Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1882, Image 7

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"What an Importer of Animals Snya
About the Gront blrda.
New Yotk KvcnliiR I'oit.
Mr. Charloslloicho , the well-known
importer of niiinwls , referring to the
article on ostrich fanning \vliicli nn-
poured n few days ago in The Evening
Post , said this morning that while ho
had no doubt that there waa n good
fluid for the business in this country ,
a first experimentiu breeding oatricluia
. which ho made soiuo years ago had
buon disappointing , llo imported six
cliicka in 1875 from Kiibm , Africa ,
expecting to kcop them until full-
grown when they would bo valuable
for show purposes. As theynro birds
which rcquiro a good deal of room , it
was easier to transport thorn when
young than when they attain full size.
The six : were taken to llobokon whuu
about four months old , and seemed tc
thrive well ; they ate voraciously what
ever was ollorod to them - oven stones
as big as n mnn's list , nails , oyster
shells , etc. They grow BO fust tliat
the experiment was considered n
highly successful ono until 0110 nftei
another they began to die from some
mysterious cause which was not dis
covered until their bodies were dis'
sccted. It was then found that iimny
of their bouoa were broken , and that
the rich food , and too much of it , had
caused them to bccomo heavy and fat
before the bones were largo onougl
to support the weight of their bodies ,
The bone structure had not kept paci
with the llesh. The food had beer
too rich.
At present there are only foui
ostriches in the country. Barnaul re
ceived two a few weeks ago , and tin
Cincinnati Zoological garden has hiu
ono for a number ot years. At pros
out Mr. Roicho has two men in Nubii
and twc in Cape Town on the lookou
for some ostriches to fill an order fo :
a dozen from Itanium. The mothoi
of catching them at present is as fol
lows : The agent engages half-a-dozoi
hunters , to whom ho pays no wage
but whoso expenses ho defrays
Mounted on good horses , these moi
track a herd of ostriches , who ari
found in the desert usually feeding 01
wild melons growing in the sand , amen
on a bean known to the natives a
durah. The herds vary in number
from fifteen to fifty adults , each mal
bird having in subjection soveni
fomalus. When the huntsmen appea
the whole herd takes to flight , bu
owing to the habit of running in cir
clcs a good horseman can make shor
work of the swiftest ostrich. Th
adults are-allot or strangled and th
chicks are tied by the legs and carriei
oft' The feathers of the old birds bp
long to the huntsmen , who are paii
in this way for the work. Instead o
pulling out the feathers of the deal
birds the natives skin the birds , am
saltine the hides with areenic and salt
to prevent decomposition , send then
to London in that state. The youni
birds are then fed with any kind o
grain and sent to Germany , which i
the great market for wild animals o
all kinds.
In hunting the birds manyUeggs ar
sometimes found , which during th
expedition in the desert are eaten b
the natives , one egg weighing near !
"three pounds. The eggs in the nes
are placed upright and usually covere
with sand , the heat of the sun aidin
the incubation during the day whil
the bird sits on them at night. Aroun
each nest is a circle of eggs which ar
jiot hatched , but serve as food for th
chicks when they leave the shell.
Ostrich hunting is apt to bo a dar
gerous business to anyone not familir
with their modes of attack. Ono c
Mr. Reicho'a white agents was killo
last year by an ostrich which literal !
ripped the man open with its powei
ful claws. When transportin
ostriches in ships they are kept i
separate cases. Inexperienced animi
dealers have sometimes allowe
ostriches with other animals , such s
goats and deer , the ostrich ending b
killing its companions ; And ostrich *
have'been ' known to kill hyenas an
other ifierco beasts which , getting on
of their cages , attacked them.
As to the ago to which .an ostric
can live in this country , it is imposs
bio to form any opinion. The fe' '
with which we have had any experience
once have been caged up and take
from place to place with shows , a aoi
of life not conducive to longovitj
Mr. Releho doubts whether the ostric
will thrive in any state north of th
snow line. The dry plains of Texa
would probably bo the most favorabl
breeding ground. As wo pay 30 pe
cent , duty on the feathers , thor
would bo a largo profit here if th
birds could be bred with oven model
ate success. The prices for youn
birds are much lower , according t
'JMr. Reiche , than those mentioned i
'Tho Evening Post. Birds from tlirc
or four months old can he brougl ;
hero from Nubia at a cost of aboi
$300 apicco and pay a fair profit.
Egan/'tbeTerror. "
Albany Journal.
Quietly swinging a tromendou
fllodgo-hammor under the rude shuds u
the west end of the new capitol grounds
there hiw boon at work this winter ,
man whoso endurance and skill i
sparring rank him among the foromos
exponents of the "manly art" in tin
country. Qia name is "Dick" Egar
and ono glance at his proportions convinced
vincod our reporter ho is , indeed , a
his companions style him , "a terror.
