Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1882, Image 2
THE OMAHA ItAJLuJf JJlllL : fcJATUKJJAI. JL JtiJttUAJLtl 10 ONE WIFE HEREAFTER. * The Punishment of Polygauiists as DesipBd by Edmunds , Doflniug the Orimo of Plural Marriage and the Pen alty Therefor. Miscellaneous Cohabitation to bo Considered a Mis demeanor. The Issue of ouch "Marriages , " Born Prior to Next Janu ary , Legitiinatize'd. The Fall Bill An It PAMOI ! tlio Son- nto on Thursday. Bo it enacted , etc. , That section 0352 of the Revised Statutes of tlio United States bo and the naino is hereby amended so as to read na fol lows , viz : Every person who lias n husband or wife living in a territory or other place over which the United States has oxclusivn jurisdiction , and huroafter inarrioa another , whether married or amglo , and nny man who hereafter simultaneously or on the same day marries more than pno wo man in n territory over which the United States have exclusive jurisdic tion , is guilty of polygamy , and shall bo punished by a fine of not moro than $600 or by imprisonment for a term of not more than five years , but thin section shall not extend to any person by reason of any former marriage , whoso husband or wife by such mar riage , shall have been absent for live consecutive years , and is not known to such person to bo living , and is be lieved by such person to bo dead , nor to any person by reason of any former marriage which haa boon dissolved by a valid decree of a competent court , nor to any person by reason of any former marriage which shall have boon pronounced void by a valid decree of competent court on the ground of nullity of the marriage contract. SKOTIOK 2. That tlio foregoing pro visions shall not effect the prosecu tions or punishment of any olVbnco already committed against the section amended by the Pint .section of this act. act.SEC. SEC. 3. That if any male person in the territory or any other place over which the United States has exclusive jurisdiction , hereafter cohabits witti more than one woman , ho shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof shall bo punish ed by fine , riot more than $300 , or by imprisonment , for not more than six months , or by both punishments at the discretion of the court. SKO. 4. That the counts for any or all of the niloncos named in the sec tions ono und two of this act may bo joined in the same information or in- dictmout. SEC. 5. That in any prosecution for bigamy , polygamy or unlawful co habitation , under any statute of the United States ; it shall be sufUcient cause of challenge to any person , drawn or summoned as juryman or talisman ; first , ho is or has boon liv ing in the practice of bigamy , poly- fzamy ot unlawful cohabitation with moro than ono woman , or that ho is or has boon puilty of an offense- pun ishable by either of the foregoing sec tions , or by section 5352 of the re vised statutes of the United States , of the act of July 1st , 1802 , entitled "An act to punish and prevent the practice of polygamy in the territories of the United States and other places , and disapproving and annulling certain acts of the legislative assembly of the territory of Utah ; or second , that ho believes it right for a man have to more than one living and undivorcod wife at the same time , or to live in the practice of cohabiting with moro than ono woman , and any person appearing or offered as a juror or talisman and challenged on either of the foregoing grounds , may bo questioned on hie oath , as to the existence of any such cause of challenge , and other evi dence may bo introduced , bearing upon the question raised by such chal lenge , and this question shall bo tried by the court. But .as to the firsl ground of challenge before mention ed , the party challenged shall not be forced to answer if ho shall say upon oath that ho declines on the around I that his answer may tend to criminate b . himself , nnd if ho shall answer as to said first ground , his answer shall nebo bo given in evidence in any crimiim prosecution against him for nny 'oflfjiiso , named in section ono or throe of this act ; if lie declines to answer on any other ground , ho shall bo rejected jectod as incompetent. SF.U. 0 , That the president in hereby by authorized to grant amnesty to suol classes of offenders guilty of bigamy polygamy or unlawful cohabitation be fare the passage of this act on aucl conditions nnd under such limitation as ho shall think proper , but no sue' ' amnesty shall have effect unless th conditions thereof ahull bo complice with. SKO. 7. That ( ho issue of the bigani ous or polygamous marriages knowi as Mormon marriages , in cases where such marriages have been solomnizoc according to the ceremonies of th Mormon church in any territory of th United States , nnd such issue slml have born since the 1st day of Janu ary , anne domini 1883 , are hereby le gitimatod. SEC. 8 , That no polygamist , bip amist , or any person cohabiting wit ! moro than one woman , and no womai cohabiting with any of the persons do a-fibed im aforesaid in this section ! i this territory or other place other thai that in which the United States hav exclusive jurisdiction , shall b entitled to vote at any election hoi in such territory or any other placer or bo eligible for election or appoinl mont , or bo entitled to hold any oflic or place of public trust , honor o emolument , in , under or for any sue territory or place , or under the Unite States. SKU 0. That all registration oflico of every description in the territory o Utah are hereby declared vacant , an each and every duty relating to th registration of voters , the conduct o elections , receiving or rejection o votes or canvassing and returning o the same and issuing certificates o other evidence of election in auch tor ritory , until otherwise provided , bo mndo by the Icgislntivp iwsoinbly of aid territory , as is lioroiimftor by this cction provided , bo performed under 10 existing Inws of the United Utes or of anid territory by tlio roper persons , who ahull bo appoint- id to execute such onices and per- orm such dutloi by a bonrd of vo persons to bo appointed by do president , by and with the advice nnd consent of the scnnto , not loni of whom than three shall bo icmbors of ono political party , and 10 majority of whom shall bo a quo- urn. The members of the boird , so ppointcd by the president , shall each eccivo a salary at the rate of § 3,000 or annum , and shall continue in nice until the legislative assembly ot aid territory film ! 1 mixko provision for lie fdlinj , ' of such oflicca an are heroin uthorizod. Tlio sosretary of , the orritory shall bo the ( secretary of the aid board and keep a journal of ita > rocccdinga and the attestation of said ward , under this section. The canvass nd return of all votes nt any elections n said territory for members of lie legislature assembly thereof , shall Iso bo returned to the said board , vhich shall canvass nil such returns nd such candidate of election to those icrsons who boil g eligible for such ( lection shall appear to have boon law- ally elected , which certificate shall bo 10 only evidence of the right of such lorson to sit in such assembly ; pro- idod said board of five persons shall ot exclude any person otherwise ligiblo to vote from the polls on ac- ount of any opinion such person may ntortain on the subject of bigamy nd polygamy , nor shall they refuse o count any f < uch vote on account f the opinion of the person casi ng it , on the subject of bigamy or > olygamy , but each house of such as- lombly , after the rganizaiion , shall mvo power to decide upon the oloo- ions and qualifications of its members nd on or after the first meeting of aid legislature assembly , whoso mom- > ors shall have been elected and ro- urned , according to the provisions of lis act , said legislature aBsombly may mko such laws conformable ( to the rganic not of the said territory and ot inconsistant with the other laws f the United States as it shall doom > roper concerning the filling of olficcs n said territory , declared vacant by iiu act. Nearly n Mirnolo. K. Ascnith Hull , Blnghampton. N. Y. , vrites : "I uilTered for several months vith n dull pain through my left lung and muldcra , 1 lost my Hi > irit . appetite ami olur , nnd could with clilliculty keep up all ny. My mother procured BomaJiUllDOCK JLOOD UiTTi.iiaj I took them as 'directed , nd liavo felt no pain since tlio first week ftcr wring them , nnd am now ( piito well. " 'rice SI.00 , trial nizo 10 centa. IJ-lw WEDDING GUSTO MS. Some of the Murriage Observ- ancea in Early Times. urlous Customs Regarding the Ring In Various Countries - Regulations tions Regarding the Con nubial Ceremony. 'nlladolphla Press. "I entirely sot my face against the extravagant expenditure now so fash- enable at weddings , " said a prominent slorgyman yesterday , who was dis cussing a recent sacrifice at the hymo- nial altar , with a reporter of the Press. 