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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1882)
THE OMAHA DAILY ELEVENTH YEAE. OMAHA MOJNDAY ADORNING , FEBllTJAttY 20 1882 20G THE NATIONAL CAPITAL The Pension Bill Up for Discus sion in the House , E-Jmunds' Anti-Polygamy Bill Will Undoubtedly Pass the House , It Being Favorably Consid ered by the Judiciary Com mittee of That Body. Alaska the Subjeot of Con sideration by the Commit tee on Territories. MUoollonoona Note * of a National Character. CONGRESS. National Associated 1'rcu. TIIK SENATE NOT IN SESSION. WASHINGTON , D. 0. , February 18. The senate was not in session , hav ing adjourned till Monday. PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE. A memorial from the Utah legisla ture was received by telegraph by Speaker Keifor this morning , and road. It asks congreaa to appoint a commission of just and wise citizens to visit Utah and investigate the Mor mon question before any action is taken by congress affecting the habits and customs of the people. The me morial is signed by Speaker Lyman , of the Utah Legislature , and Joseph Smith , Presido'nt of the committee. The memorial was referred. A petition was also presented from the American Baptist homo mission ary sdciety representing a million persons , asking for the abolition of polygamy. * Tno substitute reported from the judiciary committee for the funding bill to Bond to the court of claims private bills which annually come before the house was ordered printed and recommitted. Mr. Alexander Stephens made a strong argument in favor of the issue of gold and silver coin certificates for general circulation instead of coin when desired , during a financial dis cussion which arose from the consid eration of an item in tlie deficiency bill providing for the deficiency in the fund for the expenses of the mint. The house spent the entire after noon on the deficiency appropriation bill , appropriating about $1,800.000 for sundry deficiencies for the present and passed it , adjourning at 5:25 : p. in. The bill appropriates § 400,000 for public printing and binding ; $10,000 for freights of bullion between assay offices and mints ; $1,000 tor vaccina tion of Indians ; $50,000 for aid oi civilization and agriculture among the 'Indians ; f7B,000 for payment'of dor * ical force in the pension office ; $22 , 000 for expenses at the White HOUPO. THE NEW BOOK OF MORMON ANTI-POLYGAMY" POINTS. WASHINGTON , February 19 Mr. Campbell , the anti-polygamy delegate , says that anti-polygamy is satisfactory as far as it goes. Judge MoBride , Campbell's counsel , on the contest case , stated emphatically yesterday it was not what wo want but is a decided stop in advance and will undoubtedly bo followed by further legislation. It is understood that Senator Edmunds has-asked Messrs. Campbell and Me- Bride to indicate such of the existing Mormon laws of Utah as they deem should bo repealed by congress and to suggest what further legislation b needful in order to put the govern ment of the territory on a civilized , American basis. Senator Edmunds is particularly anxious for some ac tion which will take the public spoils out of Mormon control. As an illustration of the far-reach ing character of the senate bill , the following list of officers of San Pete county , one of the most populous and wealthy counties , under its existing Mormon local government : Probate Judge James A. Allord , three wives ; Prosecuting Attorney David Canaland , three wives ; Sheriff Goo. P. Billings , three wives ; County Clerk and Recor der William T. Rood , two wives. Se lectmen Ron Hardy , two wives , and Henry Beall , two wives. Every officer in this county will bo disquali fied and disfranchised if Mr. Ed munds' bill becomes a law by the ap proval of the house judiciary commit * too. It is fuliuwing faithfully in the wako of the like committee of the senate on the Utah question , and is given the matter earnest attention. They .yesterday gave an extended hearing to Messrs. Z. H. Gourteo and E. L. .Kelloy , representatives of the Joseph- ites or antt-polypgamy Mormons ; thoyatrongly contended that polyg amy was .a _ crime and not a religion , and that it was condemned by the board of Mormons itself. They con cluded their arguments in the words "In doalinc with the question of the passage of laws by which polygamy nhall bo extirpated and priestly do minance and power bo subjected to the laws of the land , wo see no right o : religious worship interfered with , bu' ' the simple prohibition of