Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1882, Image 1

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    i I fcl 11
Yesterday's Proceedings in the
Senate and House ,
Continued Discussion in the
Sonata ot the Arrears of
Pension Act.
The House Getting Warm Over
the Apportionment Bill
. KUooUnneons Notes of n National
Character ,
3JaUon l Associated Prim
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , February 9.
Mr. Conger , from the committed on
commerce , reported favorably with
amendments the bill to improve the
life aaviiiR service and encourage life
Several bills , placing ollieera who
had retired to eivil Hfo on the retired
list of the army , came up under regu
lar cull of the calendar.
Messrs. Plumb and Sherman pro.-
tested against such action , as being
nnjuat to regular army officers and
establishing a dangerous precedent.
Mr. Plumb thcjn addressed the sen
ate in support of' Mr. Ingalls' resolu
tion against the repeal of the arrears
of pension net.
Mr. Harrison ulao spoke in favor of
the principle of the pensions act ,
claiming that it appealed to the judg
ment and Bonso of justice of every
man in order to avoid frauds claimed
to exist. He approved the recom
mendation of the commissioner of
pensions that 400 special agents bo
appointed to investigate claims.
Air. Brown said it would bo unjust
to repeal or suspend the operations of
the act.
Mr. Beck pointed out that several
onatora were veterans of the Ameri
can war and it was not right that they
should como in for pensions under
one of the amendments proposed
Mr. Maxey said that needy soldiers
of that war ouctlit not to bo deprived
of the bounty because a few of the
survivors happened to bo rich.
At 3 o'clock eulogies to tl o memory
of the late Representative O'Connor
were pronounced by Messrs. Butler ,
Bayard , Jones ( Fla. ) and Hampton.
SonitorBayard in the couraeof his eu
logistic remarks on the character and
career of the late representative of
South .Carolina paid .a glowing tribute
to the influence of the Irish race in
Mr. Hewitt , from the committee on
laws regulating presidential elections ,
presented two bills , one covering the
mooting'of elector * and dispatches before -
fore them , the other giving presiden
tial claimants redress in the supreme
A resolution asking for details of
signal service expenditures under
ilowgato was adopted.
At 12:30 : p. m. the house resumed
consideration of the apportionment
bill , Mr. Colerick on the floor. Debate -
bate will last several days.
Mr. Cox ( N. Y. ) followed , saying
be would at ; the proper time , move
to recommit the bill to the committee
with instructions to formulate a now
till on the old system. Ho still hold
io his belief that 307 would bo the
number. Ho believed the house too
largo now rather than too small.
Since the committees of the house
had indicated , however , that it would
not accept 307 , he would accept the
number proposed by Mr. Colerick ,
" 310. Ho refused to permit interrup
tion" , as the question of figures is a
very delicate und particular one , and
said : " .Should I permit all these mis
cellaneous attacks , there would bo a
whole bunch of figures ruthlessly
raped right hero. [ Laughter. ]
The now system , " he continued ,
of small district , and placed no limits
upon targe ones. It strained at the
gnats and swallowed the camels. It
was predetermination
to place small states at a disadvantage.
Neither plan could do entire justice ,
but the old was the most just to both
.small and large status. "
Mr. Cox was followed by Messrs.
Tyler , Updograil'and Burrows ( Mich. ; ,
against the new system , the latter
denouncing it ai unwise , unjust , and
monstrous in iti principles and pro
National Associated Pren. '
WASHINGTON , February 9. David
Dudley Field will address the law
committee.of the house on the laws
respecting presidential votes on Sat
urday next.
The house ways and means com
mittee this morning referred thoMor-
rill and Randall refunding bill to a
sub-committee , of which Mr. Kelly is
There are 117 tons of silver in the
New York Bub-treasury.
Mr. Austin Corbin was before the
housi ) ) > ostoftice committee and argued
in support of the bill to establish a
line of fast mail * steamora between
Montauk Point and Milford Haven
in Wales. The company ask in lieu
of a subsidy a contract for carrying
the mails on the aanie terms now
given to the fast railway mail service.
The house military committee
agreed to the bill retiring Quartermaster -
master ( Jenoral Meigs , with the rank
of mujor general. Hon. Sheridan
will be heard this afternoon on a
.proposition for compulsory retire.
' inent of army officers at the go of
02. He is said to favor such a bill.
Secretary Folgor eays that the ser
vices of Goo. Curtis , special agent of
the treasury in New York , against
v jrhora charges wore made by the civil
service reform association , will bo dis
pensed with.
