Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1882, Image 5

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XKW YOUK , Vebreuy 8.
Money cloced at 1 pur cent.
Kxchanse firm ut 4 85 < a > 4 90.
Governmcnta closed firm.
Currency O's. . . , 1'JO bid
4V coupons
( VH continued 1 02i
GV Contimied 1 Ol
Pacific riulro d luur-l * closed a * follows !
Union Ms 1 10@1 1GJ
Union I.and U rants 1 URil ( U.
Union Sinking Fund . .1 I2'ilJ
Centrals L 13J&1 141
The ftuck market to-day WAS strong
till bunjaut thriig tliu greater pmt ol
the d y. There win a strong buy !
liuost the entiM ! list , under -Ahich pticts
ndvivnceil siroujjly. Thu Icstuie of deal
ings \\er- * the wide fluctuations in the
llaimttml & St. Joseph shares. Thu
common bciuy bid up from ! 'U@1 '
witliuut R le-i , nbd the prefcrroil
iJrotn I 07J@1 10J . Thli , however , fol
lowed by a bieak in tli coiinn in toDlJ ,
and the preferred , In 1 0"i , which wore
tb c oairg quotation. Near the c oe in
receipt it' the new.-i from l ur pe statiiiK
11 the marlctn wuie ch iiij , ' lotvrr , there
was n mineral reduction nnd the in trket
closed . | © l per cenUower th n yesterday
forthofeuernl li < t. Tha St. Louis , San
Krnncicco , MetropoKtnn lilevnted& Man
hattan fhurea were nn exception , tint
cloned i@3 per rent higher
The following nre the clonuiK bids :
A & T H 38 MaiflmttnnKl 65
Prc fe i ed . . . . 8 Preferred . . . . 00
Am-r. Diet. 38 Met. elovntel . DO
MRO . 3''J
Boston , pfd Man. Bench. M
OS. . . . Northwest rn..l34
CiC A1C 1BJ preferred . 143
cs & c r > ii NY C . 131
OP 91 N .T C . SKi
1C 41 Nor. & AV pM flli
CC 41 Nor. .Pncilio. . 34
Ct A N Y E'ijvnted.,107
C C C & I. . . 81 Niish. k I hat 83
OSth&NO. 80 Ont&W . 50
C & 0 21 Ohio . 31
1st pfd 37 Onmha . 3 >
2d pfd. . . . 25 Preferred. . . . 101
DL. & W 127 Ore Nav . . . . 13
'D & H 108 Ore Trans. . . 19
D & H O. . . 71J Out Silver . 34
Erie 34 Pull. Pal. Car..l3'J
1 , & W 33 ? PD&K . 3
Preferred. . . . 23 PacMail . 44
Adams 147 12
W. K. . 12G Preferred 0
American i)2 ) 1 tending 03
U. S. . . . 7 i U I 133
II & St.1 055 KirD a lit
Pref erred. . . . 107J R&WP 23
Houston & Tex. 81 27
Homestake 10 U ihiti'on M ( ! . . 21
I. C. . . Stl > ftul . Ill
IB&W. . . . 40 Preferred 14. .
K&T 37i Sun Fram-ifco. . 43
I.S 11 Preferred . . . ' 8
IA I. . 1st preferred . !
LfcN. . Stl'll&M 111 ;
L N & C 81 T P . 4
Michlirnu Ccn'll.W Union Pacihc. , 118
K&Cpfd 8li \Vabash. . . . 3iii
M P 103 .Urefe red. . . 07.
M IS & W. . . 47 WtMtern Union. 81
M & K 122
The following wert > salei more ncliv
stocks :
Total ( .hares. .SOOOfO K&T. . . 1730
W. U 32500 IA. K & W . 40
0. C& I. G. ( XX ) 4r,00
C. . & Q . 1000 Ij iS 2400
N. Y. ( ! 14000 M&1E. . : . . . . 3000
N. .r. c 31000 NorthwfHtern 1V80
1. C . 1000 Out. &W. . . 4200
Mch. Cn't. . 13000 O&M 80
U. P 5000 I'M 4SOO
Met Kl .100UCO Qui uilver p'f 10
A. k T. H . 4 0 III DOO
C. S . 7(0 SanFrancifco 17 < l
C. & 0 . . . . 1001 Preferred. . 300
U H . 100 St. P 1430
T ) . L&W. . . I'OOO N&C . . . 30
1) U G . 1000 M. L.-S&W 120
HA St. J. . 3'00 Wabaah. . . . 620
Prefe red. WOO i Preferred . . 8uOO
Spot cotton ii nominally quoted a
II jc for mi eel ] uolnnd , with Bales 20
bales ; to Hpinnerx , C9l bttlea ; on specula
lion , 500 btlas * ieliver < ; d en contracts
futiireif Htrariy at
yest rday ; closing quotation ( or Febru
ary , 1700 ; fur March , 1170 ; for age 1127
for May , 1223 , for June , 1211 ; for July
122. ) ; for August , 1270 ; "for September
1210 ; fur October , 11CO ; for November
114G ; for December , 1148.
CHICAGO. February 8.
Money continuex in good demand by a !
( ClasxcHuf borrowers ; rates ruled Htoady a
i < 0@7 per cent par annum ; eastern ex
channel bolwxcin the city banker ) : wn
.xjuotf 1 at 25c discount to par.
The clearing ; of the aaHosiated bunk
Fere SO.000,000 , Mid orden for curs' ncj
la'ere larger.
Omnha Wiiolosnlo Marliot-
'Wednesday Kvoacuj ; , l-'ehniaryH. |
"MattretH geiurally steady. Jn dnij < H < w
irfjte an ndvante c fur acid itartaric
Quinine declined l'"c ,
Hope .Sinai J indh and lar r
( Ced ic.
Couairahle change . { H noted In
LocAl drain Uoalme .
-T. UiMh Xci. 2 , 111 ; einl
Vo. vSCc : rejected , 05c.
1UJUJCY. Cash N . 2 , OJc ; No. :
KYB. CUh , 7/ic. /
OOIIK. Cash No. 2 , 4 o.
OATS - CaMh. ; t2c.
JUS Com , 45&J.W . ) ; eaU ,
JfyOLTU-rtpr/ii ( , ' wheat , straight griui ,
W25ft 60 ; "llouwr" CjlL'onfla , $100
OR/joniS W 7S' ' 4 50 ; winter hrnt utraiifhl
< r le $ . ' ) STif'tj I K. ; liatent , , J r.Ofef , 00 ; gra.
ham rvf - Mi Vvhatt , 00 ; Qiu,0 | ,
B e. ? ! 3Ti : .r i-e' , ? 3 87 ; Ki Hi .iu.
' ) .
UYK KUUll 3 Z > ,
MlUt'S'ri'VV ' * nrsa\ \ . \ t cwt 1 00
per tonlGWW17.'Kruenin ' > ; K , j r uwt.
wcj uhortn , p r jwt 1.00 ; rhoppfd feed ,
jwr owt. I 20 ; Juoal .jolUnl , yellow , 1 10 ;
white. SI CO.
'OTATOK3Nebiaslciw , 1 10@1 20.
dWKKT POTATO -Uenulno Muxca-
ine,4 @fc tier Ih.
WILD ( ! KKHK-Cut.f ) market.
UUTl'KIt Choice , ' . ' 8@0c : ! ; poor , no
market : fair , 16@2-l ; creamery , S0@3.'c.
AIM'LKH Good , rvtind , very scarce
at t5 00 < r > M per bbl.
WJ.MONS-Steady ; per boi , V >
GKAPKS-Per bbl.8 50 ;
per half bbl. , f | so
UKKSWAX-Yellow , 0@22c.
-l 10@1 40 per buahel.
-Per bbl. , 110
OKIiKHY p < r jor. . COfflRSo '
J ) JJ8SKI > OlfKHK-Pw IK' , 9 < § Jlc.
OYSTEIIS Seisin. 45c ;
@ 10o.
DIIK89KI ) TUHKKY812i@lSc.
OHiK8B-lKS : ( > Uc.
Qroccra Llit.
