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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1882)
JLJAJLJUK BE ' : THUESAi' , FEBRUARY 9 1882. THK DAILY BEE. Thursday Morning , Peb D , Wcnther Report. ( The following observations Are taken nt the gatpomoinont i.l time At nil the stn- tionannmcd. ) W DirARtMim , U. H , fll < J At , HtRTICR , I OKAIIA , February 8 , 1382. (1:46 ( : p. m. ) ( All trains were on time ymtcrdiy. The thermometer 8howo < l 54 ° nboro zero yesterday. No additional nmmll | > ox CSBOII were re ported yesterday. A rink for roller Hkatw nil ! be opened in Central hall next week. Two car loada of orangM from Now Orleans arrived in Omaha Tuctday. Church noclablo nt the I'roshyterinn ehnrch parloin to-nl 'lit. Confidence men nro Betting in their work pretty often In the vicinity of the U P. transfer doKt. | Tlio crcditore of Klchnrd Sirmnn arc looking up the r cordH in the county clerk'H office. office.The The Mahn Oper/i company will the public HomcthlnK worth hearing In their operas. The liUHine H done by the caiitern ronilrt , the U. , H. R ( J. In i articular , IIAH been very hravy dining the pnnt month. Fir h Hiipply of Thurbcin No. 5 , C for 25 cent * nt Sulir .tor Ac Borht'H , one door north of Hnyil'n i > , urn hiiune. fcH-fit FOB SAIK Klfjht thmixun'l foot of Imn- bor , principally pliuetintf. Knriuiru of J. J. Phllbin nt Wliltno/K uhoo Btore , Dourf- laat fltrect. Thu Yotinjf IVnple'it nfuwci ttion of the Lutheran rlniK' i will ( , 'lvti an oyntur nnp- per in the Kill in Ijyilu'x block on Kriilay evening. The fin-t of : i Beric.t of lectures ut the Unitarinn church u'lll l > c given ou Kriilay evening , when I'rof , Chinch will xpeak cm "Fox and tht Anr' ln ue. " Among thu appllcantH for admlHslon tothulurof thuHtatunt this term of the d ! it rid court in Omaha , Is ux-Utiitcd States Attorney [ , , G. Northrop , nt South Car -lina. T..r ladies of the I'rcnliv tor-inn church will ffive a sociable Thnnulay cloning in thu parlnm of the church. Novel tin I plt'i * nt cntcrtalnmei t v > 111 bo p cHcnted' For.n plpimnnt noci.'il timed not forget to ftttcnd. ftttcnd.LoaT LoaTOn the wuit wMo of Fifteenth utr ct , between lodn'o ) nnd Fiirnnni , or on the norlh bid of Fiinnnn btitwcen IfiHi : ml 9th Htr ot * , iiHinuli K"lil onicilix. The tinder wl 1 bo rewurdcd by returning li to THK BEK office. The Omaha Glee club heldnmoHt Hat- Isfuctory rehear * * ! at HoHpo'H hall Tuesday. Home Hplondld lilbograpliH of Miin Fannie Kellogg have been received to bo lUxplnyed before the date of the con- ort. The work of contraction on the Hniirtcom park ntrcct car line , abandoned at a point near St. Mary'H avenue nnd Twentieth ntrevt , at the beginning of cold weather , will be rmumod by the first of next month if | H mlblc. A. J. Maitland , the man arrcHtrd by Pat Ford on Saturday night in thu act of burglarizing Mm. JahnV h ui > c , waived examination yoHlvrday and wax hold in ( TiOOIxmds to await the notion of the grand jury. Mr , Hamiicl Ijticax , Uncle Tom of the Smith company , wan presented yextcnlay afternoon with a pair of diamond nleevc- buttons by Don MointM friend * , and TUH- day on the Htagu with gel c'tnu , alxo from Den Moines acitinintancu ] , Den Th contract for wluting and placing thu iron nnd tin upon the roof and cornicoH of Tiinity cathedral w.ox let on jM outlay night to C. .Spi'clil , thu manufactuier of thiii city. The idatu usitl will be ted und blue , an I the cornicu material galvanized iron. Mr. Specht comiiencfd | operatlon < yestenbiy afternoon , The membcTH of St. iFnhu'it 1/xlgu No. 2.r , Alf. & M. , will meet ut Miwimio hull on Thursday , 1'ebruary tlth , 1881' , at 1 o'clock p. m. , to attend the funeral of ur deceased bnitlier , John Cameron. A full ftttcndancu in rxpcckil. Mi-mlnM * of the onlcr itio generally iinit l to meet uitb UH. K. H. UAHTHI , W. M. At tliu regular meeting held Tm-wlny evening , Fobitmry 7th , the boyx of Kngiiio company No , 1 had another of their enter- talnmentx , toguthur with a lunch and it big time. The"lligFoiir'Mr. Fred. Pick. enH , Dulos Bcanl , Joint Turtle nnd Thomivs BUsrrecktr , entertained the boj-H In fine ityle. Dolcw ] ! eanl hung bin now wing entitled "Tho lioune that .lack liuilt , " which wax immense. . Mr. Crager nung "Over the Uarden Wall. " Mr. KhivliU iiiul Charles Plckum then gave the "Cobblo Duut , " Hiul Mr , Sam Funuworth , Hob Naib , DeloB llcaru nnd ( ieorga ShirldH , followwl with "Wuy down upon the Bwaneo Kiver. " Suveral nicmbeni favortxl the crowd with choice Helectionn , and alto gether the boyii had a big time , The party separated at u l.itu hour. The Ainvrican Kqirenn o inpiny bail Inaugurutud the. money order Hyi > teui for tranmulttlng money for Its i atronsliikto def of tending uinuuy In packufex , A lift i f the | > } ing ofliccM ] i Into 1 on the face of the order in ludex 00 towuu in lllinoU , 