Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1882, Image 5

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NKW YOUK , Febreary 14.
Money clwed nt o@G per cent.
Exchange closed firm nt 4 90@4 9JJ.
Governments clw d thin.
Currency G'n I 27J bid
4JV couiKini I 14 "
4"i. " roniiom 1 18 "
G1. Continued 1 WJ "
6' continued 1 CC'J "
1'ncific rrdlro d bonds closed an follow
Union lets i lfi@l J <
TJidnul.mid Grunts 1 " 'i ' ® ll
Union Kinking Kund . .1 ' - . ! ( 1 - "
CeutralB t 13J ( ,1 "
Th stock marltct to-day wan nioi
ncHhcbut IrresuUrand in the iiutno \ \
Th-io wore frequent spelln nf tirunem
digression , but Iho market finally left c
\vo ik with the lowest price * i f to-d y Re ;
cralfy current. The decline ranged fro
1 to Oi par cent. , nnd win led by tl
Aincricau District telegraph.
The following are tha cloning buU :
fil M&C
A&.TH 33 Mot. nlovatej. . . ' 8
1'reto led . . . . 82 M. L H fc W. . . . 4
O'B& Q MIciiCoa. . . . . 8
C S 51J Ml' It. .
C C & 10 M * O V
Gk (3 iil'd. . . . 91 .M \ E 12
Col Coal 41 North\vebt ni . .19
C&A U : preferred 14
O O O A I . . . 7d N. .h. k ( . . 7
CI' 0 : ewCci U. . . . 1
O 1 34 Nor. & Wiif.t. . C
0 11 ! N J C 8
Ut nfd 33 NYC 13
Vl , , fl 25 NY Klivntcd. .1C
Oarib u 2 Nor. I'licltic. . . . J
OA . HJ I'rofened. . . . 7
CSt L N O. . 75 Ohio J
Con LVal . 3 Preferred . . . .
D it 11 . 1073 Ohl'i ten 1
DL& w . iar > l Omaha ;
D & K Q . C9i 1'roferrod . . . .II
E Tenn . 134 Ore Nav -.1 !
Preferred. . . . 21S Uro Train.
B & W . S2J Ohio South'n. . .
Krlo . 393
Preferred . . . . 70j PD&K I
Pull. Pal.
W. F..V 124 l'a ° MRil '
American 91 Quicksilver. . . . . :
Tj. 8 75 Preferred . . . . l
Homcstake 17 K I. . li
U&StJ 95 Il&WP r 2.
Preferred. . . .lOGi U & P i
J. 0 1324 K& A
IB&W 43J llubln'on M On
K&T. . : 35 } St. Paul 1 <
TjS. . ' . 1114 San Francisco. .
L L 51 Pref.rred. . . .
L&N 88J iHt Preferred.
LNA& C. . . 70 Sutro Tun
Uttle P Jg StPM&M. . . !
Mnn. Beach. . 29 Standard
MnnhattnnKl. . . . T a , P
rieftfrro.1. . . . % TD&D. . . . . .
M&'O Union Pacihe. . 1
Preferred . . . . 12Vubih
21 pid 7 1'iefored. . .
Md Oonl 18'Ve ternUnion.
NEW YOIIK , February 14
The Bteamship Arizona will Uk to-d
SI , 00,000 in gold for Curope.
Spot otton i * cmot d 1 1-lGc low
Midllin , ' nplanci , 11 U-lGc. The saleu
1,243 baloi for export 233 bales to m inr
100 bales on speculation and COO bales
livorel on contracts. Futures closed bte
at 9-100 to 12-lOOj lower than yo-terd
March , 11.40o ; April , 11.65c ; May , 11. !
June , ai.87c ; July , 12c ; August , 12 1
September , 11.70 : ; October , 11.20jj 1
rember ll.OOc ; December , ll.lle.
CUIOAGO. February li
The demand for money wus good
ratt were steady at G@7per ; cent , pur
num. Loanable fuudj oonlinus iu g
The clearings of the associated ba :
were $0,000,000.
Kaitern exchange botweau the <
banks wan quoted at 50c discount per :
OfO. '
Order for currency were moderate.
\ Om lin WholnnlUe Marbet.
Tuesday Evening , February l-l.
Nothing of importance transpired
.connection with the markets to-day
note alight changes in ( he loc&l Rrain q
tatione. O ibei-wise no changes were
LocaJ drain
WHKAT. Ciwh No. 2 , 1 05 ; e
s'.i. S , 92 Jc : rejeetoil , GJc.
EAlll.KY.-CiwAh No. 2 , 88c ; No ,
* 83 : .
HYE. C Bh , TOc.
COHN. Cash No. 2 , 43c.
DATS HBHII. anz. . . .
HAY ? G 00@fi 60 | > er ton.
.FLOUR Spring wJieat , straight gn
f 25 < § > 3iO ; "Pioneer" California , <
jaCeiit , S3 7.XS4 50 ; winter * heat ctra
rade 3 C5(2VJ ( 2'ij jiateut , J4 50@h 00 :
ii-mrve , 62"SO : Wheat , < 3 00 ; Q. ;
Ji e. C4 25 ; Jwper , $3 M ; Bic Si.
$3 SO.
UYE PLOUK $3 25.
. \IILLHTUrfP8 Brwi , per owt. 1
per toa.16 OOglfJK ) ; weetuigtif per c
SOcj BbortH , per jwt L00-clioppod f
per1 cwt. 1 20 ; aiea ! Bolted , yellow , 1
white. 81 CO.
ine,4 @ 5e | > cr Ib.
WILD GKESK-Out ( > l unu-ict.
BUTTEK Choice , 28@30c ; poor.
market- : fair , 18@24 ; creamery , 0@
APPLES Ooo < l. twuiid , verr * c
at 85,00@664per bbl.
LEMONS Steadyj par box , Z4i
per half bbl.,81 50.
BUBSWAX-Yellow , 20@22c.
ONIONS 1 10@1 4H per biuhel.
ItAKBEltlllJ S-Per bbl. , ? 10 (
Per doz. , G"iB5c.
OYSTBIW-aelectNifk. ,
llKflSED TURKEYS -12l@13o ,
Qrocen Lltt.
COFFEE. Kio , lair , 12ic ; lllo , gi
ISJc ; Rio , jirlme to choice , 14c ; Old u
Java ; 20i < & 28lc , Mocha , 2 4c ; Arbuck
1C : .
TEAS.Gunpowder , good. 45@i
Choice , G0@75c ; Im | > erial. good , ? 0@
Choice , G0 < a , 7&c ; Young Hyson , ijood , !
60c ; choice , fir ci ? l 00 ; Japan Nat L
35o ; Japan , choice , fiO@75cj Oolong , ci
3r40 ; Ooloiifr , cho.ce , 40@55 ; Souchc
Kood.3.ri40c ; choice. 354.pc.
8CGAHS. Cut loaf. JOfc ; Crunl
JOJc ; Oramdated , lOJo ; Pnwilered. II
Fine , lllci SUndanl Coffee
Die : New York Confectioner's Stand
A. 05o ; Good A , D6o : Prairie Extr :
Bfo.SYRUPS. . Sugar house , bbls , 45o ; !
bin , 47 < x keg * , 43 nUons $2 10 ; oholc
table syrup , 42c ; hull bbls , 44c , kt4 , S2 1C
SODA. Dwight's Mi iiai ns < UUOj IK
( and do , W 00 ; Church' * , W OH ; Ke
STAUOH. Pearl , 4Jc : Silver ! ( , 8
8ic ; Com Starch , 8j@l c ! Kxwlsin
e , 7c ; Corn. "ic.
SALT. Dray loads , jwr bbl , 2 lOj A l
ton , in racks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 00 , f > a , 3 t.
bbl d lrv. 100. 3K.3G5.
DIM ED FRUITS- Choice halvei
iiORchiH , new crop , 8jo ; Kvaporatotl Apple
\ tli boxc % 13c ; Mlchlgnn , 8\c ! N'c1
Vork apples , 8Jc ; Prunes , old , fijc ; nov
7Jc ; Currants. ( > J@8oi Blackberries new
OHKKSK Fidl Cream , 14c ; P :
AUlm 11c.