No formal stops have yet been takoi
ia the matter , hut it is perfectly wol
understood that , Ejrun intends , in
short time , to clulluiigo John Sulliva :
for the championship , and there i
abundant reason for believing tha
h < > / ' ' make tilings lively for th
13 u.i Boy. "
"V. ' J not H"
. _ nnfc of niv to d
oo.idtiug of his own prowess , bu
ho has perfect confidence in himself
just tbo same. Some little time ago
it will bo remembered , Sullivan appeared
poared in Troy one evening to give ai
exhibition of his skill. Althougl
"Dick" is at work on the stato-houao
ho has boon living in uur sister city
and ho was present as a spectator a
the performance in question. Sulli
van was easily "cock of the loft. " fl
cleaned out every man who appearei
against him on the stage , and final ! ;
it was announced by his backers tha
there was $50 in greenbacks doposito <
with the management , to bo liandoc
ever to any individual who woulc
stand up for just five minutes in fron
of tlio bakod-beans pugilist. Egan
who had not intended to tnko any ao
part in tljo exhibition , could no
sit quietly in his place and see this
locality bullied. Ho remembered that
John 0. Hocnmi , once the acknowl
edged champion of the world , who
arovo Sayrcs out of the ring in I860 ,
although blinded for the time in both
eyes , was born near Troy , and ho de
termined to maintain the honor of
Ilium and thclEmpiro stato.
Advancing from behind the wings ,
"Dick" Egan , "tho Terror , " ap
peared before the footlights and an
nounced that ho was ready to conti
for the prize. There was n moment
of breathless suspense ; but nnxioty quickly relieved , to give place to
indignation. Sullivan took ono hasty
glance at the gigantic muscles of the
low comer , and immediately declared
hat it might "cause unpleasantness"
f ho should continue the entertain-
uont. Euan allowed that ho "meant
business1 at least to the extent oi
§ 50 , but it was no use. The pride of
Ueacon hill did not dare to cope with
lis doughty challenger. A similar
itoty might bo related oi one of the
jullius mnoiit ! now capitol stone-cut
ters. Ono of this class in particular ,
who is n prominent member of tin
Albany "Grant club , " recently spoke
[ lisparagingly in public of Egan'i
abilities , but no sooner did "tho Tor
ror" take him to task than the fcllov
ivilted , and took everything back , declaring
claring that ho wouldn't light , uudoi
any circumstances , even with a child
as ho disapproved of the practice , 01
principle. Thus "Dick" has had Jni
opportunity to try his niottlo upoi
any of his own race , and has boon ob
jiged to content himself with sledge
: iammors and sand-bags.
Many pleasing incidents are rolatot
of "tho Terror's" achievements ii
athletics , but some of them are so remarkable
markablo as to tax credulity. IIo ii
said to strike a massive blow with hii
heavy hammer , and then stop the re
bound instantly while in mid-air. Hi
is said to bang at u 000-pound ba ;
suspended from a beam , which swing
up and touches the timber on receiv
ing a lunge from his colossal paw
Egan weighs 230 pounds , which hi
proposes to reduce to 210 , but no loss
llis biceps are 10A inches ; chest , 4JU
waist , 42 } ; hips , 45J ; thigh , 29 ] ; calf
l'J | . IIo has worked hard over sinci
boyhood , and not wasted his substanci
by dissipation. Remembering the in
cident at Troy , and knowing some
thing of liis capacity , the friends o
Etran are very desirous to arrange i
match. The trouble at present ii
that no wealthy capitalist appears t <
furnish money for a stake , and nego
tiations are understood to bo undo
way to bridge ever this difliculty
The surprise and disappointment o
locul gamblers was so great on tin
event at Mississippi City that thoj
husitiito to enter any project , oxcopl
on Sullivan's side.
The OMoat Biscuit In America ,
Hcnretita ( ToShield. .
Capt. E. M. Simmons returned las
Friday from an extended and pleasan
visit to his old homo near Jackson
Tonn. He brought back with him ;
relic of the past in the shape of th
"oldest biscuit in America. " It wa
made for him by R. A. Cain , coiupan ;
0 , Oth Tennessee , on the morning o
July 5 , 1801and carried in his haver
sack several days while on route fo
homo on sick leave. The captain1
mother laid the biscuit away in
drawer , aftdr her boy had rccoverpi
and joined his companyas a souvenir
Ho was jjono four years and sovp :
days , and during all that time the bis
cuit was carefully preserved. Th
war being over , the young man lol
homo for Texas , and the _ good mothc
said she would keep tho" biscuit unt
his return. Last November Capl
Simmons reached his old homo an
found the words of his mother truo-
the biscuit was there. The biscuit i
hard , but looks as if it would keep
long time yet without crumbling awaj
Out of a company of ono hundre
men who went out to battle , boin
sworn in May 15 , 1801 , but , thirtj
three are known to be alive. Tli
biscuit is likely to be preserved unt
not ono of the company survives t
tell of the stirring scenes happenin
at the time of its baking.
