers , but
officers nnd crow numbered about for
ty. Her principal busincsswas in the
cittlu carrying trade.
LANCASTER , Pu. , February 22 , This
afternoon a number of democrats took
the cannon used for celebrating vic
tories , out to the western end of the
city for the purpose of firing a salute
in honor of the re-election of Mayor
John I. MacQonigal. A number of
rounds wore fired , and they loaded
the cannon for one more round. A
heavy charge was put in , und thu
cannon bursted when it was touched
off Frank , Hor/.og , aped 24 years ,
was struck o'n the head by a piece
weighing fifty pounds and instantly
killed. Peter Ilochorick had a leg
badly shattered , und it is believed his
injuries are fatal. A number of
others wore injured , but not serious.
Olmrloii Dickel , who fired the cannon
off , was not hurt in the least , while
thu men who were injured were
twenty-five yards away. The cannon
was called "Old Buck , " and was pre
sented to the democrats by President
VANIMLIA , 111. , February 22.
While testing the bridge on the Illi
nois Central road over the Kaskaskia
river to-day , it went down , currying
the train , consisting of an engine and
caboose , killing the engineer and
WINSTON , N. U , , February 22.A
singular affair occurred at u barn rais
ing in Rowan county to-day on the
plantation .of Major Dons , Tlio
workmen quarreled when u man named
Hold threw an uxo , cutting open thu
head of a man named Joseph and
ecatloring his brains , Held lost his
foothold und fell from the building ,
brooking his nock , Throe men cur
rying u lox became excited , dropping
the log , which full on a man named
Wiley , crushing his abdomen. The
three men died.
PirrHiiuiiu , February 22. A fire
to-nii/ht in a stable occupied by u
nan named Lingo burned four val
uable draft horsus. Loss itbont $800 ,
Moricau Veterans of Indiana.
National AJisoclatoU Vivue ,
INDIANAPOLIS , February 22. The
&tatu association of Mexican war vet
erans in session were addressed to
night by Hon. J. W. Gordon on the
life und services of Gen. Jeff 0. Da
vis , and Mits Laura Reams , the well
known newspaper correspondent , on
thu life of the lute Gen , John LOTO
Brafllaimh's Seat in tlio Com
mons Declared Vacant ,
And a Writ of Election
Ordered for the District
that Raturnod Him.
Germany Demands of Raa-
eia a Formal Explanation
of SkobolofTs Speech.
The Russian Raider Ordered
to Return to St. Petersburg
by the Czar.
ffisoellanooui Now * that Came
Ov.irtho Cnblo.
nilallLAUOH's CASK.
LONDON , February 22. In the
lousaof commons Gladstone , replying
o questions as to the government's
wsition in the case of ltradlaughsaid
.ho . question us to Bradlaugh a diso-
jeclioncu , f the speaker's order to
cave thu floor was one that must bo
; reatod by the majority of tlmt. body ,
sir Stutloid Northcotu complained of
her government's action , and maau n
notion that Brndluugli be prevented
'rom entering the house.
During thu discussion on the mo-
ion of NorthcoU' , Dradlnugh en-
orod and look his scat with the mum-
> ors on the floor , and Sir Stafford
tinrlhcuto at once withdrew his origi-
ml motion , und substituted another
hat Bradlaugh be expelled from pur-
iumont. This was curried by 208
najority , Gladstone not opposing tlu >
notion in any way.
Sir Stall'ord Northuoto then made a
notion for a now writ for election in
Northampton , which was agreed to
vithout division
DyiiLiN , February 2-2 Michael
Davitt was to-day elected to represent
tfcath in parliament.
BERLIN , February 22. - Prince Bis-
nnrok has asked the Russian govorn-
uont for a formal explanation of Gen.
SkobolefF's speeches.
ST. PtTEKHiiumj , Fubruary 22.
The czar has ordered dun. Skobolcff
to return to St. Petersburg.
Count Sohouvaloir is dead.
.HOME , February 22. During , ho
. . . , . , . - . , , , * y
v - - = - - - -5- L " - * * iv < > n. i tr j. ,0y
two riderless jicraes , while on the
Corao , plunged into tlio crowd , throe
of whom wore killed and injured.
PAUISFebruary 22 M. Rousonnd ,
husband of Christii.o Niolspn , died
to-day of paralysis of the bruin.
CONSTANTINOPLE , February 22-Tho
porto has expressed sntif suction at the
notes received from England nnd
Franco relating to Egypt.
