, JLJULJU Um.flLJLL.ttL A A'JLajL .UU./lJLXJL P. T. MAYNE , SUBSORIPTION BATES , Manager Council BluBfe Circulation , COUNCIL BLUFFS AND IOWA NEWS. . By Cnrrlor , - - 20 Cents per Woofe COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA By Mall , $1O.OO per Yow COUNCILJLUFFS. ' omco : Room Five , Evorott'u ' Block , Broadway. n. W. T1LTON , City Editor. MINOn MENTIONS The river U frco nnd no Ice floating. There were three Sun dixy lodgers In the 'booio. The now engine homo In progressing finely nnil work In being mulicd rlgl t along. Wcbli'r New Or'cann niinrtrcla open to-night , lowii Wyoming conl handled only by J. W Ko.lefor . , No. 20 1'e rlSt. tlltt Justice Jtftird him tle < l tiu kn t , bind ing Andruw Anderson mid Mini Mathilda J. Smith for Me , Builders my tint In their line this city wni nnvcr o lively nnd never o full of the protnUo of better things ns now. The lithographic heads of Anna Dick. Inson nre no1 displayed In the show windows dews an announcing her appearance hereon on thu 20tlr nut. * The pnitora of the novera ! churches of the city meet every Monday to talk over the tlicincR talked about the dny befoio , nd v.irio B to-ilmci of the church work , There have hcen three .confidence IrLks turned hero within a week , hut no arrests liave been mndo. Two of them oc curred nt tliu trnnifcr , and the one venter- day in the heart of the city. Frank I ! . Levin , thu cigar-maker and well known fireman , lion fitted up a new nd very neat nlnce four doors west of his oMittnn'l ' on Hrondway , inaVIng quite on improvement In the size and app'nrance Of lllfl establishment. Lnndl.ri Wh clcr , of the Hovere benne , had uhout all lie could do to enter tain dhow people over Sunday , , ho having about twenty-five of Uncle Tom's Cabin compan ) , nnd about an tqual number of WeU/n Minstrels. A number of the young Idonda made night hidcoun by thioulng empty oyster csnn 'about lirnndwny , hooting and whooping , anil u ing ull sorts of language. The gong wai pouiicod down upon by the police , and o o or two wcro cooled off In the cooler. The juiy in thoM.tyts-Turloy caw In the circuit court , yesterday n tutored a Tonlict in laver of defendant , Thu CBJO of Gnu * MI. Ur yhill w. tAen up ymter- day it being uii uttcmpt to collect for cei- tain service * re duiud ai a physician , i Moyno & Co. have mined machinery to their broom factory , ftr Rawing out blocks for handle * and lathoi for turning the same. The now machinery ttturicd up yesterd . and u iw the factory turiiH out its own handle' , a , decided udditlon to the enterprise. Dr. Harchctt mimed Ida ho rat ) Sun- dayand had quita a hunt for it. H wax wan ojlied ii | 011 tn visit a patient , bo fore dayl'ght ' , and leaving bin homo hitchrd went on fo.it to see KOIMU \ > tloi.ts near by. On returning liU mend wan goio. It oeins that a pol ceman h d liU attention called to the hone by parties who thought it had been hitched there all night , tuid ook him to a livery Htahla for safe keeping. A travillng man for iin eastern bouse wan yesterday taken In tow for being too drunk unl bointoioiiK and carrying con cealed w < apons. Ho wus booked at the itatlon under the name of Smith , and after settling $13 worth of Hues , etrolltd off again , and when lust Been wa being Jc < cosafully te < rcd about by u youi.g colored blrod. oloiiel Kcatlo'y Ii still pounding away at the police. Tliu facts h ve been stated and maltd again , and hnvo a bad lookmojgh , hut tliu public are getting wearied of repetition and desire something froeh. 'I he colonel Hcema to weaken , how- vor , on hid charge that the police are UH. BCttsing proititutCH and collecting under the threat of pulling the houses , Ho said ho could prove thin charge , hut since the do * ni&l of Chief Field * HapH not a woid more bout the matter. The public wi 1 bo much inoro interiwtod iu the roudt of a tliorough investigation than in the mere accusations und denials. Complaints are made about the way In which' sidewalks are being occupied in various plucca by inuichaudikv , building . material , etc. , and in oases where hitch oc cupancy is no needed accommodation to the 'owner of the goodn , and a great Inconvenl- encx * to tlie public. One second-ham.1 Btore keeps a lot of Id iron and rubbish von the walk wiien it might as well bo In 'the basement. Another Bturo keeps bar rels standing day after day on the walk. . In navoral cases of building , bricks are ' piled up taking about lulf tiio walk , ami proving stumb lug blocks und