Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1882, Page 8, Image 8
8 XJ1E OMAHA D. uLY BE * j PKBEUARf 10 1882 THE DAILY BEE Friday Morning , Fob 1O , Wnntlier Report- ( Th following nbflcrvntlniiB ro taken r the aino moment i/l time at nil the ntn tiona named , ) DiriRTHKNT , U. 8. 810 AL H RVir , ) OMAHA , Fchrtmy 0 , 18SJ. ( I'M p. m. ) I Hiver trozon. .Ai. Thtu wcntlier la cAlcuUtcd to mnl 'spring fever" cplilcmlc. The miprcmo court IH now In tlm sixt week uf hiildlng court. A new bur-filar proof vault In to 1 built in the Omaha National Dank. Tlio jiroiihcdle * of the werttlier pn pilots IIOAO nil come to nauglit. A party of six OreK'on Hlinrt Line stir veyorn cainu in fnin thu Wont \Vtdn' day , their work I clng coinplcteil. Ono C.IMC of drunk and dtm > rdorly 1 > fore .Jul ( , ' Hetieko yuHturdny , pntll $ and coitta. One plnln drunk $10. -Tho rest of thlx month will be pretl well Tilled up at HnydV opera homo li firnt-cUm cntcrtnlnmentH. - H'BI supply of ThurberH No. B , 0 fc ; 25 ccnti at Sclir ter & Hcclit'H , one due north of lioyd'H o era hou e. feH-fit SAI.K Mitlit thiiusand fuel of lun bcr , principilly fhuotln ( { . Kmiu re of . -f. I'ldlliln at WhltnoyV shoo Htorr , DoU | limt street. -Tlio water main on Karnntn ntrct burstcil , nl n pulnt oppoilto Dcwoy , MoncX Wcdnundny ovcnini ; , Hooding ev cril cellnrHand biuiomontH in the riclnltyf A nxlco ( street dame hud h r cloa worn off by n drunken culler Wodnenda < vcnliir ( , the d , c. thinking if wan hln coal It had $32 in theH ] | > cketH. Dr. A. , K irel has received hix appoint nient frluii ( iovurnor Xitnco n regintr.1 for tha Third iv.ird of thU city , the forme registrar , Mr , William II. lliloy , huvin Tlio auditor of public ; n counU IK ver busy with the immiiincu compiiiles. Kac < unipmy uuthoii7."d lo do husiii'iin in th sti'o lit reiuirt'd | to tiikc out their licotm thin montli , - IjMTUu tlie woit side of I 'if too nt str.ut , butWion DodK'u and Kartiiini , or o tlio iior.h tld of Karunm botweeii 15' and Dili ntr ctx , aHinull gold crucifix. Th tinder ui 1 be rowuidod by retuniing it t TIIK HKK olliuu. On evening next Smith' idoublt ) ' Uncle Tom's Cabin" troupe wil nppoir nt Bnyd'ri opera IIOIIKU ThiH in go il troupe , giving a novel entertainment th lending p.irts belli , double. They 1m v with thorn KUIUO clcgunt xconcry. TII report of t'.e denlh of ; i mnal pox patient at the pent I OUHU AVednesda an unintentional error occurred In de i ) . nating the victim OH from Met/'H brewer ) No caio of ciiiall pox Inn occurred union the oinployeH of that brewery. It la rumored thnl n prize fu ht hn been arranged hetwceii Harnuy Slmnuo and Patrick Ford to take place at nn cai ly d ty on one of the many Hitnd-hars u the river. A large amount of money ! 4 > takt < ' ] by the friemla of each , > \llttle I en-yi-ar-olJ duug' ter of M and Mm. J. T. Mulmitrom wiw burlc Wcdneidyin l'roi.pectlllcemotery. ) | Tl child was a n eoe.of Mrs. Frank Walter : and cime to ilii * country from Swede only ten montliM g"She died of lui fev. r. r.A young ludy in Council IHiitfrt clrc lateil tlio report thut BIO ! had recently b come poiHO od of a "legacy , " ' "a who Mtock'iu full , " and her beaux immediate became HO numerous that she wan c > i pelted to toll them the joke , She hi been vaccinated on mm of her lower llml -Tho dr.tmatio nrtitU of the Unit -TiithoHo library iiHcocIallon will produ "Nun , the ( lood fo nothltii ; , " on thouvo Ingi uf the Kith and 17th , at > hu rooms .the'HKiiociatton , The programme will al contain choice Detections of the vocal in imtiumental murlo. Three pruiile nclionorH went tlirmii this city yosteiduy morning in their wn westward , Thvyloamefroml'ottawattoii county , Iowa , and nro bound for tlio I'a fie cl > pe , Thu party comprised thirtt- pcrooiiM , among whom there wertt fo f-moti. They apuotred ti r.-llnh tlie pr < ipcct. f a two t hot wild mile ride. | -Tho Young IVoplo'ri Ai ocifttlou of t . Jnitli'ran Church will gtvo an oyxterBii JUT In the h ill li ; I < y tie's block n Karnn l tw en Hleventh and Twelfth , | tl ( Kridty ) evening from 0 till 9 , to whl theyjlinite the public , Thu cliargn I upp r will bo 25 cents. The proceeds i to bti devoted towards furnishing the n < church to he built on Btxtreth and Hi A couple of the women subpoened In the Kosteru ca < o with a ci pie of young men present at the cot houoe nn the name bmliiiiiwvhiled uw the time lu the witnesses .waiting roe Wed edity , while wiiltitig for their til with a game of cards , much t the dUgi of thone who xvitiifttsed the exhibition disregard for the coiniuoneHt decencies . their pjnitliiu. Neither the gravity of ( ciute nor the dignity of the court