Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1882, Page 3, Image 3
1JJE OMAHA DAIL17 KEE THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 1) ) , THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA PUOLISHINGI CO , PROPRIETORS. 010 Farnham , bet. Oth and lOlh 8tre ti. TERMS Of SUBSCRIPTION , necoiiy 1 year , In advance ( | > OilnUlJ10.CO ) 8 month * 6.00 month 3.00 RAILWAY TIME TABLE. MMI CARD rtllCAOO , ( IT. PAVt , NIKJUUfOUH XD OMAHA RAILROAD. Leave Oinah.t rn < oiiier No. 2 , 8:30 : a. m. Ac- SOimuoilitHon No. 4l:0p.lil : ( Arrive Omaha I'Rwiiitor No. 1 , ( :20 : p. m. AcconunotUtloti No. 3,10:50 : a , in. bUVINO OM11U IAST OB BOUT ! ) MWKD , OL , R. i O. "MO iv. m. 8:10 : p. m. a & N.v. . , 7HO a. m. 3:40 : n. in. 0. , 11.1. It I' . . 7 : IO n. in. 3:10 : I ) , m. K. 0. , St. J. 4 C. M. , ICIHOS at 8 a. m. and U:30 : vp. m. AriiMin < u St. Louli at 6:30 : R. m. and Bti : p. m. m.W. , 8M , . & r.lciwwat8 a. m , and 3:40 : p. Aiilici a St. Louis at 0:40 : n. m. and 7:30 : m wiar oa n. ft M , In Noli. , Through Express , 8tO K. m. 1J. A : M. Lincoln KsjircM 0:20 : p. m. U 1' , Overland Kxprctw , 12:16 : p. lu. 0. & II. V. for tlnoln , 11:45 a. m. O. & It V. tor Osceola. 9:40 : n. m. U. P freight No. C , 6:30 : a. in. V. P relxht No. 9 , 8:20 : a. m. U. P. froliiht No. 18 , 2:60 : p. m. U. P. fri'tiiht No. 7 , 6:10 : p. m. erotirrtnt. . . , | P. Denver uxjinw , 7:35 : p. m. D. P. ftcldtt No 11 , 11-30 p. in , O. I1. Denver ( ri'K'ht , 8:25 : p. m. tkMVIM. fKUH HAST AND Klnn. 0. ll. i U 6IM u. ii > . 7:25 : p m. , fc N. W. , 9:45 it. tn. 7:25 : p. tn. 0. U. I.&P..9:45 : a. ni. 9:05 : p. m. K. C. , St. Joe ft c H. , 7:40 : n. m. fl:45 p. m Aimvixo rnov mi witsT AXD SOUTHWEST. O. k It. V. troui Lincoln 1,03 p. m. U. P. Pacific Kxprvra 3:25 : p. m. II A M. In Ncli. , Through Kxpre Iil5 p m. B. & M. Lincoln Kprc a D:40 : a ru. O. P. Denver oxprtw , 7:35 : a. m. U. P. KrflRht No. 14-2:50 : p. m. U. P.o. . (1 ( 5:20 : a. in. KmlKrnnt. U. P. ftclsht No. 14,12:15 : p. in. U. P.Jo. . -Hixi : p. in. U. P. ' 'o. 12 1:10 : a. in. O. P. Demur ( rdxht , 1:10 : a. m. O. A H. V. mixixl , nr. 4:45 : p. m. OCKMT TRA1NH enrWKKN OMAHA AND OOtt > tlL BU1PK8. Loavu ota'tha at v.UO , l > :00 : , 10:00 : nnd 11:00 : 'nx.j ' i:0 : 2:00 : , 8:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. Lohvo Counci , llltiffd ivt 8:26 : , 9:26. : 10:26 : and 1:26 a. m. ; Is26 , 2tt : , 3:2 : ! ) , 4:26 anJ 6:25 : p. m. Bunrlayu Tlio ilummy leait * ) Oiuaha at l:00 ) : o. nd 11:00 : a. 1.1. ; 2:00 , 4:00 : and 6CO : p. m. Leaves "Council HtuflK at 0:25 and 11:26 a. m. ; 2:26 : , 4:26 : and 6:26 : p. m. Through and local pusscnecr trains between Omaha anil Conn II IllullD. Leave Omaha 6:15 : , > J:46 : , 8:60 : a. tu. ; 3:40 : , 6:46 : , O.OO p. m. Omaha 7:40 : , 11:35,11:46 : : a. m. ; 6:40 : , 7:05 : , 7:16 : , ; 40 p. m. Opening an" Closing of Mlli. tOUr.t. OPXN. OL08R. a. m. p. m. a. m. p. n. . Chicago A N , W 11.00 0:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 : Chlcairo , U I. & Paclflc.11:00 : 0:00 : 5:30 : 2:40 : Chicago. U. & . CJ 11:00 0:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 : ffaluuih 12:30 : 6:30 : 2:40 : Sioux City and Pacidc. 0.00 5:30 : 2:40 : Union Piclflc 4:00 : 11:40 : Omaha<. V 4:00 : 11:40 : -B.4M. InNcb 4:00 : 8:10 : Omaha & Sioux City. . . . 6:00 : 7:30 : B. & M. Lincoln 10:80 : 6tO : U. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 11:00 : U. P. Denver Exii H:00 < 3SO O. , Sioux City & St. P. . . 11:00 : ! i:40 : Local mulls lor State ot lo leave but once a day , viz : 6:30 : a. m. Office open Sundays from 12 in. to 1 p. m. TIIOS. V HALL P M. Business Directory , Abstract and Real Estate. JOHN L. McCAQUE , opposite Post Office. W. R. BAUTLRTT 317 South 13th Street. Architect ! . DUFRKNE i. MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTH Room 14 Crulgliton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. . Room 2. Cielghton Block. Boots and Shoes. JAMES DiVINK & CO. , Itn Coota and Shoes. A good assortment ot home work on hand , corner 12th and Uarney. mOS. KHICKSON , 8. E. cor. 16th and Douglas. JOHN KORTUNATUS , 40510th street , manufactures to order good wort I fair prices : Repairing done. Bed Springs. J. F. LAHHIMKK ilanufacturer. 