G THE OMAHA DAILJc BEE : \VED.NfSDAy FEBRUARY 8 , 18 2. P. T. MAYNE , SUBSCRIPT ION BATES , Council DlulTa Circulation , COUNCIL BLUFFS AND IOWA NEWS. By Currier , - 20 Cents per Week. COUNCIL BLUi-tfS. IOWA By Mall , $10.0O per Vow. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OUlco : Room Five , Evorott'a Block , Broadway. H. W. TILTON. City Editor. * MINOR MENTIONS. William QutnUn , the wild hooti-r , ha < been taken to nn .aiylittn to linvo hi * , mental malixuy cared f .r. In the circuit court ycitcrday the cnic of IVrcIv.il vs. Datifnrlh took nearly nil tin-day , and wcHNiiluiiittcil late In the at- tern.MIII. The opera hou e slieme 'ceinnto have fallen through completely , i nd the pro * , pecti for a new nmti < einciit ccnt-r arc not a * ( jliiwlnff nn a month UK' ) . The churchc * . nf the city arc ntlll holding - ing more or lent special religious ser\icc" , anil nrc iiv ctliiR with ome siicccan , cipe- tinlly nt the Muthodltil church , where set- lice-iarc licing hell nluM' " It 1 UudciKtooil tint inont of the subscript - script ! .n need * I for securing th * locution of c/irrtago / and wagon works here , ha been oMMned. The entcrprlsu should be btwkly pushed to a niiuces-fnl complotlnn. Two families packed In too clofe quar tern In a hoiiHo In lluptoMii lull to quar reling nnd Jack Scott's arrent. Jack wan let otf with 11 dollar flno if ho would get nxiiiiier quarttrN within twenty-four hours. Smith1 ! * dun ) ilo v'ncle Turn's Cnhln , which h t ) appear lieie next Hvturday af- tenmnn and eu'iiing , ! H one of the bent drawing ; dhows in the country. By douli- linn' up it * attractions and shoving Sam lilies to the 'rout it catches crowd * every where. - The I/glit Oimnln in org.miring for theli firnt aniiunl dance next Friday even ing , have lnvit d the compnulcn at Oiim- ha , Olonwood nn 1 .She mndoali in be iirei- ent , nnd expert n mllltnry ivprfHcntatinu from rnoli , which will nd'I ' intercut 11 tlio occan'on. - The auditor * ollicu at the c nirt hoiiio iii Mug cn'arKe I by alji < orliiii { the room lately occupied by the xhcriir. A n oflice is being provided for thu latter olllcer dl- rectiy acriMx thu Imll from hli old hcnd- quiirteni , n portion of lliu ro unler'n ollico biing partliiooed olf. U. KniMp hltchud hi < team behind the bulletin board on Miin Htreet , nnd wlii'ii he went for il , thorn w.u no trace to be fount of it. ll complained to the po lice , till .Icing lie h irHrH li ul been stolen. YeHtcr.lay he found tint a nut i why had tnort jnpo on tha property had c.ipltircd it. A law milt instead of a criminal one will now result. 'The pollco are called oil fir all Hurt of litniiiC'M Yesterday nfternoou n meiuugc CJirte to tlio i-titl'iii for uu ofli-or , the errand - rand proving to be that a ntray huifoi wii > dying. Thu ollico ! iivc tlgiitfd , nnd de- ciileil htii duties didn't indiide tow-doctor Ing but th > t if the croiture died liu won Id notify the ( jurying olliuiiilH. Tim heifvi box etery Indication of being poisoned , bill knw or why in a inyntery. St. Tliomim' Ciilhulicchiir h wax fairly - ly crowded yesterday aft rniion 10 wltneu the n.arrlago of Homy H. Siitnt , ' to Misi Teresa A. Paschel , daughter of Mr. am Mrs. Henry PaHuhel , of thtacity. Itev Foxier McMcnomy performed the corouui ny. The bride n , > I > eai ed lit lavender silk wearlrg the briditl veil. At the close o the Horvlco the wedding paity took carri gca for the brido'H home , where friend tendered the utmal congratulationi * , and i