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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1882)
THE OMAHA DAILY EE. ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA WEDNESDAY MORNING , .FEBJITJAIVY 15 203 THE NATIONAL CAPITAL , Tostorflay's ' Prooooilings in the Senate and House , Latest Phase of the Solo of the Otoo Reservation Bill in Senate. Bobinsou.of NbwYork , Raises His Voice in Behalf of Op pressed Irishmen. .Demanding Some Action be Taken to Secure the Relea ? e of a Couple of Irish Americans. 'Mlaoallnnooa * Notes of n National Character. WAHHINOTON , D. 0. , February 14. A motion by Mr. Edmunds to sti spend morning business . nnd consido r the Utah polygamy bill was lost 24 nyes , 39 nays. Mr. Saundera , from the committee onlndiin ntfaira , reported favorably the bill to amend thu act providing for the , stitp of the remainder of the rosorvatto'ii of the oonfudoratod Otoo and Missouri tribes in Nebraska and Kuisaa ; the main provision is Mint the proceeds of the salu after the payment of incidental expenses bo placed to the credit of the tribes in the United States treasury and bear 5 per cent interest per annum , thu income to be annually expended for their benefit. At 2:50 : p. m , , the privileged morn ing business having been finished , the calendar became the regular order of business under the Anthony rule un til 5:30 : o'clock. Mr. Vance made a speech on th o tariff commission bill. Ho declared that protection retarded thu gr owth of the south and slid protection was the legislation of Dick Turpin and Sixteau Stringed Jack levied on the balls of congress instead of on Black Heath Common. Mr. Vance spoke until 4:30. : ' Mr. Edmunds called for the yeas and nays on'a motion .to go into exec utive session , staling that ho wanted to again test thu sentiment of the sen ate in togard to the iiumodiuto consid eration of the Utah bill. The mo tion was lost by a vote of 18 to 29. The polygamy bill was then called up nnd given precedence of ether business. Mr.'Edmunds referred to the importance of the measure und said ho would ask the senate to dis pose of it to-morrow. Adjourned at 4:40 : p. m. PKOCKEDINOH IN TI1K HOUSE. The judiciary committee reported favorably - vorably un the substitute for the bill prohibiting polygumists holding oftl es iu territories. A communication was received frorn the postmaster general regarding mail weighing on the railways between Now York and Chicago. The bill was favorably reported making Denver a post delivery. The committee on postofficcs re ported favorably the bill making the salary of auxiliary letter carriers from $400 to $000 per year , substitutes from $800 to 81,000. The committee on foreign affairs re ported back with recommendation to lay on the table resolution calling on the president for all correspondence with England in relation to the im prisonment of P. H. O'Connor and others now in Irish jails. Mr. Cox moved a substitute asking the president to request from them a speedy trial. The speaker decided the substitute out of order as not ger mane. Mr. Robinson ( N. Y. ) , who haa boon for a long time desiring to got in a speech on the subject , got thu floor and proceeded to urge that the reso lution should be adoptud. He had been , ho said , opposed in all efforts for a free expression on the subject. NotxiMy had been so earnest in oppos ing as the gentleman from New Jer sey ( Mr. Robeson ) . The gentleman hud taken occasion to fling anathe mas , curses and maledictions upon the subject. He has taken occasion to oppose this movement in all its steps. "Upon what moat do -those our CHI jars feeds ? " God for give the gentleman for his unwillingness - ness to see these sufferers succored. If ho wore to-day in the place of O'Connor and Howe in British pris ons , the house would not bo so troubled with his objections. Ho has even refused mo one minute in order to finish my speech that I might not go before the country in a ridiculous manner , I have been hold down and sat upon in u manner both unkind and L uncourtoouB. The gentleman haH i found time ( to give attention to the long-haired tuathetio representative of f the Irish race with his sunflowers and 1 .knee .brooches and-buckles , but has no time to devote to suffering Americans in British prisons. Those mon should be rescued by what moans soever tnut .may offor. Is there ( addressing the reporter's gallery ) any coward there controlling a pen who will say we could .iot rescue thorn even by force if necessary ? Oh , for a Webster or a Clay to rise from his tomb and 