Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1882, Page 2, Image 2
i\ \ OMAI-IA DAILY BIT : WEDNESDAY. FEBRuAitY iA 1882. cuAOKS IN QUEENSLAND Biillots nnd Flory Hum Frist Drlvln Thorn offtlio Enrth-Happy Llvoa Tlioy Loci Before tbo Whlto Man Ci\mo Among Thorn. Ml MM1 Oucttj. Of nil tlio races to whom the cor tact of civilization 1ms boon fnUI there is none moro swiftly or surol ; Hying out thim the Quoonslntul blacl follow. "Dispersed" by the nixtiv police , poisoned by fiery colonial nun and if nil stories bo true moro tlmi occasionally by other potent menus shot dovn in now country by over ; white man who sous them , until tin survivors nro glad of pence at nn ; price , it is no matter or wonder thix the atronucat tribe is soon reduced t < n tithe of its former numbers. Am yet , before the whites came ntnonj them , their life was not an unhapp ] one , especially in the const _ districts whcro gnmo is moro plentiful thni inlnnd , and where they seldom knov ' tnbo hnd iti a dny'-t hunger. Each own rcogni/.ud head , who ruled bj virlu jof ht3 superior fightingqii ilitics but whoso control over the rest wni but slight. Each tribe had nlan iti own district , out of which they mildou ventured , except in time of war , 01 when attempting to carry of r dnimol from n neighboring came , Each small collection of families hat their OTII totem or crest , and Bcru * pulously abstained from killing 01 eating the nnimnl whoso name thoj boro. Their moral character would then have compared not unfavorably with that of more civilized nations , Their marriage laws wore very strict , nnd no intormnrriaxo wan permitted between members of the same family , They wore polygamous , but adultorj was almost unknown nnd surely pun. ishod by death. Honest to oacl other , pilfering was not one of theii vices , and each tritio was almost r small communo. Living in u land o plenty , n very slicht exertion wai enough to inauro thoin nnd their fami lies an abundance of food. Knngaroc and wallaby , opossum and bandicoot , turkeys and wild fowl nro all plentiful and easily got at , and when ynms nnd the largo potato-like roots of the va- tor-lily nro ndded to the list it will be soon that their diet was by no menni to bo dospicd. Did they wish for f chiMigo'thoy had only tq tnko to theii canoes to bo sure of an abundant sup ply of fish. Their nets , mndo by th < girls by hand out of a species of hibiff cus , wore of immense size nnd von strong , and were generally commot property to throe or four fan.ilics Their canoes , mndo of bark and sowpi together with thread made of hibis cus bark , nro liglit , easily managed and wonderfully buoyant , thoug' ' ai inexperienced white man on stopping into ono will probably tnko n houdoi into the water on the opposite side , Their weapons and stone tomahawks spears of various patterns , some ol them barbed with great ingenuity , boomerangs semi-circular pieces ol wood pared so that their rotary mo. tion is that of n screw which they can throw with great force and accu rate aim for 80 or 00 yards , nnd nul- las -short clubs with a knobbed head which they use both for throwing and hand-to-hand fighting. A heavy two-handed woodoo sword and a shield bomploto the lilt of their oflonsivo- 'defensive weapons. The use of the bow and arrow is fortunately unknown to them , except in the extreme northeast - east of the colony , where they hnvo n considerable dash of Malay blood , nnd arc frequently visited by blacks from the south of Now Uuimia , which ie only about 00 miles distant. The only poison of which they have found out the use is the bark of a species ol myrtle , which , being pounded up nnd then thrown into the water , sickone the fish and brings them to the sur face , where they become an easy prey , Thou : knowledge of medicine iavorj slight , but then they are , or rathoi were , raroly.sick. The bite of the scorpion or centipede they euro bj sucking and chpwinc ; the spot that wai bitten. The bite of a death adder 01 any deadly anako ot which there an but two or three sorts they do nol attempt to euro , but quietly lie down , and amid the howls of their relations await the death that speedily follows the bito. A Bovoro flesh wound thpj plaster up with mud and keep moist for a few days , and euro in this man. nor some frightful-looking wounds. A broken bono they