Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1882, Image 5

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NEW YOKK , 1'tbrunry 10.
Money c1o cd at1 per cent.
KxchatiK * cloicd firm at 4 8J@4 Wi.
Governments elided firm.
Currency ( V * I 28 \ > id
l' coupon 1 IS * "
IVs eotipom I Hi "
V continued 1 < ? "
Continued 101 "
HAIUIOAII BONDS. hotuU closed us follows
Union UU 1 lt''l@1 ' W
Union l.amlGrnntg V II bid
Union SiuUltiK' 1'Kul ! " - @ 1 - ; !
Ventral * 7 1 WJO'l M.
The ot'ck mnritct to-day WOH Irretuh
anil only inoilernJy active. Tliero was ;
linn opening aiifl aomo a iuxnco , hut cs th
d y wico on tlwre wn * c.n < ideral > U ptet
Hire to neil mid prices declined shsrjly , cs
t > ccirtly ! In tlio cntM of l.outHville Nni-li
vlllo-nnd Clenlnnd , Columbus & Indian
Central. The former declined IJ < uid tli
Jailer fii percent. ( .Vncral list closed j t
ilpor ccnt'lf ' wcr than'yesterday.
Tlie fiilltK.vniK are Mio closing bids :
Michigan Cen'l 80 }
CH , old , declined frciin fiSJ
. .ISJc , nnd closed at ' "ilgc ; ds new ( M decli
.od from 58 to .r3J , and clui-edat 51J.
WAI.I. sTHEir : uo eii' .
Some of thu larger and more iutelligei
tforcifjn bankers agreed last niyht in tl
opinion that the 'disturbed condition
financial alf.iira , especially within the pa
fowidays , liad iirubai > * y been >
. luo to tlio icporttt ! unsettled condition
political afTaira in the east , and the Lo
don market had lsen nlfeotud thereby :
inubUas much as by thu depror.Hion in Pa
iis. ilho deliauce of the Egyptian hon
.rnlorc to England and France , it w
Ttiunight , would be resisted by the formi
The bull1) in the stock market last nig
wvcre.aliout as coufklat.t of their positl
* vs forracrly , anil tbay cgntinnod to contei
that tlie money power of the etrect w
with them. Som of tlie former leadii
l > uUsnlprain ! in the Chicago marker , w !
oper.ite heavily froui Wull street and Nt
street , are aaid to huve.siven up ilio dei
anifihoy nmv tell their ifriends tLat bo
produce ajvl cotton unut decline to fr
shippin. ; prices , and tkisre ult Hill iue
it.ably tend to advance the stuck market
Itie aidithat about < J OK ) shares of , F <
Hey Ceutralih.ivo been tuiutfe t !
Garrctt party within a day or twiij ai
the lutfer .now controls .about 100,0
sharoj. The receivership of .Uio roatLiis
be dissolved.on the 8th itzfit.
OHICAOO. February. 1C.
The unscttleif condition * il ithe m rls
.an jchauge ujak ' business iu ] rmr < ; irm lily \
. ly at the bankti.
Money coniiniioe in good ikiuutiul by.
tChisbes of borrotvarB. liaten xule atei <
j t C7 per ct'irt. .Supply of louual
ifijsds , however , juore than icueiw pa
.with the demand.
LL'lte clearings uf.'Jie .asbociated b.ii !
were 50,800,000.
Eaatern exchao e between tlie &l
banks < unaiigcd hando .at par.
J'mi Kl.riliA , > VbruaylO. . Tlie etoc
of the Cincinnati , Columbus It JndUi
Centralfell from 18 } to 13icto-r/ay / , astl
result of tlie proposed assessment of tttod
holdeiv. 'JJie rest of the .market was 11
' / - ' Omahn V7hiilosale Mirlint.
' ' Friday livening ) February 10. j
Potatoes advanced slightly to-dny.
LemoDS declined 31 per box.
Wheat declined fc , .Uarleydeclfoad Jl
. Cora declined Jf , OaU declined \ < i.
l Grain D llngi.
WHKAT. Cosh No. 2. 1 09Jj cai-
Vo. 3 , D3lc : rejected , C7jc.
_ , UAllhky.-Oash No. 2. .88c ; No.
fi4 c.
c.HYE.Casb , 76c.
GOjW.-CaHh No. 2 , 43c.
OATH. OftHli. 3ir
I/AY-SO 00@i ( .50 per ton.
rn " ? , Vrln | > r llentlrolht ( fe'radc
r" Califoniia , gl OC
iw'5 ' winter 'vlieilt tra ! J' '
grade 33 85@4 25 ifra
; patent , M 50(555 ( 00 ;
n " ' 7'fV82 ' Wheat3 ° ° i Quee ,
e ' Hl > er' W 87 } Ul 8OUX |
IlYK FLOUR-53 25.
MILLSTUKFS-Hran , per cwt 1 OC
per ton , .10 .00 ® 17,00 , re'en\S \ per cw
We ; Bhorts , Per jwt 1.00 ; cliomed feed
° ? ? ' 'olf'l. yelloCl To
whlt e$160
WILD GKESB-Outof market.
ftUuh Inc.
HU'lTKIl-Cholce , 28@30c ; poor n <
> , c
IjhS Good , wound , very soarci
at S5 00@5 50 per bbl.
flLKMONSSteady ; i > er box , ? 4 rxo
per half bbl , , ft 60.
11KKSWAX Yellow , 20@22c.
ONION'S 1 10 < at 40 per lm h l.
CUANUUUUIKS-Pcr Vbl. , $10 OCXs !
OK ! UUY-Tc r do/ . , ? i85 ) ,
DllKSSKDOKKSK Per Ibl@c \ ,
OYSTKHS-Sek-cU.4r.c ; ulandftnU , 3.1 *
@ \V\ (
Qrocen Llrt.
COKFHK. 15lo , talr , 12.Jc ! lllo ,
3iol \ prime to chu'-eo , He ; Old
favn : 20i@28Jc , Moeh * , SSJc ) Arhw
TKAS , Gunpowder , good , 45rt55 ( (
'hoice , f 0@7Vc ; Imperial , ROW ! , 40rf)45 ( ) <
t'ut loaf. lOfo
Ojc ; Ormuilateil lOJc ; Powdsred. 10j. .
fine pnwrlcred , 15 Jc ; Standard t'olfee /
lc : New York Confi'ctloncr'H Stnndui
V. i c ; Ooi l A , tl c ; Prairie
l > blI5c : hn
il , s e ; keK . 4 L'alloui , S2 10 ; ohoii
table aymp , 4Jo : hnlfblilh , 44o ; keK , ? 2 1
SO1 > A. Dwii'l.t'a . ll > i > nl < n , 83 OU ; 1) )
, and do , $3 06 ; Olmrch's , es 00 ; IVOR iiwl
STAHOIL Pearl , IJc ; Silver
84c ; Ctirn Starch , 8fel > c ; T-kcelsl
h-f" . 7c ; Corn. 7Ju.
SALT. Drny loads , per bbl , 2-M : An
ion , in nndH : , 3 Wj ) Mils dairy tiO , fis , 3 I
Shis ilairy. 100. 3s. 3 05.
DHI111) FRUITS Choice Imlxi
yeaches , now cn > p , Hvnpornted ; Apiili
i , tt > boxes , 13o ; MiohiKiin , 8Jcj N <
Vork apples , 8l.cPrunes \ , old , "Ojc ; ne
" 'f.c ; Currants , ( ij@8it ; tilaoklicrvles , no'
H > c
cC111KKSE Knl ) Cwaui , I4c ; P.-
AUliulc. .
