Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1882, Page 3, Image 3

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    . , . * M . - - rs , i XT
010 Farnham , bet. Oth and 10th Street * .
nocOiy | 1 yoArln vUnncedvMmlil ) 110.00
t tnontlu " " . . . 5.0' '
month " " . . . 3.00
L.o Omilia I'iiMoiiifer No. 2. 8:30 : n. m. Ac-
somniodstlon No. 4 , 1:0 : tji. m
AtrlMJ Onmrm I'wwenircr No. 1,6:20i. : . m.
Accommodation No. 3,10:60 : a. m.
O. , IJ. h if. ? MO * . m. 3:40 : p. m.
O. A N \ \ . , 7.10 ft. in. 3:40 : y. m.
0. , K. I i 1' . . J40 ; a. m. 3:40 : p. m.
K. C. , it J. 1 C. a. , leaves lit 8 v in. and fl:30 :
i p. m. Artl\tsUot. Umlaut 6:30 : a , m. ami 8:6 : !
p. n\ .
nW. . , St , L , k 1' . , Iwuttint 8 a. m. mJ 8:10 : y.
Arrlvi- St. Ixmlt ftt 0:40 : n. in. ami 7'80
WHST OK souniwiarre.
n , * M. In Neb. , Through Riprws , 8:60 : > . m.
D. A. M. UncoJn Kxiinn 0-M : p. m ,
U P. Otorlaml KxprtoB , 12'16 ] i. HI.
O. * il. V. for Lincoln , 11:45 : a. m.
O. > t 11 V. for OiMoolk , 11.40 a , in.
U. I' freight No. 6. 6:30 : a. in.
D. P ' rclffht No. 9 , 8:20 : a. in.
D , P. froiuht No. 13 , 2:60 : | i. m.
D. I' , freight No. 7 , 6:10 : ) i , m. mtirmt.
- . .IPlcn % r oxiirctfi , 7:36 : | > . in.
D. P. froltfht No 11 , 11-30 p. m.
U. P. Doiucr freight , s2fi ; p. in.
0. n. A ( J 6:00 : tk. m. 7:26 : p in.
.t N. W. , 9:46 : a. n , . 7:26 : p. ra.
C. R. I. tl'.0:46 : a. m.-9:05 : p. m.
K. C. , St. Joe & 0 n , , 7:40 : a. in. 0:16 : { ' "
O. k 11. V. from Ltnooln l.OS p. in.
U. P. Pacific K\priH4 3:26 : p. ni.
D t il , In Ncli. , Through Rxprexn :1S : p m.
3. & 11. Lincoln Uxprru 9 40 a rr ,
U. I1. UOIIVLT oxiircw , 7:35 : a. in.
O. I' . Freight No. 14-2:60 : p. m.
U. P. "Jo. 6 6:20 a. in. Kinltrrant.
O. P. fright No. 14 , 12:15 : p. m.
U. P. < Q. & U.W p. in.
U. I' . So. 12 1:15 : a. m.
U , P. Uamor ( might , 1:10 : a. m.
O. H. V. mlxol , ar. 4:15 : | > . ui.
cou.iui , BLUrro.
trtuvv Ounha at 4:01) : , .00 , 10:00 : Mid 11:00 :
'ru.0 ' 100 ! , SKt. 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m.
Le i Uiuncli lllude at 3:25 : , 0:25. : 10.25 uli.l
l 6 . lu. , 1:26 , Z-.ib , a:25 : , 4:2.1 : ami Mb p. m.
Smi-Up * The dummy leaves Ooi'Vhi at I'00 '
nnd tlrOO a. m. ; 2:00 : , 4:00 ami 6:00 : p. in. Ijemes
Council BIulTa at 9:26 : and 11:25 . m. ; 2:26 : , 4:26 :
and. & : Zi > p. in.
Through ami local pwenirer trains between
Oinih anitCouii II llliifTs. l < ea\o Omahi 0:16 : ,
7:45 , 8:50a. m. ; 3:40 : , 6:46 : , 0.00 p. m. Atmo
Omaha 7:40 : , 11:35 : , 11:45 : a. m. ; 6:40 : , 7:05 : , 7:16 : ,
; 40 p. m.
Opening air * Closing of Mlli.
ni. p. in. t. tn. \L \ HI.
Ohf * o4K. W 11.00 0:00 : 6:20 : 2:40 :
0 , K 1. 4. ftu-fflc 11:00 l:00 : 6:20 : 2 : JO
o , U. & Q 11:00 0:00 : 6:30 : 2io :
12:30 : 6:30 : 2:40 :
flluUX Cltj t.llli I'mMtlt. 9.00 6:30 : 2:40 :
"Union Paclllc 4-00 11:10
Onuvhftft IL V 4:00 11:40 :
H. kM. In Neb 4:00 2:10
Oiiiuha HIOUI Citj. . . . 600 7SO :
K. &M. Lincoln 10SO : 6:00 :
U. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 : 11:00 :
U. P. Ooii\or Kxi > b.-OO 6:30 :
O. . HlonvCity * St. 1' . .11:00 : a:40 :
Local mull * for btato ol Iowa le'wu hut once a
.c : 0:10 : a. in.
