Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1882, Image 1

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Yesterday's Proceedings in the
Senate and House ,
Senator Morgan Summa rily
Snubbed by the Secre
tary of War.
Delegate Gannon Arguing Law
Points Before the House
Judiciary Committee.
Mlioailanoon * Noted of a National
KatloniO Associated Promt
WASHINGTON , February 8. Mr.
Blair presented a resolution that thu
constitution be amended prohibiting
after A. D. 1900 thu manufacture
sale , importation , exportation am
transportation of alcoholic liquors
except for scientific and medical pur
poses. Ordered printed.
The aecretary of war aontn commu
nication in reply to Mr. Morgan's
resolution for information regarding
experiments with guns of larger calibre
than eight iuchus , stating that it
vould take the wholu fiscal yuur to
finish the same.
Mr. Morgan moved it be tabled aa
insulting and aaid when the BOCI etary
got old enough to understand hia busi-
nosa ho would treat the sunatu in u
less snubby way.
Mr. Allison uphuld the secretary.
Mr. Harris introduced a resolution
directing the aocretary of state to in
stitute negotiations for a reciprocity
[ . I ireaty with Guatemala.
Mr. Blair resumed the discussion of
the resolution against repeal of thu
arrears of p2ii8ions , upholding the
Messrs. Vest , Maxoy and Davis
-W Va. ) , all supported thu arroarn of
pension bill , the lattur ottering an
amendment to protect thu govern
ment against fraudulent pensions and
to protect the lowest pensioners.
The matter then wunt over until
to-morrow on thu understanding that
them would then bo a vote.
Among thu number of private bills
called up by unanimous consent and
passed was one by Mr. Dawea to ac
cept and ratify the agreement with
the Crow Indians of Montana. It
provides for survejn and settlement
in a portion of the reservation in scv-
oralty of Indiana now on the reserva
tion , in consideration for the cession
of thu remainder of thu reservation.
The government agrees to pay twen
ty-five annual insUlIinents of $3.000
each. An appropriation ia made for
the first installment and $10,000 for
, At 4 o'clock the senate went into
/ -executive session and adjourned at
' 4:45 : p. m.
Mr. Kasson reported a bill appoint
ing u commission on tariff instead of
bis bill for one on the tariff and in
ternil revenue , and ho would ask its
consideration at an early day.
Mr. Randall said when the bill
came up he would move to amend by
making the commission consist of two
senators , throe representatives and
four experts , instead of nine exports ,
as now.
The bill establishing a central pos
tal savings bank with branches at
every money order oflico providing
that sums from § 300 to $500 to bo re
ceived from each depositor but not
notmoru than $100 a month from thu
same person , 2 per cent , interest to be
paid , deposit * to bu invested in gov
ernments by the treasurer was re
Thu housu resumed consideration of
the apportionment bills.
Bills were offered to amend , making
the number of members 300.
Mr. Bayno supported the commit
tee's bill.
After call of committees the house
passed a resolution empowering the
postmaster general to reimburse poat-
ma'itura for loss by liru and burglarioa.
Thu bill reestablishing the Geneva
a-vard commission was favorably ro-
' Tno 3 per cunt funding bill passed by
ihuaunatu was taken from the speaker's
table and referred to thu ways and
means committee.
At 3 o'clock the house took up the
special order , that for the day being
eulogies upon the late Michael O'Con
nor of South Carolina. Addresses
were made by Mows. Dibble , Han-
dall , McGmnuss , Lindsay , Robinson
( N Y. ) , Evans and Ellis , after which
the houHoat 4:30 : p. m. adjourned.
WAHIHNOTON , February 8. The
houau commitluu on territories will in
all probability report favorably thu $
bill for the admission of Washington
territory as a atato. The mainpropo-
Billon to admit thu statu has been
agreed upon.
The president has decided to ro-
sorvu Monday instead of Saturday an
the day for exclusive attention to de
partment business , ui eongroKamun
and senators luvo moro loinuro Satur
days than othu- days and prefer call
ing on him on that day. Henceforth
on Monday lui will receive no visi
It is currently reported hero thatG. 1
W. Findlay , of Indiana , will bo up- U
Bintod first aaiiatant sociotary of the
reaHury vice Upton resigned.
Tno houuo committee on the elec
tion of president and vie1) president
cpnsidurud thu bill of Mr. Updegraft"
fixi g the time for counting thu votes
and sending the contents to thu Unit -
ed States court and inviting I ) . D.
"Field to give his views buforu the
committee- a special meeting which
the committee will hold.
Henry Qoldwater , of Arizona , was
the only witness before the grand
jury in Iho star route caa-s to tiny.
Patent oflico receipts for January
wuro $79,000 , being $11,000 more
than the same month lust year ,
Thu president signed the commission
to-dny o Leopold Mtirkhiul to bu
assistant treasurer at Cincinnati , and
Hunry Uooth to be receiver of public
moneys at Limed , Kns.
John C. Nuw declined the assistant
sec etaryslnp of the treasury.