'I certainly think that every solem nly is duo to so sacred u rite as mar riage , and that the occasion should be ono of seemly rejoicing amidst the amilios thus to boconio united. It is the lavish display of attire on the part of the bndeo and guests , the largo sums wasted on floral decorations and collations , the European honeymoon tours which are undertaken by couples whoso marital moans must necessitate the closest economy these are the natters which I consider so reprehen sible. In all such things the fashion ias boon sot by people in society , whoso wealth precluded pecuniary considerations ; but the slavish imita tion which has ensued frequently en tails severe privations lo parents , and often a load of debt on the shlouBrdo of thonowly-woddod pair. " While many sensible people wil approve of the remarks made by the reverend gentlemen , Hi era is some ex cuse for the practice , when it is re- inomborcd that pomp , display , ex penditure and publ o rejoicing have boon in all ages and in every climo. Marrriago , whether among the early Egyptians or ancient Haitians , or our own Euiopean forefathers , and oven among the aboriginal inhabi Units of the countries now impreg nated with civilization , have all nl ways boon occasions of much festiv ity , and some of the quaint procoood- ings obsoryod by different nation alities at various periods of llici history , are of a very interesting do scnption. IIAHDAUIO CUSTOMS. Among the barbaric nations womoi wore always regarded as the spoils o war , and tlio general mode of marriag was to capluru n wife ; the rape of th Sabines may bo given as an illustra lion of th''s. Strange to any an imita lion of this savage usage still exists ii n vecy modified form in portions o Wales. It is customary with the peasantry for a bridegroom to assom bio liin friends and make a sham at tack on another party of young moi who surround the bride aud protuiu to be carrying her to the mountains After much show of resistance the defenders fenders of the lady give up the strug glu and she is taken away in triump by her lover. While on the subjeo of Welch marriages it should bo addoc that the approaching event is alway advertised in the local papers , am strangers alike uio invited lo bo pie sent and contribute their quota to ward the now household. Early Eng lish marriages were occasions of ro joicing. Some of the customs observe were of a nature which would grcatl shock the rolinoinonl of the preson duy , but relics of such proceeding are still to bo found in modern woii dings. Satin favors worn be guosti for instance , represent the sum pieces of the bride's garters , whic were distributed among the grooms men and pinned on the right breasl Itridcsmaids are the descendants o the Saxon maidens , whoso duties wor to disrobe the bride. The tlirowin of old shoes was an intimation to th bride that henceforth she had no further thor claim on the homo she had lofi Flowora and rico showotod at the pai ro reminiscences of an unpleasant iixbit which was prevalent in eastern ountrios. The bridegroom was pelt- d with sloncsJjy the girl friends of ! io bride ai a remonstrance against icr leaving their ranks , and some- imes husband and wife were severely urt. TIIE WEOWNO KINO. The ring necessary to Ghrintion mrriagcs is the mosl ancient of all bsorvancos , and ono that in clearly raced to hcalhcn sources. Romans , Greeks , Egyptians and many otlier ncicnt nations used wedding rings , 'hoy wcro made of iron , gold , brass nd copper , and generally had solno nscription inscribed upon thorn , such s "May you live long , " "I bring ; oed fortune to the wearer. " Other inns which have boon discovered in nciont sepulchres have keys oncravod pen them , evidently as an indication f the wife's domestic authority. \moni ; the Jews the marriage rings vcro generally jewelled. The wed- ing ritm of Joseph and Mary , which as sold by n Jerusalem jeweler to larquis of Etruria in 9)0 ! ) , was coin- oscd of onyx or amethyst , a matter vhich can now bo no longer satifac- orily settled , as some fifty Catholic luuchoB possess a ring which s vouched to bo the only nd original ring worn by the Divine Mother. The Onrislian church made lie placing of the ring on the wo- lan's hand on imperative portion of 10 nuptial union , Init , strange to say , wliilo adopting the pagan custom , it id not define the material of which 10 ring should be made , so that Homo udicrous substances have done sor- ice in instances where the nervous ridegroom has forgotten to bring the .occssary . circlet in his waistcoat locket The church key and curtain ings have more than once been nought into requisition , and a _ few cars ago a wedding was solemnized u Boston at which the ring was a