THE OMAHA U-uLV BE : WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY $2 1882 THE I ) A FLY BEE Wednesday Morning , Feb. 22 , Weather Report- ( The following observation * nro taken At the ftino moment > t time at all the sto- Therd will ba amuscmonti enough to night. Hark ! the danco. Pro'ecntlng Attorney Uiirnhnm clnlms that Walter Ii nnett in a candidate for the position ho now holds. ThoB. &M. frctght deix > t will bo open to receive nnd deliver freight until 11 ft. m. to-day , Feb. 22d. The wind entirely cenicd last night and the air became crisp nnd froaty. Warmer weather IB looked for. Look out for inorca'od gas bills , Mr. Gcnrgo K Barker's wife presented htm with n fine pair of twins Mon lay. The street car line wns utterly de moralized Monday afternoon , the snow packing .md throwing the cars off every where. Unity lyceuni meets Thumlay even ing at tbo Unitarian church , with a fine literary and a dfaciiHaton on suffrage. The trains were very unexpectedly generally on time \cstmluy. The Wabath train from the cast was the only oti > seri ously behind tlnv ; . Merchants of Omnlm handling fur- nish'd goods will dn well tn look through the spring stock nri\v open of Shrove , JnrvU & Co. , MitUrd'd now' block , Har vey slreet. fcb20-mo The only c.isoi before Judge Dcuoko yesttrday were three plulii tlruukn , One paid , one wai discharged and the trial of tlie third was cu ttlnued until S /slock ye tordny. JnuoSwU.helm don't 1'ko ' Anun Dick- Inson'd shape. She nays : "There are women of HUCI stature and frame that in male costume tluy may i > as < for men , but Anna Dickinson is not one of thsin. " The Chicago & Northwestern com pany luiuon a very icsthetic bill of faro for its dinlm ; cars on Saturday evening. On the first pngo in a fine nutation of a huge sunfl twer , with a Illy on the last l > age. Large assortment of fine Kngl'ih pocket-knives and razors just re'elved at Schrot.or & Boolit'i" , Opera lluueo Phar- wacy , one door north of opera houso. Prioen beyond competition and g.odi war ranted. J''ub'21-rt. It it si d wild rabbit ) are c.-uiiiiu ead havoo tn fruit trees nil over the country. In some orchard ) hundreds i > f tree-liavo be > n skinno i and killed by the Hh' > rt-o < tred ani- mala , of which there are aaid to ba thou sands this winter. For Sale at a bargain , the stock and fixtures of thoMlchtgin Tobaco Store , 1417 Doughs street , Omaha. Business first cla a , location good , rent low , satis factory reasons for Boiling. Applv a * , the f20jvn-m-w&f-u.orn-tu-thu&sat-tf - - - - - - 4 D. O. Lucas , the well known Thir- tocnth street gn cer , died yesterday after ( hort IllnosM. Mr. Lucaa was a brother of Lucas , formerly of the llrtn of MoNanmrn 4Lucns. ; He was very widely kuawn arid' had many friends who will mourn his decease. Leo Concannon waa hauled into the cooler last evenin ; by Frank Kaspor on chaih'd of telling liorHo tn n party and giving a clear title , audit being dlicovcrod afterward , through a replevin milt , that the borso had been p'tstored with a mortgage , Ploueer Hook * and Lidder company No. 1 , attention. All members of said company are hereby rocuicfted to mcel Fe'brunry 22d , 1882 , at 8 o'clock . m. , of Firemen's hall , to arrange for the funeral ctremonicH of our later member , Kd Lu C B. By aider of Phil Dorr , president. - The director t.f the mint lias just de cided that coin once punched or uiutllujec : can only bo c msidercd as bullion there after , even though the holou un filled wltl the ratno quality of metal , and does not intke the coin flt for o rculation ns legal currency . Many coins have beeim i fil'ed ' aid hii dfclnlon it approved by Secretary Folger. _ _ PERSONAL 0. W , Greer , of Kearney , la in town. J. W , Davis , of Gibbon , U a guest a tbo WHhnell. Mrf. & ( oNamara , of Laramle , U In tin city visiting friends. A. Lathrop , of Syraouso , arrived ii Oinaba yesterday. W. Savage , of Glenwoid , ! . , U it Oinaba un a businoia trip. James A. I'otcrson , of Grand Iul ud arrired la the city last evening , 'j , P , Setts , of TeVamah , is In the clt ) He Is regiitered at tbo Croighton. Robt. D. Daley , of Indiana , arrived lat veniug. He la utopp'nn at the Orelsbton A. 8. Love , of Fremont , ar.ivud ! Omaha yesterday , Ho U stopping at tli Witbnell. J , It , Hunter , of Hnatlngn. arrived o No. 4 yeaterda/ and will atop iu the city day or two. W. Baker and M. I ) , Thompson , of A blon , are in the city. They are righto ed at the Witbnell. Sam T , Jack , agent of the Alice Oati Opera IkufTe company , ia iu the city , Jl it toppluc at the Witbnell. John L. Thomas , of Washington , I 0. , arrived from tbo national capital liu rreatng and rttfUtercd at the Oreightot THE BOOM AT BOYD'S. The Ovation to the Qleo