Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1882, Image 1

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What the Russian General Said
to the StuOonts.
Hemarks that Have Excited
the Wrath of All of
As Being a Semi-Offlcial Deolo- '
ration of Russia's In-
"I Believe that Safety Lies
in the Uuion of thn i
Slavs with Prance. "
-And "Germany ! the Commas
Enemy. "
ilew York Herald Cablegram.
LONDON , February 18. A Vienna
dispatch to the Standard cays : "Tho
frequent notices in the Austrian find
German press of the menacing character -
actor the Piinalnvist agitation has boon
allowed to nssumo in ilusaiu hns had a
salutary effect in tlio highest Russian
q-uartors. It is rumored that six Kua-
sian ofllccrs.havo'loft St. Petersburg
for Herzegovina , and that niuo others
will shortly ( follow thorn. They are
all , it a said , grunted a year's leave
of absence. " A dispatch from St.
Petersburg to the Daily Telegraph
say a : "Russian journals express the
uarmcst gratitude to the English min
istry for the tone it has adopted in re
plying to questions in parliament re
garding Russian affairs. "
All the newspapers at Berlin express
indignation at the speech of Gcnura
Skobeleif to the Servian students in
which ho said that Russia had hither
to been hold in check by German in
fluence , and that the sword was the
only means the Russians had of rid
ding themselves of tlio incubus. The
Germanic sajs it hopes the govern
ment will seriously ask Russia wheth
er she grants her generals leave of
absence to preach a crusade in-Francn
.against Germany. The National /MI-
tung advises Austria to bring the
struggle with the Herzegovinian in-
suigonta promptly to a close.
The following is the full text of the
cpee'cli delivered by General Skobo-
Uoff :
"We are in our generation living
-inrought-'a { significant .period , uncx
. junplod " in'history. Borne-ages ago
.w'x'uia'forca 'governed all'iiitMriiatlliifuT
relations ; , since then has followed an
epoch of treaty obligations , the ob
servance of which in form with their
repudiation in the spirit has boon con
sidered as a feal of the greatest states
manship. ( Great sonsation. )
"In thia age it has been our lot to
experience the fact that the stronger ,
to all appearance , of two powers , has
established relations based on blood
And iron , and that might governs
right. Gentlemen , it is most signifi
cant that such an official recognition
of illegality , actually committed , had
never occurred } n earlier history.
"Our iron time impose on our gen
eration great patriotic obligations. It
is all the more hard to find in our
midst so many unhealthy minded
Utopians forgetting that at such a
period as the present the first duty
of every ono is to make every sacrifice -
fice for the development of the pow
ers of his mothiir country.
"If mutual distrust in private af
fairs is naturally opposed to our sym
pathies it should bo remembered ,
gentlemen , that , on the other hand ,
an extreme mistrust of everything
foreign and capable of disturbing thu
legal historical ideas of the father
land is an obligation of * patriotism ,
because it cannot possibly bo
admitted that the newly propounded
theory of triumphant and illegal might
oyor physically weaker right is the
privilege of some ono particular race.
It follows , as I imagine , from what I
have observed , that patriotic hearts
must experience a sensation of great
delight when the course of events
loads into error a sagacious and tal-
anted enemy of the fatherland. Th is
fooling is ono of peculiar pleasure
when ono finds one's aelf in the midst
of those who , by their labors and gal
lantry , and with their blood , aided in
drawing that enemy into the commit
ting of a mistake.
"You all know that our highly
talented eni'iny , Sir Henry Rawlin-
son , predicted BO long uio as in the
year 1875 tliut the animosity of the
Tokkos of Akhal would involve
Russia for many years in enonnbus
expenditure of men and money and
in a war with Persia ; that it would
render it obligatory on Ru ia to es
tablish a cordon of forts from the
mouth of the Attrok , through the
.entire oasis , and fr < m the Attrek to
Mory ; and that , finally , and to crown
all , it would undermine the political
power of Russia in Central Asia.