\VOODKNWARE Two hoop pall
1 ! > " > ; three hoop palls , 2 20 ! No. 1 till
9 W > ; No. 2 lull- . , , 8 50 : No. S tubs 7 5
( ilinoer wr.nldManl , 1 83 Double Cr w
30(1 ( : Wellbuckcts 32. .
LIIAD Bnr , $1 05.
SPICES. Pepper , 110 ; Allspice , 10
Cloves , 4lta : Xutnuiir.s SI 00 : 2 cCtuui ;
Mace 81 00.
MATCHES Per C4 ldlo , ! )0c ) ; roui
u t . S7.V : qu ro cftses , S5.10.
PROVISIONS Breakfast bacon , 12
jhnico Innl , lljc : dried beef , ISJc ; ihou
er . ! 'c : hnms. iJc : : bacon , sides , HP.
NEW PICKLES MiMllum , In Imrre !
S10 00 : do In h.ilf bbls , 5 75 : BinalU , In bb
12 00 do , lu hr.lf bbb , 7 CO ; Khurklms
bbls. 14 00 ; do , In half bbls , 7 50.
VINEGAR Pure npplo extia , It
pure apple , 13o : Pniwiinr nuro niilo , 1 (
HOMINY New , S5 50 per bbl.
. . BEANS Medium , hand picked 31
per bushel ; navy , 3 > 00 ; calef navy , 31 '
HOPE Sinai , J Inch and laruor , 8'i
9cilncb ; , lOc.
SOAPS Kirk'n Savon Imperial , 3i
Kirk's satinet. 3 30 ; Kirk's standard , 3 I
Kirk's white Russian , r , 00 : Kir
Eutoca , 20. " > : Kirk's Prairie Quci
(100 ( cakes ) , 3 0 ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 5 !
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , Ifi ni ,
lGcboxcs ; 40 Ibs. , 10 oz. , OH. IGc.
LY15 American , 3 40 : Greenwich , 8
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Low
lye. 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 276.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 dt
in case , 3 35 ; BabbittV Ball , 2 dor. , in en
I 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 dm in ciwe. 1 50.
FIELD SEED Rod clover , cho
new , SO 00 per bushel ; mammoth clov
new. $7 00 ; white clover , new , 814 1
d nlfa clover , now , 812 50 ; alnike , nc
$1300. Timothy , jfood. new , S3
blue grass , extra clean , 81 50 ; blue gra
clean , SI 25 ; orchard grass , S2 50 ; red ti
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Misaov
80c ; inillet , Gorman , 81 00 to SI :
lluiuarian , 80c ,
HEDORSEEW Osage orance , 1 tc
bushels , 35 00 ; osage orange , 10 bti
over , S4 50 ; honey loc\ist , per Ib. , 35c ; ]
1001b . .S2)00.
FIS -Family white fifih , 90 Ib hf hi
S3 75 ; A' , 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls , C
No. 1 white fwh , in 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; fain
10 Ib kits , 7Bc ; New Holland herring. ;
keg , 1 35 ; Ruasian sardines , 75c : Cob :
bin liver Mluiou , per lOOlbs , 8 00 ; Georij
Bank codfi h , ( ! c ; Gon. bnnelesa codti
9.c ' ; boneless fifih , 5Jc.
JIACKEREL IlnlfhWameBsniacke ;
100 Ibs , S12 50 ; hf ldl No. 1 ex shore
100 llw , G 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do ,
Ibs , 3 85 ; them mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2
No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 she
12 Ib do. 1 00 ; fat family. 10 Ib do. 75c.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2
( Field's ) , per case , S4 00 ; do 1 tt > ( Field
per cuf-e , 2 50 : do 2 Hi ( Standard ) , per cf
3 70 ; do 1 tb ( Btandard ) , per case , 2 30 ;
2 Ib ( slack ) , i > cr case , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( sla <
per ca e , 200. Onions , 3 80. Salmon
Ib , per dozen , 1 00@1 70 ; do 2 In. per do
2 55. Sardines , small r'sh , imported , i
quarter boxes per box , 14Jc ; Americ
quarter boxen per box. He ; do half bo >
per box , 21Jc. Lobsters , 1 Ib jier do/
180. Tomatoes. 230 ; do 3 Ib
case , 3 30 ; Corn 2 Ib ( Mounti
per case , 3 GO ; soaked corni 2 10 ;
2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per ca o , 3
string beans , per case , 2 25 ; Lima bo
per case , 2 20. Succotash ] xsr case , 2
Peaa , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , oho
per case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2 ib , per o
280 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2
raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 275@3
DauiMTOB , 2 H' , per case , 2 45. Bart
pears per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortlel
ries per cose , 2 80. Egg plums , 2 tb
3 1X3 ; do , choice , 2 Ib , per oaae. 4
Grnen gages,2 Ib per cane , 3 50 : do cholc
Ib i r cane,4 50. Pine Apples2 Ib , perc
4 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 ib per ca , 3
do 3 Ib , cane , fi 00@G 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib ,
case.3 65 ; do pie , G Ib , per dozen , 3 50.
KICK Carolina , 8@8ic ; Louisiana ,
< 284c ; fair , Gl@7.
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red 1
no8nee , 9c per Ib ; fancy-white , lOc per
ra > v white Virginia raw , lOc ; roa '
Dry Goods.
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; B <
FF , Sic ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot
Tie ; Cnittenaugo A , Ujc ; breat Falls
file ; Homier , 6 0 ; Honest Width , 7Jc ;
in dian Head A , 6c ; Indian Standard
8jc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8jc ; Lawre
LL , 7c ; Mystic River , 71o : Pequot A , i
Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utica C , 5jc ; Wac !
ett B , 74c ; do A , BJc ; do E 48 , 12jc ; V
cott BB , 8Jc.
4-4 : 7Ac ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 44 ,
Atlantic LL , Oic ; Badger State X 4-4 ,
Bennington C 4-4 , OJc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , <
Indian Orchard AA 9-8 , 8ic ; Laconi
39 , 8ic ; LehiKli E 4-4 , OJc ; Lonsdale
lOc : Pepijerell N 30 , 7c ; ( lo O 32 , 7c ; d
3fi , 7Jc ; do E 39. 8Jc ; Pocass.t O 4-4 , 1
WaniHutta 4-4. 13c.
( .in L4-4,10cBlackutouaA ; A iu perm
do do half blenched 4-4,9c ; Cabot 4-4
Fidelity4-1 , OJcFruit of th Ixoinll ;
can brio4.4,13ido WaterT iHt,10kjG
FallnQ , lOic ; Indiin H ailBlmink 4-4,1
L ns'lale. lOJc ; do cambrlo 37 , 13c ; I1
York Miiln , lite ; Poqnot A , lOc ; I'epps
N G TvrillH , 124c ; Pocahontas 4-4 , !
Pocass t 4-4 , 8Jo ; Utica , lie ; Wamai
O X X , 13c.
DUCKS TTnbleachod Atlantic , 10
17c ; Baltimore do , lUc ; IMUO Star , 8
12c : Sav ge , 18c.
UoOKS ( Colored ) Alb ny E bro
8c ; do 0 , ilra1' \ \ - li VA , stripes
plaidH , 12tc ; do XXX brown nnd d
stripes and plaida , 12Jc ; Arlington fdi
19c ; I'nuiHU'iek brown , 8Jc ; Ch.irlot fai
I21c ; do eictra heavy , 20c ; Fall It
brown , extra heavy , lljc ; Indium
brown , 13c : Neponset A bro an , 15o.
