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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1882)
THE OMAHA .DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 15 1882- BUCKEYE ON BUTLER. A Few Figures on tbo Profits of Creameries to Owners and Farmers. IhB Townt on tUo O. & B. V. R. R. The Burning of liftnRWortliy'n Store at Shelby. Correspondence ol Tlio lce. ! OSCKOLA , Nob. , Fobrunry 8. In my journey along the Umnha nnd Ilo- bublicnn Valley railroad this week I found generally the usual prospurily. The farmers are neglecting the wlioat and buying more aittlo , and on every aide I nm naked , "If 1 take hold of butter making what will it pay ? " A few facts may bo ndded to some of the answers already given in TUB BEE. In the state of Iowa during the year 1880 the average price paid for cream at the farmer's door wan 20 cents for the cream to make a pound of butter. It was also shown that it cost about 5 cents per pound to manufitoturo the butter in the creamery , and the ' farmer cm not do it na cheap. In 1831 a atill higher price was paid for cream. By the above figures an ordi nary ( scrub ) cow will produce in the nine months' milking season 180 pounds of butter worth $30 , while the better class of cows will produce f 00 or $ GO in a season ; or , in other words , money invested in cowa will yield a hundred per cent profits , for the calf and the milk wijl pay for the keeping of the cow during the year. Central Nebraska has a largo corn crop , and in many of tlicso towns. In see thousands of bushels piled up on the ground where the cribs are full. full.Wahoo Wahoo continues to grow , and is about to open a now brick hotel with metropolitan airs , while the f armors are prosperous , the doctors fat , and almost every body roads THE UKK. The lottlo town of Weston , eight miles weal , is building again , and the now town hall , several new stores and good residences , mcatmarkot , hard ware and drug store , and a now doc tor are the important additions this winter. The enterprising young firm of Scott & March have hardly linisnud their now store and spread out their atok of hardware , when , the ask for THE DAILY BKB and ndvortiso to do the fair thing by their patrons. David City intends to bo financially "solid , " with the third bank about ready to open , with Judge Perkins as president , and W. B. Thorp , so many years in the Butler county bank , us cashier. While tin ) morals of the city are much improved by the conversion of n half a hundred , including many of the loading business men of the city , during the revival meetings at the Methodist church , the dying of fac tional divisions , the prosperity of the farming element of the county , the general extension of business inter , osts , and the constant opening up of now enterprises , indicate that this young city of perhaps six years growth will aoon have its , two thousand - f sand population. III The Republican , as in the days when Brother McCuno , now of The Oscoola Record , was editor , takes its republicanism "straight , " while The Butler County Press , the oldest paper in the county , although the organ of democracy , is anti-moriop ly twenty four hours in the day. The "Independent" in that thriv ing young town of Rising , was born two or thrco years ago to champion the cause of the .Alliance and steadily holds its own , growing in strength and popularity as the farmers move ment is understood and appreciated Oacoola , the county seat of Polk county , stands on a little hill , its nice residences and comfortable public buildings showing to a good advant age , while the wido-awako and thrifty farming population of the county are united and strong in their belief and efforts to withstand the moniod influ onccs that would control the legisla ture. Stromsburg , at the end of the rail road , is one of the busiest little towns on this line , being in many respects a Swede town. An. idea of the busi ness may bo given by stating that 700 or 800 cars have boon sent to this sta tion , being over GOO car loads , by weight , during the past year. The burning of a store at Shelby , a pleasant village seven miles east of Oacoola. the other morning , adds an other link to a much complicated ohaiii of events , and technical com plication , and as there is much spoon lation , and many inquiries for the facts wo give the principal points in the case : Two or thrco years ago when the railroad