Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1882, Image 7
TILL OiYJAliA DAILY BJDlil : TllUixSDAl y , LOO * . Deere & Oomp'y. MANUFACTURERS OF PLOWS , MOLINE , ILL , Wholesale Dealers in AGRICULTURAL IMPLEI Council Bluffs , Iowa , Mdnfl Wagon Do. Farm and Spring Wagons , Deere ft Manaur Oo , Corn Planters , Stalk Cutters , fto. , MoliuB.Pump Go , Wood and Iron Pumps , Wheel & Seeder Oo , Fountain Oity Drills and Soodorfl , Mechauicsburg Macli , Oo , Baker Brain Drills , Shawnee Agricultural Co , Advance Hay Rakes , Juliet Manufacturing Oo , Eureka Power and Hand Shelters , Whitman Agricultural Oo , Shelters , Road Scrapers , fto. , Moline Scale Co , Victor Standard Scales , A , 0 , Fish Racine Buggies , AND DKAhEUS IN All Articles Required to Make a Complete Stock , Address All Communications to DEERE & COMPANY , Council Bluffs , Iowa. demean W. B. MILLARD. F. B. JOHNSON. MluLARD & JOHNSON , COMMISSION AND STORAGE ! 1111 FARNHAM STREET , OMAHA , NEB. REFERENCES : OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STKKLE , .JOHNSON it CO. , TOOTLE , MAUL & CO. STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , WHOLIAND AND JOBBERS IN Flcur , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of CIGARS AND IAMFAOTUEED TOBACCO , Agents tor BEHWOOD HAILS AKD LAFLIN & RAHD POWDER CD , THE JELM MOUNTAIN AND Mining and Milling Company. . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ ; liif ( Capltil , . _ . _ . _ _ jsot.WX . . Capital Sock : . - - . . . Jl.OOO.OOC , , ( Par Value of Sharut - - - - - J26XK STOCK. FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLI Mines Located in BRAMEL , MINING DISTRICT. DK. J 1. THOMAS , i'nMldunt , Cummins , Wyoming. Wil. K. TII/TON , Vice > I'ruHilunt | , Cummin * , VV > o > nln | ( K. N. HAIIVVOOU , Secretary , tiuniinlui , Wyoming. A. (1 I < U S'N , Treiwurur , Cummlnx , Dr. J. I. Thoinan. Iouls Miller . W. b. . Ilrmnvl. . A. 0. Dunn , . K. N. Ilaruood. KrancU Lcavoim. Dr. J. C. Watklns. Oro. II Kalim. s Zolman. OEO , W. KKNUALL , Authorized Agcrit forSaluol Htock's ; \ - ' " > o . . FOSTER & GRAY 3 WHOLESALE- LUMBER , COAL & LIME On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts , , -DEALERS IN- HALL'S ' SAFE AND LOCK GO Fire and Burglar Proof 1020 Farnham Street , ALIVE. A Lnboror Crushed BotioiUli n. Falling KmbankinoiU anil Instantly Killed. A fatal nccicU'iit occurred on Willow street ytuturdny afternoon , by which n labuicr known ua Kill lU-nnutt wns fearfully crushed tul almost itisUuitly killed by the fulling of n portion of tlio baiikliero hovns i\t-\irk. Ik'imutt , togetlur with others , wns t\t wurk shovolliiiy mid hauling dirt , bmiigum * Vloyt-d by Cluulcs Wnlkor. The bunk from which thuy wuro taking the dirt six foul the uii3 uuili'nuiiH'd about , ovurlmiijjin ; , ' portion being fnui-n , aonto of tlio men had buuti clioipiti ] and working with the view of tinnb- Hug the tlue.itmunjj portion oil' . They waited until the teams woio out of the way , anil had just KOIIO to the top of tlio hank when Ittiinult drove Up nnd jumped out of hm wagon. They called to him to look nut , but ho toul tilt-in to wait a mimitti , and stood thuto fixuii' u whip. Tliu men wuitud above , but tliu bank did not wait to bo pushed over. It c.imo thuiiilerini ; down of its own acuonl , bmyinj ; iho uufortutiatu man out ot Might. Ilia follows began bhnvuhui ; him out lit once , and goon uncovered his head. Ho gasped but ouco mm tlien all Mils over. On getting his body out it wan found to bo terribly unuhod , and it wiis teiiiovud to the undertaker's , where it was prop.irod for Henneti was u single man and has been in Mr. NVulkur'a employ since last Novumber. Ho him a mother liv ing somewhere in Indiana , and it is stated by those who know him that , for some reason , he had assumed the name of Bennett , hut they could not give hia real name , except that his mother always addressed him in her letters as "Theodore. " A LANDLORD'S PRISONER. The Wife of a Bourdor In the Wrong Bod- Various Items from Corning. COUMNM , la. , February 7. This city still remains in a healthy condi tion , being free from that dread dis ease , the smill pox , although sort arms arc to bo found in abundance ; in fact they are the predominating feat' uro of some.Vo hear of cases ol small pox at Villisca and other towns around us and wo are thankful wi have so far eac.ipod , and live in hopet that \vo \ will never bo any nearer to il than at the present time. One day last week a traveling inni , carrying samples of jewelry and JOW' elora' tools and materials , sent hit trunks and valise to the depot , in tending to take the evening train oast. When he was ready to go IK discovered that his valise was gone. It was found two days after when the thief ha 1 left it , atter examining the contents It contained jewelers tools and materials , for which , it K iupposed , ho had no use. The drummer - mer failed to give his name , and il has not been discovered since. A little domestic niiaundoratandinf occurred at one of our boarding houses not long since. The landlori was discovered locked in a room will the wife of a boarder. The husbanc was the discoverer. Ho did not liki the appeareanco of things , BO ho re fused to have anything further to di with her. Their names are withhoU at present ns they are both member of the Methodist church. T. M. Giles , who for a long tinu has boon the organ mnn of Twining Bros. ' music department , left tin morning for Bedford where ho gee into the music business with E. A Long , who left for that place yeator day. Mr. G. is an energetic businos man and no doubt will make n HUCCOS of it. it.R. R. 0. Chubb , our now auditor , hai fixed up his ofiico in good sliapo , hav ing eliminated all the trash the oflic was filled with. The Park house under the manage mcr.t of Mrs. M. E. Cummins , th now landlady , is taking its place il the front rank as the best hotel 01 the road. Uncle Tom Carter , an old colorei man who has lived here for HOIII time , died yesterday. lie was prob ably the oldest man in tlio Htate , be ing at the time of hit ) death nnarl ; 100 years of ago. Lie could remember ber things that happened over niuet ; years ago , and wan acquainted wit ] the marnhalH of Kentucky and othe prominent men ( if the long ago. ago.NHXT. . You Cnn't Begin Too Soon. O'cnwoou ' Journil , ( ! loll wood lias now reached a ) > < > tion where better streets and roai ways are imperatively demanded. Th scarcity of rock and gravel in th vicinity and the acknowledged wortl linesH of plunk or block pavemoni ronderu the problem a dillicult om Still it must bo mot and nolved , Th public Htjuaro and the main thorougl ftireoof the city are in a wretched cm dition mid always will bo until noun thing in the way of permanent in provi-ment is done. Moro money In already been spent on the publ xijuarc in grading and other siinih work than it would eo'it to macadi mi/.e the on tire area , Every mi storm washes out tlio cheap dirt woi and our i-treots aio a constant bill i oxpomto to the city. This would m bo objected to if the mom was expended to any purpose ! , hi under the dinting Hyetem it i wiv < xl. It in estimated that it would cu ? ! l,000 to inacadamixo the publ 8iiaro. ( | This is al.irgoHiimof mom but it nuod not he all uxpondcd once , The work could bu donn gnu ually and the burden of tnxatic would not bo foil. This done , tl improvements should bo extended other fltroots. It would take ti years to accomplish tins work and ( it well , but when done it would bo credit to tliu city and wo should 1 forever rid of these expensive ai worthless dirt roada. Wu hope th the propriety of omo * ueh system r general improvement may ho general discussed. A SlgmiTvictory' The value of electricity an a remedl ttKent IIUH ( , ' i'ied ' u sk-nal victory ov prejudice. TInmmH1 Kclectric Oil dtan foreinoHt In thin class of compound * . T ( t imoulalu from all part * tell of the won roim cnreH of rheuinaUmn , neuraiiuhurJ ) and onw , etc. . effcctwl liy I to HTIOKNKi'S CR1MK. the Wroiiff of Ilia Wife by Killing Her Botrnyor. Many