.6' TJLJE OMAHAliDAjJL * BJEK- WEDNESDAY tf P , T , MAYNE , Manager Council BluHS Circulation COUNCIL BUNTS , IOWA COUNCILJBLUFFS , Offlco : Room Flvo , Evorott'a ' Block , Broatlwny. H. W. TILTON , City Editor. . " " MINOR MENTIONS. Tlio cMd an.iii drove eight lodger * Into tlio police station Monday night. -Tl. ( intuit mod clno hullt'tin rnmo out last evening in nu Illustrated form , Iowa Wyoming conl linn 'led ' only by J. W llodcfcr , No. 20L'o.rlSt. . flltf Alice Onto * ' oporn hnufTo cotnimny it to bo in this city next Monday night. In the circuit court ycslcrdny the wo of Slnyter vs. Heed wai still on nnd oo u. pled the day. " " ' Tlio mow 'caused the rtrcct cam to mnkc several nms off the trnok , nnd pome vexatious delays , . I * , licchtolc , noinlnated by the Second - end ward democrats an iilJcr jinn , I inn re spectfully declined. I The team Intely Btolen from n colored man hero has been tracked to Missouri , and there captured. Tlio republican city convention meets thU afternoon at 1:30 : oc'loek at the ( .olirt homo to make its nomihatioiiH. The Itound Table nioitn Thursday evening in tlio rooms of Air. J. H. Keith , at the residence of J. F. Kvnnt , ciirner of Sixth street nnd Sixth avenue. The Ultiff City company H masquerade proved a success. There wan n largo at tendance and a variety of coituuics , many of which were doiided y novel. The cascu of the young men who kick ed up the row in Anderson's Hjloon were called upb fore Ilocordor Burke yesterday nnd ad join nod until next Monday after- nom. It w H expected trains would ycntcr- day bo belated on account of enow , but to the surprise of all the trains came in on tiuio except the Chicago & Northwestern , wliKh was tw > hours lato. The city council voi to have met last evening , but owiug to the fact that the re publican p imary desired to meet In the city looinH , tlio council pave way , nnd concluded to meet thin oveniug instead. The company wh > nro to build water wonts here send word tluit they will com mence next month if the weuther permits. They eny they do not want to begin until they cnn go right along without , interrup tion. The burning of Jninos Mnddon's house show how ill prep tied the is city to handle fires in the reinoto portions of the city. There won no water to lie hod , and nothing to bo done bnt to throw out the furniture and lot the house itself burn. The imsquerades are ciowdlng in pretty thick. Last night the Mnuncr- chor Bociety gave t < nud though there have been many of late , it drew well , and the evening was a highly enjoyable one to the many participants. Yesterday sleighing wai live y. Al most everything thnt could be made to riili i.ver the i > lr.ebi wan out.and ( thorcftp- pea ro 1 on runners boxes 'nnd punka'as wo'l OH uioro elegant conveniences for sleigh-riding. The jingle of the bells was kept up all day. It ia stated that son of Thomas An derson , at Streetsville , has come down with the small pox , The city authorities say that they have received no official to. ilce of the case , and , In fact , that there is not a case in the city , BO far as they .know. i About ooventy.five music-lovers from this city attended the Kellogg concert in Omaha , returning by a special tr tin about .midnight. Th-yucemed greatly ulcaset " " with the entertainment , in which they ook especial iutcicsr , as Miss 1'Vnuy Kellogg logg Hpent her girlhood here , and is | or onnlly known to many of this city's rest dents. The man Dowdy , who has been miiei up in no many oases lately , wan releasci from ja'l ' yesterday , where ho has boei locked up because of an old and unpalc ' fine taxed against him by Uncle Siimue when Dowdy was a resident of Hamburg And where ho sold liquor without i license. The Vaughau democrats In the See end ward who kicked against the firs primary held , and who , at a second pri mary , elected delegate ! in Vnughan'H in terest , did not got a unoll in the demo cratic convention yoaterday. They did not even have a chance for a wrangle be. fore the committee on credtntlale , 'but ' were Ignored < ntirely. A young man named Grayhlll , living short distance in the oountiy , has been placed in the sheriff's hands us being In- iane. Yettorday h slipped from the deputy having him in charge , and mad ? a lively run through the principal streets , followed by olllcerc , who coon captured him. Hu ia to bo token to Mt , Pleaiant to secure treatment for his mental mal- . dy. Anna Dickinson drew a large houie hero and her "Hamlet" pleated the nu- dlence , though there seemed to bo the gen eral vorriict that she could not do away with nil her wmnaulimiu , and thnt ill cropping * out marred the teprenoutation of the character. The paucity of atago conveniences and appointments did muoli to lumper the company , The need of a > litter and better opera house la apparent when Mich an attempt is nude to give first cla i entertainment. Yesterday afternoon the boy'n band .gave a relitNal in Castle hall , ut which were present a number of their friends. This was the first time the boy * played * ? ( 'outside of the robin in which they regu larly meet. Prof. 15erry , tliolr instructor , j .lead them , and a numliurof pieces wire ji , playe < l in a manner which excited much , puil e nn the pait of the hearer * , I'nr i &oy , who but a few months ago kiuw hardly one note from another , the jlay ' ' remarkably well , nud their time la much better than thai of many older hands. Mayor Vaughn plioulu surely 1 o cred * itod with devising the mot unique w ya , of gettingllnibelf before the people as for re-election. A talcutiue , COUNCIL BLUFFS AND IOWA NEWS. rend from n mlnntrcl tioupo urging tho.io ; who had pnUi their money to oo n show , mul ' nnt ft polltic.il meeting , to yolo frr Vaughn , Is one of tho.wnynThe getting tip ' of n meeting on thb pretext of giving information I to "the poor , ignorant work ] ing men , " Is another. The third i < to net hi * pins to capture the democratic conven tion. TUB HKK i known mid recognized everywhere ni the friend of the working * men. It In too true n frlcml to nUnd lilcntly hy mid bee tli no ulio arc itching for olllco trying to dupe them. Tlio | .ro ] te no that Iliu worklngmcn nro ignorant , njid i thnt Mnyor Vbuglinti in the only one for I whom they can give the needed knowledge - * edge ' , ui to how they should vote is one of tlioie ' gnuzy tricks. Still nnothcr In the pretence I that the present mjor linn giv en ' tlio workingmcn n living for the past j ear. The work given hy the t Ity , ho it much ] or little , IH not given hy the Mayor , Still another gAtizy tirctenco h the claim I that thoflo who opjioio Vnitghan opporto I improvement1. * It ID well known that I micli IH not the cnno. No man i * n ttvo friend to the working t eople who thus tries to dupe them for his own political preferment. LQST AND FuUND. Mother and Daughter Find Bach Other After Thirty Yeara Separation. A. Story of Slavery Finds a Sequel in thiu City. The Strnngo Changes of Fnmlly Llfo. Thu old fltorioa of the heart-sadden- ing break-ups in funiiliuH , caused by the buying and Belling of men , women nnd children , have largely lost thu thrilling inturoat which oncucharacter ized thorn , as they Iwvo faded into the past , Ono of theuo old stories of true lifo has had its mUrost revived , and haa boun lifted out of the realm of thi ) common place by the stiutling sequel which haa lately duvulopo'l itself. Ono ( { oed old colored womannaim.d [ r . Clam Bronn , now living ut 'Oliver ' , nnd having reached the good Id age of seventy-four yours , ia ono " the parties deeply concerned. She iras in early yearn n alayc , ml had. twin babies , one of which iod in infancy. Tlio other onminod with her until about ( wo oars old , when the little thing was operated from her by