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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1882)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. FEBKuA'KY 16 1882 , 1 - CHASED BY WOLVES. .1 A Youth's Terrible Fight With Furnished Beaata. i > HU Hair Turned Wnlta MlllotdUtter in New Yotk Sun. "Eighty years ago on Christnns eve , " said the Sheriff , "Uncle 1'ole.u Underbill's grand father's hair turned aa gray as a badgers. " It was II r. M. The Crusmnn IJouso was closed and the lights wuro turned out , but seine of tlio boys were lingering by the genial new base-burn er steve , where they had boon ex changing experiences during the eve ning. Tlio otovo was radiant. Its beams fell warmly on tlio form of the dog on the lloor. They lit the jovial face of the County Clerk as the early sunbeams illumine the tin rooster ter on the hotel barn and kissed the uosc of the Sheriff until its reflected light surrounded him with a halo of { glory. They glowed on the ilecantorr back of the bar with a soft inlonsU ; I that cmphasiccd the labels , and the ; even climbed to the "No Trust" sig and clothed it with HO kindly a gloat that it appeared no longer a stori I' ' reality nnd carried terror to no ono not oven the foreman of the printing office , reclining on the coal-box bao in the shadow o. "Eighty years ago ! " mused th Sheriff * 'Old ngo comes on apace , but it seems to mo as if ho waH bowl ing along this way on a gallop. Ag may bo a crown of glory , but I notic that youth hangs up the most von sion. " "Well , " said'tho County Clerk , "did ago pounso down on Uncle Polet Underbill's grandfather all in one night and turn him gray ? What bus inosa had ho to bo Undo Pelog'i | ] j grandfather , or anybody olso's grand | j father , anyhow , unless ho was gray 11 when ho started in on the grandfathe business ? " "But hold orit Hold onl" said th Sheriff. ' 'I haven't told you about i yet. Undo Polog'u grandfa'Jjor was 22 years old wkcn " "Stop I" said the ox-Poundmastor , an ho got up und began to button hii overcoat. "Stop , Sheriff ; that'll do 1'vo heard you toll about catfish climbing trees , end pickerel burrow ing throhgh ton-aero lots to got from ono pond to another , and'havo ' never for a moment doubted your truthful ness. I've told these stories to my children , nnd when they pulled down their under eyelids and asked mo if I saw anything green. I've reproached them for implied doubt , tolling them that you had soon these thing ) , nnd they were consequently true. But Sheriff , in prcsonting mo with a mai 22 years old as a grandfather , you nro asking too much of mo at my time of life. It won't soak in. I now bcgii to doubt oven the climbing catiiah and my faith in the burrowing pickerel orel it 'wavering. Sheriff , it is a sad thing when ono friend loses confidonci in another. Good night , boys. I g < homo n sadder , but nvwisor man. A RUNNING FIRE. "Poundmastor , " said the Sheriff , "I'm touched" Aud the Sheriff pressed his hand to his head. Then thinking the movement might bo mis 'Constructed among the boys , ho removed moved it quickly , and laid it on hie chest , "how sharper than a sorpont't tooth it is to bo called .a liar by a roan yon darsn't hit ! " ho said , bitterly 'But . Undo ' stay. tPelog'a grand father wasn't his grandfather then i ou BOO " "But you said heWAS his grand father. " urged the tPoundrnastor. "Do you take it back them , and admit you were lying to us"You see,1' aid the Sheriff , not committing him self. "You see , ho got-to bo Uncle Pelog's grandfather , because ho was _ ik Unolo Poleg's grandfather finally. Ml See ? " The Poundmastor shook this head sadly , and sat down again. ' 'Then that spoils the whole blamed atory ; " aid the County Clerk. "You said'Poleg's grandfather's hair turned gray in a single night. Now , that would bo something worth listening to. If the old gentleman' * liair turn ed gray all at once , that goes tie say that hu hair wasn't gray baforo , un less it was dyed and ho loit hislliat in a shower. Now , a grandfather with out gray hair was just an immense thing to commence a Ohristaaas-jjtory with. But it turns out that tthoro wasn't any grandfather at all , .and if there wasn't any grandfather , where are you going to got your gray < hair ? The next time you intend to get -your fine work in on a grandfather story. Sheriff , don't try to play a twenty- two-yoar-oldor off on us for the -old anan. 