COFl'KB. Itlo , 5ir , 12Jc ; Ilk ) , good ,
3ic ; Hio , priuio to choice , 14c ; Old gov't
| r ! SClfelWic , Mocha , 28ic ; ArbuckleX
co , wu ) e ; Uolong , ,
. , elm co , 1005 ! ) ; Souchong ,
; choice. 3"el. ( ) > c.
Cut loaf. lOjJcj Crushed
Ornuiihtod , lOJc ; Powdered , lOjo
powdered , HJc ; Standard CotTeo A ;
) Jc : Nr.v York Confectioner's Standard
\ Ufce ; GOIH ! A , ' .lie : Prairie Extra C ,
s. sup.r himn. , WiU , 4. : ha'f
bU , f.'c ; kogn , 4i palhins , S2 10 ; choice
I2c ; tiMfbbls 41u , lccgi , S2 ' 0.
SODA. buiKlit'B Ib papers , M DO ; Uo-
land do , $3 00 ; ClmrchV ? 3 0 < ) ; Keg o la ,
STARCH. IVarl , 41c : Silver Gloss , 8J
? c ! Corn Stnrch , 8J@9c ; Kicchlor
1 s < . 7cj Corn , 7Jc.
SALT.- Dray loads , per bbl , 2 10 ; Ah-
t a , in sacks , 3 50 ; bbla dairy GO , 5s , 3 45 ;
Yols dairy. 100 , 3s. 3 ( W.
DRIED FRUITS Choloo halve- ,
peaches , now crop , 8 Jc ; Kvajiornted A pplc ,
> Ib boxes , 13cj Michigan , 8 c ; New
Vork apples , SJc ; Prunes , old , Gjc ; now ,
7ic ; Currants. lii@8c ; Hlneklxsrries , new ,
C1IE1WK Full , I4c ; Pan
Skim llic.
WOODHNWARE Two hoop pail' ,
1 95 ; three hoop pails , 2 20 ! No. 1 tubi
9 50) ) No. ! tubs , . 8 50 ; No. 3 tubs. 750 ;
pioneer washboards , 1 85 Double Onwn ,
200 : WeTlbuckctM , 325.
LEAD Bar. SI 65.
SPrCES. Pepper , 19 ; Allspice , Ifcj
Cloves , 40c ; Nutmeg , § 1 00 ! 2. c ; < _ /iHsiii ,
Mace 81-00.
MATCHES Per caddie , 90c ; round
cases , S7.G5 ; square cason , $5,10 ,
PKO VISIONS Breakfast bacon , 12U
choice lard , 14 jc ; dried beef , 13Jc ; should-
era , Oc : hams. 13c : bacon , sides , lie.
NEW PICKLES Medium , In barrels ,
$10 00 ; do inhnlf bbls , 5 75 ; smalls , in bbl ,
12 00 do , in half bbli. 7 CO ; K'herkins , iu
bbli , W 00 ; do , in bnlf bbls , 7 50.
VINEGAR Pure apple extra , 1C :
pure apple , Ijlc : Pnissine unro annlo , IGc.
1IOMIM Y New , 85 50 per bbl.
DEANS Medium , hand picked 81 00
per bushel ; navy , § . 00 ; calef navy , $4 00
ROPE-Sisal , i inch and larKor , 8J@
Oc ; J inch , lOc ,
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 330 ;
Kirk's satinet , 3 30 ; Kirk's standard. 3 Gr ;
Kirk's white Runsinn , 500 : Kirk's
Eutwcn , 2 05 : Kirk's Prairie Queen ,
(100 ( cnkes ) , 3 10 ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 65 ®
4 40.
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , lli oz , 8s ,
IGcjboxes 40 Ibs. , 1G oz. , 6s , IGc.
LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 340 :
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis'
lye , 4 CO ; Jewell lye , 2 75.
POTASI F Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. ,
in case , 3 35 ; Bahhitt'.s Ball , 2 doz. in case ,
1 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in case. 150.
FIELD SKEW Red clover , choice
new , SO 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover
now , $7 00 ; white clover , new , $1100
d alfa clover , new , S12 50 ; nlsike , new ,
§ 13 00. Timothy , good , new , S3 00 ;
blue grass , extrn clean , 81 50 ; blue Kr.iss ,
clean , ? 1 25 ; orchard grass , 82 50 ; red to ] > ,
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri ,
SOj ; millet , Gcrmun , SI 00 to SI 2. > ;
Hungarian. Mc. )
HElX'iESEKB Owvte orange , 1 to 5
bushels , 35 00 ; osafje orange , 10 bushels or
over , S4 50 ; honey locust , per Ib , , 3oc ; per
100 IbB. . S25 00.
L"IS J Family white ( ihh , 00 Ib hf bbls ,
8375 ; So , 1 white fiob , 90 Ib hf bbls , ti 30 ;
No. 1 white fibh , in 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; family
10 Ib kits , 75c ; New Holland herring , per
kefj , 135 ; Russian sardines , 75c : Colup--
bis , river salmon , per 100Ibi , 8 00 ; George's
Bank codfish , Gc ; Gen. boneless codhah ;
9 c ; boneless fish , 5Jc.
ArACKRRKI Ilnlfbblsmessmackerel ,
100 IbP , 812 50 ; hfbbl No. 1 ex ahoro do ,
100 Ibs , 0 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100
llw , 3 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ;
No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore ,
12 Ib do. 1 00 ; fat family. 10 Ib do , 75c.
CANNED GOODS-Oystere , 2 Ib
( Field's ) , per case , SI-00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) ,
per case , 2 50 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case ,
3 70 ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per case , 2 30 ; do
2 Ib ( slack ) , per case , 2 7fi ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) ,
lier case , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , 1
Ib , per dozen , 1 G0@l 70 ; do 2 Ib , per dozen
2 MJ. Sardines , small lHh ! , Imported , one
querter boxes per IXIK , 14 Jc ; American ,
quarter boxes f er box , lie ; do half boxes ,
per'box , 21 Jc. Lobsters , 1 Hi per dozen ,
180. Tomatoes , 2 30 ; do 3 Ib jicr
case , 3 30 ; Com. 2 lt > ( Mountain )
per cane , 3 GO ; oaked corn , 2 10 ; do
2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per ca o , 3 ( i > ;
string beans , per case , 2 25 ; Lima buiun
per > case , 2 20. Succotauh per cose , 2 25.
Pear , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice ,
per-case , 150. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per caxe ,
280 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 7.V
raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 7fioj3 ( 00.
Damsons , 2 Ib , per case , 2 45. Bartlett
pearn per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortleber
ries jser case , 2 80. EKB plums , 2 Ib per , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 It ) , per case. 4 50.
Green Raies,2 Ib per case , 8 50 : do choice , 1
Ib per case,4 50. Pine Applen , 2 Ib , per case ,
4 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 lli per cas : , 3 10 :
do 3 K ) , ca e , 0 00@6 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per
oaHe.3fi5j do pie , G Ib , per dozen , 3 50.
KICK Carolina , 8@84c ; l onljiana , 74
Cd8cfair , GJ@7.
PEXNUT8 Uonhtwl , choice , rod Ton-
nexsre , 8c per Ib ; fancy white , lOc per lli ;
ra-v white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted ,
Dry Qoodi.
UROV/Jf COTi'ONS-AtlRntic A. OJt
AiipletonXX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Kc ; Boot
FK , Sic ; Buckeye LL. 1-1,73 ; Cabot W
7jc ; Chltlonanco A , 6c ; t-r < > at Fnlla K
8Ac ; Ifonsior , Gjc ; Honest Width , 7Vc ; In
clinuHeudA , 8/c / ; Indian Htandaid A
8-c | ; Indian-Orchard d , w. , 8tc ; Lnwrenco
LL _ , 7c ; . _ Mystfc . River . , 7Jc . ; Piiiuot , A , 8c *
H1 -f r iw.-TTl * ft
- r * 4 *
Shawmut LL , 7c ; Uticn C , 5jc ; WavhuH
ett B. 71c : do A , 8Jc ; do K IH , 12Jc , ; Wnl
c tt Bit , K\c. \
1-1 ; 7ic ; , VJliat ( > jr 3-1 , Jic ; Argyle 4-4 , 7 0
Atlantic , LL. Ols ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7c
Hienninirton 0 wl , Gjc ; Buckeye H. 44 , Gjjci
Jnilian Orchard AA ! t-8 , 8Jc ; I acunia ( .
