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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1882)
THE OMAHA JDAlLT ? BEL" : FEIDAY. FEBEuAKY 17 1882- STEEPLE JACKS. i The Perils of Climbing Lofty Church Towers. The Romantic Career of Two English ' Jnoka The Peculiar Fascination of Dizzy Heights. PhlU'lelpliU Press. "I think I may justly claim lo bo the original 'Stooplo ' Jack , ' as far as this country is concerned , ami there wuro not many before my time in England. " . The speaker was Jamci Irvine , who has boon engaged for nearly twenty years iu repairing steeples in tins cily ind through the State of L'cnnsyl- N vania. Ho is n wiry , determined looking man , and evidently takes a great pride in his lofty profession. Glasgow , .Scotland , was his natal place , but lie emigrated hero in u.irly man hood , nnd until 1804 f olio wed the sea. During the -varho distinguished him- golf mpro than once as a blockade run- nors. nors."I would sooner vrork on n steeple t han on the ground. I cannot real ize any danger in it. A peculiar son- svtion creeps up your back when you are swinging to an fro 200 feet or more above the surface of the earth , which is pleasurable to an extent I cannot describe. Of course the slightest defect in the rope or the polo to which the rope is fastened would launch mo into eternity , but I never think of that. I have never felt what fear is. I can look up or look down at will. It is absurd to say that a 'Stooplo Jack1 dares not look down. Hd could not do his work unless ho did. A man who experiences any feelings of that sort should not at tempt the business , for ho is sure to fall some day. Now I will try to doscnbo Homo of' my work. First I will toll you how steeples are built. From the ground they all appear to bo conical , but they are , with few exceptions , octagonal. They are built , as a gen eral thing , of wood , tlio ntructuro consisting of eight legs , tapering from the base until they join each other at the summit. The spaces between the joists are securely planked and the whole is carefully slated. Not the least dangerous portion of a Steeple ' Jack's ' work is the building of these to cpler. Thoyj are often erected above a Eijuaro tower seventy or eighty toot , nnd it is no joke standing in n gale of wind placing the first joist 1 E in its place. After the first throe are in position the rest is comparntivoly easy. So much for the building , now tor the repairing. IlEl'AlUINO STEEPLES. "In 1877 the cross on the apex of the steeple of the Catholic Church ol the Annunciation at Tenth and Dick inson streets , was injured by a stronp wind , so that it was if oared it would topple ever into tlio street. I was in structed to take down the old cross and put up another. The total height was 225 foot from the ground. I was able to climb inside the steeple as fai as a window twonty-two foot below the base of the cross. Through thai windotar I inserted a long polo , which reached sixtoor/feet"1 above the cross. Thoipole was only two or throe inches in diameter , and near the top was an eye 'bolt ' , to which was fastened a rope , and at - the end of the rope was a boats wain's chair that is , i piece of inch plank two feet long and six inches wide and I wa seated on that. And there I swung , backward and forward , for.two hours on a freez ing day in March. I was often car ried as much as ton fooi away from the polo , but I managed to lower the broken cross to the men- below , ajid after a wbilo the now cross was hoisted up to mo and I fixed it in the socket and no. small job it wfts , I assure you , .for it weighed many scores of pounds. On another occasion I stood upright on the top of the cross of St. Joaohim'e Catholic Church at Frankford , ovoi 200 foot above the earth , for nearly two hours , while they took my photo graph. The snow was then lying sev eral inches thick on the ground , so you can imagine how cold it was. I had nc support whatovorbut the idoaoffallinc never crossed my mind. The photo" could-uot obtain impression grapher - a good pression until ho had taken several negatives , and that is what dotainot ] mo so long. But my * biggest feat wat whoa I climbed up ono of the win guys aflixod to the observatory al , Bolmont. I had the job of taking down the tower and found that tlu car was out of order , and I had to goi tn the top somehow , so1 as to place mj tackle in order. I thought ever thai job for for three days , and at last ] .determined to climb the wire guy ; ant up I wont , hand ever hand , for 1)0 ) ( foot , and I reached the top in twenty five miuutos. I was rather proud ol that job. I.saw an account lately ol a Steeple Jack who talked about thrui days being occupied in climbing i steeple. 1 will mount any storplu ii America in half an hour , NAllUOW mt'APES. "I have never met with any par ticular accident , although on on occasion I had a narrow oucapo. Ii finishing a steeple it is necessary t' ' roinombor that you have got to go down. I Ox an oyo-bolt in the extreme tromo top of the stooplo. and pass i rope with a bowhno in it , nnd giv , word to my matu below and hu lower mi ) down. Ono day I lot myself go i but my mate had not jioticed the sig nal , and I found myself coming dowi like a streak of lightning. I never g up without being prepared for ai accident , BO I did not lose my pretence enco of mind , but managed to cute on to the small window as I passed and there I Jiung until a pol wan s nt o my assistance. I employe flonii'al uu'ii on the less dangorou portions of my work. Tlioy are al ' men who have passed some time a sea , and I watch each man's norv very carefully before I trust him i certain positions. The wages ar . $3 60 a day , Only ono fital accidon has occurred since I have boon in th business1 , and that was in Germantown town A ulator full sovunty-fivo fee to the ground , nnd was smashed t atoms. I have heard of accidents tether other Steeple Jacks. O < io man slipped pod just as ho was coming down in th dusk of the evening , and ho hung b his logs in a noose of rope till cliij break next moriiing.r Uo was worji . ing alone and his cries for help wor hoard uf tor a while , but they could nti manage to help him until dayligii appeared. His Imir turned white , but lie did not lese consciousness for ono moment. THE KNOUHII HTEEl'I.R JAOKS. "Tho earliest Steeple .Tncks in Suqlfttid were both killed under rather ronwntic circumstnncoa. I vill not vouch for tlio truth of the tory ; 1 will dimply rolnto it as it was old to mo. There were two broth ers , twins , Tom nntl Ilnrry , who from > i\rly boyhood had bucn in the habit of climbing everything they cnmo ncroas , from the trocs in their father's irohard to the lla staf on the village ; reon. They \\oro natives of a ham- ot in tlio vicinity of Yorkshire , Cnylniul , and their parents used to nko the boys to nil the fairs in the icinhborhood , until at last they won uiliciont articles in the way of shirts nd handkerchiefs from the sum- mis of proasy poles to have locked a hosiery slow. Hoth boys wcro sent to son on ruuchiriK their ourtconth year in the same vessel , lowovor , the lads grow tired of the ea ; the masts weren't high enough or them , porlmps , so nt tlio end of heir apprenticeship they decided to remain nt homo , nml for awhil" they liligontly followed the plow on their nthor's farm. Their favorite rocrea- ion wns climbing up the water pipes alongside the house ; in fact , that was heir usual method in mounting to heir bod-room in the attic , for they ogardod stairs with contempt. About his time , and I am speaking of 40 roars ago , the weather-cock on the op of a steeple of n certain church n Now York City fell to the ground , 'ho authorities began to con- ider how the damage could bo re paired , for in those days Stoonlo Jncks voro almost unknown , and steeples voro built on the ground , and when itlcd with weather vanes and other- rise completed were hoisted by moans f pulleys to the square portion of the ewer and there adjusted in position. Well , the town council were cogitating lie expediency of taking down the itoeplo nnd repairing the weathercock when the brothers volunteered to 3limb the steeple and do the