could s fice to make them decoroui , , The firm of O'llrlen k Mucau ) itwcr contract ore , luive , no learn throi their attorney , made arrtngHinenU to c pi etc the portion of the South Cm creek uew tr uarlyi In the spring. T vrilLeommtmco by the middle of Apr ! not , und would begin now but afraid of a ( quail. They utill have hundred working day * in which 'oflll tl > .co'ntr ct nod the Idea uf intcrftienco fi the City Council never occtirrud to th 'They claim that the contract { 4 vntii yralld and bludiog and tliej' prox | > i maintain their riglita und fill their obi iou to the letter. ItM dialed to-day by one who nugh lo know that Mr , Tom CalUn , propricto of the Urand Central , liiul been negotln ting for n leave of the Acivltmy of Musi for the coming yrnr , for which ho hm olfcrcd $2r < X ) , and that he woull put it I charge of Manager > lack Nugent to m only fur the legitimate drama. regular weekly meeting of th land league was htld at Kuony'sllall Wc ( ! ncrday , I'reBldcnt Orrty In the clialr. Th only important hunlneiis traniictol w.i the adoption of the report < > f the commll toe appointed at the la * I meeting to nc with ( .iinllar cominlttons from the K. M A. and the A. 0 , II. , for the tmrpono ( making arrangements for the cclebratin tha V2iid lint , at oucf , the nnnlvornary t tha birth of Washington , and of the dt claratlon of Irtih rlghtx , by Henry Cru1 tan. Tlio report of the oommltteo pn vldod f r a grand mas .nceting 6f the clti zcnviof Omaha , to Ira held in Kuony's Hal on the evening In question , to beaddrenw on the subject co umemoratpcl by the at ; nlvenary , by the Hon. M. V. Oannan , c Davenixut , Iowa. Uenidcn Mr , Ganna Hovnral other n { > eaker8 of ability will l > e o hand. M&RDI OR AS. _ T The Annual Grand Mosquorado of th Mnmnorchor Society , The Oinnhit Mmiiiiorcliur'H lit annual ball , which will tik : place Tuoflday ovointiK , Fobrunr , 21at , thu ovcuiiif , ' preceding the open iiiK of Mnrdi Gras week , pruiniauB t he the biguoat airair of the kind eve ivoii in thifl city. Itotli Turner nni Mot/'a hall will , bo thrown open nni an orchustrn stationed in each , th Munical Union und Trvinoa both buiiij engaged for the occasion. The fun will cominunco nt 0 o'clocl aharp , oponoil by Prof. Stoinlmuaor'i ( ( rand Mirnnur Olior iiiasfjlioradi inarch , writtun cnpucially for tlio occa sion and dedicated to the society b' the compoaur. In order to proinott the ninuHoiiiont of all who nttond , tin spuctatorn ns well aa inaskors , the com mittco has arranged the following etiigu prograiiunu : "Tho Hrunier Oitj MusieiaiiB , " by niumbcrs of the MIIMI nor-Chor ; return of the favorites ' 'Wiunor-Dftinon Orohoator , " intro ducing aokctioiiB from "Moaeotto,1 "Olivotto , " &o. , und yrand rjprosen tntion of the Turkish ravoillo. The grand spectacular drain , , "Around the World in Eighty Diyni ; in auvonteon acU , will bo given , tot lowed by "Happy and Unhapp3 Lovura , " and twosceiiCH from Amur icu'a favorite auininur resort , Lon ( Linincli , introducing nialo and butlieru. Tlio pantomiino "Don Katy.ebub , ' the famoua rut eater , devouring tL ) rata in MIX minutes , will bo followed by n grand ouriua of tableaux St. 1'etor's Ohurch at Homo , Ship at Sou , Autumn , Statuary ( .uiciuiit and mod ern ) , Robert thu Duvil , None but maakora will bo allowed in thu hull und nil the arrangement * and regulations go to muko up an evening full of fun , frolic und unjoy- IllUIlt. ACADEMY OP SACRED HEART Tbo Now und Splendid Cuthollo Kdu catlonal Institution to be HrocUxl. Among the projected oducationa institutions in Omaha none will b < the cauio of more pride to the citi and a greater CUUBO for congrutulatioi than the Academy of tlio Sacret Huart which ia to bo soon commence ! pn ft commanding aito in 1'urk place ' utwoeu Burt und Webster streets , 'ho ' plunu Imvo boon completed b ; 'ufrono ' & Mendelssohn , and uxhibi very graceful and generally impoa ig structure. Its coat will bo , entire bout § 100,000. The building mn orinl will bo principally brick witl tone trimmings. Attached to th nain structure will bo n handaoin liupul built in the sumo stylo. The si/a of thovholo wile o about 310 foot long by 81 feu ride , hirh ! , baaoinent , three floora am lunsurd roof. From the pouter ci he main building a tower will riao t height of 115 foot. The interim rrangcmentB of the building will b f the most convenient niituro an imny of the apartments will bo elal : irately finished. The contract for building the pot ion of this structure , which it is in ended to ereot immediately at u cos f 50,000 , was lot yesterday to Sinn C 1'iolcl , ttio well known coutractorf n their bid of $48,750. The con