38 , 8Hc ; Lehljrh K 4-J , OJe ; Iximdale4l ,
Ito ; Pepperell NSO , 7c ; i { 0 32. 7Jc ; do ]
Sli , 7fc ; do K 39 , 6Jc ; Pocnsset C4 , 7Jc
WtuiBUttn 4-4 , ] B .
fiLEAOHED jOOri'OXS Andr see .
din .L 1-1 , lOcjBliKjJjstoni' A A in pcrial DC ,
dodnhalf hl achu < 1-1lc ! ; Cabot 1-1,8j1
Fdlulity 1-1 , Ji < ; Fruit of th IxMinll ; do
can btio ll,13u ; < lo W.aerTwiHt,10icr ; ( < > ut
"ilUV.lOJcsIiwll.m Hf.vlKhnmk Mlit.c !
M uiifl.-dlo. lOtc ; dn cimbriu 37 , Kic ; Nnw
York lliiln , 13c ; ] ' < yjuot A , 10o ; Pepperell
N ( i Twills , 12ic ; Pocahontart I * I. tlc ) ;
1'ucoHSft11 , 8Jc ; Utle. . . lie ; WamsutLi
O X X , Jiic ,
JJUCKK UnblwMhrdAtlantic , III > J
I7c ; B.dtiuoru do , 1'ie ' ; J.nnn HUr , K . , r ,
12c ; Kavn e , 18c ,
lii'CJCtS ( Colnred ) Alb.ny ) { br.iwn ,
5c ; do O , > lr. V Mi 1 > V.v , utrijios .mil
) laidrt , Itijc ; ri.i XXX bmwn and drab ,
tripos and jilaidx , 12ic ; Arlington funcy ,
i9c ; Brunuwiclc brown , 8Jc ; Chariot funcy ,
21o ; do extra Lef v20c ; Fall Jtiver
> rown , extra henvy , lljc ; Indiana A
brown , 13c ; NnH u 't A brown , I5c.
TICKINGS AnxjrtktiftK A O A 32 ,
74c ; dn XX blue SZ , Itiju ; Arrowanna ,
IJc ; Claremont B B. IJiju ; Cunentojfa ex-
ra , me : Hamilton D , llic ; Uwiiton A
30 , 16c ; Mlnneliaha 4-4. Wo ; Omega super
n . | . 'J8cj Pearl R/ver / 32 , IGfcj Put-
OJc ; "do
tefA0ViP" / " ' ! ilu ° n" ( | brew *
ic llher
| ilyntic IJDdtripe , IGJcj Pearl
blue and brown , JSJc , ' ' '
rmirCS-liarnard , 81C ; Kddy tees
. SI Inch double face , 4c ; Gamer A
Iwed , ! > c ; Manhattan glgve finlub , % j
Newport do 6c ; do Rimed , f > Jcj Pcqtiot do
6c ! IxKkwood kid tinifth , Gc.
CORSET ,1KANS Amorr , BcsAndros-
cogtfln pattern , 8J ? ; Clarendon , GJcCones ;
toga snttecin , 7Jc ; lUHowell , KC ; Indian
Orchard itupro\ed , 7io ; Narragan-ctt , "Jc ;
Peppcrill sattoon 94 < i } Rockport. 73o
PRINTS- Aliens , flic ; American , Gjc ;
Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 43c ; Cochrco , 7c :
Conestoga. Gjc ; Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Dunnell ,
GJ@7c ; Eddystone. 7c ! Gloucester , Gc ;
Harmony , 6Jc : Knickerbocker , GJc ; MIT-
rimac D. 7c ; Mystic , 6Jc ; Sprat-lie * . Gc ;
Suuthbridpe , Gc ; do , Ginghams , 7c ; Marlboro
bore , fife : Oriental ti c.
GINGHAMS Amoxkeng , 10i ; Auuw-
ke i ; ilre s I2jiAnyle , H'Jc ' ; Atlantic ,
Oc ; Cumberland , 7Jc ; uW'Inud , SJc ;
Krnllworth , 8Jc ; Plun kett , lOJc ; Sun-
* CXCOTTON ADES Abbor > llle KUc ;
Agnte We : American , HP ; Artislan , 20o ;
Cairo D and T , I3jc ; Clarion D and T ,
17Jc ; Deeonn Co. strips DnndT , Kic ; Keystone -
stone , 13Jc ; Nruturkct , lOc : Nonpareil ,
IGc ; Oci-ui D mid T , 13jc ; Uoynl , Itijc ;
do ! M , 2lc ; do 8t2c ! ; Continental
42 , lie ; Fruit of ( ho 1-oom 10-4 , 27J ; N'ow
York mllMV , IVic ; do 7S SOc ; do 5S. 22Jo ;
Pembroke 10-1 , 2'ic ; Poquot 10-1 , 28Jc ; do
7-4 , lOc : do 41 > , 10c ; Pepperoll 96 , 2Hc ;
do'07 , 21c ; do 67. ISo ; Utica Off. ! (5p ; do
68 , 22Jc ! ito IS , I7c
Clgara anil Tobaccos.
CIGARS. Soi-ds , S15.00 ; Connecticut ,
825.00 ; Mixed , § 35.00 ; Seed llnvann ,
S" > 0.005 ClcarHnvann , 876.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Putin ,
24 Ib , GOc ; Spotted Fawn , Glo ; Our Rope
fina quality , G2c ; Star , pound * , 2
Ib , butts , GOo ; Horse Shoo , poumln ,
2 Hi , butts , GOc ; Gilt Edge ,
pounds , 24 Ib , butt" , l > 0 ; Army nnd Navy ,
pounds , 55c ; Bnllinn , | x > uinU , GOc ; I/oril-
lard's Climax , jHiuudH , file.
FINE CUT In pails. Hnnl to Beit ,
75c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountnin , SOc :
Favorite , G5c ; Rocky Mountnin , liOo.
Fancy , 55c : Daisy , 5Uc. In tin foil
Cntllns O. S. , 6 Ib boxes , jier 11) G5c ; IAI ; '
illnnl's Tiger , G5c ; Diamond Crown , COo.
SMOKING All grndcs Common , 25ti
53c. ! Grnnulnted lllackwells Durham , K
oz51c ; Dukes Durham , 1G OT , 50c ; Senl of
North Carolina. Hi oz , 4li ; Seal of No-bras.
ka , 1G oz , 3Sc ; Lone.I nek , t oz , linen bags
pcrlb , 81.35 ; Marburgs * Pvck , 2 oz , tin
foil. 55c ; Dog Tail. G5c.
Palnti Oils and Varnishes
PAINTS IN Oil , White Joad , Omnhn
P. P. , 7c ; white lend , O. P. A C. Co.pure
0" ; Marnellles green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c
French zinc , gi n seal 12c ; French tine
red neal , lie ; Frenrh zinc , in varnish asst
'JOc : French rinco , in oil aunt , 15c ; Rnv
and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c ; raw am
burnt Sienna , 13c : Vandyke brown , 13
leiineil lampblack , 12c ; coach black , l"c
i-'ory black , IGc ; drop blnck , Kic ; Prussia )
blue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrom
green , L. M. % D. , 14c ; blind and shutto
green , L. M. & I ) . . He ; Paris green , 18c
Indian red , Ific ; Venetian red , Oc ; Tuscar
ill22c ; American Vcnniliml , I. &P. , I8c
chromo yellow , L. , M. , O. it 1) ) . O , , 18c
yellow ochre , Dc ; golden ochre , 15 ; paten
Jryer , Gc ; grnining colors : light oak , darl
oat , walnut , chestnut nnd nth 12o
Dry ° alnt
White Ifnil.'Oicj t'rencliinc. . lOc ; Paris
whiteing 2ie ; whiting gilders , IJc ;
fehitiut ; coml , llu ; Inmiiblnek Germantown -
town , 14c ; Inmpblnck , ordinary , 8c ; Prus
sian blue , 45c ; ultrnmnrine , ISo ; vnndyko ,
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , Ic ; umber , raw ,
lcsienna ; , bum t , Ic ; nieiiim , raw , Ic
Paris green genuine , 3"ic : Paris green com'l
25c ; chromo green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrom-
green 1C. , 12c ; yonnillioii , Eug. , 70o ; vermillion -
million , Amerirn , 18c ; Indian red , lOc ,
rose pink , I4c ; Venetian read , Cookson's
' jc : Venetian led Am. , life ; red lead , 7ic ;
chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chromo yel
low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochclle , 3c ; ochre ,
French , 2Jc ; ochre , Amurican , lie ;
Winter's mineral , 2Jc ; lehigh brown , 2jc :
Spanish brown. 2c ; Prince's mineral 3c ;
VARNISHES Barrels per callon.
