A FLOUR-RUSHING BUSINESS , The Big Mill of Bridges & John son on the Bluo. Forgotten Fncta from Oroto nnd Dor chostor. Corrwponilenco of Tim lt , DOUCHF.STKH , Nob. , February 10. When Ivfts nt Crete some wooka Bomo of the principal interests of the town were overlooked , or mcroly mentioned , on nccount of Incl ot time in which to look over aiut go a definite idon of thorn One of thoai ia the now mill of Messrs. Bridges & Johnson , which I wns invited to in spool the other Any. When the writer wns a to\r-hondcc urchin , junontj the hills of the 32mpiro state , ho WAD somewhat fnmilmr will flouring mills , and the process o manufnoturing "bread timber , ' * n1 there wns a mill of considerable capacity just across the stream frou his father's farm Tluwo were the days when wheat , etc. ( the otc , in eludes woods , rye , barley , and manj other things ) , was poured into the hooper and ground together , and the fine part bolted out and called Hour. How different the process followed by the now mill , which is the only one ir running order west of the Missour river The mill stands on the aito p ; the ono which was destroyed by fire ii : 1870 , and was built and put in run ning order during 1881. The building is of Oroto brick , era a alone foundation , which is broai and substantial at the bottom ant narrows to a breadth of two and one half foot at the top. The iffltin build ing is10x70 feet , and with n totiv height of 04 feet. The walls for the first two stories are 22 inches thick , 18 inches thick the balance of the distance , and Imvo pieces of 2x-1 timbers bolted in sections and im bedded in the brick ; the floors an supported by two rows of 12x12 pouts , four in each row , those in the base ment resting on the cement and storm foundation , and surmounted with cast iron caps , which receive the bottoms toms of the posts above , the tops ol which are fitted in the same way. A bin in the northwest corner ol the building is the reservoir. From this the wheat is taken to the wheat brush , where it is thoroughly cleaned of any impurities that may have ad hered to it ; then through n tube with magnets which eliminate any tire or other pieces of iron which may have boon in the grain. It ia then carried to tl\o \ first floor , where ore five Jonathan Mills reduction ma chines , and four runs of old-fashioned burrs of stone , in iron cases , two ol which are used in the manufacture of patent Hour , ono for low grade flour and ono for feed. ' There are also five sets of Stout , Mills & Temple stool rolls , plain and corrugated. The smooth rolls flatten the wheat germ , to bo taken after wards from the middlings. The cor rugated rolls ropar.ito the middlings from the bran ; a bran machine sepa rates the bran from the products of the reduction mills , leaving only the perfectly pure Hour in a coarse state to bo carried to the stones and ground into flour , instead of the way of grind ing the whole at. once. From the bul\Vo \ the Hour is carried to the Eureka packing machines whore it is quickly atid neatly sacked or barreled. The reduction machines nro kept cool by an air blast of great velocity and the dust is exhausted from the mill and machinery by two Sturto vent exhaust fans. The machinery of the basement and first floor , derives its powbr from the main shaft direct ; but above that it ia propelled by an immense leather bolt , extending tram the basement to the top floor , distributing power and mo tion all over the building evenly. The window and door sills , are of atone and the roof of iron. The power is furnished by a ten foot two-inch dam across the Blue river below which is placed n 54-inch American Turbine water wheel , giv ing a 140 horse power. The main abaft from the power to the mill is OJ inches in diameter and 110 foot long" The mill is worth at lonst $100.000 , It will turn out 250 barrels of the best flour per day. It is an object of pride to the inhab itants of Oroto and the people of the the whole.Stalo of Nebraska as tlioro are but