The committee on foreign alTiurs has
decided to make a favorable report
upon Mr. Springer's resolution calling
upon the president for the American
peace congress correspondence in i's
Shot-man was before the treasury
investigation committee thia afternoon
and was examined in relation to cer
tain statements made by certain wit-
no 8oa in which his immo has boon
mentioned Nothing important wua
elicited , his testimony being simply
in explanation of certain minor mat-
The naval committed has not yet
made a report to the senate on the
nomination of Watmoimh for paymas
ter general of the navy , but are hold
ing the subject in abeyance in antici
pation of the probable withdrawal of
the nomination. Should it not bo
withdrawn an unfavorable report will
soon bo submitted.
Nowi of Gnlt au <
National Associated Press. '
NEW YOUK , February ! ) . George
W. Scoville , Guiteau'a brother-in-law
and lawyer , was in this city to-day on
business connected with the argument
to bo made in Quit can's behalf before
the court in bane in March. Scovillu
goes'hence to Chicago , whore he ex
pects to finish the accumulation of
material for Ins forthcoming argu
ment ! . He will again stop in New
York on his return to Washington.
To a question as to the truth of the
reports that solitary confinement has
broken Guitoau's spirit and that ,
barred of the accustomed publicity
for his speeches and writing ,
he has fallen into a sul
len and melancholy temper , Scovillo
says : "Such reports are exaggerated
as reports of that measure are apt to
bo. Of course solitary confinement is
not calculated to make any man bright ,
but it has not had the cilect upon this
prison or which has boon alleged. The
lust time , however , that I saw Gui-
tcau , and that was last Saturday , ho
was about the same. "
Scoville haa managed , during his
presence in this neighborhood to keep
entirely clear of reporters and to
make assurance doubly sure has
lodged in Jersey City to avoid news
paper men and detectives.
Bond DilHoulty Settled
National Astodatcxl Trees.
CLINTON , III. , February 9. The
Harp township bond question , which
lias caused immense trouble here and
attracted the attention of the entire
state , was to-day finally settled , the
township issuing now bonds to thu
amount.of 850,000. The lighting ot
the bonds lus coat the township 812-
000 in the last ten years.
Small Pox.
National Aaaoclatod Press.
WASHINGTON , February 0. Reports
of small pox to the national board of
health for the week ending February
4th , show Pittsburg 74 cases , with 14
deaths ; District of Columbia 3 cases ,
Milan 1 , Jmaha 5.
BXetltodlit Boob ConoerM-
National Associated Preen ,
CINCINNATI , February 9. The gen
eral book concern of the Moihodiat
church decided today to discontinue
the book at A lanta , Ga.
Death of a Hermit-
National Associated 1'
POKT JAUVIS , N. Y. , February it.
Geo. Hawford five years.ago settled
at Mongano V.illcy as a shoemaker.
He lived a honuit'b life and was frugal
and industrious Ho was found dead
in his bed last Tu sday , and when the
coroner examined his effects ho found
his real name to bo Joseph II. Covey ,
and that he hus a brother at Now
Richmond , Wia. , and another at La-
donia , Adrian county , Mich. Ho
died a natural death.
Sunday Observance.
National Associated Proas.
CHKJAOO , February 9. A call for
an international conference in behalf
of Sunday observance in the United
States and Canada has been issued by
the International Sabbath association ,
to commence ut Pittsburg , March 28.
Marine Intelligence.
National 1'renH AHuociution.
NKW YOJIK , February ! ) . Sailed
The Republic , for Liverpool ; the
State of Nebraska , for Glasgow ; the
Weil , for Hamburg ; the Gainer , for
Arrived The Wostpln Ha from
LiVKKi'OOL , February 9. Sailed
On the 8th , thu Spain , for Now York.
Th Jaaanette *
National Associated Press.
WAHHINOTON , February 9. Secre
tary Hunt has received the following :
"Burlington , la. , February 9 To
the Secretary of the Navy : Please
ask Mr. Bennett not to detain the
correspondent already at Irkutsk. He
can join the naval officers as Herald
correspondent in the spring. Let the
urgency of the case excuse the aug <
gcation ,
( Signed ; "EMMA DK LONO. "
The secretary has forwarded thu
dispatch to Mr. Bennett and respond' '
ml to Mra , Do Long that ho approved
her suggestion.
The New Mexican Minister-
National AiaodaUd Prea *
CITV or MKXICO , February ( ) .
Senor Matias Romero , newly appointed -
od Mexican minister at Washington ,
leaves Mexico for Uashington via the
Now York steamer next Tuesday
night. Report that Honor Romero's
appointment is only temporary is ofli-
cially contradicted , his appointment
buing permanent ,
Tlin TennoHoe Funding Act.
s'nt'.oual Auotlatul Press.
NASHVILLE , February 9. It is thu
talk on the street to-day that four out
of the five supreme judges are op
posed to the funding act , ' * Nothing
definite is to bo had from them ,
There is considerable excitement and
hurrying to and fro of thoae who are
on the aavo und the mako.