It m pleasant , gentlemen , to look
back to that precious confine on this
auspicious day and assure ourselves of
the fact that , thanks to the Almighty ,
Sir Henry Rawlinson's prophecy has
been in no way justifiable. Wo all
know the condition of affairs too well
for mo to enter into details , but
may say that our troublesome Asiatic
confine has never enjoyed such per
fect trauquilHy as it'does now. Never
-sinco the the time of Mahomed Shah's
march to Herat , coupled with the
memorable services of Count Simon-
itch , has the influence of the Russian
minister at Teheran boon more pro-
dominant. In ono word , the spell ol
the Russian standard is powerful far
away to the east , oven to the conquered
od rogion\ and this will doubtless bo
confirmed by thu engineers who have
just returned from Sarakns.
"Gentlemen , lot tno auk to whom is
our country indebted for the favora
ble issue of this great work ? Firs
and foremost let us respectfully giv
Jionor to the instrumentality of ou
nto sovereign , tha martyr c/Jir.
Saying firmly token the Akhal Tekko
krniainess in hand , thu late emperor
ully realised the immense importance
> f a place d'armos at the gates of
lerat and Afghanistan at a given
toriod in history. In thu second
ilaco , the success of the enterprise
vas , in principle , insured from the
fory beginning , by the efforts of his
inpurial highness , the thwii viceroy of
ho Caucasus , whoso hu'irtvt s over
with the bravo troops mulor his com-
"I need not enlarge on the gallant
ry of our Caucasian troops , with
whom our gallant Turkestan forces
love fraternized in battle. Our Cau
casian standards came to the Akhal
iold direct from the fields of Asiatic
Turkey covered with clory , and the
commander of the Akhal expedition
was too heavily chanrod with the fame
of Russian arms for his heart to bo by-
ow the level of the spirits of the
roops which ht led to Geek Tepo ;
and when thn heart is in the rigkt
) lace on the field of Imttlo victory is
hroo-qnartors insured. It is with
deep fooling that I call to mind all
; hose who co-operated with me , the
iravo soldiers and my brilliant staff
of oflicers ; and among those who foil ,
aonoral Petruaoviteli , conspicuous by
lis sense of duty , modest courage and
earning , and till the other officers
-ho died for the faith , such as Prince
klagolpf , Count Orlof , Mamatsef ,
Hulygin , Zubof , Studioski , Yablotch-
cof , Merkhilef , Giek , Ivanof , Kuna-
cofski , Nelcpof und Yureiiof.
"Gentlemen , so loni ; as wo have in
our rank ) such officers as these I have
mined , wo may boldly look nny enemy
n the face , remembering those who
ell at Gcok Tepo , and emulating their
deeds when the day of trial by battle
hould come.
"I have ono thing more to say to
'ou , gentlemen ; but allow mo horn to
ixchango my beaker with wine for a
umblor with water , and I call upon
on all to be'ar witness that neither I
nor any ono of us is or can bo speak-
. i ; on this occasion under any ub-
lormal influence.
"Wo live at u time when oven cab-
net secrets uro badly kept , and what
s spoken on this occasion will of a
ertainty bo divulged , so that extra
laution will not be iimiss.
"The exp ° ri ° uco ot late ypars has
aught us that when a Russian acci-
Ipntally remembers ( thanks to the
listory of his race ) that ho is ono of a
; reat and powerful people , und when
the Lord preserve him ! ) ho happens
o remember that the Russian people
\ro a member of the great Slavonic
ace , some , of whose families are now
> eing persecuted and oppressed , then
certain home-bred foreigners raise a
: ry against him , and say thathu , is
aboring under abnormal bacchanalian
) eg leave to put down my beaker
with wino and raise to my lips a
ass filled with water.
"It seems strange to mo that any
ndividual Russian or that our society
hould display a timidity when we
ouch on any subject near to the Rue-
ian heart a question legitimately
irising from our thousand years of
listorical existence. There are many
easons for this , but I cannot enter
nto thorn. The principal ono , how-
iver , is the lamentable difference
which exists between certain sections
f Russian society , between the intol-
ectual classes and the Russian peo-
le. Gentlemen , whensoever the
overeign of the country has called
upon the people , that ppoplo has risen
o the occasion < > f the historical ncces-
ity of the time. It has not always
) eon so with our intellectual classes ,
and if any ono has over failed to re-
pond to the czar it has been those in-
ellectual classes. I perfectly under-
tand this. Cosmopolitan European-
sin is not a source of strength , but
an indication of weakness. There
an bo no strength independent of the
nation , and the intellectual classes are
a power only when fn combination
vith the people.