irclo of kid cut from the bride- room's glove. It is an error to sup- ese that a ring containing precious tones cannot bo used ; they roro very fashionable in the ilidcllo ages , and oven later. Mary , Queen of Scots , had three wedding ings , two in gold and the center ono n entire circle of diamonds. Rings isnd to bo placed on the bride's right land , as is still the custom in Ger- nany. In England , a century ago , narriago rings , although put on the econa finger of the loft hund at the hurch ceremony , were afterwards vorn on tlio thumb. The society of TYionds are among the feT Christian cats who dispense with this symbol of ho marriage relation , its heathenish > rigin being the alleged reason. Many ] them , nevertheless. L'ho old Puritans had the saint , proj- idiccs us the Friends , and in "Iludi- > ras' ' ' a passage refers tc it as follows : ) ther were fur abolishing L'hat tool of matrimony , a i ing , iVith which tlio unsanctifyM bridegroom marry'd only to a tbuinu : AH wise as rinKing of a pig Chat used to br nk up ground and dig. ) Che bridu to nothing but her will L'hat nulls the aftor-maniage sill. Butler's verso gives the imprcsssion ; hat wedding-rings were worn on the , humb at a much earlier period than iho reign of the Georges. With our grandparents it used to jo Customary whenever a man mar ried , an heiress to advertise that faol in. the public papers. For instance "John Brown to Miss Mary Jonti and 20,000. " Marriage in a smock ivas an old adage , which was observot by widows who had incurred debt ant wished to remarry without encumber ing their now husbands with their pe cuniary burdens. It was supposed i ; a man took a wife with nothing on put a single garment , he would be 'reed from the risk of being sued fpi lor anto-niarrintjo debts , and within u few years a wedding took place in England at which the bride stood uj at the altar to be married with noth ing on her but a shoot wrappec . "round her form. Marriage under the gallows is another old law , now obsolete , by which a murderer escapes the death penalty if a woman expresses her willingness to marry liim. In No w York , in 1784 , this ac tually occurred , but the man was subsequently soquontly hanged for the murder o : the woman whoso devotion saved hie life on the previous occason. Marriage riago by lot is still the rule amcng the Moravians , but persons who are chosen can rofnso each other if the choose The only exception to the latter rule is with missionaries , who occasionally apnd for wives from their distant sta lions. Some years ago a missionary in India wrote to the Bethlahom com munity , in this state , and having announced nouncod the demise of his spouse , requested quested that a second wife should be chosen and sent out to him , and added od that ho desired a stout , short help mate , as his first wife was of tha shape and stature and had loft an excellent collent wardrobe behind her. Ho received ceivod the dcircd person. MAUHIAm : UKdUI.ATIONS. Some utrango laws for rogulatiii ] and promoting marria cB existed ii the primitive colonies of the country In 1005 the local authorities o Eartham , Mass. , voted that every un married man in the township shouli kill six blackbirds or three crow yearly while single , and that as a pen ally for not obeying the order , h should not got married until he hat destroyed the requisite number in ar rears. A former tax in Maryland was iiv shillings yearly to every bachelor possessed sossed of 100 , and twenty shilling on all bachelors and widowers whc own 800. It does not appear tha spinsters or widows were ever taxed probably from the reason that no wo man refuses a chance if she can help it So much interesting matter conh bo written about the many forms ani customs which have been observed a t-oiiio tune ur pluoo in tuo oelubrutiui of the most important happenings ir the lives of every man and woman- marriage thai only a moro outline can bo iivon ; in tin's article , but a fe\\ of the observances among the aborig Inal inhabitants of North and Soutl America are worth the telling. Ii the majority of the North Amoricar tribes , or the redskins , no man coulc marry in his own tribe under ponalt ) of death. In Aztec Mexico , a youn man consulted the oracles bofor ho took a wife and afto the ceremony ho always car ried his wife homo on his back , Th pagans of Peru had several wives , bu the first ono was supreme over the ro maindor. When a now wife was desired sired the wonld-bo husband wont t the father's ' houao and placed a pocul ( it * ar sort of shoo on the foot of the