The "National Republican" dot
ting a National Reputation ,
The Managing Editor Having
Fatally Shot a Nowapapor
How the Trouble Originated
and How Ic Cul
minated. *
RXlioellnnootu New * Of Crime * Mid
National Axnoclattxl Pn .
WASHINGTON , February ! > . A shoot
ing affray took place in the office of the
National Republican just butoro 10 p.
in. , during which A. M. SoltoldoJr. ,
clerk of the senate u mumltoo on rail
roads , was faUllyshot in thoback of thu
neck , and Chirenco B.xrton , managing
editor of the Republican , WHS also
shot in the nick and again in the side.
The trouble between the parties was
of long standing. Solteldo was ut one
.imo managing editor ot thu Republi
can and afterwards correspondent of
ho San Francisco Chronicle and of
ho Baltimore Tim , s. Fur the iast
.wo sessions f congress ho has
> oen clerk of the senate committee
on railroads. Ho has gained
considerable notoriety lately .by n l w-
mit with the proprietor of the Lyon
ipuse , this city , and also on acooutit
of a fracas with Col. Jas. Keogan , of
Now York. The latter affair and its
equols have boon made the subject of
> uraonal comment by the Republican
uid Soltoldo has openly attributed the
authorship of the articles to Barton
ind declared ho Would in turn show
lim up to thu public in his true light.
L'o this end he procured what pur-
) ortod to bo copies of letters fiom
Jarton written some time ago
und confessing forger } * to the
kinoimt of several hundred dol-
ars. The p.ipora Solteldo held
n abeyance until to-day , when the
current issue of The Republican con
tained the following :
"Mr. A. M. Soltoldo , Jr. , a native
of Venezuela , South America , whilom
proprietor of the Lyon house , on V
itreet , cloik to the committee on rail
roads of the United States senate ,
tnd newspaper correspondent , offered
on Tuesday to Wm. 0. Hmton , a
typo on The Republican , five dollars
if he would secure for him the origi *
iml manuscript of u news article which
ippuared in these columns relative to
A. M. Soltoldo and Col. J. F. Keegan
on the 13th ult. Mr. Uinton , who
waa an apprentice on the Republican
some years ago when Mr. Soltoldo
was managing editor and who has
been attached to the paper for the lust
ton years , proved to bo incorruptible
and rotuaod to violate the customary
confidence reposed in employes of
luwspapor offices. Just why Mr.
Soltoldo , Jr. , desires the original man
uscript is not known but ho ought to
remember that bribery is not juurtial-
sm , and that such u proposition com-
ng from the clerk of a senate com-
nitteo would naturally tend to destroy
confidence in said clerk. The nigh
after the publication of the article ro-
'errod to Colonel Kocgan for
warded card to this office
giving the details of the disgraceful
iff.iira which brought himself and
Soltoldo into the courts and the nowa-
) apera. Mr. Solteldo got wind of the
mended publicatfSn , and through his
earnest personal solicitations und
those of his friends , based upon the
ileu that it would iinti him in the
; oiinnunity , thu card of Col. Keegan
was not published. This injustice to
" ! < il. Keogau and favor 0 A. M. Sol
toldo is repaid by the latter in an at
tempt to corrupt one of the employes
ot this journal , it ID not forgotten
'n this city that when Soltuldo was
natmging editor of the Republi
can lie boasted Unit ho hold
: ho mirror up to nature in
presenting the naked facts of passing
jvcntB to the public through its col-
JimiH. Whether ho did or not is best
known to those who remember his
signal failure in his efforts. The so
called failure was to bo very naturally
expected when Mr. Soltoldo's con
nection with the well known black
mailing sheet in Now York namely ,
the Free Lance -was BO well ro
moinborod" .
Mr. Solteldo to-day characterized
the above OH libeloua und said he
should brini ; action against the paper.
To-night , however , ho and his young
er brother , Charles , went to the Re
publican office a little before 1C
o'clock and found Barton at work ed
iting telegraphic news. No onu else
was present. Others in the building
heard several shotH fired , Barton
and the younger .Soltoldo had
an after acufllo down Blairs
and the elder Solteldo was found un
conscious on the floor of the sanctum.
The latter remained unconscious for
nearly an hour. Doctors Bliss and
Adams attended. Ho was found to
have been shot in the baok of the
neck and the ball Roomed to have
poasod downward through thu spine.
His hands and feut were
par.ilyy.ed , but when consciousness
i turned ho was able to talk incoher
ently. JIo said ho did not know who
shot him ; that ho was very sorry that
lie was going to die , and ho wanted ; o
bo taken to the I'rovidcnco hospital.
.At 11 n. m ho was removed there and
his wife informed of the fact.