1617 Douirlaset. Books , News and Stationery. J. I. FRUKHAUK 1016 Farnham Street. Butter nnd Eggs. MosnANK & SC11KOEDKR , the oldest B. and E , boom In Nebraska eHtabltaheil 1876 Omaha. CKNTRAL RESTAURANT , MRS. A. KYAA , corner ICthand Dodk'e. Bimt Board for the Money. Satisfaction Guaranteed 'Ueala at all Bourn. Board by the Day , Week or Mouth. Good Terms for Cash FurnUhfil Honing Hupplicd. O * and Road Wagons. Wlf HNVDEB , 14th aod Harnoy Streota. Clothing Bought. J. IIAKIll t will pay hlRheatCaeh price for accond band clotliinf. Corner 10th and Farnbam. JOWB era. JOHN IJAUMEK 1U14 Farnham Street. Junk , tl. BEKTJiOLD , Racs and Motal. Lumbar , Lime and Cement. ( TOHTKU & Olt.-iY corner Bill and DouKlau Ht . Lampi and illassware. J. IIONNER 130U UouuloH St. Good Variety. Merchant Tailors. 0. A LINDQUEST , Oauut t > ur mom rcpular Merchant Tailors Is ru. selvlut ; tbu latuni iR-nl nn for Spring and Summer OoodH for K'cntluinen'H wear. StylUli , duralilo , ind pricob low ni evi.r 216 1'Jth bet. Douc.&Karn , Millinery. UK8. C. / > . RINUHR , Wholesale and Retail , Fr.n cy UcXKltt tu jrfftt variety , Zcphyru , Card lloatiU , Uosiery , Olovcs , UorwU , , lit : . Cheapest House In > ih Weat. I'urcl.aueru H.IVC 30 per ccnk. Order bf Mall. 110 Fifteenth .Street. roundry , JOHN WKARNK KONS , cor. 14th & Jarksor. Hour mid Feed , OMAHA CITY MILLS , tth and Farnham d liros. , proprietors. Urocers. t. HTICVKNb , 21 t between Cumin ) ; and lur I. A. McSHANK , Corn. 23d and CuinlngKtrocta. Hardwaia , Iron and Bteel , n. LANOWORTHV , WholeBale , 110af (12 IMJi street A. HOLMEa corner IMn and California Harnots , Saddles , &c , B. WEI8T 20 18th St. bet Farn-tj Harnoy. Hotels , ANFJKLDHOUSK.auo. Canflcld,9th& Farnham OOUAN HOUSE , P II. Cary , 01B Farnham St. BLAVEN'S HOTEL. F. Hla\en , 10th fit. Oouthern Hotel Oud. Ilamel 9th & Leavcinvortb Drugs , Paints and Ull * . KUHN & CO. fbannacliti , Flno "anc ( JooJs , Cor. 1Mb i > nd Douirlo .treuU ) VI.1. WHITKIIOL'f E , Wholualu&llcUll , IBthst 0. i'lKLD , MJ Hotlti Hldo Cumin * titrrct 1'AUll , Uni jl t. Kiln and Howurd Streets Dentlits. OR. PAUL , Wllltama' Itlork Cor. 16th & Itoljte , Ury Qcoils Notions , Etc. JOHN II. ? . LKllMANN & CO. , ncv York Ur ) Onodn Store , 1S10 aud 131 ] faru him itruet. L. 0. hi.i'wolu ilao boots and bhc 7th & Ptclli. ruruiture. i f. UR06H , He * snd SuonJ Hand Furolturt nd Stovtn , 1114 Dcuzui Highest cMb price aid for.eocouJ tt-a ) zoo" . UONNKIl 1309 D3Q7U tt. Fine oodi , io tree Works. OKIA ! FENCE 00. t , FRIES 4-CC 1818Harney8t. , Improve od Ice Boiet , licr and Wood Fenc , Offlc * vOUtUug * . Coantiu f\n \ and Walnut. Cigars and Tobacco. WF.9T & FRITMJDKIl , manufuturcn ot ClK rj , nd Wholesale Dealers ! n Totwcco * , 1305 UouKla * . , V. LORKNZKN nitnufftctiiri-f 141B r'arnbam Florist. A. Donatthuc , plant" , rat flowers , Modi , ooquett t . N. W. cor. 18th and DouMi Olvll Engineers nnd Surveyors. ANDREW ROSEWATER Crtlchlon Block , fown Suneyt , Grade and Sewerage Syftoms a Oommltslon Merchants. JOHN O. WIL L1S.1414 Dalui. Stteit. 0 U llEEMEIt Kot details sfolar o .l > citlw- nent In l > llv and Weekly. Cornice Works. iVe tom Cornice Works , Manufacturer * Iron 'ornlco , Tin , Iron and SlMc Hooninp. Onlcm from any locullty promptly oxcut l In the bent rannner. Factory and Otlicc 1213 Harnoy St. 0. SPKCIIT , rronnetor. Oal\anltc < l Iron Cornices , Window C t > s , etc. , uianiilacturntl and put up In nny | vm ot the country. T. S1NIIOLU 110 ThlrU-cnth ttnict Orockery. J. UONNKR 130i > Douitias street , Oood tine. Clothing and Kurnlshlng floods. UKO. H. PETERSON. Also Hats , Caps , Boots , 3hocB , Notlonasind Cutlery , S04 8 , 10thstreet. _ Retrlgerators , Canfleld's Patent , 0. F. GOODMAN llth St. bet. Fr.rn. & Ilarnoy. Show Case Manufactory. 