Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1882, Image 8
Shnting rink open * Friday night. There WIVH not A Hlnfilo case before Judge licncke ycntcrdny morn tig. Tliero will bo another revival meeting at tlio First M , K , church to night , Look out for the Omaha Glee club concert anil don't you forget It. The roail hou'o heretofore run by Mono Bhcnnan linn been purcliaFail by John Garher , The C. H. Smith Double Uncle Toai company went west jeslcrday ( in the U. P. , en route to Columbun. The traveling companion of Mfon Anna Dickinson it mill to bo a nlatcr of Dr. Miller , editor of The Herald. The Lyrsn singing icclcty will give their annual inanquornila ball at Turner 'boll , Saturday evening , February 18th. Clarn , .daughter of JuliiiH rnil Agnes Thiclo. died at 3:30 p. m , yesterday , ngcd 11 month * and 20 dayc. Funeral an nouncement lion after. Jnmoa Iavi and Henry Htort gave ball Wednesday to np | > oar and an wer to the Indlctmentn found against them by the gr nd jury. The B. i M . railroad company com menced tranttferilng their cars WcdneH- dty at Nebraska City , on their own boat , tiioVi.-ol'reeidcnt. The noon train woat yenterday contlntod of four bnpgago earn , three coaches and ono Pullman , Ono bagpoge car and ono coach were to bo left ut Fremont. The mercury fell several degrees last night , and the atill breoza from the north yest rday recalled the winters enjoyed in onr grandfathers' day . Jha funeral of the mm who milcldo 1 Wednesday will tal.e place nt | 2 p , m. to-day , from the undertaking roorru of John G , Jacob' . Anenvelupo enoloidng a catoqiillcr , the first of the season , woo yenterd.iy re ceived at this ollico from Win , Irving , of South Omaha. In the statement regarding the douth of Mrs. Warnoby , the name of tbe man who so kindly collected money for the family was Jame > Ilothwoll and not Rock- land , AI elated.- On Saturday evening next , VlcePrwi- dent Daniel O'Keofo , of the JNational Bricklayers' and Plasterers' union , will go over to Council bluffs to deliver the charter to the new branch of the organiza tion there. President Chrk , of the board of trade , hu added to tbe committee to memornllce congress for aid in protecting the river front tha follouing gentlemen : lion. A. J. Poppleton , of tha Union Pacific ; U. 21. Smith , of the B , & M. , and A. Rote water , the city engineer. ' The benefit tendered to Manager Harsh on the 24th Inat. , will bo a notab'o ' occasion. Jarrett & lUca'a "Fun on the Bristol" party will return on that date and Sheridan's burlewjua on "The Two Orphans , " the funnleit tiling ever leen , will be introduced into the Hteam'.oit Hcene. The Omahiv Glee club Wednesday received from Hiss Fannie Krllogg nn ar rangement of "The Sweet By-and-Dy , " an obligate solo nnd chorus , prepared ex- prauly for the club's concert on Monday evening next , by M. F. Lrackett , ot B ( s- ton. Thoc'ub held a rehoaraal at the opera home laat night. The number of runaways and aecl- dents rt cutting therefrom would be ma- teriolly le-sened if an ordinance compell ing driven to bitch their horses when left itauding could be onforcod. Five unhitched teams were counted on the poatoffice block ut one time yesterday , The Union Pacific base ball club met Wednesday , Mourn. Gallagher , Helta r and Lord were appointed n committee to report on prospect * at the annual meeting in and election next Monday. The B. & M. baae boll club i * already officered for the oomlns : eenton , uu follows : Preaidont , Robert M.Taylor ; vice president , Wm. Foreman ; Mxrvtary and treasurer , P. A. Warrack ; general manager andcaptuln , A. W.Baxe. The coroner's jury in the case of the man whose death va * repoitnd yesterday , found a verdict to the effect that the do ewed came to bin death byfa pittol ball fired by his own band on the evening of the 14th. At u late hour Wednesday n German Identified the body aa that of hi * brother-in-law , David Leidle , a tingle man , gcd thirty-two. He stated that Leidle woa in the city on Tu ttd y , and the cause of hU rash act wa piobably the fact that * girl , to whom ho had been payIng - Ing atUnth n , had gone bock on him. Eliza Kelley , [ who llvei on Seventh and Jonc street' , wont up to the police court yeaterday and raided no end of o row by crying , Htvoarla aud curulug , 8he wanted the tthorKf , inantlml , deputy manthal and entlra police force turned out at once to hunt for her goose , which hud iny trlou ly disappeared. She thinks Mary Stundon , ntoo ! the gooic , and the ninety and nluo aru lott sight of lu tin- one that la lost At laat account * nho had a warrant lu her fottetiloa aud was looking for on officer to serve it. She unld nave tluio by looking for her gooutt Jewell. is the place to cot Cigars 5 , 50 or 100 in a box , cheap. fob7-eod5t AN IMPUDENT IMPOSTOR The Alleged Author of "Tho Mystery of Hnmlob" in n Now Role , Whlcb Wfia Successfully Plyoa nt the St. Elmo. A few ilnys ngo Tnr. DRK chronicled the annul of Pnul II. Iloppnor for at tempting to ride on n forged pass from Oirmlm to Grand lalnnd. The pass was signed "Edw. K. Vininp , Gonl. T. j\gt."nnd was written on common note paper. Hoppner was brought back from Grnnd Island , but WAS discharged Wednesday , the grand jury failing to indict him. Ho holds a pnpcr showing that ho paid his faro from Omaha to his destination and his story of the af fair , which is confirmed by Air. Ju lius Festner and Gottlieb Zimmer man goes to shot ? that ho was the vic tim of misplaced confi lonro nnd not n forger. U was also stated that he had disposed of n forgud check to Gott lieb Zimmerman for $20 and tried to pass another ulsowhcrc , but without success. It is true that a check sign ed fiuil II. Hoppner was p'ssudon Mr. Zimmerman , but ho yesterday , on see ing Air. lloppncr , unhesitatingly said that ho was not the man. The yictim of circumstances is in this instance a yuimg fellow , quite genteel and good looking , whocamuto Omaha a few weeks ngo and wont to work as proesinan for the well known job printing house of P , C. Fostnor & Son. Business being pretty well up ho was ono day last mek sent out to collect flomo bills , ono of which was at tin ) St. Elmo , on Twelfth street. Ho did not find , the proprietor in and asked to sit down a'i4 wait , meait lima taking a glass of boor. At this juncture a very handsome , well dressed stranger , with black hair and black moustache approached preached him and engaged in friendly conversation. The Btrangor on learn ing who Iloppnor was said that his naino was Vining and that ho was the general freight agent of the Union Pacific road nnd the author of "Tho Mystery of Hamlet' " Ho frequented the St. Elmo for ( he purpose of making n closer study of the mysteries of the Thes pian stage and gaining a general knowledge of the intricacies of the drama. The aliened freiihtngont nnd author talked Mr. Hoppnor out of six glasses of boor and several cigars and then expressed himself as greatly pleased with his new acquaint ance and offered to pass him out over the line any tune ho wanted to go. They parted with nn agreement to meet again at a IGth street bcor hall later in the evening. Uuppner uaya ho did not have any idea that the gentlemanly stranger would moot him , but having mi'iin- ' time obtained permission of Mr. Fostnor to take a short lay-off nnd run out to Grand Island tho- following day , ho wont to the appointed place , where ho found his new friend and after some moro boor told him mod estly that ho would likoto go to Grand Island to see his relations. Mr. Yining at once stepped out of the room and returned in a few min utes and handed Hoppnor the pass , with the request that he use it only on passenger trains. The happy re cipient disregarded this injunction , u ho missed the passenger train and took the emigrant train , with a leault already stated. On his being dis charged ho was at once re-instated in the Festners * employ , ns his story Was confirmed by oil the circumstances. It would seem that after starting him off for the west the alleged freight agent must have forged his name to the checks and tried to got the young man into still deeper water. Heppnor has boon looking for the impostor , but there is moro mystery nbout his whereabouts than there is about the sex of Hamlet and ho had butter keep it up. 7HE UNION SPY. A Grnnd Army Dramatic EntortoJn- mont. On March 9th , 10th nnd llth E. B. Temple , the famous actor , assisted by a local company of the very best dramatic talent , will bring out at Boyd'a opera house the great army play , "Tho Union Spy. " The entertainments - tainmonts will bo under the auspices of Ouster p st No. 7 , G. A. R. , and is for the benefit of the widows and orphans of members of the grand army , Mr. Temple will bring ap propriate stage mountings , costumes , etc. . for the piece , nnd will himself drill the company hero. Ho owns the play , nnd makes a business of bringing - ing it out for G. A. 11. posts all over the country. Ho is the present week at Oontervillo , Iowa , and is mooting with great success. The piny is ono of merit , brim full of thrilling interest , nnd to pro- uounced to bo decidedly the best army play ever put on the stage. Last fall Mr. Toinplo played for aovoral G. A. U 'posts of Indiana , and was highly spoken of wherever ho appeared. ARRESTING A BOARD. Chief Engineer aalllgnn After the Educational Functionaries. Chief Engineer Galligan has sworn out a warrant for the arrest of Hon. E. K. Long , president of the board of education ; Ohas. Connoyor , socro- tiry , and F. Stoiiwood , contractor , on the charge of erecting n wooden build. ing within the limits prescribed by the ordinance of the city of Omaha , which names the fire limits. The building objected to is a frame nddi- tion to the school building on Jackson street between Twslfth and Thir- tocnth , The parties wore nil arrested and released on a bond of S100 each , to appear nnd answer at 8 o'clock p. an on faaturdny. the ' * nHoii o education to inako i MM , Uie building fee proof by covering it outnidc with sheet iron , while the walls wore to bo mndo of the requisite thickness , nine inches , by n lining of brick nnd mortar. The board needs a larger room , and the present struct ure is only intended for temporary usu. They will within the next ix motilhs build two brick buildings for that district , one at the corner of Eleventh and Loavnworth nnd ono on Seventh and Loavnworth. The delay thus far hns been occasioned by the difficulty in deciding on the lots to bo used for building purposes. O. D. i. A. The following is the financial report of the Omalm Bootblacks Independ ent Association , for the period from August 28th , 1880 , to Juno 1st , 1882 : Total receipt * an per statement rendered $1,150 51 Total nciiOimt tinld i nt as tier re- cclpti 1,252 38 HILLS DUE AND UNPAID. Milton lingers SGI 15 K. 0. Lucas 3305 Tclojitione * 61 00 W.1J. Cotfin 02 17 Total 5240 39 Total 81,252 , 38 Amount cxponcoi 1,40275 Amount receipts 1,150 61 UalftBce $342 24 Merchants of Omaha handling fur nished goods will do wall to look through the spring stock now open of Shrove , Jarvis & Co. , Millard's now block , Harnoy street. fl-mo WORTHY OF PRAISE. As a rule wo do not recommend patent medicines , but when wo know of ono that really is n public bcncfao tor , and does positively cure , then wo consider it our duty to impart that in formation to all. Electric bitters are truly a most valuable medicine , and will surely cure Biliousness , Favor and Ague , Stomach , Liver and Kidney complaints , oven whore all other rem edies fail. Wo know whereof wo speak , and can freely 'recommend to all. [ Ex. Sold at 50 cents a bottle. Ish & McMahon : _ (7) ( ) Now BANANAH at Wm. Gentleman's. fG-3t Perkins & Lear , 1410 Douglas street , buys and sells second hand furniture. fG-3t TAKE NOTICE. Henry Dohle , the leading shoo store , will remove to his now brick op posite Bnyd'fl Opera House in a few days. In the meantime rare bargains will bo given at the old stand. Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox will perform the following programme at the Uni tarian Church on Friday night : Napol eon's Old Maid , Mrs. O'Donovan'a B'y ; Courtship of Mr. Bumble and Mrs. Carney , Dickeim ; Aunty Grey's ' opinion of the Church Choir , Carleton ; Death of King Henry , SlmkoBLoar ; How Ruby Played , Miss Edith ; Helps Things Along , Bret Hurte ; Esthetic in 1882. The Grand Corset Sale continues only two days longer at Kurtz's , 1306 Farnam street. LUNOH BANKETS at 5 canta each. W. R. BENNETT & Co. "Tho lone-lookod-for " - - como-at-last. i. e. Roller Skating at Central Hall opens at 7:30 : p. m. Friday. fG-2t CENTRAL BALL HOLLER SKATING RINK opens Friday night , February 17th , with the celebrated Muncie skako. Admission 25 cents. Skate Rent 15 cents. Excellent music , skilled skakors , and an enjoyable time , are guaranteed by the proprietors , Mar shall & Piunoy. TALK ABOUT YOUK OLD AND NEW HHIKT KACTOHIKH Iut ) go to Harrison's Rat Hole , No. 1122 Farnam street , for a fine Custom Made Shirt. flG-lm Do not fail to secure a Corset at Kurtz's during this woek. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Next week wo place on sale $2,000 worth of L-idios' Underwear. Posi tively no Corsets sold after Saturday at present piices. KUKTZ. ( STATISTICS Bhow that the H il s of Hayden's Pat ent Fire Kindlon ) in the Northwest ern States during the year 1881 wore moro than double the entire number sold in Europe , Asia , Africa and the Sandwich Islands. The enlightened and refined people always appreciate great and valuable inventions. GREAT CLOSING SALE OF BOOTS AND SHOES. The entire stock of S. P. Morse & Co. , at their 10th street store , has boon purchased by Wiig & Westborg , and must bo sold within the next tend d ys regardless of cost. Now is the time for a BAHOAIN. WHG & WESTBERG , ntthe old stand of S. P. Mowo & Co. , cor. 10th and Jackson. Buy your Cigars by the Box Cheap at SaxjuV fob7-ood6t SPRING CLOTHING arriving daily at Pollack's. 116 > 3t FOUND Orders on an army officer. Inquirejtt this oflico. Febll-tf. SEEDS ! " Blue Grass , Central Park Lawn Grass , Rod , Wliito , Alsike mid Alfal- frn Clover , Vegetable and Flower Seeds , wholesale and reUil at Evans' Seed Store. Call or send for cata logue , 14th and Dodge streets. tuthfoat-Ct Gold fillings put in by electricity nt Dr. Worts' dental rooms , 1322 Furn- ham struct. foblO-Ct * M. HELLMAN&CO. , the popular clothier * , are now offering the best iuducomonta wo have yet hoard of. To an inquiry as to how they could soil heavy winter clothing so cheap , Mr. II. says it is only for the purpose of making room for their immense now stock now on the way for the spring trade. febS-Ct-eod Saxe , the Dregcist , is closing out his stock of domestic cigars at cost by the box to make room for nn entire now stock don't fail to got a box before they ore all gone. fob7-cod6t A FULL HAND. Buckoyo's Brief Sketch of Au rora , YorK , Seward , and Ulysses. A Prominent Grntn Man Bank rttpted 1 > y the Railroad * Corrripondenca of The Omaha Dec , YOUK , Nob. , February 12. The great corn crop of Central Nebraska has been , so far , largely shipped southward to avoid the Omaha bridge , nnd yet there It plenty of corn hero. Aurora , the county seat of Hamilton county , is happy because she has plen ty of new brick buildings going "P this season nnd moro to start next spring. Prof. S. R. Thompson , of the university farm , hns beonjabor- ing with the farmers of Hamilton county n part of this week , during the Farmers' institute , and the York Dramatic society gave two entertainments - monts this week to crowded houses , partly for the benefit of the G. A. R. of Hamilton county. This dramatic association has some excellent talent and has already covered itself with glory on many occasions , as might bo expected when editors arc entrusted with the heavy parts. The York band "travels with the company" when they "travel"and , , like most of the institutions and the people of York , they do the "whole thins ; " nnd can always bring down the house when they play , or get every body onto the streets when they parade - rado , and when they unchain their "big fiddles" they can out do the string band business with great satis faction to nn audience. Wo would like to see the homo company that can stop before the footlights with the perfection , and leave them with the honors given this dramatic club whore they have played the "Octoroon Girl J. E. Carter , of York , is the "boss" sowing machine man , and McKillip , of the Central House , is "charged in the indictment , " with keeping an good a hotel as is found in the state , all of which his much respected and pleasant wife is equally tn bo blamed for. Everybody in York thinks the seminary is a grand school , and n * they told us all about it , nnd the newspaper mon wore out of town , and everybody believes in the antimonopoly - monopoly principles and rend THE BKE , wo see no reason why wo should stay.Soward Seward is determined to bo ahead in the matter of hotels and schools. The school board sit down like des peradoes and ballot on the questions of importance and gen eral policy , and when they have a plan , they stand "shoulder to shoulder" like a Spartan band , v , ith a success that w worthy of the praise they receive , and calls to mind that Lucien said that Cioaar'a successful life wus duo to the fact that ho al ways "considered carefully , then de cided wisely , and then executed with unflinching resolution , ' The school board of Seward may yet receive some credit for adding to our teach ing force in this state such a thorough scholar , competent and efficient teacher , and cultivated gentleman as Prof. Cummings , principal of their schools , whom they imported from the buckeye state. Befpre the next moon shall begin to wane , G. McOarty will have opened his mammoth hotel , and will be ex- peting the "weary and the hungry" to join the commercial men and stop at the Winslow house. "Mac" has "plenty of money