o.uioii Iirof.tnity to wundoicw on a daik night , when the whole might bo easily avoided. TOO CONFIDING. A Big Grove Young Man Pays Wall for a L 8Bon In Llfo , v Yesterday a husky young man fron Big Grove was Booing the city. Ho truck the acquaintance of another young man who wont the rounds will Urn , treating and Going treated , unti in the course of their wanderings the > WMhod a aaloon just north of Do- hanj's opera house. In the course of Ulk there the city young man sud deuly found hituselt short af ohauue mud borrowed 814 of the JJig flrovo | 6prosenttttive , putting up as security a oheck for 8300 , which ho proposoc to got coahud as soon an tlioy coult walk down to the bunk together. Ho- , fore starting for the bank the cit > youn man Btonpod nut of the rear door into the alleyway for a miniito The minute proved ono of the long- eat minutes in the Dig Grove man's oxperienco. It hasn't come to an OIK yet. The loser by the old game says it is a new ono to him , mid that ho had never read anything about an > uch doings. It wus quite u time be fore the young man could bo nmdo to realize that the money was gone for ever and that thu chock was worthlcaa h > ' I- < , JUS OWU ynHJUBtM , B U AQAINSt AVOOA. A Further Move to Prevent the Lnt- tcr'a Proposed Division of the County , A meeting of the B.ir association wns hold yoatordny morning nt the court houses to take further action concerning - corning tliu proponed holding of terms of court lit Avoc.i , thus dividing the county into an eastern and western judicial district. The committee ap pointed at the last meeting reported thu facts which they had gathered , showing why no such court should bo cotablished at Avoca. Thcso facts hnvo hcen already presented in TUB I3tK , they beini ? mainly in regard to relative taxation nnd to the amount of court business done by the eastern and wustern portions of tlio county. The showing is that not one-tenth of all the caies arise in the eastern portion , and thitt most of these are unimportant. In factthero is not enough business which would natur ally fall to the court ol Avocn , to warrant the extra expense und the trouble. In regard to taxation it is shown that the eastern portion of the county recoivrs far more than it pays , and it is anndvantago to bu linked to ho western portion , The judiciary committee of thu log * slature , to whom is referred n memo rial requesting the establishment of hone terms , nnd the division of the county into judicial districts , is to ncot , this afternoon in Don Mollies to consider the matter nnd hear ull sides of the question. In order that the facts might be shown as viewed by those in the west ern part of the county , and as gathered - ed from the records might be proper- y presented to the judiciary commit- cu , a number of delegates were chosen his morning to go to Dex Moines to attend the meeting this afternoon. L'lioso thus chosen were Judge James , N. M. 1'usuy , John JJ.ildwm , 0. U. Scott Marshall Key , P. B. Hart , focob Sims , D. JJ. D.iiloy , George /arson nnd Joseph Lynmn. The committee have n statement of ho judges that there in no time to bo given , to such terms of court us are imposed , as theie is more business tow than can bo properly uttentod to. It ia probable that such an array of acts nnd figures when clearly pre ontvd will cause the memorial to die i natural death , nnd that no more tic- .ion will be needed. DOOMED TO DEATH. Such Booms to bo the Fate of One Family. Last fall a family' named Cornet was living happily in Leudvillo , when > y n sudden accident in n mine the lusbund nnd father w.ia killed , lenv- a wife nnd two interesting and rather propoBsepsiNg little girls , ono ttiout thirteen yearn old and the other nuch younger. A few days later u uddon illness laid low I he nether , and ahe , too , passed way , leaving the girls orphans , tlra. Livingston , n sister of their mother , took the little girls in charge and cnmo with them to this city , and renting a modest house on Main street jrocooded to earn such a livelihood as iho could for herself nnd them by 'ortune telling. A short time ago she sent the girls to n private school at [ Mattsmouthvhero they could bo ooked after by an uncle living there. Last week she receivad a telegram stating that Myrtle , the elder girl , , vaa very ill with dipthoria She mstcnud to her bedside , arriving but i few hours before death came. Now here remains but the younger trirl of iho entire family , who within n few months haa been