0. J. WILDK , Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds of Show Ca ps , Upright Caora , A ' . . 1317 Cans St. FRANK L. UKRIIARD , proprietor Omaha Show Case manufactory , 81S South ICth street , between I.eiu on worth aud Marcy. All toots wnrrantcd flmt-cliv.'w. Pawnbrokers , ROHKNFF.U ) . 10th St. . bet , fit ft Hut Utoves ana inware. A. BURMESTEK , Dealer In Stoves and Tinware. , and Manufacturer of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Ilull.llntc . Work , Odd Fellows' Block. J. BONNF.R. 13W Doudai St. Uood and Cheap. Beeds. J. KVANS , WholvsAlo nnd RcUMI Sewl Dillls and Cultivators , Odd FvllowH Hall Physlclant ant Surgeons. W. S. OIUD3 , M. D. , Hooni Nn 1 , Cretghtnn Block , 16th Street. P. S. LEISENU1NO , U. D. Macanlc Block. 0. L. HART , M. D. , Kyr and Kar , 0) ) < p. postotnco DR. L. I ) . tlRADDY , Oculist aud Aurist. S. W tMh ami Farnham Sts Pliotoxnipners. UEO. HEYN. PROP Uraml Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth Street , near Masonic Hall. First-class Work and Prompt- PlumblriK , Qas nnd Steam Fitting. P. W. TARPY & CO. . 210 12th St. , t > ot. Karnham and DoiiKlas. WorK promptly attended to. D. riTZPATRIGK. I4CO Doilirlas Stn-et nlntlng an opor anglng. HENRY A. KOSTKRb , 111 Dod < o Street. Shoo btoroi. Phillip LUIIK' . 1320 Farimam St. bet. 18th A 14th. Second Hand Store. PERKINS ti LEAR. 1416 Uoudas St. . Now and Second Hand Furniture , HOUHD KurnlihlliirGooiiB , &c. , boufht and oM on narrow uiartrlns. tialoons. HENRY KAUKilANN , 11. tiiu new brick block on Doulan Str.iot , baa Just opened a most elegant llccJ Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 everyday. " Caludonia " J FALCONER 87U loth Street. Undertakers , CHA8. RIEWK , 101V Farnham net. 10th & lltd. 90 Cent Stores. . O. KAOKUU liOS Farnhaiu St. . Kinci Goods J. C. ELLIOTT & CO. Plumbing , Steam & Gas Fitting ! AQKNTH roll Turbine Water Motor. ALSO JOBBKRS IN Pumps , Pipe Fitting nnd Brans Goods. Cor. 14th and Harney , Omaha , Nob. A \VATBR MOTOR Is CONSTANT OrKiiAno.v. fcbl.dtf EUROPEAN RESTAURANT. 1106 Farnham Street. MEALS AND LUNCH Served at all Hours. GEORGE HOUGH , J. L WILKIE , MANUFACTURER OF PAPER BOXES. 218 and 220 S. 14th St. Jantldem Geo. P. Bern is REAL ESTATE AGENCY , 16th and Dodge Gt . , Omaha , Neb. riils ke" < 0 uoe * eikicri.v * lnoUcmK * ii'imueib. ' D'-w lit ypronlate mil theicfprH MIJ H ntc 'ti llrfl tn 0 " COUNSELOR AT LAW J. H. McOULLOCH , linen ) I , CreUhton lllock , Kitteentli Street. j'iiilO-3m _ " "FAST TIME ! j t ttl : the filiicago&Ifortliwest- Trains lu \c On all t 3:40 : p. in. and 7:10 : n. in , For full iMforauttou call cm II. P. DUEL , Ticket Agent , 14th utnl Farnhim Rts J. IlKl.b. U. P. Hallway Depot , or at JAMEH T. CLARK , Oencr- Airi'ni , Omaha | al7inftntf W. S. GJ13BS , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , Room No4 , Croifthtou Blooli , 15th Strent. OMAHA. NEBRASKA. OFKICK Houius : 10 tu 11 ! A. M , , I ! to 5 I-.M. Ti'leiiluiiiH citniiecteil with Ct-nlral Ollic- ' . " DR. P. SOHERBR , Physician and Surgeon. CHRONIC DIHBASKS , ItHCl'MATIiiM , hte. , AHI'E < 'IALTY. Ottlco. No. 1112 FariihiniHt. , Ic'wivn lull and Ifilh , Oinalu , Mill , J'J'iuoilaiii ' THE OCOIBEML J. I. PAYNTER , Proprietor Corner 10th and Howard Streets , OMAHA , NEB , EateB , Two Dollars Per Day , "BLACK-DRAUGHT" emeu coatlvo- . . ; ' , { tiick-iietulacliu , FARMING NOTES. Fiiubraoiiivr faota About Every lutoreat , Counooted Therewith. Muttomnf Iioonl Into ret t , KitotH About Chuoso Kuctorloa. A practical cheese nukor furntslio.t The I'.iwtioo City ICtitorpriao tlto fol lowing fauts concurtiin chueso facto ries , \w\v \ to orgiuii/.tj thu ooniiKUiyuiul tUtl > c tliuut aiiccossfiil. His plan would bo to organize n otock cotnpnny of furmora in u iR'iyli- borhood , tlio capital Ui bo , s. y SI,000. This would futuiah n factory which could manufacture