Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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    I'JULE OAlAtCA JJ./UL1 * BE ' : TUESDAY , FORUAM Si 188 ;
Tuesday Morning , Feb. 21.
Wo&thor Report.
( The following observations are taken nt
the lutme moment of time at nil the sta
tions named. ) ,
Wi DurAstiiiiTr , U. R , Siimt. HURVICR , \
OMAHA , February 20 , 1882. (146 ( ; p. m. ) )
K very thing clono.l up early last
Mary Outer has filed n petition to Bell
liquor In Valley precinct nnd n pro ten
lai also been filed by her neighbors.
The last jury trial ! ( now In progro.ii
in the U. S. court at Lincoln , nnd an ad
journment will bo taken this wo.k.
The Trinity mission mippcr and cn
tcrUlnment takes place nt Standard hall
Great reductions In overcoats nnd
hcnvy suiUit M. Ilclltnnn A Co.
AH trains will be late this morning ,
Bomo of thoio from the catt having con *
cidorablo dlflicnlty In getting through last
The funeral of Mr. Itoddlo , who died
last Friday In Albuquerqti * , N. M. , will
take place on Wednesday ut 2 o'clock from
St. Murk s church
The regular qunitorly meeting of the
Union Catholic Library a ftociatiou taVcn
pit co this uvunlug. All memberx
arc notified to nttoad.
The grand double niiiMiuerndo ball of
Hie Omaha i ienncrchor to-nipht
will lit the nearest approach to the Mnrdl
Unvi our cltlzeni h ivo over enjoyed.
UufusS. Parker , ns istint foreman of
the Western Newspaper union , anil llins
Katie Parking were married on Friday
TKe rumor of n cuniompliuetl union
depot , t'j ' l.ti built at the foot of Howml
street , by the U P. and IJ. fc M. roudu ,
is nil gns.
Our thank 4 ara duo the secretary of
the Danish Aj-oiation of Omaha for the (
cordial Invitation to attend tho'r 7th an
nual grand inmiuor.idi ) ball nt Turner
hall Saturday evening next.
Merchant * of Omaha handling fur-
nislwd goods Will do well to look through
the spring stock njw open of Shrove ,
Jarvis k Co. , Miilurd' * new block , Har-
ve'y street. fobZO-mo
For Sale at a bargain , the stock an d
fixtures of the Mlqlliyt " Tobaou > Store ,
1417 Dougbi street , Omaha. Business
first cla-s , location good , rent low , satis
factory rea < iuni for selling. Apply a'tho
store. f20 - - & - -
- Jne ] Aim Dickinson company played
Claude Meluotte Saturday afternoon and
repeited Hamlet Saturday , to good houses
on both eco leions. AH on the first ovenl B
the public was very generous and appreci
ative. The party left for Council Ulufts
yesterday nnd return and go from hereto
to Atihison to-morrow moining. '
- The complaint oialnst the oillcom of
the fichool board , for violating the firolim-
Ite ordinance , wau disiniBiod on Saturday
by Judge Beneke , nnd the prisoners were
discharged. It is probable , Mr. Long
says , that they will brick up the walls of
the building , to ns to comply with Urn
The attempt of two negroes , on Fri
day night , to burglarize a IIOUKO of 111 fame
on Eleventh street , was frustrated by n
young man who was visiting there The
latter beat one of the intruders over the
bead with a poker until ho fled and on the
next doy recognized tbo burglar by his
sere head. He darj not have him arrest
ed , however , for fear of criminating him
Manager Marsh's benefit on Friday
orcntng will be immense. The "Fun on
the Bristol" party hat no equal On the
road. Among the HpccUltiei to be Intro
duced on thin occasion will be a burlexquo
on the "Two Oi plums , " which was recent
ly gotten up by Sheridan. It was i he rs.
ed in Omaha at the Hint ) of the coinpanyV
recent viiit here , and was brought out for
the fir > t tltno in puhllo at the Tabor opera
houio in Denver , where it w s received
with great enthusiasm and mlerinient.
14th and Farnham.
No MIHTAKK ! Roller Skating at
Central hall on Tuesday night.
Fees of Doctor-
The foe of doctors is an item that
very many poreona arc iutorostod in
just at present. Wo believe the
echedulo far visits la $3 , which would
take a man confined to his bed for a
year , and in need of a daily visit , ever
91,000 a year for medical attendance
alone ! And one single bottle of Hop
Bitten taken in time would save the
81,000 and all the year's nick-ness ,
Poet ,
Gold fillings put tu by electricity nt
Pr. Wertz1 dental rooms , 1322 Farn-
ham street , foblO-Gl *
the popular clothiers , are now offering
the best inducements we hare yet
beard of. To an inquiry as to how
they could sell heavy winter ig
00 cheap , Mr. H. Bays it is only or
the purpose of making room for their
immense now stock now on the way
( or the apring trado. fob8-5t-eo'l
His Oounool Pleads that the
Late Grand Jury Was
Not a Legal Body.
Which Would Knock oil Their
Indiotuionts Into "Pi. "
The Plon In Abntomont to bo Argued
This Morning.
Thu week devoted in the district
court to the trial of criminal cases
began yesterday with the case of
the aUto vn. Lee Slits , who ia nccus
cd of having ntabbod his brother HOV-
oral months ngo during a drunken
frncas in South Omalia. Tlio victim
of fie crime , Henry Stitz , was stab
bed first in the head and again in the
back near the spine , the latter wound
producing paralysis of tlicjlowor limbs.
