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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1882)
s HP THE OMAJbLA DAILJt JBEK 15 , P. T. WAYNE , Mivnngor Council Bluflfe circulation , COUNCIL BLUFFS AND IOWA NEWS. JKATJtiS , . By Carrier , - 20 Cents per Woolc . iftlo.OO uor Yo r COUNCIL BLUFFS. Offloo : Room Flvo , Everett's Block , Broaclwny. H. W. T1LTON , City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS. town Wyoming cnal liaiullcd only \ > y J.V RoJcfer , No. 20 IWlHt. tlltf ' Frclfilitift o repented IM rather light t now , except o f r s liilla nre concerned , which hronlwnyn lienvy enough. The attempt to break up poker playing nt Neol * fell through yestcrcUy , lie fellow arre-tccl on the charge of kee | > lni ; tlio rooms being disclmigcd. A. W. Cov.ilt lm contrncieil to hulld nfix room cottage for Mnrttn HuKlio , the eame to lc finMio I hy the let of Mnrcli , when Mr. Unglien will occupy it as a real- den e. e.Any Any one wanting grouse Links and will ilu we'll to niii1re n A. S. Me * Cienry , Ixjller nukor , or call on name lit Huikln. | " mucMnu shop , Council Hindu. Doller repairing it npcclalty. C13.15.17 'Preparation * are being inndo for caus ing tliu land league ball at Dolmuv'ii opera hou u to-iniitrow evening to bo no of the rr.oit njoyat ! o events of the kin In the season's records. In the circuit cmirt thu cnso of Kuiscr vs.tlio Kai HaaCityACoundl Bluff * railway \ihn on tilal , it I elng nn actiun to receive for a hoi NS kllloil by the cant. Thu caao linn i ion tiled three liimn nnd been to the Buiireuio court nce , arid la fitill ( in the board ) . Un.i of thi city's huftincai men bo- can.o Uraritd in trjing tu collect nn ell account , i.nd when ( he debtor told him yesterday to go where It was so hot that no overcoat need apply , ho proceeded to hand-paint thn debtor's eye in a truly ar tistic nmuner. It wan hard enough to wait for his nnn-j , but ho could not Htiml it to be Miit t-i Hiich a warm climatotu collect it , A cmimittco of workliiKiium cille.l lip n Mayor Vnu han yenterdny nftjr- noon and wcprwueil thu dome- that ho would at sonic mfcting to be arranged by hlimelf , give tnent ROIIIO explanation of why the election comes thU year in March. lie consented . to dose so and 11 mooting \um nrrnng d to lie held at thu court hou > o on Thunidny oiening next ut 8 o'clock , whin Mayor Vnnghan wid ndtlreso thu work- legmen to t cii Halitfattlon. Mr. Jio KnottH , who reprcoeuta the Durango-Muplni Alining company , of this city , just now In Mexico , ha < ju t nuulo the lnt paymeiit of ono hundred nnd tizty thousand dollxra ftud token posses-ion of the iniiien iiiid wrrks. He has anangod for Iho Bliipincnt of the bullion , about § 12- 000 per i-omh , to the It-insurer of the company. This in one of the treat hietoric properties of the republic. ThU company laalr-.dyii Miccem. The reduction ca pacity Is 8ion to bo largely increased. A oun0'inaii , a railroidcr , giving his name an Reynolds , waft taken in charge Monday night by MamliulMorse and lock ed in the calabuoae. lie had been 'taking ' morj bine toquitt a pain , t.nd then threw in some bad whisky to quiet the morphine. The reault was that he wan in u deplorable ccudltlon. In the jail ho screamed and. whooped , preached and roved until ex hausted. Yenterday morning ho paid hla fine , and went foith sad and sober. lie could remember nothing of the previous night , except that he felt thu old com plaint coming on t-nd took some morphine to ea > e himself. Crowe ] ) , the ( confirmed sneak thief , who hai been housed in jail for several' weeks for \arious cuseu of larceny , wns TO- lea'eil yeatetday , liia time being up. Ho walked straightway to thu police elation and accoutred for his new clothes and general air of gentility by Haying that ho had rich lelutlvea from whom hu had re ceived IttUiM urn ) bequests , Ho nvowjd that ho was a n formed man for keepa He bade them all good bye , saying he would bo back heiu about the middle of May. Abuut hull hour an after thi * ten der farewell ho was heard fiviii aa having > btUen a Back of flour fiom n grocery store on upper llroodway , hia reform I elng very btief. Yesterday ufteinoon Mr. Thomas End cken wan married to Mita At na lilanchar.l , theceiemouv being performed by Jtcv. Cyriin Humlio , ut the bride's tome , \vheio were gathered the relative * .and few Intimate a frlenda The man who thus win * a worthy bride , l well known here , having occupied various