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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1882)
OMAHA DAluY BEE : THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 9 1882- A PRAIRIE PICTURE. Browsing on the Bluff at Quido Rock , nnd Gnzing on Unbroken - broken Fields That Kiss the Heavens. He * eland' * Progromilvo Indnpond- oncn Correspondence ot The He : . Nob. 4.-- Urn Cl.oro , , February - - There is something of n sameness in llio nppoar.uico of nearly nil the towns along Iho H , it M. road between \Vy- moro nnd Hod Oloud , but when ono goes into them nnd converses with the people , nnd looks over the var ious interests of the towns , the difference - once becomes manifest , Guidu Hock , tun miles directly east of this ] > lace is a pleasant Httlo town of about 500 inhabitants nnd to nn ordinary observer would seem dull and prosy na country towns nsunlly ere , but the nppenrancb hero ia very deceptive. It is situated on the edge of the bluff overlooking the Republican river nnd bottom , on n aholf which ia about bnlf the nvorago height of the blull' . It coinmnnds n view of the river for some diatancu both ways , nnd beyond the opposite blull'stretching nnd roll ing away to the southward in its viuit expanse presents to the eye n very fine contrast to the hustling activity of the town. Wnnilcrinj : down to the bluff , and Bitting- , half lying , in the bright ami- shine , I wandered otf into n aort of dreamy existence , ns I contemplated the grandeur of the scone. Some talk about the salubrity of mountain scenery , the vnstnesu nnd sublimity of ravines , gorges , mountain streams , waterfalls and the like , but to my mind the greatest work of nil is the broad expanse of prnirio , rolling , wave after wave like the ceaseless ocean , presenting no boundaries na far na eye can reach or human mind conceive , and only broken nt rare in- torvala by some iilugiy'sh stream fol lowing the line of depressions iu the aurfacc. Guide Rock ships moro stock than any other point in Una-region , having for aomo months averaged about fifty cars per month ; tlio people nro justly proud of this fact oiut challenge any ether town on this river to bunt it. There mo aoveral large horda of caltlo and sheep being fed in thin vicinity , which will bo put on the mar ket in the spring. The ride ( by _ buggy ) from fluido Hock westward ia very plcaa.uit. . The road foil ) wa along the edge of the bluff , which ia very broken , and winds out nnd in among the ravines ; sometimes on the bluff , where wo can see the beautiful valley , with the Re publican river winding its serpentine form alugqishly down , vibrating be tween the two blulFr ) , much na the Missouri does between horboundaricH , and then again wo go down in n little valluy , the entrances of which nro BO steep that ono hardly er.pocts to over sco moro than little spot of sky be tween the surrounding liilla ; but ho finds himself just na suddenly on the it pinnnclo of thu bluff or out on thu bottom below. It. Ainboy , six milea west of Guide llock , ia the junction of the two railroads coining front Wymoro and Hastings. Hero ia n mill , n school house , n postoflico und n .restaurant. The mill power ia very fine-the , branch being dnmmed where itbrealio through the bluff. Four milou further west And wo ar rive iu that city of which so much has bean said , favorable and derogatory. Hut tied Cloud don't cutu ; .it . can alVord to bo independent , an it has a good start and the best location to be found in.western Nebraska , o'far us I have seen. The ' "IBoya Homo" is the { principal hotel , being the ono where thoy.mako it n point i to make their guests com fortable. There nro two other hotels , however , whicli appear to bo full.mosl of the tiino. lied Cloud ia really a good town , mid everything seem * to , bo booming for this time of year , clothing , illcnl estate ia looking up consideiabiy , as the railroad officials suom to favor this as a division point nnd will probably build shops hero. The depot is about a mile from .tho town ( which is back on the north blull ) nwny out in the middle of the bottom. 