Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1882, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee
Publhthcd every morning , except Snndrv
The only Monday tnorrdng rtMly.
Ono ST ar $10.00 I Three Months. & 3.1
81s Months. C.OO Ono . . I.1
WEEKLY I1KB , published o
Ono Yeor . § 2.00 I TlirooMonUis. .
SixMonllia. , . . 1.00 1 One \ . .
K-All Commui
intloni rclntlnt ; to Xowx and Kdltorlnl mt
tn 1intild bo addressed to the KniTOB i
Tun III t. .
Eiotturt und Hcinittnnroa eliould bo n
drcsse < l to TlIK OMAHA I'onLlBltlKO Co
PANT , OMAHA. Drafts , ChccltB and IVv
oflico OniniB to bo mude pnyablo to t
order of the Ootnnany.
OMAHA PDBLI8HIH& 00 , , Prop' ' :
E.nOiU\VATKK , Editor.
Tun storm nil any yesterday ai
Jant night i.layotl havoc with the wii
all nrotmtl UB. in-d connnunicatiou w
ut ofT , thereby culling ofl the usi
long'hy tolcgrapliic report.
GOVEUNOU NANUP/S proclainalii
is now in order.
OMAHA wasn't to bo cheated out
* her annual eloigli ride.
TUK monopoly "cranko" often flo
but never turn the right way.
TUKY are still after Navin , the c
faulting mayor o Adrian. Hone
xnado the mayor go.
Hudson river ice crop , as us
il , ' is "short. " This means long bi
for ice consumer ! .
WITH a wagon bridge uniting Om
lia and Council Bluffs the two citi
would become twin sjstors in Bom
thing more than imino.
IN response to the enquiry wh
"Guitcau is doing ? " the Denver Triune
uno suggests that ho is preparing '
meet his partner on Juno 80th. Th
is irreverent but probably false.
The editor of The Kansas Oil
Journal gives the following cruel otn
to ono of our esteemed contompo :
arics :
The editor of The Omaha Herald ]
an inspired crank. The source of th
inspiration is in a barrel owned by tl ;
sago of Grununurcy park.
OF Goitoral Moigs , who has rucnatl
boon retired , it is said that hn was th
greatest Hvmp ; spender of the publi
money. During the war ho dirocto
the expenditure of nearly § 2,000,000 ,
000 , besides auditing $40,000,000 a
war claima. Ho retires from th
Borvico a poor man.
TunitE is every indication of a stil
further advanoo in the price of bacoi
1 and pork , Xho scant corn crop ha
made a short pork product and report
from all the principal packing house
estimate a falling ofl' this season a
ever 1,000,000 pounds from that packed
od last , year.
IT is gratifying to learn that Oon
gressirmn Bingham's bill incroasin
the pay of auxiliary letter carrier
from 8400 to $000 and providing for
subsequent advanoo upon promotio :
to $800 and § 1,000 has boon favorabl
reported to the hoaso. The bill ough
to pass. No class of government on
ployos earn more ithoroujhly ? ever
cent they got.
CHICAGO is in armsagainst the extortions
tortions of the consolidated tolophon
\P \ companies which have a monopoly o
Py the business in that ciiy , and ar
about to charge -double rates to & ]
their patrons. The'L'iracs suggests
number of remedies which the pubU
may apply to the case in hand. Th
i | . first is to kick the telephones uncorc
moniously out of their residences an
' business houses. Another is to oi
ganizo rival companies , and the thir
is to refuse the telephone manager
permission to hang wires .across pri
vatodwellings aud occupy dho roof
of houses with their linos.
DIIUMNO the past twenty yoara enl ;
two students havu boon entered in thi
, agricultural department of Wineonsii
. State University. This yoac , however
over , the department has sue mudouts
Cleveland Loader.
Agricultural colleges , with few ox
coptiona , are the greatest oducationa
s frauds for which the people of Uni
country are taxed. Thorb hasn't been
a single institution of the kind in Jhi
United Statoo which has paid more
than a fraction of its expenses since
organization , andtho | principal work ol
the professors in charge has boon tc
experiment with jnammoth sq'uashoa
nd to speculate why boiled turnip
seeds would'nt sprout in the spring.
The agricultural department at the
University of Nebraska is a farce , for
/whoso existence there is no excuse.
It is not patronized by farmers sous
or the sons of any other class of No-
braskans. A smart boy can learn
Dioro practical farming in ono week
on a Oass county /arm than in ton
years at the Lincoln iiutUutionand at
the end of that time ho is likely to
have better manners than if ho had
boon under the charge of n professor
ia our capita ] city.
ONB of the most practical results c
the Into successful mooting of the Earn
era" alliance is soon in the rapid 01
ganization of subordinate bronchi
which is taking place in countii
where previously no alliances hn
boon working. According to the n
port of Secretary Burroughs the fo
lowing counties wcro unrepresented I :
alliances at Iho Hastings mcotiiij
Burl , Butler , Cedar , Ohoyonno , Gliasi
Cuming , Dakota , Dixon , Dund ;
Frontier , Grcoloy , Harkn , Ilayc
Hitchcock , Koitli , Lincoln , Pawnci
Pierce , Hod Willow , Sherman , Stai
ton , Sioux , Valley , Websler an
Wheeler , in all twenty-five. The Farn
ors' alliance very Vroporly appointed o ;
ganizors for thcuo districts and with !
