Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1882, Image 1

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    r TOE DAILY BEE. 8
Ho Denies the Reported Testi
mony of Pitney ,
And Pitney Also Denies that
He Brer Gave Any Such
Committee Meetings to Take
Action on Several Matters
of Importance.
Mlioellnneom Notes of a National
National Associated t'rcu
WASHINGTON , February 12. Sen
ator Sherman last night furnished the
following statement for publication
"I have scon the telegram of the
Western Associated Press in the load
ing papers of Ohio of Friday morning ,
urporting to give the testimony of
? 'itnoy before the treasury investigat
ing committee. I have rood the testi
mony given by him , and there is not
one word of truth in the whole tele
gram. NojHich testimony was given ;
no such scone occurred , and no letters
of Senator or Mrs. Sherman were pro
duced by Pitney as alluded to. I am
authorized by Senator Halo , who is
mentioned , and to whom I showed
the dispatch , to make the same denial.
The telegram is a wholesale lie , as the
testimony when printeed will show.
( Signed ) ' 'JOHN SHERMAN. "
The above statement being shown
Mr. Titnoy later in the evening , ho
wrote the following :
"I endorse the statement of Mr.
Sherman respecting the testimony of
myself before the senate committee as
'Signed , ) "A. L. PITNEY. "
The statement referred to was in
brief a charge that Pitney has dis
played to the investigating committee
letters from Senator and Mrs. Sher
man written him when in the treasury
department , requesting him to send
treasury employes to the Sherman
residence to make repairs on the
house or work of a similar nature.
National Associated Press.
WASHINGTON , February 12. C.
Schwenk has hoen appointed ganger ,
for Nebraska ; J. B. Miller , store
- keeper * * - . for 1 the .tfvfn Save _ - nth . district . , of
- .
of tobacco , etc. , for the First district
of California.
The White House was crowded
with callers yesterday , it having been
the first Saturday he has received any
one except upon most urgent business.
W. H. Armstrong , the new com
missioner of railroads took possession
of his office in the interior depart
ment yesterday.
At a meeting yesterday of the sub
committees of the house committees
of naval , foreign and postoflico affairs ,
the following resolutions was unani
mously adopted : "That it is the sense
of this joint committee that it is ad
visable to promote the postal and com
mercial interests of the United States
by providing sufficient compensation
for the carriage of ocean mails from
the United States to foreign ports by
American shipa.
The Buckner bill to substitute legal
tenders for notes of retiring batiks
was endorsed. There were but forty
or fifty members present , and n com
mittee of live on each subject was ap
pointed to report to a full caucus to
be called hereafter. The matter of
refunding was not discussed.
There are rumors of a misunder
standing between Mr. J. Bancroft
Davis and Chief Clerk Brown , of the
state department. As the story goes ,
Mr. Brown volunteered to give some
advice to Mr. Davis , which wns not
kindly received by the latter , who in
timated that ho know his own busi
ness. Mr. Brown intimated that his
long familiarity with the business of
the department led him to suppose
that ho might suggest to the assistant
secretary. It is further stated as a
result of the trouble between these
gentlemen that Mr. Brown will likely
retire from the department , where he
has been nearly a quarter of a con-
ury.Hon. . David Dudley Field g.ivo his
yiowu on needed legislation concern
ing contests in presidential elections
before the house committee on presi
dential elections yesterday. Ho fa
vored judicial determinations of all
Running Mateh.
National Associated fieta ,
CIIIOAQO , February 12. A running
match for 81,000 a side has been ar
ranged for Monday at the driving park
between Smith , of Pittsburg , who won
the Sheffield handicap in England , and
an unknown , backed by S. P. Shields ,
for 130 yards , 15 feet scratch.
The TemiMMe Funding Act.
National Associated fiat.
NASHVILLE , Teim. , February 12.
Judges Turnoy , Freeman and Mo-
Farland hold the 100-3 act unconstitu
tional , Judges Deadrick and Ewing
the contrary.
NEW YOUK , February 12 , Some
months ago a refunding commission
appointed by the legislature came to
Now York and made contract with
the Franklin Bank Note Company to
print bonds for the expected now is
sue. The contract WAS signed by the
governor and other atato olliciala and
bora the seal of the state. The engraving -
graving and most of the printing was
done when a few days ago by order of
the commission work stopped. It is
understood the cost to the atato will
not exceed 84.000 or $5,000. .None
of the bonds have yet been signed by
the atatit officials. A director of the
Louisville & _ Nashville railroad aid
to-day that it was understood the
landholders would now press suits
against that road which arc now
pending in the supreme court , the
road being indebted to the atato of
Tennessee. State Treasurer Polk and
several Nashville capitalists have been
boon hero for two or three weeks ne
gotiating. Polk ia still nt the Fifth
Avenue hotel. Duncan , of Nashville ,
wont homo to-day.