15ua lines connect with every train and the runnoru forall the hotels exert themselves energetically to secure the few travelers that come in on the t ratlin. The town is building up rapidly aiui good buildinge seem to be tlio order of the day , iu those erected moat lately are tho-teat. Being the gate.of the whole region of cattlq country west of here , a larg business IB done in the way of out fitting herders and furnishing sup plies for cattle men. Cattle trains coming from the west slop ut this elation over night .to . food and water their stock , which creates a domain' ' for feed of all kindc. The success of Hud Cloud is nn As sured fuel nnd a four yours will BOO it ono of the most important towns in the whole west. There la plenty ol room on the prairie for it to grow and if it covers that , and wants moro they might arch in the river und build over it , Bho ItMontr. . "I send you my testimonial 1.1 reference eronco to BrniNo HLOKMJM , having taken it for dyspepsia , und reeeivini almost immediate relief. I passed i tu my neighbor , who is using it witl same rcsultn , Miw. .1. W , "Klmira , N. V. " J'rico 50 cents , trial bottles JO cents 1 W-ddll A MUSICAL How a , Neglected Wife Roclulmod Her Huabanct'u Atlectlona. ork New Letter to Cincinnati Kuqulicr Iii the course of my chat with tlu musician referred to , the conversa tion drifted on to the ramanca wind music it so rich in , and I was told such a charming little story in this connection that I make no apology fo giving it in full. "A year * ago ° * I /all"began my informant , 'ru can H'to ' my muiio room I icaring the nnmo of a well-known unil fashionable married lady. When jibe was ushered iii I waa surprised to see BO young n looking woman , though , : o bo Biiro , she ia not yet forty , and n : air complexion and clear blue eyes nako her look younpor. She seemed .1 little embarrassed , but naked mo to : ry her voico. I did so , nnd found it mcultivntcd , but singularly fresh nnd sweet , in quality n light soprano. 1 old her so , nnd her face flushed iagcrly na aho nuked : M'rofesanr , could you teach mo to ftingl' 'Yes , ' I replied , 'if you choose to apply yourself earnestly. ' ' 1 will , and if . ou can miumgo it HO that I need note ) o Been , nnd that no ono knows of it , ! will take a loiaon every day. ' Wo undo the best arrangeinnts wo could , ind the lady never failed to appear > rotnptly at the hour. She vai no inxioua nnd .so persevering that she nado . I'lWHlKK.'W TIIK MO.HT KYTIlAOIltHNAItr , and when spring came her voice had so strengthened ai.d developed as to ' )0 almost beyond recognition. iDur- tig thu .summer 1 heard nothing of ler beyond mention in the society .mpero of her being at Snratogo , but ibuiil a month ago she called upon mo , nnd taking both my hands in 'lorn ' , shfjok them earnestly na she said , ' 1'rofessor , I have come to hank yon fur making mu the happiest vomnn alive. ' She then told mo , what I had n faint suspicion of , that ler husband , to whom nlio waa deeply ttac'hed , was passionately fond of . 