Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1882, Page 3, Image 3
OMA1IA DAILY KEE FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 10 , Ibb * . 'THE DAILY BEE- OMAHA PUOLISHINQ CO , PROPRIETORS. 010 Farnham , bet. Oth and 10th Btrett * . TKHJIS OK SUBSCRIPTION , oa copy t yf rln < lvanc ( j > oslpixUI ) $10.00 B month * 6.00 month 8.00 RAILWAY TIME TABLE. TIKI CARD C1IICX10 , 8T. fltt , VISNIAfOLU AND IOMAIIA RAILROAD. Lcaro Onuliit P.weiifrcr No. 2 , SUlOik , m. Ac- sommcxIaUon No. 4 , 1:0 : ( p. m Alr vo Onmhn 1'ivwcnircr No. 1 , 6:20 : p. m. Accommodation No. 3,10:50 : a. m. LUTIHQ OMAHA lASt OR BOOTH BOUMP , ( X , U. ft 0. 7:40 : Ik. m. 3:40 : p. m. O. A N. W. . 7 : 0 . m. 3:40 : p. m. 0. , IL 1. & P. . 7:40 : ft. m. 3:40 : p. m. K. C. , 8t J. i C. X | OYC t 8 n. m. nd 6:30 : 3. m. ArtlitsfttSU Louis t 6SOft. m. Mid 6:82 : * ff. , St. U A I1. , lwr nt 8 . m. Mid 3:10 : p. ArtlTpK St. Louis ftt 0:40 : a. m. mil 7:30 : m WKBI OR BOUTI1WIHT8. 0. k U. In NcK , Through Kxprcss , 8M : > . m. I ] , * M. Lincoln Kxircw ] fl:20 : p. m. U P. OvcrUud Kxprciw , 12:16 : p. m. O. fc U. V. ( or Lincoln , 11:45 : a. m. O. A II V. ( or Oscoota. 0:40 : a. m. D. f frvlilit ( No. B , 6SO : a. in. U. I' rolRht No. 0 , 8:20 n. m. O. P. frcl lit No. IS , 2:601 : > . m. TJ. P. freight No. 7 , 6:10 : p. m. c w.iP. Denver express , 7:35 : 1' ni. D. P. ( relirht No 11 , 11-30 p. in. V. P. Denver frcliflit , 8:26 : p. m. A&UVlNd FRUM nAbf A5D a D. b O 6.0 u. n , . 7:25 : p m. .fc N. W. , U:46 : a. ii-7:26 : p. in. C It. LbP..D:46a. : in.-'J.06 p. m. B. C , 8t Joe 4.0 II. , 7:40 : a. m.:46 : p. m ARUVtMO fBOM T1IK 'NT AND SOUTHWKSt. O. * K. V. from [ .Incoln-l.OS p. in. O. P. Pw-lflo Kkiirc ? " C:26 : p. m , B k M. In Noli. , Through Kx ) > reH 1:16 : p ni. D. h U. Lincoln ixiri' : | > * 9:40 : a m. U. P. Denver oxprcx * , 7:36 : n. in. U. P. Krilttht No. 142W v. m. U. P. fo. ( I 6:20 : a. in. KmlerMit V. P. ( rcl lltNo. 14 , 12:16 : p. in. D. P. So. 8 11:00 : p. ui. . P. Vo. 12 1:45 n. til. U. P. Dciucr frck-tit , 1:10 : a. in. O. A K. V. mUcil , m. 4:45 : | i. ni. DVMMT VSA1NM HITWrilN OMAHA AND CXjU.MII ilLUtKH. Lcikto ou.urift att:0l : , P.OO , 10:00 : nd 11:00 : 'tn. ' ; i:0 2.00 , 3:00 , 4:00 : wnl 6:00 : p.m. leave Counclj llluffa ivt 8:1(6 : ( , 9:25. 10.25 and 1J6 a. m.j lS5. 2:25 : , 8:25 : , 4:26 : and 6:26 : p. m. Sun aj-n Tlio duimuy loa\ou Oin hk ! at U:00 : and 110 a. ui. : 2:00 : , 4oO : ami 6:00 p. m. Lea > ca Council DluHfl at 0:26 : nd 11:25 . m. ; 2:26 , 4:25 : and 66 p. in. ThrouRhftnd local puwcnucr trains between Omaha and Coum II rtlnlTs. Leave Omaha 6:16 : , 7:46 , 8:60 a. ra. ; 3:40 : , 6:45 : , OiO p. ni. Arrive Omaha 7:40,11:36 : , 11:46 : a. ni. ; 6:40 : , 7:05 , 7:16 , ! 40 p. ni. _ _ _ _ _ _ Opening anr Closing of Mrlli. notrra. or . CUMK. . m. p. m. a. in. p. m. ChleHKOfcN. W 11.00 0:00 : KSO : 2JO : Chkairo , It I. A PutllU11:00 : 0:00 : 6:30 : S:10 : Ohlokito , U. i. W U:00 : 9.00 5:30 : 2:40 : Wnltash ! 12:30 : 6:30 : 2:40 : eiouxOtyaiin I'anlk. 0.00 6:30 : 2:40 : Union Pacific 4:00 : 11:40 : Oniut.n&H. . V 40 11:10 : D. ft If. In Neb 4:00 : 8:10 : Omaha & Sioux Citj. . . . 6.00 7:30 : B. & M. Lincoln 10:30 : 6:00 : D. P. Lincoln , SuniHy. . 1:80 : 11:00 : U. P. Donvur Uxi ) tt:00 : 0:30 : O. . Sioux City & St. P. . . 11:00 : ! i:40 : Loc&l inMlH lor State ol lowh le \ e but ont a tlay , vln:6xia : : , m. 6lHc open Kimdny from 12 m. to 1 p. m. TITOS. K HALL P M. Business flirectorv. Abstract and Real fcitate. McC'AOUG I'ost OfflcB JOHN D. , opposite W. K. HARTLETT 317 South 13th Street. Archltecti. & HENUELSSOIUi , AKCIIITECTS Room 14 CrclRhton Block. A. T. LA HOB Jr. . lloom 2. Ciolehton Block. Booti nnd Bhoet. JAilES DitVINB & CO. , ' Vine Boots and Shooa. A Rood assortment ol homo work on hand , corner 12th and Ilnrnoy , TBOB. KHICKSON , 8. E. cor. 16th and Douelte. JOHN KORTUNATUS , (10610th street , manufactures to order good work at Mr prices. Repairing done. Bed Spring * . J. r. LARRIUER Manufacturer. 