WO1)KNWAR1'3 Two hoop pal
I -9. > ; three hoop pails , 2 ' . ' 0 ! No. 1 til
9 _ & 0 ; No. ' ' . tuba , , 8 f < 0 ; No. 3 tubs. 7 i
tionecr wrjthboarils , I 85 Double Orxu
2 0 ; WclUineketH , 3 2T .
IiUAD 15ar , 51 05 ,
SPICKS. Pepper , * | HI ; Allspice. 1 !
Cloves , 4Uc ; Nntnicirs , 81 00 : 2. > cC.iH4i ;
RCO 81 00.
MATCH KS-l'cr catldie , 90c ; roui
onaos , 37.0. > : square cnaes , ? 5.10.
PROVISIONS Breakfast bacon , 12) )
jhoice lard , 14Jc ; dried beef , KJc ! ; shoul
ere , Sc ) ; bains. l3c ; bacon , sides , lie.
NKW PIUKLKS Medium , in barre
SiO 00 ; do in half bids , 5 75Biuallt < , In bb
Ui'OOdo , in half bbls , 700 ; gherkins ,
Mils , 14 00 ; do , in half bbls , 7 50.
VINEGAU Pure apple extra , If
( re apple , 13c : Prussin ivaro annle , 11
'HOMINY ' New , & > 50 psr bbl.
1JKANS Medium , hand picked SI
per bushel ; navy , Jji'CO ; cHli-f navy , S4
UOl'E Siaal , J inch nnd larger , 8J
Vc ; Jinch , lOc.
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3J
ICirk's satinet. 3 S Kirk's standard , 3 (
Kirk's white Kiuuiau , 500 : Kirl
Eutoca , 2 05 : Kirk's I3rairio Quet
(100 ( oaken ) , 3 JO ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 55
UANDljES BOKOS , 40 Ibs , 10 Oz , I
lCcboxes ; Ibs. , 1C < > z. , fis , IGc.
LYK Ameiican , 310 ; Greenwich , 3'
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lew
lye. 4 CO ; Jewell lye. , 27.r. .
POTASH Peimiiylvauin cans , 4 do
in case , 3 3.r ; liabbitt a Ball , 2 doz. in cai
l-PO ; Anchor liall 2 > doz in case. 1 50.
FIELD SEED JJed clover , choi
tvtw , 50 00 ] > cr bui'hel ; inatunioth olov
now , $7 00 ; white clover , now , § 14 (
U .ilfa clover , new , § 12 50 ; nlsilte , ne
S1300. Timothy , good , now , S3 (
blue ( jrass , extra clejjn , § 1 50 ; l > lue ( jra
cltau , SI 25 ; orchard.arass , S2 50 ; rod t (
clHiice , 1 03 ; millet , common er M issou
802 ; millet , German , $1 00 to § 1 ' .
Hungarian. 80c.
B Ouaue oranee , 1 to
bushels , 35 00 ; oeaye orange , 10 bushels
over. § 4 50 ; honey lucust , per Ib. , 35c ; \
FIS .4 Family white fish , 90 Ib lit bl
? 37 ; iS'o , 1 white fiifii , 90 Ib hf bbls. C
No. \yhite fish , in 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; fam
10 Ib kits , 75c ; New Holland herring , ]
keg , 1 35 ; llussian BMxlines , 75c : Coin
bia rircr salmon , per lOOlbs , 8 00 ; 'Geor
IJaul : codfish , Uc ; Gen. boneless codf !
9Ji ; boneless fish , 5Jc.
lOOlba , S1250 ; hfbbl No. 1 ex shore i
100 Ibs , 0 00 ; hf bbls , ai family do , 1
Ibfl , 8 85 ; mess mackerel Ib kite , 2
No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 4 50 ; No. 1 aho
12 Ib do , 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do , 75c.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2
( Field'a ) , , per case , § 4 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field
per case , 2 50 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per ca
3 70 ; do'l Ib ( standard ) , per case , 2 30 ;
2 Ib ( fclaoU } , per cuxe , 2 75 ; do J Ib ( aim1
ixr cuie , 2 00. OnioiiF , R-80. Salmon ,
Hi , per dozen , 1 C0oil ( 70 ; < Ao'21b , per du
2 55. Sardines , small r'hb , ( imported , o
( juarter liocseB per box , 14Jj ; Anieric :
( piartcr boxrs per box , lie ; do half IKIK
iwr box , 21Jc. Lobsters , 1 'Ib ' per dor.i
180. Tonnages , 230 ; do 3 Ib j
case , 3.80 ; Corn. 2 Ib ( Mounta
per case , 3iC3 ; soaked ooro , 2 10 ;
2 _ Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per .cane , 3 (
string bc nBpur , case , 2 25 ; 'Lima bea
per case , 220. Succotash p r .case , 2 ' .
Peas , common , i > er case , 2 00 ; peas , choii
per case , 4 1 0. 'Blackberries , 2 It ) , per ca
280 ; strawberries , 2 lb ( per cane , 2 i
rasjiberricfl , 2 Ib , i > cr case , 2 753 1
Damsons , 2 tt ) , , per cai < e , 2 45. ISaHh
pears per cute , 8 Oo@4 00. Wibortlebi
.ties per case , 2 0. EjfB plums , 2 Ib ]
3 50 ; do , uboii-e , 2 Ib , per ccno. 4 I
- \ -t" i ' * % * * vinoaj u iu iiui t > < irt f if j
du 3 Hi , case , < S ) @ < ; 50 ; do , ( pic ) , III , p
oaec.385 ; do pie , ( i lb.per dozen , 3 50.
KICK Carolina , S@8i ; Loubiaca ,
( ? R e ; fair , 0 (2,1 ( * .
PEANUTS Roasted , choica , red Ti
ne ee , 9c per Ih ; fancy white , lOo petra - !
ra < v white Virginia raw , JOc ; rco ti
Dry Goods.
imOWN COrrONS-AtlantioA , Kl
ppleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Su ; Her
f ; SAc ; Buclcoyo LL , J-4 , 7s ; Cnhot A
7ic ; Chittenanuo A , 6 e ; Ureat Kails
805 JTooaitr , Gjc ; Honest Wiith , 7Jc ; I
illiui Ifcad A , 8Jc ; Indian Standard .
83c ; Indian Orchard d , w , , 8 , 0 ; Lawren
IjL , 7 ; AlyHtlc Jliver , 7dc : l'erju A , 85
ShawiHiit IA 7c ; Utlca C , fiAc ; Wachi
ett li. 7tc ; do A , SJc ; do Ji 4lj | Igts ; Wi
cott 1J15 , 8\o.
4-4 : 7ic AJlitjater 3-4 3c 4-i
- ; - , ; Argyle - 75
Atlantic LL , Cio ; liodger StaU X 4-4 , 7
Henningtou C 1-1,0 ; liiickeyo H. 4.4 U
Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 8Jc ; Lacotu'a
39 , 8icj Lehlifli 13 4-1 , 94c ; I n , lalo 4.
lOc : Peppcrell N 30 ,7c ; do O 32 , 7Jc : do
20 , 73cj do K .a , SJc ; J'ocaaset 0 4-4 79
Wfliimutta 1-4 , 13c ,
do du half hleiiclntd 4.4lc ! : Cabot } ! 8
Fidelity4 1 , 9Jc ; Fruit of th Loom , 11 ; t
? 'allnQ , 10jc ; Indian HeadHhrunk 4-1,11 ! '
h midalo. lOic ; do carnhrin 37 , 13ci Ne
Yorlc MIIU , 13c ; IVijuot A , 10 j Pcpiierr
N C TxvilU , lajos I'ocahoiitw - ,
? .VwtiHHet 4.4 , 8Jc ; Utlca , lie ; Wa.unutt .
O A X , 13c.