Jiflce open SumKys Iroui 12 in. to 111. in
T110S. F IIAU , I' M
Business Directory ,
Abstract and Real tttato.
JOEN L. llcCAQUE , oppoalto I'ost OIBco.
W R. UAllTLE'IT 317 South 13th Sticot
Room 14 Crcl hton Block.
A.T. LARGE Jr. , lloom 2 , CielehtOD Block.
Boots and Shoes.
Jlao ClooCtt and Shotw. A ) ; oed aSHOrtmont cl
'homo work on hand , corner 12th and Ilnrnev.
T1IOS. K1UCKSON , S K. cor. 16th tmi
SOD 10th etrcet , manufactures to order Kood work
at ( Mr price * . RopalriuK done.
Bed Springs.
J. f. LAR1UMER Manufacturer. 1617
Books , News and Otutlonery.
J I. FKUKHAUF 1016 Furnham Street.
Butter and Eggs.
MoSHANK&SCIHtOEUKR , the oldtat B. and K.
honm in Kehraaka enUMIsbod 1875 Omaha.
MU3. A. KYAN ,
tonibvitvit corner lOthand Oed e.
I ! wt Hoard for the Mono } .
F tbfvctlon ! Quiranteeil
'Uoslt st all noun.
Board by the Day , Wcuk or Month.
Good Terms for Cisti
Fnrnlshoil Hnnms "uppllcd.
and Roaa Wagons.
WM 8NYUKH , 14th and Hartley Streets.
Clothlnc Bought.
J. KAUHI ulll i > hl hcatCaeh prke for second
tumd clothlnr. Corner 10th nnd Karnham.
Jews era.
JOHN BAUMEK 1314 Fartihaiii Street.
U. I1EKT110LD , ltais and Metal.
Lumbar , Lime and Cement.
& Q1UV corner 6th and DOUKIM ! at .
Latnpi and Ulatswaru.
* * i. BONNKU 130U Douitlaa &t. ( Jood Variety.
Merchant Tailor * .
: , _ _ , „ . our moat rcpular Merchant Tnllori la re-
' ddn Uio latest ICHL'IIS | for Spring and Summi'ir
OoaJa for Kontlcuiun wear. .Stjllub , durable ,
UK ! priced low na over 216 13th hot. Uouz.t Fani.
. . . H1NOER , Wholunilo and Hetflll , Fan-
liV Hoods In great variety , Zephyrs , Card Hoard * ,
iitBoelcry. Qlocen , Corsets , &c. Cheapest In
n'lke West. 1'urthaaeiB na\o 30 per cent. Order
tT 1U1I. 116 Fifteenth Struct.
r-otindry ,
IIOUN WKARNB & SONS , cor. 14th & JarkRontU
Hour and Feed.
iOUAHA CITY HILLS , 8th snd Farnbtm Stx. ,
Bros. , proprietor * .
* R Uroceri.
' C. STKVEN8 , 21et between Cumlng and Ir r
I. A. lIoSltANE , Corn , 23d and Cumlnir Htroeta.
Hardwaie , Iron and Steel ,
OUAN i LANQWOUTIJY , Wholepalo. 110 m'
' 112 Kth street
A IIOLMK.S corner KHn and CallforuU
Harness , Saddles , &c.
B. WEIS7 20 13th St. bet FarnHarney. .
, . Hotel *
| f , ANnELDIIOU.SEaeo.Canfleld,9th4 Farnhaw
'DOBAN HOUSE , P II. Cary , 913 FarnhamSt.
BLAVKN'S HOTEL. F. Slavcu , 10th St.
'Bouthein Hotel OIIH. Hamel Oth &Leavenuortb
Drugs , Paints and Oils ,
Pdsrmiclata , Flue 'aoc Uood ) , Cor , Hth and
\ ( utrccta
-W. J. WIUTEHOUf K , Wholesale & Ilctall , 16tb 8t.
0. FIELD , 202 Norlo 8ld Cumlni ; Street.
I PARK , Dnitftri t. 10th snd Howard .Streets
DR. PAUL , William1 Block Cor. 16th Si DolR * .
Dry dcods Notions , Etc.
H w York Dry Oocxln Store , 1310 anj 1312 F rii-
biro itrKt.
L. 0. Kuowola slao hooU and Bhocs
urultu e.
. F. QROS8 , New and Second Haad Furnltuiu
od Btove , liu Dctuue. Hlghrat cash pilco
aid ( or second h o3 toont.
BONNEB IBOt DooyU it. Fine KOO < li , 4 < -
t f re * rVorks.
BUST , rBIES4CC K18HarneySt. , Improve
* d Ice Boies , her and Wood Fence * , Offw
U iliutt , Coaolui Puu ud WsIouLJ
Cigars and Tobacco.
fVRST d FlUTSCH F.U , nianufMturrra of
i \Vholwwl8 IH lcrsl n Tor t i , 1S05 P
A' . F. LORKNZKy manufacturer 1410 Farnham
A. Donahue , pUnt * , cut ftotter , xl , ooquct *
etc. N. > V. cor. 16th anJ loucla. trcct < i.
