Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1882, Image 1
J- . - i THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ELEVENTH YEAR. OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING , FEBRUARY 18 1882. ! i05 THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Brief Proceedings in Congress Yesterday , Resuscitation of the Inherit ance of 8 eoretary Frelinghuyaen. In the Form of n Letter From Earl Granville to Min ister West. Being an Exhaustive and Ex hausting Re view of the Pan ama Canal Question. Miscellaneous Notes of a National Character. CONGRESS. National Auaoclatod Trun. PROCEEDINGS IN TUR RENATR. WAHUINOTON , D. 0. , February 17. Mr. Coke , from the cGffimittoo on commerce , repeated favorably the bill making nn appropriation for cotinu- naco of the improvement at Galvcston harbor , and it was passed. After the morning hour the senate went into executive session and re mained until 4:30 p. m. , and adjourned - od until Monday. PBOOEEDINOS IN THE HOUSE. The speaker announced the regular order of business to bo the motion to lay on the table the motion submitted at the close of yesterday's session by y Mr. Springer to reconsider the vote by which the house rejected the amendment offered to the apportion ment bill by Mr. Colorick. The motion - tion was carried yeas 130 , nays 114. All substitutes and pending amend ments were voted down , and the bill passed as reported from the commit tee , except that it gives 325 members distributed under the old method in stead of 302 under the now , or "Sea- ton" method. The following is a summary of the bill as adopted : The first sec tion gives 325 members , distributed to states as telegraphed in these dis patches last night. The second section provides when n new state is admitted the representation assigned to it shall bo in addition to this num ber , 325. The third section provides that representatives bo assigned from districts composed of contiguous ter ritory , and containing as nearly as practicable an equal number of inhab itants. Where no change in the rep resentatives is made , the election is to be had by the old districts and old laws , unless a legis lature otherwise orders. When the number of members under the now distribution is greater than the old , additional member or members maybe bo elected by the state at large should the legislature fail to redistrict the state before the time for election. Where the number of members from a state has been decreased , the num ber of members may be elected at large unless the legislature shall have provided a method before the time for the next election. Alter passage of the apportionment bill , the house took up the private calendar. The first bill was to restore Thomas Little , a court martialod cap tain in the army , to his rank. After discussion the bill was effectually kill ed and buriod. The house adjourned at 5 p. m. THE CANAL CONTROVJBRSX. National Associated I'rcss. A LETTER FROM KARL ORANVILLE. WASHINGTON , February 17. The following letter from Earl Granville to the British minister here was the most important document among the ' correspondence sent to the house by / the president to-day in response to the resolution : It is dated January 7th , 1882 , and says : In a dispatch of the 13th ultimo time I informed you that the United States minister to this court had com municated to mo the substance of a dispatch which ho had received from Mr. Blaine , then secretary of state , on the subject of the convention of the 19th of April , 1850. Finding that Mr , Lowell was authorized to give mo a copy of this dispatch if I wished it , I requested him to do to , and I have already forwarded to you a copy for your information. Her majesty's government have given their carofu ] consideration to the views set forth in the paper. They entirely agree in the statement made towards its conclu sion as to.tho cordial relations so hap pily existing bet noon the two coun tries and as to the opportunity this state of affairs attords for a frank ex pression of the views hold by either government without risk of miscon struction. They have no hesitation , therefore , in proceeding to examine . the groundsEs5advanced byl Mr ] TMaine for desiring a modification of the convention between the coun- trios. In support of this opinion for several reasons it will bo better to treat the matter trom the side of prac tical consideration which it involves , without of course being precluded from reverting } at any" further stage in case of need to its other aspect ? . Her majesty's government cannot ad mit the analogy which it is sought to draw from the conduct of Great Britain in