For the past two years the publisl ;
era of this paper have given to th
fcubscribers of THE WEEKLY BEE th
best line of premiums as inducement
to subscription which have ever boo
offered by any newspaper in the com
try. The plan has proved a success
It has given universal satisfaction t
the patrons of the paper , and lias it
creased the subscription list to a d <
greo far above the expectations of il
Many patrons of THE DAILY BE
have asked why wo do not oiler thei
the same inducements held out to sitl
scribers of THE WEEKLY BHE. In r
sponso to the inquiry wo make tli
following offer : Each subscriber f
THE DAILY BEE who pays hia arreai
of subscription and remits pro-pa ]
mont for six months and every no
subscriber who remits pro-paymor
for six months will bo entitled to on
of tlio premiums mentioned in oi
list. These premiums will be dii
tribuiotl in the same impartial mainer
nor which marked our first and secon
This scheme was first devised i
collect subscriptions in arrears froi
patrons of TUB WEEKLY BEE. Its su <
cess exceeded our expectations. W
have now no back collections on ou
weekly edition , have established th
prs ' .yTiHiit jroin , ipitlr.i.ilat ! ou
circulation and correspondingly en
hanced the value of our advertimn
space. A number of subscribers t
TJIK DAILY BEE are now in arrears
and if by an extension of the earn
plan wo can induce them to pay th
amount duo us , wo can well afford t
make this liberal ollor. By tlii
means wo hope to still further increas
the large list of THE DAILY BEK , am
having established the propaymon
system wo propose to maintain it
as wo are doing with our WeekJy odi
To these who are not familiar will
our plan of distribution or thomannei
Jo which the premiums are secured bj
us , wo append the explanation niado
to our weekly subscribers , which ap
plies equally to the subscribers of
Two years aqo the publishers of Tiir.
B rr. devised n scheme for collecting
back pay from delinquent subscribers ,
securing lonewals and extending the
circulation of this paper by a distribution -
bution of valuable premiums. The
sucscss of that experiment , both in
tlio collection of back pay and increase
of prepaid subscribers was so encouraging -
aging that the publishers vontuied
ipon the same system of premium dis-
ribulions on a nuiro extensive scale
ast year. It was demonstrated that
wo conldbeltor alford to distribute the
; iionoy usually paid to agents , local
collectors and attorneys , directly to
our patrons by ollering them oxtia-
ordinary inducements to square ac
counts and prepay for another year.
By this method wo have succeeded in
two years in quadrupling the circula
tion of Tun WKKKLY BEE and oxtond-
ng its influence far beyond the
boundaries of this stato.
During the first year only n portion
of the articles distributed were pro
cured in exchange for advertising.
When the marked increase in circula
tion became known to merchants and
nanufacturors last year they willingly
placed their machinery and merchan
dise nt our disposal in paying for ad
vertising. That enabled us to do
what seemed incredible namely , fur
nish a metropolitan weekly for two
dollars a year and sivo our subscaibors
premiums that aggregated in value
§ 20,000. And yet it was a paying in
vestment for us , and gave general
satisfaction to our patrons.
What grow out ot a desire to collect
back pay has developed into n now
and practical idea. We have discov
ered that wo can afford to make our
subscribers'sharers in the income of
the paper from advertising. * In other
words wo can afford to divide the ad
vertising patronage of the paper with
its subscribers , inasmuch as the income
from advertising grows with the in
creased circulation. Advertising space
in TUB BBK that was worth one hun
dred dollars live years ago will com-
madd ono thousand dollars to-day
This full more goods and machinery
have been olforecl us in exchange for
advertising than wo could accept in
view of the limited space wo devote
for that purpose. What wo have con
tracted for makes the grandest and
most varied list that has ever boon
offered for distribution by any news
paper , and that too without paying n
aollarin money. The only outlay in
cash wo expect to incur in connection
with these premiums will bo for postage -
ago and expressage. This explains
exactly how wo procure our premiums
And why wo can give nway property oi
so much valuo.
All the premiums in our list arc
worth at retail just what wo represent
them. In contracting with manufno
turers and wholesale dealers wo accept
them only at wholesale rates , but
that docs not lessen their value tc
these who receive them.