Furniture , extra , -1 10 ; funiiture , No. 1 ,
SI ; furniture , U , 8"c ; coach , extra , SI 40 ;
Conch , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , 81 50 ; Jnimn.
70c ; nHphnltum , 70c ; eholluc , 83 50 ; hard
oil finish. 81 30
OILS 110'carbon , per gallon , HJc ; 150"
headlight , per gallon , 12Jc ; 175' headlight ,
per gallon , Ific ; cry&toline , tier gallon , 20c ;
linseed , r.iw , per gallon , GG ; linneed , boiled ,
per gallon , G8c ; lard , winter st 'd , per gal
lon , t 0" ; No. 1 , SOc ; No. 2 , fi5c ; cantor ,
XXX. P > T gallon , 130 ; No. 3 , 115 ; sweet ,
per gallon , 85c ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon ,
1 35 ; fish , W. It. per gallon , GOc ; neatsfoot ,
extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , G5c ; lubri-
cnting , zero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , 15b ;
no den machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No.
2 , SO ; sperm , signal , per gallon , 80c ; tor-
pcntine , per gallon , Glc ; naptha , 74" , per
Ballon , SOc ; 01 , 20o.
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , rates , $3 50 ; plow steel , cant , 7&c ;
cast tool do. 15@20 wagon Hpokes , net.
2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 1 25 ; felloes , sawed
dry. 1 40 ; tongues , cich , 70@85c ; axles ,
each , 76c ; square nuts , per Hi , 7@llc ;
washere. per Ib. 8@18c ; rivets , per Ib , He
coil chain , [ ier Ib , G@12c ; malleable , 80
ron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , ( ic ; harrow
tooth , 4c ; horueBhoes , i > er keg , 5 00 ; spr'
steel. 7(3)8c. ( )
NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 GO ; 8 to 10 , 3 75
Gd , 4 00 ; 4d , 4 25 ; 3d , common , G 00 : M
fine , G 50 ; clinch , all sfres , 5 25 ; Gil , caning
I 75 ; 8d casing , 4 60 ; lOd casing , 4 25 ; 10 <
finish , 4 75 ; 8il finish , 5 00 ; fid finish , 5 25
half keirx , lOc extra.
SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , 82.10
Oriental Powder , kegs , $ .10 ; do. , hal
kegs , $3.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 81.88 ; Blast
ID. : , kcu-H. $3.35 : Fuse , ner 100 feet Mc. )
Horses and Mules ,
The market is brisk and nil grades nn
selling well nt sliL-lit ndvanco in piireit
The demand for goHl liorne < i exceeds tin
supply couHidor.ibly. Prices rnnge as fol
lows :
Fine dingle drivers , 8150. to 300. ; Extra
draft horses , $175. to 225. ; Common dr.i/'t
horKCH , 8100. to 150. : Extra fann homcH
8110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horses
S90. to 8100. ; Kxtrsi plugs , ( fa. to 75.
Common plugs , 820. to 840.
MULES. 15 to 15i hands ( extra ) . $125 ,
to 150. ; 1IJ to 15 hands , 100. to 140.
II to Hi liiinds , $75. to 100. ; 13i to 1-
1 - ' - $ ( . to 75
ALCOHOL 187 proof , 2 26 per wine
ga Ion ; extra California spirits , 187 proof ,
1 3) | er proof gallon ; triple reliuedspirits.
IP ? proof , 1 2ljier proof gallon ; re-dintillei !
-H kte , 100@15U ; line blended , ICO ®
250 ; Kentucky Ixiiiibons , 200@700 ; K-n
tucky nnd PeniiHjlvanla ryes , 2 00@7 00
BlLVNDIES-Imi , rted , $ IJ 00@1GOO ;
( loiiieutli ? 1 40 < t 00.
GINS I. , .wrted , I 50@ 00 ; domestic ,
lOffl.1 00.
RUMS ImiKirtcd , 4 WUC ) ( ) 00 ; NBW
fintjlund. 2 00Sl ( < 00 ; domestic , 1 oO)3 ( ) 50
175 © I 00.
CHAMPAGNES Imi > rteil per case ,
ZCOOQ.'M DiAiMvj case , 12 fX ) (
CLARETS Per camI I 50 < 1G 00.
V/INES Khiue wine , per case ,
2000 ; CatiNvIm , pflr ute , I 007 fK ) .
FENCING -No. 1 , 12 U. 20 ft , 822100 :
No , 2 , 12 tn 20 ft. . 21 00 ; sheeting ilreiwod ,
N'o , 1 , IK 00 ; No. 2 , 10 00 ; common board * ,
droKneil. 20 00.
FRAMING 10 ft. and under , per M ,
21 00 10 ft. studding , 23 00 ; 22 ft , 22 00 ;
i 1 tt * -t 00 ,
KINISHING-No. 1. finUh 11 , 1J and
i Inch , 150 00 No. 1 finish I Inch 815 00 ;
N'o. 2. finish 1J , H and 2 Inch. S4500 ; No.
> finMi , 1 inch , 810 00 ; No , 3 finUh , 1 in.h ,
$ ; 00j O. G. battens IMT iDO ffcet llii , ,
; l 00 : well curbing , 82200 ; rotigh i and 2
nch battotw per 100 feet lln. , COo.
STOCK JiOARDH-A stock , f40 00 ; U
$35 00 ; 0. 830 00 ; common stock. 822 60.
FLOCWING-No. 1 , $10 00 ; No. 2 ,
MS 00 ; I'o , 3 , * 22 00 ; yellow pine , No , 1
SIDIN'S-No. I , 824 00 ; No. 2 , 2200 ;
No. 3. 81b'00.
SHIP I"Plain $22 00 ; O , O. No. 1 ,
$3200 ; N.
OEILIN KX3$37 ; 00.
LATH A j INOLliS-A itwbe t )
liln lds $3 8S , No. 2 , $2 fiO ; No. 3 , 82 00.
.Ath , $3 M ) .
Dulldlrc MalorUI.
I.IMK l' r barrl , ? 1 8ft | bulk perbti. ,
Vio. Cement , bbl , $2 f > 0. Iowa ,
bl , $2 M ) . Hair per bu. 35o. Tarit-d
elt 100 llw , $3 50. Straw board. § J CC
PAPKU Stiaw paper , SVo ; rug paper ,
c ; dry goods paper , 7o ; maniln paper , lOo ;
ICWB paper. 8c
COAU-Cumborland MncJcMiilth , ? 12 ;
Murri * Knn IMoinburK , $12 ; \ \ hit broa t
ump , ? t > TO ; NVbltolirea t nut. 8fi ' 0 ; Iowa
unii > , SG 50 : Iowa nut $ C 50 ; Hock Spring * ,
; S ; Anthracite , all si-en. 812 tW ( M2 M ) .
Jarlnilic , fiOo ; Acid , Tartaric , 58c ; llnlsmu
Vpabia , tier Ib , 75c ; Hark , Sasiiifia * . tier
b , I2c ; ( 'aloinel , per Ib , 7fic ; Chu-hntitilla ,
it-r 07 , § 1 O'tj ' C'hlorofonu , | > or Ib. 100 ;
) o\er'n iumdcru , per Ib , § 1 40 ; Kpspp
salts , per Ib. 3Jc : Glycerine , pure , per Ib ,
I5c : Leaii , Act'tntP , l > r Ib , .Me ;
'lil , CaHor , No. I , per , 'al. ! 3S ;
Ml , Ca.tor , No. 3. per gal , $1 2. ' . ; Oil.
Olive , per gal , $1 50 ; Oil. Origanum. , ( >
Opium , M Ml ; quinine P. * W. X 1' \
ier o ? , S2 00 ; PoUwdum , Itnliib' , ] n > i i ,
J2 50 ; Snlm-m , per or , lOc : Muliilmt.
