1JGE OMAHA BAIL * BEE MOJNDAV , FEBKUAKY 13 , ibb * . THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA PUQLI8HINQOO , , PROPRIETORS. BIO Furnlmm , bat , Olh and loth Streets TiniMS or sunscuii'TioN. n cony 1 ycartn n1vanc ( posituld ) . JlO.OO ( months " " . . . 6.00 month " " 8.00 RAILWAY TIME TABLE , TIKI CARD CHICAGO , HT. TAVl , KINNKArOLtS AND [ OMAHA RAILROAD. . Leave Omh Pisucnger Ko. S , 8:80 : * . m. Ac commodation No. 4,1:0 : ( p. m. AtmeOnuhii Piuwcnrcr No. 1,6:20 : p. m. Accommodation No. 8,10:60 : ft. m. tlAVIKU OUAUA USt OR BOOTH 8OO . 0. , U. k O. ; :40 : a. in. 3:10 : p. m. 0. & N. W. . 7 : 0 . m. 8:40 : p. m. 0. , R , I. & i > ; :40 a. m. 3:40 p. m. K. C. , St. J. i C. 3. , IO&TCI t 8 a. m. and 8:80 : p. m. Arrives at St. touts at 6:80 : ft. m. nd 6:6 : ! P. m. m.W. , St. I * & P. , lonvc * nt 8 . m. and 8 : 0 p. Arrhei a Bt. Uuli at 6:40 : a. m. and 7:30 : m WfflT OR ( OOT1IWR8T * . B. 4 M. In Net ) . , Through Fjprcw , 8:60 * . m , B. & M. Lincoln Kxr > r (1:20 : p. tn. 0 P. Overland Exprow , 12:16 : p. m. O , & II. V. ( or Lincoln , 11:46 : a. m. O. A 11 V. ( or Osccola , 0:40 : a. tn. D. P frclitht No. 6 , 6:30 a. in. U. P ' tclght No. B , 8:20 : tv. m. U. P. freight No. 18 , 2:601 : > . in. ' U. P. fright No. 7 , 6:10 : p. m. emigrant. - . P. Denver oxprcis , 7:36 : p. tn. O. P. freight No It , 11:30 : p. m. U , P , Dcmcr freight , 8:25 : p. m. ARMVIM.-JROM IAST AM ) KOU1U. U U. i O b.OO a. m. 7:26 : p ir. , k N. W. , 0:45 : a. m. 7:26 : p. m. 0. R , I. & P. . 0:45 : a. m. 9:05 : p. m. K. C. , Bt. Joe & 0 tt , 7:40 : a. ui. 0:46 : r ARUVIKO PROM TIM WIOT AMD SOUIHWHI , O. k 1U V. from Lincoln 1.03 p. in. 0. P. Pacific nxpicsfj 3:25 p. m. D k 11. In Nob. , ThrotiRh Express 1:16 : p Die B , & U. Lincoln Kxvrco 0:40 : a ni. U. P. Denver oxiircss , 7:36 n. m. U. P. Froljfht No. 14-2M : p. ro. U. P. So. 6 6:20 : a. m. Emigrant. U. P. freight No. 14,12:15 p. m. . U. P. No. 8 9.00 p. in. TJ. P. No. 12 1:45 : a. m. ' tar U , P. Denver freight , 1:10 : a. in. O. As R. V. mixed , ar. 4:46 : p. rr. BDKUY TRAINS B/1IWBHN / OMAHA ASD COUNCIL RUTrS. LaiTfi Omaha at 3:00 : , 9:00 : , 10:00 : and 11:00 'm. : 1:0 : 2:00 , 8:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. nit Leave Council BluOs at 8:25 : , 0:26. : 10:26 : and 1:26 a. in. ) H26 , 2:25 : , 8:26 : , 4:25 : and 6:26 : p. m. BunJavB The dummy leaves Omaha at 9:00 : and 11:00 : a. m.j 2:00,1:00 : : and 6:00 : p. m. leaves Council Bluffs at 9:25 and 11:26 a. m. ; 2:25 , 4:25 and 6:26 p. m. Through and local passenger trains between Omaha anil Council Dlufls. Loa > o Omaha 6:16 : , 1:46 , 8:60 : a. in. ; 3:40 : , 6:45 : , 0:00 : p. in. Arrive Omaha 7:40,11:35,11:45 : a. m. ; 6:40 : , 7:05 : , 7:15 : , 140 . m. p. _ _ _ _ _ Opening nn < l Closing of Mallt. BOUTS. OPUS. DW)8i. ) a. m. p. m. > in. p. in. Ohlcago&N. W 11.00 " 9.00 6:30 2:40 : Ohliaco , K I. ft Pacific. 11:00 9:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 : Chicago , 1) . & Q 11:00 9:00 : 5:30 : 2:40 : Wabosh ! 12:30 : 6:30 : 2:40 : Sioux City and Pacific. . 9:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 : Union Pacific 4:00 : 11:40 : Omaha & U. V 4:00 11:40 B.fcM. InNcb 4:00 : 8:10 : Omaha & Sioux City. . . . 6:00 : 7:80 : B. & M. Lincoln 10:30 6:00 : O. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 11:00 D. P. Deliver Exp 0:00 6:30 : O. , Sioux City & St. P. . . 11:00 : 2:40 : Local mails ( or State ol Iowa leave but once a day , vie : 6:30 : a , m. Office open Sunday' from 12 m. to 1 p. m. 1'IIOS. F HALL P M. Business Directory , Abstract and Real fcttate. JOHN L. McCAOUE , opposite Post Office. W. B. BAP.TLETT 817 South 18th Street. Architects. DDFRKNE & MF.NDELSSOUN , ARCniTEOTS Room 14 Crclghton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. , Room 2. Ciclchton Block. Boot * and Shoes. JAMES DuVINK & CO. , fine Boots and Shoes. A fc'ood aasortment of home work on band , corner 12th and Harnoy. TU08. EHICKSON , S. E. cor. 10th and Douglas. JOHNiFORTUNATUS , 6C610th street , manufactures to order good work at fair prices. Repairing done. Bed Springs. I. F. LAIUUMER Manufacturer. 