Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1882, Image 5

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    i V/VJ.J.1
NNMnutnu uummcnut : ,
NKW VOHK , I'ebnmry 1 .
Events of the wenk in finauctat clrc'o
\vero not Important as a rule , although
the markets paised through some wide
fluctuations. Money ruled easy through
the week with rates ranging from 3@5 per
-cent. Exchange was firm at 1. 85 ® 4 DOJ.
Governments were quiet and without lin-
' .pnrtant feature. In railway and miscel
laneous stocks sp-culatlve binluosflM
ctuto | moderate a.n.1 on a much smaller
scale than for fomo weeks past. Tha
changes from firmness mid depression were
frccjuent , but iho fluctuntlons were con-
'flucd witliin ft narrow range. There were ,
\i4 \ ! Wer , Borne marked exceptions.
The ca'csof in ire active stacks t--day
were 225,000 shares.
Money closed at 3 per cent.
Exchange cloicd firm nt 4 85@4 OOi.
fTSortniT10"18 clo8ed fum >
( Currency < Ts. . . . i mW"
. ' ' . ' "
4'a coutH > ns . i 14 ?
' " "
4J'H coutxms . "
' 61 Continued . . . . ' '
* . i \ JJ , , ,
O's continued . . . . . . MX *
Pacific rsilro * l bonds closed as ful'lTT ' * , '
Union late.- . 1 1GJ@1 16J
Union Land Grants . 1 14 bid
Union Sinking Fund . . .1 22 @ 1 23
Centrals . 1 13J@1 14i
Thu stock market to-day was mode
rately active and irregular , and prices as a
rule closed } @ 18 per cent lower. C. , C. &
I. C. was exceptionally weak nnd closed
3J per cent lower than yesterday. The
principal dealing ! were in Denver & Rio
Grande , Northern Pacific preferred , Lake
Shore , New York Central , C. , C. & I. 0. ,
Louisville & * Nashvllle. Reading and Cen-
'tral Pacific.
The following are the closing bids :
A V T H . 38 Nor. Pacific pfd 73J
Preferred . . . . 81 NY Elevated. .107
. &A . 1351 voPacific. . . . . 35.
-OS . 5'4 UreTrans . 72
C&A . 134J Ore Nav . 138
.C C C & I . . . 80 Ohio . 33J
.C&O . 24 Preferred . . . .100
1st pfd . 31J Michigan Cen'l 815
id pfd . 25 M P . 1028
Caribtt . 21 M&O . 32 |
D & R G . 701 Nui > h. & Chat . 81
D L & W . 120) Pac Mall . 43J
D&H . . .10SJ PD&E . 34
K&W . 33J Pull. Pal. Car. . 139
Erie . 39JJ Quicksilver . 12
ETenn . 14 Preferred. . . . Gl
Pieferred. . . 22J Reading . G23
Adams . 145 RI . 132 $
W.'F . 12G R&WP . 243
American . 92 R&A . 30
U. S . 75J Omaha . 31J
H&StJ . G Preferred. . . . 100 J
Preferred. . .107J O&W . 2GJ
, Homestake. . . . 18i M L S & W. . . . 47 *
Houston & Tex. 80S M & E . 121 J
I. C . 13-J M&C . Ti
IB&W . 45 $ Robinson M C. . 72
K&T . 3G | StPaul . 1
LS . Ill preferred . .none.
1 . 51J T &P . 47J
&N . OOi Union Poci He. . 118
L N A& C. . . 72 Western Union. 81 :
NJC . 901 San Francisco. . 42
-'NorthwestTn..l33J Preferred. . . . 58J
preferred . 1431 1st Preferred. 94
.NYC . 130J Wabash . 6GJ
.Nor. & W pfd . . 65 Prefei red . . . . 66g
"NEW YORK , February 11. The bank
- statement is unfavorable. ,
Loans decreased . $ 938,500
.Specie decreased . 3,490,400
Legal tenders decreased . 358,900
Deposit * decreased . 5,674 600
Circulation decreased . 149,600
Reserves decreased . 2,33 < ) ,610
WASHINGTON , February 11. National
bank notes received for redemption during
the week.Sl 671,000 , .againit § 1,281,000 in
ihe C3rreaponding week last year. Bonds
held to secure national b.iik circulation ,
$370,071,200 ; bonds held to secure public
moneys innational bank depositories , 81"-
868,0) ! ) ; bonds deposited to secure circu
lation during the week , 81,14G,5tO ; to se
cure circulation withdrawn during the
% week , 81,412,000.
CHICAGO. February 11.
"To-day there was considerable done in
the way of signing margin checks , but to
> .the course of values on 'change money wax
1 wanted by all classes of borrowers at G@7
per cent.
Eastern exchange between the city
. banks was weak at 25c discount per § 1,000.
The clearings of the associated banks
v were 87,300,000.
"BOHTON , February 11. "It is impera-
-live , " said Bank Examiner Necdham this
afternoon , "that the , accounts of the Pacific -
-cific National bank be in a condition to
meet my approval nt the close of next
week. The present prospect" , however ,
. * rd very gratifying. The stockholders are
beginning to realize the necessity of the
piompt payment of the assessments , and
are now responding nobly to the call of
i President Coleman. Thus far (2 ( p. ii | ) we
have received to-day $4 1,00 > , making th
.total paid In S30A900. "
'Omrtbn , Wholesale Market.
Saturday Evening , Febniaryll. J
The provision market thawed less
strength this week.
The leading grain markets were fairlj
-maintained , though prices continue in an
unsettled state and lower than last week's
closing quotations. There has been no
marked change In the market for more
ctban a week at any of the accumulatlvi
Foreign inarketu are reported dull am
In uu uniatlifuctory condition , both fo
gr.n .tad flour. The movement keeps u ;
-well , the receipts at this point being quite
. heavy , So long as ( his state of affairs con
tinue and the prospects for the forthcoming
-crop ) are good there need be no expecta
tion of material advance In prices.
The demand for flour Is on a nomewha
liberal scale , both from consumers am
.dealers , Values strong and unchanged
Other mUlstuffa quiet.
Quite liberal receipts of poultry were rc
ported this week of better than averag
juility Pi ices ruled steady under a goo ( ,
Egg * \yere In good supply and price
* lightly weak.
Good to choice butter was icarce and I
Potatoes and onions in liberal suppl
t and firmly held at quotations.
Green apple * btrong and scarce.
1 V
bet lower than they were liut week.
Dry goods , both staple and fancy , were
mcel ng with a good demand , Values
were steady and prkes well maintained.
GroctticfiioH freely at about last week's
Drugs and chemicals continue lo soil
freely. Several liilpoitnni changes hare
been noted in quotation * during the week.
Oils wore firm and unchanged ;
Heavy hardware and Iron sold mo'il f-- .
otely well on orders. Nails were firm.
Tinner * ' supplies met a fair demand.
1 umber met a good demand , both from
buildera nnd mnntifaiturcrs. Prices were
firmly maintained , with a prospect of an
advance in pome classes of boards soon ,
Advlc R from the lumber regions say that
logging i < progressing nicely , that snow is
quite plenty in nearly all sections , and
that a largo number of logs have been
b.inkrd , fully u' many ns the mills can
Leather and leather goods wore quiet
and a trifle weaker. Pelts were a shade
better. Furs were steady and In good de
The receipts of ho shave been moderate
and barely up to anticipations. Packers
are p < yng ! gojd prices tor choice lota.
Tob. % ccoi" have ruled Generally firm , the
only changd noted dui Ing the week being
Catling O , S. 5-lb boxes declined 2c per
pound ,
" j , ; other branches of trade no material
clmtlffo fro. " > n8'week'n icport hts been
Local Qra'n ' & llnc ,
WHEAT. Cosh No. 2. 1 09 J | cash
o. 3. 931c : rejected , 67Jo.
BARLEY. Cosh No. 2 , 83 < s' No. 3
04 c.
c.RYE. . Cash , 75o.
CORN. Cash No. 2 , 43c.
OATS. Cash. Sir. .
STREET PRICES Com , 45@50 ; oats' ,
40@45. '
HAY-rf ( 00@G 50 per ton.
