Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1882, Image 7
JUAILY J3JUJii : FEIUAV JFtoBEUAiiY IT , 1882 RAILWAY ROBBERS .Four of Them Caught iu nn Attempt to Capture cv Tram on the Missodn Pacific. Bold Scheme Frustrated by Mem bers of the Police Force. I'll } Journal , IMIi , The passengers who come in last evening over the Missouri Pacific on the ( rain duo in this city at 8:50 : , may heartily congratulate themselves that through the efficiency of one of the oflicers of the public lorco they wore saved from a train' robbery which threatened to surpass any of those previous , in daring and horrible re sults. For a week or moro the officers of the police force have evidently been on the qui vivo , and it was plain to interested observers that something big was in the wind. Yesterday after noon ut about 2 o'clock Capt. Mnlloy , Sergeant Lnydor , Officers Nugent Bryant and Hunt , loft the city very mysteriously , and did not return until1. ) o'clock last evening , at which time they tU'iiod up at the station with four prisoners in charge , and weap ons enough to start a first-class arse nal. Tlio prisoners were genuine train robbers , who had boon caught in thu very act of preparing to wreck and rob a passenger express train The officers left the city on the C. it A. train going cast at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon , and with instructions to tho'onginoortostop the train about six miles east of the city. At this point .the officers alighted from the train. The place was one well fitted TO WOKK A SCHEME of the kind laid out by the thieves and especially so , as there was a largo pile of ties , old iron and rails close beside - side the track. It was in a 'kind of cut , and near the point where the Chicago it Alton and the Missouri Pacific curve , and como very near to- gather. Captain Mnlloy lott his men behind , and wont ahead to reconnoi- ter. Ho had not gone far before ho saw two men sitting near the track. The track was so curved that ho was enabled to get very near before his presence was perceived. When the two men discovered him \ y they started up , but ho called to ono of them to come towards him. The fellow did not seem disposed to obey , and began to draw a revolver , but the captain ordered him to put it back and como to him if lip did not wish to , bo killed. The man then obeyed , and both of them gave themselves up. Not long after two more men were discovered and they wore easily cap tured without any resistance. They . wjro terrified into telling THE WHOLE STOKY n which it was show n that they had three comrades who had not yet arriv- d but who were to have taken part in the robbery. The officers and heir pursuers then sat down and wait- d until dark , expecting the others -of he band to arrive but they did not make their appearance. It is suppos ed they came and saw the police * "ith- out being seen , and concluding that discretion was the better part of val or , left. This supposition is confirm ed by the fact that as the police were on their way to town they stopped at Sea ler's wine garden on the Independ ence road and discovered that a short tiino before the three men had stopped there ; and were , at that time , on their way to the'city. The prison ers confessed the scheme to the cap tain. They had intended robbing only the express car , and had ar ranged to first attempt to stop the train by signals , but if unable to so had made arrangements to ditch it by placing ties and obstacles across the track. They had also ar ranged to tear up some of the track west of the obstacles , to make their fiendish schema secure. They were all heavily armed , but the weapons were all old-fashioned and nearly use- lea. There were four largo revolvers found on the prisoners , and one shot gun which was heavily charged with buckshot. A largo stock of ammuni tion was also discovered , and black cloth to bo used in making masks , and several masks already cut out. Everything was arranged to accom plish theit fiendish purpose , cost whal it might. HOW IT WAS DISCOVERED. Some two months ago a man named Kelly was arrested .in West Kansas by Officer Todhuntor , and , while be ing brought to the station , attempted to throw the policeman over the Blufl atreot wall. He was clubbed by the officer , who finally succeeded in got 'ting him to the station. Kelly was lately from Las Vegas , N. M. , and at the time of the arrest volun tcored the information to Capt. Mal- loy that a scheme was being concocted -cocted in Now Mexico to rob a train near this city. Tlio captain took this as a pointer , and since that time has been