'ocnl ' music , and had always regretted that she could not singe o him. She had never cultivated lor voice before marriage , ami nftor- rard the coming of children nnd thu claims of society had prevented her at- cmptingit. but the unlucky dnycaino when Mr. H. made the acquaintance f a charming widow with a charming who waa alwiiya ready and wili ng to sing sweet aongs to him , and he gradually fell into the way of spend- ng many of his evenings with her. U heart devoted to his wife , ho waa incoiiscious of hit ) gradual neglect of or , nnd would Imvo boon natoniahcd tad aho resented his enjoyment of heso musical toto-n-tctos. Alxmt the widow I am not prepared to apeak. Mrs. ill. , like a nice woman , did not osont it , but us you will aee. Her niuaio lessons ho kept a profound secret from her amily. In the summer they went , is usual , to Saratoga , nnd took pos session of onu of the pretty cottages it the United Stati-a hotel. "Tho Morning after their arrival , the local lowapapor contained n notion that thu ending soprano of the Episcopal chutuh was ill with a throat afluction , mil the congregation was asked to nake duo allowance for the disabled choir. The next morning , Hun- lay , Mr. II , , with two of .ho children , wended his way to .ho church of his belief , Mm. It. hav- ng excused herself on the plea of a ictidacho. After the opening service , lie minister nnnounecd that 'a Indy rein Hew York had kindly volun- ; eered to sing in place of the sick so- [ > rano , nnd in consciuencu | the musi cal service would bo tho. same as usual. ' Aifow moments later a clear , nwoot 'Voice rang through the church , had touched the huarta oi the pooplt , perhaps , .0von moro through KXl'llHSHION nnd fooling with which the music waa rendered than the qualities of the voice itaolf. Air. 11. waa fasciutvtcd , delighted , and inwardly made com [ larioous-butween it and the witching widow not .fluttering to the latter. After the sor'vicca were over ho eagerly nought the min iator , to uacer tain the nature of the charming aoprnnovhoao fuco ho had not been able to BOO fioin his sent. "Come with mo und I will intro- duce you , " said the minister , who * know . Mr. H. by ropuia- tion. They entered the choir together , and the good man began , 'Mioi Drown , permit mo to introduce ' when hu waa interrupted by Mr. 11 ejaculating , 'flreat heavona , it ia mr wife ! ' And , iplnoo nnd company not withstanding , iho gave her a hearty embrace in urn delight and surprise. To cut the Htoryi-chort , he fell in love with her all over again , the singing siren waa forgotten , and I don't believe < liovo you couldifmd n happier couph ' in thin great city. To mark Iho ocea < sion Air. H. give ihia wife n magnifi cent sot of diauanndn , whichsho wears with a great deal .of prido. " All o which ia truo. Win. McCartney , HKJJiiyil , tluf. fnlo , N. Y. , full and -fiirnlnrd hU 11 1II employer , H. Ar.der.sun , HI Jlnln Btivet , iimcurril ' noin HIOIIIIIM' JCch'ctric Oil , aiul hu Hiiyrt that n fuw npilcivti | ! ni cnalilt'il him to LONG BKA1C.DS. Ju < , ere tliiB lUmdlntr loAtnbltlou , Ytiumr Mtm. WnkJy. Excoptionnlly long Iwnrds have ul ways attracted u good deal of ntten- tion , und history recordc many iu < stances of thu ( cind. ILtubor Voi Talberg , a Oonmin knight and coun seller of Maximilitn II ( J. .1575) ) , re- joiucd in a board which reached to his feel , and from there again to his wniit. John Mayo , the celebrated iwintor dl the sisteonth century , who accompa nied Charles V in his campaign , had a beard * o long , that , although Iw was a tall man , it would h ng unmi the around uhun hu ntixnl ujngl ; ho were it , tlicrcforo , faatonod to his gir dle , ( Jeorgo Kilhngworth , sent bj Queen Mary ns ono of her agents in 1855 to C/.ar Ivan the 'IVrri- bio , is taid to liavo hud a beau five feet t o inchea long In the olden time , when oveiy part of tlio body had its price , the beard was valued at twenty shillings , n largo sum for thu time -while losa of n lei , was valued at twtilvo shillings.Vo can easily imagine that at periods