sot to the best ol their ability , and the result is usuallj a crooked or shortened limb. Measles they euro (1) ( ) by getting into i water-hole and sitting there with thoii heads out until they recover , as thoj vpry rarely do from this to thorn terrible riblo scourge. As for clothing , thoj content themselves with the costumi of our first parents in their days of in noct.nco , though occasionally on grant occasions the young gins wear i plaited loin-cloth. During the tmorl Quoonland Winter they use pus sum rugs , which they make vorj neatly. Their houses consist of throt or four shoots of bark put up in asomi circle on the windy aid o of a small fire round which they lie , Their onlj time of hardship is during the wo ooatfon , When sometimes it rains in. cossantly for a fortnight , and thoj have some difficulty in getting abou after the gatno , and cannot fish in tin flooded creeks. Their life , before tin whites came was as happy an anima existence as could bo imagined , Plenty to oat and drink and little olsi to do , a genial climate , and few one in'tos , what moro could any savngo do airo ? Of a future state of oxistenci they had not the faintest idea. Thoj had laws ; but they know that if thoj brolro them u blow on the head frou a nulla or u spear through the bed } would bo the result , so they wisoh abstained , Superstitious , like al ignorant races , they had a sort of idet of some evil power , who sent snakec and crocodiles and similar troubles , but they never wont to the , length ol trying to propitiate him by' prayer 01 sacrifice , Ono of their modus of exe cution is curious. When the dual ! of a member of the tribe has been de termined on by the eldure , the untiis pooling victim is made insoimblo by n blow on the head , and his kidney fat is taken out through u small slit made between the ribs. Ho wakea _ _ witli probably a headache and certainly a sere side , but recovers suftloiontly to go about for two or three days , when ho dies vomiting incessantly. The blacks who arc not in the uocrot arc told , and believe , that a snake made the cut and got into the body , and BO caused death ; and as the wretched man is dying the old blacks who alone pro allowed to get rid of their enemies in this fashion pretend to see th snnko coming out of his mouth , formerly morly they used to cremate their doni with considrablo ceremony , but no\ they bury like whites. That the ; were nt ono time cannibals there is in reason to doubt ; and in the older dnys when White men were not ( infrequent ly surprised nnd killed , their cookot and half-eaten remains were repeated ly found in the blades' camp by tin avenging native police , Of cultiva tion they are guiltless ; they gut thoi ; food with little trouble , so have IK inducement to work. Now that thej nro-half-civilizad , their old custoini nnd laws nro nenrly forgotten ; theii marringo laws nro no longer kept as ol yore , and the few survivors nro allow , ud to follow their inclinations regard , less of relationship. Hnlf-c\atca nro by no moans uncom mon , and some settlers have ono 01 moro gins constantly about their sta tions. The boys nro often forcibly taken away by settlers from a distance who want a slnvo , to whom they will Invo to pay no wages. If they try to ostapo they nro tnught by corpornl liunishinont ( hat they nro no longer Troy. Civil rights they have none , mil thniu'h occasionally a settler Inn Imun tiied for shooting an absconding or offending black boy , no jury h is thought fit in Queensland to liml a white man guilty of murder for killing n "niggor. In the bush social ostrn- diem would be the certain result of nny attempt by a White man to defend jy law n black boy from his owner's jrutality. Escape is not easy for .horn ns they lire usually brought from a distance , nnd the hlacko of thu neighborhood would either give the ibscondor up for n few sticks of to- jucco or resort to n moro , forcibje method of putting out of the way ono who might bring on them the dreaded native police , nnd who , not under standing tkcir dialect , is looked upon as an alien. That civilization has bqon to them anything but a curse it would bo hypocracy to deny. Not al lowed to wander over their old hunt ing grounds , they are compelled to loaf about the towns nnd stations , doing odd jobs for any ono who wants them , and seldom