Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1882, Image 5

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NEW VOBK , February tf.
Money closed fit 4J per cent.
KichiHige firm at 4 85@4 00.
Governments closed firm.
Currency 6V 1 28 bid
4'a coupons 1 181 "
4J' coupon * 1 llj "
fr continued . 1 O'JJ "
G' Continued 1 00.1 "
UAiino.M > no.siw.
Pacific rallro d bonds closed an follows ;
Unionists llGibld
Union Laud Grants 1 14 "
Union Sinking Fund . . .1U
Centrals 1 S@l.Ui
The stock market to-dny was onlj
moderately active , although tlio course o
prices was irregular , firm uuder tone prevailed
vailed , nnd market closed ttrontf t frac1
tion advance ovur yestc rday's closing ejuo
tatlonH. Tlie principal dealings were il
Erie , Lake rfborc , Now York Central
Western Union , Northern Pacific prefer
red , Northwestern , Denver & Hio GrauJo
Delaware. Lackawanna & Western , TOIIV
J'acitic , Minneapolis k St. Paul , C htri
1'acific , and Kansas \ Texas.
The following are the closing bids :
M P 103
M fcO : i.
at & K 121
NY C 131
Northwest' rn. . 135
prolerred 143
Nm.h. k \ . lint 83
Nor. k W pfd fit !
Nor. Pacific. . . . 34
Preferred. . . . 73
N YEiavated..l07
CHtL&NO. . 8U Ont&W 2G
D & K G 714 Ohio 31
D & H 10SJ O C 1
DL& W 1274 Omaha 30
Krio 3'Ji ' Preferred. . . . 100
Preferred . . . . 234 Ore Nav 133
C& 0 241 Uro Trans 73
1st pfd 3U Pull. Pal. Car..l3'J
id pfd 2l l PD&E 3i
Adams 147 PacMall 44
W. F 12lii Quicksilver 12
American i > 2. Preferred. . . . Gl
U. S 75i Reading. ' . 03
E & W S3 U 1 133
H&St J 'JGi Ilk P M
PreferreJ..108S U&l ) 243
Houston & Tex. 81 11V P ' 23" )
Homestuke 10 K&A . . .V.V.'i'ai
I. U 1304 II .button M Co 2
1B&W 4Gi St Paul 101) )
K&T 374 Preferred l'2'2
LS 11 D St P M & M. 111) )
L 1 514 Standard . . . . 17
L&N ! )4 4t )
L N & C 71 Preferred 67
Man.Beach. . 31 1st preferred U4
ManlixUmiKl. . 5(1 ( T D * : 13 . . . 1'J
Preferred 9li T P 1
M&C 74 Union Pacitic. US
Met. elevated. . 8'JS Wabash 3U
Michigan Ceu'l 8bS Prefoired. . 07
ML ic W. . . . 40J Western Union 81
CHICAGO. February 'J.
The demand for money was good , an
of a miscellaneous character , Imtthobank
were ready takers at G@7 per cent. p
Eastern echunngu between the cit
banku was firmer at-par.
The clearings of the associated bank
were S6,700COO.
Orders for currency were light.
_ i
Omaha "Wliolesalo Market-
Thursday Evening , FebntaryO. |
The only changes reported to-day nrei
the grain market. Wheat declined aligl.U ;
Corn and oata are a fraction lower tha
they were yesterday.
Local Grain Dealings.
WHKA.T. fash No. 2 , 1 10J ; cas
No. A , Die : rejected , G. > ic.
BAULKY. CoBh Mo. 2. 9lc ; No.
RYE. Cash , 75c.
'DHN. Cash No. 2 , 43Jc.
OATS. Oanh. 31 } o.
STUBET PJUUKS-Com , 45@5Q.out
HAY 00 00@0 60 per ton.
Provision * .
FLOUR Spring wheat , straight grad
fa 25@350 ; "Pioneer" California , $1 0
patent , $3 7rl 50 ; winter A'lieat utraig ]
grade S3 85 ® 23 ; patent , J4 50@5 00 ; gr
hani rye , $2 50 : Wheat , * 3 0(1 ( ; Quee
Bee. 84 iTi ; Jasper , $3 87 ; Big Siim
S3 50.
MILLSTUKKS Bran , per cwt. , liO
pertonIC.OO@17.00 ; .croeuinga , per cw
SOo ; short1) , per iwt 1. 00 ; oljopped fee <
psr cwt. 1 20 ; meal 'lolto'lyellow , 1 4' '
white. SI < iO.
° OTATOES Nebiaskac , a 10@1 20.
BWKBT POTATOES-ftonnino Miuc
iue,4 O5c per 11) ) .
WILD GEESE Out of market.
KGGS Ific.
BUTTER Choice , 2830c ; i oor , i
market ; fair , 18@2J ; creamery , 30@3.
APPLES Oood. Hound , very BOJT
at $5 00@Ti CO per bbl.
LEMONS Steady ; per box , ? 5 50
' 8 00.
MALLAG A (1UAPJ5S Per bbL,88 fi
iperhalf bblM&J.r)0.
BEESWAX Yellow , 20@22c.
ONIONS 1 aO@l 4H per Inwhel.
CRANBEUMES-Per 111. , 810 00
11 (0. (
CELERY Per doz. , G'i@B5c. '
1JRKSSEI ) GEESE-Per lb. , 9@lic.
OYSTERS 8olects.45c ; standards , 3.1
Qrocer * Lltt.
COFKEE.-Rlo , lair , 12JCJ Klo , goo
13je ; Uio , prime to choice , 14c ; Old am
J vn ; c ; Arbuok
TEAS. Gunpowder , good ,
Choice , C0@75c ; ItnpeciiJ. good , 49@4J
Choice , ( Ofe76c ; Young liyaon , K < v > d , 3C
fiOc ; choice , G5c@l 00 ; Japan Nat Let
85e ; Jajiav. choice , G0@76e : Oolonir , ijou
85 ® JO ; O.c'ong , cho. se , 40@55 ; BouoGon
ffooti. 'A'l&Kc ; choice. K&ATtc.
8UGAUS. Cut l < af. lOfc ; ( Jru li
K'v OranuLited , lOlc ; Powdered. 11)2
1 | ivvderod , lljc ; Standard Coffee .
6 ; Kew Yet k Uonfectioner'ii Standz
A. iljje ; (5ood A , ygc ; Prairie Extra i
SYRUPS.-Supar house , bbls. 45c : hi
bit , 47c ; kegH , 44 Ballon * , 2 10 ; chol
table uyrup , 42c ; hsffbbb , 44 c ; lu .82 1
80IM. D wight1 * ! ! pai er , WOO ; D
land do , 83 00 ; Church's , 83 00 ; Keg ted
© 44c.
STARCH. Pearl , 4Jc : Silver fllota ,
8jCj Corn Starch , 8j@9cj K sels ,
Oloss , 7c ; Corn. VJc.
BALT.-Dray loads , per Lbl , 2 10j Abi
ton , In eacka , 3 50 ; bbU dairy 60 , 6 , 2 4
bU dairy. 100 , 3 . 3G5.
DRIKD FHUITS-Choloe halve
peaches , new crop , 8Jcs Kvaporated Apple
lb hoxei , IScj Michigan , Sic ; Ke
York apples , Sjc ; Prunes , old , 6Jcj nev
7Jcj Cnrrants , OJ@8oj Blackberries , ne
OHKESE-FuH Cream , 14cj Pai
tiklm 11 Jc.
WOODENAVAKE-Two hoop p&ll
t 05 ; three hooi > palls , 2 20 ! No. 1 till
9 60j No , 2 tubs , , 8 60 ; No. 3 tube , 7 &
pioneer wwhbonrds , 1 85 Double Crwn ,
2 00 : Well bucket * , 3 25.
LEAD Bar , * 1 65.