corrupt ani evil practice1) ) and wo in conclusioi .submit that where such things are tolerated there can bo no true homes there can be no true government. " By invitation of the committee Judge McBride followed with a statement o the evils of existing laws in Utah am ,111 argument in favor of the adoptioi of the bill to create a legislative council as the only thorough remedy ANTI-POLYGAMY MASS MEETING. Aii anti-polygamy mass meeting was held in Dr. Butler's Momoria church this afternoon , upder the aus pices of the pastors' union. lion Hiram Price presided. An interest ing address was made by Rev. She ! > don Jackson , D. D. , who has beenfo eleven years in charge of Preabytorinr ork in Utnh. There was a largo at- ondnnco from different Protestant hurchos. A scries of strong rosolu- ions was presented by Dr. Butler mid adopted by a rising vote. Mr. 'rice , Dr. Butler and other pastors nado short addresses. ALASKA. Vitlotut Associated 1'rcsf. IEAR1NO 11V THE TERRITORIAL COM- MITTKK. WASHINGTON , February 19 The lomimttoo on territories yesterday icard several people on the question of a territorial government for Alaska. Some interesting facts wore olictod regarding the population and .heir occupation. The portion of Alaska over which it is proposed to extend n , territorial government has about 13,000 inhabitants. Tito mining business last year amounted , o about $00,000 and th > fur trade 50,000. The principal occupation is salmon fishing and canning , the val ue bf which has grown from $32,000 n 1873 to $675,000 in 1881. The lumber of salmon which enter the rivers each year to visit the spawning ; rounds is enormous. After dopes- ting their eggs those fish mostly die upon the shores of the lakes and streams , literally covering the ground so great is their number. The ack of laws to govern the people ihoro is very great , and unscrupulous xaders take great advantage of the situation. The extension of a terri torial code over the southern portion most earnestly urged. FOLDER'S ASSISTANT. National Associated Press. HE DOESN'T WANT NEW. WASHINGTON , D. 0. , February ID. Delay in the confirmation of JoHn 3. Now , to bo assistant secretary of ; ho treasury has given rise to the rumor that Secretary Folgor is opposed ; o Now's confirmation. Secretary Folgor does notjdony there are ono or two other persons whom ho would ffo preferred to Now , but ho ex cesses no opinion on the subject. [ t is a well known tact that the routine work of the department has "alien behind to a considor- ible extent Bowing to the res- gnation of Upton , and the prolonged icknoss of Jud o French. For the > ast throe or four weeks Secretary Tolgor has boon.performing threefold duties in his endeavors to keep pace with the rapidly increasing business of the department. He and his pri vate secretary , Sperry , can bo found almost any night in the office up to 10 or 11 o'clock , grinding away on rou- , ine matter. It is an open secret that were tnero no'politics involve question Judge Folgor w chosen an intimate friend crat ) in New York for the While he was anxious to . of the arduous ' duties ho has' been obliged toperform of late , ho has in : iraated that he would prefer to work a little harder for the present until a man could bo found that could fill the b 11 according to hia ( the secretary's ) Idea It nppiedtv ihe fact- * became known outside that the work of the office was several months behind , and it was determined to send a man to Bulger's assistance. CAPITAL NOTES. National Associated Press. THE APPORTIONMENT HILT. IN THE HEN- ATE. WASHINGTON , February 19. The senate committee on census yester day instructed Mr. Halo to re sort the apportionment bill to the lenate on Monday as it came from the louse. The bill will bo disposed ol promptly in the senate. X ' MISCELLANEOUS. During tbo discussion of the defi ciency appropriation bill in the house yesterday Mr. Browne ( Ind. ) furnish- 3d the house some very interesting figures on pension matters. He pro posed to increase the appropriation , for the pension bureau to enable it to more promptly close its business. He said there were 305,303 pending claims , and that new ones are being tiled at the rate of 2,170 per month ; that with the present slow methods it will take ton to cloven years to close the pension business ; that the present system ol passing upon claims on oxparto evi dence exclusively is dangerous as , the exact truth is seldom ascertained ; This government has already paid out over $500,000,000 on pensions and it was estimated that the sum