regard to the Suez canal Is correct or justified by the facts. , They have made no attempt to fortify the hland of Cyprus to establish it as an position on an important / scale , though they have an undoubted right to do BO. The principles upon I ; ) which the whole argument of the dis patch is founded are , as far as I am aware , novel international law. If discussion on the subject on the ab stract grounds of public right weie doomed useful or opportune , it would not bo difficult to quote passages from publicists of acknowledged authority. The military establishment at Aden came into the possession of the Eng lish at a date long anterior to the timu when the Mediterranean and lied Sea could bo rogardotl ns n military route to the Indins , For years nf torwards the whole mass of roformanU ol India was sent by way of the Cupo of Good Hope , Nor has nny addition boon made to the strength of these positions since the opening of the canal beyond what has boon the natural consequence of improvement in military science. Although no doubt well adapted to the situation to command the straits of Babul Mandob , the Island of Porin lmsnot _ in any sense boon made a fortified position. The fort and garrison on the island are in fact sufficient only to protect the light house which 1ms been erected there for the general benefit of navigation from possible at tack by Arabs. The navy de partment of the United States must bo well nwnro that her majesty's government never sougnt to bar or oven to restrict the use of the canal by the naval forces of other countries , nnd that oven' during the recent war between llussia and Turkey , when the canal itself formed a portion of the territory of ouo of the belligerents when the scat of conflict was close at hand , and when British interests might in many other jespects have boon nearly involved , { hey contented themselves by obtaining an assurance that the scones of operations should not bo extended to the cat ml. Her majesty's government "cordially con cur in what is stated by Mr. Blaine as regards the unexampled develop ment of the United States on the Pacific coast and the ca pacity which they poisess for fur ther progress. That development has been watched in this country with ad miration and interest and will continue to be so regarded. But though in rapid ity it may and probably lias exceeded the most sanguine calculations , her majesty's government cannot look upon it in the light of an unexpected pvont or suppose that it was not with in the view of the statesmen who were parties on cither side to the Clayton-Bulwer treaty. The objec tions of .President Monroe and of his cabinet in 1823 and 1824 , whatever IDny bo the view taken of. their scope and bearing and of the ftdmissabihty of the principles which tliey involved or which it is sought to deduce from thorn , show at least that at that per iod , twenty-six years anterior to the treaty now under discussion , there was a clear provision of the great fu ture reserved to the Pacific Coast. It is , in the opinion of her majesty's government , inadmissible contention that the regular and successful opera tion of causes so evident at the time and in their nature so irrepressible should bo held to have completely altered the condition of affairs to the extent of vitiating the foundations of an agreement which cannot be sup posed to bo included without careful thought and deliberation. While recognizing to the fullest extent the degree top which the UnitedStates must feel interested in any canal which may bo constructed .across the Isthmus of Panama , her ' majesty's government would be wanting in re gard to duty if it failed to point out that Great Britain has a large colonial possession , no less than great commer- cia interests , which renders any means of unobstructed access from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean , a matter for her also of the greatest importance. The development of these possessions and interests has steadily continued , possibly with less rapidity , but on u scale which has some relation oven to that of the Pacific states. Her majesty's government do not wish to ignore the share which other nations have acquired in the commerce of Central and South America , nor to exclude from consideration the inter est of these countries in any canal which may bo made across the isth mus. They are of the opinion that such canal or water way between the two great oceans and between all Eu rope and Eastern Asia is a work which concerns not merely the United States or the American continent , but the whole civilized world. This is the view which found its expression in the 6th