U trOKH-Unbleached Atlantic , 10 o
17c ; Jtoltlinore do , IGo ; Lone Star , 8 ot
12c : h * 'BBe , 18c.
, ( Colored ) Alkmy E browi
Be ; doC , .Jrab . ilr , An .VX , stripes an
ilaidd , 12j ; do AAX brown and dral
tripoHand wauls , 12Jo ; Arllngt < in fanci
DC ; I'runnwi'ck brown , 8Jc ; Chariot fane ]
2Jo ; do ext.'a heavy , 20c ; Fall Jtivt
irown , extra heavy , llic ; Indiana j
jrown , 13c ; Ne.'xJnset A broun , 15 < ; ,
TICKINOS-/\mo8keaf' A O A 35
, c ; ntieiaia 4 , c ; mega KM *
extra 4.4 , 28c ; Pearl III "cr 32 , ICp } Put
nam XX blue stripe , I2c ; .Shetucket , c
OJc ; do SS 12c ; Yeoman' * blui. . 20 , 8c
DKNIMS. Amoskeak , blnean l brovvr
" ) c ; Andovcr DD Hue , 15Jc ; A
ilue Scotch , lic ; Conconl 000 , blue am
brown , V c ; iK AAA , do do 13ji doXX >
In do 11 Jc : HnyinnVer'a blvlo and brown
JJc ; Mvxtlc Ulvcr Dl ) stripe , Kljc ! IVat
Illver , bhw nnd bmwn , lolo ; UncA.ivillr
liliia ami drown , 13Jc.
CAMIIHICS HuniMil , 51c ; Kdilynton
21 inch double fnco , SJc Gnrner
nr.ed , 5c. Mauhnltau clove tinUh , 5c
Newj-ort tin Cos do K' ' * ' > . .r > ic | ! Petjuot d
Pic ; Itoekwixxl kKl finish , Go.
CORSET . .IF.ANSAmory , 8cAMr '
rtifr in sattoen , 8Jc ; Clarendon , ( ! } ct"\MiP ; !
t { ; a fwtteens , 7Jc : llallowell , Sc ; India
Orchard improved , 7Jc ; NarrAKMicett , 7J <
IVpperill Mttuwn fljri Rock | > < > rt , 7Ja
PRINTSAllfiiK. . fijc : Amcrioan , 0
Artmld , 7 Uw.vlck , l c ; Oocboco , Ti
onestoR.v. f lc ; Dunkirk , 43c ; Dtinupl
OJVft7c ( : Kddy one. 7c : ( lonw ter , V
linruuiny , 51r. ; KulckcriHHikcr , ( ijo ; Me
rlmnc 1) , 7c ; Myntic , fijcs Spminuv , ft
Kc , fiei do. UliiKhnnis , "o : Mar
boro. Me :
G1NG1IA.MSAnuv oai ! , 10i ; Am. . .
12 Aruylo , lOje ; Atl.tntl
S c ! Cumlwiland , 7Jc ; uiclilaml , 8J
Kcnilwortli , 8jo ; Pluu kett , lOJc ; Su
" "
CUTTONADKS Al.bcrx Illi. 134
Acntc 'I0c ; American , IV : Artl ! : iu , " 0
Cairo 11 and T , 13Je ; Clarion I > and'
17Jo ; Di'ccan Co.atriiiwllniidT , Ifn : ; Ke
* toiie , 13ie ; Nnntueliet. 11V ; Nonpnre1
IGe ; 1) and T , 13jc : Koyal , 1C. }
Sussex , 12c ; Tingn , 12rjVaelm \ - ett oliii
Inf iheckn , 12jc : du , Nankin , ItSJc ; Yet
| > lan ! Nankin , ,1'JJc ; dn , check * , stripe * in
fancy , 12.Jc ; do , 8 < , COc.
Sll KKTIN15S - - AiulnixcoKulii 10-1.27 !
do ' 9-1 , 21c ( do 8-4 , i2o ! ; Continental
42 , lie ; Fruit of the loom 10-1. 274Nt
York mills W , Ale ; do 7S , HOn ; do f.8 , 22 ! '
Pembroke 10-1 , 25c : IV.ptot . 10-4 , 2 % ;
74 , 19c : do111 , Ifie ; Pepperell 00 , 2i
do ( .7 , Sic ; do fi7 , ISc ; Utica ! > ( J , IC.o ;
58 , 2 % : ito-18 , 17c
Clears and Tobnccoi ,
CIGAHS. t5n.-ils.8iri.00 : Connectici
? .Vi.OOj Mixed , SH.00 ; S.-ed . llnvai
e 0.00Clear lUvkiui , i57r..OO.
TOllACl'O PLUG. Golden lu !
21 Ib , COo ; Spotted Fawn , filet Our Uo |
line ipinlity , IJ'Jc ; Htor , pounds ,
Ih , Iwtts , GOo ; Horne Shoe , poitui
21 Ib , buttK , GOc ; Gilt l-3d (
pounds , 21 Hi , butts , IK ) ; Army and Na\
pounds , 51 > c ; Bullion , poundii , GOo ; l > oi
lard's Climax , poundH , Olc.
FINK CUT In palls. Hard to tie.
700 ; Golden Thread , 70cj Fountain. 81
Favorite , G3c ; lleoky Mountain , ( li
Fancy , ftTic ; Daisy , fide. In tin foil
C'atlhm O. S. , f > Ih Ktxes , per U > ; ] / < :
IllardV Tiger , IMC ; Diamnnit Crown , fiOo ,
SMOKING All pades Common , 2f
33c. Granulated IHackwella Durham ,
or. file ; Dukes Durham , If. oz , 50c ; Seal
North Carolina , Ifi oz , 40 ; Seal nf Nohr ;
kn , ll\oz , . " > 8c ; Lonmlack oz , linen ha
l r Ib , § 1.35 ; Mnrburgn' Pvok , 2 oz ,
foil , 55o : TSoc Tail , tl.'ic.
P.ilnti Oils olid Varnlthev
PAINTS IN OIL \Vhito leoit , Ulna
P. P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. k C. Co.pu
Vi ; Marseilles grcun , 1 to fi th caiiB , 2
French xinn , jur-n Bunl ; 12c ; French zi :
rod seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish at-
-Oc ; French zinco , in oil osst , 15c ; H
and burnt umber , 1 It ) calm 12c ; raw n
liurnt Siejina , 13c : vandyke bntwn , 1
refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , 1
l"ory blact , Kic ; drop black , IGc ; Pmasi
blue , 30c ; iiltrainariiio bine , 18c ; chro
reeii , L. M. it 1) . , 1-fc ; blind nnd Khut
uroen , L. M. \ I ) . , We : PariH Breen , 1
Indian red , U.c . ; Venatinn red , ! lc ; Tusi
iht.2c ; Aiuciican Venuiliod , l.&P , , I
chrtinio yellow , L. , M. , O. k 1) . O. , 1
yi-llinv ochre , ! lc ; gulden ochre , 1'3 ' ; pati
Ilrvor , l > c ; ( jriviiiing colon : light oak. d :
on < , walnut. rhntunt nnd nsh 12c
Dry nalnt
NVhito lead , GJc ; Kroneninc. . lOc ; IV
whitping 2ic ; whiting gildern , 1
whiting coin 1 , He ; laiiiiihlack Cierni
town , 1 Ic ; lainphlack , orifinary , 8c ; J'r
wiaii lilne , JI5i- ; ultramarine , 18c ; vandj'
bro\yn , 8e ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , r.
Icjaiunna , burn t , 4e ; xiunna , raw ,
Paris green genuine , 3fic ; Paris green co
2 m ; chronio green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chni
green K. , 12c ; yeniiillion , Kng , , 70c ; v
million , America , ISc ; Indian red , 1
ro e pink , 14c ; Venetian read , COOKHC
" .j'o : venetSin red Am. , ljc : ; red lead , 7
chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome j
low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochcllo , 3c ; ocr
French , 2 c ; ochre , American , 1
NYinter's mineral. 'i ± c ; Ishigh brown , i !