17c ; do XX bine 32 , IHJc ; Arrowai
flic ; Claremont B B , ISJc ; Conestoga
tra , 174c ; Hamilton P. ll c ; Lewiatoi
30 , Uic ; Minneliaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omega M
extra 4-1 , 28c ; Pearl River 32 , IBlc ; J
notn XX blue BtrJj > e , 12c ; Slwtucke
. , a , , do S3 12c ; Yeorran'n blue 29 ,
DKVIMH.-AiiKxkeak , bhwand brr
lOJc ; " Ajidover DO l/lue / , 15Jc : Arlinj
bine Scotch , ISJc ; Cuucord OOO , bine
brown , ISJc ; do AA A , do do 13J ; du X.
do do Hie : Iliiyiunker'fl blue i.uil bra
9c ; M\tle RUer ll > * tripe , KUcj I1
Jtlvor , lilue nd brown , 15jc ; ; UncaHV
bluu and brown , l c ,
CA BltICft UaniarJ , 5jc ; rM Jyitl
HniiiK. 2-1 Inch dnrible faoo , 8Jc ; fiarne :
glazed , &c' ManhaVtun ul'ive tinleh ,
Newport do Ccj do glazed , T jci | Peqmc
6c : Lockwood kid linlh , Cc.
COltSKT JKAN8--Amory , BcjAnd
ooRifin nattofii , 8i jj Clarendau , CfoiCo
to a natteen , 7Jc ; HnlK > wel | , 8c ; Im
Orchard Impnrvud , 7ic ; NkirraganHett ,
Pepperill natt < ii 9in ; Kockixirt , 7ic. (
PRINTSAllenn OJc ; Ak'ierlcan ,
Arn.ihl . , 7c ; Berwick , 44c ;
Coneiitoga. OJcj Dunkirk , 4C | ' Dum
C J@7c ; Kddyntone. 7c ; Olonca'ter ,
Harmony , .rijc ; Knickerbocker , OJ ' ! A
rlmac D , 7c ; Myntc ! , 5Jc ; Kprai'iisM ,
Siinthbrlilge , ( ic ; do. fJInyhaiim , 7c ; H
bom , file : OrivnVil ( Jjc.
GINtJHAMS Aiiuwkeair , lOJo ; Ai'
keiij lre H 12Ariyle } , lOic ; Allan
9c ; CUmbeiland , 74c ; iilglilniul , i
Kcnllworth , BJe ; Plun kett , lOJcj S
Agate , ' 20c ; American , lln ; Artisian , 1
Cairo D and Til34c ; Clarion. ! ) and
174cj Deocun Co.BtriiHjn DaudT , ICcj K
tone , 13jc ; NanUicket , l ! c ; Nonpareil
Cc ; Ocean 1) and T. 13jcs Royal , IGJc
Sussex , 12c ; Tlopa. 12jcj Wachnsott shirt
nt > becks. 124c ; do , Nankin , 12Jcork
plain Nankin. I2jc ; dochecks , stripes an
ancy , P.Uc ; do , 8 or 20c ,
8HEETlNOS-Andn ) coKKlnlO-4.274c
lo 9-4 , 2lc ; do 81 , 22c ; Continental I
42- lie ; Fmlt of ( ho I * < om 10-4 , 27J { Nei
York mills 08 , 35c ; do 78 , 30c ; do 58 , 22J <
Pembroke 10-1 , 2.c ; Poquot 10-4 , 2 % | d
7-4 , lc ! ) : do 49 , lOc ! Pepperell 90 , 21 > <
lo l7 ! , Ulc ; do 57 , 18c ; Utica 9C , 85cj d
f.8 , 221ci no 48. 17oand
and Tobaccoi.
CIOARS. Seeds , 315.00 : Connection
S25.00 ; Mlxod , $3T > .00 | Seed Hnvani
S.V1.00 ; Clcflrllavana. $75.00.
24 Ib , liOci Spotted Fawn , Clcj Our lUip
line quality , U2c ; Star , i > outulft , j
Ib , butts , GOc ; Hume Shoe , pound
2 Ib , butU , GOo ; Gilt Edg
pounds , 2 Ib , butt * , GO ; Army and iSav
iiounds , 5. > c ; Bulllnn , pounds , GOc : lx > ri
lanl's Climax , pounds , Olc.
FINK CUT In vail * . Hard to He ?
75c ; Golden Thread , 70c Fiiuntaln , 8C
Favorite , UCJ Hocky Mountain , IK
Fnncy , We ; UaUy , fiVc. In tin foil
Catllna O. S. , fi Hi bo\Ci , ircr Ib G3cM ;
Ward's Tiger , Or- Diamond Crown , GOo.
SMOKING All grade * Common , 25
33c. Granulated IJlackwells Durham ,
ozfilc ; Dukes Durham , If ! oz , oOc ; Seal
North Carolina , 10 or , 4(1 ( ; Seal of Nelin
ki , 10 oz , 3Sc ; 11110 Jack , I oz , line
pcrlb , S1.3.r > ; Marburg * ' P-ok , 2
( oil , fine ; Dos Tall. ( > 5c.
Paints Oll > ftnd Varnlshet.
PAINTS IN OUi White lead , Oma
' P. P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. & C. Co.pu
> & ; Marseille * gieen , 1 lo B Ib cans , IK
I Krench zinc , pi" > u eal. 12c ; French zli
; ed seal , lie ; French zinc , In varnish ft
> ; JOc ; French zince , in oil omit , 15o ; R ;
rt uml burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12o : raw n
mrm , Sienna , 13c ! Vandyke bro\vn , 1
ot'tnod lampblack , 12c ; conch black , 1
"nry black , lOc ; drop black , IGc ; Prusui
ilue , 30o ; ultramnrinu blue , 18c ; chro
green , L. M. fi D. , 14c ; blind nnd shut
; rcon , L. M. & D. , 14c ; Paris green. 1
mllan red , Ific : Venetian red , 9c ; Tusc
ta , 22c-American ; Vcnnlllixl , I. &P. , 1
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & , D. O , , 1
vollow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 16 ; pati
dryer , Gc ; graining colors ; light oak. dt
oa c , walnut , chestnut and nah 12c
Dry ° aVnti
White le d , CJc ; French fine. lOo ; IV
whitcing 2Jc ; whiliug gilders , 1
\\hitinc conrl , lie ; lampblack Germ
own. 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; Pr
lian blue , 45c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vnndy
irown , 8c ( umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , n
tcsionna , bum t , 4c ; sienna , raw ,
? aris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green co
ir > c ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20o ; chni
gruen K. , 12c ; yormllllon , Eng. , 70c ; v
nillion , Amerioa , 18c ; Indian red. 1
rose pink , I4c ; Venetian read , Cooksr
We : Venetian red Am. , Ijc ; red load , 7
chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome i
ow , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ocf
French , 2jc : ; ochre , American , 1
Winter's mineral. 2Jc ; lehlgh bro > vn. 5
Spanish brown. 2 jc ; Prince's mineral
VARNISHES Barrels per gall
Ifurnitin-b , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No.
51 ; fuinlture , U , 8T > c ; coach , oxlra , SI
Coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Dainar , SI 50 ; , Iai :
70c ; nsplmltnin , 70c ; nhellac , $350 ; h
oil fmUh. SI 30
OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon , llcJ ;
lieaillight , per gallon , 12jc ; 17" hcadlf ;
per gallon , IGc ; cryntoline , ner gallon ,
linseed , r.iw , ) > er gallon , GG ; linseed , boil
nor gallon , bSc : lard , wint r st 'd , per i
Ion. 1 O.V. No. 1. 80cj No. 2 , G5c : cam
XXX. ptr gallon , 130 ; No. 3 , 115 ; swi
per gallon. 85c ; Hpcrin , W. B. , per gall
1 3 ! ) ; Hub , W. B. per gallon , GOc ;
extra , i > er gallon , 75cj No. 1 , G5c ; lu
eating , zero , per callon , 30c ; summer , 1
o den machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; ' .
2 , 50 ; sperm , ni iinl , ] > er gallon , 80cj
pcntine , IH.T gallon , Clc ; naptha , 74 \
gallon , 30c ; 64 , 20c
Heavy Hardware Lilt.
' ° Iron , ratei63 50 ; ) ) low steel , cast ,
cast tool ilo , 15@ < ! 0 wacpn wpokes ,
is 2 25@3 00 ; hubs , pereet , 1 25 ; felloes , B.V
dry. 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@8fic ; ax
each , 75c ; wiuaro nuta , per Ib , 7@ '
washere. per lo , 8@18c ; rivets , per Ib ,
coil chain , per Ib , G@12c ; malleable ,
, ron wedcos , Gc ; crowbars , ( > c ; bar
tooth , 4c ; hor.iwlioos . , per keg , 5 00 ; spi
steel. 78c.