ruotoblimitua them to finish the # or : > y October lirat. Thu other part c .ho main building and thu chapel wi ! robubly bo added nuxt year. SaratoRu Notoa. The olovcnth regular mooting of tli lycuum Wodncsdap wan a very ii trusting onu. The rupert of the con mitteo appointed ut the hint tueotii ; to look up the troosuror , was of fury ludicioua nature , and produce contidorablo fun. On motion it wi irdored spread on the mintitua. The muaical programme was obp ilally lino. Miss Emma PurU-l at : Mr. Thornton gang a duet entitle "Beautiful Moonlight , " by requus and duota were also sung by Miss Alice llustin und Nottio Aumock , ai Miases Julia Ohristio and HI Aumock , all of which were well r coivod. Thu taritr question was debated length. Tlio question for debate at thu no : regular meeting is Resolved , That ti statesmanship of the present ia inf rior to thut of the past. " hi-adii disputants : allirmativo , Edwin I'd rick ; negative , A.V. . Mol'herson. Mrs. W H , Lawton entertains h Sunday school class this evening frti 7 to 10 , at "Lawton Placo. " CUCKOO ' Two . . Regulate Urat tie stomach , BOCO thu liver ; especially the first , BO us perform their functions perfectly , a will rcmovo at least iiinotoou-twon eths oi ull the ills that mankind heir to , in this or any other clinm Hop Bitters is the only thinjj tl will giyo perfectly healthy i tu actions in these two orguia. l < armor. A SAD CASE. A Woman Hulnod , Deserted nnd I Trouble. For some time pant TIIK Br.r. hr been in poanuaaion of the facts in moot shameful nnd outrageous cam involving a prominent citizen ( Omaha , who would not like to nco hi name in print in such n comicctioi especially just at present , ns ho is member of nno of the juries now i session ut thu district court. It appears that some months ago a intelligent , smart and prepossess ing young woman was workin at her trade on ono of our princip : alrueta , having rooms of lier own an ono or two uBaistants working for hoi She had been married , but we widowed and had one child , pretty little girl who was at mired there by all. At longt this man , who is credited with man similar acts , got acquainted with th woman , and In sonio manner led he astray , and it was not loim until sh found herself in n condition the nearly drove her crazy. The facts \vcro well concealed , how ever , and work wont on until on morning not a great many weeks ngc when the population of Omaha wn increased by ono. This wo wnero * ' " 'rouble began. The girl deserted nnd she sent fo her seducer , but lay through he aickneaa all day long without medico attundanco. Thun she was rcmovo to a room in a private houao in Sout Omaha wheru she was kept for a tim with a scanty supply of fuel and fee nnd with no assistance but that ot he little girl' , who was thus sudden ! awakened to the troubles of life. Th latter waa aont often , still goes oftc to the fellow who caused all the sul foring and shame but it is stated tha the allowance doled out from time t tinio has gradually diminished unt : now the object of it is on the verge c starvation and death , und thn littl iirl lias been 'transfotmud from model of nuatnuss und health to poorly clad , pinched faced little wu ! with no oiu to look niter her. If this woman , who so stunt tim agw was prospering , dies from tin man's neglect it would look little lew than murder , and murder will out Kindhearted persons have the case ii hand , but can do but little fo luck of thu n.uiuis which th woman's betrayer could eosil ; furnish. They fully intend , however over , to sue the woman righted , if i is possible to do so , and hope thut sh and her children will bo bolter pro vided for from now on , and that the ; will not bo forced to strong measures LAND LEAGUE. Tlio Orator Secured for tlioFDoubl Anniversary on February 22d. The land League held its rcgula weekly mooting last night at Kuony' hall and had a good attundanco c member ? . Several important item of business were disposed of. The league bos secured thu promis of Judge Gannan , of Daytnporl Iowa , to deliver the motion o February 22nd , the double annivei Bary of Washington's birth and Oral tan's famous bill of rights. Judg Oannun is n prominent attorney c Davenport and has been promiuentl identified with Irish affairs. lie wn a member of tlio Chicago convontio and chairman of the Irish dolcgatio to that body. It is expected thut the occasion wi bo ono of great interest. THE TREMONT TOUCHED. Put Cullun Robbed of Sovorul Valui bio Articles. Wednesday a couple ofprettyhai looking individuals wont to the Tn mont homo , corner of Sixteen ) street and Capital avenue , nnd regi terod , paying for ihuir lodging an breakfasts. They were assigned