Civil Engineers and Surveyors ,
ANUUF.W UOSKWATEIl Crelchton Block ,
Town Surteyi , Grade and Srwmse Sit rns a
.Spoclslt ) . _ _ _ _ _
Uommlislon Merchants.
JOHN 0. WII , MS.141I Io.l . o Stirct.
1) It 11EKMF.U. Vor detail see Kre k < l\eitl v.
mcnt In Ivtlv and \VecMi.
Cornice Works
Western Cornice Works , Mannftcttireri Iron
Cornice , Tin , Iron nnd SUto lloofilnR , Orders
from any localltj proinptly cxcciitl In the hwt
manner. Factor ) and 1213 lUrnoy St.
0. 9PKCHT , I'ropttctor.
QaUanlrtxl Iron Cornlm , Window Capi , etc. ,
niMiufactuted and put up In anv part of the
country. T. SINHOLU 418 Thirteenth ntreet
J. UONNKH 1309 Dounlu direct. Qood line.
Clothing i > n < < Furnlshlnc Qoods.
HKO. H. PETERSON. Alw HaU , Caja , Boolo ,
Shoes , Notions and Cutlery , > 04 8. 10th utrect.
Rotrlgorators , Canfleld's Patent.
C. F. GOODMAN llth St. bet. Farn. A llarnoy.
Show Case Manufnctory.
Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds of Show
Canon , Upright Cases , A „ 1317 Casi St.
FUANK L. GEUHAIII ) , proprietor Omaha
Show Case manufactory. S18 South ICth strict ,
between Lca en orth and Marcy. All iood
R08KNFELD. 10th St. . h t f\r ti llat
Htoves ana inware.
Dealer In 8to\es and Tlnw an1 , and Mnnutactutor
of Tin Uoofs and all kinds of Building Work ,
Odd Fellow s' Block.
J. nO.VNr.Il. 1809 Douul-w St Good and Cheap.
J. KVANS , Wholtmlu and Rttall feeo.l Drllli and
Culthators , Odd Follows llall.
Physicians an J Sui-coi : .
W. S. G11UIS , M. ti. , UDOII. Nu 4 , CrcKhtoii !
Hlock , loth Street.
P. M. LKISILVIUNQ , il. D. Masonic Block.
0. L. IIAKT , M. D , , Kj ami Ear , opp. postofflto
Dll. L. U OKADDY ,
Ocnlldt iml AurUt. S.V 16th nnd Karnnniu St
Orand Central G illcrv ,
212 Slxtconth citritt.
nnr Mftwinlc llall Firnt-f lass Worlr.inl Prompt-
iic'x cmrantocp
Plumblne , CSas and 8t ani Fitting.
P. W. TAUPY & CO. . 210 12th bt. , tict Karnham
and Inu < iaf. Work prumptly attended to.
1 > . riTCI'ATKICK. I40S Douglas Strict
alntlng an aper anting.
IE.NKY A. KOSTKHS. 141 DodRu Street.
Shoo bioroi ,
Phillip Lam ; , 1820 Farnnam 3t. bet. 13th & llth.
Second Hand Store.
PERKINS & LEAH. 1410 Doilfla , St , Now and
Second Hand Furniture , Hniis > I'linilthinj ; Oondc ,
&c. , Iwuirht ucd nold on narrow iinn-lns.
In tnu > IUH litlcK block .on Douglas Street , hat
Just 0 | tied a most elegant BOOJ llall
Hot Lunch from 10 to IS
e\cry day
" Caludoni < i " J FALTONEK 87S 18th .Street.
Undertakers ,
CHAS. HIE WE , lOlf Farnham hrt. 10th St lltd.
DO Uent Stores.
I' . 0 KAIMUS 1205 Farnham St. . Kincv Ooodi
K.UOWII Peopln "Wholly
In order that the public may fully realize the
Konulncneai ) of the state nentd , .is well as the
power and value of the article of which the )
speak , wo publish herewith t > o foe-simile eltfnt
turon of parlies whoso sincerity la l > cyon < l quo *
tlon. The Truth of thcxo ttHtlmoiilalH U aUso
lute , nor can the facta they announce bog \ -
OUMIA , N B. , May 24 , 1SS1.
DKAR Slit : I liuo frequently med \\arner'
Safe Kldno and Liver Cure for local afTectloar
attendant upon severe rheumatli' attaclin , and
ha\oal ays derived benefit therefrom. I hate
also used the Safe iVemno with satUUctory ro-
Hiilts. I consider these medicines uorby of
confide 'Co.