7' in New Yurk , ueiirly .10 In v.w\i \ of th ntnt s I-'wa , Wiiconm n , Michigan , ludlunn , Venn nt ; about U5 in Mucna. chuHottn , 30 it ) New Hampshire , 20 in Maine , 23 In Ohio , and 20 In MluuesoU , 1 In Ml > u > ourl , rnly ti In JVnunylvnnlu , 4 in iMkota , 3 tach in N w Jmiey nnd Nebraska , 1 in Krutuoky ( Iou nvlllr ) , and 1 in Kama * ( Atchliuu ) . lu Nebranka , Onuha will ba the iirincipil c-fllce , and one or the other two otlio.'x in thin itat will be in Lincoln. A FALLING ANGELL , The Oharaos Against the Mar shal and His Deputy , They Collect Blood Mopoy Prom Proatitutoe , Favor Certain Saloons , And Iry and Acquit Certain Prisoners Without the Aid of the Police Judge. Evidently Something ii'.Rotton 1st the Court Hondo Noiuh- borbood. Thu prcforring of chor ca thu city marshal nnd liia duputy , whicl wnnJonoby Councilnion ilurnburgor nnd O'Kuufu ' Tuesday wna not alto * Author a Burpriao. Thuru Imvn boon trom time to titno charges nmdo by dilForont pnrtiug but none of thorn were ever pushed to an nn invettiga lion. lion.Thro Thro 3 weeks ngo Tuondny night n ftpucinl committco nf four was appointed by President Dniloy , on niotiun of Mr. Uornborpor , to Jnvcsti- untu thu police force. Thin committee - too hold two or throe meetings , ex amined nnd compared tlio records kept nt tlio jnilor's oflico , nnd at-tho police court , nnd nindu sumu discov eries which nt first wore conoidcred startling. At a siibsviiuunt meeting , however , the police juclgo nmdo aomo cxplnn- ations which , while not entirely re moving the suspicious in one quarter , moderated the tiling considerably. Of uourau no report lias been nuulu oven verbally by this committee and as thoj * are not inclined to fjivo up the results of their investigation noth ing oflicinl can bo stated. In general , however , it is bplieved that the find object of thu investigating com mittee wns to ascertain if the Hat of arruots as recorded at the county jail , whore each prisoner is registered on his arrival , would correspond with the lint of prisoners brought before Judge Hmuiko. During the period from December - comber 1st to January 18th thu dia- crupimcv , as at first discovered , win found to bu no less than ICjj pi r cent , or in other words thu police juilgo's record follnhort one- sixth thu number registered on the jailor's books , which sixth were sup posed to havu been disposed of at tliu city jail. Sec. 1 , chnp 24 , p. 48 , Hovisod Or dinances , defines tlio duty of thu mar- us to the cnru and custody of prisoners , making him ro.iponaiblo on his bond lorlhuir safukeepint ; . Sec. 1 , elmu. 8 , imikcH it unlawful fornnyoflicor of the city uxcopt the ] > obcu judgu to rocuivo bail r security froni u pris oner , or to permit a { irisonur in ens- today to uscapu , u finu and imprisdii- munt both boiiit : provided for such an olFense. Sec. 2 , provides Unit any of- Hour violating the provisions of Sue. 1 shall bo removed from oflice. As will be Huenthu lawiu this respect is vury strict and as there in no lugal way of getting out of custody except through thu police court , nnd ns thuiu is supposed to bu largu shortage , it would look as if somebody must have out up bail at thu city jail to thu mar shal or duputy. In fact , this is sumo- thing thu otHcera themselves will probably not dispute. Tlio number may bu greatly lessened , ns they have diacovurod ulroady sovural names iiUHsed in the first look , but there will still bo u hole luft. Another charge against the ofiicerH wns that they were permitting thu Gorman theater to run without a li cense while thu other throe theaters all paid up. One of thu principal charges madu against thorn is that they Imvu boon in the habit of collecting fines from thn sporting women nnd that there was sumo irregularity in reporting thu Hiino. Taking the list of prostitutus reported to thu pnlicn judge from the month of December - comber to thu mouth of January it will bo found that thu total number gradually increases from month to mouth , while the proportion of those nho pay fines ducn-aBed , until last month hvD-oigliihx of thu reported prostitutes p.ud lines , thu rest report ing sick or not paid. This of course might be easily explained but thu col lection by any ollicur t f a line or pun- ally under this ordinance is madu pun- ishablu by " " It is elainutd Unit not o nly did thu mitishnl and duputy collect tines , hut that the deputy marshal notified the girls not to pay their tinen to thu pohcu judgu but to pay to him , Theru nru numerous other charges with ruspect to thu conduct of things nt thu jail and about thu city. Thu escape of Muniiy last wuek , a most important primmer , is alleged to havu boon from carolufesnesd in al lowing him to go for u bucket of wat er aUiiui. The conduct uf somu of thu men on their heatH and of otliora in not being on them , and the refusal of thu innrahnl to dual with