Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1882, Image 5

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NKXV YORK , February 7 ,
Honey closed at 3 per cent.
X Kkchange firm nt 4 H > © 4 IX ) .
UovcrnmentB closc < l firm.
Currency C's \ ' 27
4' * coupons 1 18
U'n eouponi I l"i
Jv continued. , f. . .lOJi
CV Continued 1 Ol
HAIUlOAtl BOS 1 > S.
Pacific rallro d boiuU closed ns foJloxvsi
Union Ists : .l 15J@1 10
Union Land ( irantt 1 H nid
Union Kbklng Fuuil
The stock market to-day was moder
ately active , but in the main linn ; and
closed after some r < : nctlon in liual transac
tion t ni : iv.lvauea of | to 2 per cent. , in
the gcuerdlirt , and from 1 toG per cent. ,
in speoiultlc * . Tlio principal dealings
were in the Denver k Hio Grande , Lake
Shore , Western Union , Kansas & Texa ? ,
Northeiii Pacific nnd Central Pacific.
The following are the closing biiU :
Amer.Dist 38 2J pfd 8J
A & T H 311 M & < 3U
Prefei red . 8. ) North xvestrrn . . lsij ;
Preferred . . . . 1 (81 (
c s 534 N J C 85
C C ftl G 112 NY C 133
Cl' ! ! Nor. W pfd . fil
Of 10 N y K'.oyatcd..l07
O 1 43 Nor , Pacific. . . . 31JJ
' ' ' jirelerred 72JJ
CStL'&No' . 8J Nash. ifc hnt 88
C\t O O'l'C 70
-1st pfd Out Silx-ur. . . . 341
id pfd Ont.V W ( W4
D Itit W r-73 Ohio 344
1) & H . . 108 OO 34i
D & It G 7U Omaha 3(1 (
Erie 40 Preferred. . . . 102
JS & W 33 PacMall 44J
Adami 147 Panau.n . 18S
W. F 12(5 ( PD&M 81J :
American 112 Pull. Pal. Cr..l 9
U.S 51J Quicksilver 12
U&St.I1U Preferred. . . . G'J '
Preferred. . . . 107. } HI 1333
Homestakc 1UJ H & P 204
Houston & Tex. 81 Hich.&Al ! . . . . 31
1C 3G St I'aul 10D4
K&T 37 Preferred . . 12a
LS 11 San Franuisco. . 41 }
L N Sc C 70 1st preferred. ! )4 )
MLS& W. . . . 47 Standard 471
M&C 75J StPM&M..lll
M & E 142 ] T P 81S
M P TD&li 12J
Manhattan Kl. . f)3J Union Pacific. . 11 ! )
Preferred. . . . DG Wabash 3'5l '
Met. elevated. . 881 Prefei red , . . (573 (
Man. Beach. . Western Union. 8l1
M&Cpfd Tf
CHICAGO , February ( i.
The local monetary situation remains
unch tngcd ; cu.tomers and otheN
in good standiug found the .market for
money comfortable nt ( i@7 p.-r cent , pe. '
anuuiu , and the banks shouldered all the
"A No. 1" paper offered at thu above
Eastern exchanges between city banks
w.m tinner nt 25c discount per $1,000.
The clearings of the associated bunks
were $15,300,000.
Orders for currency were Cight.
Omaha Wholesale Marliot-
Tuesday Ex'ening , February 7. J
No changes were reported in the marketo
to-day. Busiiie.HH seeuiB to be picking up
and everything moving along in good
Local Grain Dealings.
WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 1 12 { ; cash
Vo. , 9Gc : rejected , 72Ac.
BAULKY. Cash No. 2. 9Jc ; No. 3
; 71c.
HYK.-CaRh , 7Jc. ! )
CO UN. Cash No. 2 , liic. }
OATS. flash. 32.e. > \ .
STHRKT'PHICJJS Corn , < 5@.riO ; oats ,
10@4.r .
HAY SG'00@G30 per ton.
FLO UH .Spring xvheat , straight prude ,
W25fo350 ; "Pioneer" California , 8400 ;
Client , S3 75@4 .50 ; winter wheat straight
tirade 83 652. . " ; j > atent , 84 r > 0@5 0 ; gra-
iani rye , § 2 fiO ; Wheat , :5 : 00 ; Queen
B e , 81 2i ; .To.iper , S3 87 ; Itig Sioux ,
HYK FLOU1V $ ; i 25.
MILLSTUFFS Hrau , iier cwt. 1 00
j errtonli.00@17.00 ( ; .creeningrf , per cwt.
SOc ; shorts , per : xvt 1.00 ; chopped feed ,
jier cwt. 1 20 ; meal Kilted , yelloxv , 1 40 ;
bite. SI GO.
"OTATOKS Kobraskas , 1 10@1 M.
SWJ-KT ; POT ATOMS Genuine Mu cn-
ine , tr@rc per Ib.
WiliD OKKSK Out of market.
liQGS Ific. <
BUtt'TKlfc-Choioe , 28 < aiOc : ; poorm
market : fair , 18@26 ; creamery , 30@'c.
APPLKS Good , sound , very Bcirce
uj. % ! > iOC@5 .10 per hbl.
LKMONS Steady ; per box , * . " fiO ®
MALiLAGA UKAl'DB Par bbl.$8 50 ;
per half hbl.S4 . iO.
13KKSVMX Vellow , 50@22c.
ONIONB 1 10 ® 14rtjer bushel.
OIlAXiDEHHIKS I'er bbl. , ? 10 OOffl
CKLKRV Per do/ . , C'lgOr/c.
D KSSBBGKKSK-P , r Ib. , ! > @llc.
OYSTBHB Selects. 45c ; jAandards , 3ric.
CHKKSB-10 < gll4c.
Gfjceri Llil.
. 'M > VYRK.-M < , , tfilr , 12Jc ; Mi , , BO.H ! .
Vil Hio , prims tie choice , lies ; Old gov't
Twa ; 2 l@ 8io , Cochn , 284 < s ; A buckle's ,
1 V.Q.
. GunpuwJer , goal , 4.r.15c ;
01 wioc , G0@7.r > c ; lu jerial , good. 10@45c ;
Ch k c , C0@76c ; Yowjg Ityson , anod , 3G@
50c , : cU Ice , l > r.c@l < W ; Japan Nat Leaf ,
35c ; ' Japan , choice , C/Xgtffic ; Ooloug , ( fo xl ,
3.r @ f-fj Oolong , chu.ce , 40@Vij Swuai ! < inir ,
Kood , . 3.r. < aiOc ! choice.
GOIM { A , ! lc ; JVairle Extra < } ,
SYKVPS. Sitpr hoiice , bWs , Ific ; haf !
bis , I7cf kg , < 4 jrallfinn , S ? 10 ; choice
table ynn'2c ' ; half bbls , lie,1 kegH$2K > .
SODA. HwlRht's tb papers , 8300 ; Du-
land do , $3 00 ; Chnrch's , $3 00 ; Keg soda ,
STARCIT.-Pearl , lc ; Silver Gloss , 8 }
@ 83c ; Corn .Starch , .SJ@9c ; Excelsior
GlcB . 7c ; Corn. 7lc.
SALT. Dray loads , , - > tr bbl , 2 10 ; Aeh-
ton , in Backs , 3 f < 0 ; bbls d.s/ry CO , Bs , 3 45 ;
Smla dairy. 100 , 3s. 3 G5.
S DHIED FHUlTS-Choictf halves ,
F iieaches , new crop , 8Jc ; Evoporaten Applet ,
> r b Id boxea , 13c ; Michigan , 8U > ; New
York apples , 8Jc ; Prunes , old , IIJc ; new ,
74c ; CurranU , G @ 8o ; Blackberries , nw ,
15c CHEESE Full Cream , 14c ; Part
rikim IHc.
WOODKNWAltE-Two hoop pallf ,
1 35 ; three hoop paili , 2 20 ! No. 1 tub *
9 60 ; No. 2 tubi , . 8 50 ; No. 3 tuba. 7 CO ;
pioneer wwhlxinrils , 1 85 Double Crxvn ,
2 90 ; Well buckets , 3 25.
LEAD-Bar , 81 (55. (
SPICES.-Peppor , .19 ; Allspice , 19c ;
40c : Nutmeg , $1 09 : 2 * > cCawiis ; !
