THE OMAHA DAiLi BEJ * MOJSUAY 13 , 1862. P , T , MAYNE , SUBSCRIPTION BATES. Mnnngor Ocvtncll BUifTs Circulation , COUNCIL BLUFFS AND IOWA NEWS. By Ciurior , - 20 Cents per WoolU COUNCIL BUJtTS. IOWA By Mall , $10.0O per Year. COUNCILJJLUFFS , Office : Room Flvo , Evorott'a Block , Brood wny. H. W. T1LTON , City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS. The city fnlliera rJly nt the control ! chamber to-night. The Iiind Leiuttchive n dnncetX Do- haney'a next Thursday ovcnltiR. Tlio funeral wrvlccn of tlie laic 0. Tucker were held yesterday afternoon. Iowa Wyoming Coal hnndlcil only liy .7. W. llodefer , No. 2(1 ( Pearl St. flltf George Morrhnn , of Honey Creek , H entered the bonds matrimonial , Miss Nicholson bein ; the worthy bride thus gained. Street preaching on Uio corner of lirondwty nuil Mnin street , ycitordny mornltu , drew < jnltc an nudienca of curious listeners. Kiinscll SkteniMi , of Little .Sioux , him been held By Commissioner Key to the United Stated grand jury on the charge of Helling whisky to Indians. A good nlzed delegation of vctoraui from this city expect to join in the happy doingaofa campfire ntllm < mri Valley on the evening of the 25th. Mr . Dohnncy , mother of John Do- hancy and P.ohaney , died at the letter's house In thin .city Saturday. The funeral services are to bo held at ! ) o'clock this morning. John Key , n u-ell known resident of Honey Creek , died Saturday morning of typhoid fever , after an Illnesn of two weeks. Ills daughter Is lying very 111 with the name disrate. The bir association meets thin morn ing at the court-house to receive the re port of the committee appointc I to gather acts showing the Inexpediency of having terms of court at Avoca. Any ono wanting greaeo lanlta and boilers will do well to address A. E. Me- Creary , bollor-n.aker , or call on same nt Hopkins'machine uliop , Council liltiffx. Boiler . febl3-15-17 repairing a specialty. - - Mr . Catharine Nelson , wife of Mr. Fcter Nelson died at her home on 1'icrco street , Saturday. She leaves besides the huiband three children , on * a babe only a few weeks old. Tlio funeral serviced are to be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock. The rumor that the Milwaukee k St. 1'anl company had purchased ground near the Chicago & Northwestern depot , on which to build shops , Is pronounced by thoto in authority to have no foundation in fact. rho case of Prank Crow , charged with assaulting Theodora Lund at the recent masquerade , came up before Justlco Ab bott Saturday nnd was cent Jo Justice Laird's court , ' where it was continued for one week. Frank Kosser and Bertie McClede were making Sunday morning hideous with their bowlings andhootings and were KUlded to the calaboose by OHicors Sterling and Barhyto. The charge of carrying concealed weapons was also booked against I . I them. h them.It is elated by thono who ore In n po sition to know that the oUicersof the deaf nnd dumb institution do not favor any chaupo of location. Some one of the sub ordinates may have expressed a desire for -a change , but'none of thora in. important placet. The time of the circuit court Saturday was taken up with the case of Mayes , administrator , vs. M. Turloy and wife , on action in relation to the Osborno estate. The arguments were not finished until too late an hour In the afternoon to give the n charge to the jury , and adjournment was had until to-day , when the case will doubt less coino to a finish. * The dauco given by the Light Guards at Bloom & Nixon's hall on Friday even ing was largely attended and thoroughly enjoyed by nil participants. Tim decorations - tions were of a military nature. There was a bright sprinkling of uniforms , and n number of visitors from other compa nies , including Captain Jones and Lieutenant - tenant * Shaw and JJyors , ol the Glen wood guards. If the fine weather of the past few day * continues the streets will be in good enough condition Boon for tbo long looked for He dies to appear. By that time , the igh , the streets will bo in such shape that folks won't care to ride , unless , perchance - chance , they havj ome of tliosf old tick- eta lying around loose in their pockets which they bought long ago to 1'elp ' the en- terprlso along. The bricklayers and plasterers met In goodly numbers Saturday evening at the office of Attorney Limit , The by-laws were adopted , nnd further utcps taken looking to the completion of their organ- izatlon as a branch of