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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1882)
jfr OMAHA D'ALLY BEE WJHMESDA ? , u Deere & MANUFACTURERS OF PLOWS , MOLINE , ILL , Wholesale Dealers in AGRICULTURAL IMPIEHTS , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Jtiine Wagon Oo , Farm and Spring Wagons , Deere & Mansur OoCorn Planters , Stalk Outters , fto , , Molina Pump Co , Wood and Iron Pamps , Wheel & Seeder Oo- Fountain Oity Drills and Seeders , , Meohaniosburg Maoli , Oo , Baker Grain Drills , Shawnee Agricultural Oo , Advanoo Day Bakes , Met Manufaoturing Ou , Eureka Power and Hand Shellers , Whitman Agricultural OoShellers , Road Sorapors&o , , , Moline Scale OoVictor Standard Scales , A , 0 , Fish Racine Buggies , AND DEALERS IN All Articles Required to Make a Complete Stock. Addroos All Oommuni cations to DEERE & COMPANY , Council Bluffs , Iowa. ilec3mo2m W. B. MILLARD. B. JOHNSON. MILLARD & JOHNSON , COMMISSION AND STORAGE ! 1111 FARNHAM STREET , OMAHA , NEB. REFERENCES ' OMAHA 1SATIONAL BANK , STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE , MAUL & CO. STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN 'Flour ' , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Be&t Brands of CIGARS AID lAIUIACTuTO TOBACCO , Agents for BBNWOOD NAILS AID UFLIH & RAND POWDER CO , THE JELM MOUNTAIN AND iSMining Mining and Milling Company. . . _ . . . Working Capital - - - 300,000. . . . . . . . . . 'Capital Sock. : (1,000,000 . . . . Par Value ot Shares , - - - - (25,000. 'STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMBL MINING DISTRICT. DR. J. I. THOMAS , President , CinMnlns , Wyoming , VVM. K. TILTON , Vlce-Proaldent , Cuminlnti , Wyoming B. N. IIARWOOD , Secretary , Cummins , Wjomlng. A. O. LUNN , Treasurer , Cummlna , Wyoming Or. J. I. Thomas. I.oula Miller W. S. liramcl. A , O Dunn. E.N. Ilarwood. Francis Leavens. Oeo. II. Folos. Lewis Zolinan. Dr. J. 0. Watklin. no2mo5m OEO. W. KENDALL , Author zed Agent for Sale of Stock : IU ' " n h Neb. FOSTER & GRAY , -WHOLESALE- LUMBER , COAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet , Farnham and Douglas Sts. , -DEALERS IN- HALL'S ' SAFE AND LOCK GO. Fire and Burglar Proof X. O 1020 Farnham Street , A , ROW INTHBRBIOHSTAQ Extraordinary Scene in tlio Oreruwu Pnrhtunoiit. Biftnmrlc amlthn Royal Rtscrljii. The Itcrliii coircspniultMit of tlio Loinlon Times , Jiuiuiiry 'JOth , sends thu folloiMiii ; nccdtiiit of tliu Into stormy < k'bUo in tlio Ujiclistag : "Kv- ory uvnilnblc sent mul coiuu of vaut- ago wna uccupicil bclunca by n curious imblio cnger to uitncss thu iiicidonla of n throat dub.ito on n subjool which 1ms uttrncteil nttvntion of Into , niul IH'oinisL's to interest still inorp. Thu diploiimtia f allury wna filled , nud Princu Albrecht , of Prussin , coin- ninndur of the tenth or llanovorinn nnuy corps , \yfts present to innik thu courau of n discussion oi soinucli 1110- inont for the conatitutionnl future of liis imporiiU cousin , thu crown prnc ! > \ Thu chiuf business on the order of thu day was the third rending of thu * budget , nnd 1'rof. lltnol a matt of calm , nnd soriuu ? , and jiu'icml ' inliul at otico roao and claimed the light of animadverting on thu royal rosciipt ns within thu province of such duhnte. It was true , hu suid , that the iniuii- fu to hud boon issued by thu liny of Prussia nnd countersigned by Prince Bismatck as Prussian minister , but it allectud thu ollicials of thu whole em pire. They had often seen of Into hmv thu purson of llio monarch had boon dragged by tno lending states man into their dnbntus , as if thus to cover thu responsibility of thu latter , and this novel move was oxprusaly approved by thu recent pronuncin- mento. With all respect for his majesty , ho deplored the dectooas if infringing their constitutional rights Thu truu position of thu kill } ; wnspro- tuctud by love , and thu manifesto could only mar it. IIu could not sco any po siblo justilic.ition for it. Thu first four points dwelt upon in the roacript wore quito correct. They woru con stitutional law , and , biting ao , it fol lowed that it uua unconstitutional to drag thu person of thu king into de bates and to appeal to thu will of thu king , which was nothing more than making the irresponsible king respon sible. If the fedural council was not pleased with the limitations