Ho was hauled to the court house yes
terday in a cab and carried up Htnirs
in a chair by tour mon , The jury was
impannellcd by 11 o'clock and thu
trial at once begun.
Pending the statement of this case
to the jury , Hon. J. 0. Cowpn , coun
sel for Ohas. Kostors , indicted for
the killing of Oscar Hammer on Christ
mas morning , ankod that Kosters bo
arraigned. Kostors was in the court
room and made his.appoaranco before
the bar without nny especial sign of
discomfiture or agitation. District
Attorney liurnham road the indict
ment charging him with murder in
the second dcgreo , and General Cowin
answered "Wo plead in abatement. "
THK BII : : reporter secured the docu
ment filedlongonoiightomako out the
It claims on behalf of the prisoner ,
tlmt "The indictment ai it is exhibited -
ed against him , < vas not found nr pro-
Hontod to any court having jurisdic
tion of the ofTenso therein charged ,
by a regularly appointed nnd constitu
ted grand jury , under the laws of the
state of Nebraska , as appears from
the records of the board of county
commissioners and the rvcurds of the
court. "
The plea further alleges that the
time of holding the term of court
now in session was legally fixed on for
February 0 , the first Monday in the
month ; that the county of Douglas is
divided into seventeen procirjcts ; that
on the 17th day of January , and on
the Oth day of February , 1883 , there
resided in Omaha precinct No. 1
1,114 persons qualified to sit as jurors
the number iu each of the seventeen
precincts is then stated ) ; that
on the 17th day of January ,
1882 , the county commissioners
mot to nfilect sixty persona
from which to draw n grand jury ;
that the sixty persons wcro not ap
portioned properly among the pre
cincts , there being for instance four
grand jurors from Omaha precinct
No. 6 , with its 1,758 eligible jurors ,
only four on the selected list , while
Douglas precinct , with only 103 eligi
ble persons also had four representa
tives on the list. Several similar in
stances are rocitedi The plea is
grounded on section C57 of the gen
eral statutes of Nebraska , relating to
the qualifications of jurors.
The section referred to says : "Tho
county commissioners of the county
shall , at least fifteen days before the
first day of the session of the court ,
meet together , or any two of them
may moot , and select sixty persons
possessing the qualifications pre
served in section 657 , and as nearly
as may bo a proportionate number
from each precinct in the county , "
The claim is that the selection of
names was entirely in disproportion
to the number of persons in the pre
cincts , and that tills disregard of the
law invalidates the whole business.
The district attorney took until to-
this morning to reply , and if the
plea is not sustained the trial will
probably begin on Wednesday.
The olTcct of this plea , if hold good ,
would bo to invalidate all the acts of
the recent grand jury and discharge
all the prisoners indicted by thorn , in-
eluding Rosters , and it is hardly
likely that u special session of the
grand jury would now hu called , even
if it could bo legally done.
Tlio Stitts trial was concluded in
the afternoon , and the case given to
the jury. The remained outside of
the court room1 about five minutes ,
nnd then returned with a unanimous
verdict of net guilty. Th o trouble in
the casehuB been , not that ono Stitts
wns stabbed , but to find out which of
Ins brothers did the stabbing.
The case of Dudley Curtis , the nero -
( ro who broke into Murphy & CO.'B
liquor store , was next called , and it is
yet on trial.
vVhy Don't the Citizens'Buy tbo Ola
Book and Ladder Truck ?
The Honk and Ladder company are
trying to sell their old truck. They
have mode an application to the coun
cil , but that august body don't BOO the
wherewithal to put up for the fire ap
paratus. So it occurs that no pur
chaser can bo found in the city and
thu boys have soon fit to look else
where , Finally they have received an
offer from Beatrice to buy the truck
for $400 , which is much less than it isle
. ,
Now the suggestion is made , and it
appears to bo u Rood one , "Why don't
the citizens of Omaha got up a lo
agitation and keep so valuable a CO
of property at homo , instead of letting
ting it go elsewhere for a song ? " Itay
long OB $400 is us high as is bid by
any outside town , the boys are willing
to sell the truck to any ono in Omahu
for the same amount.
Coupled with the above suggestion
is another that the old truck bo put
in North Omaha , nnd that its rnngo
of service be governed by the capacity
of the now truck to "git thar. " It ia
also intended to change the present
horses , getting heavier ones , and tech
tig Iho machinery of the hooks such ,
a way as to reach the highest build *
The Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the
Douglas County Blblo Society.
Boyd' opera house WAS filled Sun
day with n large auJionco , made
up from the congregations of nearly
all the Protestant churches in Omaha ,
regular services being suspended in
most of the churches in honor of the
twenty.fifth anniversary of the Doug
las County Bible Society
Tlio male choir of the Y. M. 0. A.
assisted in the services , which included ,
in addition to the usual order of ox *
orciscs at religious meetings , a fifteen
minutes' address by District Superin
tendent Hcv. William McCandlish.
