Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE OMAHA JJ.'ULV BE ' : , E BEUARf 15 1882.
The roller rink nt Central Imll
open * Friday nlnht.
aundunl rlub mnkquorndo to-day
ovcnltiff. ( Jtnnd utfnlr.
A oirlnid ot coiconuti in barrel *
WDM received by un Omaha coinmlmlon
firm yontir t y.
The window ( rAtneH and cftitlnKH of
the fifth htory of the Grand Central are
up ycHtord.ty.
The revival inoetltiK'H ut the firrt M.
ohnrcli ntllt continue , with lncreanln ( ' ,
Intercut ,
The uoniract for the carpenter work
on W. A. 1'uxton's now utoro building
hiix been lot t ) Fred Oelono.
-Tivo repcnttnt Slocumbn nliDwoil up
at poltco court ychterilay. One nuttlud
IUH fine and the other gnveHocurity.
Ti e dinner | > aU thief put in a hungty
apvcnrotiuo at the i > ollco court yeHtorday
was dihchnrged on a uruml o to heroaflor
let lionei-t nifii'H yrub alone.
The On.aha Ulce club concert dikes
! plftcoim the 2Qi\i \ Hint. , inttea'l of tho2lHt ,
at nnnoimceil in nuother p.iper. Tlio mlu
of noiU lciiM ; this morning.
An import nit meeting of the land
, league will In hold thli/ evening , when the
bo't method for prepatinj ; for the celebrn-
ti n on lliiM i int. n to
Tlio lliirlingtou road will horoaftcr
HtaC fvr iti ) i.-Honf'orH between M.Htport
.Mid ttobrftskA City in ) ii."nonner coiuhcH
on thy f en y rniv , imtiiiil uf liy tin ; old
. tnetho 1.
A roi'ulur "Old Virnnii" outfit ,
doukoj1 , wu nu , driver ail all , drove np
> 'Farnaui street , b ut noun jcUer.lay. llnd
Aunt Uphe ia MO ; i it HIO might well lmo
cxulniinud , "Oh , how Hhiftlusti ! ' '
A ilof and dumb boy about uitdit
yeui-d old lift Ilia Deiif and Dumb asylum
i n Hunil ly , und him not I con heiird from.
Any information rop-iirdinj ; IH ! where-
-alxiiiti will bo thankfully rtceived liy J.
A. OillfHjiIe , Ufiif and Dumb iiHyluin.
For Hont Two ti 'lit rxiin colt xlK
1 ctwoiu 'Jltb nnd Seth , on laveii ) irt
Btrcet , with all eontou'uiicei of iv plim > aut
ho o. HuildiiiijH a entirely uaw nnd
will I e re.idy for OCM micy by Feb. SSOlh.
O. F DrAColl. Febl4,2t.
Mr * . U'lirln ' ) y died on Sunday njfht !
nail her funo nl t > ok | lace yttorday. .
Jnme < Itocklaml ollected S11.8. ) umonjj
the Union I'aoilic Hho ] > men Monday foi
the benefit of her two children , ulioure
aick with ccarlct fe\cr.
A woman named Lanon , ri'Hiiilii ) ; at
the ooruer of Kih'hth uud Hiiraoy utreetn ,
appeared in polloo'court yesterday with i
complaint tint a co'ored girl who llvei
next door to her had stolen six dollar *
TTlke cane was iven to the police.
-Tho Merchants' Detective aiBOciatioi
m Incorporatoil nnd the tharter U on fill
In the otiico of the necreUry of Htnte
ln ' from the way the banks and mer
thix Kliite arc brcomin Inter
into I m the nxioaintion It i vorf much t <
thc'r adv n ago.
NOTICE. The HppiaWnt appointed t
app'uidodamat'vp , if any , In ilio coutem
plated chau c of gmdo of Farnam htrco
from Kith to'Oth MtreotH , will meet at tin
office of the City Clerk on Monday , Fob
ru.iry 13 , ] 88L , at 10 o'clock a. in. Al
penton.1 who are Uenlr.HH t > > b i hoird be
fore them uro hereby notified.
,1. ,7 , L. O , .TKWKTT , City Clerk.
Manager MurHh , of Uoyd'rf ojier
house , IIIIK been tendered a benefit , wliic
will take Dlaco the 21th IiiHt The "Fu
on the l.iistol Party , " . ono of the 'no-
popular tioupBA on the road , will jmn
from Denver to thin point to t'iy him tl
very le t I'onulb'o hend-ou" , Tio' eU w )
'be put ou ale nt ! ) u. m. , on Tnunlay ne.\
and bulweui MivuiK1" " Mnrth' friem
.and thu ail i Irera of "Fun on the Itrixtol ,
U will Uko itlKiut two oport liniiHCH I
bold the crowd.
f A mnaway , wh ch resulted In Hliul
dwiihgu , took plaon ou Fiftrtnth Htioi
yealonliiy , It MUM Hilly lli edorn
team , iiml ntnrtcd fioin the top of thu hi !
n llownrl nnd Ki'tfinth ' , running dciw
town to tin ; curlier ol Jackaou , where tin
ran Into n feiicit and the to jiio nut umli
the Hlilewullr , Tlio driver jumped otf an
oaaght the liorniw and I eld them , so tin
there WUH nothing of Herioun c < > n i < | iieni
to horres or wanii. (
The ItnpuriiMiutlonii of Mr , and Mi
XJ , .V. Wllcot are hlyhly com i ended 1
eastern cltlcK. The 1'lttitburgh DInpaU
< 8 y : ' 'Wit und humor , commliiclecl wil
ipatluw and sentiment W.IH the charucter
the vxhibltioncloiilnK | with an unuatiully I
ter tliigiaico"Mr.U.A.Wilcoxwhoi'lv
an entertainment at the Unitarian chute
on Ftlday night , U called by thuQuln
'Herj.lil , "A fiuUhed artUt , loMnt ; I
Identity In each character , and equa'
at home both In tragedy and comedy.