the union. About Un new members were added to the num ber. It is expected that so soon as their charter arrives the members will be initiated by vMtlng officers from Omaha. The stone iiuarry near Mocndonia , in thU county , l to | la dove'opcd , with a view of Bupplying this p rt of the county with building stone. A company , duly organized , imrpouen to put in the needed machinery and engage extensively in the business , and tktablLjh u yard her * for finWilnj the stone. Heretofore , only the nurface stone has been used , and that has utood the wear of years pretty well , i can to Instanced by that which has been In the Methodlit church for fifteen years or BO. It U expected that the lower strata * will pimeimick better In all rejects , and Uiat the ton will meet with a ready demand for various building purposes. The com , pony be known as the Macedonia Stone company. The total cot of criminal pro.ecution Inthe tat8fortho\ear 1881 was 8280. . 830.23 ; for 1880. 833,457 The toti' ' number of convictions in 1880 w i 1,081 I" 1891 , l.HiO. Increase In 1881 ovei 1880. 657,878.50 , and 28U conviction * . Of the ninety-nine counties Ummet hoi the suullest population , Dubuque has the largest ; I'ollc taiids eecond , Scott third , I'ottawattorale fourth , Olintoii fifth , L j end Dti Molneu seventh , PESTERING THE PEELERS. ScriouB Charges Against the Pollco Force Wbtch Ought to bo In- vostlffntod or Disproved Wlmttlio Chlof and Others Say. The release of young 8t.ockd.ilo , who wna found in a room at the Ores ton house intent on robbery , nnd who -discharged ( or lack of any infer irution filed ngaiijst him , lias given rieO to much talk and some needless VAsto of words. The direct chnrgo is mndo publicly that the cuuso of young Stockdnlu'a release was a financial not tlotnont. If BO public and serious n clmrgo is nurtured to pass without an investigation , the public have their choice between concluding that the crookedness ia BO far-roaching that the authorities shrink from touching the matter , or that they consider the par tiua making the charge so irresponsible as to merit no attention beyond a sim ple denial. Another Horious charge , made1 with equal publicity , is that a regular monthly assessment is made by the police authorities on the proprietors of houses of prostitution , rated ac cording to the number of inmates , and it is paid under the threat that if not paid the houses will bo pulled. It is claimed openly Hint this blackmailing clmrgo is susceptible of the clearest proof. Chief Field denies these charges'in tote , and in talking to a BKK repre sentative yesterday declared that if any evidence was shown to him point ing to such a state of facts ho would bo as ready aa any ono to prosecute the offenders. lie was aa much sot against blackmailing as any ono could bo , and would gladly BOO these mat ters shown up and would do all in hia power to BOO that justice was dealt out. Ho did not know that any such assessment process was going on , and if any one. had such fuu s they should give thorn up. Among others there is a great variety of opinions expressed. Some think the charges should bo promptly investigated by the council , believing that there ia something nt the bottom of them. Others think that aa fur aa the chief is concerned any sort of nn investigation cannot harm him , as ho has lived hero for yoaro , and occupied positions BO public that his record is known and road by all , but that nuch an investigation might show up some doings of others which would startle even the chief , who ought to bu con versant with the facts , out is not. A goodly number look upon the whole matter as u political move purely , and that it is sprung at this time merely for its oll'ect upon the coming election , and to gratify spleen and some personal selu inos to lift some up by pulling others down. POMB-iOY'S PLUNDER. Ho Gets Away With it Very Easily and ia Now Bolng Hunted for. P. H. Garrahor , of Plum Hollow , lias been having quito a number of men employed in building a barn , and hired a young man named Charles Fomoroy to superintend them. ( Jar- rahor ropoaod great confidence in his foreman , nnd having occasion to away , left with the latter the keys to his private rooms in his residence. Ho had not boon absent more than wo hourb when Pomoroy loft , Mid. 1ms not boon seen ainco. At the nine time thcro disappeared a new dross suit , a pair of fine boots , gloves , ilk handkerchief and other of the best