closely watching matters. Not Iqng ago ho heard some conversation among a crowd of young follows in this city which aroused his suspicion. Close watch ng brought to light fur ther suspicious circumstances , and finally the date and nature of the pro posed scheme were discovered. Mon day nightaconsultationwasheldcntho matter , _ and the captain was given the privilege of choosing some moi and working the case up to suit him- self. The result has already beer told , and to the efforts of the captain and the police is duo credit for saving not only an immense amount o money but in all probability the live : of a largo number of people. It cat be IT lur imagined than describee what ilio result would have been hue the villains been allowed to carry 01 their hellish designs. 1NTE11VIEWINO THE I'lUSONKIlS. A Journal reporter was shown dowi to the Houtheost corner cell of the central tral station , whore the would-be robbers bors were quartered. The cell was dark , except as it was lit from th open door of the stove , but from tin source there was sufficient light to show that instead of being men of th supposed Jesse James typo , they were beardless boys who looked much bet tor fitted to the ordinary pursuits o boyhood than to train robbing. Th oldest one claims to be but 18 years old , and there was ono wlo ( was nearly of the same age. Tl > o other two were younger. They till 'appeared rather sheepish , and not at -all inclined to brag about about their ntpndod exploit. Three of them re- nained sullenly quiet. Tlio other , "im Noon , was a little moro talkative , nd gave the reporter the following ) oints : The plan had first boon laid onio thrco months ngo , in this city , t had first been spoken of in fun , , ml afterwards was talked of in earn- ' at. Shortly after the first broaching if the subject , Noon wont to Now Mexico and was there at work. While here , ho saw a man from Kansas City who informed him that the chomo was TO IIB CAIIIIIKI ) OUT. shortly afterwards Noon was called > ack hero by letters announcing the icknoss of some of his friends , nnd ho eon joined the band that had the chemo in view , They had laid out hnir plans a la the conventional Jesse James style ; had appointed 6110 mane o settle the engineer , with a shotgun f necessary ; two men to tnko the ox- > ress car and go through it , and the ithor four were to walk backwards nnd orwards along the side of the train , iring pistols and calling each other ' " " " " " 'Jessie , "Frank" and "Ed. Two of these men who have not as yet been captured are older , and had , 0 n large extent , planned the thing. They were the ones sot apart to take charge of the express car. The idea was not to rob the passengers at all , Hit to got the money from ; ho express car They had in- .ended . to signal the train to stop it , nit in case this should fail they had made preparations to have the track : orn up or obstructed so that the rain should bo ditched. Kails nnd ilcopors were nt hand to bo used for , his purpose. The scoundrels' only regret seemed to bo that the scheme lad failed. When questioned by the reporter , Non said : "If wo had not icon caught , by this time the train would have been lying in the ditch. " All of them were POOC1ED AND SULLEN. , nd disposed to say as little as possi- ) lo about the matter. To the police , lowover , who captured them they wore so thoroughly frightond that ; hey confessed the whole story. Mere joys as they are , they seem heartless and hardened , and though terrified at .ho punismcnt which they see glaring hem in the face , they are not in the east penitent. Noon says that ono of thb parties not yet captured is a jrothor of O'Shea's and is but 1C . 'cara old. It will bo scon that the story of ivolly , who is supposed to have es caped from jail at Las Vegas , coin cides to a certain extent with the story of one of the robbers , and there seems to bo little doubt that the ichcmo was actually discerned by at east ono of them , in New Mexico. The thrco men who are actually deserving - serving of punishment for the heinous crime , although still at liberty , will irobably bo captured very soon. They ire well known , and are not well enough acquainted with the business of fleeing from justice to thwart the officers in their search. The deed contemplated was ono of .ho most daring of its kind in all the eng record of Miseouri train robberies , and would undoubtedly have resulted "atalljr to manypprsons. The whole affair is very shocking , from the fact ; hat the would bo perpetrators are wore boys , and boys who are well tnown here in Kansas City , Their names , as given by themselvesves , ro Jim Noon , Tom O'Shea , Pat Hanley and Peter Speer. . .Second Edition of JoTj. Mrs.'Ogden , N.Division street , Buffalo , Buys : " 1 cannot be too thankful that I wan induced to try your SrniNO Btossosr. 