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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1882)
Pi THE OMAHA JDAILx BEK- THURSDAY FEBRuARST 9 , 18b2. P , T , M AYNE , SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Mivrmgor Council Bluflb Circulation , COUNCIL BLUFFS AND IOWA NEWS. By Cnn-lor , 20 Cents per Week. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA By Mall , $10.0O per Yow. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Ofllco : Room Plvo , Evorott'a Block , Broadway. U. W. TILTON , City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS Tlio Turn Vcroln h e tlifir HIM. qucrmlo thin evening lt Qulnn , for being on another ( if hfs noisy tlrmilcii , h Hftfc under kck and ey Tlio literary nociety , known M tlio Round Tnble , expect * to rcaumc Its raeotingH noon. In tlio circuit court yontvrday tliccaxe ot Brnmlt v . I'lumcr occupied the tlino and nttcntli n. There in about ? T > 00 < lue on laloon li censes , nnd the delinquent * nrc to ho punched up with n IOIIK stick , -Annie Henry , for Rapping arotlier ( flrl's face , was called nn to nhattcr a 810 bill before 'Squire Uurko yesterday. A noisy fellow , Ktvintf bin name as Wheeler , g ve mich loud talk on the ntro > t an to ncccssltn to his hiring ft hall of Chief Fields. Fields.Tho The young people of the ConKrcgn * tlonrl chinch are to lm\c A at the home of Mr. aid Mro. A. U , Nlchola- , this even i\g. \ \ young ninn nninuil K Points IH now lodged I ehind the bars on tlio chirro | of tryii B t fciiecre | out of a board hill due at the Burlington IIOUHO. Webb'n No * Orlcnns iiiinntreln U the title uf the company orjjanl/.oil here , uhiuh Ii to rpo-i at Dmmny's next week , ( jiving entertaininnU Tiienlay nriijVudn ondny evening * , Tliereumt H of young W Idncr , hrothur- fa'law uf T , II Stewart , hut a hcen taken to Clariniln for interment. The dcceancd wan ill onto' n few dnyx , n acute throat trouble bciiu- the i nusp of death , Tim c.ino of young ITngunnn , charged with burglarizing the Coy house , \va < callcil be ere Justice Trnlnoy yc terday morning and continued for one week , some of the wi'tietHcn ' for the state if t hunt ) . The > 'rtMl tworinghow , known ai Smith's drmUc lrnule ' ! TUIII'M Citbin cum- | iany pi on iso a iiutiiico and mi uvcnlngn . entcrtainiiiint i.ovr. Situril.ty , and tin ) public pr.iiiiixtM 1 1 crowd the hall to over flowing. It Is diio of the b < Mt drawing and mi we popular ultowH im the road. A man hulling from 1'iteblo , and who claims to liuvu miccuigfiilly avoided the wilui ciL'n of. Liudvlllu , got nippud for $35 Tuexilay night at the trnn < for de pot , by a xtrnnger who wanted In borrow that amount for a few minutes to xatiufy the demand of an alleged oxprcxsman. The oldttury with u now victim , Mr. Tuo er , who moved int i this city frim Mindoin about a your ago , died suddenly vent nl y morning. He ha < ! been 111 for lo < n than ihroo days , nnil wax comlilurcd much ooMcr the night previous to hit death , hut In tlio morning p-vsed away iilmost without waining. Hu had been hauling Ice , nnd it isthought exposed himself causing congestion. More ilerdlca have irrived and it If announced that the mayor will not them to running as HOOII us the atroeca are In condition. Other vehicle i arc nblo V inako trips around tlio city now , an t II there in any time when ( iublb carriers an needed it in when the walking la bad , Then is th .Urn when folkH want to ride I'eiliaju IIH Is waiting until Homo moro ol the ticket M bought long ago by the peojih are used up by the baho ! , to whom the } have been given to play with , Jonstahle John For and ex-Deputj Sheriff J. J. White now stand chargtfi with malicious mltchicf , The latter go writ of replevin for certain property ii the piwewioii of Nat. Long , living In tin country , and the txv > wont tliero and tool thu proper y. Lung claims they lirola down tlio table door , mid him hud then arrcs'ed ' , the wtrrnnt beini ; inmed by Jus tu Kmlney , Whlta took a changa t Junlico Uwlnl , and the uOVr U Htill witlt Jng adjuktmi'iit. YtHtenl y f jrtnoii i a ymmi nmi nniiod Hrowii wan quite seriouslInjurui by : i runaway , llo wat employed luulinj dirt on Union nvrnue , when his loan broke Into n run. 