necessary latching. After some hesitation the > IFtr ! was accepted , and , watched by of the citizens , the twins climbed the steeple , using , no doubt , itnilnr moans to those I have describ ed to you. It took thorn four days to iomplcto their work , each ascending n turn , nnd a very handsome sum of money wan the reward in addition to , ho local colpbrity. "After thia there were not many church wardens loft in Now York city who did not soon discover that .ho towers of their churches were out of order , so the brothers soon hud .lonty of work on their hands. One lay , it was the anniversary of their jirth , the twins arranged with each other to climb the steeples of two churches half a mile apart , nnd when there to exchange greetings by sig nals. Tom , the elder , did not arrive as quickly as his brother , but to nako up for his defeat ho attempted ; o stand bolt upright on the weather cock , and to the horror of his brother , who probably was prepared to do the mine thing in imitation , ho suddenly est his balance and fell headlong to ; ho earth. Harry descended as quick ly as possible , and had the mourn ful task of cpnvoying the nangled remains homo. The surviv ing twin could never bo induced to climb anything again , and within a year of the fatal occurrence ho became a hopeless lunatic , and the sight of a scaffolding polo or a steeple would fill dim with suchparoxysms of rage that 10 was confined most'of ' his time in a darkened room , or when taken out for an airing a bandage would bo placed iver his eyes. Ton years afterwards : io appeared to prow better , and by degrees reason seemed to bo return ing , lie bogged to bo shown the streets of the town once more , and spokp of the church steeples ho had | repaired. One day he disappeared from homo , and a few hours afterward lie was brought homo dead on a shut ter , lie had wandered to a fair that was being hold in the neighborhood whore ho waited his turn at the greasy polo. Ho climbed it with all his for- nor agility , and on reaching the top 10 balanced himself at his full heighten on the summit , and then , with a wild shriek , throw himself headlong to the ground. Such was the ending of the iirst Steeple Jacks over known in Eng land. Nearly a Miraolo. E. Aecnlth Hull , BinHliampton. N. Y. , writes : "I mlfercd for ueveral months with u dull pain through my left lunj ; and BliouUlcrH. I lost my spirits , appetite nnd color , and could with eiltliculty keep up all day. My mother procured BomoBuilDOCK BLOOD BiTTEiis ; I took theiri as directed , and have felt no pnin since the first week after iwlni ; them , nnd am now milto well. " Trice 81.00 , trial nlze 10 cents. ll-lw GIFTS POH THE ASSASSIN Miniature Scailolcls nnd Collins , Vol- ontlnos , Cartoons and Letters Encumborlnalng the Dis trict Attorney's OIllco. Clniliinattl Commercial , The popular reprobation of the as' sassin's. crime is still manifested in diU'oront ways. The common mode dl expressing the fooling against the as sosain is to send u rope sugijesstivolj noosed. Those ropes began to conu by express and until before the trial , nnd are still coming in. They hayi boon sent to the District Attorney , tc Soovillo , to the Wardonoftho juil mid to the assassin himself. A littli room nt the jail is strewn with ropei received from various parts of tin country. Some of them are ropei such as are generally used in executions tions , with the conventional hang man's noose skillfully made. Manj other little reminders of the fate thai awaits him come in thu mail of chu us sasin but the Warden as a rule keeps i from his eyes. Cheap comic valentines represent ing the gallows with a dangting.vio tun are also sent { 9 the assassin , li every nook in thoDistrict Attorney's of lice can bo found some testimonial o popular fueling respecting the ivssas sin , Many of the things rocoivoc have been destroyed. In ono come of Mr. Oorkhill's private ofllco is i little heap of ropes. A bundle o switches was sent to the scoundru from Florida. A citizen of Osccola Iowa , in order to testily to his fool ing in a unique way , invested gG,5l