1617 Dour In et. Book * . Newt and Stationery. ) . L FRUEIIAUF 1016 Farnham Street. Butter and Egg * . UcSilANE & BCIIROEDKR , the oldest B. and G. honoo tn Nebraska cHtnbltxhcd 1876 Omaha. OKNTRAL RESTAURANT , MRS. A. KYAN , v othwart comer 16thand Dodge. ( te t Board ( or the Money. Hitlsfaotlon Ouarantowl Heala at all Hour * . Board by the Day , Week or Month. Oood Terras ( or Uath Fnrnl'hi'il Unnma " 'ippllod. Uarrlagei and Roaa WX BNYDER , 14th and Harney Streets. Clothing Bought. J. UAHHH will pay hlifhestCash price ( or second band clothln/ . Corner 10th and Farnham. Jewe en. JOHN BAUMER 13U Farnham Street. Junk. U. BERTI1OL.I ) , IlaifB and Moul. Lumbar , Lime and Dement. fTOSTEll & OKY corner ( ith and tils. Lamp * and Ulatsware. J. BONNER 1309 Doiulau St. Oood Variety. Merchant Tallon. O. A LINDQUEST , One ui our most rcpular Merchant Tailors la re ceiving the latent ikwlps ( or Spring and Summer Gcoda ( or gentlemen a wear. StylUh , durable , and prices low as ever 216 13th bet. DOUK. & Kuril. Millinery. MRB. O. A. HINDER , Wholesale and Retail , Fancy - cy Goods In Kreatarlcty , Zcphyra , Card lioardu , Iloelery , Olovcs , Corscta , ic. Choapcat Houao In the West. Furihascni a\o 80 per cent. Order by Uall. 116 Fifteenth Street. foundry. J01IN WEARNE& SONS , cor. Uth&Juckeor.ets Mour and Feed , OMAHA CITY MILLS , 6th and Farohim Hto. , Welshana Bro . , Urocert. t UTKVKNb , ilit between Cumlng ana Irat T. A , UeHIIANK , Corn. 23d and Cumlnir Btreeta. Hardwaie , Iron and Bteol. OLA1K & LANOWORTHY , Wholesale , 110 anc1 la I60i tre t * HOLMES corner lotn and California. Harneta , 8addlea , &c. U. WKI81 2018th St. bet Farp. 4 JUrney , Hotels , ANWKLD HOUSE , Oeo. Canfleld.Oth * Farnham DOKAN HOUSE , V ll. Gary , 813 Famham Ht , BLAVEN'S HOTEL. F. Slaven , 10th Bt. Sonthern Hotel Qua. Ilamel Bth iLoavcnwortb Drug * , Piinti ana Ulli. KUHN & CO. rturmtclsti. Fine vM > a ( Jood § , Cor. 16tn had Doairln ttreeta W. J. WIHTEriOUtK , Wholcsale&Ilctall.Uthet. 0. FIELD , 2022 Norm Side Cumlny Street. PARK , Druiflflst , lOtn and Howard Streets. Dentlsti. DR. PAUL , Wllllama1 IJlock Cor. Uth It Doje. | Dry Qoocu Notion * , Etc. JOHN H. F. LEllUANN ti CO. , New fork Dry Goods Bcoro , 1310 and 1812 yarn * him itrtet. L. 0. Knewolu aUn t > ooU and ( hooa 7th & Paciar. ruruuure. A t. OHOha , Now and Second Hand Furnltuic od btovea , 1111 DCUITIM. Ul hcit eaib price aid ( or second tec ) iroont. BONNKR 1809 Diuru tt. Finn good * , tu. f free Work * . OK A I ! A FENCE 00. BUST , FRIES 4 CC 1218 Harney St. , Improve d Ice Boiet , Irrr anil Wood Fence * , Offlc * Vft Uioc * . Oounluc Ploe and WaloaLJ Olg n and Tobacco. ffKST A FR1T8CIIER , manufacturers ot Clgare , and Whotnale Pi ler l n Tonacroo , lSOMVUil ( , If. f. LORKNZK.V minnacturtr ( 1410 Farnham Florlit. A. Donaghuo , rUnl , cut flown , , etc. N , Wj cor , 16th anj IHniplM tr U. Olvll Engineer * * nd Surveyor * . AXDHKW 110SKWATKR CrclRhlon Block , fonn Sutej , Orads and SencraRe 3items a Hrwclaltv. Uommltilon Merchant * . JOHN 0. WII , IH,14M I > olice Street. I ) II Kor dctAlls < ee UrKe xlvcrtlM- ment In lallv ) and Wcckli' . Cornice Work * , > Vc tern Cornice \ > orXe , Manufacturers Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron and SKtu ItoofllnK. Ordon Ironl any localltj'promptly .executwl In the host ctiMincr. Vactorj and 1213 lUrney St. C. Sl'K.CHT , Proprlitor. Gahanltetl Iron Cornice * . Window Cap t elc , , nunulacturnl and put up In any part ol ttio eountrv. T. SIN1IU1.U 410 Thirteenth utrtct Crockery J. 1309 Dotifflas itrcut. Oood line. Clothing nnd Furnlihlna Qoodt , OEO. II. PKTKUSON. Alw llnt , Capo , llooU , Shore , Notlona ntul Cutlery , S04 S. 10th Btrect. _ Refrigerator * , Canfleld't Potent. 0. F. GOODMAN Hth St. bet. Fnrn , h llarney. Ohow Caio Manufactory. 0. J. WILUK , iUnuJacturcr anil Donlcr In Ml ktniln ol Show CMOS , Uprltcht Craft , a 1317 CAM St. FRANK L. OKUIIAHU , proprlftor Omkhtt Show C o manufactory , 818 South lOthitnct , between Lca\cn otth and Mtrcy. All itoods warrant ! * ! flmt-claiw. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PawnbroKar * . ROHENFKL1) . 10th St. . bet , far , ft Har Utove * ana mware. A. nURMESTKR , Dealer In Stox os and Tinware , and Manufacturer ol Tin Rcofa and nil kinds ol Building Work , Odd Fellows' Block. J. BONNER. 