Mac * SI 00.
MATCHES l' r cnii.tio , ! > 0c ; rounil
$7.IVt square caer , $5,10.
PHOVISION3 UrwltfaM , bacon , 12U
jholce lard , 14Jc ! dried beef , 13Jc ! should-
trs , flc : ham * , IXc ! bacon , sldo > , lie ,
NEW PtCKLES-Medium , In barrels
510 ( K ) : do lulmU bWs , 5 7ft ; smalls , 111 bill- . ,
12 00 tin , in half bWs. 7 CO ; gherkins , in
bills 14 00 ; da , In hnlf bbls , 7 60.
VINKGAH Pure apple extra , 10 :
pure apple , 13c : Prusslmr imro atmle , ICc.
HOMINY New , Stf r.O per bbl.
llKANS-Mo.Hnm , hand picked SI 00
per bushel ; navy , S. 00 ; eaM navy , § 4 00
HOPK-SUal , i inch and larger , 8l < Zr
lqilnch ! ; , 10o.
SOAPS-Kirk's Savon Imixrlal , 3 30 ;
Kirk's satin ? t , It o ; Kirk's standard. 3 HI ;
Kirk's white Kusslaii , 500 : Kirk's
Eutoea. 20.Kirk' : * Prairie Quren.
(100 ( cikm ) , 3 40 : Kirk's magnolia , 4 K ( &
CANDLES poxe , o H > S in , * . ,
IticilMtxca 40 Uw. , 10 ( > / . , ( is , UK ,
I A' K American , S 10 : Greenwich , 310 :
Western , 2 7f > ; North Star , a 50 ; LuwiV
lye , 4iOJexvelllye ; , 275.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 do * . ,
in case , 3 3" > ; Habhitt's Hall , 1 ! dm. In case ,
1 DO ; Anchor Mall 2 dor. in civ e. 1 50.
KIKLU SEED -lied clover , choice
new , $0 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover
new. $7 00 ; white clover , new , $14 00
tl nlfa clover , now , $1250 ; alslke , neu ,
S1300. Timothy , good , new , 33 00 ;
blue grass , extra clean , SI " 0 ; blue crass ,
clean , SI 2. > ; orchnnl grass , S'J 50 : red top ,
choice , 1.03 ; millet , cotutmm or Missouri ,
SOc ; . millet , German , $100 to § 1 2Ti ;
Hungarian , 80o.
HKDOKSEEW Osage orange , 1 to 5
bushels , Ar > 00 ; osngo orange , 10 bushels or
over , SI f > 0 ; honey locnst , per 11) ) . , 35c ; per
FIH i Family white lish , ! X ) Hi h ( bbh ,
S3 7I > ; * < o , 1 white fish , ! K > Ib hf bbls , li 30 ;
.No. 1 white fish , iu 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; family
10 Hi kits , "fa ! New Holland herring. | > cr
keg , 1 35 ; Hussian sardines 7f > c : Colui"-
bin river salmon , par 100 lhs , 8 00 ; George' R
Hank codfish , tic ; Gen. boneless codlish ;
! ) Jc ; boneless fish , SJc.
MACKEKKL Half obis mess mackerel ,
lOOlbs , 812 50 ; M bbl No. Lux shore do ,
lOOlbs G00hf ; bbls fat family do , 100
ll > s 3 85 ; met * mackerel , 12 Ib kits - " > >
No. 1 ox shore , 12 11) do , 1 50 ; No. 1 Hhore ,
12 Ib do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do , 75c.
CANNED GOOlDS-Oy ters , 2 Ib
( Field's ) , per cofco , S4 CO ; do 1 ll > ( Field's ) ,
per case , 2 50 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per ctw ,
8 .70 ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per case , 2 30 ; do
2 Ib ( slack ) , per cane , 2 75 ; do 1 ! ! > ( slack ) ,
per case , 200. Onions 380. Snlinou , 1
Ib , per dozen , 1 ( JO © ! 70 ; do2 _ Ib , per dnneii
2 55. Sardines , small lsli ; , imported , one
quarter boxes per box , 14Jc ; American ,
quarter boxes per box , lie ; do half buxcs ,
per box , 214c. Lobsters , 1 Hi per itnr.en ,
1 80. Tomatoes. 2 30 : do 8 Ib per
case , 330 ; Coni 2 Ib ( Mountain )
per case , 3 CO ; soaked corn , 2 10 ; do
2 Hi ( Yarmouth ) , per ca o , 3 < i ) ;
ntring benn * , per case , 2 2.1 ; Lima beans
per case , 2 20. Succotash per case , 2 2"i ,
Pent , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice ,
per case , 4 50. lilnckberrie.s , 2 lt > , per case ,
280 ; straxvborries , 2 11) , per case , 2 75 ;
raspberries , 2 Hi , per case , 2 75(33 ( 00.
Damson * , 2 tb , ] > cr ca e , 2 45. IJartlett
pears per ciw , 3 Oo4 00. Whortleber
ries ] > er ease , 2 SO. Egg plmm , 2 ITi per , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 Ib , per case. 4 50.
Grueii gages , 2 Ib per cane , 3 50 : do choice , "
Hi JUT cnie,4 50. 1'ine Applet , 2 Ib , Jiyrciisc ,
4 00T ) 75. I'caches 2 tb per case , 3 10 :
do 3 Ib , cane , (1 ( 00S ( > G HO ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per
oase.S85 ; doic ] , ( i Ib , per dozen , 3 50.
KICK Carolina. $ @X\c ; Louisiana , 7J
fair , GJfe7. (
PEANUTS Iloartcd , choice , red Ten
nessee , ! ) c per Ib ; fancy wh te , lOo jier Ib ;
ran- white Virginia raw , lOc : ronHtvd ,
11 ic.
Dry Qooils.
KHOWN COTTONS-Atlantic A , 6c ;
Aiipleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A. 8c ; Uoott
FF , 8Ac ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; W ,
7jc ; Chittenanco A , ( ! | c ; l > reat Falls E ,
8c ; Hoosier , CJc ; Honest Width , 7 c ; In
dian Heud A , 8 c : Indian Standard A ,
Sjc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8 c ; Lav/rcncu
LL , 7c ; AlyHtic Kiver , 7Jc ; Pcquot A , 8Jc ;
Shamnut LL , 7c ; Utica C , 5ic ; Waclws-
ett 15. 7ic : do A , 8Jc ; do K 48 , 12icj Wai-
cott U1J , 6 > , c.
4-4 ; 7Ac ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7jc ;
Atlaiitio LL. ( ijc ; Bad or Statt < X4 , 7c ;
Bcnniiiffton O 4-1 , CJc ; Ituckqyo S. 4-L OJco
Indian Orchard AA U-8 , 8Jc ; Laconia O
39 , Sic ; Lehich E 4-4 , 9ic ; Lonsdalo 4-J ,
lOc ; 1'epiicrefl N 30 , 7c ; cfo O 32 , 7c ; do ] t
30 , 7jc ; do K 33 , 8ic ; 1'ocasHet C 4-4 ,
Wamsutta 4-4 , 13c.
( , in L4-4 , 10cBlackstoneA ; A in.perialPc ;
do do half bleached 4.4 , ! ) c ; Cabot 4-1,8 ? ;
Fiilelity4-l , 9icFruit ; of tlmLoom.ll ; do
can .brie 4-4,13c ; do WaterTwiat , lO.Jc ; Great
Palls Q , lOJc ; Indian Headnhrunk 4-4,12 c :
Lnns'lale , lO.Jc ; do cambrio 37 , 13c ; New
York Mills 13c ; Pcquot A , lOo ; PepperHl
N G Twills , 12ic ; Pocahontaa 4-4 , yjc ;
Pocasset 4-4 , 8Jc ; Utica , lie ; Wamsuttu
O X X , 13c.
DUCKS-Unbloachod Atlantic , 10 o
17c ; Baltimore do , ICc ; Lone Star , K oz. ,
12c : Sav co , 18c.
JJuCKS ( Colored ) Albany E brown.
8c ; do C , ilrab lie : rio \A , stripes and
plaids , 12c ; do XXX brown and drab ,
stripes and plaids l-icl Arlington fancy ,
19c ; I'rnnswick brown , 6Jc ; Chariot faiicy ,
12jc ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall Kiver
brown , extra heavy , lljc ; Imliana A
brown , 13c : Nepimset A brown , 15c.