Swimming Match at Now Orloana *
ftauuii i AMutiatud Prow.
NEW ORLEANS , February 22. The
swimming match of two miles in the
river , between Daniel O'Loary , the
pedestrian , Engolhurt , the whaleman ,
and Casiiy , of The Times-Democrat ,
was won by Engelhart. The men
wore Paul Boy ton suits , and thou
sands of people in fifty tugs and
steamers witnessed the sport.
O'Leary was chagrined at his defeat ,
and has issued a challenge to any
man for a swimming match.
General Baggage Agent * .
Sntloiml Aksodmeil Prcno.
LOUISVILLE , February 22. A num
ber of baL'L'fgo agents of prominent
eastern and western railroads formed
n permanent organization of the asso
ciation of general baggage agents to
day , electing F. J. MoWudo , of the
I'onnsylvunm road , president ; W.
b'royltjur , vice president , und M. B.
Starring , of the Chicago , Burlington
it Quincy , secretary. . There is gen-
erul expression in favor of charging 25
cents storage for each twenty-four
lioura after the 1st on nil baggage left
in agents' charge. They will meet
again to-morrow.
Small Pox.
National Associauxl I'rtiw.
PlTTHiiuiio , February 22 , Eleven
new cases of small pox wore reported
for this uity and Allegheny to-day ,
The State of Pennsylvania
Suing the Standard Oil
Company for $3,000,000.
National Associated 1'ren *
IlAiiitiHiiuito , February 22.-Tlio
case of the State vs. th i Standard Oil
company will bo argued in court hero
to-morrow. Action is brought to recover -
cover more than t § 3,000,000 allowed
to bo duo as tux on the capital Block
from 1872 to 1880. The common
wealth claims that as the company
did buoiuess in Pennsylvania its
whole atock is liable to taxation. The
company maintains that it has never ,
as u corporation , transacted any busi.
ni'BR in this &tuti > , but tlmt through
outside ugonfs it merely purchased oil ,
and that mere buying cannot bo con
strued as an establishment of busi
ness , . An agreement us to tlio facts
has boon prepared und submitted to
the court' . The commonwealth had no
evidence on which to base its taxation
but the Standard Oil company , being
anxious to settle a quc&tion alioctin > {
every foreign corporation doing bum
HOBS in the state , voluntarily furnish
ed data on which the agreement as t <
facts was drawn. The commonwealtl
lees not hope to recover tlm nmoiint
Uimod , but will be satisfied with
ono-fourth the amount. A number of
imminent lawyers from this state ,
) liionndNow York hive boon ro
amed to defend the company. Thu
aso is watched wholly by ruilrond ,
ologrnph nnd other large corporations ,
as ull'uctina their interests.
Indiana Groonbnolton.
National AwocUtcd l'r n
INDIANAPOLIS , February 22. The
; roonback stnto convention met hero
, o-day. About 200 delegates were
iresent. Qon. Weaver , of town , the
nst greenback candidate for president ,
vns present. The resolutions o tiered
n the platform adopted at the nation
al convention in Chicago in 1880 , with
nn additional resolution favoring the
lubmission to the people of the pond-
ng amendments to the state constitu-
.ioti favoring female ' BufiYago nnd pro-
libitiou , for rojo'otion or adoption.
There was a good deal of fooling ox-
libitod in thu committee nnd the con
vention over the latter'resolution
unnber ot ths best speakers being in
aver of endorsing both measures un-
onuivocally , but 'ho resolution in fa
vor of submitting them to the people
inally carried , The following ticket
'or statu olUcoiH to bo voted for in
November next , was nominated :
Secretary of state , Hiram X. Leon
ard , of Cuss county.
Auditor , I. N. Armentroul , of
Clinton counly.
Treasurer , John Studebaker , of
Wells counly
Attorney general , M. W. Lee , of
Di-lowaro county.
Superintendent of public inslruc-
.ion , Carlton Bull , of Howard coun
Clerk of the supremu court , Jnrrott
Sailer , of Floyd county.
The nomination of judges of thu
supreme court was referred to the
state central committee.
General Weaver addressed tho.con
vention to-night. Ilov. Gilbert Do
M Martyr in president of the con
vention mid predicts the ultimate suc
cess of the national labor greenback
) urty.
t'atlonal Atuociatcd 1'rctut
DBS MOINEH , February 22. Tn the
senate the committee reported in favor
of purchasing the flu to fair grounds.