would reach $1,850,000,000 by 1900. raandcd that a system bo adopted thai would save the treasury from spolia tion. tion.The The Now Jersey delegation unanimously agreed yesterday to petition the president to sot aside the finding of the court martial in the Fitz John Porter case. Assistant Secretary of the Treas ury French is much improved in health and will probably resume hia official duties on Monday. Beaumont Buck , cadet , has been reinstalled at West Point by order of the president upon recommendation of the board. Buck -was dismissed for incompetenoy , and is'the cadet who shot the son of Hon. J. p. Thompson several months ago. Mahono's Fences Falling Down. National Proas Association , RioirMONO , Ya. , February 19 The unexpected defection of Senators May and Walker has caused Gen. Mahone considerable uneasiness. The read just era were in high feather un til this new departure , and when it was reported to Gen. Mahone ho flew into a torcring passion and declared on Saturday night his determination to break the dead lock by some means or other to-morrow. To-day a conference of leading readjustee wai held in Gen. Mahbno's presence unt to-morrow when the senate assembles something may be expected. Sena tor Riddloborgor had the floor whei the senate adjourned will claim and hold it to-morrow The Mossov men are firm and addi ttonal recruitti to hia force are report ed to-night. THE BAD ONES. Record of Grimes Ooramittod of Late , The Russian Vice Consul at York Has His Father- in-Luw Arrested. New York Dry Goods Dealers Arrested for Making Their Girls Stand. Kansas City Still in a Stew Over the Collectorsbip Swindle. Now * Of Crimea and Criminals. GENERAL CRIME. National Associated Prou. IAD UI8 FATHER-IN-LAW ARRESTED. NEW YORK , February 18. Edward Stern , Russian vice consul at this > ort , had his father-in-law , Jules Druilhott , arrested and nrraiuncd at Tofferson Market police court and ilaced under $300 bail for good bo- mvior for attacking him in the street n front of the Hoffman house and > rcaking n cane over his head , Stern s suing for a divorce from his wife on ho ground of adultery. She has the custody of the children and lives with icr father and mother at 79 Madison tvouuo. Stern alleges his wife is al- owed by her mother to keep company with improper women and don't want tor to do so , so long as she has his mine , and that ho upbraided Druil- lott. for allowing her to do so. So , ho latter committed the assault , lioth men are 5G years of age. TllIED TO BLOW UP A STEAMER. Edward Craig and Sebastian Ru dolph , the latter an employe of the hip , wore arrested to-day and' com mitted in default of $3,000 bail for examination before United States Commissioner Shields for attempting , o place twenty pounds of loose pow- lor aboard the steamship Niagara of ho Now York and Cuba mail lino. ) raig was caught sneaking around on > oard the ship with the powder under us coat , looking for Rudolph. ARRESTED FOR MAKING THEGIRLS STAND. NEW YOHK , February 18. Mrs. 5mma Yutos Conkling and her hus band and Mrs. Carrie Williams , all milanthropists , made complaints to- lay against B. H. Mucy & Co. , Dan- cls & Son , and Simpson , Crawford & Co. , large dry gooda dealers , for violating Catlin's law , passed last pear in the Now York assembly , re quiring store keepers who employ saleswomen to provide them with seats so that they shall not bo compelled polled to stand all the time while in the store. Summons were issued in each case. The complainants declare that they will compel all the store keepers in the city to obey the law. ARREST OF A POLICEMAN TOR STEALING. Policeman Richard Leary , of the steamboat squad , was placed , on trial before the board to-day , charged by Jos. Carriston , a Front street fish dealer , with stealing four eels while buying ten cents worth of herring. The witness testified that Loary , be ing suspected of being in the habit of stealing eels , thow watchnd him , saw him take these four , and saw them taken from his pocket when accused ! Judgment was deferred. AKJlESTINa THE BUILDERS. Samuel Woior , builder of the old World building , recently burned , gave bail in $5,000 to await the action of the grand jury , and Charles A. Burton , the mason who built the de fective flue , was hold in $2,000. KILLED HIS SIBTEU'H LOVER. BROWNSVILLE , Tex. , February 18. Near Vera Cruz , Mexico , yesterday , GJaitana Glocati mortally wounded liis sister and stabbed Potro Pestar- ino , the Italian girl's lover. Gaitana was arrested. MURDER IN THE FIRST DEGREE. LEXINGTON , Ky. , February -19. Joe Lawson , who killed Jno. Steven son Christma , was convicted of murder dor in the first degree. The punishment mont is death. AIIRCONDIN.O TICKET AQENT ARRESTED PEORIA , Ilia. , February 18. Frank N , Kocno , absconding ticket agent of the Hocking Valley railroad , has been arrested hero and taken back to Pomoroy , Ohio , in charge of an offi cer who has followed him since last October. A LIAR OR A LUNATIC. CHICAGO , February 19. A young man named Jno. Deal , claiming to live in New York City , has been ar rested on the strength of his asser tion that he knows more about the mysterious death of Lake Ransom > a Hillsdale recently than any ono else. The police cannot dormino whether ho is a liar or a lunatic. ANOTHER MEXICAN DUEL , LAREDO , Tex. , February 19. Two young aristocrats fought a duel at Do 1 area Cemetery , City of Moxicoon Tuesday , about a lady. Both worn wounded , neither fatally. SENTENCED TO HANG , NASHVILLF. , Tenn. , February 18 , Robert McKonloy was to-day sentenced ed to hang March 31st , for the mur der of J. P. McMillan. Both wore convicts in the penitentiary. THK KANHAH CITY COLLECTOR , KANHAH CITY , February 18. Ex- Collector Greene , over whose head hang ono hundred and fifty-eight in dictments , was admitted to bail to day and released from jail. The bom fjivon was for $45,000. The gram jury report submitted to-day shows that the ex-collector raised the assessment mont in four hundred cases in Kansas City and fraudulently collected taxes on thcso increased assessments , C A. Ch&no , lately appointed successo to Josopn Greene , iliq dishonest coun y collector , to-day resigned the posi- ion nftur having tiled bond in the um of § 000,000 , and appointed dop- ittes. His bond was hied and n { > - irovod only yesterday. To-day , how- ircr , ho was notified by the Kansas 3ity Savings association that they vould no longer receive the county unds on deposit and the further re quest that he withdraw the funds al- cady on deposit Uwro. Thereupon 10 did not fool justified in asking rionds of the bank to remain longer on his bond and nftor having asked ithor banks to take the deposits and go on his bond and being refused , he ionsidorcd the office an elephant on iis hands and resigned. A DUEL IN PROSPECT. OAMDKN , N. J. , February 18. - It is rumored to-night that lion , James M , kovlllo has sent a letter demanding satisfaction by the code to City Solider - or James G , Hayes , who testified in a Philadelphia court this week that Scovillo's reputation for truth and oracity was bad , and produced wit- icsses who swore they would not bo- ievo Scovillo under oath. Both pnr- ies refuse to talk , but friends have lotifiod the police that a duul is in > rospoct. AKTKR ELECTION FRAUDS. PHILADELPHIA , February 18. The citizens' reform committee issued i ( reclamation to-day , iu which it oilers owards aggregating 10,000 , for the arrest and conviction of election officers guilty of frauds , of persons who intimidated voters , or of bribes or persoimtors at the municipal oloc- ion on Tuesday next. , DIAMOND RORSGRY. ALBANY , N. Y. , February 18.Tho mwnshop of Solomon Davis , South earl street , was robbed of $6,000 in diamonds and jewelry byanoak thieves this evening A young man giving the naino of Win. Griffin , of Utica , was arrested at 11 o'clock to-night and identified as ono of the thieves. TAKDN AN APPEAL. NASHVILLE , Tonn. , February 18. [ lobort McKinley , sentenced to belonged longed in the jail yard March 31st , las appealed to the supreme court , tie was a convict in the penitentiary and murdered a follow ! convict named James B. McMillan last September MURDERED IH8 WIFE. YAZOO CITY , Miss. , February 18. Dan Stewart , who lives ton miles up the river , as lodged in jail for the murder ot his wife last Thursday light. METHODIST MINISTER UKL1) FOR RAPE. * CHICAGO , February 18. Rev. M. riuerty , pastor of the Methodist church at Mokona , was arrested Here o-day for attempted rape of Miss Hary Sheridan , a member of the iVabash Avenue M. E. church choir. ? inerty is still in jail -awaiting exam- 'nation. < ARREST OF OYSTER THIEVES. RICHMOND , Va. . February 18. The senate to-day continued to debate a point of order until.t 'clock , making the longest sitting" tnfs body"held this session. Filibustering , points of order , roll calls , etc. , occupied the time up to the hour named , without definite action of any sort. NORFOLK , "Va. , February 18. Gov. Cameron , with his military , returned this evening from the expedition to the Ruppahannock