and lota of friends , " nnd he is now in the east for his f ur- nitaro , and when ho gets ready he will entertain like a king in one of the largest , most expensive and beat hotels in the state , outside of Omaha and Lincoln. Ulysses is on the boom , and has good schools , a new M. E. church , clean looking houses , great piles of corn , no drum-shops , no small pox , doce moro business than plenty of towns two or three times its size , and has ono of the best newspapers in the state. The Ulysses Dispatch is cred ited with doing the best mechanical work in the county , and tLo office is a model of cleanliness and order. A year or two ago Mr. Ohallis "staked his claim" in Ulysses , nnd without solic iting subscriptions or "asking leave to bo , " has a circulation beyond many older papers , makes ono of the most readable papers in the state , piles up moro news , spice , pluck and inde pendence to the square inch than many f the official "fog-honm" and never wears a "brass collar. " The Polar ice company , of Lawrence , Kan- aaa , are shipping a largo amount of ice just now from this section to sev eral cities in Kansas and Missouii , and ono gang of fifty mon hero have been loading twenty car loads a day to bo sent to packing house * in Kansas - sas City or St. Joe. Mr. Klosterman , who has boon connected with the grain business hero as well as in sev eral other towns along this road has withdrawn from this firm , nnd will give moro time and money to the grain and stock business nt D.tvid City and other places where they have elevators and to his largo farm , while the firm hero will do buainoss under the name of Spelts & Shoots , who read Tim BKK. BKK.A A circumstance or series of events that have transpired hero this winter may be worth notice in this paper before - fore the courts have taken action , be cause these straws show the direction of the wind , and nftor talking with several parties in this and adjoining towns to find the true inwardness of the matter , wo have concluded to give the story as it was given to ns by the principal sutleror. A gentleman without much means , but who hadjbought grain hero before , secured some help and opened an of fice hero again last fall to buy grain and soil coal. In a few week * of trade it was discovered that in spite of the usual competition , honest or dishon est , that often is displayed in such cases , "tho now horse was the winning - ning horse , " nnd was the favorite of the farmers who had the corn to sell , and was making some money. After all the strupgloj of this poor man to cot help , loan money to do certain parts of the business with , and face nil the other difficulties that poverty must contend with , ho sud denly finds ho cannot got can BO ns to ship the bMnnco of his grain. Ho states , to the officials of the freight department , his troubles , and calls to their notice the promise of thogencrnl freight ngcnt of the rend , made to him before ho began business , that ho bhould have all the cars ho needed , but it was no use ; a minor official is forced to admit to him that it will bo useless for him to ask for cars , nnd the poor man is forced to offer his house and lot for saloto meet his obligations , and passes out , a bankrupt. Ho has applied to the courts for redress , and indue time it may bo fully ventilated. How long , at this ratu , will it bo be fore these corporations will dismiss the legislature and govern the state by n syndicate of railroads' pots ? BCCKEYK. KNOCKING DOWN HOUSES. Mr. D. S. M. Frotwoll Soils the D. ft M. Houses Like Hot Cnkos. Dcspito the frigid atmosphere nnd biting wind that made the bluffs along the river front rather irigid this morning , there was a big 'crowd of our best citizens nnd business men down on the B. & M. property along Eighth street by 10 o'clock to attend the sale of the dwelling houses , barns , etc. , on the property recently con demned and purchased by the B. t M. road for its now depot grounds nnd trncka. These houses wore scat tered nil along Eighth street , from Jackson to Farnam , there being fourteen dwellings nnd a number ot other buildir go , besides the fences , shrubbery , sidewalks , otc. Mr. D. S. M. Frotwull , the auc tioneer , pronounced the morning Work the finest nnd quickest sale over made in this country. The ground was gone over rapidly , bidding was lively , nnd in leas than an hour and n half everything wns sold , to bo re moved at once , nnd grading will then bo immediately begun by the company. Several of the houses