reception wan held Mr. Suing i-i ouo o ' 'the Mtcconuful yi ling btiainoHi men of St Helena , Neb , , nnd in winning HO worthy i trldo IK mutt hea'tlly conKrutulated , whil for her we extend the heat wUlieH of m my ( rlendx in thUclty. The Htatoment wan mudu from tli lobby nt the council meeting Monda ; night that the proponed htreot car lin would prove a bloonini , ' to the w or It In pcoiile ab ut the transfer , bocnuso the could get their direct car faro at five ctnti much cheaper than now , and could alfor Uitn to come up town. The munagoM i the protont street railway claim that lo L to advantage over thu pruaent rak'H , r they give mich working people tickntu b . which thuy can now ride nt five cenli trip , thu name rate usthnt proponud by tli now ordinaucu , l"or t aiiHlentH , hnwuve thoraloU fifteen centM , live centu moi than tha rate pro\ldcd for the now line. There ha\i bcciinnerM IWCH of brie : throwing' iiinl window Hiiia hlni ; l H'l ; Another oucuned Monday night , a cd orcd man being the HggrcHnor , and a bom at the comer of Klghth nnd Avuiiio being the bombarded caHtlo. Thu dark ( male two or Ilireu aimaiiltii on the froi H , bhutttring the glm with hrit ! , and giving the glrN KIIIIU , imrro from broken liLMiin. A friend the girl'H KIIVC thu ellow .1 oliuxo and c. tureil him , but after taking him n fi : blocU the durkey iniditoil that the in. hvl in right to arrest him and walked o Liter Otncer dough arro t d W.ilt Moulton , * colored nun , who wan Mtntlfi being the brick thrower , and ho w odg d In jail In default of thu $300 hi require' ' . held to the grand jury meetn n wer the charge of nmltcioui minchlef , Thou of the Abe Uncoln Tout ( J. It. , who went to Omaha Monday night acceptance of the inflation ext nded the pout there , returned about U o'clu ) ytwUmluy inoriilug. They report a c dial wulcotuti and a jolly good tin ShoitpoechcH were made at thu uu fire by Col. Sinythe , ( Jen. O'JJrlcn , I'l Vhiiderwort , Mr. Jluw nand othem , a thin city wan voiced by John Limit , J. llolund and othurii. M , ,1. Abbott v lorce 1 into Hinging a comic nong , and I never to bo forgottunVidt MoKnild the ellk-lent druncinajur , nerved ui ' Loin KUhcriiian , ivml midu muihuu angHnj for it I I'liu in bin diidi of t-n Hard tack , colfcu , bt > uni > , uuil other 1 urits of a nuldier4 llfu vveru nup | > llt'd I ftbuudance , and id ) th rcqiiliIU-t o good time weio provided. H in tbu Int tluu of the pOdt hero to build u camp here in tha counu of tuoieckb or o i reciprocate for many courtesies thu them by their comraden pt Oinahu. Si nerve U draw the po < U r iu feeling and uyinpatby nud | > r ( aUb Indeed to all participant ! . ANOTHER PROTEST. The Bonrd of Trndo Objects bo the Proporiocl Judicial Div ision of the Cou.ity. . The ProffroBH ot the Move for n , Now Government Uulldln In ThlH City. At n tiiL'uting of the botrd of tr.ado liold nthuir roonm Monday ovonitiK tlio proponud division of thu county into judici.il districta by untnblinliiiif , ' lorniA of thu court nt Avocn for tlio unntorn portion , wns brought up , nnd tin * following ruHolutioiiA wuro adopt ed : Hoaolvod , liy tlio board of tnido , ruprosun'.ing tlio businesB interoats of the city , Unit thuy look with duuidud disfavor upon thu bill now pending to uittiiblinli suasions af the dintrict nnd circuit courts nt Avocn , or nt any othur point than thu county nuat , because - cause the uamo will bo ncccBsaiily ox- pon.sivo , uru.itly iiiconvoiiiunt to thu vast majority of UIOHO Imviti