a room next t that of the clerk , Mr. Pat Callan , wl yoatordny , on opening up , contrai to hia usual custom , loft his door ui locked. The men , after eating the breakfasts , departed , and soon aft Mr. Callan went up to his room , who ho discovered that ho had boon robbt of n silver watch , revolver , gold rii and a new pair of boots , of the vali in ull of about $75. A search was made for the strange ind the proprietor of the Tremon " Ir. Tom Callan , found ono of the n Chicago street and toi lim in. Ho was searched und not ug found on him and as ho olaimi o bo un'iruly unacquainted with 1 ; companion of the night before ! was discharged. i'at Call an and an otlicer have go : > vor to the Blulfa to look for tether other individual who is supposed liuvo carried oil' the valuables. Tl thing of robbing boarding houses ai hotom is becoming too common , ai it nuuda an examplu madu of ono two to stop it. FX.EMMINO-DAV1S. Another Happy Couple Mated I Life. Thu residence of .Judyo J. H , Sail und wife , on Thirteenth street , IK DougJas , was thu scone of a joyc event Wednesday at i ) o'clock , I marriage of Mr. Henry Flommi and Mrs. Alice M. Davis , daughter the Hon. John H. Sahler , Mr. Flomming , who holds thu pc tion of chiuf clerk in the wholes drug homo of McMahon , Abort Co. , ia a young man if sterling hi ness qualification , whose pleasant i dress has won for him a host friends , wlnlo Mrs. Davis is a higl accomplished , intellectual and cstin ble young lady , aud has an extons circle of friends nd admirers , v will join TUB BKK in hearty congra lations and well wishri for the futur happiness of the bridegroom and bridi Owing to the illncsi ) of Judg Sahler , the wedding wa a very quic ono , only the family being present The ceremony was pirformud by Hov A. F. Shcrrill , after which nn elcgati supper wai served. Conspicuous tipoi the supper table WHS a au/.rb ; sot < i silver , prcsotUod to the bndo by he parents , consisting of a tea sot of fiv pieces , a mnsaivo castor , cake basket pickle stand , syrup , onu doze ; knives and fork * * , ono dozen ppootis laruc and aniall. The bride was handsomely attirci in a dn-gs of wine silk , with cluster of orange blocsoms at her throat air shimnu'rini ; in her hair , jewelry ( j old gold , and looked charming , THK NKW "LILY IlTNOE. " John II , Erck , the popular atov doultr nt Nua. 015 and 017 Nort ! Sixteenth street , 1ms a carload o splendid cook stoves and ranges o the road. Ho will have in n day o two u number of thu celebrated Lil French wrought iron ranges , a noi thing in Omaha , and which is destine' ' to bu f/tt / range of the future. WccLFri&Mon FER&ONAL W. II. n. Stoutof Lincoln , i. In th city. city.N. N. Small ? , of Fremont , Un K\ atth Creightnti. Mrx. Hill , of .Slum Oil ) , is in Omah on a viiit , K. K. llllto , of llfaliicc , Is n the Cnnfield. Frank Irclnnd and wife , of Nebrank City , are in town. J. A. Hocken icld , of Shenaudoah , la. it ) In OinMir. J. C. lil.ickburn , ol Kiemont , arrived i Uundia , yesterday. M. M. Teal , , of Lirruuie , is in Omnh on a hiixiness trip. . { . T. Martin , of Wyoming , aimed i : the city last evening. II Crawford , of Idah Territory , is gucttatthc Creighton. I. AI. Thayer , of Uraml Inland , nrrivei in the oity yeutenUy. W. T. Dockerill and Al. Wright , o lirockville , ure in the city. U. J. lie.-u.hly , of Lincoln , legintcred b the Witlin-11 yoitenluy. Mrs. JI. Johnsnp , of Headword , ar rived in Omaha yesterday. Tnonius WilliamH , of Grand Island , r rived in the city yesterday. II. li. Faulkner , of 1'lum Creek , w among the arrivals yeterday. J. A. I'ainc , K. W. D .yatid I.W. Day of Atlantic , 11. , are registered at the Can field. field.B. B. F. hidings , of the North l'l..tte , ar rived in the city last evening and it at tli Withnell. K. L. Kecd , of Weeping Water , ia ainoni the arrivals registered at the Withnel houho yenterday. J. U. liailey. of Ilermon , arrived i Omaha yesterday and registered at th Creighton house. Wm. Ohatterton , agent of the Uncl Tom's Cabin troupe , to be here nex week , is at the Canfield. A. D. Morao has m\do a prime .wnrkitiumdii's shoo which wo cull th "Bijah. " Smelting works , shop mei and ull out-door workmen will fini this shoo TIIK BOSS SIIOH. BUY ONI VAIU. BEMEMBER. WE HAVI MARKED DOWN OUR SHOES 25 TO 50o A PAIR AND SOME KIND ! 