Spanish brown. 2\v lvriiiEo's mineral
VAHNISHKS liarrols per gall
Furniture , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No.
81 ; funiituw , U , 85c ; coach , extra , SI
Coach , No. \ , § 1 20 ; Daiuar , $1 CO ; Jap
70c ; nsphaUuni , 70c ; shellac , $3 50 ; h
oil tinihli. SI 30
OILS 110'carbon , | > er gallon , 11 Jo ; 1
headlight , per gallon , 12Jc ; 17.r ' hcndlig
tier gallon , IGc ; cryttolinc , iior allen , 2
liuBecd , raw , per gallon , GG ; linueed , boil
POT gallon , < r3c ; lard , winter st ' 'd , per i
Ion. 105 ; No. 1 , 80c ; No. 2 , Gf > e ; cant
X2IX. ppr gr.llon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 115 ; sw <
pur gallon , 853 ; [ perin , W. 15. , per gall
1 35 ; fish , W. 15. per gall tiiOc.ncatHf <
oxtw , our gallon , 7/ic / ; No. 1 , - Gotlul
catii'.g , zero , par gallon , 30c ; Kiiininsr , 1
an din machine. , No. 1 , per gallon , JC.c ; 3
2 , 50 ; Hperm , nignal , per g&llon , Sfti ; I
puntitie , jier K Hon , G4c ; ntptha , 7t ,
gallon , 30c ; 61" , 20c.
Heavy Hardware Hit.
iron , rate , $3 fiO ; plow teel , ca t , 7
cast tool do.5@'M wagon spokes , i
2 2.1@3 00 ; htibfl , per Bet , 1 25 ; fello H , iwi
dry , 1 < 0 ; tongncn , each , 70@R5c ; axJ
< nch , 7 c ; Bfiuacy nutB , per BJ , 7@1
waaliurw , per Ib , 8@18c ; nvot , IHJT Ih , 1
ooil cliaiu , per Ib , b'12c ; malleiblo ,
ron wadrea , fie ; crowbarn , Gc ; hart
teeth , 4c ; iiornenhotH , per keg , 5 00 ; Kr
NAILS 10 to 20,1. 3 GO ; 8 to 10 , 3
M , -4 00 ; 4d , 4 25 ; sj , coininon , fi 00 :
fine , ( ! .10 ; cliuch , all r.izes , 5 25 ; Gd , easii
4 7.1 ; 8d coKinL- 5(1 ( ; lOd casing , 4 25 ; ]
iiimh , I 75 ; KiV finish , 5 00 ; Gd finish , 5
half keen , lOe evtra.
.SHOT. Shot , 81.83 ; Uuck shot , $2.
Oriental Powder , kegs , SG.-IO ; do , , h
keg , ? 3,4K ; do. , quarter kegH , § 1.88 ; ] 5k
iuif , ke B. $3.35 : FIIHO. tier 100 feet Me.
Horset and Mules.
The innrkct ia hrink and nil grades i
celling well at i > licbt advance in p > ic
Tlie demand for g < md horwsa exceeds t
suppljconHidcrahly. . Price * range as 1
lows :
Fine single drivere , SlfX ) , to SOO. ; Kxi
draft horses , $ l7f > . to i(25.j ( Common dr
horses , 8100. to 150. : Kxtra fanti horn
SI 10. to l' i. ; Coiiiiiion to good farm hors
SiiO. to $100. ; Kxtra plugs , 8UO. to 7
Common plngn , S20. to 840.
JUIILKH. 15 to 1BJ hands ( extra ) , SI !
to 50. ; Mi to 15 hands , $100. to 11
14 U > 114 hands , 875. to 100. ; 13J to
niU. $ IX ) . to 75
Liquor * .
ALCHHIOL 187 proof , 2 2.'i per wi
gallon ; .eitrit California npiriti , 187 pro
1 31) ) | , er-proof gallon ; triple refined npiri
] 7jir < Mif , J 21 per proof gallon ; ro-dintill
vhiidcifH , I Mtol 50 ; line Mended , 1 5C
2 50 ; Kentucly boiirboni1 , 200@700 ; K >
tucky and PcviiHylvaiila ryes , 2 007 ( i
JtllANDIKK--Imported , SO 00@lli (
loiiicHtle 140@J 00.
( tIN.S I porUui. 4 50@00 ( ! ; domost
1 40-5(3 00.
HUMS fmiwrtoc.1 , 4 C0@0 00 ; Ni
KtiL'land. 2 00oj4 ( 00 ; tlome tlo , tiO3
7/lfoil ( K ) .
OHAMPAGNKH-l'ir.j'orted per ca. .
2GOO@'ll 0Ara3riju ; , cane , 1200
CLAUKTH Per cnse1 50@1J ( 00 ,
WINKS llhlno wine , per case , G 00
20 00 ; Catawba , pur cane , 4 00@7 00 ,
FKNOING-No , 1 , 12 In 20 ft , S22JC
No , 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 21 00 ; nhceting < lrowe
Vo. 1 , 18 QO ; No. 2 , 10 00 ; common boar < :
IrcKsed. 20 00.
FnAMING 10 ft. and under , t > s > r J
! l 00 ; 10 .tuddlng , 22 00 ; 22 ft. > J t
M ft. 25 00.
FJNJSHIiS'G-No. 1. fmlnh 11 , U w
2 inch , 8r-0 00 No. 1 finish 1 Inch $45 0
No. 2 finlnh 1 | , 14 and 2 Inch. 84500s N
2 fininh , 1 inch , W 00 ; No , 3 finUh , 1 incl
* WOO ; O. G. hattoni i > erDO feet lln
l 00 : well curbing , $2200 ; rough J and
Inch nations per 100 feet Hn , , COc.
STOCK I50AKDS-A Block , WO 00 ;
| 35 00 ; 0,130 OOj common tock , 22 &
FLOOUING No. 1 , JIO 00 ; No. 2
KV" 00 ; No , S , $22 00 yellow pino. No. 1
SIDING No 1 , 82100 ; No. 2 , S2200
No. 3 , 518 00.
SHIP LAP Plain , $2200 ; O. G. No. I
$3200 : No. 2 , $23 CO.
OKnlNG-21 OOf.i'.W ? ( X ) .
diiile . W ffi , Nn. 2 , $2 W ; No. 3 , $2 00
uii , $3 r > o.
UulldlrR M.tterlnl.
LIMF 1'sr Imrrel , § 1 IV. ; hulk per hu.
Ic. Cement , bbl , $2 M ) . Iowa plaMet
hi , $3 50. Hnlr per hu .Vic. Tari-ei
elt 100 His. $3 M . Straw hoard. $ CO
PAPKH Stfaw paper , SiV ; rag paper
c ; dry goods paper , "o ; nmml.\ paper , lOc
own paper. So.
COAli CumK'rlaml lilncksnilth , 3U
lorrlit Hun lUoswburif , 512 ; WhUcliroai
imp , $ G TO : Whltcliremt nut , SO f 0 ; low
imp , $0 Mil lown lint $ r..V ) ; Hock Spring
sS ; AulhraciU' . all slr.M , ? 12 00@12 M ) .
Drue > .
DUUG3 AND rill'.MiUAl.H-Aei !
u-Kille , C > 0o ; Acid , Tartarir , f.Sc : Halnai
'ombln | , per Hi , "f.cj Hark , Sin < nfi in , i
b , 12c ; Calomel , IKT Ih , 7V ; Cinrhouldl.