in a pair of white kids and a fine whit salm tie , the tips of which ho dye < blood red. Ho sent these with a re quest that they bo worn by the cul ml on the scaffold , the red marks to ostify the innocent blood of his vie- im. They now form a part of the District Attorney's museum , From Ohio came a little wooden _ > ox , opened an ono sido. It contain ed a miniature scaffold , on which n mper imago of a man wni hanging , vhilc a score of paper women were hauling on the ropo. hcso were , according to the inscription on the > ox. "Tho women of Ohio. " Among other ouriosilies saved by the district Attorney is a miniature scnf- old and collin , very neatly con structed , and a gallows tree , with an clligy six or seven inches long BUB- ) ondcd upon it. Thnrc is also a little lollin , the open lid of which exposes n death's head , The coflln is inncrib' ed "Slrangulatiis pro diabolo , 1882. " All sorts of pictures , cirtoons nnd cttors have been received and tie- troycd , During the early part of the rial a great many gags of various latterns , the coinmoii form buini ; a orncob with n string tied to each end , were rcccivcdj with a request that hey bo the prisoner. some of t' ' i o have been preserved n tlu same connection may be moii- ionod various pots of glue and muci- age , sent with the suggestion thai the villian's mouth bo glued up. Many latent medicine linns , doubtless with n eye to an advertisement , sent the ) istrict Attorney samples of their wares , proposing that ho dose him- elf with the mixtures so that his loalth should not fail him until ho md convicted the prisoner. ThoDistrict Attorney has also re ceived a largo amount of Confederate nonoy to bo turned over to the pri- loner. Ono imposing testimonial otter signed "Citizen" contained ono sopppr penny to bo given to Mr. Jcovillo to aid in the defense. A otter received from New Waterford , /onn. , yesterday , from a rope maker , iroposod to make for the assassin a od , white and blue rope out of silk , or any material the District Attorney night select. Ono of the most ghast- y curiosities in the museum is a black cap sent by an unknown friend of jus- ice . A papor"'ljj > rintod in Italian , re ceived by the 'Dt'.lrict Attorney yes- erday , contained a portrait of that ) Hicial , with 'a sketch of his career jvor the title , "II Colonollo Giorgio B..Corkhill. " To-day another rope was received > y the District Attorney. This wns rom Versailles , Ivy. A letter that came to-day from Chicago suggested as a proper mode of execution that , ho assassin bo fastened to a rope 300 cot long , the other end being attach ed to a balloon , which would give him a veritable ' 'Might to td' > ry. " The Law IK universal ; it ntfecis nil the human nuiily , rill unimalx , and may ho even found n pat nt medicines. Sumo are drastic , anu the patieufis obliged to suitor pains worBO than the disease ; but in cases of ob- titmte constipation , dyspepsia , there H no cmedy BO kind , no goutlo in its effects , and vet so satisfactory , as BUIIDOCK BLOOD BITTKRS. Fries § 1 00 , trial size 10 cents. 14-lw. _ Colorado bconory. The Durango Herald thus answers a correspondent who has the temerity .o doubt what ho has read about the glories of La Yota pass and Toltec Serge : "You say you have read the uost incredible accounts of the scen- > ry on the San Juan division of the Denver & , Ilio Grande railway , and that you think many of the statements must bo exaggerations. We have no ; imo now to. write a description of the railway journey from Fueblo to Durango - range , over to' Sangro do Christo range and around the wonderful Mule Shoo curve at La Vota pass , reaching an altitude of 9,000 feet at the sum- nit of the pass ; thence across San Luis park , with Mount Blanco , ( the liighost peak in Colorado ) standing conspicously and grandly out against the distant horizon ; thence climbing skywards again around a series of the most remarkable curves , skirting along the sides of the stupendous Tel tec gorge , plunging through tunnels , looking straight down from the car windqws from 1,000 , to 2,000 