article of the treaty of 1850. Her majesty' Government are as anx ious as that of the United States that while all nations would enjoy their proper share in the benefits to bo expected from the un dertaking , no eingle country should acquire a predominating in fluence nor control over such means of communication , and therefore not oppose or decline any discussion for the purposes of securing on a general international basis its universal and unrestricted use. With all deference to the considerations which have Sromptod the proposals made in Mr. laino's dispatch , her majesty's gov ernment cannot believe that they would promote this object or bo bene ficial in themselves. The relations of the United States with European powers are fortunately of a nature to _ give rise to no feelings of suspicion or alarm. The general tendency of their foreign policy gives good promise that they will BO continue , but if pro vision is to bo niado on one side for a different state of ull'iirs it must bo expected that the course then in dicated will fin d its natural and logi cal counterpart on the othor. Her majesty's ' government can conceive no moro melancholy spectacle than competitions among nations holding West Indian possessions and others on the Central and South American continent in the construction of for- tications to obtain command over the canal and its approaches. On the event of occasion arising for such measure , they cannot believe it would bo agreeable or convenient to any South American state through which the canal may paas to find itself called upon to admit a foreign power to construct any garrison on its territory , or a succession of fortresses of increasing magnitude , designed to oppose such attempt , oven if that for eign power bo a neighboring ono , or situated on the same continent ; and when the claim to do this is accom panied by the declaration that the United States will always in sist on treating this water way which shall unite two oceans as part of her coast line , it is difficult to imagine that the states to which the territory lying between that water way and the United States belongs oin practically retain nn independent pssition as that which they now do. These are consequences that in the conviction of her majocty's govern ment would almost certainly follow from the claim on the part of the United States to assume - sumo supreme authority over the canal nnd all responsibility for its control' Her majesty's government hold , on the contrary , that the princi ples which puidod the negotiations of the treaty of 1830 were intrinsically sound , nnd contiuuo to bo applicable to the present state ot affaire. Their wish would bo that those principles should receive the practical develop ment which was contemplated at the time , nnd that the effect should be to thut portion of the treaty which provides that the contracting parties shall invite nil ether states with whom they have friendly intercourse to enter into similar stipulation.1 ! with them. A certain amount if progress < wns made in this direction by the conclusion of the convention with Honduras andNicaragun by Great Britain in 1850 nnd I860 , and by the the United States in 1803 and 1804 nnd 18G7 , and by Nicaragua with Faauco in 1859 , with the object of upholding the general principles in serted in the treaty. During the pe riod when there were still matters to regulate with respect to Greyton Bay island , the frontier of British Hondu ras and the protection of Mosquito Indians , and when the construction of a canal so mod contingent , moro or less doubtful and remote , it was not strange that an enga ; emont to address the ether powers should have boon allowed to remain dormant ; but the project of the fcanal has now assumed sufliciont shape to render such appli cation reasonable nnd pertinent. Her majesty's government believes that the extension of the invitation to all maritime states to participate in nn agreement based upon the stipulations of the convention of 1850 would ob viate any objection that may possibly bo raised against it as not Doing ade quate in its present condition for the purpose for which it was designed. This course formed the basis of Air. Fish's ' proposal to Dr. Cordonos , Nio- nraguan minister , in 1877 and her majesty's government would gladly aep the United States again take the initiative in an invitation to the pow ers nnd will bo prepared either to join in it or support and endorse it in a way that may bo found most fitting and convenient , provided it docs not conflict in nny way with the Olayton- Bulwer treaty. You are authorize d to read this dis patch to the secretary