Deputy Treasurer
OMAHA , NKH , Jlaj 24 , 1 81
H.n WARJ.KR & Co. , Uii hoeter , N. Y :
GKNTH : I h.e UBO , our faafo Kidney and
I Ucr Cure this | irin at n hurimlKorator , and
1 find It thu lust rumul ) I ovtr tried , Ilmi
useil 4 bottles , ril It has made mu feel better
than cncr 1 did liuforo In the
U. P. 11. Shops.
OMAHA , Nx , May 24 , 1881 ,
II. II. WAR.Mtii A.Co :
SIKH : For more than 15 yi ars I ha\u surTcrcd
much In onvenlencu from lomblned kidney and
liier HiseasiH , md ht\u Ken uiubloto work
my nrin y ore na also belnc aflicti'd I rluil a
Krcat man > mediclncH and doctors , but I f'rc
worHO and wor o daj bydaj lua told I had
Ilrlk'ht's Disease , aiul I wished mjkclf dead If I
could not hn\e speedy rilief , I took your Safe
Kidney and Liter cure , knowing notlilni ; eUe
wosover known to Hire tha dlsuiio , ami I li.iv
not been disappolntid. Tli-j medlclnu has cured
me , and I am pirfec ly well to-dav , eritlrtlj
throi' h > our Snfu Kidney and Liter Curu 1
wish jou all sncc BH in piiliilshiiiK this v.luablc
remedy throuKh ihn .torld
> ( ff l
f P. H. II. Hhopg.
Thousandj > if equilly s roii endorsement"
many of them In cane * whcro h < pu was aban.
coned bate been\oluntarlly iriict shoHinir thi
rcmaikable iiowcr of Warner' * ' < ale Kidney and
LUer Cure , in allil Heoscb of tl < o kldnojs. llvci
o- J" If any ore who rtada thli >
tronblo rcmi"nhei thn trail
Cuming Street
J. J , PBESJropr ,
Fresh and Salt Meata of all
Kinds , Poultry , Fish , &a ,
in Season.
To Nervous Sufferers
Dr. J. B. SiinpBon'a SpeoiHc
It It a i > ostHuuijiu ; lor S | .TiaAUiirlji'i , 8 n > Jn >
tvookufss , Iini-ounry , mid all Jleiowx rumiltlfK
from Self-Abuse , M JU.nlal Anxiety , l/iwi
Ufciory , laliibln tlm IhcU ni . - . .I''i.nail diHUwut
7m TPTTu i "I1 it i to
Hnt free U ) all Write for tbcm'aud got full par
t culars.
Prliu , tJixKlCc , 11.00 r i package , or tlx pack.
n for J6.00. AddriM all orders to
NOD. 104 and 106 Main tit. lluflalo , N , Y ,
oil In Oinsha by C. F. Goodman , J , W , litll.
1 l h , and si I cfrutgUUertrywhere.
i 1 > dliw
Funny Sights.
1 "its ; \ cow liiilo III tllP Rr.iH ,
A tlfli Itylilnn the lloori
I Ki\v n c .1 lUo-stick In the iiititl ,
And it t I'll-imtuli nt the iloor.
1 mw H lutr < iHly up ix crook ,
Ai'.tt-nip : il her lotnl ;
1 taw iclu' < tnufliurr , ntid lu-anl ,
A "Hi'H l > ; ilk in tlic WDM ) .
1 inv n jtcli > 'nti ' ii.T a biurd ,
\ cur spring oil the trnck.
I MltVllllst OlT tilt' tllHtr ,
And then it c trpot-t ck ,
1 nw n iiionki'V- nch n lint ,
rrnlii 'i lair liidy'i into ,
1 r.'its' n nttli' * i > kc : i liinl ,
Ami hojjM lic.vil on the jilttc ,
1 < nw ulirniiily-Minixh n , K'- ' ' ' .
I lii'inl thu oorn-nilk in the tiuld ,
Ami | ilK'lron crow-liar.
I aw n pin-xtliL'cl oltu post ,
And a > liocl-w right in it sdiop ,
I MIW .1 ( iifi > l ! K ujion n li-ig
I n\v
I u hmno-lly o\cr n field ,
1 ci\v nn o\-fo.nt too ;
1 saw a > mul n ,
An I R tw the clikkuu-Htutv.
1 cuw u KWoid-lixh from n liank ,
1 hi-nrd the watcr-miout ;
And i-nw toliitc oplt , Mid then
1 heurd an oyc-bii\vl ( int.
I mw ft ( uticc-ruil nt the fun ,
1 heimt n wnitt-lmnd pUy
A lovely Htr In a sweet spit-toon -
And then 1 \\cntu\\ny.
Win. 8. ltl < lnnl"cm In tlio Ito.stm Coiitler.
.Join lilako hud boon shut dead It
his own doorway by Antonio Guoldo ,
and tlio trial was to coinu oil'directly.
The extraordimuy interest in Hit !
all'air was loss duo to the inurdor iind
its peculiar circumstances than to tli
fact that tJiia was the Ihat case tried
at San S.ibii in any morn formal court
than tin time-honored institution of
Judge Lynch , .Km had boon a quiet
man and a need neighbor , with a
hand always ready to help any ono
who was out of luck , so public aonti
inont ran pretty high against Antonio.
If the general inclination had been
followed as , up to that time it always
had the last named gentleman would
lmvi > found very HC.UH opportunity to
make any romarku in his own bohalf.
However , things wore advancing at
San Snbn aa well as elsewhere , and it
wouldn't do to hang An onio without
a regular trial , no matter how agree
able such a proceeding might bo to the
people at largo.
So ran * hu opinion expressed by
Judge Pitblado , whoso on Bitch
subjects woio generally accepted with
out comment
Nevertheless there was more than
ono dissenter in the piescnt instance ,
to whom it was by no moans clear
that thern could ho any sense or profit
in thus beating about the bush.