1 was at one time afraid tlmt I should never be nlile to ( jet out ugvin. I seamed to be a second edition of Job without his patience ; my face and body were one vast collection of boils and pimples ; since tak- iug one bottle of ynur Spring Blossom I am quite cured , all eruptions have disappe ired and I feel better than I have in a Ion ; timec" I'rica CO cents , trial bottlea 1 cents 14-lw A LIBER AX OFFER : For the past two years the publish ers of this paper have given to the subscribers of THE WEEKLY BLE the best line of premiums as inducements to subscription which have over boon offered by any newspaper in the coun try. The plan has proved a success. It has given universal satisfaction to the patrons of the papar , and has in creased the subscription list to a de gree far above the expectations of its publishers. Many patrons of THE DAILY BEE have asked why wo do not offer them the same inducements hold out .to sub scribers of TUB WEEKLY BEE. In re sponse to the inquiry wo make the Following offer : Each subscriber to THE DAILY BEE who pays his arrears of subscription and remits prepayment ment for six months and every new subscriber who remits pro-payment For six months will bo entitled to ono of the premiums mentioned in our tist. These premiums will bo dis tributed in the same impartial manner which marked our first and second dis tributions. This scheme was first devised to collect subscriptions in arrears from patrons of the Weekly BIE. : Its suc cess exceeded our expectations. Wo have now no back collections on our weekly edition , have established the prepayment system , quadrupled our circulation and correspondingly , en hanced the value of our advertising space. A number of subscribers to the Daily BEE are now in arrears , nnc if by an extension of the same plai we can induce them to pay tlio amoun duo us , wo can well all'ord to make this liberal offer. By this means wo hope to still further increase the largo list of the Daily BEE , and having es Uiblishod the prepayment system wo propose to maintain it , as wo are doiii ( , with our Weekly edition. To those who are not familiar witl our plan of distribution or the manner in which the premiums are secured b ; us wo append , the explanation mad ' to our Weekly subscribers , which ap 'plies equally to the subscribers of th Daily BEE. Two years ago the publishers of Tut ) F.K devised a scheme for collecting mck pay from delinquent subscribers , ccuring renewals and oxtondinij tlio irculation of tins paper y a distri. mtion of valuable nroiniuins. Tlio ucccaa of tlmt experiment , both in ho collection of back pay and increase if prepaid subscribers so oiicour- ging that tlio publinlicM ventured ipon tlio same system of premium dis- ributions on n moro extensive scale ast year. It was demonstrated that vo couldbotter allbrd to distribute the nonoy usually paid to indents , local lollectors ami attorneys , directly to itir patrons by oflerin them extra- irdinary nuluceineiils to square ac- ounts and prepay for another year. Jy this method \vo have succeeded in wo years in quadrupling the circnla- ion of Tun WKRKI.Y IJin : and extend- tig its inllucnco far beyond the loundarics of this state. During the first year only n portion jf the articles distiibutod wore pro- tired in exchange for advertising. When the marked increase in circnla- ion became known to merchants and nanwfacturors last year they willingly ilaccd their machinery and mcrchan- Use at our disposal in p lying for ad vertising. That enabled us to do what s'oomoil incredible nainoly , fur- lisli a mutiopolitan weekly for two dollars a year and give our siibscuibers > romiums that aggregated in value J20,000. And yet it was n paying in vestment for ns , and gave general satisfaction to our patrons. What grow out ot n deairo to collect lc pay has developed into a now and practical idea. We have discov ered that we can allbrd to make our subscribers sharers in the income of ho paper from advertising. In other words wo can afford to divide the ad vertising patronage of the paper with ts subscribers , inasmuch as the income 'rom advertising grows with the in creased circulation. Advertising space n THK BKK that was worth one hun dred dollars five years ago Mil com- inuld ono thousand dollars to-day. This fall moro goods and machinery mvo been offered us in exchange for dvortiaing than wo could accept in