KLOUR Spring wheat , straight grade ,
S325@350 ; "Pioneer" California , 34 00 ;
patent , 83 75@4 50 ; winter wheat straight
grade 83 85@4 25 ; patent , 54 50G 00 : gra
ham rye , 82 50 ; Wheat , W' 00 ; Queen
Bee. 84 25 ; Jasper , 83 87 ; Big Sioux ,
$3 50.
MILLSTUFFS-Hran , per owt. 1 00
perton.lG.00@17.00 ; screenings , per cwt.
SOc ; shorts , per owt 1.00 ; chopped food ,
per cwt. 1 20 ; meal holted , yellow , 1 40 ;
white. 81 GO.
° OTATOES Nebioskas , 1 15@l 20.
ine,4 @ 5c per Ib.
WILD GEESE-Out of market.
KGGS 15c.
BUTTER Choice , 28@30c ; poor , no
market ; fair , 18@2J ; creamery , 30@32c.
APPLES Good , sound , very Bcarco
t 85 00@5 50 per bbl.
LEMONS Steady ; per box , $ -150 ®
0 00.
MALLAGA GRAPES Per bbl.,88 50 ;
per half bbl. , S4 50.
BEESWAX-Yollow , 20@22c.
ONIONS 1 10@1 40 per bushel.
CRANBERRIES Per bbl. , 810 00 ®
CELERY Per doz. , G1@55c.
DRESSED GEESE-Per Ib. , 9@llc.
OYSTERS Selects.45c ; standards , 35c.
Grocer * List.
COFFEE. Rio , fair , 12Jc ; Rio , good ,
SJc ; Rio , prime to choice , 14c ; Old gov't
ava ; 26J@28Jc , Mocha , 28Jc ; Arbuckle's ,
TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ;
Ihoice , 60@75e ; Imperial , good , 40@45c ;
Choice , 60@75c ; Young Hyson , good , 36 ®
lOc ; choice , 65c@Sl 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf ,
5c ; Japan , choice , G0@75cj Oolong , goud ,
35@40 ; Oolong , cho.ce , 40@55 ; Souchong ,
ood. 35 < a40c : choice , 35(5)45c. )
aUGARS. Cut loaf , logo ; Crushed
) J5c ; Granulated. 10c ; Powdered , lOJo
ine powdercoVlHc ; Standard Coffee A ;
ic ; New York Confectioner's Standard
A. 9gc ; Good A , 9gc ; Prairie Extra C ,
"lo ,
SYRUPS. Sugar house , bbls. 45c : haf !
Is , 47c ; kegs , 4J gallons , 8210 ; choice
able syrup , 42o ; nalfbbls , 44c ; kegs , 82 10.
SODA. Dwight's lt > papers , 83 00 ; Do-
and do , 83 00 ; Church's , 83 00 ; Keg soda ,
STARCH.-Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloss , 8J
* 8c ; Corn Starch , 82@9o ; Excelsior
less , 7c ; Corn , 7Jc.
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 2 10 ; Ashen -
on , in sacks , 3 50 ; bbla dairy 60 , 5s , 3 45 ;
bis dairy , 100 , 3s , 3 65.
DRIED FRUITS Choice halves ,
caches , new crop , 8Jc ; Evaporated Apnlex ,
Ib boxes , 13c ; Michigan , 8Jc ; New
fork apples , 8Jc ; Prunes , old , GJc ; new ,
ic ; Currants , 6jj@8o ; Blackberries , new ,
5c. *
CHEESE Full Cream , 14c ; Part
Skim llic.
WOODENWAKE-Two hoop pails ,
95 ; three hoop pails , 2 20 ! No. 1 tubi
50 ; No. 2 tubs , , 8 50 ; No. 3 tuba. 7 50
ioneer washboards , 1 85 Double Crawn ,
90 ; Well buckets , 3 25.
LEAD Bar , 81 65.
SPICES. Pepper , | 19 ; Allspice , IBc ;
Cloves , 40c ; Nutmegs , 8100 : 25oC/as3iu ; ,
Mace 81 00.
MATCHES Per caddie , 90o ; round
ases , 87.65 ; snuare cases , 85.10.
PROVISIONS Breakfast bacon , 12Ju.
holce lard , 14Jc ; dried beef , 13Jc ; shoufd-
n , 9a ; hams. 13c ; bacon , sides , lie.
NEW PICKLES-Mediutn , In barrels ,
$10 00 ; do in half bbla , 5 75amalls ; , in bbl ,
12 00 do , In half bbla. 7 CO ; gherkins , in
bbls , 11 00 ; do , in half bbls , 7 50.
VINEGAR Pure apple extra , IGj ;
mre apple , 13c : Prussimr nure anulo , IGc.
HOMINY New , S5 50 nor bbl.
BEANS Medium , hand picked 81 00
icr bushel ; navy , 8t 00 ; calef navy , 84 00
ROPU Sisal , J Inch and larger , 8J@
9o ; $ inch , lOc.
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 330
Kirk's satinet. 3 30Kirk'n standard , 3 05 ,
ICirk's white Russian , 600 : Kirk's
Hutoca. 2 05 : Kirk's Prairie Queen ,
100 cakes ) , 3 10 ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 55 ®
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 10 oz , 8s ,
IGcjboxea 40 Ibs. , 16 oz. , 6s , IGc.
LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 340 :
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 60 ; Lewis' '
lye , 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 275.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. ,
In cose , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in cane ,
1 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in case , 1 50.
FIELD SEED Red clover , choice
new , $ G 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover
new. $700 ; white clover , , new. $1400
si alfa clover , new , $12 50 ; alslke , new ,
$1300. Timothy , good , new , $3 00 ;
blue gross , extra clean , $1 50 ; blue grass ,
clean , $1 25 ; orchard groan , $2 CO ; red top ,
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri ,
80c ; millet , German , $100 to $125 ;
Hungarian , BOo.
HEDnESKEB Osage orange , 1 to 5
bushels , 35 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels or
over , 8450 ; honey locust , per lb.-35c ; per
100 Ibs. , (25 00 ,
FIS i-Famlly white fish , 00 Ib hf bbls ,
83 75 ; So , 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls. G 30 ;
No. 1 white fish , In 10 Ib kiln , 1 00 ; family
10 Ib kits , 75c ; New Holland herring , per
keg , 1 35 ; Russian sardines , 76c : Colum
bia river salmon , per lOOlbs , 8 00 ; Geow'a
Bank codfish , Go ; Gen. baneleaa codfish ;
9Jc ; boneless fish , 5jc ,
MACKEREL Half bbls mesamarkercl ,
100 Ibs , 812 50s hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do.
100 Iba , G 00 ; hf bbl , fat family do , 100
Ibs , 3 85 ; mesa mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ;
No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore ,
12 Ib do , 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do , 7Co.
v * * * * t t ti
. j uu r
( Field's ) , tw > ' f o , * < 00 ; drt f Tii
per CAM , 2 Mi ) u 2 IMSUndard ) , , t
3 70 ; do 1\1t \ ( ift nu'ftrd ) , per case , 2 SO ; ( ln\
2 Ib ( slock ) , iwf cose" , 2 76 ; do 1 Ib ( slack- )
Per CMC , iOOj OnlotlK , 360. Salmon , 1
Ib , per rTt * ft , I 60 ® 1 70 ; do 21ft , per dozen
2 fis. SaAllnefV rtnall fsh , imported , one
quarter bc'tes" per box , HJo ; American ,
quarter l > ox < W per box , He ; do half Iwxos ,
per box , 21Jc.IVvfcstow , 1 Ib per dozen ,
ISO. Tomato230 ; do 3 Ib per
case , 330j l * ti 2 Ib ( Mountain )
per cose , 3 60 ; noaked corn , 210 ; do
2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 30U
string bean * , per case , 2 25 ; Lima beans
per case , 2 20. Succotash ) > er case , 2 25.
Peas , common , increase , 2 00poos ) ; , choice ,
per cane , 4 50. Blackberries , 21b- per CASO ,
280 ! strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 75i
raspbcrrlea , 2 Ib , per CASO. 275(31300. (
Damsonn , 2 lt , jxr ? case , 2 45. Bartlett
pears per case , 8 Oo@4 00. Whortleber
ries per case , 2 80. Egg plums , 2 Ib per , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 Ib , per case. 4 50.
