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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1882)
OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 15 , THE ONLY RELIABLE AND STANDARD BRANDS CIGARETTES AND TOBACCOS PIONEER CIGARETTE MANUFACTURERS OF AMERICA. STJ.L.T.A.NA , 1-2. OA3ORAJCj , CA.&ORSLLI.AMBASSADOR. . ST. J-A.M1CB , ScC. ST. .TAIVIICS 1-3 .ScO. LATEST MOTCLTtSS. * rC B TODACOO . AND rtJItK RICK rAFBH. R1VKKT CAPtK\L , . CoiicMotrrnriicK. Unsurpassed lor cloanllnens. economy , anil coOTpnlcnoe. Tim noft foollnR of the cork between the tcoth , miVcs this the moat dralrtblo and plranant . moiithplcco , boshloH abaorblug the nicotine and rendering o cooling ecnsttlon to thoRmoko. Buna tobacco 01 the ronownotl SWRIT Oxronxt. CinxncnEB , absolutely purr. The 0 > t > oral , Ciporal } f , and Veteran Oork Mouthpiece Clgarettcn.aro highly rocomraentled. 8 U1/1'AN A. KNAUKLUtn KKD8. The lip ends of thrsa Cigarettes arolmperTlou to mols- lum.thniionablltiK the nraokor to consume thorn without mutllatlnR tbepaptrln the month. Jlado from the Quest selected bright Virginia. Mild and Sweet , guaranteed pure. MY Abb VKA.LEUS TIIUOUGUOUT THE AVOJIUD. GUILD & McINNIS GREAT STOCK TAKING SALE' ' Everything In DRESS GOODS ! Notions , and FURNISHING GOODS , AT SWEEPING REDUCTIONS. It Will Pay You to Call and Compare Prices. 603 NORTH SIXTEENTH STREET. ATTENTION ! BUSINESS MEN. We have in Stock OVER 200,000 ENVELOPES A Large Invoice of Flat Paper , Finest and Most Complete L'ne ' of Blank and Account Books in Omaha. All at Prices that Cannot be Met in this Market. Give us avCall. GILMAN R. DAVIS & CO. , ( Successors to Wooloy & D.ivis. ) 105 South Fifteenth Street Opposite Postoffi e. fcbG-lm cod NVITATION TO ALL WHO HAVE WATCHES AND CLOCKS TO BE REPAIRED , .IE 3ST GrIB ATHsT G- TO BE DONE OR- JEWELRY ! [ MANUFACTURED. "While our Work is better , our Prices are Lower than all others 'I ' received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS offered for Competition in our line Over All Competitors. Tor the Best Watch Work , For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. ) For the Best Engraving , - For the Best Diamonds ( own importation ) * T FOR THE BEST 1 DISPLAYED , ETC. Having ; lately enlarged ray workslfopa and putting in now i.nd improvw. % ? chinery , I hope to still more improve the quality and finish f our ork and fill orders with more promptnass than is usual. I fl&y ilclto has always boon and always will bo : "First to gain suponor ties OIK ) then odvortiso the faot not before no wild advorlisomonts Bcuic unprincipled dealers being in the habit of copying my announcements , I would bog you , the reader of this , to draw a line between such copied advertisements and these of Yours very truly , A. B. H , The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. , Sign of th Strikine TOVT ? locli CT. BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURE ! ! , 1 309 South Tenth Street. QUALITY AND FIT GUARANTEED. / French Calf-Tongue Boots , Sewed > . , - - $9,00 ' French Calf Boots Pegged . . , , - - g.OO * American Calf Boots , 5,00 Pegged Alexis or Buckle Shoes , - . 