1 loll you our duty and to reply to the vituperations with which I have been asnuled with the fierceness of the blood hound , mingled with the filth of the polecat. Why , tlio gentleman from New Jersey has oven dared to toll mo that I did not know the precepts - copts of law. The fact is , I was his teacher when u boy. A very dull 1 boy ho was , too. [ Laughter , ] Mr , Robeson replied ho was ashamed 1 of being the target of every crank who desired to delay legislation in order to make political buncombu , His objec tion had always boon interposed to eave the gentleman from an exhibition tion of folly or obstruction of busi new. The gentleman complains thai -ho has boon sat upon. I am sure I never sat upon him. I re strained myself because I knew his wind cauio without prossi sure. [ Prolonged Inutzhter ] His atthcks have been not only fnohidi but mot'dacious. ' Thu gentlemen never taught mo anything , Porhapi I mny in my younger days , when studying law , have looked through n window and seen him drinking nt n bar , but I did not accept him MS tenchor. Ho professes to bo n fiiond to thu Irish , There is Irish blood in my veins. I believe thnt ho who would hinm'lt be free must strike the blow. During the debate which followed n sharp passage occurred but ween Messrs. Randall and Robeson. Mr. Randall had made a point of order that the ruling of the speaker was not correct. Mr. Roboson attempted to speak , when Mr. Randall ngtun inter posed his objections in n point of or- dor. "Oh , " said Mr. Roboson , with n show of impatience , "tho gentleman is not speaker of the house , now. " "No , said Mr. Randall , advancing to the front , "but I am n member of this house , nnd a member in good standing , too , and I propose to hold on to my right as suclu"j After further discussion Mr. Orth stated several tnombora'-of the com- mittcu having no recollection of having - ing voted on the resolution of inquiry , had developed the fact that action on it was quitu informal under the impression that thu ground was covered by the general resolution already passed. . On this Htatomont ] the resolution was , on motion of Mr. , Cox , rocomt milted with the names of Michael Hart , U. 0. Mahonoy.nud John Mel Enorny added , and an' instruction to the president that ho demand that American citizens in British prisons bu granted speedy and fair trial or immodintu release. A sharp passage occurred between Speaker Kuifer and Mr. Murch dur ing the closing hourof debate. Murch had gained the floor on thu claim that lie desired to make a point of order , but mingled with it so much of argu ment on thu pending question that t.o speaker stopped him nud sharply udinin'ntorud n severe tepropf , saying no man had a right to practice decep tion by taking the iloor on u point of order and making Argument on a pending question. Adjourned at 4:45 : p.m. * fj AMERICANtW10N. : UOllKEHl'ONIIBNOK CONUBKNINO A CON- fJUKSH. WASHINGTON , February 14. Thu president sent to congress to-day thu correspondence relating to thu pro posed congress of r republics of North and South. ' ' Umurica on the 22d of November , next in Washington. Tlio myst important letter transmitted is oue'frum Minis ter Logan to Blainu under date December - comber 1G. Logan aiys he hopes to secure the unanimous co-operation of the countries to which ho is credited , but that the affair must bo managed with discretion , as throe of the five states uro determined to. accomplish thu union of all under1 oho govern ment ; these throe stales at the least , Guatemala , Salvador and Honduras , and perhaps Costa Rica also , consider the invitation as a practical if not in tended defeat of their purposes. Minister Logan says he is not clear as being able to obtain the Genuine co-operation of all the Central Ameri can states but each will probably ulti mately agree to send commissioners ano assume outwardly an appearance f sincere co-operation , while all will irobably send commissioners through natives of c-.x diuney. They may josaibly be instructed to secretly de- eat the ends of the convention as u ueans of restraining thu uggrosivo endency of Mexico in the direction f Central America. The congress , vould bu attended by the happiest results should a full agreement bu reached , but as the Central American states are now in a chaotic condition , ) olitically considered , with their fu- ure status wholly unfixed , it now ap- teura through thu operations of milt- ary forces that hopes of a federal union in Central America would bu crushed iu the immediate present. Of other Kttors