la- ly with whom ho was onamorod. If ho was a virgin the shoo was of wool , if a widow of rush. In the nib an Islands it is customary fora lowly-marricd pair to retire to the woods for a honeymoon nnd pass their imo in hunting. In Cuba husband find wife had equal rights of divorce. Among tlio Ottmoaquos nn old man vas always united to a young woman md a young man loan old woman , ho reason of such union being that i f.vos supposed tlmt the discretion of go would curb Iho impetuosity of outh. With some South American ndians a virgin was never chosen for wife. After marriage the triclesl virtue was expected in wiyos. Squaws of all Indian natives vhoso husbands had been killed in war wore permitted to choose a uc- essor among the captives reserved or torture. Tlio Low of Klnt\no < In uniiersal ; it nlfcctH nil the human amity , all nnimnU , nndmaybo e\on found n pnttiit medicines. Homo nro drastic , nd the patient is obliged to eulTnr pains worse llian the dlsoifo ; but in canes of ob- tltmto constipation , dyspepsia , there h no cmcdy to kind , so gentle in Itseflccta , and et no Bsilhfactory. no HuiiDOCK liiool ) liTTKns. 1'rice § 1 00 , trial sie 10 wills. 4-lw. A remedy with sucn a rcprcscnlallftn as llos- ottcr's Stomach Hitters f'csarvcs a ( air ttlal II ou arc djxpoptlc , jour malady will ocntually . led to It ; It jousro feeble , lack flesh and feel [ cspondcnt , It nlll both Imlld and cheer you up ; I lou arc constipated It will relieve jou , and 1 ( illlous * healthful stlimil&to\ liicr. Don't ilcspon but nmko this ctlort In the rl ht illrcc- Ion.For For sale liy all druggists and dcalcts generally. feu'Sto ml Gentle Women Who want glossy , InxurJaiit and wavy tresses of abundant , beantiM H air must use LION'S KATHAIRON. This elegant , cheap article always mokes the Hair grow freely and fast , keeps it from falling ont , arrests and cares grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency ana keeping it in nny desired position. Beau tiful , Lealthy ilalr is the sure result of usiflg Eathairon. THE KENDALL PLAITING MACHDJE DRESS-MAKERS' COMPANION , It plalta and presses perfectly ono yard pe minute. It plalta from 1-10 of an Inch to 11-4 Inches I width In tlio coaracat felts or finest silk ; . It doca all kinds and stj le * of plaiting In uao. No lady tlmt doca her own dreaa ranking ca afford to do without ono as nlco plaiting I ne\er out of fashion , If Been It sells Itself. Fo Machines , Circulars or Agent's terras address CONG All & 00. , 113 A-daraa Bt. Chicago , 111 NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Cure Guaranteed- lr. E. 0. West's Nerve and Drain Trcatmcnt- Aepcclflofor Hjstcrla , IMrziness , Convulaloni Ncnoua Headache , Mental Deprosalon , Loasc Mfmory.Siiormatorrliaja , Iinpoteny , Inoluntar Emissions , Premature Old Ago , caused by over exertion , self abuse , or o\ erlnJulgcncoshlc leadi to misery , decay and death. One box v 1 cure recent cases. Ua h box contains ono month treatment. One dollar a box , or nix boxen fc ( lie dollars ; sent by mall prepaid on receipt ( price. Wo guarantee six boxes to euro any cas < with each order received by us for six boxes , at companled with flvo dollars , will send the pui cliMer our written EUaranteo to return th money If the treatment does not cO ct a euro. 0. f. Goodman , DrupgUt , Sole , Wholesale an Hetall Agent , Omaha , Neb. Orders by mall D rijfular price. d&wly , To Nervous Sutterers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY , Dr. J. B. Biuiuson'B Specifl II Is positive euro for tipennttairhe * , Bomlm Weoknces , ImpoUncy , and all diseases resultta Ironi SeH-Abuse , as Mental Anxiety , Uon ory. P lns In Oio Back or Bldtj and dlseaw . " " " . : - : ; ; ' that lead t * " * ' Consumtlo wnt tree lo U. Write for them nd flc , f 1.00 per lucViuOi or , fo , m C0. and all druirglets very bcro. "WINEOrCAnDUl" four times * I f muUea a happy liouscliold. BITTERS Mrs. J. O. RolierUon , Pittnljiirff. Pa , writes : " ! was stifTcrlnir from general debility , want of ftp- petite , constipation , etc. , o that llfo WIM A bur den ; after usliiff liurdock Blood Hitter * I felt bet ter than for j care. 1 cannot pralso j our Hitters too much. " * ll.fllbto. of niiflnlo , N. Y. , writes : "Vour liurdock life * . Ulttcrs , In chronic dlscaacnof the blood. liter H..J kldncjs , ho btcn signally marked v 1th success. Ihiuo ucd them in ) self with best result * , tor torpidity of tholhcr , nnd In CMC of a friend of tnlno suffering from dropsy , the effect woo nmnilous. " Druco Turner , Rochester , N. Y.lwrlUs : 'I