irticlcs in Mr Currulmii's wardrobe. There were also taken a goodly amount of jewelry , which belonged to his wife who died about a year ago. This jewelry was in a case by itself , nnd included a gold neck chain , a gold band rinq , and various other valuable artiolos. No trace of the missing man or the stolen goods has yet boon obtained. Charge and Rotroat. E. II. Scott , of .this city , lately wrote an article which the State Regis ter doomed of suUiciont interest to its readers to publish , but Mr. Scott , by i grave mistake , neglected to ask pre liminary permission of the Nonpareil ; } f this city , whereupon the latter pounces down upon Mr. Soott nnd ' . "tho pronounces'liim. sophomore BOH of a discarded citizen of a city that declines to fight its battles in and over graveyards. " The vial of wrath thus uncorked is emptied oil the head of the yjung man and hia father' denounced - nouncod , for no other apparent reason than that the young man ilurod to exercise - orciso the common right of sending a communication to another editor upon a nutyoot entirely free from nil per sonalities. Rumors of n libel suit wore wafted in the air. and the next issue of the Nonpareil contained an editorial item stating that the mud-throwing wai nol done by "tho responsible editor , " ant that "had it boon noticed in the prool it would have boon Bupprosaod. " Thai the editorial columns are liable to bo trespassed upon by irresponsible writers being admitted , it ia a little difUoult for the public to determine which articles are authoritative anil which are not , Perhaps the first ar ticle , termini ; Mr. Scott "asopho- more BOH of ti discarded citizen , " was written by "the responsible editor , ' and the humble retraction was slipped iiv unnoticed by somoBcrib blor , who , noticing the confessed looseness in editorial nianagoiiiont had put this in on the sly. Tlio Non pareil should uao some mark to iudi cato Biich editorials as nro written by "tho responsible editor , " aiil Buch as ore written by irresponsible sponsible Bcribblera. " . "The ro poiifiiblo editor" should have ai asterisk , or Bomo other sign Bhowini , what lie is willing to father. As it i now the public is in doubt as to whether the accusation or the rutrac tion L ) Jho voice of "tho rcsjwnsibl editor , " both having the same oar- narka of editorial paternity. The slurs concernina "tho battle tver the graveyard" which are chinked n the first editorial , come with ill grace. Attorney Scott did fight the iroposod extension of a certain como- cry , and the Nonpareil wan pledged ; o his support , provided ' 'tho respon sible editor" could secure a ward delegation favorable to him inapoliti- ml convnntion' . Failing in thia the Nonpareil wheeled about nnd now do- ights in using it aa n tantnlizcr. If ; ho retraction was really written by "tho responsible editor" then the end lias como to the use of thia , rnd the public may rest easy in the belief that iho Nonpareil joins with Mr. Scott in rejoicing over the successful opposi tion to the proposed cemetery exten sion , CROWDING THb ! CABIN. Smith's Double Ring Show Cnusoa Dohnny's Opera Houao to bo Packed -Promises for This Week. Saturday afternoon and evening Smith's great double Uncle Tom's 3abin company appeared in enter- ainmontM ut Dohnny's opera house nnd drew largo nudienccs. Thostreet made in which the bloodhounds , ackassos , the cabin nnd the band showed up created much stir on the streets , nnd created n still greater stir vhon appearing upon the stage. Sam jiicns appeared us Uncle Tom and was , lie leading card. Ho is certainly the inest colored comedian on the stago. Dho time-worn character of this play was rejuvenated by the introduction of many novel features , such ns two L'opsys , two Lawyer Marks , etc. , nnd much variety of song nnd fan wore ntorwoven. As an entertainment for he masses to enjoy , thia offered by Imith's company ia a taking one in ill respects , nnd nt the popular prices s meeting with much favor nnd nn nthusiastic welcome every where. The ompnny appears in Omaha Monday ud Tuesday overlings. I'HOMISEI ) ENTERTAINMENTS. Webb's New Orleans minstrels are ' < ) appear at Dohany's on Tuesday and Vodnosdny evenings of this week. 