the ensuing three months it is hope
that every county in Nebraska will I
represented by ono or moro subod
nato bodici pledged to work and vol
for Iho piinciploi of the Nebrneli
State Farmers' alliance. NVhat Til
BIIvishei : to brina to the attunlio
of its readers in localities where \ \
alliances have boon formed is that tl :
work of organizing and starting no
bodies ought not to bo loft solely i
the hands of workers from the stal
alliance. The means to bo employe
for securing n charter fc
a working alliance are HO simple ati
so inexpensive that every precinct i
our atato ought to possess oilo of thui
debating clubs for the wealth pr <
ducors of the fitato. The time hi
past when the Nebraska Farmers' a
lianco could bo called a moro polit
cal experiment. It has demonstrate
its strength and the force and chara
tor of irl members. With more thn
12,000 voters on its membership roll
and with constantly increasing nccc ,
siena , it bids certain to exorcise an ii
fluonco upon the conduct of affairs i
this statj which no other agonc
would have boon able to accomplish i
HO short a space of time. It is pledge
to a government of the people and b
the pcoplo instead of ono by th
monopolies and for the monopolies
It is pledged to secure fair and cquitii
bio taxation , honest state and count
oflicors , and such an adjustment c
the laws now regulating the relation
of the producers and common carrier
as shall aflord the people of this stat
some relief from the grinding oxac
lions under which they have bo.on suf
With those aims in view , the Farm
ors' alliance appeals to the poraona
interest of every operative farmer ii
Nebraska. It desires to count among
its members and supporters all IIOIIOB
producers of the state who believe ii
its principles and who are willing tc
work in furthering them. No county
in Nebraska should delay any longoi
joining the ranks and adding to th <
Hot of subordinate alliances which an
fie rapidly forming and strengthening
in every portion of our state.
AN Omaha dispatch to the Denvoi
Tribune dated February 8th , sayss :
' There can bo but little doubt bul
that the Union PaciQo is soon to ro
ra vo its shops to Denver , much ai
the people hero may oppose it. Tlu
very 'fact ' that the Union Pacific sondf
sixteen engines out of Denver tc
overy.ono out of Omaha , and that al
the * and required for the iron casting !
in the -chops is hanlod from Colorado
definitely settles , in a business poini
of view. , iif nothing else , that thoshopi
and workc should and would . bo ro
moved. I have also authoritatively
learned that the directory of th <
Union PaoiOo are evenly divined
with the Chances in favor of Denver
At any rate. , the matter is creating
cpnsidorahlo xcitomont and talk hero.
especially as it is known that UK
Union Pacific is buying ground it
Denver. "
The excitement Is all in the mine
of the writer. 'The Union Pacific hai
not , never had end never will hav
any idea of removing its machine ami
oar shops from this city tc
Denver or ts any other town.
The subsidies ivon by Omaha to
the Union Pacific an consideration ol
the erection and jnaintoimnco ol
shops at tLis point , nro quito too valu
able to bo rolinquiohed. Aside from
this , it is wtll knoru .that Omaha is a
much moro economical * point foi
building ancE repair ohops thao anj
point further west , not only on ac-
saunt of wage * but alio "by " reason oi
its nearness to eastern markets and
ahoapor materials. So fur from any
intention of removing iU shops from
iur city to Denver , the Union Pacific
lave lately boon making permanent
mprovomonts and enlarging their ca-
jacity. The comnpondent of The
Denver Tribune ought at once to bo
ikon in out of the wot.
i in the city. During the progres
if a conversation relative to Omaha'
iresont and future prospects , ho do
larcd that the absence of paving and
ho terrible condition of our streets
i losing to this city millions of del
irs annually. By the time of Mr.
'ouzalin'g next visit , Omaha will have
ommoncod to apply the proper
ainody ,
DUNVEK is to have a mining oxposi-
on. An exposition of n small por-
on of the money sunk in prospect
oles in Colorado would bo an inter-
iting spectacle to thousands of east-
n inventors.
' 1
The host material in paving is tli
cheapest. The best material is UK
which combines durability of foundi
lion with a true roadway surfaci
This has boon the experience of ever
city whi'ch has grappled with the pai
ing problem. In Philadelphia whoi
every material has boon fried , tl :
city council has resolved to lay 11
moro macadam or cobble stone pavi
monts , and are discussing the rolath
merits of Belgian block , asphalt nn
wooden block aa paving materials. 1
this connection the Record prints tl
following sensible remarkauponpavir
which wo reproduce entire , and con
inotul to the attention of our citizci
and the members of the city counci
The first requisite for any travcli
roadway is a firm foundation. Tl
second requisite is n surface true at :
oven , to prevent jolting and giving tl
least poviiltlo resistance to wheels coi
fiistunt with the prevention of slippir
for horses' faat. It is evident tin
foundation and stirfnco togi'thor ' fori
the pavement , and that citlitr buii :
imperfect no good icciilt can bo ol
tained. The best surface \\i\l \ bocon
bad if the foundation is defective , an
the best foundation will not sccuro
good road if improperly surfaced. Tr
foundation gives stability ; the eve
surface Hccuros drainage und proven
destructive wear from heavy tractioi
The pavements in ordinary use i
the largo cities of the world have sui
faces of stone , wood and asphalt. Th
ordinary foundation is maduof a layc
of gravel ; a hotter ono is a layer c
brolcon stone , six to eighteen inchc
deep , or , as common in England an
Paris , a solid bud of the best comer
concrete which is given a perfect !