.or oz , $1 00 : Cblorof.nn , per Ib. 1 Ot
loverV powders , per Ih , $1 10 ; Kpm-i
alts , per Ib. 3Jc : Ulvi-i-rine , pure , peril
f > e : iH'ftd , Aet't-ite , pi < r Hi , 211
Ml , Castor , > o. 1 , j.or h'al , * l ! . '
)11 ) , Cantor , No. 3 , ju-r gal , $12S ; Ol
) live , per gal , SI . ' > 0 ; Oil , Origanum , N
> pium , 81 f > 0 ; Ouiniiu ; 1' . XV. . fc U. tS : S
> er or , 82 00 ; Potaxsitim. Imlldo , per 11
12 f.O . ; Salaoin , per * , I0iSnlplintr i
Morphine , per oz , &t S i ; Siilpnnr lloo
ter Ib , 4Jc : StrveliniiiP. ii-r o$1 T.O.
Wool ,
Merino uuwa hed , litht-n4ffllGc : hcav
13lf > c : iniullum tinwaslu-d , light , 18Pl2i
ttib-wanluMl , choliv. IV.V ; fair , 30c : dlti (
Mid w. , 2Sc ; burry , Mni-k and cottnl woe
J@iic lens
Hldct llr , Etc.
HIDK8 Green bulehcr'H hide , 7i-Ki > ' '
ctiri'd hiden , 8c ; ftve\\ \ salt , pert cur <
hiden , 77icdry Hint , sound , 13@14e : d
calf and kip , I'JGnWc ; ilry nail hlthw.soun
11(3)120 ( ) $ grt'i-n calf. wt. S to 151un. . 10j/ll ( )
green calf , wt , under 8 H per kln , fif
green pelU , SI 00f.f . 1 15 ; green lamb Rkii
SI 10@l 2r > : damaged liideH , two-third rai
cut Hcoretl and nun grub , clasned tw
tl Irds rate , ) branili-d hidi < n 10 per cent , i
Coon HkiiiR , No. 1 , 4f.c : No. 2 , 30c ; No.
20. ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , f,0cj No.
TOo ; No. S , 15c ; No. 4 , fc. Fox , No.
lXc ) ; No. 2,2T.c. Skunk. No. 1 , lilac
[ > T > c ; nbort utriiie , tOc- narrow htripo 'i !
liriiad utripo , lOc. 'rnllnw , Tije.
Coimoil BliiiTn Mnrknt.
COUNCIL ltUTF.4 , l-'ohrnarv 10
Flour Crystal Mills Gohlvn Hlici
3 75 ; Callforni i 1 urt-ka , patent , 3 ' .I i ; In
hi and of Ivim-at , 3 riD'alS DO ; Knn-iaH ni
Missouri Hour , 3 r > 0l 25 ; graham , 7
rye Hour , 310. .
Uran and Shorts If. 0(1 ( per ton.
Chop Corn 22 M ) per ton.
Wheat No. 2 , $1 17 ; No. 3 , 87o ; i
jtctod , G7o.
Corn 47.
OatH Ko. 2 , 4a ( ) ; relecteil , 35c.
liarloy No. 2. Dilc ; No. 3 , 75n
Hay Lome , 5 OIKiffi ( K ) .
Wood 5 50fal 7 00.
Live Hogs fi 2 , " > ( jrr > 7i"i ,
Cattle-Shipping , 4 nO5 00 ; ' mil
OOWH 30 00 ® 15 OU per head : tmteli.
rtock , 3 OOfiS3 fill.
Sheep 3 7rpl 2. ' . .
( } Hides ficG S hidus , 7c.
Wool 15 ® r. .
Hntter Crenmciy , 30ein rolln , wrr
pod , 2c : rolls no. wrapped , 20. ; ; mix
oo'oiv ' , 15 ( ! 20c.
Kggs Packed , 12jc ; fre"h , 15c .
Potatoes 1 lOftdl HO ; Salt Luke , 1 .It ) ,
Onions 1 2.W1 40.
Dressed Poultry ChickeiH , lOc ; duel
Iflcj geese , 8e ; tnrkevx , 12Je.
Lt\e Chickens 2 ' . ' " > per dozen.
( 'iiiUAno. February 10
The receipts of grain were 333car IIKI
embracing 55 of wheat , 14S of corn , 48
ontH. Sot rye , anil 35 of barley.
Flour In excervivu supply ami < li
common to choi.o spring western , 4 5 (
700 ; Minnesota. 5 00@7 ! 45 ; patents 7
@ 8 50 ; winter brands , 5 007 25 ; Inn
wheat Hour , 5 5u ( ; ( ; 23.
WheatN . 2 spring an active doiua
exlatftl mid a Urge Hprculutivc biihiii
WI-H truimctpd , with prices again ehowi
a furthur dccKno nnd mbject to very st
den and frcipient fluctuations during im
of the M-MI'OI ) . ] tuHimi"t continues mail
In the March and April lutures , a
tradin ; in May and otlior futmes xnti
tiuies was rendered dlllicult. Flucttiatli
were duo mainly to specnlatixo i
llucncv. The market opened abiiut Ij
IJc per bushel lower , and there vva
Hlrong prcHSKra to Hill Imt the marl
quickly showed more Htrength undur
active demand and prices took the up tii
and operator1) commenced to buy free'
causing a sharp rally , prices advanci
with MIIIIO Huutuations , 2i : above insi
figures , wtmkt'itcd again , Iliictuatcil , a
finally closed about . } @ 3 higher onrugu
board , and on call t i 27 for cash a
February ; 1 27fi for March ; 1 28J1 1
for April ; 1314 for May ; 1 292/or.Jui
1 07i lor year ; Nu , 3 in moderato denia
at 1 W ( > nl 11 ; rejected , dull at 75W ( 2c , i
cording to lnoation ,
Corn - fferings vr 're ejuile free early
the day and tlio market ruled weak , i
uomp.'inicd - < iti ] n ileclino of 4t-
prices. The Mpcculutii'u Inquiry was fail
activi1 , however , and iliiiint' the lull
pait of thi session the feeling was stuudi
and rices ruluil strong again nt ! lc in
coinjiar.itlvely steady to the clou1 , a
hhippiri wisro modernte purelias' ro
Hlightly reduced prices. No. 2 and ni
mixed clo'cd on cu'l at 57u fur cash a
February ; lor Match ; 58c for A pi
02 Jc for May mid irimc ; C2ic for , fu !
rejected in good request at 5Ic.
Oatn In very light request , and pilr
ruling a fhado lower ; Nn. 2 clo'i-d at Il'.l
for February ; 40 Jo f. r March ; 40fc I
Apiil ; 43'7o for Mny nnd , limit
Jlyo-Exceedlngly dull ; No 2. 85o /
Match ; ! IOo for Apiil.
llailevQutot light dumandj No. 2 , 1
for c'lalr 1 02 for F < ) i rti iry < ind Mnrc
No. 3 , 7577 > ' .
Porl ; Ijteady ; moiH cloxed on oill
18 10 for cash nnd Fobnmry ; 18251
March ; H 47&@l4fXl for April ; 18i24 (
18 05 for May ; 18 80 for Jmic.
Lard Stnadv , and closing on call
11 lorutll 124 for cnsb and Fcljnmr
11 15f jll 174 for March ; H 32J for Apr
11 424&J11 45 for May ; 11 55 for . ( mm.
