Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1882, Image 1

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Yesterday's Proceedings in the
Senate and House ,
Committee Report in Favor of
Making a New Cabinet
' That Gentleman to Hare Charge
of the Agricultural
.Details of Several Meatures
About to Come Before Con
gress for Action.
.MUoallaneon * Note * of National
, Ghnraoter.
WAHUINOTON , D. C. , February 13.
'Tho chair laid before the senate n
resolution of the national board of
trade favoring the return of the bal
ance of the Japanese indoinnityaftor )
the payment of actual damages \ sus
tained American citizens.
by j , * ,
Mr. Dawos called up Mr. Pendlo-
ton's competitive examination" bill
and delivered a sot speech on civil
service reform , and spoke until 3
o'clock. Ho commended the syatum
in vogue in the Now York poatoffice ,
and urged its general adoption.Thu
evil of the protont system of appoint t
ments , ho saidt had assumed such
gigantic proportions that present con-
oorn for our institutions demanded a
change in the direction sought by the
Mr. Pondleton explained jfartnin
provisions of tho.bill which had been
criticized by Mr. Dawos , and contend
ed thut the appointment of the com.
mission it calls for would bo to the
interest of impartiality nnd for the
benefit of both these who mite and
seek appointments.
The senate wont into executive session -
-sion at 3:12 : and adjourned at C:15 :
p. m.
A resolution calling on the secre
tary of wr for correspondence and
papers regarding improvement of the
Chicago harbor passed.
The committee on contested elec
tions reported in favor of giving more
time uud money in the contest of
Cook vs. Cults , Sixth Iowa district.
A bill authorizing the payment of
moneys duo census employes to per
sons who advanced the same on cer
tificates passed.
Mr. Herbert introduced an amend-
.ment to the constitution making the
membership 325.
lha , following , bills , "were intro
duced tvf T * Mrf. . * 4 - ii + * 4sftk .
By Mr. Ellis , to survey a roufte for
-a ship canal from the Mississippi
-above New Orleans to New Orleans.
By Mr. Reed , authorizing the
ireasury to pay lost coupons.
By Mr. Carlisle , reducing the inter
nal revenue tax on distilled spirits to
50 cents a gallon extended per cent ,
and permitting giving annual ware
house bonds. This is the Distillers'
association bill.
By Mr. Payson , to prevent a polygamist -
lygamist from holding oflico in any
The bill was favorably reported
from the committee on agriculture
making the head of the department
of agriculture a cabinet officer , organ
izing bureaus of agricultural products ,
animal industry , lands and agricultu
ral statistics , the duties being to
gather facts and figures relating to
these subjects. .
The house at 2:30 : p. m. resumed
consideration of the apportionment
bill , Mr. Prescott giving notice that
ho would at the end of six hours' debate -
bate call for the previous question.
Discussion continued pro and con un
til 3:30 : , when , without any notion on
the bill , the house adjourned.
The number of bills introduced to
day is 185 ; total number to date , 4,424.
National Aoaociatod I'rosw.
WASHINGTON , February 13 A
largo delegation of Virginians re
publicans and readjustors-aro here
to urge the president to appoint John
Ambler Smith , ex-congressman , as
solicitor of the treasury. The president -
dent knows the Virginia coalition
movement is the strongest way of
breaking the solid south. Smith being -
ing the first southern lawyer pressed
'for such a position , many southern
lawyers support him.
The following ia the substance of
'the bill relating to ship canals intro
ducod by Mr. Lord in the hoiuo tn
day : -The bill defi.ios the jurisdiction
of the United States ever certain ship
canals and directs the secretary of war
to provide all necoasary rules and regulations -
ulations for their management as to
the passage of vessels , and the general
order in which these public
work * shall bo conducted and
their afUirs administered. The
bill also provides that tht < secretary of
war shall provide al } needful regula
tions us to tlm keeping of said works
in order and repair , and also to pro-
ttict them from all projected works of
private enterprise that may appear to
imperil the use of said works and for
thu removal of any existing works , if
any , that interferes with the naviga
ble interest of such works. The bill
provides for thu management of ship
canala at Biult St. Marie , St , Olmr
Flats , DCS Moinea , the Louisville it
Portland canal , around Muscle shoals ,
Ala. , thu canal around the cascade on
the Columbia in Oregon , and any and
all such works aa are , or may be built
.for the improvement of navigation ,
* a
U'he bill introduced iu the houM
this afternoon by Mr. Carlisle re
duces the tax on distilled spirits to
CO cents per gallon , places a limit on
the period in which spirits may re.