1617 Dowlan Bt. Books , News and Stationery. J. I. FRUEUAUF 1016 Farnham Street. Butter and Eggs. MoSHANE & SCIIROEDER , the oldest B. and E. House In Nebraska ontabUnhed 1876 Omaha. OKNTRAL RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RYAH , "Uthwot corner lOthand Dodee. Beat Board ( or the Money. ffetlefactlon Ouaranteed , Meals at ail Hours. Board by Che Day , Week or Jlciith. Good Terms ( or Cash , FnrnUhml llnnms BuppIIod. OorrlnRei and Road WaROns. BNYDER , 14th and Harney StrooU. Clothing Bought. J. HARRIS will pay hlghcatCaeh price tor second baud clothlnr. Corucr 10th and Farnham. uowe ers. JOHN 1JAUMER 1314 Farnham Street. Junk. D. BERTHOLD , Rafrs and Metal. Lumber , Lime and Cement. FOSTER & Ga.iV corner Bth and Douelaa Bts. Lamp * and Qlassware. i. BONNER 1809 Doiulas St. Good Variety. Merchant Tailors. O. A LINDQUE8T , One ol our most popular Merchant Tailors is re ceiving the latest designs ( or Spring and Summer Goods ( or gentlemen's wear. Styllili , durable , and prices low as over 21618th bet. DOUV. & Fani. Millinery. UBS. 0. A. R1NOER , Wholesale and Retail , Fan. cy floods In great variety , Zephyrs , Card Boards , Hosier } ' , Gloves , Corsets , &c. Cheapest House la the West. Purchasers save SO per cent. Order by Hail. 115 FUtceuth Street. foundry. JOHN WEARNK & SONS , cor. 14 th ft Jackson ets ( lour and Feed. OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Karohim 8ta. , Welsbans Bros. , proprietors. Urocera. t UTKVKN8 , 21et bctwocu Cumlng and Irar T. A. McaitANE , Cora. 23d and Coming Htreets. Hardware , Iren and Steel. OLAN & LANOWORTUY , Wholesaje , 110 tot A. HOLMES corner Iflth and CalUornla. Harness , Saddles , &o. B. WEI8T JO 18th St. bet Faro- Harney. Hotels , ANFIELD HOUSE , Qeo. Canfleld.Bth A Farnham DORAN BOUSE , P. II. Gary , 918 Farnham St. BLAVEN'S HOTEL. F. Slaven , 10th St onihern Hotel Qua. Hamel Oth A Loavenwortb Drugs , Paints and Oils. KUUN & CO. ratmuclsts , Floe "ano Uoods , Cor. litn and DOQJIM ktreeta W. J. WHITEHOUf K , Wholeeale & UeUll , Iflth st. 0. FIELD , 2022 North Side Cumlng Street. PARR , Druggist. IQtn and Howard Streets Dentists. DR. PAUL , Williams1 Block Cor. Uth & Dodge. Dry Goods Notions , Etc. JOHN II. F. LEUMANN & CO. , New York Dry Goods Store , 1810 and 1812 Farn. htm ttrcet. b. 0. EEC weld also boots and shoea 7th k Pacific. rurulturo. * r. GROSS , Now and Suand Hand Furniture ad States , 1114 Pcuziis. Highest cash prlco aid ( or second bind zoous. BONNER 1B09 Dowla st. Fine good * , 4o. r tree Works. OKAL'A FENCB CO. eUBT , y IEdCO ISIS Ilarnej St , d Ice Boxes , licr and Wood Feacei , Offlc B Uloci , Ooooldi rue aud Walnut. * OlRars and Tobacco. ffKST & FR1TSC1) ) KR , rnanufacturtri ol Clirara , and Wholpoale Dealcrsl n Tobaccos , 1306 Poulas. | JV. F. LORKN7.KN manulacturcr 1418 Fornham Florist. A. Donitihud , plant ) , cut Rowers , K dl , ooqaets etc , N. W. cor. 10th and Dowlas streets. Olvll Entlneers and Surveyors. ANDREW ROSKWATEU , Crolshton Block , Town Survey * , Grade anil Sewerage Syitems a Spoclalty. Commission Merchants. JOHN 0. WIL L13.1414 Dodge Street. D B. Iir.KMKR. For details eee largo adtertUo. ment tn Dallr and Weekly , Cornice Works. Western Comics Works , Manufacturers Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slate Hooding. Orders ( ram any locality promptly executed In the best manner , Factory and Omco 1213 Harney St. C. srECHT , Proprietor. Oalvanltod Iron Cornices , Window Caps , etc. , manufactured and put up In any part ot the country. T. 31N1IOLD 418 Thirteenth street Crockery , I. DONNCR 1S09 Douglas street. Good line. Clothing and FurnlthlnR Qoods ( JEO. 11. PETERSON. Also HaU , Car * . Shoes , Notions and Outlcry , 804 8.10th street. Refrigerator * , Oanfleld'i Patent. 0. F. QOODMAH llth St. bot. Farn. fc Harmy , Show Oaso Manufactory. 0. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer tn alt kinds ol Show Cages , Upright Cues , tt „ 1317 Case St. FRANK L. GKIHIAHD , proprietor Omaha Show CMO manufactory , 818 South 10th street between Lonvonworth and Marcy , All goods warranted flrst-claiw. Pawnbrokers , ROSKNFELI ) . 10th St. . bet , far , ft Hat Utoves ana mwnre. A. BURMESTER , Dealer In Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacture ) of Tin Roofa and all 'kinds of Building Work Odd Fellows' Block. J , BONNER. 