3,50 'MAKE A SPECIALTY OF BOOTS AND SHOES FOR'FEET 'OUTOF \ 1SHAPE , vOrdera Promptly Attended to nd Pilled With Dispatch. " HE GOT CLEANED UP. " How Stranger with a Dipr Wiut of Money Escnpod the Kang-a of the Tlgur. A story was told in tlio Sherman lionso ollico jestt'rday , winch might icrvo to show Unit thu old rtilo Against judging by outward appearances has mout hi H yet. Th Moty goes Unit tlio night before - fore Friday th ro htnigglod into a very Mimptumis gambling vat-tblinh * ment on Ilnndolph street a most un couth mid slouchy noreen , with some thing the cut of n Black Hills minor , and something , likewise , the cut of a tramp. His trousers wcro tucked in hi bwots , ho \ioro 5 belt , his coat was buugy and soiled , his hair wns long , his luce unshaven nnd his hatn broad- brimmed votornn sombrero. Thu guardian of the wicket had admitted him roluctlantly , but ho had not ro > gnrded that ns iu any dcgrou the less u welcome. llo looked around the the room in an absent way for a mo ment , and then ho quietly scntcd liiniBelf at a table whcro two gentle- mou wcro already speculating upon the queen nud the jack respectively. "Gimmo H stack of whitosi" said ho to the financial agent of tlio "lay out. " A darkey who had boon bockoncd up by the proprietor nnd whispered to hero approached and tapped him gently upon the shoulder , with the remark : "Do boss says ho'ii rather not have you play in Jiyoa. " "Why ? " "Dono , sah. Dat's what ho saya. ' "Docs anybody 'round ' hero know mo ? " "Dono , sir ; guess not. " "Then nobody knows anything against me ? " "No , sah ; not zi knows of. " "And yet I can't play here ? " "Dat'e what do boss eays. " "Allrijjht. I don't knowas I wani to play anyhow. " And ho withdrew his hand from the pocket into which it hud no no for money and quitted the tablo. In a few moments , after having somowhal dejectedly looked on at a poker game , ho took a chair beside ono of the play- ore , who was listlessly tumbling a little pile of chips , and in a low , complain ing voices expressed himself : " 'S the first time in my lifo I over know any etikwott was ncssary in a gambling room ovor'n above a wad o' bills. If a mull has a wad o' bills lie's just ns good a subject for n gambling house ns the finest lady in the land ; ain't ho , now ? " The listless player glanced at him coldly , and made no answer. " 0 , I know I look a little rough , " he continued taking the evident mean ing of the other's look for an answer ; "but what of it - sayI / just couio in , an' I was in such a hurry to drop a dollar with you ducks that I didn't take time to shave an * c.ea up. But I'm as ladylike n slouch as any of you , an' 1'vo got the first requisite for the highest social equality in gambling. Do you hoar me shout ? " The listless player looked at him again in anything but a friendly man ner. ner."I sea you don't believe mo , but its almanac truth I'm droppin' fer yer benefit , sure's you'ro a foot long. Jes look a-hore. " With that ho slipped his vest open , put his hand iuto it and from : i deep pocket extracted a roll of munoy so large that his hand would scarcely go around it. This roll he placed upon his knee and relieved of a rubber band that held it. Then he began count ing it. " The listless player suddenly ceased to be listless. His eyes glistened and ho shot winks of intelligence across the table at the others , who like vise became sharply alert. The dealer paused in his dealing , and the winner stopped stacking his chips. The stranger counted down thirty- six notes of 81,000 each , and then looked up and paused. "I forgot jest how much there was in the wad , but I truess I am not in a hurry to find out , " auid he , as ho ro- applU'd the rubber string to the bun dle , which ho had only begun to count into "I done , " said ho , in an absent way , "but if I waste hunt through the rest 'o my clothes I might find money enough to in 'em so I could visit with you very pleasant for mobbo an hour or so , " The fact of his wealth had flashed through the premises like lightning. The players had all stopped and were watching him eagerly. The proprie tor approached and tried to explain. No offense had been intended. It was necessary to bo a little careful ito to people who were