a snlo such as ( ton marked the traffic in human usb. Tlio mother and child thus oparatod saw each other frequently , lowovcr , during the course of a few oars , and the mother kept track of 10 whereabouts of her child until lie latter had reached the ago of bout eight years. Thirty years have Hissed since then , nnd infJthor and aughtor have never met , their lives rifting farther and farther apart un- 11 tnoy lost nil trace of each other. Ill 1870 the mother succeeded in Betting away the slavo-lifo , nd soon after her escape rom its thraldom , settled in n humble omo in tlio far west , and in time bo- aino a resident of Denver , whore she as nuw lived many years. She managed at ono time to gather a little iroporty together , and then she lost t by the cunning of others shrewder , > ut loss honest than the old colored voman. She btill retains a little ionic tlioro , nnd holds 'tho respect of .ho . community as a worthy , hard working woman. During these thirty long years , the old lady has never ceased. , she says , .0 pray that slio might in some way , low she know not , gain some track of ho daughter , who was torn from her jreftst as ft more intnnt. The old lady * s very piously inclined , and she has lover ceased her praying , or lost her : aith that kind Providence would yet restore to her the lost ono. . The old lady's faith is now reward- 3d , and fiho is about to have her hopes [ ully crowned with fulfilment by mooting her long lost daughter face to face. This daughter is now it wo man grown , nnd since her separation from her mother , has followed the course of so many of those held in bonds. Liberated by the war , she found a homo in the north , and has for those many years supported her- suit by her own labor , working when ever opportunity afforded , doing housework , laundry work , in fact , any kind of legitimate labor to earn her broad. Shu is now n resident of this city , and makes her home , when not working out , at Mrs. Snundors , who lives at No. 537 Broadway. Her name is Eliza .Tune Gunter , the lust name being tuKim from that of the family of Mr. Hubert Guntcr , in which film was brought up. A ftislor of the chief of police , Fields , now in Denver , having bu- como acquainted with the facto of the old lady's lifo , and getting some tr.ico that the long miming daughter was in this city , wrote her brother about it , nnd result of the as a comupondenei' , the fact has been developed thutElizit Jane Gunter is the daughter of Mrs , Olara Drown. In the last letter the old lady Bonds word that uho know her prayers would bo answered , and she Is satisfied that the woman Iwo is her daughter. The old woman is described as almost 'beside horeolf with joy , and "brusses do Lor" that ho has hoard her prayers. She sends word that she is preparing to como hero at once and see her daughter faou to faco. The HOWS wus imparted to the daughter by the chief of i police , and that it was glad news to her need not bo stated , Mother and daughter ahko can hardly bide the time re quired for the mother to reach this city , und the meeting will bo one in deed whioli wutild bo worthy of being made pcrnmnunt by being nmbodiu3 HI the highest art on eamna , or penned in the choicest literature. That mother und daughter should thus have { ho silence of thirty yearn' ' separation broken , and liavo tlieir ; long deferred hopes crowned by a happy meeting i , indeed , ono of thu wonderful sequels of lifo in slavery. SETTING 'EM UP. The Democrats Name Their Men and Prepare for Battle. Thomaa Brown Nominated for Mayor. VauRlwn Fftils to Capture the Com mittee. The democratic city convention mot yesterday afternoon in the court house , in pursuance with the call , to make nominations for the several city ofllces to bo filled at the coming elec tion. tion.V. \V. II. M. 1'uaoy called the conven tion to order. G. A. Ilolmes was choBun chairman , and