when the beard and whiskers were looked upon na ornamental , false beards were substituted for the gcmi mo article. ledro IV of Ara"oi (135) ( ) found hlniFolf compelled to pro hibit his Cataloniiin subjects fron wearing falsu boards. Hut the mos aingularsubatitute was thugoldenboan which Chrysostumus says was won by tJi kings of Persia. Suetonius nays the aamu of Caligula , the Ilonmi emperor , According to Andreas Favi the kings of France of the first dynasty were boards entwined with golt threads. Juke Itonatni of Loruino were at the funeral of Charles of Burgundy , who died at Nancy iu M-17 , a beard of gold thread hanging down to his girdle. As Jupiter was sometimes adorned with n golden uoard , the phrase nnream barbiun liabers , was equivalent to saying Deum esse. Hoards were at various times taxed in Kngland. Thus wo reid in Notes and Queries that the sheriff of Canterbury paid three shillings and four pence for wearing a beard. In the first year of Klizaboth every beard of above a fort night's growth was taxed three shill ings and sixpence ; but the law was too absurd to bo enforced. The duty imposed on beards by I'etor the Oreat was a rouble ( about three HhilliiiRSi , this tax met with a fate similar to that of Klixabeth's , nnd was BOOH can colled. The development of the beard as well as the hairiness of the body differs not merely in different racce , but also in familes ol the same ace. In tiuropo and a portion of Asia beardu prevail , until wo go bo- roncl India , when gradually beards licappear , an in the case of .Siamese , Chinese and .lapaneso. THE HUNT FOR HALL. fho Murderer of Georgia Cox Run to Cover nnd Captured. UN Arront EIFootod Aitor n Don- pornto Roftistniion- Gnnd PloooofWorh. Clif > vnncHun. Christmas night Kort Laramie was lie Hoiinu of a shooting bee , in which leorgiu Cox , a Senegambian cypriim , ind Matt Hall , a bli'ck lug gambler , nssumed thu leading rolun. with ncat- lens and dispatch. Thu woman died ubsi'quontly and the tacta in thu case as near as can bo ascertained indicate ho unfortunate woman to have been ho victim of a cold blooded murder , lall had been in the habit of visiting the house wherein the deed waa com- nitted , and upon onu of these period- ca claima that ho was robbed of n re volver. On the night in quuston , ind while crux.y from the effects of 11i iquor i ho called mid demanded of the voepor of the entitle that she either ro- .1 urn the gun or reimburse him for its oss. This oho absolutely refused to consent to do , and after somu further iltereation he drew u pistol and np- ) roaehing the mad.unu in a menacing nanner , threatened to have his prop erty or her life. At this juncture the Jox woman uaino to thu relief of the iro.ipeclivo victim , but before shu was ible to prevent the crime , he allot her n the breast , inflicting a wound from ho effects of winch she died early in January. Immediately after the shooting Hull nado his escape , defying arrest and .hrcatoning to mnHsacru any one who should bo sent in his pursuit. As soon as the intelligence of the tragedy was brought to thu knowledge of jhoriH' Sharplces , he directed Deputy fields to institute a search for thu murderer's whereabouts and pro cure bis nppiuhonsiou ut any cost. Deputy Fields took the trail at oncu and followed the fugitive from point to point to find upon his arrival that thu game had but just left and could be caught nn to without much further dulny. Aft _ > r running thu gauntlet of this experience for several days , ho finally caught sight of Hall on Lightning creek , near Fort Fotterman , during Wednesday. Uotli were mounted , and here began a race that according to all iicconn'a rivaled that between Tain O'Shantor and thu witchuH. For some time each