"On this anniversary of the fall of
3ook Tepo it is only our host feelings
hat are uppermost. A French mar-
ihal was in the habit of observing
hat in war 'thrice wo killed the
.lain. " My soldier's heart and my
experience toll me that I am in an
assembly of such people as those ro-
erred to by the marshal. This is
why , in the midst of soldiers , I uttnr
words which are to bo understood in
a military souse and not us having
anything in common with politics of a
jivon time.1'
Referring to the struggle for faith
.nd nationality now going on on the
hores of the Adriatic General Sko-
) olell' said :
"I will not express all my meaning ,
ontlomon. My heart aches. But
ur faith in the historical mission of
llussia is our consolation and our
strength. Long live the emperor ! "J
PJUUS , February 18. In an inter
view with a representative of the Vol
.uire , General Skobololf , who is stop ,
ping at present in this city , refused to
liscluim ono jot or tittlo of the anti-
Gorman sotitiin iit8 to which ho gave
utterancp in his fqnious speech.
" " said the "is
"My position , general ,
an independent ono. So long as I am
summoned in the time of war I care
nothing for the rest. Yes , I did say
that Germany is the common enemy
and I repeat it. I believe that safety
lies in the union of the Slavs with
Franco. The European balance of
power must bo re-established or there
will soon bo only ono power Ger
many. "
The general also told the interviewer
or that ho had come to Paris entirely
of his own accord , and that far from
being in disgrace thp emperor had just
had n now ship named after him as a
signal mark of favor.
Relief for Havorhlll Safferort.
ional Amoctatfxl i'reiu.
CiiioAfio , February 21. The boot
and shoo dealers to-day raised $2,15 , (
for the Haverhill sufl'orers by fire.
The thing desired found at Uat. Auk
druggiit for "Rough on Uatu. " It clear
out rata , mice , roachte , flic * , bed lings ; 15c
EXBOSO of Another Graveyard
Insurance Ooiicoru ,
Whereby a Consumptive About
to Die Took Out a Policy
for Twenty Thousand.
The Fees and Assessments
Upon the Same Being
Paid by the Agent.
Disgusting Story of the Death
of a Young viirl by
General Note * of Crime * and
Criminal * .
National Aiuoclatoil Press.
BUFFALO , N. Y. , Fobrunry 21.
The Evening Mail publishes nil no-
count of another graveyard insurance
case , involving ( lie agent of the De-
roit Mutual Benefit , MHO of the com
panies denounced as miDUthorizod to
lo business in the state by Superin-
ondont Fainnan Joseph Friodmul-
or , consumptive , living at 5)7 ! ) NVil-
sain street , was inanrod in Novuiubcr
aat for § 20,000 by Curtis Woodhull ,
; onornl agent in thia city for the Do-
; roit Mutual company. Ho had 10
noncy nndWoodliullpaid the initiation
or him and subsequently paid his as
sessments , arranging ti take three-
burtha of the insurance on his death
md give bib wife $5,000. Dr. Thom
as examined the man. The policy is
n the hands of Agent Woodhull\vlio ,
ion- denies the man was ovur insured ,
> ut the Evening Mail bos possession
of a postal card from Detroit ,
dated January 10th , signed by
Secretary McCloud of the company
applying for assessment on policy
3,727. Collector Woodhull professed
readiness this afternoon to show the
record of policies , but to-night de
clined to do so until Soaretary Mc
Cloud , who has boon telegraphed for ,
arrives from Detroit tontako investiga-
ion. Ho is expected hero to-morrow
fatlonal Associated Press.
DETROIT , Michigan , February 21.
'herewas more sensational evidence
n the examination of Hugo 8. Peo-
ilea and Dr. Hollywood in the Martha
VlihtWHmifr'iJiir --cft30"-thia morniu i
'olm F. Monndarrott , who drives an
odorless excavator in Detroit , swore
but on the second Sunday of the
year , 1870 , Dr. Hollywood told him a
voman had did on his hands and ho
vantod witness to take the body in a
wagon to the Ann Arbor medical
tudonts. Witness declined and
lollywood said if ho over told their
onvoreation ho would shoot him.