TICKINGS Amoskeaf- C A J ,
17ic ; do XX blue 1(1 ! , 18jc ; Arrowanna ,
U&c & ; Claretuont B B , 15Jc ; Conesto a ex
tra , 17J < " Hamilton D. lljc ; Lewtston A
'M , 15c ; Minnohaha 1-4 , 20c ; Ome 'a siiier
extra 41 1 , 2Hc ; I'eurl Uivur 32 , Idjc : Put-
tiniu XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shetuckct S
10\u : do SS I2u ; Yeoman's bliiu 21) ) , 8Jc ,
DENIMS. Amo.skeak , blueund brown ,
IGJc ; Andover DD blue , 15Jc ; Arlington
blue Scotch , 18Ac ; Concord OOO , blue ami
brown , 12Jc : dn AAA , do do 13J ; do XXX
do do 144c : Haymaker's blue and brown ,
! > ic ; Mvstic Itiver DI ) Ktri | > e , lliic ; IVarl
Uiver , lilue aii'l brown , Ki.ic ; Uncasvillc ,
blue and brown , l.'t.Jc.
f'AMUHICS Itnrmml , 51c ; Kddyntone
liuiiiK1 inch double face , MJc ; ( iainer i A
glared , 5c : Manhattan clove finish , fc ; / ;
Newport do lie ; do tjlazcd , 5/c ; / ; Pequot do
5c : Ixickwood kid linixh , ( ic.
COltSET .lEANS-Amory , 8cAiulroH- ;
cuxi-'in satteen , 8Jc ; Clarendon , ( ii'cf ' ; 'ones-
txtj'u Hiittt-eiiH , " } c ; Hallowell , 8c ; Indian
Orchard tuiprovud , "Jc ; Narra'an ) > i'tt , 7ic ;
1'epperill witt n 9V" Uockjiort , 7Jo
I'ltlNTSAliens lijc ; American , CJc ;
Arimld , 7c ; Berwick , 49u ; Cocheco , 7c ;
Conexto a. OJc ; Dunkirk , 4/u ! / ; Dunnell ,
( H < 27 < : ; Eddystone , 7c ; Uloucmter , ( ic ;
Harmony , 5JK ) : Knickerbocker , OJc ; Mur-
rlmac 1 > , 7c ; Mystic , 5Jc ; Sprai'um , ( Jc ;
SoiithWidge , Ik' ; do. Ginghams 7c ; Jlurl-
Imro , ftjc ; Oriental OJc.
GIX < ; iIAMS Am ( kea , I0 ± v Amo .
kcvilro * 12J. ' Anryle , lOjc ; Atlantic ,
9cj Cuudierland , 74c ; ] { ighland , 8Ju ;
Kfnilwit.-th , 8iu ; Pluii kutt , lOJc ; Sun-
Hex. SB.
COITOVADKS Abberville 13Jc ;
Afc'iite 'Attc ; Americ.ui , 11" ! Artisian , 20c ;
Cairo D tttid ' ! ' , Uf Clarion D nnd T ,
17jc ; Deccun rohtri | s DnndT , lc ( ) ; Key-
ntone , lUJe ; Nantucki-t , 19c ; Nonpareil ,
Ocean I ) and T , Ji'lc ' ; Koyal ,
, 12c ; Tinga , l"lc ; Wachusett hliirt-
m- < sleeks , IL'Jc ; do , Nautili , 12Jc ; York ,
plain Nankin , lVc ; do.cUcks , stripea and
fancy , 12Ac ; do , H oz , 20c.
SHEHTING.S-AndroHcoi ; .lnlO-l.27ic ;
do 9-1 , 21c ; do 81"Jo ; Continental ( J
42 , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-1 , 27J ; New
York mills 98 , 'tic ; do 78 , 30c ; do .18 , 22Jc ;
and Toiacco ( > .
OIGABS. Heeds 815.00 ; ( ionncctlcut ,
$25.00 ; Mixe.1 , $35.00 ; Heed Havar.-a ,
$ .r,0.00j ClearHavana , 75.00.
TOBACCO - PLUG. - Golden Ilnle ,
21 Ib , COc ; Spotted Fawn , ( He ; Our Hope ,
I quality , G'Jc ; Star , poundi ) , 21
, lb , butts COo ; HorseShoe , pounds ,
2i Ib , butte , COci Purity , 24
Hi. butts , 62cj Queen Bee , 2J Ib , butte. 53o ;
Gllt.r.dge , pounds " 4 Ilj. butte , 00 ; Army
and Navy , pounds 65o ; Bullion , nouoilK ,
COc ; LoriHard'B Climax , pounds Clc.
KINK 0UT-In palU.-Hftrtl to Beat ,
75 ; Golden Thread , 70c ; FounUln , 80cj
Favorite , CU > cj Uockv Mountain , POv- ;
Fancy , Wcs Dai < y , 50c. In tin foil .
Oatlln * O , S. , 5 Ib boxes per HI O.V ; liorl-
IllnrdV Tieer , ( IV : s Di.imnud Cnnvn , Mo ,
SMOKING All prades-Common , 2fl to
33c. Granulatcii Black wells Durham , 10
or. file ; Dukes Durham , 10 or , 50c ; Seal of
North Carolina. 1(1 ( 07 , 4t'i ; Seal of Nebra * .
ka , 10 oz , 38c ; ] < ono < Iack , 4 o * , linen IIAKS
peril ) , S1.3-"i ; Marburg' Puck , 2 or , tin
oil. 55o ; UOR Tail. C.ric.
Pnlnti Ollt nnd Varnlihei ,
PAINTS IN OIL \Vldto lead , Omaha
P. P. , 7c ; white load , O. P. k C. Co.pnro ,
( V'j Marseilles Kieen , 1 to ft Hi cnn , UOcs
Fivnch zinc , B } n eal. I''c : French zinc ,
reil teal , lie : French , In varnish asst ,
iXV-i French r.ince , in oil a-wt , l.'c ; Unw
and burnt umber , 1 Ib cant 12c ; raw and
Imrnv Siennn , 13o : > andyko bn > wn , 13 j
H'tined lampblack. 12c : coach black , l"c ;
l-ory black , 10c ; drop blnck , lOc ; Prussian
blue , 30c ; ultromarlno blue , ISc : chrome
green , \i \ , M. & D. , lie ; blind nnd lmtter
uri-cn , L. M. > t D. , Ho ; Paris Kreen. ISc ;
Indian rod , 15c ; Venetian red , ! 'c ' ; luscixtt
iiit , 2ic ! ; Amciican Veunlllod , I. A P. , 18c ;
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. 1) . O. , 18c ;
yellow ochre , Uc ; golden ochre , 10 ; patent
dryer , Go ; ( jralnlnR colorni Hjdit oak , ilark
oa t , walnut , chestnut and ash 12o
Dry ° alnti
White lead , tiic ; C'rench xinc. lOc ; Parli
whltelng 2Jc ; whiting gliders , Ijc ;
\\hitini ; com 1 , Itc ; lamjiblack German.
to\m , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; Pru -
sian blue , 45c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vandykv ,
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4i- ; timber , raw ,
Icjsiennn , burn t , Ic ; sienna , raw , 4
Paris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green com' !
2'c ; chrome green , N.V 20c ; chrom-
l-rcun K. , 12c ; yennillion , , 70c ; vermillion -
million , America , ISc ; Indian rod , lOo ,
ro o pink , 14c ; venotiiui read , Cooksou'a
'Uc : Venetian red Am. , l c ; rod load , 7&c ;
chrome yellow , genuine , 20o ; chrome vi'l-
low , 1C. , 12c ; ochre , rochulle , ! fo ; .oonre ,
I'Vi'in-h , 2jjc ; ochre , American , Ijc ;
Winter's mineral. 2Jc ; lehigh brown. 2jc :
Spanish bnnni. 2 c ; Prince's mineral 3o ;
VAUNISHKS Barn-Is per gallon :
Furniture , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. I ,
SI ; furniture , U , 85c ; conch , extra , SI 10 ;
Coach , No. 1 , ! jl 20 ; Damar , § 1 50 ; .rnp.ui.