were sold to single individuals , Mr. G. A. Chap man purchasing six or eight. Dennis Cunningham purchased a splendid , largo house for $350. The Kountze property sold at n fair price. The house brought $700 , the iron fencing $180 , the bam $105 sidewalks § 140 shrubbery 45 , coal shed § 30. Mr. S. Mortonsen , the tailor , bought this house , which is n largo , two-story brick. It will not take long to clear off the property for grading. Fees of Doctors- The fee of doctors is nn item that very many persons arc interested in just at present. Wo believe the schedule for visits is $3 , which would take n man confined to his bed for a year , and in need of n daily visit , over $1,000 a year for medical attendance alone ! And one single bottle of Hop Bitters taken in time would save the $1,000 nnd all the year's sickness. Post. SPRING CLOTHING arriving daily at Pollack's. f5-3t Try our NEW BRANDS of FLOOR. Warranted to suit. W. R. Bennett & Co. , 113 and 114 , 10th street , be tween Dodge and Capital Avemue. PLENKY fresh TROUT and WHITE FISH , SMELTS and fresh OYSTERS , at Motz & Rosenstein , 1213 Douglas. Fresh LETTUCE , PARSLKY , RADISHEH , SPINACH , ETC. , nt WIEMJSRS' . fl6-3t HICKMAN'S HEADQUARTERS , 1305 FARNHAM STREET. ' feb7-tf M. R. RISUON has moved his in surance office into Boyd's opera house , corner room , .over drug store. Theatre entrance. JanlO-lm. JEWELEY , WATCHES , CLOCKS , till you can't rest at HUBERMANN'S. For now CABBAOK go to Wm. Gen tleman's. fl6-3t ' OIIANOEH 20 cants par dozen , and LEMONH 25 couta per dozen , at Win. Gentleman's. flC-3t RINGS , the largest stock over in Omaha , at Hubermann's. Only two days more of the Grand Corset Kale at Kurtz's. eiDeMeyefs CATARRH CURE. The Only Known Real GOTO , SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAN-MONb . 10NKV TO LOAN Call at Law Utnoe of D. M L. Thomas Room 8 Crclghton Block. ( SO ft A ArtAT0 trOAN At 6 per cent In- < P/40U.UUU ton t In Hums of $2,600 and upwarda , for S to S year * , on Qrgt-claaa city and ( arm property. Buua URAL Kat in and AQHNCT , 1Mb and Douclaa 8U. HELP WANTED. WAN IEO-A good mtelllifent boy to loarti the drusr biulnov. Knnulre of Jotin W , Bell , 820 S. 10th Ut. 1B1-1B vrrANTKD-8 or 0 boarder * at the Oarfleld W House , bc rd and lodging ; W. 0 perweek. 14th ar d Jockion 8t . - . * woman cook at City llottl , 101 b and Harney. 102 18 I AN TED -A tetmiUr to drlt e oipra-s tram. W L. Duan , 111 ] S. IStli St. 183-.7' \TrANTED-Bmall pfrl to take faro of a baby , W ncrU f t corner dand IJuitHU W-KJ' - No , 1 broom-make , etrwly WANTEU-2 Au ? , ilandov , Dodico St. , b t , llth and Itth , ItS-l ? ' Tinner In a country fetors about WANTED t- t ot the cltr. Call at J. f. Lund , 217 B. 16th St. 178-15 * 'VirAN J ACPtta-oclab itOor 7 room W In I food niluhborbcod. W. H. It. U ottlce. 161 16 * Situation tiy a ) oung man t't WASTED In a More. Good rcf rcucm. In- qulio at corntr Kth and Jlnrntybt. for C. Hooru. 173-17- ANTrJD-Oooa dlnloK room x'rl ' at the St. W Cbarle * Hotel. IW-tt ANTED A kitchen girl at the Emett W lloute. 161-W "I1TANTKD Situation houwletrer In YV fmalI family , bv a mldd.o aifod womin , Apply at 1316 Capital avcntio. 195-10' WANTED-fltuatlon 1 } a a ad ! reliable t'cr Ron to ilj fcond crKO cril hmi'onork in a in 1 Irv.nlly Wcgei not to much an object n a romf r > able homo. AdJro 8 II llcneliNo. . 021 N. 17th St. , cornet Wulutof. 1C ! 10 . _ room grl at th1 Kmiut lnuso. H317 _ _ _ \-\T-ANTBD-S-A peed buier it coo x. ioth at. > > Sam CortiUuU. ISO tl WANTED-A Ituitlon by a rfglstorod pharmaciet. AiKte s W. II. llarbtr , 290 Wcit MliiaUr St. , Prolo - co , U. I , 134-1CI \TrANTED Hrtt-clMs COOK , ono wdo uuder- VV "tnndamtatcooklnifMwoliMpM'ry ! none but first class ntcd apply. Also a good hey t * waiter. Apply it llOi t 06)-oodl Fundlni ? bridge and school bonds. WANTED U. T. Clark. BeUerue. S8-tf WANTED 4 children a * b arden In a i-cloc school , at 10th and California St , U B IXXIVIK FOR nCNT-HOUSEB AND LAND. RKNT A law handsomely furnl-hcc FOR , has lar oiKxot , ai or , l h ) > oitd reasonable tidco , brick hoixt ) . 2 ,13 , C 'n St 172 tf RF.NT Nlcolt furnl-h H rooms with or FOR bonrd. lleuonable prices. 01 ! OM St. 7U > tf RENT Furnhho < l room and 'card , N. FOIl , corner Capitol atcnuo and 17th sta , 17517- OR IIKNT Nlct Imiuo , 4 roonm , 2 clo : s and pnnlry , atcr works In house. L Dug Uth ht 18121 RKNT Fiiriilshml room. Inqulro at S. E. cor. Jan ( .on and Itth St 3-Uf T .1011 RKNT Rooms In Jacobi' block. JJ 003-tf' Furi.lihod cottace , lx room' , JL1 aleoadnu t i.oj llallit & LUUs' cablutt ptaua. M 8 Hall , 2110 CallfurtuaSf. 