river. The affair waa a success , six schooners and ono sloop being captured with crews num bering 01 men. The , vessels were turned over to the sheriff of Matthewe. county , who also took charge of the prisoners and carried them to the sounty jail , where they will bo re tained for trial before the March term of the county court. The expedition reached the mouth of the Rappahan- nock river yesterday , and found the marauders engaged in dredging. Ohase was made and the vessels cap tured. Several shots wore fired dur ing the chase , but there was no effort at determined resistance. SUSPECTED OF WIFE MU.RDER. PiTTsnuiio , February 19. Theo dore Nelson was arrested to-night at 17 Webster avenuu charged with mur dering his wife , who died under mys terious circumstances this afternoon. The neighbors allege her death was caused by her husband's ill treatment. HTARTINO AFTER HER HEDUCER. INDIANAPOLIS , February 19. A young woman was arrested at the depot Saturday night upon her arrival from Philadol- hia upon telegraphic advices from lie chief of police of that city on the charge of robbing Mrs. White , of that city. The fair prisoner had on her person several articles of valua ble jewelry and confessed to the rob bery , giving as her excuse that she took the jewelry to obtain means to reach Indianapolis in search of her seducer. Being about to become a mother , the prisoner was provided with accommodations at a bmrding house to await the interesting event. REWARD FOR THE ADRIAN MAYOR. AtiitiAN , Mich. , February 10. At a mooting of tno city council a resolu tion was introduced by Aid. Ladd offering $2,000 reward for the arrest and return of Thomas J , Navui. the absconding mayor. The resolution was lost , but it is believed the motion will to reconsidered at the meeting on Monday evening. ATTF.MPT TO WRKCK A TRAIN. WABAHH , Indiana , February It ) . A dastardly attempt to wreck the east bound passenger train on the Wnbash , St. Louit & Pacific railway was made this morn ing at Lagro , this county , A large pile of ties was placed on the track and the only reason the entire train was not thrown from the rails was that the timbers wore rotten and the wheels of the locomotive cut them in two. There is not the slightest clew to the scoundrels who did the work. , ONE-HORSE TRICK K10HT. ST. Louis , February 19. This af. teniooa a prize fight occurred noai Ht. Louis between Larry O'Brien , ni Irishman , and Ed. Denton , an Eng lishman , for the championship of thi lollvillo mining district and $100 a o. The combatants were novices , > ut had spent ton dnvs training olvo rounds were fought according > the rules. A fierce and bloody : nigtlo ensued , when Donton's soc- nd throw up the snongo. Both men roro badly pounded , their faces being altered out of all shape. VIOLENT CANUCK VIKAflOKS. MONTREAL , February ID. A tor- bio revolt among throe hundred snmlo prisoners took plnco in prison iis afternoon , which was only sup- iressed after a vigorous fight with a osso of police from the central ata- ion , The jail whore those amazons re confined is presided over by nuns , ith only three male guards in at- ndaiico. Of late the police author- ics have been raiding houses of institution in this city , of which it as reported by the police there were ireo hundred in the French section one. Those women , on conviction , ere generally sent to jail for six lonths , and tliia has overcrowded the > lace t such an extent that all ( lie- plino 1ms been at an end for some me , mid nothing but demoralization ixists. Inmates of all classes and de- ; rees ill crime have boon huddled to other in the same rooms. On the rrival of the police they found the uns all locked in their rooms , from hich they did not emerge until the itieuto was quelled. The Viragoes broke up furniture , iul defended themselves like Spar- i\ns against the officers' onslaught lioy were finally Mibihml by force , ml the most violent locked up in oils. The policemen were all BO- oroly handled , and some dangerously oundod. EXPRESS ROllltEll CONVICTED. PAINESVILLK , 0. , February 19 'ho ' trial of Martin Nuonan for ox- iress robbery of 1872 , when 821,000 nystoriously disappeared from a ragon of the American Express coin- any in this city , us it was being ransforrod from the office to the do- > ot , was concluded yesterday. The ury returned a verdict of guilty , 'ho case has attracted more at- ention than any before tried i this country. For the iroo years that elapsed from ho time the money was lost what is claimed to be tlui lost money