included in thu cor- espoiidonce is one from Venezuela , accepting the invitation with grati- uao , and one from Mexico , of u non committal character. CAPITAL NOTES. S'atitmiil Associutu'1 I'remi. MISCKLLANKOUH. yAfiJllfHTOJf ( , February 14. Viil- ititinu'a bill giving Nebraska un ad- litiounl representative under thu > rcsent apportionment was discussed vithout action by the judiciary com- nittoe. The postmaster general to-day ro- jealod ordur 57 of Juno 2d , 1881 , and leclared flour is no longer to bo in cluded among articles which if not properly st cured might damage ether matter. The repealed order requires flour to bo put in sealed envelopes before being enclosed in metal box before mull transmission. The house committee on elections took up the Utah contest and heard Gen. Paine for Contestant Cannon. The secretary of wur's report states that the number of militia general officers in the United States is 12C , staff officers , 1,040 , commissioned offi cers , 8,822 , non-commissioned oflicers and privates , 114,524 ; total strength of the organized militia , 123 , 510 ; available for duty but not organized , 0,471,787. Now York state bun 19- 630 militia the largest number of any of the states. The house committee on territories considered the Dakota question and adjourned without action. John 0. Nuw , of Indiana , was to. day nominated us assistant secro * tary of thu treasury. The star route cases not down for to-day were adjourned till to-morrow noon. All members of the cabinet except Attorney General Bruwstur , who went to Philadelphia yesterday , were pres ent to-day at the cabinet meeting. The president gave two hours'consider ation to the Fitz John Porter case , the majority opposing his reinstate ment , The following nominations were gent < o the sonntu to-day ; Ti. D. E. R. Duvorgo' , of 'Maryland , to bo con sul at St. Paul ; Kdward H. Novln , Jr. , to bo surveyor of customs for the ilistiict l uf Pliilndulphia ; J.tmes R. Jutty , to bu collector of customs for the district of Techohn ; August Sey mour , to bo United States nid o of the Eastern district of North Caroli na ; William W. Poslan , to bo attor ney for the United Stntes for the Western district of Tennessee ; An drew McLain , to bo attorney of the United States for the Middle district of Tennessee ; M. M , Drew , to bu United States marshal for the district of California ; Hiram M. Van Arimni , of California , to be secretary of the territory of Arizona. The Arapihou Indians took final ] , ave of Secretary Kirk wood this nf- t ornooii. They in thu morning f or homo , stopping u fuw days nt the C arlisle choi 1. The Bonatu committee on military ffnirs held n continuous session of u Vor seven hours to-day. Chnrgos v ore made by Col. Fobigor against ( 'ol. Rochester , recently nominated j ; nyniaster general , and which caused r ecommitUl after u fnvorublu report \ nd been made. Thu charges nro of { rregulurities as disbursing oflicur , n taking paper exchanges on giving fajor I lodge a receipt for his bill- .i , nnd paying him thu amount of j , is requisition less b.tlanco thus nom- ; mlly turned in , by which Hodgu was bio to cover up his defalcations , ' 1 ie testimony brought about the fact t : iat thesu paper exchanges wore very f requent : prior to the defalcation of l lodge , nnd that Col. Febigur was nut 0 xenipt from thu BIUIIO irregularity , 'J "ho investigation will bu continued to n low Col. Rochester , who is on his M ay from Newport , Ky. , . to appear \ , eforo the committee , lo.ivo of absence ] | aving been granted for thnt purpose. Senator Merrill , chairman of the j- nance committee , has received a let- or from Secretary Folgor in regard to enator Bock's bill to prevent over- urtitication of checks by officers of ational banksin , which the secretary itys that certilic.ttion of checks is ,0110 to a liri'o ; extent by persons .counted in the bill. Thery is no oubt , if that certification is in viola- ion of the statutes , there is a noces- ity for the bill. It will bu found , uwover , that it is done tniilor such > rrangeiiiunta us aru dounuid by thu nnd their counsel to bring thu ct of certification into'harmony with " 10 letter of the statute. If that bo rue , then the bare enactment by con- ; rcs3 that will declare violation of thu itntute shall bu a misdemeanor would ot bring any practical result , nnd hero is no present necessity for thu of it. I apprehend : tlio bill .vill not effect the object of thu onorablo senator who framed and in- ruduced it. Thu question will still emain after the passage of