Barton was found on the counting
room floor , lie was ublo to walk to i
carriage and wan taken home. His
story is that the Soltcldos came in 01
tliu protonnoof the publication of some
impiTs the older hold in hin ham's
He refused to look at them , saying lie
waa not the editor. Thereupon the
elder Solteldo seized him by the throat
thu younger fired at him und then ho
took'out his pistol from a drawer ir
self defeiiHo and fired a shot. He
says , however , that ho could not have
shot the older Soltoldo in the ,
'or hu Aimed nt his body.
Frank Conger , book-keeper of the
[ lopublicftn , ixnd the copy boy , both
of whjm entered during the fracas ,
corroborate Barton' * statement that
10 waa the party attacked and Unit
Oharlos Solteldo shot his brother by
nistako ,
Charles Soltoldo , the younger
jr.other , wasTarreatoil and locked up.
Lie wivs uninjured , lie nays hia
Brother shook tome paporn in Burton's
'ace and asked him if lie recognized
: hcm ; that Barton refused to look at
.hem ; , tha * his brother moved
lownrd him , and that Barton ,
Jiking * revolver from thu desk ,
irod the shot that brought him
.0 the floor. Charles says lie then
sprang upon Barton. They acufllod
across the mom ami down stairs and
pistoLwos discharged several Union
during the 8cuio ami that Barton
hbt himself. Both Soltoldoa
TO said _ to have boon
under the intluuncu of liqiioi.
A great crowd thronged thoBupub-
iciui office until the wounded men
voro removed and considerable ox-
itoihont wiuijtnanifoatod.
Mrs. Soltofto reached her husbiuul
it midnightAl which time ho was
mr'oly c6nsp(0un. ( The doctors think
10 cannot live till morning. Barton
s badly wounded , but not necessarily
* I * 4
OHIOAOO , ' February 9Tho gang of
onspiratoni nhd forgers captuted by
) etocjivo Pinkerton on Wednesday
ad an oxaotitiHtion to-day before
ustiuu , Meeoh. John P. Morton
vlios JackitMi\lor \ , Jno. T. llatliuld
lias Jnck , Brush , unil Cluis. I'nlimtr
ixhas Fisher , were hold to the crimiu
fvl court in" bonds of $5,000 ouch , and
Vin. Lawrence1' alias Wm. Vaughn in
nnds of 05,000 for conspiracy and
3,000 for forgery. The entire ging
wore sent d rho county jail in ilu-
uult of bail.
CitK.'Ano , February 9. Jack Bush ,
lack Miller , Win. Luwroiico and
Charles Preston , four member * of a
langcrous gang of forgery ucro clov-
rly trapped , in this city by Pinker-
on's agency as hriifly stated in these
lispatchoa last night. They are sup-
> osed to have loft Now York about u
vcck ago for extensive oporitions
.hroughout the west. Their plans for
[ ofrouding banks in this city out of
housanda of dollars were well laid.
> Jot half an hour after the cashier of
he Union National bunk hud been
) ursonally warned uguinst the opor.i-
1011 of the gang by Pinkerton he
laahod iv § 480 forged check. The do-
ectivu recognized the party present-
ng the check as Charley Preston ,
who was for many years u "gobo -
ween" for Oharlos 0. Brock way ,
ho notorious forger now serving u
orm of eight years in the Rhode Is-
and penitentiary. The gang's mode
> f operations was to make u small
) urchuso ut some well known house ,
tocuring the firm's check for change
duo thu purchvxor oil tliu pretext that
; ho money watTio bo' sent to the conn'
.ry , than secure a chock book irom
.ho . bank and forgo the uignaturo.
3rush is thu leader of the gung. Miler -
or is well known in Now York , Phil-
idelphia and other eastern cities , lie
s the young man who recently in
duced a young lady from Reading ,
'a. , to steal $16,000 in government
> ends from her father und then olope.
n Brush und Preston's baggage uero
ound inks , dies and forged checks on
thu principal banks of the city.
DAVENTOHT , la. , February ! > . I.
Sheer , u Herman dancing master ,
vlnlo going u short distance out of
own lust night to fill nn engagement
vus stopped in a lonely ravine by
lighuuymcii , who with drawn rovol-
ore demanded his money. It is pro-
umud ho Raid ho had none for they
mmudiutuly fired two shots killing
lim instantly. The BCOIIO was wit-
lessod by u young man from the top
I a neighboring hill.
COLU.MIIIM , Ind. , February ! ) . In
irown county a young man named
31ock spoke dorogutivoly of Mr. Rob-
nsou's wife , and the latter went to
Block's house und shot and killed him.