SPICES. Pepper , 119 ; All-plco. 1'Jc ' ;
loves , 40c : Nutme ? , $ V Ov ) : 2.VCwwi ; ,
lnco 3100.
MATCHES Per caddie , DOc ; round
S7.lVi ! < iu ro
PROVISIONS bacon , 12U
hoice lanl , Hie ; dried be f , 13Jc ; ( hould-
r , ! > o ; hann. IHc ! bacon , sidco , lie.
NEW PICKLES Medium , In barrel * ,
10 00 : do in half bbls , 5 75 ; pinnll' , in bblit ,
2 00 do , in half bbh , 7 CO ; Kberklna , in
ibis , U 00 ; do , in half bbls. 7 50.
VINEGAR Pure apple extra , lib ;
iurc apple , 13c : PruoMiie nurn nntilo , ICc.
HOMINY Now , $ : > 50 per bbl.
UK ANS Medium , hand picked l 00
> crlm hel : na\y , $ . 00 ; calef navy , SI 00
KOPi : Slial , i Inch and larRcr , 8J@
; J inch , lOc.
SOAPS KIrk'H Savon Imperial , 330 ;
Kirk's Ratlnot. 3 IV ! Kirk's Mnndanl , 3 t > 5i
Kirk'rt wlilto Russian , 500 : KlrkV
Uutoc.1. 20'i : Kirk'n Prnirln Queen.
100 cakes ) , 3 10 : Kirk's magnolia , I 55 ®
' . JO.
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , Ifi 07 , 8 ,
fie ; boxes 40 lb . , 10 0 * . , Cm , ICc.
LYK American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 840 :
Western , 2 7o : North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis'
'ye , t GO ; Jewell lye , 275.
POTASH 1'cnmylvauia cans , 4 doz. ,
n case , 3 3T > ; Babbitt'H Ball , 2 doz. in case
00 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz In case , 1 50.
FIELD SEED Red clo\or. choice
new , § 15 00 per bushel ; mammoth clovet
now. 8700 ; white clover , now. 811 00
11 alfa clover , new , S12 50 ; nlsike , now
51HOO. Timothy , gocxl , new , ? 3 00
blue grass , extra clean , 81 50 ; blue grass
clean , $1 25 ; orchanl grass S2 50 : n-it top
: boicn , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri
BOc ; millet , German , 81 00 to 81 25
'Iiingarian , 80c.
HKDOBSKKW Osage orange , 1 to !
bushels , 35 00 ; osage orange , 10 busbeln o
over , $4 50 ; honey locust , per lb. , 35c ; pc
100 Ibs. . 823 00.
FI3 jU-Family white fish , 00 lb hf bbls
S3 75 ; So , 1 whlto fish , 90 lb hf bbls , 0 30
No. 1 white fish , in 10 lb kits , 1 00 ; famil ;
10 lb kits , 75c ; New Holland herring , pe
keg , 1 35 ; Russian sardincc , 75c : Colin"
bin river salmon , per lOOlbs , 8 00 ; George'
Bank codfish , Gc ; Gen. boneless codtish
9Jc ; boneless fish , njc.
MACKEREL Half bbls messmackcrel
100 Ibs , 812 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do
100 Ibs , 0 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 1X (
Ibs , 3 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 Hi kits , 2 25
No. 1 ex shore , 12 lb do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore
12 lb do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 lb do. 75c.
( Field's ) , per case , $4 00 ; do 1 lb ( Field's )
per case , 2 50 ; do 2 lb ( Standard ) , i > er case
3 70 ; do 1 lb ( standard ) , per case , 2 30 ; d <
2 lb.(8lack ( ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 lb ( slack )
per case , 200. Onions , 3 SO. Salmon , '
lb , per dozen , 1 G0@l 70 ; do21b , per dozoi
255. Sardines , small t'sh ' , imported , om
quarter boxes per box , 14ic ; American
quarter boxes i er box , He ; do half boxes
ferbox , 21Jc. Lobsters , 1 lb per dozen
80. Tomatoes , 230 ; do 3 lb pei
case , 330 ; Corn 2 lb ( Mountain
per case , 3 GO ; soaked corn , 2 10 ; d <
2 lb ( Yarmouth ) , per ca e , * S 6 1
string beans , per case , 2 23 ; Lima bean1
per case , 2 20. Succotash per case , 2 25
Peas , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice
per case , J 50. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case
iiSO ; strawberries , 2 Hi , per case , 2 7f )
raspberries , 2 lb , per case , 2 75(5)3 ( ) 00
Damsons , 2 tt > , per case , 2 45. Bartlet
pears per case , 3 Oo4 00. Whortleber
ries per case , 2 80. Egg plums , 2 lb pc
cise , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 Ib , per case , t fid
Green goges,2 lb per case , 3 f > 0 : do choice , '
lb per case,4 50. Pine Apples , 2 lb , per case
4 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 tb per case , 3 10
do 3 11 > , case , 0 00@G 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , pe
oase.38 5 ; do pie , 0 lb , j > er dozen , 3 50.
RICE Carolina , 8@84c ; Louidiana , 1-
fair , Gi@74
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten
nessee , 9c per lb ; fancy white , lOc per 11 :
ra-v white Virginia , rqw , lOc ; roasted
Dry Qoodi.
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; IVoot
FF , 8Jc ; BucVey * LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W
71c ; ChittenanL-o A , G c ; Ureat Falls Te.
8c ; Hoosicr , Gie ; Honest Width , 7Jc ; Ir
rtian Head A , Sjjc ; Indian Standard- /
83c ; Indian Oroliani d. w. , 8Jc ; Lawrenc
LL , 7c ; Jlystic Iliver , 71c ; Peciuat A , 8 (
Shawmut LL , 47c ; Utica C , SJc ; Wachui
ett B , Vic ; do A , 8Jc ; do E 48 , 12ic ; AVa
cott BB , 8Jc.
4-4 ; 7Ac ' ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argj'lo 4-4 , 7i <
Atlan'tio LL. GJc ; Badger Stat * X 4-4 , 7 (
BenuingtonC 4-lOJc ; Buckeye S. l-4Jftc (
Indian Orchard AA 9-8 , 8Jc ; Laconia (
3 ! > , SJc ; Lelrigh E 4-4 , ! IJc ; Ix > nsdalo 4-1
lOc : Pepperoll N 30 , 7c ; do O S2 , 7Jc ; do 1
30 , 73c ; do E 39 , 8Jc ; I'ocanset C t-J , 7 i
Wamsutta 6-4. 13c.
gin L 4-4 , McBlackntoneA A in perial 9i
do drt half bleached 1-4 , 9c ; Ccliot 4-4 , 8'
Fidelity 4-4 , 91cFrui ; of thiLoimi.ll ; d
can brio 4.4,13cdoWaterTwiHtlJcGref ; ( ) ;
FallsQ , lOia ; Indian Head shrunk 4-i,12 <
Lns'lale , 504c ; do cambric S7 , 13c ; Ne
York Mills , 13c ; Pctpiot A , lOc ; Pcppere
N G Twills , 12Jc ; Pocalmntui 4-J , 9Ji
Pocasspt 4-4l , 8Jc ; Utica , lie ; Wamautt
O X X , 13s.
DUCKS Unbleached Atlantic , 10 o
17c ; Baltimore do , IGc ; I/one Star , 8 oz
12c : Savxgc , 18c.
WuCICS ( Colored ) Alb fhy E browi
8c ; do C , > lra'i llsdo V.v , Btripes an
plaids , I2jc ; do XXX brown and dral
stripcH and plaids , 12 Jc ; Arlington fane ;
llc ! ; L'nmswick brown , SJc ; Chariot fane ;
12Jc ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall Riv !
brown , extra heavy , 11 fce ; Indiana .
brown , 13c ; Neponset A brown , 15o.