Olub and Panny Kollogg. The Eoneflt to Manager Marsh oa Friday. Forthcoming EntortnJnmonts for Next Wook. It was a matter of aonorol rozret to the music loving citizens of Omaha that the clorlf of th'o weather took it into his head to cant up the balance sheet for the winter's ' weather on thu day fixed for tint ( interesting event , BO long and eo overly anticipated , the Omaha Uloe club concert. The vials of Ilia wrath , however , must have boon poured out much more strongly to have kept people away frpm the opera house when the boys , were ad vertised to sing and to bo assisted by so famous and clmrmiiig a singer as Miss Fanny Louisa Kollog. ; and such artists as Messis.Cnlin and Siuor. At 8 o'clock , therefore , the opera house was Gllod by an audience of taste and appreciation and by no means small in numbers. A in troduction to the enjoyment of the ovonint. ; was the presentation to each visitor , at the door of n neat little book , containing the list of members of the club , th programme of the evening and tlio printed words of all the numbers sung by Miss Kellogg and the club during the evening. This was a moat commendable fea ture and an entirely now ono in Omaha. The programme , already pub- lishud , was carried out in unexcep tionable style undur the leadership of Mr. F. 8. Smith , tlio musical director ot the club. While space will not permit of nn elaborate review of the evening's en tertainment it must be said that it ore than realized the highcet oxpcc- \tions of their admirers 'and with the dditinnnl nttrnctioiiH furnished by lias Kollopg , Prof. Calm and Mr. Q. " Sauor , it was simply superb. The lady won great favor with old ricnds and with thoto u'lm for the rat tune heard i > ur wonderfully woet nnd clear voice. The mprovemont sincu Iiur visit throe rookn ago is very perceptible and the vation slip mot with from an enthu- iastio audience , most have been ex- romoly gratifying , Ssho was repeat' dly oncorod-and floral tributes were laid at her foot innumerable times uring the ovcnintt. The playing by Messrs. Calm and auor was excellent and in every ro- pcct up to the hi h standard sus- incd by them heretofore. The singinc l > y the Glee club was oyond criticism as the great pub- 0 before whom they helped 0 sing Qarliold and Arthur ito oilico will know without the clling. To them halongs tlio great raise for furnishing so magnificent n entertainment to these who braved 10 storm in faith that they would bo 1 gratified. As it is impossible to .ipntion nil the , numbers it must bo laid in general that all were splendid- y rendered and that the club stops up pvcral degrees higher in the aflec- ions of the public. The sweet toned instrument which .ccompanicd the singers was a mag- ificont , upright Hallott & Davis _ iano , furnished for the occasion by A. Hospe , Jr. . "FUN ON TUE nuisToL. " The rext attract ion at the opera , ouso is on Friday evening , the 25th , when the genial and popular Manager 'Marsh gets n bonpfit. The sale of ro- lorvod seats began yesterday with 1 rush , itnd by the evening fixed upon not u vacant chair will ho left in , ho houso. "Fun on the Bristol , " ; ho great musical absurdity of the age , will bo put on on this occasion by Jarrett it .Rico's company. This "Fun on the JJristol" is after the same general plan as "Our Goblins" and the "Troubadours " , both of which many of our amusement lovers have soon , only it is more vivid in ac ion , moro melodious in music and more button-huMting in fun. The company that present jt stopped hereabout about four weeks ao , when en route to the Pacific coast , nnd the throe ap pearances two nights and a matinee were each to crowded houses. Thu press people everywhere are wild with enthusiasm over the company and the play , and Omaha has insisted that the "Fun on the Bristol" appear ono moro night , which .luckily is to bu on Friday next. There will bo i crowded house sure. TUB HTHATKOIHTH. Havorly's famous "Stratogists" np. pear at Boyd's on Monday evening , on their way to San Francisco. Tim company is well known , not only ii Omaha , but nil over the country , like all of Ilavorly's parties being first class. Havurly don't send a company out if it wont aiiiuso thu people and draw a bigger crowd nt each succeed ing visit. That's the kind of a hair pin Haverly is , so look out for tin -Strategists , and for fun ALIt'U OA.TJ.H. Alice Oatoa1 Comic Opera compair appear nt the Boyd on Thursday , Fri day and Saturday of next week. Tlio peerless queen of Amoricai opera boufTi ) , with her superb compu ny of thirly-firo artists , will produa the beautiful romantic opera bouflV in three acts , entitled , "dirono Oiru fla , " Alice Oatoa as the twins , witl the entire strength of the company ii the cast. BURIED