Theme : "Tho Influence of the JJiblo
on the Civilization of the World
During the Era of Bible Societies ; "
and a twenty-five minutes' address by
llov. O. W. Wainright , district super
intendent elect. Theme : "Tho Benefits -
fits of the Diligent Study of the Scrip
tures upon the Character. "
The reportof the secretary and
treasurer and the president's report of
church contributions were interesting
llov. Mr. McCandlish , who has
served as superintendent of the dis
trict including Nebraska , Wyoming
and Colorado for the past thirteen
years , retires in March , nnd will bo
succeeded by llov. G. W. Wainritjht ,
of Blair.
There are nowUi Bible organiza
tions in this district , throe-fourths of
which have been organized during
Air. Candlish'a time. The election ot
directors resulted as follows : First
M. E. church , J. L. Rico ; Congre
gational , Col. K. U. Wilbur ; United
Presbyterian , J. L. McCaguo ; Baptist ,
Dr. Wood ; Lutheran , Dr. P. E. Lei-
sonring ; Presbyterian , Warren Switz-
lor ; Eighteenth Street M.E. , D. M.
Hoverly ; Christian , not named.
An Omaha Merchant Who Is Cllmb-
Ing Up Rapidly to the Top of
the Ladder.
Nearly two years ago , ono morning
in May 1880 BEK
, , a reporter who
was passing down 10th street on bus
iness , saw a now sign flung out to the
breeze , and on entering the store
room on the east side of 10th , near
Jackson , found the proprietor , a
pleasant and energetic young man ,
just getting his goods in shape , in a
small room with the work shop par
titioned off in the roar. This was
the small beginning from which the
present large and steadily increasing
business managed by Mr. W. F ,
Stcotzol has grown. Yesterday the re
porter was passing by the same spot
and his attention was once more at
tracted by a largo invoice of
cooking stoves just being
housed. Mr. Stoetzol had just re
ceived the first car load of a largo
consignment from the firm of Bur-
dotto , Smith & Co. , Troy , N. Y. ,
among the most reliable manufactur
ers in the great Empire state. Ho
proposes to make cooking stoves a
specialty this summer , and is begin
ning thus early to stock up for the
Starting in on such small capital ,
Mr. Stootzpl's success has boon re-
workable , his business no Y requiring
from three to six mon beside himself
the year round. All last fall he ,
with six assistants , was driven to
death to fill orders , and though ho
laid in a supply of heaters three times
as largo as usual and the winter was a
mild ono , hn has not to-day
an unsold heater in the house.
He has thrown the building
ho first started in , all into one room
and put on an addition at the rear
which is used for a workshop. Shelves ,
counters and cases carry a full and
complete line of hardware and cutlery -
lory , tinware and every article known
to that line of trado. Every article
is first class and marked down to liv
ing prices , so that those who trade
there once are sure to go
again and become regular pat
rons of a store with whoso
proprietor , prices and goods no fault
can over bo found. A few years hence
THK'BEE expects to see Mr. Stootzol
putting up a brick block and launch
ing out into the wholesale trade , and
hu will undoubtedly do so at his pros
out rate of success.
OMAHA , Nob. , Fob. 20 , 1882.
To the Editor of The Bee :
I wish through the columns of your
pupar to state that the Bee Hive
Ph tograph Studio has no connection
wliatuvcr with any canvasser for copy
ing or painting pictures.
We have been annoyed for the pas it
wti'k by complaints against u party
who is canvassing for a picture ho
calls an OILIV : OIIAVII , or come sucli
name which they have been swindled
with , Wo know nothing about any
such Uambugs , and do nothing but
straight business. D. S , MITCHELL.
A Baptitt MlaUtor'i Experience
1 uui a Kap tUt Minister , and before I
even thought of being a clork-yumn , Igrad .
uateJ in medicine , but left a literally
practice for my present profession , 10
yeaw ago , I wa for uiauy years a sutler
er from qulnny : "THOMAS' I.CLKOTRIO On
cured me , " I w n also troubled wltl
hoaraenea' , nnd Thomas' Edvctrio Oil kl-
wavH relieved me. My wife ami child hat
diphtheria , nnd "Thomas' Uclectrio 01
cured them , ' and if taken In time it wll
euro seven tlmea out of ten. I am confident -
ont It Is u cure fur the most obstinate col
or cough , and if nny one will take u eiim' '
teaspoon and half till It with the Oil , id
then place the end of the HIXJOII iu oue uos
trll nnd draw the oil out of the sppou jell .
to the head by milling as Imnl as thereat ) ,
until the Oil fa h over into the tliroar , ill.nd
practice tlmt twice a week , I don't care
[ low olfeuuive their bend may be , It will
clean it out imd euro their catarrh , Fur
deafness nnd earache it ha > done wonders
to my certain knowledge. It U Ilia only
medicine dubbed patent medicine tlut I
have over felt llko ri'couuiieiidliiK , and I
am very anxious to see it In every ulace ,
for I tell you that I would nut be without
it in my hmiao for any consideration. 1
mil now Bulforlni'with a pain like rheumatism
matism In my rlyht limb , nud nothing re-
llevea mo like Tliomiu' Keltictilo Oil ,
DK. K. F , OUANK ,
f2Mw Oorry , Pa.
All styl a of Rubber Boots , Shoes
and Arctics , nt Shoo Department of f
Hnthuul.astlc Reception Given to Al-
wlno Hoynold on Her ReAppearance -
Appearance on the Gor
man Stngo.
