Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1882, Image 1
THE OMAHA DAIL 7 ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA SATURDAY MORNING , FEBRUARY h 1882 103 'THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Vary Little Business Transacted in Congress , 'Tho Most Important Being a Bill to Reinstate au &rmy Officer. 'The President Will Appoint ExrSeorotnry Tzschuck and Val. Gets Loft. The Senate Not to be So Very Unanimous on the Beading Olork Proposition. .MitoBllnnoou * Notoi of n National Character- CONGRESS. nnl A ) octait.-il I'ronB. I'UOCKKUINIIS IN THK SKNATK. D. C. , February 10. Mr. Teller introduced a bill to give the wife and daughter of the late In dian Agent Meeker each a quarter section of public land on payment of land ollice fees. Mr. Maxey argued in favor of not only allowing the arrears of pensions net to stand , but also applying its provisions to suryivors of the Mexi can war. Mr. Windom offered a resolution directing the secretary of thu treasury to report to the senate the results of the commission appointed to investi gate thu existence of pluuro-pnou- inonia among cattle. Mr. Sherman reported favorably the bill authorizing the erection of a statue to Chief Justice Marshall. Mr. Beck argued that some limit should bo fixed in the business of granting pensions. Unfinished business was laid aside to allow Mr. Fryo to deliver a sot speech on the turitT , in which he argued protection was nectssary in this country for the encouragement of capital and protection of labor. Mr. Fryo spoke until ; i:30 : , p. in. Air Lapham introduced a bill to establish a United States mint at Now York. At 3:40 : the senate went into execu tive session , and at 4 p. m. adjourned until Monday. The senate in executive session confirmed Jolin G. Flynn , of Chicago , consul at Chemnitz. 1'KOCKKD OS IN THE HOUhK. The hous-j went into committee of thu whole on the private calendar and took up the bill to remove the disabil ities of Gen. S. T. Kirby , giving per- tni&sion to the president to appoint him captain in the regular army , and 'apuiit nearly the whole afternoon in s Ks"i'conBicJeitUu"n.- . -Kirby had been court martialod on charges of drunkenness and insulting the wife of an officer and the bill h for the re moval of disabilities imposed by the judgment of the court martial. The bill has been before congress several times. During its discussion in the house a message was received from the senate announcing the passage of the same bill. The bill was linally passed by a vote of 97 to C3 Mr. Smith (111. ( ) sent to tlio speaker's desk for publication in thu Record letters and documents from Paris , Franco , favoring the introduc tion into this country of a system of inoculation to prevent plouro pneumo nia and other diseases among cattle. Hills were presented to grant a charter to the Little Rock & Albu querque railway , to cross Indian reservations , and authorizing the purchase of the IMack Hills & Chey enne telegraph line for military use. A communication was received from the secretary of the treasury , giving the names of internal revenue employes killed and wounded in the service. The number killed , according - ing to the record , is 29 ; number wounded , 50. Adjourned until Monday. TZSCHUCK. / VALBNTINK GOT LKIT. 'National Aa odato < l I'rons. . WASHINGTON' , February 10. The president this morning agreed to ap point Bruno' Tzschuck , of Nebraska , consul at Ver.i Crux. Txschusk has boon supported lor this appointment by both Nobra ka senators , but was opposed by Representative Valentino , of that state , who stands here as rep resenting the stalwart element. The , president promised positively to ap point Tzschuck and the senators re gard this as an indication that he does not intend to iavor stalwarts more than others. CAPITAL NOTES. UISUKU.ANKOUS. K tlan&l AesocIatoJ I'reBB. WAHiiijioToN , February 10. Louis Gorsbaucr lias boon appointed store keeper for the Sixth district of Kentucky - tucky , T. M. Reed , Jr. , ganger for "Washington Territory , and Hamilton White , gaugcr anl storekeeper for the Fourth district of Maryland. A largo delegation from Dakota alled on the president this morning to pay their respects and present the claims of Dakota to bo admitted as a state. , . Representative Marsh , of Illinois , was before the bank and currency committee to-day to advocate Jus bill , which