thu parties or his indiUbronco nnd inactivity in the matter all are mat ters compliiiiiud of from many ijimr- tors , as wull an thu alleged partiality shown to curtain liiiuor houses in town which run at pluaauru without molestation The invuitiuacion now demanded and the bold und uiiinistakablo char acter of thu charges brought , should moot with u ruaponsu on thu part of thu committuu Unit will suttlo thu ( ( iiestion thoroughly. liy nil means lei thi > matter bit sifted to thu but torn. American Legion of Honor. Deputy Hupronui commander K. D Titus completed hut uvuning thu or giniziition f a local council of thu Amuricaii Legion of Honor , consisting of about thirty charter mumboru , with olti-ora us follows , viz : Thoi , J.Staley , past coinmaiidi'r ; Oeo. W. Dickenaon eummanUur ; L. F. Mnginn , vico-com mundur ; K , M. Btonburg , aoerttary D , A. 1'iorcy , treaiurur ; John O Morflo , collectors ; 0. P. Ohubb , orator tor ; L. 0. Knuwold , chnpluin Trustees- , K , Hiimmond , Job , A , Edson and 1' . II. Johnson. This order is becoming very popu lar aud is growing rapidly , having doubled its membership throughout the United States nnd Canada during \ the past twelve months. Its popular ! * ' ty nnd rnjiid growth is dun imiinly , First To its thorough nnd com plete nrgAiiizition. .Second To the wide rnngoof in- sur.inco , including any amount from er.oo.oo to sr.,000.00 , -Itsccminrnicitl feature which onnblcs its members to c.irry insiir- Aiicu nt n nomii'iil ' or coat price which amounts to butn trillo compared with the price charged by life nsiirnnco companies. Theru nro eight councils of this order in this stntu and nbout ( iftoon moro are to bo or- gnnized during the coining nooson , The Phllomathoan Concert , The nttur.danco nt thu opening con- curt of the second scries given by tlio I'liilomathcnn club nt Max Moycr & Co.'shall Tuesday must have been gratifying to ovcry friend of thu club. All the seating capacity of thu pleasant littlu music hall wns calloil into requi sition nnd was supplemented by n number of extra chairs. Thu pro- gramme , which wns perhaps hotter than any of the excellent ones ottered by the club in their first uorins , was ns follows : Quartet. Op. C JUcethoven n. Andanto. b. Allegro. 'Thou nttlikiinntoaflower".UubitiHtciu Aiifr ! Ijlzzio 1'enncll. tjuartel ( ] vii o I Ifaydn 1'oco Atlnglo cantabilo. Andante and ir'clierzo David CJco , K. Saner. Qnlntot. Op.II Rchdnmnn n. In Mouod'unaMarcia. b Allegro mn non tropHi. | "ler KiKclicr"violin ( ohligatiO.Hauptmann MUs Uzziu 1'ennell. Herotiadu , No. 2 Vollunann n. Allegro mode rat o. b. Allegrtt o The opening quartet WAR an excul- lent selection for atudy. It is one of thu most charnctonstic of Ueuthovuii'i * uarliur cnmpoaitions writtuti ut a time when thu great master was still under the inlluencu of his predeces sors liny dun mid Mozart , but progrc's- ing with grant strides towards inde- pendunco of thoughtnnd artistic powor. Far inferior to thosu inarvelloiis ( ( trir tots of his later dajs , opera 127 , I'M , 132 and 1 < )5. ) it is in every way suited for n light programme of chamber music , and was rendered hut evening by thu Philomiethuan club with ox- pressioi ) nnd excellent execution. The "Kaiser" quartut of Haydu was wull ruceivud by thu audi ence. Its theme has already becomu familiar through our church hymnals , but thu beautiful instru muntation is lost entirely in thu tran scriptions nmdo for thu organ. Among thu uighty-thruu string quartutts which Haydn wrote anil published , thu "Knsiur" quartet will always tiku n front rank. It possuascu at thu siime limu high historic value. The icknowled father of the symphony , lixing its musical form and giving to it sonsistuncy of development , Haydn's lorvicuB in duvulopin thu quartette iveru no less valuablu. Thu lucid und harmonious trtatnumt nf thu thomu nul thu symmetrical structure of thu uovements aru particularly noliccablu n the numbers played Tuesday evening. Schumman'a quartette > pus 44 , WHS another of the loroltius presented Tuesday evening , jy thu I'liiloinathoan club nnd wns leard for the first timu in Omaha. It jpona with h march movement in a ninor kuy , in which the attention is ittactod both by thu sweetness of the thoino and the beauty of thu instru mentation. The allegro following is in happy contrast to thu slow nnd lolemn strains of the funeral march uovomoiit which prucodus it. Thu rvork of the club perhaps showed itself U its best in this selection , which wns rendered with ducp feeling and fault less precision of execution , Mr. May- ; rs excellent handling of the piano being particularly worthy of mention. Volkniaiiu's ' lovely serenade No. 2 closed thu concerted portion of the programme. Miss Lizzio 1'onnoil nppenrcd for thu first timu before an Omaha aiuli- jnco in llubenstuin's "Thou art like unto a llowur. " Thu lady possesses i rich mezzo soprano