demanded by the people , it thereby confessed its displeasure with constitutionalism. Parliament was not only warranted in judging whether the rescript inter- tercd with its rights , it was also bound to do so , nnd it condemned thu manifesto accordingly. If thu govern ment tried to boat down the barriers which restrained it , that would lend to iv crisis which would heave constitutionalism overboard or impair the power of thu crown. Passing on , then , to depre cate as dangerous the practice of putting the monarch too much in the foreground , the speaker applauded thu method of exchanging ono minister - tor for another , according to the exi gency of the time , and praised the saying of the ling of Bavaria , 'I will bo at pence with my people. ' As for the latter part of the rescript it was maintained that no govern ment functionary wns entitled in any way to bring his oilicial influence to boar on elections. The whole manifesto was u great danger to the position of the mon arch both as king and Kaiser. In Prussia love to the king was identi cal with love for the constitution. "Prince Bismark , who had entered the house while Prof. Hanoi was speaking , immediately rose to reply. The chancelorwas not at all looking so ill as late reports about the state of his health had led ono to oxpect. After some introductory remarks upon his right to speak there as the interpreter of the emperor's mind , ho denied that the rescript aimed at renting now rights , or at opening the prospect of n now constitutional CDiiflct. The rescript , as its terms clearly showed , did not aim at creating rights , but only at guarding existing ones , and nt combatting the notion that the politi cal traditions of their country had any validity in Prussia apart from its own constitution. Passing on , then , to grapple with the theory embodied in the phrase , 'Lo roi regno niais gou- yorno pas , ' which seamed to be the ideal of progressist orators , and found expression in the excellent work of M. Taino , where the king is represented ns a president honorairo appointed by the legislature , the prmco scoffed at such political forms as applied to Prussia , which would soon reduce its monarch to the position of a more major dome , and ridiculed Prof. Mommsen for his con stitutional folly in his respect. The chancellor then proceeded to discourse upon ministerial responsibility , with the manifesto for his guiding tixt , in sisting that the king's signature , and not that of his minister , wan thu main thing. The opposite view Was only explicable if their reverence fur the king wont BO fur ns to plnco him among the clouds , when ) no one could detect hie continued existence. That would bo reverence such aa was oflor- ed to tlio emperor of Japan , thu mere exhibition of the soles of whoso feoi wan a certain high annual festival shown to the gaping multitude through an iron grating. The king of Prussia fult that ho must exorcise his undouht od right to remind the country of thu actual meaning of the constitution , which had boon lately begun to hit misunderstood. According to the tra ditions of the crown , dating from the days of the Brandenburg electors , the kings of Prussia had regarded it as their duty to bo what Frederick the Great called the first servant of the state , Inside the cabinet the king commanded nnd the ministoru obeyed , nnd if not willing to do BO they were free to retire. The real and actual rniniatur-prim'dont was the king , The constitutional theories of 1819 were still far behind the ideal of Prof , Hanoi , nnd it was a true blessing that the la'ttor had not be-on realized. Had it been so they would not yet have got Reichstag nnd been sitting in it. They would huvo hud no reorganized army , and they would , moreover ( reviewing the history of the last tliirty years ) , under the leadership ot the vice-president of the Prussian chamber in 180'J huvo sided with thu Polish revolution , Coming to thu charge that ho commit ted a base cownrdico in numing tlio king ( in connection with his policy ) , the prince maintained that it was im possible for any one to make auch an accusation who had read the history of the last twenty years , 'I have , oh the contrary , nlwnya shielded royalty. I have been threatened witli oakum- picking in a penitentiary and confis cation of godds for doing so , and have beensnid lo ha o shown cowardice in the net vice of my master. The false hood of such a report must make the blush of ahnnio mount to your'foio- hciuls. ' "Here nroso a violent uproar on the loft , with crioa of 'Not true , ' which made the angry chancellor elude > \ertonco ( nnd hurl dclianuii at lih liberal opponents. Discoun tenance us ted with r.i u , nud his at titude nltogo.hor formidable. 