BY A BANK. A Laborer on the B. & M. Dope Grounds Badly Hurt. About 2 o'clock yesterday a accident , whiohcamo near being fata occurred at the foot of Howard street where the Rang of inoti employed b James Btuphenson in grading th property , under contract from the 1 & JI. , were at work. Wiu. Tlavonsoroft and another ma wore using picks at the base c a bank that was boinij 01 away , while several others wei at work on top , Suddenly tlio ban caved in and Ravonsoroft was covore by the frozen clay. Ho was extricate aa soon as possible and convoyed t V his room in tlio American houso. where Dr. Moore was called to attend him. His right Ins vvft" badly hurt , lim face bruised , nnd Bovcro internal injuries sustained , Dr. Moore thinks none of the wounds arc serious , ( Jfflcoro Elected. The nflicorsof the Douglas County Hiblo Bocioty for 1882 , were elected Monday ns follows : President- . Win. McCand- lish. Si-crotary NVarron Switzlor , Esq. Treasurer John L. McCague. Depositor Oeo. T. Howaer. The depository is at the Y. M. 0. A. rooms. SAVAGE'S SEANCE. An Important Land Oaee Left in Statu Quo by a Stubborn - born Jury. Henry Slort Pleads the Illegality of the Grand Jury. The cftso of J. E. North vs.V. . L. I'oabody , which has been on trial in the district court for several days past , was loft in statu quo yesterday , the jury , after a twenty-four hours' confinement - finemont in their room , returning with thu mil.ouiicomont thatthoy wore unable to agree upon a vordict. It is understood that they stood nine for Peabody and three for North. This case , which was begun some time ago , but is now tried for the first time , in volves the title to about thirty acres of land adjoining this city on thu west , though Peabody is interested in but a small portion of the tract , prob ably about two acres. It seems that about thirty years ago Mr. North's ' mother came to this coun try and entered this land , for which she received the patent from the gov ernment. The tract was alter ward dcodod to Augustus Oroator , Jr. , who in turn deeded it to his father , Au gustus Greater , Sr. , and then followed transfers from the Creators to North , North to the Creators , etc. , until filially George M. O'Brien , Jr. , of this city , secured a half interest with North. Whiln the property was in the hands of the Qroators they became involved to some extent and a deed was made to St. Louis creditors , who gave Hon. J. LI. Woolworth a power of attorney to sell the land , which ho did , Mr. Joel T. Griflin becoming thu purchaser associated with Ilollin 0. Smith. They laid out the tract as an addition to the city and have since sold parcels of the land , in ono acre lots , to various parties , of whom Peabody was ono. The suit against Peabody is brought test of the title to the whole property. THE DEFENSE. North claims that , the deed made by his mother to Greater , jr. , was in trust for him , and thai the deed subs - s quontly made by himself to Grea ter was executed , while ho was a minor and unable to make a valid deed. Since coming of ago North has made a deed to himself of the entire property , disapproving all pre vious deeds mado. The case now goes over for a new trial. CURTIS' CASE. The case of Dudley Curtis , color ed , indicted for burglarizing J. W. Murphy's liquor store , was begun Monday afternoon , Arthur Wakely being his attorney. The jury went out about 11 a. in. yesterday. It was the general opinion that the state had failed to make a case. BIEUT'H SUBTLETY. Henry Siertwasnrraigned yesterday the Slooumb law , there being two in dictments agjinst him , the first con- taing throe counts. His counsel , Walter Bennett , filed a plea in abate ment , which is identical with that in the Kostcrs' case , published Mon day. The trial of his cases will con- forenoon for his alleged violation of scquontly not come up until Judge Savage passes on the legality of the organization of the recent grand jury. The jury in the cose of Dudley Curtis , the darkey indicted tor bur glary , returned a verdict of not guil ty. The trouble with the prosecution was that no very vigorous attempt to present testimony against the pris oner was made by the parties com plaining. Martin Grace , indicted for robbing the store of Henry I3oal , was tried in the afternoon. An active defense wai made , but the testimony was too clear , and the jury came back into the court room in a few minutes after leaving it with a verdict of guilty. Jack Donohuo is mixed up in the same crape. ' To-day the Borkman case comes up , and it is expected that it will bo most closely tried. Borkman ia indicted upon tbo combined charges of umboz- z omont and grand larceny , and the question will arise , if the continued ntealings of a person can bo