provides that legal tender notes shall bo liable to state taxation on equality with b'lld aml B'lvcr ' coi" during the time they continue redeemable - doomablo in coin by the treasury and no longer. Ho was assured under the existing law there was a practice of converting property into green backs just prior to an assessment , anil repurchasing after assessment , thus es caping taxation. He instances a case where property to the extent of 100- 000 had thus boon converted and re- purchased within a few days. The committee took no action. Thu house committee on postotlices to-day aareed to report the general bill declaring all public roads and highways postal routes. The house judiciary committee will on Monday report a general bill mak ing the date at which final judgments against the United States bear in- lerest , to bo from the date of notice I'iven the secretary ot the tress- nry of such judgment without re gard to whether the supreme court b has delivered nn opinion upon the same. The bill restores tlie law of 180K , which was changed by inadvert ence , the word "and" having been substituted for the word "or" Representative Smith , of Illinois , lately received a proposition from Paris , Franco , in reference to the in troduction of Pwtouror's method of inoculation of animals for the preven tion of such diseases as plonro-pneu inonia and hog cholera. Thu secre tary of the national board of health replies to inquiries made regarding this matter , that the process is public property and no person bus any right to claim it as personal. Those papers together with responses from the agricultural department , Mr. Smith had referred to thu committee un agriculture of the house for their in formation. } A bill was presented to thu com mittee to audit expenses attending thu illness and burial of President Uir- field by R. S. Jennings , inventor of tbo cooling apparatus so much talked about during the illness of the late president. ! Iho bill is for $5,000 for the use of the apparatus , andanitem- i/.ud bill of incidental expenses , amounting to a few hundred dollars. The sub-committee of the ways and means committee to consider the re funding rrsohitidn is to be composed of Messrs. KollyjIMeKinley , llubbell , Randall and Ciirljale. A caucus of republican senators was held immediately after executive ses sion to day , which decided to give a solid party vote in favor of Johnson , of Minnesota , for reading clerk of tlio senate , in case the democrats bring up tlio lesolution to elect Neil S. Hrown , late reading clerk of the hoime , to a like position in the senate. FLW republicans looked with favor on the democratic proposition. The attempt to raise money to rebuild build the Chiiatian church bore , which begun when Prosidt nt Garliuld was elected , luu been successful. Wink wilt begin at once as § 40,000 have boon raised. Another \igorous effort is making to increase tbo duty on malt. Guitcau has bought new clothes from the sale of Iis { uutogtaplis. llu says ho expects the court in b.uio to turn him out and hu wants to look re spectable. The president has obtained from Now York the nimes of those con nected with Sbophcrd'sPeruvian mil- way company and will cend them in soon. They may create bomo.sur- nriso. ' , . , . , , Wisconsin Legislature. National . \i-ociatud 1'ruiu. MADISON , Wis. , February 10. To day being the last day for the intro duction of new business , a perfect avalanche of bills were presented 51 in the senate and 300 in the assembly a largo proportion of which were dead heads and llio balance of minor importance. Each house he.d sessions this evening for the introduction of bills , and adjourned until Monday evening. Onu Ii i introduced in the assembly was to remove the capital to Milwaukee and to change the present Capitol building into an institution for chronic insane , and another hill making soduc ion of girls under 10 years of ago a felony , punished by from two to ton years' imprisonment in the penitentiary. 