Last evening quito a large and ap
preciative nudicnco assembled in the
Gorman theater to witness the per
formance of Alrrino Heynold in "The
Milkmaid of Schrunoborg. '
Bliss Hoynold sustained the title
role , which was exactly suited to her
unique stylo. When slio first matin
her appearance on the stage , accom
panied by a big black dog drawing a
cart containing milk cans , oho was
greeted with a burst of most enthu
siastic applause. Her acting was
all through the play inesistibly droll
and during the duet wiihLindetmnn ,
at the conclniion of wlu h they iioth
stab tho.nselvos to the heart with
fans , the audience wore convulsed
with laughter and eho wa& vociforoas'
ly recalled.
During the evening some lively
songs were sung , in which there wore
some Tory effective local hits. The
execrable condition of the sidowalko
cm Tenth street , nnd the obnoxious
Sloiiumb received some emphatic
censure at the hands of Il-srr Mol-
Mr. Lindomsuin , as Henry , was ex
cellent , and gained several encores ;
and Mr. Borgmatm , ns Nagcl , de
picted a drunken scamp , renmrkatyy
true to nature- The charaotor of
Bronnocke , the obquitous newspaper
reporter , was ably sustained by Mr.
Kuestor , and Mr. Lulzo in his triple
character , sustained his parts exceed
ingly well.
Miss Gros&mnnn as Louise , acted
with her usual charmiug grace and in
the juicido scone her emotional delin
eation of n young girl in despairwns
very effective.
Miss Bushmann aa a srovant , and
Miss Thiesson 03 a govern ness , played
with their hceuRtomed ability and1 all
the minor roles in which Mrs. Mud or ,
, ,
Mrs. Grossmnnn and Messrs. Willig
nnd Pennos took p.vrt , were fairly
well sustained. ,
At the conclusion of the play there
was some spirited dancing in which
all joined with gusto.
Stoinhauser's excellent orchestra ,
contributed the musical part of- the
Isaac Dillon , of North Platte , is ut the
W. E. Barnes , of Hastings , ia in the
AV. Stull , of Lincoln , is registered ; at
the Witlmtll. -
C. W. Ruwoll and .T. J. Mclntosb , ofU
Sidney , are in the city.
M. Lockwo.d , qf L'onoa , Is ia the city ,
a guest at the Metropolitan.
A. It. Converse and R. S. Van Tnssell ,
of Cheyenne , arrived yesterday on train
No. 4.
M. R. Hopewell nnd F , II. Reed , of
Takainnh , are In the city , guest i at the
Wlthnell house.
J. F. Hecht and wife , of Wahoo , are
in the city. They are stopping at the
T. B. Parker , of Dorchester arrived in
. ,
the city yesterday and registered at the
Metropolitan ,
J. J. Stubbs and wife , of Oakland , ar
rived in the city yesterday and registered
at the Withuell.
Marshall Key and wife were over from
Council . Bluffs last evening to attend-tho
Glee club concert.
Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Peterson were In
this city on Thursday , on a visit to Mr.
and MM. D. Olzen , They left in the
afternoon for their home in Brooklyn ,
N. Y.
Samuel Haas and daughte' , Mr. Han
nah and Miss Muekler , all of Council
Bluff * , were among those who came over
last evening to hear Fanny Kel'ogS sing nt
Mr. W , R. Johnson , who has heen
widely nnd favorably known in connection
with the tlgar trade in this eity for some
time , has accepted n position with M. A.
MoNamara , whose large and dcsirabla
stock of liquors and cigars he will repre
sent on the road. "Bob" Is the man for
the business , and will doubtless meet a
flourishing trade wherever he goes.
If you wish to avoid great danger
and trouble , besides a no small bill
of expense , at this season of the year ,
you should take prompt stops to keep
disease from your household. The
s > stem should bo cleansed , blood
purified , stomach nnd bowels regula
ted , and prevent and cure diseasot
arising Irom uprinu malaria. Wo know
of nothing tiiut will so perfectly and
surely do this as Electric Bitters , and
at the trilling coat of fifty cent a bet
tle. [ Exchange.
Sold by Ish &McMalion. _ 1
Embroideries EIGHT inches wide at
35 cents per yard. Narrow ones at
from 1 cent per yard upwards at Bush
man's are certainly bargains that can
not bo found elsewhere. The lowest
cash prices are always guaranteed at
Don't forget the entertainment and
supper Tuesday evening , to bo given
by the ladies of Trinity Mission , at
Standard hall.
100 teams and GOO mon 'to grade B ,
& M. Depot Grounds. Apply at ouco
to James Stephenson , 1001 Harnoy
street , Omaha. fobl-3t
M. E. 'JlisuoN nas moved his in-
eunmcQ otb'co into Boyd'fl opera house ,
corner rooinovor * drug toro. Theatre
entrance. ' Janl9-lm.
Carload of Landroth's Garden Reeds
just received. For sale in bulk or by
the package. Tlioy are the best.
OIUNOKS 20 cents per dozen .
WM , OEHTLEUAN'S , fob20-2t
At the ro.itdcnco of the nfTicIntinj cler
gyman , Itov , U. 1' . Stellmg , I ) . V. , on
Friday , Fcbrunry 17th. Mr. N. .T. Nclnon ,
of OnkUml , Xcb. , nnd Ml'H Christina A.
Auderton , of Hock Mnnd , III ,
at the Lowest Prices
14th and Fnrnlmm Strict.