rail road poMtluiM in tlilH c.ty. Hu is now agent for the Wabawh ut Den MoliiOH , wither ha and hi biido went l.urt evening , and wheie they wl 1 take up their resi dence The congratulations nre many and hearty , and n largo number ot elegant gifla weru Lettowtd upon the 'happy ] air SB ii further eifi'eiice ( the \\ea th .f wlJch in their * . PERSONAL. V , J , Mauley , of Fen du Lac. Wi . ( w a in the city yekterday. Dr. Maciae has Leen paying a brief yliit to Le Mar/ , returning last evening. J. N. Hefllel ewer , of Buck , Heilcbo er & Ne r , boot and shoe manufactuiers , Baltimore , was in the city je terday , look ing-after the trade. James M. Letter , < me of the traveling coirtupondenU ot TueUEK , In nt hU home in thin city for a few days , and is rejoic ing in the arrival of daughter weighing [ over ele\en pounds. Attorney Kllcklngor , of Walnut , one of the firm of FJIcklnger Bros. , . Intends next wetk to move to Wayne county , Neb , -whew he will hert-af ter renlde. Ife will Hill continue his liiUrett in thu law firm with Ids brother. A man named Liscombe , ogcd 00 ycare , a suction boas on the Bt. Paul & Sioux City railroad , doliborutply threw liinioelf in front of n inovinu freight train atOltuwaandwoBU'rouud into an unrecognizable niaaa , Ho lad been acting etrangely lor uovcral dayi previous. TOPICS OF TRADE. _ _ _ _ _ _ ' The Board Endorses the Telem i graphy Dill und Opposes the Avoca One. ' The Inoorpornton Nnmoil far the Wnuoji Ilriduo Acronn the ' Rlvor. A inoutii.g of the board of trade wns , luild Monday evening. The Gillette bill introduced in the Iowa legislature catno up for discussion. The bill pro. vidcs that in nil cities of 2,000 inhub- itnnts and upward the telegraph coin- pmiica almll maintain olliccs upon the bo the limit of chitrgca on messages ot ton words sent between G n. m. and G p. m. , between points in the atuto , and the same bo the limit for twenty words at night , and that IIIUBSII US bo delivered within ono hour aftur reach ing the receiving ollico. The bill pro vides that on any failure to promptly deliver , the parly damaged may servo a notice on any operator or ngont of company , stating the amount of dam ages , nnd if the company fails to pay , the party may recover in court throe times tne amount. After talking over the bill the board passed a resolution approving the same , and earnestly recommending its paei.igo. The following were niamod as incorporators - porators from this city for the pro posed foot and wngon bridge across the river : W. F. S.tpp , A. 0. Graham , T.V. . McOarger , . ) . T. Start , M. Key , E. L Sliugart , L. 0' Uuldwin , 11. H. ' Motcalf , M. E. Smith , and L. Ever'ott. A like number uru to bu 'named by the Onuilm hoard of trade. The following coimnittjo was chosen to go to Doa Moincs and protest against the proposed establishment of terms of court at Avoca : L 0. B.tld- win , Jacob Sims , P. J. McMahon , E H. Odoll , and J. T. Uart. J. T. Hart , of the committee to whom was referred the garnishee bill , reported that a largo number of signa ture had been obtained to the protest against the passage of the bill , and that the protest would bo still further atrrtiigthuned. The conini ttoe will probably go to Dea MoineB to oppose Its paasugo. Adjournment was taken until next Satuiday afternoon , at which time it is expected that the Omaha committee will be here for a conference regard ing the proposed bridge across the river. CONCERNS OF THE COUNCIL , Sunday Subjecta Considered by the Aldermen. anlnvestigatioiiof the Charges Against the Police. Further Light Upon the Financial Affairs of the City. An adjourned mooting of the city council was hold Monday night , at which , for the first time in weeks , a full board was present. The recorder announced that no- tices of two suits against the city had been served , ono in the case of J. J. Brown , who will seek an injunction restraining the collection of certain taxes , the other that cf Andrew Last , who desires to recover a horse. Petitions were presented for the ap pointment of H. A. McDonald as teamster in the fire department ; for street lamps at the corner of Eighth. and Avenue A , Eighth'and avenue B , Tenth and AvonuoB , Eleventh and Avenue E ; also for opening Avenue B between Sixth and Eighth streets. llof erred. A formal acceptance of the ordi nance providing for a new street rail way was presented by the incorpora- tors. tors.Chief Chief of Police Fields desired to have the serious charges lately made public against the police department fully investigated. The desire was giuntod by the appointment of a com mittee consisting of Aid , Spetman , Keller and Kaino the , mayor statim ; that ho had suggested to the chief the propriety of asking for such an inves tigation , as ho bulioved the charges wuro all buncomb. 