Morphitio , per 07 , ? Jt 8' ' { Hulpimr llmu
jier Ib , 4jc ; Sttwhulno. tier oz. f I M )
Merino unwanhod , light , 14@lic ( ; lrn \
I3@15c ; medium unwashed , light , 18oui- ( )
tub-washed , choice , 32c ; fair , 30o : iliiii ; }
and w , , 2t > c ; burry , black and cotteil ' nf
Hldoiins ( , Etc
HIDKS Green butcher's
cured hiili" > , Sc ; gn > rn salt , putt cuu-il
hides , 7if,7 ( c : dry tliut , pound , 13@llc ; drv
calf and kip , I'Jdi'lUc ; dry Halt htilrRHoiuut
1 KSJlL'c ; ( jreon calf. wt. 8 to 15 Ibn. , 101 Ir ,
grocn calf , \\t , uiiilor 8 U * , pot skin , Mo'
grei-n pelti , ? 1 OOGfil 15 ; green lamb nMni ,
$1 lOOiJl 25 : hlden , two-third ra ! > ,
cut scored and one grub , clawd two *
U IfdH ratn , ) brandiil hides 10 per emit. ill.
Coon skins. No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3 ,
20. ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1. 50o ; No. 2 ,
Me ; No. 3 , 15c : No. 4 , 5o. l-'o * . No. 1 ,
GOc ; No. 2 , 25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black.
l ! ! > c ; short strliio , 40 < v narrow' etripe 'i'ic :
htrlpo , lOo. Tallow , 5jc.
Council ninth Mnrliot ,
Flour Crystal Mills Golden Sheaf ,
3 75 ; California 1'urekn , patent. 3 ! ) i ; bent
IM.ind of Kiu an , 3 50583 90 ; KniiKns nml
Missouri Hour , 3 50@4 25 ; graham , ! l 75 ;
rye flour , 3 40.
Bran nml Shorts 15 00 per tor ,
Chop Corn 22 50 per ton.
Wheat No. 2 , 51 20 ; No. 3 , We ; re
jected , 70c.
Corn 47.
Oats No. 2 , 40c ; rejected , Sli.
Barley No. 2 , OOc ; No. 3 , 75o
Hny Lon o , 5 Ofl@G 00.
Wood 5 50 ® 7 00.
Live Hogs 5 2o@5 75.
Cattle Shipping , 4 50(5)5 ( ) 00 ; milch
cows 30 00 ® 15 00 per head ; butchers
stock , 3 00@3 50.
Sheep 3 75@4 25.
GHIikM 5eGS ; hides , 7o.
Wool 15@-5.
Butter Creamery , 30c ; iu rolln , wrap
ped , 25c : mils not wrapped , 20j ; muei
co on > , 15ii20o. (
Eggs Packed. Kic ; fre h , 20.- . .
Potatoes 1 101 30 ; Salt Lake , I 51.
Onions 1 25fi ( 1 10.
Dressed Poultry Cliickonj , 10.- ducks ,
lOc ; gei'se , Sc ; turtovn , 12Jc.
Li\o rinckens 2 25 per uoreii.
OiltCAHO. Februaiy
On 'change the m < rket.sveru will !
and irregular. Whent f 11 2 cents ,
ing out n small urmy of Bpcculators wln >
have 1 con toiling into the market for
weeks pitbt.
To-day was nnoxcitiiiKoneonllit buaid ,
owing to the sharp break in the grain mar
ketB. On 'change values were unsettled ,
lower and irregular. Wheat icclin ! d 2Jc
and finally closed &c over the extreme low-
oil prices , the decline being laigoly duuto
fine weather and fitvoratlu rrpurtB of win
ter wheat. It wr.n also naid farmers are
making good progrenn with Airing need
ing , A largo amount of wheat win throwr
on tlio market for account of p.itlei
whoso mnr lna were oxhaunteil.
Corn declined 1 jc and was more nctiva
than at nny time in sixty duy * < ; COH ! d jj@
Jo ubovu the lowcut pri
Mest pork doclmed 20c JUT bbl. Tha
decliuo wus recovered at tlio clo'o.
Lard and meatH syuipathizixl with pork
and closed steady
At the afternoon call wheat wan weaker
and Ic lower on March nnd j@Jc on
April ; the latter Hold down from $1 HOJfrr ;
1 29i nd closed ut § 1 2'
On 'chunga thogr.kinma'rki'ts were weak.
The r ct'ipts of grain were 3'J'J car InnilH ,
I'lnbrnciiig 8' of wlicat , 23' of coin , fij ul
oats , n ot ryu , and 28 of barley.
Flour Dull and not much iloing ; coin-
ni' n to choicu spring western , 4 50@7 01) )
Miunecoiu , 5 00i ( 7 f 0 ; patents 7 50@
8 50 , wlntei briuulc. ! : 00fa,7 2.r > ; buckwhc t
llniir dull at Ft 5' ' ( 'J5.
Wheat In No. 2 spring n marked reac
tion ocuurri'd unit u lingo spi'culittivu bus-
inos * wun traiiHacted at weak nn 1 de
clining pricns , the iniiide figures being 2''u
lower. The weuknuhB wix attributed to
Uigu Hpeculsthe i lf rlngs nn local and
outtiido account inllucnut-d by the contin
ued fine weather and generally unfavora
ble tenor of market advlucH from other
points. The n thur large nnd sudden de
cline compelled tliti soiling out of cuiiHid-
arable on which m.irgins were 01-
huuktcd , an 1 also iiu liulud tlin cloning out
of a good many store order * . The market.
opened nbout j@3u lower .indilcclinod 1 @
-'c below tlio ojieriing ligiui-H , raJlli > d j/c / ,
lluvtuated mid finally cinwd about Ijl51 ( o
lower for March and Apill uinl 2o lower
for seller for Muy on HIM itigiiiar board
ar.d on call 1 28 for Kebriury ; 1 ' . ' 04
for March ; 1 2Ui'(5l ( ; 30 for April ; 1 32 ?
fiirMay ; 1 31 i Im June ; 1074 for year ;
No. 3 ( juiet at I 1.1 ; rejected , du 1 at HQC'U
Corn Under the Inlluence i/f lurgu of-
fprings on speuulatfi'e aciuunt Ixith on be
half of local and outxldr purlieu , the mai *
Let luled very weak during the tiarly part
of the aehH'on ' und prices t < ir thu imiru
( lefcrre.l deliveries declined lifclo. ) ] Ituy.
ers wcie rather slow to takeliuld nnd nef'- '
ers were compelled to meet their \tews in
order to ditposo of their nlfeririHhlp / -
pcrs OH ! i were backward a'lout ' iirthasing
nnd were inclined to take advantage of
the situnti < n In the spiuulutiui market.
No. 2 and high mixed do < d on cu 1 board
ut 8c fur February ; 58/jo / lor March ; ( Wjc
for Muy ; fiHjc for .luiio ; HMc for .July ;
rejected , in fair demand at 51 } .
Out < Dull anil lower ; In sympathy
wl h other griln < ; No 2 u\i \ > < - " \ at 411c fur
0 sh ; He for February ; Hi f r March ;
4liaMlBe ) ( for M y ; 43i/iUo | ( ) : for June.
Jive Vtry dull und lower ; No , 2 notn-
inallyfiRcfor I'ebninry ; UD for March ;
8'.Hu for Apu'l ,
Uatley-Verv quiet ; not much fatten-
; lon paid to this market ; No. 2 closed at
1 03J fur cash and Febi wiry ; No. 3
lower at 7'Jc bid fur Folru.ii ) ; SOc for
Poik In fair remient but lower ; mow
clocednt 18 400418 5U ; for cash , IS fi.lf
18574 ; for March , H 77J ; for April ,
I o 95 *
Lard Steady and lower , the runtfe
clualiig at 11 25 11 30 fur canh ; II 32A
® 11 h for March ; 11 47i for April ; 11 ( jij
'or May ; 11 CO for June ; 11 CO for jear.