KANSAS CITY , February tt. Officer
ilcMillan , of the railroad police force ,
; his evening discovered a man named
Miller ute.ihntr the brasses out of the
cur wheels. Ho was raising up the
.rucks by means of a jack screw and
.hen pulling out the bniBuea. Wlnlu
: ho officer was attempting to arrest
Miller the htttur struck him
tinu'H with jack scsow. The offi
cer drew his pistol and lirod three
shotn , imo taking eflect in Millnr'u
abdomen and will prove fatal. , February U. H. S. Ben
nett , u Chicago traveler , was arrested
this morning on a telegram fro
Montreal , charging him with pa inf ,
a counterfeit $100 note on the Windsor -
ser hotel. Ho chuntrod the note for
u saloon keeper in Montreal , am
offers to make good the amount. Ho
will bo detained pending investiga
February 'J.In
vustigatinn into the cliargi-n against
Rev. Futlior Shepherd reported in the
morning dispatches resulted in the
Hooioly adopting u resolution to proa
eeut * thu clergyman in the criminu !
courts , In the course of the inquiry
it was shown that Shepherd lim
struck the boys in thu face with hiu
clenched fiat wliilo in the vestry roon
ind also knocked thorn down HIU
kicked them.
WAHIIINIJTON , February J ) . Hon. J
W. Porney , L. W. Vuite , J. M. Minor
M. 0. Rundoll and .Thos. J. Brady
luivu all buen to-day indicted by the
grand jury for star route frauds. Si
it ia positively elated at the conr
house and generally believed ,
Killed on a Hand Oar.
Sutlonai Anbotiattxl I'riwu ,
WAU > , Toxus , February 0. Miijo
Wua'nburnu , of the International I in
prr/vemtnt uid | Company und M. 11
SUill , wife und Son , while on u haiu
cur for the purpose of making n slioi
trip , wore run into by an engine am
all four killed. Five negroes jumpui
from thu cur and escaped unhutt ,
War Brewinu Botwoeii the Two
Great Nations.
China Indignant at Japan's
Forcible Occupation
of Coron ,
And ie Preparing for Trouble
by Increasing Her Fight
ing Strength.
'ho Oplnm Proilnot and Otkor
Nown From the
S IN FiiAM'isco , February ih Tlw
Occuluntal anil Oriental atcamor
Gaelic arrived yesterday , bringing ml-
ticoa from Yokohanm to .lanuivry 5tth ! ,
und from Hung Kong January 1-ltli.
The latest eatimutu of thu crop of
opium raised \Yuttcrn China in an
follows : Western llnpeeh , 2,000
piuulB , ( a picul i I'M pounds ) ; Kast-
orn Szochuer15,000 pioula ; Runniin ,
40,000 pieula , und ICueicliow 10,000
pioula ; total of 07,000 piculs. Tlito ,
itniuat bo borne in mind , ia the pin-
dtietioti ofVoalorn China only ; in
Shantung , Chili and Manchuria it ia
extensively urown.
Aucoidmg to the Tiontning correi-
pendent of The Sli.inuliui Courier ,
there in much talk aiming Chinuao
ollicinla ubout n nioasiigo from the
Ooroan capital asking for anna nnd
soldiers to o.xpi'1 the Japanese who
have fiiBtenod on two Hettlomonta on
tlio shore opposite the weat coaat of
lupun. All aucdiinta ugroo thut the
Japanese are very cruel und that the
Coreana are minded to riau and limn-
Macro them. There will bo serious
trouble presently , ua tlio Ckineao are
very angry ubout the inceaaaiit UL'grea-
HIOIIH nnd annoyance received I rom
the Japanese. What .liipan wants in
Coroa no ono knowH. Clouily aho hii.s
right there. The forcible aeix-
uro of the porta umot coat u
good round aum yearly rather than
brim ; u lenelit and tlio Japanese stay
on Ruasnin Hutlerunco N doubt the
invasion had much to do with an expe
dition or wiali to have w ar with China.
The Chiiieau uru even mom sensitive
ubout Cori'ii than about , Loochoo und
it may be tuken for grunted that mia-
uhief ia browing. Tlio Chinese aaya
that almost nil Jupaneao who rnudo
in vuriouo parta of Peking have left ,
BO thut only two or three ruimiin in
the Japanese legation and tbuy inquire -
quire from foreigners tlio reason why
thcHo Japanese have left
The increased activity of China in
lilitary and naval preparations uio
ery marked. Stool torpudo boats are
eing built.
A aovure gale in reported from
ftahiimru , Houses und trots were
lown down and vemols in the harbor
uatftinod tnuun damage. ' A atuamor
: as sunk in liarinio b.iy.
The ceremony of laying the foun-
ation atone of the now imperial pul-
co will bu held aonio time in 1'ob-
It ia rumored that lists of persons
D represent their districts in the pro
ceed now parliament of 181)0 ) uru to
o prepared by thu civil authorities.
The largo quantity of gold used in
Id Jnixint'Ho bull mulul ia tiaid to have
ecu recently proved in the molting
own of fiagineiitH of ubout u third of
hu whole bulk of u bell tuken by the
nperiul troops during the Sutsuniu
ubollion. The i eduction of this por-
ion is said to have yielded 400 mo
ubout ( U" > troy ounces ) of pure gold.