NAILS 10 to aod. s GO8 to 10 ,
6d , 4 00 ; 4d. 4 25 ; 3d , common , 5 00 :
fine , G 50 ; clinch , all sizes , 5 25 ; Gd , can
4 75 ; 8d caning , 45. ; lOd casing , 4 25 ;
finish , 4 75 ; 8d finish , 5 00 ; Gd finish , t
half ketrs , lOc extra.
, L SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , $2
1 Oriental Powder , kegs , 80.40 ; do. ,
kegs , $3.48 : do. , quarter kegs , $1.88 ; Bl
inif , kops , $3.35 : Fuse , oer 100 feet 50c
Horses and Mules.
The market is brisk and all grades
Bulling well at P ilieht advance in p i
The demand for good horsea exceeds
supply considerably. Prices range a
Flno single drivers , 5150. to 300. ; E
draft homes , 8175. to 225. ; Common d
hoi-sen , $100. to 150. ; Extra farm hoi
$110. to 125. ; Common to good farm hoi
$90. to $100. ; Extra plug , $60. to
Common plugs. S20. to 840.
d- MULES. 16 to 15J hands ( extra ) , S
to 150.J Wi to 15 hands , $100. to ]
14 to 14 i hands , $75. to 100. ; 13 } ti
; le bands. 800. to 75
C Liquor * .
cc ALCOHOL 187 proof. 225 per >
ccO ga'lon ; extra California spirit187 IT
4 1 3 l | er pioof gallon ; triple refined spi
1P7 proof , 1 24 per proof gallon ; ro-disti
TrMcies , 100@15j ; fine blended , 1 !
2 50 ; Kentucky bouibous , 200@700 ; I
tucky ami Pennsylvania ry > n , 2 00@7
BltANDIES imported , $ B 00@lt
domentio 1 40@4 00 ,
Jo GINS Imported , 4 50@0 00 ; clumn
at 1 40O3 00.
c RUMS ImjKjrted , 4 fiO@G 00 ; I
M England. 2 00fe-J ( 00 ; domestic , 1 f > 0@ :
ta CHAMPAGNES Ircrortcd per c
2iK)0 ( ) > UAt23t'Mj ; , case , 121
' OC ,
CLARETS Per case , 4 50@10 00.
WINKS Rhine wine , per cane , fi (
20 00 ; Catawba , per case , 4 00@7 00.
n , Lumber.
y FENCING No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , 822
7 No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , VI 00 ; sheeting dren
7A No. 1 , 18 00 ; No. 2,10 00 ; common boa
A drcBRcd. 20 00.
FRAMING 1C ft. and under , per
21 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22
24 ft. 25 OU.
x FINISHING-NO , i. finish 11 , 14
A 2 inch , $50 00 No. 1 finish 1' Inch $4i !
K ] No. 2. finish li , U and 2 Inch. 84500 :
it 2 finiidi , 1 inch , 810 00 ; No , 3 nnbh.l i
8 $3500 ; O. G. battens per .00 feet
io $1 00 ; well ctirbiuL$22 00 ; rough i a
ion inch battens per 100 feet Un , . 60o.
ni STOCK I10ARCS-A stock , 510 ( X
ii $3' . 00 ; 0. $30 00 : common Mtock , $22
iiTl FLOORING No. 110 00 ; No
Tl tXi 00 ; No , 3 , 822 00 yellow pine , N
le SIDING-NO i , $24 oos NO. 2 , $2 :
No. 3. $18 00.
noA SHIP LAP-Plaln , $22 00 ; O. O. N
83200 ; No. 2.82200.
OKILINO $21 00 < % 837 00 , '
HldunleH , $3 85 , No. 2 , $2 50 ; No. 3 , 8 !
Lath , 83 50.
Bulldlru Malnrlal.
LIMK Fsr barrel , $1 35 ; bulk per
Sfa. Cttmant , bbl , 82 50. Iowa ploi
bbl , 2 50. Hair per bu , 3Bc. Ta
fell 100 llw , $3 50. Straw board. g4 C
PAPER Stmw paper , SJc- , rag pa
4c ; dry gooda paper , 7c ; iimnlla paper ,
newii paper , fie
ic COAL Cumberland blackxinlth ,
icrl. . Mnrrib Hun BlonMnirg , 812 ; Whitebr
lump , fflfO ; Whltebreant nut , ? U 0 ; I
lump , 80 50 ; Iowa nut 80 50 ; Rock Sprl
c > 58 ; Anthracite , all slzw , ? 12 00@12 60
Carbolic , 60cj Acid , Torturlc , fi8o ; Bal
c ; f.'iiiiblB , per Ib , 7 c ; Hark , Sa fran ,
o ; Ib , Uc } Calomel , | > er Ib , 76o ; Clnoliunl
li lr i > * , 81 01 ; Chlurofonn , j > er Ib. ]
y * I Dover1 * j/vwdem , jmr Ib , 81 40) ) EJI
alU , per Ib. 3Jcj Olycerlne , put * , per Ib
450 ; Ix ad , Acetale , jor Ib , 2lc
Oil , Cantor , No. 1 , per rfd , * 1 a * >
Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , 81 25 ; Oil
Olive , per cal , 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 50i
Opium , M 50 ; Quinine P. A W. A 11. S : S.
per on , $2 55j Potassium , Iodide , per Ib
$2 50 ; Salacin , per or , 40c ; Sulphate o
Morphlno , rcr oz , $38' ' ; Sulphur flour
per Ib , 4Jo : Slrvchtilno. ner oz , 81 50.
Merino unwanhcd , llghl , lt@lf > c ! heavy
lolf > c ; medium unwashed , light , 18(3i20c (
lub.wr.shed , choice , 32c : fair , 30c | ding ;
and w. , 2Sc ; burry , black and cottod wool
Hldet l-uri , Etc.
HIDES tireen butcher' * hide , 7ev ; , .
cured hides , 8c ; green salt , p rl cure. .
hlde , 7@7Jc ; dry flint , sound , 18(3 ( > 14c ; dr
c lf and kip , 12@13cj dry salt hides , voimil
11(35120 ! green calf , wl. 8 In 15 Its. . 1011 (
gr en calf , w 1. under 8 llw , pet skin , fA
green pelts Si 00@1 15 ; grven lamb skin-
SI 10@125 : damaged hide * , two-third rate
cut scored and ono pnib. classed twi
ll ! rdn rat O branded hides 10 per cent , ill
Coon akltu. No. 1 , 45ci No. 2 , 0e ; No. I
JO. ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1. 50c ; No. ' .
! tOc ; No. 3 , 15o ; No. 4 , 5c Fox , No. 1
fOc ; No. 2,2TC. Skunk , No. 1 , blnul
( > 5c ; short stripe , 40o' narrow slrl ) > o 'J5 <
broad tlrlpo. lOc. Tallow. 5jc.
Connell Bin IT * Mnrliot ,
COUNCIL Ht.uri'H , Kobiuarv 14
rye flour , 3 40. ixud Short * IB 0 ( ) per ton
Chop Com 22 50 per ton.
Wheat No. 2 , SIO. ; No. 3 , r
jcctod , 62j.
Corn 47.
Oats Ko. 2 , 40a : rojoctisl , Mi.
Uarloy No. 2. 90c : No. H , 7fio
Hay Tjno > p , 6 00@G 00.
Wood-5 50 ® 7 00.
r IUoHogB-fi25@57r. . .
Cftttlo-Shlpping , 4 50(515 ( OOjmile
cows 30 OCS45 00 per head ; bulcho
stock , 3 00@8 50.
Sheep 375@ 25.
O Hides 5o ; G S hide * , 7c.
Wool 15@V6.
Butter Creamery , 30c ; In rolln , wra
ped , Me : r"lh not wrapped , 20.mix. ; .
co'orc , 15@20o.