'ho examination adjourned until
larch 1st.
BUFFALO , N. Y. , February 21. A
'oung ' girl died at a house on South
) ivision street this morning under
ircumstanccs strongly indicating an
ttompt it abortion. Her name is un-
: nown , but she is reported to bo the
. of well-to-do German
.nughtor - - people
n the East side , very handsome , and
ho is eaid to have been at the house
if the notorious Mrs. Dr. Broad for
ome time , and was finally taken at
tor own request to Mrs. Keller's. A
oung man said to bo Guorgo Lennox ,
) ook-keeper for the Dry Dock com-
> any , accompanied her thoro. The
test mortem examination to-day
hewed that death was caused by urlu-
lia , believed to result from the use of
medicines taken to cause an abortion.
Foreign Intelligence.
National Associated 1'rcns.
LONDON , February 21. The Social
cographical society has voted an ap
propriation of 10,000 for Leigh
Smith's arctic expedition.
In the house ot commons to-day Sir
Charles Dilko , under secretary , in re
ply to a question denied * hat the
rovernmont had over had any coin-
nunication with Prince Bisnuick on
ho subject of Gorman acquisition ot
Luboucherro'a motion for a writ for
now election to replace Bntdlauuh
rvas rejected by a majority of 280.
[ iradliiugh then advanced and took
ho oath The spo.ikor requested him
0 withdraw. Bradlaugh replied hi ;
"md taken the oath , and took his seat
n the liberal benches. The speaker
again requested him to withdraw , and
Liradlaugh complied with the request.
Dhurchill said Bradlaugh had rendered
lia scat vacant by not taking the
1 ath according to law , and moved for
a wrii for a new election/ The speaker
or having put the question , the attor
riey general said it was n grave stop
for the house to declare a seat vacant.
Libouchorro said ho understood Brad ,
laugh would remain outside pending
the discussion ,
It is believed in diplomatic circles ,
that Germany will ask the Russian
government to dismiss Gen. Skobolefl
from the Russiu'n army for his recent
utterances at Paris.
Dispatches from St. Petersburg
itato the Russian press in comment
ing on Gen , Skobolelfs speech says
that it is thu result of mental aberra
tion ,
VIKNNA , February 21 The gov-
eminent lias declined the proflerei
military services of Gorman oflieon
tendered for duty in the Balkan pon-
iiuula to auppross insurgents.
National Awodatrd 1'ieti.
\YAHIII r > OToN , February 21. To
morrow being a legal holiday nil do
nartmonts mil bo closed to public
business transactions.
The comptroller of the currency to
day authorized the Fulton national
b.uik , Lancaster , Pa. , to commence
buMiipusj capital , § 200,000. ,
The senate nmilo the following con
firmations : Assistant treasurer of the
United States , John 0. Now , of In.
ilinna ; surveyor of customs , Pincknoy
D. Pinchback , at Now Orleans.
Division Supcrintotidont Warfield ,
informs the postoftlco department that
all mails in the woat Irnvo been de
layed since Sunday , and on several
rends fast mail uorvico has been aban
doned for the present.
, Death of "Gram. "
8) ) > cclal Dispatch to The Deo.
OOI > KN , February 21. Hubert L ,
Gramzow , formerly night chief opera
tor at Omaha , died in this city at noon
Marino Intelligence.
National Asroilatcd Prom.
NKW YOUK , February 21. - Sailed
The Abyssinia , for Liverpool.
Arrived The P. Oaland from Rot
terdam , the Assyrian Monarch from
London , the Spain from Liverpooltho ,
Thilgralla from Copenhagen.
LiVEiii-ooL , February -Arrived
The Republic from Now York.
Suffrage Petition * .
National Awtodatiul frcna.
* CHICAGO , February 21. The First
Margaret Fuller society in meeting to
day decided to Bond petitions to all
the Illinois congressmen urging that
a committee bo appointed on wotimn
still'rago in thn house similar to that
of the senate.
Of the Difficulties Between
Oheyoune and the Union
Tlrao Extended , Interest Reduced ,
Vested Rights Released , Work
to Commence this Your.
Choycnnc Sun , 17th.