robbed of father , mother and sister. PBUSONAL. L. Winston , of Springfield , III , , was in the city yesterday. . S. Shoemaker , of Colorado , la mak ing n Hying trip to hia homo here. Mr. Alexander , ono of the Hvuliaat traveling bhleaiiicu ninnlag out of Chicago cage , U4n the city oa liU return trip from Cheyenne. A. Overton leit yesterday fur Washing ton , to look after A claim ho has against the government for a liout destroyed dur ing the wnr. IOWA ITEMS. Creston wants a board of trade. Sioux City has harvested 20,000 tons of ice. There ate 10(5 ( children at the asylum at Glemvood. The coal Holds of Iowa cover an area of 18,000 square miles. There is u probability of introduc ing Hordia coaches in iiuilington. Ottumwa women find the small-pox scare there very convenient in gutting rid of trumps. The ice in the river at Sic ux City was strong enough to sustain loaded wagons laat Saturday , Scarlet fever prevails at Cedar Rapids and Cole college has beei closed in consequence thereof , A vein of coal seven feet two inches inches ii ) thicknons , at u depth of 130 foot , has been struck near Oskaloosa. The expenses of Keokuk county last year wore 931,031) ) , of which sum 89,008 , was expended for bridges. Mr. John V. Furwoll , of Chicago will address thu young men's mass mooting at Burlington Sunday after noon , A Dubuque company owning 0,000 , acrea of land near Spirit Luke , wil put in 4,000 acres of flax this comiiiL spring , Kookuk county paid 831,029.27 for all its oounty'expenso hist year , am of this § ,008.05 wus for the luxury o bridges. Dubuque and Burlington sehoo boards hnvo boon served with p-jpors in a suit for infringement of pntoti on folding scats used in the schools Last Thunday morning , u Mr. J ICronig , a dairyman , living a short dis tanco outside of the city limits of Dos Uoincs , wns ranking his rounds , ho | suddenly stricken by n stroke of I apoplexy nnd died in n few minutes hereafter. A young lady in Council Blufh who tad been vaccinated on ono of her owcir limbs , circulated thu report thnt she hnd recently become pos- letscd of a "legacy , " and her beaux > ccntno no numerous that she was compelled to toll them the joke. Iowa hui 22 ? coal mines in opera- ion , which produced during the con- SUB year 1,401,110 tons of coal , val ued nt § 2,507,453 , while 5,024 men were employed in said mines , whoqe wages aggregated $1.555,097. The report of the railroad commit * sinners show . that during 1881 , 108 lorpons were killed nnd 104 injured ipon Iowa railroads. Of these twc mfisengcrs and twelve employes wcro dlled from causes beyond their con trol , and five passengers nnd fifteen nnploycs from their own misconduct > r want of caution. Sixteen pnsson- rors nnd thirty-nine employes were njurod from causes beyond their own control nnd ono pauscngcr nnd 107 employes from their own misconduct or want of caution. Ono passenger and four employes werp killed nt stn- .ion or highway crossings , live pas- longors and eighteen employes steal- ng ridca , und twenty-eight passengers and twclvo employes trespassing on , rack. The commissioners rocom- nend an enactment to prevent people 'rom exposing themselves uselessly to langers from .valkintr on tracks. Tko Railroad Lands. JunUp Ilcportcr. Some eighty- five thousand acres of ho land originally granted to the St. 'lUil it Sioux City railroad company o aid in constructing a road from Sioux City to the north line of the Ute , has elapsed to thostato because if the failure of the company to build ho road within the specified time , 'ho State Register is in favor of the granting nnd using the sumo lands as iriginolly designed , to secure for the leoplo of the north-western portion if the state necessary railroad famil ies. In the language .of the llcgist- r , "And if they can bo used to gnin or them the introduction of a now ystem of railway into that part of the tate they should certainly have the shiinco.1' So says The Reporter , es- leciiilly the new system. Wo think t nbout time to use the public proper- y or domain for public purpose , and cease to make largo land tirnnts to irivuto corporations to construct rail ways for private profit. The land { rant referred to will go far toward constructing and cquiping the pro- > osed road. Would it not bo a wise hing to do , for the people , to take hose lands and build a road for them- lolves , for the public , nnd receive the uli benefits , as they should in every imo o a public nature , instead of ; iving away the