The Burntod Stool Concern.
National As otlntod'ICH \ .
NKW YOUK , February ! . It ia
aid that tlio Now York syndicate uho
old the otion | to purchase the stock
f thoSiiiinoiia it Son ateol company
nivo made u proposition to the Alor-
hanta und Munnluuturora' bunk of
'ittabiirg ua chief creditor to furnish
hu money to opur.ito the works. To
uciiro unsecured ctoditora it ia pro-
loaed to iatiiio $ t2fiU.OOO preferred
, tock ut ( i percent. , the present mort-
ttagoa to Htund us they uro und Hocuro
reditora to hold on to their collateral
, ml not unti any with the expiration
if the time ageeed upon.
Douliln Elopomont.
Sutlnnal Aiuaclatixl l'r H .
AKKON , O. , I'lubrimry it. 1'urticu
ara of u double elopement have jual
como to the surface. Olilf Oaborno ,
well known barber , and Henry
\Yagun , a cigar milker , have diaap
poured und boon followed by Mrs.
Jennie Kni/or und her sister , Alice
Bellows , Various parties hold claims
ugainat the men amounting to over
7r . It is believed they have gone
to Detroit , Mich.
Indication * .
National Aawclatod I'rbm
WAHIIINOION , Februoiry 10. Fo
the lower Missouri valley : Warmer
fair weather , winds tuoatly south
lower prcaauro.
Grave Robber * * Work.
National ABsoiiaUxI 1'ruii * .
SANIWHKY , 0 , , Feljruary 0. In
toiiBo excitumont yrevnilH ut thu po
niiiBulu near here over thu robter | )
the grnvo of Lorenio Modouk , i
prominent citi/jun whoao death result
ud fromu peculiar fracture of tin
" canned by the premature explo
Moil of a bloat in a atone quarry. Tin
resurrectionists out off , the hutd : niu
replaced the trunk in the grave. Th
medical atudenta of Port Clinton ,
neighboring town , uru auapeotod am
detectives liavu boon employed to fur
ret out thu matter.
Echo. . . of the Mill.
National A H < HjiUil I'fiHii.
NKW OUI.KANHFebruary ! ) . Nearly
all the beta on the fight huvo boon
paid. Moat of the New York men
left on last night's trains. Ryun ulno
left for Brooklyn. Sullivan and hib
backora had o box ut Uuverly'a mill-
atrels last nigl't. Sullivan louves for
Chicago to-day and gives nn oxhibttioi
there on Saturday night.
NKW OUI.KANS , Fobruury 1) ) . Paddj
Uyuii , accompttnicd by his f rieinls ami
trninera , loft last evening by thu Mo
bile road for his northuastorn homo.
lie BUjForetl no incoinenieneo from
hia injurii-B , but oxprosaod great
chagrin at the result of the buttle on
account of his largo number of friends ,
who ataked their nil on his pi \ crs.
Sullivan will remain here a fivw daya
Artlcloi of Incorporation Filed Wtalk
the Socrvtarylor Stnto.
In addition to their certificate of incorporation -
corporation tiled Jnne Oth , 1881 , the
Missouri 1'acilio railway company of
Nebraska , hnvo tiled with the aocro-
tary of atuto , their urticlea of incor
poration. The principal ollice of thu
comp.iny is placed at Oinnhn , with
the privilege of having the meeting
of thu board of directors hold in the
city ut St. Louis , Mo. , if thought
dvsir.vblo. Thi ) uuthomvd capital
Block ia placed .it three millions dollars
lars to bo paid .in roiiniixid by the
board of diroctora. The cojiorato
existence of the company will com-
muiiuu June ( itli 1881 , und terminate
IniiB Wli , 1B1 ! ( , unlt'MS aoonun dia-
olvod or continued according to law.
The incoijHiratoM are imminli ua Jay
( Jonld , A. A. Tnlmago , F. B. Druko ,
9M' . Smith and John L. Wobstor.
A oortilicato of incorporation of the
Nebraska Central Railroad company
> \UB filed a low days since in the ollice
of the Rocrutary of state. Thn cor-
lilicato ea-ll.i for the construction of
n road from n point on the south line
of the atiitu of Nebraska , opposite
terniimin of ( lie Missouri I'Aeilie ,
ut Tiilim o , Republic county ,
Kunsaa , nnd from thence in 'u
uortliurly ilirvction to the city of
Niobrura , Ivnox county , Nob. , pass
ing through the counties ot Nuokolla ,
Clay , Hamilton , Merrick , Nance ,
Boone , Antelope mid Ivnox , with nn
estimated of two hundred
The c.ipilal atock ia placed at three
hundred thuumind ( lollurn , and ia
divided into Bhuren of @ 100 each.