voice , s unuwhat limited in range nnd compass but iwuut and wull modulated. Shu was jviduntly suffering n littlu from stngu jmlmrraBfliuontbutuiivo a pleasing und irtistic rendering of thu nuinbur und iinuloiivoryfiivorablo impression on the iiudioncu which wns deepened by her L'xcollent purforiimncu of "Dor Fiachor" by ilnuptmann , n selection wull suited to bur resources and which was given witii moro coniiduiico and greater effect. Mr. Oeo. F , Savior itppoarud only once during thu uvun- ing , giving as his contribution to thu programme an "Andantuand Schurzo" by D.ivid , An enthusiastic encore fol lowed to which , in nccordnncu with thu ruli's of thu club , ho respondud inly with a bow. A fonr concluding words may not bu out of place. Thu Philoinathfnn jlub has coiuu to wtiiy in our midst. \iiil ili'fiO v and should ructivo a but ler support from our citizens They iru nn educating iniluonce in Omalu , nnd only need to bo hoard in order to buuppreciatud. Kucha progrnmniuiis that givun Tuesday ovtminu it rnroly xurpassud in New York or Boston and it in to the credit of the I'hilomatheun club that they wore able to present it in the manner in which they did. It will bu equally io the credit of our citizens if they show by their nttou- dnncu at thu remaining two concerts of thu series tltut they nru ready to support really good music and to ap preciate it when they hear it , GETTING POPULAR. Although opunud only two months ago , tliu Opera liousu Clothing store is rapidly gaining popularity by low prices and good goods , i'ho stock is entirely new , and sold for cash at strict'y ' one price. "Marked in plain figures" on every article. Call and examine before going ulaawheru. J , I' . LUM > , 217 S. 15 th street , Omulm. Two Urunui. llvgulutu first thu stomach , second thu liver ; especially thu first , so us to perform their functions perfectly , and will remove at least niiieteou-twonti' otlu ut till thu ills that mankind u heir to , in this or any other climuto. Hop Bitters ia the only thing that will give perfectly -healthy natural actions in those two organs , Maine i * ariuer , . -1-15 f ANOTHEK PATIENT DEAD. The Bmnll I'ox ; ClalmH n Fourth Vic tim nttho Post liousu. An order WAS received at Under taker Jacobs' room this morning fora coflln in which to bury the body of n patient nt the pest housn , who died last night. The victim is supposed to bo the man whn was fikon from Molz Itrowory. but his imino could not bo definitely nseortnined as Dr. Leisenrii'g was not to bo found. No additional ease * are roportod. The daughter uf the ( Surmnn minister who wnu taken , is thought to bu in n hopeful condition. The nmti Trtston , who wns taken to tlio punt housp fium Tenth street on Saturdny m'ghiwns , pr-niouneed by n physician who saw him Sunday to hnvu only a casu of moailes. Dr. Luisining , however , pronounces the man's disease small pox and claims that ho w B taken out of the city just in timo. TllOUIILK AMO.NO THK The cisc of P.-eston's has given ri o to Bovcrnl cnui s for difference be- t.woan Dr. Li'isenrinK and Deputy Mninhal McCluro. The Inttur at tributes the complaint madu by ttio board of hoiltli , wliiclt is reported in another column , at the council meet ing last uveniug to Dr. Leisunring , nnd says in reply that thoronrd n good I many things he might toll which wouldn't sound well. Jlo says that ho refused to obey the request of the city physician 'hat he go to thu depot nnd tnke charge ot Preston who wns supposed to ho broken out uith tlio disease , for self evident rea sons. Ho states that Dr. Lisonring asked to have Preston put in the city jnil ever night , wlu < : li ho also lefused to obey. Ho claims that ho rodu out to the pist house and as quickly as possiblu brought Houck tvith a wagon in which Pruston was put , NO INQUEST. Boouimo There Wiis No Corpse The Florence. Cut-Off Affair. It win rupoited in this city on MonJJ day uvuinug that an Englishman had beun killed while at work in thu Florence ) cut-oil" , eleven and a half miles above the city , by the caving in of n bank and that a companion badly injured wns brought in and placed in thu hospital on the hill. At the time the messenger was aunt for Dr. CufTmun it wan supposed th.vt the Englishman vas dead , but it now appears that ho was the least hurt mini of the two. Dr. Cotfmin ; attended to him nnd ho was carried to the shanty at the cnnip and put to bed , where ho remained unconscious until Tuiulay alteruo n. Lih injuries wiruthon found not to bo ns serious as at first anticipated ana ho was fueling fust-ratu josti r Jay. These particulars uru learnedifrom Mr. James P. Vincent who has charge of thu out iru work of constructing the Florence cut-oil. SARATOGA SOCIETY. A Very Pleasant Surprise Party to the Messrs. Browster ' One of thu moat pleasant events of tlio season wns thu surprise party given last evening to Messrs. S. H. ami