smooth Hurfaso on top. This foundf
tion is considered the true road i
England , the material placed upon i
being simply tlio wearing surface t
bo replaced when worn down. Tli
solid foundation prevontn settling hit
depressions , ruts or holes. It als
prevents the mud from winking t
the surface through thu joints of th
stones. Now York , Boston and a fo
ether cities havu begun to give thoi
streets such foundations. While i thu I'uat cost considerably , i
will bo the cheapest in wear an
cost of clcaiiini , ' . In streets wit
heavy truflic , as in London and Live )
pool , the extra firat cost has been n
paid in a few years by the saving c
lepairs , not to npuak of the superior
ity of the roads both for business pin
poses and for pleasure travel. Th
largo number of streets extending in
to the suburUs , being little used , nat
urally do not require such a firmfoun
dation as those in the heart of th
city , but no street can bo made per
Feet without an absolutely solid bed
1'ho first requirement of the surfaci
: it a street is smoothness , Whei
rough , whether stouo or macadam , thi
ivhoolsjump , acting as rammers , the <
; ho mutual destruction of both streo
xnd carriage. The blows cause thi
mbsoil , whim unprotected by con
: rote , to risa to the surface , and thi
s the almost aolo cause of the pros'
) nco of mud found on the pavec
itreols of the center of a city. An
ither advant.ige of a smooth aurfaci
is the greater ease with which load
may bo drawn over it. Yet a limit t
this smoothness is dr.vwn by havin ;
sufficient adhesion to the horses' feet
3 tone pavements are best made o
ilocks three or four inches wid
ind aix inches deep , haviii ;
parallel sides , neatly dressed t
: rom tightly-fitting joints , which ar
illed with fine sand , or , bettor still
ivith asphalt or mortar , to proven
nrator from soaking down on the sam
from working up. The best stem
'jlock ' , or Belgian pavements as thoj
ire commonly called , are in England
svhoro they are laid on a cement con
jroto foundation and the joints an
311od with cement grout. The practice
tico is to take out the blocks whet
their surfaces become rounded and t <
replace them by others. The pave
inont of North John street , in Liver
5pol , which has a traffic of 4,000 ve
iclos averaging throe tons each pei
lay is probably the best stone pave
tnont in the world. The blocks an
if Welsh granite , neatly split , will
md oven top , set on ton inches of co
nont concrete. The joints are filled
with gravel about the size of a pea
free from sand , and then run will
: oal tar pitch. The joints are vorj
iloso , so that there is hardly anj
rounding noticeable , presenting an
ulmirablo surfaco.
Wood pavements , which were suol
i failure in our country , are now ro
wrtod a success in England. Thoj
ire being extensively introduced ant
ised for street surfaces in London
vhero the trafllc and wear are von
Tying. The reasons ivon for thii
luccossaro that they sot the blocki
m a smooth bed of concrete instead
) f upon boards laid upon . the ordi-
lary ground , as wo did ; and also thai
.hoy . quite thoroughly impregnate all
ho blocks with oil of creosote , which
vo did not do. Another cause oi
heir success is attributed to the
[ roator uniformity of the climate.
Iho cost of cleaning a properly-
ormcd wood pavpmont ia much loss
lian that of cleaning a granite pavo-
nont , as there Is loss surface dirt to
10 removed nothing from the sub.
oil. London experiments have
hewn that horses can travel with a
aad more easily over wood than ever
ithor asphalt or granite. Before an
coident occurs a horse in the city of
london travels 232 miles on granite
01 miles on asphalt , and 410 miles
n wood. Wood is also less noisy
lian almost any1 ulJuir form < , f pimi.
lent , and is the m < H < "igily n purod.
t has no sanitaiy disadvantages if
10 material is impregnated with croo-
> to.
Asphalt has boon in use for a lone
me. The objection to it is its slip ,
jrinesa under certain aimospliorio
mdttionir and when not perfectly
can. Then a sprinkling of fine
avel is required to bo thrown ever
10 surface to give foothold to horses ,
i dry weather the asphalt is safe to
avel over , art also during a heavy
in Bufticnont to wash the surface-so
at it is not asphai t which is slippery ,
it the fine greasy mud and the horse
oppings accumulating upon it. The
feronco may therefore /airly bo that
icro cleanliness is enforced asphalt
> uld bo a very desirable paving.
When properly laid its durability
very great , the wear being almost in
perceptible , ns tests have shown. Tl
great expense of a good asphalt pav
niont , which hag boon urged ns an ejection
jection to it , is balanced by its long
wear than stone-block pavements ,
is smooth , noiseless , non-absorboi
and moro readily cleaned , either 1
swcopina or wash ng , than any oth
pavement. IU freedom from noise
fast placing it in all the _ business at
banking streets of the city of Londo
where ft aooms to bo superceding r
other pavements.
If stone paving is preferred tl
stones requires a more careful dros
ing than they ordinarily receive
order to give them a moro even nu
face and closer joints to prevent tl
rounding of the corners. The blocl
require to bo set in v layer of shai
and coarse gravel , but not into
screened , fine ami loamy gravel , siu
as is common arounjl our city , whii
when it gets wet differs very litt
from genuine mud , The prnctico al
of covering a now paving with an itu
of this same screened grivol and r
low i ig it to lay there for ilaya an
wufi ! < 8 is worao 'han uiolesa Tl
least part of it tititU its w.iv into tl wruns it 13 uitoudi'd to % o < _
fltr.tjts with ho ivy travul thu j > iu
are in fact filled liy the sand wor i
up from below the paving , as uxpoi
monts have shown. After the surfa
of a now pavement has been earful
swept with n light coat of gravel i
moro should bo left upon it , for
only remains on the street , is i roui
fiuo by the wheels and , in our cit
fs generally transformed into a gem
ino mud. To make make matte
worse it ia gradually washed into tl
sewers , filling them up and therol
causing additional and unnocossat
trouble and expense.