E. A. Trout- man , secretary. Thu name of dolopatos as publish ed were accepted without any refer ence to a cumtnitteo on credentials. On motiofi of Mr. Pusoy the c in vention decided on proceeding to bal lot for nominations in the lollowing order : I'olico judge or judge of the uunciior court ; city solicitor , two ul- dormen at large , city treasurer , audit or , marshal , civil engineer , mid super intendent of markets. A resolution was introduced that the convention vet for no ono except those who would assert their willing ness to accept. Mr. 1'usoy objected to such n reso lution , as the convention might by its importunity induce a man to bo n candidate who mh'ht not avow be- ferohnnd his willingness to do so. The resolution was supported by the urging that some might bo nomi nated who would neb work for the successful party. Tlio resolution on being put to a vote was speedily lost. Mr. Pusoy as candidate for mayor Thomas liowman , saying that ho was assured ho would run , und could al most guarantee his election. A formal ballot was taken for may or. While it was being counted Mr. Griflin moved4that the delegates pres ent bo authorized to select substitutes for the absentees. The chairman ruled this out of order and Mr. Grif fin promptly denounced the chairman as out of order , which was received with applause. The count of the vote proceeded , without any incident of in terest save the finding of two votes for Mr. Vaughan , folded together. These being thrown out the count stood : Bowman 1C , Vaughau 8. Mr. Bowman was accordingly daclarod the nominee for mayor. The ballot for police justice result ed in the choice of E. E. Aylesworth , ho receiving 24 votes. Mr. Stone re ceived < 2 and Mr. Mynstor 1. The ballot for city solicitor result ed : G. A. Holmes 1C , Richard I'orci- valG , W. A. Myustor 5. This gave the nomination to Mr. Holmes. Mr , Wesley moved that an informal ballot bo taken for nldermau-at-large. The chairman ruled the motion out of order. Mr. Wesley protested that he had been a democrat since Andrew Jackson's time , and on being called to order withdrew from the convention , and officially declared himself as hav ing resigned from the democratic party forever , the resignation to take effect at onco. For aldermen at largoW. O.James. Andrew Graham , John Bono and Norman Green were named. The ballot was taken on the nomination of two at once , and resulted : W. 0. James 20 , Andrew Graham 15 , John Bono 12 , Norman Green 4 , Dohanoy , G H. Mitchell , Keating , Groonewet * and Foreman one each. W. 0. James and Andrew Graham were declared the nominees for aldermen at large. For city treasurer , M. Keating was named , but declined to ba considered. Mr. Elwoll's name was presented-but withdrawn by his request. John Olauson's name was also presented. There was some doubt expressedas to his being a dmnocrat , but the conven tion finally Bottled down to the belief that ho was ono. The ballot resulted ill no choice , the throe Johns standing as follows ; John Clausen , 11 ; John Bono , 11 ; John Dolmney , 0. The next ballot resulted in the nom ination of John Bono , who received 15 votes , Mr. Clausen 12 , end Mr. Keating 1. For city auditor , M. G. Griflia was nominated , ho receiving 17 votes , and E. A. Troutman 11. For city marshal , 0. E. Stone was nominated , the ballot giving him 21 S. Sterling C , and Jorman 1. The nomination for city engineer wai next in order. J F. Bradbeck secured it , ho receiving 24 votes and Toa'.nmn 3. The ballot for superintendent of markets resulted in the nomination of Wells Cook , who recoivad 10 votes. Mr. Tyson received 7 , Jorman 1 , J. M , Palmer 1 and W. R. Vaughau ] . Itf. Keating was chosen chairman of the city central committee , nnd the convention adjourned. FIHfcJ BOOS AT WOBKV An Attempt Mode to Kindle a Blaeo at the Bryant Houeo. Yesterday forenoon a mysterious at tempt was made