iow of the limited space wo devote or that purpose. What wo have con- racted for makes the grandest and nest varied list that has over been iffored for distribution by any nows- mpor and that too without paying a lollar in monoy. The only outlay in : ash wo expect to incur in connection vith these premiums will bo for post- igo and oxpressngo. This explains axactly how wo procure our premiums ind why wo can give away property of o much valuo. All the premiums in our list are vorth at retail just what wo represent hem. In contracting with manufac urors and wholesale deulois wo ac ccpt them only at wholesale rates , but hat does not lesson their value to , hose who receive them. THK BEE has for years stood in the : rent rank of nowspipora west of the Mississippi , and to-day circulates moro extensively than any paper west of Chicago and north of St. Louis. A argo number of eastern people who desire to procure a far western paper , with a view of acquiring reliable in- 'ormation about the resources and de velopment of the country west of the Missouri will doubtless avail them selves of the opportunity now offered , hem. Having for moro than ton ears been under ono man- igomont pursuing a course : hat has established for it public con- Bdonco at homo and a wide reputation abroad , THE BUK could not afford to engage in any undertaking that was not conducted fairly and hon estly. The distribution in 1880 nnd 1881 gave general satisfaction to our subscribers. The coining distribution will bo made in the same impartial manner , by a committee whom the subscribers present may select from their own number , and in such man ner as they think fair and equitable. Last year nil the premiums gave good satisfaction , excepting some engrav ings which were not appreciated. This year no engravimrs , maps or pictures have been placed among the premi ums. ums.Our old patrons need no assurance from us of the reliability and stability of THB BEE , nor do wo need to inform them that the principles it advocates , and the fearless defense it makes in behalf of the producers , makes it al most indiaponsiblo to the industrial classes of the great west. No intelligent person would expect that every subscriber will receive n § 050 threshing machine , a § 500 piano , n § 300 harvester , or a 8150 organ , but all have an equal chance in the distribution. Each subscriber that pays up his ar rears and prepays another year , ant every now subscriber that remits prepayment payment for ono year , will receive a premium worth at least Ono Dollar ai retail. As a matter of fact , Tin' OMAHA \VnKKtY BKE is worth the subscription price , Two Dollars year , to every farmer , mechanic or merchant. Without boaating , wo as sort that no weekly paper ? east or west , can compare with it in variety and choice selections , general news , interesting correspondence , and IK other paper in America containn au much far western DOWH , ranging fron the Pacific coast to the Mmnissipp river. With the proof of good faitl and honest doalini ; before them in the numerous acknowledgments wo pub lish , wo can safely enter upon our on larked undertaking ot this year , eon fidontly behoving that its success wil bo mutually satisfactory and udvan tagcous. E. ROHEWATEH , Managing Editor. Ail Entire Sncoeii- It Imt been proved by the inont reliable teutiinony that THOMAS' Kci.Kcrnio On , i an entire success In curinir the most inveterate orate caHen of rheumatism , neuralgia lame back and wounds of every dencrip tion. 14-Iw W , S. GIBBS , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , Room No. 4CrelBliton Block , Kith Street , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Orrioe Ilouica : 10 to 12 A. M. , 3 to B r.j Telephone connected with Central Ollic LexterLTlioinas&Bro WILL 11UY AND BKLL a ! Lac JIMP Alt , ( XUINROTIDTIIIBBWITII. Pay Tazeo , Bent Hoiiaee , Etc. fF | TOO WANT TO BUT 05 f Hit Call it Offlco , Ilooro 8 , OreVhC3 } lu'O ll , Oniho , * . OUR BEST PREMIUMS , The following is n description of the lost valuable premiums Hint are to o alloled to the patrons of Tin ; BBK 11 Mnrch 4 : TUB UltAHl ! PIANO , vhioh is the most valublo among our iromiums , is from the CIIASB I'IANO JOMI-ANY , of lUchinuiul , Jndinnn. 'his company lias tlio * reputation of nuking the most durable instruments undo in America , and fur tone nnd uno their Pianos are second to nono. 