1809 Douglas St. Good and Cheap Seeds. J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills an Cultivators , Odd Fellows Hall. Physicians and Surgeons. W. S. GIBBS , M. D. , Room No i , Crclghton Block , Uth Street. P. S. LEISENR1NO , M. D. Masonic Block. 0. L. 1IAKT , M. D. , Kye and Ear , opp. postofflc DR. L. B. QRADDY. Oculist and Aurist. S. W Uth and Farnham Bit Photograpners. OEO. HEYN , PROP. Grand Central Oillcrv , 212 Sixteenth Street. near Masonic Hall. First-does Work and Prompt * ness guarantcon Plumbing , Qas and Steam Fitting ; . P. W. TARPY & CO. . 210 12th St , bet. Farnham and Douglas. Work promptly attended to. D. 7ITZPATRIOK , 1409 Douglas Street. i alntlng an aper W nENRY A. KOSTKH3,141 DoJKo Street. Shoo Storci. f ii jfat .ng . , 1320 Farnham at. bet 13th * 14th Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAK , 1410 Doufrlas St. Now and Second Hand Furniture , liouso Furnishing Goods &c. , bought and sold on narrow marrlne. Ualooni. HENRY If AUFMANN , In too now brick block on Douglaa Street , hag Juet opened a most elegant licej Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 every day. " Caledonia "J FALCONER 679 16th Street. Undertaken. OHAS. IUEWE , 101 * rarnham bet. 10th & lltd 09 Cent Store * . P. 0. BACKUS 1206 Farnham St. , Fancy Good TRUTH ATTESTED. Somolmportanthtntomejota of Wei Known People "Wholly Verified. In order that the public may fully realize the genuineness of the statements , a well as the power and value , of the article of which the ] speak , we publish herewith the ( oc-slmllo slgnt- tures of parties whose sincerity Is beyond ques tion. The Truth of these testimonials Is abso lute , nor can the ( acts Jlicy announce ' be ig' nored - - ' OUAHA , XlB. , May 24 , 1881. H. H. WARMER & Co. : DEAR SIR : I bare frequently used Warner's Safe Kidney aud Liver Cure for local affections attendant upon severe rheumatic attacks , and havoalnaya derived benefit therefrom. I have also used the Safe Nervine with satisfactory re sults. I consider these medicines worthy of confidence. Deputy Treasurer OMAHA , NUB , Hay 24 , Ib81 H. w 1VARSCR & Co. , Rochester , N. Y. : GUSTO : I have use lyour Safe Kidney arid Liver Cure thin spring as a ivDrinvIgorator , and 1 find It the beet remedy I c\er tried , Ihn\t used 4 bottles , and it has made mo feel better than ever I did before In the spring. U. P. R. Shops. OMAHA , Nun. , May 24,1881 , H. H. WARNRR&CO. : SIRS : For more than 15 years I have suffered much Irvonvenienco from combined kidney and liver diseases , nnd have been unable to work , my urinuy orgins also being affected. I tried a great many medicines and doctors , but I grow worse and worto day by day. I was told I had Bright's Disease , and I wished myself dead If I could not bare speedy relief. I took your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure , knowing nothing else was ever known to euro tha disease , and I have not been disappointed. The medicine baa cured mo , and I am pcrfec ly well to-day , entirely through your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure I wish you all succ ss In publishing this valuable remedy through thn world L' , P. R. It. Shops. Thousands of equally s'rong endorsements- many of them In casoi where hope was aban doned bat o been \ oluntarlly ( riven , thawing the rcmatkable power of Warner' * Safe Kidney and Liver Cure , lu all d season of l ! > 4 Iddneyg. liver o' J" II any ere who reads this trouble rcrop'nbo ; the greet BOSTON MARKET , Ginning Street. J , J , PBES.iPropr. . Fresh and Salt Meats of all Kinds , Poultry , Fish , &o. , in Season , OOXUUEl To Nervous Sufferers THE ( MEAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J , B , Simpson'p Specific It la a positive ctiro for HpcnnAtoirnca , flemlnn rVeokneaa. Impotatiry , ana all diseases resulting from Self-Abuse , llcnUI Anxiety , Lo&gi Memory , Fains In the Back or Bide , and diseases " * - Uiat lead to Consumption Insanity an early grate " "he Spoclflc Medicine ti being used with wonder ( ul uaccoos. i - J " - - - - i Pamphlets tent free to all. Write ( or them aud get lull mr Ucubm , Price , Speddc , H.OO per p ck ge , or ilx pact. iea for 5.00. Address all orders to 1) . HIM80N MtDICINE CO. h * . 