SPJKAKINO of militairism in politi
The Philadelphia Press roads the ri <
act to the immortal " 30C , " in the fa
lowing terms :
The rot talked about the " 30(5 ( ,
the Grant dinner at Albany , thn we
in which grov\n mon sun themsolvi
in the fact they obeyed a boi
rather than their constituents an
supported a man through many balloi
and forgot principle in all ; this a
rests on the blind obedience and poi
sonal loyalty which make armies dai
gorous and military force fatal to frei
dom. Beyond the danger of catching
cold likothoonewhichprovontedSoi
ator Conkling from moving to ma k
Gen. Garfield s nomination unanimou !
none of the 300 ran nny risk in thei
ballots. They were safe enough-
good deal safer than the future c
the republican pirty , and the intei
osts of their constituents and th
i.onaonso they talk of the "bravery
of balloting for a man a majority t
the party did not want nominated i
all a part of the military fog that rise
with militarism in politics. It is o
all fours with the "honor" of th
French colonels who broke their oath
to the republic to obey their militar
superior in the coup d'otat , bayoncl
ing liberty in the night.
Onr Consul to Vero Cruz-
Knox County Kcng
The appointment of Hon. Brun
Tzschuck as consul to the port of Yer
Cruz , will bo welcome news to th
people of Knox county. The prea
dispatches state that the president in
formed Senators Saunders and Va
Wyck , that his appointment would b
made , although Judge Valentino or.
posed it. Wo presume our worth
member of congress opposed Mr. T. '
appointment for purely political ret
sons , but for the first time in Judg
Valentino's career wo rejoice in hi
defeat , and wo believe every hones
man and tax-payer in' Knox count
will rojotco with us , when our reason
are given. Thu people of Knox count
can thank Mr. Tzachuck'a sterling integrity
togrity for not being in the same prc
dicament that Dakota and Dixo
Bounties are , with reference to th
Oovington , Columbus & Block Hil !
railroad , when Joe Hollman put u
the job that placed 675,000 worth c
Knox county bonds in the Rand
of John H. Charles , of Siou
City. The officers of the roa
hied to Lincoln to obtain th
certificate of the state officials so the ,
could get the bonds into the hand
or innocent purchasers but Mi
Izschuck having been informed of thi
sharp practice , flatly refused t
jive his certificate ' as sccretar ;
Df state. This was an obstacle th
railroad officials had not counted on
nd judging other people's intogrit ;
by ( heir own , intimated that a mouei
: onsideration could bo had for tin
much desired certificate. This term !
natodUho interview. Mr. Tischucl
pointedly informed Judge Hubbarc
xnd his counsel that there was but om
tvay for thoin to obtain his certificate
: o the bonds , and that.was a writ o
nandamus of the supreme court
Thus baffled , the conspirators gavi
ip in despair , and the bonds won
inally returned to the county com
uissionois and destroyed. From tin
late of the above transaction wo havi
) uon a friend and admirer of Brum
fcohuck , and had Judge Valontim
ionsultcd his constituents and friend
n Knox county , they would not onlj
mvo said to him , "Unite with tin
enators in urging Mr , T's claims , '
mt would have said , "If possible , so
uro for him .1 more exalted position
or we know the man. Ho is capabh
nd deserving of the best office with
n the gift of the party. "
The Tariff
laitlogi Olobe Journal.
THK OMAHA Bui : deserves gioc
rords tor its manly and intolligenl
isouasion of the tariff question. I (
i a inoat excellent and advantageom
osition , too , being a leader amonq
lie fjinucra' ullinuc.j element to do
lie party und the country a valuable
xvor , by way of letting light in upon
lie economical question.
A friend in need is a friend indeed ,
his none can deny , especially when
iiistanco is rendered when ono is
> rely aflhcted with disease , moro par-
culurly thuso complaints and weak-
jsses BO common to our female popu-
tion. Every woman should Know
mt Electric Bitters are woman's true
iund , and will positively restore her
health , 0on when all ether romeos -
os fail. A single trial always proves
ir assertion , They are pleasant to
o taste , and only cost fifty cents per
Sold by Lm & MoMahoit (2) ( )
Ranches und itanchmon Proflte c
Cuttle Ohoorln ? Words to
EQUALITY , Frontier Co. , Fob. 9.
To the Kdltor of The noc :
I am a deeply interested reader ( b
borrowing ) of your worthy papoi
TUB BEE. Keeps its stiiiRer kot an
sharp for the railroad and all ollu
robbers of all parlies , and succci
will be yours and OUM. I hope to hi
conio a subscriber very soon. Th
pcoplo of this county run our maohin
regardless in ourcountynfriin
and are the gainer thereby. Our into
osts scarcely over clash , as nearly a
are engaged in cattle raising , ono c
the most profitiblo and safe businos
that an ordinary man cin on ago in
Cattle raising pays n profit of from 3
to GO per cent , on capital invested i
thorn. It costs but from $4 to § 8 t
r.iiso u stcor to three years of agi
< rnch ! inc'uiloi , hiy , one-Barter i
.1 ton nur juir , salt. 'JC comsj tnxu
thuir 10 chilli o.iQh , and lutere ;
on mother lirat year , otc. Three
year-old steers sell at § 35 ; two-ycai
olds , § 25 to § 27 ; yearlings , § 2C
calves , § 13 to § 15. Railroad facilitie
are good ; school advantages fair t
good ; good water , timber and climate
poor farming country ; no herd lai
( repealedj ) low taxes ; frco range ; pec
plo , hospitable and law-abiding.