'Iliu wajjon collhlix with a telegraph polo and thru-v him nut One iv In el pMitd over him , und wliru h won pk'kiil up it was thoui'ht he was in dying condition , l > r , .Mn.-mi waoalln at d found that thu mnn was not HI lindl injured u liu uppai id , though hii wound vveru HciloiiH. Thpiowasa nouvo cut i thu scalp , extending over tbu head almou from e rte ear , nnd allowing the sualp t Lanif down over hU face , but no frautur i vr ( lUmereil. One hand WIIH ulwi | , ii < ll , injured. The team nucceeiled in danhn ! uji agaliiHt Mr. Nilei' barn , demolbhini ' one corner of the building. A meeting of colored voters was hel Tuesday night at MoMnckiu'ii hull , e which about * e\enty-live totem were prw out. CharloH Curtis v/mt uloited ehaii mon , Clurle" II. Junes nucretary , Alle Forbes iiuiiuror , A club wn nrn'unlze in It-rth ite olficern to be known UH tl C'olowd Indtiptudpnt I'o.UL-al club. Tl ; obj ctof thu meeting was to muke prejii ration for tlio coming election Charli .Curtis made nil eloquent Hpeoch , clalinii that tbu uu'urod voter * had beou ignore dr the liv t i > lx year * by the pulitirnl pa ties In thu city , and that they hail nevi , rocelvvd Hiiy fetor * , except the up oin , uuntoftwi. colored pullcenii n , 'Ilio pretuut pltdged thfiu ehts > to Mippurt i party unkts frk-nilly to th uolurcd pn pie , and willing to recognl B the tw Ini dred colojwl vottr * us entitled lui J.V , j < odiifur , huu opi-nod n lit coal mini ) mid ovvinj , ' to thu uujiurl quality of the coal , ho Imw nuuiud Iowa Wyoming , and it will bo know by that naino in tliuiaurkot liori'aftu J o. 20 I'oarl streot. fub7-tf HEPBURNE'S HOPE Cheerful Tidings Concornintj UieProopoctsfo' nMowGov- ) ornmout Building. The Facta Concornliiff Llko Attomptt end Llko Progroaa In tlio Pnatnnd the Needs of ProHpootB. Tliu receipt of tlio following tclu- i ram from Congressman Hopburn gladdens mid revives the hopes of thoau who Imve no long been striving to got a government building in Coun cil Mluffs ; WAHHINOTO.V , I ) . C. , February 7 , 1882 Pun. . AKMOUU : The Council Hlulla court liousu nnd pontoflico bill has boon favorably repotted by tlio cummitteu on public building. W. P. llKI'IIUIlN. Thnt the bill has reaclad ; suoh n stage is cheerful tiding , indeed , to the citi/.uns hero , all of whom are no interested in tbu success of tlio meas ure , nnd Congressman Hepburn is justly entitled to prnisu for what ho IIIIH accomplished , nnd hearty support in the furtherance of the measure to u successful pissiigo. The Nonpareil in seeking to give hint credit , how ever , shows its Bchiiol-buyish spite against thosu who Imvo in the past won equal credit , nnd as nsunl , wan tonly butehotH thu truth to satisfy this upito. While TIIK lii'.p. would add to , rather than tnko from , any praino given to Congressman Hopburn in this nmttcr , it deems the public ns entitled to the real facts , and in view of tlicno facts it becomes apparent how far the Nonpareil will ire to sat- ibfy ilu personal npleen , and how ready it IH to deccivo its readers. At least twice before a bill hits leached ju t the position in which the present one ia , n fact well known to Thu Nonpareil , notwithstanding its assertion that previous attomptu "liavo failed in every particular. " In the Forty-fifth congress , Col. Sapp , then the representative , introduced a bill appropriating 8100,000 for a gov ernment building hero. This bill was unanim.ously reported favorably upon by the committee on public buildings , UIUH reaching the exact po sition of the present