"Kf Antonio's goin' tor bo hung ,
why in don't wo hang him ? "
Tins was the pertinent query of
Jnko Smith , the leader of the oppoi
ing faction , and his view of the ques
tion put it in so clear a light that the
judge had great dillieulty in impress
ing people with bis conviction. Ho
said things had gone on in an irregu
lar way long o > ougb , and hero was a
chance to start the law in properly ,
and give it a fair show , Uesidos , it
didn't make any kind of dill'oioncoj
Antonio had shot Jem , hadn't hot
Well , then , what wnstho use of talk
ing ? All tlio jury would have to do
now wan to return their verdict of
guilty in the first degree , and tlioro
you , voro all comfortable.
It was just the uamo thing in the
end exactly.
"I tell yer , ' said the judge , who
felt the weight of his title , albeit the
name was altogether ono of courtesy ;
" 1 tell yer thero'n nothin' like doin' a
thii'greg'lar ' ; partikerlally when yor
know just how it's coinin' out. "
So tlio judge's argument , supported
by his intliioiico , and increasing bias
at Saba in favor of more civili/.od
views , settled the matter , and it wan
decided that Antonio Uticldo should
bu tried before ho was hanged.
As tlioro was nri place specially ar
ranged for such ceremonies , Judge
L'itbiado hospitably oll'ored the tiso of
his shed.
Here a rough table and ch'iir ' were
placed for the judge , ( ho other IICCPH-
sary furniture intending to represent
the dock , tlio Htand , etc , being eked
out with boxes from Silas Baggtitt'u
gjocory storo.
Jake Smith looked on at those
preparations for a time with frowning
discontent , and then strolled down
the ro d , turning into the land that
led to JJlako's.
When ho reached the door of the
ahanty ho Ipuicd against the jamb
and poked hiw naked head inside , fan
ning himself in an omharraBsod way
with hi ) greasy fragment of a hat ,
Ho had come there with the intention
of saying something , but thu sight
within made him forgot it ,
Blake'n widow sat there , as she hud
sat pretty much all the time since thu
murder , Blaring straight before her ,
with her chin in her pulm. The sun
light struck through the foliiigo of the
red ouk truus that g.ow before thu
door , nnd checkered with flickering
brightness the Iloor and llie cradle
where Jem's baby was sleeping.
There it was , just as it had been
three days ago ; ( could it bo onlythreu
days ! ) just as it had been when sliu
went out that morning to look after
tlio drying clotoes , and loft him stand
ing in the door by thu cradle , ( how
fond ho was of the baby ) just ns it was
when she heard the crack of the piatol ,
and in with uu awful aonso of
suli'ocating fright ; just the uamo as
she had found him lying upon the
c radio , dabbling its white linun with
his blood , and the baby playing with
liib hair. She screamed once , the
firat and last complaint any ono had
heard her make ; then she was ijuiot
and helpful through St ull ; when the
men caino and lifted him up , when
they laid him out upon the rough bed
in the other room , when they carried
him to his grave , BIU following \vith
the baby in her arum ,
Jake Smith was trying to find the
link minding in his thoughts ; ho snill-
ed with porpli'xity-or something -
and Blako's widow looked up without
speaking. Jake nodded pleasantly
four or five tiinoa.
" 1'ooty chipper ? " itaid ho.
IJlako'a widow smiled Badly , bent
over the sleeping child and smoothed
the clothes with a tender touch ,
"They're ngoin to try him in tlio
court , " Jake went on , "mi * 1 don't be-
Hove "
"Try who Antonio ? " She turned
to\M\id the Imtly figure in the dunr
\\ithi\ll.\sliof interest in her black
eyes "Yes. The jtulgo is nuikiu a court
out of hut shed. 1 hope it'll turn out
nil right , but it socma like giun' tint
. \le\ic.xn devil a ehatiuo ho ouiht ; netter
tor have , "
MlocAii't | ; i t clear , can he/ / " she
uskinl , rocking the cr.ullo gently and
patting the iMuirlet.
" 1 don't Bee how , but hi > 'a got goino
kind of a law cuss to sponk for him
a feller that stopped hero n day or
two ago on his way to Galveston , and
it makes me kind o' nervous. "
Blake's widow did not appear to no
tice the lait renmrkj for the child ,
distnrbiid by the talking , had n\\ak-
ened and mat tip in his cradle \\itha
wondering look.
"Pooty , ain't ho ? " said Jake , re
garding the small figure with interest.
"lx ) ks just like ulioint you. Poor
little 1 u " ho Btammeied , and
treated his hat like a nioitU enemy.
"Of course he's hnd--you'u got
there ain't nothing 1 could do fur yor ,
maybe ? "
Shu anstvured withn grateful look ,
but it wni accompanied by a shako of
the beat' .
Jake bent do\vn , and , with Ins bit ;
forefinger softly rumpled the hair of
the baby's head ; then heent out
and left them , Blake's widow sitting
as he had found her , and tlio luby
staring down the path after htm.