801110 time was spent in arranging for polling places , and naming judges ; and clerks. The work being incom- plnto , it was left with the mayor and aldermen to finish up yesterday. The finance committee reported that there were uncolloolod taxes amount ing to $07,030. There were outstand ing warrants to the umount of $37- 320 , and the loan fund $11,000 , leav ing a balance of 910,505 on , which tote run the city. li RUS13V * * * § ' H This revived the discussion as to whether work on the rapids improve ro ment had bettor bo pushed or not. The major was jubilant ut the show- ing , who Aldpnnan Holier thought that the council had better move slow. There was the engine house to bo finished ; there were many dirt tickets and lloating accounts to settle ; there were mcossary rupuits to bo made to tl < o Htroots , and sonio jolts already com menced which must be finished. mBy tho' time all this was done there would bo little left. Alderman UnUuink was also in laver - vor of moving slowly. After much talk , it was decided to proceed with the work on Main street for two days , and then suspend all but the small jobs until the moot ing Friday evening. A committee , consisting of Aldermen Spetmon , Phillips and Uaino , was appointed to assist the supervisor in directing the work. It was decided to pay Mr. Sliugart ; $24 for aix mimtlia storage of the can non , nnd to notify tlio adjutant gen eral of tlio state to tuko the piece aivay. It was concluded tlmt too - ninny accidents attutidod salutes , and tliut ' ' nil thu noise necessary for a jubi- liition could bo mndo with less danger tlian with a cannon. I It WAS decided to have a well dug at the now engine honso and the ap- 1 pronch gr.idudj no tlmt the house ' might bo occupied in the course of ten [ ' days. I The bill for the now hose carta wna presented calling for 8725. Alderman 'I ' i Dinvflon said Micro was only about $2 in the fire bond fund with which to pay it , nnd some other way must bo provided to meat the bill , It was fin ally referred to the finance committoo. The subject of lighting the city by electric light was brought up and talked over somewhat , A committee consisting of Aldermen Spottntui , Phil lips and Uaino was appointed to com municate with the oflicers of the citica whore the electric light is in uso. Adjournment was then taken until next Friday evening. WILD MOLL1B. She Stirs Up a Uouplo of Hews and Olvoa the Police Sprightly Business. . There Inib been seine ill-fooling between - twoon Mollie Scott and another colored - od girl named Maggie Haigood , and night before lust Mollie arrived in town from Omaha and proposed to settle some old scores with Maggie- Tlio interview took place in front of Maggio's laundry , and the lottor'a white man and a nuinbor of colored folks gathered about and took a part in the word-slinging and abuse. As an outcome Mollie was arrested for using obscene Lingungu on the street , and yesterday was brought before Recorder JJurko , and surrounded by a dark cloud of witnesses. Mollie de clared : "I'so a Tennessee coon , 1 iz , an * dur don't no yore commun celled pusson git away wid yer rennuBsee coo'i and walk oil " She was still hustling for a tight , and there was a lively commotion stirred up among the witnesses , who all wanted to testi fy al the same time , and who blabbered nnd blustered until the chief stamped his foot and yelled for quiet , and thu 'squire ' covered his oars with his hands. Order was finally re stored sufficiently for Mollie to bo adjudged guilty and her bill footed up at § 13.20. Shu walked forth breathing von- gonnco upon Maggie and her white follow , and tracked them till they got out of sight of the ollicors , and then proceeded to fasten her claws in her wool and shake up her lively. The Tennessee coon was wild and it took three husky officers to make her lei go. They tumbled her into un express - press wuguii and transported her to behind the bars again. Cupid's Captives. Yesterday afternoon there was a young < gathering of friends at the hom'o of Dr. Thomas Jo ( lor is , in this city , to witness the marriage of his daughter , Mius Parthonia