Grocn gagc < ,2 Ib per case , 3 50 : do choice , "
Ib iier case,4 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , p rcano ,
4 00(3)5 ) 75. Peaches , 2 Ib per ca . 3 10 :
do 3 Ib. case , G 00@0 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 In , ptir
casc.385dopie ; , G Ib , i > cr dozen , 3 50.
RICE Carolina , 8@84o ; LoulHlann , 7J
( S8\c \ ; fair , GJ@7.
T'KANUTS Roasted , choice , red Tennessee -
nesseo , 9o per Ib ; fancy white , lOo per Ibj
raw white Virginia raw , tOc ; roasted ,
Dry Goodi.
BROWN COTTONS-Atlantlo A , SJc ;
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boott
FF , BJc : Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W ,
man HUM A , ojc ; inatan swmiani A ,
8c ; Indian Orchard d. w. , SJc ; Lawrence
LL , 7o ; Mystic River , 7Jo : Penuot A , 82c ;
Shawmtit LL , 7c ; Utlca C , 5Jc ; WftChus-
ett B , 7Jc ; do A , 8jo ; do E 48 , 12Jo ; Wai-
cott BB , 8Ac.
4-4 ; 7icj Alligator 3-4 , Sc ; Argyle 4-4 , 7Jo ;
Atlantic LL. GJc ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7c ;
Bennington C 4-4 , GJc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , G jcc
Indian Orchard A A 9-8 , 8Jc ; Laconla O
39 , SJc ; Lehlgh E 4-4 , 9Jc ; Lonidalo 4-4.
lOc : Pepnerefl N 30 , 7c ; do O 32 , 71c ; do R
36 , 71c ; do E 39 , SJc ; PocassU 0 4-4 , 7Jc ;
Wamsutta 4-4,13c.
Kin fc 4-4,10cBlackstonoA ; A in.perial f c ;
do do half bleached 4-4,9c ; Cabot 4-4,8j ;
Fidelity4-4 , 9JcFruIt ; of thoLoom.ll ; do
cair.bric4-4,13cdoWaterTwlst,10JcGrcat ; ;
Falls Q , lOJc ; Indian Head shrank 4-4,12 c :
L-msdale , lOJc ; do cambric 37 , 13c ; New
York Mills. I3e ; Pequot A , lOc ; Pepperell
N G Twills , 12Jc ; Pocahontaa 4-4 , 9Jo ;
Pocaeset 4-4 , 8jc ; Utlca , He ; Wamsnttn
O X X , 13c.
DUCKS Unbleached Atlantic , 10 o
17c ; Baltimore do , IGc ; Lone Star , 8 oz. ,
12c : Savjgo , ISc.
/JOCKS ( Colertd ) Albany E brown.
8c ; do C , drab lie- doA , stripes and
plaids , I2jc ; do XltX brown and drab ,
Rtripea and jilaldn , IZJc ; Arlington fancy ,
19c ; L'nmawick brown , SJc ; Chariot fancy ,
12Jc ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall River
brown , extra heavy , 31Jc ; Indiana A
brown , 13c : Neponset A brown , 15c.
TICKINGS Amoskeag A C A 32 ,
17Jc ; do XX blue 32 , 18Jc > Arrowanna ,
Claremont B B , l.r Jc ; Conestoga ex-
17ic ; Hamilton D , ll c ; Lewiston A
) , 15c ; linnebaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omega suppr
xtra 4-4 , 28c ; Pearl River 32 , 16c ; Put-
am XX blue Btripe , 12c ; Shrtucket S
OJc ; do S3 12c ; Yeoman'a blue 29 , 8Jc ,
DENIMS. Amoskeak , bluennd'bnnvn ' ,
IJc ; Andover DD Mue , 15.Jc ; Arlington
lue Scotch , 18Jc ; Concord OOO , blue and
rown , 12Jc ; do A A A , do do 13J ; do XXX
o do 14Jc ; Haymaker's blue snd brawn ,
Jc ; Mystic River DD stripe , IGJc ; Pearl
Liver , blue and brown , 15Jc ; UncaavIle ,
lue and brown , ISJc.
CAMBRICS Barnard , 51c ; Eddystone
ning , 24 inch double face , SJc ; Garner A
lazed , 5c : Manhattan glove finish , GJc ;
few-port do Gc ; do glazed , 5c ; Pequot do
ic : Lockwood kid finish , Gc.
CORSET JEANS Amory , 8cAndros- ;
oggin sat teen , 8Jc ; Clarendon , Gc ; Cones *
oga satteens , 7ic ; Hallowell , Sc ; Indiar"
irchard improved , 7Jc ; Narragansett , 7Jc ;
'enperill sattonn 9in ; Rockport , 73o
PRINTSAliens. . 6Jc ; American , GJc ;
irnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4c ; Cochcco , 7c ;
3onestoga. GJc ; Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Dunnell ,
J@7c ; Eddystone , 7c ; Gloucester , Gc ;
farmony , SJc ; Knickerbocker , GJc ; Mer-
imac Dt 7c ; Mystic , 5Jc ; Spramies , Gc ;
outhbndge , Gc ; do. Ginghams , 7c ; Marl-
oro. 5Sc : Oriental GJc.
GINGHAMS Amoafceag , lOJg ; Amos-
ce > g dresa 12J. ' Arcyle , ' lOJc ; Atlantic ,
c ; Cumberland , 7Jc ; Highland , 8Jc ;
Kenilworth , SJc ; Plun kett , lOJc ; Sus-
ex. Sc.
COTTONADES Abbervillo 13Jc ;
; at6 ; 20c ; American , lie ; Artisian , 20c ;
Cairo D and T , 13Jc ; Clarion D and T ,
7Jc ; Deccan Co.stripesDandT , IGc ; Key-
tone , 13Jc ; Nr/ntucket , 19c ; Nonpareil ,
Gc ; Ocean D nnd T , 13Jc ; Royal , IGJc ;
IUSSPX , 12c ; Tioga , 12Jc ; Wachusett shirt-
n ; hecks. 12Jc ; do , Nankin , 12Jc ; York ,
ilain Nankin , 12Jc ; do , checks , stripes and
ancy , 12Ac ; do , 8 oz , 20c.
10 9-4 , 24c ; do 8-4 , 22a ; Continental C
2 , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 27J ; New
York mills 98 , 35c ; do 78 , 30o ; do 58 , 22Jo ;
'embroke 10-4 , 25c ; Pequot 10-4 , 28Jc ; do
-J , 19c ; do 49 , IGc ; Pepperell 90 , 29c ;
do 67. 21c ; do 57 , 18c ; Utica 96 , 35c ; do
8 , 22Jc ; do 48 , 17c
Olfcar * and Tobaccos.
CIGARS. Seeds , 815.00 ; Connecticut ,
825.00 ; Mixed , 835.00 ; Seed Havana ,
850.00 ; ClearHavana , 875.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule ,
24 Ib , 60o ; Spotted Fawn , Glc ; Our Rope ,
ine quality , G2c ; Star , pounds , 24
b , butts , GOc ; Horse Shoe , pounds ,
2-1 Ib , butts , GOc ; Glt ! Edge ,
xnmds , 2 * Ib , butts , GO ; Army and Navy ,
xmnds , 55c ; Bullion , pounds , GOc ; Loril-
aril's Climax , pounds , Glc.
.FINE CUT In pails. Hard to Beat ,
5c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , SOc ;
favorite , G5c ; Rocky Mountain , GOc ;
? ancy , 65c ; Daisy , 50c. In tin foil
Ratlins O. S. , 5 Ib boxes , per IbOSc ; Lori
Hard's Tiger , 65c ; Diamond Crown , GOo.
SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to
33c. Granulated Blackwells Durham , If
oe , Glc ; Dukea Durham , 10 oz , 50e ; Seal < I
STorth Carolina , 10 oz. 40 ; Seal of Nebras-
ca , 10 oz , 38c ; Lone Jack , 4 oz , linen bng <
perlb , Sl.35 ; Marburga'Puck , 2 oz , tin
oil , 5Gc ; Dog Tail. G5c.