ha\o been fmbjcct to serious ill * > rdcr of the kldncjs. and unable to attend to business ; liurdock Blood Hitters relieved mo beforeInlf ivbottlawM used I feel confident that they will entirely euro mo. " , F . Ascnlth Hall , lllnijhnmpton , N. Y. , writes : "I suffered with a dull pain through mv eft lun ? and shoulder. I/ost in } snlrlto , nppctlto and color , and could with diillcuHy keep up all day. Took jour liurdock Hlood Hitters as di rected , nnd hate felt no pain since first week af ter using them. " Mr. Noah Bates , Elmlra , N. Y. . writes : "About four j earn nffo I had an attack of bilious Icier , and ncicr fully recovered. My dlffcstho organs wore weakened , and I would bo completely pros trated for da ) s. After using tw o bottles of ) our Burdock Blood Ulttcrs the lmprocmcnt was so \Hblothtit I was astonished. I can now , though 01) cars of ago , do a fair and reasonable daj'i work. C. Blackct Robinson , proprietor of The Canada Preshjtcrian , Toronto. Ont. , writes : "Ferycars I suffered greatly from oft-recurring headache. I uscdour Burdock Blood Bitters with happiest result * , and I now find nn coif In better health than for ) cars past. " Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. V , writes : Ihaxe used Burdock Blood Blttcra for nerous and bil ious headaches , and can recommend It to an ) ono requiring a euro for billlousnoss. " Mrs. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , N. V , writes : 'Tor BOX oral jcars I have suffered from oft-recur ring blllious headaches , dyspepsia , nnd com- B'alnts peculiar to my sex. Since using ) oitr urdock Dlood III tiers I am entirely relieved" FOSTEU , MILBURN , & Co , , Props , BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale by Isli & McMahon and C. F. Goodman. Jo 27 eod-ine Tnla great tpcctfic cures that most loathsome dlsca o SYPHILIS Whether ID its Primary , Secondary or Tortiarv Stage. Removes all traces of Vurciiry from the sys tern , Curca Scrofula , OI.I Sores , Rheuma tism , Krzcma , Catarrh or an ) Illood Disease. Cares When Hot Springs Fail ! JIalvcrn , Ark. , May 2,1831. Woha > ecasc4ln our town who lUcdatllot Spring * and were finally cured with S. S. S. & MURKY Memphis , Jlcnn. , Sfa ) 12,1881. Wo have sold 1,29(1 boflca of S.3. S. in a year. It haa given universal satisfaction. Fair minded phsicans ! now recommend It ns a positive specific. S. M\Nsmu > & Co. Louisville , Ky , , May 13.1881. S. S. S. haa given better satlifactlon than any medicine I hav o ov er sold J. A. FL XNHH. * . Oonvei , Col. May 2,1881. Every purcha ertpeaka in the highest term * of 3. 3. S. L. Moissetor. Richmond. Va . May 11,1881. You can refer anybody to u In regard to the merits of S. S. S. Polk , Miller & Co. Ha-e never known S. S. S. to tall to cure a case cf Sphllli , when properly taken. H. L.Donnard . , In.-- , , Qa. j-Perry , Ell Warren. The above signers aroecntlemon of high stand- Ing. A It COLQUITT , Governor of Qcorgla. IF YOU WISH WK W LL TAKE YDURSE OA TO HE PAID FOR WHEN CURED. Write for particulars and copy of little book 'Jlossaio to the Unfortunate. " 91.OOO Reward will bo paid to any chemist who will find , on anal ) sis 100 bottles S S. S. , ono particle of Mercury lodldo Potas sium or any Mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Props. Atlanta , Ox Price of regular slzo reduced to 81 75 per Lot tlo Small size- , holding half tbo quantity , price , 81.00. Sold by KENNARD & CO. , and Druggists Ocncrally GRAY'S SPECIFIC. MEDICINE TRADE MARK The OreatJRADB MARK English rem- otiy. An un failing euro for Seminal Weakness , Bpermator- rhea , Impotency - ency , and all Diseases that" follow as a BEFORE TAKIHO.soqucnco of AFTER TAIINQ , Self-Auuno ; as Lota of Memory , Universal Lassi tude , Pain in the Dack , Dimness of Vision , Pre mature Old Ago , and many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema ture Grave. . 43TFull particulars In our pamohlot , which v\a desire to send free t v mail to everyone. jtjTTJio Specific Medicine Is told by all druggists at 81 per package , or 0 pack\gcs for ? 5 , or will bo sent free by mall on res , ptof the money , by addressing THKOHA IKDICINECO. , Buffalo , N. Y. or Bain bv 0. F flood' ocTmn-cod The Great English Remedy iN'cvcr falls to cuio Vcrvous Debility , VI- utl Exhaustion , Kmls- [ loin , .Seminal Wcak- nessesLOST MAN HOOD , and all the cv 11 effects of } outh- 'ul follies and execs- 'es. It stops pcrma nently all weakening , involuntary loss sand j rains upon the ss- Lem , the Inuv liable re- 'diilt ' of thcso evil prac tices , which nru so dcstriiotiv e to mind and body and make life miserable , often lending to Insanl- ly and death It strengthens the Nmes.ltraln , ( racmor ) ( Blood , Mus-fes , Digestive and Repro ductive OK-JIS , It restores to all the organic functl-ns their former vigor and vitality , ma- > lng life cheerful and cnjoabla Price , $3 a bottle , or four times the quantity 110. Bent by oxiircss , secure from observation , to any address , on receipt of price. No. 0. 