was found at NOOIIUII'H lust July , very absenting citi/.en has been fol- owed to his destination by detectives nd suspicion rested heavily on tlu ) xprcss agents having the money flu iliargo. There is much satisfaction hat the mystery ia ; it last cleared. SUCCESSFUL CRACKSMEV. INDUSTRY , 111. , February 19. This morning two persons broke into Mas- oy's store and blow open the safe and oourod$800. They then proceeded Sullivan Brothers' hardware store , roko open the door and blow open ho safe , securing $2,000. They loft lurglars' tools behind , which were bund this morning. Air. Hathaway card the noise * of the explosion in iullivan's store , but did not give the ilarm until daylight. The robbers itole horses in < the neighborhood and 3Bcapod towards Mncomb.i Bnilnou Tronblei. National As-Delated Fret * . NEW YORK , February 19. Victor W. MoFarlano & Co. , ono of the largest lard refiners in this city ; has made an assignment. Liabilities , $275,000 ; assets nominally the same , t is expected the firm will resume ihortly. Dominion Representative * in Pari . National Associated Press. QUEBEC , February 19. It is undor- teed that the Quebec government liavo in contemplation the appoint ment of a commissioner who _ will re- ide at Paris , whore ho will look after he interests of this province as well as after dominion affairs. The Tennosioo Bond Trouble. latlonal Ansaclaloil 1'icna. NASHVILLK , Tonn. , February 19. The decree of the supreme court in ho case of Lynn nt al. vs. Polk ot al. the 100-3 funding act ) was entered n accordance with the majority opin- on delivered on last Saturday with out any modification whatever. The motion to modify and allow the board to fund the bonds under the act with out coupons was disallowed ; the act , ; horeforo , is nuH'and void. Died from an Overdose of Opium , National A oclatoJ I'rcw. ROCHESTER , February 19 L. Adams Lee , son of Richard Lee , signer of the declaration of independence , - once , died from an overdose of opium ; o day. For sometime ho has ooon an inmate of the Monroe county in sane asylum , whore he was treated 'or eating opium. The old craving coming on , ho took ono of hia olu time dosoa and it killed him. Ho was a personal friend of Leigh Hunt and Leasing , the historian , and correspondent pendent of many American and Eng lish poets. Honor to the NewChcmnit * Coma ) National Associated J'roaa. CHICAGO , February 19. At a meofj. ing of the Chicago press club this af ternoon the following was adopted in reference to the appointment of John J. Flinn , of the Daily Nowu , as Unit ed States consul to Chemnitz : Resolved , That OH it has como tt the knowledge oi this club that Join . J. Flinn , an honored member , U aboul to Iciivoj the rankn of Chicago jouin ulists and take up his residence abroad , wo hereby express our regroi nt his departure from among us , um our earnest wish for hiahappiiions am prosperity in whatever calling or pro fflssiou he may enter upon. Small Pox. National Auoclatod 1'roM. NKW YORK , February 18. Thoin were forty-nine cases of small pox ; ii this city this week. Pirrsuuiio , February 19. Four teen now cases of small pox were re l > ortod for this city and Allegheny tc day. WORK OF DESTRUCTION. Haverhill , Mass , , Visited by a Largo Fire , Burning Out Six Aoroa in the Business Part of the City. * Digging the Debris of the Ohostor Fire Rovoala Moro Bodies. Stampede in a New York Variety Show , and Other Work of the Flames. With the Uinnl Number of Cnan- alticB of All Kind * . FIRES. National Awoclateil 1'renn. 1 > AMA(1K HV TIIK IIAVER1IILL KIRK. HAVEUHII.I. , Mass. , February 18. The lire last night throw 2,000 people ple of employment , and has destroyed $2,000,000 , of property. Twenty- eight large firms wore burned out , boaido.s a number of utimll business establishments. Among the build ings destroyed were that of the First National bank and the Five Cent Savings bank Six acres of business blocks in the heart of the town wore burned , taking in the best struct ures in town. The burned district lies , on both aides of Washington street frcm the station on the Boston Maine road to Washington square , a distance of COO feet , and back on one hand to the Momnmo river , and on the other to Wintjato street. Nearly all those buildings had been constructed within the last ton years , but iu their roar was a nest of wooden buildings on wliit'h the fire fed , caus ing a heat which melted even granite and laid in ruins edifices that ordina rily would bo considered tire proof. When the fUmes were finally