the bill : \ro the practices of the banks willful iolations of the statutes ? This will o a question for a jury under a rui ng of trial by court , nnd it is easy to 'oresoe thnt not much will bo effect- id. In mv judgment tliuru should bo uquiry into some arrangements iy and under which certifications ro effected , and if these arrange- lents and acts of certification under lein aru looked upon us responsible , bill should bo framed that will do ne what particular thiuca should bu eenied and declared misdemeanors. Small Fox. WASUINOTON , February 14. The avy department was informed this fternoon two now cases of small pox ro on board the United States tcamor Tennessee ut Norfolk. This will prolong the stay of the Tonncxsoo , t that point. N Death of the Tombs' Matron. .itlounl Awjociatcd Press. NKW YOHK , February 14. Miss Flora Foster , for thirty-six years mat- on of the Tombs prison , died of acute Mieiunoniii ut her residence this uvun- ng. Shu was born in Ireland and was 5 years old. Her history is largely lonnucted with that of female crimin- , la of this city. Ran Againtu Plor. mttuual Associated 1'rein. GRAND HAVKN , Mich. , February 14 This morning the iron stunnier Wis- sonsin struck against thu north pier if thu hurbor and utovo a hole in her bottom , lillinc , ' and p.trtly sinking , ivilh a cargo of 1,000 tons of freight. Japt. Smallman attributes thu acei- dmit to the abaeneo of a proper light. "HOI/OH ON UATH. " The tiling deuimi found ut lat-t , Ank druggiHt for "Uniigh on lluta. " It oleum ut rat , mice , roadie * , Hi , la-il IIU H ; lilc (1) ( ) New System of Elovulor * . National Associated I'rt'BH. ST. PAUL , Minn. , Fobrunry 14.A lew.ulevatpr system which it is thought will simplify handling wheat in St. .Jaul and at tributary points , 'has just > oen organized hero. It is proposed o build thirty small olovutorn at sta- ions on the Manitoba and on the Northern Puciiic and on thu Milwau- ceo line west of here. . The center of Jin system will bo an elevator near this ci " "f lU"n " " 0 bushels capacity. Indian Trouble In Wyoming. National Afcaociateil 1'reta. CHEYENNE , W. T. , February 14. Agent Lemur , just arrived from the northern part of Wyoming , states the Indians nru running off stock nnd othorwisu creating troublu , although no ono is known to have been killed. It souiiiH probable that the depreda tions will result in a clash with the military , as the Indians uro very ob * stmute. Heavy Storm. National Associated I'reui Ei.KHAiiT , Ind , February 14. This section wua visited by iv heavy rain and thunder Htorm this morning. Blthup'i Proolbttlon. National AmioclatoU 1'rwx ) . MoNTiiKAL , February 14. The Ro man Catholic bishop of Montreal hu ordered that the tenants ot churcl property engaged in telling liquor shall bu notified to stop the truflic a once. THE OLD MAN'S ' MONEY , Rivalry for Possession of Which Oausod a Murder , An Attempt to Rob a Missouri Pnoiflo Train Last Frustrated. Kansas Oity Police , Getting Wind of the Affair , Arrest Pour of the Gang. Marvelous Baoape from Punish ment of a Notorioua Chicago Orook/ MUcnllnnoouii Now * of Crlmco aiitl Criminal * . NKWIIUUOH , N. Y. , February 14. Juiiah Tompkins , residing nt Tilke's hill , eight miles from Cold Spring , was murdered ycstordny by his brother-in-law , Curtis Christian. Early in thu morning tlio man out out together to buy cows nnd in thn even- inj ; Christrinn rotuniud nnd nnmuinccd lo his wife ho hnd murdered Tomp- kiiin , stating whuro tlio body fcould bo found. Ho then attacked Inn \uft- , but was overpowered nnd lied frun tlio houau. A search was nmdV ( { nnd tlio body found whuro indicated with the hold crushed in by n stone. 'I'ho in dications uri ) that n turriblu struggle took place. Tlio murderer in > iot yet arrested and it is believed Juts com mitted auicido. Supposed rij'nlry re- curding the father-in-law's' property wns the C.U13Q of thoorimo. KANSAS CITV , Mo , February 14. Tlio contemplated robbery of'tho Mis souri Pacific train , duo hero at 8:10 : tonight , was frustrated by Iho Kan sas City polico. It Booms that seven men , all notorious character of this city , formed u plan for the contem plated robbery some thrvu months ago , but. the iiniil nrrnngumunta wore only compluted n few days ago , nnd to-night was act us the time The place whuro the train was to bo stop ped WHS about five miles east of hero. The police uot wind of the affair sometime ago and have carefully nursed it. At 4 o'clock this afternoon five officers pro ceeded to the spot wheru the robbery was to take pluco