peMonsinOmahn will remem ber Mr. James Sticknoy , who occu pied the position of locil editor on the Herald in this city in the fall of 1870 , a position which ho lillod with unusual ability for a few months , i'lio severity of the winter following njured his health to such an ovtent hat he was compelled to gi\e up tlin iou and seek a more gonhl chino n the east or south. The facts are 'allrd ' to mind by his urrival inOmaha n t week on his way to Denver , iCcitinp.iuiod by a party ol friends , who are to testify nt the nf hit Brother , Charles \\r. , for minder ivhlch began in that city yesterd iv The following account of the crime or which ho h being tried h taken 'roiu ' The Uoiton Journal , published vt the home of the accused. Several gentlemen have started fur Dmver to make an etVort to HII\I- fu m .he gallows Charles \V. Hticknuy , a , -011111' man , and a graduate of liar- . ard college , whoso brilliant attain- n cuts and chivalrouofiieiidHlnp \ \ \ nni a leading spirit among hm asso ciates in this his homo. - 'ouveulH ' ago the tact was brielly chronicled that iMontguniory l'C.impo.iu , a an of properly in Denver , I'ol , had i'i'ii shot by an alleited blackmailer , nnd that a misaimed bullet fioin the uss.xilant'H piatid had killed a Mrs. Dovereaux , who happened to bo near the scone of the trai-edy. The story of wrong and of murderous revenge told 1 > > the friends of the young matt who hat done thin foul deed will in a ineaHUie palliate his crime , oven if it _ bo not proved that ho was insane. His brief career h.ia boon a peculiarly sad uno. On graduating with honors from II irvard a few years ago , ho entered businoHa , and was romarkabl'successful , He met a destitute but brilliant CU'iman girl , was touched by her sad history , and married her , hit trionds say , from motives of ehivalrio pity. He sent her to Germany to bo educated , and epent much money in fitting her for good society. But she proved un faithful , and desi > rtod him to live with Montgomery V. Campcau , a wealthy citi/.on of Denver. Her husband obtained a divorce in Massachusetts courts , and at the suggestion of friond.s , instituted a suit against Campean. It was settled by an agreement to p..y § 10,000 , of which Sll.fiOO was to bu paid in c.'i h , and u note was gixen foi the balance. But soon after the wife was cast out in the streets of Denver. She reached Chicago with her child , and in distress appealed to hot former husband forholn. He forcavi' ' her , and took her again at Inn \\ife. Learning of this , the man who had wronged them stopped piyinont on the note ho had given , accused tliu couple of practising blackmail , and it if alleged , procured the publication ol frequent newspaporiteius totlut ell''Ct. Strung at last beyond endurance. , and believing his wifo'n story that by u plot she was forced into the company of this man , the young husband do tin-mined to avenge the wrong botli had auH'ered. He went in search ol his enemy , found him in April last and quickly made him the target o his hm pistol. The first shot killec Mra. Dovoraux , who happened to bi standing near , but \uth wonderfu determination the incensed husbaiK pursued his work of revenge , and tin next shot carried instant death ti hia victim. Sticknoy wan nr rested , and his trial is to be ii on February 7. The defense is in sanity. Those who has known bin all his lifo Bay that lie had n numbe of mental peculiarities when a boy His ideas of chivnlry were sonlimon tal and oxtromo. One of bin teachers one or two of hia classmates , a cliun n college , and certain of his reltlivc nade up the parly which went froi : this city. Some of hia associates express press great doubt as to his insanity but all agree that ho received terri bio provocation. Hi wife is now li\ ing near this city. M * . Sticknoy'n classmates in Hai vard have raised a fund 84,000 to 1 ; empkyed in 1 is defense , and hav employed Leonard Swott , the famui Chicago law ) IT , to conduct the di fenso. The trial uttractti a great del of attention , because