'osscssing line water power nnd a fno- ory bmlt with Bpocial rcforonco to the immifncturo of the best instrument at ho least possible cost , this company lave advantages enjoyed by nocnstuin actory. They have near at h.uid in nrgo quantities the finest timber in ho world , mid have an opportunity to nako the first selection , and save ho high freights which must bo paid jy eastern manufacturers , nnd conso- liiently can furnish a better piano for lie money than any other makers. The College of Music at Cincinnati , mo of the largest institutions of the and iu this country , after trying the pianos of nil the best makes discarded others and are mint ; only the CiiAHi : , and decided tlmt it possessed ill the qualities accessary to with- tand the Jianlships of a genuine inns- cal warfare. Tins speaks volumes in aver of those excellent instruments , he product of western enterprise aim ikill. All disinterested experts ad- tut that those pianos are utndu bettor h.ui those from nuy other factory and hat they are the most sorvicablo. The piano wo offer is their tylo seven nnd for elegance of ippi'aranco , beauty of tone nnd .olidity . of structure cannot bo OK- x-llod. Parties who are not familiar vith this make of pianos would do veil to write to the factory for an il- ustratod catalogue. The other piano on our list is the ainu style and quality as the one wo ; uvo last year , nnd will bo aupreciatod > y the party fortunate enough to receive - coivo it. it.THK THK TI1UKSI1INO MACHINES. Tlio first one on the list is from 'ilta & Son's celebrated factory , of Chicago , 111. , nnd has a reputation for ' rood work over the whole , country The , Gold Modal Thresher is from ho well known firm of .Robinson & ? o , I'lchiunnfl Ind. The Robinson nachino w iks were established in .81U , and aioono o' the oldest thresh- in , ' machine builders in the country. The machines of this firm are in use n every state from Maine to Oregon. 2very farmer and dealer admits their superiority. Our contract with the Robinson machine works is for a com- > loto threbhor ready to attach either torso or steam power , bdth of which , hey manufacture , and under our'con- ract they will furnish the party who receives this machine , either power at § 50.00 less than their regular price. This discount to bo given in addition o any cash or other discounts offered jy the firm , . THE 8ELK-DIND1NO JIAHVESTEH. The reputation of the Mnrsh har vesters is BO well established that no special description _ of them is deemed necessary. Wo will only state that this is their latest improvement. This machine was on exhibition at the No- > roska state fair last September , and was admired by every one , and the workings of it declared superior to hat of any other harvester made. TUB LKWIS HEADEB. This machine stands at the head of ; ho header family and has mot with most surprising success. The factory at Hastings , Nebraska is kept busy : ho year round , and the past year ias not boon able to make enough to ill all orders. These headers do moro work with less power than any other style of reaper , and with loss loss of rain than by any other mode of liar' ' eating. THE AMKUIC'AN OUINDINd MILLS which wo offer as premiums are guar anteed to bo first-class in every respect - spect , simple in construction , durable and easily managed. These mills are ntcndod for grinding food and are valuable to every farmer ; they can bo nljusted so as to grind meal fine enough for table use. The fortunate 'armor who receives ono of these mills will certainly bo well pleased. The mills tire complete with pulleys , and can bo attached to any power. They are manufactured by tlio American Grinding Mill Company , Chicago , Ill inois. These are the same style of Mills wogavoas premiums last year , mid w oni appreciated moro than any other premiums of equal value. HINQJIU HKWIriQ MACHINES. Tlio Sewing Machine which wo give is premiums are all now and first- class , manufactured by the Singer AVannfacturing company of Now York , who have n reputation and do business in every city and village in the United Slates and Europe. Every- t > ndykiio\vB the valueand.usofillness of tlumo machines , and know that they , u-o worth just what wo list them. Their iminoiiso sales sh-ow how. well theaoSowing Machines uro appreciated. nowi : fOAi.i : . in ono of their make and has ca pacity to wuigh u wagon with its heaviest load , and will bo a premium that any ono will appreciate. Till : C'ALDWELL WAOON , which is offered ui a premium , is the same style as the ono we gave last year and which was considered ono of the finest farm wagons over made. These wagons are made , by the Kansas Manufacturing Company , of Leaven- worth , Ka.s. , a western firm with truly western enterprise. They are making u first-class wagon and will soon bo supplying the entire trade of the west. THK