Hulk Mea'H ICany and lower ; hurt
lln. 9 309 ( 40 for March ; U liHfSjU 55 for
April ; 0 21 for May ; C 274 ' ' " ' '
Ilutter Flrm ; creamery , choice ,
5c ; jforxl , SV Sict dairy stocif ,
IBc ; roll , 20@23c for comuion to fair
and 25@2U for iood ; to choice.
KjlU" Ice home dull ut 1317c.
Kec'U Bhlpm'U
Flour . 206,115 1BOJ7 |
Wheat . , , . 26,100 0,143
Corn 4,222 1.711.M7
Oats 87Ml 7(1,372 (
Ryp 4\Hia \ l,47li
Burlcy 3 ; > ,9IS 10.0JI
KansnH City Produce Mnrltnt.
KANSAH CITY , Febrmry 8.
Wlipnl Weak nnd luwcrj No. 2 1 18
for caeh slid February ; No. ! t , We for
March ; 1 < S\ \ for May.
Corn Wcnk nud lowrr ; No. 2 , inhcd
cash , f > 9c ; Febiuary , We ; Mnrch , rtlc ;
N'o.2 white mixed , cash , G2c ; February ,
( i3c.
Oats 44Ji- for Febnmry.
lte 82o forcn'h ; fcOc for February.
Roc'K Shipm't * .
Wheat 2tl,278 11,1101
Corn 7,552 VJ-4
Kniisnn City Zilvo Stock-
KANHAH CITT , Februnry 8.
Calllo-Receipt' , 73 * head ; shipments ,
31 luM'l. M irkrt 'ti'aily lid nctUo.
IHIHO hii'i'i | | l7"nG'0 ; natho ktooV-
IM- , I .1 ( D I . 'ill ; uatUn fit new , I l irtf ( ) > 4fi ;
IHTUO LM S , 2 2 ( 2 It )
II B- l ! < m pis , 3.711 hfiul ; sliipm tits ,
.V-'IO he.i.l . M rkitsli.w : iu I ilivHnlug ;
i n d 11 cit v y , Ii tllllrf 0 ; iiieillum pnckliig ,
i. lufiilli ftll ; liijlit shipping . " Siifii ( ! I'l.
CltlfViiO. IVbninrx 8.
Mil' Dfni'iV .Ion ti'ii i'i > nilsn4 foil ws :
11. KM Kccrlpts , 3J , 00 hoad. Thn mar
Uvt niU'd uixtUr oiy ncilve und pricts
m'cd ' w > ak and ; > rlmile lower for pxckmg
nnd shipping griules. The iiuallly of of *
fering wa.s nly fair , but few \-diovi rs
tmitug the niritaln There am a l.trgo
uuiubtrof common lights In JHIIH ; that
n clans of ( mrvhafeiH are iiicllnrd t liuv ;
rales ranges fiom 6 10o)7 ( ) 10 fur light pit kIng -
Ing nnd shipping ; ti SQQjtf 20 for n'lnl to
iirime heavy packing , nml from 0 37@040
( or good to extra ,
Cattle Uecelptu , G,4flO hosd. Ordinary
shipping grades weak and 5Ti)10c. ( ) higher ;
common. 44I4 ) 70 ; fair , I 8 ' @ 5 75 ; goiul ,
i iO@575 ; rlioico , 5 80 .5 5)3 ) ; mixed
lutcliers stock with good inquiry :
prices fully 10@20c his'hoi ; i utchors Ac. ,
bought liberally and trade wasquito br si ;
cis , < 20 ; lmll , 3 25 ; steers , 1 314 ftll ;
ntockiTi * , ! l 15 and feeders I 15MI 70.
Sheep Keceipts , 500 Market
tirm but 15o iimrr ; comuvui , 3 3
good , t 75@H SO ; choice , 5 4 @ 5 75.
OK\V I'IIIIK , I'Ylnuim fl.
Flour Dull ; No. 2 , 3 50 ; super-
line , I 40 5 85 ; southern , unchangcil ;
common to chotco extra , 5 ( ) ( ) ( i Ii ( K ) .
Wheat No. 2 lower , feterixh nirl un-
Attied ) ; Nn. 3 winter , 1 3G1 37 ; No. 2 ,
1 I2@l 4 Ig ; No. 2ml , February , 1 42drj
1 PJJ ; Mnrth , 1 43J@ 5t ; dn April 1 Iflj
( S-l 174
( ! i rn " Hvnry f unsettled : and \ ( AJc \ lowei . . . . . ;
demand moilerat , " ; ungrnded inixo i , fiQ ( \
G i jo ; No. 3 , G7Jc : iNo. 2. G7@G'J3steamiT ;
white , 75c ; No. 2 n und , 1'cliruary , l7j@ !
no. .1. . * I..MI. iu\n .n7
ll.tileytjniot nnd stonily.
Pork Dull : inesH 18 2.r > ( irtl8 37J for
-Mndi'ratcly iiclixe iind lower
11 37 J for cash ; 11 35 © 11 374 f I February
U 57 } for April.
WhikyNominal. .
IVtioli-iim - Steady ai d lmv-r ; iinitril ,
85) ) ; umltf in barrels , KlW ( < ? ,8iA ( ; n linn1
St. LiOulH PrOlllKK' .
ST. LOUIK. Februnry 8.
Klour5c lower.
Whent 0iini'dlower | , broke badly am
went down with .1 iui-li uitli nil sell rst
nnd clo nl weak nnd declining for No. !
cihh and Februnry ; 1 35J for Mnich ; 1 3f
for April ; 1 30 for Mny ; 1 23 f..r June
1 113 fi'i the ymr.
Corn Opened lower , declined , but clus
ed with pur' ' inl recovery ; 58@5'.tjcfor ' | cusb
57ftc for Febtuary ; 5Uju tt > March ; 02. .
foi April ; ( illc for May ; li4Jc for June.
Oats Litter ; Ifijfc for ciu-h ; 44jo for
Mnrch ; 45 c fur April und Mny.
Rye Lower nt Ulo.
Bnrlny--Iulli.t8.r.c@l ) . 10.
\ \ hinky Steady at 1 18.
Pork Ijuwer ; 18574 for Fubrunr. iind
March ; 18 GO for cash.
Dry m\t \ meats En ier but louer.
Bac-.n- Steady at 7 50 ® 10' 010 75.
Lard ISominally loucrat II 25.
Reu'tH. Shlpmtx.
Flour 5,000 6,000
Whent 21,000 15000
Corn 83,0110 13,900
Oats 20,00" " 15,000
Rye mini ! none
Barluy li,000 none
tLoninXjlro Stock-
St. I.ouis , Fobruitiy8 ,
Hugs St ady ; fair domuiid ; light lo'uooi
Yorkers , Sli 20oi ( ) ( 55 ; paukinK , 0 I06 70
binders' , J7 107 1.1 ; reioipts , 1,700
uhipmeiits , 1,900.
Pnoria Proilnon.
I'KOIIIA. I'el niiirv 8.
Corn Dull and lower ; high mixed , 5C :
Iffjifilc ; inixid , 5li4fff5"c.
Oats Dull and lower ; N < > \ ! white
Kyo Dull "t 5Jc.
Hluhwiiii's l'iiuliuiigi-d at I 17.
KectH. Sldp'ts
Whent . 3,175 mnio
Corn . 77,5XJ 11,000
Oats . 26,250 2 < M70
Hyii . 5,300 1,501
llarley . 3,300 C.WK
Clnainuntl Prodnoo *
ClNCINNA'JI , Febiuary fl.
Me Pork Strudy t 1 75lll 00.
Ijird Steady ; prime i-team , 11 1 1.
Hulk Mi-ats Firm ; clear , ides 'J 90uj (
HHCOII Finn ; ciuar ribs sides , 10 5C
rinur-Weak ; family , 6 80@7 75.
Wheat Dull ; No. 2 , 1 30.
Corn -Weak , Nn. 2 mixed sjiol , l3Jo. !
OnU No. { mixed 08
KyeNo. . 2 i-pot , 1 02.
llarley Stead ) ; 70S(1 ( ( 05.
Whlsky-Stti.dyat 1 15.
Toledo Prortuon.
TOLKIIO , l''ebruury ' 8.