Table Delicacies ut
A uuiv line of Btyliah Suitings ji
received which wo uro nmkint ' ; up
the beat munner ut the luwoat'prici
L.VjtUAMH & '
does uot utl'eot the sulo of . lluydu
Patent Fire Kindluru. They are ji
3 much u household necessity
warm v outlier as cold. Fi ' e muat
kindled daily and nothing i" HU vi
t us HAYUEN'H.
II ! ! ' 'Jable Delicacies at
1t 1
1I I t
The Question Analyzed by
Oity Engineer Rose-
Ho Hocommontln Adoption of the
Permanent Plan of an Open
Stone und Brick Sewer Wont
of the Shops.
Mr. Andrew Roiowator , city oni i-
nucr , has tnado the following report to
the city council committee u < > witter
works and sewers , which wan pre
sented laat evening. The report ex
plains itself :
Omen OK Cirv KMIINRF.K , \
OMAHA , Nob. Feb'y 14 , 1882 /
To the HonoraMo Committee MI Wattr Works
and Hewers :
OKNTI.BMBN : Iii roflponse to reao-
lution , I herewith preaent to you for
consideration the following facts
touching the BO Borage plans of North
Oinalia nubmitted by mo to the city
council , which I hope will sulliciontly
cover thu anonymous criticism nnd
groundless objections urged by citi
zens in various nrotcBtn recently sub
mitted. The dminago area of the
North Omahn aewor system covers
4,200 ncrofl. This entire area dis
charges its rainfall through the va
rious branches of North Omaha creek
lirat into thu river button's , and
thence by sluggiflb and ill defined
channels into the river. A hrgo pitrt
of these bottoms , along the base of the
bluffo , is lower from three to four foot
than the river bank , and hcncn
after every storm they retain a lar u
pottion of thu creek diftchnrgo , with
all thu impurities aggregated from the
city above them and by ulow process
of decomposition create disease. Tlio
object of a BOAverago system is to rti-
linVo the city of thuso pestilence
breeding cjuaes. und , if in w doing ,
I ho cost of bridging alid other inci
dental expenditures bu obviated
at the samu time , it in proposed to do
BO , It is very apparent nt thu outset
if the tvalor und decaying matter
which now finds its way into the bottoms
toms can bo intercepted by u newer ,
or system of nuwura , before it reaches
these bottoms nnd cirried direct to
thu river , that the great source of nil
the trouble sought to bo overcome
will nt once bu removed. A careful
glancu at the map discloses u fact in
disputable , that while there are over
4,000 acres ot ground on thu blulla
west of thu rivur bottoms , there is less
than 250 ucros of bottom
lands between the sulphur springs
nnd Chicago dtreot. Of this
250 acres not more than 150 ucros is
in need ot drainage facilities. For
every inch of rain fall in North
Omaha the 4,000 IICI-CH of uplands will
itugrognto over 180,000,000 unllons of
water in addition to the impurities
collected on thu way to its outlet ,
while the 150 acres of undrained bottom
tom ground will collect but 317,000
gallons , or leas than 4 per emit of thu
ontiru rain and uuworngo disubarue ,
nnd oven this will bu dimply puru nun
wutur. It is very clear , therefore ,
that the plan for thu drainage of the
bottoms is moro uHecttvo if it posi
tively relieves them of thu 90 pur
cunt , of contaminated storm witi'i
that now roach thuro than if it pro
vides for the simple drainngo of 4 pei
cent , of rain water , which , if by tic
other means , would bo taken up by
absorption and evaporation within n
few days after a storm. But how
about the river overflow ? That is t
ue lion that ib simple to answer ,
? n thu first place , it is con
templated at a very early poriot
to dyke the river front by a high wa
ter embankment from Saratoga bluffi
to a point below Voyd's pixckim
house. When that is dune there wil
bo no river oveillow ; until then il
will bo well enough to let thuvato
b.tck into the lake created by the eli
channel of thu river , through u tern
pornry opening of tnu old 'creek bee
nt an annual expense of $150 or $200
or if ducmod desirable by pumping a
a nominal cost as 1ms been suggostei
in my report of last year , the emni
us is done in Now Orleans and otho
cities that are dyked against over
1 There is one thing ceit.iiu in reference
once to the ditch plan of sewerage n
advocated by aoinu , that it is ut ben
but temporary , for just as soon as th
mill is dyked a ditcli would be im
possible , us it would destroy the ver
purpose for which the dyku is coii
at rue tod. 1 wish m > w to cull your nt
tention to thu plun rucum
mended by me as th
most preferable , namely , a close
sewer from u point on Izurd street be
twcen Fifteenth und Sixteenth , went
ward , nnd an opun invert with ston
walls ut the sidea and bricked on th
bottom , on u line wouthouatcrly alon
n line about fifty feet west of the H
Paul railroad to Chic.igu street , an
( hence via Chicago atreut to tbe rivoi
This plan will drain evuiy utroot i
the cny north of llarnoy street an
west of Ninth , receiving the waters i
the foot of Ninth , Tenth , Eleventl
Twelfth , Thirteenth and Fourtcent
streets , and also of Chicago , CUBA , On
ifurnia , Webster , Hurt and Ountiii
streets , besides carry the water of tl
North Omaha crooks to the ricr , I
construotion will involve the crossii :
of less than 050 feet of absolute bo
torn lands , thus insuring ( good ai :
cheap foundations almost along its ei
tire line. Its cost , inclusive '
necoBaary right of way to 1
condemned , will be about $70.00
from the rise at the foot of Ohioa ]
street to the blutl'a ou Jzard botwei
. 15th and 10th streets. It will be
" every sense a sewer for North Omali
' > ' Its walla are designed to u high wat
I" elevation thus precluding ovurilt
ly from back water during high wat
The iitluT pl.ui submitted in my i
port was prepared minify in deferon
r > to a desire ou purt of suine for an i
' timatu or n short cut to the rine ,
waa to bu built of piling lined wi
oak plank , aluo to a high witur lei
and backed on euoh aide with ait e
bankinent. Its nature precludes
durability of more than 10 or 12 yet
and while it would subsuver the pi
JIOBU of a dyke between the rise a
IB the blutfc it would attbrd no drainr
ist facilitiua for the street * south of list
111 and east of 15th streets. Its cost v
bun estimated at $ U5,000 , , 1
n- criticisms of clliuienoy
this plan to drain i
low bottom lands can bu auiwo :
with very nearly the BAIUO force
OIOBO relating ( o the ether plan ,
nninuly : Tlmt it would carry nbout 85
pur cent of Ibo ntorm waters. From
a careful consideration of oyery fen-
turo of his question I am of the
opinion that the plan via Ghicnpo
street , built of ntono walls mid brick ,
Invert nt a coat of § 70,000 , in the
most judicious and economical to
adopt. Very respectfully ,
City Engineer.