of the pron inetico of the accused and the mu derud inui. : Incredible. F. A. Scratch , druggist , Kuthvei Out , writes : " 1 h.ivo tlio groate ; cnnlidenco in your JUmnocK HMH JJiTTisHH. In ( inu ciisu with which I a personally acquainted thuir MIICIX wns ulnioat iucrudiblo. Onu lady to ! mo that half it bottle did her mo : good thiiii liundrudB of dollars' wnrl of inudicinu slio had pruvioiiH taken. " Pricu ? l.CO , trial m/o cunU , Iw-uud , "FARMER" PEEL. Life Sketch ofu Very Notorloun Dn porncJo , Bun KraiicUco Stock Hcport. ' " John K. Hull , noted : m the m ; who killed "Farmer" Pool in Mo r tana , wns recently killed at Langford 1'eel was in his diy co aidi-red the most desperate llghtii mun on the Piicilic coiibt. lie tta t dead uhot and of iron nerve , and hi faced the nix-shooter in the hands an adversary scores of times , novel times bringing down his man. Win drunk ho was a dangerous imlividi ; and a terror to all who worcnear hit In the early days of the Comatock , occasionally "took the town When on the warpath , ho wou cliuruu through the streets with k Hix-ohootor in each hand , driving tl people before him like BO many shei bo u and defying the authorities. Tim id was an ainplo force of police in 11 at town , but when Puol wan on the rat of page the policemen , from the chi down had huBincua in old , tunnels i iy the outskirts of town. He was n a powerful man physically , but reckless and such u dead nhot that was wtirth 11 man's lifo to cross 1 er path whun he was in cups. PC dx and Hull wore friends and pal nors. While on the road to Ma ' tana in 1807 , a quarrel arose , botwo two _ diiroputablo women who accoi paniod them. Tlio men took up t quarrel and bccfttno onomioi. They separated on the road , but mot shortly after in Helena. Ono night Bull wont into the principal public gam bling saloon of the town , where hemet met Pool , who called him up and en gaged him in conversation. After a few words IVel called Hull a hard name nnd slapped hia face. Hull aiid hevis unarmed , ami Pool told him to go heel himself and ernie back fighting. Bull wont to his cabin and pr toured his pistol and wm coming down the main street when IVel emerged from the door with hia u 0111:111 : on his arm. Hull imtnodi.itely tired and Peel fell wounded on the sidewalk , his pistol having fiillun from hia hand bolero ho could shoot , Bull then walked up and fired two moro shots into Pcol as he lay on the sidewalk , and then walk i' I ioav and eave himself up to 'i 1 mti'il S , ar maf > hitl , He was I t .r inn del .uut a. iii" | ! il 1 he M 'i ' i ; nf P cl ev. 11 r.l . ni at HOIH * II ii i i the Mi'nni't Ji eii'i H nl the Pn i Hi'1 ' , n hint In' . . > kniiMii n M1 ' vtilltllulll I di"lpi'l.t > l.i i.l l ! ' ( > llli'illi I 'I a. ItulI"imil Sioi > il. i i iViuiinrri li\1 Sixty mill's | 'i'v hmii IMIHU i , s in lie ail exceptional into ot upend , taro Iy obtained , and figures above thiacon tinuo to bo rtialsod ! : by the Foul nine and other engines on pnper. ilui'g ' iiiir trom prost'tit condition of raihoail ing , and the outlook , this n atmuct t will remain iv true one for a number of yearn to come. Not that American workshops are unable to improve on the rate of speed. It can bo done and the problem has resolved itself nu'iely to a question of boiler. But the problem will remain unsolved tin til roadhmla are built for the locoinn tivo instead of the locomotive for the roadbed. VVo mean that there are v ry few roads in the country which can endure the wear of a "sixty-iuile- an-hour" train , and until such are built thu drawing power will I'ontiniut to bo suited to liulit bods. There ii uno progress in this direction hut it is slow and the rock-ballasted roads are still fenv and far between , llnil- road contractors continue to think the great desideratum ia to "rail" as many miles as possible in a given time ; not how well , but how much. Hilt in this they only * rolled public opinion. Vet wo note a atop in the right direction , which the year 1881 , with its increased volume of