'ho ompany has just boon rcorgnni- ud hero , nnd has gathered some line ninstrol talent , which promises to af- ord enjoyable entertainments of nusic and mirth. A number of the music-lovers of Council Bluffs , and those who have cnown Miss Fannie Kellogg since her rirlhood , . which was passed in this ity , nro planning to go to Omaha on he evening of the 20th to henr her n concert with the glee club of that city. It is now expected that the nine concert will bo repeated hero on ho following evening. Clifford's dramatic company nro to ippear in thia city on next Friday and Saturday evening. ! . Denis In Dirt. The following transfers of real estate are reported from the county records by J. W. Squire & Co , , ab stractors of titles , real estate nnd loan agents , Council Bluffs : 8. Dillard to J. Murchison , B A of n w 17 , 73 , 38 , $2,000. S. S. Spiegolborg to M. J. Shirley , s A n o and n o n n G , 77 , 42 , D. Child , trustee , to John Levin , ot 1 block 2 , in Stutsman's 2d ndd to city , 830. P. Foley to E. Vickory ' lots 3 nnd4 n subd ot outlet 14 , in O. P. , Neoln. 8300.D. . D. R , Minium to J. Wilson , sis W 3 , 75 , 40 , § 2,800. S. J. Spiegelberg to J. Wilson , n h i w G , 77 , 42 , 8755.80. J. T. Baldwin to D. R. Minium , n A " s o 10 , 75 , 40 , 82,400. M. Shnddon to W. 0. nnd J. W. Stephens , a o , s w 12 , 70 , 44 ; 8800. 0. Gulliford to T. Green , part 31 , 75 , 43 ; 855. 0. , R. I. & P. R. R. Co. to A. E. Jones , s o , s o ! ) , 74 , 41 ; 8400. Richard Hughe > mil Win. S , Kirk ; o A. H. aiidG. 1 > lo , n 2 , a o nnd part of s w , s e nuu u o , s o 20 , 74 , 42 ; $300. J. Groves to Win. W. Bunker , part of B o , s o 8 , 77 , 38 ; 8250. H. 0. Cary to A. B. Smith , B 2 , a w 35 , 77 , 43 ; 81,000. G. M. Wortz to J. Cowen , s w 25 , 70 , 88 ; 81,700. A. E. Slack to Mrs. M. Martin , un divided J of nw . } of no | 21 , 70 , 39 ; SG'G.CC. Same to same , same description ; same amount. 0. R. I. & P. R. R. Co. to S. J. Tnto , w * sw 25 , 76 , 41 ; 8800. 0. E. f'erkins , trustee , to E. Lang- mack , o A " no 24 , 74 , 41 ; 81,000. R. M. Hough to J. 0. A.Fres - ohauf , lota 1 nnd 2 in sub. of out lot 14 in Nooln ; 8335. H. H . Evorhard to Mary McClel land , no and nw and sw nnd 10 acres off n side so no 5 , 75 , 42 ; ? 1,450. W. S. Davenport to Frank Pike , nw no 24 , 75 , 40 ; 8800. PERSONAL. Senator Wright and llepreaentative Morgan 8 ] > nl Sunday hero , Alderman Keller has returned from hi * eastern trip. J. A. O. Yomuans , a prominent attor ney of Fort Dodge , w in the city Satur day. * ] { . 1 Inward George , of The Chicago Herald , upetit the Sabbath in thia city. MV. and MM. l'r nk Lawrence , of lied Oak , are paying n visit to their friends , Dr. nnd MIH. Lawrence , of thin city. Judge Loofbourow uncut the Sunday' with hU family nt Atlantic , Intending to return In time to ntteml to court diitloH to-day. Railroad Operator at Molroio Rob- bod. National Associated I'roaa. DEH MOINKS , In. , February ll.A dispatchfroinMolroso , Monroocounty , litatos that the night operator of the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy was chloroformed , gapcod nnd bound to bii chair about 2 o'clock ' thU morning by two masked men who presented re volvers to his head , demanded the keys of the safe nnd money drawer , nnd rob bed him of over $30 in cash and ngold watch. They wore cloth moaka over their faces. The railroad company offers 8100 roward'for their capture. HEARTLESS HIGHWAYMEN. Two Mon Onrroto an Old Lady in n Passenger Depot and Tnko Her Satchel nnd Monoy. Clinton Herald. A robbery ns bold and honrtloBB aa any over perpetrated in Clinton hap pened nt the Northwestern passenger depot about 10 o'clock last evening. At that hour Mrs. Martha Ann Joffry , a lady nearly GO yenra of ngo , who nr- rived hero from Mnquokptn on the evening freight , was waiting in the depot for the midnight 'train cast , being en route to Eaton Rapids , Michigan , when two young men , atraiiKois , entered the room. On some pretext they engaged in conversa tion with her , nnd discovered she wns along , and watching n favorable op portunity , when no ono else was in or near the room , suddenly turned ofl the gas nnd seized the lady's satchel , also grasping her , commanding silence and searching her pockets. She wns so astonished nnd frightened that she could not call help , nnd the fellows having possessed themselves of her satchel nnd pocket-book , the latter containing ab'out $10 in money , has tily departed. The lady rushed to the door nnd culled help , and parties who had heard the noise were already running in that direction , but the thieves had vanished among the freight cars and escaped with their booty. It was desired by the police officers that