He walked on until he reached the
top of the little hill , where ho could
look down upon the roof which cov
ered the piteous scene ho had just
liJt. Hero ho seemed to have half a
mind to turn back , for ho hesitated
and stopped , but he changed his par
tial intention after' lingering a mo
ment , and walked inudUntiu-lv on
ward , with tho.exclamation. . . "W.ill ,
some women d > > beat h 1 aina/.m' . "
Of course everybody came to tlio
trial. The airangemonta woto aooi
tound to bo altogether too me.tgiu. .
Pitblado's shed was filled to oveillow-
ing , and Baggert made u clean sweep
of every box in hi ? store.
Antonio's lawyer , n sharp-eyed ,
sharp-featured follow from Oalvehum ,
had bustled about with aurptMiig
agility on the day previous , holdinu
mysterious confeienco with ill-con
ditioned fellows of Guoldo's kidney.
.lake Smith was highly dii atitlicd ,
and even the judge was heard to ut
ter some misgivings ; however by the
time the proceedings had really com
menced ho gained confidence.
Thu com t was assembled , the jury
had been oliosjn , and the witnesses
wore all present save one--Blake's
Pretty soon there wns a stir at the
door ; then n muinuir of stirpiinu ran
throuuh the crowded room.
"iMny I be d d , " said Jake
Smith , audibly , "if slie Inisn't brought
her baby ! "
What reason she may have had for
not leaving that little thing in charge
of some synuwthi/.ing womnn and
there were plenty who would have
been glad of the trust -waa not ap
parent ; however that might be , there
it wan clumped litmly in her arms , its
b rial it red cheeks contrasting with her
whiteness , and its father's sunny hair
niingliiiL' with her dark locks.
\ \ ith some dillieulty way was made
through the throng to her seat , which
had been placed on one aide of the
judge , diiectly opposite the cundlo-
box on the other , where Antonio sat.
She took her place and never moved
during thu whole of the trial , except
ing as she was required to testify , and
once when the baby tugged at some
glistening thing that lay in the folds
of her dress , at which she took pains
to distract its attention by a chip from
the floor.
As for the baby it sat there with its
big , blue eyes open to their fullest ex
tent , entirely absorbed in the novel
auene , save at the moment when that
irresistible glitter caught its oyo.
Kvory ono being now present the
trial went on in good earnest. A
number of witnesses were examined ,
whose testimony showed that Gueldo
had had trouble with Blake , and more
than once threatened Ins life : that
Guoldo's pistol was ono charge shorten
on the evening < rf the day of the
murder , whereas in the morning it
had been full ; that he was seen that
morning around Blake's house , und
more than all that Blake's widow had
heard Guoldti's vcice just before the
fatal shot , and hud seen his retreating
form us stiu ran in.
At this last point the Galvo.ston
lawyer linked the witness a few ques
tions regarding how she know it was
Guoldo , and how she had rocognixtd
the voice for his. She didn't know
how exactly , but was none the less
xure for that ,
There had boon a rumor about that
someone hud heard Antonio make a
bouHt of having "none for Bluko this
time , " but if there were a witness
for this he could not be fem d now ,
Ana HO the prosecution closed.
The Gaventon ! lawyer began by in
volving in a wlnrlpool of hopeless
contradiction , the witness who had
sworn to having seen Gueldo near
Blake's house. Then he oxpiuted on
the case with which one poison may
bo mistaken for another , and brought
a witness to show how Guuldo had al
ready been said to resemble some one
in thu village. Finally he produced
three of thu ill-conditioned follows
before referred to , who swore that
Antonio was with them on a hunting
expedition during the uholo of thu
day on which the murder was com.
It WUH a clear caiu of alibi. Jake
Smith's UHtoniahmcnt at the OUBO with
which the thing had been accom
plished was unbounded , Ho threw u
dixgustod look towards J'itbludo , but
thu judge was nonplused , and didn't
seem to be interested with things in
Jako's vicinity.
There was u paiiBO befoiu Pitbludo
gave his charge , and when bo rose his
face \tiiH rather blank.
"Gontlomen of the jury , " ho said ,
"things has took a turn I didn't alto-
gcther expect' I don't know as
there's much to bo said. T suppose
you'yo got to o by the evidence , nn1
that don't nued any oxpluinin' . Kf
you can make out accordin' tor that ,
that Antonio Guuldo killed Jem
Blake , why , just recollect that's what
yor hero for. "
The jury filed out , and the expect'
ant audience occupied itself with to
bacco and whispered comments.
Juke Smith fidgeted about on his
box , nnd cast anxious glances through
thu open door , towards the clump nf
nopals v hero the jtity were delihoni-
Antonio talked and laulu ; ; > d in un
undertone with his counsel , and
Blftks's \\itlow s'U Kturirg at them
with compressed lips and strong e\-
l > re sion of determination coining into
her fnco.
It wasn't long before the jury tiled
in again , all seating themselves but
the spokesman , and Judge Pilblndo
rose , \\iping his forehead \tith his
"Slrnightonnd it out , have yor ? ' ,
asked ho , nodding to the spokesman.
The man nodded slowly in return.