was extended pas ! this place , ono of the first buildings hero was the general merchandito store of Fox & Qiflin. After some months , finding the machine was networking working satisfactorily , Fox sold his part to Giflin , who was soon forced by financial ombarraasmont'to sell out , and Win. Thomas took possession , .and in turn sold it within two or -three weeks to Rood , Gifiln's father- in-law , who lot Giflin run it some months. A year ago last summer ! Fox bought it from Rood and man aged it in his own name , buying his goods almost almost always on time. Fox then sold to W. A. Langworthy , ot Oieoola , furniture dealer and pri vate banker , who was doing business in the name of his brother , S. 0. Jjangworthy , a banker of Seward , and Afterwards in the name of another brother , 0. Langworthy , of York , up to the time of the fire. When Lang- worthy took the store , Foe retained the store building and lived in the back part of it. Giflinclaiming an interest in it , Langworthy placed his stop-son , W , Stokes , in charge of the store and Fox clerking or selling on the rood with a wagon , until this fall or early winter , when ho put up a suall building by the side and opaiincl a meat market. When Langworthy took possession of the store , the sheriff soon seized the goods in behalf half of the creditors , who claimo < : fraud in not satisfying them , and thu coroner BOOH took them from the sheriff. After ono or two exten sions in court the creditors got a judgment against Langworthy for , perhaps , f4,000 or $5,000 , Fox OB witness , testifying that there was a conspiracy to cheat the creditor ) ! , peoplo'belloving that uoino per sonal difficulty between Fox and Langworthy had prompted him to ace it in this light. Early in January Lungworthy , with two mon , took an inventory on Sunday , and the men who assisted claim to have been told that there was $3,000 worth of goods. On the morning of January 27th , about 2 o'clock , Fox nnd family , in the back part of the store and the whole village , wore awakened by the ox plosion of the powder in the store , and rushed out to BOO the flumes going out through the roof nnd the building , burning nt each end nnd sides , With evidences of having been well oiled. Nothim' was saved. Mr. Fox's little girl was tjuito badly burned. The manager , W. Stokes , it scorns liad taken the books to Oscoola that night , while attending a dance. It is also assorted that n wagon wm lioai-d at n late hour that night and next morning roll of cloth and other articles wore found nlung the road. It is understood nlso that there was S4.00 or § 5.00 insurance on the goods but none on tlio building. The post- office nnd grain ollico of Joe Spoils wore only saved by the liberal appli cation of water nnd salt as they wore furnished by the bucket brigndo nnd thu neighboring merchants. Insur- nnco rnon nro mum. BWKBVE. The Law of KiadneM In universal ; It affcctH nil the human 'ninily , all miitnnls , and may bo oven found n nnttnt nicdlclnci. Homo are drastic , ami tlio pntient is obliged to. Buffer pains worse than the ( Hsc.iHoj but in CASCH of ol ) . Hflnnto constipation , dyHpepnln , there li no remedy no kind , HO gcntlu In ItaeficcUi , and etHn satisfactory , an JilJUDOCK Bl.ooli 1'rlco § 1 00 , trial size 10 nt . THE ROAD TO IRKUTSK. The Journey Which the Jeannette Rescuers Must Mako. Col. T. W. Knox In the N. Y. Po t. In November , 18GG , I loft Iskutsh cr St. Petersburg ; the terminus of , ho railway was then at Nijini Nov- jorod , 3,400 miloa from the former : ity. If you travel by the peat vo- uclcs belonging to the station mas- era , you must change at every station , and a transfer of yourself and bag- ; ago four or five times a day , with the .hormomotcr below zero , is the reverse - verse of pleasant. Consequently most icrsons prefer to buy a carriage or n ileigh at starting , and sell it for what t will bring at the end of the route. [ became the owner of a 'kibitka , ' or lalf-opon sleigh , which somewhat re sembles a New England chaise , jroatly elongated. There was abund- int room for two of us , and wo could bo at full length on our furs and bag- iago , or ait haU upright with pillows jtiough to wedge us closely into our places. The post stations are from ten to twenty miles apart , and from Irkutsh to Nijini Novgorod I changed horses nnd drivers 209 times , * nd was drawn by not far from 1,000 horses altogether. The performance