bill. It was further placed on the calendar of the committee of the whole. Judge Humphreys , of Wiscoimin , and others joined in the attempt to ot n ( suspen sion of the rules for a consideration of this bill and others , but the at tempt failed to secure the two-thirds vote necessary , and had to await its turn in the regular order. The bill was not reached before adjournment , and wont the way of all auuh bills. In the Forty-sixth congress a like bill was iigain introduced by Congrens- man Sap ] ) , who wan so vigilant that it wan the first bill introduced fur n government building , and it wna hoped by thus being eaily it might be crowded in succesatul passage' . The committee to whom it wna referred desired curtain facts , on which it wished u report from tlio nuyor ol this city , and stated that if thu fuctt reached tliero the bill would bo re ported on favorably at once. Mr. Sapp called on Col. Cochran , the muyor , for this report and was prom ised it , but not receiving thu report , came homo from Washington in per- mm to get it. Ho got J. W. Bond , osq. , to hunt up the facts , and N. W. Pusoy , esq. , made out thu report , and it win signed by Judge Jones , nftoi ho became mayor. The report wae sent to Washington , and in loss thai u week after receiving it the committee too reported unanimously in favor o appropriating $100,000 for the orcc tion of a government building hero Col. Sapp moved u suspension of tin rules to tuko up that bill out of its or der on the calendar , but failed to ao cure the two-thirds vote necessary Thu bill had to bide ita time , and no being reached in regular order on tin calendar , was killed by adjournment Thua , it will bo soon , that twice bu fore a like bill has reached this chuur ful point of a favorable report iron thu committee , jubt ns Congressman Hi'pburno's 1ms now. The proson outlook is , however , moro favorable On both of the pluvious oce.mion the democrats had control of congros and had u majority of the committee milking it moro uphill work for ruput : lii-im members to gut their will an wish. Now the latter are in th ascendancy. A fuithtr fact is worthy of conoid oration , At the times of the provuni attempts to passuch a bill ( hero wn no United Htatoa court held hero except copt thu district court. During th Forty-sixth congress Conyrossnw Sapp introduced a bill providing fu holding thu Umtud Stntis circui court at times and places where th diatiict courts \voio held , tliero bem Uubuipjo , Kookuk and Council Ululfi This bocamu a law , und now jivu $ a additional claim for having n goven ment building hero , and is u point i favor of such a building which did in exist beforo. Previous attempts had bc 'ii mad to Btiouro the passage of such n bi providing for United States circu eourtH , but had failed. During tl Foity-foiirth congress Judge Mi Orary introduced ono , but f.iiled ( got it through , .ludgo Sampan , i the Sixth district , of Iowa , made similar attempt , which failed in tl Forty-fifth congress , und in the Fort' ixth coiigries ihu bill intioduced i Col. Sapp passed. All about that j i is not only an important law , but it 11 u itrong point now in favor of tl present appropriation bill. In view of which has been done , docs seem deapioiblu fin- The Noi pareil , know ing the tucds , to go out i way , while jitbtly praUiu. ' thu imu out rvproioiitutivc , to ulyly shp h . _ Thorti in ono strong n'ason why tl citizens of Council IMutU Bhould n crease their activity and mlly eo f , as practicable to thu tupport of Coi giessmau llepburn'ii bill. A bill hi i bter introduced by Governor Curpci ter , providing for a division of tl state into two judicial district * . Th bill him been ulwo rejiorted fuviuab upon by the judiciary committee. provides for United States district ai circuit courts for the southern district to bo hold at Davenport , Kookuk , Des Moinoft and Council Bluffs , and for the northern district at Sioux City , Fort Dodi e , and Dubuqiio. It will be seen by this that if this bill posses congrua" , courts will thereafter be held at three new places , Davunport , Sioux City and Fort Dotlgu , and there will bu live places for holding court where there will havu to bu government buildings provided , inskad of two Council Bluffs and Kcokuk as now. It behooves the citizens of Council UlnUs , therefore , to give to Congress man Hepburn all thu aid thuy can to ! { ut hia bill through before ) thu Car- linn tor bill becomea a lav. ' , for if the latter passes first it is doubtful , in fact almost impossible , that the needed appropriation could bo secured , for theru would be five cities with a like clamor , and the number of govurn- mcnr , buildings asked for would out number thosu of any stntu in the union. It in to bo hoped , therefore , that Congressman Hepburn will bo cheered on anil help given him , if needed , to secutu the passage of his bill. A HISTORIC BUILDING It IB the Scene of a Happy Surprise Party , Huvlvlnsr Recolloctloru ? of tho.Post. A number of thu Irionds of the family of John Tcinpluton gave them a pleasant surprise on Tuoaday even ing by gathering en mussc and taking posacssion of his home in the Phuiiiix block on Upper Broadway. Cards , music and dancing , wore among thu happy features of thu evening , and the enjoyment kept up till about iiidnight when a bountiful anppor as surrud , after which duncjng was osuniod until all wore co ntutt to ru- ru. ru.Thu building whuro the pirlyjvlis eld is full of histoiip interest. In 85 ( > tlu ) rooms weru used us thu Jnited States land ollico , wbilu the tore room below , now occupied byO [ ' . Smith , was tlion tued by B.tbbit iV ; lobinson , and the third Htory was a mil , where moro than a quarter of a ontury ago , thu parents and grand- arontsot those who theiu dnnccd lie other evening , were wont to step ) the music of Field's bund , junt thu imu as their descendants on this oc- : , ision moved to thu measures of the lame violin still in Chief Field's ands. Liter thu upper story was trans- ormcd into a theatre , and it was huro hat thu legitimate drama was first roducud in this city. The second ) or became thu council chamber. Ulill later the upper Rtory was : hangcd into a printing ollicu , and it , vas huro that thu daily Bugle wau i rn during the throes of the rubol- 011. Since that time it has become hu puiputty of Jlr. O. T. Smith , , 'bo , by a singular coinciduncu , was no of the original company who puned the theatrical season with thu 'Forest Rose , " during the mumora- winter of ' 50. FURTHER FACTS. Showing Why the 0M8t Bud of the County Should bo Satisfied. _ j Some Now Light Upon the Problem o Division. The proposed division of this count ; nto two judicial districts by estab iahing terms of court at Avoca ha ittlo in facts or reason to give i strength. It ia understood that thii neaauru is but another phase of th old question of dividing the cuunty und terming a now county out of tin eastern portion , and in this view tin entering wedge for such a split i norothan of passing importance. I has already been shown that only one tenth of all the court business come from the eastern portion of the count ; and that these cases aru small one and not generally litigated ; It ha also been shown that thu carting u records backward and forward wouli bu impracticable und annoying. It i also evident that thu oxtr.i expons would bu great , and , further , thu there is no timu for holding such court as is proposed. In fact , all th facts tlma tar gathered point to bu ono conclusion , that the move is im piacticable and ill-advised It , ia doubi.k'Bb inconvenient fu t-uino to lomu from thu eiistein pot lion of thu county to this city , but i would lu equally inconvenient fo tin'no ' from hero who \\oulil b called upon to attend court in