c THE OMAHADAILi SATUEREK- PAY J < 1EJ3iijAiiY' { nt , P. T. MAYNE , SDBSORIPTION KATES , COUNCIL BLUFFS AMD IOWA NEWS. By Carricrr , - 20 Cents jx > r Wook. Manngor Council Bluffs Circulation , . . . . . COUNCIL DL.UKFS , IOWA By Mull , $ lo.OO per Year. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Ofllco : .Room Five , Everett's Block , Broadway. H. W , TILTON , City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS. The Ii nht ( iiiiriU hntl lliclr dance la t night. Tlio brickUjcr * and pin tctero meet Iowa mid Wyoming Oonl handled only by J , W. Hoilcfcr , No. 2(5 ( 1'cnrl St. f lltf Tliooul.'oitif , ' ttmti cnst this Afternoon It over the Chicago & Itock I land road. Two youtln rained di < tnr'inco ' Rt the iimequcndf TlniMil.iy evening anil were promptly jailed. Justice lliilrd yesterday removed hi olllce tn n unite of room" , nuo rtnirwny wextof his i < ldhuidimrtorH ] , The confidence men who have been winking ridir thu trunufcr depot uro still nhroad in thu Innd , nnd HCCIII tn defy caji. Much fun ii nd entertainment is prom iced a' 1) honey's to-nlgh * by Smith's double Undo TOIII'M Cabin cnnipiny. The company Rive * n , matinee ulno thin nfter- nonn. The Turn Vcreln ha-t n largely at tended and evi cnt'y ' enjoynblo iiKHqner. nde , rinirrilny ovtmini' . There was a vur'cty of coHtuunn , H me being elegant , many of the n groti qnc and rninicnl. - A iio'.ition ' of property owner * h > H bee i net in circulation nulling for tlio ojiunlrf , ' up of n Htrect from Sixth to Eighth iilrtet , so .1 * ti ! connect with the strict leading to the ntu tournament grounds , The onso n ( Smith VH. Hlrong , In which the former soiuht to reccner it board hill , ai.d the lattur put in an olfeet of ii inig-- for fiitfro imprliomntnt , was dlsmlsuid yc t nUy at ploinUir'rt c..8l . , an anilcaMe unilcratnuditi ) , ' helnjf apparently rcoched. In the clicuit court this c. o of Brandt VB. riiimer , alt. r having uaul two days in the trial wn giun to the jury Thursday nyenlng. The jury remained out till night and was clo * tcd clmily until about 1 o'clock yehtvrday afternoon , when falling to agree , they were ( Imclwrgcd. H is Haul they Htoul tight o four in fuvor of giving damage to thu pliilntlir. The lithographic ) pf/rti-iltH / of thn pop ular nongstrev , Kuniiic Kellogg , appear in many of the nhuw windowH and nro looked upon with special inUT st by many of the c'tircnn who havu known her hlm-o girlhood - hood , and who watched her siuxm.sfiil ca reer with great pride ; The portraits uro huuK with the announce i.cnt that rho is to appear in Omaha with thu Clco Ululj of that illy in a concert to bu yivtn on the evening of tlieli'lh. At tliu iimsiiuonule of the tnru-vorln Thursday night Theodoru Lund appeared quaintly ma-lted , wltli u paper uhlhky band for u cent , a beer keg fora head , and a bottle for a hat. Frank Crow ol the "Uluu-.Tuy'1 thought it would bo fun to smash the rig , and with one b'low dr vo the bottle ihnugh the mock keg. The Hiuasli caused eevenil cuts ItiLimd' * scalp , and the blood flowud freely , To Lund itdid not ueom much of a joke , and ho stmlght- w y 6 wore out u warrant f..r Crow's or ient for omult. Tlio ca ii to como up before. Juntico Abbott this aftornoou for hearing. , Constable Fox watf' pr tty badly out of repair ycHtorday. Intryngto stop n row aurt iirreat HOIIIU ditordetly partita who luu been attend ng the masquerade the ulght He-fore , ho