Rubber Bouts nnd Shoes at
Embroideries matrr inches wide nt
35 cents per yodi Nirrow ones at
from 1 cent poryard upwards at Bush
man's are certainly * bargains that cnn-
not be found elsewhere. The lowest
cash prices are always guarantood-at
noziui. L B. V ittii Ms & SONHI-
Lae t styles of lllngs at Jnnasonfc ,
13th and Hnnloy streets. f7-2t
The antidotal thcoryi I n : < t < a < hiuttc < l to lie '
the only troatracnt which wlU'eraiHrato Catarrhal -
rhal Polton.
Kov. Chan. II. Tajlor , 140Nil'l ; > street , nrook-
lyn.N. Y. : 'One jmchaife ffCot ( l a radical
cure. "
Ilev. ' Oeo..A. Ili'ln , Colilcpkl If "ofiokario. Co. ,
N. Y.t ' 'It rcstortd
N.boi me to mjs.1 mlnutcriall _
boi . 'T
Ilev. Vf. II , Snmncr , FreJericli. Md. : "Fino
results In elx coses In my famlJ/- "
Hcv 1 Ofo K. Pratt , St. Stephen's Ilootir
Ph a. : "Qnlti' uondtrful ; let mo dhtribut "
your \ 'Treat ! c , "
Chas. II. Stanhope , Newport-IU I. : ' 'I was
too deaf to bear the chinch belts ring ; hearing
restored. "
OcorgoW. LamliriKht , 73 llhl.lll . street , Hnltl-
more , Md. : "SuDcrtd 0 ycarm ; jwrfcctly
CUlj Mrs. M > K. Shcnney , 3022 Sarah street , St.
Louis : "Tlio first natural broitnIn ! 0 vesii- "
Mrs. J. W.iFurcell , Golden City. Col. : "Used
only' no pacKage ; entirely i urctly suffered 24
years. Dr. K. " N. Clark , Dentist. 8 Montptoinory street ,
San : Francisco : "Suffered In } eara ; perfect ! )
cured , " etc.
cuiI Dr. I WeV De Meyer's Popular "TREATISE"
on Catar h mailed free. The ( 'rer.t Cure la de
livered by Druggists , or hy O. B. Dewey & Co , ,
182 ! Pulton street , New York Sfor I 00 ,
ONEY TO LOAN UallAt LAW O'noo of D.
M ti. ThornM Boom S Crpgh | iii tilocli.
TO LOAN At b per conttn-
'eri'St In otimn of 82,500 mid
upwarda , lor fi years , on ilrnl-claBB city unJ
farm property. HBUIS H'.IAL RITATB arid LotN
AOKNCT , 16th and Doiiflns Sts.
. Flnt-ct8i pirl at'N. K corner
17thnml Chicago M. 2in 21
\X7"AhTlKLl 2 Rood dining roe Klrh. flood (
VV wages to Kood htlp Apply &t once at
Perkins Iloute , I'latteinouth , Neb. 20-22
WANTED Employment by OjGcnnan girlr.
II Jl&nmvtllcr , oni loj mont agent , lltli
st , near Farnhain. 214-22 *
ANTED One furnished ant1 ono undirnlfh
w i d room for light houic-litoplrg. Address
K , L. W. , 3 < J1 Michigan St. 201-i0 !
WANTED A nurse at the Crdghton House.
WANTED A gocd boy aV 212 North 16th
strctt. 202-20
60 g'od tcamuteH for railroad
WANTED . II. MannwcHtr , Employment
Agent , llth strcoi , near K.rnhnm. 210-21t
'ANTED A man to tali * ctro ot horses ,
' etc. Apply Odd FtlloW Block , room
No.2. 100-21 *
1 ANTED Good cook at tEraud Pacific hotel ,
Columbus. Wooman preferred. 107-tf
> -Small girl to take care of a babj ,
norttwrst corner 23d and Bu tSta , 187-22 *
'ANTED-Qood dining room girl at the t.
Charles Hotel. 163-t (
A Utchon girl at the Kmelti
House. lf.2 20 *
ANTED A good boibcr at 609 N. IGth SU
Sam CornllclJ. 120 tf
TJITANTED * iret-clisa. rooic , ono wi o uitdor
YY etanilemcat cooklni/asucliaspjuitry ; none
but flrnt class need apply. Alroa good Ky > as
waiter. Apply at 1105Firnham-t B81-oi dl
Fuudlnif brldirt > uml"hool bonds.
WANTED Clark , liellevue. 28-tf
4 chUdren as b. ardoraln -alwct
WANTED , at 10th and California St. L. 11.
LOOM IS. 767-tt
RENT Nicely lurntshedroom. Applr at
FOR F&rnlmni et. 213-tf
"I OR KENT A hondtomely fu nlsllcd. parlor
Jj room , also an lco\o room vita boardlow- ;
est prices. Brl * home , 2)13 Cat * Sc 217-tf
170U RENT Flegantly furnlnltedirodms with
J1 nrst-ckus tw rd , at 17 8 loc ka t. 210-24 *
17IOR If-ET flotv room In brkkbulWliipr , N.
JJ K. Bonier Itllliand Cumltut , C. F ( iood-
man , llin Varnhim St. 3)3-tf
TTIOlt HENT-SMftlliarnsiiitabl for 2horecs ,
C voiner Farrilinin ord 21lb,3t. Apply to J.