of a Russian driver is sometimes rather trying to a nervous person ; ho descends hills at a breakneck pace and is utterly regardless of shaking you up. Late in winter the roads are full hollows or 'hog-wallows , ' especially on tlio hill-sides , and when a team is driven over them at a gallop the sleighs jumps in a manner a great [ leal more than exhilarating. As long as the vehicle preserves its integ rity the driver pays it no attention. This sort of things brjngs on what the Russians call the road fever ; the pulse is high and every bound of the sleigh forces the blood through the veins at a fearful pressure. Your head seams ready to burst , and the fooling at each jar of the vehicle is very much as if somebody was trying to drive a railway spike into your skull. The fever generally subsides in two or three days , but sometimes it is BO Bovoro that the traveler be comes delirious and must take several I hours rest at every stage. Along the road there was little change of sconory. The country is undulating , but not broken , and in some places there are plains that resemble - somblo our Wnstern prairies. The landscape , or rather snowscapo , is monotonous . and wearisome , except where it i crossed by rivers and ttio few ranges of hills along the route. The villages containing the stations wore from ton to twenty miles apart , and generally built in a single street. Outside of nearly every uhago'wasa blockhouse where exiles are lodged on their way to the places of their banish ment ; the movements of those invol untary emigrants are BO timid that only a given number are lodged in any ono house at the same ( time not so much in consideration of the com fort of the exiles as through fear of attempts at revolt and escape. While the horses were changed at the sta tions we had the option of entering the house or staying outside ; wo gen erally did the latter , except at meal times , as the change from several de grees below to sixty or seventy above is not altogether agreeable. The rooms of Russian houses are warmed by brick stoves , nnd among the peas ants the top of the stove is the favor ite sleeping place. At night wo used to stir the drivora out from where they wore bein slowly baked ; their toilets wore quickly performed , as it only included donning a sheepskin coat and buckling a bolt around the waist , and tken they wore ready for a drive of two or tluoo hours through Arctic temperature. Tlie most perilous part of the jour ney is across the Uarabinsky Steppe , in Wuitorn Siberia , a plain a thou- uiind miles wide And often swept by eovoro storms. The snow is whirled in blinding masses , the wind , if blow ing from the north , is bitter cold , and not infrequently men and horses perish , .Travel ceases during these utonna , and sometimes those who ven ture to bravo them never reach their destination.Volvos abound here , and many stories are told nf their ferocity , but they are lees dangerous than in Western Russia , where the population in more donee and game fuss abundant than in Siberia ; oven there they never attack men except in the severest winters when hunger has made them desperate. t A Siberian journey generally begins in the evening , and is continued day and night till its end. The povorn- tnoiit couriers will go from Irkutsk to Moscow in fourteen or fifteen days under favorable circumstances , but amore moro dignified and leas fatiguing pace will cover the distance in twenty-two or twenty-five days. The larger the party the Blower will bo its nroirrois and it is not likely that Lieut. Datum' burg and his comrades willnrrivo lit St. Petersburg jt , Jess than a month from their departure from Irkutsk. They will bo certain to receive all possible attention from Russians along the route , and it is by no moans improba bio that they may bo detained a day or two in each of the half n dozen towns , in order that the inhabitants can have an opportunity of showing their sympathy for the survivors of the lost Jeannette and their good will for all Americans. An Entire Snooos * It has been proved by the mo t reliable testimony that THOMAS' Kcmmiio On , is an entire succesi In curlnif the moit Invet crnto cases of rheumatism , neuralgia Ininc back and Mounds of e\cry descrlp' ' tion. H-lw THE CABLE-CAR LINE. Progress of the Work Eleven Trains nnd the Horso-Cars Still Running , UiUajro Hews , "Wo are now running eleven tr.iins of cable cars between Madison