of state und to give him a copy of it if ho should do- BIIO it. I am , etc. , Accompanying the above was an other letter from Earl Granville to Mr. West , dated January 10 , 1882 , reviewing Blaine's dispatch which con tained extracts from the correspond ence between the governments be tween 1858 and 1876. He takes ex ception to Blamo's assertion that "the vexatious character of the treaty had been repeatedly recognized on both sides , " and cites the history of subject since jts origin. In denial ho gives voluminous details of that part of the discussion which belonged ' 'to a past state of affairs , " end rehearses the in terview between Lord Napier and President Buchanan on the subject. In conclusion , referring to the quotation ho had made , Earl Granville express ed the opinion that their perusal would show that the first differences arose botwocon the two governments in regard to the treaty , and which occasioned at ono time considerable irritation but which have long sinso been happily disposed of , did not re late to the general principles to bo observed in regard to moans of inter- oceanic communication across the Isthmus , but had origin in the stip ulation which Mr. Blaine pro poses in great part to maintain. Ho wishes every part in the treaty in which Great Britain and the- United States agree to make no acquisition of territory in Central America to remain - main in full force , while ho desires to cancel those portions of the treaty which forbid the United States forti fying the canal and holding political control of it in conjunction with the country in which it is located. Second end , that the declarations of the United States government during the controversy were distinctly at vari ance with and such proposal as that just stated. Slip disclaimed any desire to obtain an inclusive or preferential control over tlio canal. Their solo contention was that Great Britain was bound by treaty to aban don these positions on the main lander or adjacent islands which , in their opinion , were calculated to give her means of such control. Nor did they in any way seek to limit application of the principle laid down in the treaty so as to exclude Columbia or Mexican territory , as Blaine now says ; nor urge that such application would bo inconsistent with the convention between the United States and New Srcnada of 1848. On the contrary they were ready to give these prin ciples their full extension. Third , that at the time when the British government had- boon in duced by long continuance of the controversy to contemplate abrogation of the treaty , they wore only willing to do us on the condition of reverting to the status quo and this concluded in 1880 a solution which was at that time possible , though as the United States government justly pointed out it would have been fraught with great danger to the standing 0od relations between the countries , but which is now rendered impossible by subsequent ovonts. Fourth , that a bettor and moro conciliatory con clusion which for twenty yearn has remained undisputed was affected by the independent and voluntary action of Great Britain. t The points in this dispute were practically conceded by this country and tUo controversy ter minated in u manner which was de clared by President Buchanan to be amicable and honorable , resulting in final settlement entirely satisfactory to the government of the United State * . FATAL FIREWORKS. That Wont Off Promataroly in Ohostor , Fenn. Instantly Killing a Large Num ber of People nnd Injur ing Others. Full Particulars of the Catas trophe With Nutnos of the Killed and Injured. Extensive List of Casualties That Happened . Elsewhere , Yoitorday' * Record of the Workfaf Tbo Flamoi. CASUALTIES. , f. tttlonal Associated 1'reiu. a AK AWFUL EXPLOSION. W GIIESTEH , Pa. , February 17.7-This is the blackest day in the history of our fair city. Death in most frightful shape has laid low nearly a sooro of our people , and many moro have boon wounded. The entire city is in mourning. Following close upon the destruction of the military academy n severe losjs in itself to our commu nity comes an alarm of fire from Tackson's fire works and magazines. This was in the old Porter majuion , on Friend street and the river front. Prof. Jackson had occupied it for the past five or six years ; ho employed light or ten hands , and was running the plnco to its fullest capacity in or der to supply his largo trade. At 7:30 : : ho alarm of fire was sounded. In ivo minutes after the alarm was sounded the fire department was throwing water on the build- ng. Suddenly a tmifift explo sion shook the city. The noise reverberated