Dotxtli of an Old Cltlzon.
Innae Little , fonnorly a resident * of
Davenport , loiva , nut for the past
suvcn yearn an honored citizen of
Omaha , where he has resided during
that time with a son-in-law , Mr. E. } ' ,
Wilson , died at 3:30 : p. m. February
l.'Jtb , of plcuro-pncumonia , at the
advanced ago of 74 years.
The deceased moved to Daven
port in I860 and was one of the pioneers
neers of that region , owning a largo
farm near the city and being active
and iiiduatrious in building up the in
terests of that now country. Ilia
wife died cloven years ago , and the
infirmities of ago unfitting him for
business , Mr. Little came hero to
nnond his declining years with his
children. lie leaves two innrried
daughters in this city , Mrs E. F.
Wilson and Mrs. W. H. II. Llewel
lyn. The funeral took place nt 't p.
m. to day from the residence , No.
< J07i North ooventconth street.
This , is the second death in Mr.
Wilnou'fi f.untly within the past week ,
an infant child dying on the Gth inst.
of the same disease , which thus a
second time invades the household
and carries off another member.
Tying the Knot.
Judge Ilonuko was summoned to
the residence of Mr. Fred , Maus , on
Webster otroot , Monday , to per
form the very plunaant duty of uniting
in marriage Mr. Gottlieb Storrs , pro
prietor of the Saratoga brewery , nnd
MIHB Minnie Buck , ayounglady widely
and most favorably known. The
ceremony was priva'o , but the hearts
thus legally united were none the less
happy , and the joy of the occasion
was supremo. Mr. Gottlieb is ; i
worthy gentleman , and ho has gained
a priceless jewel in his fair bride.
TUB BKK extends heartiest congratu
Annna Dioklniuij.
Miss Anna Dickinson appears at
Boyd's opera house next Friday even-
in tr in her great role of Bamlut , and
on Saturday as Claudu Mulnottu in the
Lady of Lyons. The following is the
superb caat by whom Miss Dickinson
ia supported in llumlot :
Gho t of Hamlet'a Father f. Ov ton
King C au.liui . L. F. K ind
LaortcK. . . . li Matlack
Huratb P. HuDin , '
1'oloniuH ILK.
HoHcncrnnz Win , II. Spenc r
Gulldeniteln F. Bernard
Uerijardu .Ion , Waters
Jlarcellus .T. W. Archur
KranclHCo ' Kdw. lied od
1st Actor T. AI. Jackson
'jnd Actor Thoa. I'.ittcr
iHtti.avcdlKBor 11. N. Wilson
iad ! Gravedigger . . . .H. P. Koliin.non
Priest R. Bhenpard
Oitric . .Miss. ) . Do Yountr
Ophelia .Ml H F M. Bates
Queen Gertrude Mrs. C. Johnson
Player Quoin Miss K Hot crto.i
Of this performance ) the St. Paul
Daily Globe , commenting upon the
play lost Friday evening , makes the
following complimentary notice :
In point of historic ability , mani
fested in a superior manner and in
many ways throughout the evening ,
the performance was a success Tint
the audience was pleased , received
abundant proof by frequent salvos of
applause. Of Miss Dickinson's pic
turing of thu character a great deal
might be granted by way of favora-
bio mention. It is to bo regretted
that she was forced to contend with a
severe cold.
However , au effective , smooth and
very enjoyable performancu was given.
In expression , bcaaing and costume ,
the ' 'Hamlet" of Miss Anna Dickin
son reminds ono of Edwin Booth.
The ghost scene in the initial act
first developed the charm of a hat-
immious aim intelligent delivery wliei :
born of a nice perception of the moan
ing of thu text.
In thiB'respoct the platform experi
ence and methods of Miss Dickinsor
stands in good stead. Her olocutiot
is unrivaled and thu line shades o ;
thought and fooling are made to up
pear with good power and beauty
Thu famous lines "To be , or not t <
bu , " in which "Hamlet" interrogate
thu issues of fate and existence , won
spoken with a pathos and depth o
feeling that almost amounted to a ruv
The audience between the "Princo1
and the "Queen , " in which she chide
the latter for her perfidy , and tin
Bcones with "Polonius , " in which tin
idle drivel of thu old man was worriei
by searching sarcasm wore strung ii
dramatic power and interest. The in
torviuw with "Ophelia" was market
by touching tenderness , and , contrar
to Custom , thu vous of "Hamlet' '
wi-ro sealed by u kiss.