mnin in bond , and provides thu dis
tillers m.iy file bond on May 1st each
for the entire yrar , instead of giving
n now bond as at present , stating the
largest sum ho intended to store in
the warehouse during thu year and
giving a bond of 81,000 whore
the proposed quantity docs not
exceed fifty barrels and increasing
in n graduated scale , fixing the sun :
of the bond for 30,000 barrels nl
910,000 , but no warehousing bond
to exceed that sum. It providea for
special bonded warehouses to bo under -
dor the control of the collectors of in
ternal rovoinio , and in the joint cus
tody .of the proprietor and store
keeper , and only opened in the presence
once of both ; spirits to bo placed it
the special warehouse to bavoaspecia
tamp affixed before withdrawal fron
an ordinary warehouse. A spocia
tamp is also provided for spirits
withdrawn from the warehouao to bo
exported. The puniahment providec
for a failure to place spirits in r
special warehouse when withdraw. :
for the purpose is from $200 to $550
fine and imprisonment from three
months to three years , The limit ol
"outage" allowed for evaporation and
leakage in a bonded warehouse1 is
gallon -for two months , 3 gallons for
ono year , CJ for two yeara , 7 $ for
three years , "and n gradual increase
until 13Acallous for eight years
which ia made the limit which
may bo allowed as "outage. " Import
duties on French brandy and cordials
is fixed at $1.50 per gallon , the present
ont rate of tax to bo reduced when
Franco shall pace [ her duty on Aineri
can spirits at as low n rate aa enjoyed
by another country. No spirits to bo
distilled on any premises other than a
regularly organized distillery. The
act to take effect August 1st , 18t > 2.
Secretary Folger this afternoon c-
o-ifcd the reignations f Solon L.
.Norton nnd D. S. Skeon and dia-
eh.ugul D.iiiiol G. Hatch , three em
ployes of the treasury department im
implicated in the management of the
superintendent's oflico under Pitney.
Harry A. Cobaugh , captain of the
watch , was also requested to resign
several days ago , but ho has brought
powerful influence to his aid and the
probabilities are that ho will remain
iwhilo longer.
Mr. DAVIS , of Illinois , introduced
in the house this afternoon a resolu
tion calling on the secretary ot war
[ or the correspondence regarding the
encroachments upon the Chicago har
bor , and the proposed intervention by
the United States engineer's oflice ,
with the appeal made to the secretary
of war for the further permission to
invade the harbor. The resolution
also requests the secretary to transmit
to the house a statement showing the
encroachments upon United Statee
property east of Michigan avenue and
louth of the Chicago river , and to
vJiat wljqm
erly has been encroached upon.
The marsh lands near Toledo , O. ,
advertised to be sold to-day were not
sold , private parties having taken un
appeal from the commissioner of the
general land oflico to the secretary of
ho interior. If the secretary confirms
ho commissioner's decision the sale
will take place February 23.
The Evening Critic to-night charges
.hat subpuiim , on which three star to
routn witnesses came hero und testi-
ied before the ar.uid jury , wore for-
; erios , and that rcc-'iit postoflico ofli-
iials flooded thu vu stern country with
he same , simply because the signed
) lanka furnished had given out and
; huy deemed it best not to call for too is
many authenticated subpcunas.
The Sioux City & Pacific railroad
company completed their road in 180 ! )
and in 1870 claims to have sold land
; rantcd to it under the acts of July
1st , 1802 , and July 2d , 18C4 , to the
Missouri Land company. Under a
section of the act of July 1st , 18C2 ,
curtain parties claim the right to pre in
empt tracts of said granted lands thut
were not sold within three years from
: ho date of completion of the road
and that had not been patented to
the company. CommiNsionor Mc-
Farland , of the general land oflico ,
has decided that it is not necessary to
consider whether the lands were solder
or disposed of within thu moaning of
said section , BB the company was com
pelled to sell or dispose of these lands
within three years from thu comple
tion of the road , and that as said
lands wore not sold within said speci-
iiod period , applicants will be allowed
to enter thorn under the provision of
said section.
The Snow in Norn Scotia-
National Anodated Vraw.
HALIFAX , November 13. There- Qjn
cent anew atorm has demoralized the Cl
mail service. . No mails have been re
ceived from the east ninco the 30th ti
ultimo. The city delivery , in moat titl tiI
cases , iij being made on show ahooa tl
Some of the drifts are from 25 to 3C tlC tln
feet high. C
Foot Race Off.