throughout the country s far as the Jersey shore. A m ass of lames shot high into the air and the fragments of the building wore hurled ibout. A quantity of gunpowder had exploded. It was then felt tnat the danger was over and the firemen approached preached the flames until within touching distance without apprehen sion , A largo crowd of citizens -wore gathered at the time. When the citi zens were sure- tolerable control had DOOU secured and the danger was pass ed , another explosion , moro terrific than the last , gave a terrific shock to the earth. The scone was horrible nnd so awful that it is impossible to describe it. The crowd of firemen were scattered in all directions , many of them with their bodies mangled beyond recognition. Spmo were so badly torn that it was impossible to tell what part of the body the nJiieds of flesh were torn from. On the ipectatora the effect was scarcely loss disastrous. Many of them were killed and many wore wounded. These who wore not , rush ed through the city spreading the horrible rible nowo. Almost instantly thous ands of people stricken with terror poured from the adjoining streets to the scene ot the disaster. The news quickly spread to the country and liundrods of people came from there. The cries of women and children who md lost husbands and fathers in the calamity nnd the wild inquiries of oth ers added to the terrible effect of .tho masses of bloody corpses and wound ed. All the physhiaus in the city and all the priests and pastors were on the spot in a short time to dispose of the dead and to assist the wound ed. The nearest house was abput a mndrcd yards away. Many of the sufferers wore taken there and every other house in the vicinity was thrown open and kindly hands ministered to the relief of the victims. Wagons were hastily transformed into nmbu- ancos and everything that could bo lone was done to mitigate the horror. [ n a little time a rumor got abroad -hat the now rapidly spreading flames were approaching another largo quan- , ity of dynamite and a rush was made from the vicinity. THE DEAD. Barber , assistant foreman of ono of ho trucks , James Wundorlich , a well known citizen. McNcal , employed near the manu- rnctory. Blissard Williams , a police officer. Perry , a colored man , who was cilled on the spot. A child whoso name is not known vas killtdwhilo sitting at the door of ts homo. John Lampl oigh , a boy. Thomas D , Allison , aged 22 , Thomas Anderson , a young man , Alex Phillips. John Pollock , a married man Joseph Kcstnor , a son of J , Kest- nor , ice dealer. Gowrgo Taylor. James Daughy , a carpenter. John Gartsido , aged 22. Anthony Barber , ox-policeman of ho South war d William Wood , a member of the < Yunklin firocompany'he ) ; was wound ed about the head and body ; and died shortly after removal from the street. John Dean , 13 years old , Edward Shropshriore , an omployo at Roach's ship yard. Jacob S. Ilowell , Ilobort Stinson. Albert Lambert. Peter Yoscrui , nn Italian. THK I.VJUHKI ) . Dalton , chief of the fire depart- nont , erroneously reported dead , in- urios serious. Gee , Turnoy ( colored ) , wounded on the head. John T. Egan , severe cut on the oyo. oyo.Win. . McNcal , fatally injured. Walter Graham , injured in the face , lioad and arms. Elwood Klinmonborg , u boy about lit years of ago , injured on the leg and rm. rm.Win. . Morrillpw , not serloualy hurt. James Oakes , son of n shoemaker , badly hurt. Willinm Cowan , badly hurt in the face , the lower portion being torn off. Frank McCall , fingers badly lac erated. Henry Wood , brother of William Wood , out severely about the head. George * Potts ( colored ) , wounded about the head. Elward Love , member of the Hanly company , wounded about the head , face and anus. Joseph Johnson ( colored ) , struck on the back by falling timber. Uobort Taylor ( colored ) , several gashes on the skull. Clini. Delaney , seriously cut snathe shoulder. Charles Delaney , member of the Moyam a ing company , wounded in th'i head and arm. Edwrd Baker , face badly lacerated ; lie is n brother-in-law of MoNcal. Juno Ray ( colored ) , badly mangled ; amputation necessary. Snllie Black ( colored ) , internal in juries. William Kelley , president Moya- mousing company. Frank Hunt , face cut. F. McCullough , throat cut and in- iornnl injuries. Hiram Griffith , scalp wounds. John Miller , reporter of the Times , uir1 about the head , face and throat. George Williams , arm broken. George Walters , severely out. John Vnudorgrift , blown from the turning building. William Wood , son of Congressman William Wood , injuries slight. William MoDodo , fireman , fatally njurod on the skull. Charles