combined and made , in the aggregate , to answer the purpose for an embezzle ment or grand larceny charge. This ia , without doubt , a pretty legal point , and the argumentative war be tween District Attorney Burnhain and Ool. Smytho 11 liable to bo quite warm. FARMERS AND MECHANICS. If you wish to avoid great dangoi and trouble , besides a no small bill of expense , at , this season of the year , you should take prompt stops to kooj disease from your household. The 8 > stem should bo cleansed , blood purified , stomach and bowels ropula- ted , and prevent and euro disease ! arising from spring malaria. Wo know of nothing Unit will so porfoctiy one surely do this as Electric Bitters , one at the trilling cost of fifty cent a hot tie. [ Exchange. Sold by Inh & MoM ahon. 1 Embroideries KIOHT inches wide a 35 cents per yard. Narrow ones a from 1 cent per yard upwards at Bush man's are certainly bargains that can not bo found elsewhere. The iowes cash prices are always guaranteed a Bushman's. HARDEN SEEDSI Carload of Landroth'a Garden Seed just received. For sale in bulk or b' the package. They are the boat. FeblO2wood.HENHV BOLLN & Co , FeblO-2wood. * _ - THE STORM The Worst Weather of the Present Winter Come and Gone. Vonnor Hits the Nail on the Hood for Once. The nearest approach to winter weather yet experienced in that of the past four or five days , which seems to-day t < > bn practically over. Since the IGth of this month the signal service bulletins have reported falling temperature nnd increasing precipitation from almost all the sta tions repotting to the Omaha oilico , and it was evident that wo would not bo spared an early visit from old King Frost and his faithful attendant , the snow. Early on the morning of the 17th light BUOW began to full , which sooii turned into sleet , rendering the streets .slippery and dangerous to pedestrian ? . This continued throughout the night and the following morning , when thu slcot oh nged to rain , ending at 1:20 : p. m. Previous to its cessation two distinct sounds of thunder and a Hash of lightning occurred , which were all witnessed nt other and widely distant places. While the rain continued , the wind blew from the southeast , but immediately after varied to the northwest , blowing at a terrible ve locity , the toinporaturo at the same time falling perceptibly. Sunday , the 19thwas a cold , windy and cloudy day. The thermometer fell as low ns 3 9' , and never rose above 10 3 ° . A t about 4 o'clock Mon day morning a heavy snow fart sot in , which continued unabated all day and into the small hours of this morn ing. The total amount of snow , rain , and flloet throughout the storm amounted to.55 inchedwhichremem bering that melted snow measures only ab ut one-tenth of iu original depth is quite considerable. The mercury Monday and to-day bus not fallen to the low degree it had reached Sunday , but neither does it inake any perceptible advance , except where thu nun heats the atmosphere. In the west nnd northwest it was pretty cold Monday morning , St. Vincent , Minn. , enjoying a tempera ture of34 ° to begin the week with ; Moorhoad - 15" ; Buford-24" ; Bis marck 19 ; Ouster 10 , the weather being clear and biting. Yesterday no reports whatever were received from those places , the telegraph wires between this city and Chicago , as well as other eastern sta tions , being down , from which it will be seen that the storm which has cov ered a wide area of our western coun try is moving eastward. What makes this change all the moro disagreeable is the preceding fine weather enjoyed , many having settled down to the belief that the winter was it a premature end , and its grim reappearance having disap pointed them. However , wo have had such a series f beautiful days , that it should bo iasy to boar this temporary interrup- ion. The sun is too high on thu cnith. and the season too far ad- anced to make many such repeti- ions possible. The opportunity to get out the loighs ana cutters which have lain die all winter , has been improved , nd were the roads less rough another loighing carnival , like last winter's , night be enjoyed , minus the visit to Council Bluffs. The bright and beau- iful weather of to-day promises to cut ,11 , this short and it will bo but a short ime until wind and rain will follow n the wuko of snow and ice , bringing up that terrible paving question again. THE RJ The storm has not , it is believed , .fleeted . the railroads seriously. While t extended the entire length of the Union Pacific to Ogden the drifting up to a late hour last night , was not ulHciont to delay trains much. The Denver train , due at 7:35 : yesterday : amo in on time , and it is hoped hat no serious interruption to travel will occur , There waa