TICKINGS AmoHkeaf ? A 0 A 31
17Jc ; do XX blue 32 , IRJc ; Arrowanm
! ) Jo ; Claremont B B , 15Jc ; Coiiestoga e ;
lOJe ; do SS 12o ; Yeomau'H blue 2'J ,
IJKNIMS. Amoskcalc , Iilueand hrowi
IGJc ; Aiulover DD lilue , 15Ae ; Arlingtn
blue Scotch , ISJo ; Concord OOO , blue an
brown , 12Jc ; tin AAA , do do J3 } ; doXX :
do do 1 l c ; llayinaker'n blue und hrowi
9Jc ; MyBtio lilver DD stri | > e , IWc ; Pea
River , blue aud brown , 15Jc ; Uiicasvlll
blue and brown , l.'ijc ,
OAMURICa Barnard , file ; Bddystoi
lining , 2J inch double face , 8\c ; Garner .
glazed , 5c , Manhattan glove iinish , 5 }
Newport do glazeii , 5Jc ; Paquot c :
5c' I/iikwowt ; laid linisli , Gc.
SIT ; JEANS-Amory , ficjAndro
natteen ,
toga mitteens , 7fc ; Hallowoll , 8u ; Xudin
OroJiard iinriv ] ) U , 7Jc ; Narrag&usctt , 7J
Penc > erill Hattwn 9in ; Rockport , 7o
PRINTSAllans , GJcj American , G4
Arnnld , 7c ; Berwick , 4 o ; Cochooo , 7 <
Conet-.toga. ( ijo ; Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Dunne )
GJ@7o ; KMy imvt 7c ; Glouc < > j t r , C. .
Harmony , fJc ; Kiuckerbocker , ( JJe ; Me
rlinacll ) , 7c ; My > > tia , Hjc ; Hprat'uen , G
Southb-ldge , Gc ; ilo. Ginghams , 7c ; Mar
bore , 5fc : Oriental CJc.
GINiHAMS-Auif ( keajj , lOJp ; Amo
ke % < ; dreas 12) ) . Aricyle , lOJc ; Atluntii
9c ; Ouicberland , 7 : ; Highland , Rk <
Kcnilwo/th , 8Jc ; Plun kett , 10 o ; 8u
ex. 8c.
COTTONADES Ahberville Uti (
Agnte 20c ; American , He ; Artiuiitn , 'M
Cairo D aad T , 13Jc ; Clurion D and 'I
17ic ; Deccac Co.ntripeH DandT , IGc ; Ke ;
tone , 13Jc ; Nantucket. 19c ; Nonparel
ICc ; Ocean D and T , 13jc ; Royal , 16 } <
Buwtei : , 12c ; Tioga. 12jc ; Wachusett shin
hi ? Jbwks , 12 3 ; do , Nfcnkin , 12ic ; Yorl
plain Nankin , L2 c ; do.checlu , xtripeii an
fancy , I2jc ; do , 8 oz , 20c.
York uillUOS , 3r c ; do 78 , 30c ; Jo 58 , 22Ji
Pcmbroko 10-1 , 25c ; Peouot 10-4 , 280 ; ci
7-4 , lOc ; do 49 , IGc ; Pepicrell W , 29 ,
do G7. 2lc ; do 57 , 18c ; Utica 90 , X5c ; d
r22Jc ; Uo48 , 17o
Olgart and Tobaccos ,
OIGAR8.-BoedB.815.00 ; Connectlcu
425.00 ; Mixe.1 , $35.00 ; Seed Havanj
50.00 ; Clearliavana , 878.00.
TOBACCO-PLUG. Golden Rul ,
24 Ib , GOc ; Spotted Fawn , Olcj Our Ron ,
fine quality , G2c ; Btar , pound * , i
lb , butts , GOc ; Horse Bhoe , pound
24 lb , butU , GOc ; Gilt Kdgi
ix > und % 24 lb , butU , GO ; Anuy Mid Navy ,
txjunda , Wic } Bullion , jximuls , OOo ; I/jrll
lAul's Climnx , twunds , Olc.
FINK CUT In imlls. Hani to Beat ,
75c ; Golden Thrcml , 70c ; Fountnin , 80c ;
Favorite , We ; Rocky Mountain , GOc )
Fancy , Me ; Daisy , 50c. In tin foil
Cntlins O. S. , 5 lb boxes , per lb G5c ; lAirv
lllanl's Tiger , G.V ; Dlnmonil Cmwn , Ma.
SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to
S3c. Granulatpd Black wells Durham , It ?
ozfilc ; Dukes Durham , 10 nt , 50c ; Seal of
North Carolina , -10 or , 46 ; Seal of Nebras.
ka , 10 o ? . SSc ; Jrfinnilack , t or , linen bags
iwr lb , 81.33 ; Mnrlmrgs' Puck , 2 or , tin
loll , 55c ; Don Tail. I55c.
Pntnts Oils and Vornlthoi.
PAINTS IN OIL White- lend , Onmbn
P. P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. & C. Co.pure ,
0- : Marseilles green , I to ft lb cans , 'JOc ;
French zinc , gi ; ° n seal. 12c ; French rinc ,
red seal , lie ; French fine , in MWIIIMI asst ,
LXte ! French rlnce , in oil nsst , 15c ; Raw
anil burnt umber , 1 lb cans 12c : raw and
burnt Sienna , 13c- vandyke brown , 13. ;
fctineil lampblack , 12c ; coach black , l''c ;
l < ory black , IGc ; drop blaek , IGc ; Prusilnii
blue , 30c ; ultramarine , blue , 18c : chrome
green , L. M. & D. , lie ; blind and shutter
.rrccn , L. M. * D. , 14c : 1'arls grtvn , I8c |
Indiiin red , 15c : Venetian red , ! > c ; Tuscan
Ut , 22c ; American Vermllliul , I. A P. , I8c |
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. .t D. ( ) . , IScj
vellow iwhre , i > c ; golden ochre , 10 ; patent
"irycr , Gc ; graining colors ! Ifcht oak. dark
.me , walnut , chestnut nnd ash 12o
Dry ° nlnt
White lend , Oic ; Krcncli rinc. lOc ; Parit
whitcing 2Jc ; whiting gilders , IJt ;
vliltliif coml , lie ; lampblnck German-
iown , 14c ; lampblack , imllnary , 8c ; Prus
sian blue , 45c ; iiUrainariiio , 18c ; vandyli.e ,
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw ,
lc ; icnim , burn t , 4c ; BJonua , raw , lo
Paris green genuine , 35u ; Paris green coin'1
J5c ; cnromo green , N. Y. ' 20o ; chroin-
green K. , 12ccmiilllon ; , 1'iig. , 70c ; vermillion -
million , America , 18c ; Indian red , 10c ,
rose pink , Heenotian ; rend , CooksouV
' ' c : Venetian red Am. , lijo ; red lead , 74c !
cliromo yellow , genuine , 20e ; chrome yel
low , K. , 12c ; ochre , roehelle , 3e ; oi-nre ,
French , 2jc ; ochre , American , IJcj
Winter's mineral. 2Jc ; lehigb brown. 2Jo :
Biianish brown. 2nc ; Prince's mineral 3c ;
VARNISHES-Barrols per gallon.
Furniture , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
SI ; furniture , U , 85c ; coach , extra , SI 40 ;
Coach , No. 1 , 51 20 ; Danmr , $1 50 ; Japan.
70c ; asphaltum , 70c ; shellac , $3 50 ; banl
oil fiiiisb. $1 30
OILS 110' carbon , per gallon , 11 Jc ; 150'
headlight , per gallon , 12Jc ; 175' headlight ,
per gallon , IGc ; crystoline , i > cr gallon , 20c ;
linseed , raw , per gallon , GG ; linseed , boiled ,
> er gallon , GSc ; Inrd , winter st M , per gal-
on. 1 0. ) ; No. 1 , 80c ; No. 2 , G5c ; cnstor ,
XXX. ppr gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 1 15 ; sweet ,
[ ier gallon , 85c ; uperin , W. B. , per gallon ,
1 35 ; fish , \V. 15. per gallon , GOc ; nent foot ,
extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , G5c ; lubri
cating , 7ero , per gallon , 30c ; summer , 15c ;
kro den machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; J * < o.