1M and lOfl Main Bt , Butfalo , N. Y. old In Omaha by 0. F. Ooodniau , J. W. Bell , K , lib , ted all drugglttseverywhere. s S . ( ! * BEFORE LENT. The Events of n Week in Omaha Social Circles. Jotting * From Hall nnd Parlor in nnd Arotiml the Metropolis. Social Notoa rvna Pollto Personalities Carnival aoasort is nearly at hand , and will bo colobratucl in Omaha with nioro gusto than thnt of any preceding ing .year. All the clubs are nioro or less aflcctod over the prospect of the forly days mortification of the llosl and apparently preposo to compensate themselves for the Benson of absti nences by crowding into the ton ilnyf which precede ,5t enjoyment cnoual t(5 surfeit themselves until nftor Enstor. There are rumors of govern private parties yet to bo given , but interest of course centers in the larger masquerades , which will bo more elaborate in detail and richer in costume than any whicl have yet been given in Omaha , Sonio disappointment is expressed that the "Pleasant Hours" have decided < cided not to add to the list o : masquerade parties. The genera' feeling , however , among the Indies who usually attend is one of sntisfaa tion , for masques play hnvoc witl powdpr , frizzes and bangs , mid cos tumes are troublesome , and often very expansive aflairs to manage. The extent of the lusthotic crozo in Omaha may bo known from the rumor that sixty "lovo-sick maidens' had prepared to don the clinging robes of thn lesthoto , while nt less thnn twelve "Bunthornos" hac already begun preparations to make a Boulfully ecstatic appearance. A few small private parties will bo given be fore Ash Wednesday , after whicl Omaha society will settle down to meditation music mid card parties for a few weeks to come. A number of local social events have been noted in the city columns during iho past week , which 1ms beer well tilled with society happenings , All three of our public halls have been fully occupied with music UHC the dance , and the local orchestras have found ready employments cvori evening. On Tuesday the SANS UEKEMOKlK CLUB gave their fifteenth hop at Sfandan hall , in which fourteen couples par ticipatod. Hoffman's orchestra tur nished the music for a progrnmmu ol fourteen numbers , which was thor oughly enjoyed by all present. Messrs , John Carrier , S. C. Morgan , W. H. Wilbur , W. Foster and D. W. Saxo were the executive committee , into whoso handa the supervision of the details were commitcd. Those prcs 'nfc were : Misses Kimball , Vnr Sickle of Flemington , N. J. , Hoot of Chicago , liako , Brownson , Brady , Etta Wells , Mary anc Fhilho Morgan , Calderwood , liowo , Paddock , Wilson and Ida Sharp , and Messrs. Kimball-Sweesy , Jno. Ross , Ware Foster , Beach , Carpenter , Wells , Morgan , Burkley , , Deuel , Car rier , Tousoy , D. W. and A. W. Saxe. WEDDINO ANNIVEUSAHY. Wednesday was the' fifth anniver sary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Test , and in the evening a few of their friends came in , in formally , to enjoy the occasion with them at their residence on Dodge street There were present Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kennedy , Mr. nnd Mrs. Webster Snyder , Mrs. George B. Lake , Mr. and Mrs. N. Shelton , Mrs. J. L. Webster , Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jarvis , and Mrs. Pollack , a sister of Mrs. Jarvis , Mr. and Mrs. George P. Bemis and Col. J. J. Dickey. The little company broke up at a late hour with wishes for many "happy returns" of the anniversary. DOMINO PAKTV. A pleasant donrine party was given on Monday evening at the residence of Mr. M. H. Goblo , on Chicago and Nineteenth streets. Irvine's orches tra furnished the music. The pro gramme comprised sixteen dances , which were not concluded until a late hour , when a delicious supper was partaken of. Those present were Mrs. Barney , Mrs. Bolden , Mrs. No- son , the Misses Ednoy , of New York ; Miss Thompson , of Harrisburgh , Pa. ; Creno and Kitty Lowe , Mamio Am brose , Lottie Larson , Jennie Sanford , Mary and Phillio Morgan , Mollie Al- en , Mollie Brownson , Mina Baum- jartner , Libbio Brady , Mattie N oed- lam , Edith Van Aunam and Messrs. Ed. Patterson , J. B. Hnynes , Bon. F. Foil , Bert. Lewis , Arthur Saxo , Chas. Woodman , Frank