0. D. seni , extcpt on receipt of 81 as a guara tee. Letters re- cu , < "tlnj nniwcr r"iist tnclofo stamp. Dr. Mintie'a Dandelion Pilla are the best and cheapest d)8pcp la and tiUliou * cure In the market. Sold b ) all druggist * . Price 60 conls. DR. MIMIK'H KIDNEY RKUKDT , QUFKETICUH , Cures nil kind of Kidnuyand bladder complalnto. gonorrhea , gleet and leucorrcca. For eale I ) all diunir sts : SI a bottle. KNOLISH MKDICAL INSTITUTE. 718 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. Jau25-ly _ " "ORAIG'SOITY ' GREEN"HOUSE Is now open to the public with a full supply ol Cut Flowers and Plants For Sale. Wo will bo glad to nave the public call and see us Douquota or Any Floral Design Made to Order ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. City Orctn House , 8. W. Cor 17th and Web stir , one tloik from 10th street can. Nursery Sd.streetopi > oslteFot. JM. V.Orj.Uj , Horn . , ' and Landscape Oarducr. rYb2 GUI. IROT IB ! & Wholesale Lumber , Ho , 1408 Farnliam Street , Omaha , Ueb. febl4-3mo I. OBERFELDER & CO , , WHOLESALE MILLINERY AND NOTIONS. 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. Spring Hoods Receiving Daily and Stock very nearly Complete , DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS. HOTELS. PHOP1UKTORS TOW At ARLINQrON , J. G. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Neb 8ARATOQA HOTEL , J. 8. 8TELLINIU8 , Mllford , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN. Stromiburg , No. . HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Loultvlllo CITY HOTEL. CHENEY & CLARK , Blair , Nob. COMMERCIAL HOTE- , J. Q. MEAD , Nollgh , Neb GRAND CENTRAL ? . SEYMOUR , Nabratka Olty , Neb MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , Weeping Wnter.No COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPER , Hardy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , G. W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb OOMMEROIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY. Olarlnda , Iowa. ENO'3 HOTEL , E. L. ENO , Eremont , Neb. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atklnion , Nab. MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. GRUDB , Guide Recd , Neb. SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & BECKER , Oreiton , la. JUDKINS HOUSE , JUDKINS & BRO , , Red Oak , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , GEO.CALPH , Extra , la REYNOLDS HOUSE , C.M.REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. BURGESS , Neola , la. CITY HOTEL , Dl B , WILLIAMS , Hnrlan , la , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINQ8 , Corning , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , J , L. AVERY , Stanton , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vlllltca , la. JUDKINSHOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la. BALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida'Grove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE , B , F.STEARNS , Odebolt , la GRAND PACIFIC , J. NORTON , Columbu * , Neb. 3 WOODS HOUSE , JOHN ECKERT , Osceola , Neb. _ DOUQLAB HOUSE. J. 8. DUNHAM , Clarks Neb. IE1. O. WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnhsm St. . Omaha. GUILD & McINHIS GREAT STOCK TAKING SALE ! Everything In DRESS GOODS ! Notions , and FURNISHING GOODS , AT SWEEPING REDUCTIONS , It Will Pay You to Call and Compare Prices. 603 NORTH SIXTEENTH STREET. ATTENTION ! BUSINESS MEN. We have in Stock OVER 200,000 ENVELOPES A Large Invoice of Flat Paper , Finest and Most Complete Line of Blank and Account Books in Omaha. All at Prices * that Cannot be Met in this Market. Give us a Call. OILMAN R , DAVIS & CO. , ( Successors to Wooloy & Davis. ) 105 South Fifteenth Street Opposite Postoffice. febO-lm-ood TIKIS GrIiIHA.T Clearing Sale ! T PO LACK'S PALACE CLOTHINCJ , HOUSE Is the place to Buy Bargains. EVERYTHING MARKED IN RED FIGURES. Look for the Red Ink M rks. A. WAKEFIELD J. . , WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL DKALER IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT JO-STATE AOEKi FOB MILWAUKEE CEUSNT Near Union Pacific Depot , OMAHA , NEB - < 1