For more than fourycais the Union
Pacific has had the sole and exclusive
claim to a very luri o subsidy from the
county of Larmnio for a northern rail
road , to start from -Cheyenne , und un
fortunately the last enactment grant
ing $40,000 bonds did not limit thu
time for the construction of such rail
road. The effect of giving ono com
pany the exclusive privilege and not
saying when the rood should bo built ,
wns to suppress the biitorprise so long
: > s the traffic of the northern country
could be secured ; without thu con
struction of a branch railroad. _ This
great mistake arose /rom our .people
accaoting wprittoil Assurances. Yet
t" a'is Tfuitti * ' 's'AMu | .ll ) < / thai
hose assurances would have boon
ulfilled but for the retirement of
lay Gould from active participation
n the management of the Union Pa
cific. The error that was committed
eon became apparent and for the past
.wo . years the people of this county
lave grown m re and more restive
estivo under thu embargo that had
) ecn placed upon their cherished pro-
ect , but they have looked forward tea
a mooting of the legislature for relief
rom their burden , hence thu asscm-
> ly had no sooner convened than n
ill was introduced in the house to
iinit the time of the Wyoming , Mon-
ana & Pacific railroad company ( vir-
ually the Union Pacific ) for the con-
truction of ono hundred miles of tlio
imposed railroad to January 1 , 1883 ;
und in event of its failure to do this
he bill authorized the commissioners
o subsidize any company that might
) o organized to the amount of $300-
100. The measure was sharply an-
agonized by the Union Pacific , but
Hissed the house by a vote of 13 to 8.
Jpon reaching the council the opposi-
ion became more formidable , being
ed by thu local attorney of the Union
? acifie. And yet it had a strong sup
port under the leadership of Mr ,
L'liomas Sturgis. The contest grew
warm , engrossing almost the entire
attention of the council , and the in-
urest of the public became intense.
Passing over the two weeks' strug-
; lo , we will now give a synopsis of a
iompromiso that was effected yester
day morning between the Laramie
ounty delegation and Superintendent
I. T. Clark , through the efforts of
tfcssrs. J. M. Carey and F. E. War
ren. The basis of settlement is a fair
mo and fully compensates this dole-
ration for thu gallant fight they have
rrndo for the people. Its main points
ire us follows :
The bill M introduced will be pass
cd by common consent with an amend
nent requiring the Wyoming , Men-
.aim & Pacific railway to expend § 20- ,
)00 ) in grading or in machine shops to
) o located in this city , before January
L , 1883 ; otherwise to forfeit its claims ,
and the company will have until Nov
ember 1 1883 , to complete ono hun
dred miles of railroad , and have the
saino in operation and to cruet the
iccensary shops ,
Thu company further executes un
agreement in consideration of the
pussogo of this bill to relinquish all
claims it may huvo against 'hiscounty
ou account of former bond bills.
It will bu remembered that the bill
provides that the rate of interest on
the bonds shall bo reduced to six per
cent , which makes a saving to the
county of $8,000 , per annum , and Urn
in ten year * at six per cunt would
amount to $112,000 and in thirty
years to almost us much as il'o cntiri
principal. Thin is a very important
gain to tilt county.
As the hill authorizes the commis
aionora to niyo 300,000 bonds to any
other company in case of the failure
of the W , , M. it P , railway company
the people itru not , as before , ut thu
complete mercy of one company.
The outcome is , as wo expect ml , t
victory for the people ; and now thai
the contest is over , we will say that
us it it novur wise to inaugurate i
war without just reason , but who
once you are in blow must bo givoi
for blow , HO during the late unploas
antncsB the Sun has struck out from
the shoulder , but now that the isauo
decided , lot us have peace ,
The Region About St , Louis
Wcisliofl Out by Rains ,
Causing Considerable Loss to
Rnilronds nud Delaying
All Trains.
Illinois Roads SufTor Incoiv
voniouco for the Sumo
Cause ,
While the Country North
is Buriol in n Qonenil
Snow t'torm.
fftaoollanoous MUhnpi in Other
intloatl Asso < latctl from
ST. Loim , Fobruiiry 21. The ab-
elute damage to St. Louis occasioneil
iy thu Hood is considurablc , rnpocially
n North St. Louis and the levee
vhuro shippero were taken unawares ,
Hit the greatest will bo occasioned by
ho obstructions to business occnaion-
id by the intorrupious to railroad
ruvol. Tile liver in about stationary
ind there are no piosuuots of further
lood. Railroad travel id almost at a
land still.