recovering from tha diseases which are n present from their moro enlightened white broth- run. The colonial government still keeps up the fiction of paying for theii country by givinc each of them , on Lho queen's birthday , a blanket worth 3s or Cs. The vices of the whites they quickly imitate ; their virtues thoyraroiy aoo and never copy. A few years lionco. and their land will luiow them no more ; their utter de struction is only a question of timo. Hut unless forcible dispossession be justice , unless murder and slavery be Ihu outcome of colonization , unless humanity bo u fraud nnd a mockery , nnd brouch-loaders the nineteenth century missionaries unless , in short , might be right , Quconslnndors ought .a blush at the result of this boasted Christian civilization. Hononiblo Mention. Of all the remedies on earth that well nay claim nttuition , Dr. TIIOMAH' ECHO- TIUO Oil. comtimmla especial mention. Fur vondrous power to euro diBuaue , its fame .licre's none to throttle. Its merits are lot In the pull , but nro Insldo tbo bottle. lUicuniaUmi ] , neuralgia , ixiro tin oat , asth ma , bronchitis , diultthertn , etc. , nro aU cuicdbyThomas'JJoectrloOU. 21-lw A STARTLING DISCOVERY. A Jlltod Lover Finds His Former Sweetheart in a Laco-Gurtnlnod Cigar Store , xmlsullo Courier Journal. A very dramatic nnd unexpected sciMio was enacted , last .Thursday light , in n house of ill-famo in this city. Some time ago ono of the land- adius of a house of this sort conceiv ed the idea of starting a small cigar store in front of her house , and thuq jive the place the appearance to the outside world of being respectable , and also moro effectually to lure visi tors into it. The idea was successful ly carried out , and other women of like oharaotor took up the idea , until a number of those stores were startad , and it was in ono of these , situated on Jefferson street , that the scene was enacted. About a year ago a young man came to this city from ono of the cpuntios bordering on the Kentucky river , and entered into the practice of ! iis profession hero. Ho came to the city because there was moro of a field for labor before him and moro materi al with which to build up his fortune- , but notwithstanding all this ho felt a pang of regret in leaving his country liomo , bocauto , as is usual in such cases , there was a girl in the caso. On a largo farm adjoining the little town in which ho residodliyed a very bright , liandsome , nnd intelligent young lady , the daughter of a wealthy farmer , and conceded to bo ono of the belles of the county. The young man became ac quainted with her , nnd , ns others had done before him , foil n victim to liui sharing , and became a worshiper before fore the shrine of her beauty. The first visit ho paid her was soon fol lowed by a second , until ho became a regular visitor at her father's house , and observers began to comment on the advantages of the match and their prospects. The time finally came when the young man was to leave his liomo for the city , and , after many af fectionate partings from his sweot- lioart and a promise obtained from hot to bo true to him , ho left , with the understanding 'hat a regular correspondence - spondenco would bo kept up. This promise was adhered to until about six months ago , whpn , for some rea son or other , sliu fnilod to answer ono : > f his lottora , _ Thinking that it might liavo been mislaid in the mails , ho wrote ngain , nnd this letter was answered - sworod in person by the young lady's father , who unfolded to him the torri- bio tale that his daughter hnd run uvay from homo about a week prev ious , in company with another man , and no intelligence could bo received of her whereabouts The shock was an awful ono , nnd the young man was ilinoat prostrated , but recovered nnd joined in the search of the father for : hu faithless daughter and sweetheart. Thov succeeded in tracing her to St. Louis , where they lost all trace ot her , ind gradually she began to slip from lim memory , and the story of his first eve was almost forgotten when it was wrought back to him with startling brco on last Thursday night. About 8 o'clock two young men , ono of whom was the man spoken of above , were valking nlong JoUbraon street , when hey came in front of ono of those cigur-itoroB. A proposition was made that they go in