got a kink which toro blS breeches and disables his knce-oap. One fellow hit him over the hcud with chair infllcl ing a bump , and other blown caused other bruisex. "With the aid of other * lit ; nocuiod liU inen/thbugh there was a lively clatter all thu waf between the hall aud the calaboose , iu uhleh two good sized parties waved war ngulatt cad other , and blows WIN freely exchanged by all concerned. It Is expected that a num beret urron H Mill folio. * as the outgrowtl of the me ee , The Cltizo , published at Tucson , Ail i. iu , containa a number of items of \ , t lent tothiBo of this city who uio inter * eoteJ in various ininlng cnUrprmos them. It states that "nows from tlie Tyndul dis trict continues to be of a mo t encouraging character , and reports progrens in the con- etiuctiou of a railway which will do awuy with the isolated situation of affairs" it al o BUte : "J'hu Laura , Hxpert aud Last At oinpt , owned and worked by a ccrpora- lion of capitalists in Council liluirH , nre kit shouing up finely , and tlio thiity ton water jacket smelter to be oroctuJ by them is daily expected In Tucxon. " Regarding Arivaea it sayn , "tho iinuniinoug voice is tout tl.e proapectiof the cninp were never better. " PERSONAL. Kx-Khcrilf lleeil was in the city yesterday - day , M. Sclimit , of Oshkosh , was here yes terday , looking over the west , J , 1 * . Shropshire , the Union 1'acllic a'- toinvy at Omaha , was hero on legal bust. nesH yesterday. W. II , Harriaon , Jr. , wholesale and ru < tail itationer at ToVlo , Iowa , was gn-et1 In ; friendi hero yeatenlny. Her. Mr Leuiea ban thin week been at tending a quarterly meeting of thu ex ecu tivd cuu mitUe of the Haptlst obitoclullou the meeting being held at Ies ) Molnos He returned Thursday night , and repur at ) a result of the meeting the granting u Quauciul aid to several weak churches un the pKiliitintlit | of nevgral mlmiiouarles. Thn 0. , U. & Q , in Iowa is $3,504,993. the Ii. , C. K. & N. 81 140'J5D , the JJ. & S. W. , iio.v the 0 3) . & K. 0 . $109,000 , tlio B , V N V. 857,655 , uml tiio T. , 1' & \ \ branch of tlio Wabash 82,550. Tli 0. , M. & St. T fa assessed ut182 700 , the 1. 0. at ยง 1,720,374 , nnd tl 0. , K. I. & P at 84,007,808. All tl of\ior \ linuB in tliu utatuuro Ubaessod i Mcwtlian $1,000,000 uuclt. The lov eat vuluution per mile is on ( ho IQV Kattern , fourtuun miles iu length , un only luai-Beod at $800 per mile. Tl laigeot in en the 0. , H. & Q. und ( H. I. & P. , both valued at 812,000. , QUEER WORK , Young St ckdnlo Slips Out o tbo TollB ot the Law Voy : Easily. A Cnso Which "Will Boar a Llttli nt Snuliht : Tlio renders of Tun HIK ; will re inunihor the niirrnlion of the caplnn of n young innn nntncd .Ininun F Stockdalo , nt the Crouton liuimc , 01 Tuuflday night. Tlio youiiK man , hj nio.iiiB of a faint ) kuy , obtuinod un trunco to the room of Max Molm , tlu ptopriutor , and Hucrutud hiniRolf will a rovolvur undur the bud , nnd thurc ruiiiainud until aftur iMrn. Muhu and her childhad , rotirod. She discovered his presence , gixvo thu alarm , and thu follow wan captured. Ho admitted that ho was the res to "innko n raise , ' and wan lodged in the police ntation. Tliu following day Air. Alohnuppuarud at tlio police station and imrr.uod tlio details of the all'.iir , and seemed anxi ous to prosecute , A short time lie- fore thin ho hud huon robbed of $80 mid a watch , and ho expected that this younv man know ahotit