biiHinuaa i'l the coiirtfl , nnd wholly ngninat the wiahua of thoau who mo inturoalud in tliii adimiiiatration of jtiRtico. Hunolvod , Tlmt u coiinnittuo of live bo appointed to appuur before the ju diciary uonimittuo of the ntato NOIIIIIO in rulution lo the nuid bill , and that our senntor nnd botb representatives from thin county bo rerpuostud to op- posu the piwaagc of tbu bill by all proper ciFortn. The coiniiiittuo thus provided for wna not nntncd , it being duoniud beat to wait until furthur action on tlio part of thu bar. The fact wan brought up that n mo- inorinl had buon flout to the lown k'g- iftlaturo unking for the paaaa o of n law ainiiliir to that oxiating in Nobrnn- kn , concuiiiing garniahijca. Thuro Buumod n unanimouH oppoaitmn to tliia inunaiiro , and a Hpuoi.il coiniiiittuo waa appointed to look nftor it , those nniiiou being E. L. Sliugurt , J. T. Hurl nnd J. NV. Haird. The coiinnittuo on a now constitu tion ruportid through it chairman , F. 0. Nowull , and Col. Sapp reported coiuiuriiing thu coninuttuo niuuting holu'in regard lo the proponed wagon bridge ncrosa the rtvor. K. L Shiiunrt , John II. Keatluy , Homy Van Jirunt , J.V. . 1'orogoy , iluaao MoMnhon , Uuorgo Oiraon , W. Uiinyon and Cbarlua 1'oruu wurooluct- i.'il to inuuibursliip. Leonard Evorutt read a coiinnuni- cation from Coiigruasiiian llopbiirn Htuting that hii bill for n special up- popnation for n govuriiiuent buildinu in thia cily was buing favorably con- Hidurod by Ihu comniitteo , ana that thuro waa a likelihood of ita final pas- aago IIo also expressed n willingn Hate to accept any hulp in the niattur which thia city iright furniah by ucndini ; del- ogatoa to work for a paitugo of tin bill , lie further ntatod that tlio Mu' Cro.iry bill wim being abaiidonud bj its friondn , and theio WUH no chiinci for itn nucccan , MUCH MUDDLEb. Such Seem to Be the Council' ) "Viewsot i.he Oityt'a Fip- anciul Condition. An Ordinance Paused for the Craatloi of a Mow Street Railway Lino. A apcoiul niuuting of thu city caun cil wna liuld on Monday ovuniug I conaidor thu fnianciul condition of th city NumurnuB ( juostions wor naked nnd mmwered , puncils und pi : purs wuru kupt busy figuring , tin every possible view tukon to autiaf , the nldurinun and the public that th city ( induces wore in n very fuvorabl condition , It was figured out tlui the city's bonded indebtedness wii SH7100 , nnd 'hat the constitution ! ! limit of ita bonded indubtedneaa daed to this waa 32,00 in outstanding wiirranta , niiikin th total indebtedness $17-100. ! ) The it was figured that thu assets of th city were about 882,200 , inuludin k uacollected taxes , thu prospective ii Y.il . ui'inu from thu police fund and otlic ilHO itums. From this some of the aldei HO men lignrud that the actual indebtui HOU ness of the city was. about 97XX and the limit ay by constitution wn nt 81-111,000. So the council had tiboi : k. ? : > 0,000 , to go on. k.iw Thin way of ligurinij made all fei of more cheerful , but the city attornc I" called attention to the fact that tin. could not legally lignro in this so of fashion. Thu bonded indubtudne .111 was a separate matter and could m if. if.er bo reduced by uupimscd assets or e er timuted income. The only way to r ' od duc thu bonded indebtedness was I 'UK paying oil bonds , and they could in All be paid until due , uulu.li the holdu to ohoso to Hive them up. Thu limit < this indebtedness had been roaehoi A. und thoru was no use huuiing on th ut all. It could not bu chunked. , Thin net the poncila to figuring unuthur way , and it WIIB tiniilly co CIC eluded that the city hud iihout ? 