Planet Oil covered. .
National Anociatei Prow.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , February 12.
Professor Aoorstor , of Berlin , .hna
notified the Smithsonian institute that
M. Palisa , at Pola , on the 9th inst. ,
dicovorcd the planet Oid , thirteenth
magnitude , in 10 degrees , 20 minutes
and 28 seconds , right ascension and
13 degrees , 28 minutes north declina
tion , with a daily motion of 4 minutes
north declination.
Haaerlag Hancock.
National AMOdatcil Frnay
JACKSON , Miss : , February 12. A
committee has boon appointed to in
vitp General Winfiojd S. Hancock to
visit the capital during the session of
the legislature , and prepare' a recep
tion if the invitation is accepted.
Salllvaa on His Travels.
KatlonalAMoclat | d I'fea * .
CHICAGO , February 12. The heavy
weight champion , John L : Sullivan ,
with his traicer , departed this even
ing for Detroit , whore ho gives an ex
hibition on Monday evening. Billy
Madden , Pete McCoy and John McBride -
Bride accompany him. Sullivan will
offer $100 to any man who will face
him in four rounds with soft gloves.
The combination is under the man
agement of "Parson" 'Davies.
Digest of Their Monthly Re
ports to the State
WASHINGTON , February 12. The
monthly publication by the state de
partment of consular reports , just is
sued , has some interesting statements ,
by consuls in various parts of the
world regarding American trade and
its needs.
Consul Shaw , of Manchester , Eng
land , writes : At present American
manufacturers and merchants suffer
seriously from th'o lack of throe great
aids to fight commercial prominence
in the foreign markets of the world.
First , direct lines of American ships
to foreign ' ports ; second , widely ex-
tendcdoa'nking facilities at the dis
tant trade centres ; third , branch
hpuscs in. every great foreign market.
Consul Brocks , . -Cork' , says : The
only" possible wayJin my judgment.
co establish a groper equilibrium and
will'bo' able 'to realize 'the advantages
naturally belonging to them is first ,
by creating a system of financial ex
changes controlled by ' Americans ,
hinged upon the condition of who
American market , and second , as has
been repeatedly 'suggested ' , by the re
vival of American ocean shipping.
Consul Prindlo , at Bahai , Brazil ,
says there exists here a large field for
the extension of American commerce ,
but it will bo a long time before it
can bo brought out unless wo shall be
represented by a first class American
house or houses to exhibit , 'defend ,
and push our products and manufac
tures. Another most powerful factor
to very largely increase trade betwonn
the United States and South America
would bo the establishment of a line
of nine steam vcHsels under our Hag.
I quite agiuu with all our consuls who
have written on the subject. Without
exception , so far as I have soon , they
advocate the extension of government
aid to certain lines of such vessels. I
believe some millions could bo so em
ployed with advantage to the general
interests of the American people.
Consul Morriul , Iquiquo , Peru , says
the proportion of American vessels
arming ut this point compared with
those of other first class powers is
very small. For the last four years
only one American vessel arrived
direct from Now York with an assorted
cargo. I have persuaded merchants
into sending trial orders , the goods
to be brought by vessels bound to
Valperaiso which , after discharging
the bulk of their cargo there , come
hero to load nitrate. This indirect
mode of importation , however , has
its disadvantages as a delay of weeks
might be suffered. Now York wants
vessels bound to Valparaiso. The
remedy needed is moro ships , whether
sailing vessels or steamers , which
come direct to this port.
Consul General Weaver , at Vienna ,
writes concerning the proposed line
of steamships from Trieste to Now
York , under date of 'January Oth :
The Austrian line , Lloyd steamship
company , announce the intention of
sending out on the J5th u steamship
from Trieste to Now York. This will
bo an experiment in order to ascertain
if trade between these ports can bo
made profitable. It is to bo hoped
it may not be lightly abandoned , but
prove successful and tend to the de
sired development of trade between
the United States and Austria-
Hungary , This may therefore bo a
favorable opportunity for our mer
chant * to investigate the practicability
of extending trade in this direction ,
Consul Shaw , at Manchester , says :
It is not my province to point out
the vast iniluenco the English steam
ship lines exert on , the commerce of
the world. It is simply colossal in
magnitude , and the income from those
lines is believed by well informed expert -
port a to amount to the enormous sum
total of 25,000,000 annually. The
second element in the race for com
mercial prominence in foreign ports
is a complement of tirst-class
banking facilities , which must follow
rather than go before the establish
ment of American lines of steamers ,
Capital willfollow wherever ships load
th'o way and open up a field for its
safe and profitable employment ,
National Auoclattxl 1'reei.