82.50. It will always pay you to g to the "bi " ono price shoo store Fourteenth and Farnarn. Farnarn.A. A. D. MOIISB. NEW OVERALL MANUFACTORY Mr. C. W. Cantield , an energoti mm ; business man. formerly of Illi ois , has taken the storu southeaa orner of 14th and Hurnoy atrootE nd will establish a now overall main : actory there iminodiatoly. None c ' 10 overalls will bo sold at retail , irge wholesale house in town wi ! audio all that the establishment cu urn out. Mr. Cantiuld will roquir 11 manufacturing to bo carried on rte to shoo , under his own suporvisiot lo advertised for fifty girls ycstprda nd will soon bu ready for bushiest Ml my winter goods are sold oul ly entire new spring goods Imv rrivud and all my departments ai ow fully supplied with now stock fell selected and assorted. I will visit every principal city i 10 Union in a few duya to solei > atteriH in Cloths for the Spring an unimor tmdo. ELGUTTER , The Mammoth Clothing House , 1001 FarnamSt. , cor. lOtl Ct'OAKS , DOLMAN'H , KTC. , AT COST. L. U. WILLIAMS & HONS1. Call at HIOKMAN'S and sou the : 'MoTiiKit HuiiiiAito" Collarotts th < TO the Inteat. fob'.UISt CI.OAKK , DOI.MANH , ETO. , AT L. B , WILLIAMS & SONS' . A largo line of LAUB Coi.uatui N n FIMIDH , just received ut H1C1 MAN'S , 11105 Farnham street. . Cull at UIOKMAN'S and sue the 'MoTHKH HuniiAhii" Collarutts th are thu latest. fcbd 3t CLOAKH , DOLMANS , KTO. , AT COST. L. B. WILLIAMS & SONS' . A largo line of LACK COLLAKKI ANI > FIHIIUH , just received at HIC MAN'S , ia05 Farnham street. febl-3t ! Call aT uT61aiTN7S and aeu tlu ' 'MoniEH HtiiniAui ) " Collaretta tli are the latest. fob'.3t ) CLOAKH. DOLMANS , HTIJ. , AT COST , L B. WILLIAMS & SONS' , A largo line of LACK COLLAVEI AND FIHHOS , just received ut U10 MAN'S , 1305 Firnham atroot. feb9-3l Saxe , the Droguut , is cloaing i hia stock of domestic cigura at cost the box to make room foxun , stock don't fail to got a I before they are all gone , feb7-ood5 MAHN MAKES A Al.kiil With Hit ) Dollgutful Comic Opoi Company nt Boyd's Last NJfebt. Whatever was the trouble , it surol waa not n lack of merit in thueplcndi opera company at Hoyd's last evcnin that there was not a crowded housi To unfatniliarily with the opera pn sonted and perhaps because of a dcnii of many of our music loving citizan to delay attendance until "Patience , the great eastern succeaa , should b produced on Saturday , the only mot orate attendance may bo attributed Whatever the audience lacked , hofl over , in numbura it made up in npprc elation nnd the opera of "Dunn Juanita , " aa well as the charmin Donna huraulf waa received with in : niunau enthusiasm. This work of Von Suppo's ' isn't b ; any moans the equal in music or 'fun uincss of Futiiiitav , because the chat actors are not put in as practical am matter of'fact light , and consequently the burlcaquonuss is not as apparen at all times. Still it is a success ant is also now for the weat , which ismuol in its favor. The presentation las evening was one of much merit ii many .senses. The individual vnice which could bo hiuhly commondei were limited to two , those uf Mia Flora Barry as "Donna Juauita"ant , Mr. I'orcy J. Cooper , as "Gaston Du fauru. " Miss Barry's voice is a beau tifully melodious contralto and shi has the happy faculty uf bjing able U sing without t-ll'ort which would tin her toward the cluBj uf an opor.i ii which she t.ilii-s so impoitinit : part. Mr. Cue ur IH a tunoi who must bo widely known ant famoua before his youi uf singing it public are many more. His voice n trush. flexible und decidedly clean cul and pleading. Although not as pow erful as it will become with addition al practice , u nas many ot thu requis ites which can win n splendid fume. Both Miss Barry and Mr. Coopoi nro excellent actors too , and the ladj especially ezcclt ) . Mias Barry's kissee are immuiiBO. She stands not upon the order of her kissing , but kisses al once and together. She ovidentlj likes to kiss and makes things livulj iu that direction for every ono whom she favors with her chaste , but decid edly delicious ( judgingtrom observa tion ) salutes. Tlio chief charm of the company ex- iata iu the choruses. In all is perfect harmony am' ' fine. timo. The presence of much chorus Hinging roliuycs tlu solo performances and is espesially do- lightlul to the audit-nee. Inhere an several well known cihguia ui tht troupe , aniotig whom niuy b moil- tioned Mr. Kllia , bi- , - > , am' Mdaara. Vincent , llogiii ilai-rj Dale. With such amain in a c-liurus well backed by many charmiiig-fumau voices , it isnot surpiidiiigtlmtMahn'E company , as a whole , U given sv front rank on the road. 7he conclusion of the- second KB- ln t evening waa heartily encored which received a cordial response. This evening this excellent company present another of Von Suppe's wal known operas , "Boccaccio. " Thes-ili of reserved seats for this pcrformanei has been good and it is probable tha the company will be greeted with i full house. To-morrow afternoon-am evening will bo presented the latoa