considerable snow and drifting along the B. & M. , and height train * were laid up for the night. To-day's passenger train from ho south was behind time. The St. Paul and Omaha line , which was closed up for so long last winter , is a suiloror again to a limit ed extent. The train which left Mon day morning for Sioux City got as far as Blair , and many of the passen- era returned Monday night. EDMUND C. LUCAS. Death of this Popular Young Man at Homo Yesterday. The serious , although sudden at- aokof disease which had been threat ening the life of Ed. Lucas for three or four days , terminated yesterday afternoon in his death. He was re ported to'be sinking on Sunday , but on Monday now hopiw of his recovery were entertained , and it was trusted by many of his friends that ho would again bo around and once more among the congenial acquaintances of whom ho was the general favorite. But the fierceness of the deadly attack upon hi * system was too great , nnd yesterday , uftor a desperate struggle for life , ho passed intotho mysterious and silent unknown. Mr. Lucas was born in Irnland , and was brought to this country by his parents , John and Ella Lucas , when ho was a babe. The family moved to Galena , 111. , the homo of ox-Presi dent Grant , and remained there about thirteen years. About twenty rears ago the elder Lucas resolved to .ry his fortunes further west and came to Omaha with his fami.y. Since then the father and ono son , Henry , besides other members of the family , have died , leaving Mrs. Lucas t widow with two .sons , Edwin ant John. Henry was associated foi aomo time in the liquor business witl MoNaiuara , nnd thu deceased was en gaged in the grocery business at tin corner of Thirteenth nnd Ohicagc streets , where ho carried on an extensive sive trade. Personally Mr. Lucas was vorj popular nnd ho had as many friends probably , as any man of his ago ii the city. That ho was of good asu gouoroua nature is shown by the. ox prcssion of his grief striokui inu.hor , as she gazed long and toarml j nt his silent form lust evening , "llii was a good , dutiful and loving son. " The funeral ill take place on Thursday , but the hour has not been determined upon. It will doubtless bo very largely attended. A SMASH. The Breaking1 of ti Switch Rod Demor alizes Three Engines. The west bound Denver fast line , No. 1 , on the U. P. Monday mot with quite an accident at Sum mit Siding , three miles west of the city.No. _ No. 1 was going over the summit , with two engines drawing her ; a freight lay on the aiding waiting for her to pass. At this juncture the switch rod broke and ono engine and part of the next took the main line and the tank of the second end took the side-track and ran into freight engine. The damngo was not ho vy and the delay was short. No ono wns hurt but if the train had boon running fast there would have been a terrible wreck. MIND MAKERS. The Convention of Nebraska School Teachers at Crete In March. The sixteenth annual meeting of the State Teachers' association of Ne braska will be hold at Crete , on the 28th , 21Hh and 30th of next month. It will bo attended by n number of teachers from this city , us well as from various other points throughout the state , nnd to all the following programme for the week will be inter esting rendiii ! ! . TUK.HI > A.Y KVBNINO , 7:30. : Address \vulcomu , lion. M. B. 0. True , Crete. Response , J. A. Smith , superin tendent public instruction of Sounders county , Wahoo. Lecture , E. B. Fuirfiold , chancellor state university , Lincoln. Miscellaneous business. WEDNESDAY , 0 A H. Miscellaneous business. President's address , Hon. W. W. W. Jones , state supcri.itendent of public instruction , Lincoln. Discussion Resolved , That the educational interests ot the state de mand that the right of suffrage bo ex tended to women. Paper on affirma tive , Miss Jessie Ban' , teacher state Normal school , Pern ; paper on nega tiye , Miss Lydia V. Cone , teacher Doano college , Crete. WEDNESDAY , 2 P. M. Report of committee on revision of constitution. Paper Co-operation of parents , O. 0. Hubbell , city superintendent of public instruction , Hastings. [ Each teacher requested to make suggestions on best methods of securing co-opera tion. ] Paper Morals in school , 0. D. Hino , principal of high school , Oinuhu. Discussion Resolved , That the literary notes and educational columns in state newspapers receive the cordial support of the association. WEDNESDAY ; 7 J30 P. M. Address Education of American iris , J. L. Pickard , president state niversity of Iowa , Iowa City. THURSDAY , 9 A. M. Lecture Are our public schools ulfilling the object for which they rore established I R. L. Livingston , rincipal high school , Calhoun. Paper Kindergarten , Mrs. T. H. Dey , teacher , Brownvillo. Paper The modern country school , rlrs. E. T. Shick ; superintendent pub- 'c instruction , Nemaha county , Slier- dan. THURSDAY , 2 P. M. Election of officers. Paper Teachers and their wages , H. S. Bowers , superintendent of iublic instruction , Lancaster county , Lincoln. Paper Spelling loform , G. E. Barr - r , city superintendent public in- truction , Grand Island. THURSDAY , 7 :30 : P. M. Reception. Railroads give reduction tor return , rip to these who have paid full fare ; oing. Hotels will furnish board at educed rates to all , and Indies will be ntertainod by private citizens. That .rrangemonts for entertainment at hotels and in private families may bo .otnplcto , any who propose to attend ihould send their names to Edward Healy , Crete , not later than March 20. For further information address chairman of executive committee , Prof. D. B. Perry , president Doano college , Crete , Neb. The rending of papers will bo fol- .owed by general discussion. The time occupied in the reading of a pa per is not to exceed twenty minutes. Speakers are limited to ton minutes. WASHINGTON-GRATTAN Grand Ball at Kuony'a Boll by tbo Emmet Monument Association. The Emmet Monument Association gave a grand ball at Kuony'a hall last light in honor of Washington's birth day and the birth also of Henry Grat- an who proclaimed Irish indepen dence. There wia a largo attendance and all enjoyed a splendid liiao. Gtvynnor's orchestra furnished the music and it wiw certainly of a high order. Tko following wore the committee * all of whom carried out in fine ordei their especial duties : ArrangomontH John Reagan , B , McGinn , M. J. McMnhon , Richard Pierce. Reception Thomas Tallon , J. I , Nichol , O. M. O'Brion , William Gen tleman , Patrick Carroll. Floor Managers John Sheehan Jamoa McCoy , Michael Lee , Putricl Heaphy , John Price. HICKMAN'S HEADQUARTERS , 1301 FARNHAM STREET. fol > 7-tf Light Rubber Boots at L. B. WILLIAMS & SONS' . fob20-2t IMPORTANT SALE- Another Brick Block of Swell Front Residences. A dale of the Mot'ii-iint ' church property , nt the southiM * corner of Seventeenth street and Capitol ave nue , was closed up Monday , Mr. Gilbert M. Hitchcock , oldest son of the Into Scnator > Hitchcock , nnd ono of Omaha's rising nnd promising young attorneys , being the purchaser. The sale wns made through Bemis' real estate nsoncy , the consideration being § 15,000. The property includes the brick chapel and parsonage , nnd 132x120 feet of ground , being a quar ter of the biuuk Mr Hitchcock has plans ready for a brick block of six two-story and basement swell front residences , ao arranged that they can bo readily changed into stores when the loc.Uiiy demands it. The block will have a north frontage of 132 feet on Capitol avenue. CATARRH CURE. The antidotal theory , now admitted lo bo the onlytrontmont which'Will eradicate Qatar- rhnl Polton. Mov. Chas. II. Taylor , 140 Noble street , Brook lyn , N. Y. : "Ono package effected a radical euro. " Rev. Gco. A. Ruls , Coblcsklll , Sctioharle , Co. . N. Y. : It restored mo to HIT ministerial 1 * bora. ' ? Rov. W II. Sumner , Frederick. Md. : "F no results In six cases In my family. " Rov. dco E. .1'ratt , St. Stephen's Rector 1'hlo. : "Quito wonderful ; let me dlstrlbut your Trcatl o , " Chaa. II. Stanhope , Newport , R. I. : I was too deaf to hear thochutch bclla ring ; hcailne restored. " Uvorgo W. Lambrluhr , 73 lllddl street , Daltl- moro , JId. : "Suffered 8 yenr ; perfectly eurud. " Sirs. II. E. Shcnney , 3f > 22 Satah street , St. Louis : "The Brat natural breith In 0 years- " Mrs. J. W..rurcell , Golden City , Col. : "Used only cno package ; entirely iurcd ; uuflcred 24 yean. " Dr. F. N. Clark , Dentist , 8 Montgomery street , San Francisco : "Suflcred Ib years ; perfectly cured , " etc. Dr. Wei Do Meyer's Popular "TREATISE" on Catar h ma-le'l ( roc. The great Cure IB do- llveredby ] > 'i'uM. ' t' < \ O B. Dewey & Co , , 182 Fulton btitut , New V..rk Sfor I 00 , SPEGiAL NOTICES TO LOAN MONt . ONCY TO LOAN ( fell at Law omoo of D. MO L. Thoma ItooinH Crelghton Block. \'w \ I'OA.N At 8 per ccnclti- i < r it In Hiiuitof ? 2,6no and up'M.nb , for S to A yf.r . on ' .rst-'lus. elf larai proi > erty. Rj' < ii I'.rti , " > T > T , , , , , Amvcr. Iftth a'nl IVii.vlts - Eik f * * Aft I t.C. ANTKU 100 g od men for ralroai ! work. W H. .Mannwuiler , Kmploymcnt Agent , 11 h , near Farnliom. 222 23 * - teams , 100 ( rood tea ntcrs. to WANTKD-200 work on the n Iroid at Tc"um eh. Ap ply at O'ice ' to It 5Unn\rcil r , cinplojuiont agent , llth street , near Farnhim. 223-13 * WANTED By a young m n 17 jcarj of o c a place to work for nls board o.n > i K 10 i hool. wiling t > maKe lilmuelf iicm-rally u o- fill. Addre.