'Try it the other way , Sheriff , ' suggested the ox-District-Attoruoy "Cun't you make it come out by tell ing how your grandfather's ' Undo Polog Underbill's hair turned gray in A single night ? Mobbo that'll fix it" "But my grandfather didn't ' have any Unolo Pelog ( Underbill , " said the fchoriff. "I toll you what to do , " said the Poundmastor , who likes a dispute. "Begin the story tQnco upon a time , etc , It'll ' straighten out as you go. "Yes , " said the District-Attorney : "and if you could work m a couple o' ghosU right near tfeo start , and kill some one m a dark , deep hollow , we'd like It. " The foreman of the printing office came out from among the shadows and took a seat in the glow of the base burner. Ho said It was too cold on a coal box. "Bu1 , ther ain't any ghosts in this story , "said the Sheriff , "and no onu gota murdered. " ' The foreman of the printing office wont back to the shadows , ilo said it was to hot by the bask burner. A PRETTT I'JOTUllK. "I have an impression , " continued the Sheriff , "that there ie the suspi- sion of an inclination on the part of the . circle this evening to infer that I do I.g not intend to lay this story out with K the aid of a straight edge. Gentlemen - men , I am deeply hurt. With what good reason lot my witness be a sim ple statement of facU in the case of Uncle Peleg'sgrandftttlier. Poetio li- coneo , my dear Poundmutorl Poetio license ! " There was a pause. A label on ono : of the decanters ceased to gleam in , the fire light. There was u m'lverj sound of a gurgling rill in a meadow. /i group of earnest raon stood silent -V in the glow and shadow. Then pro- oently the label blazed forth again in all its wonted vividness. The silent men sat down. The Sheriff broke the stillness. . "Of course , " said ho , "tho circum stances I nm pbout to toll didn't hap pen within my recollection. I got 'em clean from Undo I should say the Info Poles Underbill. Poleg didn't know thorn from personal recol lection , either , as ho hadn't ell huir to any grandfather at that time , and wasn't in that part of the country. Poloc's grandfather's name w s Kzokiol Murrywcnthet. At the ngo of U2 ho wni a young man living over on the head waters of the Fjittlo Bush- "Uo was a romantic sort of a duck , " continued the Sheriff. "Ho scorned n life of toil , and chose the caiy am luxurious existence that comes of liv ing in a brush cabin nnd chasing th llcot-footod donicoim of the dim li forest from ridge to ridge , nnd bring ing homo their hide and tillow. Hi was an original Pike county hunter , nnd was known to clear as high n fifiy dollars aoino years with his gui nnd traps. Nobody know where l came from. Ilo liked a drop of snuff , nnd - " "Ho was from Jersey , " said th Poundmnstcr. "Ho was extremely shy and mod cat , " Sheriff wont on. "Ho wasn't from Jersey , " Haid tin County Clerk. "Ho had very black hair , and wn tall and wiry , nnd nil tlio girls in th bade woods were stuck on him. The follows were jealous because ho cu 'em out of the atone frolics and husk ing bees. A family named Jobsoi had found their way from somowher or other in Jersey to that part of the country , nnd settled near tlio Monroe county border. There was old Job son and his wife and his dnughto Melissa. Jobson had uncovered nbou an aero of earth on his tract , and bull him a house , n barn , n wagon shod , i spring-housonn observatory fiffy fee high , and throe miles of our foot wal with the stone the acre yielded. MKU8BA A SrUKNKIt. "According to the Into Polog Un derbill , Melissa must 1m vo boon a stunner. She was way up in all the