public domain , or luhsidy of any character to corpora tion for private profit Let the poo- do or the government take control of nilway transportation of this country. ublic interest demand that the 'New System" be ndoptod. THE BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS. A Letter Written From the Field Five Days After the Qroat Fight. A gentleman near Guthno , Ky. , soiids Thu Courier Journal the follow ing letter , the original of which is in iis possession. It is "addressed to "Mnj. Abrom Maury , near Franklin Town. Tonn. , and reads as follows : "CAMP FouuMiLEsBELowOiiLKA&i , Jan. 13 , 1815. DEAU SIK : Since the iflair of the 8th inst. our army and thnt of the enemy have occupied their former positions. Their loss on that day was terrible , greatly exceeding what we had at first supposed it to bo From the most correct estimates which wo "havo since boon able to form , it exceeds 2,500. , I know thp world , will bo incredulous who'n they'hear the story that , with a force inferior in number , in discipline and in ( all the preparations for war , wo should have remained for twenty days on open plain , within cannon shot of such an enemy , and in ono engagement have repulsed them with so terrible a lessen on their part and so small a ono oh ours. I agree it is a case without any parallel in history , but bo assured it is nevertheless true. It has thrown the enemy into perplexity from which I believe they would bo glad to extri- cnto themselves , butknow not how. Whether they are nt present awaiting the arrival-of re-onforcomonts , or pre- paiing to return to their shipping and abandon an expedition so unfortunate in its beginning , I know not. This , however , is certain : A prut of the Hoot , among which are ono bomb and ono rocket-vessel , wasthroo days ago , just below our Fort of St. Phillips , seventy-five miles below this , mani fested a disposition to pass. All day yesterday we hoard u tremendous tir ing trom that quarter , and in u few hours expect to receive certain and important intelligence from there , in telligence upon which the futo of the expedition must greatly depend. The enemy before us however , are busily engaged in strengthening their posi tion , and still exhibits a very formid able forco. Wo have made thorn however - over , abandon several of'their bat teries and spike many of the cannon. Does not this point to a retreat ? If the enemy shall return to tl\oir ship ping without making any further at tempt I am bold to say this army wil have accomplished more than any other army over did in the same time under the same circumstances. It is true that their commandor-in-ohief , Sir Ed. Packingham , was killed in the action of the 8th , and Maj.-Gons. Koan and Gibbs badly wounded Gen. Lambent , a junior otlicor , is the person with whom Gen. Jackson haste to correspond. Admiral Cochrano , 'who is on shore and a inilo or two back , is much moro complaisant than ho was when in the Chesapeake ; ho seems disposed to agree to fair terms as to the exchange of prisoners , nnd in truth neither the land nor the naval forces have as yet boon guilty of any excesses hero. All the prison ers , by their looks and questions , expressed pressed their astonishment and ad miration at the resistance wo have made. I am , most respectfully , JOHN REED , "Adjt. Gen. to Gen. Jackson. " HATCHET MEN. The Secrete of the Ohee Kung Tong Society. How tun Mombon nrn Initiated Some of the Wino Saving * find HowTlioj' Plnn for Rnicnlity , When n Chinaman applies for ad mittance into Oheu Kung long and inquires its objects nnd benefits ho is told that it is a secret organization for the mutual protection ot thu Chinese , and that it is governed hy the wisest and best of moral laws and aims especially nt the elevation nnd im provement of its members. The in itiation fee is ton dollors , the society claiming to be maintained solely by subscriptions. In its temple is posted a series of twenty two itiles for the information of members nnd applicants for membership ; also u number of Chinese maxima , such us , * 'Wo are us bright us the sun , " "Wisdom is wealth , " "Instruct yourselves ere you teach otlnrs , " etc. On entering into the organization the Chinese FOILS IV KAlt AM , KlNDltKI ) , and henceforth become known as members of ono loving family , the ofliceis of the society being styled "mothers" nnd the members "chil dren. " Each Chinamanwhen admit ted into thu Chee Kung Tong is given a certificate of membership , composed of a strip