Pogno , Will i olden - den , Harry Vinton , Dr. Nnson , Walt Sanford , Frank Malboy , Will Place , Tronic and Milt Darling. I'llESIlVTKUIAN SOCIAUI.K. A novelty in the way of church sociables was given on Wednesday evening in the parlors of the Prosby- orian church on Dodge and Seven- , eonth streets , when the " /Esthetic Sidtcrs , " a series of soron tableaux , wore presented by a number of ladies and gentlemen connected with the congregation. The text , written by a young lady of prominence in the ihurch work , was road by Mr. Q. M. Hitchcock , and' the characters were taken as follows : Arti.t , Mr. Will Gurley Jorlnda. . Jllsa Fannie Wlluon Jorothea , Mien Mary Wilson Mother. ( Mrs. G. W. Tibbala Father Mr. A. HunUngton The costumes , scenery and group- ngs were artistic and striking , and an mthuaiastio encore followed the clos- ng tableaux , A largo number of the congregation wore present and a most enjoyable evening was spent by all in ittondanco. , Till ! MANNKIinifOU MAKQUK. Great interest is centering in the coining Mannerchor masquerade ball , which will bo the eleventh annual oc casion of the kind in the 'history of his prominent organization. It takes place on February 21st and both Tur- lor and Motz Hall will ho thrown open on the occaaion. two orchestras furnishing the musin. The fun will sommonco at 9 o'clock sharp , opened by Prof. Steinhnusor'a grand Slum- ner-Clior masquerade march , written especially for the occasion ami dedi cated to the society by the composer. In order to promote the nmusomoiU of all who attend , the spectators as well as the maskers , the committee has arranged the following stage programme : "Tho Hacmor-City Mu sicians , " by members of the Ma'tnior- Ohor ; return of the JavoritosVio nor-Ditmon Orchostcr , ' introducing selections from "Mnscotto , " "Oli vette , . " etc. , and grand roprosnitUion of the Turkish reveille. The grand spectacular drama , "Around the World in Eighty Days , " in seventeen acts , will bo given , fullowed by "Happy and Unhappy Lovers , " and two scenes from America's favorite resort , Long Branch , intro ducing nmlo and female bathers. The pantomime , "Don Kntzobub , " the fa mous rat eater , devouring 02 rats in six minutes , will bo follnucd by a grand series of tableaux- . Peter's Church at Rome , Ship at Sea , Au tumn , Statuary ( ancient and modern ) , Robert the Dovil. None but maskora will bo allowed in the hall , and nil the arrangements and regulations go to make up nn evening full of fun , frolic nnd enjoy- mont. I'lUVATK I'AilTV. A pleasant litllo party was uiven on Friday evening at the residence of Gonornl Wilson by the Misses Wil son. Among thoeo present were the Misses llorbach , Frnnklyu , Jncobson , Lyninn , Cnrrio Brown , lledburn , Rcim Ross nnd Shears , nnd Messrs. Lieut. Bourke , U ( S. A. , Butler , HonUricks , Burkluy , Hitchcock , Norris , Burley , witzler . , Bradford , Robinson , Gurloy , Watson and Cooper. SOCIAL NOTES. The T. E. C. organization gave their opening party on Thursday even ing at Standard hall. Mr. Field's private masquerade , of which a detailed account is given else where , was a genuine SUCCCKK. The seventh annual masquerade of the Standard club will take place on Wednesday evening next. The com- mittco of nrrnneomcnts is composed of Julius Meyer , D. R. Silbcrstcin , C. Shlank , A. Holler , H. Bnswitz , R. N. Withnoll. The Imperial club masquerade on Thursday evening nt Mnsonic hall promises to bo , in every way , a bril liant nlfair. The Concordia society will give subscription masquerade ball at Turn er hall , Tuesday evening , March 7th. The committee is composed of the fol lowing gcntlomon : Julius Meyer , chairman ; H. Schwabo , G. E. Stratt- nian , G. Hnarinan , J. II. Erck , W. F. Heins , W. Seivors. The ladies of Trinity Guild are preparing to give the pantomino of "Tho Miseltoo Bough , founded on the old and wierd ballad of that nnme. Some fifty ladies nnd gentlemen have boon invited to participate aud a pre liminary meeting will bo hold on Mon day evening , at the residence of Mr John Campbell , on Seventeenth nnd Dodge streets , to lay out plans for coming rehearsals. All who have been notified are requested to bo present. The "Entro Nous" Gorman