WASHINGTON , February 115. For
the lower Missouri valley : Colder ,
fuir weather , northwesterly winds ,
higher pressure.
The Preponderance Being Murder
in All Its Degrees ,
A. Desperate Syroousan Oleane
Out a Bagnio and Kills
The Degenerate Son of a
Methodist Sire to to be
Hanged in lexau.
Street Oar Driver Fatally Pounded
and Other Wlokodneii.
National Associated Vrew.
SYRACUSE , Fobru ry 11. Win.
Torderc , aged 28 , about 5 o'clock this
afternoon wont to the house of pros
titution kept by Libby Stokoy , 60
Walton street. It is supposed for the
purpose of calling on Mollie Tar. He
was refused admittance by the house
keeper , but pushed through the door
and drawing n revolver fired a shot at
the Stokey woman which took ofloct
in her back producing a wound from
which she swooned and fell on the
floor. Terdero then started up
stairs and fired n second shot
at Lottie Smith , recently from Ro
chester , but missed , The next victim
wai a girl , at whom ho fired two shots ,
only ono of which took effect , passing
through the first and second rib ; for
tunately the course of the ball was
not such as to strike any largo blood
vessels , but wont through the lung.
After tiring the last , shot , lie escaped
from the house and wont directly to
his homo , on the shore of Onondaga
lake , where he fired two shots into his
own body , which will end his life.
The Stokoy woman may live , but .tho
Tar girl , the physicians say , will die
before morning Ho had boon drink
ing some and was extremely jealous ,
and , had early in the day threatened
to kill the Tar girl , but it was not
thought that lie would carry the
threat out , as he had often made such
threats before. The house whore the
afi'air took place is ono of the lowest
in the city.
SAN FRANCISCO , February 11.Jno. .
L. Broadhead , chief clerk in the
quartermaster's department since
March , 1879 was delivered yesterday
into the custody of the United States
marshal on n criminal charge of rais
ing a check from $4 CO to $4,050. Ho
was placed under § 10,000 bonds. .
DECATUU , 111. , February 11. Miss
Sarah J. Palmer , who resides in this
city with her mqther , ia charged by
James A , Pillsbury , a traveling sales
man of St. Louis , with having swin
dled him out of $400 in cash. Pillsbury -
bury mot Miss Palmer on n railway
train over a year ago and since the
meeting he claims to have given her
$400 with the understanding that she
would marry him. She cast him off
yesterday and ho posted up bills
around town warning the publio to
watch her and tolling how ho was vic
timized. Pillsbury has loft town.
NEW ALBANY , Ind. , February 1 .
Peter Hoffman , nu aged Gorman ,
died in Harrison county. Ho con
fessed to a priest to having committed
three murders , ono in Germany and
two in Harrison county. His story is
corroborated by other testimony.
CHICAGO , February 12. Mr. Luke
Ransom , a resident of Housdalo , a
suburb on the Chicago , Burlington &
Quincy road , was found murdered in
the principal street in that village yes
terday morning. His empty pocketbook -
book near the body proved that mur
der was committed for the purpose'
robbery. A valuable watch and chain
lately presented to Ransom by the
employes of D. M. Oaborn & Co. , ia
also missing ,
DKTKOIT , February 11. Nothing
has yet been heard oa to the where
abouts of Navin , the skedaddled
mayor of Adrian. The town will not
lose anything.
WASHINGTON , February 12. E.
Boone , the star router , yesterday in
the police court waived examination
and asked his case bo sent to the
grand jury. Judge Snell granted the
request. | It is stated Caboll , Dixon d
and Minriix will take the same course
on Tuesday next. d
PmsnuuG , February 12. Beaver , '
Pa. , ia much excited over the an-
nouncomont that Ed. Beacon , a former
mor resident of that place , has boon
sentenced to hang for murder in
Texas , Beacon is 30 yenis old , and
has a very interesting history. Ho
graduated at West Point in 1872 , and
was appointed second lieutenant in
the colored regiment in Texas. Ho
was expelled for drunkenness.