and got a cigar. , which wns acceded to , nnd they entered the store. None of the women happened to bo in the store nt the time , nnd the young man stopped to the door load ing back into the sitting-room nnd opened it. The movement probably cost him moro pain than nny other event in lifo. Seated nt ono end ot the room directly opposite the door was a handsome young woman , apparently nbout 20 ycan old , with black hair , largo brown o/yi-B / , and nn exceedingly pretty fnco \ Mio door opened BIIO partially roi i > 'rom her seat to greet the ' ! < < itot , lieu her eyes fell on the ' > ji the young man standing in the luor. With n starllod cry of mirpriso she turned to leave the room , but the movomontnnd the cry attrncted his attention , nnd ho rui across the room , and catching her by the nrm , pulled her face uround to Die light nnd looked at her. The ono look satisfied him , mid , releasing her inn , he stood for fully a minute as if dazed , and then unlkcd out of the room without saying n word. lie hnd recognized in the fiaturcs the ono whpin ho had loved and who had bo tr.iyod him. I'ho young nun has written to the Ljnl'rt father , informing him of bur whereabouts , nnd , if nhu dou * not become como frightened and lunvo , another scents will no doubt occur. ICtdnoy Complniiit Carocl. U. Turner , Uocho-tor , N. Y. , writes : "I ia\o been for over n year Mibject to BC- rloiia dlionlcr of the kidneys , nnd often innblo to attend to biiHlnifKs ; I procured your liummuK 13u > on JintKiis , nnd wns clloved before half a bottle wax lined. I ntrnd to continue , na I feel confident that .hoy will entirely cure in . " i rico 8100 , trial Hics 10 cents. 21-lw AMERICAN OARS IN EUROPE. Their Popularity Increasing In Eng land and on the Contlnont. N. V. Times. Tnu use of American drawing-room and sleeping curs in England and oth er parts of Europe is extending , nnd there is every mason to believe that they will bo generally ndoptod by the railways on the other side. Mr. George M. Pullmnnot Chicago , the president of the Pullman 1'alaco Oar Company , will suil for Empo to-mouow in the Arizona. At the Windsor Hotel , where ho was btopping , ho said last evening that American cars w'oro steadily growing in favor in England mid elsewhere , and ho thought they would create a complete revolution in travel in Europe. Fifty Pullman cars representing § 700,000 in value , were at present running on foreign roads. 'I'ho ' English people we're slow tu adopt now things , but since Pull man cars were put on the Midland llailway in 187U , M the solicitation of thu General Manager , who came to this country uud made a trip to Cali fornia in ono of thorn , there has been nn increasing demand for thoin. They were now running on the Mid land , the Great Noithern , the North Ltritish , the London , Brighton and South Coast , and on the East India mail route boUvuen Bologno and Brin- disi. Cars wuro being built for the Western lluil\\.iy in Franco , which would bo thu Hi at introduced in that country. The cars were constructed dt the shops in Detroit , Mich. , thlp- pod in sections , and put together at the company's shops in Derby , En gland. A cable dispatch w.w received yesterday proposing contracts for cars to run on leading roads in Italy. Mr. Pullman said ho should consider the proposition when ho arrived in England. Thu first purely American train in Europe was started a short time apo. [ t is known as the ( Pullman limited express , and consists entirely of Pull man cars. It makes four trips a day between London and Brighton , on the London , Brighton and South Coast llailway , and is well patronized. The charges are about the same in England as they are in this country , [ n other trains than the Pullman limited express the Pullman cars are coupled with the regular carriages. A special feature of the Pullman train is ita completeness , and in this re spect it excels the fast train composed of Pullman cara between Now York and Washington. It is supplied with a restaurant , nows-atand , smoking- room , and other coiiveniencus. A little tlo competition , if it will boar the term , has sprung up ana owes ita ori gin to American enterprise The London and Northwestern llailway lias made some changes in its regular carriages so as to provide sleeping no- comodations , which are deficient in many