post poned from lost Wednesday will bo given on Wednesday evening at the residence of Mr. W. H. Ijaius. There are rumors cf a private masquerade querado in Masonic hall during the coming week. I'OLITE PERSONALITIES. Miss Lizzie Isaacs has returned from a protracted visit among friends in New York. Mr. Lyman Richardson loft on Thursday for a business trip to Texas. Mr. E. C. Bonsall , Jr. , is spending a three weeks' vacation with rela tives in Philadelphia nnd Baltimore. Mrs. Newman and Miss Newman , of Lincoln , are visiting in the city , the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Judge Thurston. Newt. Barknlow has gone to Now York. York.Mrs. Mrs. Geo. P. Bcinis has returned from the oist , Miss Cora Donne has returned from a two months' visit to West Virginia. LICENSES ISSUED DUHJNO THE WKKK. Henry Fleming , ngod 23 , to Miss Alice M. Davis , nged 22 , both of Om aha. aha.Geo. Geo. W. Lewis , aged 22 , to Miss Dellia J. Hurd , aged 1 ! ) , both of Coun- sil Bluffs. Frank Lamcky , aped 20 , to Miss Annie Myska , nged 1 ! ) , both of Om aha. aha.John John L. Larson , aged 30 , of Omaha , bo Miss Mathilda Winstrand , ngod 21 , of Fremont , Iowa. Geo. H. Goo-dime , aged 22 , of Whitewater , Wis. , to Miss Nellie Roekwood , aged 23 , of Shelby , la. Andreas Wuonz , aged 28 , to Miss Mary Kahon , aged 18 , both of Omaha. Gustavo Wockbach , aged 23'to , Miss Augusta J. Spollcrborgor , aged 18 , joth of Omaha. Gottlieb Storz , nicd 30 , to Miss Minnie Buck , ngod 19 , both of Dmalin. Phillip Swaboda , ngod 3(5 , to Miss Anna Johanna Krnupa , aued 33 , both of Omaha. Robert G. Tort'oy , nged 22 , to Miss Harriott M. Turtle , aged 18 , both of Florence , Nebraska. STATE SOCIAL EVENTS. Prof. 1'ntz. of Beatrice , had discovered .he philoHtpiierH1 Stone at Crete. "Bob" Norwnll , the boy preacher , held ortli nt Wymuro lout week. There la something new in lllalnfr , A inlnce plo sociable , at five cants a alc ! , lias been perpetrated on the community. J. J. Keely , of G neper ccu'nty , crossed the boundary on the 1st and cirpturod Mis ] iacliel A. Freeman , of Uawnoii county. David M. lliller nnd Ada L , Dehnor , of Norfolk , wore tied nn Urn 3Ut Jn the pren- cnco of twoeocro friends. The Knights of Honor of Tecumneh celebrated their third annlvemary lant week with n grand promenade of unusual irllllnncy. W.I1 , lliuvldiif , of Johnson county , nnd MHH ! Corn Kill e look time and Tecumteh by the top knot , on the -1th , nnd returned to their homo invented in matrimonial rovea , Mr , and Mm. II. ] ! . Strong , of Johnson county , celebrated the -10th anniversary of their marriugo on the 1st , and were suhbtnntlnlly remembered by their nuinor. ou frlcnilH In Tecuiimeh and vicinity , Mr , and Mre. Louia Klein , of Knunnu , ield n family reunion at 1'rlendvlllo on the VMi , at the residence of Hugh Con * nell , attended by all relative * within 1mlI- ng distance and several old friends , Society In Nebraska City wag partially dared hy the 1 rllllnncy of ilio wording o Mr. Clm . I' . Colt n mid Ml Klin Mil- Icntlno at the rci > Iiltuco "f Uio bride's parents ) n-t 'I'linrxluy. Cotigrnlulntlun < i were numerous nml untly. Mr. nnd MM. John MoU-wen , of Crete , rclehrntrd their fiftieth nuntuwnry of iiiiurledllfoontlio.il , It WAS an enjoy able nlfnlr , and the hnpity parent * vero thn recipient * of rnhlnblo pn-ocnti from thtlr children. The rosldtnco of John \Nnrrlck , of Wellington county , wns the KCPUO of a double wed il In if on the Int. John A , Ymutgklu mid Mtai Susie Wnrrtck , nml Henry Ki tcr nml L'alllo WArrlck. wtro solidly paired In the most Appro t ed fttylc of tlio revised edltit n. The old mnn c n now inciul his ftnco4 with noino liopo of permnncncy. II. It. Swing , of St. Holcnii , wnn the Miccciuful suitor to tlio limul of MM ! Tcrc nA. I'nsclm ) , of Council llluiT * , nnd nRAuincd the right mid title of n fullllcdgrd IniRhniul on tlio 7th. Mr. B. wax fortuu * nto In his choice of n llfo ] i..rtncr , nn c * Cdiiijil olicil nml wnnn hcnitcd young Indy , hose chnrniH iniulo every ncinijl .t nco n Innthig 11 lend. JfttiicM cCluux anil MI JfcT.iIu \ > cro IMIVK nnd K'r'4 ' toother In the Kmornld Isle , ntul iili nta thulr truth cro they imrtoil , the former