1309 Doutliu 8t , Oooil and Cheap. Seed * . J. KVANS , WholcRalc and Retail Seoil Drills anil Ciiltlvttot-a , Odd Fellow * Hall. Phydctan * enl Surijeon * . W. S. OlllltS , M. D. , Room No I , CrclRhton Block , 16th Street T. S. LK1SKNR1NU , > I. D. M onlc Ulook. C. L. HART , M. D. , Eye and I'.ir , opp. poatotlti-e DK. L. B. URADHY , dculUt and Amlst. S. W Uth and Farnham Ntj Photograpnars. UEO. lir.YN. PROP. Grand Central Onllerv , 212 Sixteenth Street. uear Masonic Hall. Pint-data Work and Prompt- new ) guirantcuri Plumhlnc , Gas and Steam Fitting. 1' . W. TAlll'Y & CO. . . 21012th St , bet. Karnhaui and DoUKlas.VorA promptly attended to. 1) . 7ITZPATRICK , HOI ) Douclan Street. alntlng nn upon anglng. 'IENRY A. KOSTERS. 141 lodfe ( Street. Shoo Ucore * . Phillip Unit , 1320 Farnham St. bet. 13th & lath. Second Hand Stora. PERKINS & LEAK. 1416 DoiiKlas St. , Now ml Sucouil Itanil Furniture , HOIIBO Kumlst ic. , bouirbt and acid on carruw inari-lns. baleen * . HKNRV HAUFMANN , In tnu new brick block on Uoiijjlafl Strait , hun Just opened a most ele rant Heel Hall Hot Lunch ( rom 10 to 12 e\cry Uaj. " Caledonia " J FALCONER 1170 ICth Stnel. Undertaken. CHAii. UIRWE , 1011 ! Faruhwi Int. 10th & lltd. 00 Oent 8toroi. P. C. BACKUS 1206 Farnham St. , fancr Ooods KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA § ' Is - B 5 R 5 BITTERS ILZK & CO. . dole Manufacturers. OM A.HA. NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Cure Guaranteed. Dr. E. C. WeHt's Ner\o and Bialn Treatment A Bpcclllc for Hjstcrla , Dlzzlncua , Conxublons , Nervous Headache , Mental Dcpn'HSlon , IXDBS ol MrmorySpcrniatorrhuaInipoteny , Im oluntary Em onions , Premature Old ABC , ciunoj by o\r- exertlon , ael ( abuse , or o cr-lndulgcnco , uli'ch leads to misery , decay and death. Oiio box w 111 cure recent caeca. Ea h box contains onumoritirn treatment. Ono dollar a box , or Hlx lioxes for live dollars ; gent by mall prepaid on receipt ol price. Wo K'uranteo Hlx hoxca tu euro any cane. With each order rercltcd by us for lx IIOXCB , ac companied with Ihe dollar" , will ecnd the pur chaser our written uuirantec to return the money K the treatment doea not ell ct a cure. C. F. Goodman , UragL'Ixt , Bolo , Wholunalo and Detail Agent , Omaha , Neb. Orders by mall at regular price. iliiwly DR. F. SOHBBBR , Physician and Surgeon. CHRONIC IJIHIIASKH , RHEUMATISM , htc. , A SPKCIALTY. Olllcc. No.H12 rariihamSt. , be wcun lltli and IStll , Oniiilia , Neb. J28coJ3m AUCTION SALE 01 viilu.ililo ( luellln 'liouscd , liiinix , rtc. I will Hell nt public auction OH Thursday. I'obruary 10 , 16 * ' , beginning nt 10 o'clock a. in. , at the prcni- IDCII on H li trtrcct. betiwrcti Farnham and Jnck- Bon ftrcoti. About flltecn dwelling houses , liarnn , ( enclnj ; and other Improvements , being thuproperty of the II. & M , R , It , Company. Terms , cash down , D. F. M. FRCTWKLL , fcliTtolU Saliuinan. THE KENDALL PLAITG MACHINE ! DRESS-MAEEES' ' COMPANION , mtvsvg , T SrrEfe SiI' HI * > .5 It plaits ami iiruosca perfectly one yard per minute. ItplalUfroai 1.10ol an Inch tel 1-1 Indies In wiiltfi In the lounieut feltu or Uncut silk . Hilon all klndnandiitjlet olphltlni ; In u o. No lady that dee her own Urutu-nmklnL ; can anord to do without one a.i nlue plalttni : It nenroutof fa hlon , lletcnlt tell * Itaell. For UaihltiiM , Circular ! or Aient' tcrnm addrcu * CONQAR , t CO. , 113 A.daniMSt. , Chicago , I1J. "BLACK.DKAUGHT" ciirm ' - ' "ration and liturlbunu THE BADY ELEPHANT. Grnvt Kxcltomont Among tuo Anl- nmla On the \rrlvnl oftho You tiff Strnugor Motlior nuil Clilltl DolHR Well. Nr * llaren ( Conn. ) Cor. "hlcnco Times. Quui'ii , the mother of the Imhy olo- pliuut , hail to bo chaiiuil , hutsiiitppcd cfnbinin in two , giving tlio at- tuiulnntiii noodlosa pcuro , for otlnxr olmins In Id. Tim little Htrtn urs \ vialmtuil into the \\urlcl with loutl nniiotin s , which wrotnkon u ] > liy ninuti'en other ulophanU , anil were nnstwcrctl by prowls mid cries from lions , tigora and other iiniinnli , mid tlio uoiso was torrilic A bunt nn hour nftcr the biiby u ixa born it was nblo to take a few stop . The