OMAHA , February 14.
To the Kd tor of The live :
There was an error iu my lotto
published iu Saturday evening's BED
iu saying that Mr. Cor by signed th
MoNamara report. I have sine
learned that ho did not.
As u rule wo do not recommon
patent medicines , but when we kno
of one that really is a public benefit
tor , and does positively cure , then w
consider it our duty to impart that ii
formation to all. Electric bitten ai
truly n most valuable medicine , an
will surely cure Biliousness , Fevi
and Ague , Stomach , Liver and Kidni
complaints , even whore all other roi
o- odios fail. We know whereof \
ooe speak , and can freely recommend
IS- all. [ Kx. Sold at 50 cents u bottl
ISIt Ish & McMuhon. (7) ( )
el Wo are now aborting tin elega :
ir- Baxe , the Urogi.'ist , is closing o
id his stock of domestic cigars at coat'
the box to make room for an onti
rdas new stock don't fail to get a b
as before they are all gone.
he fol 7-codCt
ho Saxc's iu the place to get Oigara
ud 25 , 60 or 100 in a box , cheap.
us febT-eodOl
A Well.Conduotod and Quickly
Finished Meeting- .
Roflownter'fl Report on
North Omnhn. Satror 1 * Sub
mitted but Not Acted
_ *
The city council livid a regular
meeting lust evening , President Daily
in thu cb.iir.
An opinion from City Attorney
Mandorson that tlic city hns the
power to use .Ii-Uoison square for the
city offices and market houses was
A request from JOB. Baker & Co. ,
to fix up the foundation of thu build
ing on Eighth and Douglas streets ,
which has been undermined b/ the
sewer building was referred.
The report of the appraisers on the
proposed Farnhiiin strout grading was
received. Thu damages allowed were
$8,830 , several property owner/a waiv
ing damages , and others being allowed
no damages , lluturred.
A rtquest from Street Commission
er Ford for a loivo of absence was
A remonstrance from the county
commissioners ng.\ini . < t the proposed
narrowing of the west end of Farn
ham street was referred.
A petition to defend the title of lots
5 , 6 , 7 and 8 , in block H , which wore
bought of the city , the possession of
which is now disputed by Brigho :
Spalon , was referred
By MoNamara To require thu
street railway company to'plank at all
street crossings where nucuoa.iry.
By Hornborgor Instructing the
board of health to investigate street
rumors relative to the existence of
ainall pox and concealed caaus.
By MuNumara To enforce the or-
din.incu porUining to the cleaning of
: il ley a and .lilo complaints against all
parties who f.iil to comply with thu
ordinance \\Miin live daa after no
nce. Adopted.
By O'Kui'fe To report on draining
a pond near Sixteenth and Williams
street. Adopted.
By Kaufmann Instructing the city
engineer to report whether it bo ad-
viuable to do away with the guttering
across Tenth street at Blarney.
By McNamara To advertise for
proposals to paint the names and num
bers of the streets on the corner
lamps. Adopted.
City Engineer Ilosowater submitted
a report to the committee on North
Omaha sewerage. The report will be
found elsewhere.
Mr. McN/imura of the committee
made u majority report recommending
that the sewer be commenced nt thu
Missouri river bank at Buch point as
the city engineer may'direct.
Mr. Corby presented a minority
report recommending the granting of
the citizen's petition to commence at
Fifteenth street. Lost.
Mr. Baker moved that the city
engineer report plans and estimates
for draining the bottom north of the
U. P. shops , by an open ditch and
lateral ? , and to report plans and
specifications for a permanent closed
brick sewer from the mouth of the
North Omaha crtok , extending west.
President Dailey declared that this
action cleared the table of all roporti
in the sewer matter.
Mr. McNnmara appealed.
Mr. Dunham hoped the gontlomai
from the Second ward would not ap
penl from such a plain parliamentary
Mr. MoNamara said that if thesi
wore the tactics of the ether aide the ;
might go ahead , but they would onli
bu making useless delaye.
The appeal was not seconded , am
the chair called several speakers ti
To levy and to appropriate for con
structing ordinances in sewer distric
No. 2. Road a Bocond time and referred
forred to committee on claims.
Mr. S lull | by general permission
presented a plat of Millard place. Re
Mr McNamarn offered-a rosolutioi
instructing thu city engineer to drav
up an ordinance providing for th
construction of a main newer i
North Omaha , to commence at som
point on the Missouri river , and t
report at the next mooting. Adoptee
The council took an adjourmnoii
for two weeks.
Which May Prove to be One of Foi
Thu following letter was received t
TUK BKK oflicu several days ago , 01
almost identical being sent to sever
a ether papers m this part of the stut
YA.NKTON , DAKOTA , Fob. 4 , 1882.
To the K.ditor ol The Den ;
February 2d , E B. Cole and in ,
self went in the western part of D
kotu , which the Indians captured Col
tied him on a horse und went off wi
him , 1 cannot say that they killed hi
or not , probably they will. As Co
have bun in this state for some tit
wished to have it go into TUB BKK ,
am on my way back to N. York stal
E. B. Cole came from Towanda , 1
a bout ono year a go to the atato
Nob. , where his triends live.
Ploaae publish the above , and ha
other papers copy.
Respectfully Yours ,
B. F. WADB ,
it Buffalo , N. Y.
In another letter Wade nUniB !
name J. Wade instead of B. F. , a
dates the same lottur two days earl
than this one } also saying that
nt escaped capture by hidiug m a diti
nty II. 0 , Bottonbonder , an attorney
re Oscoola. Neb. , writes to execut
rex the oiVect t !