to seek mill secure n home wliero liuultortU niul ntcliront * nre inknown. They wire rcunltctl In Crete on the 'Jfitli. niul now occupy n HUUK fnriu u the ueiglilMirhooil of tlio town. Their tidelit.v to each other o > title tliein to n long lifo of hniiiiliiceK nml prosperity. Mr. mid Mrs. J. 0 , JOIIM were ten- tcred n puMlo rccoption by the citUcm of Ticuiiiii'h on the L'd , piev ioua to their du- ] inituie for Mniiiuii | , [ IllniiU , The recep tion took plnco In the opcrn houne , nnd the ixttemlmico of nearly ono hundred louploa wns nlikc highly complimentary to Mr , nnd MIH Ji lies nti < l creditnlild to Tecuimch Hoolety. An n fnriher tcsti- nionlnl t'nch were pro cuted with nu clo- gnntold | ; wntuh nml chain. Juulntn claims the cnoklo for the box * foot In the State. Hiuing heard of mar- rlngen by telegraph nnd telephone , do con ceived the npurkllng idcn of proposing hy electricity , nnd nccordlngly Kinight tlio nld of thn telegraph nt thnt plnco to curry hit decl .ration of lore to the ndorcd ono In lou-a nnd nt > k her Imnd and heart in mar < ringo. Tlio incfHigo of love was , ci\i , nml dcllver'd nt the other cud of tha lino. The young li.dy in cnicntioii , however , Informed the opciut > r in IOWA thnt t-ho I.now no BUcli POPKOII. The love-lorn RWntu'fl pro- po ul hy telegrnpli cost him $ * > . & ) , nnd then got "no" ' for lib answer. Capt. C. H. llryant Is one of the pion f crs f Tccunneh , n pushing i > rogroi < nivo citicnlio cngerly watched nnd iddcd o\ cry ntep from bit th to ripe tmitnrity. Tuesday , January 31 , w i hln tifty-nlxili blrthdny nnd nlsn the eve of his departure for the mineral fii Id * of New Mexico , to try hia fortune once more in that tempting Kldorndq. A few of his f i ieiuN Inking nci- vantage of thi < muptjicd him with n \i < lt , and prcxciited Jiim with several tokens of rcnicinbrftnco. I'stMoCarty is n solid muti ut hort Cnlhoun. blensed with n leasonahle. Hhnto of worldly goods with n blooming bride t share hia store. Miss Minnie lienbonnok I > as90 I before 1'nt'n lono'omo gnzo in onrly nntutnn , on it visit from .Michigan , mid 'oro ninny weeks went by 1'nt was "none. " "Pwna Minuiu'H hick to linger till love icchins' the popping point , nml then return with 1'nt'a proi oanl in her vo t pocket. Ho followed shortly nfter and Inst week returned with his prize. Mr. W. 1 ? . Thomas , of Omaha , wn married on the 1M to Mm Lottie K. Kol- Inr , of I'lnttamouth. The ceremony was pcrfonnod by Ttcv. II. I ) . Ilnrgesi , nt the rcHidnnco of the brido'n parontn in that city. The bride WIIH attired in n drcpH of wine silk dress , trimmed in Spaninh lace , with overdrew of Hainc , trimmed en can- cndo with Spanish lace , mid frc h nnd bcnutlful natural flowerH. The groom apjicnred to ndvantngo in the cuatomnry unit , of black with buttonicre. The .lonr- nal paj-H : "Tho contracting parties nro both esteemed and honored members of riuttmnouth'B social circle. Mr. Thomas , though now n resident in Omaha , has re- Hided for BOIIIO time In thiM city , where ho ban been connected with the engineering corps for the Improvement of tlio Mix- sonrl liver , nnd where he mode mnny K'iciid and businexii friends. Uf late he hnw gone into the eervlco of the B. k. M. nt their hendipunrtors in Omaha. The hrido is well known na one of the most dignified , intelligent and attractive ucmbers of the society of thid city. " Rellerious Matters. On ! has organized a bible society. The Congregational aociety of Alum have decided to build a $3,0 ( 0 church. The 1'irst Congregational church of Aurora has secured ground for n church in thnt town. The new Congregational college build ing nt Neligh ia under roof nnd nearly complete. The Unptist revival nt Lincoln ro-ultod In bringing into the _ fold twenty pcrsonx , mostly heads of fatnillea. The Mcthodlnts of Lincoln striick nn uncommonly rich field of elnuerx , nnd i > - vivnl HerviccR _ of the pant week turned many from their Miifnl wny . The Presbyterian revival nt Humboldt reanlted in many professions of faith nnd piomised reform. The tnwteoJ of the 1'resbytorian church of Mndixnn hnvo SIJSS 80 on hand to ward building anew church. Besides th'n ' they will receive $500 from the mltaion. The ladies also hnvo