maintained . a ruipeclublo distance from thu other , but this became j monotonous nnd to decide the contest FiuKU shot the horse upon which Hall was riding and thu latter fell by the wnyaidi * . When approach ed , ho attempted to intimidate the officer by producing a "pop" and throats to shoot , but without effect. Fields accepted the situation and af ter a doaporato struggle downed his man , nocured him to thu und that en- capo wan impossible , and roturnitiL' t < Fort Futtoruiau p laced him in thu guard house , whence lie will bi 'brought to Chuycnnu at oncu and hulc < o await the law's delay on n charge of murder. Ho is' represented as i Knrd citizen , ono of the b.ul met fnjin Hitter creek , who nro constant ly on the outlook for trouble am nv.dy with his gun at all times to au cotnmodato un adversary or intimi- dal'i a fee upon thu slightnst provo cation. His arrest will atop further bloodshed and thu public is indebte to tLo pluck of thu officer who witl ; his lift * in his hand has been the mu diuuiithrough whom so happy a deliverance erance- has buen accomplished. FU1CK OF COST. Dll. iKlNo'H NKW DlSCOVKKY fo Consuiigfition , Coughs and Cold Asthma , Hronchitia , utc. , is givoi away in drinl bottles free of cost tithe t < itho nfllicted. If you have n bat cough , odd , difficulty of breathing koarsuneicf or any aiiuction of tlu throat or Iwiigs by all means give thi wonderful remedy a trial. As yoi viJiiu your existence you ciuino alFurd to lot this opportunity luuis \ c could met afford , and would no give thin rtjnedy nwav unless wo Knew it wotu'd ' accompliih what wo claim for it. Thousands of hopeless us have alrwidy been < xjmpletel ) cured by it. Tiioro ia no medicine ii thu world that will euro ono half the cases tltat DK. Kit. will euro. For salu by 0) ) Isn A" MuMAiiON , Otiului. JOII.S HrAPLKtl , KRDMK brll\y . l'iwlU nt. Vlro I'rraX W . UKIHIIKK , Su.ami Trivw , THE NEBRASKA IANUFAOTUEIN& CO Lincoln , Nab , MANUKAOTUltKHS OK Corn Plant r , Harrows , Farm Holleri Bulky Hay Itakei , Duckot tlevatlric Wlnu mllli , &c. \Vu arii | 'ti'r reJ to do job work and luanufac turlrK lor otlitr tuttlcn . ddtf * all oidrrt NEI1IUHKA UANUrAUTUKINU CO , > K. | nlB-8ra "WINE OF " CARDUI" mnhcH rosy and clear In HoHtH of Fninillon lontcttcr'H Hlonmch lltt ) < ri > Kiwrnuch regarded .1 a hotitihold tiFccuHlty ai * uir or collcc. The pawn of tlili Is tlmt J ( " > r nf rspcrlcnco hnvc iroxeil It to bo perfect y ri'llnlilo In tlioso rasmol inerL'cncy uluroft jiromptnud cmuculcut rcm- dy In ilcmamlcil , t'onslpili"n. ! liver complaint , lynpcpiiln , Indl istlon nnJ other trouble nrr vcri.oiiio liy It. For sale hy nil Irii fl lK and Dealers , to whom , pplv for lie tottfr'B Altnanan for 1882. Gentle Who -mint glos3y , luxuriant and wnvy tresses ol'abundant , beautiful Hair must use LYON'S KAT1IAIRON. This elegant , cheap article always makes the Hair prow freely and fast , keeps it from falling out , arrests and cures grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency and keeping it in any desired position. Beau tiful , healthy Hair is the sure result of usfiig Katimiron. KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA f = l oa C3 ca 1s CO tf BITTER ILEE & CO. . Sole Manufacturers. OM A.H A. CRAIG'S ' CITY GREEN HOUSE Ia now open to the publio with a ( till aupply ot Cut Flowers and Plants For Halo. Wo will ho glail to nave the public call nnd iru in. Bouquets or Any Floral Design Undo to Order ON TIIK HIIOKTKST NOTICK. City Uretn House , H. W. Cor 17th and Web ) t r , ono block from Kith street C\M. Nursery , : U Htrcct , opposite Koit , Ja . Y. CrnlK , Flonsi and IJinilHcapu Gardner. F < it > 2 ( im. PILES ! PILES ! PILES ! A Sure Cure Found at Last I No One Need Suffer ! A BUrociiro