Whhiit-Wcak : No. 2 mil , 1 3/1 for
February ; 1 374 flr Apill nnd Muy ; 1 35
for June ,
Coin W ak ; No , 2. COc fur rush and
February ; liljc for Muich , ! V > u for Hay
nnd June ,
Nothing doiir { nd other grains un-
cha g d ,
Bultimorfi i'roiluoi > .
liAl.TlMOIiic , Fubni/.ry 8 ,
Wheat Southern , unchanged ; fultr ,
3-rl 40 ; Ii iiKbcrty , -llfo/l 1 / \ ' > ; No. a
rod winter , weak vnd lower at 1 3KJ for
i'h and Fiibiunry ; 1 39 ] fur arch.
Corn VVhito southern , I 'I ; yellow ,
Philadelphia Produoo.
PlIILADRLl'IIU , Fubniary B.
Wheat-Easy : 1 3HJ@1 40 for ciuih nd
Febriiurv ; 1 411 for Mnrch ,
Corn E'uler ; 07 < i ) cash < , r February ;
GSlfeCHJc for Man h ,
Oats Steady at IKJ for cttnh ; 4H (
49 ? for Februnry.
Rye- Quiet at U2o.
Liverpool Produoo.
LiVKiii-ooi. , Fvbnmry 8 ,
Flour--Aiuerlcan , 10 Gilu)13K ( ) ,
Wheat WlnUr , K'H'8d@l6jlld ' ; white ,
10.1 8d ; spring , 9 < lid ; dub , lOsOJC llH
Corn 6Js.
Pork-77 . 57s.
Cleveland Market.
OtieviEU.'in ' , February 8.
Putroleurn Steady ; Undard white ,
110 tent 7c.
BntTnlo Xilvo Stoolt.
r.AHT lUtrrAio , F l ruary 8.
Hogi Krcoipts , He r * ; > himrnls | , .V5
curs ; YorVcru , lltht to good , 0 K > @ 7 00 ;
gmxl mi > td , 7 IQffl ? 25.
Emit Liberty Llvo Stooh ,
T.AHT IIHKitTPA. . , 1 cbiuary 8.
( Vtltn-Dulliliglit , ( ! 00nCV5 ( ! fair to
ond. fi 'Jfifaft " 5 ; ci n iiion , 4 5fi 50 ;
ceipts. l.SDO bond ; hlimtnt | , 1,400
ira .
llok'B 7 dO < 87M ; Yotkrrp , C.f.Oif6M ( ) ;
fair , 3r > 0@375.
Ttirpoutlim Mnrhnt
WII.HINOTON , N. C. , I'd ruaryft
Kosln- Finn ; > tra ncd , 1 ! 'i.4i ' RI oil ,
! > 7J.
Spii IU Firm at f,0o.
Tnr S'pudyi 1 90.
Turjiciitliip Stcndy ; Imnl , 'J ! W ; unit ,
3 50 ; VI. . Kin , 3 8' ' .
'ftcrami nti > mills . ll air ( red
brandl. Our beKt Kt uku patint Hour
( blue bmml ) . 1 lie uniy patt nt ll < nir man-
nfnctuitd nn the Pacific ( cant. We clnim
it Is the \vlnltnt , tttoiigrtt and be tf. tnlly
Hour In the Mate. Afk yjlir groier for It
Tiy it nnd ) nu will tire tm other.
I ! M. MC'HEAIIT.V ( Co. , *
T. ,1. F.VANH , Agent ,
Cr > ntal Mills , Cuucil lUnlK
( ob3-lf
A Monopoly OrRivu.
To Ihn VMItcr ol Tim Hoc.
1'lu.isu allow apiicu in yourpanur ,
thu fiinnur nnd Inburin ; man's friund ,
fur Ilio following ;
A pontic mouther ut tlio state
rnu'rR1 meeting nt HnHttn n , n noug
of his own cnmpoMtioii iu which no
curs this bewitching line :
"Knilroadn IIMO robled u-brotlu < iiiof our
hoiit'st loll. "
"Wo don't HUO how n limn could
howl nbout being rubbed of his toil.
If thu luilroiula nuud nny inure toil
they will t'uul our door open.
Wo could lone hnlf our daily toil
and fool none the were for it. " Lin
coln Journal.
Thanka to Hint guutluiitRiily editor
of thnt jmpcr for the gotitlomnnly
ninnnor in which ho criticiauB.
"Politic mouther" is n torin not
friendly , not gontlenmiily , and showa
plninly that the author of thcuo niali-
tioun works in on thu opposite aide ,
and ia therutoro plninly n hired niun-
ial of railroads and corporate mono
poly. Wlicru doea thia would bo
critic Rut hiHliugue. Fiointhu above
Iniigtingu , or rather dialect , 1 ahould
judge ho linn buon raiecd by a llotun-
tot , and ia thereby lundorud unfit to
cilil n paper within the limits of civ
Hut for hia api cinl buiiulit , 1 would
nak if thuro ia not a rule in gniuuuar
to thu L'lluul that "words may bo loft
out thai do not obscure the souse
and another that a pout in acarcujy
limited , but in allowed "greater range
than nny other class of writura. " I
will , therefore , give thu liuu rufurcd
to in full , by inserting thoau left out ,
or "uuderatooil" above , with thu
proper mark , allowing whom they
coino in , vix ;
"J nilroads have robbed us. brothers , ol
( what wu g.vinud by ) our honest toil. "
Since thu editor of that journal
him thus apokcn , T mny add further ,
given it to thin critic to help build
hiaudilorinl niaiidioii in Lincoln nnd
thcruby placed a club in hia liunil
Hint if any hard labeling man ahould
contend , either in proao or poetry
for hia God given rightn , ho can ail
there on hin aubsidcd llirono
nnd | { ivu them a bat over
the hi'iul with it nml knock
thutn buck into their "pro-
violin comlition of" rnilronda
nnd corioratu | "aorvitudu. "
Brother farmers , thia ia aufliciont to
classify thin paper and ita editor and
wu nhould do ao nt once , and aiqipork
only euch nn nre with ua in battling for
the right.
I auggunt thnt thia editor bo tnkon
down to Itoaiou hnrbor , put in a boat ,
rowed out to where our anaooatort
threw the trn , given n gourd full ol
the tea of liberty and patriotism , anil
while hia face ia turned hoavunwnn :
in drinking let ua all prny that the
spirit of a Franklin , .Ii'Doraon , Wash
ington , Jachnon or Lincoln may de-
Kcer.d upon him in form of n dove ,
and with pure usaonco of tiiinlity ( | am :
freedom wnah Ilia little narrow mint
and railroad monopolybuamcnrud aoul
from ita filthiiirHH , and that lie mny
coino acoing like a auimiblu man , am ;
when thin ahull have boon done ,
brother funnurH , ( ako Iiitn again to
your boeonm , but until tlien lot him
and hia paper drop. L. 0. F.
AI.VIN , Ilnmilton county , Fob. fl.
Bnolmn'i imion Halve.
The bent rialvo in the world for outs ,
bruiacs , aorea , uluura , aalt rheum ,
fever goroB , toiler , clmppud huiula ,
uhillblaiiiH , corna and all kinds ol
akin oruptiniiH. Thia anlvo ia gunr-
nut out. to give perfect aatiafaction in
tivury uuHitor moiioy lofunilod , Prino ,
Ur o per box , V r aiilu by
' '
utf'u'lniw.Vi'Iik' lttff ii'itm"Mi i" - _
, ni"l liyll'i'Ktii'lii'if ' w57 lir lilllriKi > eriiiiiJ
yinir ilutii * mlii uv nUlil Kutk , t ri
Hop Ditters , wjnUM < Hop O ,
I ? yon nreyounir Anil HuITerliiK fn > ni MI ; I
Jl jillgn ur illi lim tlun I If } IMIIIU IIII
il l or rlni'ln , blil orEyrjunifnuifirluc fiui
' ' m : ' -
uein , illmi lie
Whonrir youiui- ,
wlieiiiivir you itbt
lluil your ytliiu
luir or 'tlmuCi'lliiK ,
l > ltllOUtlll"i > ll' ' > V
i nt tmtra coin-
. MooJ.
llttr ul IIOTM /
You nlll be
rurnllf yomw
Mop Olttere
Ifj vv li * U'.I
fjw nliltrdtlj
III It mny notnrrrni
life , It IUIB TO CO. ,
iivou hun- llvtkidtr , H I
( trecla. ITciivnlo , Dtl.
inu tu ,
I ONN ( nl > TlllklWlTII.