THE BEE has for years stood in the
front rank of newspapers west of the
Mississippi , and to-day circulates
more extensively than any paper west
of Chicago and north of St. Louis. A
largo number of eastern people wlic
desire to procure a far western paper ,
with a view of acquiring reliable information -
formation about the resources and do1
velopment of the country west of the
Missouri will doubtless avail themselves
selves of the opportunity now offeree
them. Having for more than ton yeaji
been under one management pursuing
a course that has established for it pub
lie confidence at homo and a widi
reputation abroad , THE BEE couM noc
alford to engage in any undertaking
that was not .conducted fairly and lion
estly. The distribution in 1880 am
1881 gave general satisfaction to oui
subscribers. The coining distributipt
will bo made in the eamo impartia
manner , by a committee whom tin
subscribers present may select fron
their own number , and in nuch man
tier as they think fair and equitable
Last year all the premiums gave gooc
satisfaction , excepting some engrav
ings which were not appreciated. Thii
year no engravings , maps or picturei
have been placed among the prom
Our old patrons need no ossuranci
from us of the reliability and stability
of THE BEE , nor do we need to inforn
thom that the principles it advocates
and the fearless defense it make it
behalf of the producers , makes it al
most indisponsiblo to the iudustria
classes of the great west.
No intelligent person would oxpec
that every subscriber will receive f
§ 050 threshing machine , a 8500 pi
ano , a $300 harvester , or a 8150 or
gun , but all have an equal chance ii
the distribution.
Each subscriber that pays up hisar
rears and repays another year , ant
every now subscriber that remits pre
payment for ono year , will receive i
premium worth at least Ono Dollar ai
retail. As a matter of fact , Tin
OMAHA WEIKLY : BEE is worth tin
subscription price , Two Dollars i
year , to every faamor ; mechanic 01
merchant. Without boasting , wo as
sort that no weekly paper , east 01
west , can compare with it in vanotj
and choice selections , general news
interesting correspondence , and IK
other paper in America contains ai
much far western news , ranging fron
the Pacific coast to the Mississipp
river. With the proof of good faitl
and honest dealing before them in tin
numerous acknowledgments wo pub
lish , wo can safely enter upon our enlarged
larged undertaking of this year , con
fidently believing that its success wil
bo mutually satisfactory and udwui
tageous. E. ROSKWATEII ,
Managing Editor ,
If you are Buffering from a seven
cough , cold , asthma , bronchitis , con
sumption , loss of voice , tickling ii
the throat , or any affection of tin
throat or lungs , wo know that Dn
KINO'S ' NEW DIHCOVKHY will give yoi
immediate relief. Wo know of him
drods of cases it has completely cured
and that whore all other medicine
had failed. No other remedy cai
show ono half as many pornmnon
cures. Now to give you satisfacfor
proof that Dr. KINO'H Niw : Discov
BUY will euro you of Asthma , Bron
chitis , Hay Fever , Consumption , Severe
vero Coughs and Colds , Hoarseness
orany Throat or Lung Disease , if yoi
will call at J. K. ISH & MoMAHON1
Drug Store you can got a trial bottli
free of cost , or a regular size bottle
for $ J.OO. ja 101y(2) ( )
The following is a description of the
most valuable premiums that nro to
bo alloted to the patrons of TIIK BIK :
on March 4 :
which is the most valublo among our
premiums , is fmm the CHASK PIANO
COMPANY , of Richmond , Indiana
This company has the reputation of
making the most durable instruments
nindo In America , and for tone and
tune their I'ianos are second to none.
Possessing line water power and a fac
tory built with special reference to the
manufacture of the best instrument at
the least possible cost , this company
have advantages enjoyed by no eastern
factory. They have near at hand in
largo quantities the finest timber in
the world , and have an opportunity to
make the first selection , and s\ve
the high freights which must bo paid
by eastern manufacturers , and conso-
tmontly can furnish n , bettor piano for
tlio money than any other makers.
Tlio College of Music at Cincinnati ,
ono of the largest institutions of the
kind in this country , after trying the
pianon of till tiio best makes discarded
all others and are using only the
CHASK , and decided that it potsi'swd
all the qualities necessarj to with
stand the hardships of a gunuine mus
ical warfare. Tlnu speaks volumes in
favor of those excellent instruments ,
the product of western enterprise and
skill. All disinterested exports ad
mit that these pianos are Hindu ln-ttor
than those from any other factory and
that they nro the most sorvicablo.
The piano wo offer is tlmir
tylo seven and for elegance of
appearance , beauty of tone and
solidity of structure cannot be ex
celled. Parties who are not familiar
with this make of pianos would do
well to write to the factory for an il
lustrated catalogue.
The other pinno'on our list is the
same style and quality as the ono wo
gave last year , and will bo appreciated
by the -party fortunate enough to receive -
coivo it.
The first ono on the list is from
Pitts it Son's celebrated factory , of
Chicago , III , and has a reputation for
good work over the whole country
The Gold Modal Thresher is from
the well kn iwu firm of Robiuson it
Co , Kie'i . .oiul Ind. The Robinson
machine works were established in
1842 , and urooiio of thocldost thresh-
in : ; machine builders in the country.