11CI , to run on for two months more , Tl ne. estimated it from mayor $ lii,000 uiji $14,000 , but the former aiijiuarti AUl be the more accurate , thu tax levy I uul ing placed itt S5,8)8j ! ) ! ) the police fin J. at ? ! ) ,000 , making u total of 808,811 VIU ) and the warrant mmied to Februa , tlio 1 , 1882 , being ? r 7,71o , luuvinj , ' I'll , balance of 811,000. the The figurinj , ' was preliminury to t by nettlcmunt of thu ijtiuBtion whetli up. work Bhoiild be continued on Uni tu- uvunue. Aldormun ' Fonda mov In that work be continued to a limit ( ldennun J'hilhps want u wink done on Main at runt. Aldeun Unthank put in u word for Imli file Uieek. The hint named BiiugeHti and wna dropped , the mutter being IWII ready in thu hands of u commit ) itch who had power to act. Aldenn to- Fonda's motion fur the resumption JV work on Union avenue and on Mi utruot also waa curried finally. pcrviaor Fl.irdin said il was useless to tnlk about continuiiiK the work "to a limited degree. " Thuro would bo a hundred teams rendy for work , and it could not ho limited. Alderman Foil- dii thought they could not stand it nt that rate very long. It ai suggested that thuro was a lioso cart t. ) pay for , 81,000 to bo spent on thu eii inu house , ? 2,000 for K.IS , and othur bllhi to be paid , and that the council had hotter move slowly. Alderman Uawson objected to rushing on with the work. Thuro wore so many bills to pay , ho dosircd U > wait a bit and get nt a clearer iilua of tlio city'i finances. Ho moved that the matter bo further looked into be fore work was resumed , but the mayor ruled out his motion on the ground that the mover voted against the pro- vioiiH motion which he was thus try ing to rescind. Alderman Haino wns of Alderman Danaon'a opinion. Ho did not believe - liovo they had got at the bottom facts yet. yet.Tho mayor thought everything was booming and hoped the work would go on , and the matter was dropped to take the consideration of another tliumo. An ordinance was introduced pro viding for another struct railway lino. Tlio ord M r < after aomo discussion and am. qd wits , was passed. The mcorporators named woro.T. J. Brown. W. 0. James , W. H. Metcalf and Spencer Smith , and the ordinance gave the permission to run street cars "on Main street from a point north of Broadway to its intersection with First nvunue , thence along First avenue to Union avenue , thence along Union ftvonuo to the Union 1'acilic depot , and to use Eighth avenue , formerly called Uurtin street , from Union avenue to Sixth street , formerly known as Center street , anu also to use Sixth Htruet from Sixteenth ave nue , formerly known as Missouri ave nue to First avenue , and also to usu such othur streets as muybo necessary not buforo in use for utroot railway purposes. " It was provided that work bo com menced within three months and com pleted within one year from commence ment of the work. The faro was fixed not to exceed ton cents to the Union Paciliu depot and live cents on other trips , coupon tickets being Hold , however , to Union Pacific depot ut five conta in packages of ton. It was also decided by amendment that the trips should bu every thirty minutes between six o'clock in the morning and BIX o'clock in the oven- ing. ing.Tho discussion of the matter brought out the statement from J. W. Chap man that ho was only interested in so far that ho would like to BOO