respects and do not compare with the elegance and comfort atlord- od by American cars. On the Conti nent the Belgium Company , us it is known , is running n number of sleeping ing cars. The sleeping arrangements nro made to conform to the standard carriages used on the continental rail ways , and they are lack'ing in many important details , The demand for Pullman cars in Europe Mr. Pullman said hud already reached largo proportions and was continually increasing. The Aiueri- cui ) plan of drawing-room and sleeping cars afforded comforts that the pro- Tailing style of carriages never could bo made to afford , and people were realizing it. The better class of trav elers patronized the Pullman cars , aud there was ovorytlring to indicate that any prejudices a ahist those that might have existed had boon removed. Mr , Pullman will join his family in Paris and return during the first week in April , A Baptist MlnUtoi-'a Experience- Inm a Itftptlst Minister , ami before I e\e thought of beiuir a clcrKyimm , I grad uated in medicine , hut left n lucrative iracticu for my pmrnt profein ! , 10 r'eurH nm > . I wan fur in IIVVQMK utf-r- r from < ] iiln y ; "Tuou i t tua-i'iMu On : urcd me , " I watt also tumbled \Uth nnd Thoman' IJclectrlo OH al waya relieved mo. My wife ami child had diphtheria , ami "Tlionmu1 Kelectric Oil enrol them , ' uud if taken In time it will euro iioveii timed out of ten. I am confid ent It U a cure fur the inout obstinate cold > r cough , nnd If nny onuill take u email eaapoon mid half till it with the Oil , aud hen place the end of tbo ejxjon la ono HOB- , rll mul draw tlio oil out of the tpooii in- o the head by anilling aa hard ua tlieycan. mill the Oil fails over into the throat , inui iractico ttiat twleo n week , I don't onto low olfciiBive their lead may be , It will cleuu it out nud euro their catarrh , For leafncea nnd earaoho U linn done wonder * o my certain knowledge. It id the only uedfclno dubbed patent medicine Unit I invu uer felt like recommending , and I am very auxiciu to bee it in every place , or I tell you that I would not bo without t hi my homo for any consideration. I tm now BUtlerlng with n pain like rheu- mutism In my right limb , nnd nothing re llevesmollkeThomM'Kclcct Ic Oil. DK. 1 ! ' . CUANJ5 , f2Uw . Corry , I'.i. ? A-yfitt _ ! . > 'L-v-2 i Jff'/ff A rrtnftly with uo a icpitfpM'ntl"nns Ho - tctlcr'HStomnch Illtt'iHn cr\e n fnlr t ml II > on ft c djsixptlc , jour innlnlj will nfontnally > lotl t > It ; It jou nro fi-itilr , Ink Ilc h mill 'ud ilO'ioniU'iit | It will both Imllil niul chrcr jnnnt < : II ton nrocmia'lint'il It nil ! rd c\u.\o\i , nnd If lilllous , hcMtlidilKtlinulUoour Hur. Don't ilcxpo n but make tills cllort In tlio rL'ht illroc- tion. tion.Kor'ealo Kor'ealo by alt drnif lstsnnil ilca'oisecnorally. ' fcl)13to ml CAUTION TO EGG SHIPPERS "Stevens' Patent Egg Gate" Sus tained by the Courts. You nro hereby notified that u o nro the fO\o \ jwnors of letters patent Issued to Join L. niJ ScorgoV. . 8toens , on tlio 20th day ol February , IS07 , nnd reissued Feb. ID , 1878 , rcltsuu No bO'Jl , for lniiro > cmcnt In KggCases. After neatly four tears of litigation \vlth l'Sibtodcr&Sca\era"of New York , and aft r n "final licarl p" upon the tnirlU , tlio eald "Sto- ictm" rolBKued patent , No. HvOltta decided tel l > o a seed and valid patent bv Ihs Honor llojt II. Wlicelcr , U. S. Judge , atN w York , on tbo 13th day of July , 1831 ; aril thereafter , nnd on the fitli any of Au utt , 1831 , n final decree ni untcroil In Bald cau e , Kwarding a purctunl | In- limctlori ntralnst "adirodcr & Beaxcra" and for w account ( or profits and damages. After thu abno dccne na filednnnpplica tion was inmlo by the talJ "Schroder A SeiUM" lor n tclioarlii ( { . Said rclicarmir was ( 'ranteil , ui.l on the 23th day of January , 1882 , Ills Honor Ho ) til heeler alllrnicd bis former dc- ; lon , thus fully uustainlit ' , the intent after n loublo boarln ? . On Feb. 10 , 1882 , IIU Honor Geo. AV. Sic- - nrU. . S. Jndgo at Kroknk , lama , grai ted nn Injunction nxalnut lltnrj Wcl * ( n anulacturer of ; nu "North Star Ca o" ) , Uurllngton , ( owa , re- itraliilng him from further nnnufactnrlng Kllln ' or nslnjf Mid cases In addition to the aliO > c , tie following In unctions liaxo recently been Issued : John II. 1'alnu-r , of Cedar H-ipId' , lonn , by J. S. Judges McCrary and I-oto at DCS Jlolnes , own , "Kgg Ca-rter nnd Tester Co , " of Chicago , by [ III Honor Henry W. fllcdjct' , U. S. JwUo nt JliicJUo , which vtxs appealed to Ills Honor rhmias DruiMiiond , IS. . JuJfio nt Chicago , \ho alllrnicd the ciiinloii ot Judge IJIodsrctt fe14,1831 \ ; also against Chas. A. GlllNiilc , of Chlcigo , by IIU Honor Henry W. Blodgctt , at Chicago , Jlnrch 7 , 1881 , mil acvcml others all fully BUitalnlni ; the jtuxcns' reissued patent. CAtJTJON. W" thcrcforn hereby notify ihu public that the fl > c of r.moxnbla dltldlni ; joarils between trn' cpntalUng bottomlcaa roinimtmonti ( lth' rcimttr to the shape elI I ho compartment ) , or to the' manner In which Ihp pieces faimln them are put together ) U n ulrect Infr.ngcmcnt on the StcxeiiB 1'atent Egg L'a > c , rclssno N o. 8001 and all parties making , sel inn or usinir Egg Cases BO constructed without Diir convent will be hold nccountablo to us. HILLING , COUOHN & CO. Chlugo , February , 1832. fcb21-meod-3t A' ' If ou ru in u /It .rtunrAb " r nmn of lex enoilfoy the t train of Urstollintfinrsmmt > nur tlutlcg avok1 night work , tu rns cHmulantiand u * < ) tore brain nerve urC Hop DSttorsi wife , use Hop B IS jou lire JOUTK mid | utterlnff froiuaiiy u ilisci-ctlon or OlMlpaJ I tion j If youaro'nar rloil or fliu-le. clJ orj lyoun ? , sulfcrin fro LI poorliealtb ur luneuUh I niip on a bed of * lcV ucj , rely on Ho pi iBittera. VhoeTer you are. Thousands ate at- nheneTor yon feel i naallyfrom POUIB that your jrrtcm I formof Kidney nf fjg clcunslnif , toner - ' dlscAfO tnftt inltclil or itlmulatln ? , I bT tlinoly use of talco Hop V HcpEtter ! Bltt r . . ptptia , i ' O.I. O orvt'narueom- 111 an absoluU plaint , dueoe land Irreaista. of th tfomac/i , llble care (01 HOP 6otnl > , tlood , drankennesi , liutr ormrt 1 iluse of opluni , You will be lltbbaooo , ' cured If you use llnarcatlcf. Hop Bitter * Ify < m r dlm Bold by drug weak and flats. Bend ( or ply NEVER Circular lo , < f > jilritciltry Itt it may onvo your ! FAIL ' . H'PO CO. , life. It hn oaved hun BwkMlnll.U Ureds. A Toronto. Out. TRUTH ATTESTED. Some Important S tntemo t of 'Wei Known People "Wholly VerlBod. InorJcr that the publlo may fully realize the ; cimlnciican of the stato'iientu , A.S well as the x > ncran < lnluo l of the article of which thcj ipoak , wopiiMUhhor with tl o fac-Blmllo ilgnt- .aiotol par I leu wlioso sincerity la beiomlqmu .Ion. The Truth of thrno t' stlraonhla 1 abuo- ute , nor can tha fact * they announce bo Iff lortia OMAHA , NUB. , May 2 1 , 1831. ir. H. WARMmiCo. : DKAR SIR : 1 have frequently , uicd Warner's 3afo Kidney aui ) Lh er Cure for local aHoctlons ittondant upon seiero rhoumatlo attacks , and m\oal ajs derived benefit therefrom. 1 have tlso uuo J ( he Safe N'eruno with gatUfactory to. iult . I coiieldcr thoeo medicines worthy of Deputy Treasurer OUAIIA , NBB , Miy 24 , 1E81 II. n WARNIR&CO. , UochoHtor , N. Y. : GBNIH ; 1 hart QM iyour Bate Kidney and LUor Cure thla Bering aa a l\orinvlgorator , and I find It the bent remedy I over tried , Iluvt u d 4 bottles , and It hat made mo feel better Jian oer I did before In the uprlnjr. U. P. H. Ehops. OMAHA , Nitu. , May 24 , 1W1. II. II. WARKEK&CO. ! . SIRS : For moro than 16 yiaral ha\o Buffered nucli In. cm enlcnco from combined kidney and ler illsoaecs , id have been uiublo to work , nj urlii ) orj uul n I'dn'jaltio'ol ' I rluil a ; rcat nun ) midlUma and doctors , but I grew * or o and v , one day by day. I wan told 1 had DrlK'lit'a Disease , and I Mlaliod ni ) clf dead 111 ttuld not lu\onj > cody relief , I took your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure , knoulng nothing elwj as e\cr known to euro tha dltoauo , and 1 ham tot been tluappolaUd. Tb.3 luoJlclue hag cured no , and I am petfea ly veil to-day , entirely hrough jour Safe Kidney and Liver Cure J vUh\ou ilUuco no In | ) uulUhliir | thU v.luablc tucdr throuxh thn u otld U , 1' , U. It. of equally monf endowments i.tcjrl > Bcia In cose * where hope uai aban * Ictcd-taio wcruoluuUrUy glu'u.ihoHlntf the eiitlkiblauiwer ol Warner1 ! Safe Kidney and Jfit Oid V all d aeu * of thi kldneyi. liver ! ! , . ' . | | ny one who rcftdi thU ' trouble rtujc'jiber the great If joniulTcrfrom Djfpcpil.i , use I1U11DOCK WLOOD DITTERS If jou nraallllctcd nlth Ilillotuncsi , use