The bill increasing the salaries of
district and circuit judges to $3,000
was passed ; also the bill reimbursing
the late State Treasurer Bumis for
money lost by the failure of West's
) ank.
In the house 'tho majority of the
committee reported against Aldrich's
ll abolishing railroad passes.
The joint resolution instructing
towa congressmen to secure legislation
relieving tl\o \ people from barbed wire
and other patent monopolies and
frauds was adopted.
The senate bill requiring trees sot
outon school housu grounds s was
' 'rv"ywr'--H * " * -
In memory of George Washington
the house adjourned for the after- '
' Anti-Polygamy. _ _ _
National Amoclated Press.
BLOOMINOTON , 111. , February 22.
This afternoon a largo anti-polygamy
mooting was hold at the opera house ,
iresidod over by Mayor Trotter. Ad"-
fresses wore delivered by Hon. Goo.
It. Wondhng , Hon. Lawrence Wei-
don , Uov. T. S. HilT , Dr. J. W. Dins-
nero , Dr. Ueed , pastor First Presby-
erian church , and others. iesolu- ?
; ions were adoptedoniboding-in strong
anguago the unfForsal sentiment of
ho country on the Mormon question.
CHKUOO , February 22. The unti-
lolygumy * mass mooting was attended
3y n largo largo crowd Judge Galen
iresidod and speeches were made by
Ilov. Joseph Smith , son of the Mor-
non prophet , Rev. II. W. Thomas ,
Long John Wentworth and others ,
llesolutions condemning polygamy
und commending the recent action of
congress against it were unanimously
adopted. Telegrams were read from
limilar meetings in Minneapolis , Nor-
'olk and other places.
Indiana Etlitorn.
National Amoclated J'rom.
INDIANAPOLIH , February 22 , The
republican state editorial convention
was in session to-day It was the
largest association of the kind over
lield in the state. Guv. Porter gave
them a reception to-night. The con
vention will bo continued to-morrow.
The titno was taken up in discussing
the questions that are likely to be
come issues in thu canvass of next
summer. A resolution wua adopted
recommending the appointment o (
Jas. II. MeNeely , of ferro Haute ,
for government printer and urged the
Indiana delegation in congress to
urge his appointment.
Waiblngtan'i Birthday.
National Awoclated 1'robx ,
NEW YORK , February 22. Thu ob
servance of Washington's birthday is
very general. The exchanges ant !
places of business generally wore
The veterans of 1812 hoisted a flaj
ut sunrise over the tort in Contra
park , They have u dinner this even
Among Catholics nnd Epmcnpulianr
Ash Wednesday supplants Washing-
CINCINNATI , February 22. Wash-
ington's birthday WUB qnitu generally
obcorved All public offices nnd am
courts wore closed , und the military
paraded the streets HUH afternoon
und gave n grand ball in the evening.
Indication. ! .
February 2J. ! For
the lower Missouri valley : Warmer ,
fair weather , southeast winds , lowei
Universal Approbation.
] ! y the community utUro ( { lm boon ( -ivei
to DUIIDUCK lll.tiou 1'iTTEim. No liiHtauu
U known where d'euatiufactlnu IIM be i
manifeuted by th ( Ir tue , or where iniyli
but beuelit foflowid tliuir admlulitratluu
Price 91,00 , trial -Aw 10 cts. 31.1w
Murder of a Yardtnaator A.
Couple of Elopements
Other Misdeeds.
National Annotated Prow.
WIFE MUlUiil. :
MoouniiBM ) , Minn. , February 22.
Mrs. TallolF Unnion was shot and
killed by her husband yesterday ,
from whom ( iho had procured n divorce -
vorco on the ground of cruelty.
Hanson then made n weak attempt to
kill himself , but will recover.
UHIOAOO , February 22. Jamos.
MoNamara , yardman in the employ
of the Michigan Southern railway ,
vns shot and killed by J. W. Evana
n' thu town of Lake early this morn-
ng. Evhns claims that McNamara
issaultod him for tlu purpose of rob-
> ory , but as the latter has borne a
oed reputation the affair is somewhat
OTTAWA , III. , February 22. Thin
naming Garrity nnd McGowau , the
wo Chicago cracksmen found guilty
f burglary nt Lostnnt in this county ,
voro sentenced to the penitentiary
or four years and six months each ,
, 111. , February 22. Ed-
vnrd Chitso , u married man , aged 40 ,
ibducted Miss Wilson , aged , 13 , nnd
ho pair departed fur the north. The
; irl'B mother is ne.vrly frantic with
; ricf.