! AntiocUtfxl v
NatUna vfi
CHICAGO , February 13. The con fitl fih
templated foot race , 135 yards , glOOC tl
a side , between Uowon Smith , of tlb
Pittsburg , and the Unknown , backed
by Sam Shields , waa to-day declared
off , and the forfeit money withdrawn.
Disagreement on the choice of a
referee is the cause of the breaking up
of the match.
Body Found.
National AwoclaUxJ
KKOKUK , Iowa , February 13. The
remains of Uonning Douds , the only
victim of the War Eagle disaster oi
the 4th of November , have been tound
at Taylor's Landing , ton miles below
Hannibal. The body wan much de
composed from the time it remained
in thu water.
Veunor and Snow.
National Asaoclatod flew.
MONTREAL , February 13. Vonnor
says thut the week will terminate witl
widespread snow atorm , blockading
western suctions and reaching aouth
ward to Washington.
So Say the Coroner's Jury in
Their Verdict ,
Brut > 1 Murder of a Blind Old
Man by a Lazy
Scoville Back in Washington
Getting His Bill of Excep
tions Ready.
Further Revelations Concern
ing' the Adrian Water
Bond Swindle.
Misoallanooni Now * of Grime * aad
Criminal ! .
WASHINGTON , February 13. The
coroner's jury in the Sotoldo.inquest
brought in a verdict that that A. M.
Sotoldo came to his death from s
pistol shot wound inflicted by a pisto !
in the hands of his brother , A. 0. So-
teldo. The coroner committed A. 0.
Soteldp to await the action of the
grand jury.
NEWCOMKRSTOWN , Ohio , February
13. Ono of the most shocking mur
ders ever committed in Tuscarawas
county was committed in Newport , S
miles east of this city vestorday. El
der Harmon bcc.imo angered at his
uncle John Harmon , who ia nearly 80
years af ago , and began a brutal as
sault with a club , The aged man being -
ing totally blind and helpless could
not escape his infuriated nephew , who
dealt him blow after blow , crushing
the skull and pounding his face into
a jelly. The mutdorer , who ia only
20 . years of age , loft his victim and
fled the country. He became angry
with his uncle because the latter
charged him with laziness. The most
intense excitement prevails through
out the country and it is thought
young Harmon will bo lynched if
NKW YORK , Fobruar. 13.--Alder
man William Stearns , of the Adrian
( Mich. ) common council , who came to
Now York to assist in the investfga-
tion in regard to the supposed i
[ ur issue of bonds on the city of
Adrian , viaitud the oflice of thu Union
Trust company on Broadway to-day ,
and consulted with the officers of the
company as to what ia best to be done
n the matter. Mayor Navin ,
of Adrian , who , it was hoped ,
would come to this city
ind explain the matter ,
las not yet put in an appearance , and
, | io suspicion gains ground that he a
'ears the result of impending develop
ments. At a meeting to-day of the
Union -Trust company affairs were
talked over. The tact that'thu'cor-
was easily explained , us tlio seal stood
on the mayor's desk. It is further
decided that the signatures of
Judge Howell and Mr.
Charles Wood were forgeries ,
thus freeing thorn from complicity in au
thu matter. All things considered , it
was finally decided that the Trust
company should hand over the cash
thu bankers and they should deliver
the bogus bonds to Alderman Stearns ,
who will take them to Adrian to bu
used as evidence against Navin when
he is caught ,
WASHINGTON , Fobiuary 13 Sco-
ville returned to this city to-day , and
busy preparing the bill of excep
tions in the Guitouu case. Ou ox- ,
pi'cts to complete it this week , and
will then go to Chicago on personal
COLUMBUS 0. . Goodtn
, , February 13. Good- .
rich and Gwynno , the two imbeciles
charged with arson in firing the inibo
cile asylum , were bound over to court
the sum of $3,000 each.
W. A. Crouch was brought from
Sagiii'iw ' , Mich , , on a requisition and
bound over to-day for obtaining pho
tographs from L. M. Baker on pre
tense of taking a view of the mill in a [ '
village near hure.
PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , February 13.
Charles Dorr , superintendint of
distribution to sub-atationa at the
poatoflico , was arrested this evening
on the charge of embezzling letters.
When arrested a "decoy" letter was
found concealed in his clothing. Thu '
amount of his stealing cannot yet bu
BLOOMINGTON , III. , February 13.
This morning parties in the vicinity
of the fairgrounds discovered alario ;
sized United States mail bag near the
road. It had been cut 6pon and thu
contents with the exception of a few
papers gone. The bag was brought
to town and left with thu postmaster.