the lady should remain hero , to identify the prisoners if captured , but she declined to so , being afraid of the recurrence of nu attack of heart disease , to which slio is subject , nnd being also in a hurry to reach her friends. She hud fifty conti and her ticket left , und como change was ijiven her by the employes about the yards , she departing east by the night train. This afternoon Marshal Whitson , ivho with the other police officers had been on a sharp lookout for the rob bers , arrested two men who are be lieved to bo the gnrrotors , they nisworing the lady's description ex- ictly. The satchel was also recovered , uid a dispatch sent to liar to that ef fect. Both men are in jail. IOWA BOILED DOWN. The Oscar Wilde lectures nt Dubuque tha latter part of the im nth. Tbo re.V eatato agents meet in conven tion In Des Moines on the 22d inst. A pork pocking establishment Is talked nf in Shenandoab , with a capital of $100- The telegraph office Viilt-on Junction was robbed ot one huitl tu dollirs re cently. A lied Oak child fe 1 into a not of hot lye last week , badly burning half of its body. The grand lodge of Iowa of Knights of the lieu CroS was organized atClinton on the 8th inst. The Cedar Rapids Barb Wire company have file 1 articles of incorporation in the ollice of the ccretary state. The Davenport land league , since its organization , has sent 81,7i.O to Treasurer Egan of the Irish national land leaugue. Fourteen hundred families will como from Holland in the spring , and settle in the northern part of the Htata. A shooting nlfrnv took place at Clayton , Clayton county , nu the 7th inat. , in which \ man was ahot , three bullets entering hU jody. Ilcnry c unity has been compelled to i > ay $5,000 to a man named Van Winters , Tor injuries received by reason of n do- feotive bridge. The city council of Dcnleon hai passed nn ordinance fixing the enlnon licenses at. J300 per annum , and closing the uarber ahops on Sunday. Theiiiburauco tecs paid into the office of the auditor of state for January nmyuntcd to S ,377.50 , being about § 300 more than for the same mouth last year. Twenty-fix years ego a man entered n ninitor section of land in Greene'county , nnd ho has just sold it to Minneapolis purlieu for 810,000. It covers rich coal deposits. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICB. Special advertisements , such M Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In thli column at the low rate ot TEN CENTS FEB LINK ( or the Drat Insertion and FIVE CENTS I'EIl LINE ( or each subsequent Insertion , Leave advertisements at our ofllco , Room C , Etcrctt'sUlock , Ilroadnay. HKNT-Thrco or ( our raoma lor llitht FOR houtekcc | > li > ) r , within two blocks otpoHtomco bmiulro ot Dr. lianchctt at 11 1'earl fat. lu 2t \ \ / ANTED To rent A ton room house In TT some Kood neighborhood or two sm tiler houses Biilo bbldo , AJilress I' . 0. llox 707. Oanncll Dlnda , or aiinlp at IlhK ollice , Council "I-- 4Mf ( VirANTKD-E\er > body In Council Blufls lo YY to take Tin Dm , 20 cents per week , do llmwl by carriers. Office , Room 5 , Emctt'i lllocK , Uroad ay. To buy 100 tons broom corn. WANTED address Council UluDi Uroooi Factory , Council llluOa , Iowa. 68S-29t ( A first-cilia broom tier. Uayne WANTED Council Uluffn , Iowa. 660-80' TmOKHALK-Old pane 40a per hundred , al J } The Bee office. Council Bluta se27-tt mo IJItlCK-UAKKIlS , FOK SALE-6 acrca or X more o ( land adjo'iilng ' the brickyard ot llannor & Ilaluet' on Upper lroa ) < l ay , For particulars apply to David llaincs or to Hanncr'i ottlcoftt tlio Hoard ol Trade ronns , Council UluOs. 776-do22 3ui pOTTEU'S TICKET OFFICK War In railroad 1 tickets continue * to boom. Unprecedented low rates to all eastern point * . K\cry ticket iruaranUod. ) Orders filled l > y telephone. From emu to ton dollars eaxcd by purchasing tickets of 0. A. Totter , successor to Totter 4,1'almer , No. 40 South Filth etrinV. ( our doors below the post , olllcu , Council lllutfj , Iowa. octlS t ( WANTED-Kov , with pony , to carry papers Imiuiro at llxi ollice , Council Uluus , octlS-tf Notice , Owing to the immcngo success of the new Gelatine Dromldo Instantaneous Proceis at the Excelsior Gallery. Fifth street , Ooun ell Ulufls , the proprietor desires the o wUhlnir Children's i'lcturca to call bctucen the hour * o 10 and 12 o'clock a. in. , aa owlni ; to the Presser or Dullness wich arrinitoment Is ueiuiMary to a\oM delay , 80-Jui j , DARKE , Proprietor ACTS WORTH KNOWING. "Good morning , Mr. Jones. You seem in good humor this morning. " "Yes , I have been to the BOSTON TEA STORE , and find anything and every thing I want , OF FIRST QUALITY AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. I tell you , I can Save Money no\v out of my salary , and Live First-Olasa , too. It pays to go there. " "Where did you say it wass ? " B08IOB TEA COMP'Y ' FINE GROCERS. 