'ioiial'AiHottatud I'run . DKH MOIMS : , February 10.In the senate the session was devoted to per fecting the bill regulating the practice of dentistry. It provides that each dentist shall have certificates fiom the state boaid of examiners and some dental college. Thu bill will pass. In the bouse the committee re ported in favor of thu bill to protect railroad paaauugors from rowdyism entrains trains ; also to authorize the directors of independent school distticts to in sure school property. A roiolutii.n declaring tint railroad commissioner law a failuru and instructing the rail road cjinmittu to pn pare and repot t a bill for the repeal of the law and establishing a railroad tariff law , was on teat vote referred to the railroad committeo-rycas , 74 , nays , 21i. Cincinnati Art Museum. National Annutiutul I'ttfn. CINCINNATI , February 10Tho first collections for the now art museum were viewed by the public this even ing. During the opening exorcises C. W. West , who has already given § 150- 000 to the niusnum , made it another present of 8100,000 and handed this amount to the directors. A Very Remarkable Caie. National Aiioclattd I'rotR. WOOSTKU , O. , February 10. A remarkable - markablo case of somnambulism oc curred on iv train near this city , A girl ten years old got up from a seat , walked to the platform and fell be * tweon the cais. Tlio train was stopped as soon as possible and backed to the eceno of the accident , when the girl was found walking along * tin track , her olothus torn and the back of her head badly bruised. Her eyes were open , but she was asleep .tnd ut terly unconscious. A. O. U. W. National AtwocUUd 1'rvu GKIMH RAIMD.S , la. , February 10 , The grand lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen adjourned last nit'ht to meet in Davenport two years hence. The committee report in regard to the relief law which was adopted by a vote of 237 to 15. This action is virtually a secession of the order in Iowa from the supreme ledge and is a step of great importance. A VAtnriut Stnrvluu ; . National Amounted l'rfi. I'llitiADKM'iiiA , February 10. Mnj Gen. Rial Niles was found dying from starvation in this city to-day and his wife , worn out with constant watching and want nf firml , wns by Jiis side in an exhausted condition. Niles served with the Ninth and Tenth Indiana corps during the uiirnmlwna wounded at Laurel Hill , at Winchi'ster , at Pitts- burg Landing and at Chickannuiga. llu lost a fortune during the Chtcngo lire and afterwards followed the minis , try till hi * health failed in this city last November while on a visit , He was found by a member of the Grand Army of the Republic , weak trom un old wound in the left lung and fam ished with hunger , in a squalid room in West Philadelphia , attended by his wifo. Marino Intolllaenon. National 1'rcnH Association. NKW YOKK , February 10. Sailed Thu Acnpulco , for Aspinuall. Arrived Thu Dovoma from Glai- cow , the Egyptian Monarch from London , the France from Havre , the Adchoria from ( Jlascow. QUKKN.STOWN , February 10.--Sail ed The liritiinnic for New York. LtVKurooL , February 10. Arrived The Kevada from New York. ANTWKUI- Sailed On the IHh , the Partyn for Now York , Flrcn. Nutloi.M AiMuclntcil 1' LIMA , ( ) . , February 10.- The store of . ) . A. Slunimons Ar Co. , and thu postollico burned at Westminster. Loss , $0.000. VINOENNES , Ind. , February 10. Peter P. O'Noil's block burned yes terday. Loss , § 2,000. PHILADELPHIA , February 10. A lire to-night at the extensive cotton and woolen mills of SchotioldatManayunk .lamngiid tbo picking and drying do- pirtmcntto the e.xtont of § 30,000 , tully insured. It uas with consider able difficulty that tbo main building , which is six stories in height , was saved. HOHTOX , February 10. A lire broke out early to-night in thu basement of a six-stoiy granite building , 577 and 570 Washington street , occupied us a furnitiiiu anil upholstering house by Dee it Ilunnenell. Tbobiiildiiigcon- tained a large amount of valuable fur niture , mirrors and line goods , velvet and satin coverings , etc. The loss will probably exceed $1C,000 ; insur ance heavy. POUT JKHVIS , February 10.