Upon investigation it was found that
the bag had como up on Saturday at
night's mail from St. Louis on the
Chicago & Alton , being destined for
Carrollton , on the Kansas City di
vision of the above road. Mail trans
fer was made at thu Union depot
here , and while on a truck it is
thought the bag was made way v ith
by robbers. No clew to the thieves.
STANVORU , Ky. , February 13.
John Shanks , a wealthy old man , GG
yeara of ngoliving near Crab Orchard ,
was found by u fiervant this morninu
murdered in bin stable , The wound
had been inflicted by a shot gun and
the supposed object was robbery ,
GALVKMTON , Tex , , February 13.
Near Laredo yesterday two aniugglore
named Argondingnie , shot and Killed
two grass cutters whom they suspect
ed of stealing their goods.
Office shot and killed Elizardt
and another horse thief near Los
DEOATUH , 111. , February 13. Bui o
Ledluw and A. Woisenger bavo been I
sentenced to hang at Solim for inurb
CINCINNATI , February 13. William ( !
Johnson , aged 25 , of dissolute habits ia
separated from bin wife , wus foum
murdered , uhot through the heart , iu
a suburb county , No clue to the
OitiOAdo , Fobrunry 13. The core
nar's verdict In the case of the myn
torious dentil of Jake Ransom al
Kinsdalo. decides it was murder , al
though all thu circumstances point to
suicide. It seems the deceased had
insurance on his itfonnd , nahis family
were in want , owing to his disastrous
speculations on thu board of trade , the
jury were influenced to declare it wai
murder to save the insurance money
to the family and tliodecoasods repu
tation. So it is all ended ,
SuUivnn Bcnton
Nttloi 1 AwocUUd t'irxi.
CiiiOAOO , February 13. Sporting
men are nil on the broad grin over the
fact that Standing Dear , the noted In
dian chief now bore , dufe.itud John L.
Sullivan , the champion pugilist , in a
game of fifteen ball pool the other eve
The Unitarian "Ho rotlo" Fired Out
NfctlonM Au4cUt I Treat.
CHICAGO , Fobrunry 1J ! , The ex
citcment in religious circles for thu
past few weeks over the expressed at
titude of Rev George C. Mill ) , p.istor .
of the Unity Unitarian church , in his
complete avowal of agnosticism , ant
his declination to ntlirm positively the
doctrine of immortality , finally culmi
nated this evening by the ttuitoos o !
his church formally dismissing him
Irom his charge by a vote of 118
to 38.
Panto in the Cotton
National Aooclatoj Proas.
NEW OII'LK.VNH , February 13. The
wildest excitement prevailed on the
cotton exchange to-day , owing , to thu
aharp decline in futures ot 3D points.
Thu following cotton factors suspend
ed ; Poyno& Green , Lewis it Williams ,
Manchester & Quackonbimh , J. A.
Latitto , 0. L. Walker , Williams ,
Pincknrd & Co. , and several others
: iavo boon badly crippled. Total lia
bilities probably § 250,000. Total
sales to-day ou exchange 120 , 800 bales.
Peruvian News.
national An t.vl < vU-il I'rev. .
PANAMA' , Vflbruary 13. - It ia ru
mored that Montoro has been hung
> y his own men in Cajamurca A
spirit of revolution prevails all over
L'eru against the present 1'oKivian lo
cal government , and this spiritvo.jU803
i general lack of opposition ugali. the
, ho continued encroachments of the >
Dhilca'is , and documents have been
discovered signed by u large number
of Peruvians ode ring to turn over the
department of Copiasao to the Argen
tine Republic if the latter will aide
vith Peru. The Chileans arrested
wo of Montero'a ministers at Yon-
The Chilean papers publish charges
connecting Uurlbut and Adams with
gigantic Peruvian mining enterprise.
National AuomUxl I'ruas.
ZAMESVILLE , WiaiFebruary ' 13.
J rry Bros , . ' % Syl' 's , brjokj'xdryuig
louse , close to"a largo iur/ifture'ulub-
ory , burned to-diiy , with a largo
juantity of walnut lumber.
OI.KAN , N. Y. , February 13.The
ire has been confined to three tanks
and no further danger is apprehended.
? o oatimate has been made of the
038. f
Small Pox
Jntloiml Assoclatitl I'roat.
ST. PAUL , February 13. A lur b
lumber of cases of small pox haVe
discovered nour St. Cloud. The
ounty commissioners have decided to
nforco quarantine laws in all cases
loroaftor reported ,
CHICAGO , February 13. Twenty
oaths from small pox last wook.