Eggs -Packed , lOc ; fre-di , 12Ju ' .
Potatoes 110@1 30 ; Salt Lake , 1 6(1. (
OnloiiH 1 25@1 40.
Dressed Poultry Chicken * , lOc ; duel
lOo ; gceBO , 80 ; lur evc , 12jo.
Live Chickens 2 25 per dozen.
Chicago froanon.
UntCAiio. Febritaiy 14.
On 'ch mgo Ihe ini > etore nucertati
The receipts of grain cr < ) 18' ) onr , ei
bracing 40 of wheiit , 97 of corn , 22 of oai
5 i f rye and 25 of barlity.
Flour Uu'l and inactive ; no demaii
quutntioiiH unch nged ; cumin..n . to cbol
aprng western , 4 50@7 00 ; Minnenot
5 00ol75 ; patet.ti . 7 50S 50 ; wint
brand * , 5 00@7 2S ; rye IIur , 5 3. > @ 5 GO.
Wheat No. 2 Hpri g wan iu-ti\c i
pecuUtion and an un tUIrd , fuveri
foi'linwas deyeloptd. AiUi.ei . fr.
uliri ) d w re again < > l an unfavorable ch :
nutcr and the influence * width affect
50 kbc in..rkct yealoiday wtjro nguin brong
to heir upon the market to-dayand piic
agdn _ touched a lower point. At tlio ij
cline , howevir , a betier epccnlntive ( i
limn i HpruuK up. Tli-inirket
per bushel inorn than the clo-.i
on the call b inrd jo t-rdiiy , ra li
2)c ) , then receded lc , II ictnated , n :
Dually closed ubout § u lower on the refi
l < rho rian cdl at , 1 IJ forcinh a
Febmarvj 1 2l @l PI for March ; 1 2
for April : 1 24@t ( { 2 g ti.r . May ; 1 23
I 23jj lor June ; 1 23 f.iryoir . ; No 3 pri
in fa r demand nt 1 C'.I110 ' ; rejccttd ,
@ 78c , aoci ) ding tn location.
C > rn The demand was light eaily
the day and offering quite free , c..n
qucntly a weak nd unsettled fueling p
vailed nml prices ruled S@4 = low or. Lu
the demand imniovcd materially n
prices tallied l@lJc : , 1 nt ngnin rulal rail
weak to tlie close. > o high mi >
cljiid on c.dl at 6GJc for Februurj ; 51
f rM r-h ; 5iJ ( i fur Apr ! ; Gl o f rMi
GI@Gl c fur June ; ( il'J lor July ; rejt
ed in fuic drinand 5.riCaj5Tc. .
Oats ialeodier , wilti"ini.roed | jiric
Id , No. 2 clo-i'i { . ' on all t 39Jo for Felirun
40a f..r March ; 40@40jjo lor April ; 4
lorMiy ; 43j for June.
25 Ry I Mill and quiet ; no demand ; Ni
cl'td al 95o for Mnnh.
Barlev Nominal ; no demand ; No lly 100 ; futures InuctKc ; No ,
it- 73ic.Pork
Pork Weak ; mess closed at 17 9
18 00 for cali und Febiua y on reg
boaid ; 17 C2i@17 G5 fur M rch ; ll
© 1770 for April ; 17 83@17 874 fur M
on call.
Lard M derately active , cloMng
108)10t ( ) > 7 for March ; 10 95@IU
for Ap I ; 11 074U 10 for Ma > ; 1117
' * 1120 fr June.
I * * Bulk Meats Quiet and imch nfi
-8 | fhort i ib9 2.1 for Man h ; 9 30 for Ap
-8 9 37i@9 4 for M .y ; 9 50 for June.
U hialo Hte.uly ut 1 19 ,
Butter KtCfi'ts light ; offcringH of
grades fre-h made iu unall dt mi nil ,
local trade laking about nil the d ily
livulMiif packe land 10 1. Creameryci c
10 fancy , 42@4 c ; fair to g. od , 30(5. ( ' !
dair , choice lo tancy , 33@38e ; do. Jait
( jo il , 223c ; fiesli ma e packing ute
iO28c ( ; ludle jincked , common to gel
l @ 'J2c ; ral > , 22@iic for common to li
28u ( ) Oo Kood to ihuJco ,
Rei ip s nn derate ; Inquiry fi
n market eumt'i ; e.ilcB of ntuctly icHh at
0K @ He per d
K ) ; Iloo'tB. Shipii
Flour . 17,001 21
Ic , Wheat . 22,770 1'J.
i orn . 113880 Iu2
iw OatH . U 800 82 ,
50 , i'7'J ,
Burley . . . 33 ( < JJa 11
CblcAgo Zilvo Stock.
CHICAGO , Fobrnary ! )
The Dro\erV Journal leportx m foil
lfoff ( Hictiplii , 15,500 head. MBI
fairly actho and utioig for cummoii
. At the cjuiiini ; of tlio m.t
them \va mi re II o In ih < tralejmhul
men nbked hltiher jiricen which , luwev
b , biiytibwero nr.t . voiy ready to gho.
, Itood miud hogM them wan H mar !
Bcarc-ity and nuch i-nhl very jeadlly
jirictH asked and HlroiiKer than on M
X )
; day ; ponrmlxtd lutn , howc\er , vtero
aliuiuiunce i < nd could bo fcold to no liul
nd julvontnye th n on yenttni y ; in I
X ) ; - atilfl@070 ( heavy "
* * r > " " * - \ " * WF * v t I'avnttif (
kbijiilng | r-illur ktirincr with HI mew
Improvtd prices tanking i't G7fa7 (
Pliiliik'lphl. s and luidub'h fHiangei
7 20(57 ( M ; light hogs nadlxuaml pil
railior Jgwer at G 20@G J5 ; hklpu t
li culls , 1 i5i ( fi iO ,
50. Cattle-Receipts , G.OOO bend. Mai
for hhlpp t'K ' cattle waH , uiion the wh
50.M Inclined to bohlupt'i-h and value * weal
theiis being akhadiugof r < ( zl c In pil
M ; In iiuineroiiH coHes ; iiicdium , 620(5i ( , ;
go'id , 540(015 ( Oj choice , 5 bdr fi 0"
1 , port , G 0 < SC70. Akrja } \ | Of hutih
cattle 11. ot with a eood Ceuia
market ruled p > * b1y active at Grin ra
Ht ) fai ImlUrold rcinkrkahly well and 1
nnlma1 of Hint f nrcien mild for y
pr co < ; low klndi of cai nlnjr loin wor
ra'ily ' pli nliful , hut Rood flerliy luti c
tliiuii Bcarce ; cowc , 2 60@3 0j liulln , !
" @ 57''i ' Ht < M , 4 4'J'"a)5 ' ) 10 : Htuckem ni
"i at a 00@i : 115 ; ffcdir3 7W 1 f > \
Shei p lU-co ptV.OO heud Ma-
nclive a d prices hluLei ; fnir , 3 M ;
. Liverpool Produce.
j ? , , Jiivtiii-ooi , , Keb nary 1
Fl ( ur--A'rericaii , 10 * Gd@13n.
Wdwil Winter , I H 2JWl6i 1 Id : wl ,
_ 0 < 4d@JOi ) 7di iprlntr , 'Ji lld@10j
' " "
iJub ,
Id Corn-rnllil.
nn I'or78' 0 I.
> er hard . .
5o- U cit | | < of wheat for the iwt th
5oK IM.OCO ciutft'B , 141,000 ceutaU b (
: K Aiufiic.u.
City Prodnon Market.
KANBAB CITT , Febnnry 14 ,
Wheat Tl.ero . Is n little better fcellnf
In the nml < clNo. ; 2 , csi > h 116 } February
1 1001 liiji April , I 17) ) No 3 , cash , JlOir
Fat ru .ry , 8798c ; Mmcb , JWo ; April , ! ll i
May , IOOJ : No , 4 , f r Folmury , .sic
for 'March , 87c.
Corn Show * llttlo more tir nines' ! No
2 mined , cmh , fiSCJ 8Je ! Kebiusry , f'GJu
March , 5'cj ( Ap 'l. ' MHr ; Mav , t > 8c ; Ni . !
whlta mixed , i i Olf ! Kebrnnry , G21c
Mny , 02 o.