eight of them in the United States , and it speaks well for the en ergy and enterprise of its owners , i Another of the solid business estab lishments of this section of country the Citizens' Bank , which issued a statement of its condition a few days ago. Among the resources are loans to the amount of ever 807,000 , cash on hand $17,000 , duo from Banks $32,000 , otc. The bank has a paid up capital of $30,000 and does au im mense business. Prof. Swoczy , of Doano Collefto , is rejoicing ever the receipt at the Colr lego of an alligator Miasissippionsis , from Florida , which woa donated , nicely stuffed , by Mr. Frank Thomp son. DOKOUK.STKU , nine miles west of Oroto , is a lively little town of about 400 people , who are working for their eliaro of the business of the county. Judging from the appearance of their business houses they seem to got rather moro in proportion than the larger towns. An addition to the school house will bo built this coming season , and next year the school will bo reorgan- Jzod with four teachers instead of two. The town is bound to make its mark. Scmiiui.ini. S uper latlvdly Excellent Macaroni. l/onJori IAlly ) Telrgripli , Macaroni is oaten with relish equal. ly by all civilised European pooplo. At the commencement or the close of a dinner , in the character of sweet or of alike it is savory , deservedly ns popular without as within the front tors of its native land. But the inci dent which originally gave it its name Is , wo venture to believe , known to few of those even in Sicily , its birlh- place who hold it in the highest es teem. Once upon a time a wealthy Palermitan noble owned a cook not only accomplished beyond compare in the practice of his profession , but lifted by nature with an inventive \i \ r genius. Ono day in a rapture of cull- nary composition , this great artist de vised the farinaceous tubes which al love so well , and the succulent accessories series of ricli sauce nnd grated Par- mcaan familiar to those who have par taken of "macaroni al stigo" in south ern Italy. Having filled a nudity china bowl with this delicious com pound , ho sot it before his lord i gourmet of the first water and stoot by , in deferential altitude , to watcl the ollbct of his experiment. The first mouthful elicited the ojnoul.itioi "Carl ! " idiomatically equivalent to ' 'excellent' ' in English , from jtho il lustrious epicure. After swallowing a second modicum , ho exclaimed , "Ma carl ! " or "Excellent , indeed" Pres ently , as the flavor of the toothsome mess grow upoiijiim , his enthusiasm roao to oven higher ( lights , and ho cried out , in a voice tremulous , will joyful emotion , "Ma , caroni ! " "In deed , moat supremely , sublimely and superlatively excellent. " In paying this verbal tribute to the merits ol his cook's discovery , ho unwittingly bestowed a name upon that ndnnr.ible preparation which has stuck to it ever since. Honornlilo Mention. OF nil Iho remedies on cnilh that well may claim attention , Dr. THOMAS' Koto- Tine Oiii commnnds especial mention , For uondroiiH jKiwcr to cure ( incline , itH fame there's none to throttle. Its merit * flhj , nnt in tlio puff , but nro intiile the bottle. Rheumatism , ncuralftln , sere tin oat , n tW' inn , bronchitis , ditilitlicrln , etc. , nro . ' 1 cured byThoninn1 KeectricUil. lU-Jtw A EIOH AND RAOY CHAPTER. . The Diplonaata at the Capture of Limn , Peru. Tlelr ImpotuouB Btnmpodo fromtho DangorouB Sltuntlon How Mr. Chrlstlancy FlnRgod in , the Race and wnB Urged On. \Vrshtngton Star. The Burro'ndor of Limn , Peru , which occurred on tbo 17th of January , 1881 , was made notable to Minister Oliris- tiancy ot the United States govern ment , as well as the entire diplomatic corps , from the several narrow escapes they liad from being killed , the facts of which have not yet boon made gen erally known. Ori the 15th of that month , at 2p.m. , Minister Chris- tiancy , with nil of the diplomatic corps residents in that city , embracing those of the English , French , Spanish , etc. , legations , wont out to Milaliores , a villngo live miles distant from Lima , to receive from President Pierola his answer to the terms offered by the Chilean General Uaguodano , through the committee of the diplomatic corps , consisting of Mr. Pinto , S.ilvadonan minister , do.m of the corps , ami the French and English ministers. The two armies were drawn up in line of battle liurd by , but an armistice had boon arranged , to terminate at 12 mid- niuht , to hoar the answer. , Pierola and his staff were at breakfast ill n IOUBO , and a committee was waiting 'or him to como out , when a single icavy RUII was discharged , fired : hrough inadvertence , and in less than i minute n battle was raging. There woa an immediate stampede of the committee , and in fact of the diplo- natio corps , who onmasso looked any thing but dignified , and who flung diplomacy to the winds as they all strove tooth and nail , heel and too to roach D'mn ' , or anywhere whore safe quarters were to bo had. UllAl'JlIO DESCIIUTION OF THE FLIGHT. The English minister , Hon. Spen cer St. John , wrote to his homo gov ernment n graphic description ot their light , concealing nothing , "nor sot- ; ing down aught in malice. " Ho says in his report : "Tho corps divided , onn party making for the railroad train : hey had loft but little while before , whilst another party sought to gain ; ho railroad track far ahead of the ; rain , Mr. Ohristiancy , the United States minister , who was with the later - : or , advising that course , saying : 'That though ho wcro not actively en gaged in the late rebellion in his : ountry , yet ho understood flanking. ' [ joined the Ohristiancy party and the race for life oommoccod. The shot and shell caino thick and last and our party displayed all the log activity each "one Was capable of. Sheila would explode in front of us , causing a temporary haltj when an enormous solid shot in our roar , plowing up the zround for rods and throwing the dirt ever nnd around us , would give n sudden impetus to n forward move ment , and wo would again hasten toward Lima. "Tho United States minuter fared badly. Aqod , tall nnd of a figure not adopted to gymnastic exorcises , ho made but aorry work , and I felt for him deeply. The perspiration rolled of ! him , and at times his logs would totter , and ho but feebly staggered on. It looked very serious for us , but I endeavored to clioor him up. After a narrow escape from a round shot T cried to him , 'Keep up a good heart , your excellency ; remember your wife at home ] ' " 'Oh , d n my wife ! ' was the startling reply ; but I noticed with much satisfaction that the thought ioomod to give him renewed vigor , for do sped on with increased speed , doing excellent work for awhile. "Through deep marshes , over hills , climbing walls , etc. , wo pushed on to ward Lima the shot , the shell , the dirt flying all around us. The dis- unco from Lima to Milaliores is but tvo miles , but wo must have traveled ever twice that distance to roach the sapitnl. It was late when wo got there ; Mr. 0. , our leader , forlorn , dejected and in au exhausted condi tion ; thereat of us but little bettor , " UK. CIIUI.STIANOY 1IK.SU1U11KH THE HACK. In n dispatch No. 230 , dated Lima , January 22 , 1881 , sent by Mr. Chris- ; ainoy to Secretary Evarts , the proof bheots of which have just been issued at the government printing ollice , nay bo found corroborative evidence of Mr. St. "John's epistle. The dis patches and allJotters and communi cations in reference to Chilean and Peruvian affairs for the past yonr and nero are being publislu'daiid will soon jo issued in book form , a volume uakinp ever 000 pages , In Mr. Ohristiancy's dispatch , after stating nrotty much the eamo us Minister St. John , the going out to Milufloros and ho unexpected firing of n heavy gun , 10 goes on to say : "Tho diplomatic corps fled to the I roar toward Lima for their lives. Some reached the railroad train , but others , like myself , endeavored _ to strike the railroad ahead of the train , but , being cut off by walls and ditches , were compelled to walk a devious - vious course back to Lima. I was ono of the latter unfortunate class ; was under the shells of the Chilean fleet and army , falling thick around mo for two hours before I could got out of range , climbing smooth perpen dicular walls between fields and around chacras and old buildings , wading water courses nnd traveling some eight miles to got four miles ahead , until my muscular powers wcro thoroughly exhausted finding on my return some COO or 700 refugees - gees women and children in the legation , who hnd sought asylum there , and before ! ) o'clock at night over 1,200 , which increased next day and night to over 1,500 of all nation alities , nnd all this while moro than half the time I was unable to stand upon my feet from the fatigue. ] have just got rid of the refugees , but the train upon my muscular powers has been auuli that even yet I cannel walk or stand for half the timo. * * * I nm , therefore , in no condi tion to give you a detailed atatoinoni of events at present , but shall do seas as soon as I can. " Exporioutta Dooot. ' Wo mint tell HOIIIO ti'i'ti n fjrent deal t < teucli them n little , but the Knowledge o the curative nropt-rtlcHiif Sl'MNd llwmoi incHi ei of sick headache , lmll cntinn. am hilioiiinws U lionght by uvpcrleiice. L'rlco DO centi , trial hottlei 10 ccnU. lSMw PETER COOPEIl. The Philanthropist Colobrntlnpr His Entrnnco upon Ills 02d Yonr Reminiscences Ills Annual Dinner With His Friends. Ktw YorK UcMlJ , Feb. 12. The ninety-fust anniversary of Mr. Peter Cooper'H birth falling on Sun day this year it wns celebrated yester day. Mr. Cooper was halo nnd he.irty nnd in the bust possible spirila. In the morning ho made his customary morning visit to the Cooper union , nnd nfter overseeing the doings there busied himself uitli signing leases for the tenants. Then he returned to his homo at No. ! ) Lexington ueiuiu , and for the rest of the day was "at homo" to all who called to congratulate him on his entrance upon his 02d year , These were many , and among them were bust known and most highly prized Now Yorkers. Ho s.iid ho had not at any time in all his long life been freer from aches and pains , although in his time hn had suffered from a complication of troubles , in part duo to his spirit of inquiry into the hidden force * ) of nature ; and hero ho rotated his experience in nn effort to find n power greater than that of steam. There was an explosion , and ho was severely hurt , and the experiments were abandonud. At the time of his birth , in LittldDoek street ( now AVnt- er street ) , near Cnencies slip , the ro : ; ioii within a radius of ton miles of the city hall did not contain 40,000 inhabitants ; now.it has nbout 2,500 , 000. 000.Mr. Mr. Cooper recalled his apprentice ship at conch-making , his success tin making machine's for shearing cloth at the time of the ar with Great Brit- iin , and his struggles ns n irrocor in a little shop near the noble pile that ho lias given the woiking men and women of Now York. lie dwelt upon his career ns an inventor , and recalled his joy in riding out of Ualtimpro as the builder of the first locomotive en gine every built in the .western homis phorp. With yet greater pride ho spoke of the great institutions upon which ho bad expended moro than a million dollars , nnd this was yesterday nearer bis heart than all things else. Ho wns led to creating the Cooper union nftor n long experience as nn oilicor of the public schools of Now York forty years ago. Ho saw that something was wanting , and then ho resolved to give tbo city an institution in which workingmen and workingwomen might got n technological education. With what success Mr. Cooper has labored for the elevation of those for whom his great institution is intended may bo inferred from the hearty and prolonged cheers that uroot him when ho takes his seat on the platform at the Saturday evening