of linen or .silk four inches wide by eighteen inches long , on which is the name of the member and the name of the society audits thirty- six Jaws or commanaments , embody ing all its minor principles. An or dinary knowledge of the Chinese language does not suffice for the full und coirect translation of these com mandments , which nre written in cipher and taught only to members of the society BY DEQUEES. One of the striking principles enun ciated in these commandments de clares that "wo shall defend and pro- ( ect our members , right or wrong. " Dho remaining commandments , so far as can ho ascertained , contain nothing very startling or acgretsive , but are deftly constructed for the apparent lurpcso of concealing their real moan- ng which ! s made known only to the nest advanced and trusted members > f Ghee Rung Tong , nnd is zealously copi from the knowledge of all oulsidu Darbarians. Several of the certificates iroviously described are now in the jossession of Officer Avan , who has akon them from members of the society whom ho has often hnd oc casion to arrest. A code of secret signals is in vogue between the jrothers of CHEE KUNO TONO , By the use of which they are enabled ; o Tocntmizc and communicate with ono another. The winding of the juoue around the neck it > u well com prehended and useful signal , nnd whenever un officer espies one of the brothers without his queue so fixed , prowling without one of the byways jf Chinatown , ho at once orders him to halt and throw up his arms while lie searches.him . for plunder , burglars tools or concealed weaponsA year sincj Cheo Kung Tong removed from Washington street into a new and elo- jaut temple locatnd on the cost side of Spofford alloy , south of Washing ton street. The temple was erected by the society , which purchased the lot on which it waa built at a total coat of nbout 815,000 , including the Furniture , etc. It is in 'this temple that the society holds ito its secret sessions and acts as a board ot arbi tration in nearly all cases of Chinese criminals. The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway company has now sold the balance of its lands east of DOB Moines river , nbout 30,000 acres in Kossuth , Palo Alto , Humboldt and Emmet counties , in Iowa , to N. 0. Froderickson and Valdomaro Hanson , of Chicago. Mr. Fredorickson , to gether with a gentleman from Mil waukee , sold lost year some 20,000 acres of land in Kossuth and Emmet Bounties to actual settlers , mostly Scandinavians and Germans. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOT10K. Special crtiscnionts , BUCh M Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In this column at the low ratool TEN CENT8 PER LINE ( or the llret Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINE ( or each subsequent Insertion. Leave advertisements at our office , Room t > , Everett's lllock , Broadway. KENT Three or ( our moms ( or light Foil tkociilntf , within two block ) of postomce bn < | ulro of Ur. najichett at U 1'eatl tit. ( U 2t \ \ ANTE I To rent A ten room houio In > ) soiiio good neighborhood or two sm viler houaci tide lit tide , Address I * . O. Uox 707. Council UUitT * , or applp at HKS otlko , Council BluH . Everybody in Council Dluff Ic WANTED Tim UEB. 20 cents per weak , de lUcrcd by carrier ) . Ofllce , Itoora 5 , Everett' * buy 100 tons broom corn. For particular * address Council Uluflf Broom Factory , Council Ulufle , Iowa. 66S-29K ANTED A tint-class broom tier. Mayne & Co. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. MO-SO * T710II SALE Old papers 40c per hundred , t X1 The Uee office. Council Bluffs. so27-U Tr\Q \ BUICK-MAKERS , FOR SALE t acres 01 I luorool land adjo'nlng the brickyard ol llanner & Hal'iei' on Upper Broa ay. For paittculan apply to DavlJ lulnu or to llanner's olllco at the Board o ( Trade roriua , Council Uluffs. ' TICKET OFFICE War In railroad SOTTEU'S continues to boom. Unprocixleiitcd rates to all eastern point * . K\ery ticket EUarantccd , OrJera fillixl by telephone. From one to ten dollars wx\ed by purchasing tlcktls ol 0. A. 1'otter , succoaaor to Potter & 1'aliuer , No , 40 South Filth street , ( our doors below tliu pout- olllco , Count 11 UluB , lowra. octl3-tl Hey , with pony , to carry paper * WANTED at BBI ortlce. Council UluBs. octIS-t ( Notice. Oulng to the Immense success ot the new Qelatlno OromWo Instantaneous Process at the Exceltlor Qallery , filth str et , Ooun ell Blulfs , the proprietor desires thc o ulshlni