2 , S0 _ ; sperm , signal , per gallon , 80c ; tcr-
iicntme , per gallon , Olc ; naptha , 7 1 , per
allen , 30c ; Of , SOo.
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , rates , $3 50 ; plow steel , cast , 7&r ;
cast tool do , 15@20 wagon spokes , set ,
2 2o@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 1 25 ; felloes , sawed
: lry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles ,
uach , 75c ; .square nuts , per lb , 7@llc ;
wiishern , per 11) , R@18c ; rivets , per lb , He ;
coil chain , per lb , G@12c ; malleable , 8c
ron \vedges , Gc ; crowbars , Gc ; ban on
teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring
steel. 7(5)8c. ( )
NAILS-10 to 20il. 3 GO ; 8 to 10 , 3 75
I5d , I 00 ; 4d. 4 2. > ; 3il , common , 5 00 : 3d ,
finr , d 50 ; clinch , all sizes , 5 25 ; Gd , casing.
1 75 ; 8d casing , 1 5 ' ; lOd casing , J 25 ; KK :
finish , 4 75 ; 8d finish , 5 00 ; Gd finish , G 25
half kegs , lOc extra.
SHOT. Shot , $1.8. ) ; Buck shot , 82.10
Oriental Powder , kegs , SG.40 ; do. , hal !
kegs , $3.48 ; ilo. , quarter kegs , 81.88 ; Blast
if , kotrs. 83.35 : Fuse , ner 100 feet 50c.
Horses and Mules.
Tlio market is brisk and all grades an
selling well at it slight advance in pi ices
The demand for good horses exceeds tin
Bupply considerably. Prices range an fol
lows : ,
Fine single drivers , $150. to 300. ; Extri
draft horses , $175. to 225. ; Common drai
horses , S100. to 150. ; Extra farm horses
SHO. to 125. ; Common to g < xnl farm horses
890. to $100. ; Extra plugs , 8GO. to 75.
Common plugH , $20. to $40.
MULES. 15 to 15J hand" ( extra ) , 12i !
to 150. ; U * to 15 hands. $100. to 140.
14 to 14J liands , 875. to 100. ; 134 to 1
hands. SOO. to 75
ALCOHOL 187 prwjf , 225 per win <
gallon ; extra California npiritu , 187 proof
1 30 | er proof gallon ; triple refined spirits
187 proof ; 124 per proof gallon ; ro-distillei
\Hski-es , 1 00@1 5U ; fine blended , l.r > 0c (
2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@7 00 ; K-n
tuckv nnd Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00
BRANDIES Imported , SG 00@1G ( ) G
domeiiic 1 40@4 00.
GINS Is ported , 4 60@G 00 ; doniestlt
1 40&i.M ( (10. (
RUMS Imported , 4 50@G 00 ; Nev
Enzlmid. 2 00r 5l 00 ; domestic. 1 F > 0@3 51
1 7-1i ( 1 1 00.
CHAMPAGNES Itr.ortod ] per case
2G03@m LA 3t\y i , case , 1200(5 (
CLARETS Per case , 4 50@1G 00.
WINES Rhine wine , per case , C 00 ( $
20 00 ; Catawba , per case , 4 00@7 00.
FENCING No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , $2200
No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 21 00 ; sheeting dressed
No. 1 , 18 00 ; No. 2 , 1G 00 ; common hnnrdx
dremed. 20 00.
FRAMING 10 ft. and under , per M
21 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 OC
21 ft. 25 00.
FINISHING No. 1. finish li , 14 an
2 mob , S50 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch $45 ( X
No. 2 , finish li , 14 and 2 Inch , $4500 : N (
2 fiidnh , 1 inch , $40 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 in.l :
$3500 ; O. G. battoiis pei jOO foot liu
3100 ; well curbing , $2200 ; rough 4 and
inch battens per 100 f-cut lir * . . 50c.
STOCK BOARDS A stock , S 0 00 ;
$35 00 ; C , S.'tO 00 ; ciKumon stock , $22 f > (
FLOORING No. 1 , 8 10 00 ; No , ' .
$35 00 ; No , 3 , 822 00 ; yellow pine , No. 1
SIDING No 1 , SE4 00 ; No. 2 , ? 22 < X
No. 3. ? 18 00.
SHIP LAP Plain , $22 00 ; O. G. No. 1
$3200 ; No. 2,82200.
OKILING 821 00ffi 37 00.
uhlngleii. t& 85 , No. 2 , $2 50 ; No. 3 , 82 ( X
Lath , t M ) . ,
Bulldlrg MMorlal.
LIME Per barrel , 81 3 ! > ; bulk perhu ,
35c. Cetnent , 1)1)1 ) , $2 50. Iowa plastci
bbl , * 2 50. Hair per bu. 35c. Tun *
felt 100 KM , $3 GO. Straw board. $4 CO
PAPER Straw paper , 8Sc ; rag pajtei
4c ; dry g < o < is paper , 7c ; iiiaiilla paper , 10t
news paper. 8c
COAlv Oimberlaml blacksmith , 11
Morris Rim JiloHsburg , $12 ; Whitobrcat
lump , $ G W ; Whltebreatit nut. ? G f 0 ; low
lump , $ < S M : I wa nut SO 50 ; Rock Springi
? 8 ; Anthracite , all nize . 81200@12 50.
Carbolic , SOu ; Acid , Tartaric , Mo ; Balsat
Copahia , per Ib , 75c ; Bark , HuomfraH , IK :
IU , 12c ; CaliHiml. per Ib , 75c ; Cinchonidlt
per o$100 ; Chloroform , per lb. IOC
l.Kjver'd jew < lers , i > er Ib , 81 40 ; Epsor
salts , per lb. 3i ; Glycerine , pure , per It
45e ; Ixjail , ActUte , per Ib , 21c
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per , { al , " 1 3.r
Oil , Cantor , No. 3 , per gal , 8125 ; Oil
Olive , per gal , $1 f.O ; Oil , Origanum , fXJ
Opiiuji1 , 50 ; quinine P , i W. It It. & S
\ > er oz , $2 IX ) ; Potassium , Iodide , | * r II
$250 ; tialacm , jwr oiOc : Hulphale c
Morphine , per oz. 83 81 ; Sulphur Hum
per lb , < tc ; Strvchnine. tier oz. 81 TA
Merino unwashed , light , 14@lGc ; heavy
13@15c ; locdium unwuthed , % ht.l820 <
tul > wanhuJ , choice , 32o : fair , ! t6c ; ding
and w. , 28e ; burry , black and rotted wool
Hides Furs , Etc.
HID F.B Green butcher' * hlde.Tcjgree ;
cured hldeo , Be ; green Bait , part curt
hides , 7@7jc ; dry flint. Bound , 13@14c ; dr
calf and kip , 12@13c ; dry Halt hides , sound
ll@12c ; green calf , to 16 Iba. . 10@llc
green calf , wt. under 8 It * , per kln , tjfk
Kreen peltn , 81 00@1 15 ; green lamb kia *
1 10@l8.ti damaged hides , t\ro-thlrtl rate ,
ut scored and ono grub , classed i\\n-
GOc ; No. 2 , 2T > c. Skunk , No. 1 , Mack ,
G5cji < hort stripe , 4fV' narrow strl | > o 'if c |
broad trl | > c , lOc. Tallow , 640.
Council Bluffs Mnrlcot.