Avoc.i and those in the eastern portion coul not avoid making trips huro , even i thu court was established as desired for the bill introduced does not etfct thu question of our county seat , an nil the county records and ollicial would center heru then as now , For thu satisfaction of these in th eastern portion of thu county wh feel that thuy uro incunveniuncuu facts havu boon gathered tihowiii aomo of the advantages which thu havu derived from being in the sum county with thu eastern portion an with this city. In thu matter t bridgu building , an important factc in thu improvement of this county there was expended in 1881 by tin county $15,2-10 , and of this amuui two-thirds 510,0'J7 ? was expunde in thu eastern portion , Thu largci pint of this money , too , came fioi thu weatutn part of tlio county. Tli valuation ot property in th comity in 1881 was $ i > l48 Ji02 ( , an that of pri perty in thu eastern poi tion only iil08t,7C5 ! , hardly any 11101 than thu valuation of Council Blut alone , which was $2,1120,200 for tl samu In utlier wonU this cil alone paid as much to thu biidgo fun as thu tvholu of thuuaatern portion < thu county , and thu eastern portu ; received two-third of thu mom tluu rained , Thu bridge tax for 1880 , for tl coulity , amounted to $8,5 ! ) I. Of this ninonnt th east end of the county paid 82,027. very nearly iw much as thn entire bastcrn portion. The eamu r.ttio of fi iu'o.i is sliown by the bridge tax for 1881. The enst end ol ( lir enmity was tnx d § 0,17.'J and Council iUullsulonu So,858 The total bridg' tax of the county 818,00 , " ) , an thar while pa > ing less than one-third n ( the bridge tax , thu east end IIIIH received tno-thirJs of the fund. Such an-but samplrs of iho bene fits derived by thu east , end by its present rcUuonahip. In viuw of those and other fiijuroH of a lilio niitiitc , it Beoins that the bpiiefitfK IFsot what in- coiiveniencu may ariau to a few law- > urs and witiicaica , by not having it court established right under their eaves , BENEATH THE BED. There Is Wlioro a Would-Bo Thlof HldoH Illmaelf nnd la Captured. At thu Creston house on TiloHdny evening a singular attempt was made to rob thu landlord , Max Molin , About 8 o'clock in thu ovuning ho ac companied his wife und child to their room , and after scoint' them snugly in bed , turned thu gas down a little , and on going out locked the door and took the key with him. Mrs. Mohn heard u mysterious IIOIHU under thu bed , nnd thought it must be a dog who had got into thu room , but .m thu runtime kepi up , Mid thu catisu of her aim in crawled out from nndur thu bed along the floor , slio became satisfied that it was a man. Shu succeeded in purlly opening another door afrninst which si bed stood , , md screamed loudly. Tli is BUtrimoncd several from the ollicu bu- low including her husband , who on- ter'iig the room ciptured the fellow , ud took him down stairs , where hu H detuned until Ollicur Bronka ar- ivtd.vlio ti.ok liim to thu station. The fellow on being captured was , t once rccogni/.cd as a young mai nurd ilaiuei T. Stockdale , who has eon bean ing at thu" house for about wo months. He was armed with a evolver and on being searched was iiund to havu a key to Mr. Mohn's oom. He admitted that ho had gone u the room t6 "make a raise , " and niu ho had crawled under tlio bed bout 7 o'clock in the evening and hud uon there about an hour , when Mrs. lohn and her children wont to bed , nd that ho got so chilly that hu hade o crawl out. About six weeks ago Mr. Mohn'a com was burglarized ono night u'nd > 70 in c.ish and a wutch wuru taken , lu natmally susincts yolmg Stock- [ alu of being thu unu who committed hat crime , but thu latter denies that u full , and also dunius that bu had ny accomplices. He is a young man gud about iio jeais , and his homo is n MuniMtino , lo.ta. His family nru aid t. ) bu very riapuctublu and