this , aa ho had boon boarding at thu bouso right along ; The youn man doiiiud thai ho had anything to do with tlio previous robhory. and Joniod that hoVIIH a member of any | { aiijor had any helpers. Ho hnd u watch and about , $20 in hiaposacsHiun , nnd claimed that his father , who lived in MuBcatinu , was financially ahlo to help him out of liin difliculty. It was ilucidrd to wait a httlo before filing an information , and yive the boy's father i uhanuc to comu Jioro. A dollar of Iho young man's money WJIH taken for ; ' , ' ! egrapli IXITJIOHUH , and on ThurHilay ; ho father arrived. Kucordor liurko aid the iiiformiitioii icady to he lignod , hut Mr. Alolm did not appear o glvo III'H nutoyraph. The father | iont most of Iho day consulting with Marshal Morse , nnd the upshot of the vholo matter was the young man wan liaohargud for want ot prosecution , md taking the train with his father mrriod away to hia homo in Muscan- iiio. iiio.Tlio Tlio effort made to keep the press 'rom making mention of thu attumpt- jd robhory , and the ease with which ; lie matter wan quietly dropped , has ed to many qitorrios as to how it Imp- > L'iin that a yoiint' man thus caught , ind making BUuh eoiifessiom ) , could so juiutly bo tinned loose. Some of Llioso convornant with the facts havu reached thu conclusion that a financial jottlemunt was madu , by which thu prosecution wau dropped. It i naid that the landlord wan silenced by be ing paid , partly by cash and partly by l > y note , enough to cover hia loss by [ iiovioim robburion , BO that ho did not : aii < to appear against thu young man. Ii is also atatou that onu ot the boitidors at the Crouton liouuu named i'illur , who had his room once robbed > ( about $23 , wanted the uniotuu < M his leas figured into thu Hottloinunt , and because of sumo failure to con nect , that ho blew the whole matter away , and was in consequence ejected from thu house. Recorder liurko on being question ed ye turday s.iid that Mohn failed to sign the information as ho hud prom ised , and not putting in any appearance - anco against the prisoner the young man waa discharged for lack of prose cution. Mr. Mohn , on being asked about the matter , denied all knowledge of any settlement. Ilu said he had not seen thu boy's father at all. lie waa inforinnd by Marshal Aloiso that thu father was here , nnd replied that if ho wanted anything of him lie could call nt iho hotel , but saw nothing of him. Un being naked why ho did not Hign the information , ho naid that the boarder , Tiller , who had lost unco ? 23 , said ho would go up to the station and lilo an information against thu youiifj man , and ho thought that would di just as well at- for him to go. He depended ponded on Tiller to do this , and u night Tiller came back , a.iying liu had not done GO , and thuro being no prosu cntion appearing thu yuung man luu bueiiilut loose. Mohn said ho was si mad at Tiller for thus neglecting tide do aa he hud promised that lit' kickei him out of the house. In further conversation Mr. Main said that it would have done no gooi to prosecute the hey and send him t prison , as it would not bringhimb.icl the money which ho lust , nnd won ) only minu to disgrace the boy's fun : ily. If the papers would only atten to their otvn business , and not intei fern with his , In would like it muo bettar. Ono thing is curtain , the youn man slipped out easily from a tiorioi chaigu BO easily , in