occomplislunontB of the district , which ranged from turning a flapjack to picking a panther out of the tree with the old man's flintlock rifle. Th pastimes and pleasures of budding Pike county maidenhood in those days were few , and it ivoro threat rownrd for Melissa to got the promise trom her mother that if she would pile up so much stone wall ( [ while she rested from pulling turnips , nlio could 'shuck the hide ptPn the next wolf that dad fotohed in ; ' or if she cut and piled a sufliciont quantity of stove wood before - fore she wont to work hoeing the "tutors , she might hold the pig at the next Christinas killin' while dad stuck it. "It was ono day in the fall of 1801 that Ezckiel Merry weather first struck the Jobson clearing , and mot Molissa. She was having n holiday , and was enjoying it in shucking wolves. The wolf crop was good that season , and old Jobson'g traps were generally full. Whether it was the wny Melissa yank ed the pooling off of the wolves , or whether it WOH her general style that did the business , Ezekiel fell in love with her at first sight. She fell in love with him , tooayd ho got to tak ing in the Jobson clearing pretty re gular on his hunting expeditions. Finally ho asked her to marry him , and she said she would. Ho laid the matter bofoVo her old man. " 'Wall , scarcely ; you can't have M'lissj' said Jobson. 'No young .squirt of a bushwhacker don't tie on to her if her dad know'a it , an' her dad's up to things what's goin' on ' 'round here pooty ginoraly. When ' M'hss goes away from this pastor lot it'll bo with eoroo gray-hoaded rooster an knows what to treat her to. She don't splice to nobody but a gray- headed man , an' yo might jest AS well bait yor * trap in some other * warap , ' Zok'el. . "Well , now , I'm blamed if I ain't glad to hoar a little something about gray hair. " said the County Clerk. "I was afraid youd ! forgot about that , and twos getting two , stories .mix ed. " "That WOB a great blow to the young people , " continued the Sheriff. "Ezelaiol struck into the woods and MolissR. shucked wolves with a heavy heart. By and by Sim Smith -of Poconoimot Melissa. Ho was on the upper aide of DO , gray as n rat , and Dwnod a farm. WJion ho asked old Jobson far Melissa , Jobson said : " 'YoVo draw'd the proper bead the fust time , Sim. Yo'.vo hit mo plump back o' tho.foro-shouldor. The gal's ' ' your'n. MAXCU-UAKINO WOI.VEB , "Molisu hadn't anything to say in the mutter , iiuid the wadding was fixed for Christiaou Kvo. On that night the population of three townships was at Jobsons sixteen paoplo in all. Old 'Squire Morgan wan there to tie the knot. Eeokiol Merrywcathor was the only absentee. It was a fine moonlight m lit and as cold At Green land. The voiding wai to come off at 0 o'clock. Every little while the howling of could bo hoard on all lidos of the clearing. That was uothing uncommon , though , .and no body thought ony.tliiiig of it. About 3 .o'clock the howling was more than usually loud and prolonged in ono di rection. " 'Wolves is dura liungry to-night , iaid old Jobson. They ro closm' in 9n ( lot deer pooty rog'Lir , I mckon. ' "Tho 'howling cauio nearer and nearer. "Cussed if I don't think they're : oiu' to take that door plumb through jur turnip patch , ' said Jobson. 'Well ' , lui 'em go. Wo'vo got other business besides carin' for a nassul o' jruory wolves to-night ; hey , Sim ? ' "The wolves came closer and clos er. Their snarling could bo beard in ho house. But no ono over took the trouble to look out of the window. ' Clio howling tud barking , an d snari ng kept on , and the aoundsliawed hut the wolves were not moving. . Mulissu wont to the window and loot- id out. ' "Why , dad , " unid she , 'them s bus treed Biitlu'ii' in our apring louso. They're thick urouii' ' it , and ionic of 'OIU'H going down the chim- ' ley. " 'Sure enough,1 says Jobson , hey've druv Butliin1 inter the spring iou o , urtin. Wall , boys , take yr ; une. We mowt UH well go out on' top this yer' noise 'fore wo