another street railway to start competition with the present line , and that Mr. Brown , who wan the principal man , had assured him that the line would bo completed in sixty days. The city attorney publicly washed his hands of the whole matter. He did not euro whether the ordinance t panned or did not pass , but ho wanted j it distinctly understood that ho had no responsibility in thu matter. Adjournment was taken until uoxl Monday evening. J. W. Ilodefar , has opened a nev coal mine nnd owing to the suporio quality of the coal , liu has named i Iowa Wyominir , and it will bo knowi by that name in the market hereafter No. 26 Pearl alrooL fobT-tf PERSONAL. H. II. IJonuoy imd wife , of LittleSiiiui nmdo a brief Htup here yesterday , fJMIfl * Alice Mnttox Ima reNl ned.her i c.s tion na teacher in one of the department of the BUtomer school. Henry Miller , Knq. , of Albion , low. who in largely intcroHted in coal mint near there , favored TllK DKK with n cii yesterday. Will Ourtis , of North llond , Neb. , n cnterprinlng stock man , wa in tlie cit yeitoiilay , reluming homo from a vi.iit I . Wldconalu frioiidn. it is There wm quite n largo tethering c friend * nt the realdoiico of Ci pt. nnil Mr. St. Klrschton Monday evening , tu witnoi IB the in irrln e of their daughter , Mi n Leni to Cliarlo * K. StiiliUH. Inquire Burl * IIBI formed the ceremony in n Imppy man nor. and the liuxiiitaUty ami Rood cliec which in the expected nccmupiniinont c . mich nn ncciixlon , wni boitowo 1 upon tli guotU. Mr. mill Mrn. Stulilm havu oi to KiuiHttu City , where they will malt I- their home , nnd whither they are accoi panieil by thu well winbonnf nuny friend IOWA ITEMS. There are sixty-three miles of rai ul way in Diiuna Vista county. Thu Cediir Rapids barbed wire coi ; pauy has buen incorporated , rt Thu whooping cough is makii ha amiueinont for Ackluy fainilios. otIS Dr. Shaw , u prominent physician IS0 - Clurinuu , ia dead of small pox. 0DV Mitchell county farmers aru gou DV extensively into the dairy business. ot . rs Gee , Noally , one of liurlington of oldest residents , is dead at thu age d , ut Linn county taxes for 1881 nu' r gate ? 180ii3i4 , : ; : , of whioh the ru inn way conipaiuua paid $11D(2,9 : ( ( } , n00 Deconxh reports a hotter trade dn 00 ing the past tnruu months than ut at ho time for the paat fi'vu yoirs. tote Thu comity of Sao will pay $3,0 < to for thu discovery of a workable ve te of coal within its boundaries , nd IB. Reports from different parts of t ! IB.ry nt.itu indicate that the prospects for rya good fruit crop aru good , 1'olk county ro.it estate transfers f he January numbered 211 , represent ! ; loren a money value of $209,710.22. on . A farmers' convention will bu he utj ! at Otiigc on the 8th and IHh inst. , f 0 ( | ' thu discussion of farming interests. Chaiiton has resolved iu pub nicotint ! that the legislature nhoii lln ( m ustublish a atato normal Bohool tliui al- Huv. Samuel J. Uogent has arriv in Cedar llapids to inaumo thu pi toiute of the Congregational chui of thoro. Hon. Kr.ukjol Clark , of lown Oil - ) waa caught in the log by an icoho > thu othur day and received u painful injury. The Diiljuijui' iron moiildir * are < > n n strike , not ber-anm tlmy want hiulicr wages , but for the reason , as Hioyeay , there are too many apprentices. During the month of January there were forty-six marriages tn I'olk county , and lifty-ninu births , includ ing throe sots "f t ins. Tlio deaths numbered twenty-one. The Crestou Advertiser is