"NVnl , lo's have it tlivn. "
"Yor see , " said thu spokesman ,
"ith n hesitating and disappointed
air , "of yor Inuln't a corralled us with
stiekin' ter thu evidence , wo might a
done bolter , but accordin' lor that ,
Antonio wasn't thar when thu murder
was done , nil' if he war n't thar , hu
couldn't a done it , an' of hu didn't do
it , why then - of course bo's not
gmlty. "
Pitbhido didn't care to look any
body ; hostnroupat the rafters down
at the table now bore in particular ;
and then turned half-way towaids
"You kin go , " siid he , speakinu
with gioat deliberation , "but 1
wouldn't stay round hero too long. "
Tlnru uas a dead pause for a min
ute , and nobody moved
Jack Smith exploded n single ex
pressive word , which he iiad hold infer
for some time past , and Blako's wid
ow stood up.
"llnvoyoii got through , judge ? "
she ask d.
"And there's nothing more to bo
done ! '
"I'm afraid ther uint "
"And IIO'H fieo to gof"
V-a-n- . "
Atttoniii Gueldo rene with an inso
lent gun , and picked lip his hat.
The baby crowed , for it saw the
glitleiint ! thing again.
There was a sharp it-pot 1 Antonio
pitched fortMiul in a heap , and Blako's
widow stood with the pistol pressed
to her breast.
A line of thin blue smoke curled up
from thu miizxlo of thu weapon , nnd
foimed a hulo around the child's flaxen
head. Thu glittering tbinu' was quite
near thu little hands now , and they
took il ftoni the yielding grasp of the
Blaku'u widow -looked steadily at
the figure on thu Iloor it was quito
motionless then HIO ) turned , and
wont through thu wide pm < sigo ; opened
for her by the silent < mud , holding
the baby very tender'j , and the baby
cariying the pistol.
The child hiuu'hed wil'i ' delight ; it
had got itx shining plaything at last.
A Signal Victory.
The \nliio of eeutii ! < itv as n iL'incdial
n's'ont lins piint'd n signal \ictmy over
prejudice. Thoinns' Uoiee.tiie.Oil stands
ioieiniHt in this cl.isK of compel uulh. Tos-
limoi > ialH fniin u'l ' ii.irU toll of the wond-
inns eineH of iiHiunliii. | huilf ,
and Horcx , utu , tlfectcd by iU ngciicy.
How often do wo sen the haul-work
ing father straining every nerve and
muscle , and doing his utmost to suit-
port his family. Imnginu his fuulings
when returning home from a hard
day's labor , to iind IIIH family pios-
trntu with distuux , conscious of unpaid
doctors' bills and debts on ovury hnnd.
It must bu enough to diivu olio almost
crazy. All this could bo
avoided by using Kloctric Bitters ,
which expel every disease from the
system , bringing joy nnd happiness to
thousands. Sold at fifty cents a bol
tie. Ish .Y McMahim. (8) ( )
D880. SHORT UHL 1880 ,
St , Joe & Council Bluffs
1H Tll ONI.T
Direct Lme to ST. LOUIS
Prom Oinahii und the Woat.
No rhi } ; tf of cats tit-ttvm'ii Omnha and bt i ouU
Hid ' .lit OMAHA aui !
krJ7CJE\C !
Daily Passenger Trains
Tlilt mitito linn IH ihiiiiiMil | | with l'ulliiion'
Palace f ! ! < ci > liin Cam , I'olucu bay Concliuw , .Mlllcr'i
Haluty Vlallouji anil IXmji'.vr , and the tolobrntuil
WonniiKhouHu Alr-bmko.
/KTHcu that lour llcknt luoiln VIA nANHAU
roiul , via ( it. Joim jili iu lt l ( , I/nils.
Tkkctn lor Miln t all cA'iiton ntatlonnln the
WON ! . J. K. I1AHKAH1) ,
A C. DAWKH. Otu. huut. , hit. JobCph , Ho
nun. I' HI vnl llckut AI , Ht. JOHI'I | ) , Mu.
Mov Itouuicji , Tltkct Aijoiit ,
10 J Farnhttiu ttnct.
A II lUiiNAun ( Icncral Atrent ,
A Sure Cure Found at Lastl
No OnoNeml Suffer !
A Hutucuro lor Illlnil , HHUIHK | | | , Itihlnj ; and
Ulcerated I'lln.i liui litxin dlocovotfd liy Ir , Wll
Ham , ( an Indian remedy , ) tailed Dr. William' *
Indian Ointment. A HlnIo iiox liaj curml tlic
wnritclironlc cajteu of ZDor 30 J earn uUiidliin. No
ono noud autTor llvo mlnutm attor RpplylnK thin
wonderful itootlilntf mudlvlnu. Lotlonn , Inntri ) .
niont and cloctiiarlvH do inoro harm than jiool ,
WIIIUiii'n Ointment alworbi tlio tumors , allajn
the liitimaoltclilnif , ( liartlciilaaly at nlxlit after
KottltiK warm In Ixcl. ) acU OH apaultlco , nhi In-
itant and i lnluwi rcllof , and lanrvparod only for
I'llon. Itching til thu private | > arls , and for itotlt
\i\x \ clue ,
Head what thu lion J. 11 CcKnlierry of Clevo.
and n > a about Dr. William's Indian I'lU Olnt
mcnt : I have utcil wortu of Hloi ciirui , arnl It
aCordi mo p naniiro to nay that I have riovtr found
inythlru Mhli h K > ' until liinuodlate ami pvrina.
unit ri-lltl an Dr. William' * Indian Olntuujiit
Kornalii hyalldruKKliUi or mailed on rcc l | > tGl
( irlco , II. M ) .