feet into chasms below , unlil finally the be wildered traveler finds himself whis pering for tlio whispers of the angels on tlio summit of the Conojos rantro as his fascinated eyes sweep over countless peaks , swimming in blue , ind dwell admirably upon the match less beauties of the "silver-threaded valleys at his feet ; thence downward nearly a mile on the Pacific' slope of the Rockies , along beautiful water courses , through dense forest and smiling1 valleys , and the magio metro- polls of the Sau Juan is at last roaoh- ud in the magnificent Ananas valley If our correspondent will make this trip , next season , and then go before \ notary public and certify that ho be lieves language can bo found that is capable of oxagg'orivting the beauty and grandeur of the scenery along the way , wo will agree to buy him tlio best box of cigars in Durango. " AN HONEST MEDICINE FREE OF COST. Of all medicines advertised to cure any affection of the Tin oat , Chest or Lungs , we know of none wo can recommend - ommond so highly as Du. KING'S NKW DiscovEiiy for Consumption Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Uronchitis Hay Fa vor , Hoarseness , Tickling in the Throat , loss of voice , etc. This med icine does positively cure , and that where everything else has failed. No medicine can show ono-half so many positive and permanent cures us have already boon ollbcted by this truly wonderful remedy. For Asthma and Hronohitis it is a porloct specific , cur ing the very worst cases in the short- fst time possible.Vo say by all means give it n trial. Trial bottles free. Regular size 81.00. Forsalobj 8lly ( ) IHII & MuMAiiQN , Omaha , To Nervous Su.tterers THE QrttAT tUROPEAN REMEDY , Dr , J. B. Simpson's Specific It li a positive euro ( or tipermatoirhca , Somlna Wcoknct * . liupoUney , and all dltcaie * roaultloi tram Self-Abiuo , an MenUl Anxiety , LOJI Memory , Vqlim In the Hack or Bide , anil dUc&tw " that load to COMUtnptlOt The HpeclCi Medicine li being usu with wonder ( Ul HUCC089. _ _ Pamphlet out Irio to all. V/rltc lor them and get ( ull < > ai t culun. IVlcc , Cneclflc , 91.00 i > or packtge , or lU pack Uin tor 16 00. Addrc&i all orderi to Ii. 8111SON MKDI01NE OQ. Ifoi. 104 and 100 Main St. UuSalo , N. T , In Omaha by C. F. Oooliuin , J , W. Ilell ib , and all ( Inngliitievery whore. i Sdkir A remedy wllhciicn n rcprcwnlntlnn us Hot elier's Stomach Ulttcra cVnenosn fair ttlnl Ken on a-o ilytpcptlc , ) our nmhdy will o\cntuill.v lo il to It ; ( } orafi'cblo , luck tlcith and ( eel Iu9x | > nilciit , It Hill both ImllilAiiil cheer } ou up ; ( i on are consil | ti d It lll rtllcx o } on , and II .Illoin" hcalthlnlstlmulfcU tour Ihcr. Don't Ifcpan * lint innkc this clTort In the right illrcc- Ion , Kor dale l > \ all ( Iriiiciflsts nml ( Im fchlStoml Gentle Women Who wmt glossy * Inxurlant and vary tresses of abandant , heantiful Hair mast nso LION'S KATHAIKON. This clccnnt , cheap article always makes the Hair grow freely and fast , keeps it from falling oat , arrests and cures grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the. Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency and keeping it in any desired position. Beau tiful , healthy Hair is the sure result of using Kathokon. PILES ! PILES ! PILES ! A Sure Cure Found at Lastl No Ono Need Suffer I A sure euro for Wind , lilcodlng , Itching and Jlcerated Plies lias been discovered by Dr. Wll- lam , ( an Indian remedy , ) called Dr. William's ndlan Ointment A single box has cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or SOjcara standing , No ono nocd sutler five minutes after applying this wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions , instru ments and electuaries do more harm than good , iVllllam'i Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays ho Intense Itching , ( partlculaaly at night after getting warm in bed , ) acts as npoultlco , gives in- .tent . and painless relief , and Is prepared only for 'lies. Itching of the private parts , and for notb Dgetso. Read vrhit the lion J. 11. Ccfflnborry ot Cleve- and Bays about