PiTTSiiuua , Pa. , February 13. The
mall pox epidemic seems to have
aken a now stare with the disagree
able weather of the past few daya.
twenty-two new cases are reported in
his city and BOVOII in Allegheny to
Marino Intelligence.
National ABootlntod Trow.
LONHON , February 13. The ship
iVestorn Empire foundered at sea.
'ho crow have reached Fulmouth.
NKW YOUK , February 11. Arrived
The Mosol from Bremen.
ANTWEIIV , February 13. Sailed
On thu 10th , the Wnesland for Now
HAVUE , February 13. Sailed -On
ho 1'Jth , the Cambria from Hamburg
'or Now York ,
LivuurooL , February 13. Arrived
Tile GUI manic from New York.
PLYMOUTH , February 13. Arrived
The Suovia from Now York for
Elootrlo Light In a Church.
National Aaaoclatod rout
February 13 The
electric light was introduced
Christ's Episcopal church , which is
believed to be the first church in the
country to adopt the new ntylo cl
Indication * .
National Auodated I'ru t.
WAHHINOTON , February 14. For
thu lower Missouri valley : Warm ,
fair weather , winds , mostly boutl
lower pressure. ,
Savngo Dos & 4 a Petldlor.
National Awoclatod 1'rcxu. .
JACKKON , Miss. , Fehruary 13. A
peddler entered the yard of Isaac
Brumfleld , near Summit , on Saturday
against the -naming of Mrs. Brum
field. Savage dogs attacked thu peddler
dlor and tore him to pieces.
Women Run Orer and
INDIANA i-OLiH , February 13. Twi
women were run over and killed this
evening while walking on thu Be
Line track near lirtyhtwood , tboi
bodioH being mutilated almost beyoni
recognition. Their names are Cuth
erhio Doty , widow , agei38 , and Jul
Sonnet , married , aged 35. Mra
Doty loaves two children and Mm
Sennet lo ? oi four ,
Qenoral News that Oamo Over the
Cable last Night ,
England Still Harping on Her
"Control" of Egyptian
The Austrian Troops in Bosnia
Siiid to bo Suffering Terri
bly from Cold.
Panic in the Spuuiiu Mnrbotn nnd
Coronation of the Cinr.
LONDON , February 14. The idon-
tie notes of the English and French
governments sent to thu signatory
powers , while admitting the sultan's
rights in Egypt , also claim that the
powers have a aharu in her financial
MADRID , Fobrunry 13 , A panic
occurred on the exchange to-day on
rumors that there would bo general
resistaficu to the new taxation scheme ,
and funds foil from 20 to 27. Bank
of Spain shares foil trom 451 to 442.
Official coutr.utiotion of the runiora
this evening caused it rally , and thu
market closed steady.
VIKNNA , February 13. Austrian
troops ill Bosnia are suffering
terribly from cold. Thuro is great
want of fuel and water , and nt least
ono-half of thu men are on the sick
ST. I'KTKitaiiuiHi , February 13.
Important preparations are making at
Moscow for the coronation of the czar.
Rnilrond Mutters.
N tlotml AxfoclatoJ I'rcffl.
NKW Yonic , February 13. The advisory -
visory commission , composed of Thus.
M. Cooley , of Michigan ; Alton G.
Thnrman , ot Ohio , and Elilui B.
Washburne , of Illinois , appointed by
the officers of ( ho Trunk line railroads
to consider the question of duffurential
rates to bu referred to them , mot to
day in CommibBioncr Fink's office to
talk over plans of operations. They
will hear the chamboiH ut' commerce
and produce exchange.- tlm dilferont
cities or merchants intereitod on the
subject of tr.tiiiiportaUiM. The comvr
mission sat in secret season nnd in
formation of the proceedings is refused
th'b press.
CifcCAOu , February 13. The West
ern eabaiation of general passenger
and tickoVagents will hold an ad
journed meeting on Thursday at the
Grand Pacific hotel The object of
the meeting ia priueipai..y ' to ditcusi a
restoration of r.itua , this matter hav
ing been deferred at the annual meet
ing in St. Louis last week bccaitao of
its non-representation of u largo nutn-
bor of prominent lines of the uaaooia /
WINNEPKO , Man. , February 13.
The Southwestern railwuy ti'oublo' a 'W
half of Hugh Sutherland , entered ,
suit against Schultz , l'o v , and other ex
original ahuruholdors of the company , trj
to recover a portion of $125,000
which Pew and Schuliz are alleged to
have received from Mr , Villard. An
other suit was also entered by Biggs
for the Oregon Transportation coin-
> any , as utaignoea of Villard , against Gt
'ow , Brown and 308 shares of stock
f the Southwestern , which it ia ul-
oged Pew hold as agent of Villnrd
nd refused to tratiafer to him.