LoiiANsroRT , Tnd. , February 22.
; < ] . M. Wilmm , v having a wife nnd
wo children , eloped with Ida May
Dcmoes , nged 17. The runaway
otiplo wore arrested in Terre Haute
his evening.
CHIOAUO , February 22. This ovon-
ng most of tlio gambling houses nra
losud in obedience to the mayor's
> rdcr. George Haukins' faro bank
vna raided by the police nnd the pro-
rietor will bo prosecuted.
Indiana Grand Army Enoampmont-
Jutloiml An oolatud 1'rosn.
INDIANAPOLIS , Fobrunry 22. The
itutu encampment of the Grand Army
of the Republic met here to-day.
ivory post in the state was represent
ed. The meeting was of unusual in-
erest. The following officers wuro
tleoled for the ensuing year :
Commander , James W. Carnalian ,
> f Lafayette.
Senior vice commander , Edwin
Nichols , of South Bond.
Junior vice commander , A. 0. RDB-
encranz , of Evansville. ,
Medical director , Dr. Win. Scott , of
Chaplain , T. W. Harris , of Craw-
Dulogalos tn national encampment ,
3oo. J , Laii u.iltt. of Green Castle ;
.1. 8. Robertson , of Fort Wuyno , and
J. L. Wooden , of Gcuonsburg.
The momberi attended the rocop-
iipn of'Governor Porter
Marino Intolliganoe.
National Aoclatod Proiw.
NEW YORK , February 22. - Sailed
The Gallia for Liverpool , the Sohio-
dnm for Rotterdam , the Canada for
tlavre. /
'Arrived ' The Ethiopia from Glas-
. , ow , the Zealand from Antwerp , tbo
Wisconsin from Liverpool.
PHILADELPHIA , February 22. Sail
ed The Br.tish King for Liverpool.
GLAHOOW , February 22. Arrived
The State of Nebraska , from Now
ROTTERDAM , February 22. Sailed
) ii the 21st , the Rotterdam for New
LIVERPOOL , February 22. Arrived
The City of Brussels from Now
York , the Ohio from Philadelphia.
HAMDUUU , February 21. Arrived
The Wioland from New York.
LONDON , February 22. Sailed .
The Persian Monarch for Now York.
SOUTHAMPTON , February 22. Ar
rived On the 21st , the General War
der from Now York for Bremen.
ANTWERP , February 22. Arrived
flfo llhynland from New York.
National AsHDdateJ 1'roai.
INDIANAPOLIS , February 22. The
. .rand lodge of the Ancient Order of
United Workmen continued its session
ko-dny , every lodge in the state but
one being represented. The follow
ing officers were elected for the ensu
ing term !
J. W. Spain , of Evansville , grand
mauler workman.
O. D. Padrick , of Shelby ville , grand
Foreman ,
Ban Hill Still Better.
National Aiuoclatod I'rtus.
PHILADELPHIA , February 22. The
report gained currency to-night that
Senator Ben Hill had suffered a re
lapse and was in a critical condition.
Inquiry at Jefferson hospital at' ' 11:30 :
p. m. developed the fact that the sen
ator was slooping-soundly and his ail
ment progressing favorably. Hip con
dition was so much improved this af
ternoon despilo the inclement weath
er that ho wua permitted to take a
ride in u carriage , accompanied by
Mrs. Hill.
Judgment Agaiuit a Railroad.
National AinoclateJ Pruiu.
BLOOMINQTON , III , February' 22.
In the circut court , W , A. , Pennoll
to-day recovered u verdict of $18,000
against the Chicago & Alton railroad.
Tn 1872 the Normal hotel , the prop
erty of pluintiir , was destroyed b
tiro. The owner chimed the origin
of the fire wui sparks from u passing
locomotive on the Chicago & Alton
and1 brought suit for damages.
Aid to Persecuted Jew * .
National Assoclatml I'rctw.
PHILADELPHIA Jcbni'try 22. An
oiler to give landn fo .Jewish lefuueoa ,
comes fiom North Carolina.
The thing dunlred found at lkt. Auk
drugb'Ut for "P.oueh on Kttts. " It clears
out ruts , mice , roacheo , tlluu , lieu liugt ;