E. P. IJrowstor by about twenty couple of their many friends. They took possession of their homo and made merry until they were forcibly re minded of the dawn of another day when they turned reluctantly home ward with thu pleasant memory of their royal entertainment. Mr. Los- onfero , an accomplished musician , was in attendance , and his music was high ly enjoyed by the guy company The supper included thu dulicacius of tlio season , and in quality was in dued n hanquut. It was presided ever by Mrs. 0. D. Jirowator , assisted by Mrs. JumtsH. Kynor. . Among those prcsimt were : Mr.V. . J. Tousluy and Miss Milliu Mnthieson , Mr. K. S. Cluistie and Miss Molliu Hazard , Mr. F. L. Pulton and Miss Jennie Patrick , Mr. C. W. Tousloy and Miss Fannie Green , Mr. James Urown and Miss Ada Smith , Mr. Jurur Purtel nnd Mist Kmnri Purtul , Missoi Alien Ilustin , Juim ClmVio and Klla Au- mock. COOKOO. Boal Emuto Transfers. Tin1 following nro nil tlio fora of ru.vl ostnto rucnrdud ut the county clerk's ofliou during Siturtlay and Moiuluy , us reported by John L. McOaguu , roul oatato agent und con- voyancor : Richard Siviuoii and wito to Ed. Mauror , tliu north 5 acres fronting on Sixteenth atreot ; wd. , $285. Addition Honda to Justus Sohu , the undivided h.ilf of thu uw. i of m > o. 31 , tp. 10 , u 12 , cast ; qcd , 837. W. N. ulcCundlUh and witotoChus. F. Siminonda , lota 26 and 27 , Mo- Oandlish Place , \V. D.j 8700. Churchill Parker and wife to Mol- Ho llorlwcli , lota 15 and 10 , block 5 , Ilorback'a addition , W. D. ; 8800. Qoo , ArnuUrong und wife to Albert II. Siviulvr , lot 14 , block 4 , Arm- BtroiiK'a 1st ndditionV. . D'j ? 83G. Eiluu J. Hoyden to John L. Mo- Cajiio , lots 1 und 2 , blouk 14 , Shinn'a addition , W. U ; $1,400. John McGorniick to Olara K. Mat. toaoii , lot 0 , block 10 , McCorinicV's udd j w. -8350 , W , W. Li-wo und wifu to Sarah J. Donccker , tonucruaon iMurcor uveuuu ; w. d , SL',000. St.itoof Nubraskikto S.iuuiol VUKV , , the BW I of the n w $ of tliu aw J oi BUO 10 , town 10. raimo 13 cad ; deed ? 95. August Dull and wife to Jos. Met ; stock , lot 12 , block 2 , KonuUo'fl 3d udd. ; w d. 8885. George P. Bonus nml wife to Ole T. UoBuuprln. The w j lot 8 block 3 , Credit Fonder , w d $300. Michael Haiin&han to Joseph R n- [ nalmn , The a c Jf i w i and the a i of o | of sec 0 , town 15 , nvngtj 15 , iiaflt w d 8100. Albert H. Sander nnd wife to Ar thur P. Wood , o i lot 3 , block 102 , w d 80 , COO. C. 0. Houaul und U. Allun and wives to H. Knuntzc , the B 40 ft ot n 80 ft of lot 5 , block D , Omaha , qcd -803 Statu of Nebraska to John Sann- dcra , the n w | of s o \ of M > O 30 , town 1C , range , east duud-L'80. DISTRICT COURT. Still Investigating the Hnmmor Homl clclo Trial of the Smoltlng Works The grand jury is still busily en gaged investigating tho.Hnmmer horn icido. A largu nuinbur of witnuasoi have buun uxuminud , but , ns fur as learned , no additional facts havu boon exposed. Somu of thu women dolnin ed to testify have been before the jury nnd two morn , thu most important , it is thought will testify to what they know to-day. Speculation is rife as to the action of the jury , but it is ex tremely improbable that anything def inite will bu known buforo S.v'urday. Thuro is an amount of ether criminal business which will probably bo dis posed of right , on tliu heels of thu 'lomicidu investigation , The court proper was occupied all day on the of thu smutting works suit , reported yesterday. BASEBALL BOOM. The B. Si M. Club HuorganlzoB for the Coming1 Sotisou. An oiithusiattic and hugely uttoiu'- ' ed meeting of thu II. & i\l. \ b.iso ball club was held ai. tiiu hu.uiqu.iruni , > ea- turday afturnoou. L. J. Jil iko acted asch.iirnun pro tuin. An election of officers for thu ensuing year was the first business and resulted ns follows : President , Robert M. Taylor ; vico- preaidunt. Win. Foreman ; secretary and treasurer , P. A. Warruck ; gen eral miuiugor und captain , A. W. Saxo. In responding to his election as general mamiucr , which is the active position in controlling tbu nine , Mr. Saxo said that he 'hoped the next season of bauo ball would bo moru successful than thu last one , nnd it would bu his purpose to make thu club tlio bust in thu city. The following commit too wcrn up pointed on siii'f ' > : iMf siu. Dm kef , Saxo and Tlio meeting .idjiiuined , aubjtet to a call of thu president. MERRY MASKERS- A Pleasant Party Given by the Golden Rule Club. The Golden Rule Pleasure club gave u plu'usiint , and select masquerade ' ball at Standard hall lust evening. About thirty couplus were in attend ance , handsomely , gorgeously and tastily masked. Hollman's orchestra tarnished the music , to whicli thu company duncud until a late hour. At twulvo o'clock thu masks were re moved and a handsome supper was onjovod. The following are tno offi cers and floor managers of lust ovon- "g : Officers Mrs. T ; S. . Vinegar , presi dent ; G. 0. Carr , secretary ; . Mrs. J. W. Mcirian , treasurer. ' Floor Managers G. C. Carr , 0. H. Reed , and C. C. Gary. Executive Committee Mrs. J. W. Morrian , Mrs. T. S. Vinegar , . J. Ifc King , and \V. H. Warno. THE NEW "LILY RANGE. " John H. Erck , the popular stove dealer at NOB. ( il& and ( i7 North Sixteenth street , has a c.irloa/1 ni splendid cook stovua and rauues un thu road. Ho will liavo in u duv nr two number of thu culubrated Lily French wrought iron ranges , a now thing in Omaha , and which mdostinrd to bu the range of tbu futuro. Wed.FriA-Mon PERSONAL , K , C , 1'iiof , of Hlair , in in tht > city. Juilgo Curler , of Ouiali.i , went cant ye- terdny. A , M. Trimblv , of Lincoln , in a at the Cunfield. ' K , S. Lowe , of Kremont , U a guedt nt thu Withnell. A. 8. Stewart , of De&dwood , in in Ouiu- ha ou i britf vtfit. Win. Lawrviitx- Siuux City , H gui'Htut the U itlinull , 11 M. O.ivei , of HuHtinKb , > ni\ed lu Omaha yentiTiUy. J. U. IJoty , of Uavld City , ftrrlvcd in Omaha last etuuiiig. K. 8. Godfrey , of Mindcn , Neb , , lu in thu city , a uueat ut the Withnell. W. U. Cleuimlna , of St. Paul , in among the giiestu at thu Creiyhtou hoiwe. K , 11. lUxter , Dtttion ftK ut t Wihoo , U u t itHt ut the Gun Hold boimu. K. D. Uiley , K i , of OrauiMmul \ , nr- rlvud lu Omalu lu l VKUUU ; . Matt Ol > pillo ( TwcuiiiXfU 'N union ; ; yotUmlay * reKistrie-i at th.i lunlii'ld. J , l. 11. Bally , nf llvruiun , li. n uoiii ; th regitterfd at the CiKUiitnu IIHUMI > min- iliy. \Vin. l.awreucv. "f l. inic Cii > > v-1"1 the urriv.vU lnvn tliu 'u > t li H. H. Chlllborn. ft Wall o arrived iu Ouiuha Hat Vduiu . \t \ { U itiuiiiiii ; nt Uw \ \ IthutlL S. S. lllrch and v'.fe. of .Sioux City , ixr rlveil in ( Ki.nliu y , . 'rilnY mid registered t the WflbuoU. L , & Btevvui , c ni rue tor of the Oregon Short L'n ? , au'vod in the city from t : wtBt yo > t rdw'y. H , C. N tvuian , tuperlntendeut of the light of way for the Oregon Shoit l.iue , arrived I jst t Isht. A , C'ohon , Kuq. , a nrominent luwjer oi Ban 'i'raucieco , paaaed through Omaha yef'terdsy MX hit way oaat. Capt. Payne returned yeetordajr from n extended visit tnCftlifomiA. Dnrinj liii Hay he visited Crtnc of the most im portnnt points in the grfni coiat t > t.ite. The niAVii-rAdo | of tlw Imperial Clul tol.e glrcn Koh-uary 10th MiI HonlcIIall proml/tj / t be n grand all .ir. An clfgant tupper will 1 nerved , and thfl- club hate i-pa > ed no ripen < ie IT labor to make It n MI COM. Krlen In of ineinbert vtFA be ad mitted by piocurln tickets from tha com- inlttco. TJckeU or any Informaiiun can be obtained at A. llonpn'a Ar Gallerv , eiDe Meyer's CATARRH CURE. The antidotal theory , now admitted fo bo the only treatment which -will eradicate Qatar- rhal Poison. huv. Chan. H. Taj lor , 140 Nohlo Direct , llroolc- lyn , N. Y. : 'Ono packauo effected a radical ciiri : . " Ilev. Gco. A. Hula , Coblcskl'l , Sohoharlc. Co. , N. Y. : 'It restored me to my mlnlsterlall \nt . "l Ilev. W K. Sumner , Frederick. Md. : "Kne retmlts In six cases In iny family. " liev OPO Jt I'ratt , St. Stephen' * Rectory , I'hl a.'Quito : , wonderful ; lot nio distribute your 'Treat ! e. " ChM. II. Stanhope Newport , It. I' . : ' I was too deaf to hoar the chu'ch bella rlnf hearing " imtorcd tteorw * W. Umbriuh , 73 llldill strict , Haiti- more , Aid. : ' 0 yean ; perfectly cund. " Mm. M. E. Shnvicj , 3 22 Saiah street. St. I.ouln : "The fln < t u.'ituril bro-th In ft e'ii- " Xlra. J. W. I'lirccll , ( Jnldcri City , Col ! 'UHml only i no pa > : Ua o ; entirely urwl ; MilTum ! 24 year * . " Dr. K. N. Clark , Oertlst , g Hontk'omury.street , Bin Krniicln > : " 8u3crud lj } eara ; perfectly eurod , " etc. Dr. Wei Do Meyer's Popular "TREATISE" on CaUr b inalu ! < l frte. Tim gnat Curo-ii de livered b } Driih'Kiit * , or by D B. Dcvtey St Co , , 182 Fuiton iitrcet , New York 9for I 00 , moi.-wed-frliHat&wcekco1. * SPECIAL NOTICES , TO LOAN MONtY. MONEY TO LOAN Call . v la , * tJttcu L. Thntnix VownH I'rnU'htoi' M > Ai At 8 per cuntla- tore t In anm of { 2,600 and upwarda , for 3 to 6 ycira , ou llrst-cltvet city and funn proiHirty. HKMIS HKAI > EXTATX ami iVnK < < CY. lEtli and WANTED. ' 2r. t-lrlK at Iho Chlntso Terror WAV'KD Shirt Faitor > , 1114 Fnrrilnni St. L. U : Hoycr&Co. liO-10 WAN'TKil A ' 01101 , ' man liiun ; ; p perlcncam the hiHluc uml ncq n thu chy , nt afuild of hard work. 1U4 8 LK.M1NO s Co , Grocer * . \\fA.NTKU Al a thor u li kiiowl \ cdu'utfln fk rr enl If Kltie-n. Xo on h d IH not < ull.