permitted to play in his house. The stranger could under stand that and so on. "That's all right , Mr. Kingpin , " assented the ( stranger , interrupting him. "No aiolo < > y's iiPH'saryasl know. I s'poai ! I'd lost if I'd pluyed. Gimme So worth of cigars. " The negro flow to execute this or der. The stranger quietly hid them in one of his outside pockets , stretch ed himself up nnd started for the door. ' 'Won't you stay a little while mid have dinner with us , " put in tliu alarmed proprietor , who thus saw in definite wealth walking off the prem ises. "You fellers , " wns the response , as ho laid hand upon the knob , "may all gotfthndos. " And out ho went. All day yesterday the gamblers were on uu excited hunt for him. They could find no trace of any such man. Ho had either departed from the city , or "got cleaned up. " The gamblers had among them an angel unawares. AN HONEST MEDICINE FREE OF COST. Of all medicines advertised to cute any aflection of the Throat , Cheat or Lungs , wo know of none wo cui rec ommend so highly us Du. IUNO'HNKW DIHCOVKKY for Consumption Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Uroncliitis Huy Fe ver , Hoarseness , Tickling in the Throat ' , loss of voice , etc. This mod- ici'no does positively euro , and that where everything else him failed. No inudiciiiB can show one-half so many positive and permanent cures uu have already been effected by this truly wondiijful remedy , For Asthma and Bronchitis it in n poriect specific , cur ing the very wornt cases in the short est time possible. Wo say by all means give it n trial. Trial bottles free. Hogular size 81.00. Forsaloby IHII & MuMAHON , Omaha , BEEK. Mr. Mwflh'8Mn8Citllno | Kettle Drum The Quoatu Tlio Costumes - tumos , oto , L r mle lloomcunir. Lint evening's entertainment nt the residence of Mr. H. Marsh , was one of the most elaborate nlinirs , both in point of amusement and the costumes disp nyrd by the guests , that It lina been our goi d fortune to at tend. tend.Tho The hours thud for "tho boor" ns It was called , to distinguish it from ' 'the collee" in vogue ntnonp the ladies , wore 7 to 9 , and about 7:30 : , the quests began to arrive. The host wus arrayed in n dark diagonal suit , and brown moustache , nnd had inmlo every possible urrnngomont for the comfort and enjoyment of his Messrs. Spra uo , Ivinson , M. H and W A Mills , Marshall Schnituor , Dr. Guonstor , Harper Stryker , Heath nnd Nichols were dressed in plain blnck. Mr. Otto Gramm were n tack-ham mer coat , pantaloons nnd vest of Michigan gunnysack , with inlaid solo leather buttons. His tie was deep red satin , and his solo ornament \ \ asa a largo solitaire diamond made of thu bottom of a glass tumbler sot in sheet-iron. His plug hat was cut two sizes too largo , so that it would fit him all right this morning. His hair was parted in the middle with a damp towel. General Ifock were a spike-tail coat of gross grain gen d'armo blue , with scarlet silk facings , nnd buttons nindu of inch and a half corks with old brass settings. Ho also were a white vest with same style of button and pantaloons without gold suspenders. As a charm , he carried with him * large irregular shaped nugget of Lor- rillard's plug tobacco. W. 0. Wilson , jr , was dressed in calico swallow-tail coat a la mode , nnd loose Turkish truwscrs , the legs of which were constructed of different styles of material. Ho had the ap pearance of a young man who had been turned loose in an nttic and been allowed to dress in the dnrk. Ho also were n pretzel ns n bouquet. Mr. Scrymsor were n buckskin colored business suit with the * tails of iho coat ouught back with two inch brads and glue. Mr. Gregg were plain black , with canton