little ono'a [ cut were of a pink tint nt birth , but in nn hour they hud bfoomo dark in color. Two or thri-o hourn nftor giv ing birth to the bnby , Quoeti bo- uaniu Biibdtiuil enough tu lie dmvn awhile , nnd in the intorvnl alt tluiBo present luul nn opportunity tu got n fair look nt ( lie curiosity , Queen would tosa hay over it , try tu roll it about , nnd manifested n fooling of joy over ita coining nnd motherly love for it generally. Oftoutiinoa the specta tors would cry out in nubdued tones of alarm for fenr tlio hngo boast would trample on or crush her precious charge ; but , clumsy nn BIO ! appeared to be , she \sns as citroful na a mother could bti of her nmv-born b.ibo , nnd low , ondcnring trumpotingH told of the plensuro slio felt. Hiirmnn had the baby insured for $ ! 10,000 , by Dri- yato parties , for one year. Ho named it America. Tt weighed 1-15 pounds nt birth , not -15 , na telegraphed. Co- liimbin , the other baby elephant , weighed at birlh , 151.'I pounds , and gained one pound per day for ono year. Professor Arstingstall , who luid charge of Qiieun , snid : "Tim bnby , winch stands two nnd a hnlf foot high , will not bo wunnod in two years. It nursep , nnd wo shnll not give it any artificial food for a lung , time. ' Aa you see , it is perfectly formed , and when you look at it you would think you weiu looking at u full urown elephant through the amidlur end of a spy-glims. Wo havu lately been feeding tlio mother on cracked oats , oat-monl crnckorasoakod in Jamaica rum. Wo Hindi continue this diet for some time. The b.xby i.s all right now , and will undoubtedly live and thrive. If necosaary , 1 could move if. to another city in a week lly that time , if yon como hero , yon will nee it running about this ring , plnyfu as n kitten.1 liarnum when asked to npproaeh and touch the bnby , declined. ' ! don't care , " ho said. "I was once naked to go up in n balloon , nnd 1 Bind T would uliidly if I hint t no lives. ' He was Ilimlly persuaded to fondle the little stranger , and while the mother permitted it , it was plain to bo neon she did not like it. .hist nftor the birth the baby lay on the ntraw , n dark-looking object , the size of a Newfoundland dog Over this Queen rocked and tramped all the time , ut tering fearful ctiea. She would tug away with a mighty dlbrt at the ropoa ! ttichen ; to her hind legs , and roar and plunge like a young colt. Not even Prof. ArstiugstiUl dared vontjiro nom' her while she waa labor ing under this tremendous excite ment. Exhausted by her efforts the boast would fall ton her side to the straw. Soon recovering oho would rise and give vent to a series of howls and begin the same tramping of tlio ground , tugging at the ropec , and en deavoring to free her fore legs from the chum which hold her to a huge prat to the CUM to. , of the rim. . All this time the trainer circled about tliu animal , endeavoring by endearing words to calm her excitement. A timoB aim would try to pick her baby up , but failing in this she would snap at the trainer and give vent to fierce howla. To-night the mother is up- pru.icliablo. JJixrnmn intends to take the mother and baby to Now York soon for exhibition. Physical Buttering. No ono cun realixo , except by per sonal experience , the anguish of mind and body endured by suflerors from dyspepsia , indigestion , constipation , mid other diseases of the stomach. UUUDOCK HLOOK HIITKIIH are a posi tive euro for this direst of all diseases. Price § 1.00 , trial sue 10 conlB. Iw-eod A FATHER'S QnATITUDB. Boquoat of$25OOO to Llio Preserver of Ilia Daughter. nshln toii HK.el | ! to L'lilr.10 , TIIIIUM. A recent paragraph cable fiom Lon don stated that Colonel Preston , of the British army , watt dead , and that in his will ho had loft the mini of 5,000 , to u Colonel Itdi-y , formerly Amoricui G'nnnul . It was stated at tlio time this Hum was n testimonial of gratitude of Colonel Preston to Colonel Riley for'saving liiH child from drowning. It nppctirH that the Uiloy imuitionud in Ihiw pur- agrnph IH a clerk in the Agricultural Dopxrtmont. , The Republican printa tlio following account of an Interview with llilpy , who