eomo $39 to bo UHed towards furnishing the ineide. A niOHt HiieccHHful revival ia just now being held nt David City by Kov , Itob- erts , nnd many HOUH ! are being gathered into the fold. The reverend gentleman ia n logical , forcible nnd fluent speaker. The Catholics of Louisville nnd neigh- iinq piecincts have built tliemselvt'H a lir.ndsoino little church edifice. It i * pleasantly tdtnated at the intersection of the two main wa on niadn In CIIKB county the rnxd. from Loui-sull- Weeping \S'oter and the one fri m 11 tlsmonth to Greenwood. Jov. ! Kathor Linch olllclatoj. The Congregntlonal chinch nt Xnrfolk i as bucu thoroughly overhauled nnd pro- sentH.i handtiomo nppcuianco inside nnd out , Educational Items , The board of education in North J'latto baa ordered two hundred treoa for the school yard , There nre eighty-one pniiila enrolled in the O Noill City tichbol. Ihls lit u very large Bchool for ono teacher to manage , The ColumbiiH Jnuinul ) irotestH against the employment of a superintendent at a salary ol SOOO nnletB compelled to teach a department. Other "uooduaa expenses" was Incurred in changing text book * . Home Slr > 00to 81,8UO taken out oftho pockets of parentH for the benefit of book peddlers , The "color line" hasn't disappeared from Pawnee county yet. When R colored boy starts 1 to the public reboot * though the first nnd only one , a family took nffeiiHO ind withdrew their children. There ia no more gentlemanly hid In the nchool. how ever , than the ono who earned the offense. , ALMOST OHAHY. Ilow otton do wo BUO the hardworking ing father straining every ncrvo and muscle , and doing hia utmost to sup. port Ilia family , Imagine his feelings when ruturnmg homo from a hard day's labor , to find his family prts- trato with disease , conscious of unpaid doctors' bills and dobta on every hand , It must bo enough to drive onu alinoat crazy. All this unhapninusB coujd bo avoided by using Eloctrio Bitters , which expel every disease from the Bystuni , bringing joy and happinoHs tn thousands. Sold at fifty cents n bet tie. lull & McMahon. (8) ( ) rms NT. * * . > > Vi I CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERR " " 'catfo ' ar ( . ) all of the Prlncipul Poinls fn the \Vatl \ , Nort } .tnd N" HI li.n , , intiiriiDJtiKJ.'ni ) . 'JlioTTIiirlpAlOltlM _ < ii _ the Wr.uuiii ? bortnii-- . . , . ' innciloti ( ! f § > (7ir ( ? Ofl \ " Bo7 wY'i.unrw , ; THE CHICAGO A NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , fti The Imperial Palace DininglCars. Jtemvmbcr to iisK- for Tickets via tills road , tiosuro tliey rend over tt , ami take none UyiX UliaiUTT , Ucii'l Manner , CUIcagp. W. U. STBNXKTTOen'l TMS. J pcu O UAHRV P. DUKL. Ticket AirentkO.t * N. W. Hallway. 14th and FunhamMrtoU. D. K. ICIMItAM , , Aiulibuit Ticket A ont 0. k N. W. hallway , Hthjind L'arnhim itrenl > J. BULL , Ticket Agent C , & N. W. lUllway , U.'P ' , H. R. Depot. HAMKST. CLAHK Ueneral Arcnt. The Oldest Wholesale and Retail JEWELRYHOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER WARS : . CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , [ ihe Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in PRECIOUS STONES and all descriptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farnham Streets THE LEA1HNO MUSIC HOUSE IN T1IK WKSTt General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs soid for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos. Knabe Pianos , Vp e & Son's Pi : arms , and other makes. Also Clough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smitb American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before purr chasing. MAX MEYER & BRO , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW GASES ! Large Stock Always on Hand. dlSbod tt SAUSAGES ! Practical Sausage Manufacturer , ORDERS OF ALL KINDS FILLED PROMPTLY FOR ALL VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES , Family orders attended to with despatch , and every thing promised j-atisfactory. I invite a call at No. 210 South Tenth Street. H. M. & M. PEAVY CLOTHIERS ! 1309 Farnham Street. ] an20 < xxl-m&c6m Clearing Sale ! T < I PO LACK'S PALACE CLOTHING HOUSE Is the place to Buy Bargains. ; EVERYTHING MARKED IN RED Look for the Red Ink Marks , r-i