Hulk Meats Steady ; short ribn. ! ) 3
for March ; 0 40 for Apt II ; ! ) 574 t f Mo
Whisky-Firm at 1 10.
llittterScarce and hlghtr ; choice
fancy , 40042c ; fair to gcod , 34@3fi
dairv , choice to lanuy , H.'lfeli/i : ; do. lair
go' d , "OfSIiOc ; fresh ma u packing ntoo
\ ' > ( a iHe ; ladle packed , coiiiiiion to goo
l-ai'-'u ( ; roll , 20@2. < o for comiiion to fill
and 25j ( 28 for ROOI ! to choice. Mark
'H ItcceiptM ample ; inaikul Weake
generally at ! ! ) for utrictly fres
with a f..w at 'Ma ,
Hcc'ts. Shipm1
Flour . 18,785 10i (
Wheat . 3JOUI litt !
Corn . 1'ACOS 181,0' '
OtttH . 55,117 83,71
ye . 2,830 2,4i
Hurley . 22,171 10,7i
C'liiCAuo , Fobmary 10 ,
The Drover' * Journal reports as foil w
] ! % * KecelplB , 30.0CXJ head ; slii
nents , 3,052 head. There wan an act ! '
nnrket for uliiiierx uml local buyers we
; p ratlng to a liberal ext'-nt nnd prlc
ruled firm at thu ( inures current on yexte
duy , HaleM ranged from 3 004 25 fi
common to good cows ; 32i for stookcr
325@3fXfor ) bullN ; 4 BO for butcher
jitcers and from 6 I0@5 85 for fair I
choice tdiliiping Hteers.
IJu HecclptH , 10,000 h nd ; uhll
I 'K-iitu , 8,053 head. Tlieru WOK a fairly a-
tl " market for ttie better grades an
prk' ruled steady for Bhlpment buti
common and light mixed packing ho ,
price ! ruled weak and C ( < glOo lower ; llgl
And shlppInK were weak at ye >
erday'n pticfi . Sale * ranged Irom tl 1 1(0
( K for light pAcklng anil shipping ; ti It
f.7 25 for heavy parking And from li 3 , " ( < i
1 50 for fair to extra prime heavy ship
ting lots ; u huge nuiiilior of conunot
ght hall'fed IIORS arc Iu the potm uniold
Sheep Kccel'ts | ' , lCOOhead , ; fhlpincnU
, (507 head. Kastern shippers wrro no !
luirp bidders ; the Imtelier ilemnlnl li
r k ; lioubs 3'-'fii3 ( SO ; stock hepi |
7 > .
Knuunn CM ) ' . 'i oil'ioo Mnrhnt.
( 'i. . . IVbruiry 10.
Mnich , I lo.
K.imuH City Livn StouU ,
IAASMAH Cm , l-Vhrit'iy ' 10.
C.titlo lleceiplft , 3.rilt head ; shipment
UI In-ad. M.nki't li m ; milivo sldppt.r
I 2'u.i 5 7.i ; iintUitoiKiM - - . . .t , S ( if I d
, .ii\e li.-'t'i , , I i ' ( 'i I Ml ; iintixiiov :
J 2.if ( I M ) .
ll.lf-Ueeeipti , 4.US5 head ; ihlptmnt
IS2 bead. Mnrkrt slow ana drnggliu ? '
loollnoof from 10 to IT.o ; go d to chni
! ien\y , ( U > 0@ti 8. ) ; nutiliiim packing , G I
(11 0 I" . ; light shipping ft ( } ( ( > 111.
New X ork frotlnon
NKW ViiltK , Fein nary 10.
Kl mr Dull and in li > yors favor ; win'1 '
red , 5 28 . 75 ; city mill extra , 5 7CriS
southern Hour easier a > d in moderato d
iiuuiil , couiiuoii to choice extra , riiO@8 ( U
Whent Steady and slightly idghrr ; N
2 red , 1 3Hi@l 40 ; No. I whitl'M \
1 311 } . No. 2 rod Kebnmry , 1 I
Mai-ch , 1 403fitl 42i ; do April 1 I'Jjjf
do May , I4tl@141i.
( 'i rn--UiL'tied | lower lint sulisonui'iit
botamestrougnndrri-ovori'dmott of tho'
ellno ; ungraded mixo ' , I'.tXfftiilc . ; No. 3 , ( S
( if.liitV ; Htonmer inixuil , (174c ( ; t\o. 2 mix
Kebru iry , Ii7ie ; do Miivch.WJCi.l'kSjc ! < !
April , OUfalOJlJ ; ilo May , 70.1@7ple.
Oats Opened lower tiiui fiiirlv i : ti\
iMlni ; sir ugor ; No. 1 white , Me ; Nn
do17iillllc ; No 1 mixed , 4Sc ; No 2 ti
47J4lJi ! ) ; $ mixe.l wctlirn , 47iil48c ( ; X
mixed. l7VWI o.
Ilyu Dull at 01@WJlo
Hai ley Steady hut quint.
PerU Kirm but quiet ; now spot me :
18 Own 1 ! > ' . ' . 'I.
I aril iStiong and higher and faiily i
live ; 11 35 ensh ; 11 3'icill ! ( ) 35 February.
Whi.kyNominal. .
Petroleum -Hold unmuuhnt lilfihur at
very strong ; united , 8r.jj ; ennlii In bi
ruls , tiV\jt ( \ S"ic ; rt lined in barrels , 875
Jtnvr Korlt Dry Uooiln ,
NI..W YIIIIK , Fuhiiiurv 10.
Tlio dry Builds lo-diiy i'\bi it
moro iinlinntioii , the impn.vrd condit !
of the wuither having ttimulaled the i
maud for sumo doHcriptions ot sin !
gonds. Thuro wax ills i ifair cull I
heavy vionloin by the clothing trade , a
though hin-iiiusH in this uiniit'ctinn has I active a * yet , buyeis are bus
engaged in making memoranda for full
operiitions , and coii'iduriil.Iit orders
i. > ino of the n > ot popular makes are
ready being placed uilh ugents. 'I ho j ,
liing tr.ulu IKH beiMi n little moro act ! '
a fair package hummi-Hiii d imeitio pn'n
et" , being repoiti'd by several lundi
St. JLoult Protluon
Sr. LOUIH. 1'ebruary 10 ,
Flour I'liehaiigO'l and lowjfancy.t ! ( i , "
011(1 ( ; choicf , ( ilfioi3fi ( ; .VXX , 5 31
550 ; XX. 48 ® : . Oi ; X , t 0M ( ! I
family , 5 8 & 0 00 ,
Wheat UiiHutlled but higliei ; No.
red , 1 35C51 31J for cish nnd l ebru..i
1 28J@1 30'f for March ; 1 2'.tCil ' ; ! ! 3' i I
Apiil ; 1 28J1 3 1 J for May ; 1 20 1 :
for June ; 1 OS ) bid , I II. \ asked for ye
No. 3 red , 1 15@1 14i
Corn liighcr ; 70jc for ciich ; ril > ( 'l '
for February ; r7@ < 5Bu for March ; 50(8.11 (
for April ; ( il@i2c ( for Aluy ; ( i3@ti.flo
OilH Higher ; 4liiP44Jo ( for cash ; 4 !
i2o fir 1't'bruary : 4ls-l3Jc for Man
5c lor April ; l4J@4IJc for May.
Ityo-'liiiiherat OOo.
Hurley Firmer at 1 00.
Lead Kulined , 4 1)5. )
Hutter- Steady ; creamery , lOftH
dairy , 37@io. :
J'lgi'BQuiet at 21o.
Flax SeedIn demand at I i7.
Whisky118. .
Pork L.wer ; 18 I5@HI 25 for ca
180' ' fet February 18 27J for Man
1855 for Apiil.
Lard Lower ut 11 12J.itec'U.
itec'U. Shipm
Flour'f fi , (
Wheat 35'JOl 3,1
Corn 35 , " 00 145 , ;
Oats 11,71111 5t ,
Hy 1 (10. ( 1 , :
Barley ] , OOU m
St Loiiln Ijlyo Stock.