is known us Judge , instead of Colonel. The snys : "A reporter yesterday succeed ed in findini ; Judge Ililoy , of Vir ginia , at the Arigriculturnl Depart ment , whore ho is now cleric , and tuc- coedod in identifying him a the nor- son meant by the paragraph. The news came from London , anil called the benoliciary u Colonel , but this is readily explained when it is under stood that British ollicora more gent-r ally understood tljnt a Consul has the rights and relative rank of a naval captain , and , thuref are , of a Colonnl of the Army. Judge William CJ Riley is a resident and native < > ( Ac- comae County , on Ihu eastern shore or Virginia , and was appointed by fJenoral Grant , in 1875 , Consul of the United StuteH to the island and port of He loft Nuw York in January , 1870 , for his port , going to Knglaiul , thence across Kuropo and Iho Mediterranean , to Egypt , and to Suez by rail , where ho boarded one of the Peninsula and Oriental Steamship - ship company1 ! ) utoamora. During his | ) i sago down the Rod Sea nd through the ( lulf of Bengal , ho became ut- tr.icfod by n bright , fair headed little 'irl of three or four yearn of ugo , through whom ho became very friend- Ivwith the child's father , Colonel Preston , an officer of the British Army , who wen on hm way back from England to his post in India , whore liu had butayiarorniorotoservobefore earning the rest that 'Great Uritian gives her oll'iccrs nftor stated terms of aorviw. TIIK VA1H IIAIIIfll HAMU1ITKU. Was his youngest olnld , nnd the only ono of n second umrriAuo. ns the ship rouhtlcd fapo Ounnlnfui.nt the entrance into the Indian Ocenn , thn child of Colonel Pri'ston , wSich lind only r\ few minutes before been playing with her frifnd , was lost sight tf bv the nogh-ot of lior nurse-nnd , clambering up on tlio mil , n luroli if the 8hi , > from the chopping sen throw her overboard almost under the acrow. A cry startled all linn Is , and without HtoinniT | ) an instant to think of clothing or a dependent fam ily far nwny in Virginia , or g\llnnt American Consul followed the child vorbonid before she had tlo.itod a do/.on yards from the ship , and being an oxjiort Bwiimuer sueeeudod in reaching the Kugh < duimn'8 darling nnd kept himself and her uiloat until nearly half nn hour later , when the grent steamer , lind stopped , lowered 11 Utiarter boat , and ho and his prize were picked up over a quarter of n mile astern. When the rescuer and the rescued , , tth the b.iby prize wore safely again on deek mi onthusiuttio meeting of the otliwra and passengers on board wna held , and a generous purse was made up to .Induo Riloy. This the Judge nt once declined , on the ground that n motive of the merest common humanity which would move n gentlomnn to mnko nu attempt to save a human life wouldbo degraded by nnythingthnt looked like n payment ; that glndliess of heart at bringing the child back wife was richer rownrd than any payment. CM. nnd Mrs. 1'reaton wow , is may well bo imagined profuse in thoniirofen - sions of gratitude , .ludyo Ililoy's destination B reached , and ho and las newly mnuu friends patted , tiftly to continue a very hunted correspon dence for several je.iw. Judge Riley remained nt Xan/.ibar until l8" Swlien ho returned to the Umteo Slates nnd resigned , nnd since then him been about Washington most of the time , nnd in Noveinuer last was appointed n clcr'k in the AjMieulturnl Depart ment hero. " ' NEVER GIVE UP. If you lire sulleriug with low and depressed spirits , loss of appetite , gen- end debility , disordered blood , weak Constitution , hoadnche , or any disease of a bilious nature , by all means pro cure a bottle of Electric Bitters. You will bo surprised to see the rapid im provement that will follow ; yon will bo inspired with new life ; strength and activity will return ; piiin and mis ery will cease , anil henceforth you will rejoice in the pr.iiao of JClociric Bitters. Sold at l l - > 'itei buttle by Isli & McMnhon. Chnngod the Packs. Knit I. Xn Trlliuno. Some of the old namls who can't hug the young fjirls of Xum in b.illH , mitt have abolished round dancea in cense < [ ucnce , have