pcrcood. ' "Tho inou took their guns and went out. A round or two sottlnd the bus- incsj for the wolves outside , but there was a struggle going on inside the milk houto. The door was forced open. By tlm light of the moon they saw a man , with nis back to the wall , fighting four hungry wolves with nothing but his hunting knife. The floor was piled deep with dead wolves , The man wns rescued and helped into - to the hoiiBo. Ho wns covered with blood and 'iis clothes were nearly all torn from him. It was Ezckicl Mor rywcathor , but his black Imir was as ijrny as a badgurl ' "Xok'l1 ! said Melissa. " 'M'liss ' ! ' said Ezt-klol. "And they wuro locked in ono an other's arms. Then Ezekiel told how ho had stnrto'l to comu to the wed ding in spite of his feelings , how he was cliRBod by wolves ; how ho fought them for two miles through the snow , lid finally Bought rufuge in the spring hoiiBo. Tlio wolves clambered to thereof roof nnd lot themselves down the chimney and clusod in nround him. Tlio 1 error of the situation had turned his hair white , nnd ho had been rea died just in time. "In the midst of tlio oxcitrmont created by E/ekiol's ' story Melissa said : " 'Dad , this yor's the white-haired man I'm going to tie to. ilia hair's whiter than Sim's , by a powoiful sights. ' "And old Jobson saw the point. The wedding came off at 0 o'clockbut Ezekiel was the bridegroom. The Into Pel eg Underbill used to say that the Jobson clearing hnd the jollicflt Christmas Eve that night that ever was known in this country. " The label on the the decanter disap peared again. Again tlio gurgling meadow brook. A group of earnest men pass out into the frosty nir , and the base burner beams alone on Ciusar and the decanters behind the bar. The Sheriff had told his Christmas Btory. " Nearly n Miracle. K. Aeenlth Hall , Hinghamtiton , N. Y. , writcH : "I mflertd for Bevtral months with dull pa n through my left lung and shoulders. I lo-t my npiritH. appetite und color , nnd could with difficulty keep up all day. My mother procured noun UURDOCK ILOO ! : > UlTTRltH ; I took them at directed , and have felt nn pain tinea thu fir t week after mint ; tln-m , mid am now cruito well. " 1'rico Sl.OO , trlnl HJzclO cantB. 1-J-lw Not on That Baals. Detroit Frco Press. liow vain and conceited is the coun try publisher who imagines that an ad vance circus agent doesn't know pret ty near what his circulation is. And how foolish and reckless that same agent would bo to pretend that ho know anything about it. In days gene by , when the genial cir cus man of Michigan , Joe Warner , was on the road as agent , ho had the softest , sweetest way of approaching a publisher that was over shown in the stato. lie know withiu a dozen copies of what the circulation of each paper was , and ho also know what a three-column "ad" in this or that sheet would bo worth to his show. Ono day hu entered a weekly nowspa- dor oilico in Eaton county , shook hands all aroujul , throw down half n dozen cig.iru , and inquired : "IIi B your circulation increased since last year ? " "Oh , yes greatly increased. " "Are you printing double what you were laat yeat ? " ' "Well ahein well , I think wo are. " "Shall wo contract on tho'basis of 3,000 circulation ? " ' Yes , I think wo'd better. Wo may run a few under or ever , but that's about the " Warner know that the honest fig- urgca wore about 050 , but ho took out a contract , filled in some of the blanks , and said : "I shall have to look your mail list. If you go ever 3,000 I must allow you fern circulation of 4,000. " "Oh , never mind that ; 3,000 will do. " "But aiy orders compel mo to look it your Hat. " "Yes well-yes , " stammered the publisher , as ho hunted around among bis exchanges. "Say , Warner. " "Well ? " "I guess you needn't make the con- bract on the basis of 3,000 circulation , but rather on increased influence imong people who like to see a good mow. It's too much trouble to find the list ! " "T-honI muat write in hero that you have a circulation of l.OOOconics. " "All right/ ' "And the price will bo the same as last year ? " "Yes , I suppose so , but I'll ' bo hang- ad if I don't circulate plump 0,000 copies on the next patent medicine uiun to make up for it. 