The trouble on the Wubash western
iranch is located at two points , viz :
luntley Heights , 0 miles from the
ity , near Furguson , whore there oo-
; iired a heavy land nhdo , und at St.
/harlot , where the feny docks wore
wept away by an 8 tout rise in the
ilisaouri river , as also was tliu tom-
toriiry scatrolding used in erecting
lie new uoodon epana of the bridge ,
'hu tracks beteen St. Charles and
t. Peter's wore entirely submorged.
3vcr 300 men \voro kept engaged all
ay removing the' earth from tlio
ruck at liuntly lluiuhts without
vnil , however , as thu noft clay slid
[ own upon thum faaU-r than it could
0 removed , and thu u.i.s abandoned
uter us a coiiBtiuoiiun tuiiii , in at-
empting to furco HH way through ,
> ecaino' half buried boiiuath the filli
ng banks from eacr Hide.
On the Missouri Ptiuilic road the
ains have washed the faith down up-
n the track at several points between
Grey's Summit and Now Huvon , to a
upth of throe or four fcot. All the
treams along the line ot the road are
roatly swollen.
The Keokuk & St. Louis road is
under water at a number of points
A land slide was reported near Cat-
wissa , on the San Fmncisco road ,
nit no delay was occabinud thereby.
The lion Mountain rend suffered
, t innumerabl.i pointH. Near Bel-
nont there is an immunse land slide
f over 200 feet long and 8 fcot deep ,
nd another occurred at CHIT Cave 10
tiles trom the city.
Greatdisuppointuient wns experienced
> oth last night and this morning by
nxious travulerd who lound upon
rrival at the Union depot that only
liroo or four trains wore going out
aat night. The Yandalia & Illinois
Jentnil express train was run out
vith the O'lio ' & Mississippi train to
Iden ; the Cairo short line and the
an Francisco wore the only other
oadn that sent out trains , and the
nly train to arrive was that of the
'risco lino. This morning the only
rains out were Chicago & Alton ,
Vandalia , Ohio & Miasissipp , Illi-
oia Central , Missouri Pacific
nd Frisco lino. There wore
10 arrivals up to 8 o'clock. All
rains on the Indianapolis & St. Louis
oad have boon abandoned indolinito-
y , also on the Kojkuk road. Mis-
ouri JVcifio incoming trains , the Mis-
uun , Kansas & Texas , the Iron
Mountain , the Wubash Western ,
ho St. Louis & Southeastern und thu
Vub.ish Eastern are all abandoned in
Two more washouts are reported on
he Missouri Pacific road , one near
Cliumoiau and the other at Luodi.
SAN FKANUIHCO , February 151. The
owur levels of Crown Point , Uolchor
and Overman mines are lloodud. Con-
muud cold weather prevails through
out the state.
Si'iiiNOKJKLU , February 21. The
storm has caused a great deal of
.rouble in this vicinity , and railroad
ruvol is generally interrupted. The
iUvorton bridge , on the SVabush , wus
carried out this morning , and about
120 feet of the Wubash track is
washed out at Lanosvillo , the Can
non Bull train which left hero last
night being imprisoned between the
Bridge und the washout. There in no
moans of reaching St. Louis by any
road. The Illinois Central is afraid
.o run trains across the Sangamon
DoiiUQu'K , Fubruary 21. The wors
snow storm of the season full yesterday
day and last night , about four inches ,
and sleighing U good. The snow is
badly drifting , delaying trains. The
tram from the west wtm unable to gut
National A noclato < l I'/IHS.
WAHIIINOTON , February 21. Mr.
DawfH presented u petition signed by
! 50,000 persona , praying the United
Status to keep its fa tb with
the Indians. Referred to the com
mittee on Indian uli'.iira.
On motion of Mr. Morgan it was
n-Bolvod to adjourn over till Thuia-
The houcu apportionment bill was
then taken up , und , after discuBsion ,
passed the aenuto us it came from the
Mr. Ingalts' resolution on the ar
rears of pensions act was taken up
and Mr. Book ollered an amendment
that printed lists of persona receiving
or applying for pensions bo posted in
nil pension ollico.i.