Dr. William's Indian Pile Oint ment : I have used scores of Flics cures , and It affords ma p euure to say that I have never found- anything which gave such Immediate and perma nent relief as Dr. .William's Indian Ointment. For sale by all druggists or mailed on receipt of price , 11.00. HENRY & CO. . Frop'rf , CLIVELAND , OHIO. For sale by 0. F Goodman. THE KENDALL PLAITM MACHINE ! DRESS-MAKERS' COMPANION , It plaits and presses perfectly ono yard per minute. It plaits from 1-10 of on inch to 11-4 Inches In width In the coarsest felts or finest silk ) . It does all kinds and etj lot of plaiting in use. No lady that docs her own dress-making can afford to do vUthout one as nice plaiting is novcroutof fashion , If seen It sells Itself. For Machines , Circulars or Agent's terms address CONGAR & CO. , 113 4.dams St. Chicago , 111. KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA BITTER ILER & CO. , Sole Manaftvoturere. OMA.HA NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Core Guaranteed- Dr. K. 0. Wcst'a Nerve und Drain Troatmont- A Bjiociflo for HyiterU , Ululnoaa , Comulslone Nervous UtaiUcho , Mental Depression , Loss o Meinory.Stwrnmtorrhcoa. Impotonsy , Im olunUr ; Em'Mloni ' , I'romaUre O d ABB , caused by or lixurtlor. . iiH * uic , or ntnr-luilulcciue. wlicl loadt to mUery , decay and UcaUi. One box ull cure recent cue ) . Ea-b box contain ! ono month' treatment. Ono dollar a box , or six boxed lo ( ho dollars ; sent by mall prepaid on receipt o price. We guarantee six boica to euro any cue With cadi order receUtd by us for ilx boxes. a < compaulcd with flo dollars , will send too pur chotvr our written guarantee to return th money It the treatment does not cfl ct a euro. 0 , t. Goodman , DruKKUt , Sole. Wholesale am Hetall Arcnt , Omaha. Neb. Orders by maM a regular price. dtwly ORAIG'S ' OITY GREEN HOUSE Is now open to the publ'.o with ft lull supply o Cut Flowers and Plants For Hale. Wo will ! > e glad to luuo the publl call and Bee us , Bououots or Any Floral Doelgn Madi to Order ON TUB 8110HTUST NOTICK. City Qrccn House , 3. W. Cor 17th d Wet t < r , ouo block Iron Iflth street c r . Nurw-rj ila strat , opposite t'oit. Jos. Y. Or alt' , Kloru and LauJscapo 0 ardner. Fcbi Cm. im\ \ imUiTrTf * r % f * lilTTERS Mrs. .T. . Ilolicrtaon , I'ltUbnrR , I'n. , writes : "I at audcrlrtir from general dcbllltv , want of n | > - H'tltc , constl | tlon , etc. , no that life wiun liur- en ; after ii'lntf lUinlock ntooil Dlttcra 1 felt bet- cr tlian for years , t cannot pralso jour Illttcra 00 much. " IJ.OIblu. of miffalo , N. Y. , writes : "Your lurilock Diet , ( litters , In chronic dlstasca of the ilooil. Ihtr a.J kidneys , lm\o been signally mrkcd with mictoi. Ihaio ii < l them tnjucff lth licit results , for torphllt ) ' oftholhcr , nml In cAsoot a frlcml ot mine suffering from dropsy , ho effect was marvelous. " Ilnico Turner , llochcstcr , N. Y.w rites : 'I ha o > ccn HUbjcct to ncrlotn disorder of the kldnejn. .nd unililo to attend to ImMnc'Bs ; ISunlook lllood litters rcllc\cil ma before htlf nliottle as used feel confident that they "ill entirely euro me. " , K. Ascnltli Hall , lllnghampton , N. Y , , writes : 'I suflcrcd nlth n dull | iln throu h my eft uriK nnd shoulder. Lost my spirits , appetite and color , nnd conlilltli illtllciilty kpcp up all day. Took jour Iliirclock lllood Hitters as dl > cctcd , nml ha > o felt no pain since first week af. cr ustiiK them , " Jlr. Nonh nates , Ehulra. N. Y. . writes : "About our } cars nf o I had an attack of Mllousfovcr.and ocr fully rcco\crud. My tliRestho organs icrd weakened , and I would uocompletely pros- rated fordajH. After usln-t o hottlciiof jour lurdock Blood Hitters the Improxcmcnt was BO l-lblo that I was nstonlihcd , I can now. though 1 years of ago , do a fair and reasonable day' ) work. C. Blackct Robinson , proprietor of The Canada 'rcsbjterlan , Toronto. Ont. , writes : "For jcars suffered greatly from oft-recurring headicnc. I scd jour Hurilock lllood Hitter ! ] with happiest caultH , and t now nnd tu < colt In better health nan for > cars post. " Mrs. Wallace , Iluflalo , N. Y , writes : ' -I have scd Burdock lllood Ulttcra for nervous and bll- ous headaches , and can recommend U to an } ono cqulrlng a euro for bllllotiencsa. " Mrs. Ira Miillnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes : For several jcars I have suffered from oft-rccur- ing lilllioui headaches , djspcpsla , and com- ilalntH peculiar to my sex. Slncu using jour lurdock lllood Illttirs I amotitlroly relieved. " FOSTEH , MILBURN , & Oo , .Props . , BTTFFALO , N. Y- Sold at wholesale by Ish & McMahon and C. F. Goodman. je 27 cod-mo Tnls great jpcciflc cures that most loathsome disease SYPHILIS Whether ID its Primary , Secondary or Tertiary Stago- Removes all traces of .Vcrcury from the sys tem , Cures Scrofula , OM Sor03 , Hhcuma- tlsm , Eczema , Catarrh or any Blood Disease. Cures 'When Hot Springs Fall ! Malvern , Ark. , May 2,1881. \Vo have casen In our town who lived at Hot Sprlngd and wcro finally cured with 8. S. S. AICCAMMO.V & MtJRRY. Memphis , Mqnn. , May 12,1SS1 We ha\o sold 1,290 bot'lcs of S.S. S. In a year. t has given unlvcrevl satisfaction. Fair minded ihyslclans now recommend It as a positive peclfic. S. JU.ssmLD & Co. Louisville , Ky , , May 13.1831. S. S. S. has given better satl faction than any medicine I have ever sold. J. A. FLPXNIB. Uenvci , Col. May 2,1881. Every purcha cr ( peaks In the highest termi of S. S. S. i. Mclssotnr. Ulchmond. Va. . May 11,1881. You can refer anybody to in In regard to the merits of S. 8. S. Polk , Miller & Co. Ha'o never known 8. S. S to fall to euro a cose t Sjphllig , when properly taken. it. L. Dcnuaril. ) , n. . perry , Eli Warren. The above signers aronontlcmon of high stand- ng. A H COLQU1TT , Oov crnor ot Georgia. F YOU WISH WE W LL TAKE YOURSE CA TO BE PAID FOR WHEN CURED. , Write for particulars and ooiiy of little book 'Messairo to the Unfortunate. " 81.0OO Rnward will be paid to any chemise who will Und , on anil J els 100 bottles S S. S. , ono particle of Mercury Iodide Potas sium or any Mineral subatanco. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Props. Atlanta , da. 1'rlco of regular slzo reduced to 81 75 per hnt tlo Small arzo , holding ; hall the quantity , price , 91.00. Sold by KENNAHD & CO. , and Druggists Oonerally GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MAmcT" " } .0realTRADl MARK English rem- cdy. An un failing cure for Seminal Weakness , Spormator- rhea , Impotency - ency , and all Dlecascsthat follow as a BEFORETAKINO.toquonco of AFTER TAIINB , Self-Abuse ; as Loss of Memory , Unlv crsal Lassi tude , I'aln In the Hack , Ulrnncss ot Vision , Premature mature Old Age , and many other Diseases thai lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema ture Grave. , X TFull particulars In our p&mnhkt , which wo desire to send frco I r luall to every ono. { jfTho Specific Mcdlclna Is laid by all druggiBti at SI per package , or Opackizeo for $5 , or wll bo sent free by mall on ri'3 ptof the money , by addrcuslng T1IKOIIA 1EDICINKCO. , Buffalo , N. Y , or R ! O liv C. F Good' nctmfl-cnd The Great English Remoily Blh falls to cuio K'crvous Debility , VI tnl Exhaustion , KmlJ dons , Seminal Wcak- [ iiesses.LOSTMAN HOOD , and all the eUlclfcUH of j until fill follies and cxies ic . It stops pcrma ncntlyall weakening. involuntary JOB * gam Jralns upon the s > s em , thp Inevitable re Blll ' < ult of these cvilprac tlccs , which are BO destructive to mind and body and make I' to miserable , often' hading to Insani ty and death It 'roiuthom the NcrtcK.llraln , ( memor ) ( Illooil , Musclui , Plgustlve and llcpro ductlvoOr/iin , It restores to nil the organic functliMM their former vigor and \ltallt ) , nm Mng life cheerful nnd uijo ) able 1'rlco , VJ a 1'ottlo , orfoulni" fe ij"n" Itv * 10. P "t bv uxpicoa , necuro iium ou < . notion , to auv nddrtw on receipt of prlco. No. C. O. D. eent , except on receipt of * 1 as a guarantee. Letters requesting questing answers must inclose stamp , Dr. Mintie'a Dandelion Pills are the best ami ihcniwitt djipopsia and blllious cure In the market. Sold by ull dru 'Uts. Prlco (0 cents. DK. MINTIK'H KIDNIY IlEUEvr , GErRKricuu , Cures all hind of Kldnty and bladder complalnto gonorrlica , gleet and leucorreca. For tale I y al daug Bts : 1 a bottle. ENGLISH MEDICAL INSTITUTE. 