St. Louis , ( . 'uhriiiiiy 10.
( J.ittleI'nclmngod ; tcatli ; exp'orte
t ! OOfal ! 2r ; .fiiir to good native uteers , f.
© 5 00 ; mi-ilium , 500 ; native onwc , 2
fel25 ; do. eows and heifeiv , 3 25C ) I .
receipts , 220 ; shipment * , da.
Hogs ( uint and iinehangi'il ; Yorke
020d' ) ( > 55 ; packing , I ! 3tfJOOO ) ; liu'clie
aniiwilecl , 7 00I/j7 ( 40 ; pH | , , 5 85Si ( ( 10 ; i
celjitf , 2 , 1 13 ; shipments , 1,5I , ( )
Ciiiolnuitti Proiluun.
CINOIKNATJ. Fdbniary 10
Mem Pork- Steady nt 18i2Jl8 ( ( ! 75.
L-ird Firm ; priinu ti'ain , 1102J(5')11 ( ) (
Hulk Meat- Hauler ; clear hides 0 75
Do * .
Hacim Quiut ; clear Hiden , 10 75 © 10 ti'i
Flour-W-iBy ; family ( J 10 7 75.
Wheat Stronger ; Nit. 2 red , 1 05.
Corn IJiiMer ; No. 2 mixed spot , .
track , G2o.
OatsKony ; No. 2 mixed , 47c.
HyoDml : No. 2 , elevator , 05o.
Harley - Weak ; 70 @ 1 0i. (
Whltiky Hto.ulyat 1 17.
Bnltliuoro Produoo.
. IAM''JI ! ' ° littl February 10.
i-i / >
FlourQuiet. .
Wheat Lower ; Full * , 1 3 ; , © ! ; ) ? . ion
berry , 1 .TJ@I 41 ; No. 2 red WMtorn , I.
@ 1 3 ( > for cash and Felnuary ; 1 37Jf sl 3
for ' 'ircJi.
( orn Willie southern omiie.r at 77
yelow ! "iinler at UJ@7i'0 ; mixed wt-stt-i
eaoiurat ( JO-Jo for cu h ami Fubruary.
PKOIIIA , February 10.
Corn New , dull and lower ; high mlxe
lj@5l o ; mixed , 5l.V14c.
( Juts Dull ; No. 2 white , 41'42c. ' (
Hyo-Dull ; No. 2 , 0o.
Unchanged at 1 17 ,
Heo'lH. Slilp't
Wheat . 3,1504 ;
Com . 74,50' , ) 45K
OatH . ] ! ) ,000 17,51
Hye . 00,050 3,01
Harley . i7,5XX ) li (
Liverpool Produoo.
LlVKiirooi. , Fobmary 10 ,
FlourAmerican , 10s ( l@13n.
Wheat Winter , 10 * 3d@lbmd ; whit
10j 8d@10 < 8d ; print ' , , 'J * lld@10 8
club , 10s OdrallU Id.
Corn Cs lid.
Pork 77 Cd.
hard 67 * 3d.
Buffalo Live Stock.
KAHT HUJTVALO , FebniM-y 10.
HogH Steady ; receiptB , 61 ours ; ehi
nent" , 42 car ; Yorkem , 0 K > ( aj7 00 ; goi
nedi ! > ' wwighta , 7 10@7 20 ; good lieav ;
+ 0(0,7 ( w.
Tolndo Produce. .
TOI.KDO. February LO
\\heal-Irregulnr ; N'o. 2 icd. ca li
aijbid ( | l-Vbriinrr , 1 3a ki < t ; Mi.rch
3.lAi..ll ; . , 1 37 | May , I 3 Jj.luue , 13H
uly , 1 I ! ) bl.t.
( -lnactl\eNn , 2 , March , ( 'OcMay
5.1 IP
IMiilniloltihtn Produon.
O.iU - UniitM ; 1H@83 | for fault and Fel
Hyt ljulel at 2c.
Kntii JLllinri- live Stooh ,
KAHT LIIIKKTV , 1'a. , Kohiuary 10 ,
Cattle Nothing doing ! rceelpt * , 1,31'
head ; ( .hlimitmt * , 1135 hrnd.
HIMH'nlr | : IP elpts , 2,000 hca' : * hi |
niriiti. L'OO hon-i Phi aitelphhiK , 7 40 (
Utorkeni : , Gt > , " . ( i/G S.V
Sheep Niilldiu' doliiK ; n-celpln , 2C
head ; itlilpmrnU. none.
Turpniitino Mnrlcnt
WiLMisoTON , N. ( ! . , February 10.
HoHln 1 inn ; tHaur-d , 1 112 J ; r ; . IH
Spirit' * Dull.
Tnr-Siemiyi I SO.
Turpentine Stendv ; liaril , V 00 ; snl
I W : Vligin , 2 Ol )
_ _
> 'aornim-uto inilln patent tbnr ( n
irnnil ) . Our bust Ivueku patent llot
bine hriind ) . The only p-ilrnl llour inn
nfnctured on lho Pm-llio connl. Wu clnl
it is the whittkt , ntuuiKCRt nnd lntfMiil
Hour in tinstall' . A k your grocer for I
Try H and > ou will USH no other.
1C. M. MrCiiK.Mtt k Co. ,
T , .1. l.VANs , Agent ,
Crystal Mills , C , ni t-ll llhtlfn.
MI-II. Piirtluutou Snyw
Don't Inku uny of llm ( iiiack rimtnini
iva I hey nru regiiiiiintnl to tlio huiiii
oialorn ; but put your truat in Hi
Hitturs , wliiuh will euro fjonenil ilihi |
ilution , uiiHtivu liuuiln nnd nil con
disfasen. Thuy Hiivod IRIUIC from
suvoru extract of typhoid fovor. Th
are tlio no plim unniii of inoclicmen.
lloatou ( Jloiio. f-1-15
An IiiBtivuco of aoody-GooiHt
Which Dili no QOCK ! to Anyone.
Aiiuitif , ' thu caIIura at Tin : I )
illicit wan a pruponaiiBsing young la
twenty years old , nently ilrunaed in
ntulligunt. She told u alorj- win
iins a big moral attached to it , in
which concerns thu ollbrta of a ui
lain wonld-bu iihilunthropiflt in tl
city. The girl upon being intorvio
oil , unit ! :
"I inn nineteun yoiira old and f
Rovoral yoara luivu bud the euro of
little muter on my liuiulu. M
fortnnu t'ollowod ua in o
sliupu nnd nnotlier uftiir o
jiarontH died , anil wo were
many timea at thu verge of atnr\
lion. Toinptution wan put inmywii
nnd for thu aiku : of my little mati
whom I could not hour to HUO hung
mid unclothed , I waa induced to yii
niyeulf lo u man who promiaud to In
mo. Ho wan obliged to luivvo tlioci
after : i liniu and bocanio uiiiib
tlirougli bu < iiiieSH veiiturua , to holpi
longer , and tlion , ahmnuful iii it wi
1 took euro of my little aiHtur us hi
I could.
"Thia continued for Home tin
when 1 chanced to meet u guntlom
who urgud me to give up my life a
gu to work honuHtly. 1 tolil h
1 would bo only too glad
do soif , he would got niomiiploymo
Ho prommud to do so , and
a wuuk or two lie found me n place
a ruHpcctablu family , wlieru 1 went
work. T renounced nil my IWBOC
tioim , turned my buck on my piiat n
did thi ) beat 1 could to forget what
had been. I full grateful to my but
factor and boliived him u true n
honorable friend.