nnd concealed them selves. The robbers soon appeared on the ground and cautiously began preparations for their work. A pile of tics and railroad iron was piled at th ( > side of thu track which they in tended to use to atop the train. The pllicors pounced upon tliom and took iu four of them , tlmio inakit : good their escape. These the officers hope to corral yet , to-night. On the gang were found a number of revolvers , shot guns , maples , and lanterns. T.ho names of ttwj pf the KUIIIJ arrested ur Jim. Noonnn , Thoa. t'Shea ) , Put Hanloy nnd Peter Speor. They admit that they intended to commit the robbery ns charged and have given the oflicers full details of their plans , when itwas conceived and how it has been worked up. One of of the gang undoubtedly gavu his comrades away to the authorities. GIIIOAGO , February 14. Johnny Limb , who has been on trial once for the robbery of Juffroy'B store throe years ago , and twice for the murder of Policeman Ilaco after the robbery , the last trial having boon in progress several weeks , was to-day acquitted. As he passed out of the jnil n free man , the inmates gave him n great ovation. Ho is now the greatest hereof of Chicago crooks. The mastery attending the death of LakuKnnsom at Hiiiadalo is atill cre ating excitement. Dr. Fitch odors 81,000 reward and the trustees of thu village of Hiimdalo § 500 reward for the arrnst of the murderers. Tlio doctors believe the ciiso in murder , inont other people believe in thu aui- ido theory. Important developments re expected. OANTO.V , ( ) . , February 14. Last iuht , ut Oanaburg , Lincoln Muiphy as instantly killed by a playm.ito ; riking him in thu breast. IlKiiBANK , N. . } . , February 14. ieorge MuOrace , the negro accused f committing un indecent assault up n three little white girls , had un ox ruination to-day before Justice Childx nd mis hold for the term of the rand jury. It was feared thu piis nor would bu mobbed during the ex initiation , STA.VKOICII , Ky. , February 14. - olin Cnrr ( colored ) was afsusainutc rhili ) playing with his children in hi wn homo taat night. The assassin ia r. known. LKXI.NUTO.N , Ky. , February 14. ohn Atkins , u fellow prisoner in jail with the three Ashluiid murderers , ays Kllis told him he had u further onfeesion to make , implicating other loraons and supposed to. implicate S'eil and Craft , already under sen- enco of death for thu crime. .JAOKSO.V , Mis * . , Fobru.iry 14. A hooting ulHay occurreu on Capitol treet last nitjltt.bolweou ( Juo. llarrcll nnd David Harringtontwohigh toned 'ouug ' men ? Four or five shots wuro ixchanged. Harrington was shot in he thumb , stomach and head and iarrell was badly wounded. SAN AMO.VIO , Tex. , February 14 Charles Bowers , u ( lennan black- unith , Fred Douglum , S. Cook and i Hub-contractor of the Sunset railway 1- 1riv way named Alien 'Murdock , wun\ nurdered for their munoy wlill/i tiloep near Latnpas , Mexico. All .hreo were shot iu the back of ' ( hi lieud , and thu murderers arc tljuru Foiu suppled to havu beuu u' . leusl khruo in number. GALVKSTON , February 14.ln ui all'ray ut AJutamoras , Tux OH , butweui Col , ilornandei und AJaino un urtillery man , the for/nor shot 10nd Icillod thu lutter. AUUUHTA , Oa. , Fobiuury 14. Ii Guynutt'e county , pvi Sunduy night , mob took a colore'k man , charged wit hone stealing , from his cabin an boat him until ho confo&Md. Th mob then hung him with an iron chain to the limb of n tree until dead. LKXI.NOTON , llvy. , February 14. Kllis , one of the Ashland murderers in jnil to-dny , denies the story of Ad- kins that ho ( Kllis ) said his confession indicating Noixl and Craft is not true Ho atill still sticks to his first confes sion. MIVPUN , Pa. , February 14. Two weeks ngo Goo. H , Wngnorj n fnrmnr , received n letter warning him that his property would bo destroyed and ho shot. No attention was paid to thu maltor. About 2 a. m , to-day hia barn was fired in two places. Wag * ner ran out in his night clothen nnd n crowd of neighbors gathered. Shots were hoard on the mountain and it was proposed to follow the incendia ries. Instead , the crowd stayed to snvo the property. The barn and contents wore destroyed. Loss , 811,000. A vigilante committal ) ha * been formed. Prolmblo BUUard Matoh. National AwocUtotl Pram. NRW YOHK , February 14. The champion billiards ) , Oeorgo Slosson. sailed for New \ ork from Liverpool on Thursday last. Letters received from him refer to Viisnaux'a desire fern n return mutch , which Slosson agrees to piny conditionally upon'its taking plaeo in thia