fact , that it 1m caused much Jalk and discuesin among the fuw observant onoavl naturally wonder whether yuui : Stockdalo would have tluia alippi throuuh had ho beun bomo poor in fortunate without money and withoi friendi. By the Wayaltlo. The doviltriffl of thu night hi Hourly ceased und tlio bibulous youi nmn , who oxpootod to gratify hia ai bition by dancing till broad daylig with the foniinino udniiration of 1 liuato diamond , roluctuntly quit Ii aide nnd steered IIH ! botanglud U into mi alloy way. It waa the hu when hoi cat poonlu think of tlio an of Morpliuua , und dishonest on think of Boimi ether ono'a arms. ' 1 stars , which Rung together nt eivutio dawning , looked duwn upon tlio you man with something of a frown ii { thuir brilliant fiicoa , and their h i cliuruu himhfd into n minor atrain their leuniing rayu pierced the wildurvd motives of the yuung n lying upon un tiHli-liouji trying throw tip. Tlii ) stain of tlio earth ' a ( Urania cuntrattt with liyrun's em llnko , whiter than the mountain B ! u'or it left mother cloud. Tlio yni follow wan fearfully and \\ondorfi ui-sick. Ho Hliiruud shivered as does nhrimlcd ] ) fohago , still cliimitt" by its fragile , frost-brittled tendrils when it is made to gloomily rustle aa the polar Rpirita , clothed in frosty frizz , lilt through the barren groves that oral- while were clad in gladsome green. Hu had left his overcoat up-staire , and wan too drunk to go aftur it and too cold to do without it. No won der ho shivered. , Officer StorlingVslar of the night gleamed in the alleyway , and thu hand of the law was laid upon thu yuung man , while n voice came from under the blue coat , "How to prevent crime ? Surely not by placing blotches of perennial slander upon those faith * j fill religious teachers who , when the cares of the week find a temporary tomb , administer needed sustenance I to mati'w higher nature. Far from it. It s a good deal better to run him in. " I As thu young man sat upon the edge I of thu iron cot behind the bars he meditated , "Alas ! alas ! genuine cul ture in mocked in its own temple. Worse than ho whoso hand tendered a limp lily as life's most sturdy em blem , that confounded turnkey gives me a soup bone. A. sturdy emblem , indeed ! In the slow moving progress of thu countless hosts of marching and sweltering humanity , what aru Croesus and Cyrus but gnats upon life's wheel , to bo crushed as the sum mer day rolls around. Sober sonau is overwhelmed by the carnival of thu cycles and the crush of unmolested crime , made epidemical by the inher itance of the ages " Hut nature's sweet restorer , lulmy sleep , bids the wear ied thinker drop the puzzling thought , and fall by thu waynido , until raised by thu echoing rovurhur.ition of that over dreaded , "Drunk again , eh ! Well , I'll lot you ulf this time with $ U and costs. THE POLITICAL POT. ' It Has Commenced Simmering and u Few Names Bubble Up for Olllco. The approach of a city election * be gins to cause those interested in polR- ical-niid municipal mattera to begin talking over the men and places. It seems to bo pretty well eetllod that Dr. N. D. Lawrence will he the republican nominee for mayor. The democrats are talking of nominating W. 0. James , and there is a prospect of the present incumbent , Mayor Yaughan running as an independent. For city attorney , Jacob Simms , the late county attorney , is favorably mentioned by thu republicans , while the