Van Horn , superintendent of the works , badly injured by the concussion. Besides the above men there are ally aa many more people who woio slightly injured , but whoso name * could not bo learned. DKOWNKD. JACKHON , Miss. , February 17. A skiff containing four men swamped in Seal's llusha- 'eatorday crevasse , - mckany county , and Dennis Bottn and Hannibal Linghton were drowned. FATAL IlOILEll EXPLOSION. CAULINSVILLE , Ga. , February 17. A boiler at the Georgia carworks ox- ) lodud this morning , killing two men nstantly nnd seriously wounding ivo men , including Mr. Lucas , hojslocping car frame superintendent. KILLED I1Y A KALtlNH WALL. NEW YOUK , February 17. Martin 3arhn , a laborer , was caught under a 'ailing wall being taken down by workmen this morning and killed. KILLED BY THE CARS. YOUNOSTOWN , Ohio , February 17. Patrick McGlaughlin was instantly > y the cars early this morning , the ) ody being horribly mutilated. EXPLOSION IN A DISTILLERY. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , February 17. A boiler in the distillery of B. F. Haltingly & Co. , in this city , to-day exploded , badly injuring John Blake , engineer , and unroofing the ma chinery building. The report was loard over half the city , but the loss will not exceed $1,000. KILLED ON TUB CAltH. C. S. Cone , Jr. , general agent for .he Erie & Mississippi railway , while ; he train was crossing a bridge near North Vernon , Ind. , this afternoon , mt his head out at a window , when t was struck by a support of the ) ridge , causing injuries from which 10 died in an hour. FIRE. National Afwodatcd Tress. AT IIOIIINHON , KAH. ROHINSOK , February 17. Lastnight a fire broke out in the store house owned and occupied by John Parsons , spreading rapidly. Tno store house , ? ostoflico and two hotels were soon burned to the ground. Loss , ? 100- , 000 ; insurance , g25,000. Trying to Suicide. National Associated Treat ) . HINHDALE , Pa , February 17. Fred TafTel , ono of the oldest citizens , who lias for a long time shown that ho was extremely jealous of his wife , was this morning found hanging by the nock tea a tree in an effort to commit suicide. He was cut down and resuscitated , The Mutual Union Inj unotion Coie. National Associated Trcsfl. NEW YOUK , lobruary 17. In the injunction case against the Mutual Union telegraph to-day before Judge Arnaux in the supreme court , an ad journment was asked by the telegraph company on the ground that the neces sary affidavits on their side were not ready. The final hearing was sot down for next Thursday , Among eini'ient counsel who were engaged in the suit was ox-Senator Conkling , who appeared in behalf of the stockholders seeking to restrain the company from issuing the $10,000,000 of stock without - out consideration. Suloldo of a Catholic Prloit National Anaoclatud 1'rosa. - MONMOUTH , Ilia. , February 17. Father O'Farrpll , Catholic priest of thin place , suicided last night by cut ting his throat. Ho had boon an in valid for two years and not being able to obtain relief , his mind became un settled , causing him to commit the act. OiT the MlamiB , National Aftuoclatcd Trot * . LAKAYETTB , February 17. The last of the annuity duo the Miami tribe of Indians , some of whom still live in Tlppecanoo county , was paid hero. Each ono , old or young , re- cciyod $005.75. _ Fish for WiioouHin. Nttloiul AasocUUU Trom. HAOINB , WisFebruary 17. Three million white fish were placed in the lake hero early this morning by gov ernment officials , Blown to Glory. Nitloaal Awoclatoti Trouit. DALLAH , Tex. , February 17. Sam Maraden , aged 17 , drunk at Grand Prairie , set a coal oil can on the steve instead of a coffee pot. The can exploded , the house wan blown down and Sam was killed. CRIMINAL NEWS. The Execution of a Pennsylvania Parnoiflo Yesterday , Detailed Account of His Crime and the Punishment Received. A Woman Who Wanted to Die Commits Murder That She May bo Hanged. Paddy Ryan , the Pugilist , Cleaned Out Financially in a Bagnio. Qoncrol Notoi of Crime * and Crim inal a. HANGING A PARRICIDE : ntioiul AiMocUtod 1'rowi. 1118 CHIME AND 1'UNIHIIMKNT. INDIANA , Pa. , February 17. The first execution for murder in Indiana , Pa. , since the organization of the the county in 1808 , nnd now Imvinc n population of over -10,000 , occurred Lhia ilny , nn ovnnt which has somewhat - what excited our quiet community. I as. G. Allison , the parricide , who murdered Ilia father , this day paid the penalty of his fearful crime. Lie was agnd about 35 yearn nnd was brought up in ignorance. Pre vious to the murder ho was regarded ns an inoffensive and peaceable citi zen. Robert