and 21st streets , " said Superintendent Ilolmcs this morning , "all well patronized ; tnd still wo haven't taken olTa single liqrso-car. Wo have twenty grip cars finished , , but wo can't put them on for want of skilled drivers. Wo can't tench more than two or three men a week how to handle the grip. . Wo ex pect to need in all forty grip cais for constant service , and two extra ones in case of accident. The speed , at present , can't bo any creator than Lhat of the horse-cars which run on Lho .same track , of course , but when wo got rid of the horsu-cars wo ex pect to make oiglii Miles nil hour with ease. It will then bo necessary to adopt some rule about stopping-plac es. Wo shall probably stop only at crossings and possibly only once in two blocks. Only ono man , as yet , lias grumbled at paying 5 cents for riding in the cable-car from Madison to 21st street , without being trans ferred free to the other car going south. The cable which is to bo laid From 21st to . ' 10th street , und the shorter ono which is to bo laid on the circuit along Madison street , Wabash wonue , and Lake street , are both on mud. The cable for the south end is 1,000 fcot longer than the ono now In use. The cable for the north end is three or four thousand feet in length. The laying of both of them may bo expected at any time after a week. The work on the road from 21st to Snth Htreet was completed last night. Wo do not think of putting any cow-catcher on the front of the grip-cars , as none has been invented yet that doesn't mangle people worse than the cur itself. Experience in other places shows that everything that is done to make it safe to fall down in front of the cars increases the number of casualties.1' Since the cable-cars have begun to run on State street the character of the pissengors on that line has been completely rev olutionized. All the fashionable people plo take thin line now that used to go by way of Wabash avenue. ' 'Tho Commodore " Joseph L. Foote , the commodore , DIgin. 111. , Bays THOMAS' KCLEOCIUC OIL cured trim of Hcintica with ono application , thor oughly applied. It also cured him of a Hovoro cola Mid cough. He thinks it a vers vtihmblo temudy , and will never bo without it. 14-lw Drawn trad Undrawn Poultry. Clovel i Whether poultry shall come into market undrawn is now an exciting topio in the tr.ood city of. . Gotham. The question has arisen out of un or dinance introduced into the Now York Hoard of Aldermen , the provisions of which require that nil poultry and game offered for sale in that city shall bo drawn. The Poultry Dealer's Association of that city are bitterly opposed to the proposed measure. They contend that undrawn poultry keeps longer and hotter than drawn poultry when sent long distances , whether by land or sea. It is agreed that the blood and water remaining in drawn poultry permeates and spoils the flesh , und such poultry would not bo fit to bo sold on arrival. It is further alleged that for every ounce of entrails taken out , the price of a pound would bo added to the coatnnd and furthermore that the Western shippers would not send turkeys and chickens to the New. York market in a drawn state. They profess to believe liovo that the Now York business will bo broken up and the denizens of that city bo obliged to go poultry hungry in consequence. But the poulterers do not have matters wholly their own way. There are those will insists that no poultry or game should bo promittod to enter the market un less it is drawn , Among the latter is Major Leland , proprietor of the Sturtovnnt House. He is of the opin ion that people would bo quite as safe in inhaling suwor gas us in eating poultry loft undressed after killing and during transportation. Ho says that bad poultry kills Now Yorkers , nnd that while there nro many who deserve to bo killed , there are many others whose lives ought tc bo preserved. Ilo points out that all poultry sent into the markets of Lon don , Paris , and Boston is dresset that is to say , deprived ol the entrails , and maintains that if tin- drawn fowls nro bettor than drawi : birdr , the market men should offer undressed beeves , sheep , and hogs for sale. Thus the battle wages' . In what direction victory will ponds somewhat upon the intelligence und honesty of th * Aldermen , bu that is not always a safe dependence for the right eido of a question in Now York City. Wo incline to the belief , however , that the Poultry Dealers' Association will win. Thoi nro an organized body , and able to "soo" enough of the Aldermen to make it of advantage to favor the "undrawn" aide of the question. Household "Words Jamofl Pearson , 12H Sixth street , Bufljlo eayt ; "I have used your Sprint ? Ulosson for myself and family , and think It , Invaluable uablo aa a household remedy , fur regula ting the Iiawel8llver and kldnoyx , lubal never be without It. " Price fit ) cents , trial bnttls 10 cents. 