V. JefFeris , tcB Mr. Finloy A. Burke , Jr. , son of Recorder Burko. The hospitality and good ' choorincident to such un occasion was in full abundance , and thono thus joyfully j joined were the recipients of many congratulations and well-wishes , together . with a goodly number of choice gifts. Miss Jeu'oris has been for some time a teacher in the public schools of this city , and has gained many strong friendships hero. Mr. Burke is an able attorney living at Orange City , in Sioux county , whither ho nnd his bride proceeded on last evening's train , and where they will c Are Wo Wrong ? CrcHon Aihcrtlecr. The railroad commissioners , in their report , attribute much of the fault finding of shippers to a lack of knowledge of railroad business. That's just it. The railroad com missioners have hit it exactly. Wo are all too ignorant of the business. Wo have always noticed that when a practical railroad man had goods de tained two weeks going ono hundred miles ho invested his soul and said nothing. There is something heaven ly , too , in the calm placidity with which a man born on a flat-car and brought up in a freight oilico goes to confession , and tolls his priest that ho has had to slip goods through his own town ono hundred miles west and back again , in order to prevent their costing him moro than they arc . worth. The only remedy , then , for the ex isting evils is for all to become rail road men. We don't know enough about the business. Its intricate workings are as great a mystery to us as the ruins of Pompeii. When mer chants fail to rccoivo goods in as good order as shipped they mustn't "kick , " but go ever into the yards and learn how to leave a freight car on a Ride track whore no one can find it for a month or two. Ono who has never tried it cannot toll how solacing to the feelings this knowledge will bo. Tlio moro the car you hide away is wanted soniflwhcro tliu greater the solaco. People nowadays nre too awfully ignorant. They must brace up and learn something about the manner of working these great lines of trafllo which do so much to thobonofit of the country. This knowledge will enable them to understand how poopln are robbed and mistreated simply because they lack a knowledge of railroad business. 1UWA ITEMS , The pay roll of the now capitol for January amounted to $10,378.18. The new Qlonwood house will bo open to the puMio about the 25th. The alcohol works at Hustings roa sure thing ; $4,000 , has boon sub ! . scribed , The Atlantic Alcohol company has filed articles of incorporation. Capital stock , ? CO,000. ThoDubuquo furniture nnd burial case company has filed articles of in ' , corporation in the oflico of tlio secre tary of state. The capital is 838,000. On the 'Jth inst. 1-JO warrants were drawn on the auditor of state for $275 oaoh , to pay the members of the legislature their salary for half of the leriii. Senator Almihnm lias introduced a resolution prohibiting smoking in the senate chamber and the house is ongngcd in thu consideration of a bill to tax dogs. Senator Hartshorn has introduced bi 11 proposing to mine the salary o the governor to $4,000 , und nppropri ateing $1,500 for a privrtta secretary1 ! salary. It is a measure tlmt slioult meet with universal approval. Over $5,000 has been raised by D vYitt to carry on the canvass for th removal of the county teat. Olintoi and Lyons have woke up nnd adoptee measures to counteract thu movompn - circulating petitions retnonstr.Uin againot the proposed removal. The Eldridgj house nt Whoatlam was totally contumod by fire nboul 12 | o'clock last night , | the flame originating in some unknown manner Only a portion ot the furniture wa saved , and BO mo of thn inmates barch uac.ipud with their lives , losing all bu * the nii.'lit clothes on their backs. Loss , 88,000. About thrco weeks asp George WoodfufT , who has boon visiting rela tives in Bus Moines , disappeared un der peculiar circumstances. Ho left the houRO of his brother-in-law to go to the river1 to sotik employment , since which time no truce can bo found ol him , and all efforts in that direction have failed. Tlio growth of Iowa cities is appar ent by the increasing number of ap plications of various municipal in corporations to bo advanced in their grade Webster City is the latest , uakim ; to bo made a second-class city , in accordance with the figures of a Hpecial census , taken by order of its citv council , showing a population of ii,318 This procedure is in