Good opportunities here for men o
capital , say of § 3,000 to § 10,000. T <
make cattle raising safe , feed must b
prepared ( as hay , etc. ) Raiiche
carry from 100 to l.ODO head of cat
tie , but by raising fodder , millet , otc.
they can carry more. Ranches o
1(50 ( to ono of COO acres , bring fron
$2,600 to § 5,000 , good to fair mi
provomonts , good timber , water
splendid range , free to all , night anc
day. County taxes ono cent on thi
dollar. Frontier county offers the
best inducements of any of the cattlt
regions for mon of a few thousands
as there is no largo herds to mix with
No I. P. Olives tolerated , or mon o
his class ; our motto is live and lo
live. No monopoly in ours.
May the Farmers Alliance prospoi
until they govern this state with jus
tice and moderation. Lot them adopl
as one of their fundamental laws ,
"Death to bribe takers and sell-outs , '
or their labor will bo in vain. Pen
alties and sw'ft justice keeps all of U !
fairly honest. If any of your 20,00 (
readers wish further" information o :
this country and stock raising , thej
can have truthful answers by cncloa
ing a stamp in their letters of inquiry ,
Respectfully Yours ,
The South Carolina Election Law
_ A correspondent of the Chicago
Times says the now election and reg
istration law passed by the legislature
of South Carolina , juat adjourned ,
was the crowning act of that body.
This law provides for the registration
of all voters , and no elector will be
allowed to vote at any election who
can not produce a certificate of regis
tration. Ono supervisor is provided
for each county , with two assistants ,
to the three of whom shall bo refer
red all cases whore the supervisor has
rejected an applicant for registration.
The supervisor shall visit townships
for the discharge of his duties , aftei
duo notice , whore ho shall keep his
books open not loss than ono noi
moro than three days , during May
and June next , after which he is to
open his books at the county seat foi
revision and correction. After the
cioso ot the registration books , on the
first Monday in July , they shall re >
main closed until after the next gen-
oial election thus allowing a third ol
a year . to elapse between reg
istration and election. Before
the election the supervisor shall
revise his books and strike oft" the
names of those who have died or 're
moved to another county. Those
who remove from ono election pre
cinct to another shall obtain a trans
fer registration certificate or bo de
barred from voting , and the elector
who is so unfortunate as to lose hie
registration certificate or does not
present it on the day of election will
not bo allowed to vote at that elec
tion. The supervisor determines by
sumnnry process the qualifications of
voters , but in case of rejection an
appeal is allowed to the two assistant
supervisors , and irom them to the
circuit court. The law's dnlays in a
case of this kind would confound if
not tire out the class of voters upon
whom this law will fall with the great
est weight.
All managers of elections will bo
furnished with duplicate registration
books , and no ono will bo permitted
to vote whoso name does not appear
in said book , with his age and rVjsi-
don co.
The door to fraud is thrown wide
spen in the Jaw where it provides
that at the conclusion of the registra
tion , if a qualified voter has failed to
register , the supervisor "may , upon
iugh evidence as ho may think neces
sary , in his discretion , permit the
iiamo of such voter to be placed on
iaid list. " This is the luw of a demo
cratic legislature , and as opposed to
republican rule will bo productive of a
Jemocrutic vicitory. But if there
ihoukl be a split in the democratic
rinks , and each faction sought the aid
jf the negro vote , it would bo bettor
: or the supervisor had ho "hoed the
sotton and the corn , " if ho undertook
; o make unfair iiio of the exraordi- :
: mry powers conferred on him. The
jallots are to bo of white paper , clear
ind oven cut ) two and one-half inches
vide by five inches Ions , without or
mini lit , il > { .itio'i , mil i'xtton KMII
) ul , or tuaiK oi uny kiml , except cho
mines of thu persons voted for , wiit-
on or printed , or partly written and
mrtly printed , and , no other ballot
hall bo counted.
Eight ballot boxes are provided for
a follows : 1 , governorand lieutenant
pvornor ; 2 , ether state oflicors ; 3 ,
ircuit solicitor ; 4 , state senator ; 5 ,
lombors of the house of represonta-
ivcs ; 0 , county officers ; 7 , ropreson-
itives of congress ; 8 , presidential
lectors. The boxes for federal of.
ces ire to bo located ut different
laces from those of boxes tor atato
nd county officers , and will bo undo.
10 control of a different sot of man- ,
jora and commissioners , thus com-
lotely severing the national and state
ootioni , But the saino ( duplicate )
registration books are used ; and , i
every qualified elector is required I
register the supervisor lias the powi
to reject , with strong probability !
being sustained , and also power toad
the names of persons who failed I
register , if ho sees fit , the sevoronc
hardly scorns necessary. Howovci
the mutiplicity 6f boxes will co :
tainly create confusion. All b.\
lots found in the wrong box ai
to ho thrown out or not countci
The boxes are to bo properly labelci
A railing is to bo erected in front i
the boxis so ns lo permit of the ii
gresa and ecjresa ot but ono person i
a time , and no person will bo allowe
to converse ith an elector at the tin
of voting , except the managers , wl
shall , upon demand , inform the olc
tor as to the proper box in which I
deposit his ballot.
The nbovo embraces the importai
features of the registration and flu
tion law.
The legislature passed over thn
hundred laws at their long sessioi
principally acts of incorporation , at
put the slate to an expense of aboi
§ 300,000. Lirgo npproprjntionn hai
been made fur the statunnivur&ity in
SlioGVitU'l ttcidomy in Charleatoi
Lut unit for the fivi1 tctvn
ibovo ihu reiti UP two-mill tix. I'll
m. uis with huatty cunJinmution
many quarters.