The sixtieth installment of the
Mexican indemnity will bo distributed ,
commencing on the 13th inst
Tlio housu judiciary committee to
day hoard Delegate Cannon , of Utah ,
who , in arguing the law points in his
case , contended thnt under thu co'hsti-
tution the governor had no authority
to consider religious belief as a matter
affecting his right to a certificate of
hia elect ion.
The committal ) on the investigation
of the treasury department still con
tinues the examination of witnesses ,
most of them being former witnesses
recalled. Among these thus recalled
were Powers , clnof clerk to Pitney ,
and n number of employes under
Pitnoy. Comment is imulu on the al
legud atatumunt by Pitney that ho
was frequently requested by thu sec
retary and Mrs. Sherman to send per
sona to their risiduiico to perform cur
tain work , and it is said ho produced
notes making auth requests signed
by both. Mrs. Sherman's friends
do not deny that such services were
performed , but ttny the tnnu waa taken
out of thu pay of thu noikmcn and
clurged to tlio Bocrutary'a privatu ac
count , and Mrs Sherman has vouchers
for thu s unu. If there was any work
tor them that was not charged ib \\IIB
for some matter which ttliu kiuw
nothing ufttnd for winch Pi ney neg
lected to take account , There iagood
authority for thu statements that
Sherman's puisonal character haa not
been touched by the investigation.
The president has pardoned James
Webb , who was convicted of murder
and sentenced by , tlio United Statia
consular court at Nugaaki , Japan , to
bo hanged. Tina case gave rise to
the paragraph in thu president's an
nual mesaiyu in which lie said : "In
Japan and China somu chaugua aiu
dcBirablu in thu present aystum , it our
consul jurisdiction. "
A largo delugHttou from Philadel
phia , headed by Gov. Hnitranft , to
ask an apptopriation of $75,000' for
thu iniproxemint of thu Dulawaru
river , will have a huarim ; bofoiu thu
housu committee on commeicu to
National Af.iodntiM t'raa.
DKS MotNi.8 , February 8. In the
house , A. W Dougherty , of Dubuquu ,
was snorn in.
The bill to pay school duectors $15
a day fur services was defeated aftur
l\ lung discussion.
The senate bill providing for a
special election for the people to vote
on constitutional amendments came
up and the house refused to suspend
the rules to pitas the hill.
Wisconsin Legislature-
National AKiociaUil 1'rivtn.
MADISON , Fubruary 8. In the as
sembly resolutions were adoptodlook-
ing to the loan of the trust fund of
the state and the appointment of a
board to examine candidates for ad
mission to thu bar. A lengthy dis
cussion took place over the senate resolution
elution requesting congress to create
a court of appeal ? , which was favora
bly concurred in
Senator Buiru,1s presented a me
morial to congress for thu eradication
of polygamy.
National Awoclatwl I'ntv , .
CINCINNATI , Fubruaiy 8. Judge
Charles Fox , thu oldest member of the
Cincinnati bar , died thia morning ,
agud 04
Railroad Officials Killed.
National As-
WACO , Tex is , February 8 Major
Washburn , ungineur audaiipurintund-
ent of the Musouri Pacific road , and
N. W. Stoll , head contiactor on con
struction , weru killed in a hand-car
accident few milus bulow this city
last night. S oil's wifu waa bidly in
jured , "but may rueovur.
Kitioiiiil AwMlnliil I'rix *
Ci.sri.NK\Ti , Fubruaiy 8 Sholteke
& Son'ri f.irnilnro factory was do-
titrojed add the Mothur of God
church damaged by a tire in Coving-
ton , Ivy. , thin morning. Lisa ,
i.ii , Ind. , February 8
Bewhy iV Thomaa * saw mills burned
last night. Loss , $ (1,000. (
MAKSIIVL , 111 , February 8. Thu
small villagu of Ciaoy , six miles west
of this place , sutlerud a disastrous
tire laat night , uight stores and two
residences being destroyed. Thu fire
was only checked by tearing down
buildings , there being no facilities in
the place for putting out a fire. Lose ,
$20,000 ; insurance , $ liOO. (
PuiLADKLriiiA , Febiuary 8. The
stock of Quo. Doll it CO.'B dry and
fancy goods importing house was dam
aged by fire to-niKht , $3,000 ; fully
National Stove Mon's Association-
National AxxoUatol I'ID-W
CINCINNATI , February 8. The na
tional Move nuiiufactiiriiig assou.i-
tir-n is in BUBSion huru to-day. Tlio
members wpre welcomed by Mayor
Means , Oflicunt wuru uleolud in fol "
lows : President , W. 11 Whitoheadj
tirat vice president , C. J Filloy , St.
ouis ; second \ico prundunt , Stuphin
IJurtnn , treasurer , Uriah Hill , Jr. ,
Secretary , W. II. Sard.
Mormon Convert ! , .
National AibO
, Tonn. , Fobruiiry 8.