> x oflico at Yaukton to
Cole and Wade left I'lattsiuouth.Ne
between January 29 and Fobcuur
for Yankton , aiul hu asks fur the I
particulars about the atnuy , Belt
bender is Gole'a brothor-iii-law , i
the latter' * mother live * at Osco <
Nothine whatever it known l i".uik-
ton nbout the fWr , nnd it < . ins to
have n very doubtful look , oudo'a
name does not appear on any
of the hotel registers , nor does
nny ono remember any man by that
nntnu as being there wo k before last.
Furthermore , there nro no hos'til" Indians -
dians within 100 miles of Yankton ,
though thtru ore reservations nearer
than that. Wade's letter mentions no
date or plnce , and if they left Plaits-
mouth , which is about twcntyfho
milts south of Omaha , on the SJDth ,
they could not have traveled into the
Indian country and Wade have re
turned to Yankton by February 2. If
Cole was roilly killed or captured ,
Wude should tell more about it. At
present the matter looks very BUS
picious. and more light is needed ,
The sui ject ia under investigation.
It ia possible that Cole himself has
written the lettets and takes this
method < f cutting louse ftoin homo
nnd friends.
The Orrond Jury Finishes itn
Work for the Term.
Siart Indicted on Two Charge * of
Soiling Liquor 'Without
The grand juiy of the district court
which has been in session siuco the
opening of the present term of the
district court , adjourned yesterday
afternoon , finding indijtmonta against
fourteen parties , eight ot whom have
been rrpoituO in Tiih HIK. : The fol
lowing itUditiuii < kl POIHOIIH wuro ' in
dicted yuatoruity r.n.rgod wulj the
crimes imuiiionuil :
Nicholas Ivano , of Klkhnrn Yalloy ,
selling liquor without u mvntie.
Henry rfiont , malinger < f the Doug
las Count } ' Farmers' uHsouiution , ( two
indictments ) Bellini ; liquor without a
John Flood , of Wutor.oo , Bulling
liquor without a license.
Martin Kearney , of this city , arson1 !
which refers to the burning of
Boyd's packing house.
L. Levi and 0. Bierbaum , receiv
ing stolen goods.
The indictment against Kearney
charges him with having sot tire to
Boyd's packing house at the solicita
tion and for pecuniary inducement
by parties unknown. U will bo re
membered that Kearney some time
ngo attempted to move to Madison ,
lud. , when ho was arrested.
Levi and Biorbuum ore charged
with haying received and disposed of
stolen junk taken from the Union
Pacific shop yards by the gang ut
young thieves.
No bills w ro found -u'aiust the > ' -
lowing paruob , who hnvo bi.ui > under
arrest , and they were consequently
yesterday disclaimed : Henry Wil
liams , a colored man , accused of lar
ceny ; Thus. D. Scott , accused of per
jury in the G-tirigan C.IBH ; . Emory
Wuin , charged with robboiy ; Edward
Galligun , accused of larceny , and Puul
H. Heppner , charged with forgery.
C. H. Ui elow , of St. I'aiil , U iu > he
Joe Hattenbach , of Deadwiod , . iaiu
Cliarlej A. Gray , of Deadwood , in In the
cit > .
II. A. Vaawalk , of Nur Ik , is at the
J. 1' . Martin , of Wayne , arrived in the
city yesterday.
J. K. Doty , o David City , is a Rue t at
the Canfield
J , L. Brown , of Papilllon , isu gU tt at
the Withnell.
John F. Coud , ul Cha > eaue , arrived in
the city last evening.
J. W. Dr-woese , of Lii.coli < , L > regi terecl
at the Withnell house.
E. P. Keynoldn , of Hock Spring * , Col. ,
i > ) a gueat nt the Withnell ,
C. Fielcr and . ! . Shoim.iii , t > f Sidney ,
are n git-tured at the CantieKI ,
11. A. Ileaton , of Wenton , Neb. , wai
an arrival In t.o city la > t evening.
Y. P. Lanigan , of SoJtia , arrived in tin
city hva evening , and regUteritd ut tin
Creighton ,
W. 0. Wentz , of Aurora , was amonj
the guests registered ut the Creighton Ian
evening ,
George 13oehm uud James Heesh , ol
3 Grand Island , were both in the cit ;
i yenterdny.
3 John L. Menus , mayor of Gram
Inland , ia at the ( Jreighton house , wher
no registered laut uvouiug.
A. L. Spragne , H. G. Thuriiuin and V
I. Grinnell , of Stromuberg , are in the cit }
They aiu i.t I he CanGelil.
J. It. Vhel..n and U. 5-mith , of Slou
C'.ty , airi\eil In Ouiahu ye mlay , an
11 stopped at the Cautielil.
Mr. U. H. Dewey nnd Mr. P. I
Shelby , theMtor ocuhfant general freigh
aftout of the Union Paciiio rallroac
returned yesterday from an extended tr !
il through Arizona and to Santa i'o. 0
their journey they np nt a week i
Sierra Madrn Villa , San Gabriel , ( J.O
fornla , where General Manager S.II. . 1
Clark , hU wife and eon , and Mra. Hnrai
Everett an I d ugjiter , of Ciiuncll JUufl
* * are B ending a dell litful vacation ,
u ,
11 OootUI H
111 The fee of due tun i a < >
lo very many poisons HIK interfMod i
10I juat at pruseni \Vo hclumo tl
I schedule for viailn it § 3 , v\luuX won
e , take a man confnttd to bmhedfor
a.of year , and iu ne < d nf u uuily tihii , oy
of § 1,000 a y ar fur ineilic < tl xttundan
alonol And one single boxtlo of lii
Bittera taken iu time \vuuA ! save tl
81,000 aud all the year's , oickuoaa.