COUNCIL HuiKrs. February ! i
Flour Crystal Mills Golden Sheaf ,
75 ; Callfornl.i Pureka , patent , 3 ( I ; best
irand of I > innn , 3 fiOWS SK ) ; Hainan and
Missouri flour , 8 W ® ! 2ft ; graham , 3 "fi ;
yo Hour , 3 10.
llran nud Short * 15 00 per ton ,
Chop Corn 22 f > 0 per ton.
Wheat No. 2 , $1 20 ; No. 3 , 90c ; n-
octed , 70c.
Corn 47.
O.itH No. 2 , 40c : rejected , 3' > c.
Hurley No. 2 , SH > e ; No. 8 , 7iks
llny-l , . o e , 5 006I ) 00.
Wood 5 B0ii ( > 7 00.
Li\o Hogs 5 ! @ 5 7B.
Cattle-Shipping , 41)0(5)5 ( ) 00 ; ndlih
cows 30 00 ® 15 00 per head ; butchers
ttt-ek , 3 00@3 M ) .
G Hldei-fic : OS bides , 7c.
Wool ir.B. !
lluttcr Croatnery , 80c ; In rolls , wrap
K'd , 2fic : rolls not wrapped , 20o ; mlxiil
w on , lB@20o. !
J-gg * racked , 12Jcj fro b , lf > c ,
Potntoes 1 10(5)1 ( ) 0 ; Salt Lake , 1 : > > .
OnioiH 12-Vrfl 10
Dressed Poultry - ChickenlOtfj duck * ,
lOcj geene , 80 ; turt o\ ' > , 12jo.
Iiixw rhlckfiis 2 , " > per iloien.
( 'IIICAIIO. Febniary 0.
The markets on 'Chnngo suffered fiirthei
ollupHo to-day. The weakness extended
.D e\ery lo.nling artlclo. Wheat opened
it 1 20 seller for Mnrch , but Instuntly
jroko to 1 lV > f , and for n while the mosl
euHo excitement prevailed. Seller
wwlcd themselves hoarto in their effort-
. undersell each other and pilccs went
lown 4@ic "t a clip. The decline , however -
over , brought out a I irgn number f buy
ers , who were abort and thought it brut tn
recover , nnd at iioon prices had again ral-
Ud 1J@1 jo | > cr bushel. A weak fecllnv
vas again developed and a reaction of 1 ®
followed. The weakness wan almost
vliolly attiihuted to the line weather , In
conned ion with the fact that the previous
iliurp decline had exhausted the margins
> r a majority of outside holder * ; hen r
heir wheat was nil thrown on the market.
Corn decl ned 14o per bushel. May void
lown to G2JC , Leing the lowest jirlco twice
ust August , nnd c1os d at nearly nnlsik !
Mess pork fell 20c per barrel , and Inn !
12@15c per 100 Ibs. and closed at abmit
the lowest figures. The decline cnnsci' '
oiid and brisk calls for margins , bill
nil regular dealers were eaid to ha\e re
In open board .1. S. McDonald ga\e notice
tico to have I It deals clos d and xtiid hi
was able to pay in full. K. Ilntto WIIH re
ported as having failed , but his li.ihilitie
are not known. Hoth fimiH were long it
At the afternoon call wheat broke dowi
to 1 2G | for March and cloned at 1 27JC-
Pork and lard were a shade lower am
the whole list weak.
The receipts of grain were 324car load ?
embracing 47 of wheat , 18G of corn , ti" o
oats , > ol rve , and 30 of barley.
Flour Very quiet and little doing
commnn to choiio spring western , 4 BUt ?
7 00 ; Mlnnenota. B 00@7 2-r > ; patents 7 Bi
@ 8 50 ; winter brandH , B 00oj7 ( 25 ; buck
wheat flour , B Bl6 ) 25.
Wheat- .2spring was greatly unset
tied and trading was quite nn
natisfuHory to operntort by Ihowuddci
wide and rapid fluctuations in prices
The amount of busincex trans ictud wa
very largo and almost wholly for futur
delivery , with seller for Murth attractini
princij ) d attention. Inlluenceri goveinini
tlio market were chiefly IOCR | . Prices de
clined 2@24o per bu. I elow tlio lowen
liolnt reuclicd yojturday. The marko
opened weak nud very unHtiled nnd i
sbado lower , but under frco offerings tool
a sharp down turn. As t ricos dcclinci
and margins liocmno exbnn < > tel , inclndin
the cloiing out of "stop orders , " the oifor
Ings wore increaml ; hence the break i
prices. When prices bad declined abou
Vc ? below the opening figures , a ntrongc
feeling was developed , nud | > rites ml
vaiited about 2c , due parti illy to the re
ported IniniiiiK of Ncoly's elevator nn
dninago of a large quantity of No.
spring wheat , but again declined , an
finally o osed about 2J@2jc lower on th
regular board , and on call Hlill lower n
1 20j for February ; 1 l7t@l ! | 271 fi
March ; 1 SWJ for April ; 1 "Mf for Mnj
I 28/ ; / fnJuuf 1 OGJ lor year ; No. 3 sprln
imlot at 1 Hi ; i ejected , dull and cntlrol
Corn Weak and irregu'ar ' , and a fin tin
reduction in pi ices WIIH xulmdtted tn
Karly in the day tlio offering * on Hpccuh
tivo account were free , bnth on behalf i
local and outf-ido opurators , and pric <
( . radnnlly rtceded l@14c on ilio whn !
rango. Latur the feeling was ( innertl
delniind a little aeti"o qnd prit.cs mlvanui :
agfiln ftfa'lc , but ruled cnmpar.itlvoly caste
to the cloHO. HhiiHTH | purchased mode
ately , but w ro unwilling to accept jiro ]
crty except at their own figures. No.
and high mixed clo-od on ca 1 nt f > l\v \ It
l''oliruary ; 57JC lor Murch ; ( i2Jo/J2g { i
May ; G2ju for June ; fillu for .Inly ; i
Ji-cted , fi4o ,
O > iU Dull and lower ; demand vei
limited ; No. 2 clo'i-d at IOc for Fehniiir ;
104c f r March ; 404c for Aprilj Iliju ji
May ; 'M(3fMfa for .Mine
llyo Quiet , weak und timer ; No 2. K
for February and Mnrch ; OOc for April.
Itarley - Dull ; demand light ; No. 2,1 (
for cash ; 102 for Februarys 101 fi
March ; No. 3 , 7 o for cj h ; 7Ki@7Uo fi
Itlurch and April.
Pork Irregular and lower ; musulo c
at 18 2.u,18 ( 3U ; furcaxli ; IKUr. lKilj
for March ; H 17A@H BO for April ; IKIii
for May ; 1882J for June.
Lard Easy and lower ; 11 20 for can ]
II 12J@11 IB for March ; 11 27J for Aprl
11 37 * for May ; 11ingill I7i for June.
Jlullc Meats Moderately active an
steady ; whort ribs. O'JJ V'Mlur nisi
0 32ife'J 33 for March ; II IB for Aprl
'J B74 for May.
Whisky Qulut nt 1 1'J.
JmtterDoiniunl contiiiuui | ; ooil ; n
celptH light ; creamery , choice to fane ;
M(0i\"v \ fair to gfod , : il ( ; 3Hc ; dulr
choice to fancy , Il.'ifeltTc ; do. lair to go'H
] H@30c ; frtili male packing Htou < , 1V (
lliu ; ladle packed , common to good , 1H (
31u ! ; roll , 20o)23c ( ) for coiriinon to fair , un
2.Va,23 for good to choice ,
Egps Receipt n fair ; demand inodurati
iy@-JOo for strictly fresh.
Jteo'ts. Shlpm'i
Flour 20,131 ao-jj
Wheat 1 9' < 0 n jf
Corn ll/iW 145,4 ;
Oats 40,423 ( jj i (
Rye 2,232 tfjw
Hurley . , 2J.2-VJ )4,7 ) (
Chlcao tilvn Stock.