Paints Oils and Varnliliei.
PAINTS IN Oil. White load , Omaha
P. P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. & 0. Co. , pure ,
! i ; Marseilles green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20ci
French zinc , gissn seal. 12c ; French zinc ,
red seal , He ; French zinc , in varnish nssc
20c ; French zinco , in oil asst , IGc ; Rav
and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c : raw am
burnt Sienna , 13a : Vandyke brown , 13 ,
refined lampblack. 12c ; coach black , l"c
l"ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian
blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , ISc ; chrome
green , L. M. & D , , 14c ; blind and shutter
L'reen , L. M. & D. . 14c ; Paris green. 18c
Indian red , 15c : Venetian red , DC ; Tuscan
dit , , 22c ; American Vennillod , I. &P. , 18c
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & Di O. , ISc
yellow ochre , Oc ; golden ochre , 1G ; paten
Iryer , Gc ; graining colors : light oak , darl
oa c , walnut , chestnut and ash 12c ,
Dry ° lnts
White lead , CJc ; French fine. lOc ; ParU
whltelng 24c ; whiting gilders , IJc
v biting com'l , lie ; lampblack German
town. 14c ; lampblack , ordinary.Sc ; Prus
sian blue , 45o ; ultramarine , 18o ; Vandyke
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw
4csienna , burn t , 4oj elenna , raw , 4 <
Paris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green com
2fic ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrom
green K. , 12c ; vet-million , Eng. , 70o ; ver
million , America , ISc ; Indian red. lOc
robe pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookaon'
Vc : Venetian red Ain , , IJc ; red lead , 7J <
chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome ycl
low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochre ,
French , 2jjc ; ochre , American , IJc ;
Winter's mineral. 2o ; lehigh brown. 2jo :
Spanish brown , 2Jc ; Prince g mineral 3c ;
VARNISHES-Barrela per gallon.
Furnlturb , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
81 ; furniture , U , 85c ; coach , extra , 31 40 ;
Coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , $1 50 ; Japnn.
70a ; asphaltum , 70c ; shellac , 83 50 ; hard
011 finlA. 81 30.
OILS 110' carbon , nor gallon , 11 Jo ; 150"
headlight , per gallon , 12jjo ; 175' headlight
. .
, ) r.
rcro. pcrprvllon , 30c ; mnmer , 15c
uoMenrnnchlno , No. 1 , jicr gaUon , We' No
2 , SOj siwrnt , slgiial , per gallon , 80c ; ' ter-
'ol iMi > uiii'Hiep
Hen .
Iron , rate , ? iJ M ; iriow steel , cAt , 7Jc ;
cast tool do. 15@20vnon spokw ,
2U5@3007hulwperMt , 1 25 ; Ml.x . , , , (
dry , 1 40 ; tongues , enoh , 70@85c ! axles.
each , 75c ; snuare nuts. j < .r Ib , 7@llci
washers , per > . 8@1R8 ! nvets wr Us He
< ioll chain , im r Ib , 6@12c ; malleable ! 8c ;
nm wodgcs , Gc ; crowbnp , , Oc ; lUTTnvf
teeth , 4c ; horseshows twr keg , fi OO ;
steel. 7S)8c ) ,
NAILS 10 to 20d. 'J 3 GO ; 8 to 10. 375
fid , 4 00 ; 4d. 4 2.5s ° ' - - ' '
half kcci , lOo extra.
SHOT.-Shot , $1.85j Buck Riiol , $2.10- I
Oriental Powder , kegs , ? fi.40 ; da. half '
keg , $3.48 ; do. , ntiarter keg , $1.88 ; Blasting -
ing , kens , Jf3.35i Fuse , er 100 feet 60o.
Horiet and Mulct ,
Thu market is brisk and nil gnulea are
soiling well at c "Unlit advance in pi Ices.
The demand for good horses exceeds the
supply considerably , Prices range M fol
lows ;
Fine single drivers , 5150. to 800. ; Extra
draft horses. $175. to 225. ; Common drai't
horsca , $100. to 150. s Extra farm horses ,
8110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horses
890. to 8100. ; Extra plugs , SCO. to 75. ;
Common plugs , $20. to 840.
MULES. 15 to 15J hands ( extra ) , 8125.
to 150. ; H * to 15 hands , 8100. to 140. ;
14 to 14J Ws , $76 , to 100. ; 13J to 14
bands , SCO. to 76.
Liquor * .
ALCOHOL 187 proof , sir. pur lno
gallon ; extra California spirit , 187 proof ,
1 31 per proof gallon ; triple relined spirits.
187 proof , 1 24 per proof Ration ; ro-dlrtlllcd
vblikios , 1 00@1 60s fine blended , 1 TO ®
2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; KHJI-
tuckv and Pennsylvania ryex , 2 00@7 00
BRANDIES Imported , 8 00@1G 00 ;
domestic 1 40@4 00.
GINS reported , 4 50@G 00 ; domestic ,
1 40(213 ( 00.
UUMS Imported , 4 50@6 00 ; New
England. 2 004 00 ; domwtlc , 1 f > 0@3 50
1 754 ( 00.
OUAMPAONE& Imrrtetl per case ,
26 OOQW 0 ; Anisr' jva , case , 12 00@
CLARETS Per case. 4 50@1G 00.
WINia Rhine wine , per case , G 00 ®
20 00 ; Cotnwba , pur case , 4 00@7 00.
FENCING No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , $22 00 ;
Is's. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 21 00 ; sheetingirresscd ,
Nc1 , 18 00 ; No. 2 , 10 00 ; common boards ,
dressed , 20 Oft
FRAMING JO It. nnd under , per M ,
21 C10 ; ft. stodding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 00 ;
24 ft. 2500.
FINISHING No. 1. finish 11 , 14 and
2 inch , 850 00 No. finish 1 inch 835 00 ;
No. 2 , finish 1 } , tynnd 2 inch , $4500 : No.
2 finish , 1 inch , 8-M'OO ' ; No , 3 finish , llnch ,
$3500 ; O. G. buttons per iOO feet KH , ,
81 00 ; w ll curbinff , 82200 ; rough J and 2
inch battms per 100 feet lin. , 50c.
STOCK BOAKDS Aaloci , 84000 ; B
835 00 ; C , 830 00 ; common stock , $22 50.
FLOORING-NO , i , W so ; NO. 2 , '
* 35 00 ; No , 3 , 822 00 yellow pine , No. 1 ,
SIDING No 1 , S24 00 ; No. 2 , 822 00 ;
No. 00.
3. 818 i
SHIP LAP Plain , 82200 ; OO. . No. 1 ,
83200 ; No. 2,82200.
CEILING 824 00@837 00.
shingles , 83 85 , No. 2 , $2'50 ; No. 3i $2 00.
Lath , 83 50.
Building Material.
LIME Per barrel , 81 35 ( bulb per bn. ,
36c. Cement , bbL. | 2 50. Iowa pUster.
bbl , $2 50. Hair per bu. 35o. Tarred
felt 100 Ibs. 83 50. Straw board. 8 * CO
PAPER Straw paper , 3o ; rag paper ,
4e ; dry goods paper , 7c ; manila paper lOc ;
n ws paper. 8c.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 912 ;
Morris Run Blossburg , 812 ; WhitoHreast
lump , SGf.O ; Whitobreast nut , 58'fO ; Town
lump , 8G 50 ; Iowa nut 86 50 ; Rock Springs ,
887 Anthracite , all sizes , $12 00@1'J 50 >
Carbolic , 50c ; Acid , Tartaric , 58c ; Balstun
Copabia , per Ib , 75c ; Bark , Sassafras , per
Ib , 14c ; Calomel , per Ib75c ; Cinchonidta ,
nor oz , 81 00 ; Chloroform , per Ib , 1100 ;
Dover's powders , per Ib , 51 40 ; Epson.
alts , per Ib , SJc ; Glycerine , pure , pep Ib ,
5c ; Lead , Acetate , p r Ib , 2b ! ;
II , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , fil 35 ;
11 , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , $125 ; Oilt
Hive , per gal , 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum. 50e
ipiuin , 84 50 ; Quinine P. & W. & II. & Sv , ,
er oz , 82 55 ; Potassium , Iodide , per.lbj
2 COj Solacm , per oz , 40o ; Sulphate ct
lorphine , "per oz. $3 8- ) ; Sulphur flour ,
> er Ib , 4Jc ; Strvchiiine. ner oz. 81 CO ;
Merino unwashed , light , 14@lCo ; heavy ,
3@15c ; mediuiu unwashed ; light , 18@20e ; ;
lib-washed , choice , 32c ; fair ; SOc ; ulng
, ndw. , 28c ; hurry , black and1 cotW' wools
@ 0c less
Hldei huri , Etc.