Thu rosiilenfc incorporatora uru the
well known uapitulista of our state ,
vi : 1) . W. Montgomery , Thos. Fickos ,
J Van Vulin , J. Rittoibush , O. D.
Fullmer , E. L. Johnson , M. C. Long ,
0. W. Qulicli.aiuli' . II. Tibbotts.
Hic'iiMOMij Vu. , February ! ) . In
the circuit court to-day counsel in thu
Washington , Cincinnati A : Ohio rail
way catfu made u motion for resale.
The court i > oat ] > onctl the mutter until
to-morrow in order to give counsel for
the makurn oft the checks ( the cause of
the suit ) time to appear. This ia the
case in whioh the purchaser of the
CNVaahingtou , Clncin-Viti ifc Ohiofj iil-
wny tondorodi u cheek for 950,000 ,
which waa protested.
CiiniAiiO ) li\bruary ! ) . It ia re
ported in this city thut the Chicago ,
Burlington & ( Quiney road has leased ,
or is about to lease , the Denver < tRi >
Grande road. If this proves to be u
fact it will bo u aorioun blow to Gould ,
who has boon making strenuous ofiorla
for some time past to deprive the Bur
lington und the Atchison , Topeka &
Santa Fo toads of direct outlets to the
1'acific const. This virtual consolida
tion of thu Burlington , thu Atchison ,
Topeka tfc Santa Fo und the Denver &
Rio Grande roadu would form a com
bination thut would control nearly all
the Itoclcy. Mountain business.
Piiii.Aiim.i'iUA , February ! ) . An
order was issued to-day over thu nig-
nature of President Uoweii. iorbid-
ding employes of thu Philadelphia &
Rending railroad becoming cundiduU'a
for political offices , either of honor or
Fire * .
atlonal Assoclatod 1'ruea.
CIIIIIAOO , Ifobruury ! ( . Fire wua
.mcovured thin morning in Neoloy
lumbleton'u ' elevator , on ( jrove
treet in the aou hoin ] > art of the
ity. While thu lirst alarm wuu being
urned on thu fiamca burst through
ho roof. A iiecond alarm wiut iniino
diately aonb in , followed by n third ,
iilling nearly ull the city to the scene.
The buildings were divided in throe
sections , 180x100 , the center build-
ng being the elevator proper und six
stories high. The buildings on either
aide were of atone , three atorioa n
height , , and UHUI ! for storing grain
When the fire lu-oku out there were
iOO,000bualuila , of grain in the bins. .
The two storehouses were auvod by
onergptiu work , but the elevator waa
completely dvalroycd , involving i
leas of from $50,000 to 800,000 ; wol
covuiud by insurance , The cauao. . ii
unknown , but it ia believed to. hi
friction of belta.
YKIUIKNNJLS , Vt. , February it , Tin
works of the National Horse Shoi
Nail company burned about 1 o'clock
this afternoon. Thu rolling mUl und
workahopa were entirely destroyed
Lima , about 825,000 ; inauranco , ? lll
DKiiunr , February 4. Joh :
Bourin' foundry burned at Maniatou
ut an early hour this morning. Lees ,
$12,000 ; insured , $8,000. Suppoaud
TonnooMco Bead * .
National /wtoc-latixl l'rv ,
NAHIIVILLK , February D. The tum
ble in Tennessee bonds continued to
day until they reached 50. The excitement -
citement wua greater than mi the day
Tcii'KKA , Fobruury U Mr. S. M.51-
UT , 70 yourii of iige , living in North
I'opeku , comniittud atueido this after
noon by hanging himself in the luirn' '
Mental uberrution wiwtho caunuof thu
net. lie woa thu father of. thu Ruv.
JOB. Miller , pobtor of the North
Tonuku 1'roabyturiivn church ,
The General News Flashed Over
the Oahlo Last Night ,
The Queen's Speech Doing
Overhauled iu the House
of GominoDs.
The Egyptian Home Rulers
Continue to Defy the For
eign Controllers.
of n Corronpradont and
National AfmnMoJ Pro * ! .
LONDON , February 10. In tho-
house of commons lost evening the
ctisBion opened on .hist in McCar
thy's ntneiulmvnt to the qucsti's address -
dross proposing immediate abandon
ment of coercion measures in Ire-
landt Forstor , chief secret wy for
Ireland , in n apooch justified th
con mo the government purnuoib and
idttlmt the coercion measureswuro
necessary for suppression of the land
league which us u society had paralysed
the Inw , made industry imposatblo ,
and liberty non < .pntont. The house
then adjourned' '
OAIUO , Folmmry l > The counoil
to-day , . under the leadership of tho-
homo rule party , approved the new
buduet l w f r kmed' ' by the chamborsy
which sotB usido tlie former eystom.
which guaranteed1 ICuropoan controli
: > f liniincue. The council also assorted ,
in answer to thu French and English )
irotests , that the Iur ( > | ) can control-
era huvo no right to interfere witln
ho intenor development of Egypt , ,
mil that suoh attempts will bo resistodi
n the future.