Lake Navigation Opened. aa
atlonul AnKOclaUxl I'rorv , . an
CIIICAOO , February 13. The first lit
essol out of this port since nuviga- ItK
ion closed last lull left last night tor K
rluskegon , and will bring back a load tl.tli
of lumber. This is the earliest open- tli
ng of navigation over known in Chi- fuw
ago. fuN
JDamoued. of
V.lotinl Associate. . ! I'nw. ofas
VioKHiiuiio , Misn , February 13. asai
Juptain ( ie'jrgc W. Lennox , of the tr
3ity of I'rovidonca , reports a break trof
n the levee at Trotter's landing on ofHi
ho MifiMt-sippi opposite Helena , Ark , Hiki
'here in a rnnaround and tbu duniugu kicl
H not yet Bcrious , The Hushupucku- ft
y that was reported broken in still It
utuct , but sustains very heavy daiiv- ItK
go. The levee at Helena is also
hreutuned , hut a heavy force is. at tl
work on it. tld tld
> 8oar Wlido ou GkioagoVi Wa.tor d
Tawcr. o
National AwocUtoil 1'ruir. , tld
CHICAGO , February 13. Osciir d
Wilde delivered a lecture this evening
at Central Music. Hall to a very Inrgu
audience , and was accorded the niosA
respectful hearing of any city yet vis-
tea. His theme was "Tho English
Itennaissanco , " ' but ho only alluwlod
jrielly to the revival of English Mt ,
and soon turned his attoutiou to
American art and indulged iu. luany
lovero criticisms on incongouitiealato-
y coming under his oye. Ho men
tioned that the high stone to > vur of
ho Chicago water weaks , u piece
of architecture of which thu city is
> roud , waa appropriate aft a Uiudiiovul
; ostlo , but as a water tower Uia style
was too utterly out ot place.
Death of an Old
National At oclatcxl I'rcui.
PizTtiAvno , February 13. JuiJy
I'owull ( colored ) dLud horci to-dny > i
thu advanced ugft o US. Thin uoouib
[ un nuthentui casej. Shoeaiuo to
thin city forty-live yo ra ago uud was
then an old WCMUUIU For twenty one
ur she hua been a peimionui of thu
poor board , Shu has a son living in
this city who is known to bu82 years
of age.
LONDON , February 14. The over
due AlUn bU'uuiahip Sardinian hua
boeu reported in u helpless condition ,
her rudder being damaged.
' 'The Commodore "
Jiuieh ] ) L , Foote , the toininodoro , Kl ( { n.
111. , oayH TIIQUAH' Ut'i.Ecriuo OIL cured
him ot ROlatluu with ono npphcatlou , thor
oughly niiiillod. It also cured him of a
nuverecoia vnd cough , He thinks It u
ver\ valuable reuiody , and will never ho
without , it , 14-lw
Communication Dotwoon Now Yorlc
untl Distant CiUos DllUcul-
cultlos In the Way
Curloua llosult of
Kronlnj Tost.
A reporter of The Evening Post
called upon Mr. O. L , Wiley , the
manngbr of the Metropolitan Telephone -
phone Company , nnd Mr. 0. E.
Uhinnook , iU electrician , with a view
to oacorUuninn ho-vsoon telephonic
communications might bo expected
between Now York and cities as far
away as Philadelphia , or oven Boston.
According to these gentlemen , regu
lar tolophoniu communication will ha
made with cities aa far away as two or
throe hundred miles just as soon aa
there is n aulllciont demand to mike
it worth while for the telephone com
panies to go to the expense of erect
ing poles and running wires. There
are certain obstacles yet in the way ,
but it is thought that they will bo
overcome within a short time. Our
Now York company's territory only
extends within a radius of thirty miles
of New Yook , and us its wliolo energy
has been devoted to extending nnd
perfecting the ayatomwithin that aro.v ,
little attempt mw been made to run
its wires uutuido. Nevertheless , the
managers admit that the time is fast ,
coming when it will pay the telephone
companies to make connection be
tween distant cities , nnd many electri
cians are at work upon the problem of
doing uw y , or at least lessoning the
obstacles in the way of making tele
phonic cominunicuuons between dis
taut noims au perfect aa it ia within
city limits.
The chief obstacle in the way i * due
to induction , one electric wire in-
lluonciiiR another to auch an extent
that , the sounds become confused.
The sensitiveness of a telephone wire
to outside and often distant electric
influences is extraordinary ) It has
luen repeatedly proved that two tol-
< phone wires approach within forty
; eot of each other at any point of their
irouit n conversation sunt over one
iviro can , under certain conditions , bo
loard in the instruments attached
to the other wiro. It has oven been
inserted on good authority that when
Slailia Gray sent cornet musio by to.-
> phone from Chicago to tituinway
[ lull in 1878 some of the music was
leurd ( in the telephones in Elizabeth ,
N. J. , the wires of which did not
como within a mile of the Chicago , md-
tfow , York wire over which the musio
was sent. Another extraordinary in-
Bianco of the sensitiveness of tele-
ihones to musical sounds occurred
iwt summer when the Weatern Union
3ompanj was testing Cray's harmonic
tiansmittor , which consists of an up-
mratus whereby several messages are
sent on different notes of the musical
scale over the wire , the noUo made by
the instrument resembles that of an
/Eolian harp. Every tolophoneof the
u'.ree thousand instruments in Now
York' ; os more or leas affected , and in '
some instruments the sound ot music
musio with which the oporatonttri'Hho
exchange , or central offices of the dis wi
tricts , amused themselves.
. . . alt
Gov. St. John ot Kansas Denounced
Gov. Robinson na "tho Greatest at
Liar of the Ago. "
Chlcixg0 Timci.
Governor 8t John , of Kansas , woke at
up the wrong passenger when ho as-
Bailed u predecessor , Gov. Robinson ,
anent his declaratian that the prohibi
tion law in Kansas waa a failure , ait
ItobiiiBon sought no controversy.y
Known and trusted by his friends ut
the . east , his opinion was asked as to
the advisability of subscribing to the
fund of $50,000 which the govornon
was asking from the prohibitionists at
Now England to aid the enforcement QI
the law. Ho answered , , giving , it
bin opinion that prohibition wim
accomplishing no oed ; on , thu con
trary , that it waa the fruitful parent
many evils. The letter was pub-
lihliud in a Boston paper without his
knowledge or consent , and probably
chilled contributions to the St. Johu
fund. The governor retorted in a
letter to an eastern religious paper
decrying Hobinson and declaring the
Kansas law a boon. The result is
that Robinson.has carefully collected
data showing beyond question that
drunkenness and the primes growing ,
out of it are incroiiaimr in Kamma ;
that the law has reunited in the widely
diffused establishment of illicit place *
of sale ; that it is enforced unevenly
xnd imjuisitorially , atid that general
ly under its opernitwn , Kansas ia neb
in near as good nhapo as it was under
thu license system. He quotes from ,
the local newspaper press which clam
ored for the law. and aeeing its ini
quitous operation now clamor for its
repeal , and ho manmala annisa of facts
which Governor- . .ToLa will be able
to explain away , AH thu governor
wiuitomly attacked and uiisrepruntod
Robinapn boouuap he had expressed
11. conviction which it U easily aeon
was siiiceru and well formed Kobinaon
may be pa/doned fur concluding his
letter , wltk. thin thrust at his opponent :
"When . lie chooses * to characterize
persons who are entirely out of thu
roach or desire for public oftico , ab
copjiorlveads and wluskyitcs , it may
bo indor to let the world know thut
this man , ut homo , by very many of
our boat citizens , ia regarded aa the
greatest liar of the age , and IIB 0110
who will sacrifice principal of nuy
kind should ho olmnuo to have any ,
for the Baku of acquiring oflico.1
YOUNQHTOWN , O. , Aug. (5 , 1881.
SIUH ; Your Safe Diabutca Cum not
only removed the prominent r mp.
toins of diubutta with which I hr < d long
uulTered , but restored inn to f.ull and
perfect honlth.
Cull at HIOKMAN'S ' and BOO those
' 'MoTitBii liuuuAitn'V Collurotta they
are the latest. ' fobO-iU
"UNCLE ' "
Great Success of the O. H.
Smith Double Company.
Boyd'i Opera Hondo Packed to
"Standing room only , " was the
sign hung out at the box office before
the hour of opening the entertain
ment last evening , in Boyd's opera
house , which before that hour was
packed with the largest audience that
over assembled to witness any play in.
this city. Not a seat wan to bo had
for love or money and many came to
the door at the usual hour of opening
and returned homo because they
not obtain scats.
Thu confidence of thu public wan.
not misplaced , for the Double Undo
Tom's Cabin company woi equal to
the occasion and produced the famous
drama aa it never before was put on
the boards in Omaha. The play aa
produced by 0. H. Smith's company
ia changed in many respects from the
old version , the most noteworthy in
novation by the introduction into tile-
play of two Topsys , two Marks and
two donkeys , and the character of
"Gumption Cute , " in the fourth act.