--Tho residence of U. Van Stoinburg in Goshen , v.dued at § 15,000 , was total ly destroyed by tire to-day. Fully covered by insurance. LOUISVII.LK , Februaiy 10. Uinch- tor's large chair factory and a heavy stock of cha'rs was burned to-day. Loss , § 20,000. No Extra Seisian. National Ansoclatud 1'r.Mi. Torr.KA , Kas , February 10. It in understood Gov. St. John has relin quished his purpose of calling an cx- tr.i session ot the legislature. As thu appoitionmont bill has not yet paiscd congress there will bo no necessity for an extra session. Hoj ; Moats in Minnesota. National Associated 1'renn. ST PAUL , February 10. The state ind local boards of health have for bidden thu sale of pork until after it ) inspection. The board baa examined i large quantity and found many spec imens titled with encyatod trichinae. Donth of the Oldest Mason. Nation .1 Afbociatuil 1'ruan CAI.PWKI.L , O. , February 10. Win. Miller , the oldest known Mason in the world , died yesterday , aged 0 ! ) . Obituary. National Atwoclatut 1'ruan. I'liibAiiKM'HiA , Februaiy 10..T. . H Mitchell , inanagmi : paitnur of .1. P. Lippincott & Co. , is dead. DunuyuK , la. , February 10 , Geo. Stephens , a prominent citi/.on , died last night , aged 30. Ho was secre tary und treasurer of the Norwegian Plow company. ComplaiiitNAgaiiiRt Labor. Nation ' AHtoilatrd I tuna OTTAWA , February 10. British Columbia newspapers arc making bitter - tor complaints against the dominion government fur not inserting a clanue in the Pacific railway contracts auainst the employment of Chinese labor Failed. National Annoclatoil Trim. CHICAGO , February 10. Frank Field t Co. , manufacturing confec tioner , failed this morning. Liabilities , 830,000. Paddy Ryan. National Axaociatod tutu CINCINNATI , February 10. Paddy Ryan arrived in this city at noon to day und is resting at a hotel. Ho leaves for the east to-night. Heavy Snow Storm. atioiml AosociaUil l-ruiu. ST , JOHN , N. 15. , February 10. A very heavy snow storm has prevailed vailed all day. Tlie snow is drifting badly und railroads are all blockaded. Boy SuHocutod National Anuoeiatuil I'rtBH. CHICAGO , February 10. A boy named Daniel Fitzgerald was asphyxi- cated to-day by foul coal gas in a largo Binuke stack being repaired at South Chicago. Several men were overcome , but recovered. Indication- National Awoclatcd Ffi . WAHIUNOTON , February 11. For the lower Missouri valley : Fair weather , variable winds , stationary or lower temperature. Hoc Cholera in IlllnoU. National AtaocUtuil Tret * . GENKKSKK , 111. , Februuyy 10. lion- ry At well has lost $600 worth of hogs by cholera , THE MISSING GASH BOOK. Whioli When Found Will Send Up the Kansas Oity Collector , Becau-o She Wouldn't Go Out with nim , A Ohicngonn Killed His Girl and Himself. The Alleged Bond Swindling of a Michigan Mayor Not aa Bad as Reported MlncnllnuootiR Now * Of Crhuim null Criminal * . . MIM'KI.1.AMEOUR WAHIUNOTON , February 10. A. M. Soltedo , although still living uiul hulf conscious , is in n hopeless condition and cannot live many hours. Iturton is comfortable ixiul not dangerously wounded. Chaik-8 Soltodo still iii inil. CINCINNATI , February JO. Mrs. Soltoldo , wife of tbo man shot in Washington , is a daughter of I Inn , Cloiniiiits , one of the must prominent r.iilroad clliciuls in tlio west , and sis- Lur of Hid. Clements , proprietor of Songress hall , Saratoga. The ther ' .a now in Florida. WAHIUNOTON , February 10.A. . C. soltodo wiiB arranged in tint policy court nt noon , charged with attempt : < > kill bis own brother , A. M. Soiet \o , und with assault on Olnieiico : on. llu was committedilo u\\ait the njurics of the wounded num. FUANKFOKT , Ky. , Fouriury 10 I'liis forum on Cupt. Jerry Leu , com mander of the nigtit watch , und Ohis. N'oonan had a street duel ! Five shots wore lired. Luo was liit twice and badly wounded in the Ibwor p.ut of the body. Noonan charges Lm with intimiioy with the lattcr'i Wife. Lima : JtiK'K , Ark. , Fobrii.uv' ) . - The Iron Mountain road jsstillhaving great trouble \ufh train wreckers , both north and south of this plaice. Last night a freight train was tlmiwn fiom the truck hut no lives lost ; It IB said that .lay Gould ami General Manager Hoxio huvo boon ttirooiied with personal violence in case they ul- Lempt to pass over the road. MAKihON , Ind. , February 10 - Nuwt. Ruson shot und killed A nun- du Ilartma.i in bis budroom at Wide- awaku , Ivy. Ituaon says ho thought she wan u burglar , Ho- was jailud without bail. ADRIAN , Mich , February 10This city is greatly excited over tlui dis- covury of a fraudulent inane of $80- )0'l ) ' worth of water bonda which have been fl'tittcd ' in Now York by Mayor Nuvin. The latter has left for parts unknown. NEW OHK , February 10. Post , T - ' " f Al ft A.