H. A. Al.
11Bu A. special convention of Omn
> u\ 1 will be hold this
Chapter No. , eve
ier ing for work in the M. AI. Degn
he Sojourning coirivutu > un cordially
: h. order.
h.of vitod. By
of T. Xi. HAUTHON , H. 1 * .
Slippers at A. D. Morse's. I/.ir o sti
and low prices , 14th and Furn
Fou | > Ordon on an army oflic
lln. Inquire at this oilice. Fobll-tf
The Tenth Htroot Store of 8. P. Morao
St Co. Pnssou Into Crodltablo
Tfiorocont business consolidation
by S. P. Morse & Co. , whereby they
have disposed of the stock in their
Tenth street sloro hns brought to the
front a new nnd enterprising firm who
will continue business at the old
stand. Mr. Peter Wiiir , a well knovn
citizen of the First , has formed
a partncrshipwith Mr. John N. West-
bori ; , an old and popular clerk of S. P.
Morse & Co , wild the firm of Wiig &
Westborg will shortly open at the
Tenth street storu with a now , full
and complete stock of the finest dry
goods , gent'H funisliiiig goods and
boots and shoos , which will bir offered
to the public nt bottom prices.
_ Mr. Woitborg goes cist io-d.y
to purchase goods for stocking the
store and will visit both Chicago- and
Now York city.
The-purchase of the a tore involrod
also that of an uxteuaire line of boots
and shoes for men , women and chil
dren. Those goods will be disposed
of at cost during the next ton dayn ,
and the place to not a bargain H un
doubtedly at S. P. Morse it Co.'s old
stand , corner of and Jackson
the popular clothiers , are now od'ering
thu best inducements wo have yi't
heard of. To an inquiry as to how
they could'Boll ' heavy winter clothing
so cheap , MV. H. says it is only for
the purpose of making room for their
immense new stock now on the way
for the fob8 > Dt-eod
L , Bi WILLIAMS A S < H' .
Buy your Cigars by thu Box Cheap
at Saxo s. fob7-eod5t
Gold fillings put in by electricity at
Dr. Wertz' dental rooms , 102ii Farn-
street. foblO-Gt *
hu Only KUOTTO Real Core.
is'rii" I'O MJ\N Uallat ci - um - of ! > . <
M L. i'horuw Unnm S Ori lirhtori Dlork. '
< At 8 per c < ! ntlu-
" snimof JWO and
la , for 3 tn v < ar > - , on .iKt-clasa clt > Mid
I im. i > rnrt.'i | ! M MIS KrAi. Ei < HT > . aiirt I.n N
Aou.scv , 16th D-iui'li'H
. . ) ( iooi illiiin ) . ' rroai ulri nt tliu . t.
WA.NTI.I llutel. 163-tt
\ ANTED A I Itcbim ulrl at thu I.'molt
V\ lloitso. 10220-
'ANTED A Klrl n + mok ami cincral linum-
wo.k. Apjy 1417 "imam St. 108-14t
Situation a hoiise-ktoper In a
WANTED lanillvk IV a mldillo aired uonian.
Apply at 1316 Capil lJcliuc. 105-16 *
Situation b.a . s aid reliable pcr <
WANTED second or o > cral luiif-cwork In a
small famllvVngc not KO much an object an
acomt iriable homo. AddruiS II lleii'lc. ) No.
621 N. 17th St. , corner Webster. 104-10 *
flood BI. ( or general housework.
WANTfcD atilOiO . Itth St. Mil . lj M.
A'lUo oung ' " ' who ' "
WANTKD hiniBvU utu'ul about a lioitl act
tui n ght clerk , must lie well rccimincndc 1. One
viitli Mima hnicrcxtiuricnro prcrurn il Apji'y ' S
K. corner 12ih anil Howard. U .14
[ 7 ANTED Dining room Kill , N. W. cornel
V Caplol alarmand 17tli at. IMi !
- io do ; ; oiieral hous work ,
WAKTED-OIri Itast ol rderenco-i re-
quireil. Call at S Ii. i-oinor of lOtli anil Daven
port. JM-14
A\nirl to ilo Konernl
WANTED 1 ijnoil cook , a lier and Ironer
OoodwaL'es. Uoforoiiccs itxulrcd. | Mrs. Me
Namara , 014. " . 17tn--t.
TX'ANTKD AtfdiiMof tilh r t-o < , wimanen :
\ eniplo ) mont anil b g pay to Introduce
and sollWilion' * Hon1 Kiindlj igbtrn. Ad
dro'H with stamp Q. W. Earl , Omaha , pr call at
oilice ot Thu I'm from 1 to 2 p. m. lSii-14
AN 1 lTl84tu tion bynrnt clais cook. Cal
W for in 13 3 Dodsju'St. It" Ifi
- rulatlu men to ta'je orders fo
WANTED-2 pul IU atlou , ivja pay nilar ;
cainniimlon ; 1183 Karnliam et , room JO.
160-14 *
'ANTKD Hrnt clas" cook. Apply at Mm
W I ) . V. TouzilluV , 2U8 Clilch0 Bt.
ITANIKD-A BooJ dlnliiE rccra girl at Ul
V Emi it llouno. M3 1 ?