to sot the Bryant house on fire. Some unknown per son pulled off a bit of tiding on the rear of the house , and Eluding kind ling wood and shaving between the joists , touched it off. The fire was Bpoedily discovered and quickly sup- prossod. The purpose ot thus start ing n blaze , as well as the perpetrator of the deed , are alike unknown. No trace was discovered loading to the dotoct'on ' of any one. The attempt thus made in broad daylight scorns u bold ono for any sane person to mako. The city of Ottumwa has been mulct in a juitaimmt of $1,000. The plaintUl' was thrown out of a wagon , caused by a rock or paving atone being loft in tlio street in such a care less manner , as the jury thought , by which Mrs. Yahn had an arm broken , from thu effects of.'which it is alleged she haa never fully recovered. 1UWA ITEMS. Iowa hni 1,505 postoflicca. The Louina county _ veterans nro moving for an urg.iniition. . Another creamery is to bo put in operation .it Strawberry Point. A fltenm heating apparatus Imsbcnn put into the school huiuo at Nevada. The Motning Sun prohibitory amendment association has 203 mem bers , Captain } ' V. Gary han been nom inated for mayor by thu republicans ot Dos Muiiiua. Denison it to have n now nnd hand some poatoflicc building , to bo erected noon by its postmahter. Fifty thousand fuot of black wal nut lumber at West Union ia awaiting shipment to Clurles City. Walter Dmi'-hec , a 14-yoar-old boy of lloonu , accidentally shot himself in the right limal with a > pistol several days ago. Ex-Senator Stonum.in offers to do- iiatn property valued at § 800 to any parties whw uill build u first class hotel M MuGregor. Probably the most successful church fair ovur hold in the state was hold by the Catholica < if Fort Dodge last week. It netted them § 0,000 in cash. A car forming a pnit of u train go ing north on the U. 0. 11. & N. rail road , was destroyed by lire near West Branch u few nights since. The stock on board thu car , consist ng of three horses , four cows , and two dogs wore burnud to death. A charivari was given to a newly married couple ut Atlul ono day Just week , but the bridegroom was too aesthetic too Wilde , as it were to relish this sort of a serenade , nnd had fifteen of the party arrested , who were fined each § 3 and costs. The boiler oi'John X. G 11 th's rendering doring ustiiblmliniLMit , two miles from Sliuimndouh , exploded with terrific foice last , Satuiday. Thu establish ment and its contents woru badly wiected. Fortunately no person was injured , none of thu employes being near at'tho ' time. Burglars entered the store of 0. N. Stuelu , at Dallas Center , a few nights Qince , blew thu s f open with powder , and stole a quantity of jew elry , some notes and $34 in money , valued in thu aggregate at a consid erable Bum. There is no clue to the robbers , The land on which Montrose is situated - uated was formerly owned by Lewis Tcssen. the first white settler of Lee county This hind , a mile square , was granted to him by the Spanish government , on condition that ho irould use his influence to bring the ndians under subjection to the do- ninion of Spain und the Roman Cath- ilic chutch , and that ho would plant rees , BOW seed nnd instruct the sava- ; es in agriculture. Tosson resided on his land for several years , and tlanted an orchard of one hundred TOOS. These trees were brought rom St. Charles , Mo. , on the back f a mule. Benton's Buli's Bye. During a discussion of. the pro- ' 08od prohibition amendment to the institution of Iowa , in the assembly last week , Representative Bentoii in- reduced the , following resolution , vhich was promptly tabled. In this ; onnection it may bo ntatod that tern. iQJ ince leaders favor a construction f the law to permit the manufacture f liquor for export : Resolved , That the proposed pro hibitory amendment to the constitu- ion. which prohibits the manufacture