andi reported greatest success of < (341 bert & Sullivan , "Pgtienoo.Th. . seatDr for these performances are takei in large numbers and both will-reoeiv a large attendance Saxo'a is the place to get Cigaro- 25 , 50 or 100 in a box , cheap. fob7."eod t THE CHINESE TERROR. Sttl&T A NEW KNTKIU'IUSK. Meaars. L. M. Boyer &Go. , for inorly of Washington , have leosed'th large rooms in the now Lyttlo build ing on Farnham street , andmre intra duainga decided novelty in the shir line. They cull it the "Clunoso Tur ror" because it defies all uilortH ofth Uhinuae luundry men , who are th hardest on shirts , to wear them- out The stays have no equal , being aiiiira possibility to either rip or break th garment , and will outwear any tw f the ordinary custom madeuliiri 'he firm , although just opunod.liav akon orders for fifty dozen oliirts , AUGE ORDER OK MACHINES. Mr. 0. W. Canlield , the ontorprii ig overalls manufacturer , cornop L-tt nd Barney streets , Jia ordered di vored immediately , olov n no Vheelor& Wilson No , 10 , nmnufai machines , of tlio agency in tit ] NEW This morning Messrs. li.ildwin , < Clark opened aidoudicliiiew IJilluvr I'arlorat 1OD ! ( Douglas stitor. It unqu stionably thu finest plicu i town. Everything now throughiu nnd soemiiii'ly no ex'tensn spared i fitting up the establishment Clmpi t Gore's goods only will steak tl bar. Mr. Clark fomnorly kept tl saloon on Thirteenth street , on tl site of the now Omaha National bai builking. fob-3twx\ GETTING POPULAR. Although ( ipi-nvd mil ) twuiiu il ago , tlie Opera M-mmi ( > V.itiiM ! > i < "to is rapidly gaini , , ' pupuijai'j ' by h prices and good gi . l'h tti > ck entirely now , ind s > | il i ic.ih atricily one prko "M-uki-.l tn plu figures" on OTI ny arncl . Oikll a examinu bef ( o IIIIIIIK c'svberti. ' . J. I1 LUM. , 21TS. IDthh e-t , Dmaha. J CLOAKS , Do LMANi , Mk ATCO- L. M WILLIAMS & SONS' . WANTKJ ) , I waaba few tVirough buaiiie'jB ' u iinmedUtoly , to tejiro.sent the i'jt eats oi'tho Hoiuo Life Association Burliuyton. 1-en I say biui'i men , 1'mean active , intelligent , nn To men of this kindl urn i udy make liberal arrangements , Ap with reference , either iu person letter , to J , S. MclNTYHKj.statoinn ger , Omaha , Neb. fo-4-5 Now goods to-day in Jowrl Spring styles nl UDHOLM & DISTRIO1' COUBT. ConcluBio'n rtho 2lafomor Homlclc Invostlgtttlon-Clvll Dusinosd. The grand jury conclndod the investigation vostigation of the Hummer limnicid caao yostcrdoy , but as jet lm\ made no report. They took up tl : caao of Henry Siort , charged wit evading the Sloctimb loir by flcllin liquor as the manager of the Dougla County Farmers' association. , number of prominent chizcns wh wont into the "rooms" of Hie nssocif tion and became members out of cu riosity , probi bly have uneapcctodl been called cut i testify. A civil civuu which has been hangin fire in courta for five year was tried nnd decided by jur yesterday. The cauao ia that o Burnett et al. ngainat John Iloatnk the Sarpy county miller , and wa brought to recover money on an in junction bond. The case has been ti the supreme court and come baok The plea of the defence was thn when the n\ain suit w.ia settled , a. has been heretofore done , the bom question was also settled. The jurj returned a verdict for the defence. A. Swartlander , Esq , appeared fo the planters , and Col , E. F. Smythi for the dofentlunt. eiDe Meyer's CATARRH CURE. The Only R-nown Real Core. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAN MONhY. \ TONEV TO LOAN Call at Law Otnce. xVJL L. Thomao Hooni S Crnlghton Block. TO LOAfi At 8 per centln . _ _ . tercat In euma of 92,500 anc upwards , for 3 to 6 yrart , on Oret-claes city anc ( arm property. UKMIS KRAI. KHTAT and LOAK AQKNCT. 16th and Demise St * . HELP WANTED. A carnage'Jlick'mlth , ( rood WANTED . Addreaj E. V. John , Cres ton , Iowa 120-15 \\7 ANTED-Two Kir's nt US North 20th St. bet. Cif-8 ami Chicago ; otro mm' bo oot rook. Apply at once. 125-10 * 25 ) 'ir.b at tl.-t- Chinese Turroi WANIKO Fat tor. , 1114 Fainhitm 8t. L. M llii-r&Co. 1 U ! ' AVTKUlly t tmiariISt , bomlTi ! mom fur nn , d wif < ? Hrhnti'in llj ) ir ferr d lliMit of n-Vr.-n e- < -jii L-it. .ildiu < i r-Uuliii ; tur.iH , S 11. ilii. ( illtiKi. IlU't' A competent' ' JHI-OIM ! irl It t WANTED i rh.ito family Vnyyiv , / t mir rv > strict. tl ) 9' \ \ ANTi < I > Dwtl'lnx houirj ( I loomn , within V > l ! J minutes of I' . t > , a > onir. Addre-w 31c. , i-o itlk-i : . 