\ * * \f * * ' Marvin it Co , of tliid city , nogo- ' Liatod $150,000 worth of the Adrian bonds. This linn say to-day that the money for the sale of the bonds is now on deposit with the Union Trust company , and the charges made Mayor Nuvin are denied. Not a dollar of the money has been with drawn , and if there m any irregularity lone of the purchasers can possibly .use. UBiooMiNUTOK , Ills. , Fobuary 10. A MID. linker , wife of a wolj known jusinoaa man of this city died last light from fright caused by u burglar ittempting to enter her house , she joing alone at the time. MiNNKAi'OLis , Minn. , February 10. Seven prisoners at the county jail : > roko out last night and escaped. GiLVfcHTo.v , Tex. , February 10. A Brownvillo dispatch says Uuivini Gai- tau was hanged here to-day in tlie presence of a mixed crowd of Ameri cans and Mexicans. He died gamu , llu murdered LuCoutreras ata Mex ican fandango last summer and waa a desperate diameter. CHICAGO , February 10. Goo. Rob iiiMon , an employe ot the Siiith | Ice company , had a lover's ( jnarrol with Ins sweetheart , Mary Baggan , at 1,357 Michigan avenuo. She refused to go out with him and he shot and killed her , and then committed sui cide in the residence where she was Wn.MiNfi'ioN , Del. , February 10. Evan Hiee , the cashier of the Wil mington and Hrundywyio National bank , under sentence of live years' impriHonjiiont for oinbexxlcmont amounting to $1)00,000 ) , who was par doned yesterday by the president , wan to-day released from prison. AUUUHTA , Ga. , February 10. A Winnsboro ( S. 0.dispatch ) says .Jeeno K. Harbor was hanged there to-day for the murder of Mack Perry laal August. A large crowd of colored people was in town to witness the Hanging. Harbor piayod and reac the bible most of the nijiht , llu dropped live feet and died easy. liLOOMimiTON , III. , February 10 , George Jackson , a null known farmer residing in Padua township , returned home last night in a state of intoxi cation and commenced a general iilwigo of his unoffending family. Two of bm step-sons were terribly stabbed am : his wife badly cut about the hands and arms. One son is living in a dan gerous condition and it ia impoastblo tor bun to'recovor. TOIIONTO , Out. , February 10. Judge Ostur to-day grunted the wri of habeas corpus in the Miller extra dition case , returnable on Tuesday. KANSAS Cm' , February 10. Judge White sent Kx-Collector ( ireenu t < jail to-day for failing to produce his cush book , and his two deputies wil be locked up to-morrow unless the book is forthcoming. There is scarce ) ; a doubt that the collector and hi deputies fonnnd a ring to defraud th tax-paycra , and it is confidently expected pected that one of the deputies n least will squeal and toll where the missing cash book is , and all abou the manner in which thu fraud WB ' carried out. When the cnah book ia 'omul thoio is hardly n doubt that it rill furnish ample evidence to vend ho whole gang to the sUto prison. RnUroiijl Muttom. s'Mlminl A < woclit ( < il I'rww. liritMONn , Vs. , February 10 Indgo Wellford to-tiny , in the circuit iourt , after a hearing of the case of ho Washington ifc Ohio railroad cam- uiiy , entered u decieo ordering a re- ale of the , but allowing the lirst uirchnsers twenty tliiya within which o comply > \ ith tbo contract of pur * base by paying the defaulted lirM laymont til $50,000 , with interest lioreon and coat ? . WiNNKi'Kti , Man. , February 10.-- ho Manitoba Southwestern in unction case was before the chief ustice to-day but was postponed until i'uenday to be argued before the full ) eneh of judges. George M. Cum- nings liat been elected permanent ecretary of the board of directors of his road. NKKNAII , Wis. , February 10.The ViRronain Central railroad company re m.iking preparationn to build an xtension to their system , The now nad is to run from this place direct Milwaukee , passing through Oshkosh , MI ml dn Lau and other important ointa. NKW YOUK , February 10. The taloment connecting Mr. W. U. Scott , ff Krie , lVnn ylvania , with n allei > ed echemo for sociiriug he ndoption by thu common tinned nl 1' Iplua of certain elu- ated raihoad plans in pronounced by lr. Scott a puie fa l > n cation. He ays he not only knou.s of no founda- ion for the story , but thai until be ead it in a newspaper bo was not \en aware that any elevated railroad viis piopoaod in I'luliidelphia. niOAdo , February 10. Recently lie tinnk lines agreed to return to lie old rates between Chicago and ' . intern points , and tickets from bore o New York were to bo raised. The ut faro , ? ' . ) U5 to § 17 , change could ml take ell'ect at once , because the n.'ul.s could not immediately reach all jentH. It w.mthori' fiire agreed that lie newly ostahlishui ) lavs should note ) o enforce. } against dm'aut agents un it Febiuary ITith , hui in Chicago he limit was fixed fit.