HIDES Green butcher's hldo , 7c ; green.
ured bides , 8c ; green ealt. port cured' '
ddes , 7@73c ; dry flint , sonnd , 13@14c ; dni
: alf and kip , 12@13c ; dry salt hidea , sound ,
xl@12c ; erecn calf , wt. 8 to 15 Ibs. . 10@11. < .
green calf , wt , under 8 Ibs , per skin , 50 < n
green pelts , 81 00@1 15 ; green lamb skins ,
81 10@125 ; damaged hides , two-third rate ,
out scored and one grub , classed two-
tlirdu rate , ) branded hldco 10 per eent. off ,
Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No , 2 , 30a ; No. 3 ;
20. ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 2 ,
30c ; No. 3 , 15c : No. 4 , 5o. Fox , No. 1 ,
30c ; . No. 2 , 25c. Skunk , No. 1 , blaofc ,
J5c ; sliort strlj > e , 40c ! narrow stripe 25c ;
iroad stripe , lOc. Tallow , SJo ,
Council Blnff Market.
COUNCIL lirurra , February 11.
Flour Crystal Mills Golden 8h < * f ,
)75 ; Californii l-'ureka , patent. . 3 ! Uj bout
: > road of KKI IIH , 3 50 < o)3 ) 90 ; ICansas raid
Missouri flour , 3 50@4 25 ; graham , 375 ;
yn Hour , 3 40 ,
Bran and Shorts 15 00 pqr ton-
Chop Corn 22 50. per ton.
Wheat No. 2 , S2 17 ; No. 3 , 87c
ctod , G7c.
Corn 47.
Oats No. 2 , 40c ; relocted , 35c.
Barley No. 2 , 90o ; No. 3 , 75c.
Hay Lee e , 5 00@G 00.
Live HogH-5 25@5 75.
Cattle Shipping , 4 50@5 00 ; ' lullcl
COWH 30 00 ® 1 * 00 per hood ; butchers
lock , 3 00@3 50.
Bheop 37C@4.25.
G HIden-5zG 8 blde ,7c. .
Wool 15@15. !
Butter Creamery SOc ; In r Us , wr v
ped , 25c : rolls not wrapped , 20c ; mlxe <
co ors , 15@30c ,
Eggs ffftcked , 12J ; fresh , 15o .
Potatoes 1 10@1 30 ; 8att Lake , 1
Oniona 1 25@1 40.
DreasedPoultry Chickens , lOc ; d cks
lOc ; gees * . 8c ; turkey * , 12to.
Live Chicken * 2 25 per dozen.
OHIOAOO. February 11.
On 'change to-day UM > markuts wera
Hettlod ami weak.
The receipts of grain were 32(1 ( car load * ,
embracing 74 of wheat , ID i of coru , 2-J of
oats. 11 ot rye. and 47 of barley.
Flour lu limited requeat anil dulls
common to. choUi > Bprlng western , 4 MM
I 00 ; MlnneMta , ft 00@7 V5f p.iteutu. 7 60
(3ft ( 50 ; winter bruiuU , 5 00fe7 25 ; buuk-
wheat Hour. 55 'fel ! 25.
Wheat No. 2 spring ruled active , and
thofo'llug wan very uiwett led , with Hue
tuatlons extending hrnugli a range of 2v
per biuhel. Tnulmg wtin wholly spoculu-
live. TheBO h.fluciiceM , howoiur , did uot
to have any more than u necondaiy
e licet , Ihe locnl Mwcnlftt 'vo ' fncricobeinj'
the ' r18 '
only controlllnR 'er'
twn , ,
opened r thor firmer , nnt l , ftrly Jrni'n ! ' ?
was at on advance of I , 4c per buMiel ,
comparfd with thwrU ng
call boon ! yp trday. The innrket nt cd >
tolowlly toady for awhile , mllM" '
, , , , , V
weak and ileclincd n 'U,1111 ! wi.11' '
t Ihicttintloui of . Jffi Sc ; Tlle , woilk-
was attributed lothsrecc r. of Ir > ! ,0
f-clllntr orders from vm low pofnN Blul nl
owing on the market at about tl c ! n"J , ?
Imp. Tlio market llnnlly closed \ , ' " , 'i
i , , ' " " ' ' ' ' 'el'niary ; 1 25 ? for A. r ? } < '
1T.y 1 for April ; 1 aJ for MaysFA 1 , for
Junes 1 ( Kiwi 00 for year. No. ; MI rl" .
) @S2o , Hcconllng to location ,
torn-The *
speculatU e demumH w\
luite active wwly In the day , and a finu \
collng was manifested , accompanied wltb
an advance i.l . 1@J0 In piic , M. oft-rlnnwA
vcro fri'o , however , and the market weakf
nod again hi sympathy with other nr-
fclCH , nud prices receded 6@Jo and ruled
toadv. No. 2 ami high mixed closed at
jo for cash and Februsrvs 57 > ! c for
March ; 5Jc for Aprils ll23fiG21c for May ;
3Sc for Juno ; MJ for July ; refected , 5lo. Fo
v , ' ? ft"y "I" ' " " " " what improved.
,1 i
No. 2 closed nt 401C NOy0 for o sh ; 40o for
'February1 ! 40 o for March ! 40Jc for April ;
43c for May ; 4.if for Juno.
Kye-Inactive. No. y , SSc fen Kobni
ary mid March ; M o for April.
Hurley-Little or no drumnd. No. 2 , and
100 for cash nnd futures ; Ni , ; j 7.10 fr
1'obruary : V" > ® 77o for , \pril. run
1 ork ( jitii.t and lower than t upvniiiK. runC
Mo. closed l 18 IHXfn H 2.1 for ea'dl ; 18 ! IO
for Februa y : 18 'J.VGnlH 27j for Mhroh :
18 7J18 50 for April ; IS 70@18 72J for
May ; 18 ! > . > for June.
Lard Tame , dosing at 1112Jaililfi (
for " cah ' itd 1'obniary ; 1115lll7 , fur
- - -
1127JI130 for Apil ; 11 @ in
T May ; 11 5011 52J for Juno.
_ - _ leats-Fairly nctlve.
- „ * * 1 < * IU Short ribs ,
9309JH for cash and March ; '
0 45 for April ; 0 65@0 GO for May. 3'2f '
vVhlsky-Stoady rt 111) ) .
Butter CSmxl I'emand for nil grades of
fresh undo stock. The receipt * were
light , and readily taken ; ireamery : , choice
to fancy , 40@l2c ; fair to good , 34@38o ;
dairy , chnica to fancy , 33@37c ; do. alr to ' 10
go.d , 20@30c ; fiesh male packing sloe * , * clul
I ( ifl8c ; ; ladle pnuked , common to good , clulC
18W32C5 roll , 20@23o for common to fair ,
and 25@bO for gooil to choice
j'.ggs Weaker ; demand fair ; receipts
ample ; sales of strictly ficsh nt 18@19c.
Reo'ta. Shlpm'ti *
Flour 10,105 12,031
Wlwat 2G.44G 11,01 J 110
Corn 97.435 1G0.285
Oats 66,72 MM"
Rye . . . .
Birloy . . .
GkloiiRO liivo 8took < enti ,
CHIOAIW , Febnmry 11. met
The DnrrerV Journal report * as foll'.ws :
Hogs 15eceii t , G.OtX ) head ; common
to goo 11 mixed in good demand Mill ccarco ;
rates i tiled G-Ou@G (55 ( lo littavy and pack
ing i ligli ? M.pply and fio)10c ) IdKhcr ,
runging at G 10G ! > 5 , nnd larrl ho s at 700 M.IC .