if intoxicating liquors , to bo kept for ialfl or sold to be used as ft beverage within the state , but which allows the manufacture of intoxicating liquors for export purposes , to bo used as a beverage without the state , guards alike the moral and material interests of the people of the state in that , in is benign a..d boneb'cefit operations , ! t will protect the people of the state from all the evils of the liquor traffic , while it reserves to them the profit of its manufacture for export purposes , and this benign and beneficent pur peso is fully sustained by the Mosaic w as found in Dout. liv : 21 , g fol- ows : "Thou shalt not oat anything that dioth of itself J thou shalt give it to the stranger that is in thy gates , that he may or thou mayst sell it unto an alien. " COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTIOK. Special athertUemcnts , luch Lout , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rout Wants , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In thl column at the low rate ol TEN CKNTH FBI LINK for thu first ln ortlon end FIVE OKKTe 1'KR LINE ( or eiu'h eubsvciuont Insertion LcAvuulvcrllsuuonla at our ollkc , Uoom E\untf < UlocK , llroadway. Ui.r.b Fta DALK. lniiity 8-ycar eli niiilcfl , fiom 15) ) to 10 htnda hlgn Eomo akcJnmu. : o Co i , ale , Ua > o i Wno , 11 * cry tab.o. OU niNT-Tlirco or four rooms'for ' ligh liou.tlcoti'lnBi wllhln two blocks of Jiostoillco Umjulre ol Ut , uanchctt at 14 I'aarl tit. fb2 \\7ANTEr-To rent-A ten room house In YV wine good m Ighborhood or two amUer houicn mlo GldH , Addrens I' . O. tiox 7U7. Cuuiicll U'.utlt ' , 01 ai > | ) ll > at UKH olllce , Council lllulln. lu-tf Everjbody In Council llluflu Ic WANTED TUB B , 40 cents j > cr week , d Ihorod by carrion. Ollko , llooui 6 , Kvtrctt'j IllocK , Uroad ay. To buy 100 tons broom corn. WANTED address Council llluflr Droom Factory , Council lluff ) , Iowa , CM-'JOtl ANTED A Ont-cl&M broom tier. Maytu & Co. , Council lllulTn. Iowa. MiO SO * "T710U BALK Old paperi 40o l > cr hundred , _ L ? The lloe ottice , CouncU lllull * . < ' 2T-tf rno 11IUCK-MAKKH8 , KOU SALR-fi acrea or A. moroof land adjo'nlni ; tlio brickyard of llamier & IIat > io ' on I'IUKT llroa < uay. For l irtlcul r apply tola\U lUlni'aor ta Hanncr'i otllco at thclioirdufTrado rorins. Council Uluflij , Sui ' . Hey , with jwoy , to carry pap r ) WANTI'.D at ll otlice , Council IlluUa. octlS-tf Notice , to the liuiuonno HUCCCU of the now Gelatine Dromlcln Initanta-cout Proceti at tht ) Excfltlor QallcTy , Fifth ttrr.ot , Coun cil Blulft , the projirlitor dculroi thow wbbliiR ChlldrviiK 1'lcturud to tall l > ut oin thu hour * of 10 and 12 o'clock a. ni. , as owliiK to the Prei * of Uuslneu tucli urr ngeiu ut , U ncccoiary 5 trold delay , W.lm J. PARKE , Proprleto FACTS WORTH KNOWING. "Good morning , Mr. Jones. You seem in good humor this morning. " "Yes , I have been to the BOSTON TEA STOEE , and find anything and every thing I want , OF FIRST QUALITY AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. I tell you , I can Save Money tiow out of my salary , and Live First-Glass , too. It pays to go there. " "Whore did you eay it was ? " B08TOH TEA COIPY FINE GROCERS. IB Main St. and 15 Pearl St , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. DON'T FA L TO SKK THE STOCK OF W. W. BUCHANAN DIAMONDS , WS , JEWELBY , REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. 