14-lw J.G. ELLIOTT & GO. Plumbing , Steam & Das Fitting ADK.STU fOU Turbine Water Motor. AUO JOBUSK4 IN Pampi , Pipe Flttluu and Brai * Goodi. Cur , 1-lth and Ilarnoy , 0nnlm | , Neb , \ViTHH UOTWlN CONHTAMTOrKKATION , ' . , t fuW.dtf A remedy wIlli-men a representation M Hos- ctUr'nHtomach Hitters lc < crtc * A fair t IM If OH ii'o dyspeptic , jour 1y will c\entimlly .la . if to It ; If you nro treble , lack flcoh nnd feel Icspondent , It Hill both bullilniiil cheer joitupj I toll articonntlpatul , It will Klltno jon , and II 'Illoin , hcMthful stlmiilkto \ our liver. Don't tinpond , but nmko tldn cITort In the rlht | dIrco lon. lon.For mite by all ilruhVlattnntldcA'crs generally , leb 3to till 0111 HTARLKR , Piesldont. Vice 1'rts't. W. 8. DRISIIKR , Bc. ! and Trcas. THE NEBRASKA lAMACTUEM CO Lincoln , Neb , MANUFACTUKKIIS OF Corn Planters , 'Harrows , Farm Rollers , Sulky Hay Rakes , Bucket tlovntlng Windmills - mills , &c. We are prepared to do job work and manulac- urlrg for other parties. Addroa all order * NEBRASKA MANUFACTURING CO. LINCOLN , Nun. 1anlB-Bm Gentle Women Who trant glossy , luxuriant and wnvy tresses of abundant , beautiiul Hair must nso MON'S KATIIAIRON. TM9 elegant , cheap article always makes the Hair grow freely and fast , keeps it from fulling out , arrests and cnres grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a cnrling tendency and keeping it in any desired position. Beau tiful , healthy Hair is the sure result of using Kathoiron. KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA 9 * | i 5 = i ; B p c CTQ = CTQI 5 s.i DO BITTERS ILER & CO. , Sole Manufacturers. OM/U3A. J. L WILKIE , MANUFACTURER OF PAPER BOXES 218 and 2.20 S. 14th St. k.TFy / % , DNTX1ZE JanSdOm CRAIG'S ' OITY GREEN HOUSE In now open to the pulillo with a full supply of Cut Flpwersand Plants For Sale. Wuuillbo Klail to nave the public , call and BCO UK Bouquets or Any Floral Design Made to Order ON THE SIIOHTIST NOTICE. City drctn House , S. W. Cor 17th and Web st r , ono block from lOtli street cm. Nurncrj , Sn street , opjioslto Foit Jos. Y. Cral r , Flori ' and Landiicaimtiarilncr. , Keb2 Cm. Proposals for City Offices and Market Houses. Sealed proposal' , plans and speciQca tions , tn detail , will be received by the undersigned for ( he erection and mumten- anco of city offices and market houses until Friday , March 3d , 1882 , 12 o'clock uoon. J. J. L. 6. JKWETT , feblO-20t City Clerk. B. D. MCLAUGHLIN , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW And Notary Public. DexterL.Thomas&Bro , WILL 11UY AMU SELL 3EC.33A3C. SSVUfc 4HD AIL TRiNSiOTlOa COSNIICTBD TU B WITU Pay Taxee , , Rent Houses , Eta UP YOU WANT 10 BUT Of. CRU Call l Office , Boom B. Crcl.-h4 " u'V-.t , 0uiha. . T. JACKSON FLANJUE ( A Graduate from the Uiihuelt ) ' of lYnne > l tanlu at rtilUdelphla of the Clasn ol IbW. ) Verniers his professional eenlccatotho citizen ol uuialia an ! all others needing the name , ( no dlcatJnrhUcblru therefor from NO } tar ' ox perleiuv , elxttenjears of which time bo spent In couth A merlia , from wliicli country he has Jui returned , iialnlnir hll t In the provinces mam remetlUu . 'or xarloui Ulscasea common to Uii eouiitry ( ro. ' thu natlut of the same. Thu Doctor makes a pccilty ! of all Chronl lUe 6V , iiaitlculirlljr those of female * . Ilo ma ) ke found nt his ixjoms BI the Planters' House corner of Dodge mul SUtcvnth Streets. H23codlwimo eodlw No head-ache or liack-ncho for ladies -u- ' ' - ' " " -'Ik "WINE OF OARDUI. MM. J. 0. llobertoon , 1'lttnburg , Pa. , writes"I : a suffering from general debility , want of ap- K'tltc , constipation , etc. , BO that flfo waia bur * len ; alter using llurdock Illooil Hitters t Iclt bet- cr than for ) ran. I cannot praise jour Hitters 00 mu h. ' ' 11. Olbbfl. nf Buffalo , N. Y. , writes : "Vour iurdock Dlci Bittern , In chronic dl ca < csof the ilood , liver * . .J klunovs , have been signally marked with success , lhavo