U. Shwe. J107 IlMliey St. 109-tf
TT1OH HUNT llou e on fc'ltaruikJi avenue. 7
J ? rooiiw , with ( table , Ai uly to N , W. llcr-
rlil. 307 8. U'th St. 207-tf
TTrOR RENT A ( arm one mite cast ot Jill ! * .
C Station , Bt. Paul , SiouiCHy & Omaha K
KH orer one hundred acrei Ilkcultltatlon , Aj > <
j > ty toCbrkion & Hunt , lUhSt , , ntar Varnhmi.
TIWR 1IENT FurnUhoJirooiiip , northweitoor ,
Jj SOth and Ca- > . 1U3-21 *
| 7K > R UKNT NlchMi * - , 4 rooms , 2 lopets
JJ and pantry , ate works In hDiw * . 4. Dug
gan , 1112 S. 13th bt )81-21
RENT FumltJuol nxnn Inq re at S.
EOK . cor. Jackso-iauillMliSt. 33 tf
RENT lUx u < i In Jocnlihlcv \
FOIl hlcv1W3II
I.IOll HENT Sicily ( uinUhvd rooina , at 11)1
J < Clileaco St. IT tl"
) H llKNT-fTirnUhuUflh or without U'ard
a front tooni , plco untl ) Iduttu i on tint floor ,
at No. 316 M. llth bt. , cast Me , bet.
and Chlc&fo. Two go .tleiuo'i ur man i u u
prcforredt Inciulrooupreuilttui UU-tf
FurnUlicd rooms.
cation , lauthMuil corner lUth and lU'
per * . kit. OiHI-tf.
Furul hed front room , N. E. cor
Oth and JncVtoii. 62-tl
THOR lir.NT-IIou 8 ol r Iglit loonn. hutiulrt.
J.1 J. I'hlpp * llo , J51S b. Filth St. 7. > l
rnOR 11ENT Ono of the bes
J * 8L , 20xSl-ty January 1 , lbS2 , i
IT'OH RKKT 2 furnuhod rooms in
1 Eicb n oN , E. cor. ldl >
Tn01lllENT-NlcelyIurnl icd rooms with 01
J < without board. UM ualilc prlwa. 201S ! )
SlWAL NOTIORS-L ' ' .t . d
Oil SAI.K Fn > li nillch lows , I 1 nice fr h
huttcr t He ftl'n Grocery fctftr. , i rnerTcnlh
anil Dodge. _ ri3-lm * .
FOH8AI.K--K < 'ttAUMitt with ft
on loth St-jreiwrn for scl' ' tifs , mint go cvt
to look afttr Impoitar.t bnflro hnqulra at
410 S. 10th St. 174 tl .
SALK. Clir.AI'-Knlcon MI , I Ilxturcs , do-
1 InRRJed rm lncMj first dMslocotlMi. Fer
I > ; U. Ail.Tms. I wli , Cais
Co. , Iowa. I't-tO'
> AI.K A licautful lot mid home nrar
I71OII . Mary's a\ctinc , In rovl to nrrrom
I' rc ) , Kor price ; and fcrini I nu'n of W II.
IHrtlrtt , real estate gclt , ! 17 S. 13th Ht.
SAf ( lO,000 lllack Caii JUiimoth Cloo
EOll Kasbcrry Hoots"Idle Wild I'laccx'
, vo ordinal 1414 bodge St. JOII.7 0. W1F -
LI9 , Canmlsiio i Moro 161 tf
SJM.K Mntc and hnrncss it Hfdman'a
FOIl rr < ctljaiii. 141-C-
fjVMl SAlJf Vcrj cheap , Clo JurnWiliiifB ot Z
J. ' rooms.llnlnpnnil litd roam , all ncHlncii !
trod liy n jrnilu couple only Kiev \\tck . Ai- |
plyoro drtM-UOSS. Oth St I'rltllrirenl rent
log the 2 rocniBj.ahca ) ) . 221-21 * '
FOIl 8A' E At Kolomnn'd , 1201 Fnrnliam 3t. ,
gold fl < li , iHlVcr n h , ccl' , lllntor ) % dcrll
( l 1i Imported canary blrJe , t.lklrr i arrof , olil
tmaliM , red lilrtT.jnocUnK Mrds , Jisli jlolcs nnJ
anii riuni , nil KWt And ttjlcs , at i > rco ! rcaio.T
able ; 142-tf
OH SALE A good lecprnl hand street hac >
far unto , nt > law bargain , liy Dr. IBAAJ
r&nl4 , 1109 Farvham rtrrct. 74-tf.
17101W SALI'lIouso nnd full lot In good loca-
IJ tlon , chcaji. I'lic * . J12SO. Kwy terms.
SIcCAKUK , Opp. pcs * LlBco. 16tf
T710U 9ALKDcst'tddlnfr lot In Hilnii's od >
JL1 dit'j n. 142 feet tw front by UMeet depth
JIcCAiK ; , Opp. IWHC tfflcc. It tf
T710R 3ALK 1 mri5 > italllon , Ctydewlala , E
JL1 jcunolil , wclKlilnir 16CO pounK 1 Mack
Btnlllon , J Is'omiiin j Wo K n , 6 jear M. wclirh.