70c ; asiihaltum , 70c ; ehollac , S3 50 ; hard
oil finish. $1.30
OILS 110' carbon , per gallon , lljc ; 150'
headlight , per gallon , 12fc ; 17"i' hea'dlighl ,
per gallon , IGc ; crvNtoliue , per gallon , 20c ;
linsfed , r.iw , per gallon , ( id ; linseed , boiled ,
tier gallon , t8c ! ; lani , winter st 'd , [ ) er al-
Inn , 1 05 ; No. 1 , 80c ; No. 2 , Ii5o ; castor ,
XXX , pr gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 1 15 : sweet ,
gallon , STic ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon ,
3.5 ; fish , W. B. per gallon , ( > 0c ; noatsfoot ,
extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , 0'ic ; lubri
cating , zero , per gallon , 30c ; summer , 15c ;
KH den machine. No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No.
2 , 50 ; sperm , Higiml , per gallon , SOo ; tct-
pcntinc , per gallon , ( Me ; naptha , 74' , per
Rallon , 30c ; OT. 20c.
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , rates , $3 50 ; plow steel , ciut , "i ;
st tool do , 15@20 wagon spokes , set.
2 2.3 00 ; hubs , per hct , I 25 ; felloes , sawed
dry , 1 40 ; tongues each , 70@85c ; axles ,
each , 75c ; vquaru nuts , per Ib , 7@llo ;
Wishers ; per Ib , 8@18c : rivets , per Ib , lie ;
coil chain , per Ib , ( i@12c ; malleable , 8c ;
ron wedges , Oc ; crowluirs , ( ! c ; harrow
teeth , 4c ; horneshoos , j > or keg , 5 00 ; spring
oel. 7 ( < ? 8c.
NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 GO ; 8 to 10 , 3 75 ;
lid , I 00 ; 4d4 _ 25 ; : wf common , 5 003d : _ ,
line , li 50 ; clint'li , all ni/.cn , 5 25 ; lid , ( vising ,
4 75 ; 3d casing , J fi.i ; lOd casing , 4 25 ; led
finish , 4 75 ; Sd finish , 5 00 ; lid finish , 5 25
half keen , lOo extra.
SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , $2.10 ;
Oriental Powder , kegs , ? C. 10 ; do. , h.ilf
kegs , S3.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , $1.80 ; Blasting -
ing , kens. 33.85 : Fuse , uer 100 feet 50c.
Horses and Mule * .
The market i * brisk and all grades are
selling well at i > < diuht lulvnnco in p'ices. '
The demnnd for good horses exceeds the
supply considerably. Prices rauge as fol
lows :
Fine single drivers , S150. to 300. ; Extra
draft horses , 317ft. to 225. ; Common drait
honeit100. . to 150. : Extra farm horses
S110. to 125. ; Common to good farm homes
890. to S100. ; Extra plugs , SCO. to 75. ;
Common plugs , S20. to S10.
MULES. 15 to 15i liands ( extra ) , § 125.
to 150. ; 14 i to 15 hands , $100. to 140. ;
14 to 14J bands $75. to 100. ; 181 to W
hands. SIX ) , to 75
ALCOHOL 187 proof , 2 25 per wine
gallon ; extra California spirits , 187 proof ,
1 30 per proof gallon ; triple rolinvd spirits ,
1P7 proof , 1 24j > er proof gallon ; re-distilled
vtitkieu , 1 00@1 5u ; fine blended , 150 ®
2 50 ; Kentucky liourbons , 200@700 ; Kna-
tuckv and Pennsylvania rj'es , i 00@7 00
BRANDIES Imported , § ( i 00@1 ( > 00 ;
domestic 1 40@4 00.
GINS Ir.iorted , 4 50@0 00 ; domestic ,
1 40(5)3 ( ) 00.
KUMS Imported , 4 50@G 0 ( ) ; New
England. 2 004 00 ; domestic , 1 50S)3 ( ) 50
CHAMPAGNES Imrortcct per case ,
OO.W 0Act3r'i-kj. CMC , 1200 ®
CLARETS Per case , 4 50@1C 00.
WINKS llhino wine , jier case , 0 00@
ft 00 ; Catawba , per case , 4 00@7 00.
FENCING No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , $22 ' 00 ;
No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 21 00 ; sheeting dressed ,
No. 1 , 18 00 ; No. 2 , Hi 00 ; common boards
drestwd. 20 00.
FRAMING li ( ft. and under , i r M ,
21 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 00 ;
21 ft. 2500.
FINISHING No. 1. finish U , 1J and
2 inch , 50 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch $45 00 ;
No. 2 , fmi-li 1 J , 11 and 2 inch , SI500 : No.
2 finish , 1 inch , $40 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 in.h : ,
$35 00 ; O. G. battoim pei iOO feet Hit. ,
$1 00 ; well curbing , § 2200 ; rough i and 2
inch battocs per 100 feet lip. . 50c.
STOCK BOAUDS A slock , &IO 00 ; B
-35 00 ; C , WO 00 ; common stock , $22 50.
FLOORING No. 1 , $10 00 ; No. 2 ,
J-35 00 ; No , 3 , 322 00 ; yellow pine , No. 1 ,
si DING-NO , i , $2100 ; NO. 2 , 32200 ;
No. 3. 81800.
SHIP LAP Plain , 322 00 ; O. G. No. I ,
53200 ; No. 2.S2200.
CEILING S2J 00&837 00.
shingles S3 85 , No. 2 , $2 50 ; No. 3 , $2 00.
Lath , e3 50.
Dulldlre Material.
LIME 1'er barrel , 81 35 j bulk perbn. ,
35c. Cement , bbl , $2 50. lowit planter.
bbl , 82 50. Hair lier bu. 35c. Tarred
felt 100 Ibs , $3 50. Straw board. 8 CO
PAPEIl Straw paper , Sjfc ; rag paper ,
c ; dry goods paper , 7c ; manila paper , 10o ;
news paper. 80
CO A J < Cumberland blackimilth , 312 ;
Morris Hun Blo btirg , 312 ; Whitobreast
lump , 30 f.O ; Whitebreast nut , $ ( i f,0 ; Iowa
lump , SJG 50 ; Iowa nut 80 50 ; Hock Springs
; Anthracite , all sizes S12 00@12 50.
Orucs ,
Carbolic , SOo ; Acid , Tartarlc , 5Cc ; Balsam
Copabia , per Ib , 75c ; liark , Sassafras , ner
Ib , 12c ; Calomel , per Ib , 75c ; Cinchnniilin ,
pur oz , $1 00 ; Chloroform , per Ib. 1 ( K ) ;
Dover's powders , per Ib , 81 40 ; Kpni n
Halts , per Ib , 3Je ; Glycoiino , pure , per Ib ,
15c ; Lea < l , Acetate , per Ib , 2lc ;
Ojl , Castor , No. 1 , per b'ul , 1 35 ;
Oij , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , 8125 ; Oil ,
Olive , per gal , SI 50 ; Oil , Origanum , fiOu
Opium , 84 50 ; quinine P. A W. A It. & S. ,
per oz , 82 75 ; Potassium , Iodide , per Ib ;
2 50 ; Halacm , per oz , 40c : Sulphate of
Morphine , per oz. 33 81 ; Sulphur Hour ,
per Hi , 4Jc ; Strychnine , tier oz. 81 50 ,
Merino unwashed , light , 14@lCc ; heavy ,
l.t@16c ; medium unwashed , light , 18ifl20c ( ;
tub-washcd , choice , S2c ; fair , 30c ; dingy
and w. , 28c ; burry , black and coiled v/ools
Hides f-urs , Etc.
HIDES Green ( jutcher's hide , 7c ; green
cured hides 8c ; green Bait , part , cured
JildfH , 7@7jc ; dry flint , Bounil , 13@llc ; ilry
calf and kip , 12@13o ; dry salt hides.Houn.f. .
llSjl2c ( ; green calf. wt. 8 to 15 H n. . 10@llc
'teen ca f , wt , under 8 Ibrf , pc kn ! , 50ci
ften ! KlU ! , 81 00@1 15 ; green lamb skins ,
1 10@1 25 ; damaged hides two-third rate ,
cut Kcorod and one grub , cla ed two-
tLIr < M rat , ) branded hides 10 per e nt. off.
Coon sklni , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , 30o ; No , 3 ,
SO. ; No. 4 , lOe , Mink , No. i , 60 ; No 2
SOc ; No. 3 , Moj NP , t , Co. Kox , No , 1 ,
OOo ; No. 2,2TC. Skunk , No. 1 , black ,
6'ic } short dtriix40 < v narrow utrlpo 25c ;
broad utrlpe , lOc. Tallow , file ,
Council BlufTn Mnrlint.
Cottxctii BLUVKS , Kolnuarv 7.
Flour Manufactured by Crystal and
City Mills. S75S:4 ( : 50 : Kniixas and Mi -
sourl Hour , 3 50 ® I 2ft > graham , 3 7' > ; rye
Hour , 3 40.
Bran and Shorts 15 00 per ton.
Chop Corn 22 50 per ton.
Wheat-No. 2 , $1 20 ; No. 3 , UOc : re
jected , 70c.
Corn 45.
O.its-Ko. 2 , lOc ; rejected , S.V.
Harley-No. 2. ! Ho : No. ! 1 , 7.V.
Hny-'Invxe , ft 00 ® (1 ( 00.
Wood- ftOdfi 7 00 ,
l.ivtHogs ft 2 , " > © 5 "ft.
Cattlo-Shiiiping , 4 WKSifi W ; milch
cows 30Wri.i ( X ) per head ; liutcht-ni
clock , 3 000' 3 W ) .
Sheep- . I 25.
n Hides -fteslJ Shldi-H , 7c.
Wool I .
Butter Creamery , 30c ; In tolU , r p
pod , 'J.'c : Mils not wrapped , 20.imvod :
rn ors , 15ii.20c. (
Eggs Pack. ' . ! , Itic : freMi , S.V.
Potatoes I 101 .0 ; Salt liki- .
OnloiH I 25@l 10.
Dnwod Poultry -Chickens 1CK- ;
1V ( ; goose , So ; turVuvs 12 |
Live Chickens 2 25 per iion-ii.
tilUCAlU ) . I'Vbrinuv .
On 'change the markets xirro mdy
moderately activo. The receipts of grain
were 117 our load * , embracing 111 of wboat ,
315 of corn , 311 of oits , 8 ol rye , anil ! l of
Flour Dull and ouotatlous unchanged ;
little 01 no dt'tmnd fiom any sourcu.
Wheat No. 2rprlng WUB f lrly ntisu
and the feeling wns unsettled , ptioo- <
Ihictuiitinu' however within a moderate
range. Trading almost wh lly spocu-
Intivn and nuirkot governed iihnost in-
tiroly by local speculative Inlliionco. The
ma ket oiiencd at about the closing figures
of yesterday , and after slight lluotiiiitlons
declined Ijc per bushel , then ruled mroti-
ger advancing Jc , tluctuated nml finally
closed about jiQi.Jc lower on the regular
boaid and on call at 1 30@1 30& & foroiish
und Fobru'iry ; 1 311 314 for Mun-h ;
1 321 tar April ; 1 : i f ( . lay ; 1 31 f or
June ; 1 O'.lj ) for year ; No. 3sprinif in fnir
demand but irregular , i uotibly at 1 14J ;
rejected du 1 85i.Kc ( ' ) , according to loi-a-
Corn Weak and an uifottled feeling
prevails I under the intluonro of quite f roe
IForings and go 1 rpceiwts. llnjors wore
rather slow to take bold and trail ing was
chiilly in the more deferred dollvories.
Piices iccedcd id ilu on the whole range
but exhibit a little more stomliucss nonr
the close. No. 2 nnd high mixed clofod
on call at iV.l'Je fm cash ; fil'jin'iOe ! ( for
February ; ( iOjc lorMarch ; ( i.'iifc for May ;
( i5J ( & I15jc for June ; GGJc for July ; re
jected , in f.iir demand at 55 ,
Oats Kasirr and lower ; drnund ex
ec diuvjy limited ; No 2 closed on cull at
4 ISC' ' I IJc- for Februarv ; 41Jc fur March ;
42ic for April ; 45ic Jor May : 4ljc [ for
liye Dull nnd lower ; nodoimml ; No.
2 closed at ! X92c ) for Fchniarj ; U3e for
Barley Neglected and not u h doing ;
No. 2 , 1 03rl ( ! ) 01 for ciish ; futuios iniii !
live ; No , 3 , SOc.
Pork Strndy ; closed at 18 40a 1H 50 for
cash and Febnnr : 18 riiii ! ( > 18 57J for
March ; H 75@18 7"i for Apiil and May ;
1 ! ) l-ili for June.
Lard Steady and modorntelv ictixe ;
closing nt 11 30 for cash and l-Vbruurv ;
11 37J f"r March ; 11 52&11 & ft.1 for April ;
11 G5 for May ; 11 72J for .rune.
Whisky Steady at 1 IS ) .
Butter -In active request fr.ioi th- lo
cal trade ; offerings were 1-ght and fairly
held ; creamery , choice to fancy , 3 ! ) ( He ;
fair to good , 3i@37c ; dairy , choice to
fancy , 3 © .Tie ; do. fair to good l.Sir2Sc ( ;
fresh ir.iule packirg stock , 12allic ( ; ladle
packed common to good , 15c ; fcr com *
mon to fair , 25@28.
Eggs Hoccipts large ; frenli , fair mm-
ket und xvcakor ; sold generally at 20o [ mr
dozen ; ice house not wanted.
Hoo'ts. Shipm'ts
Flour . 14fir,2 , 24,787
Wheat . 108.328 28,2fi
Corn . 151 , ! ! li ( 10l,4)0 ! ! )
Oats . 403ifi ; l 74.741
llyc . 3,222 8,322
Barley. . . . . . . S,2i'.t ( t24l08 !
Chicago liiyo Stock.
ClUOAno , February 7.
The DrovorV Joirnal u' ] irts as foil ws :
Hoga Hcceipts , 32,500 head. The market
for common to go < d xvaswe.ik ; movement
of trade cpiite clew The quality of oiler-
ings was jioor. The weather was soft nii'l '
gave jiacKcrsa x-ery gxid excuse for oper
ating slowly and ili-maud lower juices :
early sales were not inin'h diffcnmt , but
got weak nndsloxv later , and many sales 5
© lOc lower ; final of market very bad , no
trains xvere laden with hotfsand many left
unsold , | is u large iminbur of , paukors were
out ; the market ranged from 0 20@G G5 ;
heax-y pncl.'ing ami hhipilng | were alco
xveak nnd sal-s un atisf .ctory . at 0 ; 0@ >
G 75 ; Philadelphia and Inrd hos , demand
I ! 50 : light hogs modeiiilolv active , but
xveaker and nlio lower , rnlihg nt ( ! 25 ( i
li 3. ; skijifi mid culls I 2.V lilO.
Cattle HoceiptH. 4,400 head. Atrao-
tivo diovi'n > ' mid nhiiping | cattle sold
stiongcr and cuneiit ruin forchoico htocr.s
an * fully 1 u lnKhi.r , but common to fnir
cattle are uiichnnui'ii ; nioili'ini ' 480 ( 485 ;
good , o : ( OG//7 / 00 ; oxp.irt. ( i2n < lii ( 40lhcre :
was a good sharp dciiutnl for butcliTs
cattle , and all sorts of butchers' cattle
reidily sold at prices fully 10f il5u higher ;
infe ior bulls and nil u < > < ( droveis sold
vcrv ( | iiickly ; cow2 Wlf3 1)0 ) ; hulls , < I 00
fe'375 ; stockers 300f 375 ; feeders I BO
© 5 00.
Sheep JIarkot. xvcak nnd lower ; fair ,
4 004 50 : medium , 1 " ! > i I ! )5 ) ; good , r , 00
< f ! > r > 30.
Kanmui City Produce Market.
JCANHAHi'nr , February 7.
Wneiit Kirni ; No , 2 1 221 < < > f Febru
ary ; 1 22 fur Match ; No. 3 , February ,
1 071 ; March , 1 13J ; Ai-iil. 1 Oljj ; No. 4
March , I O-'iJc ; rejectocl , 75.
Oats Fobtnary 45c ; March , 45c.