IIUHDOCK I1L001) IHTTKllS If > ou nro prostrated lth sick Hendichc , take 11UIIUOCK 11LOOD 1JITTKRS If your How els nro illsordcred , rcgulatu them with IIUHDOCK UW OD HITTERS. If jour Wood Is mjmrc , purlfj It with IIUHDOCK 1II.OOD BITTERS. If you have Indigestion , you will hnd an antidote In 1UJRDOCK DLOOD HITTERS. Ifounro troubled with Spring Complaint ! , er- nillcatt ; tlicin with 1UJI1DOCK III.OOD IlITTnilS. Ifjour I.l\erls torjild , rmlnroltlo huilthy action Ith 11U11DOCK 111.00D I111TKUS If J our I.lvcr Is nITcctcd , ) ou 111 flnd a auro re- storatUe In IIUHDOCK 111,000 HITTERS. If jou ha\oany species ol Humor or Pimple , fall lot to take IIUHDOCK IJLOOD HITTERS , If } ou have nny BJ mptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous Sores , n curatiie remedy will bo found In . IIUHDOCK IJLOOD BITTERS. for Imparting strength and Utality totliosya- ; cm , nothing can equal BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. ? orNorvousand General Debility , tone up the Bjstem with IIUHDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Price , 81.00 pel Bottle ; Trial Bottles JO Cts FOSTER , MILBDEN , & Co , , Props , BUTTAtO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale by Inn & McMahon and C. F. Goodman. Jo 27 cod-mo Tnla great tpcciflc cures that most loathsome disease SYPHILIS Whether ID ita Primary , Secondary or Tertiary Stage- Removes all traces of M ercury from the sys tem , Cures Scrofula , 01 < ) Sores , Hheuma- tint ] , Ei zcma , Catarrh or any Blood Disease. Cures When Hot Springs Foil ! Mali crn , Ark. , May 2,1831. W o lu e cote * In our town who lit cd at Hot Spring , ) and were finally cured with S. S. S. JICCAMMOV & SIORRT Memphis , Mcnn. , May 12,1881 Wo ha * o sold 1.29U hot les of S. S. S. In a 5 car. t has git en universal satisfaction. > air minded ) hyslclans now recommend it ns a poslthe specific. s. MANBPIBLD & Co. Loi.lsHie , Ky , , Maj IS. 1831. S. S. S. has glvm hotter sail faction than any medicine I hao acr sold J. A. FLHHKR. Demo , Col. May 2,1881. Every purcha er ipeaks In the highest terms ° IS. 8.8. L. Meiajetnr. Richmond. Yo. . May 11,1881. You can refer an ) body to ui In regard to the merits of S. S. S. folk , Miller & Co. Hoe never knownS. S. S to fall to cure a case cf Sjphllls , when properly taken. H. L. Dcimard , ) i > _ _ . . / , . . Ell Warren. | Perry , The abote signers arouentlemon of high stand- "S- A II COLQU1TT , Governor or Georgia. IF YOU WISH WB W LL TAKE YOURSE CA TO RE I'AIt > FOIl WHEN CURED. Write ( or particulars and oouy ol little book 'llcwase to the Unfortunate. " 81.OOO Rriward will bo paid to any chemist who will find , on anilsis 100 bottles S 8. 8. , ono particle of Mercury Iodide Potas sium or nny Mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Props. Atlanta , Qa. Price of regular slzo reduced to 81.75 per i ot tie Small e'zo , holding half the quantity , price , Sold by KENNAItD & CO. , and Druggists Generally. English Eftmedy Never falls to cuio Nervous Debility. VI- lul Exhaustion , Emls- lloni , Rctnlnal Wcak- lncs9c , LOST MAN- jlHOOD , and all thom m 11 effect * of youth ful , follies and execs- 1)08. It stops perma- Illontly all weakening , llmoluntaryloss sand drains upon the s > s- 1'pni , the \ noitab'o ' re- , , , , 'ault of thcso CMprac ! tices , M hi ell are so destructive to mind and body and inako lllo miserable , often leading to Insani ty anil death It strengthens the NmesDrain , ( uicmorjf Blood , Sluaclcs , PlKcstlto and Repro ductive Or.ruIIH , It restores to all the oriranlc functlnis their former vigor and vitality , ma- 'Ink- life cheerful and enjojablo. 1'rlce , ? 3a bottle , or four times tdo quantity HO. Bant by express , Becnro from observation , to any address , on receipt of ( irlco. Ko.0.0 , I ) , eont , except on receipt of 31 as a KUinvitee. Letters re questing answers uiust Inclose etamp. Dr. Mintie's P Qdehon aru the host and chcapq J Bpcpala and blllloua cure In the market. Bo y all druggists. Price 60 cents. Diu MINTIX'S KIDNEY KKMKDT , QErRRTicuu , Cures all Undot Kidney and bladdcrcomplalnto. go.iorrhca , Rloet and leucorreea. For eafe i y all dau.