After debate Mi. U iwloy moved to
lay the resolution and pondingamend-
inont on the table. Carried ; yeas 20 ,
nays 23.
_ The bill to establish a uiarino hot-
pital at Memphis , Teiin , , wns passed.
The senate wont into executive ses
sion at1:20 : , and at1:50 : adjourned
till Thursday.
viiouF.r.niNn.s I.N Tin : IIOUMI : .
The lioUBodisponsod with the morn
ing hour and wont into committee of
the whole oil the appropriation bill.
The amendment providing railroads
refusing to carry mail on the fastest
trains shall have but half pay for
mail transportation provided for fnst
mail norvico on thoirlinos uasadoptod
by 85 to 05.
The houaa spent thu entire after
noon on the puatollico appropriation
bill.Mr. . Hewitt's muondni'cnt repealing
the law which gave the St. Louis
Bridge company § 3,000 a year for
the transmission of the mails across
the bridge , and providing that no
higher rates shall Vbe paid for mail
than are charged foro.xpro saml other
m.ttt r , wai ivloptpd.
The section apiitopri.itiiig7,000,000
for star routes was taken up.
Mr. llolmaj > ollered an amend
ment providing that when i
contractor sliiill sub-lot a con
tract for less than the original
price the postmaster general may de
clare the contract void and enter into
a now contract with the nub-contract
or at thu figure at which he has taken
( he sub-conttnct.
Mr. Atkins amended by adding pro
vided the original contractor bo not
released from his bond until a good
bond is given by the now contractor.
This occasioned much favorable com
ment but pending a vote the bouse
adjourned until Thursday.
WASHINGTON , Februiry 20. - Dis
cussion of the bill to retire , General
Grant consumed the session until
3:25 :
Mr. Logan explained the point ho
sought to make clear was , that the law
as made , made no distinction to the
circumstances of the ollicer * that
based this retirement only upon the
K'ligth thitt service , wounds or disabil
ity , lie had boon informed by Gen
eral Shields , the newspaper ntatement
about bis having pawned his sword ,
was not true. He would have died
rather than do auch a tiling. Ho
( Logan ) had been one of that oflicor'a
supporters in the cil'ort for hia retire
ment , and wrote a letter in his behalf
which was widely published at the
time. Therefore , what had boon said
on that score did not apply to himself.
General Loian seemed afraid that
General Grant might bo humiliated.
r--rButlor nugeonCod , upon thi
lderfllionTsMiiar provisosslio S
bo inudo for Generals Franklin , Me-
Clellan and other distinguished sol
diers. ,
Mr. Logan admitted the propriety
of any proposition to the effect ,
Mr. Vest disclaimed any prejudice
against Gon. Grant or any other union
soldier. To say that he , or any of his
associates who had been identified
with the confederacy , entertained a
mean and contemptible jealousy against
the man because he had conquered
them in open fight , wns simply u mad
personal reflection to which ho would
it reply.
The bill comes up again to-morrow.
The pension arrears resolution was
.ken up und Mr. McPherson offered
nd advocated u substitute , declaring
"int the sonata should adhcro to the
rinciplo that pensions shall bo coin-
utod from the time of disability , and
n acting pension committee to bring
i a bill by which the business of the
elision bureau may be expedited and
niudn detected and punished.
An executive session interrupted the
iscussion and when the doors opened
ho senate adjourned.
Mr. McKinley , of Ohio , from the
lommittee of ways and means , moved
.o suspend the rules and pass a joint
csolution refunding to the American
oyiaors of the now testament duties
aid on copies of the new revised tcs
ament brought to this country by
hum. Agreed to , und the bill passed.
A resolution authorizing the secre
tary of war to grant immediate relief
iy issuing rations lo the destitute
citizens of Arkansas and Louisiana , in
he Ilcd river valley , was referred.
A bill to ostabhuh district United
States courts und oflicers thereof in
the northern and southern judicial
districts of Georgia wan agreed to.