aceord- nnco with suction 50 ! ) of thu code , nmunded by chapter 52 of thu fifteenth general assembly. Farmers nro interesting themselves in the now creamery at Glonwood. They everywhere express themselves willing to furnish cream and many farms will bo seeded down and turned into dairy fnrniR. The managers are busy establishing routes all over the western part of the county nnd will start with six and perhaps seven teams engaged in the work of collect ing cnatn. There is now every pros pect that it will soon become a paying investment. Dos Moines Leader Gowrio letter , 24 : "A funny coincidence occurred on the Dos Moincs and Fort Dodge rail road last evening , on the passenger train that loft Das Moincs at 2 r. M. It was just too utterly funny , and all the passengers AS well as jour report er'took it in.1 The.subject was a couple who had just been married , and who knows but that this was the "coming up" of their honeymoon. His name was Sander , and if ho didn't sand-hor over , we miss our guess very much in the of ' ' , way 'swapping spit. He looked up and down the car as though ho expected somebody was 'gazing' at him , and then he suddenly turned and clasped her to his bosom , and of course tho'reader ' knows what followed. Ho tried it again in a sort of Emma Abbott way. This was just the thing , so ho practiced it several times , when he stopped kissing and hugged her a little , and here , kind reader , ho displayed real genius. Ho was a master in the art , and wouldn't take a back seat for any one. He clasped her gently , then he squeezed her rapturous'y , then ho grabbed her violently , then ho embraced her plow- ly and impressively , then ho hugged her firmly , as though he wna going to remain in the hugging business the remainder of his lite. The couple kept up this 'funny business1 until they reached Gowrio. When there they alighted from the cars , to the bitter disappointment of the pusson gers and genial Billy Givens , the con ductor. " COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOT10B. Special advertisements , such a' ' Loet , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent Wanta , Boardingetc. . , will be Inserted In thli column at the low rate ol TEN CBKTS PER LINE ( or the first Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINE ( or each subsequent Insertion , Leave advertisements at our office , Iloom 6 Everett's lllock , Broadway. T7IOII KENT-Three or ( our rooms for llgh .L hou iKct | > lnltliln tu o blocks of poatolllco Enquire of Dr. nuiichett at 14 1'turl bt. 10 " < \v ' ANTE To rentA ten room house In Boino teed ni Ighborhood or twosmuler will housta side W side , Address P. O. Uox 707 Count.ll H.iifl < , or applp at UKK ollloo , Comic ! Illuffa. 4U-t ( \TrANTED Every body In Council Blufls It W to take TIIK UKK , 2(1 ( centa per week , de llverud by carriers. OlIUo , Hooni 6 , Everett' lihcn , Broad ny. \TrANTED-To buy 100 tons broom corn YY P ° r particular * ) aJdretw Council BluO > Broom Factory , Council Bluff * , low * . 068-2ltl ) WANTED A flrat-clu * broom tier. M ym & Co. , Council Bluff * , [ own. 660-80 * FOH SALE-CM papers 40c IKT hundred , ft ) The Ueo office. Council Blufla , ge7-U mo nillCK-MAKEHS , FOll SALE-B acroi or J. moroof land adjo'nlng the brickan ! ol lUniier & UalieVon Upper llroalwoy. For partlculam npply to David lUlnea or t < i llanner'i ottico at the lloirdU Trade romu. Council Uluffe. 776-doSi 3m MO T > OTTKH'S TICKCT OFKICK-War In railroad I tickets continue * to loom. Unprecedented low rates to all eastern iwints. Kvcry ticket guaranteed , Oni ru tilled oy telephone. From ono to ten dollars sated by purchasing tlcketi 0. A. Totter , successor to 1'ctU'r & 1'almer , No. 10 South r'lfth direct , four doori below the part- ollico , Council UlutT , Iowa , octls-tl \TrANTKn-Koy , with fony. to carry papert VY , Inquire at Un offlce , Council lllufls. W. octlSt Notice. OnliiK to the luiuicpie Bucceoa ot th new Gelatine Bromlda Initantaneout Process at tlio Excf lilor Gallery , Filth utrcet , Court- ell Dlufti ' , the proprietor dcalrci thoeo wlihlntr Children' * Pictured to call between the hours ol 10 and 12 o'clock a. rn , , aa owing to the Press of Business such arrangement Is necetwary to arold delay. 20-Irn J , BARKE , Proprleto ACTS WORTH' KNOWING. "Good morning , Mr. Jones. You seem in good humor this morning. " "Yes , I have baen to the BOSTON TEA STORE , and find naythinR and evory- thibg I want , * OF FIRST QUALITY AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. I tell you , I can Save Money now out of my salary , and Live First-OJaBB. too. It paya to eo there. " 'lWhere did you eay it wa.v ? " BOSTON TEA COMFY FINE GROCERS. 