free lectures ol the Cooper union , or from the huzzas with which his name ia greeted whenever - over it is spoken in an assemblage of workingmen. When asked by ono of his visitors yesterday what had contrbuted to his long lifp , Mr. Cooper replied that his regularity of life and his simplicity of diet had probably preserved him. Ho lives mainly upon milk. ' At the annual dinner in Mr. Coop er's mansion lust evening there sat ut the tublo Messrs , Jask&on S. Suhultz , William E. Dodge , John Bigolow , Hamilton Fish , W. G. Hunt , H. M. Seniofl'olin , A. A. Law , Maj. Bryce , Mr. Bpckwith , Joseph Chouto , the Uov. Vincent Colyor , Judge Brady , P. II. Watson , William R. llaymond , Prof. Woisso , J. E. Parsons , Abrom S. Hewitt , Edward Cooper nnd Peter Cooper , Kidney Complaint Cared. 13. Turner , Rochester , N. Y. , writes : "I Imvo been for over n year nubject to se rious disorder of the kidneys , anil often unable to Attend to buttine. ; 1 procured yonr ISimnocK ULOOD HITTERS , and was relieved before half n bottle was used. I intend to continue , ns I feel confident that they will entirely euro m i. " J'rice $1 00 , trial sizes 10 cents. Sl.l Nye nt tbo Urnnk. Salt take Trluuno , "Bill Nye , the famous hand-organ player was tVnvoling in the east some years ago. Ho was walking up Mich igan nvonuu ono evening in Chicago , when the Btrui'is of n hnml.or-nn. at tracted his attention A < lvimcin < , to the spot ho found n ji.iof blind man turning out the doleful sounds of Homo Sweet Homo , with a lugubri- ousness of detail that caused the quick ear of the great virtuoso to detect the early neglect of the man's musical ed ucation and bonding over him askedjin Idndly tones of his life and circum stances. Stating that ho wns the sole support of an aged stop-mother , n drunken father who was n city alder- nan and two dozen poor relatives in tulamazoo , The Boomerang editor igruod to take his term at the organ. L'lio old man gladly > resinod ( the ma- china nnd no sooner did the deft hand of Nye touch the crank than all within oar-shot know that a master paw was nauling the melodies of theircuuntry , discarding the notes , ho cast the book aside , and with his eye turned toward the mansard roof of thoPottor Palmer house , improvised n sad , wiord melo dy , which caused a hundred hands to gather the nearest bricka and shower them into the outstretched hat of the dreamy organist. Some missed the hnt , and crashed into the organ , uipod forever fsom the cars of man ono of the moat extraordinary pieces of crank music ever heard since the stars sang together on the mvstio plains of Lira- mlo. Nyo'n bald head wns the shin ing mark which the crowd loved , and tlioro wasn t a splinter loft of the hand-organ. The organistQSold the brick nt $1 n thousand , nnd never ceases to bless the memory of the un known friend who helped him in the spring of 1850. A remedy with mien n representation 11 Hos- tctttr'DStomach Hitlers I'cscnci n fair trlnl If jou nro djspcptlc , jour tinladj lll eventually jloil to It ; If jotifro fpcblo , latk flesh nnil led despondent , It ulll both build and dicer jou up ; Ifou arc conatlpiti d It uill rclloio jou , nnd If bilious , healthful xtlnmltvt < Motir liter. Don't dcspo n but make this cllort In the right direc tion. tion.Torjeale by all drujylstsnnd dca'ots Rcnerallj. fcblSto ml CRAIG'S ' OITY GREEN HOUSE IB now open to the publl \\lth a full mipply of Cut Flowers and Plants For Sale. Wo ill lie clad to nmo the public call And BOO us Bouquota or Any Plornl Design Made to Order ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. City Green House , S. W. Cor 17th and Web- sttr , one block from 10th street cars. Nursery. 