Through the influence of Colonel
Quaflsuy , of Colquay , secretary of
state of Pennsylvania , ho was ap
pointed to n minor position in the
New Orleans poatoflico. Ho remained
there u short time , and by the aid of
Quapsoy was appointed assistant Uni
ted States marshal in southern Texas ,
and at the same time , it in said , wo *
acting as the loader of a gang of out
laws , assisting to rob mail coaches and
personally committing several mur-
dors. About four years ago
Beacon was tried for murder
and acquitted. Last September ho
was again arrested on the' same
charge , found guilty and sentenced to
bo hung , flo is well known in Pitts-
burg ) and always bore a bed reputa
tion. His most intimate companion
while hero was Cook Hall , who shot
his mistress in a bagnio. Beacon's
father was a well known Methodist
minister , now dead ,
PHILADELPHIA , 1'obruary 12 , Jus.
'M , Barnes , n miner from Monkna , ?
arrived hero on Friday , intending to
sail for Kuropo yesterday. After
drinking freely that night ho went to
the Temperance hotel and during the
night was robbed of { (1,000 ( , all the
money ho hud in his possession.
PiiiLiUKLi'iiiA , February 12. The
discovery has been made that Samuel
B , Eastburn , the ox-tax clerk who is
now under indictment for embezzle *
incut from the city , systematically do
frnudod the Philadelphia & Rending
railway from 1873 \ to 1877 , by
"raising" its bills for taxes on
property owned by thit corporation in
the city. The matter is now being in
vestigated and will b * probably made
the batis of another p'tosccution.
NEW YORK , Fob&Ary 12. A dispatch -
patch received yerterday by Po&t ,
Martin & Go. and D.A. , Eaton , from
W. A. Underwood , attorney of Adrian ,
and from Andrew Hdwoll , judge of
the circuit court there , confirm the
suspicions entertained'thnt the papers
certifying to the genklnenoss of the
water bonds sold by Mayor Navin to
Post , Martin & Co. and D. A. Kato.i ,
of this city , were forgeries. All hope
that some mistake or , misunderstand
ing was nt the bottom of the trouble
has disappeared and detectives are on
the track of Navin , who at last Ac
counts had none west from Michigan.
I The Union Trust company will hold
the proceeds of tho''bonds ' until moro
is known of the affair. .
WASHINGTON , February 12 A bold
robbery and probabT ? murder oc
curred hero to-night. Y , As Fred Good
rich , driver of a car on the Metropoli
tan street railway , ' wn driving a car
through a sparsely populated portion
of out- city a man suddenly jumped
on the platform.and striking him be
hind the car knocked him down mid
seized the cash box. The injured
man was picked up by the passengers.
Thy summoned a physician , who de
cided that the skull ia fractured and
the wound probably fatal. The police
are searching for the highwayman ,
but thus far without success.
Thomas Amos , a colored man was
shot in the side by , Kooton Brown ,
also .colored , in a personal quarrel
hero this morning. Brown iired at
the officer who attempted to arrest
him and escaped , but will probably betaken
taken in before morning. Amos will
probably recover.
PITTHBURO , Pa. , February 11.
James Allison , who on the 18th of
Juno , 1880 , murdered his 70 year old
father , is to bo hanged at Indiana ,
Peuna. , on Friday next. A Leader
reporter wires that ; citizens of that
place are indignant over [ the story
published that a 190 pound hog had
boon hung on the scaffold for the pur
pose of testing the galjo\vs. It was a
bag of salt of that weight. When
visited in his cell the doomed
man seemed quito serene ,
enjoying himself with a cigarette.
1 he wants is plenty of whisky and
tobacco. On several occasions Alli
son has amused himself by dancing
jigs to the tune'of ' a violin played by
a follow prisoner. This is Indiana
county's first execution.
# ALBUQUERQUE , N , M. , February
12. Citizens at Cranes , headed by a
deputy sheriff , made\a raid on the
rendezvous of outlaws -with the in
tention of cleaning them out. Three
of the robbers Frank Lewis , James
Lynch , and a follow known as "Tho
Kid , " aged 18 were shot dead.
Sheriff Jones and his assistant , Fitzpatrick -
patrick , were badly wounded in the
encounter and Jones is neb expected
to live. Throe others of the gang
are at largo and will bo captured.
ST. PAUL , February 11. Douglass
W. Vanderhoof ex-head
, - boook-kcopor
of the First National banic of St.
Paul , has boon arrested for embezzle
ment of funds of the bank to the
amount of $48,000. There were ru
mors of crookedness some time ago ,
and Vandorhoof was suspected. The
reports at the time were denied by
the bank. Vandorhoof turned over
about $15,000 to apply on the deficit ,
and was arrested when it was found
out that ho could not make up the
National Associated rrisx
NBW YORK , February 11. At 11
o'clock to-'night a fire broke out in the
planing department of Diolmtm &
Co.'s piano factory on West Twenty-
first street. The flames spread rapidly
to the main building. A largo force
of firo'mon were called but could only
save the surrounding property. In
half an hour the entire tour story
building , fronting 100 foot on the
street , together with its contents were
destroyed and the walla foil with u
crash. David Stradigor. fireman , was
struck by parts of the wall and fatally
injured , for a time ho was buried un
der the burning piles of lumber. Loan ,
estimated at $1,000,000. One hun
dred and fifty hands are thrown out
of employmont.