TI7 ANTED- woman eook and dlnlni ; rooi
W Klrl , % t O'Con-cll llanrt , 108 lOlh St
bet. DoiiRljaand i ocl < r , _ IHI-lt *
\TT ASTE1A uttmttonin Imnlncsi ) hem
V > byajott g man win thoroughly undei
htmul booK.l-B IIIIIB , U a ipjodj roniuaii
cur t < i at liiurei. Silii'j .itllrst not no imiU a
oliltot , o a I'ltuuli ru ability and lulthlulipri
loiniu'av otduty ulllbo leHurdcd. Oo U rele :
unoe Uun. AiMrmi M. C'.it 'g oilice. 115
ANTM' A s Hxl l.iri r t 600 N. 10th S
hUuitten by a r dsUir <
\V rANTKI ) A . . . .I . . . , % l' . H. Carter . 21
ubArniiiCiKt Ad \ > nw. 11.-wwsr.B
W t&ui > Urrt ( . . I'rnu n * II. I. i -l
1 . rarnwu blackeialUi , jro <
WANTED.A . Aul/CHS K. V. Jntin , VF <
ton , Iowa B0 l&
- ' - COOK , ono tfto
\ \ / AN'lEI ) i-int-clasa
W nUndnimat cocklni-aHwelltuipastty ; " *
but flr-t L | H niwl rw'A' ' ' " ° * >
waiter. Apply t 11H6 Farnhaui bt > .
> -KundlnK bridgeMW1 c't eel bou
WAmfclKundlnK . 't
ANTEU 4 cWldr n
. , Klinol , aUMh and Calllornla St. L.
rOH / < E.'AT.HOl.fiEU AND LAND.
an IlKN'V-FurnUliwI Kf. lx 'roci
fklno 11 Ono t lid IliUlit livis cftbl
plane. 4Vs 1U1I , iJ10 ! C-UfoniU St. 171
10 171011 IW.NT Nlcoly lunil hoil roomi , at 1 !
/ , IIENT HOUJ ol a r onih , cornur V
1/Oil nuil ti n\viiHorlh , Knciulro John U II
niu A icnrket , 13th Ht. , in ar llarnu 189 ' ,
n OH HE v'f t'urnl-hrd room , B. E. corner *
_ j nd Ca't at. V
OH 1IEST Nl-ily lurnUlicd room Inqi
1 mi Jackoon bt. 111-14
1.1011 HKST Furnished with \tltbout bo
1" a front room , plea-untl ) locattsj o flrot Hi
at .No. 316 .N , Jltli bt. , last tkiv , Wi. Da\GU [
and Chicago. Tvo iutlfnicnnt w\ flirt >
prtforrixl , Inquire on jirvmlsos W-U
T7IOK HENT FurnUhcd roonw. luir } U e
nn J } ration , south * tit conifer IDUi and DAT
| > ort 6U , 090- (
or. KENT BUl > t , 1(10 liovmrd bti
EOH of W. . U. Huehniao. 701
. . OK SAIiK-Fnrh inMch > , alw nlc fronh
' Ifitlcr at Ikal'sOrfttrjtore.corncrTcnth
nd bodgo. * * t)3 ) lrn' . _
IJKNT Furnished front room. N. F. cor.
FOH and Jackson. 62-tf
l.AOit HhM'Fiirnl'hen roon. Innulre atS.
U E. > r. Jao'Mn and If th St. Si If
ITIOK HKNl llooma lu Jftcolii' block ,
I70H UEHT Room pnrtlilly furniuhrd , Caplto
JJ a\onut , but. 17th and Ibth , south Bide. 0 t
T.10U HENT Ilouac ol fight looms. Enquire
JL1 J. filling- Hoe , 1S12 8. filth Bt. P77-M
171011 HKNT OJIB ol ho best utorM orvHiml
JJ St. 20x21 , lit January 1 , 1882. 820 tf
IlKNT 2 furnished room * a\ar Me *
EOH ' lkXcinngeN , K. cor. 10th and Dodf--
itroeti. O9-U
KENT Nlroly furnished room * wJH ) > or
without Ixunl. Hoasonable pricon. 2011
Caw St. * '
TltOIt SALK-Lot , block 2 , wwt ( Me 24lh HL ,
JJ bet. iiodzennd 9\rnHam ; lot 7 , block 1-
east Ride 24th St. . hot Ubdia and Parnham ; lot
H. biotk 1 , cnit nldj 2 th St , bot. Dcxlgo ondl
rnrnhani ; lotO , bbck 1 , uftst ( il eU4th St. , bet.
Dodg * and KarnhamV. ; . \ lots 10 Mid It , blofk 1 ,
K. h. corner Karnham and 24th. All In llinrj fc-
Sholton'RadditioiApply to John M. Clark.
HUthiiri/cd ajteut. 167-14'
EOK SALE Will sell my entire household
fixnlturu nt n barvft J Ji" 1 am ordered out
ol thoc ty by my phjgiclan. A r rj chnnce for
p.irllen ilosirousof going tB'hnnHehiwplnK. K
J. Stout , S. W. Cor. 6th oi > U WaluuU 18-U ,
TjIQH ALK A lioautKul Itt'n'd house nc r
L' Ht. . Mnry'g n\cnuo , In road to > enncom
1'ark. Kor prlcea and tcrnm U quire of W. IU
Battlott , IMI ) OatateaKcnt 917 S. ISlhHt.
I T710RPM.K-10000 lllnck CnpiUanunoth du -
JJ tor lluburry Itoom "Irtlo Wild Place. "
Leave ord , at 1114 Dodijo St. JOHN O. WIL
LIS , Oommirwlo i ttoru. tf
10K SAI.IMulcs nnd haruewnt IU
1 Ibtn etr < ut barn. 141-0
| 710KS\'E ! At Holomnn'fl , 1Z04JFarnham St. ,
JL1 KOld tlsh , silver ( lull , utlalllgatofe , dcrll
llshi itrpotted o ii.\ry Utilf , t Ikln i anot * , yold
nneho" , red binlx , mod \ng \ lilrdrt , fish globe * and
nmmrlumi , all tlzoi .ind tUx , at pr no teen -
able. liS-H
TjlOH 8ALK A ( jocd second hand > strc t 11ck
J , for dale , at low I nrnaln , by Dr. Ifiaa
hdhanlo , 110'J ' > 'ariditin vtrcct. 74 ( f.