3d street , opposite Koit Jos. Y. Cralfr , Florist and Lnndccnpo ( Inrdncr. Fcii2 Cm. Gentle Who want glossy , luxuriant nnd wavy tresses of abtmdaut , boantii'iil Hair must nso LION'S K-ATIIAHION. TMa elegant , cheap article always makes the Ifair crow freely and fast , keeps it from falling out , arrests and cores grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the IIair strong , giving it a curling tendency and keeping it in any desired position. Beau tiful. Ifmlthy Hair is the sure r < jsufr < r ? using KathairoiL 4 - ivX If jou are a mail Jit joa nro f' ofbuslnens vi ak man of Ux ened by tlio strain of tcmtolllnBorarni- , jour ilutks avoli' ' nleht work , to res tllmulnntsand Ui tore brain nerve Ani Hop Bitters. IwaMfc , use Hop B. If you are younp and I I suffcrlnj ? froia any IL dlicntlon or ilU-iiml Itluu ; II you are mar rled or ulngle , old or I i youmr , suffering ( rod poor bealtb or languish I line on a bed ot tck nets , rely on Hop ! 1 Blttera. \Vhocrer yon arc.J Thousanas ale alt Trhenorer you feel nuallj from some tliat system ' form of Kidney your needs cleamtoK , ton- ' dlseafo tbat mlRbt Inir or itlmulatlnfr , without MorteaUng , bya timely use of ' . ako Hop k HcpE'tter * Bllte'a. Del. O Ii absoluU an ftatni , illscaic and lrrcjist&- & - of thf * omacA , HOP ble o u r V for bftictlk. blood , drunkenness Uvcrotnirvctl use of opium , You will bo tcbaooo o * cured If you use narcotics. Hop Blttero Bold by druggists If j-nunreum , ply weak > nd gists houcltoi NEVER Clrculur Iti It may uuiDirrrn - a ave your FAIL B'F-O CO. . , Ufa. It hat saved hun nockeif tr , R , T dreds , A Toronto , Out. J. L WILKIE , MANUFACTURElt OP PAPER BOXES. 218 and 22O S. 14th St. JanticlCm BYRON REED & CO , OtDIUT KSTARUSIUD Real Estate Agency IN NKDUA8KA Keep a complete abatract ol tttlo to Ufa Kitata In Omaha au Doui-lu conntv. m.\vt FAST TIME ! In going Kaat take tlio ( ] Mcago& Northwest ern Trilm | Mn i\h > S:40i : > . ra and 7 ; < 0 n. in , For lull luforii t mi call on 11.1' . DUKI , . Ticket ARMit , 14th am ) Furnlmiii Hta J , U1U.L , U , 1' . lull way Depot , or at JAMKS T , CtAUK , Uencr- i , Omaha J 17mto tl W. S. GIBBS , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , Room No4 , CrelRlitcm Block , 16th Street. O&IAHA , NEBRASKA. OFFICE Hocus : 10 to 12 A. M. , S to 5 P.M. Telephone connected with Central Office. DexterLThomas&Bro , ' WILL BUY AND BELL AND lib TRANSACTION ooNNacrsD TUIBSUITU. Pay Taxes , Rent Houses , Bto. IT 10V VAMT TO OT OB tKLL Call | Office , Room 0. Orel/h n luVU. Oiaafc * . It joniuITcr from DynpcpMn , use nuiiDocK iiLoon nrrrr.ng II jou nro ntlllctetl lth Illlloiisncss tuo IIUKDOCK M.ooi > IHTTIMW II jou are prostrated with tick llcailixchc , UUo IJUHUOCK III.OOU WTTKUS II ) our Uowds nro dliordcrcd , regulate them w Itli IIUKDOCK 1ILOOU IUTTEHS. II jour DIooJ Is mnrc | , purity It with I1UHDOCK 111,001) I1ITTEUS. It jou linxo tmllgixtlon , jou' ulll lind an nntldotc In nUllIOCKIIIOODIITTiHS. : IMouaro troubled wltn Spring Complnlnte , cr- adlcnto them with 11UHDOCK HLOOD HITTKUS. It jour Liter It torpid , ustoro It to hcalthj-action w Ith IIUUDOCK 1ILOOI ) IHTTttllS II jour t.Ucr Is nlTccted , } on ulll find n sure re- storntU o In J1UHUOCK IILOOD ItrTTKKS. If jouhavcunj-Bpeclenofllumor or Plmplo , fal not to take UUUUOCK IILOOD UITTEUS If j ou have nnjBJ mptoms ot Ulccre or Scrofulous Sores , a curative reined } \\II1 ho found In DUKDOCK I1LOOD HITTERS. For Impirtlng strength nnd Utility tothosjs tcm , nothlnjf cancqtnl 1IUKDOCK I1LOOD IllTTr.RS. For Ncnous and General Debility , tone up the sjstom with UUUUOCK IILOOD IllTTEUS Price , SI.00 pel Bottle ; Trial Dottles 10 Ctt FOSTER , MILBUEN , & Co , , Props , BUFFAI.O , N. Y. Sold at wholesale by Ish & McMahon nnd 0. F. Goodman. Jo 27 cod-mo Tnls great ipcciric curis thnt most loathsome disease 1LIS WTiotlior in Its Primary , Secondary or Tortlarv Slngo- Removes all trnc.es of vcrcury Irom the sjs tcni , Cures Scrofula , 01.1 boreJ , Ithcuma- tlsin , Krzema , Cilnrrh or any lllood Disease. Cures Whoa Hot SprliiKs Fall ! Malicrn , Ark. , May 2,1831. Wo ha\o rasenln our town who IhedatHol Springand wcro Hnallj cured wlthS. S. S. McCAMMON & JlL'ttllY , Memphis. Menu. , May 12,1881 We hao sold 1,200 bot'lcs of S. S. S. In a jear. It has pl\en universal sitisfaction. lair niitmed phjslclans now recommend It ns a posltho specific. s M v.