Oati No. 8 , h , 4 Hci March , 4 lie.
Rye N t , 2 , uiMi , 76c ; rVbnuiy , 75c.
Reo't * . Bhlpm't !
Wheat 12,518 12.CH
( Tnin 3.S3I 8,6
Oats f
Hje 3
NowKorli I'roilnnn
NuwYoilKi Febrm. II
Flour Dull mid unlimited , HutiUiir
Ilimr dull mid d > noi p : con mnn to th.iu
MIit I fiiiSOO.
pie < cd Nit. 2 i i'd , 1 Rl'fn ' 1 .1"j ! Uliuia
nl wlite , 1821 ; N.I 1 Whilo. 1 S.'j ) . '
I ! Uj | : Nu 2 Ml I'ulinmrv , 1 'l.Wifll < tfv
Mmili , 1 : il'il ( ; ; iAi Apnl 13X < 414
May , 1 37G01 U
ion.Opvind J ( < fllo hltihei ; clo'lii
weak with I'OiUon nf impiouuitnl 1 > >
I' , gradid mixed , OIWOSJc ! No. 3 , OK
till : Nn. 2 , G'Cil ! U * : N . 3 n lied Miirol
07K } < 'GSJ : A pin , tvjcn.riSiJ.
Out Illnlnr l.utiiuiit N . 1 vldl
5IJc ; No. 2vidti' , 4hii)41 ( ) > Jj No. mioi
4S ; No. 2 luhcilIIUJM' ; n lxedwelcn
IKS ) 8c ; Nn. 2 mixril May , 48J.
' ' '
B'Vl j-quint. No.'l Cnnscln. 1 15
Pork-Dull ; nii'si 180018 2
Laid-Dull , wink and lowir nt 11'- ' :
fur each : 11 25 for Manh.
Wld ky Niiiulnal.
I'ltioliiun Finn mid nultt. Unite
fGJe : ciiulc in ban els f CrfJc ; rclitied
barn lit , "gn
St. Louin Froiluon
ST. IxutlH. February 11.
Flour Slow snil uni hnnxed ; fnncy , G
(2G76 ; eh'lc-,5 1)5 ) .0 G5 ; fmi'lly , ' > DO
G'CO ; XXX , 5 40@5 05 : HIM390(81 ( 15.
Wheat 11 regular ; No. 2 red , 133
136 fi-rc'idt ' ; ! 341@1 34J fur Fein-ma
12IJ@12 lf' - Maich ; 1 2 4@l 27 I
Apill ; 1 2l2fel 27 for Mav ; 1 18(3)1 ( ) 211
June ; I 10al ( ) 11J lor July : 1 07 © ' 0
for year ; No. 3 ud , 1 2ljl 2SSNro. ;
do , 113.
Corn Quiet nn i hWieij 551@5fic I
cn b : 575 < fto for March ; 5Jifir ! ) ( > 0 , c I
Apii ! ; GU@ilJic ( for Mny ; Glj@G2jo I
Oats I ull and irregular 45@4c ; { I
cai-h ; Ilo bid for February ; 42.i lid 1 ; 43cbidf > r Ap II ; UUc for Mn
Rye Dull at 87@.Ki ) : .
Barley Dull nt 8 ftjUO.
LeadRt , ad ; toft Mlwnuri , 4 90 ; i
fined , 4 95 ; hard , 4 87\SI \ ( ) UO.
Bulter Vclire ; creamery , 42@4
dairy , 37@38c.
EUI-H Dull ; 20@2lc.
V hlhkySUndyat ; 1 18.
Flux ! r-ecd Firm nt 1 SO.
Pork Qul tnndpni-y ; 18''f@8 ' 40 I
cinh ; 18 10 for Mikrch ; 18 'JOfor April.
Laril-ll 08.
Hec'ts. Shlpm
Flour 4,1 % 8f ,
Wheat 2IS8 ( ! 1 , !
Corn GV.I25 71
Oats 35,373 5
Rye 50i 4
Barley 4,0 H m :
. St IiimU Liyo Stoclt-
St. 1 on ! * , Fobruii- 14
Cattle No nipi | > ; dim nd f tr n
pric s stand ) ; c > i"in it. ' , G 00@G i5 ; i
live f hip ) rri > ' , 575p59n ( ; fnir 10 g.
5 25(55 ( Gd ; luedliini to choice butcl o <
510 ; nut ! * o tticl-e's 3C.Oat4CO ( ; lint
cows nnd h iffts. 3 75(54 ( 00 ; iicol.U | , (
bend ; fcliipinniti' , .85 h ii'l ,
l'ig ' < A-ctivo nd h'gher ' : light , ( ! 1 (
G 25 ; Vo kcw , G 00@l ! f > 0 ; packing , C 3 (
G 80lni'cher ; nnd n'lt-ct. 7(0@740 ; pi
5 90@G 05. lU'ceiplc , 2J3 lm.ul ; ubipniei
1,14 : head.
Poorin. Produce.
PKOHIA , Fcbraary 14
Corn New 6rmer ; hiith mixcil , 5G
5G3- ; mixed , f > \di < rC ,
OAls " irmei ; No 2 white , fl2921c }
"KyQn ei ; No. 2 , b8 ! ( > 8 u
Highwiu a at 1 17.
Rec'K 8h | ;
Wheat 4f.O . n
Torn 430' ) 39 ,
O w 12,900 22 ,
2 Ryn 3,350 3 ,
3 Barley 4,400
Cincinnati Fruilaon.
CINCINNATI , Febiunry 1'
Metw Pork Steady ; uiees , 18 ( i-
18 75.
L > rd Du'l ' ; prime team , 1100.
Bulk Mealri-Steady ; clear tidc ,97
9 bO.
Bacon Steady -.clear Hides , 10 01 J ® 10
Flour Kafie ; family , 5 85(5j7 ( 70.
Wheat .firmer ; Nu. 2 red , * pot ,
track. 1 1.
i orn Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , spot
track , G13c.
OatH K my ; No. 2 mixed , spot on Ini
lie Rye Kaci r ; No. 2 upot , on tiack , 9
Barley-Dull ; No. 2 full , 1 02@l 0 !
Whisky S toady nt 1 17.
BiUtltuoro Prortuc'o.
IJAi/riMOlitt , Fobruiiry II
Flour Dull nnd easier
I Wlioit Southern outer ; Kiiltz , 1.1
1 35 ; lon , < l eny , 1 30 ® ! SO ; Nn. 2
winteftroi K 1 32@1 32 f or M rch.
Corn Whllo Hontherii raiier nt 7fi@ '
jol ow onsier at 7u ! ) ; mixtd wentern t
at C5J@0ic ( for CHHJI nnd Ft'biuury.
Now OrlcauH Cotton ,
NKW OIILIAJH. Fubiu ry 1'
Cotlon ( Jniel ; inidc. . ljj ] ; mlcH ,
hal'H ; receipm , lut , 2,927 Imle * ; gr
1,811 baloH.
Toledo Proaacn.
ToLrixi. Kubrunry 1-
Wheul A'tivo i nd fction j t\n. 2 i
M < > rch , 1 31 : Ainil. 1 32 ] ; uktd ; M
1 32J ; June , 1304 ; July , I )8.
Corn - N Klfctedj N. . 2 , Jlay , G3je.
Nothing doing in ni hoi grains.
Buffalo Live Stock.
KAHTllUKKALO , February 4
Hogr ItecefptN , ! l'o < rc ; Bhii'inentH ' ,
cam ; Yorkcrn. I ! fO@7 00 ; K""d med
weigh w , 7 10@7 U5.
Cleveland Market.
. CLKVELAJI > , Foi rimry 1
I'otroleum Firm ; Stundurd white ,
teat , 7c.
Tnrpontine Market.
WILMINOTON , N. O. , February li
Itonln Btviidv ] utra'uwl , I 8 * ; gi
r , 190.
m SpiriU-FIrm at 49.
i ; Tar-Bte dy ; 1 70 ,
' Turm-ntini Fiim ; hnrd , 2 00 ;
' 325 ; VI.Kin . , 200.