tlio milk of100 cows. Ho would aim ) have oaclt fiu-iHur who would suit milk to tlio concern gtur.mtco a curtain amount of milk per ntunth for a year. This is ( kino to insure a full supply. Wore it intended to manu facture both butter and cheese es tablish n creamery instead of a factory the cost of the establishment would bo greater. After it waa established , employ a practical ehcoao maker to run it , giving him above n certain sum pur month , a per cent , of the profits. At the end of each month the profits to be divided among the stock holders. Now as to tlid tmttter of prolita he gives his testimony. ( Joucl coys will yield in season of eight months , milk to the amount of forty or fifty dollars if manufactured into cheese. A cowof the commonest stock will give an income in the same time of twenty-live or thirty dollars. Corn nnd Cattle. Sutton IleglUor. No men in thin country can make money feeding 1J5 and 40 cunt corn to ordinary stock. It re quires facilities for taking care of stock , and oxporicnco in making the most of material at hand. Air. Thus. Towels , the big stock man of this section of country , is , however , do ing considerable in the feeding line. About New Year's he made a large shipment of stock to Chicago , and lie has yet nearly -100 fat cattle in his yards A portion of these are fed in Hamilton coun ty , where the hail did not strike , and where the corn was good. With these , ho has of course a large number of hogs , of all ages and sixes , to pick up the oll'al. Tlio corn for this stuck , of which it taken an inunuiisu amount him cost on average this winter , about 124 cents per bushel. The weather has been most favorable , and the stuck of nil kinds is doing excellent , and no doubt Air. Powers will muko money out of his feeding , notwithstanding thu high prices offered. Jerseys us Milkers. York Tribune : Rev. 15. F. Sharp owns live Jersey cows , four of whicli uive milk. The milk of these four cows produce twenty-two pounds of butler pur weuk which finds a ready market at 25 cents per pound. Those four cows therefore create an income of f5.50 per wtuk , or 8280 a year. This is equal to 871 50 per head , or about , twice the cost of the animal. Nothing pays n larger dividend on the on the investment than good stock , unless it bo of uood stock. Profits of Sheep Raising- . Sutton Register : If anyone doubts whether sheep raising will pay , we re fer them to the following figures from the account book of Mr. Gustav Thelon , a farmer who lives south of Shelby. It will be borne in mind that u large ilock could be herded at thu same cost as Mr. Thelon's 270 sheep : 270 Hiicei > delivered at farm 81,0 0 IntereHt , ono j ear , 10 per cent 100 Herding BlieoiK. . . % . 0 l ' ! d f r inter 50 Loss by death 42 ( Jimt of uliearin ' 2 Salt 15 81,477 IJy wool of 270 sheep Si.r : 0 " iiicreine , U.ll ! lutniw at $ i.f > 0 eucli 5" . An Iowa Herd of Fifty. A Blackha k county herd of fifty COWH last HCUSOII produced 7,8'- ! ) pounds of butter , which sold for $2 , 011.82 , an aver.tge of a little more llun $40 per cow , besides supplying a family of eight porsoim. This is a good average yield. The National lintter and Cheese Asuociation i < ive 150 pounds us a good average fora ( arm hi'rd of fifty cow * . This Black- hawk herd gives 15U ( per cow. Physical Hulloi-lng. No one Ciin realize , except by prr- iml ixpenence , the angnihh of mind and body endured by uiillerers from dyspepsia , indigestion , cointtipatioii , and oilier dineases of the fitotmich. DUIIDOCK. Bi.otin Himits : are a posi tive cure for this dircht of nil discitBcs. 