CIIIOAOO , Febniary t ,
The Drover's Journal iqxirtH us foil .w
Hogi Receipts , 21,000 head ; cumnin
to good iiiited were weak and Irregular i
0 10a,0 ( 55 ; chulco heavy mixed inckln
and good ihiiiiiinK gradea were in fair di
mand and sola Bteady at G G1@7 10 ; Phi
aud lard hogs , 7 10a)7 ( ) 25-
hogiiin exceiniro tupply ami weak , rani
ing G 15&G G5 ; ikipu and culU , 00 feO 01
Cattle -KeceijiU , 0,000 head. Hhliiper
gradei quiet ; common to fjlr , 4 700 ( 11
medium , 1 20@5 40 ; good , 540@67I
choice , & W V 00 ; export , G 05 < gi ( 21
lulled bulchern' utock In eoml demaml ;
cow * , 2 C0@4 00 ; bull , 3 00@5 00 ; steers ,
4 40tf. > 00 ; i tockcrs and feeder * firm at
3 20 ® I 75.
Sheep-Receipts , 8,000. Market tlull
and lower ; comm n , 3 2 © 3 80 ; medium ,
J 37it < M IK ) ; good , I 7ft ® t oO.
KnnMM Olty Produce Mnrhot ,
KANSAS CITY. IVbrniry ! .
Wlie t Writ1 d lower ; Nn. 2 1 II !
for curb ; 1 liH I . , ry ; IWUi.lWc for
March ; M c f \tt J nKfflOll for
March ! No , 1 NO fur cash ; M > o f r
February ; 1'Di foi March ,
Corn- Weak nud lower ; No 2 , mixed
cash. Wo ; February , t > 71c ; March , D7Jc ;
April , o'ie ; May , M'c ; No.2 whlti < mixed ,
cash , G2U ; February , 70ot March , 70c ,
Oats No. 2 eiwh , 43o.
Heo'ts. Shipm'tD.
Wheat . . 3 , IIS JO.CG1) )
( Jorn. . . . . . . 3,4113 12,881
Oats . t,04 1.8HJ
l ! > e . none 170
Kuu-n * C'ltj Live Stook.
K.\N'sV > Cm , I'ebru.rj ! ' .
t'.i'tle lifivipt'i , i'J ? heml ; iililjimentK ,
111 lii'uil. M uki't ! > l < i\\ < 'ii nlilppet'i *
t II ; Imtohi'iM "I II ue'lio nnd other
ei'idos un hniw l | uiithc shippers.I 7-r''r
. i7r ! iinlho stooUurs , J Ji'fciM ' W ; nnti\ . '
ficderx , t 00iil50 ( ! ; uatixo cows , 2 2.r > ( ril
I ' 0
II g * ltee lps ! , ! ' . ' .i"7 hemli HhipmiutH ,
Ml ) bend. Muket fiun uu ! actiM > ut
! * n M ! . jV , iliei. gii"d to hemy , chut e ,
) SO ® ' "OH ; medium packing , B lllfjilll 40 ;
Igbl shipping fi 80foG 10.
New York Jrroduo4t
NKwYoiiK , Februni ) ' .I ,
I'luiir In moie demand ; Minnesota ex
tra , 5 15 ( 8 50 ; Miuthern flour dull , com-
mm to choice extri , 5 (10@8 ( 00.
Whont Foerlsh , irrvKU'ar nnd uu-
loltlcd ; closctl lAio lower ; No , 2 red win-
er , 1 1001 42i ; No. 1 whit- I 30i ( U 381 ;
No. 2 , Mnrrh , 1421 43J ; do Aprifl 44 ®
I4rij ; do May , 1 43i ( l M3.
( /urn Easy nnd ( iidet ; ungraded mixo I.
VXS'OJc ; No. 3 , O'CrC'i : Ivo. 2 , Mareh ,
5Si@l > 8jcdo , Apiil , T0rj70i ( ; ; do Alny , 70j
Onts Shade ensier mid moderately ae-
i\o ; No. 1 white , Pic ; No 2 do. 48f i ) I'.li'e ;
No 1 mixed , ! % : No 2 do , ( Sir ; mixn I
vostern , l"@l8oN ; > 2 mixed , February ,
8 Jo ; do Mm ch , ISj.j. .
Kyo Steady at ! tl@UGlo
BiirlwySteady but quiet.
Pork Dull ami weak ; old spot mess
7 00(0)17 ( ) 25 ; now do. H 00@1H 2. .
iiird-lleivy and lower ; February ,
1 32J ; March , 11 374@11 40.
Whii-ky Nominal ,
PctioVum Dull acd i.ominally uu-
handed ; united. 85J ; crude in barrels ,
GJfj874 ? refined [ in burrelu , 87ila
N w K orb llry Goods
NKW YOHK , Fobuiaiy ! l.
Dry Goods The market to-ilny was
, nfn\orably infiucuced hy tlio inclemency
if the weather , and while u fair business
\ns dnnu In certain hinds of goods , trans
actions were only moderate ) in the nggio-
gnte. There was n steady movement in
itnplc cotton and wool n goodnvhite
; oods , ipiilts , hosiuiy and knit uu tmvcir ,
in account of Jack orders , and hea.y
clothing woolens nnd spring dre < s fabrics
.vcre in fair request t first h indn. The
iulib ng tnulo was nnd upon the
whole quiet , yet a fair distribution of do
mestic pliitti wan made hi package lots by
i few of the Kiger firms. 1'horo was nn
improved feeling in tlio cotton gonds
nmrkot. and cott n idieetitigs ntu in better
demand bv the package buyers , who iir >
taking h' Id with renewed conlidimro in
the maintenance of prices. The best
makes of de i ins , dyed ducks and most nil
other colored cottons , are well noli ! up ,
nnd prices are steady nt current quota
Ht- Loafs Frodnan.
G 85
G10 ; . , . _
Wheat -Unsettled and lower ; No.
red , c'ish , 1 38j@l S8J ; Fehrunry , 1 371
March 131 ; April , 13 fl ; May 1 Uilfi
Juno. 1 211 ; July , 1 13 ; yur ( , I Oil1No. / ; . !
red. 1 3C@1 3"i ; No. 4 do , 1 13.
Corn Irregular and lower for cash
5Gjjc for February ; Bic ( fur Mnrch57 ; cfoi
April ; GOc for Miiyj ( i2jo f r .rune.
Oats Lower ; cimh , lie ; February , 41c
bid ; March , 43c bid ; April , 43o bid ; May ,
Rye)0c. ! ) .
Barley Dull at G5c@l 10.
Lead Feeling firm at 4 1)5 ) ; refined ,
4 115.
Butter- Firm ; creamery , 38(11,430 ( ; dairy
KgpsFirm at 2lc.
Flax Seed In demand at 1 ' 7.
Whisky 1 18.
Pork - Dull ; cash , 18 70@18 75 ; Fubrn
ar\ , 1835@18fMarch ; , 18 15 ® 8 5,1
April , 1875.
Lard-11 15.
Itec'ts. Hhipmti
Flour 1,413 r > , ! l2
Wheat GG.782 3,08
Corn 90,300 70,71
Outs W,183 0,17
Ryu 1 OOu nun
Barley Ti.OOO 70
St ZtoulN Llyn Stock-
Ht. 1/iuirt , Fuhruury 9.
Cattle-Ste dfulr ; to good nutlv
etcers , 525(1/575 ( ; cholci do , U 00@i ( 21
butcher > ' , fi ' ' ' ( < 5GO ; native cows mi
heifern , 2W@I .T > ; Htockurn , 350I 0 .
Hog s St luly ; Yorkers , ? < J 2tj51 ( )
coniiiion to choice jiacliim. ' , G ! ( ) & , ( 1H
bu clcrs'andseltct , G 7 ( § < 7 10
Pcorlii Produoo.
PunniA. February ! )
Corn Dull und lower ; high mixed , K
(6/5Gc ( ; mixul , 5'ifefl lie.