; PhllaaolDhln Prodaoo.
id JMiiLADKLi'iiiA , February I1
I- Wheat-Firm ; 1 82 for cu-h and 1
Iv runn ; 1 33i @ 1 3'J ; fur March.
15 Corn Firm ; G.uGGj ( cash nnd I
OuU-Firm ; 48@481o fur co hj
ft 481u for Fcbruirj.
Itye-K HOI nl B gtSe.
Hacrmninlo mllln patent tlnir I
brand ) , Our b t K leka pntnit I' '
( blue branii ) . ' 1 bo on y puti nl ll < ur n
iifuituitd mi the Pttcllio ( oiiht , Wo cl
it in the \\bltikt , bin iiuctt i.iul he tf I
Hour in III" btutAtu yi ur gnxcr fo
Ti y it and j nil u 111 nwi m > 01 her.
K. M , JlloUllKAliV & Co. ,
T , J , KVANAgen * ,
Cr > kUl MilU , Ctutcil Bluff. .
Boat Liberty litvo Stock ,
KASTlilliKKTV , I * * . . Fobuiary 11.
Cattle Umhuniccd. Koccip , 81f > ;
llojH Frmj ro , eliiU. IU,0 lu-a' ' : ship.
inonU" , 3,500 ho.t ; I'll ! ivdolhliift ? , 7 4U@
7 IX' ! Yorki-w , OMXJ6 75.
Sho-i | Firm nnd u ch.inemli reccl.t | ,
; ! iblpmenti < , 3VOO hoad.
8nlv v.
'I'lui best tmlvo in the world ( or uuta ,
hruifiut , , nlcorn. nixlt rheum
fovur eiirca , tetter , cimppud liniuU ,
chillblninij corns and nil kinds n
skin urutiniui. | ) This nnlvo in jjtur
ftiiti'ed to BIVO piTfect sat inf action it
i < very coio or inonoy rofniulod. Pririi
ilfic pt'r box For w\lo by
All AmbUAh Artlllory Tlio Don.ll
Ttmt Mot l.GOO Mini Doublo-Qulck-
IIIB Upon Many Miuikod
\V. M IliinUu In 1'liltiil jihl.t Tlmn.
Wo wi-ro drivuii back at Suvoi
I'iltus thu fiMt day. hut on thu
wuiovo tlimn u little ' 'Hail
Icn , " mid drove thorn back in retun
ubout lulf u milo from where our out
side line WUH oatnblMhud on thu flro
day. 1' , was u most terrible fi < ht.
Imd never Been nny tiling liku it , mi
i 1 liavo never BOOH nn noaount of
Ruiu'l charge miulo thnt day , I \ \ \
undcrtnku to brie lly describe it. 0
woodiul oininenuu n Hhort distune
wliuru our first Hun hnd bee
two ur thruo bitturies c
artillery worn stntionud b > lleintzo
mnn. Onu suction of tivo IUOCVH w ,
drawn out fiom thu wood , and plaoc
in thu clfur onrnliold beyond. It wr
r.ithur adui eruM position for n bat
tvry to bu in without support. Th
section had nc\rooly unlimbured whi
from the woods in thuir front tlioi
dubotichud four lines of CunfcderaU
( Chetham's brignde ) , who , in rog
muntal front nnd four lines deu ]
cnmo pourini ? down upon the devote
section. "Firoyith canistorl" con
matulod the wonk'little voice of tl
young Liuutomtnt xvho commandc
the auction , nnd the Confedernti
Boumuil to lnut-li nt the two little si :
poundurs oppdsiii ( ? thorn. "Doubl
shot with oaniatorl" said the con
mander of the masked guns in tl
woods , nnd still the unumy cnmu t
und on , naif on parndo. Notn nmsl
ut was used , nnd the section ko |
booming nwny with turriblo rapidit ;
I had thought thu liuutonnnt nnd h
suction would turn tail to the fee , bi
ho did not , but stojd there nn
woikud his guns with the coolness i
n bravo muti. All nt oncn , with ayt
tin ) uiicnty stnrk'd on iv doublu iuu |
and in n moment , moro the ncotii
wns cnpturod nud the Lioutunant w ;
a mmglud corpso. Now cunu tl
niDst turriblu ciirnaifo I li'id'uvor sui-i
'I'ho capture of the suction hud in
dniitly gruutly cncournijod the fee ni
his liiina SMi'pt on nnd up the hill ui
til within nbout n hundred yards
thu Union c.iiinou , ] twain ningni
cunt siuhr.- The linua hnd not brokt
yut , but kept onward aa if innrchii
for roviovv. ' Fire ! " rung out fro
woods , nud nt leant n dozen cnmu
bulchud forth their storm of drnth.
can BOO itovon now. Men in nil tl
iiKonioi of d nth pilud like foucD-r.ii
onu upon nnother , with their mo
fortuinuu cumrndea climbing ov
their nmn Kd bodies to reach t
KUDU. The ma nificunt lines of n in
munt bifiico wavurud , then stood sti
and then fndud nwny like enow I ;
nuath n aummer'n sun. The char
WIIB ended und but few , if any , liv
to return. Thu Hold wluro the ei
my had advanced wua a perfi
slaughter-poll , indeed. The dead n
wounded lay in all directions , nnd i
ono of all the men who had ndvanc
got b.iok again , It was n gnlli
charge , and to the noble nnd brr
Lieutenant who commanded the e
tion nlntio in thu Hold , and who g
up his life to duty , wns the credit
winning Ihu battle due. The cnci
lost ubout 1,500 men in killed , woui
od , nnd prisoners , Our loss was e ! [
mon killed und sixteen wounded.
A Cro t Baby.
Nothing is HO conducive to n ma
roiimining n bncholor na stopping
ono night nt the houio of n mnrri
friend and being kept awuko for f
or six hours by the crjing of a cr
baby. All cro a und crjing ball
need only Hop Bittora to nmko th
well nnd Biniliim. Young mnn.
meinbiir thii. Travelur. fob4-v
Made to Order on Short Noti
Harness Store.
JOY I'c'ckinon lioa removed lo No. 21 ! > 8c
Tlilrb-tnth druut , littwien Parnharu
Do K\M. \ Ho no * lias a flno , roomy ntore \
nn uxUmalvo cliir | in.nufulory lu roar.
J n27 lit
Ur Oca. A. Wllcox ami wllo.ol Now V rk C
wol. known In 1'rnfcwil ' ' 'In to * ut thu
KM , wll ! Iliru In CO'.TUMK hU
Cclcbiatfd tiktitchoj
from Naturu ,
LO FridaV Evening , February 17
In Ui'i UnlUrliii riiajwl , Tomor 17th aud I
tu th
H nled li < ln will jio r ct'lvcit by
until Kriduy , K l < ruary i ;
188 ! ! , IU o'click lux n , for thu
t , of lot " 5" , in I lo < k "H" , MltiUnl In
City ( if OinidiB lilcln fur iitld li > ' nl
npucify tht * tif : } > prioo 1 1 l > o paid for
unit ) the money to bo duM | > iUd iu *
clly trcu urer'ri ofilce btfore the dee
dell vt rid The city ( if Ornuhn ieK'i
tliH rljbt ; ti ) rrjtct tuiy Mid ull bid *
Knvi lupe * c ( ntinnintr I Ida ulmll
' ' JSIdM for City Lot , " and
liBiicltd lolhii undml ncd not lter t
the tluia abovu Kieclliud ) ,
lilili nn tli u-iovo lot limit bo nub ,
toexUtlnji' ioaee.
ioaee.J , .1. L. 0. J JSWKTT ,
City Ulerl
id. OWAHA , 1'eb , 10tbl883 , , fcblOt
u.iu W S. GIBBS
iu , . ,
Rouui No. 4 , Grnluhtuu Block , K
OmcK HOUUH : 10 toJ'J A. ti , : i to C )
ihouo con iivctud with Cciitrul Ull
ThoTrlivlB nnil Trlbulntlonaof n Peanut -
nut Vendor Whllo Encloavorlnff
to Got n Wlfo.