\smu > & Co. Louisville , Kjlli > 13.1881. S. S S. hag given better sati faction than any medicine I haxo e\er sold J. A. FUXMIII. Dcmci , Col. Ma ) 2,1831. Every purcha cr tptaka in the highest tcrmi ol S. S. S. L. Meisjotnr. Ktchuiond. Va. . May 11,18S1. You can refer anj body to ug In regard to the merits of S. S. S. I'olk , Miller & Co. Ha o nov cr known S. S. S to fall to cure a case cf Sjphllis , when propcrl ) taken. H. I. . Uentard , ) , . . n Eli Warren. j-Pcrrja * The aboto signers arctrcntlcmon of hlsrh etand- lie- A II COLQUITT , Governor otOeorgli. IF YOU WISH WE W LL. TAKE YOURSE CA TO HE PAID FOIl WHEN CUUED. Wrlto for particulars nnd oony of little book 'Mcasaco to the Unfortunate. " 1OOO Rownrtl will be paid to any chemist who will llnU , on anujals 100 bottles S S. 8. , ono particle of Mercury Iodide Potas alum or any Mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Props. Atlanta , Oa. Price of regular size reduced to $1.75 per I ot tie Small size , holding half ttio quantity , price , Sl.OO. Sold by KENNAHD & CO. , and Druggists Generally. OKAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRACK MARKTI.B.0rcatTRADt ; MARK English rem- oily. An un failing cure for Seminal Weakness , Spormator- rhca , Impotency - ency , and all DiBeasesthaf follow as a BEFORE TAKINQ.Boqucnco of AFTER TAKIMQ. Sclf'Almso ; as Lous of Memory , Universal Liual- tudo , Pain In the Bank , Dimness of Vision , Premature mature Old Age , and many other DUciacs that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a I'mrm turo drave. tarFull particulars In our pamnhlot , which wo ilcalro to eend free t r mall to everyone. tSTTho Specific Medicine Is lold by all druggists at $1 per package , or 6 packC3 for ? 5 , or will be sent free by mall on rcei ptof the money , by addling TIIEOUA 1EDICINECO. , Buffalo , N. Y. or KA ! bv C. F Ooortr nc7mipnd Thu Great English > Nevcr falls to cuio Nervous Dobllitj , VI. tal Exhaustion , Enila ilona , Seminal Wcak- ncsses.LOBT MAN HOOD , and all the vllclTccts of jouth fid follies and execs ic . It stops per ma iicntly all weakening. involuntary loss Baud trains upon the BJS- _ fem , the Inevitable re- „ . „ . .mltol these evil prac tices , which are no destructive to mind and l > od > and innVo life miserable , oltcn leading to Insani ty and death It strengthens tlio Nenes.Ilraln , ( memorjf lllood , Muscles , Digestive and Repro ductive Orir nt > , It restores to nil the organic tiinctl'-in their former vU'or and vitality , ma- Ing life cheerful and enjojulilo Price , Kl a bottle , or four times tl.o iiianity | $10. Sent by cxpro 9. secure from observation , to any address , oil receipt of price. No. C. 0. D. cent , except an receipt of 81 as a guarantee. Letters re questing answers must Inclose ntump , Dr. Miatie'e are the boit and chcap , , ) epcpsla and bllllous euro In the market. So ? , Ty all druggists. Price to conls. * DR. Mism's KIDNKV KKUKDT , OrrnKTicuM , Cures all Mndof KMnuyand bladdcrcomplalnto , po i i tn t * I ill "corn 11 ' rr rue | J i' | dan g ti > . ; u ' > > tn fcMlUbll MhDICAL iKbTllLiTI- , 718 Olive St. , bt. Loult , Mo. Jan26-lY NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Care Guaranteed. Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment AspeclQo for ll ) tcrla , Dizziness , Convulsions. Nerv. out Headache , Mental Depression , LOBS of Mcinory,8pcrmatorrhoDaIinpotcnj , Involuntary Eialsslons , Premature Old Auc , caused by overexertion - exertion , self abuse , or overindulgence , which leads to misery , decay and death. Ono box ulll cure loeont cases. Ea h box contains ono month's treatment. One dollar a box , or MX boxes for five dollars ; eent by malt prepaid on receipt of price. Wo guarantee blx boxes to cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes , ac companied with fit o dollars , will tend the pur- chiscr our written guarantee to return the money If the treatment docs not cH ct a cure. O. i , Goodman , Druggist , Solo , Wholesale and Retail Agent , Omaha , Neb. Orders by mall at regular price. "WINE Or OARDUI" four times n ' i / makes a lmi > uy household. DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS , PROPRIETORS AHLINQTON. J. Q. MclNTIRE , BARATOQA HOTEL , J. 8. 