Longfellow's health groivs better ,
Gladatunu's tnornini ; tipple in tea.
Wendell Phillips ho xdin petition again
compulsory vaucin ition.
The Mikado hai ordered twenty-fn
splendid carriage * in L nuliin.
Mr. Whlttier'ti book-mark is the tail i
a gray bimlrrol killed by his cat.
Philadelphia h is nn arttst named Swon
\Vticn8 yoirsof ti e lia was only u littl
Oscar Wilde complains that there arc r
ruiiiB in Amoiica. Oscar has not yet see
v Chicago Ba\iugs ban I ; .
Messrs. Ta ma o and Ingcr ell are n
winded that at MissUsippi City t > rize
iBlita nro not interfered with.
It ia said th it Comit T i.ifle is likely t
uve considerable difficulty iu irmnagin
; lie Austrian 1 Jeichsrnth during the presen
iCBsion. He should rotntmber what's in
lame and give it to 'em.
A lady who knows the Arthur fainil
sell taja that reticence i one nf thei
iliaracteristica. She went to school wit
> ne of the sisters , who waa KO cloit
nouthed that she would not even tell wha
vns her middle nnine.
President Arthur is said to bo a goo
) anjo player. Ai long aa he doesn't take
; o playing the ace inleun or trombone , h
vill continue to receive our supper-
Norris-own Herald. Grant pruferre
ifo and ruin. [ The Score.
Robeit Homier , of The New Yor
Ledger , is a loinarkably well-piesene
nan of Sixty , nntt would readily passei
'or a dozen years younger. Ho is tt'u
jerato as uell aa imliutuous iu his Ii tbita
vhich indeed are but little changed' biuo
IB was foreman m The Mirror ollice , 01
> 20 a week.
At Mr. G. W. Childt' reception , i :
: on\en-.itim with the wife < if a distill
ui hed Aniuicaii diplomat and after ;
ittle ipt/zing as to tha class or peopl
vho were likely to fall down and worshi
lim , Oaear Wilde ia ci edited with the re
nark that ho came to America to teach ute
to lecognize the heautiful in nature.
'Then , " said the lady , "you had bette
uv jour hair shorter ana jour trouser
onger. "
A Cross Baby.
Nothing is so conducive to a nian'i
remaining a bachelor as stopping fo
3110 night at the houau of n marriet
Friend and being kept awake for fivi
sr six hours by the crying of a croa
baby. All -cross and crying babie
iced only Hop Bittora to make then
ivell and smiling. Young man. ro
nombor this. Traveler. feh4-w2
The Old Guard ' dines" but never aur-
enders. [ Boston Herald.
The new Paymaster-General , WilHair
J , Rochester , will be trm youngest ma
rearing a Brigadier-General's star in im
if the stall departments of the army.
The United States Senate bens many
pkena of ifflfction this winter. The farui
iea of Senators Miller , Van Wy k. Jones
3am ron of Wisconsin , Vest , 'William"
md Brown are in mourning for recen
leatha in the household circle.
General Gordon and his brothers are , it
a reported , the licher by a mil ion dollars
nado the other d ty in railroads. When
general Gordon left theSenate , the broth-
re were all poor men ; railroad building
las since changed all that.
All the old Grant barnacles are coming
0 the front these days the red-nouedi
ilear-eyed fellow , who are never so en-
husiaatic as when arguing for the old flag
nd an appropriation or are trying to stanc
n a bar-keeper for the drluks They are
he features that are giving the Arthur ad-
imistration such a dark brown breath
Ex-Gov. Uendrkk' , nf Indiana , line all
lie rest of them three ye rs before an
Itetion , says that he is out of politics , hut
fill ahvaysprobably take a lively interest
1 politics. Ifn jlso cays that he waa n t
3luclant to take the second place n the
'residential ' ticket in 1870 because of any
islike to Mr. Tillen , but because ha did
ot like the office of Vice-Prtsident v ith
; s 'naction ' and lack of inflnenc-- .
Chief Justice Cratter , of the supreme
mrtnf the District of Columbia , Mill re-
re from the bench at the end of the April
; nn , his seventieth birthday occurring in
mt month. Ho will hear the case of
tnteau ou exceptions during that term ,
iu naid that Mr.Cratter la anxious for
10 period of retirement to arrive. He is
public man of long and varied experi-
ice , of Urge ability mid hi6.h charucler.
lowasa c. ngr ssman from Ohio ns fa
lokaainlSIU a republican of the Beu
imo typo. He ha * been a foreign minter -
ter , and the chief justice of the district
mrt eince its organization. '
Alexander HI. Stephens completed , on
iturday last , the allotted three score
law and ten. Ill * chanceb for life teem
tav.irable as they did ten years ago , yet ,
he Bhould reach four score , it will cer-
Inly not be by reason of strength , for
i has been a mere wreck of a man and a
ironic Inv lid for fifty years. He has ,
, lee" ° Prominent figure in
illtica ll this time , and haa survived two
nerntions of cotemp ranes who have iu
rn pitied his pliys cal weakness and , re-
irked his slight hold on life. He en-
red congress in 18-13. In the i-aine house
: re thu imniort'il Haniii'al llamlin ,
S < T' ta y Hv ill 11 I'M , , S cjiH n A
J'.T , ' , ! * ' " ! ' Q--i , Ailum * iiwtuu.i
Wildings , Aniiieiv Johnson , John-li.