- Monday , ' "ebruary ti. Tim soil ) eii nw their ppoitunity , anil bonglit np hundreds if tickets from western ng nts , dated .head , which they C'lii now sell at ; reatly reduced iiitus. During the last week the math to the east have icon carrying passengers virtually at ho old rates , and will have to do seer or some time to come at east , until the scalpers hayo xhaustod their supply of liuketri. 'hu immense success of ( he trick has larmed the mana''erH tit thu trunk ineaand they caused aluttertobu drawn ip by the u.iPBoneor agents , in which t is announced that the established atcs must take tilleut at once , and on ind after Sunday , Fnbiuary liJ , no ickets can be bought ot agents any- vhere for less than regular prices. Rouf Fell la. National AtiHOiluUiil l'rons. ST. JOHNS , N. II. , February 10. This morning the roof .if a ear shed in Lbe Inter-Colonial laihvay company's > ard here lull in with the weight of now un top of it , dumulmhing nine cars and doing a dam igi > of § 75,000. .tlonal . AiBOclatud I'ruH- . NKW YOKK , Febnrary 10. llrad- ntroet's reports 1511 failures in thu Jnited States during thu past week , i decrease of ! J5as compared with the ireceding week , and an increase of I ) ) vor the corresponding week last yer. . Although the failures are numuricilly ess , their importance was much greater , particularly among the cotton mil grain commifruon merchants. The Now England states had " 8 ; mid- lie , ! tl ; Hourhurn15 ; western , 15 ; Colifonna and the territories , ( i ; Jaiiadu and the piovinct's , 11. Dispatches from Norfolk , Va. , re ceived by Hradstrt'iit's to-day aiinounco the suspension of the Upshur Guano company. Liabilities large , which are nutty nearly covered by tlie assets R. H. AW. . I' . Miixey , general raders , Itrandon , Miss. , failed and sold their stock to their coinmissio.i norchants. Liabilities , t'bout $ > IO , 000. Extonnlvo OverUnuo oi' MiiiiitK Stook. National I'tmt PliiLAiiKM'iiiA , Februaiy 10 An v'xtuiiaivo itvurissiiu of stock of the Grand Union mining company , of this city , of which several thousand sharoa liuvo been daily handled in thu min ing exchange tor months past , was disclosed to-day. The authorized cap ital is 250,000 shares ot the par value of $10 , although thu present market value is about 0cents. . Long ago thu management of the company put an expert upon the books whowi trial balance has revealed the ovorinsuo of 118,000 sliaits during a period of eleven luontta. It appears the books wore never posted. An expert w nt to the ininu and will report to morrow that the mines ru valueless. Internal on a Urgu inert- gage indebtcdn 8& is overdue and un paid and to con tin no in oiistonci ) thu concern will have to find other ptop- orty and authorize a uow isituo ol stock own with the nbovo overimiu in order to i.buiin working iu : , i nt The comimy | is chartered undui UK law of Colorado and is supposed to own thu Grand Union , Munro , Madiion , Adams , W.ishitigton and GitvernoD Curtis claims in Cottonwool ! district , Uhalluo amnty , Colorado. Eiirly Oimnlnii of tlio Natloitnl A * Jilut > xJ I'rcmi. Duiitigui' , la. , February 10. All indications point to the early opening of navigation. The ice moves daily and threatens to go out of thu river , Tonuomou Bonili. Nktloni. ) Asooclkto'l I'IDW. NAHIIVH.I.K , Tonn. , February 10. The excitement concerning TuimetBeo bonds continued during the day and they linally dropped to C'2 , UNCLE TOM. Tlio Double tlenilnd Show Next Mon day uiul Tunsdixy. On Monday and Tuesday nights next , C. II. Smith's famous Undo Tom's Cabin company \\ill appear at Hoyd'a opera house , with t\\oTonnyn , : wo Marks , two donko s and tix iilood hounds. Thu Fall River ( Mass. ) News says : "A mammoth house- every seat , with the boxes full , and slanders all iround tlio walls greeted Manngcr C. H. Smith's mnmmoth double Un cle Tom's Cabin company last oven- ng. The entertainment was length ened some fifteen minutes with up- Clause. Probably the company is the .tost over playing the play in Fall river. So many now feat tires were introduced that the old play seuinod like new Air. Sam Lucai , the celebrated come- H > n , won repeated recalls in his scones. The Sherwood Sistew are little wonders , " and Hlaiicho as J'opsy No. 1 , Floienco as No. 2 , and Ijittlo Ronmino as Kvu are almost an intertainment in llumisolvcs. Tbo 'Double Minks" mudu any amujint f fun. and thu "Double Donkeys are beauties. The bloodhounds are UL'ly-lookiiig animals ind thu company on thu stage suemeil willing to lei them have all the room .hoy wanted. With the many attrac tions that Manager Smith has in bis company it ia o.ituly seen why houses e tilled to overflowing all along the road. The company would till the icacdomy ng.iin | next week " BOCCACCIO AT DOYD'S. Socontl Successful Nitflit of Mulin' * Uxcolleiit Opera Troupti. "Doccaccio" was thu bill for the boards it lloyd'n last evening , and attracted a ino attendaucu. The audience and he perfornianeo were both superior o the evening previous. Miss Harry , is "lioccaccio , " the novelist and poet , von fresh plaudits from her admirers if Thursday evening and made a de- ided bit in both singing ami acting. Mr. Cooper's tenor , too , was as line ind pleasant as of thu evening before ml lie appeared the " 1'iotro , prince > f I'alunno" to thu reality. All of thu other p.iris were hand somely sustained and great credit is lee to the admirable , singing of the chorus. The costumes were mo t elaborate ind beautiful. Several of I bo drrsses were as line , if not liner , than those ever resented on thu opera house Htago. The stage nettings were uspo- tally appropriate and in one act truly magnificent. To-night Gilbert and Sullivan's iroat ; luUhotio success "Patience" will bo presented "to a crowded housef ThjB'dfternodn will bo given a grand family maiihio * for which also nibats are rapidly HollirfB * " " flua ; 1' * ? * * PERJiONAL Iluh I'oHon , of Gallon , in In town , L. Croiiimu , of Ituil Oak , IH in thu city , ( Jeorgo C. Dnlo of Oakluiul , IH In tlio city. John Van lloin , of 1'olk couuly , in in thu city , ( iuo. Sutliviiiinil cani't up from Hliiir lust uvuiiln ' . 1 ! . W. Kichard-iiiii , of Lincoln , IN at thu W. K. While , of Hterlliu , In a KiieHl ate lliu C'luiriht'in. .T. liahliilt , of Mill.ird , an i veil in thu city ytxteriliiy. It. I ) . Downing , < > f OgilcD , arrived in tlm city yesterday. II. W , Kicliar.lson , of Lincoln , ii In thu city , vinithi fiiumU , C , II. Bcntt , of Moiiinoutli , la. , arrivuil u Omaha ymturduy. It. K , Stuvoii'im , nf Went Point , in u , 'iicat at thu Citnliulil , 1' . 8. liillhiKH and nifi < , of Lincnlii , ait lit UlU C'ttuilolll llOIIHU. ,1.V. . Ie Kilva ami I1) ) . U. Parni.iliiu , nl lUrlun , la. , ui > at tbo Cunliehl , K. K. Day and wife , of .South Itt-nd , rcilfttorcd yustenluy at the Crt'lidltnn , I' . A. CLirk IIHM rctiirnud fro mi Hiir- vuyinj , ' trip rm thu Oregon Short Lino. ( ! co , Ijjliman , of Uohiinbiix , . wan swmiij I In ) rt'KlnlriuH ut thu Wlthnull yuntcrday. G. Ij. Mubury and William L. VeaBy.iil Ctdar Uap'uVi , iireiit thu Cccl htou 1 louno Win , Lawrence. ' , a heavy jraiu ilnalcr ol Wyoming In thu city oainmtu I" Hcot land. Chat. W. ItUluip , of Utnver , luft for lunne Thiuwlay aftuniuituavlnlttofriuiidi In thla city. ( iviiirol Agunt lirowuln of. tin Amu I can I X | > IVHH Company , left 'I'liiir/iila ; with MH wife fur the ua-t. I * . W. Unborn anil U. M. Wllnoy ! , i , BUlr , arrived in this city y. nU-rdity line ro lnturml ut the Withuell. W. ILHtrickland , inan n ref Hiniirly' Citltfoinia thuatre , jfdiKed Uiiiiu li Ouialia tit-iUy on his way to Hun t'lanolxcu , Will WiHxIrntr , thu K' ' l h ) kiit | ; aiu ) uuial tntvulliiK aint ; of Mctcalf & a houru In OIH ! city ruturnoil duy from ati eAtuailcd ad Hiicrjuxnful buul > lima trip , Mr , ( Juoru ( Kly , nl New York ( Jlty , formerly nt lltiuluwitoii ; , N , Y , U in Onuilia fet u biluf vlult with hlx nuny frlumlH. Mr , 1'Uy UavuH to-morrow for Nlohriua , whuro hu will rumuin for a week or two to transact HOIIIU Important Inui. IICHH. llu paid TIIK Hi'.i : olliuu a viry ple uant utll thbi afternoon , Win. McUarliisy , H8 Lloyil Htrndt , Uuf- fulo , > < , Y. , full and Hiirulnud bin ankle , lliu employer , 11. AniWim , til Main Htieet , procured HOIIIU Thoinub' Kcluctrlc Oil , ami hu uuyn that a fuw applications eiiablod him to yo to work M usual. Ivf-eod FOREIGN AFFAIRS , The General News Flashed Over the Oablo Last Night , Olndatono'a Recent Remarks Conatruod into Siccoptauco of Home