\ \ > < er unil lln * b i-l itn tin ( i ' ' .M.1' l I \ rANI'nn . ' 0 tfi'N t" uMliimvia'N M'lil- ' \V a C. o-ir lltli ii'i linr > f.i.m in 01- 4 p. ui. 0 - f \ \r-ANTKl ) -llv r' lirurjrv Uit , Ixuid u d \ \ room for an wife. Private ftmll.f r forrid ll'Htof refureiiuUi ( C'1 ' ' " . Atlilio , lUllnv tururi , S II. , tliiHOlli'e. 112- ! ) ' lATA TKI ) A eoniputont fvcond sirl li tu > \ > in ill i rluuu f unity Appy at z4l8 > at- . .tjstreet. . It ) 0' IT TANTKD A n an 111 in iffrn-ery tore , miiut YV b nblv to spiak ( ! cr. . auixi.,1 . rif-li-h uiul itiiimt nd thueiri'of hurmi ( ! oed ruf rcnv | 'Uuiied ] ; i\c ( nil ii'itiK1 , , rc.sldtiticu and a VU rw n. II. II , llcuoltixj. US-S * IX'ANTH ) ) eHliiK-linu-e , b rotitui , Mltl l V > 2J niiinitosof I' . t , a once. AJdtn * * ilac. , teuilHcu. ' ( Mt lylTANTKUMtuation iw clrrk by a yp'ini ; man. Kxiwrle ccttlnul glu .ud il ubloeii- jy. Co d rcf rcncci. Ail rn II. S. lo ! < y ittice. I9 I * TKD iilri forK eral luuork. . Apr WA ply it 1714 JockHon. 03-tf A K0d study boy between 15 WANTED > uani old twuiK in Htorc. it BCD cilice. 1031) A good nun. capr.blo of WANTED { iHtHelll"K&r Ick ; utiall quired \ \ ( ilie bnH n lionsoi aud prituto 10U808 iii Onuht i.t'etiN thu a'Clclu if ) it IH b - lomiiiK an .Iwoluto ntce ciiy. Vi. NVUbna , janll Id House. fcb7 3 \ \ " ANTKD Iy ) a steady man a permanent VV eitiution. L'rclunUnda the euro of lorsea. ( Inod rcfinT.ceM if n < | uired. Audteiu IlKKrtlice _ y : KD A few luoro uy bo irderdu i bo WAN woiiiiiiodutid v-ilh tlrbt clis < tilili-hoardi it $4.0 < l peruuek , 14 S Capitol .leimc , b t. 14th md ISth 41-0 > MltS hOJi- . . - ( III ImnulaUIy , at 170 J-Califor. WANTtU- ula bt ; mini \la-K' \ oil cook , ua bjr atuli ironer. None tlher mid apply. Ui-tf W ANTKD rirnt-oiua coon , ono wi o imdirr b mult Lookiiu'imwcl atu | lry ; IIOIIQ jut flrnt clftwi niut ftiiily | Albou K0l "iye . talt r. Applt utllOfiVirnham t UBI-o dl \ \ / At > 'IKU fundtiirf bridK'iA'iil ' chuol IKJIIU- . V\ II. T. Clark Ili'lluviiu , h-rf ANTKD At bkCivlKhton lloun' , chauw / - . , nu'Uble 'or H ht hou-e- W/NrKD-3.roouw | IUt ly , li ninut-s uolk 'Oin I' . O. , uniun.iDtKxI. Ad lr. H I' . M. , llov itHee. 6i-tf NTKl ) .ehildn n a * l > ankra In ( tt > > ct W scluwl , at Iflth and California Bt. L. B .UUMIH 767- FOII KtM HOUUhb AliD LAND. Olt 111V T--Kiuijlhlu < lrooiii , H. K. corn tlllh I ? and Cum at. 10.-W OK Itli.VV IV" nli'tt u i.'urnhlud tooniu , I ; ll)15. ) l.UuAj st 1100 , > Olt Iti-NT A nicely ( urn'ohm ) a.-i ) front 1 ' Mom , pli. * < lily ! locatoi'f.ith ; or ulthiut uard. W.'r 16th ani Junta St. lll-ll' I7IOU II K 'IT NK'-'ly lurnUJioil ro.m. Inquire ; 1CU Jiuk oii M. 117-14 HUNT Unliiiin , u-o , nio.iiu S W. 03r. IfiUi unJ'I'nvMird. ' Uo-if VHH [ IlKST K n L-ho I x m ; a e.lrjhlo froi t tooiu wil i fur iwc hvat , N.V. . rornur lUtb U20 * I7IOII ISK KnrnlHlnd with , ot without b ant 1 ; a Iriint room , pint uit > lor tu i un llrbt turf \ at N . 3i > / .S. | nil St. , t * t ld , U't. Pavcntioit. and Chioik'n Two Ka.tU'iuui > , r man i n prtfciriii. lixjiilruou jreailiHM , W-t ( ITUm UKNT AKWd houe * of f'lir ro uunt L1 * iO JUT mcnth. Newly kaUurolned vid p ) fc.rnl , 12th HI. , l U * n llOMUiiluna JaeV * ' . , ItK.VT-lVnl-bcd roonw I mlrsb ao \ I' citioii. HjivtliHuit oirnur ll'th ' ami l > tn poit tl. wt"-- . H KNT"Storo , * 2x&0 , milt iblo f31 naloan , 1.1OII 16 h , Uixtitn fallforuli and * b t r , No. UH J " l Oll Itl.NT-Slabk , lf.10 lle anl triO. L Ir.iiulro of Vf. M t' TO tl. OU SAI.K In > liiullc > , IOMII , al o nke lre h tut oral litaruCrectryktorccoriiDr1viitu : ' . * ami HuAge. i-'tla.lm I.H/H I IUST Kiirnlf.bcU Ircnt room. h. K. tor. I. Utbund J.ctwiu. K-t ( UKNT I > OIUJ\MII I'lace , icuthenl of 13th J71OH . Omiho , kultitilo lortrvta Iu gar. cl < r , , nfo.aliiu UH tlirlitrrn , flHiT , tc , coed wi | | iinl Lain , > bearlnt ; cnhinl about tiOO Lear tin ; gripv tl i , a Urve ADiount f Kooat.l > cry ant ) current tiu ho' , Ac , , & . . for Krms * ul coi Oj. llnna ppl ) at t c UfDlghtan llomu. 42-U 11ENT Mitly lurnuhcu rooim Vo let ; rofcri'iicn eichanited ; HIT llownrrt Vit. 06-6. OK HUNT KuriUlied room. Inquire UJ $ JF 10H RKXT Room * In . ' * eob ' block. I DM-lf UK.VT Iloom partially teih > * h l , Capita FOR , liet. 17th an'l ' lath , igyh B'lle. 6-t RKNT NIC ly liunlthvil rcn-Mc , At 1010 EOIl St. n 011 KftlT T o ncreiof , > oii 3 nif F birn on Cumlnjf Mrret. fcnqulrt of Iki- Rene O'Neill , ICtli ami llnmtrd , ' 171011 Ilh.NT Homo of iiKht loonn. Ki'iulre ' I1 J. I'hlptM Hoc , 1512 b. Filth St. 9/7 tl 1J10II UF.NT-Peb. 1st , rornroodioua brick n Jj dcnce , corner 10th nnd F.irnham Su. Ap- pl > toMri R A. htiior , Thbor , Frenont Co. , lei a. H feroncc i desired. 941-tl KENT Ono of the b * tetori on i Foil . Mxil , hv January 1 , 18M. SiiOtf 1.1OH KhiWT K mroianeo roamou JL' chnnta'Exch ujeN. K ctr. IStti ui t itreeta. t8 tl OR TIKNT Nicely fumlBhcit reomi with or wilhout board. Ilrnnonab/i / prlers. 2018 Caw St. ' SALE iriOll SALE S3 loin In Mtt'ornilck'n addition. I ; A | ply to John M. Clarku , ooU ocr ntnouth- \v 9t corner l > ouxli i and 14thSt8 ; loe-10 * FtIK 3M.H A setol househoM furniture for small fanill ) . Knqulro ftj trill olllco. 