I'ueblo Newt.
Ono ol the Bnddcst cnses of woman's
cruelty lo mnn that ever cnmo to the
knowledge of thia Fcriho is just now
the chief topio in a certain neighbor
hood horoabnutft. Tim information
ii glemicd from the story nt U IB iin-
dentooil by mntuAl fiii-ndi of the
parties. Fromricr is n well-
to-do Gorninn citiwn who Ims peddled
ponnuis und niiplrs nnd sold socks nnd
bnndnna linndkerchiiifB nt ihu corner
of Union nvumio nnd D street *
Every citiKou of thu Poitth side will
remember him for 1m lined to alt met
the nttcntion of all pinners by
with n novolly cimstitictrd steam
which \vns kept in motion by
kutoftuno Inmp , In thnt vicinity
s a comely young \\oiiiiui whoso
crui-lly Unit to Arknnsns
seine months two nnd left her n widow
a grnss widow , with three snnll
ehildron to cnro for. Tliis hu lion-
ornbly doui by tukiny in wnshing.
Onu day while p.issinjr in the vicinity
of the pu.inut Bland she glanced nt
Cournd ns if pitjiii" his lounly lot in
this gn-nt , wide world , mid in return
received n smile to her sad heart
spoke volumes and shot n now light
into IUT life. It WAS well defined
eiiRO of love nt first night on Conrnd'a
part , nnd by ono of the iimumornhlo
ways known only to cupid thny
mot , talked mid declmod their
love nt least Cournd did , und the
woman smiled the while ns if upprov-
ing hia suit with nil the indent nature
of woman. Time passed un ; they
tnlked ever nil their plans ; Conrnd
commtMicoo. the erection of n house
near Ivotohou'a , on the nvonuo , which
wns to nnswor the purpose of both
dwelling nnd peanut stnnd , nnd ho
oven figured during his leisure hours
what his profits would bo provided hii
wife thnt wni to bo baked the pies ,
roasted the ponnutsnnd washed oQ'the
uppk'B , while ho ant at the window nud
sold thorn to the passing multitudo.
Those worobrightdnys for Conrad but
alns , the hour of sorrow cnmo , nnd , na
usual , when ho least expected it. The
old woiiinn gossips in the neighbor
hood got to talking. They told nil
mantier of thing * , mid it finally came
to the ears of Conrad thrt his pros-
peutivo wife hnd again nnd ngnin do-
clnred thnt ulio wni only nfter hia
money ho is mid to bo worth nbout
810,000 and unluss she couldn't
hnvo n low with him and iot ; it by
breach of promisu suit , ( thu wjuld
miirry him nud "tiro him out" ns soon
ns his bank roll could bo secured.
This was n crusher nud the following
notu followed :
SOUTH PUKIILO , February 'J , 1882.
My Dear Mrs. L'indou : 1 under
stand you wink tu go b.iuk on mo , nud
that Homo people liavo been talking
nbout mo. I hnd rather you "would
keep your ti > mu. I moan
good by you , und if you will w.i't un
til I get the hOusu doiio then wo can
cet married. If you do not wish to
wait , however , I nm willing to get
married. You do not neud to listen
to what other people aiy When wo
uro married I will do the work myself
nnd you will find it irucli easier.
With regards. Youre ,
In duo titno n rup'y came back
couched in loving tunnn , nnd ( 'e
in evorliiBtint ; f.iillifuhuss , but Con-
nul.vns nil broken up. Hu hnd received -
ceived other iiiformutio f mm ntelia-
bio souroo which prompted him 'to
think thnt possibly ho luul bitturhold
'oft' . His suspicions had boon urouiod *
hiw tender conQdenco distuibod , and.
love nnd fonrverc raking the hfo out
of him. . He didn't wnnt to lese his
inonoy : it hnd been riirnerl by lard
Inbor , so ho tkippitd settled up ll his
bimincBB , Bold out his partially
completed peanut stnnd und do-
pnrtod for other fields mid. pastures
green , llu-ro to drown liis sorrow in
the busy world of ponnutp , apples mid
finnnce. Pitrhnpa its sour crnpos ncd
porhnps it isn't , ut the widow do-
clnrett now thnt she never did intend
to miirry nunin.
Author o ) "A Fool's Krrand , " "Ilrlckx Wlthoat
Hirxw , " "Igi \ un I I hi. tin , " uto. , ashlated
by Daniel Q. Brlntoa and
. cobort 8. DavlB.
Contoiiiu No. 1. '
Un JIT Ort'on II UK . . . . olen Camiliell |
I.w gin \'j \ ' Fru.l rfcl ell and Ilonr i l'y ) .
Kntri\ln ' l > y ' on I. rbach a d l r J Juciiullnj.
biVUHlinlv Liiaiwoi > o ui ) , Ueo. I' r.on l.atlirup SOIK . , . Sidney Lmlur
ll/iliciU-uunt l.llnlieth . > r. li (1. llnnton
'Uij Bu.l Hour lev. ! J L Mian U
/ LinU 0. iJUt y 4 Co.
' [ > , ui J Ait-o. Arti.t , N. Y.
FmnLoul'jrto [
I Dona d U. liiti'liell
\ Ik iiarvcl
Dawn ( poiin ) . . . . . . .llori. rctrjiell. lloker
A I'ny ' in 'lo-liiu-ac K < jlitcra llardliiif Davli
The Housed > l I . . . . . . llo'ou mmptxill
hillt rlilH 'aul ry Oi r luiic In ro nd Linn. 3Jmcj Jnttlup < , etc.
When Shall ftOhllil Ilo I. cc o I ? .Win repper
1'rovoit l/'iittcrilly of I'tnan.
Fiction . . . Noah 1'oiter
1'rcildcr t of Yalu Col tjfo ,
I'or or'iilii.
Inil rtMilontipoem ulthautogr ph,0ii r Wild *
An Unixp ctuJ I'vult K. P. Hot
Now and Thou ( pron , ) , LoulneC. Uoulton
How iliuvKlii | { Uubt Inn Crow ( pomu )
'J , T. Tronbr.dKi ) .
Du-ltni ; hy A. Freda Ichi.
Fulry I'lp mfiil fail , Bmokcr * li , \ . Harbor
Ut lrn ( liy O , cluini'nU '
KiiK'f lnK' > ti. Kal cr
Ilural lin | > roToiieiit . lion , 11. a Northrop
Our locluy , .l.oulmU atiolor Moulum
A Ulir'oiiH ftabttt Huot. Jul n Hnbbirton
rtolil r nicnt . . . . . Kato Flo'd
in UKhturVdii lUx AJclar
( JtHKiib , J II. Ulc1 ell.
Wl'li the flint nutuier u ( ' Oun CosnMiiT *
nil tionlniiu tli.e Kti < i1-ilatii | r-nifr&vlii , , by
Kuiliy , - < itrt.\ln n | Alblnu W , ' 1'our.ito , I ho nr.lbnr
nf "A I'no ' * irraml ; , " utc. , 01 UKIKI nultublo ( or
Inntrtlouu a iroiitUit-co | In hl < tfoikr. Ap-
[ itiicuJ thuuiiKruv.iig Ua ( jelui'lu of bU
nnlo ruph tnjantiitract frJw hit wrltlucs.
"i OR fOHTmirr" d now ( or HI'D by ail Nc §
Dialer , IH'oknoli r , I'oituiaa era k.d lUllicud
Nt l A-rlltii ( , hllllln C3HH , II ) conti1. Hub-
Bir'p'lcu le > m . ( I.CO a ) iar ; ti J for lr
inoialui. Inianubly in dv.ipci ) . lUloJ p utane
rti1. ilonuy > eiit by n itiTO I utt ir or 1110117
oriUrwill b a our rl > k ,
H | clui n ionic * lii-otonny andre .
Trune iu | > | ill d by all the i w u
7J couu a c py
Aluorrrni | ml uio iluuM boa'die ' wc < l
"Our Ooucmont" Publishincr Oo.r
No. 150H FuruliHm Street ,
u ,
rno > Noi.h OBI