'The Commodore. " Joseph L. Footo , the commodore , Elg'n , III , , Hftyo TIIOUAH' EcLEontio OIL cured lilin of Bclntlca with ono application , thor oughly amilled. It alao cured him of a . sevwo cold und cough. He think * it aver vorwftluftble remedy , aud will never be without it. H-lw PILES ! PILES ! PILES ! A Sure Cure Found at Last ! No OneNeed , Bafferl A lute core ( or llllud , llieoJIii , Itching ind Ulcerated I'ilw h bwn dUcoT d by Dr. Wll- llun , ( an IniUn romwly , ) ullod Dr. Wllllua'a Indian Olntmtnt. A anKle box b&i1 cured the wont chronic cues ol 21 or 80yera alandlng. No one naotl nufler five uln .to alter applying thli wonderful dOOthbiK medicine , Lotwiu , luitru- menta ui > l clvctuarlu * do uioio harm ( baa good , William' * Ointment alworbi the tamon. allayi tbe Intenu ) Itchlnr , ( partlculaaly at night alter getting wwm In bod. ) acU u apoultloo , KlrcB In- lUnl and i lnleai relief , and liproparod only ( or 1'llM. Itching ol ib pelynto ptrw , and ( or noth Ing eluo. Iliad what ibe lieu. J. II. Ccffinberry o ( Clere. and ya about Dt. Wllllani'i Indian I'llo Olnt- ueot : luatjuahxtscoretol Pllea cured , and It ifloriii me p euura tooay thatlbare never ( ound my thin i ; Mhlcti gar < i tnicn Immediate and perma- jont ullot ai Dr. WUJIixui't ( ndltn Ointment. For Mlo by all dn.Vi > t > or uitllrd cu rucolpt ol [ irloe , | 1 00.H . H NBY it jnO. . Prap'm. , OUTIULNO , OUIO. For tola by 0. t Qoodoml NOTICE. Ezeklcl'Duniall , ol.Ulih'Ti'rrltnry , and Krank Uuriiall , ol tlio btate olIoHa , Mill take notlre .hit Jemie H Ithcri did , on tbo 17th day c ( Janu- try , 18ri , flle In the County Court ol Doughi Juunty , a petition to reho tie judgment to. oicrwlby him In uld court ataln t the f IJ EieVlcl and KruuV Uurnall , on tlieilh < lay of lauuarj ,1676 , lor the um of SI00.45 , daatagei ml co t , and praylug that execution be ittaidtd tvr the b&lanoo rcmalulug diu , an * U > a thercnp'n ordered that the eald t'zcklcl > urnalland Krank Durnall thaw cauie on or lefore the tlth dty cl listen , 1 $ ' . ' , why the uld udgment nhould not b < rev | > cd . J18SB WITHERS , Ily Clarkion s Hunt. hU A Hi ni UHIIU , rtbrury 2d , 188 . No hend-aeJie or hnck-nche for ladies - - J- , , k "WINE OF CARDUI. " A remedy with fluci a rqucirnlntlrn M llo - tolttr'itKtunacli Hitters f ifcr\cs n fair t Inl I AOII r o dyspeptic , jour malady will c\cntunll } yicd toll ; Ifjoii nrcfptMe , l ck flc h and Ice' < lc < pondcnt It will both litilld and cheer jotiup II cu tirncnns'lp.itMl ' It ! ll nllcic jou , and I lllloiiB , liculthltil ftlmulutooiir liver. Dan' ilnpond , but make this ilTort In the right dlrcc tie n. n.Kor Bale by alt ( JrugirUMnml ilc.Vcrs generally , ffb,3toml Gentle Women Who -want glossy , luxuriant nnd vravy tresses of abundant , beantiiul Hair must nso LYON'S KATUAIRON. This elegant , cheap article always makes tlio Hair grow freely and fast , keeps it from falling out , arrests and cures grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency ana keeping it in nny desired position. Beau tiful , healthy llalr is the sure result of using Kuthalron. THE KENDALL PLAITfflG MACIfflE ! DRESS-MAKERS' ' COMPANION , _ . . . 77 - > .B. .Li ij 13 VJY * 3-1 It plaits and pruoaw perectly' > one yard per nlnuto. It plaits trom JJOql an Inch to 11-4 Inchea In Kldth in the coanrat felts or llneet ellk- . It doort all klnlin and Btyloof plaiting In tuo. No lady that does her own drcta-maklng can idord to do without ono oa nice plaiting is never out o ( fashion , If seen It eolls Itself. Kor Machines , Circulars or Agent's terms addrcea OONGAR & 00. , 113 A.dama St. Chicago , 111. KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA i i I H"5 11 El BITTERS ILER & CO. , Bole Manufacturers , OMAHA. NEKVOUS DEBILITY , A Care Guaranteed- Dr. K. 0.Vcst'x Nerve