11&-B FOR SAM ! Splen1 Id bUck wnlnut counter an ihow me , a.ul shelving. AUtoatoie for rint In good location Knojnro on prcm- lam , toull.tatlcor. Ibthand U-avcnworth t. 103 B' ? 0 8ALB-A One family ilrlilnr team , of hirvesulh now top boggy and harnwi. LI'H ! ' V > chn'CI ! 'or city property Knnulro Jl C. iulllott , cotnor lth and , arnty. T-'ll OIl iMI.K-A Kood second lia d street ii lu.Ifi' "fnof-1 ttulow Ur Rln. IT f- ! dwarJi , 1109 Kiirnham ftroct , 74 tf 171 H SAIU OB F It I'Ulll.lC Usii Pull JL ? lllootlcJ Jiiracy bull ! ti Idonce 2,518 Do- catnr aircet , Nort Omali % , flvo blockn north west of turn.tnble on Sauiidcrs ttroct , ' Johm Taylor. T710II "SAI.K Souerkrouf by thoburcl , chrapr. Jj r Kal. iOv , at Durh.mi Meat jlurUut , 13th at. , bet. , OuuKlosaiK ) Iiodgo. FOIt SALK House and full lot in Rood loca tion. cheap. Vrfcc. 81250. Easy terras. ilfCAOUE , Opp post clBce. 15tf EOIl SALE Brat building lot IP Shlnn's &d- d tlon , 142 fost cant front by 120 foot depth. McCAOUE , Opp..j sti.fflco. 14 U JTIOH SALE 1 o ml stallion , Clule"dalo ( Hi J ; yearn old , wil lilnc ICOOpoii.d . * . 1 bla k Htalllnn , J .Nonnnii.Morgan \ , Sjcaraotd. welah- liiK I MO pounds , too'.t Mrs premluiii nt Nebraska" ftuto Fair , 1SSI. 1 Kontu.-ky . Jack. bl < .k , . tig about CW ) jKJinuls , 4 yia'Hulil , took ; j premium at N'sbra ka State Fair , 1SSO and ) 1S81. liuiuiru of't'hiH Neber , FarnurH llotuoi. CIIV 93S-tf V , FOK SALK OH RS.VT A grocery store and butclier8liop'coinu ! ( oed business In quire at this olllco. 012-tf FOR SALE 2 nice oonutcrs and28ll\er plitol' ' th > w coses , at O.o. II. Petal Mn'a , S04 South 10th St. _ FOH SALK Two t2t tr tal cht bupny her os or will ixcl'ni ' HO far hoa\Hroiie , mitibla ! < fur farm work , K quirunkN'p. IfilU liouijhBtit.1 KQ-8 * FOR SALE Or will cxcha go for Omaha pro- party , an Improved sec on of land adloiu- in ? a station on U. P. % K. M. DUNHAM. 1418 Farnham St. , Oniahn. . _ _ 720 3ml POU SALE Or trad * far city property , on hpan of horses , harness nnd wa on , Addrua a Y. , ihlaolllc-J 722 tf 5. HALE A K3 ° < stucn-yeir-old horfe Uiirrinreil to drlvuHiiglo or double Kn ijiilrt nf ( l.nnri'iinllrM , Oanflold houso. NOV18-II MISCELLANEOUS. vi \-cjh.KAii ; : cnaTiniii of MM. it'-io ' J.VI .Sci.miJi , cheapnnd o'cnnf ' llttiSt. , bet - t ; ni r' .inn 11 triicv. ntxtdojr to I.or- ensnn fi Co. , merchant tr.i'nr . UH 11 fIANO ANIO < GA-VMimiriictloii by Ml" K. i. C. 1'arll t , . 20tkrX balxt-Pu-rui. Ili-tf TTIi h.NISHM ) nil UNUUr.MSIiKD roinis , _ ! } nUi. i"it < Jlli nii jjor , a > it , 'icitli.vii. . , .or. Kith and Cas , St. 11114' EOhT lied Jlorrocu luat ! ' | .oiKet book , J COIIIM li'x nun "f iiiono.v , pip rs , al-o key. Finder will recuivulllarnl regard by return - mi ! thu vamu to tliia ollke 100-lu * I'AUDKN ia.requ 5 l 10 conunun cate \ OWKN or "Ci d his addru.H to bin Jailgblet lUty , General I'ost O1lw Chle.iK'o , Ills. W-U mAULE IIOAKD At C011 C)3 ) tre t. 1 80 7' . A pocketbook couralnin ) ( a raUroad i LOsT - i'tuinuIJi ' ruder will iciolve rtwtrd by returnlut'thu Banui to Dr. CofTman. 86-9 K SAUNmilS-1205 Fornhara St. . JOHN ' and Coinmi-u-on. Second hand i goodtt of all k ndn- bought runl oU. Cash ad vanced on cons cruient * ' Keal tstnto and lira i-tock a Hpecla ty.and oui&ile nalos promptlyi x tended to 77 9 JOHN K. SVUSDEUS 1205 Farnhara Bt. . Ite Utry fo ithl > uali-of n 1 estate aiitlipor-- aanal | iroprrt } f allkliiJi.e nd\er l-c all , jrojicny un II o 14 , aii'l cacooiiuiMiiuii chirii > d. Men and Homc iniHautof uiui'lujment hould Hhoulcl tall at Clot. 7C'0. JU < Hlpiildlfir ill kinds of .ron , HIOIIKSTI ravtv by , I. Ctilinaky it Gx , 102 lH > uliifl ( .St. 49-lra. " M. IDUiaiid th. > enpp.-ttt. KHJ-tf rnWOKUIUSSHED KO. . MS KOH ll'ZIT- In- JL quire at tlo pu' Artltopormm BtrtHt. WA-U 31KNT : OK B1IALL MANAO exp : iciuid : maa , HmrJl ( alary. I' , u. ItoxEOJ City. _ 988. tf Tor.tho next iO day > , we wlil | on than SHIRTS ol titxcy. tout * , vcniJ to nn ; addrtas , . -tpiiil , Qc ol o\m uiilanniLrvd dii'HH Shirt * . I'o itl\rly txlv 0110 Stilt' * em. to nne i.idrtiwi. KL'HKKA SHI .TCO. , Martulllen. 111. riUKMHIlKI ) HQi JU- Within thtcvblocka I'i J ; pQMtoifad. . InqnliT ) at lilU Doil e 9'Jt-tf I UKMHItKUOOMS FDr liiKlVKintleinen ; L ? al o.ouefront' ' room with plm.e , mjutbvM 'j4 corner IRth ami CauLta ! avtnue. _ bOO-tf EMI81 NKW C1TV MAPS. lOo. Mount * 2.M * . OKOtV. HKMIB. > ii 1 CUAkON l Ulo and Ollj. POIIIRAITM I ! v intlni ; . MltS. I ) . R. U'AKDKKK. worn 1. Jiuob's Illui. r lii-tf "KM IS' KKAI , K8TATK nOOll. her lit B .At A. 11. naiuler'n rwil lyr I BAIiUU Humo.v St. ) KiCIB' K1 AL KSTATK KXOIIANUK. > R paen. \ Absolutely Pure. ThUpoudel net trx trie * . A in < rulol r * > J'i utrsnitlhand holeouiene . Moro eooniml * i than the orOlninktndu , ail tun not Iw ow in ecu pttlMnn with ttie multltudu of low t t , bert welijht , alum ot | > ho ph te pcwiUi 801(1 ( Dnl ) ' UAKINO