flannel sunflowers and yellow scarf. His hair was carefully combed across the bridge of his nose and held in place with mucilage. Mr. Gibbon wore u suit of almost pure white , conveying the impression that ho had overslept himself and when ho awoke and saw how lute he wns , that ho had jumped out of bed , put on his plug hat and started. His hair nnd whiskers were parted in the m ddlo. Mr. Nye were a Prince Albert coat with tlio tails caught back with red yarn , and home-made sunflowers. Ho also were n pair of velvet knee breeches , which , during the evening , in an unguarded moment , split up the side about nine foot. This , together with the fact that ono of his long black stockings got caught on the top of a window cornice , tearing a small hole in it , letting out the sawdust and baled hay with which ho was made up , seemed to cost a uloom over the countenance of this particular guest. With ono large , voluptuous calf , and the other considerably attenuated , Mr. Nye seemed more or less embar rassed. Mr. VanRuran was dressed as Os car Wilde , and with his longhair and elegantly luitehtio costume , and car rying a large lily in his hand , ho was unquestionably the belle of the ball. Dr. Dysiirt wore white knee breeches , spiketail coat and very ( es thetic costume generally. Mr. Williston was attired mainly in duster with cream-col a long largo - ored tisssuo paper cravat , colored eye glasses and canton flannel plug hat. Mr. Bacon were u long duster and paper sunbonnot. Mr. Wagner wore n plaid suit cord ed , and striped hose , displaying the faultless proportions of his limbs. Mr. Regor was attired in long , all- wool , throe-ply dressing gown and slippers nnd cap do nuit. Mr , John Guenstor was dressed in plain black , with enormous bouquet of tropical flowers and hair parted in the middle. Mr. Clark was dressed plainly in a dark suit , and decorated with silver- plated corkscrew. Refreshments wore served at regu lar intervals , every fifteen minutes , by the host , assisted by Mr. Gramm and others. Ono of the attractive features of the evening was the address of Mr. John Guonstor over the dead body of Cm- sur , Mr. Oscar Wilde VunKuran fur nishing the corpse. At nine o'clock a party of ladiesin costume , visited the scone nnd re mained until the close ot the ceremo nies about 12 o'clock. Why Ho Laughed. Several men were making purchases in an avenue store yesterday , when a man who had been looking out. of the window for some time turned and aid : 'Well , that's a bad case. " "What is it ? " inquired two or three at once. "Well , I don't know who. ia the husband of this woman out hero in the wagon , but if I were he I'd go across the street and smash that fel low's head. " ' Why ? " "Why , because ho has b n work ing like a beaver for the lust half-hour to get up a flirtation with her. " At this ono of ( the m n began to. chuckle. Then 'bo chuckle ran into % laugh , and finally ho had to ait down. ' What's the matter with you ? " ww , naked. Why , I'm Iln that woman's LUB- band. " "Are you ? And you are laughing over the flirtation ? " "I I cau't help it , " he said * as ho wont on" into another fit. "Just think of him flitting and a strutting up mid down and u doing the purty when the old woman out there has buun stone blind for HOVOJI yeurB halhn ! ha ! " AUCTION BALE Qf valuable dw lllnjf homes , hams , ov. I will hell at public auction on I'huraday , February 10 , IbM , kujlimli > K at 10 o'clocka. IB , , at tliu prem. Iocs on ti.h btrett , beUwuvii Fariihom anil Jack- toll ttrccti. About IIIUicii duelling houeei , barm , fencing nnd ether ImproU'inenU , bolus Urn property ol the I ) , fc M. It. H , Com/uny , Terms , ca h dowu , D. P. M. PUKTWKLIi