Mormon nun-nonaries aru haul at
uork in Union cnintj , Kast Tuiinea-
aeu , and have secured a number of
converts , notably sumo negroa. Com
munities are wrought up against them
mid throats of lynching are made.
A Philadelphia Thief Giving
Away the Detectives ,
An Express Agent Who got
Aw vy with $18,000 is
Finally Caught.
Chicago Grocery Robbed by
thd Old Plan of Beckoning
thu Clerk Outside.
MiiooUanooni Novm of Grime * and
PiULADKU'HiA , Fobrunry 8. Tlio
confession of Win. Henderson , al
luded to in pruviona dispatches , states
that Chief of Dutoctives Ttyon and
City Detectives Weil and Jackson
blue received 10 to 15 per cunt , of tlio
groas proceeds of robberies upon e > n-
nideratton of allotting the tlmivos to
go free , and Weil received § 2,500
froi.i one source nlotiu dining the cen
tennial year. He alao alleges that
when he the " "
stopped paying "divoy"
the detectives ordciud him to leave
town on pain of being arrested for
every robbery that might occur. Tlio
men implicated uill publish an open
letter in tlio morning denouncing the
chatgcs and alleging that Henderson
nerved terms in Sing Sing , uid .luhot
prisons and that His portrait is in the
rogues' gallery of ouiry prominent
prison in the Union. An ofh'uial in
vcfttigation of the charges will he
NEW YOUK , February 8. - Thomas
McDonald aa to-day auntuncud by
Recorder Smytho to the penitentiary
for life for murdering his mistress ,
Ma'giu Howard , on Doi ember 4th.
CiiiuAdo , February 8. Pinkurton'a
made an impoitant cipture this eve
ning in at renting A gang of forgers
Ctiaa. O. Hroekway , Goo. Engle. Jack
Brush , Charlie Parsona and J I *
Morton who wcie just ready to
spring 11 gioat scheme of forgery on
tlio Chicago banks to taKe hundred *
of thousands. Uno of the gai'gta '
caught in thu tirst acb in pre-iuiiting a
forged check for $4,800 and the whole
gang wua arrested.
RBAUIMI , Pa. , February 8. Tlio
oliicoia of the Union Beneficial Suci
ety for Married Persona who aio be
ing prosecuted for conspiring to cheat
and defraud Win. Husky , lilid a preliminary
liminary hearing to-day. They were
sued aa individuals and held to an
swer by tin1 court.
SAN FKAMJISCO , Fubruary 8 Mar
shal Williams , Wells , Fargo & Co.'s
agent at Tombstone , Aii/.ona , haa llucl ,
carrying ou"i,000. ) .
CINOI.NKATI , February 8 A girl
named Nettie Stewart was fatally
etabbed in the head at midnight by
Chnrloa Btewart , Iior paramour. The
knife penetrated her brain.
OxrimwA , la. , February 8.One
of a parly of live convicts being tak
en from this city to the Fort Madison
penitontjary yesterday , made a doa-
peratu jump through the window of
the closet on the car and etlected hia
escape. Tlio train was running at a
high rate of spued at the time. A
stop was made and search instituted ,
but nothing could bo found of the
MAYSVILLK , Ky. , February 8. The
The Third battallion , Kentucky State
Guards , arrived by Htoamer thin morn
ing and left on a train at noon for
Lexington with Ciaft and Neal , the
two condemned Ashland murderers ,
for safe keeping.
ATLA.NTA , Ga. , February 8. A col
ored noni.m named Moore waH stab
bed to death by another colored wo
man in Horien county yesterday.
Jealousy was the cause.
Clay Warinouth , nctmt of the Ad mm Hlidunburgh , Ky. ,
disappeared from that place in De
cember last. By a coincidence § 18- ,
000 of the fundrt of the coinpiny were
minted at the same lime. Warinnnth
was lieard of tdiortly afterward at
S\\aimill , and all traces weio then
lost until thin afternoon , when ho vtatt
arrested by a detective at the St.
lilino , whmu ho II.IH been iitoppmg foi
a week with a nototioua woman wlioni
he had taken fioni a IIOUHO in Una
city. A gold watch mid chain were
the ( inly articjeu of value found on IIIH
person. He was biken to jail to await
a riqiiiaation from tlio governor ot
CHICAGO. February 8. Thin after
noon a man in a buggy drove up to
Herman Vehstel'H grocery , it,117
State street , and beckoned to a clerk
to coma out. The latter immudiatuly
did so and noticed tin he wont out
that another man entered the stole ,
After a short couvuraatio.i with the
min in the buggy lie ro-unturud thu
atoro and was aurpriaud to tiud it
empty , but seeing the till drawn out
and minua SJ50 , ha awoke to the fact
that he wa * 'lie victim of a
planned robbery.
Railroad AiTnirii.
CIIICAHO , February 8 , Mr. W.
II. Hiirlbnt , of Huflalo , general pan-
Hunger and ticket agent ot the Canada
Southern lailnnd , arm oil in thia
city to-day on tlio way to St. Louis ,
Tor which pi.ico hu dupartud tips uvu-
' " 0'
Ciut'Aoo , February 8. Mr. L. I ) .