1'rico 81.00 , trial HIZU 10 cents. lw-ood Experience in Hof ( Feeding. F.V. . Upton tt Bro. , proprietor of thu West Blue Stock Farm at Milford - ford , Suward county , give the follow ing rt'sult of an experiment- January 1st , wu put four liflf fattened sows weighing renpectivcly 488. . ' 185 , It 15 and 31.0 into a warm , dry and rather close pan. At the close of 28 days they were iigain weighed and showed a total gain ot' 1)82 ) pounds , or an ay- orngo of i'5 ' pounds each , a daily gain of about fi pounds and 7 ounces for each ho , They were fed Kill ! pounds or 2'U * bushels of corn meal. The meal wns put in a barrel , und hot water poured upon it and allowed to stand a half day or more bi-foro feeding. Soiling thin pork nl H cents a pound would piy ; 48 cents per bushel for thu corn consum ed. Five cents n pound for pork would pay 81 cents per buulii'l for the corn. Tlio meal was undo with u ratchet feed grimier altiiclml to a wind mill This experiment Katisfics us that thin in a profitable modu of feeding corn. Mm. Pur tin K ton Suy Don't fake nny oi the quack rontrnmH , as they are regimental to the human cistern ; but put your trust in Hop Bittern , which will cure general dilapi dation , costive habits and all comic diseases. They wired Tmtac from a aovero extract of typhoid fovor. They are thu lib plus unuta of medicines , Boston Globe. f-1-15 A 8IL.ENT "HEAT. " - How iv Couple of StutlontH Surprlnod n Sleepy Landlord. Once upon i > tinu' , two very bold , young mmlicalstudents weredriv- ing down Market Mroot in n wagon , at the awful hour of : t a. m. , and at the awful business 01 returning to their college , haying hotweou them whut they technically e died n "still' . " What they technically e.illed a "still" had had the misfortune to beau initial * ' of lite Alms llouso two days before , aud olio day before had had the aggravated misfortune to die and bo buried , anil then dug up by the very bold , hud students , who wanted to see what ail ed it perhnps. The morning W.M cold and damp , and thu atuduntscold ami dry , so they stopped in front of a saloon opened by a thrifty citizen , anxious to catch such early worms us drop from vegetable and milk wagons. "Brother , said ono of the bad stu dents to the other , "let iHontorwitHn whore yonder light shtnos forth , and regale , and tone up our systems with suitable doses of spiritus frinuonti. " . "Verily , brother , thy proscriptions are apt and to the point , for this is * grnesomti work , and chilly , too , and nurds the counteracting effect of n warming stimulant. " They entered the jilacu and found the proprietor fast asleep behind the bar. Thou a wicked thought entered the mind of one of the b.ul students , and he said to his bad companion : "Lutusgivo this sleeping bo.iuty a surprise ; even let us ive him a Hc.m > , n rally , so 1) speak. Lot in bring in the stiff and order a drink for it.1 And they did. They brought in the still' , propped it up against thu bar , rot toil its olbown on the bar , and slouched an old hat over its oyos. Thou they woke up the proprietor , who rubbed his eyes and exclaimed : "Ah , gentlemiMi , what will it bo this morning ? " "Three cocktaiU. " The bad students took their cock tails , and one remarked : ' ' .Inn's a litlu tired , but when he smells that spiritm frumenti , won't he brace up ? " "Well , 1 should smile ; " and ho did smile , for ho engulfed the cocHail , "Well , good by , landlord ; .Mm will pay when ho drinks , won't he pard ? " "Yes , when ho drinks he will bo glad to pay. " But .Inn neither paid nor drank nor looked up , and after the two young men had been gone sometime the landlord became nervous , and washed some glasses witn a great rackett , rattled the free lunch dishes , filled up thu clove-holder and coughed industriously , hut Jim would wake up , or drink. The landlord bewail to gut mad then. "Say , hadn't you better pay for those cocktails ! ' But Jim was silent. ' Now , look bore , can't you drink your cocktail and pay your score , eh ? " Jim remained stolid. "If you don't ( put your funny busi ness and pay up , I'll lire you out. " Jim never budged. The landlord yelled , now , "Say , ou think you can make a fool of me , I guess ; but 1 ain't that kind of a man. " Jim was still silent and motionless. The landlord was thun too mad