CKAMI'IOU COKN FLANTISU is the old reliable rotary drop , made by Boodle fc Kelly , of Troy , Ohio. These goods are as staple as white sugar and are indispensable on every well regelated farm. Wo are safe in recommending it as the best corn planter made. KINO COCKLE MILLH. These mills are now and simple , separating cockle chaff and all aecd from the wheat , is also used as a seed separator. This mill works with iv cer tainty and rapidity not attained by any grain manipulating device heretofore placed on the market. It furnishes its own motive power and needa no blast or agitation. Every farmer , grain dealer and miller should have ono. The ono on exhibition at the last Nebraska state fair was acknowl by every ono M a "groat invon tion. " WATCHES AND S1LVKHWAUK. The goods in this line have boon secured through the jewelry firm of Edholm & Erickson. Thii firm has met with remarkable success in Omaha. Coming hero a fo'V years igo , they have built up n wonderful .railo , extending through the western states and territories. The have also undo n reputation for honest goods and fair dealing , and the fact that they furnish these goods is sufficient { Unranteo that they are just as ropro- icntod. TUB IWURSB.S UAH1T.T is from the old reliable Carpet Jlntup > f J. H. Uotwilor , who has done buai- nesa in Omaha tor years , and is -\\o\\ \ \ known throughout the entile stoto. The Carpet is the host "Body HritsivlH , and when Mr. Dotwiler piys it 10 worth forty-live dollars it represents iust that much money. ouiiKU rou noons. The order on L. B. AVilliama it Sons , which wo give as a premium , will buy just as many goods from that inn us would the same amount in cash. L , 15. Williams it Sons is the oldest Mid largest retail diy goods store in Omaha , and be i lea dry goods cany a l.irgo stock of boots and shoes and gent's furnishing goods and have n nioi chant tailoring department. They are a strictly cash house and lave n wide reputation for selling cheap ind the party who receives thin pre mium will corlninly bo well pleased. HOOKS The Hooks in our list are all Stan- daid first class Honks cloth bound , lur.iblo nnd good style , uiuljc.umot bo bought anywhere t retail less than wo list them. This year wo give no maps , pictures or engravings , and aru justified in saying that our list con laiiH the most varied and valuable lot of premiums evei1 olfmod by any p.ipor ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. The following aekwwlcilKi'moiiH UITO received from parties tolioin tlio moil valuable premiums \\ero alloteillu imr dis tribution last year : ItoiM.tiF.ii , Col. , April II , 'fl. Editor or tlio Omaha lh < DKAU Sill : I lin\t < Just reeelvoil the beautiful SJO WliltuNOulnumacliliio , given as a prt'iulumllh your paper , ( orhlch rilcusi-accept many tnanUs I nun \our iiuu'li pleased subscriber. K SMITH Sin.Ni'A. Neb. , May 2 * . ' 91. ( itNTi < KMKXYon : \ \ III i > lt a < o accept my thanks for the \\ateli 1 rei-uKod to-day , In good running order. Ymito \ iicted M > fair towards mntlijit I shall e\oreontlnno a subscriber to Tin : HICK.Uilch I confess In llscirisorlli more Until the subscription , and It Is quite evidenturn , areas particular Iu forwarding tlio awards to successful drawers , as If jouwero to recelvo payment for thvin Attain tlmnklni ; you moil heart- XKNIA , Neb. .March 17 , ' 81 Ilccclved of the Omaha TnblMilnjr Co. n gold watch , as premium with Tin ; OMAHA WUKIU.Y Hint. The watch was nil tlmt It was represented In tlio premium list , fully worth J7B. Accept my thanks for the watch. I consider THK IIKK wns worth the subscription price , without a premium Hi'iiiKuvii'M ! CITY , Utah Co. I U T.Juh . ' ! . f KIND Sin : I received the .stem-winding watch awarded mo at your dlstrllmllon. it did not como as soon us expected. A good many hailed mo and wanted ti > know If 1 had received the watch awarded me , and now I say to them , yes , a good stem winder , ns represented In jour valued paper. I like your paper very much , and I Intend to continue to take your paper as lone ; as Itts outspoken on monopolies and speaks forth freedom , The people like > our paper , forlt gives the necessary news. I am taking dif ferent papers. I llkojour paper fully tlio best , and It Is the llrst paper I take up to look through to see the general , news. I deslru to mutalti your paper and wish you Mvklnd regards. SllKI'llKim 1' . HUTOIIINGB. WILLOW CIIKKK , Montana , Sept 2(181. ( Oninlia rnullshlni ! Co. , Omaha Net ) : ( JKNTS ; HuNoreeelM'il one limiting case blemttlmllnisatch , and live books us premium * with Tine HUB for ' 81. Accept my