worthy eoplu , and tlio nuws of thu son's dis- racuvill bu a sad b'ow ' to thorn. IOWA ITEMS. Audubou county lias eighty-three chooh in session. Last month thirty-six arrests wen uado by thu Clinton police. A prohibition constitutional club ins been organized at Hastings. Improved farms aru selling in Mont gomery county for § 25 and $31) ) pel acre. acre.Tho The iinuiul report of the society for thu increasxjof tho'niinijtry rccordi the receipt of $5,000 principal ant 341 25 interest from Iowa during tlu past , 1880-82 , and roporti 10 students from Iowa. The Into Hon. W. E. Webster , rep rceuntativo from Page county , was i member in good standing in thu Odt Fellows , Free Musons and United Workmen , in which orders ho holt lifo iiiburalicu to the amount of § U , ' 500. 500.Thu Thu final settlement , of thu estah of the late Clarisfu C. Cook , of Dav enpnrt , will result in leaving ubou $75,000 to thu triiHtees of funds aiu dunations for aged and indigen clergymen and thu widows and or pluuiH of deceased clergymen of tin Epifcopal dinccpu of Iowa. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. . K. Hjiuilal aU\crtUviiiunti , mich n Ixint , Kouixl , To IXMii , For Site , To Hcnl Wants , IScwrillin , ' , etc. , ulll l > u Inxertul In till column at thu I cm rate ot TII.V CKNTtt I'KI LINK lurthu flrnt ItiKirtlon anil FIVK CK.NT I'l'.H 1. 1. SIC ( or nuliHv < | ucnt Itmurtlnn Icaiuh iTtliH'iiH'iita at our olllce , Itoom f Illock , llroj luuy. IU Ill-Kr lliruo or Icur r'onn for I'ifi ' hull lUuil'll'i ' ; , Hilliln twnlilcuVMOl poxtolllct hiitilro | of Lr , iiuiiiliult at It l'i.trlt. . lu ' . i ANTK' To rent-A t n roivii housu 1 KOIIIO k'ooil in l lltiorliood ur two mil-'Ic UAIK viilo lit lil . Aililresd IV O. llox 7Ui Couhiil 1) ) nil. , ur amiln at llr.Kotli.u Comic IlltilU 4l-if > Ktirjbody in Couiicll IllulTii I to Uku TIIK linn , 20 U'liU | icrto k , ill Ihcutl liy uarrlcn. OiHiu , Ituoiu Ii , l trctt ° V\7ANTHD To buy 100 ton * broom con YV For | sirtU'iilar utlilrcat Council Hlur Hroom Factory , ( Jouinil llluS , Iowa HM-Mtf \\rANTED A flnt-cl-uw lirooiu tlur. llu > i > > 4I . , Coimi'll llhltt , low * . MO-BO' I OIl hALK OKI napvr * 40o IHT liuiulrisl , Ij Tliu Hoc otlk , . , Coumil lllutls , wj.7-tl O llUlt'K-MAKKUS Will 3AI.K-A ftina ( inoruot lonJ nJlu'nliiK' the hrli'knl i iiT & llul iei * on 1'pis.T llrou a\ . Kc | uitlcular < p ) > ly to l > a\IJ llalnt.ii ort > ll.-.niii't oiliru at the Hoar J ul Tnulo rornii , Coum II Ulufl -tin lJOrrKH'8 TICKin * OKnoiI War In rallron L tlikcti wntlliutut to lioom. Ulll ttTi > kl > U IOM r.iti's to all < u > tirn i > hd . Kturj tliki Kur.ruitiol , OriL-rutllli'il l > ) tcli'iilioiiu. Kroi ono to tun dollar * wu'J liy ) iu lu lni ; tltKu o ( U , A , 1'otter , nuecvhjor to I'ottor.H I'aliucr , N to South Filth tntt , ( our iluurt lalon tliaMS \ ottlce , Couiu-U llluIN , low * . ot3 tl \\rAN'rKI-Jtoy. wUliiKin } , U ) lam J' | HI ; 1 > liuiulro i.t [ ins ollko , Couiull llliifli. octlU-U Notice. 0 l ; to tlic Immeria urvoea ol II.e nt Gelatine Uromldn Inbtantaneous Proto kt tliu Exciltlor Gallery , Filth Mrivt , Cou ell O'ulf ' * , iliu | > roirlctor | ilratioi tlioj l > hl t'lilliltuii' * riituren IO' H lnt icn thu lior.m 10 anj 12 o'clock a. > . , M oulni ; to thu Prc of Du lnt mch uraucunint U nccvar > nol t uci y. ) . | iu J OARKE , Proprietor FACTSWORTHJNOWING. "Good morning , Mr. Jones. You seem in good humor this morning. " "Yes , I have bten to the BOSTON TEA STORE , and find anything and every thing I wnm , OF FIRST QUALITY AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. I toll you , I can Sitve Mouey now out of nry salary , and Live First-Glass too. It pays to go there. " "Where did it ? " you Buy was- BOSTON TEA COMFY FINE GROCERS. 