718 Olive St. . bt. LouU , Mo. JanZ5-ly _ . J. L WILKIE , MANUKACTUUEH OK PAPER BOXES 218 and 220 B. 14th Bt. JlllOdCul ZROTIB : & Wholesale Lumber , ' No. 1408 Farnliam Street , Omaha , Vet. febl-l-3mo I. OBERFELDER & CO. , WHOLESALE IILLHERT IP MMS. 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET , Spring Goods Receiving Daily and Stock very nearly Ooinplete , c g'Jp iJEt.ia 8sox rcx'j3a3c > . DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS. ARU1NQTON , j. a. MclNTIRE. Lincoln , Not 8ARATOQA HOTEL d. 8. STEtLINIUS , Mllford , Nob. COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , Btromibunj , Na . HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL. Loulivllle " CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Blair , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. Q. MEAD. Nellgh , Neb QRANPJ CENTRAL ? . SEYMOUR , Nobrnska City , Neb MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP. Weeping Water.No COMMERCIAL HOUOE A. O. CAARPER. Hardy Neb ' GREENWOOD HOUSE , Q. W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb ENO'8 HOTEL , E. L. ENO. Eremont , Neb. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atklnion Neb MOROAN HOUSE , E. L. QRUBB. Qude | Recd , Neb. SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & BECKER , Cretton , l . JUDKIN8 HOUSE , JUDKINS & BRO. , Red'Oa'k. la. HOUSTON HOUSE , QEO.CALPH , Exlra , la REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER. Audubon. la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. BURQE88 , Neola , la. CITY HOTEL. Dl B. WILLIAMS , Harlan , In , PARK HOUSE. MRS. M. E. OUMMINQ8 , Corning , In. NEBRASKA HOTEL , J , L. AVERY , Stanton , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vlllltca , la. JUDKINS HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la. BALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida'Qrove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE , B , F. STEARNS , Odebolt , la GRAND PACIFIC , J. NORTON. Columbut , Neb. 2J WOODS HOUSE , JOHN ECKERT , Osccola , Neb. DOUQLA8 HOUSE. J. 8. DUNHAM , Olarks Neb O. WHOLESALE GROCER , _ 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha. Np.h. NVITATION TO ALL WHO HAVE WATCHES AND CLOCKS TO BE REPAIRED , E ! 3ST GV I IT Gh TO BE DONE OR JEWELRY MANUFACTURED. While our Work is better , our Prices are Lower than all others I received all of the JBIX FIRST PREMIUMS offered for Competition in our line Over AH Competitors. For the Best Watch Work , For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. ) For the Best Engraving , For the Best Diamonds ( own importation ) y FOR THE BEST DISPLAYED , ETC. Saving lately enlarged my workshops and putting in now > .nd improve * . < i chinory , I hope to still more improve the quality and finish "f our ork and fill orders with more promptness than is usual. My Mctio has always been and always will bo : "First to gain superior ties end then aavertiso the fact not before no wild advertisements Seme unprincipled dealers being in the habit of copying my arnouncoments , I would bog you , the reader of this , to draw a line between such copied advertisements and these of Yours very truly , A. B. H , El MAN The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. , Sign of tfap Striking Tovr ? locl ? mENTro rBOsiNEss- ; We have in Stock OVER 200 , 000 ENVELOPES A Large Invoice of Flat Paper , Finest and Most Complete Line of Blank and Account Books in Omaha. All at Prices that Cannot be Met in this Market. Give us a Call. CILMAN R. DAVIS & CO. , ( Successors to Wooley & Davis. ) 105 South Fifteenth Street Opposite Postofflce. ( obO-lm-eod SAUSAGES Practical Sausage Manufacturer , v ORDERS OF ALL KINDS FILLED PROMPTLY FOR ALL X , VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES. Family orders attended to with despatch , and every thing promised satisfactory. I invite a call at No. 210 South Tenth Street.