ustl them injucff with beet results , for torpidity of the liver , nnd In ca oof a friend of mine Buffering from dropsy , ho effect was rrmrvclout. " BracoTurner , Mochcstcr , N. Y.wrltcs'l , : have > ecn imbjctt to nerlous disorder of the Ucliioy , ind unable to attend to business ; llurdock IllooJ Utters relieved me before half a bottle wag used [ feel confident that ( her will entirely euro me , " , E Atcnlth Hall , ninghampton , N. Y. , writes : 'I suffered with n dull pain throuili my clt nng and shoulder. Lost my Bjilrlts , appetite and color , and could w Ith dtlllculty keep up all day. Took jour llurdock Blood Hitters M di ce ted , and have felt no i lnelnco first week af. cr uslnir then ) . " Mr. Noah nates , Elralra , N. Y. . writes : "About our j cars ago I had an attack of bilious fcv cr , and never fully recovered. My digestive organs w ere weakened , and I would bo completely pros- rated for days. After ualng two bottles of your iurdock Clood Hitters the improv cmcnt was BO vl Iblothat I wasagUftilshcd. I can now. though 01 years ef age , do a fair and reasonable day'i work. C. Blackct Robinson , proprietor of The Canada 'rcsbytcrlan ' , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "Keryeors ( suftered greatly from oft-recurring headache. I used your Burdock Blood Bitters with happiest result * , and I now find mvnelf In better health "ion for years past. " Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ' ! have used Burdock Blood Blttora for nenous and bil ious headaches , and can recommend it to anyone requiring a cure for bllllouencHs. " Mrs. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes : "For several jcars I have suffered from oft-recur ring bllllous headaches , dyapcpxla , and com- ilalnts peculiar to my sex. Since using your llurdock Blood Hitters I am entirely relieved. " FOSTEK , MILBURN , & Oo , , Props , BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale by leh & UcMahon and C. F. Goodman. Jo 27 ood-me Tnls pecillc cured that most loatlisomo disease LIS "Whether in its Primary , Secondary or Tertiary Stngo- Hemo\ci < all traces of n crcury from the sjs- teui , Cures Scrofula , Olrt Sore ) , Itlicuma- tlein , Erzenia , Ctuarrji or any IllooJ Disease. Carol When Hot Springs Fall ! Malt era. Ark. , May 2,1881 Woha > ecascnln our town who llicJatllot Sjirlngo and \\cre finally cured ulth S. S. 3. JlCt'AM.VON & MCRRT Memphis , Menu. , May 12 , 1831 Weha > c sold 1,29(5 bet les of 8.S. S. In a year. It ho * phen universal satisfaction , ( air mlndci physicians now recommend It us a positive specific. S. MASHPIKLD & Co. Louis * Ille , Ky , , May 13.1831. S. S. 8. has given bettor natl faction than any medicine I hat o cor sold J. A. FLUNKS. lcn\oi , Col. May 2,1881. Every purcha cr peak8 In the highest term , of S. S. S. L. Melasctnr. Richmond. Vo. . May 11,1881. You can refer Anybody to in In regard to the merits of S. S , S. folk , Miller & Co. Ha e never known R. S. S to fall to cure a case cf Syphilis , when properly taken. II. L.Bernard. EHWirrcn. The tvbov e signers areitentlemon cf high stand Ing. A II COLQUITT , Qo\crnor ol Georgia. IP YOU WISH WE W LL , TAKE YOUHSE CA TO BE PAID FOK WHEN CURED. Write for particulars and copy of little book 'Jlessa''O to the Unfortunate. " 81OOO Rnward will be paid to any chemist who will find , on analysis 100 bottles S S. S. , ono particle of Mercury lodldo Potaa < slum or any Mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Irops. Atlanta , do. Price of regular size reduced to ? 1.75 per tint tlo Small B'IC , holding half tbo quantity , price , 31.00. Sold by KENNARD & CO. , and Drugglsta Oenerally. CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE ; TRADE BlARKtlho OreatTRADE MARK English rera- oily. An un- faillni ; cure for Seminal Weakness , Spenimtor- rhca , Impotency - ency , and all Dlscasesthat' follow as a BEFORE TARINQ.e 'iuence ' of AFTER TAIIHD. helf Almsej us Loss of Memory , Universal Lasul tudc , Pain In the Hack , Dimness of Vinlon , Pre inaturj Old Age , and many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema ture Oral o. tSTVM particular ) In our pamohlet , which o desire to send free t v mall to e\ cry one. tSTTttu Specific Medicine la lold by all druggists at 81 per package , ordpackufos for $5 , or nlll bo cent free by mall rn rec pt of the money , by addressing TIIKOIU 1EDICINKCO. , Buffalo , N. Y. or palii bv C. F flooilr ooVmn.po