750 ; light ho pi vtrongcr amf more active
at 1.10@0 CO ; ufciju nnd ctillv 3 003 ! K ) . yell
Csttlo Koccl tH , COO bend ; great scarci ilull
ty of stock madii in the markut , . but prices M
wen * firm ; meili-Jiii shipping , ! J'30@I > 45 ;" , n 7f ® G 00 ; exjort , G 55 ; mixed
butchers'stock in CMK ) dfinnud at strong
prict-s ; COWN , 2 70fts t 2o ; bull * , 3 ( ! 0@4 25 ; bl-
steers , 33ri@385. (
Sheep lveceiptR,200head ; mirk : < * t fhow- ufr
etl cousiderablo strength on accnuiit of tha ;
light receiptH ; commnn , 3 05 ; fair , 3 70 ; Tr
choice , 5 30.
Knnwu City Prodnoo Marho&
KANHAH Cmr , February 1)1. )
Wheat Foyerfoh ann weaker ; NCI Jfl
1'lkSJ ' for cash ; 1 15 February ; 1 1G March ;
No 3 , cosh , 'JGJJ ; Kol.ruajy , 07c ; March ,
100 ; April , 1 01Maylt ; t)2@l ) 02i No ,
4 8GJc for cash ; bGJc fur February ;
Marsh , 881.
Com Steadier but still -jmsettled ; No. 2 llo
mixed , 581@5to ! for cash ; > 'obruary , > 7B
@ 58ic ; ftlarch , 57c ; ApriL 57Jo ; May , . I
f > 8i'o ; No. 2 white mixed , cash , Gljc ; . Ore
February , Glc ; March , G3Jcp May , G2Jo.
R5 a Ko. 2 February , J8e. eng
Rec'bt. Shipm'ta.
Wheat ) 5,11 4,183 froi
Corn 3.H2S 3,4G ! >
City Jjlve Stock. byBel
KANHAH CITY , Felminry 11. ( Bel
Cattle - Receipt * , 482 head : , shipments ,
43 * > boaiK Market sti eng and active at au it
advatice of 10@lfic ; native Hhiippers. 4 75
0 00 ; . native stool. er * . 3 < 5U@t 10 ; of .
ativo ftedern , 4 1U@4 GO ; native cows , !
2Ti@4 5ft
H ( is Itcceipts , 4.1'Ohcml ; Bliipments , '
! )38 ) liead. Al'rket ' slow and drugging at the
Celine of from 5 to lOc ; good to choire , seat
50@G &Vt medium packing , $ 0@G 50 ;
; ht shipping. 5 8I@U ) 10. to-
NoxtrYorli Prodaoe 1
NKwYom : , February 11. eou
Flour B > wll and in b .vera1 favor ; No 2 , V/81
Ou@4 55.H ; > ipoitine , 4 30@4 75J.8outhorn
our dull ; coiumou to choice extra , 5 GO ® no <
00. bul
Wheat Dull nnd depressed ; No. 2 red , bulj
38@1 40 j : No. 1 do , 145 ; NoJ whit' ,
35@l 37No. { 2 red February 1 38i@ Of.
do March 1 : ! ) - 42 do sal'
30J ; , i-@l ; ; April ,
I 1 1 ® i W. nifl
< 'nrn Heavy nnd unsettled ; ungraded 1
mixe 1. GriJ@ Jlc ; No. 2 , G7isOHfc ( N > 2 Cn
ixofl , Miu-ab , GiVG8jc ) ( ; do , Ai il , uai
Oats Ixjwur and less active ; No. 1 aiuJ
hite , 51c ; No 2 do. 47y@4 ! ) o ; mixed Ml [
oHtern , 4B@48o ; Nn 2 mixo I , JtYhruiry , dot
WMlc ; do March , 48J@48 c. div
Rye Dell at tl'Ji ) > o.
liurloy Steady hut quiet. 1fc
Pork Dullpiuw spm mess. 1H)0@18 ! 25. fc
lord Dull and wea > < i 11 IiO-cu h ami >
; thl
"ebruarjlnr h. 1132J , I
Petroleum Market again a shade hlghev fo
nd very strong , unltud , 87cr ; crude la > tb
arrels , 8il@ ( 7lc ; refined lu barrel * , , tu
St. Louis Proiluoo- chwt
ST. Louis. February 11. BC
Klot l > iUl and lower ! ftiuuv , 15 Of ©
Jin ; choice , R InffiG ajjfmnily. 5 H > @ ( S 0 ; pn
XXX. . f 3n@r. fiO ; line , : 10 ® 1-10 ; put- bii
tH. 7.25(5.825. ( In
Wbuut livttur fuelini ; hut , lower ; N < \ 2
cd. 1 35&1 St > i f'ir ' cihii ; 1 3 < ? ll 37ifnr tb
'febriiriryj ' 1 2'J@1 3i for Maich ; 1 & tbw
. 3 1 for Apiil ; 1 liSjQyl 314 ft'f May ? V- tl
Ml 2/i for June ; I 0'J@)1 ) 10J for year ; tlol
MiJuly ; No. 3 icdl ( 'JljNo. 4 do ,
M. ola
Com U nettled nd irregular ; olbi
f r ; IttyGtM'fo for Felsrnury ; bi
for Alarcb ; Oul(5i ( il Jo for April ; Ji
fnr Muy ; IUJC < ( > lic fxrJuly. JiU
ull and weak-iti&ff)4r ; ( ) a for cash ; U
. 'i © 3/o / ( fur February ; .t lUc for March : ei
Mi © fic-Jor April ; © li p for eiai
ye- Dull and hull at aib
BarUy Better at 83$90c. go
Leiul-ReHned , 4 05 hard , 4 'A
Flax Seed In demand at 1 , ; 7. ' , '
BiUtsrBetter ; crtuunery ,
lairy , 3S@37c.
Egvs-Quiet at 2 % .
WhUky 118.
Votls. Quiet ; | 1A 2T@U3 & fur c ihj
8. CO. foi February ; 1H 15 , for Mjirdi ;
.a-ttOJorApri ) .
IiAid Nominal t ll@15c.
ll o'ti. BWvints.
Flour 0,174 O.G05
Wb * t 4'JSO none
Cora ; jM,260 90,450
OaU 22.15& 3,572
Rye 2,500 ' 0,01.0 (
liiriey , C& nonet
St. Louts ZJr Bteek.
St. Louis , Feliruary 11.
Cattle Market slow but unchanged ;
exporter * . G OOffiG 25 ; fair to good nntlvos ,
5 25& < 5 Gr > ; choice do , 5 HO ® 5 00 ; medium
to tbulc-a butcbtrc , 4tX'6tO ! imlivu
cuxva and helfcii > , 3 75I CO ; native stock-
trc. 4 2t@l 75 ; iccei.ti | , 20) ) ; uhipmeiiU ,
Dull but uncliarKcdj litht hogs ,
fi2..fulir'0j Yorkfn , 0 15jiO ( 00 ; packim , ' ,
03(1 ( ( 0 t)0j ) bucltTH1 mi < T colt-cl , 000 ©
73i ; p ! ; , OTOfeOJO ; Mclpa and culls ,
i . ' ) ' @ . tO ; ruceii'U , 1CG'J { uhlpmvutH , 1 , .
Cincinnati Produce.
CINCINNATI , Fohniary 11.
T.IOM Pork Steady at 18 f,0Sll8 ( ffl.
. Mid ii I , -LaM-r V" ; prime steam , 110011 ( 0. * .
Hulk Meati-Steady ; clear Miles U 7f > @
* rf J ,
Bacon Steady ; clear sides , 10 G'JA ,
! lour Dull ; family , G 50ffii7 SO.
VhcntllRMNo. ! . 2 red. 131.
. ' i > rn Ivisieit No. 2 white hmt | , on
track , 70o.
"ati Weak ; No 2 mixed , 4fJc. !