Ing 1550 - lUtHln , took ttn iireiiiluin at Ncbrasku
Mnto F\lr , Ifjl. l.iKcntuckJAoh , Mack ,
wcl'hln ( , ? about 1)0 ) < ) pouiiils , 4 jctrsoM , took
Drat prnalum at Kobnv k State Ko5-'l8M and
J881. Iirjulro of ChajAclwr , Faracnt Mouse
Cltr BSS-tf
flT OIl 8ALn OR IIKM1 A trrocer7etore ; and
tC buttiar hop , doln a ( food busfcieiw. In-
I'qulra at thin otilco. 3t2"-tf _
FOIl SAl.Ei-2 nice coimlf ra and 2 sl > r | > ) Atcd
how eves , nt Quo. If. Peterson's , 801 South
Bth St. 741-tf
Tpll PALi Or will ux ± h go tot Orrahn pro-
lij pcruvut lmpro\cd en on of laivi'iadjoln-
lr f A station or > U. P. U. ft JI. DUNHAM. 141U
Fjrnham St Onnha. 7C113nif
"niOtt SAUl Or trade fc a-tty projKrtj' . on
I1 Man ol Horwa. harncso unJ wairoii , Aimrv
S.R , this otacd 72Stf
T7\OR \ SAUii A peed wvtn-jear-oM horoo
J.V'ftrrar ) iltoilrl\e8hKl or double. Ki >
quire of floow ' 'triH-W , Cx-rHcia house.
FOUND On Karnham 3h > bunch otl Jtj ,
atxmtJtw. 1,18S2 I a jro nt corner 2blh
and DoJt i St. James C. Johtiion.
J. am in frequent rcc Ipt of applications for
cperutorx. ' HELL A , ASIKS , ItOO Faraliam.
Aijents llcinlagton fTjpo.lKr. ; feMH-lra
CJTRAYKU-Alu RO cJ cow 1th honu turn
O cil In a IHtla I n t 9 > n on 1'itroa St.
Mm frt'sclJitinii , nLcomparltil liy n call , Applv
to 2 3 Ucm.irtl . , Imt. 12t i uiiu 13th. 2M-U .
VT T1UK Jly i lioii. i p'anhi
J3 | i how" riaily Thu-u c Jr)3ito.p.r
, ! | to nil lor
lasJouuclicfjro inirol.tiJiiB
inV. . I/urs-lllen oed , low * .
UfJIT Cholcno ! SMull lot < ( to- lease
near CreRhton Oolrejja forSio ) r ) cir.
lt"Cter L. Thoniai & liru.i.llooiniS. Urclihlon
M -tf
T OTS-St > Ocacr > , $5 do u anil J5
JU r3H
-IIa rbracelet , t ppfd wlih
St. . , hot. Da gln ) aixl lass , Kinder plita
lun u tl Iteo ollice. "Ot > tf
QTOG1CFAHM FOR SALEi--1000ac- Doug
(3 ll Co , Nrl > . , 250 acroi broken dwcl Ing
hous s barn , cattle scaleslarga bo < Jyj of heary
tlmbcrrund running water ; A in la < froui TJ. P. K.
U. Ap Iy to or addree * T.V. . T. Klchards ,
Omaha , Neb. 20Mm
' " s rul-annuaV oibht (8) ) per
ceni..lntcrestino eB-cured
byrwl state mortgaga/or < lo. . AiJc < HS P. O _
IJc 207
OIKXCK Fmt-claa-i tablu boanl4iOO per wcel c ,
( _ ak 60516th St. , bet , CalifornixamJ Webate r.
195-21 *
' ' "
OTBAYED Bay'nire'w Ith nildlo" and bridle ,
Cjl orand'K. on lift shoulilir. Finder 111
pleaae return to241JChcago , Stj , oad roool\o
fewonl. P. W. BUIfiCHMOilf. . 101-tf
I HUNT llOOil , t UrtNlSllI-DSuitable for two >
gentlemen , on DavenpoibSr.btt. 16th anil
llth , south side. lt tf
K1CK KOIlHAUrS-T.-Jtcrray.
> IANO AND OKOAN Instruction by MJjn .
S. Parflit , s. 20th St. . bel > w tierce , f t-tt-
& PRICE paid lor oil ! kinds of iraii ,
HlOllK&T and rags , by I. CUlltuiky & Co , 1J8
Iwuglas Ht. 4Im
ij 19th and Dnvonnort ti 990-tf
rnwo ron RXST inquire -
JL quire at llospo'a Art Ucapojium , JU'iO T dgr
street. 0084 J
_ _
wanted tn. experienced an. So all solar ) ' .
P. O. Box 60i City. _
-TIURNISlIKn BOOMS W jthUi three rdocks f I
Ji poatoffl ( . . IriqulrootltlODcidi e. iift-tf
| 7IUHNlbUfcll "OOMtt l r uliiKta ger lomcn ;
J < also oua. front room w-ith [ iliivs , Bouthwrsl
corner l th.mj Capltali iiiip. " " " ' '
" "
RKM18'"NEW OU'V MAi'a. / Uc. Mouiiu
Maps. 82.60. _ OUC. . 1' . BEM18
rjOHTKATTH IN OMAIOW fastilo and Oil ,
IT ol80 decor tlw > | JntlnK. MUfl. D. R.