Children' * I'lctures to call between the Iiours o 10 and 12 o'clock a. m. , u owing to the Press of Business such arrangement U necessary to aV ° * ' - J. DARKE , Proprietor ACTS WORTH KNOWING. "Good morning , Mr. Jones , You seem in good humor this morning. " "Yes , I have been to the BOSTON TEA STORE , and find anything and every thing I want , OF FIRST QUALITY AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. I tell you , I can Save Money K > W out of my salary , and Live ? irat-01asa too. It pays to go there. " "Where did you say it wat ? " BOSTON TEA OOMFT FINE GROCERS. IB Iain St. and 15 Pearl St , OOUN'OIL BLUFFS , JA. ( Gasoline Stove. ) . Xt. STOVES , TIN WARE , SHEET IRON WAKE , 331 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , la. DON'T FA L TO SEE THE STOCK OP W. W. J3UOHANAJST DIAMONDS , WATCHES , REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. 202 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , H. H.JUDSON , DRY GOODS 405 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORKS , MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY Office and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Wo gt\o special attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , ROISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GBNBRA.Ii REPAIR WORK will receive prompUnttentlon. A general as- Bortmcnt ol * Brass Goods , Belting , Fining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Coke , Coal , OHAS. HRND-II , MA.URER & O ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Cut Glass , Fine French China , Silver Ware 6tc. , 810 BKOAPWAT , UUIIKUIi. ULUFKH , IO > VA. Drs. Woodbury & Son , 1 xJOEiiffirxEirrs , Cor. 1'rarl & l t A > u. COUNCIL 1)LUF1 > 3. W. 8. AMENT. JACOB &I1I8. AMENT & SIMS , Attorneys & Counsollors-at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. KELLEY & M'CRACKEN , Marble and Granite , North Fifth St. , Council Blufff W. W. SHERMAN , , MANUFACTUHKH OF ROAD , TRACK , COACH & LIVER1 USS Fine Work a Specialty. wu. cimisTOPHEn , : 124 South Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. My Harness are Manufactured from A I Oak Tanned Leather. I Sell My Goods at Bed Rock Prices. Or ders from abroad receive prompt attention. J. MUELLER'S Jmckering , Weber. Liindeman , J. Mueller JP and other Pianos , $200 and upward. Burciott , Western Cottage , ; Tabor and Paloubet Organs , $50andupward. Musi IM : cal Merchancise of every discription. Italian Strings a specialty ; imported direct. Music Books , Sheet-Music , i'oys , Games , Fancy Goods , Wholesale and Re TT tail. Pianos and Organs sold for Cash and on Time. Stock is large , full and com plete. iVusical Journal tree on applica s tion. Correspondence Solicited. Address : O J. MUELLER , i 103 South 5th Street. o IE COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. BOWMAN , ROHREB & CO. , Storage and Commission Merchants , PURCHASING AGENTS Ann Dealers In all kinds ol Produce. Prompt attention given to all consignments. NOS. 22 , 24 AND 20 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. "W. WILL Sl'l'I'l.V ON S'lOHT NOTICE Cut Flowers , Greenhouse i-nd Vegetable Plants In their ecaton. OrOcis pronpMj filled urd dnhtitt ] to KXJIICM clliud free of cliarjjc. Send for Cat iloRUe. DEALER IN PAPER , BOOKS : STATINERY , COUNCI , BLUFFS , IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Buyer and Shipper of Grain and Provisions Orders solicited in Iowa and Nebraska. REFERENCES. - Firet National Bank , Stewart Bros. , Council Bluffs ; William P ; Harvey & Co. , Culver & Co. , Chicago ; E. A. Kent & Co. , St. Louis. METCALF BROS. , WHOLESALE DEA-FUS IV Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED , ooxrjxroxx. REAL ESTATE AGENT , Has For Sale , Town Lots. Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands , and a number or Weil Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MAYNE over Savings Bank , - COUVOIL BLUFF * B1XBY & WOOD , PLUMBERS , STEAM AND GAS FITTERS Gas Fixtures , Bath Tubs , Marble Slabs . Brasa Goods , Iron and Lead Pipe , Fittings , and Pumps , Kept in Stock. No. 7 Fourth St. , COUNCIL BLUFl T WE CAltKY THE LABfiCBT STOCK OP PINE BOOTS IS HOES , Slippers , Etc. , Within One Hundred and Fifty-Miles of Council Bluffs. All Mail Orders Promptly Attended To and Highly Appreciated , OUR PRICES ARE VERY LOW. Call and See Our NEW SPRING STOCK > which has Begun to Arrive. Z. 'T. ' LINDSEY & 0 . , 412 BROADWAY , COUNCIL P.LUFFS , IOWA , And WEST SIDE SQUARE , CLARINDA , IOWA.