171 tf I.1UH RKNT Mcoly fuinlshod rooms , at 1010 L1 Ch-cagoht. 17 tf POR Rr.Nf Houi of 0 rcomc , corner 17lh and L uxenwjrUi. Emm re John L. tl ll'n luoitunrkct , 13th St , near Man o . l 0-tt REST Furnished with or without bmrd FOR froit room , plnn ant' ' } locate i on lint flour , nt No. 3IS N. ] 4th St. , Mo , bet. Da\oii | > ort and Chicago. THO K tlcmo I urman m wife prcfcired. Inquire on proiuhcs 90-tf "Tiori RENT FumUhed rooms. Uotlrab e lo- J } cation , southejt corner 10th and Da en port > t < . 69 < 10R RFNT Stable , 1810 Howard Street. 1 Inquire of W M 'u hman. 70 tf. K KENT Furnished Jront room , H. Iv. cor Oth and Jink on. 62-tf FOIl RENT l.ouiuol .Klit looms. Enquire J. 1'hlppa Boo , 1612 Tifth Si. 977-tf TT10K KENT Ono of the boat xtorca on < vuiulnii JJ St. , 20x21 , by January 1,1882. 820 tf KENT 2 rurmahoil room * our ilu FOR ' Exchange , N.'K. cor. lath and Dodir streets. . I1ENT Nkcly furnished rooms with 01 without board. Kuasonable prices. 2013 Casa St. ° FOR SALE 710R SAI & J-yrar-oM pony , briny a"d bar- _ ; neisfor 83fli.qti to 18th St. , m d or nor h of Marble works. 1MJ-18' FOIt SALE A team of Itnndsoma poults , double foiled opjn bupy wt'h top arid 1 air shafts. A bargain. AadreHa A R , Keo ollke. 185-16' OR SALE Frcfh milch cows , also nlco fresh butter at lital'd Qrocery btore , cornerTontb and DoJge. ' FOR SALE--Re ta'arant with good ratronage nn 10th St. ; reason fcr stll ng , must go ea-t to look fUr ImpoitaLt butincsi r-nqulro at 410 8. 10th St. 174-tf SAf.E. CHEAP-Salron and fixtures , do- FOR ' Duxiijcss ; first ca"s ! local on. Fcr particulars adJnsa D. a Adamj , Lew in , Cass Co. , Iowa. 178-20 * T710R SALE-All tbe vacant , unsold lot * It JJ Henry a'd Shchou's adJitbn with flpn board * cf romu other agent and those hivi g no sign boards A | ply to John H. Glarif , authorU- od agent. It3 17 * " "ALE A beautiful bt ard house near FOR . Mary's avenue , in road to liansoom Park. For prices a < d terms l > quire of W. K. BatUett , real estate agent , 817 8.13th St. 17020" SA'LE 10,000 lilaci Cap Mammoth Clus ter Rasbcrry Kootn "Idle Wild Place. " Uare ordinal 1414 Dodge St. JOHN O. WIL LIS , Comm'naio . ttore. 161 tf T710R SALE Mule * and harness at Redman's J [ ? Ibtn street barn. 141-6 * SALF At Solomon's , 1204 FarnhamSt , FOR fish , silver fish , oil' , alligatorii , devil fish , lirpoitcd canary birds , t .Iking i arrot' , gold linchCK , red birds , ruocMnt , ' hlrdit , fish globe * and aquariums , nil tlzed and tt\lcs , at ur ce roa-on * abio. 14i-tl A good second haid street hack F1R8ALE nt a law bargain , by Dr. l oac bdward * , 110 ! ) Furnhfun street. 74 tf. FOR SALE liouso and full lot In good locu tion , chiap. Trice , $1260. Easy terms. McCAQUE , Opp. post office. 16tf SALE Best building lot In ghlnn'a addition FOR dition , 142 feet east front by 120 feet depth. McCAOUE , Opp post ( . ( Qoe. 14 tf SALE 1 sorrel stallion , Clydesdale , i FOR old , weighing 1660 pound * . 1 black stallion , i Merman J Morgan , 6 years old , weluh Ing 1660 pounds , look firs premium at Nebraski Mate Fair , 1881. 1 Kentucky Jack , black , weighing about 900 pounds , 4 years old , took first premium at Nobra ka State Fair , 1880 and lb8L Inquire of Cbas. Neber , Farmers House , City 038-U T710R SALE OR RENT A grocery store and JJ butcher shop , doing a good business. In- qulr at this office. 912-U SALE 2 nice counters and 2 silver plated POll coses , at Qeo. II. Peterson's , 804 South 10th St. 741-tf T710R SALE Or will excha ge for Omaha pro- Jj perty , an Improved sec on of land adjoin ing a station on U. P. R. K. M. DUNHAM , 141S FarnhamSt. , Omaha. 720Smf OR 8 ALE Or trade for city property , on E fpan of horses , harness and wagon , Addrei i' . , this offlcd 722 tf HALE A good sevcn-j car-old horse Warranted to drive single or double. En quire ol George CanUeld , Canfleld house. novl8-tf KICK VOU B HVMf EBTAnnOOK MISCELLANEOUS. - 1610 Howard Bt and I' . O , . TOST-Hetweon containing about 41B nnd I > hotcgraph of my fllhor and mother I inder will pltaxu return to HIM ) office and recclvu rii wurd. Will Ixj HUtrnQed with photographa nnly , ICO 18 ? II. TIMM. Z yearoM rod anil whits spotted heifer LOST ) d ow upot on lolt shoulder and white tput on forchoa-J. StrayM about Nov. 1st from luthand Plerco. Any Inlorniat'onolber whereabouts - abouts will ba lib.rally rewarded. JOSEl'II SMITH. 