Kveland , south wiHturn paasongor
igont for the Canada Southern mil. 0
road , with buidqu.utcnj ut Kanaih i
City , arrived tu-tl iy. *
NKW YOHK , February 8. A meet ,
ing of passenger agents of thu trunk
linen wi * held at thu ollico of Pool
ConimiBstonur Fink to-day for the
purpoHo of regulating ratea for emi
grants from thu Atlantic to thu west. U
It was learned ratea for thu coming
Huatjon are to bu higher than they n
were last year , railroad managers v
having decided to taku advuntago of
the immense tide of en igration ox.
pecti'd next month ,
Cmi'Auo , Fobruan -The Ciuc-i
go iV Cook County Hallway mid Dum
my company , with a capital of
$5,000,000 , was incorporated to-day
at Springfield. The incorporators are
C B Farwell , Louis Wghl , Cyrua
Bently and other capitalists. The
road is to run from any point in Chi-
cai o to Mayweed , Ptillmui , Tlunn-
ton and other suburbs , either on , un
der or elevated above the ground.
l'iiu.uiFU'iiH , February 8. No
ollicial corroborntion ot thu statement
Unit Alh n G. Thurmnn , ( J. B. Waah-
burn and T. M. Corby are to form
the trunk line arbitration board hud
boon received by the ofliciuls of the
Pennsylvania railroad company up to
this evening ,
ST. Lnt'is , February 8 - Tlio west
ern passenger agonta' association hold
u meeting at the Southern hotel to
day , all leading roads being repre
sented by Messrs. Smith , Egnu ,
Lonell , Cobb , Adams , Chodborough ,
Fish , Uncoil , Hooper , Barry , Wishnrt ,
Charlton , Knight , Diurmg , Thrall ,
Hugules , Stewart , Beat , Hastes ,
D.iHosand Ilutnon. At the ehction
of ollicers for the ensuing term the
following were selected : Promdent ,
A. J. Smith ; ueo president , .ln > i.
Kgan ; secretrry , (3oo. ( 11. DauiolH ;
executive committee , S M. Hooper ,
1) . WiHhart , K A. Ford , 0 N. Uug-
gles , W. 11 , Poonty ; board of ai lull a-
tlon , J. Cluirltoii , A. Chandler and C
P. AtmorO. There being no other
business before the asaociition it ad
journed to meet at Chicago , Thurs
day , February 10 , 1882.
, Fubruary 8. Thondvaneo
in tast bound passenger rates , ulucli
went into utlbot on Monday , ciumul a
noticeable declinu in buainoBS. 'I'lokot
otlicea which have been busy at boe-
htves during the low rates are now
almost deserted.
Boot Siiinr ( Manufacture
National Aiiwclatuil 1'rum
FAKMIAM , P. Q , Februiry tt. At
a spucinl meeting of the Beet Sugar
company , of the province of Quebec ,
to consider the company's allairs , tlio
reports presented show serious loss on
productions of the tirat season. Ap
plicitionill bo made to parlument
to isaue § 1-5,000 in mortgage bonds ,
and continue elloita to make the in
dustry in Canada a SUCCORS.
Attempt nt Snioldn
vfttioiml Aitnoilnud I rino.
CniCAdo , February 8. Henry
Smith , aged 40 , attempted to commit
suicide by taking laudanum. A doc
tor wits called in and hii Btomiith
was pumped out. Ho is still in a
critical condition. Spilth's wife died
a few dajsago , leaving oightchildren
Poverty and sorrow caused him to
attempt the raah net.
Got Di-unbi and Dlod.
National Amociateil
L WHENCE vi LLK , 111. , February 8.
< The coroner held an inquest on the
three bodies of unknown Laeii found
yesterday and the corpea were sent to
Crawford county , whore they resided.
It aeenia they attended a funeral , got
drunk , capsized a boat in tlio Kmbar
raa river at night , reached the shore
and perished from cold.
Marine Intelligence.
National 1'rcpx .An > ociution.
NKW YOUK , February 8. Sailed
Thu So ) Una and the Italy for Liver
pool , thu Holland for London , thu St.
Lauient for Havre.
Arrivud The Arizona from Liver
1'iiiLADKU'iiiA , Fubruary 8. Sailed
- The Lord Gough for Livuipool.
BHKSIKN , February 8. Arrived
Thu Main fiomNow York ,
AMHTKUDAM , February 8. Sailed
Thu City of Montreal for Nuw York.
Fell From the Third Story.
National I'rosc ,
ClllCAdo , FebruaryS Jno. HOIIIJB ,
a carpunter , full from the thiid stoiy
of a nu building thia afternoon and
had Ina bkull fractured. Ho was
tnkim to IIIH homo by a pttiol wag in
and m not expected to recover.
Mutual Protection.
National Auxoi lutuii I'I-LSH
KANHAH Cirv , Mo. . Fehrnaay 8.
Thu miprumo judge of thu Oidur of
Miituul Protection tor Him utato is
now holding its HOBBIOII in thiH city.