present attorney , 0. A. Holmes , will probably secure the democratic nomination. For police justice , among thu re publicans aru named thu present hold er F. A Burke , George Carson , and \V. S. Mayne. The democrats are talking of C. E. Stone and E. E. Ay los worth. There are a number ot persons mentioned in connection with the city marshal's otlice. Ono is J.W. Morse tlio present incumbent , the present chief of police , H. II. Field , E. W. Jackson , and Jo. Spaulding. For city engineer L. P. Judoon , the present engineer , nnd ThomasTosti - vel are named. The present city weighmaster , II. O. Ohlinger is mentioned as his own successor. The nldormnnic race will bo a mix ed one and there will bo many entries' . The names of J. J. Brown and A. C. Graham are talked favorably of by the democrats as aldermen at largo. There are several now in the council who desire an endorsement by re election , and many fresh candidates are being talked over. Tuo Duties of Farmers In thoMiuttor of Legislation. Duiilap ( la ) . KqwrUr Every great industry of this nation keeps at the seats of state and na tional legislation , representatives , or lobbiests , independent of the leg.il . representatives elected by the people , to look after the interests of their re spective industries , to secure such 'enactments tuat will advance their in terests , and to prevent , if possible , thu enactment of such laws that will work injury to them. We said every great industry of the nation , but we will make a notable exception ; the agricultural interest , un industry in which more than one half of the pop ulation of the United States are engaged - gaged ; an industry second in impor tance to none in this country , and yet they keep no army nt the seat of fovorumont , of the lawinaking power , to enforce due and adequate lega protection , Thu banker , thu railroad , thu man ufacturing interest all watch with can their interest , as well an thu ciliei and towns , to secure national or stati appropriations for public buildings etc , thereby securing a gtu.ut' mriiuiiro of prosperity for their eityo town. If the fnrmara by some concert d notion , dolino such lnws that are nee esBiiry to the interest und prosporit ; of their induatry , und secure indt pendent ruprosentntives , to remai at the ecata of government during th soesions of the legislative bodies . whoso duty it will bo to urge the ei uotmont ot laws that will advnneu th intoreat they ropresimt , the ugricu n- tural interest , All this costs mono ] lit uo docs it coat ether industries wh lia nro BU represented , but they mail inonoy by doing so , yet somotniK er very largo sums nro spent to can gs through to success achemea for tl ur advancement of the interests inwhic they are mndo. I1H ki'a NVo know of a city , not n thonsai miles from hero , that ottered n lobbj ho iat of national reputation u thonsai : n'a dollaru to compass about the nation " 8 legislation to secure n cortnin rosul on which it was known if nocompllshi I')1 ' would work to the interest of the oi in iueation | , but the lobbyist hoot nt them for oil or ing only ono thoiuni an dollara , Hu aaid to the city , or t to men interested , "Cfiyamotonthouaa van dollara , with the privilege to draw I M. uiuro when the ton thousand v oot gono. " The money was raised , ing the job successfully carried throuj illy If each farmer would nllow himself bo lined to create n fund to pay ' the expense of such representatives , look to the agricultural interest in all it phases it would he tin boit invest ment they could mako. All ( > re.