Pay Taxoo , Rent HOUBOB , Bto.
'ir cu WANT ix > itvr c > u cnu
OUUI OOlct , llooni aCr lrt < 'on w'KkOu ' ( h ,
No Changing1 Oars
Whet * dlri > f connection ro with Tl iujli
rtHLAl'KU'UIA. ,
The Short Line via. Peoria
VILLK.nil all polnta In the
Whom illtoct connc'Ctionn no made In the Uoloa
Depot with tlio Through Ringing Cat
Lines for Al.til'OINTa
Rock Island.
The unoqvftloil Inducement * offered liy thli lint
to traveler * anil tourlntii are M follows.
Tlio TOLLMAN (10-whrcl ( ) PALACK
SLKKPINO UAItS mil only on thin line 0. , B.
* Q. 1'ALAUK * ItAWINO UOOM UA1U ) , with
Uorton's llrcllnlii ? Chain. No extra cluirifo for
Main In Kecllntnir Chain. The fiunous 0. , II , ft
Q. I'alarti Pilling Cnn. GorKootu Smoking Can
flttal with olvKnnl hlch-lukckixl rattan reviving ;
chain , ( or the exclunlvo unool flrat-claM | > aMon-
Ken.Htoel Track aril < uHirlor | < | ulpmetit combtro'i
v > tth their K' at thrniiKh car amusement , m ln
Uilii , atnva all othcrn , tlio ( a\otlto route to Ine
Kaxt , Boiith anil Boutlie.'wt.
Try It , niul jouvtlll flml travclliiK a luxury In-
gtoaii ol a illnooiuloit.
TliroiiKh ticket * \lo thin celebratud line lot ealo
at all OIIICCH In the UnlU-il HUtM and Canada.
All iilotinntlon ai.jut ntti'n ol fan1 , Slooiilng
Or itcooinnioilAtlflim , Tlmo Tivhloo , etc. , will M
rticorlnllv ilv en dy | ' | > ljlTik' to
ntiEor Aiiiit ! , Chicago.
J. 1'OTTKH ,
i m Manacer Chicago.
t ii " M ji i , iVfJ V "I"rVttJ"'y " " * ' " ' " "
t . .irwrrcrTTyrT .sarng''y - r * rrJTB
r\crr- \ - ' -
Wont for hoInK thn mnat dlrivt. iiilckiisf | , an
luifunt line cnnniftliiK thu t'tuat Metropolis , ( 'III
CAOO , and thu rA rnaN , NIIHIU-KAHTKUN , lut
and Rotmi-KtxTititN LINUS , nhlcli tcrmlnatet huro ,
with KANHAN Cirr , LKAVHNWOICTM , ATrinnos ,
from hkli radUtu
that penotrotm the Continent Irom the Hlsitoarl
Illver to the 1'nclflo Hloiui. Tlio
In the only line ( rum Chicago owning triu : . Into
Kntiiwi , or wlilrh , liy It * own raid , ri.&cliu the
iioltibi alioro nainiHi. No THAMtKitiui BT CAnkiAoiil
No UIHAIIIU ixjNNKOTioNnl No liuddllnK In 111-
vontllatad or unctiian cant , M evotr | "uwoni < i'r It
currl < Kl In rofliny , ( .Uuiii and vrntllalod concboi
U | > on Ka t KxiirnHH Tralnn
DAT CAUM o ) nntlvalcMl magnlOoence , 1'ULbiAji
1'ii.Acn Hi.Kiii'imi OAHH , anil ouromiworlil-lamoun
DININU CARH , inion nliich innala atn sen ml ot tin-
uri uwHl nxri'llciiro , at the low rate of HKVKNTT-
KINI CIINTH RAOII , with aiudu ) tlnm frr huaUhful
Through Can between Chicago , I'oorU , Mil
waiikon anil Mlminiirl Hlver Point * ; and rloic con
ncctloimat nil polnlt ot Intxreiwllon with other
W ticket ( do not forirot thl ) illr ctly to every
place of Iniiiortanco In Kannai ) . Nolinuika. IHack
lllllx , WwiinlliK , UtAh. Idaho , Nntiwla , C.iflfornU ,
Oru on , wa hliicton rorrltnry , Colorado , Arlwina
anil Now Mnxlco.
An'l lii'rol irrin umsiiL" roKurilin liu nno U
any other Hue , and rates ol Kto ilwayi a l ow a >
coiuiiutlt re , wlio fnriiJt ! lJUt . tUt' ? 9 the cqip. .
l ) < VH.inil tacl > luOf ] iorl < iiuuii fro6
Tlckvtn , inniw itnil loMui r.t all iirlnui *
oin'.on In tlm I'liltKil Uw ( and ( 'anida
U. It , CAULK , B.8T. JOHN ,
Vice 1'rcn't & ( Ivti , Otn Tt t and I'mw'r Ait
Mananet. ( 'hli-atd UMuxo.
No. IftOHFarnlmm Stront.
no Nfir h M wi
In the iimtUrof tlm KuardUnnlil ) ) of Henry K ,
Wjiunii nml Wllllmn T W.wimn , minor helm
ol Harriet K. Wyinan , ilvnuoi.
Notion IH lien liy glvtn thut uriilor anil lit vlr-
tuuol an orilir HIM llcuimitoltliu DMrictCourt ,
wlti.lii uinl ( or DOUKUI county , Nfhrai'ka , iimlcr
lliu liunil of J inra W. Smi nJuilf ( , nltt ug la
ulmiubem tliN iluy , orilurlrit the rial lelnto
lnriiliiftlUr duifrilinJ to bu noli ! for the liontlH of
Hold inli < rrn , the undvrtlL'iicd Ki' ' rdlan cf fnlj
iiilniirn Mill. 011 thu llitliday ot Fulirimry"A. D.
1882 , nt't oYliM ] { In | h aftirnnou of wila ilay. at
llaicoiilli door ol thu Court llonno of kald count/
of Iloiiulim. t Oniiili. ) In naiil county , orttrfor
> nlii mill Kcll ut pulillo auction thu foliating ruil
utlutu ultiniiu In HI.U i-cuiity of lloiiL'.au and
Htatu of cl.m-.l-u , ami ilumrllnj an followH , to
Hit ; Tliu int half of "onttiiribt onv-fourlh ol
Kcitlori HI , taAiiHhlp If. , iigiih ruin'o 11 , mst. In-
ilunlvucf nil ilxlinof i > xHtclancy | arid ciniriudy
nl the iinilonilKiiril M Utlitrand next ol kin to
tliuiiilniir tuliku nntulil. Milu lo liu OIHJII fore
o in huiir , itti'l thu tirmi tlierrif to be artuanh
uinl tiu'li u htr liTinx uwil tlinu ( M alil uiinrdlaa
iiiaj u ruu iiNin ut thuilinu if HI.IO , within Ult
Ir ul riijiilriinuiilHlii HUC'I vtuo provldiU
JuiiUiut w It liuar.Un.
John G , Jacobs ,
.formerly ol OMii Jnniln '
A Ouro Guuroutuod-
Dr. K. C. West's Nerve anil Drain Trratuunt
A ewclllc | for Ilynterla , lilztlutuw , Coin nlsloni ,
Ncnoua Iloadtcho , Mental JHpr.'mlon , Lena Of
, I'rumtturu Old Acu , ciuuuj by mcr-
oivrtlon , null alum , or ou'r-lnJulruiiec. ' | uhlcli
loads to inlwtry , decay and death. Ouubox will
curu recent cumin. Ku Ii buxooiitaluaoneiuoath'ii
trvatiut'iit. Ono dollar a box , or ulx boxug ( or
fire dollam ; nt hy mall | iri.ult | on receipt of
nclcv. We iruaranteo nl boicu fi cure any caao.
With lacti order rucchcd by un for six boxci , c-
comianUd | with tit u dollar' , 111 send tha imr-
cha er our writtoii guarantee to return tha
money If thu treutmuit iloca not iff ct a cum ,
0. / , Ooodmau , DruveUt , Bole. Whelp al uxl
HeUII Acuiit , Omaha , Ni'b. Onion by null at
roirular pilots diwly