DulugnteH are protioiit from all tliu
pnncijial citicH and townaof MiHHoiin.
'Miu HUHSIOIIS are Hecret.
ArrrNtof Clinton Gnrrot rfii
llfMUl AHHOI lAtui ) 1'rtHH
CI.IMOS , la. , Februarys Tliruo
mun h.iM < huun arruHted for garroting
an old lady in a passungcr depot and
taking her tutdiol and m inoy. Shu
hhdgouu on to Katon Kijiids , Ind. ,
but has been telegraphed for.
Mexican Muttnr * .
National AwttUatiHi l'ri > -
CJTV OK MKXICO , Fihruaiy 8.
Thu prehidont yesterday sent tlio iminu
of Mantum Itumuio to the suiiatu for
continuation as Mexican nminitor at
Washington , and the noniiiution was
approved , Henor Umneio on being
othually notiliod ot lim appi intmuiit ,
immediutuly accujitudtho pomlion and
will start for Washington next Sun.
day. Sunor Romuro alao telegraphed
Gunural Grant , pruoidunt of thu Mux-
lean Soulhum railv/ay , roHJgning hia
nitioii as Mexican manager of that
road , and IIIH resignation uan accujit-
ud ,
Thu Hecrutary of thumteiioi has re-
juuHted tint pietident to coinoKoan
uxtra SIHHIOII of thu vunutu to consi'l-
or tlio politiual dilhcnlty in thu state
if Jalisco , Sunor Uiuitra , thu gov
ernor of ( he atatu , u luportud to hiwe
tuHigned , mid wad unablu t > liarmoii.
i/.o thu dilherunt f.ictioiiH
Stutn'OonvouttoiiH lu Dan Mnluei ,
Akt oii&lbKiclattxl l'rt ,
DKH MOINKS , February 8 The
ntato hotel kvopurit1 usc.ocmtioii mtt
Here to-day.
The Htatu pliannuctiUticaliiiBociution
meets on thu 14th , and thu atatu con
vention of real uatuto doaleru on thu
Brief Account of tlio Expedition
to the Polo ,
The Lnmla Discovered nud
Nairod rtnd Whnt Were
Pound on Them.
How the MieaiuK Bout Bocnmo
Separated from tbo Por-
tuuuto Onoa.
D tnil of tbo Drift In
National A.MCH-Utr.1 I'rciw
NKW YOUK , February 8. Thu nub-
joined dispat-'h from Lieut , Danen-
lioner dated It kulak and announcing
definite tidinga had been receivud ot
D > > Long'a missing party are forward
ed to the Herald to-night.
Do Long's p rly is between stations
Buline , Holinar , and Sistrouck ,
Tatolonsk , in a narrow wilderness six
ty milea long , devoid ( if habitations
iind gamu tluromu ,1 , Collins to stand by thu
dying seaman , Hans Krickson , and
lut thu othura of Do Long's parly push
south. Mun in auiich build huts and
go uvo ' uvury inchnf the region whiuh
n > ploughed by htiivy drill ice ovuiy
spring. Wu viaitud Nuidenskjold's
winter quartets and found that ho
\\anaafu beforu lie entered thu icu
near Hurald island Thu general
health of the crew during thu titteun
months' drift wai excullent. No
scurvy appeared. Wu used distilled
water , bear and aual moat twicu a
ouk ; no rum waa served. Divinu
suivicea wire held. Wu took much
oxerciau. Everybody limited. Game
was Bcarce. Got about 30 bears , 350
seals and (5 ( walrus No fish ur whales
\\uru seen. All possible observations
were made , allowing a northwest
course. Thu ship keeled over huavi-
ly , pressed by icu moat of the time.
Thu mental strain of the ship's com
pany was hoiivy. Tim rmult of
thu drift thu tirat Iho months \\iis
I01) ) miles. Thuruin \ a cyclodial
movuiiu nt of thu ice. Um ing thu lait
six months ho dnft u.ittury tapid
Sounding ? were pii'Uj uvon , 18
fathoms nuar Wrangell Lmd , which
uaa oftun vmiblo 75 miles distant.
The greatest win 81) ) fathom * * , avorngu
18 ; bottom blue n ml. .Shrimps and
plenty of algnlogiuil HIH cmiuna weru
brought up irom thu boitom. Surface -
face water tumpuratuui L'O dugieua
abovu r.uro ; uxtromu teniiur [ ituiool thu
air wuiu , greatiat colil , 118 below ;
greatest heat , 44 above ; lirat winter ,
meiiuiempeinturu It ! ) bulow zero ; second
end winter , 'M below ; tirat Hinnmur ,
lumpuraturu 100 above. Heavitnt
galu velocity about 50 miles put hour.