foJMKAJNK Wont ( or Mn ; the moot direct , qulcicrat , an oafMt line connecting the eroftt Motropollo , Clll GAOO , and the KxntHRX , NORTll-KAfitmiH , I ) if and SoUTii-KmitRM LIN HI , which trrmlnatrthcrr , with KAMA * Cirr , I.RAVUNWORTII , ATOIIISON , Cofunt , lluim and OMAHA , the UoMuiicUt CKNTIU ( torn which radlnto EVERY LINE OF RWAD that penetrmtra the Continent from the Missouri Klor to the I'aclflc Slopo. The OUTOAOO HOOK ISLAND & PA OIFIO KATLWAY It the only line ( rom Chlnv < o on-nlng track Into KansiM. orwlilch , by I In own roiul , rcivchvfl the i > olnfl atioro nitmnl. No TRAisurRRH IIT CARRlAoal No MIMINO OOKNKCTIO.IS I No huddling In III * \ outdated or unclean care , M every ivweiiKcr ti cntrk- l In roomy , cl < vn nnd ventilated couches IKHI Frwt Kxprora Trains DATCAnHoiunrUalM nuvRnlflcencv , PUU.KAH Ptt.Acn ai.xrnia CAKR. nnd ourownvorld-famoui DiKixa OARM , ntxin whlcli miutlonro norvnl of un < ur | < aweil ciccllcnrv , at the low rate ol BrvuHyr VINR CKXTSRArii , nlthamplo tlrao for hoalthhii onJoyincnU JR- ThrotiK'li dun iMtviomi Chlrogo , Prorla , Mil' wnilkpe and Ml nurl IllXBr l'olnt ; &nj clone con ! tuitloiuat Ml iKiltit" ot tntntsoctlon with oihri rrndl. We tlcki't ( do not forgot thla ) directly to o > vn plnco ot linpcrtAtico In Ivnniwi. Nobmsha. BUvoV IlllliiVycinlntf , Utnh. Idaho , NoiivOalllornla ! , OruKOn , WMhliiKton Totrltory , Colorado , Arltoni nd Now Mexico , An I herM rron cinent regarding lia ate at itiiy other line , and rntuscit ttronl ny M o\r a compvlltora , who furnUh hut % tllho-o the rom 'ort Ikik'o ami tnctlo ot ppottoiueh ( too. TkkotH. tnniw itnd foldorn ivt nil prlnclp In ihii OnttCHl SUiixi anil . U. It. CAULK , K. ST. JOHN , View I'res't A Don , (1cm Tkt stidl'iww'r AC Manager , Olilcavo THE OCCIDENTAL J. I. PAYNTER , Proprietor Corner 10th and Howard Streets , OMAHA , NEB. Rates , Two Dollars For Bay , PILES1 PILES ! PILES ! A Sure Cure Found at Lastl No One Need ituiFar ! A surociiro tor llmiil , Ilimslltu , Itching and Ulcerated I'llon hasliecn discoveruil l > y Dr. Wll * lam , ( an Indian remedy , ) mllol Ur. William's Indian Ointment. A slnglo inn Ima cured the worst chronic c oa ot 25 or SO iivtrs Btatidiiip. No ono need under live minute * ltur npplylnK this wonderful soothing mudlclnu. Ijotlone , Inetru- incnta nnd cloctimrlud do moru Imrm than good , William's Ointment abeorlw tlio tumors , llay the intonBo Itching , ( tmrtlcnlaaly at night after ; ottlng warm In bed , ) acts as upoultlco , ( fives In- slant and mlnlowi rollcf , and laiirepuoil only , for files , itching of thu prlx itr | > arle , and for noth Ing CIBO. Kood what the Hon J , 11 Ocillnbeiry ol Clete- and 8i\B about Dr. Wllllara'ii Indlno I'llu Oint ment : I have uicd doorcs of 1'llcn euros , and It lOotd ) mo p ensure to say that 1 have never found anything which gave nucri liumoiilate and pornia- ncnt relict oe Dr. Wllilim'fl Indian Ointment For sale by all drugglntn or mailed on receipt ol iirlco. tl.OO. HENRY Be , CO. . Prop'rm. , ( Ji.fvniaNu , oino. for nkle hy O. K ( looctDmi. Ol'l 1 IK I 1 ' - H 1 V To fNervo Jb ciutl'erers Ihifc O.KtAT EUROP&AM REMEDY. Or J. b. aiuipbon'a Specific it ib * jiG6tiie | < , ura foi niHJiuialuirhCft , .kikacn.1 , lmiotmic | > , itnJ nil dlocascg resulting iroin Soll-Aliuso , iu- Mental Anxiety , Lomi , 1'olna In the Buck ur Mdo , and cllncooca uki r ? ' " .7 that lca < 1 w . ; r , c = , curly grave Specific n It joint ; u uJ Mth wunJor- tul I'amubleta i tree to til. Wrltn ( or them and got full pM- tluiluri. Price , Specific , (1.00 ( Mir paclnge. or vtx paok. HOI lor J5.00. Addrees all onlors to B. HIMSON MKD1CINK CO. No > . lot and 103 Main St. IluOalo , M. V. In Oraihn hy 0. F. Goodman , J. W. Boll , lab , nJ all dmvirlataovorywhore. EUROPEAN BESTAURAHT. 