Uoo'ts. Shipm'ts.
Wheat . 133,010 1,029
Corn . 13,216 2.1,555
Oats . : t.-UO 2,370
Jtyo . none .iil (
lOinnaii City Llvo Stack.
KANHAH CITV , Kehninry 7 ,
Cattle Itoccipts 4HI bead ; shljimcnls ,
388 head , Market notlvo at Monday' *
pric s ; native shippers. I 75 ; native htock.
CH , 15 4C ; native ftudcis I 50 ; cows , 2 'Sify
* t ft\ ) ,
ftII. . g"Itfceljits li'i'J ' " ' ' "li Hhipm. nts
lH' M irki'l ao iv-c at ndviiiico of
5e ; Komi to choice heavy , ( i f,0@7 00 ;
medium jiacklug , ( i \ ( nf 70 ; light Bliin.
piny .IRlfulilO ,
NewlToi-Ji I'loUuoo
NKwYoitK , February 7.
1'luur ( Julut imd mi hiiiit'edj southern
Hour in sUady demand ; c minion to choice
, ,
Wheat Oiuni'd | hcuvy , lower and un-
mltled ; clotting portion of decline ; No. 2
ryd , 1 43144l5 No. 1 xvhite. 1 38Jul ( , . | ; ij
No. 2 rod , February , -Cljrgl 436 ; do
March , 1 45fjl 458 ; , ] „ April 1 I7S(1 ( ( 471
( Ji.rn Opened lower , but afterwards
regained noitlon and advanced ; imgradeil
' ( > 7.ic ; No. 3. liSjc ; steamer mixed ,
' l
OaUCash Juts t , wly ; oiitlona weak ;
.No. 1 white , r-2(5,52Jc ( mixed , IS&l'Jc ,
Hye Diiflat91 < gHc !
liarleyQuiet and unchanuu I.
Pork New njiot inc. 18 liV lH 50.
Lard-Quiet ; 11 l.'i canhj 11 4' mi V
t ebruary ,
Whl kyNominal. .
Petroleum Market firmandijuiot ; uult.
ed Sfij ; crude in | > nrreU , H7J ; refined in
St. LonU Prodnon.
ST. IXMIIR. February 7.
Flour Irtiwer ; XXX , S 5(5J ( > 75 ; family ,
fl "ft ; choice to fancy , (1fiit ( \ " 10
Wheat Fairly a live anil lower ! No. 2
rod , 1 43 for cn lil ; 3SJ for March ; 1 301
for Apill ; 1 3SJ for May ; 1 37i for June ;
No. 3 do , 1 30f i No I do , 1 liftj.
Corn Falrlv act ivo and lower for cash ;
rtlfc- f.'r.Mntx-li ; Olio fo- April ; ( Ullo fur
M iy ; tUilc for JUMP ; rejected. fiSjiC'i'fti'o. '
Oats lutl and 1 mer ; UJc for iwh ; { ?
for March : 47jc [ for May ,
lyn ! Firmnr at llUo.
BarleyWcfri ) ! 10.
Load- Steady nt i"0o ,
ItutlerHighor ; dairy , 2SG'137o ; cream-
nrv , 3"ifi lOo.
KpKH LK er.
\V hldky Steady nt 1 18.
Pork ICaiicr ; 18 70Jfor ca b nnd Mnrch ;
18 IH1 for Aptll ; job lots 18 75 for enidi.
Lard Nominally II 32J. & U
Uoo'ts. Sldpmt * .
Flour . ( iOX1 li.OOO
Wheat . 43.CHX1 ( i 000
Corn . 124,010 13,000
Oal . 22,001S.IXK )
II vo . . . , ( K ) iioni'
Bnrli-V . 3.CKM
St Loiil .Llvi < Stooli-
St. Louis I'Vbniui y 7.
H < ihM 1 , iili I grailc hMlt't : lik' it to tend
Yorkers Sll Ml ; packlnir , ( ! IOci700 ;
buc'oiV in i-xtM fniii y , -7 lOfti"- ! ;
pins "iSWiMiO ; ru-celpts l. Hl ; ship.
ii-Mits 7X ( )
Poorin Prod n oo.
PKOIUA , 1'ubruary 7.
Wheat Actixt1 , xviih an Imiuiry for
food mjllini ; samtilos ; No. 2 , t 3.1.
Corn Huled ipilft anil onsy but trnn _ -
ixi'tiomi xvero mi'dcrately active ; . No. 2 ,
( iGJc ; yellow , 50c ; mt.xed , Ole ; high mixed ,
ft'ltc ; mixed , 57Jc ; lojectod , 5iJC. [ '
Oats Quiet , easy and lower ; No. 2
white , Gilo ; lis'lit mixed , I21c ; mixed ,
! 2Hc ; rejected , 42Jc.
Ijyo Dull and lower ; No. 2 , OOlc ; re
jected , ! > 3c.
Barley Good samples of b tier prndivi
HiijlixvinpB Unohangod ; not quoted.
lloo'K Ship'ts.
Wheat . . 3,150 iidtin
Com . 5,705 5fi80
Oats . . . . . , 000 5,720
Hyu . 0,000 tl.Ofli )
Barley . 2,250 non
42 43(5 (
Cincinnati Produce.
CINCINNATI , Fein nary 7
Metw Pork Steady at 18 75@1 ! < 00.
Iiird Firm ; prime uteam , 11 ' 0.
lincon Firm ; clear rllm sides , 10 ( i2l
© 11 25.
Flour Kimy ; family , G 10.
Wheat Wink ; No. 2 red , 1 'W.
( 'orn Weaker , No. 2 mixed spot , traek ,
llyo-1 02.
llarloy Weak ; spring , 70c.
Whisky Stonily at 1 17.
Toledo Prodnoa. February 7.
Wheat Lower ; No. 2 red , 1 39 ] for
canli ; 1 40 for March ; 1 41 . Apill ; 1 41
for June.
Corn Quiet ; llGc for enih and Ffbrunry ;
tilic for Mniuh , < )5Ui ) for April ; ( > 7ie. { for
Nothing doin < in other mniketH.
Phlliuloluhlo. Prodnco.
I'liu.ADKi.lMllA , February 7.
Wheat rftojily ; 1 IWJtfrtl 40 ] for cash
nnd Febnnrv ; -113(3.1 1 412 for .March ,
Corn ritendy ; G7Ji' ensli or February.
Oats Sloiidv at 48 } ( ) l9o for cash :
IHJ@J9o fur Febiimry.
HyoQuiet at U2c.
Baltlinoro Produoo.
liAl.TlMOllK , li'ohruiiry 7.
Flour Dull.
Wheiit Fiiltz , I 43t ; Lungbcrry , 1 4U ;
No. 2 rod winter , steady at 1 38JJ for
cash ; 1 403 for arch.
Corn -White southern , steady at VOv"
yellow , 71c ; mixed western , GS.jc.
E" lit 1.11)orty liivo Stooli.
EAHT LUIUUTY , Pa. , Kobrnory 7.
Cattle Slow nnd unchanged ; receipts ,
900hi'ad ; HhiiinentH | ( 105 lion I.
Hogs --F.iir ; receipts , 180 ; shiiimcnts ,
500 ; L'hiladeliihiuri , 7riO@7H ( ) .
Sheep Weak ; receipts , 400 ; shipments ,
Tarpoutlna Bfarkot-
Wil.MiNtiTON , N. C. , February ? .
KiiHin 1 ! 2 ; gnoil , 1 971.
Spirits Firm at fiOc.
Tar 1 70.
Turpentine Firm ; hard , 225 ; soft , 8 50
i3 75 ; Virgin , 3 80.
Buffalo JLlvo Stooli.
EAHT HUKKAIX ) , February 7.
Ilugf ItcceiplH , 8 cars ; nbiimentH | , 40
cars ; Yorkers , 7 00ij7 ( 15 ; good mixed ,
7 2.7i7 ( ! 4 I.
Cleveland Markot.
Cl.KVKl.A.SD , Ful.inary 7.
I' tioli'urnlTnchiinged ; > , tniidardwhte ! ,
111) ) test ! lu.
tiivnrwool Produoo.
LlVltlil'UOl. , Fell miry 7.
I'lourAn oriunn , 10i IslfirllU.