189 U' . MOOIU.'S KXPBESSNO RB. > - licrrdtoanpart of the city for Lua\eorilewat Joa , llotl , ' clothing atoro , No. 1021 K.nnham St.orUulo A Williams ttaplr and fancy KrocvrlcH , No. 1413 DouifU * Ht' RONT UOOM , FUnNISIIKI ) , HulUb'e fortwo X1 gentlemen , on Davenport at. , beV. 15th and icth , south lde. IttOU CHOI E KAHMK < m8AI.B-OnemllenorU A ol Fort I alhoun , W hliiton | County , 260 croillOln ; cultivation , balance good timber land , cxcillont block f r i , Id mlle north ol OmiVa. Price. ? 5WO. Chr ! lUthm nn. lllalr. Neb. . J n. 31. U8J. _ ISO tf KICK FOIl BALE T. Murray. B TJIATJO ANDOUOANInetructlon by JlUa E. J ; O. I'arlli t , B. 20th M. , below 1'lerce. 91-tl I'UICE paid far all Vlnda of Iron H10IIIMT and ngo , by I. Oallniky & Co. , 102 jlwbt. -41-1 m UKMSHKD HOOMB FOU IIENT-M , W. Oor J ? 10th ami Ducrnwrtt-t. 096-11 KUIIKISUED HOUM8 FOR HKNT-In qulro a llo p 'i Art Emporium , 1(19 Dodei it root. m-tf ' OF SMALL wanted by experienced man. Small aaUrj. Box Ml dtT * * * rnUHMSIIhl ) KO Mstiihin threw bio kiel i. po < tolHce , Inquire at IMP Pode gift-It IJlUK.NISllhU i\UOM For Hlnulo Kenlloiiicii : JL1 also one front room with piano , otitrmwi corner l"th and Capital avenue. _ NKW ClTYr MAJI'S.llOcT Mounte BKMTsr Maps , .W ) . OKO. I' . BF.MIS. IJOIITKAITS IN UllAVUN J'ostilo and lAl , . JL Mo decorative nalntlnr. MRS , 1) . 1U , room 1 , JacoVi Block. Mt-tt Kills' I1UUM. Sot 1 | > Nte. B ALKI ) HAY At A. 11 , Bander's Feud. Store ) B 1013 lUrnoy Bt. ilO-tt Kills' REAL ESTATE EXC1IANUE.-S B In pig e. POWDEI Absolutely Pure. This powder never arlos. A marvel of parity. Btrentrth and wholcsomonoM. Mora economical than the ordlnnry kinds , and cnnnot bo soM In competition with the multitude of low I'rt , abort u eight , alum or phosphate powden Bold only In cnns. ROYAL BAKING POWDRR CO. , NewYotk Sioux City ffi facie THE SIOUX CITY ROUTB Runs a Solid Train Through from Council Bluffs to St. Paul Without Change Time , Only 17 Hours. MILKS TUB SHORTEST ROUTK ntoH OOUNOIL BLUFFS TO BT. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH OR BISMAECK and all points In Northern Iowa. Minnesota and Dakota. This line IB equipped with the Improved Wcrtlnghouse Automatic Air-brake and UlUe Platform Coupler and Buffer : and for SPEED. SAFETY AND COMFORT Is unsurpassed. Pullman Palace bleeping Car run through WITHOUT CHANGE between Kan saa City and St. Paul , via Council Bluffs and Sioux City. Trains Icaru Union Pacific Transfer at Coun cil BIurTs , at 7:36 p. m. dally on Arrival of Kansas City. St. Joseph and Council HlufTa train from the South. Arriving at Sioux City 11:35 : p. m. , and at the Now Union Depot nt St. Paul at 12:30 noon. TEN HOURS IN ADVANCE or AJfY.OTHSB. ROUTE. jtaTRomeruber In taking the ijloux City Route you get ft Through Train. The Shortest Line , , the Quickest Time and a Comfortable Ride In the Through i are between COUNCIL BLUFFS AND ST. PAUL. jarSce that your Tickets road via the "Slottz City and Pacific Railroad ' J. 8. WATTLES , J. R. BUCHANAN Superintendent. Oen'l Pass. Agent. P. K. ROBINSON , Aea't Oen'l Pass. AgV Missouri Valley , Iowa. J. U. O'BRYAN , Southwcttern Agent , Onuncl BluffH , Iowa FAST TIME ! In going East take the Chicago & Horthwest- * x. era - Trains leave Omaht 3:40 : p. m. and 7:40 : a. m. For full Information call on H. P. DUEL , Ticket Agent , 14th and Fornham fits J. IJKI.L , U. P. Killway Depot , or at JAMES T. CLARK , Qcner- Aireni. Omaha jalTmftn tf BOSTON MARKET , Ginning Street Fresh and Salt Meats of all Kinds , Poultry , Fish , &c. , in Season. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS ! C. SPECHT , Proprietor , 1213 Harney Street , OMAHA. - - - NEB. MAOTFAOTUKERS OF- GALVANIZED ffiOff Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials , TIN , IRON I SLATE HOOFING , Specht's Patent Metalio Sky light. Patent Adjustable Ratchet Bar and BRACKET SHELVING. I am the general State Agent for the abort no of goods. goods.IKON IKON FENCING. OrMtlnRt , Baluitradei , Ver ndatOfHce ! and Bank Railing * , Window and Cellar Guards ; alio GENERAL AGENT Peenon and Hill Patent Inilde Blind. noridtf BYRON REED & CO. OLDI8T HTABLUIIID Real Estate Agency I.V NEBRASKA ) ftvui | * uiuip'etv ' abstract of title to < * Uu > ln Onulikan Douflu couutv. mivt Nebraska Land A gci * \ DAVIS & SNYDER , 608 Farnham 8t. , . . . Omaha , Nebr * gkOO.OOO LOEUElftf Care.nJIv selected land In Kantorn Net risk. lor iile. Unat Bargain ! la Improved farau , and Omaha city property , 0. F.LDAV18 WKBflTKB Land Oom'r D. P.