"OaU Dull and noinlmil ; No , 2 whit
Rye-Dull and lower at
HiL-liwhieH Unchanged at 1 17.
R o'K Ship't
Wheat G.H50 iii'l '
Corn 81,1(0 ( 40K (
Oats 18,300 11,81
Rye 7G.307 1M
Barley 33,0(10 ( 1,8 {
Philnanluhla Proclnoo.
rilll.ADKM'HIA , Fehniary 9.
Wheat Firm ; 1 Wu3'Ji \ for cash an
February ; 1 40J for March.
Corn Firm ; fl7@G7J > cash or Februnr ;
O.its-l'Inner j.Hi@4'.lj | fi r caxh ; 4K (
-4'Jo for J'ebrnary.
Baltimore Produoo.
liAl.TIMOHK , Fobruikry 9.
Flour Did ; family , 02'Ji(57fij ( ( eitr
5 0 < ) fi5fl 00.
Wheat .Southern , dull ; full ? : , 1 3 ( i
138 ; L-.ngberry , 1 40C jl 4' ; No. 2 re
winter. Irrtgular and firmer at 1 3Gj&jl ( II
for cnih and Fehiuory ; 1 38g@l 38V ft
Corn-Whlto Boulhorn dull nt 78@V ! )
yellow , nominal at 70o.
. - .
Toledo Proanoo.
TOI.KDO , February 0 ,
Wheat Dull but higher ; No. 2 re *
1 801 for Fobruuryjl 37 for March ; 1 3H
for April ; 1 3S for May ; 1 332 for Jinn
1 20 for July ; 1 15J for Aiifuisl.
Corn Quiet ; No , 2 , ( MJo for May ,
Cleveland Market.
CI.KVKI.A.VD , Fohniary 0.
Petroleum Steady ; Btandurd whlti
110 test , 7c.
Turpentine Marliet-
WiLMlNaiON , N , O. , February 0.
Ro ln Firm ; utralned , 1 t)2J ) ; ( , 'ow
SiilriU Nothing doluf.
'flir Htesdyj 1 fX ) .
Wl'iirDentlne Steady ; hard , 2 00 ; nofi
320) ) Virgin , 3 GO ,
Cincinnati Prodnoo.
CINCINNATI , Folutiary 0.
Me Pork Eru-lor t 1H 2jfo)18 ) 7 < i.
l.iril Kiwprprlmo | ; ftcniii , IHHXjf.ll 10.
Hulk MeaUSte.uly ; clear tides ! i 87.
llneon Steady ; clear rdm side * , 10 001.
Flour Weak ; family , G 10 < iji7 70 ,
Wheat -Dull ; No. 2 red , 1 GO.
( 'oni- Weaker ; No. 2 mixed siiot , on
track , Into.
Dais \\'enk ; No. 2 4lc !
Uyn Weak ; No. 2 , IKt' ' ,
BirleyWeak ; itV rll Of .
Whisky Steady nt 1 17.
Liverpool Prodnoo.
HVKWOOI , 1'ebiuary II.
HourAu.erleaii , KM Gdiri3s.
Wheat- Winter , ll's ' tM ( < fUMld ; while ,
ls fidrii 10H 8.1 . ; KprhiR , lit Hd@lOs 8d ;
lub , Ills ! Vlij ( 11s Id.
Corn Gi * } d
Port 77s lid ,
Lard57n 3d.
nitljlbnrtr Xiivo Stncli.
EAHT I.IIIKIITY , Pa. , I ulunnry U.
Cattlo--V ry tnnie mil nothil'g iloiiig ;
rceeiptn. 240 head ) idiipments , 2.'B hea i
IliVs Slow ; i\eiplH. 1,4 0 hen ; ship ,
meiitx. 1,100 boaPhllftdelribiat , 7 10(8 (
ISM ; N'orVen. , 07 1185 ,
t Shrej Niithliu' doing ; Hcdpts , 1,100
head ; hhlpininls , 800 hoiid.
Buffalo Live Stoolt.
HAHT BIIKKAI.O , February .
llogi Heecipts , Gl ; oliipmenls , f.3
nr ; nrkers , light to good , ifi 707 00 ;
ilRf , 11 2 , ' > Gf0 40.
ncrameuto mills patent ll.iur ( red
iriilnl ) . Our bent Ki rekn pntiul tloiir
bbio brand ) . The only piti ut Hour man-
ifacttired on the Pacific i-onnt. Wo claim
t Is Hie wlut st , HtioiiKiKt and bei tfi.iully
hiur in thu stntr. Ar-k your groter for It
Try it and Jim \\ill IIHH no othor.
K. M. Mi'CiiKAii\ Co. ,
Kauramento ,
T. J. EVANS , Agent ,
Crystal Mills , Omitcll lllulfs.
fo )3-tf
MnPnrtinRtoit Sny *
Don't tnko nny of thoqtwck roBlriiins ,
in they are rogiinontnl to tliu hiiiunn
iatorn : bill put your trust in Hoj )
iitturs , whicli will euro guiiurnl dilapi-
ution , contivu babita nnd all comic
incases. Thuy Raved Inane from n
uvuro oxtn\ct of typhoid fovor. Tlwy
ro the no plus iimnn of inoaicinun.
toalon Dlobo. f-1-15
The Terminus of the 8. , O. & P.
fho Country Surrounding It It *
Advantage * , Etc-
, OIIR I'lna Nrwn.
Lonf ; Pine , the jiruHont terminus
f the Sioux City nud 1'ncilio railrmd ,
H BitimU'd in ( uwnahi | ) ill ) , range 20 ,
i5 ( ! niilt'H from Ontahii , in tlio only
iiid out town in the iiiiorgnnizod tur-
ritoiy , nud will doubtless bo Buluutod
IB thu point at wliich to loc.ilo thu
onnty Bout , wlion tlio county cmnoa to
> o orunnizod. This place , although
n einbryo aa yol , IB without doubt
lustiuod to bo , in thu near future , ono
if thu bust towns in Nortlinonturn
brnnldi. Iluru tlio railroad coin-
limy pronoBu building lliuir timchinu
ibopc , erecting n largo nud comiiio.
lioua hotul and in fact tunku Long Pine
a BUiiiinur resort.
Wo huvo never BCOII a young town
.lint prcBunta n moro plrumiiK
ippvnrnuco than this doua. Its citi-
iR uro brimful of hope of n grand
"iittiro , and wo believe tlio onion that
ends tlioin to lie | > u , will bo inspini-
.ion to any man tliat investigates thu
ocatiou and thu udvantngcs that sur-
roiind this town. Thu following is a
A wntor in npunking of thu custom
portion of thu unorganized territory
truly said : "When you arrive at
range 10 , in Holt county , you are at
a jmiiiL where if you have any of the
love for tlio beautiful in your soul ,
you cannot but help pausing in youi
journey to gaze upon tlio womlroui
boautirfl of thu HCOIIO which atrutchui
out buforu you. Thu line of blulFi
which liavu stood guard upoi
uitlier sidu of thu river like au annul
Bentinul , for onu hundred and lift ;
niilun you have traveled up the valley
llavu gradually receded in thu die
tancu , and uro to bo noun no more a
you approach thu source of tlio Klk
lionii Like thu ocu.ui wnvu that roll
mountains high , they have bnwc
their hi'ndu until they arc on a luvi
with thu uluniunts around tlium , an
now ax fur and much farther as tli
eyu can roach , wtrotcb out in one love ,
unbroken oxjiaimo of green. Her
suction utter Buction nud townnliip a :
tor township , with not one Bingle for
of wastu land , awaits thu hand of ii
dun try. What thin country will h
ten years huncu , people familiar wit
the rapid nuttleinent of the woater
pniirio countries can alone conceive.