Allison , the father and the victim , was a man aged about GO , 'oars , somewhat intemperate nnd luarrolsomo with his family. The murder was the result of n family quarrel. For several years Ilobort Al- jison had been driven from homo and In nn attempt to regain possession of liis homo in opposition to his wife nnd family ho was beaten by James nnd expelled from the promises. Itobert immediately brought suit against his son James for assault and battery , when friends interfered and proposed i compromise. This was the status on the fatal 18th of Juno , 1880whon the killing occurred. The murder was premeditated. On ihu evening of the L8th of Juno , James made the pretense - tense of meeting a younger son , de coyed his father to the place where ho was lying in wait for him. The old man when ho discovered that James was there in the gloom of the evening Hod for his life , but was overtaken by ils son and shot down. The first shot took effect at the base of the skull , but was not a fatal one. The old man begged' James not to kill liim , but James immediately fired blrfoo moro bullets into his body , all in the back when ho was retreating and fleeing. The shots and exclama tions of the patties were distinctly heard by near neighbors and the family of Aloz. Allison. A son of the latter , went at once to the re lief of his uncle. Ho was carried to the house of his brother and after Buffering , having boon shot through the lungs and the bowels , died on the 20th of Juno. James made no at tempt to escape. Ho was arrested on the 10th of Juno and : ommittcd to prison , where ho lias since remained perfectly calm and luiot , without denying or confessing Ilia guilt. IIo was convicted March 22d , 1881 , and sentenced to death on May 20th , 1881. The case was car ried into the supreme court of the state , but the court decided against the prisoner. A commutation of the Bontonco was then asked for by some of our best citizens on the grounds of the ignorance of the pris oner. An eloquent and able plea was made for the prisoner by Hon. Silas M. Clark , but without avail. The pardon board refused to interfere. Since the conviction the prisoner has remained in jail , qiiipt , docile nnd in offensive , not appearing to appreciate his fearful condition. Whilst most of our people believe the crime was instigated by his mother , the prisoner has never mentioned her , and always becomes enraged when she is alluded to. His mother has never visited him in prison , and on the trial , when aho was a witness for the defense , ho never looked at nor recognized her. Wliilo it was anticipated that a large crowd would bo present , the town was unusually quiet and no demonstration occurred. Eirly in the morning the mother sinter and brother of thepriaonervisilodhimundremainud in conversation fur nome time. The prisoner at first refined to apeak to ins mother or recogni/o her. At 10 o'clock Henry Ilull entered his cjll and rem.iiued with him for nn hour or moro and up to the time of the execution. At 11 o'clock a. in , , the prisoner , preceded by his friend Henry Hall , us his spiritual advisor , the Hhorifl'aud his two deputies , made their appearance on the Ruun"old. In reply to the earnest and fervent re marks of Mr. Hull , ho said thai ho had Ioim brought hero in nocent. At 11:08 : a. in. , the sherifl sprung the trap and ho was launched into the unknown world. Not a tre mor or a musolo evincing that ho suf fered pain was noticed , So ends the first execution in Indiana. A BAD WOlf AN. National Awtoclntcd Tress. MAHHKI ) liElt MOTHKll-IN-LAW , LAKUAHTCK , Pa. , February 17. Eliiuboth Mash , aged 80 , this morn ing attacked her mother-in-law , Mary Mush , aged 00 , and knocked her down with a hatchet. She then boat her victim's brains out with n boot-jack. When arrested Elizabeth assured the coroner she had no ill will against her mothor-in-law , but she wished liorsoll to die and did not like to commit suicide - cido , hence she determined to murder some oiia so that she would got hanged for it. GENERAL CRIME i National Awoclated t'rtwa. MAIL UOII1IEK. SniiHtiKjKLD , 111 , , February 17. Daniel Douglass , charged with cuttitu. open and robbing a mail bag on the depot platform , was last night tried and convicted by the United States court. WAYLAID AND OI.KANKD OUT. YOUHOHTOWN , February 17. Jos. McCarnn , of ilazolton , a suburb of this city , was waylaid lost night , knocked down nnd robbed of his money and a portion of his clothing. Frank Frost has boon arrested for the criino. .VN DUELS. LAUKIHI , Tex. , February 17. The Mexican news announces two duels. Monday Senors llabago and Quorndo fought near the City