18 Main St. and 15Pearl St , COUNCIL BLUPPrf , I A. ( Gasoline Store. ) STOVES , TIN WARE , SHEET IRON WABE , 331 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , la. DONT FA MO SEK THK STOCK OP W. W. BUCHANAN DIAMONDS , WATCHES , JEWELRY , CLOCKS. In REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. 202 Broaaway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , H. H.JUDSON , DRY GOODS 405 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. . COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORKS , MANUFACTURERS OF _ ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING * AND GENERAL MACHINERY Office and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. P Wo give special attention to B > Stamp Mills , .Smelting Furnaces , HOISTERS AND GENER&L MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK reccUo prompt attention. A Konoral as. vortmont of Brasa Goods , Belting , Pining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , ( Joke , Ooal , OHAS. HEMDKIK , Pr si. & ORAIQ , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Klch Out aiasa , Fine French CJilna , SUver Wuro &c , , BBOADWAT. CHUhOII. Ill.UKr'H , lO-VA. Drs. Woodbury & . Son , Cor. Pearl & l t Ave. COUNCIL BLUFFS. _ . 8. AMENT , JACOU 8IS18. AMENT & SIMS , h Attorneys & Ouunsellors-at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. KELLEY & M'CRACKEN ' , Marble and Granite , fiorth Fifth 8t. , Council BlurTt W. W. SHERMAN , ij MANUFACTUItKU OP I ROAD , TRACK , COACH & LIVERY JSS Fine Work a Specialty. K. H. flIIEUMAN , Ilinlncss Manager. WJ1. CimtSTOMIEU , Mcchonlcnl Manager. 12- South Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. My Harness are Manufactured from A No. I Oak Tanned Leather. I Sell My Goods at Bed Rock Prices. Or ders from abroad receive prompt attention. J. MUELLER'S > uicH. riug , Weber. JLjindemun , J. Mueller and other Pianos , $200 and upward. Burdett , Western Cottage , ; Tabor and Paloubet Organs , $50 andupward. Musi cal Merchanoiee of every diecriptiou. 3VC Italian Strings a specialty ; imported direct. Music Books , SheetMusictoys , Barnes , Fancy Qoode , Wholesale and Re TT tail. Pianos and Organs Bold fur Cash and on Time. Stock is large , full and com- plete. Musical Journal ireo on applica s J ± tion Address Correspondence : Solicited. O J. MUELLER , Z 103 South 5th Street. C COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. \ BOWMAN , ROHRER & CO. , Storage and Commission Merchants , PURCETASING AGENTS Aiu Dealers In all kinds ol Produce. Prompt attention chen to all cons giiinents. N08. 22 , 24 AND 20 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. ( 1 WHI. . IFOSTIEI ? , -AMM. &t'PI'i.Y ON SHOUT NOTICK- Out Flowers , Greenhouse i nd Vegetable Plants ( licir tca-o . Orc'cis ' I'tomjitlj filled ltd t'e.l\crul to Kxpio-t ( Iliic fue of clinr o. Send for CnUlojue , HI. IB. DEALER IN PAPER , BOOKS E STATINERY , COUNCIu BLUFFS , IOWA. * v COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Buyer and Shipper of .Brain and Provisions Orders solicited in Iowa and Nebraska. REFERENCES. - First National Bank , Stewart Bros. , Council Bluffs ; William P. Harvey & Co. , Culver & Co. , Chicago ; E. A. Kent & Co. , St. Louis. METCALF BROS. , WHOLtSALE DIULKRS IX * Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , , and Buck Gloves. CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. GOTTJXTOXX. E : _ REAL ESTATE AGENT , For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands , and a number ol Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Oflico with W. S. MVYNE , over Savings 3ank , - COU OIL BLUFF BIXBY & WOOD , PLUMSERS , STEAM AND GAS FITTERS Gas Fixtures , Bath Tubs , Marble Slabs , Brass Goods , Iron and Lead Pipe , Fittings and Pumps , Kept in Stock. No. 7 Fourth St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. L I WB.OAKUV THE LAUOEST SWOK OF FINK BOOTS I SHOES , Slippers , Etc. , Within One Huidred and Fifty Miles of Council Bluffs. * * All lail Orte Promptly Attended To anl Highly Appreciated , 6TJR PRICES ARE VERY LOW. Call and See Our NEW SPRING STOCK , which has Begun to Arrive. Z. T. UNDSEY & C. , 412 BMADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , And WEST SIDE SQUA , CLARINDA IOWA , - * * * . -