and Drain Treatment I ipeclOe ( or Ilyitcrla , Dizziness , Convulsions , f erroua Headache , Mental Depression , Loss of Jcmory,8permatorrha aInpotony , Involuntary 2m Bslonii , Premature Old Aee , uu ed by ovcr- _ ' . . , _ . * . . . .UA i - I'elf -i - - ixortlon , abuse , or over-Indulgence , which oaus ' to misery , decay and uu ui. Ono box nm ure recent 1HRR. . Pa h box contains one month's rcatment. One dollar a box , or lx boxes ( or Ive dollars ; sent by mall prepaid on receipt ol irlce. Wo guarantee six boxes to cure any case. Vlth each order received by us ( or six boxes , ac- ompanled with flvo dollars , will send the pur- hasor our written guarantee to return the aonoy K the treatment does not ed ct a cure. O. f. Goodman , DrugprUt , Bole , Wholesale and total ) Agent , Omaha , Neb. Orders by mall at ejrular price. d&wly DB. p. SOHBRBR , Physician and Surgeon. CHBONIO DISKASES , 1UIEUMATI8U , Ktc. , A 81 > ECIALTV. ifflcc ; No.1112 FarnhimSt , between 14th aud Uth , Omaha , Neb. J23ood3ni J. L WILKIE , MAnUFAOTUKGUOF PAPER BOXES. 218 and 220 S. 14th St ' JinSdflm CRAIG'S ' OITY GREEN HOUSE i now open to the publla with a ( ull supply ol Cut Flowers and Plants or Sale. We will be glad to finve the public ; call and BCO us louquota or Any Floral Deelgn Made to Order ON THE SIIOHTEST NOTICE : City Orc n House , 8. W , Cor 17th and Web- | r , one block Iroin 16th street cirs. Nun-ery. H street , oppodto Koit. Jos. V , Oraltr , PloiJit id Landscape tlsrdncr. FebS Bni. John G , Jacobs , iFimuerly | ol oiih & Jacobs , ) JNDERTAKER 00D Mrs. J. n. HobcrUon , Plltsbnrff , Pa. , writes : "I w i BiilTtrln ? from pcncnxl debility , want of ap petite , constipation , etc. , no that lire V.M a bur den ; alter using Ilurdock Itlooil Hitters I ( elt bet ter than ( or years. I cannot praise your Hitters too much. " II. nibhi. ol Buffalo , N. V. , writes : "Vour Ilurdock Hlci Hitters , In ihronlcdltcnjcsof the blood. Ihcr & . .J kidneys , two been nlRiially nmrkcd with nucccrn , Ihik\e u ed them mjuclf with best result * , ( or torpldltj' of tliolhcr nd In case of n ( rlcnd ol mine suucrlng from dropsy , the effect was man clous. " Ilmco Turner , Rochester , N. Ywrltc : ' ! have IMH subject to serious disorder ol the klclncjs , itnd unnble to attend to business ; Durdock Hlood Illtlcra relieved mo before half a liottle nan tided I fcol confident that they will entirely cure me. " , K * Agonlth Hall , ntnghampton , X. Y. , writes : "I eulTffred with a dull pain through mv eft lung nnd shoulder , I/out my spirits , appetite and color , and could with dltllculty keep up all clay. Took jour Ilurdock Wood Hitters OH di rected , and ha\o ( clt no pain nlnco lint week af ter uslntr them. " Hr. Noah Bates , Elmlra , N , Y. . writes : "About ( our years ago I had an attack of bilious divernnd never fully recovered. My digestive organs were weakened , and I would be completely pros trated for days. After using two hottlca of your Ilurdock I'.lood Hitters the Improvement was sc > t ible that I was astonished. I can now , thougl 01 yearn et age , do a ( air and reasonable day'i work. 0. niackct Robinson , proprietor of .The Cunnd- . Presbyterian , Toronto , Ont. , wrlt < : "Feryears I suffered greatly ( ram oft-recurring headache , used your Ilurdock Illood Bitters with happiest results , and I now find mv clf In better health than for j ears past. " Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : " 1 hav. used Ilurdock Blood Hitters for nervous and bll lous headaches , and can recommend It to anyon requiring a euro ( or bllllousness. " Mrs. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , M. Y , writes : "For several years I have suffered from oft-recur ring ' bllllous headaches , dyspepsia , and com' ' 6'alnta peculiar to my sex. Since using youi urdock Blood Bitters I am entirely relieved. " FOSTER , MILBURN , & Co , , Props BOTTAX.O , N. Y- Sold at wholesale by Ish & MeMahon and C. F , Goodman. Jo 7 cod-mo Tnls great ipociflc cures that most loathsome disease SYPHILIS Whotlior ii its Primary , Secondary or Tertiary Stage- Removes all traces of J'oraury Irom the sys toni , Cures Scrofula , CM Sores , Rheuma tism , E'zcnm , Cauirrh or any Blood Disease. Cnrofl When Hot Springs Fall ! ilalvorn , Ark. , May 2,1831. Wo have cose * in our town who lived at Hot Spring * and were finally cured with S. 9. S. McUAMUON & MUBRT. Memphis , Slonn. , May 12,1881 Wo have sold 1,290 bet lea of S. S. S. la a year. It has riven universal uitlslictlon. Fair minded physicians now recommend It us a positive specific. S. MjurariiLD & Co. Louisville , Ky , , May 13.1881. S. B. S. has given better eaUtfactlon than any medicine I have ever sold. J. Denver , Col. , May 2,1881. Every purcha cr ( peaks In the highest termi of 8. 8. 8. L. MelsMtr. Richmond. V . . May 11,1881. You can refer anybody to us In regard to the merits of 8. 8. 8. Polk , Miller & Co. Ha' o nevci known S. S. 8 to ( all to cure a case ( I Syphilis , when properly taken. II. L. Deniiard. ) n , . , Oa , Ell Warren. | Perry , The above signers areuentleman o ( high stand Ing. A II UOLQUITT , Governor ol Georgia. IF YOU WISH WE W LL TAKE YOURSE CA TO BE PAID FOIl WHEN CURED. bookWrite lor particulars and copy of little book 'Message to the Unfortunate. ' ' 1.OOO Howard will be paid to any chemist who will find , on analysts 100 bottles B S. 8. , one particle o ( Mercury Iodide Potas- slum or any Mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Props. Atlanta , Go. Price of regular size reduced to 81 75 per iot ; tie Small size , holding half the quantity , price , 11.00. Sold by KENMARD & CO. , > nd Druggists Generally DRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE * TRADE MARK Th.a atmADI MARK English rem- oily. An un failing cure i ( or Seminal Weakness , Spormator- rhea , Impotency - ency , and all DUeoflesthat' follow as ft BEFORETAKIHQ.'cqucnce of AFTER TAIIHQ. Soil.Abuse ; as Loss of Memory , Universal Lassi tude , Pain In tlio Back , Dimness of Vision , Pro naturt Old Age , and many other Dlroases that cad to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema- ; ure Uravo. 2TFull particulars In our pamnhlet , which * e dtwiro to send free t v mall to every one. C3rihu Bpeciflfe Medicine Is jold by all druggists it 81 per package , or 6 packizcs ( or < 5 , or will je sent ( reo by mall on reel pt of the-money , by tddresalng . THE Oil A 1EDICINECO. , Buffalo , N. Y. or Halo bv 0. F Goodi ocfme-eod The Great English Remedy Vcvcr ( alls to cuie Vcrvous Debility. Vi tal Exhaustion , Emls- < lens , Seminal Woak- neowti.LOBT MAN HOOD , and all the oil effects of youth ful follies and execs- et. It stops perma nently all weakening. involuntary low sand trains upon the SJB- em , the Inevitable re- . . . , < mlt ol these evil prac- Ices , which art ) so destructive to mind and body , nd make life miserable , often leading to Itninl- y and death. It B'rcni < thcns the Nerves , Drain , memory ( Illood , Musvlen , Plgentlve and Repro- lucthoOrxuns , It restores to all the organic unctlni their former vigor and \ltallty , ma- .Ing . life cheerful and enjoyable. Price , W a loltlo , orfoor tlincs t u u'ian ' Ity 310. { lent by 'iprcas. * eoini from ohs nation , to am addrmx , inrocvlptof price. No. C. 0. D. 8unt , eiupt in receipt ol ( I .as a guara'itre , Letters ru- [ ueetlng answeri must Inclose stamp , Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pilla .re . the best and cheapest dyspepsia and bllllous uro In the market. Bold by all druggists. Price 0 cenls. DR. MIMIK'B KIDNBV EEWBBT , ! ure all Undo ! Kldn yand bladder roinnlalnte , ouorrhea , gleet aud leuaorrcca. For lale yall lau 'g sU : $1 a bottle. ENGLISH MKDICAL INSTITUTE. 