EVANBVILLK , February 11. Charles
Lind'a saloon was partly destroyed by
fire yesterday. Jacob Snonny watt
suffocated in bed. Overall's planing
mill was also damaged SI , 200.
LAFAYKTTB , February 11. The de
pot building of the Louisville , Nash
ville & Cincinnati railroad was burned
by supposed burglars at Chalmers ,
White county. S
CINCINNATI , February 11. Alex. ittl
McDonald it Co.'s steam cooper shops tln
were damaged $3,000 by fire this n
morning | °
MODOI ; , Out. , February 12. ii
John Morland's house near Pringlo's iit
mills , burned this morning , ilia
wife und stop daughter and three an
children perished in the flames. Two aI
young men Hving in the house wore ti
so badly burned that they are not ex 1
pected to recover. .
Importation of Hone * .
National AwoclaUd 1'resa.
BOSTON , February 12. The largest
importation of Clydesdale horses over
made was entered hero to-day. The
steamship Manitoba arriyod from
Glasgow having on board 77 marea
and fltallion colts consigned to Col.
Robert Hallowny , of Alexis , Illinois.
These animals are all high bred , being
imported by Col , Halloway for Htock
breeding purposes , and are valued a *
100OOJ , [ ) , During the voyage four
mares and three stallions died , but
the others are all in prime condition ,
They started west to-night ,
< i ' ii i
Training ; For a Boat Raco.
National Awtoclated I'rcua
BT . , JOHNH , N. B. . February . . . 12.- ,
r i. * i
Wallace Rosa and Richard Naglo will 11
begin training at once in double sculls
and are having a now boat built.
Fatal Ending of the Newspapoir
Bow in Washington.
Boteldo Dies on Saturday
Night From the Effects of
Somebody's Bullet.
And Makes an .nte-Mortom
Statement Which Nobody
Oan Get Hold Of.
Barton Doing Well nod Almoct
Able to Get Up-
Nktlotul AuocUtcd 1'rcm.
WASHINGTON , February 11. Mr.
Clements , of Saratoga , brother-in-law
of A. M. Soltedo , arrived here to-day ,
and has nskod Charles A. Hood to defend -
fond Charles Soltado when hois tried.
A. M. Soltedo wns reported to bo
sinking rapidly at JO o'clock to-night ,
and Clements and Hood wont to the
hospital to take dying statement.
Mr. Clements did not arrive at the
hospital , which is a long distance from
the hotel , until after the death of Mr.
Soltodo. Ho was much afl'octcd in
learning the fact of death. The coroner
ner has just boon notified , and will
probably hold an inquest on Monday.
Hnrton is reported doing quite well.
He was sitting up this evening , nnd
said that but for a lameness on his
ankle , occasioned by a fall during the
tight ho would bo able to bo out in n
few days.
Mrs. Soltodo was at her husband's
bedside at the time of his death. She
had boon u constant attendant on him
since the shooting , as had also hie
sister. During the day and evening
no visitors were admitted to the sick
room. This was ordered nt the dying
man's request , the number of his call
ers having increased since the night
of the shooting and their questionings
having an irritating olfoct During
the day ho had less pain and scorned
cheerful and anxious to talk. As ho
was speaking a marked look of rigor
was noticed. Ho was admonished to
refrain from conversation , and his
remarks were nearly nil con
fined to family affairs. In
labored conversation with his
wife ho expressed his belief
that as ho was growing no worse , there
was a possibility for him to recover.
Subsequently Dr. Bliss , standing by
his bcdsido , holding his limp and use I
less hand , said : "Mr. Soltedo , you
are aware that wo consider your case
as hopeless ? " "I am , " the patient
answered , -promptly. "But , doctor ,
I feel much better to-day , but of
course if I cannot recover I am pre
pared to moot the inevitable. " Ho
closed his eyes ; then at times slept
fitfully , and when airako was per
fectly conscious of his surround
ings. There was little change
in his condition during the after
noon , but this evening his
condition seemed rather worse. Still
he retained consciousness and hope ,
and the change was not so apparent
until 10 o'clock. Dr. Bliss had visited
him in the evening and left at 10
o'clock , not deeming it probable that
death would ensue for some hours at
least. He had scarcely reached homo ,
however , before a telegraph message
was received saying that Sotoldo had
grown much worse since his departure
and was believed to bo dying. Ho
immediately hastened to the hospital ,
but did not arrive until after death.