! UiuiNr : February. ! ) . . Bortholdi
Auorbnch , the colebrutod Gorman nov
elist , itied nt Canncn in the 70th yean'
> f hia ago ,
LONDON , Kubruary I,1 A dispatch
roni Constantinople says it is report-
id that Albaniinm murdered the
riiiius corroepundont , Mh Stillman , .
in American citi/.on.
Manitoba Mown.
M tlotial Amoelituil I'rcnii.
WiNNirr.u < February. ! Wr Reports
'mm the Inuiun reserves -iironnd Bat-
.luford , Northwest territory are veryi
unfavorable. Deaths are reported
every few days from Btony. reserve ,
snid to uriae from the scarcity of food ,
ind cold and exposure. The Crocs.
ire nut BO bad , us they tiroin. . a bettor
H > sition ,
A laigit < jn utity oft raw furs were
oxrtortcd fiioinlieii * yi'iterduy. for New
Alex. Begg , a wull-lcnuwiii North
west writer , huh boon appointed com-
miBaionor of the Canudu Pcoiiic rail
way in England , with hoadauartora at-
London. . ,
ATMohitob'alQrm ilfBliippirigJ30,000'
bushels of wheat from Emerson to
Minneapolis. The wheat will. bo >
ground into Hour at that place and >
, hen shipped back to Prairie province.
The wuntlior is again mild , , und ,
, ho DHOW and ice are thawing. Sloigh-
ng ia good , however , although only. '
'rom four to six inches of i nnowfell. .
There ia very little show generally.-
throughout the northwesti und that
season is unusually mild.
A Flooded Mine
Nntiotm ! Assoulatetl 1'rcita.
AUUON , 0. , February ! > . ' At > the-
juke * Viuw mine , near Krummy , the
liners yesterday struck water and. tho-
hole mini1 is now Hooded.
liumbor Will
fttloncJ.ABDOclateil 1'rumi.
Sn PAUL , Minn. , February. 9.The -
ut of logs in thu Rum , St. Croix-und
Chipiuwu ) districtH ia istimated to bo >
0 per cunt , below the uvur.ige , on tic-
iiiuntof warm weatburuud the absence-
f snow.
Freight Traiu Dltahodi
Fiatl aal Astoclatftl I'riMi.
NNATi , 0. , Eebruury 11. A\
'rui ' ht train was ditched on the
[ joiiisvillo Short Line railroad thi.s-
inorcung. Thu engine felj on top oft *
ngineer Stanford , crushing him to ,
ilmUli. The cars are badly wrecked.
PolionoU By HOR .Meat.
l AHHOilatt'il I'rcul.
Four WAYNK , February HA fam-
ly of five poruons named Miaegor wore
( oiBoncd inu violent fcrm byvtrichinitij
i'hk > children wilU prolablydie. ;
HatLoutl Associated tct\a \
DK.H MOINEH , , February ! ) ; Ab
nueting of the domocrntia stuto cen
tral - . Ed.
committed-to-night. Gamp-
boll , Jr. , chaiiman , uiul , Hoyli Shor-
nan , secrotany , roRignud , , and Judge.
Kimo , of Tataa , and Cleorgo Gardner
of DOS Moinaa , were chosen to fill the
vacancies. The plaao and time of
holding thci next convention , weco not
fixed , but &o oxprcasion favored , E > Ur.
7/iuiuer la.
National A'jtoclatod
Bumuo , N. 5f.j Fobxuary ? i I > r.
Tunnpria hero ivndintends to aotfcloauil
practice hia'profosaion in JJul&jo. lie
will lecture on tciupecoiico n week
from uoxt Sukurduy. .
Wra. MeC'irtuey , US Jjlnyil strvct , IJuf.
full ) , N. Y. , fell iiuil oiiiniMil WH ankle.
HU uiiipluyer , 11 , Andemoii , Ul Main
ntio t iirocuml hi > iut > Tlinniaa' J''cltctilo
OIJ , anil bu kay Unit it fuw ap'llcatlon | '
uuulilid hlui to KU to-wu 1. an utual.
Iniyti \ ci | ii to tliu jmUllo with a lull supply ot
Cut Flower sand Plants
Per thti. ' . U'ottlllto clad to nave the [ > u\Jiu
tall and M a IK ,
Douquotu or Any Floral Deaign Undo
ta Order
ON TUB SilOHTteT Ni.Tlfli ,
Citi arutti Houie , S. > v. Oor 17tQu d Wtb <
it r.'ouu Uoilc ( rom 10th atru t ctr , Nunwiiy.
Jo utriwt , op'poolta Foil JaVralif
utiJ LantlncapoUarUuor ,