thanks forsumo Will take mibscrlptloni lor\niilf lean makewnues. IMcaio to lot mo Know terms , and hcml premium Ist us soon po sllilo , ' [ Mr Woodward " < awarded Hrown's cultivator , lint HvhiK In a place where It was it nonsa to him , liowa.1 allowed to select another premium of eiiurt | value. ] tiOlMH , Nell. , April 2581. Omaha rnhllshhiB Co. ; ( iKNTH : Tlio K' ' > hl w atoll awarded moat your second nimiiul distribution of iircm- niiis Is received I am well pleased with t I think the paper ahiiio 11 worth the noney. I JIIB may Tn 1UZZ. SWAliuiuill , DodgcCo. , Neb , .luiio'JO , ' 81. Omaha Publishing Co. ; OKNTI.KMBN : The slem winding sllv" iiumlngcat > e watcli that I received in ) i ust premium distribution Is at hand , I lavd found II to In- a perfect tlino- teeper , ami consider II worth the price _ Kl.K ( iliovi ! , Mo. , Juno 7 , 'SI. Omaha Publishing Co : , . . 8iiiH : The HllMT watch awarded moat your distribution of premiums came to land all right It Is a good time-keener , ind I mil well pleased with It. I think the paper Is wortli the immoy without tin. lirku. 1 am well satisfied with both. Vonr.s resper tfiilly , ANNIKK. JlATIllltfk. ff , ( JnK ( X Nob. . I Airllil8l | ! f KAII finw-Tiir. OMAHA UKK prlf , slher watch , Is to ham ) , for which recelvo my sincere thanks. Ileforo receiving .It I wn skeptical about the worth of tlio art dp bill I am most agreeably surprised , forlt K Imtlia gcniilno jjond watch anil nil excel lent , time-keeper. I consider \iTiir paper good \alnu for the two Independent ly of tlio prl7c , for It contains a largo \arlelyof re.idlng matter , besides tin ) cnr lent news of the week. I ; iin vours respectfully , UlUIIAItniJVHlCV. IiKIIANON , N. II. , Sept 8 , Ml. Ilccclved of you Ibis du > ten books , I an : much pleased wKli them i think they an richly worth ten dollar * Yon make asllghl mistake In my Ilrst namn on the wrapper ol my paper , which has sent HOIIIII of them U another man , although I found them all at last. You wrlto It Carlos , It should IK Charles II , Hough _ HIIKI/ION , Neb. . .May II , 'si. PitAii Hi'u : My bolt of lonsdtilo ( nrl/.o ) duly received. In inmlUy and ( piaiitlty It exceeds my expectations , 1' accept my thanks for full compllnnco of rontmct on award of Wo. 3HO. As it now reader of THK HUE , 1 must say that 1 am well pleased with the choice reading mailer II contains. Very respectfully yours. II. F. HAMMON8. MiUiAiin SrATioN. Neb. . Feb. 28 , Ml. To-day I received the Webster's Un abridged Dictionary , awarded mo as a premium with THK OMAHA WKKKI.V ljni ! The dictionary Is the best madoamt Is as good as represented. I am yi-ry much pleased with It I think THK lii'.nls the test paper published In ' 1'KNNIMOUR. WIs. , May a , ' 81 Omaha rnblLshlngCo i Bin : -My premium to Tirr. HER came to hand In KOOI ! order , conslslliiK of ono bolt of lonsd.ifo inuslln , a No 1 arllelu. J'lease accept my thunk lionliiK that JIIK HKK may conllnno Its KIIOU work o ( ilo- nouncliiK the monopoly nnd imollnu fraud of tlio I am Inferestud In thofarm- IIIK Interest ot Kolirnslcii. oxpecllni ; soon to till aoiuu of Its fvrlllo will. Youw resjioclfully. J.HWW JIHUKY. DUNOANi Neb , Juno ( i , ' 81. Hditor Uinaha live : Your premium for life wholarshlp duly received , ami am much oblluo. VonrH trulj Miia.Y.O. THE BEE'S PREMIUMS ! A MI iniluceiiiont to tlio patrons of THK HKR who aio In arrears for their tmnscrip- tion to siii.iro their account * Mid KCCIIM the palronaRo of ] artloi who deilro to Recuro n live dam | aper which imblMic * all the tolrgrnphlo news of the day , the fullcsljtrmr- ket reports nf nny Journal In the weH , fcarlesi ami outspoken in sentiment und an tin- wa\cting ftd\o < ta of tlio rl'hU ( of HIP people ns n nitut dishonest rings , nn opponent of corruption in any party , the publisher * ol Tin : HKK have decldtd to olTer a list of \ nhmlile 1'remiuu.s which are tolio allnttoil and distributed among the subscribers j ho remit prior to llio 1-t ilny of Jtiuch , 1S8L1. ' FARM MACHINERY. 1 Pitts & Son's Threshing Machine , § 500 00 I " Gold Modnl" " " 50000 1 Whitney-Marsh Twine Binder , 300 00 1 Lewis Homier , 800 00 I Manny Mower and Reaper combined , 190 00 I 1 Portable Grist mid Feed Mill Ivnestner's Patent , 150 00 I Four Ton 8x14 J lowe Wagon Scale , 1 (50 ( 00 1 No. 5 " American" Qrinding Mill with bolting attach ment anil Corn Shollur , 150 00 1 No. 1) ) " American" Horse Power Mill Qrinclor and Cob Grinder combined , 150 00 I No. 4.u American " Pulley Mill Grinder with bolting attachment , , 00 00 1 Loach Standard Wind Mill , 90 00 1 Standard Mower , 90 00 1 Farm Wagon , complete , ( Caldwell ) 90 00 1 No. 8 u American " Power Grinding Mill , 90 00 lNo.8 tl Donblo " " " 10000 INo. 7 u . " " 80 00 1 No. 5 " * " " 75 00 lNo.4 " " 60 00 2 No.3 tl " " 88 00 1 No. 11 Power and Farm Mill , combined , 50 00 2 No. 2 American Wind Mill Grinders , 80 00 INo.l " " 8500 1 Farm Wagon , complete , 85 00 1 Hopkins Mower , 80 ' 00 1 No. 2 Triumph Steamer , complete , (50 ( 00 INo.l u " ' ' ! 