'Do you menu in cry inn down , gentlemen ? ' ho siid with n threatening look. 'Who is the man among you who made the ruproach1 ? A voicu 'No ono did to' The ch.iucollor then said , 'Thank God for it , " and wont to his sent amid much commotion. Hu continued : 'It is only a feeling of loyalty that kcops mo in my ulajoj which for the rest givus mo no pleas ure. On the contrary , it would lioariily delight mo to bid j on f.irowoll nnd sue no more of you. ' Subsiding thuu into u calmer vein , thu princu spoku of thu imperfect development of pulinmcntnry lifo nud thu confut ed relations of parties ns an addition al justification of the principles laid down in thu rescript , and he instanced the CASU of thu English parliament under Peel niono which had n decid ed preponderance over the will of the monarch. AH soon us they got thu length of hnving such n pnrlinmimt they might como to him uith their claim ! ) . In Germany parliament had ns yet no consistency , nud no decided majority , nnd its voice , therefore must have all the less weight. AH for thu p.issng'o in thu manifesto itbout the electoral duties of state otlicialx , the ompcror had been induced to pen it by way of n rmnindor to them , in view of the indisputable fact that at election times , with many nublio func tionaries , their onth of allegiance to bis mnjesty began wholly to recede into the b.vskiirouud. Thuro were two classes of oll'iei da , political nnd non-political , nnd thu manifesto itsnlf wns quito clear iu to thu respec tive duties of each. The former were bound by their oath to represent the emperor's policy ; but ot the latter nothing whatever wns douunded ex cept that they should m.tke no posi tive agitation ngninst the government ( which would not , from the prince's remarks , seem to include opposing it by seciet votings ) , and then ho detailed tailed several flagrant cases , both of omission nnd commission , which had led to the manifesto which his majesty was perfectly juatilled in issuingaiul for which ho wns quito prepared nnd re solved to undeit.iko thurcsnonsibility. The prince concluded by snying that ho wns firmly resolved to servo his majesty iu thu direction indicated by the royal rcsciipt , but only as his ser vant , nnd not as his guardian. Tlio speech was grouted with applause on the right , while the left dissented. In reply to Professor Hanoi , who ng- grossivoly denied having reproached the chancellor with cowardice , tlio letter rose and angrily stuck to his assertion. The previous spenker , ho said , had accused him of evad ing his ministerial ipspousibility by covering himself with the person of his mnjesty , nnd ho nt least would hold that to bo cowardice. Ho had been long used to such in sults , but still hu would repel them in the most decided way. This ihml al tercation WAS interrupted by cries nnd commotion and the bull of the presi dent calling for order. The prince resumed his seat in great excitement , and vanished in anger from the hall before the next speaker had gone far. ' WOMAN'S TRUE FRTEN D. A friend in need is a friend indeed. This none can deny , especially when assistance is rendered when ono is sorely ntllicted with disease , more par ticularly thaso complaints and weak nesses so common to our female popu lation. Every woman should know i lint Electric Bitters are woman's true friend , nnd will positively restore bur to health , oven when all other reme dies fail. A single trial always proves our assertion. They are pleasant to the taste , nnd only cost fifty cents per bottle. Sold by Ish & MoMahon. (2) ( ) A Story that Needs Corroboratlon. Umlarllls Oomlcr-Jourtikl , Fob. 0. Several days" ago an item appeared in the Courier-Journal about hair being - ing turned uray by a sudden fright , nnd yesterday a well known saloon keeper in this city , mot n reporter nnd remarked : "I know of another in stance ot hair being turned gray by fright , which is even more remarka ble than the ono mentioned in thu paper. About 15 