to speak , and getting madder all the time. Finally , he hauled off and landed Jim a blow on the bond. Jim full over flat and stiff. The two stu dents ran in , examined Jim , looked up in horror and exclaimed , "Why , man , you've killed him ! " "Dead ? " "Yes , dead as n door nail. " The landlord looked vacantly at Jim , at the students in consternation , und tltHii suddenly blustered up and exclaimed : "Well , I don't allow no man to Imlldoso me and call mn a darn liar. " "My friend , " said ono of the bad students , "Von did right. If a man calls you a liar , know no north , no south , no oust , no west , but shoot him on thu spot. " "That's thu kird of n man I am , too , " thu landlord said , regaining courage. ' If you tuku it away , I don't mind if I treat to thu drinks. " "Landlord , you have spoken nobly , as u man and a brother. Let mo aay , 'Sot 'em up again. " ' NKVEii aw : yi' . If you are suffering with low and depressed spirits , loss of appetite , gen eral debility , disordered blood , weak constitution , headache , or any disease of a bilious nature , by all means pro- euro a buttle of Electric Bitters. Von will bo surprised to Hue the rapid im piovcmcnt tlntt will follow ; yon will bo inspired witli now life ; strength und activity will return ; pain and mis ery will cease , and henceforth yon will rejoice in the praise of Klocinc Bitk-rs. Sold at lit n-n ji . 'onlllo by lull iV iMcMahon. Komiinco IIH It Iti. ( JhlejKO Tribune. Thu south wind is sighing softly among thu nturdy ouks , whoso luafy branches shield from the pitiless ray of a July sun the velvet-soft lawn thut ntretches awuy to the eastward in front of a lovnly lii I'.igu county villa On thu veranda Htaiidn a girl , lovuly buyoi.d comiurc , to whom n man ono whoso sunny locks and beard of tany i/old hue tell plainly of the Saxon blood that flows in IIJH vieim - is talk ing in an itarnest manner. There i i\ loving look in his noft , blue eyes , and hu speaks with a tundur earnestness tl'iit sho'VH hu in trying to get thine. The girl IH tupping lightly with u cro- ipiet-nmUut thu prntty foot that poi'pn out half timidly from lioimvth the pretty morning dress of si/ft , blue cloth , with two rows of ruflles up the back stretch , und a polonaisu that never ci < nt losa than § 22 , "Well , Bertiace , have you con- hided 10 shako me ? " saya the man. The sunbeams Jlickui ; erratically down between thu loaves , making lit tle lights and shades on thu vurandu ; tlio graHJhoppera ting among thu rud clovers ; thu little foot , which him HUH- puiidud it'i nuivemunta during the delivery of thin interrogatory , rrumiH' * its occupation. Adtilbert's giui ) in still fastened upon thu pretty facu that lookj shyly down , hut thu amilo has fled , No answer comei. A inomont longer and the foot-taps ccaso ; ono or two irresolute movement - mont of thu body , and then the whitu arms loamint ! out from the loose sleeves are around IIM neck , nnd the brown lockn and golden heard are mingled , while the little head goes dovui on his shoulder amid ti storm of kobs. She has hit hot1 bunion. ALMOST CRAXY. How often do wo see the hardworking ing father straining every nerve and muscle , and doing hi * utmost to sup port his family. Imagine his feelings when returning homo from a hard day's labor , to find bin family pros trate with disease , conscious of unpaid doctors' bills and duhU on every hand. It must bo enough to drive ono almost craxy. All this unlmppinoss could bo avoided by using Klectric Hitters , which expel every disease from the svstem , bringing joy and happiness to thousands , Sold at fifty contn n hot tlo. Ish * McMahon. ( ) Captnln Moyton In ArkiuimiP. The famous floater who recently completed his tour of thu Missouri , is now navigating the Arkansas river. Ho gives thu following account of a meeting with n descendant of the "Arkausaw Traveler- " "Ono nvening , above Lowisburg , " began the captain , " 1 was on the lookout , for notmi place where 1 could stop , or for some person from whom 1 could obiaul information , when , near the bank of the river. I discov ered nmoko issuing from the chimney of a Minall cabin. 