1106 Furnham Street , MEALS AND LUNCH Served at all Hours. . GEORGE HOUGH , fcb1'1"1 Prop. THE KENDALL PLAITHGMACIfflE ! .a BtrD MESS-MAKERS' ' COMPANION , Id ploito and prow * perfectly one minutu , It nUiU from 1-lOtik m Inch to 1 1-i Inalwa In the coaraust lultitor Onut vllk k It ilaui all kinds atj stjle > of plaiting lu uie. No kuly that dooa luir own drou UAkloir can nOorO to do nltlicut 0110 09 nlw vlaltlug liFer out of Been It noils Usull. For Muthlncs , Circulate M Alfont's tuuuu aJdrena CONG All & CO. , 113. Adairm St. Chicago , III , NOTICE. Eieklcl luull , of/UtaUTorrtt / r } ' , and Kronk Durnall , of tliuUtaUi of Iowa , will take notice that Jvtmo Within Old. on the 17th day cl Janii ary , 1852 , Uuiln the County Court cf Uoutlai ; County , a petition to ruUlu tlu JuJciieiit iu coureil hy him In Bald court OjaUmt the nail Cieklol ami Krunk DurnoJI , on the Dili day o Jdiuarj\:87U , for Uioitu of i\IM.i \ ! > , dama 'i an i tcjts , and praying that execution Lu waidyi far thu Uifaiao rvmaluliiK diu , and I uu thorcnpjii ordcrcil that the Bald Kxeklv DuruiU and 1'rank llurnall thaw taueu on or iKifwe the (1th day cf Marcli , 1882 , vthy the Bald judgmentihould nolle revived JKHSKWITIir.118 , lly Clatkion & Hunt , hU A OMIU , illiruryiid , Wt. John G. Jacobs , ( Fommlyof OUhi Jacob , , ) UNDERTAKER Deere & Comp'y. MANUFACTURERS OF PLOWS , MOLINE , ILL Wholesale Dealers in AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS , Council Bluffs , Iowa. FOfeC. Wagon Oo , Farm and Spring Wagons , Deere & Mansur Oo , Oorn Planters , Stalk Outtors , &o , , MolinoPump Oo , Wood and Iron Pumps , Wheal & Seeder Oo , Fountain Oity Drills and Soedora , Moolianiosburg Maoli , Oo , Baker Orain Drills , , Shawnee Agricultural Oo , Advaiico Hay Rakes , Joliet Manufacturing Oo , Enroka Power and Hand. Shelters , Whitman Agricultural Oo , Shellers , Roadt Scrapers , &c , , Moliiio Scale Oo- Victor Standard Scales , A , 0 , Fish Racine Buggies , AND DEALERS IN All Articles Required to Make a CompleteStock. . Address All Communications to DEERE & COMPANY , Council Bluffs , lowai dec3mo2ui W. B..M1LLARD. MILLARD & JOHNSON , , COMMISSION AND STORAGE ! 1111 FARNHAM STREET , OMAHA , NEB. REFERENCES : OMAHA > ATIONAL BANK , STEELE , JOHNSON & COi , TOOTLE , MAUL & CO. STEELE , JOHNSON. & GO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Cannedi Cooct and AH Grocerc' Suppi.ns . , . A Full Line of the Best Brands of mm m MAHUFICTW TOBACCO. Agents for BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & BAND ; POWDER CO , THE JELM MOUNTAIN GrOIILID AND Miming , and Milling Company. Working Capital - 3 < X,000 , Capital S : otk , 1,000,1100 , far Yaluo of Huort * > 126000 STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Minea Located in BBAMBL MINING DISTRICT. DU. Ji I. TUOV.AB , Prosldcai , Cumuilni , ) WM. K. TILTON , Vloo-Pronlilont , Cuinmlna , Wyomlnir B.H , HA WXJD , Bocretaia. Cummlni , I A , 0. LUNN , Trousu/os , Oumtnlns , D > . Ji Louli ltlllo W. 6. Bram'oL A , 0. Dunn. V.M. UaivrM/J. Kmncls Leavens. Oto , H. Faloa. Lcwli Zoltnan. Df. J. 0. Walk Ins. noZ3mo6oi QEO. H > . KENDALL , Author'icd ' Agent for Sale ol Slock ! IV- ' ' < nh Neb , 'POWER AND HAND 1 - y Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , . MINING UAOniMERY. PELTlNa , HOSE. DIIAJ3S AMI ) IRON PirriMOS TCUH , STKJI I'AfKINQ , AT WJfiOLESALK AND RETAIL. HAUADAYiWIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND.SCHOOL BELLS A. L. BRANGM 205 Farnham St. , Omaha -DEALERS IN- HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK CO , Fire and Burglar Proof 1020 Farnham Street ,