18 Main St. and 15 Pearl St , COUNCIL BLUPFrf , IA. ( Gasoline Stove. ) : . xc. oroxtrxas , DIULKR IN STOVES , TIN WARE , SHEET IRON WARE , 331 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , la. DON'T FA L TO SUE THE STOCK OF W. W. BUCHANAN" WATCHES , REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. 202 Brcamy , DOnNCIL BLUFFS , H.H.JUDSON , DRY GOODS 405 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORKS , MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY Office and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. We give special attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , HOISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will receive prompt attention. A general as- Hortmcnt o ( Brass Goods , ' Belting , Pining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Ooke , Goal , OHAS , HENDEIF , President. MAURER'fe CRAIG , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Out Glass , Pine French China , Silver Ware &o. , 3 < 0 HKOADWAI. . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Drs. Woodbury & Son , Cor. i'carl & M A\o. COUKCIU BLUFFS. W. 8. AMENT. JACOll SIMS. AMENT & SIMS , Attorneys & OounsBllors-at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , JUWA. KELLEY & M'CRACKEN ' , Marble'and Granite , North Fifth St. , Council Bluff ? W. W. SHERMAN , MANUFACTURER OF ROAD , TRACK , GOAGH & LIVERY Fine Work a Specialty * K. H. SHERMAN , nnsfness IDtnagM.- . WM. CHRISTOPHER , Mechanical Manager. 124 South Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. My Harness are Manufactured from A No. I Oak Tanned Leather. I Sell My Goods at Bed Rock Prices. Or ders from abroad receive prompt attention. J. MUELLER'S Whickering , Weber , Iiindeman , J. Mueller and other Pianos , $20O and upward. Burdett , Western Gottage.3 Tabor and Paloubet Organs , $50 andupward. Musi IM : cal Merchandise of every description. .A. Italian Strings a specialty ; imported .A.L direct. Music Books , Sheet-Music , i'oys , Games , Fancy Goods , Wholesale and Re TJ L tail. Pianos and Organs sold for Cash and on Time. Stock is large , full and com plete. Musical Journal tree on applica tion. Correspondence Solicited. Address : iO d. MUELLER , i I " . HC 103 South 5th Street. :0 : E ! COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. BOWMAN , EOHRER & CO. , Storage and Commission Merchants PURCHASING AGENTS AnJ Dealers In all kinds ol Produce. Prompt attention iI\cn to all consignments. NOS. 22 , 24 AND 20 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. W . HI. IFOSTIEiIR WILL SUPPLY ON SHOUT NOTICE Cut Flowers , Greenhouse and Vegetable Plants Iti their season. Orders promptly filled m.d Jelhcrcd to Evjneti , ollkc free of charge. Send ( or GOXTCSTCXJC. 3 -DEALER IN- PAPER , BOOKS ; STATINERY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Buyer and Shipper of drain and Provisions Orders solicited in Iowa and Nebraska. REFERENCES. First National Bank , Stewart Bros. , Council Bluffs ; William P. Harvey & Co. , Culver & Co. , Chicago ; E. A. Kent & Co. , St. Louis. METCALF BROS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IS Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. ' OHICAQO PRICES DUPLICATED. GOUMXTGXX. REAL ESTATE AGENT , Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands , and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MA.YNE , over Savings Bank , - COUNCIL BLUFF BIXBY & WOOD , PLUMBERS , STEAM AND GAS FITTERS Gas Fixtures , Bath Tubs , Marble Slabs , Brass Goods , Iron and Lead frpe , Fittings and Pumps , Kept in Stock , No. 7 Fourth St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. . " Jbu WE CAUKV THE LARGEST STOCK OK KINK BOOTS ! SHOES , Slippers , Etc. , Within One Hundred and Fifty Miles of Council Bluffs. . All Mail Orders Promptly Attended To ani Highly Appreciated , ' OUR PRICES ARE VERY LOW , Call and See Our NEW SPRING STOCK , " whicb has Begun to Arrive. \ Z. T. LINDSEY & 0 . , 412 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOW1 , . And WEST SIDE SQUARE , CLARINDA , IOWA ,