'Him locality is settling up wit
sturdy foim of nil natioiiH , who i
yearn to come will not only build u
liomuH und guin wealth for themHulvi
but will develop this country , an
pliici ) her whi'ro she belongs in tli
front rank of Nubrusku couu'ics.V
venture thu assertion , and do it witl
out fear of'succt'SBful contradiutini
tliut thin place IIUH thu finest tract (
ngrieultural and graxing lands tribi
tury to it , of uny town in thu nortl
west This in a broad assertion , hi
wo nmk ( > it in all candor , and boliev
it to bu true.
Thu water powur in this section i
unsurpassed. The Long Pine an\
wlieru in this auction afforda ainpl
power for grist mills , woollen mills d
in fact any kind of niantifactoriu
that the resources of thu country ma
ot this section nonu but a vivid
ination can conceive. With thous
andH upon thousanda of acres of ricl
lands with timber in sufficient qunii
titicH fur building purposes and fo
Til npoaking of thu beautiful com ;
try in this section , wo would s.iy t
the thousands of farmers in the croud
od east , who did by dint of haul wor
and closu economy citn scarce gain
living for their growing families , on
of the well nigh worn-out farm the
h'uvo boon BO industriously tilling fo
yearn , should convert their poasct
slotm into cash , comu hero , uccen
from u generous ovenimoiit the gil
of u homo , wider in area and richerfu
in resources than the ono they luuvo-
or buy a tract of land live times th
si/.o of thu old farm for ono-hulf th
uionoy they receive for it , having th
nlnnco with wliich to erect buildings ,
irovido ovorythingnrooBsary for gon-
ral farming and stock raising , mid
ttniu that iiidoiioiidonco whicli nl-
vftys crowns intolligoiit labor in this
ftvorod clime.
_ lA-t the poor tailor of the cast gather
ia suont-duwod rarnitigs , seek nnd
nd n homo in this flection of No-
raskn , whuro lie untouched , thou-
wiiulR of acres Hint nait his coming
nd his toil to yield him n comfort
nd independence.
The invalid living unuYrtl csonkies ,
riuking the pure wiUornnd breathing
tin life-inspiring ntini'flphuro ' , will ro-
aiu elasticity of spirit , the phjnicnl
igor and iiiApiratiiin of youth. The
ull nigh depleted vital forces become
onouud when subjected to thu tonic
nil stimulating iiilluuncef of n rnre
uiro air , \ \ Inch mnkon respiration hnvo
HI freeiUiiri of peaceful , refreshing
loiM ) .
Tlio young ninii full of energy nnd
unbition , who ctan find no place for
lia iinorcies or venture in thu over-
Mod Items of labor nnd business in
lie older elates , hero is presented nn
r nn for notion , inliicli ho can givu
ull play to his varied powura , develop
lis uvoiy talent mid carve out a fu-
uro tilled uith wo.ilth nnd honor.
A settler coming by railroad , if ho
ma enotiili to till n or , should bring
very thing that was needful in his old
lomo , for he will need it in his new.
tut if he luis not a carload , economy
vould dictate that ho should sell what
le has and propnro to buy what i *
ccecsary wlion ho nrrivos.
Shinny Men.
' \Vdln' llctlth Henower , " Kreatcst rein-
civ i n earth for imiiotonco , leaiiiii' i > . * ex *
al debility. &c. ? 1 , at dni i'i t.i. iH-jmt
1 C. K. ( . '
Bnohlinn A.rnion Snlvo.
The best salvu in the world for outa ,
iruisos , aorus , ulcers , salt rhotim ,
over sores , totter , chapped hands ,
liillblaiiiHj corns and all kinds of
kin eruptions. Thin salvo is guar-
ntutul to give perfect satisfaction iu
very cnsoor money refunded. Price ,
fie per box. For nnlo by
' 'i A MoMAiioN. Oninlm.
Dexter L. Thomas ,
lionin 8 , Cci'Lllton
JAMK3 K I1O\ l > , I'roiirictnr.
U. I. . MAItSII , Manager.
I1HKK NUIIl'IS nn.l M.VTINKU Coiumnc ng
Tluusdayobruary9. ! .
Approud liy nil to lie ! hu Unrest unit incut
omplo i ) orifaiilzithn In Aiucrlciv Tlmrnliiy
ulaptn ! unit tnviislatoil solely ( ir iliisconiriviy ) ,
'HIDAY U\OIIIIK | Von Htippti'n jiojui nr oporn ,
ATUUDAY otcnlnff ( laiit niipi-nniMco ) Cllllitit
At Hullhan's Intuit numlrnl o\n'lon ,
Ily n cnrotully nolcetoil couui ny ol nrttntH , to-
otliur wllli n uranil clinrua uf to Voices Ml
Prices : 25 , no , 7t , ? IUO. Heats now on salo.
fub7-0 10
Application of George B cveui
& KVIIIH Hanuy fur Liquor Llcpnne.
Notlco In hirttliy xlxun th it Oc-ort ; i HtcTiins &
Ilnn j illil iiHn tlio Z&tti ilay of animry ,
A. I ) . . IHB'2 Hid tlu'lr npplluitlnti to H o Hoar lot
L'cninty Uoiiunlmiloiiurii ot Dooijlai Cfunty.
Nthrnika , lor Hniiimi lo Hull Malt , Spirituous anil
Vinous Liquor * , at Waterloo , In Vnlloy Precinct ,
DiHiKlaH County , Koliraiki. from Ilia 11 tli day
of Kvliruarv , 1HH2. tntlio llth dny of May , 1882.
If tlioru hone i njcttlon , romon'tranco ornro-
tint Illud wltliliitwu vi'vkH from .lanniry 28tli ,
A. I ) , 188 , thn Bald llc'-nio w 11 ) > o Kruiiictl.
( ifu. hTr.rrMi it KVANN HiNKy ,
TIIK OMAHA HPN npwupapor will pulillth the
aliovu notlco for two wockn at ttio xi ormo of the
iillcint. | Tliu County of Duncan is not to be
umriicd tlicruwltli.
fubUin JOHN IIAUtlKIl , County CUrh.
In Kolng KnHltnko tliu
[ JMcago& Northwest-
Trolnit loavu I ) i till , ! ! : IO ] i. rn anil 7 40 a. m.
Per lull Inloriiifitlon call on It , r. IUii : , , Tkktt
AKunt , 1111) unil F.iriirmin Hts J. IIIII , ! , , U. I' .
Itillwuy Depot , or at JAMKHT OLAItK , < ! cncr-
Aunin , llnmliit _ ' if
W. 8. 01 BBS ,
Room No4 , Grolirliton Block , 15th
OKI-ICK llouim : 10 to2 A. M , , 3 to 5 r.u.
Toleplionti ronnectedvth | Central Olllco.
1880. SHORTUNE. 1880.
St , Joe fcCounca Bluffs
II Till ONI *
Direct Line to ST. LOUIS
l roni Oinnhanud thoWeut.
Co i likn a ul ( .BID liutwumi Uuuikuaa urull ,
mil liut niiu biitwDiii OMAHA nd
Daily Passenger Trams
Thli entlrti line ID equipped with PnllnunV
1'kUco Blocplng Uara , I'alaco l ) y Coaihus , Mlllor'a
BafUy I'Utlonn anil Coujiler , ami tbu celobmted
Woatln lioubo Air-brake.
t&aoo that your ticket reads VIA nANHAS
CIT , UT. JOSKl'l ! ti COONUIL llLUFm lUil
road , via St. Joseph and St. Louis
llckctD ( or tale at all couion Utton lu Ui *
A' 0. DAWKS , UOD. Hui.t. , St. Joacpb , Mo
Oea. I'aan. and TUkct Aft. , Ut. Jouopli. Mn.
AMUV BokBiw , Ticket AKCDI ,
1020 Farnhim itrtct.
A U BARMIIIV Qoncrul Agent.
Clarkson & Hunt ,
8uccew lo Hlrharda a Uuul.
8 KthSl'-t On. ha N h.