-g sU : 91 a bottle. hNGLISII MEDICAL INSTITUTE , TIBOIhcSt , , St. Loui3 , Mo. Jan26-lv Gentle Women Who wait -glossy , Inxnrlaiit nnd wavy tresses ot abundant , licnnliim Hair must nso decant , cheap article always makes the lluir crow freely nud fust , keeps it from lulling out , arrests and cures grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes tlio Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency ana keeping it in nny desired position. Beau tiful , healthy Hulr is the sure result of using Kutnairon. IMBB B BKAB V HHM V BBH W "WINEOrOARDUl" four times 11 " \'r \ uuilcw a Juippy household. DIRECTORY OF LEADING , WESTERN HOTELS. HOTELS. PliQPRIXTOKU ARLINQTON , J , Q. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Nek. BARATOOA HOTEL , J. 8. STELLJNIUS , Mllford , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , Stronuburg , No. HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Loultvllle OITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Blair , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. 0. MEAD , Nellgh , Neb QRANn CENTRAL ? . SEYMOUR , Nobraikn City , Neb.- MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , WeeplnRWnter.No COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O , CAARPER , Hardy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , Q. W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY. Clnrlnda , Iowa. ENO'3 HOTEL , E. L. ENO , Ercmont , Neb. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atklnton , Neb. MORQAN HOUSE , C. L. GRUUB , Guide Recd , Neb. SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & DECKER , Creator ) , la. JUDKIN8 HOUSE , OUDKINS & DRO , , Rod Oak , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , GEO. CALPH , Exlr.i , la REYNOLDS HOUSE , O.M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , In , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Aurtubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. BURGESS , Ncola , la , OITY HOTEL , Dl D.WILLIAMS , Marian , la , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINQ3 , Corning , la. NEORASKA HOTEL , J , L. AVERY , Btanton , Nob. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllsca , la. JUDKIN8 HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvcrn , la. BALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Grove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE , B , F. STEARNS , Odcbolt. la GRAND PACIFIC , J. NORTON. Columbus , Neb. WOODi HOUSE , JOHN CCKtRT , Oiccola , Neb. DOUOLAft HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM. Clarks Neb. & Wholesale Lumber , Ho , 1408 Farnhain Street , Omaha , let 1. . WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnhem St. . Omaha , I. OBERFELDER & CO , , WHOLESALE IILLIMET AND IOTMS , 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. SpriBg Goods Keceivmg Daily and Stock very nearly Complete , ATTENTION ! BUSINESS MEN. We have in Stock OVER 200,000 ENVELOPES A Large Invoice of Flat Paper , Finest and Most Complete Line of Blank and Account Books in Omaha. All at Prices that Cannot be Met in this Market. Give us a Call. OILMAN R. DAVIS & CO. , ( Successors to Wooley'A Davis. ) 105 South Fifteenth Street Opposite Postoffice. fcbO-lm-ood INVITATION TO ALL WHO HAVE WATCHES AND CLOCKS TO BE REPAIRED , GlU "VI IDsT G- TO BE DONE OR JEWELRY MANUFACTURED. While our Work is better , our Prices are Lower than all others I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS offered for Competition in our line Over All Competitors. For the Best Watch Work , For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. ) For the Best Engraving , For the Best Diamonds ( own importation ) ' FOR THE BEST DISPLAYED , ETC. laving lately enlarged my workshops and putting in now nd improves 'i chinory , I hope to still more improve the quality and finish "f our ork and fill orders with moro promptness than is usual. CLA-TJTIOHSr ! Mcito has always boon and always will bo : "First to gain superior then advertise the fact not before no wild advertisements Seme unprincipled dealers being in the habit of copying my announcements , I would1 bog you , the reader of this , to draw a line between such copied advertisements and those of Yours very truly , A . D. PI The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb , , Sign of the Striking1 Towr J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALKK IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT 4T8TATK AQENJ FOR MILWAUKEE CKilKKT Near Union Pacific Depot , OMAHA , NEB