1 hauled to aud blow my bugle. For some time the smoke issuing from the chimney was the only sign of lifo. Finally , a man , an easy kind of individual , came walking down leisurely , regard ing mo curiously. " 'How far is it to Luwisburg ? " L askod. " 'It'rt a putty uood distance. ' " 'But how far do you call it1 ? ' " 'Idoiin'tcMlit.1' " 'Confound it , man ; is it two , three or four thousand miles/ / ' " ' 1 reckon it's one of thorn num- ber.s. ' "Then 1 reali/.ed that I had mot a kinsman of the Arkansas Traveller. My irritation , which had at first been exhibited , subsided , and desiring to gutits much information as pnssildo , I asked , pointing to a bar : " 'Which eido of the channel shall T take1 " 'Hither side ' you please. " 'Which do you consider the hotter - tor ? ' ' "I am not attcndin' to other poo- pto's luminous. ' " 'Which side do the steamboats take ? ' " 'It's owin' what to captain is aboard. ' ' "Well , brinning the thing down to a point , how long will it take mete to got to Loivisburg ? ' " 'It's owin' tor how fast you travel. ' " 'My friend , 1 think you are the d dm fool in Arkansas ' " 'An' , slr.ingor , I think you arc the devil come up to cool off. ( ! o home. ' " TlmnkB. Tliox. Howard , ISiailfnril , 1'n. , writcn : " 1 ( ncloHo iiiiniuv for Spring lilosHom , IIH I Kixlil 1 would if it cured inn ; my dyHpui1- sin fin * vunihheil with all iU xyiuiitniiiH. Miiny tlmicKs ; I slml ! nuvcr lie without It hi the. home. " 1'ricti HI ) tontx , tiinl Ixittlcx 10 cents. Iw-cod TRUTH ATTESTED. SamoImpartnnt2 > tiitomoHtfi of Wt 1 Kiiown P oiln "Wholly Voriflnd. In onlor tliat the pulillc umy fully rimllzo tliu KeiiuliiriiOKn of thu ntntu M-ntt , .is well an the ( Kiuur and valilo of thu nrtlclo of which the ) | mnk , wo | IUIHI ! | | hur with thu fnc-sllnllo Hl lit. turuHof iiurtli'D wliOHoHliicurlly la bcioii.l quoi tlon. Thu Truth of thuco t"ntlinonlal In uhm lutu , nor can thu fnctH they nmiouncv hu IK- noriil OMAHA , NUM. , May U , 1831. II. II. U'AimKRiU. ) . : DKAH Hiu : I havu fri'ijuuiitly UHC | Warncr'n Hafo Klilnov ninl Ilvcr C'uru lor lovtl nfloctloim attcniUnt upon Hovcro rliouinatlu nttnckH , uml ha\un | . uyH ilt-rlvcil honutlt thurufroin. I htivu HHO | lucil thu Bufo N'crvino with witlsl/ictory / ro- HiiltH. I fomlclor thuno inodlclnua worthy of Deputy Truuuror OMAHA , Nr.n , May 24 , leHl II , II WARNCII & Co. , KochitHtcr , N , V. : OKMHlu : | \ ° v * il your halu K hi nny and I Ivur Cure thin ) > rinK UH a liurlnvlKorator , and 1 llnil 1 thu hcHi runit'ily I uvur trluil. I huvi. UHc-d 4 hotth'H , u1 il It hart inadu niu frcl ItotUir thun uM'r I iild hiforv Intha U. I1 II. HIlDpH. OMAHA , NrH , May 'UW \ \ , II. II. WARM1. ! ! fcO ) : Hi IIH : - Tor innro than lli y am I hnvu Hiillcrud much hi onvi-iiluiu'ii ( rniucoinhliKtd kldni-y ninl liter illwiimt-H , iiil hntu hoi'u Mn hlu to work my iirln \ or iHulnti hcln alftctuj I rluta ( jrint niuninuillcjiKH ui/l doctom , hut I ' " ' unrwi ami or uilay by > Uy 1 wax toM I luid llrk'ht'H DihuinH , t wliihul niynilt duad If I could not h.tMi HK | < uily ruJli. ( . I took your Hafu Kuliir ) nnd IIvor > uru , hii'iuliiK n tllnK ol o wa * * OVIT known to cunt tli illiwjiiNo. and I huv not IM.VII dixappolntdl. Th inudlulnu Imn curud me , nnd I nni | > crur Ijr wull lo-ilay , ontlrtly iliroinh your Situ Kldnuy and Llvur Ciiru I WHI ! J on nil mice H III | nihll hlii ( { thin valuable runiuilv throiiiih thu world a r. it. u. HnoH. | ThotiHandii nf ( .Dually troii ) ; uijonttiinunt- iniiny of thi'ln li > cuu < vhoro II'IHIanalmn - t'unul ImvuIVIH \ voluntarily | rltuiKIOWIIK ) | ) ht > rrmailahlu iio\J of Watnur' * 4 ) o Kldnuv Uid 1,1 tvr C'urii , hi VJd HUUHK ot tl > klilnuyn. Jivci u' ' " If uny on * who rcml Uil > trouhlu riirs"iilMir thu tr 'i To Nervous tiutterers THK 'J IAT EUKOPfAN HEMCDV Or. J. B. Bimpaou'B Bp-fHi II It i. )4 ) > | iMiuuiu tocLiirtimatoirbba , Hfinlnt Wee tA i , . lu-'tbiii' } ) , vjil ill 'luiihcj ri ultln. fr-m fUl-AliUMi < Vntnl Anxlkt ) , LOHI SI n-t-it , I'fclin In llie. ) ( * ' . or . 