'Coi Mttutiou us l rj , l > y u joinij WANTED l-.Xx.Tienees | in i chiui.ild uiile-en try. ( ! o d ref re-ncos. Ail riss II. S. lei olilve ! l 0' TKD .irl ferRO liouiuuork. Ap WA ply t 1714liickhon. oatl A x'Oid nteidv , hey l > etwicii 1 ! WANTED yrarsoldt , woikJn.stor * , l.niiiln | at Dec cilice. lux 9 VX7 ANTED lly a uteadj man o > permaucn VV situation. I'udcratbmls tht- care o her ea. Oood rcfcronccs ff rtquircd. Ai Urea K , UKKQlllce. R3.Q' . ED A lew lucre ay. lioardern can bi WAN ultkifiret-claaitabloboan at * t.00 per week , 14US Capitol . . \ciiUfibet. lltl 41-0 Mils llOSa. Ctrl Imn cdatilji at 1708 Califor WANTED ; must bo itood took , -xaaher am lioncr. None other need apply. 34-tl rirst-class coon , ono wi o under WANTED meat cooklniras will an-iam ] ry ; noni bit first class need apply Also afood tioj a wa'jter. Apply at 11U5 Firnhaiu it 969-uud Funding fcri < eandchool Dona. WANTED Clark , bellevue. 26-tf 4 chlldrun ad b ardors In a dec WANTED , at IBth and C'ahfomia St. L. B LOOMIS 707-tf HOR RENT HOUBEtl AND LANL ) . "TTTilK It1NT To smttt family , furi.fahod cot Jf taire , CO.T . 18th ot . If watmJautorypaitj A'lilin lu rtscrii. one or two reuiua with boud , IJIOK'HBNT Kuruljija.i.oit ) 'r , BLX rooiiw L1 2219 California Ut. . : ! IjlOIl HKST FurnliihtdrooT , > tuitablo foi Jj hoiiHikbupini ; , JOrUiwcsiticornoii Itth and UMkSt lniUiro | f.S.i Smlth llth ) St. , UiltJ hou e north of Oiac . lST-t ! ( 7 < 0lt ItbNT Uarnc.t.071) ) n ili atnl California , ? lii < iuire rn preini uii C Ati\K T. Seaman' * ) * - 11S-10 KKNT-r-iitBished rusai , S , E. corncf litt 1 ; i nd Cae-i tit. 105-tl EOU IIKNT-TM nlco uuliimiUhed rooms lOlfi Chicago St. 110-9 FOH Ith.STv.ilcely fiuniE/iua lati ( tron room , iilt.vuit1 > Iqcitcki , , rith or uilliou joard. a. W. cj ; tr 15th Jiml Jones St 111-11 TIOH HE.NTMwlj j unlnhod roam Innulr . ' 1214 Jai-kiwu bt. U7-14 TViK KI.N'lL'ufurrjiliul lootna , 3 > W , Cor ; 1Mb und t .inarjj OO-iI ,10UHEN"r-KiriiUbJ iY 5iiiain4rablufrui ; ! . ' loom l' i fur ft' N. W norncr lltt nil I > oil U-4 H UJ U * lOlt KiT * l'urrl > Jlci ith or ithout b ar u1 a ( rout jooui , pJanvniy localcv1 on flrnt llooi t Ne. 315 N. ) itli'3U. in * < > idc , b t. Ua\cupoi nd Cble < v- Twi.4.1 ile-nie-1 o man I'll i ii referred. hiuUioii | intiul w , ( HJ-tf > ouso ol fjur rooms : month. Newly kn.1soinliied an apert-il.ltU.StMbubu t u IloMird nJ Jacks i 70-tf ilB.ST .S'jrnWicil rooa.g , Ie lrib i.i Foil tlcji , so > nh i , t c rn luth and D.i'oj t ti. 09tUI. I Oli l KM. Stow , 22x50uultablB , lor ] } M rt'i > lth , UUeen Volifornla and We t r.No. CU 73,3 V 1610 Howard Ftrc- W. M. ' .uthtnan , 7J ) tl , r OU tiXJiK Frchh iVpi io , aluonlci , fdo oiuttt at IVaVuGjoci ry itorf.cowii'r'len and Ual , I'tUMm * . liKNV-r'iiniUiiil liont room. N. F. Ci Mix and JjcUsoo. S2-II 1.1011 llhNT- Donovan placi1 , > oathtHil ol 13 Klrwt. Oniah , miltaulo for 'fititaMe ' ui il niaKO-Ml > isu u tlicbtcrii , A.tcr , it ; , uo ucUanil Ittm a Uarln onhanlabcut l li r po xI-- ! , kixruc aiiioim * ( jroo i uy a i-aiuntbUtlni < , A.e , iFor t. mm aiil con tion. fpfl ) atlh * LTcluhton lloiiwi. 42-ti l" OIl IIEN7 Nicely lutnuhm roeui to 1 I ; ulereiKK uxihaiiucd1(17 liouwd St. IJ10K UKNTriirni iej room. Imiulre II ' Jan i fcoj St as-tt 171011 Kr.MHooivut In jixvoitbloek , ITIOil IlENT-Koomiartlalh furniJied , Cap' , K a > enue , b t. 17th and ISth. toulh ldo. ( J7 OH ItENT T o acruol ground , ho\u i . birnot Cumini utrett. Knqultt ol 1 Kttre O'Ntlll , 16th and Howard. M tl T.10H HKNT How * ol eight looiua. Enqi J > J , Vblpptllo * , UUtt.JfUthBt , 077-1 SPBUIAL NOTICBS-DontlPUPd , 17\OR \ JlENf Feb. 1st , cxffin0dl , L Lrlck iwl- JL' tlcnce , corner 19th ami ramham SI * . Ap ply to Mrs E. A. Ittticr , TaboY , freaont Co , owa. U'hrcnctii iltiilrecl. IjlOll HENT One ol tlio best ttarci en "i ; St. . 2021 , bv January 1 , Ihii2. 820 Ithfc 1 1 mfliiiuuu IUUUK oi r iau\ X1 . K cor. Iflth anil Dodg. uueoiii. JMMI OR KEJfV-Mcily furnished rooirm with or E without k9 rd. llcwwnablo price * . 2CT " " > " fa * St. COR SALE -lhe r itatir nt , No. 410 10th Be. FOltSALF fixture ? . A coed bit tlncii ( slab- llxbcil , ncason lor Bclfir f pr pilctbr ol4ljcd ( to go tut. V. 1' . Jcnfen , OH the prclnlsiH. 12M1 * T710W SALE S3 lots In McCormlck's addition , ly to John M , Clarkf. PO ! ncntsouth' . west tetn tr DotiKlM and lltb&tn. 102-10' Splcni-ld black walnut counter EOIlttALK case , , i J nhehlnt ; , Also ( tore lor rent bt' $ oed location Kiuire on prem ises , KOUlneMtror , 10th and I.cnvenworth .SI 1030' _ SALE A flee family drMntr toaru ot FOR c8 w | h new t p buKW tnd harneM. iVIil exchange lor dty property. Enquire J. C. Elliott , coriitTlttband lrne > . HT-11 771011 8ALB-A < good gccoiul hand ntrvet Jj for cnlo , nt a. low durgiAn , \ > ) lr. JMUK * ' .ilnardg , 1100 Hntitan street. 