\t intori'VB of the country , thu finance , or banking interest , transportation , nmiiuf.'ic'urim , ' , ami nifiny others , are * o pp't ' Tied by law nnd li'giahition , thaf the farmer is only used as n me.ins n hereby these interests urow info m mm oth proportions tions , when in faet the acricultural industry is the greaient , the most important interest in any civilized land , air ! Dipnoi illy sri in HUH , an in dustry that supports ll ilhnrs , with out which they could n t , or if at all , would have but a sickly ' xUtcnco. Therefore , u rictilMiro should have the greatest encouragement , and the men engaged in that pursuit hhould see that tlio necessary protection is secured 1UWA ITEMS. BurliiiL'lon is taking Herdics on the half-shell. Wubator City rejoices ovir the re turns of a late' census , showing the population to bu 2)00. Tom Green was knocked down and robbed in Sioux City las.t Wednesday. Thu highwaymen have been arrested. The Dunison bulletin has boon sued for $5,000 dnmagi'H for getting tlio wrong Christian name in its report of n divorce suit. Eldora's board of trade has taken stops toward ascertaining v to the ex istence of coal in d Her un t parts in that vicinity. Greenfield tins a necret society whoso initiatory ceremonies nro said to consist - sist in hanging the candidate out of u back window by the slack of his trousers and shooting apples elF his head vith a pistol. L. S Coilin , of F.irt Dnlgo.the teinj orary chairman of the recent state ! . InbitoVy eonvi'iitk'ii , has written a Ictur to the /Toct / that the proposed prohibitory amendment is not intended - ed to prohibit the ni.inufacturu of al cohol for export. Cait ; , J. K. Powers , who lia-s boon trjing to et up nil oxeurHon to risit the b.ittle Hold nf Hhiloh next April the anniversary of said luttlo- has bpun notified ! > y stuambo.it owners that they camjot furnish boats for the proposed trip. Avoca is not s badly oil' for niiina factories. It linn two steam flouring milla that tnin out about 15000OGO ; pounds of Hour a i.'ir , as good n ma chine nud repair t-Oiop as Iowa can boast of , a largi' crimery , two wagon and bntjuy manufactories , n largo brewery , and will sc m have a soap Factory The weightiest senator in the I'owa Joginlaturo is D. M. Clark , of Wayne county , 2CO pounds , and the lightes , 7ohn G. Gillett , of IJoono county , 112. The oldest senator is Alfred llobard , of Montgomery county , ( ! G years , and tlio youngest , Mr. Giiltt , 80. The aerators uverauo 1)7 ! 2-ll25 pounds in weight , and 144 years. The lightest representative is Charles. Aldrich , of Hamilton comity , 125 pounds , und the heaviest , M. H. Calkiuii , of Jones county , 250. S. S. Humbert , of Howard county , in the oldest man in the liouse , OT yi'ars , and Charlus A\ Bishop , of llauk-Hawk , the youngest , 27 years. Average weight of repre sentatives , 170 19-100 pounds ; aver age ugu , 43 11-25 joais. low * schools are comingin for their share of the bills before the legisla ture this Hi'OHon. Oneof these is called the "Picker bill. " It attempts to remove the necessity oi < ru-uxami- mition for the best of teach ers nnd intends to raise the stand ard of the profession. This bill has been submitted to the leading ed- uc.itors of the state nnd approved by them. Ib calls for thu ivppomtmont ot a state board of oxautinuis , con sisting of thu state superintend ent , president of the state uni versity , principal of the state normal pahooL and two persons appointed by the governor , one of : whom film ! ! ' hu a wornin. In case thirv becomes u law , public examinations will bo held by the board , at which one of the uuiinbora must bu present. Two astnutmita may bu appointed by the board , both of whom must be well qualified teachers. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTIOK , & ) > odal ailNcttlSAinunts , such ft * last , KoiitiJ , To Loan , Ko Sale , To Kent , Wftiitu , lloanVtiiK , etc. , Hill to limcrtctl In thU coliiuui at the low ntooCTKN CENTS 1'KH MNi : lor thu llritt iiiBcttlon anil HVK CKNTb 1'Klt LINK for o.tch vuli iuviit liuwrtlnn. l.ia\c lulv fillncinenta at our ollicc , IVuom 6 , i\cn tt'H Ulack , llroailuuy , IU.NT Three or Icur rooms ( or ll'lit ) 17IOU tlui.li Kulhln taolilcckBOl jKMtotllco hitiiuraot | Hi. uunuhctt U U foul at- fu V.I \ \ AN ! K - To rom - A ten room homo ! n V > bomo U''wl iii-lMiorhoatl | or two nmtllfi hoimuH ii.lr Iu lil" . ' * klrw I * . C ) , llox 1)1 Counitl 11 nilor iippl ? ul UKK otJcu Couucl f 111 11 It * . < 0fi > TKD i\crlioly : In Council IulJ ! Ii WA to ukuTnn llui , 'JO cent * | vr week , ile llvvrvd \ > y cAirlets. O.lito , Koo-jn , 6 , Kv-jati/ lllJCK , UruiuNay. , i A \rANTlU ) To txiy 100 toiu tiroom corn Y > I'or lurtk-uljs adilrta.i Council lllufl Uroom Factor ) , Council lllullii , Jowa. CW-iUtl ACrst-clawi br om tier. Mayn WASTKD Coiiiirll lllurtH , lcA\a. ( bO-ISO * f7\01t \ 8A1.K OU tniwrii 40o ) wr J. Tnu U e otlice. Coiindl'Jlufl * . t 7-t ! IllUCK-MAKKKS , VIM 3ALK-5 aci ( moruol Ipji'l atljo'nljK tlio brlck-y nV < lunncr & Hal iui' on irjipt'r llron-'wuv. ' K ( liartlcuUn l | > ly tu la\U ) llaliirs or ti lliunci olllco at the UoirJulTriule ronm. Council IDufl ' J Bin ' TICKI.T ( WICK. War In rallroi POTTKU'S ittnUnucii to boom. Uni'rix-nlcnt ' low rate * to nil LarJcrn ) > olut8. I'lvory tick 1'iwranti.il , OtiU'rAllllcil by tcU'pnonu. Fro ono to t n ilollurs J.uul tuircWlni : tlckc ol U , A. 1'ottcr , Biicnwr to fatter k I'abucr , N 40 Kor.ih Filth ntnct , lour iloor below thu | > oi olllco , Council llluUn , lowtt. cells tl 15 " \7(7ANTE Itoy , with jwii ) , to i rry impc \ V liniulru at U ollico , Council lllull * . id cctlS-tt 10 id Notice. or OK Ing tn the Imuieino lucceu ol the n KB Qelatln * Dromldn Inttantaneout Proc < nd at tha Exctlilor Qnllery , KillU vtrttt , Ooi ell Qlulft , Iho proiirU'tor Ui'tlrc * Uio < iul hl ' Idri'ii'i I'lcturcttoiall l > et ieithu houn 'to 10 anil 12 o'clock t , in. , aa owluj to the Pr < ho of Duilnttt inch arungcuu'Ut U n co ury a\olJ dvlay , to W-lm J , DA.RKE , Proprietor FACTSWORJH KNOWING. "Good morning , Mr. Jones. You seem in good humor this morning. " "Yes , I have b.en to the BOSTON TEA STOBE , aud find naythiug and every thing I wnm , OF FIRST QUALITY AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. I tell you , I can Suvo Money now out , ot'mv salary , nnd Live Pirst-Clnes too. It pnyn to go there. " "Where did you eay it wtu- ? " BOSTON TEA COMF1 FINE GROCERS. 18 Main St. and 15 Pearl St , COUNCIL ULiUB'F.-s I A. ( Oasollnr Stove. ) DR. . OT O Iff : E S . , IJKALKR IN STOVES , TIN WARE , SHEET IRON WARH. 331 Broadway , - Council BJu2fc , la. DON'T FA L TO 8KB TUB STOCK Of W. W , B UGH AH AN DIAMONDS , * U 4. JEWELFTr CLOCKS. REPAIRS A SPEGSALIY. 