Sotoldo was unconscious up to within
a comparatively short time before his
death , and ho expressed himself ro-
siuned to his death , saying that ho
was contented to die. Ho spoke not' '
, . .
? i f i t
unkindly of Barton , saying that
ho did not longer hold
any feelings against him , and
that all that ho regretted
WAS his rash conduct in the matter ,
Mrs , Sotoldo was much affected when
the end came , though she had boon
prepared for it by the announcement
of Dr. Bliss yesterday that his death i
could bo but a matter of a few hours. '
The mooting between Mrs. Sateldo
and her brother , Mr. Clements , was
very affecting. Concerning the arito-
mortem statement which Mr. Sotoldo
wa reported to have made yesterday
Mr. Jno. Carson , a personal friend ,
und who was in the sick room a great
deal yesterday , said to-day that
if such a statement was made "
it must have boon very brief and
simply to the ell'oct that .Sotoldo bo *
licveu that Barton ehothiin. Ho coulil
not have gone into details us the
wound had been received shortly af
ter entering Barton's room.
The'diHtrict attorney declines to give
Sotoldo's so-called ante-mortem state *
mont to the public. It is understood
that the paper is not strictly an ante-
mortem statement ; it consists nimbly
of notes-takon by Mr. Perry while
Taggart talked with Sotoldo , Speak
ing of the statement the district at *
torney ( said' "It is absurd to
aik mo to tjivo * out n
man's ante-inortem statement ,
It would 1)0 ' violating all the proprie
ties of lifo'for mo to do such a thing.
The reason that I asked Mr. Perry to
go there was because I could not
allow ono of my own - assistants to go
on the stand in such a case. That
would bo manifestly improper. "
Gen , Boynton , who has boon /or
many yean an associate of Sotoldo in
newspaper work returned at mid
night from the hospital , where ho
stood by the death bo1' , Ho said :
"Nobody could make Sotoldo believe
that ho was not going to got well un
til after 10 o'clock to-night , He had
been free from pain all day and had
regained some fooling in his hands
and legs. At about ton minutes past
10 o'clock this evening ho himself no
ticed that ho was growing weaker and
suggested to some one about him that
such was the case. Ho ut that time
Hoomed to huvo unusual difficulty ii
breathing , but as this passed after i
few moments the attendants did not
think that his suggoHtion that the em
waa near was so true as the next 1ml
hour proved. Ho , however , insisted
that ho was losing ground rapidly , and
the attendant fooling his pulse found
that it was scarcely perceptible. His
wife nnd sister , who were in an ad
joining room , wore immediately
at nil bcdsido in a mo
ment , but none too soon
to hoar the farowcll. There
were but few words tpokon and the
hospital surgeon who had boon cnllod
was powerless to stay the summons
and j with the words 'I'm going , ' Ho-
tcldo sank Into unconsciousness and
_ twenty minutes later was dead. "
i From a gentleman who was with
Sotoldo yesterday and to-day it is
learned that he made nothing that
the Inw would probably recognize as
tud an anto-mottcm statement , rs ho
did not believe ho was going to die.
Ho , however , insisted as docs the
younger Sotoldo , that Barton not only
tired the fatal shot , but thut he tired
the i first shot.
Corkhill holds tightly on to his
notes of his interview with Sotoldo
just after the shooting , refusing to
give them for publication until after
the inquest.
A post mortem examination will bo
nmdo to-morrow , and when the ball is
found the question ns to the shooting
will soon -bo settled , as the three
pistols of Barton and the two Sotol-
dos wore all of different size. Barton
expressed sorrow to-night on hearing
of the death.
W. H. Clomnnts , father-in-law of
Sotoldo , is in Florida spending the
winter. Ho has boon telncraphod ,
but has not yet responded , the mes
sage having probably failed to roach
WASIUNCITON , February 12 , The
autopsy on the remains of A , M , So
toldo was hold at 11 a. m. to-day by
Dr. J. F. Hartigan , assisted by Drs.