Wheat Winter , lV8d ( ( )10 ) % lid ; while ,
10,1 M ; spring , ! ) < lid ; elub , lUH9d@lls
Corn ( ii .
l'ori < 77s.
Lnnl 57s.
Thu n.'CuiplHof whcnt for thu pant three
ivs were II1,500 ! centals ; 8.-IOO centals
Ainiirican ,
OH Mnrkot.
I'jTlHliiWd , I'Vhruary 7.
Tim nil maiki't op iu-d at 80if , and
closed at noon at 8c ( ! ; for Muich ik-livory
87fc ; for Apiil'Mlju ; for May l)2c ) ; New
Vork , 7jc ; Antwerp , 18f. Tlie Bhipiiirnts
were : uniteil , 1/.I3S bbls ; tidexvaler , 4,1)21
bhl ; chiirtirs , IL'180 ; Pittihurg sales ,
23,800 bbls ; Pitthburg exchange ttock ,
1 15.
cacriiiiii-nto mills patent lliur : ( ml
hi and ) . Our bent Eureka patent flour
( blue lirunil ) . The only patent Ilimr man-
ufnctiired on the Pacific coast. We claim
it IH the whitixt , strongest and bent family
Hour in the state. Ask your grocer for it
Try it and jou will iisn no other.
K. M. McCiiKAiiy k C'o. ,
Sacramento ,
T. J. IVXANS Agent ,
Crystal M ills , ( ' . in cil Bluffs.
'I'lit ! iiiurriai.'u of Mr. Willmiii
I'hluegiiiK , of thiH city , nnd MJHH Min-
liuotur , ot NubruHliu City , occurred ut
the liridu'ii raxiilonuu in thu lutlur
plncu on .Monday oviiiiiiif , ' . Thu
bridal party ciuuu to thin city yuatur-
day , The groom iu a well known anil
( U'Hdrvodly popular young niun , llo
is in tlie employ of llor & : Co. , and
liau biion foru lon tiiiioiiiuuiiibur of
thu U. 1' . hand. Thu hrido is onu of
Nubniuka City'H nioat favored hollos.
und will ho u wulcomu addition to
Onmlu Houioty.
Buokun'B vruicu Sulvu.
Thu bent Hiilvo intho world for uuU ,
bruini'D , norua , ulcurn , milt rliouiu ,
fuvur aoroH , tottur , uhanpud InindH ,
chillbliiinu , coriiH and all kiiulH of
akin uruptiona. This Rulvu is guur-
untuud to givu porfuct Biitiafaction in
every ciwo or money rufundud , I'rlco ,
2 io per box. Kor nalo by
TWII & MuMiHON. Omaha.
Tlio Cnmp Flro Ltwt NlRht-A
From thoBlulltt.
Tlio coiurnik-a of the Orixtid Army
had u sploiHlid ttino nt tliL-ir camp
tire Monday , Uoorgo A. Custcr post ,
of this city , and 1'liil. Ixoarnoy post ,
of Fort Onmlm , both sondiiiK a full
tJUotll td tllO flHIIlt.
Iowa nnawou'd bravvly to the cull
by nondinj * ovi-r n dotachinunt ( it
forty cotnradoA from Abe Lincoln post
No. ! ) . The
il latter ciimo ever on a
Rpociiil train about 8 o'clock , and ,
headed b ) their oxvn fitniid of colors
and nun-tint music , from the Hhill'a
nisi ) , the boya mnrchod to Kuony's
hall , xvhoro a lar o iiscuinbly of coin-
null's , liuiios and gcittlcmi'ii worn in
waiting. Among the Council llluH *
visitors wore tlio folloxvinj , " :
Commnndor ilohn Limit , of Abe
Lincoln 1'of.t No. Ull ; Adjutant K. .1.
Abbott , ( Jimttorniiistcr Louis Stivor-
oiijn , Sonuir Vice Commamlor .loaoph
SpauUlini ; , Junior W. Honor , Sergeant
llotiry llolliiiifl\vivth , and comrades
A. AiMton , Horyoant major ; \V. Mo-
Kndilt'ii , drum major ; ID. K. llolmon ,
Pat Hico , J. C. Ciuly , Ilonry CJon-
hoimt'r , James Paraloo , Ktiyi-nu Casi-y ,
H. C. Honey , Win. II. Cnmpboll ,
John Fox , J. U. llullt , John' Ward ,
llu'h ( , McDnnald , Victor Keller , AN
oxandor Obort , John Dougherty , (5oo. (
IV Miles , Clm . Wciiks , A. Austin , T.
J. duly , D. Dolph , J. A. llorald ,
Knwt Fisluir , Win. Voorhis , ,1. 0.
Galluglior , and others.
At the hull thu members of the Ne
braska posts , with their wivoa and
daughters xvoro uthorod in full force ,
nnd received their guustH in hospita
ble stylo. Post Commnndor Frank
Moore presided nnd culled upon 0 1.
H. II. Wilbur to assist him. A innu-
bor of patriotic speochun wore made ,
stories told , songs sung and poems recited -
cited , the boys from tlio UlnHs con *
trihutini ; their full shnro to tlio
uvoning a ontorlainmont. lion. S , J.
Aloxnnd.or , Department commnndor ,
xx'ns up from Lincoln and mndon short
While the preliminary part of the
campliro was thus boin carried out
the old army bonn nnd army colloo
wore boiling axvay ju the ante-room ,
in gumiino army kettles , and nt its
conclusion -wore Rerx'od up steaming
hot in army tin cups , supplement * !
by hnrd-tnck in abundance and by
nome line cake prepared by tlio ladies.
Mra. C. II. Fitch , wife of the hist.
pobt commander , superintended the
this pnrt of the business in such a way
as to dosurvo special mention in the
It wan after midnight xvhon thu
eclioos xvero ii nin awakened on Farn-
liiini atroot by the drum nnd life , us
the boys in blue marched to tlio depot
lo return home on their special train ,
which xx'as in waiting for thorn.
A Street Cur Drlvor'n CaroloaanoBH
Hourly CIUIHUB a Ciilnatrotilio.
Thu crossings of tliu U. 1' . trnokH
on Ninth nnd Tenth streets bolween
JOIIUH nnd Li'nvunworth streets is nt no
timu very anfu. Trnina arc conntnnt-
ly panning , engines nru backing or
going nbund mid dutnched earn nro
Hunt Hying ncrons down thu grndu nt
nil hournof thu diiy and night. For
this reiiHiiu tliu Huitnblu nrccnutimiH
Hhould bo doubly obsurvod.
A gruun Btniot cnr nnrrowly uscnped
dt'Htruclion and its occnpnnta injury or
denth at tlio Ninth Hlroot crooning yea-
terdny nfturnoon. A xvoll loaded cnr ,
having among iln jiiiBBongura Col ,
Smylhu , 15. Hosinvntor and the MisHUH
Millnrd , WIIH crossim ; thu trncka wbun
nn unginu caiiio rnpidly up tliu trnok.
Thn driver atruck his horses and tbuy
sprang nbund in limu to allow tliu loco-
motivu lo PIIBH by about bulf a foot.
Tliu Indies in thu cnr acrunmud nnd the
men woru proporlionntnly frightened.
If thu car had beun Htruck it would
doubtluBH liuvu buuu Hinnnbud to piucca
nnd UH nccupiinlH killed or flovoruly
injurod. Whuro thu llagmnn xvna or
whnt thu drivur of tlio car xvnn doing
to allow tliu hnrsim tu carry him into
whnt auomud tlio tooth of danger , nru
( | iiuriis wliich limy need inveHtigntioii.
FlrHt Appoiirnnco lit Boyd'Hof un OUI
und Poworlul Organization.
On TliurHilny uvuning II. H.'Mnhn'n
Comiu Opura coiiipiiny will begin nn
ungngomuiit of Ihruu nightH nnd n
inutiiiue ut lioyd'n Opura Ilouau , the
dpc'iiing ojiurn buinjj Vju SIIJIIIO'B
"Doiinn Jimnita. " On Friday evening -
ing Von SIIIO'H [ ) | ' 'Hoccuccio" will bu
given , nnd on Kattirdny _ ovcning ( ill
burt ( V Snllivnn'H ' "Pnlienco , " xvhich
in n Biitiru upon tbu lusthutiu orn/e.