HENRY Sc , CO. . Prop'r. . .
Kot ulo IV 0. F flnodmaii ,
1100 Farnham Street ,
fc'orvocl at ull Houre ,
M.I n. . .
DexterL.Tliomas&Bro ,
1ND ilti TUiKBilTIOK
TOXOB , Rout HOUHOB , Hto ,
' ' ' ' u"trt , Oxaha.
allat Ottc * , Itoon 8. t'relr'b'CD
> i Hit i i > ot.lM | > MI > < ' ' ! Dmt t %
i . * , ! MK'lotnkp wlmti irnrolliir In dllinr Hr <
i nj.i . . . . i MUI I'ruifiMi | f'ointi. .it tue WUJT , Hijftfj and
nn. , . ! v. , , Yi-r r i < * .pV Clt'P'i.iJ . \ \ . ' \ " ,
' ' > " I f.V lull O nH ( ( rOIUl(1C..Ilti' ( 'Uj ti < < ' ' 'AU O' J' ' n-.iw < IV
OvornliotltHiirlnrlpnl llno , nins meh wav ilnllr ( rum two to fourortnor "iwi iMi--n
IraUis It isllin iinlj iiuulrst oCCIili'.tKO IIM'.S llin
The Imperial Palace Dining Cars.
It ! tliiM'iiS iiviil Him runs I'lilliu ui hu'i'imiR t'ars Norlli or Nnrtliwril of Cfllo.-xKu . . -
ni'.nl\ , < > < > , l/l//v or imtn. It lorms t'io fnllmMiiK 'niuik Lines
"t'oii.tiMM'' , DCIIMT ( ' .ilifi'riil i I.IIK. " "Wliioiit.Mllini" ; < i > til&Yiitril : ; l > : itoti Mr *
"Mnitx 1 It \ . . Nor. Ni-lir.i ) ! ! i A. YinKliiii l.lno , " " ( 'lilt-aco. HI. I'uiil and Mlltlu-apolls l.lno
Nor. lllliii.i , rirrpiut M l > iilitiitin I Ino " " , . . ' .
| "Mlh\inki > i' tiri-i-n lliv& : l.ukn .Siipcrlor "t
Cn.iililits. lU'Kcli i T Him lire snkl by ull t'onpoil Ui'Ui'l Nji < lilS UI il'O ' ' ultdl Still'1- '
Iti'iiii'iiilii'Mn ask fiirTlPKi'tsM.t this road , liosiirotlii" ) ri-ail OUT li.ainl UinMtuiii * "
tUKVIX IIIUIIITT , Ccn'l MiiiaiorhlctKo ! ; ( ) 1' ' sn.NNKn : , li-ii'l I'osn , Jpnnt , 't '
I1AUU\ tilfl. Fli \KonC'.lfc N. ft lli\il iv ) , llth anil Ku hamiitroiilii ,
I ) . K. Kl .tll.X .1 Ainlitiuitl'lcliiit A imlO tN V Kkilvit > , Ul'ilvid ' i Mnlum . (
j HIM. , Had Wi-nto.AN iiuiw v p. it u iiop t-
HAMIC" ! i i I..MIU tlniiornl Atrcnl.
: IKA.WN < ;
The Oldest Wholesale and
in Omaha. Visitors can here IN 1IIK Wi : . T
General Agents for the
all novelties in SILVER
Finest and Best Pianos and
VER WAR-J. CLOCKS , Organs manufactured.
Rich and Stylish Jewelry , Our prices are as Low as
any Eastern Manufacturer
Lhe Latest , Most Artistic , and Dealer.
and Choicest Selections in Pianos and Organs soid
PRECIOUS STONES and for cash or installments at
Bottom Prices.
all descriptions of FINE A SPLENDID stock of
WATCHES at as Low Pri Steinway Pianos , Knabe
ces as is compatible with Piano ? , v'nsp ' & Son's Pi
honorable dealers. Call anos , auuouiicr 'nakes.
and see our Elegant New Also Glough & , Warren ,
Sterling Imperial Smith
, ,
Store Tower
, Building , American Organs , &c. Do
corner llth and Farnham not fail to before
see us pur- .
Streets chasinir.
Large Stock Always on Hand. tll > ut t ,
Practical Sausage Manufacturer ,
Ftimily orders attended to with despatch , and every
thing promised satisfactory. I invite a call at
No. 210 South Tenth Street.
1309 Farnham Street.
Clearing Sale !
.A. ' .L1
Is the place io Buy Bargains.
Look for the Red Ink Marks ,
LE ,
)0d ) U
, tevcne
CVCI19 &
nmnry ,
( tear of
lone and
precinct ,
Ith day
y , 188 * .
c or i ro-
ililUh the
ascot the
Dot to be
I Clerk.
GO ,
, Nebr *
i ft ring , and
H M B ,
[ EB.
( Per Day ,
Hunt ,
Hunt ,
I Hah.