Bliss and Sewers , who had attended
Sotoldo since ho was shot. An elab
orate report of the autopsy in techni
cal phraseology has boon made sub
stantially as already told in the notrtt-
papers. The surgeons say , "after
traversing the soft part the bill entered
the canal in the course , fracturing the
lamina of the fourth , vertebnu n little
to the loft of the spinous process ,
driving before it several small pieces
of specula , and penetrating the dura
matter , slightly lacerating the cord
and depositing in itssubstanco a small
spoctilum of bono , imbedding itself in
the intervortobnu fornmon formed by
the fourth and fifth vertebra ) . " The
report is made to the district
attorney and signed by Doctors
Bliss , Sewers and JIarti an. The
ball weighed 96 grains , a fraction of
a grain less than the ono taken ironi
Barton's neck. The fact that the
balls in Barton's pistol were tlat attho
base , while these are hollow nt the
base , fixes the fatal shot as coming
from the pistol of1 A. M. Sotoldo.
A jury .was impannelcd. and
after viewing the body udjourhbd
to moot at police headquarters
at 0 a. m. to-morrow. The funeral
will take place from the deceased's
homo on Wednesday. The romams
will bo placed in a receiving vault for
the present and removed west as soon
as the family decide as to a final rest
ing place. Mr. C. Clement says ho
has not engaged counsel for the de
fense of young Soteldo and does net
intend to do so.
Suicided toRollovo Hlf Pain.
BLOOMINOTON , III. , February 12.
Peter Growitt , a wealthy contractor ,
committed suicide to-day by shooting.
Ho has been a hopeless invalid for
months und said he preferred death to
Plenty of Water in Texan.
National Associated Preen.
DALLAH , Tex. , February 12. Inces
sant rain has prevailed throughout
Nm thorn Texas fur a week , the great-
eat storm for years. The entire coun
try is flooded. On the east fork ot
the Trinity the bridge of the Texas &
Pacific railway ia washed nwny , East
Texas is a vast sea ; in many places
the railroad track is lassoed to trees
nnd stumps for safety. An immense
amount of lumber , cord-wood , small
buildings , household goods , farm im
plements and dead animals are floating
down . the principal rivers. The body
of an unknown man was found
drowned. I *
Marino Intelligence.
National A 6oclat i I'rcoa. .
NEW YOUK , February 11. Sailed I
City of Brussels , for Liverpool ; the
Alsatia , for London ; the Egyptian
Monarch , for London ; thu General
Wordor , for Bremen ; the Klieinland
"or Antwerp.
ANTWKur , February 11. Hailed
The Helvetia , for NJW York.
HAVHK , February ill SiiM The
Salerno , for Now York.
Qi'iK.VKTOWjf ! , February 11. Ar
rived The Boiani.i , from Now York.
BmsroL , February 1'J. Sailed -
Thu Cornwall for Now York. , „
LiVKitrooL , February 12.- Sailed
The Illinois for Philadelphia , Pa.
Arrived The Bothnia and City of
Paris from New York.
LONDON , February 12 , Bailed - On
the 10th , the Queen for New York.
HAVIIK , February 12 Arrived
The Atnoriquo from New York.
Sailed The Labrador for Now
BJIKMKN , February 12. Sailed
The Neckar for Now York. .
QUKKNHTOWN , February 12. Ml
Bailed The Sorvia und thu'Wisconsin
for Now York.
Mexican Affair * .
National Aodatd i'rixi. .
CITY OK MEXICO. February 12.
The Mexican government is consider .
ini , ' the advisability of enforcing t
quarantine against small pox , whichm | I
declared epidemic in the United
States ,
A dispatch from Ma/.atlau sayn there
are heavy Hoods in the vicinity of the
town oi Culincnn , in which district
there has been steady rain for ono
week. The Culiucan river is over
flown and hits inundated the town.
Great loss of property and the drown * &
ing of a great many persons are re
ported. Roads are impassable und
there has been no mail or communi
cation with the town for several days
She Will Allow No Interference
in Her Internal Troubles ,
She Says She is Protecting the
Jews , and England Must
Keep Her Hands Off.
' he Uprieinp- Arabia Fore
tells Grave Trouble- and
Disquietude to Turkey.
MUoella-aeoui News from tit *
European Capital
National AwocUUM 1'rcM.
ST. PKTKiifliiunn , February 12. ;
The government Una caused the publication - [
cation of a communication respecting '
outrages on the Jowiah populace in i
certain portions of the empire nnd the '
protests nmdo in other countries. The 1
government sixys it is determined to
protect the Jewish citizens in nil rightn
of person nnd property , but declares
foreign intcrforonco in the matter
wholly inadmisaablo and will bo ro- „ ,
aontud , Such intorforonoo , if .per- i
mittcd , would only tend to increase
the popular passion against the Jovra .
nnd augment the difficulties of the
There is much activity at present in
the Russian ministry of marine and
important works are being carried on.
It is believed the object in view ia
the improvement of the Black Sea
oNHrANTUfoi'tE , February 12.