Snch were lint frequent ; liaroiin'tur
and thoimoniutur tluctuatious not
great. Disturbances of thu needle
coincided with aurora * . Winter's
growth of ice , 8 fict ; heaviest seen ,
iil ! fuel. Kngmuer Schock'a heavy
trues saved thu ahip on November Ii3
from buiiig cruslied. Tuluphonua
were broken by thu movement of the
ico. Photographic collections were
lost with thu ship. Lieut. Uhipp'u
2000 auroral observations were also
lost , but thu naturalist's notes were
eaved. Jeannette island was discov
ered May 10 , 1C degrees and 00 min
utes north ; waa small and rocky and
we didn't \isit it. Henrietta island
was discoverud and visited May 24 ,
in latitudu 27 degrees and 3 minutes
north , longitude 117 degrees
and ! )2 ) minutes east. It
ia an uxtunsivu island. Ani
mals aru scarce and glaciura
plenty. Bennett Island lies in latl
tudu 70 degruus 1)8 ) minutua north ,
longtitiidu 118 dcgruch 48 minutca
oast. It ! H voiy laigo. On it wu
found many birda , old IIOIISUH , drift
wood and coal , but no Kual or waliim.
( jreat tidal action was olmurvud. Thu
count waa bold and tnuky. A capu on
thu Hoiith coast was named Capu Kni-
mii. Wo driftud during the finlutlc
of the tutioil J7 iiiiloa moru than wu
could advance. Snow waa knee
dcop. Wo had 1 1 go 14
times over and over Iho track , seven
tunes with loads. Lieut. Clupp-i'
Lout did better than oma , ( Mellvillu )
dining thu afU.'inooii of Suit ] ( > mhor
lOih , I In CD boats having got clear of
tliu ice of Suminovaky laland at ,110011
( if that daj ; about dink ho was a
thoiiMind > aula otl our woathur ( jiiir-
tcr and lowerud Hail as if founding to ,
Wu lay to for "i houra tindur a tnan-
gular drau. Nothing was seun of
Lieut. Clnppa' boat at dav light , lie
could not get back to the island inthe
northeast gale. Ho waa unable to
cairy hia sharu of provisions.
I obsurvud a strong eiiHtorly current
near thu Luna dulta. Thuru wuru
masses of driftwood butweun thu Sib
erian Islands. Jack Coles' muid in
not wholly iiliunatud. Ho has. not
hui-n violunt for twelvu days , Uut is
happy and hurmlem. ( Settiiif-i homo
may rustoro him ,
ST. PKTKIWHUKO , February 8. Lur-
run and Jackson , of thu Jtmunutto , ar
rived at Onak , a forliliiid town on the
latitth , ut thu contliit'iico of thu rivur
On , and procuod'-d to Itkutik.
Tolephonn Coiuwo ttnu.
CMNIH.N , la , Fobjuary 8Con -
luction W.IH made ycHtordiiy bttniun
thu tu'uplioin'H of iho uoinpinus ot
Clinton and WhitvHidu , la , connect.
ni4 } Clinton , Lyons , ( 'uiuuiiuhu , Al
bany , Gordon 1 lace , .Morrison , Mrie ,
Lyndon , Sttihni ; and Itvuk Kails
biiiigihg in comiiinnication tvsulvu
vniuH and ton us , and covniiiig n ter
ritory 40 milui lonu' by 10 wid - .
National A oiluU.J l'ru
WAHIIIMITON , Fubruary D. For
the upper Missouri valley : Paib-
olnidy weather , in thu south
p < rtlon ruin m BPOW , variable
windi , mostly .lorthwoU , stationury
or ln er temperature , falling followed
by rising barmeter.
Rynn All RKht.
NKW YOHK , February -Various
i uuiora were received hero about the
condition of Paddy Hjan , onu being
that ho waa fatally injured. U. lv ,
Fox , of thu National Police On/otto ,
saya ho had n dispatch from W. K.
Harding , his reporter , this morning
sajmg Ryan was alt right except a
hrokun I jaw and bruises. Ho ia in no
danger and ia expooted to awn return -
turn homo. Harding thinks
ho loat thu light through
hernia and thu fact that his truss ( dip
ped out of position during tlio tight.
Fox says that though ho lost $8,000
on the light , ho has telegraphed Uyan
ho could draw on him for any money
ho may need.
NKW OUI.KWM , Februarys.Uyan
came to town last nigl.t and. dined
with Sullivan. Both drank wi'nu till
3 o'clock thia nioining. Ryan ia not
aull'ering much and was out on thu
atruuts to-tiny.
Gri | > i " ' Stiuoonior
Nutloiml Apmktiktitl I'rww.
Cilitudo , Fobuiary 8 John J.
Flynn , who him luum appointed consul
general at Uhomnitin Saxony , is
onu of thu beat known journahatB in
Chicago and one of thu brightest men
m the profeasiou. Ho hna been man
aging editor of thu Daily Nuws. Thu
post ia one of thu most important in
the service , ( . 'hemmlx in a city of
100,000 inhabitants and is onu ot thu
greatest col ton maiutfautuiing towns
in the world It la understood the
appointment waa tecommundud by
Senator Davis , of Illinois.