'li % end dl u > hi. ' " L , ' . . . " " ' 1 ' . Ulfcl lll ll - - -ni ii i m u. vme lor them md yet full p r t.cuUrs. 1'rki' , Ri clftc , f 1 00 per { aclik e , or U | mcV i tvn tt.t to.OH Aililruu itll urdcru to II. alMsON MKDICINK CO. NM. 10t Mid 1U(1 Jlitlu Ht. llutfalo , N , Y. ol 1 In ( ; nuln bv 0. K , ( ioodtnao , J. W. Uoll , K (41 , in I ll druifttliitauviirywbiire. i tdkw "BLACK.HAUGHT" ( JLT CS.'K.KJBCT , \n * rriMOiiAhtn itioAton | | thnl H CHICAGO & t ORTH-WESTERN R'V ' i , k < wVll tr'VVPl'lif ' iti i' "I ' . > il' > .ll Yin i'U-lli.V | | ntlf nf ttlp UfSttl(1 NlflJ ' 'ti > ' i ! i i r , ' . . , ' THE CHICAGO fc NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , < ) \rr all of Us principal linn , ' runs ouch wixy dally frnm two to ( ourormuro t'usi Trains It Is ( no only road \\cst ot t'lilcano tnat IIHOS tin' _ _ . , . . . _ . _ . . The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. . , ! ! < 'iii"tiiin i II..IHI , ror'riokctiviatlilsro.iil.liosiirr'tlmyrrnilororlt.nnil tnkn nntio-ifni liroiiriT.Ofiri Maiinut'r.C'lilcauo , W. M STKXNKTT.Utm'l 1'ass. Apccl , < Ji" . . - , IIAItUV P III' " . ! . , Ticket Ak'cn ; o. | % N.V. . ItAlhray. Ittli and PAinham.atroots. 1) . K. KlMII.Vi.l , , AsHlhtvit Ticket A imtO. .V N. W. luilway , 14th | nd K rnh m r lroort > J , IIKLL , n.'det Acont 0. ft N. W. lltllnay , I ) . P. H. U. I ) pn . HAMKS T 'U.AIIK ( Icnornl Airant. IMPORTANT TO BRODEES , PACKERS , PROVISION , AND COMMISSION MESOHANTS , A new prori'H * for prc-iTV iiij ; all Animal niul V < juinUlu Artlcloa llahlu to nioll | or tluoay. Krtwli MnitH , 1'k'k'i , I'l'li , ( litinii , 1 * tiltry , HniltViKclahli'H , llutttr , MIR , Cl < T. ind other llilulilK , | iri'Ni'rM'if liy ihlmiiothoil inn ln'Klilpjioil tn Kiiro | > , mbjoctnl to ntniorphorfc ohanKCK , and rotiunc'il to thin country In a perfect ntntit of p'inir\ntinn , ictfti \ < K tluvr oilliinl ; la\or. Ktt4 ( -'I l > | iriHi'i\i'il at i\ iKl of < | u'r 1,1110 ilrzvii , nnd other urtlden In | irouitloii | , and will tic an Ireihnnd nerftct rlx monthsnttur i > thiMlny they uu ru treated. Ono man can prwerve ( , (0) ( ) do/iiti | HT dny , und n cluunhcr tllh'il ul ll d ITom.t urtlclcH , mn h I\H 1VK1 * . M ntti , Ki h , l'o\i\- \ \ Iry , Ac , e n ho Ircatiil at nun t inn without nilnltlmiiU troul hi 01 ixpciiKi- . No ikpeimUu appar- ivtui ornmch'ner ' ) ri'iiuircd. Mater al , liiHtnirtlnm , ixi.d n'l ncceHHary 'iiforiimt'on t iiipnllcd hy II , MAO\SI AN , AKi'iit for thn I'runlUH 1'renorvliii ; Coni | nj ( I.iiiilteilX Prb'J 1MI1 Doiik'lan Ht , Oiualin. THE ! G-RJE.AT ! : ! Clearing Sale ! rr PALACE CLOTHING HOUSE Is the place to Buy Bargains. EVERYTHING MARKED IN RED FIGURES. Look for the Red -Ink Marks. CT. SIFOIRIL , BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURER , 309 South Tenth Street. QUALITY AND FIT GUARANT-EED. French Boots Sewed $9.00 Calf-Tongue , , - - . French Calf Boots , Pegged , - . . . . 6.00 American Calf Boots , - . . , . 5.00 Alexis Buckle Shoes 3.50 Pegged or , - - . MAKE A SPECIALTY OF BOOTS AND SHOES FOR FEET OUT , OP 'SHAPE , 11 Ordora Promptly AttoudR _ illod Witb * 3tepiitch UILD & McINNIS GREAT STOCK TAKING SALE ! Everything lr i DRESS GOODS ! i Notions , and FURNISHING GOODS , AT SWEEPING REDUCTIONS. It Will Pay You to Call and Compare Prices. 603 NORTH SIXTEENTH STSEET. WILLIAM GENTLEMAN 16th Street Grocer , 'H ' lIK.AIHiUAHTKUH I'OH STAPLE & FANOY GROCERIES , Lemons and Oranges , Choice Butter and Eggs / HPKCIAI.TY. GIVE HIM A CALL -ANU-- Slor < 1 Fixlure Work . nd Froib Pouti'o Thlclt Flat anil llfiit Shavv L'u Olius 0 , .7. WILDE , 1315 and 1317 Cass Street. fobT-liu 010. W , DO Ah I. i. o. DOAHE& CAMPBELL , Att orneys-at-Law