now invented - vented a now kind of pedro which uives them more > of n chance. They start card parties nt the evening ' socials' and whenever anybody catches anybody else's pedro , the par ty winning has a right to kiss tliootb- er five times The game is pluyod with nn equal division of the sexes nnd it is rare fun for the old elders of Israel. The' other evening old Bishop - fixed up a puck of cards \yitli nine pedros and started a game light in among some of the prettiest girls ol the wiird. It happened , how- tver , that the girls anticipated 'his little game and had n pack already without tiny podros in. They rung in the cold deck on Ihe old squosix and started the game. The old fellow made some big bids , ex pecting to capture , seine pedros and got sot back on the board every time. All this time the girls kept exclaim ing. ' Oh , ain't this a nice game ; no exciting ? " After playing an hour the old fellow didn't BOO the color of a single pedro and the glances and giggles of the girls caused him auspoct that the daughters of Xion were rather getting the best of him. Ho finally got so far off the board that ho was , compnrntivly speaking , out of sight and finally gave up the place tea a young man who was seated near by watching the game. In a twinkling the girls transposed the jacks again and for the yoxt two hours the sounds of tiinneks Unit young man won could bo heard all over the room. The old bishop , who begun to drop on himself , wni < the maddest man in all the hind , and is now putting up u job to find out the girl who dimmed those jacks and cilt her oil' from the church. A Signal Victory. The vnluu of electricity IIH n rcnic'illiil uncut lias piinc'd a nl'iml ( victory over prejudice. Tlionmn' ItalectiiaOil Htiindo loicnumt In UIH ! cliiiu of coniiiiinils | , 'I'm- liinnnialH from M piutK tell of the wruitl. IOIM emus of ilii'iiinatlHiii , nauraln | ! , Inietc , nnd wires , do , HlVeted by HH iinciicy , Iw-ei il AVllo Conspiracy. Ni Hau'ii Kriflttir Jehiol Jasper strolled into the gro cery store and postolli 10 of ono of our back country villages Saturday , and after standing around with his back to the fire until he was permeated with coloric , said : "Well , I guess I'll read the news and got along towards homo. Perkinses paiiors como yot' " and ho stopped behind the postollleo boxes as was his custom , to ( ako it out and road it. "Can't let you BOO it , JoluYl , " said the postmaster ; "govoinmont has issued - sued order * that any postmaster who allows a iioii-Biibscribur to road a sub scriber's paper will IOHO his position. " "No1 You don't tell mo. Weil if that ain't a great idee ? II'H a put up job u gel darned conspiracy between these ere newspapers and the gov1- niont , to keoj ) the multitude in igno rance , so that they can domineer it over the community. And they talk about this 'ufo boin1 u free country. lt' drifting light into despotism jes' as fast as it can Jlow in thundur B a man to know what's going on if ho don't road , an' now the government's sottiti' down on all i'denn of oddicalion an * tiikin1 away that privilege "Oh , not so bad as that , Johiol , " said the postmaster. "Tho government - mont doesn't say anything against your subscribing for Iho. paper yourself - self you know. "Subscribin1 for it ? What d'ye take mo for ? D'yo suppose that I'm goin1 to subscribe for a paper tllat I've rend fourteen years right here by the stove without costin' mo a cent ? No , sir , 1 nin't n goin'to help "em to oppress mo by keepin' mp in ignorance. No , sir-oo " And having a supply of cho p plug tobacco "put on ( ho slate , " he moggod homo -nthoroughly oppressed citizen. Thanks. TliiM. IToivnrd , llttulford , PAvrtt" ! < : ' I endow miiiiflv for Spring 111 > s oiii , a * 1 ttaiil 1 would If it cured me ; my IHH' | | | " nil * hat vnuWudtth nil it nyuiitein | < . Mnny tliaiikn ; 1 * tmll novi'r Iwitlloiit It in the homo. " I'rlee fill. onU. tti.d b.ittloi lOccntH , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iwood ALMOST CUAXY. How often do wo see the hardworking ing father straining every nerve nnd muscle , nnd doing IIH utmi > at to sup- [ x > rt his family. Imnginohis feelings when returning homo from n hard day's labor , to find his family pros trate with disease , conscious of unpaid doctors' bills nnd debts on every hand. It must lie enough to drive ono almost cn\7.y. All this niihnipiness | could bo avoided by umng Kiectrio Bitters , which expel every disease from the system , bringing joy and happiness to thousands. Sold nt fifty cents n hot tie. Tsh v MoMuhon. (8) ( ) BOSTON MARKET , Cuming Street. J , J , PBES Jropr , Fronh iiud Suit Moiita of nil Ktudo , Poultry , Kiah.