RICHMOND , Va. , Fubruary 8. In
thuaunatu to-day thu bill lupealing
the law of thu whippmg-poat uas
ordurud engrossed. Tina waa done aa
thu result of thu ruadj listers' caucus
last night , which opposed the recom
mendation of thu comnuttuuon courts
to allow thu law to stand.
Allovlutoil Him I'oo Muoli.
Com'M | > miluiet ! of 1 UK HKK Muoli.'f
Ni w YOIIK , Fubruary 8. Hanuy
W. Throckmoiton , 31U West Four
teenth atreot , dii'd to-day from the
i Ducts of a doau of opium administer
ed by hia uilu to alleviate hia aufl'or-
ings from aora throat.
A Giiltcmu Holic
National Aiiomteil I'ruwi
CiiH'Ado , Fubruaiy 8. Snydackur
& Co. , this moining , wlnlu runmnig-
ing thu contuntri ot an old safe that
hud come through thu big tire , cumu
on a foldud sheet of note paper on
which \\as inscribed the following :
"May 12 , 1870 , llucoiv from
Mesara. Snjdackor Co. , onu judg
ment notu vs. Einunt Bogu , $35 ; onu
notu va. L. S. Warner , $205 ; onu
judgment note vs. Jacob Forsyth ,
$300 ; ono nota vs. MaConjo3 ; > ocl ,
Straiten & Cf > , $ .11(1 ( ; onu judgment
note va. Lomtui Froi/o , $300.
( Signed ) 01ms. J. Guiteau , No. 2
Methodist chinch block. "
Mr. Snydackur sajs Guituau had a
jood reputation as a collector nt the
time thusu were givun him and aua-
tainud such reputation by collecting a
portion of thusu notes but nuvur
turned over thu money to the housu.
Ffttnlly Shot.
National AHUOCIOUH ] 1'riwn
CLINTON , In. , Fubruary 8. The 11
year old turn ofI. . Travur waa acci
dentally ahot by a target gun laat
night and probably fatally wouiidud.
Tbo TonuoHNoo Juuding Act.
National Annociatwl I'rriw.
NAHIIVILI.K , Fubruury 8. The belief -
lief is strong liuro that thu mipreme
court will decidu tliu auit against thu
funding act.
Conductor Killed.
National AmodiiHnl CriwH
LNTKJ Cirv , N. J. , Fubrunry 8.
. Moru'iin Ahbutl , conductor on thu
Weal .lursey railroad , was struck on
thu head to-day by a locomotivu
wlulo adjusting a uwitch at May's
Landing and fat illy injured
Ccmiity Aeutl'Julit iu Iowa-
National AnsoUivt * ( | I'riMH
CLINTON , Iowa , Fubnury 8.
Nightly meutinga are held in Clinton
and Lyons in opposition to thu rumov-
al of thu county Heat to DoWitt. Thu
contust ia bucommg hot.
Tbo Ntiw "Fiol' Ej-ruud. "
Katl.nul ( Ahnnclutoil I'rmn.
Piiii.AJ Ki.i/iUA , Fubrnary 8. Thu
initial number of Judgu Tourgeu'n
literary wuukly , Our Continent ,
watt _ isniicd to-day It haa nixtuun
jiagUH , the MJUJ fif Ilarpor'H Weekly ,
witji four columns to tlio jingo. Thu
illustriitions are notsuKicient tooxcite
special remark. Among the prosu
contributors are Noah Porter , lion.
It , G , Northrui ) , John llahborton and
Iko Marvel , while thu iiouts includu
(3suar Wilde , Hon. II. G liakur , G ,
P. Lath/op and J. T. Trowbiidgu ,
YOKK , .Fobruary 8. Tliruu
nuw coHi'H of small poi aru reported ,
to day , otiu thu concealed caitu of a
child who bus been Hick abed hiixii
January 10th. Her father is uinpluy
cd an a letter cirrier in thu geiwnd
> irttotlii.u and has lived in the saauu
KHIUI with thu sick child thu whole
taut' , going to work dully jiud ban
handled thoiiH.indd of letters. hich
have gonu to us many dillurenl hoineti.
to Order on Short Notice
Harnesa Stora.
A. G , TROUP ,
The Oomplimouts of tbo Boar to
the Lion.
The Russian Ambassador In-
Bultinpfly Replies to the
Eugliah r oorotary.
Tobin , the Pfnian , Sent to the
Bay for Seven
MUoollanoonii Notrn Thnt Come
Or or the Cabin.
MAIMUP , Fubruary 8. There has
been a general ntriko of thu compositors -
tors on the various journals in thin
city , who demand a reduction of houra
and an incronso of wages. Thu man-
tors have coaleacod and throe of tliu
papers have been obliged to ueano
CONHTANTINOI-LK , Fubriniry 8. The
portu has informed thu ambassixdora
that it rejecta thu airangumunt of the
Greek frontier at Analonaia aa settled
by thu eommipflion.
Thu inaurrection in Arabia is
apiuadiiiig to an alarming extent.