for Ullim , Illeocllnif , Itching and Ulccmttsl I'llos haalwcn dl6co\creilby Dr. Wil liam , ( an Indian remedy , ) called Dr , William's Indian Ointment. A nliiKle box haa cured the woratchronlc cjweuof 2fior 30 > cardetanJlnK. No one ncitl Hiiffer flvo tnlntitca alter applying this wonderful Boothlny modlctno. Lotions , Instru- menu ami eluctimrlun do moro harm than good , Wllllam'a Ointment absorbs the tumors , alia ) 8 the Intense Itchlnic , ( lurtlfiilaaly at night alter Kottlng wann In bed , ) acto as a poultice , given ln < Btant and mlnlo ) relief , and Is prepared only (01 I'llcH , Itching of the prlvatn parts , and for uotli lag else. Head what thu Hon. J. II Ccfllnbcrry of Clo\o and sa > 8 about Dr. William's Indian I'llo Oint ment : I have used scores of Piles cures , and I ! affords mop easura IOBAV that I have never found anything which gave such ImnHxIlato and perma nent relief M Dr. William's Indian Ointment For nalo by all drugglata or mailed on receipt of ( irlce , 11.00. 11.00.HENnY & CO , . Prop'r. . , Cuvxutiu , Ouio. For tale by ( I , F Ooodiii'in. WAR IN PASSEMER RATES I llOllim : DKO'i . nroUoru In all Uatlroai Tlfkct , Omaha , Neb. , nScr Tickets to the East until further nollco , at thu following unhuard o l/ow llatiw ; 1st elaiw , ' 'd class NRW YOUK , J20.IMI , II03TON , 20.W , I'llILADELPIIIA , S6.00 , RS.Otl. WA811INOTON , 240J , SO. ' " ' Kor particulars , wrlto or ( TO direct to HOlllllr- DUOS. . Doulon In Keduced Itatu lUllroad and Steamship Tickets , 800 Tenth St. , Omaha Nub Homemuor the place Three Doors North o Union I'aclflu Ilallrcud Depot , Kiat oldu otTenth Street. _ OmahaAuuu _ t 1. 1281 _ 1880. SHORTJJKE. 1880 KANSAS CITY , St , Joe & Council Bluff ? u run O.SLT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THK BAST From Oinahaand the West. No cbtngo of c rs between Onulut and bi. txutt tud hut ono between OMAHA anil NKW YOUK Daily PassengerTram UUClllSU AU. CA8TKKN AND WKSTKKN CITIK3 with LES. ' ADVANCK of ALM Thl entire line U equipped with llilluian' PfcUre Hloepliig Car , 1'alaco l ) y Coarhw , Miller' Sifctv Platform and Couplitr , anil the celebrate Wwtlughouw Alr-brftl. < i. AyiVx ) that > our Ucket r < ad VIA nANHA CITT.ttr. JOSEl'll 4 COUNCIL IlLUfWlUI road , vl , St. Joseph and Bt.I uU. Ticket ! lor ale at * U uoupon ttatlOLS In to Wwt ' . K. HAUNAHD , A 0. DAVVErt , Oen. SuiH. , B ( . Jcwph , , Mo Oen I'MU. "J Ticket Act. , Dt. Joseph , Jlo. Mot UOREIIN , Ticket Agent , 1030 Karntiatn itrcet. A. 1) OiUlitP Ooncrul Agent , , OUA1IA , s\K D. S. BENTON. ATTORNEY'- - LAW AUUACH I3LOCK , . jon suffer ( mm Dyspcpili , uv > IintDOC K III.OOD I ) ou are ftllllcU'd Hh lUliouMiciw , tno Ill'KIXHK IILOOU IIITTKUS. I > o arc prostrated with lck HiAdache , take ISUUDOCK 111.001) IIITTKHS I jour How ( It disordered , rcmilatu Ihi-ni with IIUIIDOCK IIMiOI ) UITTiilS. : ( jour IllnodlH nipnrr , purKy Itwlth HfllDOCK III.OOD IIITTKUS. ljouha\ 'tlOTi , } ou will tiniliui nntlilotv n IlUItDOL'K lll.OOIJ HITTKHH. f you ore troubled with Spring Complaints , cr- illcatc them with IIUIIDOUK Itt.OOl ) IIITTKUS. ( your Lhurli torpid , re toru Itto healthy action lib UUUUOCK III.OOI ) I jour I.Hcr In alTcctcil , you will find n mire re- toratlioln IIUIIDOCK III.OOI ) lirTTKUS. I joit ha\oany species oHumor or I'lmplc , ( all ot to tnke IIUIIDOCK III.OOI ) IltTTKHS. I jott ha\o any H > inptoniHo ( Ulcer * or Scrolulous ores , a curative reined ) will lie found In IIUUDOCK III.OOD HITTEIIS or Imparting t.trent'th . anil vitality totlie ) acm - cm , nothing canupial IIUIIDOCK 11LOOD IllTTKItS. 'or Nervous and Ocncral Dclilllty , tone lip the jstcm with IIUIIDOCK I1I.OOD IIITTKKS. 