16 Main St. and 15 Pearl St. COUNCIL BLUFF- , A. STOVES , TIN WARE , SHEET IRON WARE , 331 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , Ia. DON'T KA I , 1O SEK TIIK VTCCK OF W. W. BUCHANAN DIAMONDS , WATCHES , i \ REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. 2D2 Broadway , ODuML BLUFFS. H. H.JUDSON , 405 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORKS , MANUFAOTUUKllS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERALMACHINERY Ollico and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL Bi.UFFS , IO.VA , \\'o g\\ \ < > > ] 'cM attc'iitlon to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , H013TERS AND GENERAL MILL MAGHINERY , HOUSK FKONI'S. GENERAL KEP.AlR WORK v.111 ructlui prompt u'toi.tioi ) , \ K't'iicral 'in KDrtllMUt u ( Brass Goods , Belting , Piuing AND SUPPLIES FOH Foundry , Pig Iron , ( Mo , Coal OH AS. nr.NDti , 1 ' 'S Mil & ARTISTIC POTTbKY Rich Cut Qliu * , Flu > Fr.'inli Chluii , SUvtr \ \ iiro &n . 310 HBIHIIM.M , "I M I luluU VA Drs. Woodbury & Son , Cor , I'carl 4 lit AVK , cot" I'll , 11 W. S. AMENT. AMENT & . SIMS , i Attorneys & OounsDllora * , COUNCIL BLUFFS , lti\VA. . I - ; - " ; I KELLEY & M'CR/\CKEN ' / ( \ , Marble and Giranite I North Fifth 6t. , ' ' ! I N W. W. SHERMAN , MAXt'FACTmiKH OF - ROAD , TRACK , COACH & LIVERY ! S S Fine Work a Specialty. K , It. HI ! HUM AN , IltwIncM Manager. WM. CMIUSTOI'IIKK , JlcHiniiical llnnnsfor. Y 124 South Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. My Harness are Manufactured from A No. I Oak Tanned Leather. I Sell My Goods at Bed Rock Prices. Or ders from abroad receive prompt attention. J. MUELLER'S jhickoring , Weber. Liiideman , J. Mueller and other Pianos , $200 and upward. Burcett , Wentern Cottage , Tabor ! and 3VC..J Paloubet Organs , $50andupward. Musi cal Merchandise of every discription. . . Italian Strings n specialty ; imported " n direct. Music Books , Sheet-Music , Toys , Games , Fancy Goods , Wholesale and Re tail. Pianos and Organs Bold for Cash and on Time. Stock is large , full and com plete. Wusical Journal ireo on applica S tion. Correspondence Solicited. Address : O J. MUELLER , I * 103 South 5th Street. C COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. BOWMAN , ROHRER & CO. , Storage and Commission Merchants , PURCBASING AGENTS AMJ Dealers In nil MmU ol Produce. Prompt attention trlven to all conaignmenU. NOS. 22 , 24 AND 20 PEARL STREET. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. . IBI. ZFOSTIEIR WIM. srpios S'lnur \ > TICK Cut Flowers , Greenhouse end Vegetable Plants In tlielr 60.1-on. Ordvrs prompt' ' } li'lnl i.l . 'uiliinil ' . tu Kxpiirt Inu ol iharic. Send ( or Cat .loitur. C3OTT3VCJI3C. SI. -DHALER IN- PAPER , COUNCI . BLUFFS , IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Buyer and Shipper of Brain and Provisions Orders solicited in Iowa and Nebraska. REFERENCES.- National Bank , Stewart Bros. , Ceuncil Bluffs ; William P. Harvey & Co. , Culver & Co. , Chicago ; E. A. Kent & Co. , St. Louis. METCALF BROS. , WHOLESALE DKI..FIIS IV . Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves/ CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. GOXTXHGXXi REAL ESTATE AGENT , ' Has For Sale , Town Lots , Jinproved nnd Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands , and a number oc Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. M\Y.\K , over Savings Bank , - COUNCIL BLUFF BIXBY & WOOD , PLUMBERS , STEAM AND GAS FITTERS Gas Fixtures , Bath Tubs , Marble Slabs , Brass Goods , Iron and Lead Pipe , Fittings and J4 Pumps , Kept in Stock. No. 7 Fourth St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , I WK CAItRV TIIK I..UM1KBB STOCK Or FINK BOOTS ISHOES , Slippers , Etc. , Within One Hundred and Fifty Miles of Council Bluffk. Ill Mail Orders Promptly Attended To aaJ . / ' Highly Appreciated , OUR PRICES ARE VI RY LOW , , OaU and See Our NEW SPRINO STOCK , whichif has Begun to Arrive , Z.'T. ' & C , 412 BROADWAY , COUNCIL &LUFFS , IOWA , And WEST SIDE SQUABE , CLARINDA , IOWA <