working up u lively oppusiti m to railroad al dermen. The experience of western cities shows that railroad employes in ofllcial position r.irely vote or work ftg.iitut the inteiciits of their employ- on. on.The totnl cost of criminal prosecu tions in the state for the year 1881 was SJ8f,8.tHJ.2.'ij ! ) for 1880 , S'.W.l- 57 < W ; increa'o in 1881 over 1880 , 87:178 : 50. The total number of convictions in 1880 was 1(081 ( ; in 1881 , 1J70. ! Charles Kcndiu' , of Hoone , induced a J J-year-old irl to marry him , and by false swearing eccuicd u license. Immediately nftur the marriage the parents secured pomrmioii of thouirl , and will prosecute the parties to the trammel ion. The report of Secretary Hull to the governor of the criminal buxiness in the Iowa courts for the years 1880-1 , shows totals as follows ; Convictions , I'l70 ; sent to penitentiary , 285 ; unablu to road or write , 'M ; foreign born , -loT. The wife of Uov. Thos. Masker- villo , recently deserted by huslund at Uloomfiold , is on her return to Eng land , with her two luhies one six teen months old nnd the other three. Her faithless husband , pastor of thu Congregational church at Itloomftuld , run nwiiy with the hired girl. The miuiugurs of tlio Northwestern railrond company are urging thu people ple of Cedar Ilipids to utilize the wiiter power in the Cud.ir liver by the crec'inii of extensive Ibuiriiig mills , and offer in such event to uive thu niaiiufiteturers advantuftvB in freight rates. Tlio Hon. W. K Wrtbator , the rep- reHuiitntivo of 1'ago county , who died recently in Des Monies , had insur ance to t.ho nnioimt of ยง 11,500 , , us fol- IOWB ; In the Ancient Order of United Workmen , $2,000 ; in the Oakuloosa Masonic Aid Society , $5,000 , and in the Odd Fellows Aid Society : vt Galesburg , Illinois , 2,500. The body of a young man , well diessed , was picked up by train men near Ottumwa last week. There was a largo V-shuped gash in the ho.id , but no other signs of violence. No valuables of tiny kind were found up on the body , and the only thii.g which furnishes thcrcmotestcluo to his iden tity is a pr.iyor-boolc , upon the fly-Jeaf of which is written , "Presented by his mother to Charles R. Murphy. " Thu manner of his dentil is n mys- toirj' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iowa's Houd Law. Glvnwooil Journal. A strange feature of the Iowa road law is noticeable in the fact that sc fur as country roads are concerned , nt authority is lodged in anybody to im prove any line of road except for i shot t distance. The board ot super visors can build bridges but they can not build roads. They can authorizt the opening of a road , they can changi ita direction , move it from ono placi to another , or close it up altogether but they have no authority whatove to build one to macadamiz ono after it has been opened. Eacl township has its own road distric each road district has its road super visors , and each .supervisors can at tend to the road iu his own district And so there can bo no orgnnizei work on any ono long stretch of high way ; it has to bo done by piecomcsil , a it wero. If ono'supervisor chooses _ t macadam his piece of road , all right ho can do it. If in the next distric the road supervisor does not choose t III continue thu macadam in his districl thoru is no law to compel him. The Effect of Scotch Toddy. Crentou AdmiUir. An Omaha editor in replying to th toast "The Press" at the burns ban quent in that city the other day , said "My head is considerably