con quered , it was simply because they had nothing left to feed on. Every thing between Railroad square and Washington square from the south side of Wingatu street down to the Merrimao was swept away. The number of buildings burned , most of these brick blocks , will rnach about sixty , occupied by eighty-six firms. THK CIIKbTEK FIRE. CHESTER , Pa. , February 18. An other body was discovered in the ruins this morning and more are believed - liovod to bo beneath the debris. The latest number of deaths as far as is known is 20 , and this number will bo doubly increased before night. The coroner "closed his examination of witnesses this morning and the jury repaired to the scone of the disaster. A verdict is not expected until late , probably not before Monday. Sever al largo-o rbrid * i Jinve b < wa _ pickoc up at the scene of the disaster. Copt. Carter , of the Pennsylvania military academy , says that none of that kind were used at the academy and Mr. Jackson assorts that none of them were in his works. The natural in quiry is "Where they came from ? " CHESTER , Pa. , February 19. The funerals of ton victims of Thursday's explosion took place to-day. The town was crowded with visitors from all parts of the country , ' and from Delaware Crape was displayed at nearly every residence and the mani festation of grief which were apparent on every hand tended to make the occasion ono never to bo forgotten in the town. Vast throngs accompanied the cartogo to the cemetery and dele gation from tire companies of Phila delphia and Wilmington acted us a guard of honor to the hearses con taining the remains of dead firemen. ' BTASU'EDE IN A THEATER. NEW YORK , February 18. At Har ry Minor's ' theater this availing , while a song and daneo ait was on , the cry of fire was raised. The smoke" came from the pool room through a transom light. The audience stampeded. Those in the balcony broke chairs and windows , and several women , fainted in the crush. The stage manager yelled from the stage , "No cause for alarm. " There was great tenor in the gallery , which has only ono exit , and 150 people sought escape by the stage. It was found that the smoke came from a store in the pool room , whore a cigar box ( thrown into- the stove stopped the flue and throw out smoke and gas. No person waa injured. IN NEW YOHK. NEW YOK , February 18. Fire this , evening : in the fifth story iron front building , 35 and 36HARUOstreet , caused a low of about $50,000. The principal looora are A. 1) . Green , tho. ownoo oi' the building ; E Newman Sons. ' rattan splitting establishment ; A. . B. Taylor printing press company ; Jl Cariton & Co. ; A. Warton and liayuca & Kotchain , label printoaa , all occupants of the building. , V1RB IN AN KXFREHH CAR. i. KANSAH CITY , February 1/h. / A lamp exploded this morning in the United Statea express oar on. the in coming Chicago train , near Xtigby Mo. , and not thu car on firo. . Hall the messenger , was badly btu&ed ant many packages destroyed. CASUALTIES. Kbtlonal AinocUtca t'rou. .1t COD KIB1IKUH DROWNED. GLOUOKHTKR , Mass. , February 18. - u The schooner Carrie M. Bishop , Cup t tain Paraon , ovcrduu , arrived frou il the Banks to-day , her flag at half nua for the IOPH of six of hur crow. The * were out in dories attending Ului prowls and were unable to ropuh Vh veoso ) . ROAHTKD TO DEATH. ATHENH , Ga. , February 18. A Gogginsvillo n colored jamily Ins night looked two children in a nous and wont visiting. The house wa burned and the children roasted t death. DROWNED IX A GUTTKU. NEW AIUA.NY , Ind.'February 17.- [ ' ] x-Cnroiior Elijah Mullen was found Irownod in a gutter yesterday. It < s supposed ho wan intoxicated. COLLISION OF niF.lOHTS. ATLANTA , Ga. , February U ) . A southward bound freight train on the Air Line railroad , running off time , collided this morning at J o'clock with n northward bound train m a trestle , between Buford and Suwanco. The engineer , Mr. West , of the northward bound train , . received slight injuries from jumping 'rom his engine. The firemen of both engines jumped to the ground , a dist ance of thirty-five foot , sustaining in juries. West's fireman will probably die. The damage to the trains , engines and track was great. Four cars fell into a honp and were burned. DKAPMUTB SHOT 11Y MISTAKE. ST. JOSEPH , February 1 ! ) , Lns night n colored man , deaf and dumb , was sent by young Sam Kelley to con voy a note to his mother at Savannah , Andrew county , and in trying to wako bho family by ringing the boll and fooling with the door knob , and being inablo to reply to the frequent calls , "Who are you ? " the man was shot with a load of buckshot from a shot gun in the hnnds of Byron Kelley , who thought itas a buralar. The shot entered the poor fellow's groin and ho fell groaning. When the rash r'ouni ; man , AS well as the family , had : ound what ho had done their grief was deep. The victim was highly cs- tcoinod. lie is not dead , but no hopes ire entertained of his recovery. HKHIOVH INJURIES TOOIIIOAflO FIKKMENV OHUJAOO , February 19. Fire broke out in the rag shop at 102 West Lake street this morning. The loss sus tained was not great but a serious ac cident occurred to the firemen sum moned to the scone. The hose cart of engine No. 1 and hook and ladder truck No. 2 collided at the corner of Adams and Clinton streets with ter rific forco. The following men wore injured : Patrick Murphy , leg broken. James Horan , serious bruises on . the leg and hip. Captain Anderson , injured at tho.- fire by falling from the roof. .Tallies B. Quirk , log crushed. William Yadausdalo , injured in the leg and ho was taken up insensible. John Clingon , badly hurt in tho- ahoulder. John Ryan , badly bruised about. the body and ono of his legs broknn. . Railway Matten. National Associated 1'rcsj. MILWAUKEE , February 18. The Grand Trunk road has boon sued bye the Northern Transportation company for $500,000 , on account of alleged * broach of contract in failing to furn ish sufficient oi-rs. NASHVILLE , Tonn. , February , 18. An application was filed hero , to day for a charier fr the Memphis &r Bristol Air Line company which will run from the western to the eastern . limits of the state as indicated from its name. CITY OP MEXICO , February 18 The government has authorized .the opening of the Mexican Central" rail way to Quortaro , 100 kilometres. from this city. The government sub sidy on this road is $9,600 per kil ometre on the route from Mexico to 1 Paso , and 87,000 per kilometre on , the Sonora lino. Senor Laren/o , secretary .of t war , Senor Gattirroz , secretary of the , . ' in terior , and other miiiisters.will in spect the Mexican National , railway , : companied by Jos. Sullivan to San ' 'rancisquito. The road has .been ivorably reported on by the qovorn- icnt engineers. PniLADELPHiAFebruary 19ir The- 'onnsylvania ' railroad company is pro- aring to open a line of its own ftom > hicago t Cincinnati by way of , the- olumbus , Chicago & Indana..Contralt ailroad to Richmond , Ind. , and then , o build a line from that paint to tho. iitlo Miami at Point Dennis , and- ion over the Little Miami to Cincm- . ati. This route is shorter than the resent ono over the Pennsylvania and < inciiinati , Toledo , Hauiilton & , D yr on railways. Vnnj > r' Predictions. itlon&l A oclitciH'reiw. oNraiKAL , February 10. Ybnnor redicto- that from Kingston wcst- ard snow will , fall than at * any mo up to the present this winter ; IBO that there will bo heavy , snow alls , &o first and bat weeks in April. Indication- Iktlon&l Associated Vitta. \VAHHINOTON , February 20 ; For- ho lower Misscari , valleys Variable. wuads , stationary i orJiighor tempera ? uut > , generally lower pressure , partly cjbudy weather , with local rain err TJte tiooUUati NktlonnJ Aiuoclatal Praia , NEW You * , Februasy ID.Tim. . so cialists are rene winij tieir efforts it ia said , to gat control of the laboring ; classes of this city on , a. preparatory atop in tlia execution of theietclkoct of plan to booomo the strongest no- itical ewer in thp United. . Statea. The punted and. oral reports which como jrom Euaopo coiuorning tfco proposed movement of > the socialistic party there , ths.intinmto and growing relations botwwmtho80 iftliflts of New Yoik and those qf Europe , and the faci that lasi summer -kho persons con nected with the Yolkzpitung made desperate tflbrts to aUJliato with the trades' ' unions of this city by taking charge ol and attgiupting to adjust the labor troubles , go to show the purpose of thouion in this city , who call them- selvoa uooiafiBts. The more intelli gent members of the trades' unions m Now"i ork. who are not socialists , are apprehensive that the efforts these men are making to increase their strength by couleaoing with the trades' unions , will provo detrimental to the interests of the workingmen in their struggle to . auouru what they regard 03 a fair return for their labor. "ROUGH ON HATS. " The thing desired fouud nt la t. Ask druggUt for "Bough on lUts , " It cleara out rats , mine , roach * * , flies , b % < ) huga ; 15& boxes '