"After u while , tliouu'li , 1 began
think that the woman for whom I v
working knew about my provioua li
and it proved to be BO , for in a few di
from the time I suapicioned tlii
waa discharged without uny ijeaa
being yivon. I knew what it wiia , I
tried again to get work and at lastai
ceuded. A eucond time my rupn
tion Huemed to niyeturiously foil
mo. I could noltliink liow that cm
be , until 1 learned that the very in
whom I had thought my truest frie
had been tolling thu people fur wh <
L waa working what n bad irl I b
been in thu past nnd how hu hud ;
formed mu.
When I learned thia 1 was diucot
aged and went away from ( Jiimlin toi
caiu bin fatal talk. J secured work wi
n ruHpoclublu ( nniily , when ho agn
and n third time diaclosed nil
knew about mu , and even nccuuud i
of being ungrateful bi'cnuso I wt
nwiiy , and opunly slandered mo unc
former friend of bia whom bu had i
troducud lo mu. 'J'hia friend w
n gout Ionian whom. I ruapi
beciiuau bo waa honorable with u
and knew enough to keep liis mou
nl. Ho alho lielpcd mu to mrniiH
gut away with to whore I could hn
remained uml been unknown oxcc
iia a viitumiB girl , if it hud not be
for the nmii who firnt proleasud a il
uiru to liulp mo.
"Now I have come buck ni
I am ao aituulud that 1 ci
nnd will lend an honeat life , in
Lnku cam of my little aiak
if 1 am left undisturbed. All I wa
in to be left nlonu and not to bu f <
limed by the ntorica of n man wl
might havu liven friendly to mo , b
who IIIIH endeavored to build up 1 ;
reputation for charitable purpoxua 1
Lulling people what a bud girl 1 wn
before bu picked mu up.1'
Thia narrative , from which belie
, lie natni ) of thu girl ai
.hat of thu stunningly ollioio
friend are omitted , U onu win
conldlp applied to a grout nmnycoai
In this hiHtimco the man referred to
me who Ima made liimaulf very co
iipiciiouii for many montha na thu bo.
f u charitable home for street wail
and hu beara u good reputation go
( . rally , Jliu dcairo for notoriety
reputation , us a nliiliinthrolist , heaver
aver , sconm to have nvoratepped 1
iudgiuoot nnd baa mudu him forg
: he virtue in moat cases of true cbu
ity , which ia to not lot hia loft hut
know wliat hia right hand ia doin
Too nuicli talk aomotimoa epoila
jrcut many good deuih.
SliJuny Mou.
'WclU' Hudth llenewer , " greatest ret
edv MI earth for iuiiiotencu , leannenH. BO
ual debility , Ac. $1 , at drugi'lata. Uep
C , I' . Goodman1 * .
'he KuiKhtH of Pythias Tnko
Possession of Oontrnl
nd tlio Merry MnKora Dnnco nt Mn-
Honlc Hull.
Thu third nnnnal private maBitier- |
du party , under the management of
Ir. ( J. C. Field , tonk placont Masonic
mil Tburaday , nnd was u sncciwfnl
Hair , as aru nil Mr l''iuld's ' parlies ,
'liu invitations were tanned some time
go , nnd ( ho rule to admit noun lint
nvited giu-aU wns atriotly ndherud to.
There were about eighty couples
uHi'tit on tniuipii' , ntid n number of
poctntora , tlio hall nnd atngo both
uing comfortably crowded. Dane-
ng begun nbout 10 o'clock ,
ho nniflio being furniflhud by Irvine's
irchcntra , which tins been no popular
or balls nnd [ .artion all winter. W.
) . Mnthowa wan lho cnllor nnd per * .
nriiu'il bin dutica to thu great natia-
'action of nil. Thu dancing
irogruminu wns qnito lonj. ' , in
cluding twenty-four well selected
liucea , nnd thu enjoyment before and
xftor nnmiihkini ; wnn iipparentlj' very
At niidnigbt , exactly , the Cicilian
circle wns formed , nnd mnaUs rc-
novt'd nmid much laugbtor nnd the
mual nmount of surprise , Thu
nasks woru ofn very varied chnniotcr
mil while thu rich oni's were fe.w ,
there wen. nmuy ( jroloBqitu and counc
il tliagimcB.
Cen trnl ball WIIB on Wudneaday
xbt thu scene of one of tlio meat
brilliant nnd delightful nnnivernary
bnlla of thu season. The occa
sion wns thu first anniversary
of Omaha Lodge IvnighU of Pythias ,
which in tlio twelvu months of its ox-
islencu lias attained to thu strength of
an old lodge. The Sir Knights mot
in their ( Justin hall , in Hornbergor'a
building , and in full uniform niarchud
to the sueiiu of festivity , tliero
lieing about eighty-six Kniulita in
liuu. The hnll was decorated with the
usutil heraldic nnd other insignia of
thu order nnd the ceremonies were
opened with an address from Past
Chancellor Kranso , followed by tin
iration on tlio history of knighthood
by Judge Mcl.ailghlin , of Nobnxaka
lodge. The uniforms being changed
for the fiilignu uniform , tlio dancing
begun to the mtiaio of Irvino's orches
tra nnd continued until ! l.tO : n. m. ,
an intennifiaion being taken nt
midnight for lho enjoyment
of n bnmpiut provided in the
hull below , served up under tlu > su
pervision of the grout American bund
Wiiilur , Sam SwnrtH.
Thu folloiving were the committees
under whose mnnngemunt thu a Hair
wni anccrssfully iirrntiitod and carried
out :
Master of Cerenionius llonry
Floor Managers August 0. Ubtof ,
Herman Ivunile , H. Nuwmeir , U ,
ICesaler , L. lielborn.
itecuption Committee S. liluumo ,
11. G. Kranso , K , Mtiuror.
Committuo of Arrangonionts-rll.
Hornborger , August 0. Ulitof , S.
Hluemlo , 1 ] , Kiinilu , L. Holborn.
Real Estate
5,000 PIECES
For Sale
S , W , cor. DouL'J s and 14th Sts-
itliittorof Application of GciuT < Stevene
& KVUIIH Ilaney for Lliuorl'iLS1MO | -
NotlrolHhurulirKlvon that ( Icorun Htcvcna It
Kvaiik Hin y illil upon ( lie 2Stliilny of 'nnmry ,
A. ] > . . 1882 Illcitliclr uppllcullon to tl o Hoar of
County Commissioners of Dounlai Ccunly.
Nclira lm , for llucnuo 10 mill Unit. 8lrltiioii8 and
Vlnoiiit lliitorH | , at Waterloo , In Valley Precinct.
DrmiilaH County , Krbranha , from tlio nth day
of Krlirimry , IbSZ.tollio Utli day of lluy , 1861
Iftlieroliono i.lijoftlon . , renionttrnnco ori'ro-
tent Illcil within two v cells from January V8lh.
A. I ) , 18SL' , the Kali ) Merino w II lie Kruntod.
Tim OMAHA Dun npwepapcr will piit.ll.h the
nliovc notlcu for two weeks at the exponeaot the
applicant. The ( 'ountv of DOUL-IOJI IB not to be
ffiurci'd Iliermvlth.
f liU-8w JOHN DAUMKU , County Clerk.
( JblllCbT lUHiBl.lHIUU
Real Estate Agency
H | > umiiilctu ilic'.racl ot tltlb Ui iun
i n. vt
Nebraska Land Agen ?
m 6t Omaha , Nebra
_ am.ini ) vMiisiwI livi.d Iu ( uotcjn NoUr bK foi
ulc. Uri-iit ItirtnUni ln Improvm ! ftrini , uid
llAVIfj ' * > HTi'l WI
I ir i MI i i >
d. I.
Corner 10th and Howard
Streets ,
Eatos , Two Dollars Per lay ,
Clarkson & Hunt ,
Buccca M to Ulcbirda k Dual ,
8. UtbStrut Out h Hah.