The English Rome fly iNerer falls to cuio Nervous Debility. VItal - tal Exhaustion , Krols- tlons , Seminal \Vcak- nancs.LOHTMAN- HOOD , and all the evil eQects of youth' ' tul lolhts anil ixeci- tea. It stops pcrnii' iiiently all weakening , unoluntaryloan land Jrulns upon the sjs- 'tern ' , thp Inovltab'o re. " 'sultof ' these evil > , II prac tices , which urii so dcstruetho to mind and body and inaVo Mo miserable , oltcn leading to lijBanl- fyanddeath It a'rcnijthens the NervesDrain , ( mcmorjf Wood , Muscles , nluosthe and Ilepro. iluUUu Owns , It restores to oil the organic functl'Tis their former > lior and \ltallty , ma- Inir life cheerful and enjojablo. 1'rlco , M bottle , or four times ae ifiian Uy S10. Sent by express , bocuro Ircm ohainutloii , to anj addrcei , on receipt of price. No. C. O. I ) , ecni , cxiejit on receipt of $1 as a guarantee. Lettcro re questing answers must Inclose stamp. Dr. Mintie'a Dandelion Pills are the best and cheapest d > ipcpila and billions euro In thu market. Bold by nil druggists. 1'rlco (0 ccnla. Dii , Jlism'a KIDNEY HKUIOY , aKi-RKTicvu , Cures all kind of Kidney and bladder complalnto. uonorrlica , nice land leucorreta. for tale y all UauirirsU : jl a bottle. hNGUSII MKDIOAL 1NSTITUTK , 718OH > eSt , , St. Lou IB , Mo. JanZS-ly -AND- Storc Fixture -Work md French Doub'o Thick Flat and lieut Show Cato Clara 0. J. WILDE , 1315 und 1317 Cass Street. KUT-JW S. W. WYATT . . , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN fl A. & Lath , Shingles , Ml I100IIS , BLIPS AND MOULDINGS. , 16th and Cuming St , OMAHA , NEB. ZROTIH : & Wholesale Lumber , , No , 1408 Farnliam Street , Omaha , Neb fobl 1-Smo I DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL ? UOTKLS , HWPRtKTORlS TOIFA/ ARLINGTON. J. Q. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Net SARATOGA HOTEL. J. S. STELLINIU8 , Mllford , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , Stromtburg , Na. HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Loulivllle CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Blair , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE- , J. O. MEAD , Nellgh , Nib QRANH CENTRAL T.SEYMOUR , Nobrotka Olty , MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP. WecplngWater.Na COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. CAARPER , Hardy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , Q. W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb ENO HOUSE , E. L. ENO , Eremont , Neb. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atklnion , Neb. MORGAN HOUSE , E. L QRUBB , Qulde Recd , Netx SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & BECKER , Creiton , la. JUDKIN8 HOUSE , OUDKINS & BRO , , Red Oak , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , GEO. CALPH , Extra , la REYNOLDS HOUSE , C. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , S. BURGESS , Neola , la. CITY HOTEL , Dl B WILLIAMS. Harlan , la. PARK HOUSE. MRS. M. E. OUMMINQ8 , Corning , la , NEBRASKA HOTEL , J , L. AVERY , Stanton , Neb , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vlllltco , la. JUDKINSHOU8E , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , BALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida * Grove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE , B , F. STEARNS , Odebolt , la GRAND PACIFIC , J. NORTON. Columbus , Neb. 13 WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Osccola , Neb. DOUOLA8 HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Clarke Neb. . O. WMOLEBALE GROCER , 1213 Farnhpm St. . Omaha , KRAY , WHOLESALE- LUMBER , GOAL & LIME On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , SAUSAGES I Practical Sausage Manufacturer , ORDERS OF ALL KINDS FILLED PROMPTLY FOR ALL VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES. Family orders attended to with despatch , and every thing promised atisfactory. I invite a call at No. 210 South Tenth Street. TSIE1 G-IRIE.A.T Clearing Sale ! .A. T PO LACK'S PALACE CLOTHING HOUSE Is the place 1o Buy Bargains. EVERYTHING MARKED IN RED FIGURES. Look for the Red Ink M > * ks. H7M. & M. PEAVY THE CLOTHIERS ! 1309 Farnham Street . J n20eod.mtt0ia J. A. WAKEFIELD , WIIOUUALE AND HETAIL DKALKK IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BUNDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT JJTBTATK AQKNl FOK illLVVAUKKK CEMENT COMPASV Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB