Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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    . \ i\ \ it t
THE OMAHA D. ulft 82" : MONDA ' > LBRUAR3r 13 1882 ,
( The following obf orvatonl { , nro taken at
the naino moment c f tme | ftt an tic Bta
lions named. )
DurARTxyxr u H RCJ.AI , 8mvt , )
OH * " * . le > jruary 12 , 1832. (1:45 ( : | v m. ) f
Darenport. ,
Bt. Paul ,
fit Louli
Buford , ,
Ouster. . . . .
-Th Ice wenb-mit'e * the rivermn Satur-
Tlw board fit 'trade meet * nt 7:30 : to
The city ommtll will most to-morrow
Travel U uminmUy light ' -now on the
Thtf Nihraslta pr'ta as cclatlon inects
at Lincoln wtlnjt22d inst.
A prinate p > tty will ho given at Fire
u nn's hnU tn-raocrow night.
The OoublofUnclo TOTI'B Cabin Is * !
attractvJn at U 3 opera house to-night.
Four ne\v-fliouscs fopofTicers quactori
have juet he n completed at Fort Omaha :
WoifiniltUiabcBt vR-ietico of "Vdluc
tincH" rtt JIi * ps'n 0 allnry. fobl04Zt
Toinity Mixsion aires an entertain'
mentond Hopper at Standard lull < m > th (
21 t.
Oho aroeusment boolcK for the presenl
year-ftre' ' % 5ng prepcrod in th coantj
clcrl's office ,
The Social Art xfluh meets to-na rrow
evening ntftlioir room in Clark and > Ken
t ta bnilding.
WhisVy Jack w i taken to ka cit ;
jail-Saturday to recover from a eovn-o nt
tack oithe jim-jaius.
A po" ° n who wotiia "kiolc'Latthi
weather would rob ills Krandraothar of he
llaxt crust of bread.
Falconer's plaoo under tlie Boyd
pora-house ha lieaa enforced by > thc ad-
lition of.n Billiard Parlor. ifll-3t
lAnnie Dickinson and "UncleTom' '
< Cabin , " both * coming week. Lotsofnei
_ Proparfttioun for the annual -cnoami
iuiont'of tlo G. A. 11. , to bo bold JiS Grnn
Ilslani-next Au ust nrcnlreadyiaprpuresi
llfligiouii eorviccn were lieU ! ot-tfa
1 , AVoboth ticket oflico corner yenterdn
-fteiuoon , which the Ohalk club jittnde
i in a body.
Fred , H. Ayrcuhax been Ainplpyed b
.tho board of education to take the ecboi
-corwiiH of KchotJ children bctweorvtbo of ( <
. of 5 and 21 yeara of age.
- . It -vugftcsted that the .two eigi
i-which are hupg In the opera .houuo ei
.trance mar -the harmony of thimja. Sigi
.should bo hunt ; out in nowBuaper.-xiluim
.and not. displaced so tli
itamplo of. art
rThe manager of the Mahii oj > erA con
.pany , Mr. Jloynolds , fell and sprained h
-anklu severely on Saturday. Dr. Jlyc
Attended hirajtnd says bevcra ) wtoks wi
bo required fur recovery.
Omaha in just now experiencing a 11
i tie immigration boom from the color liu
.A ecoro or HO of colored men have rojentl
.been added to the population , the juajorit
Doming /ran busted up minstrel uomp !
, nies.
.Two ruuglui knocked down aud .rol
. .bed T. J. . Sootb , bnturday night , -t
Douglas Btroet. Air. Scott gave them
Jirely greetim ; hut they got awiiy wil
Jibout $65 for him. The police gat .nfti
them at uncii aud they will probably.cou
411 > next term.
The elegant now private car of Cnnen
, iUiperintendent J. T. Clark , of the link
Pacific , was taken down over the Wabai
Friday to At.'hison for Mrs. Olarl
ivbo has been at the Hot Springs fur HOU
time for the benefit of her health.
Some curious luttcrn from China .un
Japan were received Saturday by .Me
calf Jt llros , , of thin city , to which J
attocbod still more curiouu utampit. TJ
w'yle of getting up these pnssporU f
mail by our Mongolian eecond cousin ci
hnrdbbe imitatud.
DoaiinloSchererwas arrested Frltb
afternoon on a warrant charging him wi
l > erjury. The olfcuco in reported to ha
been uoumittvd ugaiust Louis 13uchwol
ol > o uf tbia cjty , notue tluiu ago. Scher
had liuckwald'd good * attached , and HWO
to becure ihe atlachmetit that tlio latt
Intended tojeivo the stato.
Three hundred Uuiuu 1'acific iler
link why tbe water from the hydrant at tl
corner of Fountain and .Oth street can't
tururd Into the nutter Instead of Itoodii
the street. The answer is , for the wat
'reaixin that you cau't run the Mlssou
Driver through a ROOHB quill. It wont ho
U , A. Fowler , tbe urchtfcct , Of tl
city , ban completed the plans for an ope
house to be erected in JMair. It will be i
brick and atone aud will bate a icatl
* c , capacity for 040 pertoiu , with bcenei
drop curtaloM and all appointuu-uU for
neat little theatrical bulUlng. It Up
potted to commence building within
A Ono of the newt-it fvatureH on I
Omaha prospering ilc'iet Is that L ,
" * Unewold , one of our enterprising you
IjusinesK men , located on Thirteenth n
Jacks m streets , will , thU priug , bulk
couple of Btorw on his line comer lot
the head cf St. Mixry' * avenue , and t
u a general merchand e biulnens ,
"Stuck PliwoV1 end "Whitney
Ilolmen Or un , " are ainong the very li
leading itwti uintuts umuufactured in I
United Stater , and uru Home of thei
excellent bargains to b found at the n
jewelry and inuslo home of ANOELI. , Don
& , WHITE , o | > er houte block , Do not I
to call on them and obtain the barga
Jjey will i ifer you ,
The tolephorw line to the nmall pox
ospltal , two an.1 tine-half rnllci from the
cntrnl oHlce has lioen complcled , Dr.
xiiscnrlnif nolitiK as miperlntendcnt uf
onstructtnn on the last MO yardi of the
inc. Th cleclrlo company with com-
menilnbfe generosity charge the city but
lalf price for putting up the Ihv.
The Unl n CivthoHc Library ro prt'
larhgto close the festival se-von licfore
, ent with ft double "docial" nf extep tional
. .terlt , next Tliuryday nnd Friday cvtn-
rngn. Hie amunlrtg comedy ol "Nan , the
3ood-for.Nothln ( ? , " will bo presented both
jvenlngK , prettied hy vocal and iastru
mental music nd reclt&tioni. Th t > ro
Kramrne U tlrt tnowt so'eet ' an 1 Jnrtruc live
[ irepared by the incmHers thin s * son am'
rill doubtless ha largery patront/od.
NOTIOK , The iiwrnlsers af pointed to
ippralse damages , If any , In the contenr-
plated change of Rrfcde of Fntnam street
/rout 16th to 20th trcet , will meet at'the '
office of tfje'City ' Clerk onMonday , l3b
ru ryBl,1883 : , ' t10 o'cleck a. m. Al
Demons who are deiirotu to In hear * be
fore them aie hereby notified.
IT. J. L. C. JKWKT , City Olork.
A. beautiful night was witncised 111
theffowa Hilffu by pome of our cltlzec.
Iwt night. Tlio cwiBO wns apparently th
'burning ' of diy grass , or possibly of i
'force ' , or bdtli. It left a trail of fro In the
shape -of largo eiiBaro , rcsembllnt ; the
windowH u brilliantly I'lumlnatcd '
ipnlnce.'nfterwards ' changlng-to the resem
blance of a big torchlight procession ,
lifter on , there was a mnsg ot bright flame
an if-n hut or cottnije hnd Ignited. This
spectacle could lx cen fi r a couple of
f > lr. Jnme Giil'nhnti ' , of the U. I1. ,
understood that John .1. O'Con
of bin and that
nor w < w ft bmllur-in-law ,
hc'lonot buried t the poor fiirm. Mr
Callahan procured metallic casket nt
Jacobs' , And had the rcmalnn burled at
Cas ady'H ' cwiratery. Ho nisi deairri to
' rchim hlii Hino-jru and hcirtfclt thanks to
JohnG. Jncobs , Itev. FntherlHonlan.Dr.
P. S. LciseuritiK and Oal. 1) . B. Houck ,
for their kind atsfotanco rendered.
There WM a report Saturday that- anoth
er case of miall pox had broken out at the
Slaven house , as Ur. riclHcnring'a buggy
was seen * .Unding in front of the ( loot
during the forenoon. Invciti 'ation re-
milted in arccrtainin ; , ' that John KUrady n
long-time boarder with Mr.Slavcn , had
been taker sick , but that Ur. Irtilsenrinp
pronouncad the disease mcaslen , although
haadmitVid he cwild not -tell certain a <
that time whether it WOH ucasleii 01
Rinall pac. It is reported that a case ol
Htnall piu : exintH in South OuinUa , but the
- report lionot confitinud.
-Tho weekly n-cetinjc of the Good Tem
plars. Kriday opening at Knl hta of Ilonoi
w Hall was largelywattendcd. Tliu lodge i >
growiug very rapidly nnd KCHUI will , IK
doubt , bo the lament ia the State. Laxl
evening nine peraonn were initiated and n
large number of proposltiuni received to
be uct : l upon at the next meeting. Af tei
the regular order of buaiuesH wax ditiposci
uf theil dge was agreeably entertained b )
Memre. WrlBhtJUN ! Tom- , who hud prepared
pared ome excellent papcra. Mr. Shrivoi
, also rendered an excellent recitation ,
George Stebblns lost Ills horho Fri
day. Or , at least , ho thought ho did
A. maa accosted Mm at Hell's drug store ,
whoro-he hod stopped , and stated that he
n * would take the horse to the stable if Mr.
Stebbitis wanted him to. Stcbbins thank
ed the fellow and turned the home o\or
to him. The animal didn't show up am
Btebbins thought the animal was gone
iwuare tlio woodbine twiucth. Satur
day .tlio homo wan found tied near Barka
low's newa agency , by Harry Lucas , am
returned to hit owner. The chop win
took him oil evidently had a free ride ,
It- Binith'n famous double Uncle Tom'
le. '
Cabin company-appcara at Uoyd'x opori
iy house Monday and fTuowiay o veningH. 0
tya ho company tlio Montreal Post saye
a- 'Notwithstanding the imfuvnrablo stat
f the-weather last oveniiii' the liiuk wn
crowded to witucMitliOHoconil poifornmnc
jna f 'Unclea'Dni'd Cabin. ' Mr. C. II
a Hmlth'a company in nn ununimlly ntroni
- one , not only , in numbora , but in talent
erne nnd they nuccced la giving unlimited fcntiH
neal 'action. ' Thevarious
\various characters of
play are in the hands of artists who d
al 'ulljuatleu totheir - roles. The entertain
irant Is a good ono < in every respect , am
acuardingly-tlriiws large houses. "
111 TlioDonvwIlno.Ma.ll ClorksonTliol
AIuuclo Again ,
or Several of > the Douvur short Ha
mail dorks were in 'Chief Clerk Vni
Dorvoort's uflioo Saturday , an
ay if ted lufih their voices in lamentation
vela They claim that they are being worke
la , to death , at very poor compensation
er There are eight lorl < s ou the Denvo
ire mo , who' Lnvo to work almost con
ter aUntly. They allege that they mm
bo nwako and working for twenty-si
" liourg at a utrotch , uiul tl en have bu
about nine hours respite for sloe
until they are obliged to take up th
ng twenty-six hour ruu a ain. Lat
me mouth they traveled 11,000 milei
irl They looked haggard and worn and i
Did is certainly outrageous if their storie
bo true. They ask for help and moi
his pay or they threaten to resign ,
r * Card orTrhanlca.
Ing Our wannest thanks are given I
the order of the Emtorn Star , Frt
a Masons and Burni Olub , and tli
ire many kind friends who assisted an
sympathized with us in our late afllit
lion ; also for the beautiful lloral gi
tliu from sympathizing friends.
Two Organ * .
at Regulate first the stomach , sucon
the liver j especially the first , so as I
perform their functions perfectly , an
will remove at least ninetoen-twcnt
eths ot all the ills that mankind
'heir ' to , in this or any other cliniat
th < lion Bitters is the only thing tin
pry will giyp perfectly healthy natur
1C\1 actions in these two organs. Mail
I armor , f-1-15
Inn Uuy your Oigara by the llox Clict
at Saxo's , fob7-oodDt
A. Real Mnn With
Banning the Sufferers'
Hi Modotly In Fnsnlly Mnltcrn
Too RofrofthinRly Soulfnl.
A Lost Opportunity for a Crooked
OTre pomlcne elide ncr.
LINCOLN , February 10. Did
over BOO a jumping jrtclc'in the hnrds
of a boy , who kept fooling with the
string before hovrna quite roe y to
give the cord the final jerk "which
was to produce Urn. grand sovnoraault.
It you have , and everybody 'hns , you
will IMVO no di'iiculty in 'tolling tc
mind the audd.oo and simcltanooua
jerking of the > rtus and legs on such
an occasion , rtiid when your regulni
correspondent tells your leaders thai
Dtus Brooks , of Omaha , was the
jumping jVtk of the woman auflragc
convention -you mil not bo surprised
rthls arm/ing / honio entirely worn out
Aa Datus tat or atoqped with a clcai
two inchrn -daylight between the
scat ol his pantaloons and tlu
cold , hnjrcl choir , nineteen out of ovorj
twenty of bhono wicked women , thai
ho was. ciKHidiiiK'his'linic ' and onorgia
to onr htcminwardly said : "O wha'
n glo rioua chance'for ' a crooked pin.
Poor Brooks must 'bo very much ex
luurjted. Ho sat very little ; ho rm
oitli er on his foot tolling the India
hen r to run the convention or was 'OC
cujinR ] that uncomfortable positior
of 'a half < way between ready to RI
oi'iher ' way at iho-slightost notice. Hi
was like a western speculator or at
oXdf0hionedwollpolo ready for ano
tion j > or down. Brooks was no
ulcctol ( ( cither by himself or his wife
to the position of president of the as
Boctutioa and for which it was wins
pored around that the Omaha Ropub
licau was to cnango fron
- and < the icauso of woman suffrage
frago waa destined to rccoivi
n black < cyo , < hut as a Html peuoo .oiler
ing the name of Brooks WAS placed n
the bend of the executive committei
and nil was again serene. In in ;
hutubla opinion the organization as i
now stands is very unsatisfactory to i
largo percent of the friends of tin
movement. 'No organization al
would bo < better than a poor organiza
tion. How nice and harmonious ou
conventions and elections will hi
when the women can vote ! As ni
illustration of this statement I wouli
refer my ireadora to aomo one wh <
WAS present during the female suffrage
frago convention. There was no pull
ing-hair , no bloody noses and wlionovo
the proceedings partook of the Brook
flavor everything was all correct. 0
what a glorious opportunity was thi
to-scald Chancellor Fairfield , and hoi
oflucbually did the Brooks fnmil
think they had cooked < the hea
of our state .university , to say noth
ing-of the slur Riven to that very abl
and ofticient worker , Mrs. Dinsmorc
In 'tho estimation of the writers of th
presidents address , that documer
was simply annihilating , whil
inthe opinion of the at
dtonoo who heard it , it was enl
a littlo.uttaok on Chancellor Fairfielc
because that gentleman had coma on
first bont'in a light with the eon-ir
law of the Omaha Republican.
Ostensibly the address was an ar
swor to the chancellor's lecture o
"Work and Wages , " but as thr
document hr.d boon so complete !
answered by Miss Dinsmorc , th
Brooks paper was taken its a porsoni
drive at thorn both.
Ono would naturally expect inot
csty in a foinalo suffrage conventioi
but Datus Brookx was altogether to
inodcst , oven for that body when li
arose from his chair , whore ho had st
fully two minutes , aud offered a res (
lution reciting how very oflicient tli
present president ( his wife ) hud boot
and proposing to ro-olect her for tli
year 1832 by acclamation. But tin
did not ro-olect. Datus may ha\
done this simply for the purpose i
repaying the pr < < > dent for her prom ]
recognition of mm on all occaaion
oven at the xi < uuao of each and evoi
member f the association.
What a Hchoolmuto Buys of the Mn
Who Was Shot by nn Editor ,
The news of the shooting ull'ruy :
a Washington newspaper ollico Thut
day night , followed by the announc
mont that Antonio Martinez Soltod
who wont in to bluff the editor , w
probably die of his wounds within
few hours , brings out the fact th
Soltodo is an old schoolaud class-ma
of Mr. J. B. J. Ryan , a well-know
newspaper man of this city.
Mr. Jlynn snys Spltodo in a man
most brilliant attainments. Ho is
South American by birth and the M
of a revolutionary president of ono
the South American republics. Fro
1804 to 1807 ho attended school at S
John's College , Fordhum , Nc
York , where Mr. Ryi
was studying at the time. Soiled
to in a wonderfully short time , bocan
130 thoroughly Americanized and ma
torod the language in a st
10 shorter time , He could not , howovc
td oiiduro the restraint of college rule
cft and loft to take a responsible poaitii
ft in the groa * dry goods homo of A. '
Stewart. His temperament soon li
him into u fuss at that institutio
and ho entered a law otlico , fro >
which ho was .BOOH taken by Churl
A. Dana , of the Now York Sun , wl
id discovered his ability and sent him
to Albany as correspondent for the Su
id This was during the height of Tweet
ti- power and ho made himself convv
ti0. aajit with the mothnds employed 1
0. the "Boss" in covering up his corru deeds and buying hia lucccss
atal whatever object honulortoo
no Soltodo came homo and wrote up i
expose of Tweed and the secrets of tl
Sun oilico , for which ho was BUI
manly bounced from the oilico. Dai
was not satisfied with merely dischar
ing him but followed him up persi
Unify and beat him out of BOVornl
gwA jobs which ho w Biout t0
Soltcdo then bogor. tno publication
of The Free Lance ( a aott ot journal
istic bandit , and through its column *
brought several shooting scrapes upon
himself. In the meantime ho. mar
ried a widewho , was posscosod of
some very valuable coal mines in
I'onn&y ) vanin , which ho managed as
Becrelr.ry , until at length ho drifted
into the hotel busincsd in
Washington , ending up in a row witn
"ton " landlord.
Ho then became > nowawapcr cor
respondent and as has boon tele
graphed secured the position
of clerk of the sonata com
mittee on railroads , which ho
hold at the cimo of the shoot
ing affray. Ho waa ft man
of powetful physique , fine
address nnd great courage , often
approaching rashness. Ho has prob
ably reached the end of a career that
had his energy and talent boon prop
erly directed , might have closed with
the highest honors to himself instead
of a violent death.
3Ttio Big Hotel on Tenth and Farnhom
3I I Streets a Certainty ,
Messrs. Shaw & Field , the contrac
tors , Saturday received a letter
from Architect McElfatrick that the
latter gontlomuit will be hero in about
'three wuuks with the completed plans
of the big hotel which is to bb erected
on the corner oi Tenth and i < arnhani
' streets. The plans contemplate a
' structure costing $250,000 when
completed , and it is promised
that it will overshadow the two other
splendid structures now being built ,
the Grand Central and Millard. It is
intended , it's reported to make the
coming hotel the greatest ono in the
west and . to adopt a scale of prices
which will catch everyone who desires
comfortable accommodations. Such a
hotel will bo a big boom for lower
Farnham street and rapidly incrorse
the prices of real estate in itn vicinity.
Railway Matters
National Amociated Prem
February 12 The
officials of the Pennsylvania railway
are non-committal rccarding the
statement that in a few days the road
will begin cutting western freight
rates in retaliation on the Baltimore
& O'li > , which it is alleged is tollow-
iug that course.
. 111. , February 12.
The McLean , Havana & Quincy rail
road company , which proposes to con
: struct a line from IMoomington to
Quincy , filed articles of corporation
with the secretary state. Capital ,
February 12. It
was officially announced at the Penn
sylvania railway oflico yesterday that
the trunk lines have all put up a
money forfeit to guarantee faithful
execution of preliminary contracts
entered into for an advance of rates.
NEW YOIIK , Ffbrtiuy 12. An
agreement Jius bcuit t-.jiod between
the New Yoik , Sutn um.anna & West
ern railway company , ( 'formerly the
Now Jersey Midland ) , and the Dela
ware , Lackawanna & Western railway ,
which will open an immense coal field
in the Lackawanna valley. The
former road will make connections
with the main line of the Lackawanna
at ( j ravel Place , that being the north
ern terminus of the Susquohunnn
road. The distance from there to the
Scranton coal fields is fifty miles by
the proposed route. This road to the
coal fields north and west of Gravel
Place will be abandoned. Capitalist !
interested in the Susquehanna roac
have formed a construction compam
of 82,000,000 , half of which has beer
paid into , bo known as the Scrantoi
Construction company. The roac
will control about 4,500 acres of the
finest coal land.
NFW YOHK , February 12. An ad
jotirnod mooting of the consolidated
mortgage bondholders of the Colunv
bus , Chicago & Indiana Central Itril
way was held yesterday. Juliui
Wadsworth chairman of the
10 , provioui
mooting , was not present , because lit
vo did not wibh to countenance tin
of scheme proposed by the committee
pt William L. Scott aruued in favor o
the contract. Whitehead
IS , , represent
ry ing § 70,000 of bonds of J. S. Rogers
and 820,000 bonds of C. B. Rogers
protested against the adoption. Tin
total vote cistropresonted$8,805,000
of which $8,761,000 were in favor o
the agreement and $134,000 opposed
The agreement was declared adopted
The experienced caterer , Charlc
in Murkt , has removed his restaurant ti
rs- No. 1212 Farnham street , as his in '
creasing business demanded inor
lo , room , The place has been complete ! ;
refitted throughout and will bo kop
ill in first clnss style , and the latest deli
a cacies of tlio season served. The bos
iat brands of cigars are famished' nt th
ito counter , but no bar will bo kept ii
VII the place. Suppers for parties sorvei
at short notice. fob4-0t
ofa Call at IIIOKMAN'S and see thos
on " HuiiliAKD" Collarotts the
of are the Iat eat. . fobt-3t )
3t. GETTING POPULAR. Although opened only two month
an ago , ttio Opera House Clothing stor
lo , is rapidly gaining popularity by lei
HO prices and good goods. The stock i
IS- entirely now , and sold for cash a
IS.ill strictly ono price. "Marked in plai
figures" on every article. Call an
examine before going elsewhere.
on J. P. LUM > ,
T.od 217 S , loth Direct , Omaha.
od JanUlFebl,4,8ll.
in ,
m Mocking Birds and Red Birdt , a
les Solomon's. feb0-2t
ho Good Goods , living prices , n
to Pundt's
in.1's Good Goods , living prices , q
jr. I'undt B.
ipt Omaha European Restaurant , J UB
in reopened. Meals and First Olas
Lunch at all hours. Will take a foi
an day boarders on or after the IQtli
hen I'loasu call and give us a trial.
Jis ! - of those crisp St. Louts Crackers JUG
is- received at J 13. French & Co.'s.
Resolutions Adopted RoRtmllnB 1U
Relocation to the Old Track.
A mooting was hold OH Thursday
evening last nt the Timmo school
house , district " 44 , " for the purpose
of discussing the relocation of the old
'Military road , " on which a change
has been made , extending from a
point directly went of Irvington for a
distance of several miles , and it is
claimed to the great disadvantage of
the majority of the people in that sec
tion of the country.
F. Croncmoyer was elected chair
man and U. N. Lytlo secretory.
The following resolutions vrero
passed :
Resolved , That the aforesaid road
was laid out and located by an expe
rienced military oflicor on the best
and most practical ground that could
possibly bo found , loading from Oma
ha northwest to the Elkhorn.
Resolved , That this road was laid
out and established years ago , when
the country was in its infancy , and
has served the people with satisfaction
and comfort , with but very small ex
pense to the county or state.
Resolved , That this is the main
thoroughfare for eastern and western
immigration that pusses through this
country by way of wagon.
Resolved , That wo see no cause for
moving this road from its old and
traveled bed , only that it might benefit -
fit a very few individuals who wore
owners of land immediately along the
line of the change ut the time of the
vacation of the aforesaid road , among
whom is one of our county commis
sioners , Benjnmiii Knight , consequently
quently we believe him to have
worked the matter up in a cunning
way for a mere personal interest.
Resolved , A petition has been filed
in the county clerk's oflicc , praying to
the county commissioners to review
and relocate the aforesaid road on the
old track. Should this change bo
made permanent where the road i < *
established at present it will cost a
largo amount of money for grading ,
increase the distance considerable and
not make a road equal to the old one.
It will also virtually1 close it against a
great number of people who are settlers
tlors of the northwest part of Douglas
and the southwest part of Washing
ton counties , as this is the only prac
ticable route by which they can con
voy their gram and produce to the
Omaha market. Consequently this or
any other change that may bo pre
sented will prove detrimental to both
the county and city.
Resolved , Now in view of Ihis we
would appeal to the county commis
sioners for a relocation of the afore
said road upon the old track and
would respectfully ask the aid of the
press in tm's matter.
The Levee Held by Judge Boneke
This Mornlngr.1
The police court of justice was
comfortably filled Saturday by
offenders against the peace and de
corum of the city , who had been cap
tured by the police.
Four drunks were disposed of by
two being committed in default of
the usual fines and two cases being
continued until Saturday. Among
these was "Cranky" Bill , who was in
structed that ho must either keep so
ber or skip.
Sam Paine , the diminutive coon ,
who froze onto six quarts of milk Fri
day st the Occidental , on Tenth
street , pleaded guilty to his fondness
or the lacteal fluid , and was given
five days in jail , in which to bo cured
of his abnormal appetite.
For the Cltlzantt of North Omaha are
on the War Path.
, February 11.
To the IMItorul The Hoc :
Wo , the citizens of North Omaha ,
BCD that wo have lost representation
by electing six councilmen atlargo ,
as they are the ones who "sot.down"
on us now and do the bidding of thou
u inside ring .
The chairman of the sewerage com
mittee is Mr , MoNamara , the great
anti-Slocumb man , so you can
see that wo have no friend
in him. 11 o scared our man
Corbey into signing his , McNaraara's ,
report on sewerage , which was noth
ing like the report given to Mr. Cor-
bey by the North Omaha delegates.
As for our friend Sam Herman , ono
of the six at large , Mr. Me. told him
if ho did not sign the report , also ,
that ho would not support him for secretary -
rotary of war when the democrats
came into power.
Another serious mutter , which is
against North Omaha , is the now
\Yaring sewerage system , which has
been adopted and is now being car
ried out by the Boyd council , and the
game being paid for out ot the N irth
Omaha sewerage fund.
Wo understand at the lost meeting
of the council that there was u
shortage in the fund t < > meet
the expenditures of the current
year , and this was boldly assorted
by Messrs , Baker and Corby , which
goes far to show that the Boyd COUIL
cil is already over-reaching its limit
of expenditures , which must be
covered up oven if it does have to be
taken from the north Omaha sewerage
Now Mr. Editor , keep your eyet
open for a rousing indignation meet
ing of the citizens of north Onuvha ,
And ono ot the questions to bo con
sidered will bo in regard to bonding
our city for any further publio im
provements. ACTI7.KX. _ |
"Wells' Health Jlotumor , " gmateil
remedy on earth for impotence , Icaii'
ness , sexual debility , &c. Ono dollai
at druggist's. Depot , 0. F , Good-
an. | (5) ( )
Forty years' trial Ui prowi "BLACK *
DRAUGHT" the best liver medicine iu
Ui world.
Col. Stnnton went eiwt Inst evening. I
Hon. Ezra Millard left for ChlcixRO In't
D-yn ( Clark and wife left for the westj
yesterday , on a few weeks trip.
Jolltl Tt Hfill , tiio lcuograplior WitlrnoJ
home from Rock Creek yestcnlny after
A. Cfthn started yesterday nltGhiosn for
-hit to New York c'.ty ' and other east
ern points.
R. K. A lieu , deputy United Stales mar
shal , leaves to-day for Fort Nlobrara on
official business.
"United States Marshal lllerbo * er and
Postoflic * Inspector John U. Fumy ctiYne
p from Lincoln yesterday.
IT. K. Johnson , of Washington , who la
n fcttondanca upon the star route trial In
lincoln , win In Omaha yesterday.
The Misses Boyd , daughters of Mayor
Boyd , left yesterday for San Francisco ,
where Mr < t. Boyd and son are visiting.
C..E. Na'h , ons of the smelting works
itoekholders , left on yesterday's overland
rain for Ogden. He was j jlned-hy Hon.
Guy Barton at Noith Platte.
Mr. A. R. Souer , the businesj
manager of THK BEE , came around to
ho oflico Saturday" with his face
wreathed in smiles and a box of cigars
under his arm. Ho explained , and
lie explanation was eminently satis-
'actory to all. Ho was somewhat sur
prised Saturday by the advent'
bouncing boy baby , who will gladden -
don the household with his dimpled
cheeks and bright smiles. The mother
and child are in a very satisfactory
condition , and Mr. Souer is the object
of numerous congratulations.
"A Wtmdorfnl Effort. "
ADRIAN , Mich , Juno 30 , 1881.
H. H. Warner & Co. : Sirs-Your
Safe Kidney and Liver Cure has had
the most wonderful effect upon my
wife , who has been troubled for three
or four years with a kidney and liver
difficulty. F. A. FERGUSON.
eiDe Meyer's
The Only Known Real Caro.
ONEY TO LOAN Call at Lftw Otnee of 1) .
L. Thcmag ItoomB L'relghton Cloch.
, TO LOAA At 8 per cent In-
. . tcrest In auras of 82,500 and
upwards , tor 3 to 6 years , on first-class tlty nnd
farm property. BKUIS URAL ESTATH and "
AOBNCT , 16th arid Douslcs Sta.
ANTKD Olrl for kitchen vork , ne Jlaus'
rcstiurnut , 1518 UO < JKO St 14011 *
" \T7"ANTED A good dining room grat \ tin
W Emm t House. 113-17'
I'XrANTED A' the S. W. corner of St Slarj's
YV a > cnuc and 20th St. , a good man who un *
derstauds the ga-den and general work of a place ,
tone need apply unless ho can brinfr r cou.-
mcndation. 1411 *
ANTKD A situation In a business houeo
W by a young man who thoroughly under-
irtaiid book ktepinjr , Is a Rood penman and ac
curate at figures. Salary at tint not no much an
object as a phue uh re ability and faithful pre
fotmanco of duty will bu rewarded. Good rcftr
encoghcn. Addrcxs M. 0. , Bee olllce. 145 t
- Ftbruary ISth , board and
WANTED-Dy man and wife : Prhate family
preferred. Best of references given. Address
stating terms , B. 11. , this ollico. 112-10
A oed barber at 60Q N. 10th St
WANTED . 120 tf
ANTED Girl to do general housnnotk
W Apply at 1310 Jackson , near 13th. 183 13'
- situation by a regltcre <
WANTED-A Ailurcus . H. Barber , 20ft
West Minster St. , Provl lecee , K. I. 134-10
ANTfD HOUBO with 4 or B rooms near
W poatotHcc. AilUro.a Mrs. J. Cattflckl ,
816 22a and Cumins Ht. 130-1V
A carrlazo blacksmith , ( food
WANTED . Address E. V. John , Ores
ton , Iowa. 120-15
"VTTANTED tmt-class coon , ono wto uudor
YY stiindsmeat cooklnifaswcllaspistry ; none
but first-class need apply. Also a good boy a
waiter. . , Apply at 1106 Farnham St 063-ood
( ANTED funding bridge and icnool bonds
W Q. T. Clark , licUevue. 26-tf
. 4 children as bnarden in a i-cleo
WANTF.D , at 19th and California St. L. 13
LOOM IS. 767.U
UENT A now house ol 6 roonu , all con
EOH one block south of St , Mar ) '
( uenuc , on 'ild Bt. 14U. 11 *
UENT Small cottayo 3 rooms , cheap
rOU furniture for sale. Inquire 707 18ih
bt , bet Wobkter and Hurt. 117 U
171011 UENT NUill furnleliul room * , at 1'JIO
.L' ClucagQ bt. 17-tf
lOIUtKNT Amiall lioubu on : iil und liar-
1 no } , liuiulrooniiremliri. 141-13 *
IIE.ST Homo of 0 rcome , corner 170
1710JI bia\vn drib , Enriinre John U I ) II'
lueit nark.vt , 13th St. , IlnrnoISlltt
Ono plain furnished ro-m , iliiMji
suitable for .n . or Uo Kvntleniiii , ca.t KHIU
ol 10th St. , bet Vicrce and Paclllc. 137-11
KENT rurnUhed cottage , six rooms
EOH lOCallfoinlaSt. lia-tt
l OIl HBNT Furnlihid room suitable fo
J > housekcoplng , northweiit i-orncr Ibth and
Clark St . Inqulio of K. V. Smith , 10th Ht.
third house north ol Uiacn. lUJ-tf
UEST-FumUhrd room , S. E. comer 14th
FOU Caia tit 105-tf
RENT A nlceljr furnished large fron
room , pleasantly located ; with or wlthou
, rd. U.W. corner 18th and Jones St. 111-11
Nicely luiulbheJ ro ni liuiiilre
EOUUKNT bt. 117 14
11KNT Uiilurniihcd roou.ii , SV. . U > r ,
FOIt knd I'onirtl. ' DI. f
"I7OII UENTFurnUhcd with or ultliout bean
i ; a f roi.t room , ploa-antly Icxute i on llr.t rlixn-
at No. : U5 N , ] 4th bt. , iii t tide , Int. Daitlipor
and Chlcngo. TV.O guatluiuu i nr man t u i n | (
prifurcd. Inqiilruoii prvmlux , lid ( f
"I7IOK ItfcNT A gooa houio. ol lour rooiiwa
1 } J2 ptr month. Newly kaltomlned am
> a | < vrfd , IStli bt.UtMinIlo artlan . Jaik n
FOlt UKNT Fumltlicd roonu. Citlrab o lo
cation , noutliMut curntr 10th and lUvui
port t U WO-tl.
FOU KENT Stable. 1510 Howard Struct
Inquire of W. M. lliuhman. 70 tf.
(7011 SALU Frcih milch cowi , alto nice lrvl
I ; butter at IltalVUroccry store , corner Tenth
and DoJyo. Vgb3-lui * .
10R KENT KurnUlied front room. N. E. cor
F Wi and Jackwn. i2-U
RIJJTjftnovn ptscc fonthei-rt M ISth
. "reel , hn ( gulUklo lor 'tfrctn' Ic | f r-
ilcn : ft KO' 4 > 10U0 Wlth citfrii , filter , itoo < l
M'bdrii , a l > c rlt > K orchard ftl > cut MX ) Leaf.
lnK * r , p \lncs , n Urge amount * I ( tooscbory and
V'&nt tnishe , &c. , ir. For terms and conOl-
jfttis apply at the Crolghton Homo. 42-U
HKNT PunilslieJ roam. Inqulru U2J
FOR 8t 33-it
17.0K uENr-Uoorag ' blocSi
093 H'
HKST Ilooin partially furnished. Capita
EOll , bet. 17th and Ibth , south slrio. 6-t
KMT Two acres of ground , benne tcdl
FOUR on CumlnR street Enquire ot Ku-
gone O'Neill , ICtli and llomirJ. _ M U.
OH nr.NT Homo of right loom * . Hnqulra
i J. Phlptxi R&e . 1812 . Filth St. D77-tf
I7IOR KENT Fob. 1st , commodious brick rod-
I ? denco , corner 19th and Farnham St . Ap-
> lytoltr E.A. Ittner , Tabor , Fremont Co. , .
owq , Uterencc desired. _ Ml-tt
RENT One ot the best stores on Coming.
FOR . , 0x21 , by January 1 , 1882. 820 U
RENT S tarnished rooms orer MM
Eon ' Exchange. N. B. cor. 10th and Doif-
trwita. 2S9-M
_ _ _ _
FOR RENT Nlculy furnished rooms with or
without board. Reasonable prices. 201Sx
COM St. ' >
G1UKHRNT Pleosan sunny room suitable for"
Jj two , with board. hefurciiccs required. ,
SIB N. 20th St , bet. Chicago and C 89. 1TS-1J-
OK HALF Mules and linn c < u it Redman' *
F lOtii Btrect barn- 141-B *
TJIOR SALE At Solomon's , 12C4 Farnham St. ,
JD Kold fish , silver flili , cclnlll atore , doTll
Ish. imported canary blnls , t Ikliii ; i arroi- , gold
nnchcs , red birds , mocl Ini ; birds , flsh Colics and
aquariumu , nil sizes and tt\ks , at price runion.
able. 142-tf
SALE The r cut aut nut , No. 410 10th He.
EOH all fliturcs. A good buslrictw tab-
llthed. bcason for Belling pr prlctor obliged to
ga o > 8' . N. V. Jensen , on the pruntecH. 121-11 *
lOa SAin A fine family drlvln ? team of
horses lh now top buggy and harncts ;
Will exchange for city property. Enquire J. C.
Elliott , corner 14tn and l-arno ) . 87-11
SALE A good second hand street lia < k
EOR sale , nt a low bargain , by Dr. Isaac
\nrdg , 1109 Farnham street 74 tf.
710R SALE Souerkrout b } thobirrcl , clicap ; ,
_ J i cr gal. 40c , at Durham Meat Market , 13th
Bt. , bet. , Douglas and Dodgo. W-H
"CIOR SALE Houeo and full lot lngoodloc -
JJ Won , cheap. Price , J1250. Easy terma.
McCAdUK , Opp. post cfflce. 15tf
FOR SALE Best bulldln ? lot In Shlnn's uf-
dltlon , 142 feet cast front by 120 feet depth.
McCAOUE , Opp. post office. U U
FOR SALE 1 sorrel stallion , Clydesdale , 8
years old , weighing 1660 pounds. 1 black ,
stnlllon , } Norman } llorgan , G j cars old , weigh-
In 1550 pounds , took flrn' premium at Nebraska ,
latate Fair , 1881. 1 Kentucky Jack , black , ,
weighing about 900 pounds , 4 years old , took
first premium at Nebra ka State Fair , 1880 and I
1881. Inquire of Chas. Neber , Farmers ilous .
City B38-U
SALE OR RENT A grocery store and \
butcher shop , doing1 a good business. In-
qulra at this office. 012-tf
TJ1OK SALE 2 nice counters and 2 silver platod-
JJ show cases , at Oco. II. I'cteisou's. 804 South
10th St. 741-tf
FOR SALE Or will excha go for Omaha pro
perty , an improved BCC on of land adjoin
ing a station on U. P. R. R. M. DUNHAM. 1418
Farnham St. , Omaha. 720 Smr-
IPOK SALK or trade for city propert ) , on
JD pnn ol horses , harness aud wagon. Addrca
b. Y. , ihinoniCj ; 722 tf
SALE A itooa sovcn-yoar-old hors *
Warranted to drive single or double. En
quire of George CanHoId , Canflrlil hn-i o.
Klt'h. KOrt t
llonday eiilnjr , i oan maa Ixn t
. lUjoarsclil. Hail hciil-iall haltu. un new
shccsallaromxl. 1 Ibirul renunl will liu paid
f r her recot cry. L. Hllihlcr , ( ! "nvei.t . ft. Iwt.
fit. .Mat\'an\cnue anil Ilcuunl St.
ot 1'ort tallioun , Waehlugian Count j , 2SO-
crcsHOIn ; cultuation , balance KOOtl timber
land , excellent stock farm. 16 miles north ot
Omaha. Price , S5.BOO. Chris llathmann.
Blair , Neb. , Jan. 31,1E82. ISO tf
CUTUATION WANTED A woman with a chll
O ( a jearo'd ) wanted to work In a Email ( nmij
Iy where she can haa a homo. Wages no ob
ject. Inquire southeast corner 8th and Farnham. .
niCK FOHSALrT.SIurray. .
riGELV FUIINISHED ROOMS With or without -
[ out --oard , at 2011 Cast St. 12J-16 *
COSTUMES of Mrs. Itosa
Schmidt , cheapand elegant , llth St , be
tween Farnham and ilarncy , next door to Lor-
cnson & Co. , merchant tnllorj. lilt H
OIANO AND ORGAN' Instruction by Miss E.
JL C. I'arll.t , f > . 20th St. , bclon Pierce. OI-U
J ] also put of house lor tint , uortlinest cor.
20th a < W Cass St. 114 14 *
HIGHEST PHICE paid fjr all kinds of Iron , ,
metal and rags , by 1. Gnllnsky & Co. , 102
l > ougl&9 St. 49-lni
Jj 10th and Da\tnportM. 096-tf
J. quire at lloepc's Art Kinporlum , 1610 Dadgp
street. OOS-tf
wanted by experienced man. Small salary. JL .
Box W2 City. DC8.U m I
SIIIUTS For the next 30 clajs , wo will , on the.
receipt of sixty cents , send to any address , ,
Kstpald , one of our unlaundred drcsa Shirts ,
isltlvely only one Shirt sent to ono address.
040-lm Marseilles. 111.
C1UKNI8HED KOOMS-Wlthln three Mocks of
JD poatoffli-o. Inquire at 1BTO Pod o. B2G-tf
ITIUUNiailKD UOOMS For single gentlemen ;
J } also one front room with piano , southwest'
corner 18th and Capital a\enue. SOO-tf
' NEW CITY MAl'fl. 10c.-Mount
BEMI8' , $2.60. OEO. P. I1KJ1I8.
i else decorathe palntlnj. MUS. D , R ?
WAUDNEH. room 1. Jacob'a Clock.
T > KMW UUUM. btc In page'
B , , . ' At A. H , riandor'sKeea Btorol
„ „
1013 Harney St. BiH.t |
lit paee.
Absolutely Pure.
This ixiwJcr neior larlee. A marrel of puiltn
strength and wholcuonuncn. More eccnomlcai'
than the ordlniry klnda , and cannot be told In.
companion with tbe multitude of ktr twt ,
short weight , alum or phonphato powder *
Sold only Inn ni. r