Whisky Steady at"l"l7."n ' '
En t Liberty Uvo Stoolt ,
/i . . ' ' 'A"LniKiTV , Pa. , l-obruary It.
tattlp Nothing doing- receipt * , 1,853
head ; hlpmcnt , 1,020 head ,
Hod . * Slow ; rciclnts , 3,8.0 heaship. ' : .
incut , { I MX ) boa I ; PhliadelpliInK , 7 "
i . > ! orkl r , GG.'gO ST. .
Nnpnti x * iilitn * tint nit * * . .i -
Toledo Proflnoo.
TOI.MMI. Febniaryll.
, , a m | ! ; , ; , i for
' ' " 1 : VI'l for
I1)r ) ( \ . 1 3..1 fur Mnyj 1 | for Augimt.
y MiilnaoluliiaProdnoo.
rilllr\tKM'lllA , Kobniary 11.
Whcr.vU hte dy : 1.T7J@1SI > for cosh
id Kcbnin , ' > ' l > < ! , f"XMarch. .
Coni-HX ! ' "I" l'tli@G7Jo ca.h and Feb-
lary Or-jf'A ' ' c ( or March.
OftU-Q.Ui . j-ISifor cash nml February ;
< a@-ltlofopi ' " ' .c'1- '
ltlH Market
v' N ; ° l''obn .
iDullp , 'tra'ned , 1 W E"ixl ,
' .V
Hpirita Dull a 4 , '
Tar Kfrm ; 1 8m , ,
Tiirpenlitie Finn ; lmri' ' . 2 00 ; iwft ,
ttj Vligin , 2 GO.
'rodnoe. | ,
Fcbiuary 11.
Flour Amerioan , WH * 'i'3" ' . . . La
Wheat-Winter . Ills aU 3101W5 white , K
. . . . , . . . . . . . .
* .ni/ Tn.i. .I. ! ii Hd@lOs 8d ; r
nb , .
Corn OH id.
I'ork 70s.
Lntil SGn ildi
Cleveland MM MV <
Ci.HVRM.s | . .Vetn wry 11.
I'otniloum Uuclmu , cd ; sUiuli rd white ,
0 tbit , 7c.
KAHT KvvrAia , Kebrnar ) ' 11.
] ! OKS Firmer ; , rccoiptti , . t > 9 oirn , ' ship-
tH , 03 earn : Yorker * . G 0@ilO ; Rood
cdlum wslghw , 7-"lC@7 40.
Baltimore Prodnoe. ill
DALTIMOHK , February II , W
FlourJulet. . 8t
WheatNo. . 2 retll winter , , li 3S % fa in
iircb ; 1 3ll@t ! 31 for May. tii
Corn White nouthern niiti.lnnl . at 77 > " a'
How nominal at ( ii > i@70cmixcd : western .It
ill at G7n for ci\t > b and G7)lJ7.c ) for 1"
rc CO
Sacramento mills patout ftourr ( red1 U i
and ) . Our bent Knreka ] ) atcnt Hour
iluo - liraud ) . The only patent Hour man- pr
factured on the 1'ncilur coast. Wo olalm s
is tlio whittHt , stiongutit end bcttfundly Till
our in the statr. Ak your grocer far it 1131
ry ; it andyou will UHO no other ; In
K. til. McC BAHV & CO. , . ' r
Sacramento. 'f
T. ,1. KVAS * , Agent , bo
Crystal Mills , CuuncillBluff * .
. BTATB JOl'TINOa. , cai
Lincoln Hcidics are now inwwn aa the tar
ohnana ! Imo.
Hogs brought BIX dollars per hundred la ! nye
rcta last wecb.
Flattsmouth baa ordered > oi8 0 fir * iV
iglne of an Otonha house. feel
The FremoubTribuno deriveitH coloric jfor
am nro brick soaked In kerostne. jforS
N netoen stacks of hay wert- consumed S
a prairie firu-near. Albion last-week.
Henry C nradp-an industrioiut farmer at tliib
ellwuod , Butier. county , lost hi stable Iff
The Cast County Iron worko-ui the lat- uic
audition to Plattsmouth'tf ladustrlon. Ul
Vi C , Toogood declineH the ntnyoralty oh
( I Jrvte. He i eTidently too goMl forthu
I'I .
The Frontier ammty folks havr.6xod on
20th M tha day to settle tile-county
at question.
Thfl farmers of Hutlor count2 > propoeo
meet at David City next Suteirday to
cuanizo an idliince.
A boy named. F. E * Hovcy , of > Webster
lunty , WHS thrown from a hcnx- , lout W4
nek , and InatMibly killed.
The Orleans Sentinel claims th . baud-
i [ irintlng. utiico west of lUoooln
tilt for c.ieh and free of debt.
She j , > iff Kiillar has returned ImPawnee Og
isy with "Spool" Sterner to expluJit the 'dil
lie ' of mortga oil proHrty there lUst sum- db [
That ataunchiouti-monopoly paper. The
rafton GazetU , ban just passed i iUv first Ui
laiversary , Slay It celebrate itacenten- in
Ul.John in
John Hollaadv one of the Burlington & al
Iwtourl brutumen , lodt a leg by an. acci- alto
eat on the -\iuMtcrD coil of the Wymore to
Ivlsion I list meek , tonc
The FremMit , Tribune building U "as ncn [
retty as a picture" lasting monument le
the encrg nd ability ol the publisher * , ledi
Hammund Brotluirs.
The I town , of Teciiuneh has been sued
or 82,500. One Jauics Murpliy claluiB
hatumounA because ho had th , 'misfor-
uno to got Ba leg broken ,
Royal Buck , of K d Wllbw county , r >
laims th ribbon for the bum hog. it
feigned 5 > t' ivunda wheu uculded anil )
craped ! , uud 44G.wben dresiied.-
The now town of Avooa , in tbo southern
mrt of COHI county , is c.uutnoncint . ;
mild righ' lively ; HOIUU fivi or six
niildinpi already > > el. g undo * wny.
PluriiCrookurB have dcciiUd to clmngu
honuuiuof their town to Outurlo. Tluiy
potitlon the poHtmastvr'gonural unit
Llin Union Paciiio to agrco t the change.
Thi Bohemian farmerH in the vicinity
Llnwood , Uutler county , have foimud
FarinoiH * idliance , with , twenty luom-
nnd hcurts of othurd ate vxpcutod to
Albion lint secured aa important add- ! ,
tiou to her boMnogH , a cheexe and ciouin-
cry factory being unmred. A Wisconsin
Biun has decided to luvett $5,000 in the
busnH9. !
The Saline County Standard has built a
mi I no Irish platform to eiiable I > twes to
st'o the governorsH'i ' In tha distance.
'Thlgglnthu gealio , Shamimr1 "Ofhlgglia
ghumaoh. av c ,
containing five honeo , two cows , two.
calves , and craln seed wheat , com , farm
machinery , etcM all destroyed by lire. Ills
IOXH fuots up 81,500 the result of aaucUl
moke in the bay loft.
Tfae repott cf a fatal'duel at long rang *
between , the idLUir of the Bcatglce Demo
crat and Independent la eontrndioted.
Maivlu ilotply requested Cvnlee to ( > usg
himself with carbolic acid.
Petitl us nre circulating In Kranwy
asking Governor Nance to pardon Daniel
ary , c nvlctod of rofclilug the mails ,
liottec send them to. Picsident Arthur ,
who sJore bos the pawer pray &d for.
Alexander Sexton , tlie chump whu fur
nished Bill Bitters with u Ua'leti ' "billy"
to beat lib wuy out of the Plattumouth
J.ill , linn been uouud over to the district
cxmrt , while Bill enjoys the freedom of
the prairies ,
Papillion ha * pcrpetrutcd anew wrinkle.
Tim ladle * o [ the town recently raited 475
hy a public uup ) or , the money to bo iibcd
In constructing tldewnlks. ThU will reduce -
duce the number of coinur loufern hi
muddy weather ,
The Kearney Nonpareil entem Into IU
fourth volume dl pl yicB every cvldeu
Pawnea la the bonanza city. TJvo full
fledged and profitable bonanzas awnlt the
lei gcst pole , enumerated nk follow A
creamery , a cheese factory
a for
lulling h y , n coal m no on Turkey creek
nnd a hrst-class clothing store. ,
Mat. Cordbn. of O'Connor , Greoley
county , met with a terrible and sudden
ilenth last week. While climbing
load of hny In front , the team started upon sud. a
drnly and he fell
under the wagon , the
wheels crushing his jaw and neck.