&o. , in Sonson. To Nervous Sutterers THt QlltAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. SimpHou'u Spooltic a.ZSTEI. It | HI > i Miiviumti | t'rttiH'rinuoirhca , Spmttik iVo3H1llli , llll | ll..llll , Ull.I till lllniuil-f trimi 'Iclt-Alniw , Mi'iilnlnlut \ , tt inury , I1 i > lin In th llnrh or ! ; Mo , mul that trail to ; % a 4 ? > Consumption insanity nn ' _ 7 ft , 'T w ) } X. < J ? ( kta. : > # Mi'dlelnii U ftolnfr u tiil Altll H 011 , lilt _ Paimihluti ! itnt tree tu til Write for iitoiu ml nt full | nr > ( t.lllAIM. I'tli-o , hpoclttf , Jl.lHI | 'ol } wkck | ; u. Or > lx l cl en for $11.00 Adjmw all onlora to I ) . .1IMMIN MKDICINK Cd. Nor. 1U4 iul UH1 JUIn St. Iti-.fTMo , N. V. ol.l In < ) nun iii 0. 1' . Oooihmii. J. w. Hell , K lih. inl ll ir'Hirl .vi. v < lnirc. TRUTH ATTESTED. ATTESTED.f f XVtl Kuoivu Poojilo Wlxilly Voriiliul. In onliT tint tliu pulillr IIIHV fully rtmllru tliu LMIUllll'IIOHN of I III ! H.'ltl I < UN , , IH Wl'll aH till' ponrritinl vnlnti of llui artliln ol uliloh tlio ) Hpuak , uepnlill li her ulth t u fiuHlinltu i < Mt tnrvaof pnrlleH wlioso Hliuurit. ' It lioxonil IICH | tlotl , 'IllO Trlltll Of tlll'KC tl'HllllllllllulH In nllHO tutu , tier UAH thu factii thoj annuiince bu l nonil OMAHA , Nin. . May 24 , 1881. II. II. WAUNiwACu. : DKAHbuc I liaxo ( roiinunllj mod NVariuir'n Knfo Kliliiu. and Ll\rr Cun < for local nlTcctlouB nttunilant upon HONCFU rhonniiitlo attnehH , anil lin\u alnnjH lorUcil honcllt thvrclrom , 1 II.IM- nNn mml tlm Safe Nur > nui ultti BiitUl..clory ru- tniltn. 1 I'otiblilrr tltrnu ini'dlcliiotjvorthy ( if COIllllltil CO. Ih-mit ) Troiwiiror OMAHA , NKII , May 24 , 1 81 II. ' WAIINM ft Co. , Riuiuwtor , N. v. : QKNTH : I liui oaod } our M > fu Klilney and I Uer Cure thin niriii | { inn It erlnItorator , nnd 1 llnd I the lit'Ht ruinedy I nvur tiioil. I h' ' xt UHcd 4 hottlcH , a d It him niailn nia feul hotter than 01 or 1 nlij before In the Kjirlnir. U. P. It , HhoiM. OVAIIA , NFII , May 24 , 18S1 , II. II , WAII > KK tl.'o : HIHH- : For inorii than ID y am I luuo miftorod much In onvcnlonco from comblni'd khlnuy anil lltenllaciuim , IK ) ha\u linen nti lilo to work my nrln y or ' tm also hclni ; alTvu'uil I rli-il a ureat iimny mudlclniH and iloctnra , but 1 t'tow worsu and uor u day by day I nan told 1 had Ilrlnlil'n DlwoMo , and I ulahod niyvvU dead If I could not havu Hpeeily ri-lluf. I took your Mafo Klilnuy and Uver i.nru , kiifiwIiiK nothlnif clue wan e\er knouiitoenru tlm ilUenMO. anil 1 Invv. not hoi'ii dinaipolntd. ] Th nu-ilk-lnuImn cured inu , and I am purfuo ly Viull to-ilav , entirely through jour Halo Kidney and LlrurCnru I wlsliyonall unco MI In publlslihiK thin v.Iuablu rcmoilvthrotiuh ilin world U. 1' . It. K. HIiopH. 1lioiin.inil if i < iiully | n roiiKeiidorHunicntx many of them In runevhcni h" ] > nun abaii- loncd lm\n him tnluntnrily UrnHliowln the reiunikalilu IIUKI r of WarnirV Nafu Klilnuy and I.ivi r Cure , In all < ! H anu > of tl"i klilnii > n. llvi'r v ' " K niiy cri' uhu naifn thin troiibln n it'i'Mibor tb criml -ANI- Sloro I'i.Miirc Uork am ! Trcmh llotili'n TJiM ; Tlut and It. . ' lit Bhou CUHD illairi O. ,1. WJLDK , 1315 and 1317 Oass Stroot. ffli7-lin UKO. W , IIUANI. A. 0. aAMmill.L DOANE& CAMPBELL , Attorneys-at-Law DexterL.Tlioinas&Bro , WILL IJUy ANJ ) AHU ALL TUAH8AOTKIN 14)11 II HirtHU TIIRKIWI1II. Pay TaxoH , Rent Houa B , Etc. U TOII WANT T < ) UT ft" * f' . < C ll a Olflcn , lloom 8. Crel. ' - " j'0t nah . 6.J J , G. ELLIOTT & CO. Plumbing , Steam & Gas Fitting ! AHKMrt roll TBCA.