5000 it Churns from Oval Churn Co 80 00 8 Sots Farm Harness , 90 00 8 Sulky Plows , 195 00 10 10-inch Beam Plows , SiOO UO 1 Champion Corn Planter , , 50 00 1 No. 2 King , Cockle Mill and Seed Seperator , 45 00 1 No. 8 u " " " tl 05 01' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 1 Chase Grand Souaro Piano § 700 00 1 Grand Square Piano , BOO 00 1 Grand Parlor Organ , 800 00 1 Parlor Organ , 150 00 HOUSEHOLD GOODS. rf 25 Singer Sowing Machine , ! , $1500'00 1 Mossier Balmwun Otlico Gafe , 250 2 Austin Itotary Washing Machines , 80 \ 1 Base Burner Hard Coal Stove , 40 v 1 Cook Stove , 40 , 1 No 8 Kendall's Plaiting Machine , 20 f lNo.2 ll u a 10 m , 1 Brussels Carpet 30 yards , 45 00 Order on L. B. Williams & Sons , 25 00 5 Bolts Lonsdulo Muslin , 25 00 1 Life Scholarship Omaha Business College , 50 00 REAL ESTATE. 2G Residence Lots in Council Bluffs , $5200 00 WATCHES. 1 Hunting Case Gold Watch , 100 00 1 " " " " 90 00 1 " " " u . Ladies , 76 00 50 Silver Watches , Hunting Case , Stein Winders 1000 00 50 " " " " 1500 00 SILVERWARE. 1 Elegant Silver Tea Set , 90 00 \ 5 Silver Plate 1 Cuke Basket * , 50 00 j 5 Si ts Sil for ) ab'o ' Spoons , 50 00 BOOKS- 3fcOO .Standard Britiah Novels , $5250 00 3000 " Ameiican " 8750 00 1500 u " 4t 1500 00 750 Endymion , Beacoiisfidld's Last Work , 1125 00 500 Shakespeare , 625 GC 800 Bricks Without Straw , 375 00 300 Byron's Works , . . . . 300 C' : 300 Life of Edwin Forrest , 800 GO 200 "Nairn,11 , 200 C' 200 The Roman Traitor , 200 C 250 Arabian Nights , 250 00 250 Robinson Crusoe , 250 0 500 American Popular Dictionaries , 500 00 4300 Poetical Works , Tennyson'B , Wordsworth's , Long- felloVs , Pope's , &c. , 4300 00 3 Sots Dickon's Works , 60 00 1 Set Irving's Works , 35 00 2 Webster's Unabridged Dictionaries , 22 00 ' fc [ \ ADDITIONAL PREMIUMS. Invincible Threshing Machine with single gear 10- horse ijower and everything complete from Rob erts , Thorp & Co. , Three itivers , Michigan . $650 OO Dee * ilotnry Corn Planter . 60 00 " Spring Cultivator . 32 00 . . . A XX Plow . 1900 J ABC " . 2200 f\ \ AOC ' ' . 1800 Id-imli " from Dcero & Co. , Council 131uls ( . . . . 2300 4-ton Victor Scuta . 100 00 N J. 4 Duinoni Warehouse Scnle from Moline Scale Co . 10600 I 12-l'oot Croft Power Windmill from E. C. Lell'ol & Co. , Springfield , Ohio . 130 0 60 Shares of Jelin Mountain Gold and Silver Mining and Milling CO.'H Stock , ( one share premium ) par value of stock , $26 00. Market value of stock ( $6 60) ) . 390 00 1 Huckeye Spring Walking Cultivator . 35 00 3 Plain-top Cook Stoves . 75 00 2 Extension-top " . 6800 2 Sets Wagon Skeins from Moliiie Stove Company. . 7 00r I Base Burner Hard Coal Stove . 40 OO1 600 Elegant Albums , ( $ 2 60) ) . 1260 OO 5 Sets Dickens' Complete Works . 110 OO 6OO Albums . ; . 600 5O Do/.en Fine Parlor Brooms , ( $ 00) ) . 150-00 860 Standard British Novels . 1062 60 1,300 Best American Novels . 1,660 00 1 Bucket Windmill . 110 OO 1-3 Section Harrow . 16 OO 1-2 Section Harrow . 10 OO 2 Pair Fine Thorough Berkshire Pigs . 100 00 The distribution of tlicHo prcmimiix will take place on the 4th day of March/1882. All articlcH tlmt can bo Rent by mail will bo forwarded postpaid to the ubcrlber'a ad- dam Article * to be shipped by express or freight wilt bo forwarded to their deatlna- tlonwltli freight payable by tlio consignee. The subhciiptlon prlco ot Tilt : DAILY UKK is Ten Dollars par annum. Direct your icmlttiinco to THK OMAHA 1'uiii.iHiiiNii COMPANY by money order or recietuieil letter , wbo will forwart you a numbered premium receipt , which will bo regiiitcreil in u premium book , Kiich remittance thoulil alto give explicit direction as to pobtolllco adilrfu' . Parties tu whom aitiolea nro allotted tlmt ere _ too bulky for mail will bo iidtlfieit oiul reiic | teil to glvo directions how and when sliipmeut is to bo iiuulo. ' The dUtiibutlon will lieinailo without liitcrlminationorfavotitism , through a coin- , mittco tulucted by tliu fcubucnbcis preteiit nt tlio tlmo tliu awnrdu are inadu. All wo aim at iu tlilu tchcmo in to collect our back dues and tiecuro pnymeiito tor the coming year , and to extend our circulation over u greater terrltoiy , OO. , Oiaaha , Nebraska