74 tf. EOH SAI.K So'Jttkront hj the birrcl , . cheap ; or ( ral. 40c , at Durham Meat Market ; 13tb > at. , bet. , UouKlaa an 3 > l > edge 6 f 1 11 OU SALE Houmind full lot In Kood'lecn- ' . _ 'Ion. cheap. 1'nce , 12SO. Easy Xv ItCAOUE , Opp. post'cfflfe. Kit' ' neil SAIK-le t bui'UMif lorir7shlimV ivJ- Jf ditlon , 142 foot cast front by liO feet depth1. ' IcCAGUK , Opp pout , fBo . U tl' n nOK SALE 1 Biftcl stallion , CMo dile , 8 * II jcarsold , wchrhlni ; 18SO pound * . 1 Mack' itk.lion , 1 Norman i Jlorgan , S years old , wclirfr- * r-R.lSW ) pound ! ! , took llrs p cii lum at Nebraska * Mate Fair , 1881. 1 Hmtocky Jack , black , . weiprhlnff about 900 IKHindj , 4 years old , took lr t > premium at Nebra ka-8t lo Fair , 18hO and 881i Inquire of Chaa. Nrtter , Farmera llouw , CJI.V _ TOS-tf nOB SALE Oil UENT A\uioory atoro and L butihershop , doing a pood1 bu lnc > M. In- ] Ulr M this otllcu. 912-U fTTdif SALE U iflco counters antj 2 rth cr plated P sh'iw cases , at Oco. II. Vctetson'e , 804 South Oth at. 741-tf _ FOR SALK Orwlllexcha s forOtnoh pro perty , oti ImprOMd nee oii flnixl niltoln- ng a Bt tion on U. P. It. H. M. DURHAM , 1418 'arnhani St. , Omaha. 72USml FOR SALK Or trade for city' property , on ppan ot horses , harnc and Wilson. AdJrc i. Y. , thl offlcei _ 722 tl SALE A peed Bovon'ycar-old horse FOK tojdrlvo etnglo or' double. En ulro of Ocorgo CanHeld , Cauflold house. V novlMf _ _ lUCh KOrl CALts. B 203-tf KSTABROOK MISCELLANEOUS r'OW SALK T. Murraj. llO'-tf out lonril , nt 2011 Cais St. 1EJ-11 ! - rAHTNHl81Ill' A'ccntl mannd'wlle ' ( no L chlldr 11)1 ) Inv nt ; a comf rttlild Ifoinc o a\cn room" , spocioUH grcuiula , with B aMc , &c ( .circa to.M uuiiplti ith no chiUrtnioccnpy iou-.o w 1th them und dh Mo cxpensu Huforcnccv- i > jn und reiulrod. 1'artiicrdhip HH- 111 c. 122-lu- \ | . -IJ'VUVIIK I'llSTl'SIKS of MHv H6o. . \1 > m i' > n , fhi-upuiid ulc aiit. llth St. , be- wi-cn r.iiiiiiiiin uii.1 iljrncv , ncxtdour ta Lor- i.ion & Co. , iuotehnnt tailor' . 113-11 IANO AVIl'OAN Iniirnctlon lii" ini-i B C. 1'arli ti. . autht. . , uljw I'ltrji iti-tl ; ? \ li.MSIIi-'l ) OR U.NKtJKNISl in rocnw , . ' ai ptrtiol Viu cior nut , " ( tt'i w o i-orx uth anil C s * Stt 11 U * ' 0--T Ucd Morrcco leatliu' potkit , book , _ J cnntaing \ mm fl inonej , pip r , jv- ' ) k > -y. 'ludur 11 iui.ol > c liberal Vuwaul 1 > - luturn- U thu Hanio to thU otficv 13 Mo * 1'AUDKN ! rnmi--.ti.-d o co i i. cate QWKN or M-iid. lii aildru-d to hie naiy , GcnunLI'inHOtlniChlcai i , 1IU.- 97-9 A poukctbaok eotitjiininj ; 3-ratlro LObT ' to Dr MuioQcld Finder w-awe'cl' ' reward by aotnrnlhctno same to Dr.-Collman. 8IJ-0 _ TOIIN 15. SAUND"iilS : 1205 Fat ham St. . tl Auction a d d'onimi'n on. Scand. hand.l ijooda of all kuids bought and flol.l. Ca h ad vanced on rosin gnmentH. Krai eatnt .atul llre < Btoek a apocia ty , aidl ouUiilo naleii promptly attended to 779. SAUNUEllS 1205 Fomham St. , KciflstryiforrttiH al .ol real i-sUteand per sonal propcrt of aUktadi. We rdtcrl < o alM properly un'il'l ' no comril s roi charged. Men and uomen jnr.vant ol empl njotne should ) aliould ca'.ltot oncev 70-0. IcIiaSTtPBICH paid far all k'ldaiol iron. iuctr.1 ud rags , hy ) . CoHi isk/A Co. , 102 Jonglaa ! K | 4'-lra ' ' S. W. Cor * IDtliand Da7vnport t. 990-tl HUKNISHKD- "JTOIaKKNT In- r mix , 1619 Dodge- , trect. 9'18-tf V/TANJLttKMElK / > Of 8MAlI > . US1NE3B- > i.wuitcd by ozpeteiiOMd man .Small salary. ' . i > . M a.5mcl > y > _ 963. tf J 1 1 HITS Fontha mat , 30 daj-s , wa will , on the 5 rcc < lpt of fiVctj\cant , eci > d to any nildriM , . K tpaid , ono oi' our unlaundreu idiesj Shlrit. 'osltivilj icnly ? o Slirt ncnt to MB oddresj. BHtuTCO. . 'a. IIU UrjJlSIIEn.IlOOSBi-Wll.hl3threo blocia of J pwicfllue. IHru'ntttlE10 ( D d e. 926-tt UKNlSllED KOOtUJ KorBbwle gentlemen ; J WM-OIIO h-ont TOOUI with jiauo , Bouthn < > tt imhauJiGayllaA avcnuo. _ 8 tt-.f " " EMIS1 NEW CTtV W.APS. 10c , MonnTe" OhO. t' . HK'.IIS r > IN Oil , L ! o dttoi-nka * * i intini < . 3II18. 1) . K. WAHPNEH. reom l..JacoVa block. 642-tl pTKUIS' HKAlKrtTTE HOOM. See 1st pay * . ALKLI HAY An A. H. Saiidir'B H013 Ihrno ? 3d 8l9-tl BEMlb1 KEAI. ESTATE EXCHANGE. 8 In paee. KUE.HL M\OlOTKit ( MP PALMY8TEKV ANft CONDI TION AIJB7VSe' Tenth Street , between ftirnbaro nadllainay , W ill , with the aid ol Kuardian sviilte , cliloJo , If r any one a glanca at the pa l and prunoab , aw i on certain conditions In the lu ure. ISooto u d Bbnea made to trder. I'orfuol ---.ctlcn I B r utfnd ur2 .i > - Absolutely Pure. ThU powder net rt arid. Aminelo ( purity. itrenKtn and wholtMinenix" More DCOIK uilcal than iho nrdln\\ kind ) , a id cannot bo ( old In competition with ( he multitude of low twt , short , welitbt , alum or phoiiihite powder * Bald only in CHUB. BAKWO TOWDKR CO. . MewYotlu