ThiH IB nn excellent compntiy , nnd n
rnru trcnt I'B in store for thu ndmin.'ra
of opera.
Thu II , H. Afiihn opura uominny ] ,
though onu of thu olduat inimical or-
ganir.ationa trnvelinjnro making
their first weBtern tour , nnd thu fol
lowing uiidoiBumuntH will bo road with
interest :
ThuNow York 1'iwt miyti : "Tliu
II. 15 Malm oponi compnny in onu of
thu beat opuratio otgnni/.utioiiH in
Amuricn. '
Thu Nuxv Vork TimuH snys ; ' 'Tliu
Mnhn ojiern compnny nppuarud nt
Niblo'B ( inrdun tliuntru. Pntiuncu
XVIIH well mounted , hniidHomitly dru H
oil. Choriid wiiti Inrgu nnd xvull drill
ed. Thu opurn m alrundy f.uniliur to
our readorH , nud it m only ntceHsnry
to i D for to tliu uxcullunt iiinnnur in
which it WIIH handled by tliu puoplu
to whom Mr. Malm entrusted it. "
Evading tbu Luw ,
Tliu Omahii Tulegrnph bun been go.
ing for Mr. Cbriut I'oppunhuuun , of
Millnrd , on tliu ullogud ground tbnt
hu in thu man who mndu thu com
plaint agaiimt Suhroudur , miuiugur of
tbu Millnrd tnrinur'ii ulub , for Bulling
liquor without n HUUIIBU.
While Mr , 1'opneiilniguii does not
admit or deny tbu clmrgu , bu ia by no
moans backward ia stilting bin posi
tion in thu matter. Ho him puid Inn
liceiiHu iiiunoy and ia doing n aijunru
business , complying witli the lixw in
ovnry particular , atid snyB thnt the
Oermnim want ( o drink their beer open
andnbovn board and not as if
( hey xvoro doing something
thov know was wrong nnd in
violation nf the law. Ho thinks the
Millnrd Farmers' club ia simply a
subterfuge , like Siert's Douirlas Coun
ty Farumra' club to avoid the pay.
incut of the 8500 and ho fools Uko ho
Imd paid bin motley and was entitled
to the protection of the Inw.
The Small Pox Tukou Another Clu-ok
- Owtraclalnff Sluvon Houno
The small pox cases which xvoro discovered -
covered ou Saturdiy' nnd Sunday are
undiT good treatment and no inline-
dinte danger is apprehended of nuiio
deaths. I'reatou , after being taken
to the pest , house , was quite sick , ow
ing to exposure to cold , and the
aymptoms of small pox. rapidly do *
vuloped. lie is boiug well looked nf-
tor nnd is ns omfortnblo ns p
Tlio little daughter of Hov. K ,
Freeao is considerably xvorae ,
but it ia hoped that aho will not sutler
from the continent variety of tint dis
ease.There ia being n big kick made
around toxvn in various places about.
: ho boarders at the Slaven house. ,
who are claimed to bo unnocesRarily
exposing themselves. The boarders
referred to are making just ns vigor-
ma protests against tiioir being ostra
cised , nnd claim that people
ire scnrotl to death over nothing.
IVn of tlio boarders obtained
work yesterday on the Central sewer
ditch. They hadn't been nt work
more ( ban nn hour when annie of thu
other laborers recognized them and
immediately demanded that they bo
discharged. This xvaa ctono nnd the
mon xvere tinnhlu to retain their jobs ,
ilthough they appealed to Murphy.
inn of the contractors. It in claimed
liy Mr. Slnvcn that none of his boarders -
ors are liable to communicate or suf-
'or from the disease now , na they have
dready passed the time nf tor exposure ,
letore the symptoms she < x , The hotel
s being daily cleansed nnd fumigated
rnd Sluvon Mates that the city'physi-
cinn has assured him that there will
10 no danger of the disenso appearing
.hero again.
The pIonBcnt weather IH very favora-
> le for sanitary precautions and it is
loped tb..t no more cases will nriso
Tom nny o u e in the city. Additional
irecnutions should bo tnken nt the do-
int nnd all emigrant , trains should bo
: arufully xvatched , to avoid the land-
in ; of any patients xvho may hnvo eon *
.rncted the disease in Ivansna City or
ithor cities xveat.
Ahrnm Lo Ames , of I.lncol i , is in tbv
J. It. Donalson , of Norfo k , i in tbn
J. M. r eimelt , of H.iwlins , is in.tin-
Hon. Thou. L. Kimball returned from
H , C. MuMaken , of I'lattsmuiith , IMS
t nt the Cuntield.
W. > I. Crow , of Norfolk , nrriveil in 'i
Omaha ye t rday. ' ' !
John Leo , of l < 'ort Waslmkie , is a ( , 'in-Ht '
t thu Witlmell. "
M. L. Hilorith and John H. Pifprol '
Lyons am in the city. '
L. 1) . Curtis and xvlfo , of Dakota C'Hy , '
are nt the Meliopolitan.
Wallace Wheeler , of Lini'oln , camr up
to the metiopolis yesterday '
Win. Malchoif , of West Point , nrrixed
in thu city last cvaning.
Wm. H. Eager , of Wont Point , isnmoiiK
the rcxistrlcs at the Crcighton.
John O. O'Hetner ' and Jas. C. Millrr ,
of Kiritifiuld | | , niu nt the ( ! roihtin. ( (
V. ( ! . Lantry , of IJIalr , arrived lact
evening , and regiutcred at the Creighton ,
John J , Onrbsr and George W. ( jarbcr ,
if Ked Cloud , in rived in Omaha yesterday
W. K. Eiiton.of Warren , N. H. , IH in
the city , prospecting. Iloi < regist'rcd nt :
tint Qmilidd.
11. H , Hum ny ml wifti , accompanied
by the Mimes Edgeitou , loft for tlie ci t
tieo. L. Khoiip , of Iilaho , nrrivul in
Om.iha yuitvrday and reg ster d at the
Withni'll. '
Mr , Uborfulilcr , of "the linn of Ohcrfel
derS. Co. , this city , nturned from the cant
Judge ( ieo. II. Post , of the Fourth judi
cial di trict of Nebraska , IK in the city and
called on 'PinHKK : ,
J.N , Reynold anil wife , of Ftilliirton , lire
among tlu > ariivals yesterday registered ut
the Mi'trojiolitnn ,
Col. ( leoigc Canlield left for Ciinnd
Ishind yestuiduy on a buxineiis trip nd
will u-liirn Thursday morning.
Mrs. Heed , wife of tlio well-known
salesman of Milton Hogers , has arrived
home fiom a visit in the wentern part .of
tliu statu *
Cap' ' . Leufe , Capt. MvCaskey and Dr.
Strenr , of New York city , pasucd through
Oiiinhu yesterday on th ir return from
San Frinei eo ,
The folloxviiig ( .nests umon < othoru are
registered at thu OccIdcnUl hotel : P. II.
HO-.T.H. of Xorth Pla'tej L. II. Lee , of
Kxcti'r ; It. Kioly , of Norfolk ! John Cnr-
rie , of Lincoln
t'apt. O'lirien , of Cheyenne , pushed
through the city evening on bin way
to Washiiigti-n , with thu ho j of Col. JYr
rls who diol at Fort D. A. HiiM-c ! ) ui.
F , A. Wallerstnit , of Oakland ; W S.
Wise , of Pl.ittsmouth ; J H , Tullin , of
Hock Cruekj Mr. Hob nson imd wife , of
St. Paul , are among tboao who arrived
yesterday nt the Metropulitnn.
Kdwurd Hosuwnter , editor of THE HKK ,
left yesterday for thu east , taking the
popular old Hock Llnnd mute. ' Ho will
be absent neveral xvcuks , dining xvhich ho
will visit Cleveland , New Voik , Washing ,
ton und other eastern alien.
Mr. John , S. Mcl-aln , formerly city edi
tor of the IVIIIIHOS City Journal , han nuc.
'ceded C. H , ( ilved in thu nilveitlulng de-
pnrtnirnt of the A. , T , & S , F. road , the
latter boiny promoted to the chief clerk
ship , McLuIn in onoof thu ablest jouriuil.
ints In the west , nnd dedem' " a goixl thinjt ,
uuch UH he h.vs tot.