WARDNEK , room H.Jruob'a lUt ck. 54g-tl
IJOU'd. t > cu ill
HAY Al A. 11. K Mdcr' Food Stor *
BALlfll Harnu-f Bt. ' 3l9-tf
. . , i
ii < lllaxrcy. , WU1 , vrlth the aid of gmnJUt
plrlls , < ibut ! . foi my no B'wice at tbu p i
ml rtv < i > t , UL \ -jertnln cundltiona In the fn
ure. Boot .inJHbie uiailu to irder. Perfeoi
airZfl-1" "
Absolutely Pure , ,
This ixiwder never varleli , A marvel of purlt )
streiietband MholesomiDccs. More economical
than the ordinary kinds , and cannot bo sold llll
competition with the .multitude of low to ) ,
short wuljtht , oluui or phoiphato powdu , ;
Bold only ( n cans.
Proposals for Army Transportation.
OF 111 * PMTTII , }
OMAHA , .Nob. , February to' , 1812. j
Sc.iletl proposals , iu triplicate , mibjcctto
the usnnl conditions , trill bo received nt
thh ollice until 12 o'clock , i n n , on Fri
day , March IP. 1832 , or at I e name hour
( nilowlnp for the difference In time ) , nt the
offices of the Depot QiiatttrmnMcra nt
Cbeyenne nn' ' Ogilen , at whieli pint-can , d
time they will lie opened Inthepremnco of
bidders , for the wn ( n transportation of
Military Mipnliei during the period from
May Int , to .Tune SOth , 1882 , from 1'nrk
City , Utah , < > r fr m tUtton * on the innln
line of the Union Pacific ltallw jrto Fort-
Tboriiburrfh , Utnb.
The Gorernment T serves tlio tight to-
reject nny or all unijxisnl * .
J .ich prc ix > snl must ho in trl , hcwto , nnd
accompanied by a I imct In the stun of five
jhunilreil tloJlarfi , f.rXXV.eTeenteil ) | Ptrlctly
in nccordantfe witli tlir printed Ir truc-
Monn , nnd in n the blnnk form furnlnhed
under this ndverttaenisnt , giinrnnteeliifr
tint tlio nnrtv making ifio tiropo al slmll
no ! ) withdraw J\io \ Ranio wltliin sixty dnjs
frrxn the di b nnnotnuwd" fur opcninc
UiCTi ; nml tlmtt \ xaid proposal Is nrccptcd
and'a contract for the trervico bM far ,
awarded thereunder , bo will , within ten'
days after beintf notlfi'd of ) the award ,
( provided such urtlficatton bo inndo with'
in theiixty days alovc mentioned , } nc-
cept the xnmo and funilnh ( pod nnd snlll-
clent snretle' , nt oace , fortlie'ftilthfnl per-
formancs of tlio contract ,
Blnnk proposals , form nf cantrnct , and'
printed eirculnrs Elating tbecstimntcd
( { unntitlc * of suppllu * to b tTnnRpnrtcd ,
ind givinc full infomntinn as tu tbo man-
noof biiililing. condittoni to L ? observed
by bidil rs' and termof contract-ami pay
ment , wlll'be furnished on application to
thtaoflice , nr to tbo office * of Oe Dap > t
Qunrtermaatera nt Cheyeuno arxl Ocden.
Envelope * cont-ilniiTg propoaah Pliould
de-marked : "Proposals for tiiui"jx > rtation
from tI'ort Tlvornburg ,
ITiah. " M. I.
leblS.Gt Chief Quartermaster.
IQth Streeft 'Grocer ,
Lemons and Oran ° os ,
Choice Batter and Eggs
Dexter L , Thomas ,
8iOohh or'llocV
.Made to Order on SSort Notice
I'ltxiuru ork
ind Trench Df tJ . Thick Jmt-ajxl Bent uhow
1815 nad 1317'Gass Street
_ fcbT-lm
Joe Bcckmr * has romavcd. to No. 216 Souths
Thirteenth street , h < iw cn Farnhim uul I
Dtwglag. Itonow has * fin * , roomy store ith
Mk < ext DBire tigar man xttetory In rear.
( Real. Estate
5,000 PIECES
For Sale
S > W , OOJT. Douglas and
Sealed proposala will be rsceivod liy the
underalgned until Monday , Kol ) . 20 , 1882 ,
ntli o' oloclf , noon , for painting the -satres
and numben of the differeatetreetE. on the
curnoJ lamps > elontjitig * < > the City of
Omaha. The riyht ia rtawrved jr > reject
ftiiy auxl all li'ln. ' 151 's ' cliould be. marked
"Proposals to paint numbers and naiuea of
Htr < . ' La > " and Imuilcd iu nut Utor than the
tiiuu above t-pecitied.
tpecitied.J. . J L. 0. . .TvkTr ,
City Clerk.
OMAIIv , February 17.lg83. 17-3t
Cl rkson & . Hunt ,
rIncixraHrr- Kioharda * Hunt ,
HlhHt" Cm >
THE oonrriL
Corner 10th and Howard
Streets ,
Eaten , Two Dollars PPJ ? Day ,
J V. W. 1XJ4NI. A. o. oiwr t.L
| A tiornevs-at-Law
j. S T.
( A Graduate fiom the Unho t\if \ ol 1'onnnyi.
' 0
Clew ol IblU. )
Tenders hU profewlonal ? ? 1ca't ' , , er
needing the " " . >
of Omaha onJ ll others
dlcatlr.K . lili claim therefor from 11 years ox
. ' " "
o rner