years ago u young man named Henry Richards , who lived at Terre Haute , Ind. , was going homo ono evening about dark , from n vinit to n friend , and was walk ing along the railroad track. Some little distance from town was a very high trestle-work over a crook , there being no plunks placed across for walking , so that peopl < had to go over on the ties. Rickards was walk ing along at a hvoly r.ito , nnd when ho arrival ut the bridge ho did not fitop to think that n train coming in wax then duo , but , being in u hurry to got homo , hu sturtud to walk across on the cross-ties. Ho had gotten nearly half-wny across the bridge when the train came slipping around n euro at n lively rate. Ho saw the train nt once , nnd started to run , jut saw that it wns use- l.-m , as it would certainly overtake him b'-furo ho uould gut oil' the bridge. Ho wan now in n turrihlo plight ; to lump off wus curtain death , and if ho remained on thu ttnck the train would crush him to pieces. Thuro wns no wood-work ( beneath the bridge for him to hang on to , so hu xnw his only chance was to swing on to a snull iron rod that passed under thu crosB-tien. No time to be lost , no the train was nearly on the un'd of the bride. Bo ho swung himself un der thotii's , and in a few moments hu was hanging on for dear lifu. Thu oiminccr had scon him just before hu Huung under thu bridge , and tiled to stop thu train , but ( lid more hunn thuu good , as hu only succueded in checking thu speed of the train , and mauu it n lonuor time in passing over thu fi.rm ef Richards. As the engine pasted over , thu coals of fire from thu ash- pan dropped out , nnd u numbur oi thorn dropped on hid hands , burning the flush to the bone , as ho could not shake them off , and to lot uo would have bean certain death. The trinl was nt length over , nnd , nenrly dond from fright nnd oslinustion1) ) M ith his hands biirned in a terrible milliner , Uichards aniing liiiimolf upon the biidgo as in mid inn home.Sheii ho reached there his hnir had not turned , but in n short time afterward it bognn to got gray , nnd by morning w. almost perfectly whlto. " Cnpltol Gush. Tlmcj. Some of thu sloppy correspondent * stationed nt Washington delight In describing instances of remarkable silf-dunial on the part of wives ot politicians nnd otliceholdors nt thu capital , This rather nauseating wu. k HOBS has grown enormously since thu the illncsss of Mr , Gnrfiuld , when the attention paid the dying man by Ins \\ifu was magnified into n sort of heroism which must have been ex ceedingly obnoxious to thnt lady if she is indued thu possessor of the good sense with whichshois credited Since thu unhappy da ) s of last summer , thu iloppy correspondents aforesaid have been compelled to take up loss shining examples of womanly devotion , niul now the wife and mother who poul tices n boil on her husband's neck , or properly nurses tx child ntlliotud with the mumps , is nt once hur.tldod as n martyr , n self-sacrificing mint , nnd nil such. Twnddlo of this description iiuh n leady market in somoqunrters , but it is becoming so commonplace : lmt even the publications whoso lolilical creed is gush must soon be- oinu tired of it. FAST TIME ! In itoltiK 1-vit tnko the tiMcago & Northwest- Trnlns Icmo O uatuR.IO \ \ . in niul 7:40 : n. in. 1'or full liitot < i t'im ' roll mi II P. DUIIt. . Ticket KDIII , Utli ami Kiiriihiun Hti J. 1IKI.I , , U. 1' . U lltt ) Depot , or ut JAM US T UL.AUK , Honor * Airciu , Omiha Jixl7in&o If WAH IN PAmNttER RATES I . . nil llallroad n > i > iik I1UIH. llrdl.iiB In llikctn , Omnlia , Noli. , o'lor Tlchote to the Kant , until ( tiithur notice , t tlui lollouIuR unhvard or , l t clans , 2J clvn , XKW YOUR. ! 20.M ( , BOSTON , 20.00 , PHILADELPHIA , 2800 , $23.011. WAMIINUTON , 22.00 , 20.1HI. f > r nartluilarn , urltuor K < I direct to 110U1IIK IIHOS. . Dealers In Uniiuiid llato Ilallroail and * amshlp Tickets , HUU ImithSt. , Oumha Noli. llcincninor the plant Tlirco Doors N < rtli of Union Patlllo Katlroad Depot , East i do otlunth titrott. Ounhft Anciiet 1. W NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Cure Gum nutood- Dr. tt. C. Wont's Nct\u unit II uln Treatment A ppcclOc for Ilyfttcrln , i ' 7rlncns , Comul Ion . ( Jenoiid Ilonilacho , Menta. li prcsslon , Lowiot MemorySpermMorrlum 1 p > tuny , linolnnUrj Kmieblons , I'rcmaturv Olil A o , eiuaod by our- excrtlon , self ixbuso , or nur Indulgence , wh'cli ' loiula to inlnury , decay ami itintli. Onolioxlll euro i ocont eased. Ea It Inn eimmlimonomonth'n [ rcatmcnt. One ilollnr a box , or nix boxon lor flvu ilollnrs ; Rent by nrnll prqiiklil on receipt of price. Wo Kiiarnntco lx lioxca to euro liny caio , with each onlcr recoiled by us for six boxes , no- comimiilcd with Ihoilollnri" , will BOIH ! tlio jinr- dinner our written tniunuiteo to return tlio money If the trcitmunt docs not i ff ct a c jro. C. f. Goodman , I > r.irl | | t , Solo , Wholesale mill Itotalt Agent , Omnha , hu\t \ Orders by niaM nt regular prlro. d&wly Sionx City & Pacific THE SIOUX CITY ROUTE HUOH o Solid Train Through from Council Blutla to Bt. Paul Without Ohnnue Time , Only 17 Houri. it i 'MOO1 ILKH Till ? MIORTE3T HOUTK ruoM COUNCIL BLUFFS TO T. PAUL , U1NNKAPOLIS DULUTIT OR DISMAUOK and all polnta In Northern Iowa. Minnesota and Dakota. Thla line la ixiuljuiod with the Improved Weatlnghouse Automatic Alr-brako and Mills Platform Coupler and Buffer : and for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT Ig uiiBurpasnod. Pullman I'alaco bleeping Car run through WITHOUT CIIANOB between Kan saa City and Ht. Paul , \ la Council niuDa and Sioux City. Trains loaxo Union Pacific Transfer at Coun cil Dluila , at 7:35 : p. m : dally on arrival of Kaneas City , Ht. Joseph and Council Hluffs train from the bouth. Arriving at Sioux City 11:35 : p. m. . and at the New Union Depot at St. Paul at 12:30 : noon. TUN HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANYOTUKB KOUTK. jcarllcmcmber In taking the Sioux City Koutt youetnThrough Tralu. The Hhortcat Line , [ ho Quickest Tltno and a Comfortable Illda In the Throuuh Cars between COUNCIL ULUFKB AND ST. PAUL. tZrSee that your Tickets4 rc&d via the "Sioux City and I'aclllc Itallroad " / S. WATlLia , J. K. BUCHANAN Uupcrlntondcnt. Ocu'l Pass. Ak'onl. P. K. H01J1NSON , Ass't Oon'l Vast. Ag't. ' , Missouri Valley , Iowa. J , II. O'llllYAN , Bouthwcetorn ARont , Councl Uluffs. Iowa 1880. 8HORTJ.INE. 1380. KANSAS CITY , SUoe&Gouncil Bluffs U TUB OBLI Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THK KAST PYom Omnhaand the West. earn between Oaabft and t < i. nd hut ono between OMAHA uid MKW VOUK. Daily PassengerTrams tlUCIfUlU 1M , BAHTKItN AND WISrrKltN C11IKM h UUAKOKD and I.N AJ > VA.SCKot Ml OTIH'.lt MNKi. ITllI untlio Una la O'iulp ) > od with 1'tlore Slconlnff Cars , Palace JMy Ooachm , Wlllor'i ' Salcty PlKttorm and ( Jouphr , .nJ thu itilobiateil WittlnilJOUB ; < ) Air-brake. fe7' fo thit your tlckot nadg VIA ivANHA OIT , BT. JOSr.PU ft COUNCIL BLUKKH Ila 'I tixvl , via Kt. Jone'ph and Ht. Ixjuln , Ticket * ( or ule at all coupon t tlou In tbt Wuit. J. r. HAUNAHD , A 0. DAWK3 , Don. buiit. , lit. Jfmeph , Mo ) Con. i'wu and Ticket A < 1 , , Ht. Jo fti | ) , Uo. ASPT liOUDKN , llcHct AffOnt , 1WJ Kurnhnu tttcet. A 1 ! UluiARU Oeocral Airent , OUA11A , NK Real Estate " 5,000 PIECES OF P ROPERTY ! For Sale By JOHN I , CLARKE , B , W , oor , Douglas and 14th Sts. fDbB-ooiMt DEWEY & STONE , . . jatS ; M Wv * T T 191 II Ifl I Isnn mSf H iL raffla t B u a Xkx ti2a W ! 9 ORCHARD & BEAN , J. B. FRENCH & CO. , C A R P ETSI GROCERS ! Special Attention Is Once More Called to ( the Fact thai Rank foremost in the West in A30 rtruent and Prices of L I 3 FOB MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAK ALSO A COMPL12TR LINK OF Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps Wo uro procured to moot the demands of thu trade in regard to Latest Styloi and I'littoriiH. Fine Merchant Tailoring in Commotion RESPECTFULLY ; M. HELLiViAN & COf , 1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th St CARPETS HAVE DECLINED SLIGHLTYtj -AND- j. Is the first to make the announce ment to his customers and the general public. MATTINGS , OIL CLOTH AriD WINDOW SHADES ; Always sold -at the lowest Market Prices. We carry the largest stock and make the Lowest Prices. Orders promptly filled and every attention given to patrons. J. B. DETWILIR 1313 Farnham Street. OMAHA NEBRASKA. , - - - - PILLSBURY'S ' BEST ! Buy the PATENT PROCESS MINNESOTA FLOUR. always gives satisfaction , because it make * t superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap est Flour in the market , Every sack warranted to run alike or [ money refunded. . M. YATES , Gash Grocer.