The machines of this firm are in use
iu every state from Maine to Oregon.
Every farmer and dealer admits their
superiority. Our contract with the
Robinson machine works is for a com
plete thresher ready to attach either
liorso or steam power , both of whioli
they manufacture , and under our con
tract they will furnish the parly wht
receives this machine , cither power at
§ 50.00 less than their regular price.
This discount to bo given ii addition
to any cash or other discounts offered
by the firm.
The reputation of the Marsh Jmr
vesters is so well established that nt
special description of them is dcomoc
necessary. Wo will only state thai
this is their latest improvement. Thii
machine was on exhibition at the No
brnska state fair loot September , ant
was admired by every one , and tin
workings of it declared superior tt
that of any other harvester made.
This machine stands at the head o
the header family and has met witl
most surprising succeoa. The f acton
at Hastings , Nebraska is kept bua ;
the year round , and the past yea
has not been able to make enough ti
fill all orders. These headers do nior
work with less power than.any othe
style of reaper , and with loss loss o
grain than by any other mode of har
wiiich wo offer as premiums are guar
anteed to bo first-ciass in every re
sjiect , simple in construction , durabl
and easilv managed. These mills ar
intended for grinding food and nr
valuable to every farmer ; they can b
adjusted so as to grind meal fin
enough for table use. The fortunati
fanner who receives ono of these mill
will certainly bo well pleased. Th
mills are complete with pulleys , am
can bo attached to any power. The ;
tuo manufactured by the America !
Grinding Mill , Chicago , III
Tlit'BO are the same style of Mill
wo gave as premiums last year , nm
iv ere appreciated more than any otho
premiums of equal value.
Tlio St'wing Machine whioli wo giv
us premiums tire all now and first
class , manufactured by the Singe
Manufacturing company of No1 !
York , who have a reputation and d
business in every city and village ii
the United States and Europe. Every
body knows the value nndjusofulness o
( huso machines , and know that the ,
< tru worth just what wo list then !
Their imineiiso sales show how. wol
thoaoSowing Machines are appreciated
is one of their bust make and has ca
nacity to weigh a wagon with iti
heaviest load , and will bo a promiui
that any one will appreciate.
which is offered as a premium , is th
same style as the one wo gave las
year and which was considered one o
the finest farm wagons ever made
These wagons are niado by the Kansa
Manufacturing Company , of Leaven
worth , Kan. , a western llrm with trul ;
western enterprise- . They are makin'
a first-class wagon and will soon b
supplying the entire trade of th
' cat.
is the old reliable rotary drop , mad
by Boodle & Kelly , of Troy , Ohio
These goods are as staple as whit
sugar and nro indispensable on ever ;
well rotjolatpd farm. Wo nro safe ii
recommending it as the beat con
planter made.
These mills are now and simple
separating cockle chaff and all aoci
from the wheat , is also used os a sect
separator. This mill works with a certainty
tainty and rapidity not attained by an ;
grain manipulating device horotofori
placed on the market , It furniulie
its own motive power and needs in
blast or agitation. Every farmer
grain dealer and miller should hnv
ono , The one on exhibition at th
lot t Nebraska state fair was acknowl
edged by every ono us a "groat Inven
tion. "
The goods in this line have boon
secured througli the jewelry firm of
Edholm it Erickaon. This firm has
met with remarkable success in
Omaha. Coming here a fo v years
ago , they have built up a wonderful
trade , oxtemdun- through the western
states and teriit ies. The have nlso
inndo njoputaiK n for honest goods
and fair dcnliiu' , and tlio. fact that
they furnish these goods is siitHcioiit
guarantee that they nro just ns repre
is from the old reliable Carpet House
of J. B , Detwilor , who has done busi
ness in Omaha lor years , and is wo.l
known throughout the entire stute.
The Carpet is the best Body Hrussols ,
and when Mr , Dotwilor says it is
worth forty-five dollars it represents
just that much money.
ouw.i ; von noons.
The on1- on L. B. Williams * v
Sous , which wo give as a premium ,
will buy just ns many goods from that
fnn * ns would the same amount in
c.ish , L , \Villinni3 it Sons is the
oldest Mid largest retail dry goods
store in Oniah.i , and lu'ii'wi dry goods
carry u largo stock of boots and shoes
and gentV furnishing goods and have
a niuic.hant tailoring department
They uro a strictly cash house and
\vidoroputaliouforsulling cheap
and the party who receives this pro-
inium will certainly bo well pleased.
The Books in our liv no all Stan
dard first class Books ( .loth hound ,
durable and good style , andjcannot bo
bought nnywhero nt retail lose than
wo list thom. This year wo give iv
maps , pictures or ongravingrt , and nro
justified in saying that our list eon
tains the most varied mid valuable lot
of premiums over ollViodby any paper
Tlio following nrkmmlcilKi'iiuMits
received from parties to whom the uw > l
vnlinlilo promluws were alltitetl In our ills-
tritiutloiiliist yours
1UHI1.DKH , Ctl. , April 11 , ' 81.