trade has forced upon the railroads , as soon in the demand for heavier , moro pow erful freight engines , uliioh in turn demand as surely , if not so. speedily ai the fast engine , a moro substantial roadbed. The building of heavy hi comolivot has , iudi-od , heoii one of the main features of the past year with the vaiious works , and the average - ago weight of the 1,700 locomotives is considerably larger than that of any other yenr. Those of thirty-ton \\eight have to a yreat extent given way on the leading roids to othont ol forty and fitly tnim , and several havn b-en built that woiyh sixty tons nnd h.ivo four sola of drivers. DYING 15V INCURS. Very often wo ace aperaon mill'uriiifj from noun ) form of kidney complaint , and is gradually dying l > y inches. This no longer need bo so , for Rlectrii Bitters will positively euro Bright'i disease , or any diseases of the kidnoyi or urinary organs. They are especial ! } adapted to this class of diseases , acting directly on the stomach and liver al the same time , and will speedily cun where every other remedy hns failed Sold at fifty contn 11 bottle by Ish A Me Mali on. (5) ( ) Clarkson & Hunt , 3uc < i w In nirlnrjd & Hunt , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW Free Jjveryboflyl A fjoautiful Book for tlio Asking I ! ) Aiiiil > lnc iwrmiiinlly nt thu iiajrimt olHc oiiiiB siNiiu ( : MANWAOTiwivo co. ( o liy jioililcaril Ituti illjtanco ) any MUM.T tier xili wll | lii' | > MK.riU'J Milli A lionutlfnll ) lliit | ratnil ' 'opv of n Miw Uouli cijtltlni ! nENIUS rtSWMlD D , o- run - SIORYOFTflKSEWlNDMAOHIN ) .uhtalnlni ; a lumlsonio anil coolly Htuol cimrav IrnntUplrri'v ; itlio , ' 28 HiiUy cnxravwl woo i uti , nn < l liounil In an uliliorato Muo and iol ; lillu.Kraphcil cover. No charx' ' whatever It mail lor tiilH lianilHoinu l > ok , wiilch can bu nbtuliic oulj l/y / application at tlio biancli anil snlio Iliiali' nilliOH uf Ilia SinKur Maiiufactiirlnt ; Co. TIIK BINOKll IIANUFACTUIUNO CO. , iTlu' Ipil OlflLu , 111 Union Hitiaru | , Now Yor THE KENDALL PLAITING IABHIM 10 DRESS-MAKERS' OOMPAHION , r. inn n- n"B "B I ft lid of 111 It | ) Ut ! * ami | irt > c porftctly ono /aril Ull Illllllllll. It plaits < ro.n 1-10 ol an liuh to I 1-4 luclivn wliltfi In tliu mam t ( olU fir Ilin-ft llk , n , It ( lien all klniUand Htlu > ol ) ilaltln In IIHU , hoII Nu lul ) U.atilniK tier own dreM iimklni ? < II oril to < Io without oiio an nice plaiting IICllTOUt Of laBtllOIl , llBl'CII It BOlId Until , t Ida Uuctilnui , Circular ) ! or AKtnt'i turinu u < ldrtw a CONQAR & CO. , ho 113 AiluumKt , , ( 'hlcago , 111 , up re hon iof n- BOSTON MARKET on Street Cuming ot , ao it tel us J , J , NOBESJrop. rt- 'li Proah and Bait Meata of t 'lion Kinds , Poultry , Fish , &o. , 71- in Season , 71he DEWEY & STONE , T ? TT "O TWT T ' "P TT "O 1C ? I JT U R > i JL i JL JL Uy JLJ ! ORCHARD & BEAN , J. B. FRENCH & CO. , CARPETSIGROCERSI Special Attention Is Once More Called to rthe Fact that Rank foremost in the West insso < rtraent and Prices of LOT FOR MEN'S , BOYS' AND OHIL.DR1JWH WlilAK ALSO A COMPUSTK LINE OF Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps \Vn are piopured to moot the domiiiulH ( if the triulo in rogitrd to ( j.itoat Btyloi and I'uttoriin. Kine Morohiint Tiiilorini ; in Commotion RESPJilGTFULJjY , M. HELLMAN & GO , , 1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th 3' , RPETS HAVE DECLINED SLIGHLTY. ' -AND- Is the first to make the announce ment to his customers and the general public. SETTINGS , OIL CLOTH AKD WINDOW SHADES , Always sold at the lowest Market Prices. We carry the largest stock and make the Lowest Prices. Orders promptly filled and every attention given to patrons. J. B. DETWILER 1313 Farnham Street. an anU OMAHA NEBRASKA. 'or , - - - - . J. A. WAKEFIELD , . YV1IOLKHAL.K AND HCTAIL DKALKK IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , ill SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT JOTfiTATK AQENi FOK MILWAUKEE CKMXW'f COMPANY' , Near Union Pacific Depot , - - - OMAHA , NEB