of Mexico ; the former's arm was shot off. Two edi tors fought in Giiadolopnrn ; both wore killed. HIIOT A sinKNAi : > Eli. VicKtnwuo , Mis . , February 17. A party of young men were sere nading Dr. J. 13. Clayton , at Good man , and Clayton shot and killed F. L. Lester , 0110 of the seronnders. AQAIN UE3T1TKD. NEW MADUID , Mo. , February 17. Martin Palquit , who was to have been lunged to-day , has been again respited. OllKGON UTAH UODTK1W- WASIUNUTON , February 17. The jraml jury are examining the conduct of star routers in Oregon , and this morning examined n number of wit nesses from that state. THK OWNER UNUKll ItOND.S. NEW YOIIK , February 17. Orlando 1' . Potter , who owned the old World juildmg , gave bonds before Coroner Hermann to-day in $5,000 , to appear jot'oro the grand jury. PADDY HYAN noniiEn. Paddy llyan , ox-champion , made a .our through the French sporting louses on Green street Wednesday , and lost $800 and his watch. IIo does lot know who picked his pocket. OUILTY Or MUUDEll. LOUISVILLE , February 17. Allan- mster , Ky. , the jury in the case of hVm. Austin , charged with the mur der of his Aunt I3atsy Bland , return ed a verdict of guilty and fixed his ) unishmont at death. 1U1SED MONKY ON 110UUH OUEOKN. F. M. Novins , engaged in tobacco speculations hero for the past two roars , recently procured cash on iheaks from a number of obueco warehouse men , who , on pre senting the chocks at the bank , found .hat Kevins had no funds on deposit. The amount thus obtained is about 2,000 , and Novins is believed to have oft the city. Ho is the son of a once jrominunt business man in Nashville , Conn. , in which city ho was very rep utably married , Sullivan' * Challenge to Ry < m N tlon l Awodktod Prom. NEW YOIIK , February 17. John L Sullivan , I'm prize fighter , writes ; o the Herald from Detroit offering to light Paddy Tlyan again. Ho says "I will give him fCOO to spar mo four rounds , Marquia of Qucensbury rules , with soft gloves , at any of ray exhibi tions : also , I challenge him to spar mo with boxing gloves a stated number ) f rounds , the result to bo decided by ; ho greater number of clean hits. I will wager $1,000 that I can defeat lira. " CINCINNATI , February 17. Sulli van , the pugilist , arrived hero to-day. Bo loaves for Columbus on Monday. Indications- National Associated I'rcso. WAHIIINOTON , February 18 , For , ho lower Missouri valley : Warmer , cloudy weather , with rain or snow , east , veering to south winds , lower ) ressuro. CAPITAL NOTES National Awoclatixl 1'rosa. INDIAN TKUItlTORV. WAHIIINOTON , D. 0. , February 17. The sonata committee on territories lioard a delegation of Choctaws , Chick - usuwB , Cherokees nr.d Soniinolcs in op position to the bill extending the jurisdiction of the United States court over Indian territory. The principal opposition is from the fact that they regard the bill as an entering wedge to break up the tribal rotations. Per mission was given them to embody their views in the form of a substitute of the bill , which will bo considered by the committee. MISCELLANEOUS. The house banking and currency committee to-day agreed to the bill making the trade dollar legal tender until July 1st , 1881 , and for its re- coinage whenever received at the treasury. There was a full attendance at the cabinet meeting to-day , Attorney General Browstor having returned from Philadelphia yesterday. The Fit/ John Porter case was again under consideration. The senate in executive session con- finned Major Wni. B. Rochester as paymaster general with the rank of brigadier general. The voluminous executive commu nication sent to the senate to day included the correspond' once between Mr. Dlaine , Minis ter Morgan and the Mexican and Gautumaloan authorities concerning the boundary .between thoao two countries , the substance of all of which is that the boundary question has at length boon Bottled by mutual agreement between the countries , which took effect in January last * WORTHY 0F PIIAISE. As n rule wo do not recommend patent medicines , but when wo know of one that really is a publia benefao tor , nnd docs positively cure , then wo consider it our duty to impart that in formation to nil. Electric bitten are truly u most valuable medicine , and will surely euro Biliousness , Fever and Ague , Stomach , Liver and Kldnoy complaints , oven where all other rem edies fail. Wo know whereof wo speak , and can frpely recommend to all. [ Ex. Sold nt CO cents a bottle. Inh fc MoMahnn. _ (7) ( ) "HOUGH ON RATS. " The thing desired found at last. Ask drugk'lut fur "Hough on Hats. " It clears out rate , mice , rouclice , tlliu , bed bugs ; 16c boxes