KtUtor or thuOnmlia lieu
DKAII Rm : l him- Just iroolvod tin
lioniiiltul * "o White sowing machine , 1
as'u premium with your paper , for'vYidol
please accept many tlianks Iroin jour imiel
pleased bitbacrllier. K SMITH.
SIUNKV. Neb , May 2781.
( iKNTLF.MKNYou : will please iicrcptlii )
thanks for the \\alch 1 reeelvetl to-day , Ii
good rumiliiK order. You lni\c aeled si
fair lowards imithut I shall tivereontlmii
n subscriber to Tin : Hen. which 1 ccmfw
In Itsclfls worm more than the subscription
undlt Isqulto evident jou are as partlrnlni
In forwarding tlio awards to snccessfii
drawersus If jou wcro to recelvo pavilion1
( or tliom Again lliaiiklii ) ; yon nu > gt lieait
lly , 1 romai * yours , &e
A. S JU ) 1.AH.
XrtNlANeb..March 1781
Kccolvcil of Ibo Omaha rublNiln Co. i
jolil watch , as premium with TIIKUMAII/
WKISKI.V lir.n. Tlioiitch \\as all that I
was ruprosoiited In the premium list , full ;
wortli S'fi. Accent my tluinks foi tin
watch. I consider TIIK Hun \\as worth tin
subscription price , without a premium.
: .lu GlTV , Utah l'o. I
U T.IlllvO. ' 81. f
KIND 8111 : I received the stoiii-nlmllni
watch awarded mo at your dlstrlliiitluii 1
did not coino im soon us oxpoclcd. A KOM
ninny hailed mo and wanted to know K
had received the \\atch awarded mo , am
now I say to them , ye.s , a good ste-tu w indet
a.s represented In your valued paper
like jour paper very much , and 1 Intend ti
contlnno to take your paper as Ions as Itl
outspoken on monopolies and .speaks fort ]
freedom The iiunplu llko jour paper , for I
ulves the necessary noun. lam takhudlf
luri'iit papers I Hko your paper fully tin
best , and It Is the paper i talto npli
look throuih to see tlio nt'tieral neus.
desire to sustain your paper and wish yo
success Mvklnd ri'caids ,
WILLOW CKKKK , Montana , Sept ao , ' 81.
Omaha Publishing Co. , Omaha Neb :
( iKN'iH : 11-ue.recelvcd onuhuntingcas
biuiu-\\hitlliiK wulch , and live miiiVs n
premiums with Tins HKK for ' 81. Acccj
my thanks for hamo AYIIItakoNiibscrlptUni
lor j on , If 1 can make vtaues. Please toll
mo know terms , and send premium list a
soon potMble. Itcspeclfully ,
[ Mr. Woodwanl waH awarded Drown' '
cultivator , but llvliiR in a place where It wn
of no USD to him , he was allowed toselec
another premium of oiinal value. ]
Nob. , April 2fl , ' 81.
Omaha Publishing C < > :
QKNTH : Tlio gold watch awarded men
your second annual distribution of prom
nuns Is received I am well pleased wit
it I think the paper ulono la worth th
money. Long may Tint HICK contlnno t
buzz. . HHNDKICKS.
Kw > mmoii , DodRoCo. , Ne.b . , Iuno20 , ' 81
Omaha I'libllnhlng Co. ;
: The bioin winding .sllv
hunting cnso watch that I received In yc
liust premium distribution Is al hand.
have found It to lie n perfect time
keeper , ami consider It wxnli. Ihe prlc
valued at. Your * truly.
Ki.ic OKOVK , Mo..luuo7 , 'el.
Omaha I'nbllslilng Co :
HIHH : The silver watch awaidcd men
vimr distribution of premiums eamo t
hand nil right. II is u good llmo-kccpei
and I nm well pleased with It. I think th
paper Is worth thu money without th
prue. I nm well satisfied with both ,
Yours lespeelfnlly ,
lil.uic BrniNOR , ( ingn Co. , Neb. , I
April 21. ' 81 (
silver watch , Is to hand , for which rccelv
my Mneori ) thanks , lieforo receiving It
\vasskeptlcnl about Iho worth of Iho nrllcli
but 1 am most agreeably .surprised , for It I
both a gcnnlno good wnlch ami nn excel
lent time-keeper. 1 rounder > our papi
good vnlno for the two dollars Indcpendchl
ly of tlio prl/e , for IL contains a IMF
variety of reading matter , bcslrlcs the. cm
rent news of the week.
I respeclfiillv ,
tun yours
niGHAitn uvHfeV.