larger tha K. when I ciimo huro. " With visions c K.ft K.m our own Scotch supper in mind _ th ft , Advertiser says , "Wo should smilu. i- COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIA r , NOTICES. . .f le NOTlCK. Special lulicrtlauncllts , mi ell nee Lost , Pound , To Loan , Kor Sale , To lion < o \Vantx , lloaiilliiK' , etc. , "HI l > InncrUd In tl : n- column at tlio low rate of TEN CENTS I'K IK. LINK lor thu llrst Insertion niul K1VB CK.N" : I'BK LINK for cmli nulmcqueiit Intcrtln Ix'nt u aiU iTllsciiicnts A our otllcv , Hooni Btvritt'ii Illock , DroaJ ay , UI..ST Ilireo or fcur rmnm lor UK n- 1 lioiitkucplnclililn tuot > lccUofxutflltU | ' hui | lreof l r imnclictt at II IVail at. Id x \ AiNTi : To routA tun room homo > > HDinu L'ooil m ltliliorhoo ( < l or two bin ill lioiim viilu hnlJii. . AJdrcaa I' . O. llox 7i Of Council lliulT. , or applp at llrKOIIU-a. fouu lllnlln. 4U-U " ANTKU KM > rbody In Council Hindu "g T i to takoTlu UitK , 20 cent * per wt-ok , i IUcn.il by carriers , Ollico , Koom 6 , Kti > rct .g IlhcK , llroiulxin. _ . of " \\rANTEI ) To buy Y > Kor lutilruUr * ddrc n Council lllu lirooiu ( Vtory , Council lllufft , Io . fiiS9tl oil - il- Al/ANTEH-A flntn-lM * l > rooi tier. May \ > i Co , , Council lllult * , Iowa. WO SOny If1710K SALE Old"paporn 40c Iwr liundrwl , ny D The Ik < o ollicu. Council Wutli. u27-tl mo lilUCK-MAKKUS , KM SAUB-6 acres 00 _ L moroof UuJ aJJo'nlnif tlio brliU-aril Manner & Hal c.'on Upper Uroa'wa ' ) . > ' luitlculan ap ) > l ) to pjulil luliiMorti llaiint oilk-o at tliuiloarJulTraJo rorinn. Coinu'll lllu : 77ft-ili'ii ' Sm he ) ' TIC'KCT OKFICBV r In rallrc LOTTKIl'8 TOiitlnuoK to boom. Uni > rut lciii low riti'n to all eastern poliitJ. htiry tlcl k'imtuuti-c.1 Ordert tilled l > ) Ulepliono. Kr or onu to ten dollars haml t > > puriluulni ; tlik of 0. A. I'otler , nucciBWr to Totter i 1'alnur , J 40 Koutli Kiflli btrnt , lour door * bulon thu IK offlce , Council llluir * . Iowa. oitl'J t 3ld for \\rASTKI ) lloy.wlib | ii ) , to carry pap > > Iiuiulrv at Ilia olllce , Council JlliUI . oUiatf Notice , ed OHIIIK to tin Inunonto luccciu ol tlio r Proc Gelatine Bromldn Inttantaneout as- at Ilio Excf Ulor Gallery , Hlth ntnet , Coi rch ell Olullt , I be iiroprlttor dolro Uiote wlili ChllUrvir * I'lUuroioiall betwccu the hour 10 anil U o'clock a , m. , M olaf to the Pr i , , I of Uuilnett uUi irrauyviuunt U necviuur ) ' . ' TOld delay , ok ' stMia J , UARKE. Proprletoi FACTSWORTH KNOWING , _ "Good morning , Mr , Jones. You seem in good humor this morning. " "Yes , I have been to the BOSTON TEA STORE , ami flnd anything and every thing I wunt , OF FIRST QUALITY. AND AT VEBY LOW PRICES. I toll you , I cun Bavo Money now out or' inv salary , and Live First-Class too. It pnyH to go there. " "Whore did you Bay it was ? " BOSTON TEA COMF1 FINE GROCERS. 16 Main St. and 15 Pearl St. COUNCIL BLUPPvS , I A. ( Gasoline Sto\c. ) . X& . JO3VI3J3 , . HMLF.il IS STOVES , TIN WARE , SHEET IRON WARE , 331 Broadway , - Gounctl Bluffs , la. DONT HA L TO 8KB THE STOCK OF W. W. BUCHANAN DIAMONDS , WATCHES , JEWELh , GLOGKS. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. 202 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , .H. H.JUDSON , DRY GOODS 405 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORKS , MANUFACTURERS OF o MINIM ENGINES , BOILERS , i- i1 1 : AND n jf GENERAL MACHINERY ID Ollico and Worka , Main Street , COUNCIL B.