The news from Arabia is disquieting
and causes some anxiety in the Tur
kish government. Thu insurrection
there which has for its motive the
rehabilitation of Imaumrol Islam as
the head of the Mahominodim people
throughout Europe , A < ia zmJ Africa ,
is increasing. The movement has
deup root in the fooling of the Ma-
hommodans and threatens to become
n cause of serious trouble.
The porto has informed the powers
that the sultan has sent instructions
to the khedive to observe nit interna
tional treaties.
LONDON , February 12. Compara
tively few papers comment on the
Olayton-BuLwcr correspondence. The
general feeling is that the question
raised by Mr. Blaine has no diront
reference to , nnd that
either ho had something in the back
ground or approached the subject in
entire ignorance oi the facts. The
belief is firmly fixed hero that no.sori- J I
ous diflcrenco of opinion can possibly ' .
arwe.botweoi the people , qfttho..two
oounf rif & hVO-lili quosfloff and tt'thore i
fore exoitun i > uneasiness.
There is no news of any importance
from Ireland. Informers are springing -
ing up all over the country , and the
castle finds it easy work to deal both
with the league and the Fenians.
When informers appear on the Irish
stage it may bo taken for granted
that the ice is rotten. Mr Forstor ,
who ia nlmoss aa unpopular among
liberals as among Parnollites , is ablu
to confound his Irish enemies in the
house by relating the fifty attempts
on his life , and the barbarous cruel
ties perpetrated by unduly zetloua
patriots on dumb animals. When
Mr. McCarthy demands the release of
the suspects , Mr. Forstor points to
the unrepentant Father Shoohy , and
asks with an unanswerable uir if Mr.
McCarthy considers the Chicago convention -
vontion "conH'itutional "
n gathering.
On the whole , the Irish members of
his session are not likely to make
inuch headway , although Mr. Forstor
3 painfully open to assault.
ViKNiiA , February 11. Austria is
about to abandon the plan of partial
occupation of Montenegro and will
negotiate with Prince Nikita for the
paosago of troops across his territory.
The insurgents have become discour
LONDON , February 13 , The na
tional liberal federation have sent a
circular to nil liberal associations
throughout the country , asking them
to support the movement for cloture
PAKIH , February 13. M. Louis
Blanc is dangerously ill.
The Greenery Yallerjr.
National Amiorlated Prrsa.
OIIIUAMO , 111 , , February 11. - Oecar
Wilde , the apostle of the esthetic
movement , arrived late last night und
was driven nt once to the Grand Pa
cific hotel. Ho lectures here Monday
evening on the' ' 'KngliahRenaissance .
In MOW opt n to the public with & full U ] > pljrot
Cut Flowers and Plants
Kor Bale. Wo will bo glad to nave the [ Milk
call and K'O ui
Bouquets or Any Floral Design Made
to Order
City Qrutn Hour * , 8. W. Cor 17th ana Wcb-
at r , ono block from 10th etrcct earn. Nursery.
: U street , opposite Foit , Ju. Y. CralfT , Florui
and Landmnpu Gardner. Feu2 flu.
* utter af Application of Julius Schrowler
fur Liquor License ,
Notice U hereby given that Julius Hchroedct
dM upon the 27th day o ! January. A. D , 13rf ,
file hit application to the Board of CounM I'otn-
lolailnneniof DouKoln County , Kcbrasia. for
llcento to tell Halt , Spirituous and Vii"U (
Llquon , at MllUrcl , In lllllard Precinct , Doug a
County , Nebraska , from the lit day of lUrch.
1882 , to the lat day of March , 1883.
If there bo no objection , rcmonstranou or
protest fllul wltliln two uctkn from 27th day of
January , A. D , 1882 , ttu tutld llcenie will be
TIIK OIIAIIA DKH iicntpapcr will publliih the
abo\e notk-u ( orto tck , at the vxpobdo of
thu applicant. The County ol Uouulaa u not ' to
bo ' charKiKl lluiruvlth. JOHN HAUllKIt
fcbt ) fw County Clerk.
Olarkson & Hunt ,
Suuta * " " tn nlcbards ft Hunt ,
0. ( ] , dodge , of the llrm of I1/loo , McDirmotl
Podint , M number * anil Oai Fit er , U Omaha
waaillaitohcj as to 0. U , Podxe , wl > o aulguett
to Thoiuau 1'rlce all he ! Intercut Sipt. SOth , )8S1.
and Thomas Price OMUincd the third nharo of
flriulUblltltB for will 0. U. DoUito , In conalotr-
atlou of M9.M trantf i r , 0.0. DODO K.
I *