Gumin innui gouts have proclaimed
Mahomet Kliardehn , a descendant of
Mahomet , as caliph.
LO.NIJON , February 8. Ii ia buliuv-
ed in diplomatic circles huru that thu
threatunud dilHculty between Ger
many and Russia will be amicably ad
justed. Thu Times atatus that Russia ,
has taken thu initiative move fur thia
Lord ( > ranvillo , foreign secretary ,
hat remonstrated with thu Russian
ambassador in London against Rus
sia's recent action in Aiia , and es
pecially 1 in regard to thu Russian
treaty 1t 1t with Puraia. It ia rumored
that thu ninbasnador'a ruply waa
haughty and insulting.
The ruiuc-n'a hlulth is said to bo
'f failing and she ia going to pay a visit
to t Muntonu , Franco , lor thu purpose
of recuperating.
Conservative leadura have ducidud
to t make uncompromising opposition
to Gladstone's bill for clot me.
Ur.KLiN , February 8 In thu Prua
Mian pailiament to-day thu tcclt-Hiaatia
lauH bill \\I\H \ rufurud to a committee.
St. Goorgu. Henry Lowther , butter
known aa Lord Lommdalu , ia dead ,
aged U7 yoara.
Tobin , thu Fenian , waa convicted
yesterday at thu Leeds of
truaann and felony and sentenced to
Botany llay for uuvca years' puntil
VIKNNA , I'Vu""y 8Tho lowur
house of thu reitlminl-lj , nrpailiament , .
of the western part of thu empiru of
Austria bus votud oJtax on tliu im
| > ortatl6ir6f petroleum. * *
A Curd.
To the Killtor of Tliu Ilu :
III answer in thu many inquiries iu
regard to my connection with thu so-
called "Lutheran mission , " lately
converod in thia city , I feel called
upon to make thu following aUtu-
munt :
Said "mission" ia an entirely dif-
furunt society from , and in no wise
connected with , thu church for which
! have labored , and for whoau. nuw
church ediiicu I have ! > eon aoliuiliiu ;
K. A. FtxjKumtnMtt
Pasitor Swedish Luthnran church.
Winning u Drldo.
from a U'jciiiln J.lur.
James Dunlap , of Nuw Haven , ap
plied for a position iiHjarm hand at
Deacon Kldridgo's farm , in Lajitfdale ,
Pennsylvania , tvvolvo years ai/o , and
was put at work. Kldndgo had a.
laughter fifteen years old , who be-
camu faacinated with Dunlap , and'
iftur un itciiiainlanuu | of t-vo yearn ho
laked thu deacon's consent lor the , ,
daughter's hand in iiiajjingo. Tlio
deacon objected beuauxo of Uunlap'rf.
ninlcHH condition , Tlxi gill prom-
JHud to gain hi r father's consent or
put an end to her iinlinjipy existence ,
Dunlap-tuft thu farm , declaring that
ho would sumo day cvtnin n man of
wealth and in iiitluunci' . Ho wont ,
to Wyoming Territory , wliuru lie ob
tained a situation as diivur on a-
at ago line , and ut ilia-und of live y cat a. .
" 10 jinruhnsid a half v nitirest in thu
IUNIIICHS. By ahruvJ liiianciering and ,
succeBsful sjieculatiun hocluajed $2Q-
000 , which , with thu profit from , his ,
huainuDs , gives hi'u the title , of , being *
one of kho wealthiust reaiduutq of. Wy- .
omingl Ilu ia also unu of thu heavi
est Htockholdunt in a nuw railroad eiit
terprmu , Hu ratnrnud Vj LaiiBdului
on Thursday , i Itor an abionce of tun.
years , and wu married to Miss 151-
dridgo on Saturday. 'I'hv ' wodding.-
was a grand niJJiir. Tlio bridle couple
go. to Nuw Haven and thuncu toV'y
ouiing. Thubrido has rejvctod niany
oifuiH in th' > past teu years , Shu ia
the hullo of I ackawanna valley.
Oaldwell , ISainiltoa & Co. ,
lU'.nuM trruiw ti t jn.u tl U f.l of > ii Iriui'i
1' utfil n > nk
Aa'jiinti kill Hi t 'fr-m. . ! cr > * < 1 nlKt | m
- , hi cI.i K i.ltUut cot
i..jtU' u U ot iUC4it | iSUvJ l < M titolu thru ) ,
, fin
ilu > iwu > lullU < ait.1iittikt
AdvsncM nuJc teen toi i , JL n i-Hl
rltk'ii t inurlctt rated ft ivkorwt.
liny itnil Mil jrold , ol oxii iH'r , ifo >
incut , state , u > unt ) auJ oi'.j lioui. * .
Draw ! KU diiltn on Siitflvil. l * nil ,
Unil , auJ all | MrU ol iun : | .
Bull Ktuopuoii | Xkdaoo ; It ocli
OOU.KOT10NU VfMVfl I v ( , , . . .
No lie.ul-iielie or tueU-aeliu lor luditt
' ' 'Sk "WINE OF CARDUI. "