-TK"\Kr > jeL'WX3L' & Turbine Water Mot.r. Pump * . Pipe 1'ittluj ; ami Bruin OoudN. Cur , Mill and Jliimuy , Oinulm , Nub. A WATKI : MnroitlN iiiTANt ; ( lriiUTio\ : . BYRON REED & CO. OLUIHT UTAHLimlMU Real Estate Agent ; ; IN ( Keep a comiilote ahutract ot tltU to Rra K Ut to Omibk M Uourltl NoaU , Br < CORRECT MAP . 'v < < i u i iartiinll < < im iJit Mini ii CHICAbiO & MORTH-WESTERKI R'V when .MVllnt * ) In rUM fi < lf * rtinn ticiwi-n , v. , , ' ! . , . ti. . , . .p.-.i ti < iUo I'lOSH CPi'urcJow uitil t'r * ! * Ul y . f THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY . iruns oni'hvav ilnllyfrom two v > . . . , .M , , , , , r. . -u- . , , , . . . , . west oM'iiliMu'o Hint UMW dm The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. l UkM Anmi0 Ml'l | l'rfs0ilJnrVlllillu \ ! ! < < 1'Vliiimn . , Minnesota &CcMitrMIalotiiI.lrx' , \i . i ! n ' . NN'l ; ' | | J' ' /VinKtiMj J ! l.lne."nilomo,8t. : Paul ni\d Mliuipatwllt l.lue. \ \nr. llllii. l < . . " " i i | HiitSnii1iuiUiil.liie. | "MIlwaiiKeo. Oreotl sv& I.nUo.Suicrlnr | Mtic CH vi'ihs"v"r ' ' " H ' " " " " ' bt"1 ' liy "U COUI"U ) 'I'lL'kot JVKenta fu the Ualted atati > s a Ueiiieinliet IHUHK lur Tickets via tills remllios\irr > they rcait over tt.anit takonoaio " " - UAKm lllllllVreiriAliuiuiertJlilca ( ] ; ! ; . H. STKNNKTT.dleu'l 1'ass. Apciit , UAIlltV I. iH'K. . . ricm-t Amoiit l.1\ N W Uvlun ) , 11th anil PainhamVitrooU. D. K. KltltiAM. , .WNtanlTicket A\iouO t N > v lUlhoy , U h | iul V tnh m treill' ' J. lliil. . Pii-Hot .Vj ut U. .V N W. kUII i\y , 1) ) I' II U t.ixil. ) ) CI.MUC Uimnral Awnl. Single Brooch Loading Shot Gims , from $5 to S18 , Donblo Brooph Loading Shot Guns , $18 from to $75 , Muzzle Lnading Snot Guns , from SB to $25- Fishing Taoklo , Base Balls and all Kinds of Fancy Goods , Full Stock of Show Oases Always mi Kami , Imported and Key West Cigars , a large line of Meersbaum and Wood Pipes * nd everything required in a First-Class Cigar , Tobacco and Notion Store. Cigars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards t e d for P rice List and Samples. IMPORTANT TO GROOBRS , PACKERS , PROVISION , AND COMMISSION MESOHANTS , A notv pronws ( or | in ii'rxii | ) ( nil Animal anil Vi'irotnWo Artlclen llnlilo to spoil or ilecaj. 1'rtnih lUatu , I'KKO , Klah , Oaino , 1' nltry , Frultr , Viiitnlli'H. ( : Ilnttcr , JIII1Cl. . r. nntl other lliiililn | , ( ireDcrveil liy Ihlxinethoil tan htmhliipi'il to Knroiie , HUlijielfit to atmosiilifrii1 i-lmnges , unil returned to thlx fonntry In nierrat , utato of iiri'Horxauon , retail Injr tlioir otlnlnnl llnvor. | ' XM i"i ' l' priHorml nl inout o ( ft.lXl per 1.000 tlnzun , nnil other artlcleH In proportion , ami will liu ftH Iri'ali ami Dorfi'ct f K niontliHattur OH ihu iln ) they uo re Ireatt'il. Ono man can prmenu 6,000 ilo/.en pur day , ami a chamber Illlfil ullh dllTereht nitii'lenHiirh as Kfg * , .M atfl , 1'Nh , I'oul- Iry , 4c , ean lie lreat l at onu t mo ulthout aililltloiml troul lo orexpuime. No \punnlto nppar- atnx orinaclilner.v required. Material , limtiiictluni , ai.d nil nei-ennar ) iilorinat'on I nppllcil In I ) . MAC\SI AX , AK'out lor tliu rreniliti 1'ri'ncrvlnir Coiuiuny ( ( .united ) , HehiUlon.W'edJtFrl. 1MII llaUKlonHt. , Omaha. POWE1R AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MININO UAOIIINEKY , IIKI.TINO , IIOHK , IIHASh AN1 > IKON KirilMIn CH'K. ric . I'AOKINO , AT WHPt.hUALR AND KrrrAII. . HALLAUAYiWIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS A. L. SRANG , 205 Farnham St. , Omaha J. A. IT * " WIIOI.KHAI.K AND IU.TAIL DKALKIt l > Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LiME , CEMENT 0T8TATK AOBNl KOIt MIUWAIIKKK IlKMKNr fl'IMPANM Near Union Pacific Depot , OMAHA. Special Attention Is Once More Called to jthe Fact that Rank" foremost in the West in Asso rtment and Prices of CLOTHIN FOR MKN'S , BOYB' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. ALSO A OOMTL1STK LINK OF Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps Wo ure'projmrod to Meet tlio doinaiuU of the train in luyiinl to Liitint and PaitfriiH. Fine Merchant Tailoring in Oonncotiiin RBSPEOTPDLLY , M. HELLMAN OO U 1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 314 sth 3t