'rice , 91.00 pot Bottle ; Trial Bottles IO Ctl FOSTER & Co , MILBURN. . , .Props . , Sold at nholciulo by Ish tMc.Mnhon _ and C. F. oodnian. jo 27 cod-mo Tnls great fpcciflc cures that most loattisomo SYPHILIS Tjothor in its Primary , Secondary or Tortiarv Stnuo- KeinovoH all tracts of ' crciiry from the HJB- t > m , Cure * Sirofula , Ol.i Noiej , Khcuinn- tltin , r > rcni.i , Cn.arrh or any Blood CnrosVhou Hut SprinuH Fail ! Mahern , Ark. , .May 2 , 1SS1 Wu have raiiM In our town who lived nt Hot Sprint , ' : , and were finally cured with S. S. S. Mcinphli , Menu. , May 12 , 1881 We have nold 1,2-ju l > ot lesof S. S. k In n jcar. t has L'lven unirvrsal sitlsfattlon. tair inlnuod .ihyslclaiis now ret-oimnend it ns a positive upcciHc. S. MA > si'ihU ) & Co. LonlHvllIa , Kv , , May 13. 1SS1. S. H. S. has irltin better Niti faction than any niediilno I ha > o ever Kold J. A. FI"INKII. Denver , Col. Ma ) 2,1881. K\erj pureha er Mwaks In thu hichist terms ofS. S. 8. L. iIeUset.-r. Hlchmond. Va. . May 11 , 1881 Vou can refer anjbodv * to u In regard to the ucrits of S. S. S. Polk , Miller & Co. ! Ia o ncv cr know n H. P. S to fall to cure a cane Cf Syphilis , when properly taken. The abe c ci nerx aruacntlcm.-mot hlch stand ng A II COI.QUITT , Governor IK VOt' WISH WKV LLTAKKYOUKSK CA TO OK I'AID KOIl WHEN CUUEI ) . Write for particulars and oony of little- book 'JlcJHairo to the Ur fortunato. " 81.OOO RAwnrd " ! bo paid to anj chcmiHt who will llnd , on analysis 100 bottles a H. S , , ono partielaof Mercury Iodide 1'otas- elum or any Mineral substance. HW1KT SI'KCIKIC CO. I'rops. Atlanta , Oa. I'rlco of regular size reduced to $1 75 per ' ot tlo Small tnzc , holding half the quantity , , $1.00 Sold by KKNNAUD & CO. , and DniKKfcts C-cnurally LB T. JACKSON PLANAR ! [ A Urndnatv from thu Unlverdly ol \nuliiat I'btladelphla of the Clint of IWd. ) TentliTH his profi'xslonstl service H to the eitlzens of Omalu ar. J all others neeillng the name , pru- ( Healing his claim therefor from 40 years' ex- pcrlencixiUun junrs cf which time ho spent Ir outli America , from wlilch country hu has ju l returned , ualninr vvhlVt In the prntinccs man ) rcmt'ditrt for \arloiH dlsenttiH t'Oiniiion to this country from thu natl\i of tlic vauie. Thu Doctor makes a nieclaltj'of all Chronic lnetief , partlculnrlly tliotu of females , llunia ) ku found Ht his rooms ut the Planters' House crrnur of loilie and Sixteenth 8tri.ti ) . iio eodlw" The Great English Roinoiiy i\c\ r falln to ciiti S'vr\otiH Diilillitj , VI ul Kxliaustlon , l'.m\ \ loiiK , Nt'inliKil Wvak- lne8 < e , LOSTMAN HOOD , and all the n\il vlTvctH o ( joutli ( ul ( olliui nnd L'M'cs if , It xtopi | .L'tnm nentlyiill wcaUcnln ' . [ involuntaryloin nam ! IraliiH nwn the ey ccin , thrlnuvltablu re- , 'milt ' ol thcw evilproe tices , uli eh are HO destructive to mind and body and imiUe Me inlnerahli1 , oltcn Icrnllii to Ins.anl- tj and death It 'ren'thfin thu .Veru'H.IIraln ( mcmor ) ( Illood , Miwlm , PlKittle and llcpro tluctlvuOr/ , It restore * to all the ormnk liinttl'MH tlulr ( orincrliar \ltalItjnia Ini ; life chrerltil and tnjojablo I'rlcu , $3 a hottlo , or ( our time * tl.o ( | iian It ) J10. .Sent b ) uxprrM , "ivuru ( rent otwnation , to an ) mlJrih.H on rect'lptot price. No. 0. 0. I ) , wnt. exi-ept nn rci'ilpt ol $1 ao a uuar tie I.ettetn re cuc'ttliiir unsutra niu t linloxo bt.tnip. Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills arc the bit and iluMpoxt d ) pipHla and liilllom enrol < thenurka Sold 1 > ) all druugW" I'rlu 50 cvnlx DR. ilisriK'u KIDMII Itr.Mrur , < j > .ritKTiciw , Cnrt'nall Undot Kidn ) and bladdcrcomplalnte KU iDirl'ea ' , Kleet in d leiicorrnti. Fortalu j ul ilaiivi ; 't : il \all\v \ , ' H.X1I.ISII .Mh'DIt'AI , INsTITLTi : , TlhOlhuKt , St. I.oui , Mo. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE/ TRADE MARK P ' 'TRADE MARK KiiKllnhri-m- 'dy An un ( alllni , ' cure ( or Seminal \Vu kne , Spiyinator- rhea , Irai > ot' i-ncy , and all lKa [ v thit' lEFOBETAKIHO.ii'Xc" ' AFTER TAHNQ .Sd.Miii u ; ai lx > H.ioSU'mor ( > , Unhemal lAol tuJc , 1'aln In ( he Dick , Dimnctu of YIilon , 1're mature Old Age , and many other Dl ciw tha lead to Inuanity or Comuuiptlon and a I'rcnit turoOrove. tjTKtill particulars In our pauiimlet , wnlcn no dctlre ( o tend Itw tvmall to ticryone * TTho Specific JleOMnc U lold by all drusgUti t II per package , ortipackijei lor < 5 , or ll te'ttnt Itta liy mail on roc * ptol the money , by adarewKTIIKOUA JKUIC1NKCO. , JJlllIalo , .S. V. r Ml In C. K Ooodr DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS. HOTELS. PROPRIETORS AnLINQTON , J. a. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , NeL SARATOGA HOTEL , J. 8. BTELLINIU8 , Mil ford , Neb. WOODS HOUSE , W. P. ELLIS , Osceola , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , Stromtburg , Ne. HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Loultvllla CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Dlnlr , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. Q , MEAD , Nellgh , Neb ORANO CENTRAL C. SEYMOUR , Nobrntkn City , MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , Weeping Wntcr.Nob COMMERCIAL HOUSE A , O. CAARPER , Hardy , Neb , GREENWOOD HOUSE , Q. W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb ENO HOUSE , E. L. ENO , Ercmont , Neb , METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LCVELL , Atklnion , Neb. MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. ORUDD , Guide Recd , Net * SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & DECKER , Cretton , la. UUDKINS HOUSE , JUDKINS & DRO , , Red Oak , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , OEO , CALPH , Extra , la REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , S. BURGESS , Neoln , la. CITY HOTEL , Dl D WILLIAMS , Harlnn , la , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. CUMMINQS , CornlnR , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , J , L. AVERY , Stnnton , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vlllltca , la. JUDKINSHOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , CALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Grove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE , Q , F. STEARNS , Odcbolt , la GRAND PACIFIC , J. NORTON , Columbus , Neb. ! 3 WOODS HOUSE , JOHN ECKERT , Otccola , Neb , IE1. O. " ' \ * K9f4 A TT 1573Pfl ( * * & jT 'TfTin'fc 110LESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnhsm St. . Omaha , M. & M. PEAVY T H' E CLOTHIERS ! 1309 Farnham Street. JanSOood-ra&eCm WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER -AND DnALEIl N Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. , , . , Manufacturing Company , -MAKERS OF THE- Finest Silver Plated Spoons and Fork The only nnd original firm of R o f o r a Bros. All ou Spoons , Forks and Knivea plated with thu greatest of care. Each lot being hung on a scale while being plated , to insure n full do poait of silver or them. Wo would call especial atten tion to our sec- Rival. Orient. Tinned. All Orders In thu West should bo Addreoned to A. B. HUBERMANN , Wholesale Jeweler , OMAHA , - - NEB. SAUSAGES ! Practical Sausage Manufacturer , ORDERS OF ALL KINDS FILLED PROMPTLY FOR ALL VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES. Family orders attended to with despatch , and every thing promised iatisfactory. I invite a call at No. 210 South Tenth Street. TOWER AND HAND IV Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , HALLADAY > WIHD-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS A. L , SRANG205 Farnham St. , Omaha