Mrs. llcrnin , wife of the Jailor
at Heat-
ricean , handle a p , , nill JJ not afraid to -
use it whci.
requires. She dls
prljoncrs breaking the I."M
and compclle , !
up tl olr teeM
with her
The Johnspn County.ToiirruI she
deuce of well
earned propurity 1
curing fast priming machinery , The
lournal H onj if t,0 ) , nottcst nn 1
papo's fnjSouthcrn NVbraska.
. i -
. . . .
IllPflltnrf tn thrt .tfni t..l
went to Fremont to procure a bot-
. " "of Spanish fly , cither to euro It or t , >
kill himself. After n few painful twinrei
below the licit , ho- yelled for help , ami n
stomach pump promptly drew the foollah-
ncH int of him ,
A Imd bullwhncker '
named L'owla
attempted -
tempted i I o run the ramch'of Mrs. Hughes
on the Running Water. She
protested i , ' | " hl 8 1 riot
then- mounted hU
horse i and W , followed
ty a Hand of cow-
IHWH w ho iMcnd to make * lead' ' mine of
him I If they fight him.
The eilltorof The Beatrix
Kxprtw has
blood In hl cjtn. not a black wpot. The
stortB of the town threaten tt."tow him
all to ploccs"imd rnako a foctballrt of
hU | hood , but liv don't scare. Hfe simply
whips up his inj clo tb a atilkin ? pitch
and whispers : "We are not on. on Iim,8. , .
clo , and although ot fond of a 'inaf nee '
wo never run. Any person bomton an in.
' " " " * here or "
P * " thi"
Bro issue'1 tor iha recmery of
faOOOdamngea agrlust saloon kctpcra of
Subtler , who are obarged with having
RoliUlquor to the sorrof the old ladyJMrs.
Bromnan , wh < * iHon'was recently killed
by the team driving over- the backs of
PebWo creek-It belnt alleged thritMier
BOH wjw diunk at the time ; Of com.-who
wouldn't be killed. Y..u never hearofa
drunlnn man being Injured In an u i-
The Falls City Globt-Jnnrnnl comes
nut In .1 new form and cite * , thin week ,
with pattia y a new name , Imvlig.
Ironpod'Ue "Globo" part.It in printed *
ivith now tvpc on nor puwcr preis run by
iteam. Cmwldering the vcxatiiiua
( tclays-
n computing a newspaper toilet , the
lint numlter Mvts promise oP -beauty in
jwookor two. The prnjpesitr-of The
louuial n amm Juji-x of t nvruwth and
Hogress of Pulls City ntulRicliardjon
The average country pcncH puaher
\lutes the head center of the- opposing
wn or country pA } > er as "brofclwr" as H
tjludo to tlw more Mirectlonc.'ttv und om-
hi itlo title nof "bkunk , ' 'Bwirt nun' "
M. .therHkite- , " "llur.-and "h-w tElef ! "
Inn H the ttoo'l work of educating Iho mil-
sin to a thorough realization of the beau-
iw i nd blosnitigH of freedom and > br. > ther' .
le vo ioes ; on undisturbed by fir or
boil . 1 ho lcv r that movca the -world is
cvjiwl : to rule or ruin.
Uwo ungrateful broten In Nebrwlca City
ibbetl ! thslr mother o > her lart ctRb last
-celt M irt then smawhed the furniture b > .
uun k .e had nomore. . They were given
IV < Lour to leave-town or take a de eof
Jrob Aiberg , t& heroic "Son of-Uber-
y. ' baarfcemler nod ix.stmaator afei'Wil-
elm ! Ho pe , Shennan'county ' , w arecent-
riaUed on" to Lincoln to cxp-Jn-to ]
idg I > nndy whym "Impeded the- due
uurae-ot j ustlce" by lelllng unadultd ated
.rty.rodni the pontoffice and 'tailing ' to
tnmp > sveiy horn. .
The HbaiU pre H , with rery few axcep-
loni.iiioir wonderful improvement since
lie first of the yean. Kvery department. .
Itowa yain itakingoa ; < e in choice of sub-
sctH | bath originnl and ( elected. The
loetiBtzxUtiiii ; iniprovomt nt is in the jem
ork clc ar , brlt lit and exact a welcome
ban. o t"tht > ifneial ; nailer.
u a in lively for the winter oca-
Several ! farmerx ware 'sowing wheat I'd
outlnof tiiia cl ty last. week.
A nlimly attended '
woman's rights con-
entiouiwaaliald in cms city laat week.
A our city immliec !
hd Denvuuexti n ion , , west of Culbertton ,
rith. forty clicMi ed btovos lant week.
Ainew brick hotel will noon bo a luxury
3'Miir cite * in no cordivnt-e with a suggoitivo
torn imblLilicxl in 'Jliur HKK BJUIJ tlmo
go. '
Sovonty-n'vo now biuineaa houses in s < l-
lition to the M already , oonutructed are ua-
br coutmtt for 1882. .Among the ntun-
ler Id a now opera house and hotel ,
A.ltawnoo literary pociety It discuasihi ;
ho ruiputiui ) : "Is Guiteau insaneWo
itfcr thxX if GuiUuui ooald show a baud
. their dulileratinn , ho would prove that
tUitho foils are notdtad yet.
Wman. named Hoary Woolsey was hlUeil
ytho cavinL' in of it cool mineafew itil s
itMlhwcet of Oincinaati' last Thursday.
le Indiistrijus yonng inan aml
eaveH n.niuall family to. uimirn hia nuiidea
ltpnrtur .
l > 'rmii au item Uat appearrd iai.tho
Bounty aommiBsionera proceed IHB * iMt
week oao would a ! e. theiuestloii ] "In
Uawneo City supporting a Louse of.pra tl-i
Lutionl" llepubllcj _ . 'i'he facer anoyers
f llltkt hcet huvo
givau them-olveH eu-
tlroly away In tliat taattor. for It there be
an funtitullon of that kind in our midst
the eJitorH of The .ICuyublicwa would bo
the nt to find it out.
_ Ciuvr.
MrsPur tin eton May *
Dou'i tuko any of fcho qunck ror-toruniH ,
us they uro rogintcutul to the human
ciaiuru : but put your trust iui lion
Ilitteru , which will. euro guncraltlilapi-
divtiou , coativo luibitfi and. nl ! > comio
diueftHcs. TJioy saved Isaac ; froiaa
Bovcro ux tract of typhoid fov-sr. They
are the no plus uinuii of medicinos.
Beaten Globo. _ MrlB
Casualties. .
Nitlonal Associated 1'riBS.
ATLANTA , Ga , , Fobruaaay 11A
boiler exploded at Kukhaiu'a mill ,
near Joesup , yeatordayujurinK ck-ht
men and killing. one , Da.vliL Mitchell.
Ed , West was run ovu by a West
Point railroad train , at ( firunvillo lost
night and killed.
PITTHUUKO , yebruauiy 1JL Thi
morning Tom. Flour , * Oorouii , . agqd
20 , woa drawn throv li tha , rolls 'at
Wilson , Walker & Cti'iirou null He-
trill die.
OAUiioaiTOWN , KJM FeVauary It
Near Cedar Lock , on th * Kentucky
river , ywiordaynfjernoaa , throe workmen - .
men in thogoverament quarry , having
put a Wast whioV failed ! to ignite , un-
dortpok to drill it out , whoa an explosion - .
plosion occurred , horribly mangling
and killing imtuutly Jestu Kobinsou ,
of Ciitnpbolhburg , Ky. , aud badly iu-
iuting Jolio Kylor and J. Keith , the
Iivttor fatally.
Win. fcUwtney , t8 JJoyd Bt et , Uuf.
fain , N , Y. , full and sprained his ankle.
11UmiiloytT , H. Anilerson , i > ( Muin
Rtirot , procured t-omo Thomas'
Oil , wticl hu uaya that a few appca
ciutlletl him to go to work a ) uiunl ,