71BOlvo8t. ! , fit. Louis , Mo. Jan2fr-ly _ _ _ "AUCTION SALE > l valuable duelling hou e , tarne , e'.j I will ell at public auct'oii ' on Ihursday , Kubr rf 18 , 88 i , iM'tflmilot' at 10 o'clock a. lu , , at tbo f > rcm- ; es on B h btrcct. bttiwi-en F rnhaui and JvV- ) 'n itrcett. About filtctn dyielllug bouiek' , , rn fcnc'ngand ether Improvemei t , bclnv 10 prov rt.v of the II. t M. 11. R. Com any. Tirmi/ * h down , / - D. 8. M. FIIETWELL , lebltolQ S. W. WYATT , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , SiSH , DOORS , BLINDS AND lOULDIM 15th and Cuming St , OMAHA , N.EB. & holesale Lumber , No , 1408 Farnkm Street , Omaha , Neb , f > M4-3mn I. OBERFELDER & CO , ffHOLESALE IILLINEBT AND NOTIONS. 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET , SpriBg Boofls Eeoeiving Daily and Stock very nearly Complete , . DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS HOTELS. PROPRIETORS ARLINGTON , J. G. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Neb SARATOGA HOTEL , J. S. 8TELLINIU8 , Mllfbrd , Neb. COMMERCIAL. HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , Stromsburg , No. , HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Louisville OITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Blair , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE- , J. G. MEAD , Nellgh , Neb GRAND CENTRAL c. SEYMOUR , Nobraika Olty , Neb- MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , Weeping Water.No COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. CAARPER , Hardy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , Q. W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb ENO'8 HOTEL , E. L. ENO , Eremont , Neb. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LCVELL , Atklnion , Neb. MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. GRUBB , Guide Recd , N b. SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & BECKER , Oretton , la. JUDKIN6 HOUSE , JUDKINS & DRO , , Red Oak , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , GEO. OALPH , Exlra , la. REYNOLDS HOUSE , C.M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la. ' COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. BURGESS , Neolo , la. CITY HOTEL , DI B. WILLIAMS , Harlan , la , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. CUMMINQ3 , Corning , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , J , L. AVERY , Stantoo , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , v\M. LUTTON , Vllllica , la. JUDKINS HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , DRLL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida" Grove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE , B , F. STEARNS , Odebolt , la GRAND PACIFIC , J. NORTON , Columbus , Neb. HJ WOOD3 HOUSE , JOHN ECKERT , Osceola , Neb. DOUQLA6 HOUSE , J. S. DUNHAM , Clnrks Neb. ' . O. WHOLESALE 1213 Farnhgm St. . Omaha. NVITATION TO , ALL WHO HAVE WATCHES AND CLOCKS TO BE REPAIRED , TO BE DONE OR JEWELRY i MANUFACTURED. While our Work is better , our Prices are Lower * than all others I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS offered for Competition in our line i\ \ > Over All Competitors. For the Best Watch Work , For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. ) For the Best Engraving , For the Best Diamonds ( own importation ) FOR THE BEST DISPLAYED , ETC. Having lately enlarged my workshops and putting In now Jid improye * . - clunory , I hope to still more improve the quality and finish "f our ork and fill orders with more promptness than is usual. My Met to has always been and always will bo : "First to gain superior tiee and then advertise the fact not before no wild advertisements Seme unprincipled dealers being in the habit of copying ray announcements , I would beg you , the reader of this , to draw a line between such copied advertisements and these of Yours very truly , A. B. HJ - MN < \ The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. , Sign of the Striking Tovr ATTENTION ! BUSINESS MEN. We rtave in Stock OVER 200,000 ENVELOPES A Large Invoice of Flat Paper , Finest and .Most Complete Line of Blank and Account Books in Omaha. All at Prices bhat Cannot be Met in this Market. Give usa - a Call. OILMAN R. DAVIS & CO. , ( Successors to Wooloy & Davis. ) 105 South.Fifteenth Street Opposite Postoffice. IcM-lm-eoJ.