-s J. James , room 6 , Crci 'hton block. 2J ! 23 WANTFD By a younj ? lady Just from Hweden , p'ace In family. Will work cr.eap until she learns English. Inquire- Y. M. C. A. 230-21 * I ? ANTED Two girls ut the failflc Houw. W 223 " 2 * WW ANTEDOlrl for Kcneral housework. Ap W piy al 2ul6 California St 22D-V3 * By lady and daughter 10 years WAITED in pr vote family or ho el. Uood refe 01 ces. Call at Y. M. C. A. 231 21 * 'TTT'ANTED House with 6 r'orns , good loca- W tion. Applv 1011 Calif rnit bt. P. T. Martin. 226-25 * First-class plrl at N. E. corner W 17th and Chicago Si : 219-21 2 Rood dlnlrg room Rlils. Good WANTED to good help Apply * t once at crkins Home , Plattcmouth , Neb. (20 22 , X7"ANTED Employment by 2 German ( fills. r Y II Mannweller , employment agent , llth t , near Farnhain. 214-22 * PANTED A nurse at the Crcifhton Ifoube. W 211-21J grot\ teamsters for railroad work. II. Mannuellcr , Employment .gent , llth stree. , near K.-rnhani. 210-211 ilfTANTED A man to UVo eve of horses , YY etc , Apply Odd Fellows' Block , room o. 2. 10fl-21 * 'ANTED Good cook at Grand Pacific Intel , W Columbus , Wooman proferrtd. 107-tf PANTi1)Small Rlrl to take care of a baby , W norti ttfut rorner 23d and llu tSU. 187-22 * ANTED Good dining room girl at the bt. W Charles Hotel. 103-tl ITTANTED tirst-clanscooit , ono who uuder- YY 8tauceu.ext ! cooklmroswcllaspJBlry ; none ut first clots need apply. Also a good hey an , alter. Apply atll05F. mhani it 968-oadl ANTED Fundlnir brldgn and school bonds. VY H. T. Clark , Ucllovue. ! 0-tf [ TTANTED 1 children as b'ardcre In a telcct YY school , at 10th and California Bt. L. B. RFNT WOU8EB AND LAND [ 7 < 0 BENT HcRantly fiirnUhcd rotma with D flret-chcs boBnl , uiw , Imthroom and lOp-.t tlJHDodje t. ? i ° ' ? * I T Nl ( lyfiirnlahcdroom. Applv at FORRH Farnhum . 818-tt nOH KENT A hand-onloly fu nlthed parlor D room , alpo an HCO O room with boaratlow- st r-flecn. Hil U hone. 2113 Cats St. 317-tl RKET Store room In btlck bulldtnB , N. FU . corner 10th and CumlnR. 0. F Good' umn , 1 lin Ktunhi m St. ZCtt-tt 170R H KNT-Sttftll barn , mntablo for I horses , I corner Karnham mud 21th St. Api'ly ' to J. K Slue.e. 1107 I'ainey St. 193 U n RKNT Houi-o on Sherman avenue , 7 , roiniB , withiUble. Ari'lytoK. W. Mer rill. 3U7 8. l'.th St. ? 07'u _ * OOR > < ENT A farm one mile * ut of Mlli L1 Station , 8t Haul , Sioux City & Omaha K. It. over rno hundred acres In cultivation , Ap tly to Clirkton & Hunt , 14th St.near Farnhiai , 20ls2M IIENT furnUhi-d rooii-j , r.orthno-tt tor FOR nd Ca-s. RKNT Nlc house , 4 rooms , 11 otoneli FOR pantry , water worKi In houic. f. . DHL' ga , 1112 S 13th t. 181.21 HKNT Furiitohoil room. Iimnlro atS F01 . cor. Jan'so'i and K > th Ht. ; H-tl RKNT Rooms U Jacob Keck FOR KeckW3II | rUH 11 KNT .Nicily ( uriiUhod rooms , at 101 L1 Chicago 8t. 17 tf 1011 RENT Furnished with or without b an I ' a front room. | > lra < antly locate l on fln > t floor at Nul 315 N. Hlh bt. , vase Mo , bet , Daivnpor and Chlrago. IVo goullfinen or man riU wlf prcfoirtd. liijulre on prciulkcs DU-tf UKKT-FuniUhcd rooms. Dealr-ib o Ir EOR , asutlmuat c rncr 19th and port tt * . ODfl-tf. UENT-FuruUheU front room , N. E. cor FOH and Jtckton. (2-tf RKNT llouie ot tight roouii. Ecquli EOR . Pblppl iloc , 151J U. t'UUa St. 677-tl SPKOIAL NOTICES flontimiprj i"VW HKNV One of the bust tatH i Oil , i\ng \ L1 St. , SOrtl , by January 1 , 1832. 2U tf 7.0R KENT S furnished room * OV T lei chante' Kxchinuo.N , K er. ' . imh ml Orlf. treet * . * > " T710IIHKNT Nicely furnlihvii toonw with or JL without boanl. KrmaonMilo prices. 2013 OH SALh iriORSALK Second hand wngom and harness L' by D. UThoinax , Room S , Crclghton Block. 200-21 HiUS rents house * , lot * , farms , store * , lands , J3 rooms , etc. Olllcci 16th and Douglas St . OR HALIFrcfti niilcu L-OV-.D , aliu nice fresti butter at Deal's Grocery l tore , corner Tenth nil Dodge. PebS-lm * . | 7URHAI.E--Kotaun > ntwlth Rood riuronajfo L ri 10th St. ; reason for scllng , must go cost o lock aft < r Impottant butlntst t-niutiro at 108. luthSt. 174'lf. I 1011 SAI.K 10,000 Illadc Cap Mammoth Clus ter Kubcrry Roots "Idle WIM Place. ' .eavu ord.mat 1414 Uodjjo St. JOHN 0. WIL- .IS , Commisslo i-toro. 151 tf JKMIB' NKW C1TV MAPS. 10c.-Mount d J Mnps , 82.60. OEO. P. I ) KM IS. pOR SALE Mules nnd Imn c * it Redman's 1 It'tn sir ct barn- 141-0' mOR SALE Very cheap , the lurnUhlntK of 2 U rooms , dining mid bed room , all n Al cn cd by a yonn.r couple only a few week * . At * ly or audrcss 1105 S. Oth St Privilege of rent * ng the 2 rooms , cheap. 