The throe Sherwood sisters ,
Blanche , Florence and Romano , are
a trio that would bu hard to beat.
Blanche is thu youngest Topsy and
little Uoniane the youngest Eva that
ever appeared in the play , and cer
tainly have no superiors in their re
spective roles. The former ia a grace
ful dancer and has a tine conception'
of hoc part , which she carries out
well ; the latter is a lovely little Miss
of less yearn than the fingers of ono
hand. Her voice is admirable , her
manner sweet and child-like , and she
ia u singer of remarkable power for
ono so young. Miss Florence ap
peared especially well in the rope
dunce , which elicited hearty applause.
Sam Lucas , as Undo Tom , has no
equal ] and his specialty nongs wore im
mense , bringing down the house for a
half dozen encores. Ho is the best
colored singer on the road.
Mr. Cyrus Stuart was a genuine St ,
Claire , , and filed that role in a man
ner that added greatly to the perfect
ull'ect of the play in general.
Miss Lou Luighton was a charming
Eliza and exalted thut part into one
jf more tbuii usual interest , while
Miss. Alice Lucre , ns Emetine , waa
pur excellence.
Frank Tanuehill , as Simon Lcgreo ,
Messrs. English and Connor as the
lawyers Marks , and. Mr. Clias E. Wil
liams us Phineas Fletcher , were all
excellent. Mr. E. B. Perry wra a
very CUIIUCA ! < ! mui , > tLon Cute.
Thu stage Huaiuy. , woie tine and the
effect of thu entortiunmeut through
out beyond , criticism. The donkeys
and bloodhounds were as funny and
ferocious respectively as the heart
could wish. The last appearance of
tl :
lii'wi .
who go early will geYthe 'seats ?
. . . , . - . . . .
II. B. 1'utton , of Cbeyenne , I'H In the
J. V. Snylon and wife of Oukloud , are
tliu Crotghtnn.
John White , , of Crouton , Ia. , in n guest
tlm WithnalL
J. C. Morriasey and wife , of 1'Uttn-
moutli , nro rcBlutored at the Wlthnell.
0. J. ICiiib' , of Lii coln , arrived in the
city laxt cvuuliij , ' . and rogitftorcd at the
Witlmell. .
MTU. 0. K. W , Btrure , of Lincoln , was
auieni ; Uut.oveiilug'a arrivals nt the With-
null hoiwo.
A. H. Uluyar , 06 Central City , unwed ! u
Oiuaha yoHtoiday and In regititered at the
Mm. . W. J. Miuhhall , of Denvtr , nr-
xlvol iu the city yesterday. Slio is to- ,
inturcd at the VHthnull.
T , 1C. Lnom ! ' , of Syracuse arrived in
malm yexttiday nnd rcgiiitoitd attbo.
MIK , Howaid Sinitli loft ycuturduy forv
ChllllcothoOliln , where lierfuthor in lylogi
ritically ill
AHsH VfcJii Campbell and Mr. Will ,
Crow , of Slunnuduaii , were iu Oiuhha yoa-
.urd-iyona brief visit uyon MlnvSenton
nil llr. G < H > . Ingrahain.
The aouthorn states report Uiis
'ear's- ' wheat crop in fine condition ,
Tha St , Louis bridge is becoming a
ery popular place of resort for sui
Idea ,
A court in Cauida declied that a ,
mail has a right ts > sleep in. his hired.
> ew.
New Orleans , ia to have a line ot
.tuainora direct to Aspmwall , and ax-
p cts great thJags of it.
The Osage Indiana ) MVO < just rati
fied a new constitution , , modified ou
the general yriucipleaoEaUto cocsti-
iutioiis ,
tToronto papora say that ioc-liarvoat
ing ia now at no height there , and the
crop Bociurod. will bo larger than ever-
Porthuvl , Mo. , clainmtalmvo more
leplvouMs in proportion to population
than wiy other city in the world.
Thcra IB ono to every sixty persons.
Yrvmps , it in said , have turned the
Csn ral Park into n gypsy camping-
yrr/uud , und BWiirm thuro no thick that
the police are unable to cope with
Messrs , Koth and Jonoa , two en-
orgutiu und exneriunccd lumber deal
ers formerly of Michigan , luvu opened
an oflico in the MclJonald building
opposite the new Grand Oontral Hotel
on Fiirnam street. Tliuy will handle
all kinds of lumber at wholesale and
propose Bupplying thu trade
out thu State ,