-UFFS , IO ; < 7A Wo g\\u \ npfclil attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces HOISTEUS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERK HOUSE FRONTS. " GENERAL REPAIR WOR1 In 1ll rcceltc prompt a'tontlon. ' A "Ke li-r aortmoiit ol 1 Brass Goods , Belting , Pining AND SUPPLIES FOll m Foundry , Pig Iron , Coke , Coa ifl * OHAS. HF.ND-U , IT s out MaURBR OR Aid , 01ol ARTISTIC POTTERY 'or Rich Cut OUV88 , Fine French China , Silver Wuro io. , SIO 1IKOADHAV , lOl.NL'l. Ill L I-1-- , IO V ktl ted Drs. Woodbury & Son , oin So , Mt- Cor , I'carl & l t Axe. , I'OLVNCll. I W. S. AMEST. JAC011 bJl ) _ i AMENT & SIMS , I Attorneys & Oounsellors-at-La\ it-w COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. et . un. KOf KELLEY & M'CRACKEH to Marble and Granit ( r North Fifth St. , Council Bluff ] W , W. SHERMAN , -MASfFAlTt'UKR OK ROAD , TRACK , COACH & LIVERY ] S S Fine Work a Specialty. K It. HIIKUMAN , IIuslnoM Manager. WM. CIIIIISTOI'IIKU , Jtcchftiilcal Malinger. 124 South Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. My Harness are Manufactured from A No. I Oak Tanned Leather. I Sell My Goods at Bed Rock Prices. Or ders from abroad receive prompt attention. J. MUELLER'S jhickeriiig , Weber , liindeman , J. Mueller1 nnd other Pianos , $20O and upward. Burdett , Wenteru Cottage , Tabor ! and Paloubet Organs , $50andupward. Musical IM : cal Merchant-ibe of every discription. Italian Strings a specialty ; imported direct. Music- Books , Sheet-Music , I'OVB , Games , Fancy Goods , Wholesale and Re TJ tail. Pianos 'and Organs eold for Cash and on Time. Stock is large , full and com plete. IVueical Journal ireo on applica s tion Correspondence Solicited. .A. Address : .A.O J. MUELLER , i 103 South 5th Street. o IB COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. BOWMAN , ROHRER & CO. , 1 Storage and Commission Merchants , PURCHASING AGENTS Anil Dealers In nil kinds ol Product- . Prompt attention ll\cn to all consignments. NOS. 22 , 24 AND 20 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL DLUFFS , IOWA. W _ ZE3I _ IFOSTIEIR -\\II.I. SlTl'LY ON SIH'lir NOTICK- Out Flowers , Greenhouse c. nd Vegetable Plants In their ' cakoii. Orders prompt' } Bllul i id duiUiriil to Kxpii- otliic fno of ilnujic. Send lor Cat iloKiiu. COTTISTC3I3C , -DEALER IN- PAPER , BOOKS = STAT iMFHV , COUNCI , BLUFFS , IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , \ Buyer and Shipper of Graia and Provisions Orders solicited in Iowa and Nebraska. REFERENCES. - First National Bank , Stewart Bros. , Council Bluffs ; NVilliam P. Harvey & Co. , Culver & Co. , Chicago ; E. A. Kent & Co. , St. Louis. METCALF BROS. , WHOLKSALK UKFUS IV Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. REAL ESTATE AGENT , Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands , and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MAYNK , over Savings Bank , - COU STCIL BLUPP S i BIXBY & WCHDD , PLUMBERS , 'STEAM AND GAS FITTERS Gas Fixtures , Bath Tubs , Marble Slabs , Brass A Goods , Iron and Lead Pipe , Fittings and Pumps , Kept in Stock. No. 7 Fourth St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. J amV 1 9 Gr IE I WKCAltllYTIIK LAUOMThTOCK BOOTS ! SHOES , Slippers , Etc. , Within One Hnndred and Fifty Miles of Council Blu ffs. i All Mail Orders Promptly Attended To and Highly Appreciated , OUR PRICES ARE VfiRY LOW.1 is. ( Jail and See Our NEW SPBIN STOCK , which \ has Begun to Arrive , Z. 'T. ' LINDSEY & C . , 412 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , And WEST SIDE SQUARE , C1ARIHDA , IOWA.