IiBIIAKOK , N. II. , Kept 3 , ' 81.
llfcelveil of you this day ten books , 1 HI
much pleased wKh them : think t > H > yai
richly worth ten dollnrn , You make tiKllgl
mistake Iu my first name on the wrapper <
my paper , which lias sent sonutof tlieml
another man , although 1 found them nil :
lust. You writ i ! It Carlos , U should L
( JlmrlcsJl.
HIIKI.TON , Neb. , Mny U , ' 81.
Editor lire !
DKAH Hiu : My bolt of lomdalo ( prlzi
duly received : In quality and iimiitity |
exceeds my expectations , I'loasu ueeei
my thanks for full compliance of conlrai
on award ot No. .1110. As u now reader <
TIIK HKK , 1 mutt say ( hut 1 nm well please
with thu cholco reading matter It contain :
Very respectfully yours.
MiMiAimBiATioM , Neb . JMi.Jc , Ml.
To-day 1 received the Webster's Ui
abridged Dictionary , nwnrded me as
premium with TIIK OMAHA WKI'.KI.V HKI
The dictionary Is Hiu liest mndoaml tin
good as represented. I am ycry nine
pleased with It I think TIIK liiculj tli
lest paper published In this country
J. 1' . MAHTKNH.
I'K.NNIMOnK. WIs. , May 3 , ' 81
Oinnliai'iibllsuliiKCo :
. Bin : My premium to TIIK Kn
cumo to hand In good order , consisting i
nno bolt of lonsdafu muslin , u No l urllel
Please accept my tlmnku hoping that Tn
lli'.i' may contlnno Its good work of di
noiinclng thu monopoly mid poollni : frati
of the west , n I am Interested In the turn
liiKlntereHt of Nebraska , expecting boon I
till 8omo of Its fertile mill.
Yours respectfully ,
, Neb , , JuiHifi , ' 81.
JEdltor Omaha Jeo ! ;
Your premium for life scholarship du
received , And mil much oblige.Yours
Yours truly ,
MBS. v. \mcuEy. .
An nn inducement to tlio patron * of TIIK HUE who a o In arrears for their subscrip
tion to qunro tholr nccount * mill secure Iho palronngo of parties wh i denim to spcnro
ft lv | > 1Mb paper which imblMics all th i telegraphic'nowa of the df y the fullestmir-
k t , iHi | -if any journal In the wo t , feiulcfn ami outspoken in sentiment i > nd an nn-
WAV if'iv' iidvnentAnf Iho rights of the people nn nirnln t dishonest rings , nn opponent
of cTnipt'im ' In nny party , the publisher * nt TIIK HKK Imvo decided to offer ti list of
VnhwWo I'rcniluin * . which nro lolio nil itto < l and dlsttlbutcil among the subscribers
ho remit prior to Iho 1st d ty o Murch , 1882.
1 Pitta & Son's Threshing Aluchiiu- § 500 00
1 uGold Mcdul" " " 50000
1 Whilney-Mnnili Twine Binder , 300 00
1 Lewis Homier , 80000
1 Mainly Mower anil Keiuier combined , 100 00
1 Portable Grist and Kouil Mill Ivnestiier's Patent , . . . . 160 00
1 Four Ton 8x14 1 lowe Wngou Scale , 100 00
1 No. 5 "American" Grinding Mill with bolting attncli-
mont and Corn Sheller , 150 00
1 No. ! ) "American" liorso Power Mill Grinder and
Cob Grinder combined , 150 00
1 No. 4 "American" Pulley Mill Grinder with bolting
attachment , -90 00
1 Louoh Standard Wind Mill , 90 00
I Standard Mower , 90 00
1 Farm Wagon , complete , ( Caldwell ) 90 00
1 No. 8 " American " Power Grinding Mill , 90 00
1 No. 8 " Double " " " 100 00
1 No. 7 " " " 80 00
INo. 5 " " " 75 00
lNo.4 " " " 00 00
2 No. " tl ll 88 00
1 No. 11 Power and Farm Mill , combined , 50 00
2 No. 3 American Wind Mill Grinders , 80 00
" " " "
INo.l 3500
1 Farm Wagon , complete , 85 00
1 Hopkins Mower , 80 00
1 No. 2 Triumph Steamer , complete , GO 00
INo.l " " u 50 00
0 Churns from Oval Clmrn Co 3000
2 Sots Farm Ilanjess , 90 00
8 Sulky Plows , 195 00
10 10-inch Uonm Plows , SOU U )
1 Champion Corn Planter 50 00
1 No. 2 King. Cockle Mill and Seed Soporator , 45 UO
" " " " " l'