8TELLINIU8 , COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Louisville CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Blair , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. Q. MEAD , Nellgh , Neb GRAND CENTRAL S.SEYMOUR , Nobrntka City ) MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , WeeplngWatcrrt COMMERCIAL HOUSE , A.O. CAARPER , Hardy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , O. W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb' COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY. Olnrlncln , ENO'8 HOTEL , E. L. ENO , Ercmont , Neb. \ METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LCVELL , Atklnion , Neb. \ MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. OnUDD , Guide Recd , Neb. ( SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & BECKER , Creiton , la. JUDKIN8 HOUSE , dUDKINS & DRO , , Red Oak , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , OEO.OALPH , Exlra , la REYNOLDS HOUSE , C. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , S. DURQESS , Ncola , la. CITY HOTEL , Dl D.WILLIAMS , Harlan , la , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINQS , Corning , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , J , L. AVERY , Stanton , Neb , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllica , la. JUDKINS HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvorn , la , DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , IdfTGrovc , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE , D , F. STEARNS , Odcbolt , la GRAND PACIFIC , d. NORTON , Columbus , Neb. WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Osccola , Neb. DOUGLAS HOUSE , J. S. DUNHAM , Clnrks Neb. JBOTHI & holesale Lumber , 1. 1408 Farnliam Street , Omaha , febl4-3mo I. OBERFELDER & CO. , WHOLESALE IILLIUEET AID NOTIONS. . 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. Spring Goods Receiving Daily and Stock very nearly Complete , IEC. . WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnhsm St. . Omaha. Npb. ATTENTION BUSINESS MEN. We have" in Stock OVER 200,000 ENVELOPES A Large Invoice of Flat Paper , Finest and Most Complete Line of Blank and Account Books in Omaha. All at Prices that Cannot be Met in this Market. Give us a Call. CILIW R. DAVIS & CO. , ( Successors to Wooloy it Davis. ) 105 South Fifteenth Street Opposite Postoffice. fcbO'lin oed INVITATION TO ALL WHO HAVE WATCHES AND CLOCKS TO BE REPAIRED , IT G-14 j& . 7 13sT Gh TO BE DONE OR / JEWELRY MANUFACTURED , While our Work is better , our Prices are Lower than all others I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS offered for Competition in our line Qver All Competitors. For the Best Watch Work , For the Best Jewelry , ( own make , ) For the Best Engraving , For the Best Diamonds ( own importation ) FOR THE BEST DISPLAYED , ETC. Having lately enlarged my workshops nnd putting In now t.nd improves chinory , I hope to still moro improve the quality nnd finish of our ork and fill orders with moro promptness than is usual , I My Mctlo has always boon and always will bo : "First to gain supurlor ties and then advertise the fact not before no wild advortisomonto- Seme unprincipled dealers being in the habit of copying my Denouncements , I would bog you , the reader of this , to draw a line between such copied advertisements and those of Yours very truly , A R ? fly R /T.D LM i witc , jV ( The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb , , ' Sign of the Striking Towr dlocl/ / J. A. WAEEFIELD , WJIOLE3ALE AND KETAIL DKALKIl IN . H ) Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT " WBTATB AQKNl TOR MILWAUKEE CEUSHP COUPANT1 / Near Union Pacific Depot , - OMAHA , jffEB