202 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS. The Leading GROCERY HOUSE IN THE CITY. We keep everything you want , n First 01 ss , Oho'oe. ' Clea > GROCE-IGS and PR VISIONS i will pay you to look our es- ; ablishment through- Every thing kold for Gash , and at the very i los ° bt m.vgius. VVe have i line of lOc CANNED GOODS And we also sell the finest Im ported Uoods , Eastern JUKI West- mil Goaus put up All Canned 3oods T' duced 10 per cent. Send for our Pncesi Strict atte.tion : p.'dd 10 Mail Orders , Ageut- for Washburn's Super lative Fluur , F , J , OSBDRNE & GO , , 162 Broadway , Opposite Ogden House. COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORKS , MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY Office and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Wo give special attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , HOISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK Mill teuolvo prompt attention A general as- Horttnont of Brass lioods , Belting , Pining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Coke , . OoaL | OHAS. HENDBIF , President. & ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Out Glass , Fine French China. Silver Wwo Sic. , 810 BROASwiY , . COUNCIL ULUFF8 , IOWA. KELLEY & M'CRACKEN , Marble and Granite , North Fifth St. , CouncilBlu ( < Drs. Woodbury & Son , Cor. Pearl & Ut Ave. COUNCIL BLUFFS. , W. S. AMENT. JACOU BIMS. I AMENT & SIMS , Attorneys & Oounsellors-at-Law , 1 COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. By Cnrrtor , - - 20 Conte per Week By MRH , $10,00 per Year W. W. SHERMAN , - MANUFACTUIIEU 01 - ROAD , TRACK , COACH & LIVERY ] s s Fine Work a Specialty. K. It. SHERMAN , Business Hatncor. . 8 WJI. CHRISTOPHER , SUehanlcal Manager. 124 South Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. 4 My Harness are Manufactured from A No. I Oak Tanned Leather. I Sell My Goods at Bed Rock Prices. Or ders from abroad receive prompt attention. J. MUELLER'S /metering , Webei. Ltindemaa , J. Mueller arid other Pianos , $200 nnd upward. Burdett , Weatern Cottage , " Tabor and Paloubet Organs , $50andupward. Musical - 3VC cal Merchandise of every diocription. Italian Strings a specialty ; imported direct. Music Books , Sheet-Music , I'oys , Games , Fancy Goods , Wholesale and He- TT tail. Pianos and Organs sold for Cash and on Time. Stock is large , full and com plete. Musical Journal ireo on applica s tion Correspondence Solicited. Address : c J. MUELLER , I 103 South 5th Street. O COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA , LOGMAN , ROHRER & CO. , , Storage and Commission Merchants , PURCHASING- AGENTS And Dealers In nil kinds ol Produce Prompt attention irlvcn to all consignment * . NO8. 22 , 24 AND 20 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. W _ H. IFOSTIEIEi WILL SUPPLY OX EHIOUT NOTICE Cut Flowers , Greenhouse and Vegetable Plants In their season. Orders prompt ! ) fttd | nrd Jclhcrul to Exnci-t ] olllcc free ot charge. Send for Cntilogut ) , -DEALER PAPER , BOOKS STATINEBY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. COUNCIL. BLUFFS , IOWA , Buyer and Shipper of Grain and- Provisions Orders solicited in Iowa and Nebraska. REFERENCES.- National lank , Stewart Bros. , Council Blufft ; William P , Harvey & Co. , Culver & 'o. ' , Chicago ; E A. Kent & Co. , St. Louis. METCALF BROS. , - WHOLESALE DEALERS IN - Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck. Gloves. CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED , x. u REAL ESTATE AGENT , Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , alae , Railaoad Lands , and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa * nd K i > raska. Office with W. S. MA.YNE , ever Savings Bank , - GOU VOIL BLUFF BIXBY & WOOD , PLUMBERS , STEAM AND CAS FITTERS Gas Fixtures , Bath Tubs , Marble Slabs , Brass , Goods , Iron and Lead Pipe , Fittings and Pumps , Kept ia Stock. No. 7 Fourth St. , GOUNCIL BLUFFS , I WK CARRY THK LARGEST STOCK OF FINK BOOTS ! SHOES , Slippers , Etc. , Within One Hundred and Fifty Miles of Council Bluffs * All lail Orders Promptly Attended To and Highly Appreciated , OUR PRICES ARE VERY LOW. Call and See Our NEW SPRING STOCK , has Begun to Arrive. Z. 'T. ' 'LINDSEY & C. , 412 BBPADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , And WEST SIDE SQUARE , ft ARINDA IOWA , ' . * R. r