The bill to promote eflicioncy in
the life saving service and to encour
age the saving of life from shipwrecks
was passed ,
A bill authorizing the payment of
the Japanese indemnity fund , $1,770-
'UO , to the Japanese government with
the exception of $254,000 which shall
be paid to the ollicura und crow of the
United ( States ship "Wyoming , "
passed umid applause ,
The house then took an evening
session for the consideration of thu
Dittrict of Columbia code bill.
A good pair of Boots for 81.7& .
Lot of Children's Shoes at 25 cents
Good pair of Ladies Shoos at $1.00 ,
Ladies' ' Slippers ut < > 0 cunts.
Extra good Children's Shoes GO cents
Splendid Calf Boot at § 2.55.
This stock must bo'closed out t
make room for a largo new Block nuv
on the road.
fl7-tf 10th ml IwcVoon
Strap Rubbers ut
14th and Farnhum.
at Wu. GKNTIKMAN'H. fcb20-2t
M. R. RiSDON ,
Gen'l ' Insurance Agent
I'houilx AMurnnru Co. , ol
t'Mh Amelia . . . . . .IS.304,601.00
Wcntchoswr , .V V. , Capital . 1,000,000.00
The Mcnliantc , of Newark , N , J. ,
CiplW . l,27 , tOO.OO
Giant Fire , I'lilUildphln , Capital 1,200,000.00
Flrcinf n'a Fund . 1,230,016.00
llrlt'uli America Araurftiice Co . 1ROO,0:0.00
OfllcB , Boyd's Dpora House.
Ai DtnmVi Orricit , I
LfttCOLX , Fob. 1 , 1881. f
It In horcbr cMtlnut ttiat M. It. Ulmlon , of
Omaha , In the County of Doiigln * , state of Ne-
trtuku Is htrohy duly Authorized to transact the
timilncm of Flio Imuranco. for the itirrcnt year
In salil County , ni Agent ot the I'lreinatt'H turn !
Iniuramo Company , of tfan Frnuclnco , In the
State of California , subject to all the restrictions
ami limitations of thw law regulating Fire In-
iiirnnca Uompanlca In tbl * .State.
In Testluioiiy Whereof , I \\\\a \ hereunto not ray
liaml and > ml of the Aimltor of Public AccounlH ,
tltc day and ) ear abo\o written
Alhlltor of Public Account * .
It _ In clmrguol liiBiuane lc | > rliiiont.
16th Street Grocer ,
Lemons and Oranges ,
Choice Butter and Eggs
Made to Order on Short Notice
Harness Store.
The Oldest HJstaDhsheH
Caldwell , Hamilton & Co. ,
* ;
Ouidnma intniractod H IOU < int of * n Incol *
pontwl Okok.
Accountd kept In currency or gold ralijcet to
ilrht chock without no tire.
Cortldcfctc * of tlopoeit wiuil piufttilo In thre k
llx Mid twelve uionUin , junrlni ; Intotunt , or on
demand without liiturnat
Ailvancttn nude to uutomunt ou approved eoo
rltlcu at market rated ol Interest.
Bay and neil ffolJ , Mlln of oichiiiKo , toieia
ment state , county and cltr bondg.
Draw ilx'nt ilrafts on England , IrnUnd , Scot-
Und , and all puts ol Europe.
Boll Kuropuan | iwwo tlckotn
Joe llcckiuiui has removed to No. 215 South
'hlrtcenth itreot , between Kurnham and
touglas. He now has a line , roomy store with
n e > tcn lro dgur minufactory In rear.
Jan ' -
Guming Street
J. J , NOBES , Propr.
Fresh and Salt Meatu of all
Kinds , Pouliry , Pish , &o. ,
in Season.
Proprietor ,
1213 Haraey Street ,
OMAHA , - - - NEB.
Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , Finials ,
Specht's Patent Motalio Sky-
Patent Adjustable Ratchet Dar and
I am the general bUte Agent ( or tht above
no ol ioodi.
Oretln , Oaluitradet , Verttndjt.'Offlce and
UantCRallliici , Window and Cellar
Guards ; alia
Peunon and Hill Patent Iruldo Blind ,
nov , ltf
Dexter L. Thomas ,
llooiu S,0rol'litoi | nioulc *
Storc Works
ted French Doub'o Tli'ck ' Plat and ( lent
0. J. WILDE ,
1316 and 1317 Oasa Street.