city , and upon n Co I Ion- dor tabh ) , thu fmuuuts was used in thu recent Fnilnrr * . NF.W YOHK , February 14. Dis- pntcliL-u rociivud by Hrmlstruut'a atato that Qeo. A. Kelly , owner of the Jef- ierson Iron Manufacturing company , Jefferson , Texas , has failed for § 100- , 000. Ho has met reverses for a con siderable length of time. There ia n lien on the foundry nnd real estate. The Now York creditors of Henry Gerth , dry goods , Philadelphia , have received an oiler of fifty cents on thu dollar in notes extending ever twenty- out ) months , Liabilities , $75,000 , of which § 40,000 nre iu mortgages on riml estate. OIIIUAIIO , February 14. Owing to thu sharp decline in wheat the firm of Harlow , Pottingill & Co. , grain commission merchant * , Miipondcd to day. ' The firm paid out § 20,000 to- dny and all the money i hey had and then stopped payment. Liabilities , § 50,000. They cl.inu tin y will soon resume. NEW . OHLKA'NH , Fubnmry 14. Three nioro failures in cotton circles this afternoon II. N. Martin , H. Lo Gendrc & Sons , nnd Siinfl II. Buck & Co. , the latter firm heavy opera tors. National Annoi wtccl i'rtmn. VEIWAILLEH , Ky. , February 14. Several business houses burned out lasfnight. Loss , ? 12,000. 8 | > ucial toTllR H BK. CitKTis , Neb , February 14. At 3:30 : this morning u tire was discovered in the wagon und blacksmith shop of James. Koli ) , cm , Main street. Loss , $1,000. Tlio lire was the work of an inuendiury , is there hud boon no fire in the building for twenty-four hours. Marine Intolllgoaoo. National Antedated I'run * . NKW YOHK , February 14. Sailed The Arizona for Liverpool ; the Do- voma for Glasgow. GLASGOW , Fobrunry 14. Arrived The Circasflin from Now York , the Parisan from Boston , Moctine of Starch Men- National Axsaclatuil I'liata. CIIIUAUO , February 14. A meet ing was hold to-day in the Grand Pa cific hotel f thu Starch association , comprising representatives of the starch interests iir all parts of the United States. Some thirty gentlemen - men were in attendance. A. R. Heardsloy , ot lilkhart , Ind. , was called to the chair. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss matters per taining to the common interests of starch manufacturer ) ) , t advance and uxchnngu ideas tending to the benefit of this important industry nnd to adopt measures calculated to affect prices demanded by tlw corn produc ers. Cliollonco * National Asiorlutul Tripe. NKW YOUK , February 14. Sam Collier , ex-light weight champion , pugilist , linn issued u cliullongu to Ar thur Chnmburs , or any li ht weight , pugilist in America , for $1,000 uflido. llu is bucked by u Bowury saloon- keeper. A forfeit lias boon lodged at thu Police Gazette otlico. Strike at Pullman. NatloiuU Awoclatetiit'MB * . CHICAGO , February 14 , Rr-aitu inont prevails in Pullman ever a striki inaugurated torduy. Seven hundred men quit work oa the palace caa com puny s woikH. , The Htriku was oausoc by new ciders -which go into effect ii the morning , that the men shall paj 10 cunU for their-round trip ticket between Chicago , and Pullman an * unothur thai pity duys uro to com monthly hereafter. flip IDJUJ wvo been paid twice a loivth and thu company haa ursiihhod railroad tickuts free This ftunuma the men held u muutiiiL' in fcvrkut tquaro and suleclod a v nu- i'.tteu to duouas the troubles with ihu .iMicora of thu company. No conolu- , ion wua arrived nt nnd thu expected strike will become guneinl tuuung tin ; 2,100 employes. Tlio Hudson River , National AsooclaUU I'ftM. AMIANY , N. Y. , February 14. The river is rapidly rising. The ice moved u short distance to-day. The Jeuunetto Re ouo , Sattanal Aiwoclatwl I'lvm. WAHHINQTON , February 14. Secru tnry Hunt has been notified by Liout Harbor that ho reached London thii morning , und that us soon to ! Hohurtz , who lolt New York 01 unothor steamer , reachoa London both will proceed to Parin and ther , .tar. , consult with Jlr. lluniiott before going on lo St. Petersburg to join in ttio search for Lieut. Do Ixmg nnd party. _ Railroad Matter * . Nitloiml AurocUtP.I 1'riw * . CmuAoo , February 14. A moating of uunurnl ticket nnd passenger ngontii will bo hold in this city to-morrow for the purpose of tnking further notion regarding the movement to stop thu payment of commissions to nijonts for the sixlo of tickets. EIUK , Pa. , February 14. The Now York , Chicago .t St. Louts railway company Cicd in this county for record n deed of trust in favor of the New York Trust compony of Now York yesterday , for $1,500.000 , for which amount bonds nro to bo