221-21 * [ 71011 SE At Solomon's , 1204 Farnhim St. , L1 gold fish , slh/er fish , ccl % alligator * , devil all , Imported canary birds , t > lking i nrrof , gold nchcs , red birds , mocking birds , fish globes and. quarlums , all elaos anil t-tjlcs , at prlcoi rcivton- bio. 142-H [ 71 Oil SALE A good second hand street hack J for sale , at a low bargain , by Dr. Isaac Cdwards , 1109 Famham street. 71011 SALE House and full lot in good loca- 1 ; tlon , cheap. Price , $1260. Easy terms , IcCAGUE , Opp. post ( .like. 16tf 710R SALE Best building lot In bhlnn'a od- J ditlon , 142 feet cast front by 120 feet depth. IcCAQUE , Opp. post offlco. 14 tf [ 710R SALE 1 S'ifrol stallion , Clydoilale , 8 1 } years old , weighing I860 pounds. 1 Mack talllon , J Norman j Morgan , 5 years old , noltrh- iig 1550 poun'ds , took firs' premium at Nebraska late Fair , 1SS1 , 1 Kentucky Jack , black , weighing about 000 pounds , 4 years eli ) , took rst prcintuin at Nebra ka State Fair , 1BSU and SSI. Inquire of Chaa. Nehor , Famirrs House , Clly SALE OR RENT A grocery store and butcher shop , doing a Rood business. ID- ulrj at this ofllcc. 012-tt CTOR SALE 2 nice counters and 2 ulhor plated [ ' th > w cases , at Oco. U. Potoison's , 81)4 South Oth St. 7 l-tf 71011 SALE ilr will cxiha go lor Ouunu > > ' * perly , an impro\ed sea on of land niljoln- np n station on U. P. R. R. M. DUNHAM , 1412 arnham St. , Omaha. 7' > 'lm < [ 710R SALE Or trade for city property , on J fpan of horeca , harness and wagon. Addn . Y. , this offlc 4 ' 22 tf [ 7IOR HALE A good oi n-ycar-old horse J Warranted to urho dlua'Iu or double. En uiro of George Cnnlicld , CanOold house. novIR-tf MISCELLANEOUS. JEMIS so Is houses , lots , farms and Uudn. Oilico , 16th and Uuga ! Sts. > OOMS and flrst-class table board at 2011 b CassSl. 224-21 * HAKKN' 1' ! ' lly the Bub'ciiber Feh 10 , 1882 , JL near Wc t mi'a ' , 1 bay luaro tuppo-cd tea a b ut t A el v jeurso'd , 1 two-year-old colt , ark r.rnwn , | > ta I > g colt , dark brown , with Owner is requested to ay rliarirca mm ta-e hm property. H. W. CAR- R. 22-21 r OST Between 8th nnd Howard -uiil 12 111 and Lj Douglas Sts. . box containli'i ; 2 hatt 1 white eitandone summer hat Fnulcr will pletso tavo at this olllce and reueh u reward. 125-27 * - Famhun St. , bunch' ct ko > 8 , POUND-On . 1,1882 Ii qulru ut corner 'Jfctli nd Dodge St. James 0 John-oil. 21G.22 * E4UTIPUL KESIDENCK LOTS-9-MO elth , _ 35 do "ii mil ? 5 par month. 1 > EMI" , tt < j nt , &thand Douglas Sta rNSTRUCTlON ON TVPE-WftlTKRS-Wo L are in fri'ucrt ] rau Ifit of applications for perutors. UKLL & AMES , 1(06 Farnham , \tfents Remington Type-Writer. feblB-lm ITKAYKD-AIaigo cd cow withhorns turn J ed in a little , last e < n on I'lurco St. hull's addition , accompanied by a calf. Apply o 2i 3 Howard St. , bet. 12ti and 13tu. 29i tf UFNT Choice of 30 full lots to le sa 5 near Crolghton ColIcgB forZ pcr jcar. ) extcr L. Thomas & Broi , Room 8 , Crcltfhton Block. to .tf f OTS , 8l'.0 each , 85 down and ? 5 per month LJ HKMln , Agent. Ha r bracilet , t pped wUhigolJon 14th. LOST . , bot. Douglas and , Cos * . Kinder please eave t Dee olllce. " 09 tf CJTOCK FARM FOR SALE 1000 acres 111 Doug. J Ian Co. , Nfb. , 250 acres broken dwol Ing ous- , barn , cattle sealer , larRo body of heavy Imber and running water ; m lot from U P. R. " Apply to or address T. W. T. Richards , iha.Ncb. 207nn In semi-annual , clht ( (8) ( ) p er cent. Interest notes sjcured : y real state mortgage for tale. Addicts I' . O. Box t2. 208-7 RICK FOK S , B 203-tf KSTABKOOK A PlI'O'CR ' First-clas * tablu boauilM.OOperweek. _ / at 00518th Bt. , bet , California and Wcbater. OITRAYED UaiTmaro with mdlle and bridle , 3 brand K. on IM'thoulfar. Finder wiltl > Tea < o rolurnto2il3.Che.igo. St. , and rtcelve eward. 1' . W. BUIW3IIMOKI. ; . 101-tf UON'f IIOOU , FUKNlbllEl ) , Suitable for twa , U gentlemen , on Davenport tit. , bet 15th nnd/ eth , south side. - 160 tf RICK FOB SALE T. MuTray. B HB-tf JIANO ANDOHGAN.Instructlon by Miss E. j. 8. I'arH t , " . 20th Ht below Plero. ) . 01-tl 1'IUCK paid lor all kinds of iron , HIQIIEST and rags , by I. dallnsky & Co. , 102 49-lm CTURNIallED ROOMS FOR RENT B. WCor. L ! 10th and Davtnpoit ( t. 09fl-tt FURSI8IIED KOOMS FOR HKNT.-In nuiro at Ho9i > o's Art Kraporluui , IfilODodgc itrcc . _ _ _ 8 8-tf OF SMALL USINES81 MANAGEMENT > i nrcd man. . o. Box 602 City. rn KODiltl Within throo. blocks o J poatoiaco. limulreatlSlDPod . 026-tf IN ulUil'.J.N i'istlli. Will Ull , POUTKAriti r lntliiL' . MU3 , D. U. iVARDNKK , room ) , Jacob's Clock. 642-tf 1IAV Al A. 11. BanUer's tvon aiott\ BALED Harnty S . slO-tf S. Absolutely Pure. lliti powder never cartes. A marvel of p'Jilty , tcength and MholmomeneM. More economical ihan the crJIiiirj kinds , and cannot l > o sold ID competition with the multitude of low teat , T" short weleht , alum or phosphite pondnij Sold only In cuin. KOYAL BAKINO POWDER CO , . NtwTotk ,