1 No. 8 >
1 Chase Grand Square Piano $700 UO
1 Grand Square Piano , 600 < lO
1 Grand Parlor Organ , 300 00
1 Parlor Organ , 150 UO
25 Singer Sowing Machine , $1500 00
1 Mossier Bahmann OHico L5afo , 250
2 Austin liotary Washing Machines , 80
1 Base Burner Hard Coal Stove , 40
1 Cook Stove , 40 -
1 No a Kendall's Plaiting Machine , 20
" " ' " K5
lNo.2 uo
1 Brussels Carpet 30 yards , 45 00
Order on L. B. Williams ' & Sons , 25 00
5 Bolts Lonsdalo Muslin , 25 00
1 Lifo Scholarship Omaha Business College , 50 < )0
20 Residence Lots in Council Blufl's , $5200 00
1 Hunting Case Gold Watch , 100 00
1 " " " , . . 90 00
I " " " " Ladies. . 75 00
50 Silver Watches , Hunting Case , Stem Winders 1000 00
50 ' " " " 1500 00
1 Elegant Silver Tea Sot , 90 00
5 Sier ) Plate ! Cuke Busket-j , 50 00
5 S' ' ts 'ilor J ab'o Spoons , 50 On
3f > 00 -tnndard t Britiah Novels , $5250 00
3000 u Ameiicdn " 3750 00
1500 " " " 1500 00
750 Endymion , Beucousfwld's Last Work , 1125 00
500 Shakespeare , 625 C °
300 Bricks Without Straw , 875 .
300 Byron's Works , . . . . 3000
300 Life of Edwin Forrest , 800 -
200 "Nona , " 200 (
200 The Roman Traitor , 200 G
250 Arabian Nights , 250 00
250 Robinson Crusoe , : 250 00
600 American Popular Dictionaries , 500' 00
4800 Poetical Works , Tennyson's , Wordsworth's , Long-
felloVs , Pope's , &c. , 4300 00
3 Sots Dickon's Works , 60 00
1 Sot Irving's Works , 85 00-
2 Webster's Unabridged Dictionaries 22 00'
Invincible Threshing Machine with single gear 10-
horsc power and everything complete from Rob
erts , Thorp & Co. , Three Rivers , Michigan $660 00
Deert Itotnry Corn Planter. 60 00
" Spring Cultivator. . . . 32 00
A XX Plow ' 19 00
ABC ' 22 00
AOC " 18 00
IJini h " irom Deeie & Co. , Council Blntls . . . . 23 00
4-ton Victor Scale 160 00
N j. Dumont Warehouse Scn'e ' from Moline Scale
Co 106 00
I 12-foot Croft Power Windmill from E. C. LefFol
& Co. , Springfield. Ohio 130 0
60 Shares of Jefin Mountain Gold and Silver Mining
and Milling CO.'B Stock , ( one share premium ) par
value of stock , $25 00 , Market value of stock
( $6 60) ) 390 00
Buckeye Spring Walking Cultivator 36 00
Plain-top Cook Stoves 75 00
Extension-top " 68 00
Sets Wagon Skeins from Moline Stove Company. . 7 OO
Base Burner Hard Coal Stove 40 00
600 Elegant Albums , ( $ 2 60) ) 1260 OO
6 Sets Dickens' Complete Works IIO OO
6OO Albums 500 00-
6O Do/.en Fine Parlor Brooms , ( $3 00) ) 160 OO
860 Standard British Novels 1062 5Q
l.ooO Jjt.-at A uiui'iuaii iS Live iti
1 Bucket Windmill 110 00
1-3 Section Harrow 16 00
1-2 Suction Harrow 1O 00
Pair Fine Thorough Berkshire Pigs 100 00
The distribution of thcno iirc'iiiliuim will take i > lnco on the 4th day of March , IBS'J.
All nitlclt'H that can bo Hout by mull will bo forwarded postpaid to the subscriber's ad-
drtus. Aitlck-H to lie shipped by nxprcBH or freight wilt bo forwarded to their destina
tion with freight payable by the con HI ; nee.
The MibHcrlptlon price ot TIIK DAILY HKI : is Ten Dollars per annum.
Direct your remittance to Tin : OMAHA I'UIIUHIIINQ COMPANY by money order or ,
reglistoiud Utter , wto will forwar I you a numbered premium receipt , which will bo
regiutureil in a premium book , Kach reiiiittanco should also give explicit direction ua
to pottollico addrPHH. 1'artieu to whom nrticlea are allotted that are too bulky for
mail will bo notified and rcqueBted to give directions how and when .shipment ia to be
mode.The distiilmtlon will bo mode without discrimination or favoritism , through a com
mitted bolected by the bubecribetu present at tliu time the awards are made. All we
aim at in this nchemo IH to collect our buck dueu and necuro payuieuto tor the coining
year , and to extend our circulation over a greater territory , tj , . ,
GO.jr ;
Omalia , Nebraska.