"T710U SAL ! ! Sonerkrour > by thebunol , cheap ;
J } i or gal. iOc , at Durham lk t Market , 18th
St. , btti , Doimlaaand Doilu'ti 64-14
FOR SALK House nnd full lot In jood loca
tion , cheap. I'rlce , SliW. Kaay terma
McCAOUE , Opp. post tlllcc. Utf
SAliB Boat building lot l Dfalnn'n ad
dition , 142 feet cast front b ) I'.XHeot depth.
JlcGAQDK , Dpi * , poijt ulllco. . 14 tf
St.LK l snrrol stallion , CivMaailale , 8
ECU , \ clirljlir ? 1060 pouid , < 1 black
Btalllon , j Normuii \ 'toi au , \c..r.iold , elah-
IhK IDBOTOiinda , took firs premium nf Nebraska
btate Faj ! | 18S1. 1 Kentucky J < * > ! . bla k ,
wolghlnj , ' about 900 pounds , 4 jcnmoM , took
lirnt premium at Kchra ka Swto Kalr18SO and
1S81. Ihqnlru ol Chan Nober , Karmrra llouw ,
Cilv 08.S-tf
1011 SAUR OH HKXT A grocer > ere and
F butcher thop , dolnif a good hu-tin- . In-
nt this otllto. 9l-tf
, fi ! > 2 nlco counterH and 2 silver plated
-h a-M at Oco. II. I'ttfis0"vsHOt South
\tn \ 741-t.f
IJI' --r II i xuha gc for Omaha pr
J ? pe > tVt."M < I" f 'ilcc onoflutd odjoln-
lusaatatfoiioii U I' It II. M. IiUHHAM. 1412
Onuti.1 7 > 8m
KAlJl > ' r trade 'ot dty projorsy. on
ITVlU i o Iniwrt , likmoHi anil wniccit. Artltw
S. Y. , ihU Woc' -2-M'
OIl SALK A vionn ! nn-\rat'nlil
F \Varrnni .itxln\c sniffle or livihfo
ijulru of Orcrtru < 'nntli Id , Culilk'lil hiir.iu.
Kti >
'ITIKONT IMM > f FlTnSlSlIlJD , Suitab.c iortwo
J ? ' KentUnicn , on Da\tn ) > ort .1'l , ) . filhnnd
II th , BOUthnidc. 160 tf
E BViKM KDUSALE Qnorullonorth
ACIIIOI Cnlhoun , Wnshlngton Ooun7 , 280
croliOin ; cultnutlon , halanca.voodl timber
land , excellent stock tar16 mHes oith of
Omaha. Erie , # 6fiOO. Clirn Uathm nn.
main Neb. , Jan 31. It82. MO-U
HICK.TOR , SALl-i-T. Murray.
B u -ir
IOKuWFUKNISIIED IlOOMa Wtrbor without -
out -oard , ntSOli Cam St. 12MS *
ANDOHOAN Instruction by Mlaa E.
PIANO ft , " . 20th .H. , below Flfrng. 91-tt
JL ) also purt ol houKO ( or reUjiiortrt ; | rest cor.
20th and Uawi St. 114 14 *
iailESTJ PKIOK paid fir allnklnto oT Iron ,
nwtsl and raira , by I. OalirteUy & Co. , 102
171UHMBI1KD ) > t. t)96-tt )
J. quire aiHospo's Art KniM um.l > 19 Dodgr-
utrvuti 938-tr
al * anto4 by exp < .ricnccil.inan. 3 < mall Bnlory
> .0. Box. EM City. IXM-tf
For the next S9n ! yr , ' ap 111 , on ths > .
SHIKTS ol sixty icnta , .s nd.toi * ny aJdruga
postpaid , on ol our unliundrwdl Jiess Snirta .
I\5slm olu anl\ one Shirt ueut to ens addnsHB.
040-lui Mmnwllto. HI.
lUHNlSHIID ROOMS TWithla three Wocko oft
| po9totact > Inquire at IMP-Uod e. 82B-U '
KOOMb Koreiiile (
Jj also one front rooci with jiitno ,
comer int ! > nd Capital jMoimti
EMis1 "NKW cn-Y " MAit > . IOO.-MOV. . -
R Mac82.60 GHO. P. BEMja.
tN UJi&tOW fastuo
lea deoorutho i lntiiK. MJC9. I > . It
NrAUDNEU. room 1 , Jvuob's Block. .
T _ > K
) HAY At A. II. OMJjor-B fued atorei
BAUE1) Hamey Ht. alft-U
In patre.
71ONAL.1ST , ABS fcnl't Streetl > ctw ji ytumh rc
' < widllainey. Will , * lth the aid c fiurdUn
d , obudn leirfte / ono a glance U the put
uid pruflont , anicn certain cnndltirM In the ru
Lurt. BoottftodHb ten made tortler. . IVr ( t-t
. - " . Action r.'U r u ( , l
ort or , Absolutely Pure.
Thlipov > dtrne\tr riM. A rj rvelof tutl'j ,
trengtl nd. holc oireneM Mow eccwml-J
lo thai ) the ordlnm klmU , ' cannot 1 > old In
ci ; * competlUon lt i tl.e multltud. of low U.I.
i. short welzht , alum or pho ph t j wd . -
sold only fcr-mu
Dtt ,