issued in thu sum of § 1,000 each at G per cent , interest in gold payable eoini- nnnunlly. SruiNUFtKU ) , 111. , February 14. The Charleston & Southwestern Rail road company , to run from Charles ton , Coles county , to York , Clark county , to-dny tiled articles of incor poration with the secretary of state. Capital , § 300,000. I'IIILADKUMIIA , February 14. The agreement by which thu Columbus , Chicago it Indiana Central railway will pass under thu control of the Pennsylvania railway has beun rati fied. It goes into effect by thu fore closure of the consolidated mortgage of the Columbus , Chicago & Indiana Central railway und tlio selling of thu property covered by it , which is to bo bought in Now York. A corporation is to bu formed by the puruhasur , with u capital of $10,000,000 common stock and § 20,000,001) ) preferred stock. The dividend on the latter is claimed to bo 0 pur cunt per annum , payablu somi- uunually. Thu first mortgage has boon lixod nt Sli'2,000,000 nnd will bu issued by thu new company , payable ut the end of fifty years with interest ut & per cent. Tiventy-four million dollars is to bu paid by the Pennsyl vania railroad and thu Pittsburg , Cincinnati .t St. Louis railway com- tmny to thu now portion when prgani/.ud to natisfv all claims hold against them by the Columbus , Chicago it Indiana Central company. Mort gage .bonds of thu Columbus , Chicago it Indiana Central aru to bo converted into income bonds by tlio Pennsylvania company. Holders of incoinu bonds join in this scheme and will surrender to the committee of bondholders of the Columbus , Chicago cage & Indiana Central all bonds held by them and pay 10 pur c nt. in cash ol par value. In return each bondholder shall receive $1,250in pre ferred stock and 250 in common stock of the now company for uach income bond delivered , and holders of stock in the Columbus , Chicago & Indiana Central ahall surrender to thu com- mitteu all stock held by them , and pay 5 per cent , in cash on the par vuluu of the stock , receiving therefor stock iu the now company for one half the amount of the old stock. Oelestlnl Acccatton. Niittounl Amoclntod 1'reat. BOHTON , February 14. Hun Kan Ko , profoasor of Chinese instruction at Harvard college , died at his resi dence in Cambridge thia afternoon nt 5 o'clock fro iu u stroke of paralysis. Ho leaves a wifu and children. Tlio Maryland Boundary. National Asuoclatcd 1'rcna. RICHMOND , Va. , February 14. The committee of thu Maryland leg islature to locate thu boundary of Maryland nnd Virginia is now in this city , nnd was received by the legisla ture this afternoon with distinguished honor. An elfort wil ) now bo made for a permanent settlement of the vexed question which has excited dis cussion for many years. Earthquake in Colorado. National Aaaochtod 1'rofv. LAIUI OITV , February 14. Quito n auvero Hhoclof earthquake occurred in this Bocthn this morning. a Doc Bite. National Associated 1'rim LITTLK ROCK , Ark. , February 14. Alittlu girl namud' Lillis was bitten by u puppy a few days ago , und is now dying with hydrophobia. _ Doatb. of * n Xnitruotor. National AJwaclatoJ 1'ross. NKW OIU.KANH , February 14. A special from Starkuvillo , Miss. , says Prof. E. F. Ruduo , of the mercantile college , died on Monday of typhoid fuver. The remains will bo sunt to Lansing , Midi. , his former homo , llu wan previously connected with the Ann. Aubor , . Bay In Chlaog * Markets. National AsDOciatod ProM. . . ' OucAuo , February 14. Sales on Ui * board of trndo. were 4,000,000 buahula of wheat and 0 , 000,000 , of ether fruin , tho. greatest day on record. The uxoitoment continued during the day with wildly fluctuating markets. K. W. Fisher suspended. Elnctlpn , National AuuocIUod Vrtua. UiNnuAM'30K , N. Y. , Fubruary 14. At the eity election to-day the democruU elected James K , Wihlon uuyor by noiirly COO majority ; , ilao luctud bhrcu nf the five nlderiuun ud fouv of thu five suyiorvisorfl , 111o ides nil tlio uity ticket. The uow onnncu council will , utand t do.iucv nita and republicans. Xndicatioui. National Amvclatvd Viva. WAKIUNOTON , February 16. Foi tliu lower Missouri valley : F.ii weather , wiudu , mostly uouthorly stationary or bighor tiunperuturu n , thu aouth portion , lowur pressure , Spuytou Duyvil luventlKatlon National AiaocUtod i'luaa. AI.IUNY , February 14 , Thu nona.1 coiumittoo on the Snuytou Duyvil lis- aHf.or to-day heard Division buporti \ undent Priest und Uissoll. The ivi denco eomowhat exonenvtod the men bora of the legislature charged wit disorderly conduct on the train , md was damayiuK to Brukoinbii ' LEGISLATIVE DEADLOCKS. Hole nc : the Fort in Virginia , and Now York , The Virginia Roadjuators Go of thu Caucus on. Their Bara. Beonuso of Defotit in the Eleo- tiou of the Auditor Oonteat. Now York Doinocratio Seaatora t Vainly Trying to Oomoto an A reomont. Claim toibo Bndly TJiod. National Awtoclatml frms. lliciiMONH , Va. , February 1-U Re- adjuster leaders nro hero in force at tempting to arrange n sottlomout of dilliculticn growing out of' the election of auditor of accounts. Governor Cameron haa nignod the Riddloborgor debt bill.nnd it thereby becomes n law. RICHMOND , Vu. , Fobrunry WTk ruadjustcr caucus to night culminated in n big row. As soon ns the caucus assembled tlio great matter in dispute the 'lection of auditor public nc- counts contrary to oxpcptntion was sprung. The boltinjj rendjustors were in the caucus and willing to < abide by the result of its deliberations. Alter speeches by Moasw. Hide , Nowborry and ether friends ofi Mnssoy , Senator Lybrook nominated M assoy. for the position of auditor Riddto : berger ook the llOor and denounced Mnstoy ae a felon , and saidiho would resign his seat ami go home before ho would vote for him. Mnisoy.'s friends sprang to their footnudi with-n cry of "this way. freeman ! " left the CAUCUS. Tlio broach is wider now than over , nnd but liltlo hope of briduing it U expected. The rendjuslur caucus rouotninntod S. Urown Allen , of Augusta , for auditor of public accounts. AUIANY , Fobrunry 14 ; The demo cratic dead-lock in the state senate atill continues. Democrat sonntora held n Kocrct , conference this afternoon nnd invited the Tammany members to nttoud , but the latter refused. The principal business was an agreement upon a plan for the appointment of commissioners. . Avcommittoe was ap pointed to confer with , the Tnmmany membois and report to-morrow. Tamilian v riiv | eiitativeB- the house were * imu i > in denouncing Spenkor Patterson , wlium they say has violated all pledges niude previous to his election. The General Nows.tliivt Came Over th Cable La.tNlekt PAitl8J Fobrunry. H' , It is probable thnt an international billiard tourna ment will not , after , nil , , bo played. A difficulty haanrison at the last moment nnd the IFrcnel plnyeni backed out : ALEXANDHIA , February 14. Agita tion in favor of homo rulu for Egypt is making rnpid progress. At a moot ing of iho Mahomodan benevolent po litical club.held in thin-city last night , the action of. tl\o \ Europeans in Egypt wns denounced. It was declured the tiuio had como whon.Ejjypt should as sort lior ( rights to autonomy and inde pendence.und shuko offi the political yoke of , not only , European powers , , but of Turkey. Among those present were several of the new Egyptian council. Liv.KKi-ooL , February 14. In the three handud match , in tins city to day for 100 each , botwuon Dr. Cur- vur , Mr. Graham umi Dr. Fowlerat , ai yards , 2J ) . yards and 28 yards rise respectively , Dr. Carver killed 7C pigpens out of LOO , . Fowler Go and Graham (54. ( Drain , of. a Noted Doctor * National Anaociatod 1'nut * PHILADELPHIA , Pi * . , February * 14. The death iH.announced of Dr. J. Emilio - ilio Howard , , a. native of this city , who was arrested la Cuba iu 187& on the charge of aiding tLo insurgents , con demned by. court martini to eight youra , in the und the confiscation , of his estates , and released in 1872 nt the paremptooy demand ot 4ho United * States , conroyod through Minister SicUoi. Dr. Howard , whim ho wuB.oayoaes.oi ago. Ho , had for years had. . a cjaim pending against thft Spanish government on. account cith i outrage. in Nebruadit , duriiit-tho week ending Fobrunry 11 , 1882 , fcurnishod \ > y Wa. Van Vltock , of th * . postoffise depart , , moutt KSTAJUOHUKD. LitUejohn , G ge county Harvey , R ; Graves , I'OCTMAHlViHH AITC NTEP. Alton , Frontier county , Misa C rrie Merrill ; Appla Orewk , Holt county , - Jamea C. Anduretm . Bogu , Stauton county , Mian Carrie johnaou ; Cum- bridgu , Furiias cwunty , Jumos Jf , . Shuub ; Cherry Cre k , Bulfato Qouuty , E. IloiUort Cwhoon ; Dannuvirke , Howard comity , JUines Luison ; Goujd , D.IWBOU county , Boon Kolkiy ; Loonto , Holt enmity , iliruut llodgkin ; lied ' " " Ifylt county , George Brow , . Doutbful DJoboto * > _ DUNOSTuWN. 0. , Aug. G , 1881. . H. H. WAHNKR & Co , Snta : Your Sufo Diabetes Cure not only removed the prominent sjmp- - turns of diubu vs wiih which 1 hud long sutlorod. but restored mo to full und : perfect health. , Ksb24 Iw COL. JUMAII KOUUIKB. ith ; WfNE'6F"OAHHOl uud cluur