11 aud other lights uf a former era , of
win there are at the n oil but thret or
IT survivors. Of hia colleagues in the
t congress In which he sen cd just nre-
ng tha rebellion. 8.8. Cox , then . .f .
ilo , and now of New York , and John H.
lagan , of Texas , nro the only ones who
i with him member ! of the Forty.
enth congress. It seems Impossible ,
A-ejer , th .t this we rd shadow and meral
Ion" B6r ° " the BCene
icn er
A Word for Doubters.
MoNitoE , Mich. , Juno 20 , 1881
' eft T\YIWE & Co.j-Sirs-
> ur Safe Kidney and Liver Cure 1ms
_ ed mo of severe kidney complaint ,
for all doubters to
11105 can con-
co them.
For Sale By
ITS , HOMO 3 rooms , tu'l lot on Plcrco near
2Uth utrcct , $1,060.
177 , House 2 roorrs , full lot on Dougl&s near
2Gth a rcct , $700
176 , lU'Mitlful residence , full lot on Cata rcnr
10th rrfct , (12,000.
174 , Two houses ami } lot on Dodro notr 9th
street , (1 600.
170 , Ilo\i3o tlitco room' , two dose IB , o c. , half
lot on 21st car draco street , ? MK > .
172 , Ono mill one-hall fctory lirick hou o and
twloti en Detains mar Sttli ttrect , 11,7(0.
lil , IIouso iwo rooms , wcM.cislcrn , stable , o'c
lull lot near I'l rco und 13th utro t , $960.
170 , Ono mid one-half siorj hou o blx rroirm
" 'O' 'l ' nil/lot on CcMcnt street t.cur St.
N" . ' 70 , Ilon o O tco roonin en Clh ten s reel
lunrahot rwor $326.
lot on 18th
' '
So. 1(17 , Two story IHJ'IEC.'O iccrns 4 ducts ,
ic-od ci-lnr Ifcih ' '
, on Mtioi near lorp'cton'a
So . Ni6 , Niw house of o rooms , half lot on
Izard n or lutlislrtot , 81.SSO.
J o. 104 , Onu nnd ono h H story hnu < o 8 rooms
on118th street ear Loaioi worth , $3,600.
N 101 , Ono nnd oni-lm I dory louse of fr
rooms ncnr Ilnnsconi 1'aik , Sl.oOO. * _ .
No. 163 Two IIOIITOS 6 rooms iach , clcsrts. etc
on Hurt street mar 26th , $3,600.
No. 167 , botiHt Orotnifi , ( ul lot on 10th Mrcct
near Lca > onworth , $2,400.
No. UO , House 4 largf rooms , 2 closets nnd
I alt acre on Butt ittco near Dnfon , 81,2.0.
No. 166 , Two houses , ono tf 6 and one of i
rooms , on 17th street near JIarcy $30r.
No. 164 , Tlircohousts , onr of 7 and two of 6
room-each , and corner lot on Cuss mnr 14th
street , $ B,000.
Nr.153 , tmnllhou o nnd full lot on Pacific
ncir Kth ttrect , $2,6UO.
. No. 161-Ono story house 0 rooms , on Liavcn-
worth nair 10th , $3,000.
No. 160 , Hot go th'cc rooms nnd lot 02x115
I1 ar 20th nnd Fori ham , $2,600.
No. 148 , New house of eight rooms , tn 18tb
stroit mar Lia\cnworth 53,10' .
No. 147 , IIouso oJ 13 rcotus on ISth street
near llarcy , 85 , 00.
No. 140 , Ilou-u of 10 rooms and lllots on 18th
street near JIarcy , $0.000.
No. 146 , House two largo rooms , lot 07x210 fee
onsheni an avenue (10th street ) near Nicholas ,
$ * > ioOO
No 143 , House 7 rooms , barn , on 20th Eticot
near Lca\cnwortt , 82,600.
No. 142 , Hou o B rooms , kitchen , etc. , on 10th
street near Nlchola , $1,875
No. 141 , IIou o3 rooaa on Douglas near 20th
street , $ ' 160.
No. 140 , Inrpo hou < o nnd two lota , on 24th
noir FnrnhaniBtrO't , $8,0 0.
No. ISO , 11 U o3 rooms , lot COxlCOJ feeon
Douglis near 87th street , 81,600.
No. 137 , IIouso 6 room * i d half lot on Caplto
at cnuc near 23d street , $2,307.
No. 130 , House nnd half ncro lot on Cumlne
street mnr 24th Ss50.
No. 131 , IIouso 2 rotuis full lot , on Izard
no in 21-i d reel , 8300.
No. 129 , 'lw houses ono of 0 nnd ono of 4
rooms , on leased lot on Webster near 20th street ,
No. 127 Two storj I oueo 8 rooms , half lot oni
Webster nenrlOth SJ.600.
No. 120 , House 3 rooms , lot 20x120 feet on
20th sire't near Douclaa.ib'o.
No , 1'25 , Two story hon-o on 12th near Dodge
street lot-.3x0.1 feet $1,200.
No. 124 , LntKO house and full block near
Furnhain and Con ral 8'ri-ct , SS.OtH. .
No. 123 , Ilouao 0 looms und 1 irgu lot on Snun-
dcrs a rcct near Banacks , 82 100.
No. 122 , House 0 rooms and half lot on Web
ster near 15'h strict , $1,600.
No. 113 , House 10 roonw , lot 30x90 fiot on
Capitol a\cmie noir 22d Bticet , 82,050.
No. 117 , House 3 rooms , lot 30x120 feet , on
Capitol a > enuc near 22d $1,500.
No. 114 , IIouso 3 rooms on Douglas near 2Cth >
.trcct , 8750.
Ao. 113 , ITouso 2 rooms , lot 00x99 feet on 21st
near Cuinlrc btreot , $760.
No. 112 , lirick house 11 rooms and half lot on
B Si near 14th street , 82,8uO. "V
No. Ill , House 12 rooms on Davenpott near N
ZOth fctreit , 7,0 0.
No. 110 , Brkk house and lot 22x132 fcot on
Cn 8 street ntar 15th , $3,009.
No. 1C8 , 1 nrgj house on Hnrnoy near 16th
itrcet.S 1,600.
No 109 , Tw o houses nnd 30x132 foot lot on
Jos ) near 14th street , $3,600.
No. 107 , IIouso 5 rooms and half lot on Izard
icar 17th sir ct , $1,200.
.NO. 100. Houeo and lot 61x108 feet , lot on 14th
icir Pierce direct , $000
No. ll 6 , Two story house Brooms w 1th 1 } lot
> n Reward near Saundtrs street , 82,800
No. 103 , Ono and ono half story house 10 rooms
iVebster ncnr 10th street , $2,600.
No. 102 , Two hou § C3 7 rooms each and } lot on
.4th near Chicago , $4,0 0.
No. 101 , IIouso 8 rooms , cell r , etc. , H lotOD
South avenue near Pac tic stree , $1,650.
No. 100 , House 4 rooms , cellar , tto. , hall lot
in Izard street ncnr 16ih , $2,000.
No. 99 , Very largo home and full lot on Hnr-
icy near 14th street , $9 OOu.
No. 97 , Largo house of 11 rooms on Sherman
, K imo near Clark street , make an offer.
No , 90 , Ono and one-half s.ory house 7 rooms
ot 240x401 feet , stable , etc. , ou Sherman ave-
luo near draco , $7 too.
No. 92 , Largo brick house two lot ) on Daven
iort street near 19th 818,000.
No. 90 , Largo ho so and. full lot on Dode (
car 16th 'tro-.t , 87,001. 1
No. 89 , Largehauso 10 rooms hall lot on 20th
ear California street , 87,600.
No. 88 , Largo house 10 or 12 rooms , beautiful
Wierloton Cosa 20th , 87.COO ,
No. 87 , Two story OUBO 3 rooms 5 acres o
ind in Saunders street near Barracks , $2,000
No. 85 Two stores and a rtsunnco on leased' '
alt lot.near Mason and 10th street , $800.
No 84Two story hou e 8 rooms , closets , e'c. ,
I'h 5 acres ol ( jrnund , on Saunders street near
nmha li.rrnckn , 32,600.
No. 83 , House of 0 TOOTB , half lot on Capitol
i enue near 12th street , 82/00.
No 82 , One and ono hall story ) cues , o looms-
ill lot on Plerco ncnr20th street , 81,8X3.
No. 81 , Two 2 story housts , ono of 0 and ono
rooms , Chicago St. , near 12th , $3,000.
No. 80 House 4 rooms , closets , etc. , largo lot
118th stre.t near Whlto Lend works , $1,3.00.
No. 77 , targe house of 11 rooms , closets , eel-
r , it ; . , with 1J lot.n Pnrnhamnear 19thstreet ,
No. 70 , Or caul Quo-halt story house of 8 roomer ,
t C0x8 fict mi Ca a new 14lh street , $4tOO.
No. 76 , Ilouao 1 rooms and bascmint lot
4x132 frtt on Marcy near 8th street , $ i > 76.
No. 74 , Largo brick house nnd two full lots on.
a\enportnear l&th street , 816/00.
No. 73 Ono and one-hat story house nnd lot
xlS2 feet on Jao son near 12th street , $1,8CO.
No. 72 , Uiigo brick house 11 rooms , full lot
i Date port mar l&th street , $5,030.
No. 71 , Largo hou e 12 rooms , full lot on Call-
rnla near 20th ( treat. t7,0uo.
No 65 , Stable and S full lots on Franklin street
ar baunders , $2,000.
No. 01 , To story frame building , store below
d rooms abo\o , on lot on DoJire near
th street , $800.
No. tS , House 1 rooms , basement , otc. . lot
" 2iOleet on 18th street mnr Jjnll Worku ,
,700 , . *
i-o. 02 , No - houi-o 4 rooms ono story , lull lots
Hnrney near 2Ut atreet , $ l,7fX ) .
No. 01 , Inru ? house 10 rooojs , full lot on Butt
ar21it stnot , $5,000.
No. CO , Homo 3 ro ms , half lot on Dsvenport '
ar 23d stre.t , 1,000.
No 69 , Four houses and hull lot on Cons near
tli ttro t $2 600. -4
No 68 , IIouso ol 7 rooms , full lot Webster
nr 21st street , $2,600. ;
No. 67. house of 6 rioms , lot 60x140 feet on
it btrcct nenr 8t. llary'savenue , $3,000.
* > o. 60 , Houte of 10 looms , full lot on Callfor-
'i r ' ,6CO ,
u. 10 , Huucutl IUOUIB , two full UU on ifltU
at r.eir Paul , $3,000.
ro. 49 , lirick house 11 rooms , full lot on Farn-
n mar 17th street , $0,000.
iQ. 48 , Ilouao of 9 rooms , halt lot on rnclflc-
.r 9th street , $3,000. ,
> o. 40 , Largo house with full block mar slio
. .
o. 46 , Large house 7 rooms , closets , etc. , on
li btroit near C'ark. ' $3.000.
'o. 44 , House and full lot on Chicago near
t street , $5,000.
o. 43 , Homo and two loUoa Chicago nca.
street $7.620. V
16th and Dv. agla Street ,