202 Braaaway , COJNCIL3MIBS , TTH.JUDSON . , BUY GOODS 4CS BROADWAY COUNCIL BLUEFS , IOWA. GQUHGIL BLUFFS. 9BQN WORKS , . &if ENGINES , B01LERS,1 IHINC AND OlHco and WkfT.Mntn Street , COUNCIL BJ U-F-Fc ? , , IOWA , 'A'e Kive sp rcliliattuiitlco lo Mills , Smelting FurnacBS HOISTEKLS AKD GENSR&L MILL , 1AOHINEEY HO'USR FRONTS. G-ENHR5.L KSPAIR WORE wlfii lecolvu pronnJ. ui UjaliiiL. A Brass Goods , Bolting , AND SUPPLIES FOR FDimdry , Big Iron , Coke , CHAS.UBNDril , I'r ' s tiut MAUREE & ARTISTIC POlTfcR\ Rici Cut Olosd , Kiuu Frtx.cU Gblua a. Silver \Vuro & 810 LniUUWiY , KlU.NCI' U'.l'1'Kd , 10.V Drs. Woodbury & . Son , Oor. 1'iatl & l t A i , COt X'II. JIU'FFS W. S. AMKNT. JACOI1 SVJ AMENT & . SIMS , Attorneys & Uounsellors-at-La1 OOUNCJILi BLUFFS , 1UWA. KELLEY & M'CRACKEN ' Marble and Granit North FWh St. , Council W. W. SHERMAN , -MAJiTKAlTTUKn OK- ROAD , TRACK , COACH & LIVERY ZBLAJBITNTIE S Fine Work a Specialty. K. 11. SHKR.MAN % Buelnuu Manager. W.I , CliniffTOI'lIKU , MtehanM 124 South Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. My Harness are Manufactured trom > A No. I Oak ranned Leather. I Sell My Goods at Bed Rock Prices , Or ders from abroad receive prompt attention. BOWMAN , BOHBER & CO. , Storage and Commission Merchants , PURCFASIJJG AGENTS' AnJ Dealers Iti ajkinds ol I'rcriiKe. I'rnmjit aWcntloii l\cirtOnll conninmi ( > nt : NOS. 22 , II AND 20 P1ARL ST DGT , COUNCIL DLUPF8 , IOWA. - VII.L StW'LV ON StIOKT NOTICE - Cut Flowers , Green hotase ands Vegetable In their sr.isoi ) . Orders iironipt'y ' filled nml JclhcrcJ to Hxprcra ollicc THae ot rhatRc. Send foi * Ciitilo uc , . . ' . ' C30TCT3STCJ3C3C. ISSX.TTOE'.E'S , - - -DEALER INv n a STATINEOT , -w. . ; COUNCIL , BLUFFS , IOWA' . COUNCIL BllUFFS , IOWA , Buyen and SMjper ol ( Jrain and Erovisions. . Orders Bolkitcd in Iowa and Nebraska. llEFBRENCESi - First National Bank , Siowart liroa. . Cauncil UluPS ; AVilliam P. llarvo } & Cu. , Culver & Co. , Cliicngo ; E. A. Kent & Co. , St. Louis. Ml E T C A L. F BROS. , - TCTIOLbSALi : DK < UKR8 IN - Hats , Ca s , Straw G(7 < ds , and Buck CHICAGO PR-C-J3 DUPLICATED. . cs CD Has For 3al , Town Lots , Ttuprovuil .tn l Uniiii ) > itjved , also.Railroad Ijamla , . and a-numbur ot Well Jmproved ? hriis ) , botU ai Iowa a'.d Nebraski. . Oflico with W. S. M\YNE , r.ver Savinas 33ank , - COD VOlL. BLUF-P BIXB-Y & WQOD , PlUMrBERS , STEP.M AND OAS FITTERS , Gas. Fixtures , Bath Tabs , Marifle Slabs , Brass , , Iron and Lsad Pipe , Fittings and Pumps , Kept in Stack. No. 7 FourtrxSt. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. WK CAHirVTIlIMjA-SUJBST STOCtOP BOOISiSflQES , Siiip.pers , Etc. , Within One Hundredand Ftfty Miles of Council Bluffs. All Mail ( Mere Promptly Attends ! To and , HigMy Appr-eeiated , OUJS PEICES ARS VERY LOW. CaU and See Our NEW SPRING STOCK , ihas Begun to , Amve , Z. T. LINDSEY & C . , 412 BROAMAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , And WEST SIDR SQOARE , Ci ABINDA , TOWA. Special Attention Is Once More Ooalled to , the Fact that Rank foremost in tha West in Assortment aud Prices of LOTH ING A. , FOR MEN'S , , BOYS' AND QHnJDREN.v3 A.LSO A COMPLETE LINK OF Furnishing Goods . IS. Hats and Caps Wo are prepared to meet the domwda of the tracln in regard to Latest Styloi n jd FatteniB. Fine Merchant Tailoring in Oonncotion RESPECTFULLY , M. HELLMAN & CO , , 2 | 1301-1303 Faraham and 300 to 312 13tk St