Rule. Qornmu Catholics DisBntiefled With the Proposals Regnrd- the Mny Laws. An Auatrinn General Retired for His Wholesale Butchery. Mlnonllnnmmi Now * From the Ea- rapona CapltnU. PAIIIH , February 10. The first test of strength in the senate since the election , resulted in the rejection of thu bill against visits anil expulsions from monasteries , by 157 to 101 , showing that thu Jules Simon party no longer have the casting vote on such questions. The nihilist , Savrotl" has been ex pelled from Franco for publishing an appeal , under his name , for help for the widows and families of nihilist martyrs. LONDON , February 11.Tim Ameri can ministers at Paris and Berlin are urging thu re-opening of the interna tional monetary conference. Hr.itUN , February 10. The Gor- iimnh , the ultramontane organ , of this city , declares that the Catholics are dinsntislied with the government proposals regarding the May laws , and that the ultramontanes will form an alliance with the liberals. LONDON , February 10.Stillman , correspondent of The London Times , telegraphs from Athens , contradicting the report of his murder. In ilin hoimu of commons to-day Mr. Childors , sectetary of slate for war , intimated that the government commission was conuidering the ques tion of the c.instruction of a channel tunnel , and stated that the last gov ernment appioved of the scheme. Conservative papers commenting on Mr. Gladstone's remarks yester day , admitting the necessity develop ing local self government in Ireland , construe them as foreshadowing a paitial acceptance of homo rule prin ciples VIIINKA , Fobruiry 10. Caikos , of the Ansti inn army , has been plan' d ' ! ) the retired list for oxecutm , . ' * S t' v'iiian insurgents. Thu government in I diiectud that only the loaders of thu insurrection , should bo executed ; . Three of the insurgents were hanged yesterday. A Narrow Eicnpe. National , terrible accident was Darblyfftvoidod' about 7 o'clock last ovoring by the- timely discovery of a rock weighing over a ton , which had broken loose and rolled down an embankment to- the truck of the Wilmington railway near Uirkboro , just before the arrival of a well filled p.icsongor train. The man who made the discovery run over milo through the snow , and thu ob- trnction wits removed by the train anils and pisseniers. The utloiml Amoilntnl I'rw Rii'HMoNK , Va. , February 10. The eiulj nster members of the general as- embly , in caucus hero to-night , rt > - olvod on next Tuesday night to rc- cind their action nominating Brown Mien for auditor in place of Masary , mil to take another vote on that anli- ect. Thin wan done on the assurance f some of ALi'-Hiiy'tf fiiends that if hu van not th'jn nominated , they would ireak the uxUting deadlock by hiip- iiiriint , ' the faiicus iiomiiuu. . Tlie- mucus also duebued in favor of the ) ill for twulve judicial circuits in- dead of eighteen , us now , and thu senate bill ulK > lisliing uhippint ; for > utty lurtcny , and for taking front 'udges and conferring on thogovornor- ho power to appoint co'liniiB.sionorsofr sale , court accounts , etc. Axxociaiuil Alan , February 10. A joint meeting of delegates of the fun- tary association anil nity eorporatiiut was held last evening to disuuas thu sanitary condition of the city , It _ is , imposed to spend at least half a mil- ion in sewerage next soaaon. A. reso- ution was unanimously udopbed to , h/i e/i'ect / that the sunau of the tnuut- ng was that an eminent sanitary en- ; iauer should be got to visit tlio city o devise a systei < of draining ; that M. Chosoboro , of New York , bo ro- incsitid to come , and failiug to BOCUCO uiu , some othar equally competent person be eeleciud to bo called in cim- suhfttion with the city eagineor. The Olrtoat UJHtttt Uahed BANKINK HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. Oaldwell , Hiimilton & Co , , wna u Kul o m Ineor. uank. . Uuirt In cuuiuiyusclil * ulijcci o atiit ihuck v.lin'-.u ; LoLw VtitlflcMta ol diMiOBlt wiu | vttblelti three , x aurl twtlio mo\illi , joirlrif h temt , or oa urctt tltltn * at uiarUct rciut ot luttutt. Iluy and neil 1'oUi , blltN ot usthkD | ; , uioiit , iiUtti , county PJiJ city bondB. Uruw liiiit Jr< * on En Uud , IteUni ) , ScoU t Umi , uil U | rt of Kuroim. ft Bell Kuropuau puia(0 tltliDtit COLLKOTIONBl'llOMlTLY UAUIL aa/ldl No hcud-acho or back-nche for - ' - ' " " " "Sk "WINE OF QARPUI.